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DAILY STATE SENTINEL. PR'HTF-D A?TI 1 VWJ5HEU inn inuiM (iriptti iufti) THE XEAV SEN'TINEL OFFICC. mo. t äoijtii .tiiniiDiA.x .HTiir.irr. DA ELDER, HARKNESS & BINGHAM i iropriilori Tetrly nWnVn f 00. rsvaius.Mr i nrrrw; or delivered ty tb carrier t S cents per week, payable. c.tblv. ror" "Tr wi- VOLUME X. DAILY SENTINEL . rt I INhiÄNÄPni IS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Ii inr;r 'i"" - - - j iiiviiniiu w w ---- - - - - wish them discontinues, uitie.s nourt ia piven ai u.e tu fir of t bile at tea- prr ea( withoot pr-pjirvlt,or cuutiaaedlouger tbsn paid for. C4es tbaDatir Sts-nKLcan be bad at tho of!'.ce ark a"mi"K. ami Iba Winn Minute ach Slot. j j; raomu., D'atij eve InpM, for nailing. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, PUBLISHED EVKRT WED5F.SDAT AT Fat AMJI VAalAStV VK ADrAr. UATF.SS or ADVEUTIMJIO. ; C : C t a 3 u 11 d.: M.. tw.. 0d b 4 0. 50 1.00 1.25 1. ÜO ITS 3 00 3.0O 4.00 1.12 I -So 17 f I J Xio 3 11 t.24 3.M 3.7V 2 Ct S.SOi 4.37 3 00 4.0O; 5.00 3 75 5,004 C.25 4.50 001 7 50 m si z 2.1'' 3.00 3.75j 00 75C M 4 U 2 82, 3 00 3.50 4.O0 4.37! 5 00 6.25 COO .12, 7 00 7.00 8.00 si m m cr 3.37 4.50 5.62 .7S' 7.M71 M 3.75 5.00 20 7-50 8.75 9. im 10.00 ?.75 10.00 11.25 12 50 9 00 10.iV) 12.00 13.59 15.00 AO 8.00 10.00 12.00 1 4 0- 1 00 H.00 20 00 imJ 5.00 7.50 10 00, 12Ü0 15.00 170 20.00 22.50 25.00 ImJ 7.00 10 25 13.50 1.75 20.00 jj.zs ZJ.ia 3.1 ou Sin.. 8JiO 13.75 19 W) 24.25 23.50 34.75 40.00 45 WJ oowu 4mJ 25 15 OO 21.25,27.00 33 00 40 00 4.VOO ÖO.OO &5. Cnv.Tl to 18 0on OO .W 50 37.50 4.-..50 2.W1 57.ÖO Üti .13.00 20.50 US'! 35 50 43.50 50.00 570 60.00 7.w 2m 15.00 25 00 35.00 43.00 55 00 65.00 75 00 H5.00 5.00 ÄlTvF.KTlSINtt IN T1IE WEEKLY. rtion 0 i tj niuirf, on Insrrl f " fair Fur each uWitiMil in-rti.n, arvl each liwer tii.n of r k alliUfial Murr- 1 00 2 00 33i i Aivnl-mrnt pnUi-h-! In .oh tl iUily and the KVreklT Skrtivki. iH b charted the full lil rate, With tn-b!f tl Wv'ir rate aUl. I r.uüineta Xt;t- pabll-lied n tb local column. I ten linfiior u-vlrr, will b? chtrrJ fr each insertion $1; if rr tn Lne, tt n cent rr line. Charta will t made for inrtlnjc th notice f the llirtnc Ordrr. S-rl; tir and A"eaUon3 at the rate hrrvi. to b paid iu advanrei Military t'ompaniea. Order T 0!1 Fellow. Masonic Ord ra, IVneTolent Rcietiea a ltd Kui( Sx:ieüe. For each notk-e nt enceedmn H lines 25 cenu for each iineTti"n; OTer elalit linen at tbU rate. Announcing dealLi'witll funeral notice attached, fl; witbfKit notlre free. Marriage Notices 50 cents. !?otlce of FeUals, llcnics and Excxrsion, gotten npbj IndivHuaU or aiwociaUons or by churches, at the regular PFAdVertiementa leadl and placed under the head of Special Notices, If tea lines or over, will be charged double the uual rates. AdTertimenU mäkln leae than three line, inserted owe in the Daily, will be char?re.l f ftj centa. Tearly aderti!r to pay quarterly. Announcinjc candidates for Aires of every description to t charired at the rate of $1 60 for each name in the Daily, and 1 2 in the Daily and Weekly, the same to be, in all ca.aa, paid in advance. Legal advertisements Inserted at the espense or the at torneys orderin, and not delayabU for the letal proceed n(r, but collectable at our usual time. PublUbers not accountable for the accuracy cf legal advertisements be yond th amount charged for their publication. F.LDEK, IIARKÜF.SS ft RINGHAM, lropnetor Indiana State Sentinel. J. M. TIUVRD, lreldent Indianapol Journal Company. Trains Leave 70 A. X a tut rcrrai a aa rtao a ...Mail Trains Arrive. 8:45 P. X. 8 45 A. If. 8 45 P. M 10 P. U IP!tACIX7IAL lAiLWAT. Trafnlsve. Trains Arrive. 15 A. M -40 P. M. 11:45 A. M Mail 2ui P H. 7 15 P. M 10 40 A. M. IJfM ASr)US AD fOLCMECS MKHT U-XE, Vt IAlTfi. Tratrta Ixare. Trains A rriTe. 6.15 A. M Jr40 P. M. 11.44 A.M 2:05 P. if. 715 P. M 10:40 A. if. ISI'lA AfOLIS A.D CISCIXSATI tAIUOiO. Trahialave. Trains ArriTe 6 0 A. M ll:fC A. M. 11::$5 A. M M5 P. M. 710 P. 11 45 P. M. Tcaas mautk bailroad. Trains Leave. Trains Arrive. 11:15 A.M... 2 10 P. M 10:15 P.M 11 33 A. M. .7 00 P. M. VCW ALSA.1T A1 CBICAiO 0AI .SXl.XCASTI K JOCTIOM üoin North. (Joinir South, fi:2. P. M Express 10: 'il A. M. 110 A. U Freight, Daily 1:4G P. M. LAfATITTX AAIIJieAn. Trains Ieave. Trafns Arrive. 7 15 A. M 4:45 A.M. 11:15 A. it 10-10 A. M. fr.55 P. M 6:00 P. M. ratC ASDISDIASArOUSaAILKOAK. Trains Leave. Trains Arrive. 1X00 M Mail 4:15A.M. 10:10 M Cbics(?Q Kipress 4:10 P. M. l.lÜlAHArOIJ AXn HAÜI&03 KAIUlOAn. Trains Iave. Trains Arrive. 12:30 P. M Mail 5:'J5 1'. M. 7:00 A.M. ...From Freight DepotJ.... 5:23 P.M. jarrKksost iixk nu toin. Trains Ieave. Trains Arrive. 8:45 A. M Mail 5:00 A. 11. 6:10 P. M 8:20 P.M. Arrival nnd Departure, or Clolri off .TImII. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HARE1SON&' BASK-No. li EatVahington street opposite the Sentinel Office. may4 LIVERY MTAOLE8. ALLEN A HTNSLEY, Livery nd Sale Subles, In the rear of the Palmer Hou. Jnne5-dly DAVI3 ft CO., Union Foundry, Delaware street, op . pwdte Union Depot. , H A8SELMAN ft VINTON. Washington Foundry ana Machire Works, east Mid Union Depot. mysv It F. A L ESTATE AiETS. 1 FRANCIS 8MIT1I, formerly lVlell ft Smith, Real Etate Agnt and Tax Payer, 37 East Wahintfton street. Houea to rent. jan25-aiy b-i rrKFR5!t ft PIERCR. Eeal Ertato Agents and If Fokers, 10S Eat Wahin(rtoo street. . Y. WILEY, Real Estate Agent aud Stock Bro- ker, 10 Ea.t Washington street may!4 COOT AND SHOE DEALE11S theT'ni C. MATIIKW ft CO., Wholesale dealer in Hoots, Shoes, and lubbers. No. 4 Roberta' Llock, opposite on Iepo?, Indianapolis, Ind. ep ADAM KNODLE ft SON, manufacturers and dealers In all kinds of lioots and Shoes, No. 32 East Wash ington street- apr27 UOOKH AND STATlOM ItV. BOW EN, UTK WART ft CO, whi4eale and retail deal ers In Bok and Stationery, and Printers Materials No. 19 West WahUigton street. apr2 irc;? ant rviEDiciNEs. WIU.T M. LOWRY, DRUGGIST.- Dealer in Drugs, Chemk-sls, Paints Oils Pvestuffs, Botanic, Patent a od other Medicines, Notions and Perfumery Ko. 49 Mas sachusetts avenue, Indianapolis. novjo-iy. FIIOMUNSON ft COX, dealer In Drugs Medicines, J Paints, Oils, (iiasa, Parfumery, Fancy Goods Co 1 Eat Washington street, Indianapolis. may 19 BROWNING. Druggist, and dealer In Taints Oils, . YamMies DyetufK Glassware, Perfumery, , o- 3i, w ei a--blngtoii treeu aprij ARKIVALA. Madison mail Ciiiciiiiiali and way mail...... .. Jt-tTr rxniville and luivtlle Terra Haute wsy mail reru mail Central way mail Terre Haute through nuil. . . . Ijfayette and CLx'so lU lk foiitaine way mail .. .. Kellefontaine through mail . Central through m;ul Cincinnntitbroiijjh mail .pringtleld, Illinois , ....... 1 1 :05 A. M. llj'O A. M. MT0 P. M. li:.;o A. M. 11:30 a. m. ..10:40 A. M. ..10:15 A. M. .. C:30 P. M. V HJ P. M. 1)0 A. M. 9:0. P. st. 10:00 p. m. ll:0O A. M. DtPASTl SIS.. JAiiVs Cloe Jeffersonville and Ix)nisville mail 6.00 a. m Terre Haute through mail, St. Louis Cairo.... 7:30 p. m Iifayette andChic.igo 10:15 a. Ijf.nyette City and Springfield, Illinois 7:30 p. MAdtson maZ 1120 A Central way mail l0-:t0 a. Central through mail and Wa.hington City.. .. 6:30 p. Cincinnati and way mail 10 30 a. Through mail 6:.A) p. Terre Haute way, Evansvilleand Vincennes.... 1:10 p. Peru J2hj Bellefontair.e war and through. 7:30 p. m. Western Women. DUY OOD. Wahing T ft II. GLENÜ ft CO.. New York Store. Dry Good w holcsole and KcUJ, Gleiins Biock, East ington treet. maya STOVES AND TIN WAKE. c HARLES COX, dealer Is Stoves, Tin Ware, Ac, No. 11 h Washington ifr"t- apr27 IIOOK UINDEIIS. CAMPBELL ft BOT LES. Book Binders and Blank BKk Manufacturer!., No. 37 Eat Washington t.. eat of fil. nn's Block, np stairs, Indtanspolis, febl5-ltf DOUGLAS ft PALMER, Rook Rirnlers and Wank R.ok Manufaciurers N". 36 S' East Washington street, wer Alford, MtiU ft Cr Grocery. nuy27 C t (.LAM AND CjrEENKWAltE. AWTHORN ft BUCHANAX. Importers of China, Gla anl (Jueeruware, No. S3 Exst Washington t., t.l:anspolis, Indiana. dly J! y EUCH ANT TAI LOU. 1 REDE KICK MEPPER, Merrhant Tailor, and dealer " in ma.! ltia,U rl.dritiij rw4 fimttJnn.r itn.h V 1 . attiim:vn. K1LBY FKKtiUSON, Attonwj and Counl .r at Uw. Pays cab for approved ju'lgments and morhrace; ai- negotiates loans, notes, A:. Oflice, 24 EastH .h litgton street, upstairs evcond dwr to Uie nn'.it Lsnd, op ite tllerm's Nock. s-t OSEPH E. McDiN ALD A ADDIS41N I- ROACHE, a I Attorne- and Ctmuvlcf s at Law, .Etna lusurauce Company Building, secori i'.or, Pennsylvania tree;. Jel dly -flEItCIIANT TAI I.UIt. F RUIT, Merchant Tailor, and dealer in Ready. Maile Clot jins and Fun:ihing God, No. 105 r t WA.-hlnet.n nrret, opposite the Court House, Itdi-snar-l;s. Keens ciitsnf!v on hand a latge asrt- BY MKS. FRANCIS D. GAGE. "New York ladies arc fearfully and won derfully made. They have a p-cat many un accountable crotchets in their pretty little heads. It's the hight of the mode to carry a fat, puffing j)oodh' dog about in their arm?, or lead them by a gilded chain. But if a lady carries her baby herself, ehe loses caste immediately." So says Mrs. George "Washington Wyllys, who never takes up her pen when she has not a good thing to say, and when she writes her chapter on the genus homo called the .New .York ladius, because some correspondent of a Western paper has written from New York that "New York ladiea are no more like our Wettern women than a dissolving plate of ice-cream is like a plump apple dumpling. Of course they are not, Mrs. Wvllvs. Our Western women are unlike New York wo men sensible; wear thick shoes in winter, and paint roses on thetr cheeks over the cook ing stove: or with a five-mile ride over the prairies on a breezy day to see an old friend, or take the butter ana eggs to market. "Nursing poodle dogs," forsooth. There is no chance tor dog nursing out here, I can tell you. Such things are not tobe thought of; women out west do their own work, and hired servants are so out of all repute that one can't get more than a dollar a week, though they .1 a-wsja are as scarce as henss teetn. ine woman here that don't do hef own work, sew or wash for six, Like care of two babies one two years and the other three months old, isn't consid ered much of a woman, " no how." Women work, women are healthy, strong, long lived; thev don t love to be pale and headachy; thev have duties and cares; and can eat pork and beans, and go to meeting without cloves; take care of sick friends, and watch through long weary nights by the pillow of a poor neigh bor. I have known them turn out and sew for unfortunate families, get up circles to help the widowed and the fatherless. I hey go out to tike tea in rood calico dresses, and it is not the fashion to keep folks waiting at the door threc-uuarters of an hour before even a ser- .1 ... . 1 M vant gin opens u 10 say, "not at notne. Western women go a shopping, but they take the Wet. and turnips, chickens, geese, blucklerries, and exchange them for blue cluck and stogies, that their strong handed boys may not fear the bite of rattlesnakes, or mad dogs in August. Trading done, they speed homeward and refresh themselves by getting dinner, and eat corn-dodger or ham ami eggs, without a dream of indigestion. Their children do not half die Qruess you wouldn't think so if you could look inside the home at bed time.) and their hubands don't break unless they have in vested the last drop with some merchant who has been dabbling in stocks, to help some New York ladv's husliand out of a fix. "New York bodies' and "Western women are two different species of human. We could find Western ladies that are not the linaal descendants of fanners, and could claim nativity in some of the brown stone front, and their parentage from the snolocra- cy thev; are plenty in pramedom. Hut we don't set any store by 'em, and could spare New York or any other citv a "dreatliul site," ai ar ' if thev want em; it takes monstrous little of the like to do us out here, and no mistake. But, dear Life, we've not a woman to spare no, not one. Even whole-souled, loving, true woman wife, mother or sister, is a treas ure in the land. The level prairies, and beautiful, swelling j hills au 1 valleys, with their luxuriant groves 1 and loftv forests, have homes for them all. j nd if Mr. Tracy, or any other philanthro .Li 1 STAT SE mi N JilJo INDIANAPOLIS, IND., WEDNESDAY .MORNING, APRIL 30, 1862. NUMBER 3,6 U. help 'em. The lady never strikes in; it al ways works from the inside out" Don't waste your symathies, dear Mrs. Wyllys, on Western gentlemen; they don't need it Western women support the men, wlilla Now Wirlr mn mnrnrt the Inrl if t Frotu Punch. Tall I)oln. Air "Yankre Doodle." Yankee Doodle had a time, When his load of taxes, Was as a feather to the ton Tliat on British backs w. Yankee Doolie didn't know When his bread was buttered, So, Stripe with Star, he went te war, And aper-money money uttered. Yankee Doodle-do is done, Yankee Doodle dandy; Here's Mr. Chase in bankrupt case, And finds your dollars handy ! Quoth Yankee Doodle, "Gues3 I'm used To live ujon sensation Darned if this war of mine shan't whip All wars fit since creation. I'll hev the biggest heaps o' men, The bluest muffs of Kernels, The biggest guns, and biggest runs, And biggest lyin' journals. Yankee Doodle, &c. "My victories sliall the biggest be Tjpon the rolls of glory; My Hoggins when I'm own I'm flogged Shall whip all told in story. What's done in the contractin line, In the Old World shall dwindle. Before each hundred horse-power job And catiwamjKMs swindle! Yankee Doodle, &c. "Though not yet clear which stump I'll take, I hat stump shall be collossal, Whether I'm Slavery's advocate, Or Liberty's Aostle. If I conclude to free the Blacks By cash-emancipation, 'Guess I'll run up the biggest bill That e'er mocked liquidation 1 Yankee Doodle, &c. "For payin out what's been ped in, I sruess it will be funny If I tlon't make the biggest ducks Antl drakes e'er made with money. And last of all, I'll hev a debt On the same scale gigantic, To which mean Old World debts shall be Slop-bowls to the Atlantic. Yankee Doodle, &c. "And since to pay this monster debt The taxes must be heavy; I guess 111 raise the biggest lot, A Guv'ment e'er did levy. 'Twill prove that mine the biggest purse, And beats the British holler And that of all the guv'ments known, Mine has the biggest s waller. Yankee Doodle, &c. . "I guess I mean to tax myself In every jot and title, Of all I eat, and drink and wear, And all I chew and whitde. In flour antl sperrits, ale and wine; In oils and in tobacckera ; In paper, gas, so't, soap and skins, And meal and malt antl crackers. Yankee Doodle, &c. "The leather that I walk upon The upper and the other The electric fluid in the wires, (Guess I can't catch the thunder), Each passenger that takes the cars, Each 'bus that runs the tram-roads, Advertisements and steamboats too, And guns, locks, stocks and ramrods. Yankee Doodle, &c. "There's not a billiard-boll shall spin, But into Guv'ment's pocket, No draughts or pill cure human ill Without the Guv'ment dockets All carriages taxed-carts shall be, Watches go tick for taxes.; And messages shall pay both eends Who answers and who axes. Yankee Doodle, &c. "No banker shall shin-plaster make, No pedlar cheat the farmers, No liquor store shall sell its drams. No theatre its drarmers; No rider spring round circus-ring, No bowling alley roll up, But shall to Guv'ment needs help bring The tottle of the whole up. Yankee Doodle, &c. "And Ahen they've piled the biggest pile Of taxes ever heerd on, Upon our backs, we'll scoroy ax. Is tin.' what Guv ment skeered on ? For if the load's the biggest load Since taxes' first invention, I guess this back's the bificest back That History can mention! Yankee Doodle, &c. "Although in arts of war and peace John Bull is mv inferior; Till now in toxes and in debts I've owned him by superior. But now my taxes roach a pint At which he stands dumfoundcerd ; My debt, in one year's, growed rs big As his in half a hundred! Yankee Doodle, &c. WANTED. 200 Recruits Wanted FOR THE OF The I vc 11 Hi Infantry, WHICH MAJOR J. W. CORDON Isan'horiied torai-e in Indiana. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. 1 VT FROM 13 TO 923 PER MONTH, WITH RA- I HONS, quarter, medical attendsnce, Ac, nww nnarrers. me.iicai atiensnce. ae. com- --r,t of Cloths, roe r Vest idcs Overcoauncs, , P,5T- can pattier lip a COlOliy Ot these "poodle- 1 piete. All who enlist wi!l at once he clothed, subsisted .Twe-.l.. Casstnr-s. rc. Also, gentlemen's fumishitij do nurses, or monev-spe'ndin" "shoppers! ar;d prov Med with tverjlLics e;-seiitial to their contort a-'"d. 11. Shirts. Uti-W.h'rt Drawers. Neckties. tra ! . 1 . . . . 1 . . p . V bv the Government. v..'.. l!..!herchsNi'v them OUt to Egypt to help US gather m '-meterm of enli,tment isTltrt-e Year.. Tayto f.srmei.t cut free i,f ch.,rife. an9-dlr tho immense CITn O blackberries and rasrv: commence from date of enlistment. MACHINISTS. K v' J" -V : JT I ASH JK a ill ATING ENTIRELY KK KITTED ,!'VY, "r hy J Ln Co, ,., in Osw.. j with the stakes, S-m U s Last ant II ubract.rr. I ,m ..reuse.! t .1.. , .. .!! kmd. r-f work in the maL..irrv ., But. bleSS US, What I'M, llavibg had twtivt ycaiV uwrwiK. ,n th. k... I X' A'-l- l,t;.. ar. at Line saops 111 ite country, 1 natter no rlf that 1 can 1 1 ri I rrive ei.'.ir sau-iarm-o 10 ir.e ca may far me Ith ' van lu a v. u -v n.- m..- j Iheir wurk. I have u any ewrd j ou f th u. tia..k- cliine. or a theatre like a railroad, or an opera mtth tn toe State, and pay particular attrtiiiuti to L.,r 1 im t. 1 f - . t.Tk ih.uuAmmJ furiint. ! hke an agricultural fare, "lliems no ao; ben-ies that are just tempting us into the fields I and wood, wo will promise to tke the pale j out of their cheeks (at least twenty-four hours) antl give them exercise w ithout the aid of a I gj mnasium. We can promise, without any I ! fear of failure, to set every nerve antl lone j : and muscle in motion before October if onlv 1 i s tne use ot talking? ; no more like Western None but aMe-b"1ied single teen, between the sees of IS and 35 vears need arplj, U.cruitiiig nen.texvous ia Vetsrer's new boildinB:, No. 5 East Wa.shinetoti street, adjoninp 0!d Fellows Hall. D. K. CUIT, First Lieutenant Eleventh Infantry, KtcnnticgüCker. WANTED. T A NTT. D CITY ORDERS At the hishest market rates I y WM. T.WILEY. on 1 1-d:Ti No. 10 W E. Washina-aa streeC 1 a.m i. ir 'I .111 u(iiii.iu-nof n snr.i mar ket rates, ly WM. T. WILEY. No.lOW E-Whinc?on street. hrT.ainos: of all kiiwls r r'tDjtIy artrnJ-d to nit for iL rateni otrlo. j count," said old Charlotte as a half dozen of 1 i the former flaunted bv "them's trah. Hans i Molrt. of a.l kirxl. bo if k . . i . . . . . """"f loc l'"ce, or.e m i-wr ivuia I tSelnl-.i. . . ., , . ti-'i.-o üiitvoii street. h T. wmwx em with silk and ribbons from tne top ot their .s-io m.-.i t,. to tie wles 0f their feet, and 'twon'ti Kilbourne rnni4, ATN0.4BATESH0U3E. aticS WILLARD ft JCTOWeLL. Of fleer of Indiana lleglinent In the field. SIXTH EOIME5T I?I KEXTVCXT. Tbos. T. Crittenden, Colonel. Hiram Prather, Lieutenant Colonel. Auenstus II. Abbott, Major. John, Adjutant. W. E. McCIellan. Restmental Quartermaster. Dr. 8ehis!?r, of Madison, Surgeon. Samuel II. Charlton, Assistant Surgeon. Captains Pliilemon P.Baldwin, SamutI Rus sell, Wm, D.tris, Ihgerman Tripp, John R. B. Glasscock; James MofTett, Oeoree W. Brown, Charles R. antrees, Augustus H. Abbett, Cal- riu Campbell. fckVENTH BEOIMENT l.X KAKTLAXD. James Gavin, Colonel. John F. Cheek, Lieut. Colpael. Benjamin C. Shaw, Major. John M. Blair, Adjutant. Richard P. Johnson, Quartermaster. George W. New, Surgeon. William Gillopie, Assistant Surgeon. John Kier, Cbapl tin. Captains Jessie Armstrong, Solomon Water man, Scott Miller, Merit C. Wel&h, Ira G. Grover, Sarauel Lamhertson, " lon C. Lemcrt, Samuel J. Banta, Jobu II. Ferry, Will C. Banta. riGHTH KtGIMEXT IX MISSOURI. Wm. P. Benton, Colonel. David Shunk, Lieutenant Colonel. Charles S. Parrish, Major. Charles 0. Howard, Atijutaut. Nathan Branson, Quartermaster. James Ford, Surgeon. George W. Bruce, Assistant Surgeon. Captiins Frederick S. Wvsonjf, Thomas J. Br.idy, Joseph M. Thoniiwon, Oliver II P. Carey, j Wm. R. Walls, Alexander J. Kenney, George W. II. Riley, John li. Polk, Hiram T. Vander- v enter, Frederick Tjklc. NINTH ERGIMF.NT IV MARYLAND. Gideon C. Moodv, Colonel. Wm. H. Blake, Lieutenaut Colonel. John B. Milroy, Mnjor. Thomas J. Patten, Adjutant. Janus J. Drum, Quartermaster. Mason G. Sherman, Surgeon. John K. Blackstone, Assistant Surgeon. Safely Layton, Chaplain. Captains Thomas Madden, William Copp, Douglas (t. Rislev, Amasa Johnson, Leonida? A. Cole, George II. Carter, Joshua Healey, Isaac C I . Suman, James Houghton, W ilham P. Las- selle. TENTH REGIMENT IX KENTLCKT. Mahlon D. Manson, Colonel. Wm. C. Kise. Lieutenant Colonel. Abram O. Miller, Major. Reuben C. Kise, Adjutant. David N. Steel, Quartermaster. Joseph S. Allen, Surgeon. Conrad S. Perkins, Assistant Surgeon. George T. Dougherty, Chaplain. Captains Samuel H. Shortle (discharged,) John W. Perkins, Alexandcllogelaud, Marsh P. 1 aylor, Joseph f . Taylor, (discharged,) Wm. 1 . Carroll, James II. Vanarsdall, Abram 0. Miller, Benjamin M. Gregory, James II. Hamilton. eleventh regiment IX kentcckt. George F. McGinuis, Colonel. Wm. J. 11. Rc "nson, Lieutenant Colonel. Isaac C. Elston, Major. Daniel Macaiiley, Adjutmt. Joseph P. Pope, Quartern aster. John C. Thompson, Surgeon. Clay Brown, Assistant Surgeon. Ilenrv B. Hibben, Chaplain. Captaim Nicholas R. Ruckle,Henry M. Carr, Jabez bmith, Ldward T. allnce, Wm. W. Dar nell, David B. Cully. Jesse E. Haraill, Joseph H. Livst;-George Butler. TWELFTH REGIMENT IX MARYLAND. Win. H. Linck, Colonel. (ieorge Humphrey, Lieutenant Colonel. Henry Hubler, Major. Oscar Hiiikle, Adjutant. Milton R. Dixson, Quartermaster. Wm. H. Lomax, Surgeon. Noble P. Howard, Assistant Surgeon. Captains Thomas G. Morrison, Thomas R. Noel, James Bach man, Wm. O'Brien, Henrv Hubler, George Nelson, Arthur F. Reed, Thomas Doan, Alexander Luchanau, Joseph r. Draper. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT IX MARYLAND. Jeremiah C. Salliran, Colonel. Robert II. Foster, Lieutenant Colonel. Cyrus J. Dobbs, M;jor. Charles H. Ross, Adjutant. Alois D. Gall, Surgeon; Wm. C. Foster, As sistant Surgeon. Captains Abner L. rcwland, Clinton, Davis, Chauncev, Harrington, Savles, Wilson, Johnson, Kirkpatrick, Ben. H. Myers. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT IN MARYLAND. Nathan Kimball, Colonel. John R. Mahan, Lieutenan. Colonel. William Harrow, Major. John J. P. Blinn, Adjutant. Thomas C. Buntin, Quartermaster. Geroge W. Clippenger, Surgeon. George W. McCane, Assistant Surgeon. Thomas E. Webb, Chaplain. Captains Lucien A. Foote, Jonathan D. Wood. Lewi? Brooks, Elijah H. C. Cavins, Na than Willrtrd, Jonathan D. Hagan, John Coons, John II. Martin, Philander R. Owen, James R. Kellv. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT IX KENTUCKY. George D. Wagner, Colonel. Gustavus A. Wood, Lieut. Colonel. Alexander Fowler, Major. S. F. Frv, Quartermaster. Captains Samuel Burns, Comparet, Short, Miller, Templeton, McCutcheon, Rice, Fowler, Bennett. SIXTEENTH REGIMENT MARYLAND. Pleasant A. Hackleman Colonel. (No further returns at the Adjutant-General's office.) SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT MARYLAND. Milo S. Hascall, Co'onel. aIohn J. Wilder, Lieut. Colonel. George W. Gorman, Major. Edmund R. Kusletter, Adjutant. Samuel E. Munford, Surgeon. Cat'tains Wm. T. Jones, James Thompson, Silas W. Boswell. George Cubberly, Eth rnM. Alien, George W. Stough, Henrv Jordan, Jacob G. ail, Jacob R. Stewart, buas r. Rigby. EIGUTEENTH REGIMENT MISSOURI. Thomas Pattison, Colonel. Henry D. Washburn, Lieut Colonel. DeWitt C. Thomas, Major. George S. Marshall, Adjutant. John H. Popp, Quartermaster. Samuel W. Peck, Surgeon. John W. Hitchcock. Assistant Siirgeon. Gorge W. Ames, Chaplain. Captiins Jonathan H. Willitms, William Stanlev Charles, John W. Jone, Jese L. Hoi man, Samuel W. Short, Peter C. Wood, Sam uel Don ilson, John C. Jenks, James R. Brvant, Rinaldo R. Ruter. NINETEENTH REGIMENT WASHINGTON, D. C. Solomon Meredith, Colonel. Robert A. Cameron, Lieutenant Colonel. Alois A. Rock wood, Msjor. John P. Wood, AdjuUnt. James S. Drum, Quartermaster. Calvin J. Wood, Surreon. Captains Samuel J. Williams, Valentine Ja cobs. Robert W. Hamilton. William W. Dudlev. John B. Clark, John M. Lindlev. Richard M. Keller. Luther B. uson, Jonn H. Johnson, Isaac M. May. THrXTT-riRST REOIMENT MARYLAND. Jmes W. McMillen, Colonel. John A. Keith, Lieutenant Colonel. Benjamin T. Hayi. Major. Matthew A. Latham, Adjutant Wm. S. Hinkle, Quarter master. Ezra Read, Surgeon. John B. Davis, Assistant Surgeon. Nelson L. Brakcnian, Chaplain. Captains Richard Campbell, Jacob Hess, Elihu E. Roe, James (uinsley. Wm. M. Skl ton, James H. Gavitt, Francis W. Noblet, Wm. Ray, John F. Campbell, Edward McLaftin. TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT MISSOURI. Jeff. C. Davis, Colonel. John A. Hendricks, Lieutenant Colonel. , Major. Charles L. Holstein, Adjutant. Emory Bradley, Quartermaster. Benjamin J. Newland, Surgeon. Jos. A. Stilwell, Assistant Surgeon. Captains William U. Taggart, Michael Good ing. Thomas H. B. Tanner. Elijah A. Stepleton, Joiah Wilson. Thomas Shea, Richard H. LiUon Squire Isham Keiib, Isaac N. Haymaker, Daniel Luuderman. TWENTY-THIRD REGIMEXT KENTUCKY. Wm. Sanderson, Colonel. DeWitt C. Anthony, Lieut. Colonel. William P. Davis, Major. Eugene Commandeur, Adjutant. J. T. Smith Quartermaster. TV EXT I ITH RXGIMEXT IX VIRGINIA. William H. Brown, Colonel. Ben. H. Smith, Lieutenant Colonel. John Vanvalkenbaugh, Major. I-raelN. Stitcs, Adjutant Isaac W. Hart, Quartermaster. Orpheus Evarta, Surgeon. Henry C. Grover, Assistant Surgeon. William C. Forter, Chaplain. Captains Wm. B. Rejburn. Join Wheeler. William Babbington, George I. Desk, James II. Shannon. John Kotier. Wm. C. P. Tavlor. W. Meikle, Jame W. Lvtle, Alfred Reed. CAVALRY. Captain Bracken' Company Western Vir ginia Postoffice address, Parkersburgh. Captain Stewart's Company Western Vir ginia Fostoffice address, es ton. Captain Graham's Company Kentucky. Captain Moreau's Company New Haven Ky. 2Sth Regiment Col. Baker 1st cavalry I ronton, Missouri. Forty first Regiment (2d cavalry) John A. Bridgland, Colonel, New Haven, Kv. Fortj-fifth Regiment Colonel" Carter 3d cavalrv Maryland. Ira llarris's four companies of Indiana cavalry are at Muuson's Hill, Virginia PostoEce ad dress, Washington City. ARTILLERY. Captain Rabb's Battery, Kansas. Captain Frybarger's Battery, Missouri. Captain Klaus's Battery, Missouri. CapLiin Bush's Battery Mun fords ville, Kt. Captain Simonona Battery, Mun fords ville, Ky. Captain Behr's Battery, Calhoun, Ky. Captain Harm's Battery, Munfords ville, Ky. Thomas C. Austin, Surgeon. Robert Kay, Assistant Surgeon. John D. Rogers, Chaplain. Captains George S. Babbitt, Alonzo Tubbs, W. W. Caldwell. Henrv C. Furguson. Thomas Clark, David J. Hav. Thomas P. Moore. Fred erick Pistorius, Wm. P. Davis, Vincent Kirk. TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT MISSOURI. Alviu P. Hovey, Colonel. John Gerber, Lieutenant Colonel. Cyrus C. Hines, Major. Richard F. Barton, Adjutant Peter Schmuck, Quarterma;.tcr. Robert B. Jessup, Surgeon. John W. Davis, Assistant Surgeon. Charles Fitch, Chaplain. Captains A. H. Erwin, Thot. Johnson, Sim'l : F. McGulh'n, Wm. L. Merrick, Samuel R. Mor gan, Win. T. Spiceley, John F. Gtill, A. McCon nett, Nelson F. Bolton. TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT MISSOURI. James C. Veateh, Colonel. Wm. W. Morgan. Lieut. Colonel. John W. Foster, Major. Wm. H. Walker, Jr., Adjutant. Alex H. Foster, Quartermaster. . John T. Walker, Surgeon. Arthur White. Assistant SurgeoB. Frederick A. Herring, Chaplain. Captains James C. Hastings, George W. Saltzman, John H. D.--bv, J"hn Rhinlander, Wm. F. Wood, Charles S. inch, Charles Jones, Thomas J. Bethell, Victor C. Larkin, John W. Poole. TWKXTY-SIXTII REGIMENT MISSOURI. W. M. Wheatly, Colonel. Richard O'Neal, Lieutenant Colonel. Joha G. Clark, Majr. Henry Schräder, Adjutant. John P. Routh, Quartermaster. Robert N. Todd, Surgeon. George A. Torbett, Assistant Surgeon. . Chaplain. Captain Aldeu H. Jumper, Courtland E. Whitset, Mortimer C. Holman, Augustine D. Rose, Lew ig Manker, Miller L. Miner, Harvey Johnson, Benjamin Hargis, Newton A. Logan, Nathaniel J. Beachly. TWENTY -SEVENTH MARYLAND. Silas Col grove, Colonel. Archibald J. Harrison, Lieutenant Colonel. , Major. Robert G. Gilmore, Adjutant. James M. Jameson, Quartermaster. James J. Johnson, Surzeon. Green V. Woollen, Assistant Surgeon. Captains Peter Kopp, John W. Wilcoxen, William S. Johnson, Joel W. McGrew, Geo. W. Bürge, Jackson P. Moore, John R. Fisler, Rich ard W. Welman, Allen Hill, Theodore E. Bueh ler. TWENTY-EIGHTn (CAVALRY) MlShOUBf. Conrad Baker, Colonel. Scott Carter, Lieut. Colone? John S. Gavitt, Major. James Neel, Adjutant. William B. Barker, Quartermaster Isaac Casselberry, Surgeon. Charles Brackett, Assistant Surgeon. Captains John R. Highman, Samuel J. Ia mar, Joel F. Sherwood, Will H. Walker, Thom as N. Pace, Lyman W. Brown, James M. Barter, Robert H. Clendenier. TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT KENTUCKT. John F. Miller, Colonel. David M. Dunn, Lieutenant Colonel. Henry J. Blowney, Major. James L. Angell, Adjutant. Asa II. Mathews, Quartermaster. Louis Humphreys, Surgeon. Lorenzo S. Rein, Assistant Surgeon. Joseph C. Reed, Chaplain. Captains Horatio G. P. Oblinger, Silas F. Allen, Joseph P. Collins, Frank A. Hardman, John S. Fosdick, Wm. W. Shuler, Daniel Carey, James M. Confer, Millon M. Boggs, James H. M. Jenkins. THIRTIETH REGIMENT KENTUCKY. Sion S. Bass, Colonel. Joseph B. Dodge. Lieut Colonel. Orrin B. Html, M;ijr. Edward P. Edsall, Adjutant. Peter P. Bailey, Quartermaster. Reuben F. Delois, Chaplain. William H. Myers, Surgeon. Delos W. Rupert, Assistant Surgeon. Captains Cyrus H awley, Martin S. Stewart James B. White, Joseph W. Whitaker, G. W Fifisimmons, Mvron A. Hawks, Wm. N. Vori. Wm. Dawson, Joseph M. Silver, Joseph E Brallen. Thirtv-first Regiment Charles Cruft, Colonel, South Carrollton, Ky. Thirty-second Regiment First German Regi ment Augustus Willich, Colonel, Green River Kentuckv. Thirtv-third Regiment .John Coburn, Colonel, Lexington, Kentucky. Thirty-fourth Regiment Colonel Ryan, New Haven, Kv. Thirty-htth Regiment Irish John C.Walker, Colonel, Bard-town, Kv. Thirtv-ixth Regiment William Grose, Col- ODel, New Haven, Kentuckv. Thirty-seventh Regiment George W. Hazard, Colonel, Bacon Creek. Ky. Thirty eighth Regiment Benj. F. Scribner, Colonel, Munfordsville, Ky. Thirty-ninth Regiment Thomas J. Harrison, Colonel. Munfordsville, Ky. Fortieth Regiment Wm. C. Wilson, Colonel, Lebanon, Ky. Forty-second Regiment James G. Jones, Col onel, South Carrollton, Ky. Forty-thin! Regiment George K.Steele, Col onel, South Carrollton, Ky. Forty-fourth Regiment Hugh B Reed. Col onel, South Carrollton, Ky. Fortv-sixth Regiment Graham N. Fitch, Col or.el, New Haven, Ky. Fortv-seventh Regiment Jas. R. Slaelf , Col onel. New Haven, Ky. Forty-eighth Regiment Col. Eddy, Louisville. Ky. Forty ninth Regiment Colonel Ray, Bards town, Ky. Fiftieth Regiment Cyrus L. Dunhim, Col onel. New Haven, Ky. Fifty-first Regiment Mechanics A. D. Stre;ght, Colonel. Somerset, Kv. Fifty-second Regiment J. M. Smith, Colo nel. Ky. Fifty seventh Regiment Colonel McMullen Somerset, Ky. Fifty eighth Regiment Princeton, Colonel Carr. Fifty ninth Regiment Jesse J. Alexader.Colo nel. Sixtieth Regiment Dr. Richard Owen, Col onel. Evansville. Sixty-first Regiment 2td Irisri Colonel Mullen, Madison. ' Sixty-second Regiment Rockport Colon! not yet appointed. Army Pay Roll. The following statement, taken from official sources, will show the army pay roll. In the first column jill be found the nett salary per month and in toe second the total salary per month, which incluJcs rations, servant hl-c, forage, Lc. GENERAL OFFICERS. Per month. Total. Lieutenant General $270$778 00 Aids de-Camp and Military Sect eta - tary to Lieutenaait General, each Major General Senior Akl-de-Camp to Genenl-in- Chief. Aid de-Camp, in addition to pay, etc., of Lieutenant Brigadier General Aid de-Camp, in addition to pay, etc., of Lieutetu.nt , . . . . 2-20 195 00 477 00 tO ltJ 00 24 121 32 00 3x1) 50 20 IU 00 DEPARTMENT. . 110 237 00 ADJUTANT GENERAL 8 Adiutant General Colonel.. ; Assistant Adjutant General Lieut. Colonel - Assistant Adjutant General Major K) " Capt'n 70 Judge Advocate Major......... H) INSPECTOR OENERAL'S DEPARTMENT Inspector General Colonel...... 110 SIGN 4L DEPARTMENT. Signal officer Major SO QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Quartermaster General Brhjidier General .... 124 Assistant Quartermaster General Colonel 110 Deputy Quartermaster General Lieutenant Colonel i . . . . 95 Quartermaster Major J. . . . 0 Assistant 'Quartermaster Cantain 70 213 00 ItQ 00 13a 50 l&U 00 237 00 IbD 00 329 ro 237 00 213 00 IrO 00 I3H 50 110 237 00 SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. Commissary Geueral of Subsistence Colonel Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence Lieutenant Colonel Commissary of Subsistence Major Assistant Commissary of Subsist ence Captain 70 138 5 Assistant Commissary of Subsist ence, in addition to pay, etc., of Lieutenant ". 20 95 80 213 00 lfcJ 00 rn burgeon num. . MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. General $2,740 per an- Surgeons often years' service 80 11 00 223 33 225 00 70 70 70 50 50 Surgeons of less than ten years service Assistant Surgeons often years' ser vice Assistant Surgeons of five years' service Assistant Surgeons of less than five years' service 5333 PAY DEPARTMENT. Paymaster General $2,740 per an Deputy Paymaster General Paymaster OrriCERS or mE corps ok engineers, corps of TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS AND ORDNANCE DC TARTMENT. Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major ... Captain First Lieutenant 5333 Second Lieutenant 5333 Brevet Second Lieutenant 5333 93 80 110 95 80 70 174 174 13S 50 121 S3 228 ai 213 00 18!) 00 237 00 213 00 189 00 13S 50 121 83 121 83 121 83 OFFICERS OF MOUNTED DRAGOONS, CAVALRY, RIFLE MEN AND LIGHT ARTILLERY. Colonel 110 237 00 Lieutenant Colonel 95 213 00 Major 80 189 00 Captain 70 146 50 First Lieutenant 53 129 83 Second Lieutenant 53 129 83 Brevet Second Lieutenant 53 129 83 Adjutant, and Regimental Quarter termaster, in addition to pay of Lieutenant 10 10 00 OFFICERS OF ARTILLERY AND INFANTRY. 80 70 60 50 45 45 10 10 222 00 193 00 179 00 120 50 110 50 105 105 10 50 26 00 Colonel 95 Lieutenant Colonel Major , Uaptatn ... First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant , ... Brevet Second Lieutenant AdjuUnt, in addition to pay, etc., of Lieutenant Regimental Quartermaster, h ad dition to pay, etc.. of Lieutenant In the above we have not inserted the frac tional parts of dollars, for convenience sake, in this matter of but little importance. BELOW THE GRADE OF LIEUTENANT. The first column denotes the pay per month of artillery and ir. tan try, and of dragoons ar,d riflemen when serving on foot The second col umn denotes the pay per month of light artillery nnd of dragoons and nnemeu when mounted: Sergeant Major, Quartermaster Sergeant, Principal Musician, and Chief Bugler, each First Sergeant of a Company Ordnance Sergeants. Hospital Stewards. .'. All other Sergeants, each Corpoials Buglers Musicians. Farriers and Blacksmiths Artificers Privates , . . . Matron I... Females nurses 49 cent pet- day tion. Paymaster' Clerk $700 per annum, and 75 cents per day when actually on duty Chaplain in volunteers $146 50. In addition to the pay aa above stated, one ra tion per day and an abunaant supply of good clothing is allowed to every soldier. Quarters fuel and medical attendance are alwavs provider by the Government without deduction from the soldier's pay. If a Holdler should become disabled in the line of his duties, the law provide for him a pension, or he ma v, if he prefer it, obtain ad mission into the aiiutary Asylum, wtuca wil afford him a comfortable home. so long a he may wish to receive its beuefits. To the above pay for private soldiers ranrt be added the acditioaal $2 a month to be paid du ring eervice, the $100 bounty at the end of the war, wh;cu has already been provided for, and the quarter section, of land that Ongresa will provide for at its coming session. The bounty and land apply to officers and privates alike. 21 21 00 yo 20 00 22 CNI 22 (XI 17 17 (Mi 13 14 00 12 13 00 12 00 15 15 00 15 17 00 13 00 6 00 and one ra- DEVVAOC OF: CO OTTT3HFHk5?S LAW SCHOOL. LAW SCHOOL o Harvard College, 1062. rnwO TERMS OF jaXKTEEX WEEKS EACH, COM I MENCINU March 3d and September 1st. For Cata logue and Circular, aridre JOEL PARKER. Hoy all Professor. Cambri.1 je, XaM. TV. IMS. fb21-nt-l-B 5f v ". LJ ev X AV-V a3a . , f e 1 V-- v - s J e- w ts v-c-fc. r ? , , -s v. . aa C. 2Tr ata 'n- 5 rv sp--g C N Cj ( rji sjr a I es, rt 2? - learnt'-- m s RAILROADS. PERU AND INDIANAPOLIS HAILRO -A.5d . 1862. ringl 1SC2. MEW ARRANGEMENT. ftcsv Houfe to Chlcngo via jKokomo. 32 MILKS SHOKTF.K THAN OTHEkf ROUTE. OS AND AFTER APKIL 10, 1C2, rit wUl U ruu as follows: t A Mail Train will leave Indianapolis at 11 I Ktp at all stations and make close couuecon at Kokotno mill train ou the Clucinnati and Clilcaro'.Mr Line lU'.l road for Lixransport, Valparaiso and Chkcao, and arrtv at Peru at 4. UO P. in time to make cc ajecUons wttk trains on the Toledo and Wabash Railway, Coli East and West, Ketnrninjr, the same train will leave 2eni at ll.3 P.M., making c!-e connection at Kokotoo with trains from Chicago, and arrive at At 4:15 A. il in time tw make connection for all fxti-a East, SoutL and Wert. An Expretran III Itave indlanapolifät 10:10 P. connect at KoVomo -Ith train for CMcsjroTand arrlv at Peru at 2;25 A. M., intime t make connec Jon with traiaa going East and West on the Toledo and Wabastt Rail way. Ketnrnimr. the same train will leave Peru at 12.00 If., after the arrival of trains .n T. A W. IL VT .fmai the Esrt and West and make close connection at.Kokomo wltli train onthec'itu-innaU and Chicago Lailwa; torn Chicago, Valparaiso and Loanxport, and arrive at n.dianspol'.s at 4:10 P. MM In tinut to Conrt-ct with Ilse trti is train for Cincinnati, Louisville atid points. Special attt-Btion firt n to the trat)po;atjon of Uvt stock, produce and merchandise generali v. - UAVID MACT, General A pent and Sup:rtntendett. Theo. P. Haienv,Goaral Ticket A Kent' apl'U-dly 7t dpiffiiiijiiiHiinTtl:; 'x iiiiiiiii.iimAl! a Mll!HIII!llliail l H r ' Hit. C. TT. ROR ACK raonurroa of Scmidinavinn ITIccücinc. fl FIE celebrated Scandinavian Hood Purifier and TJoo4 X V and also dealer in all Genuine Family Medi cines. No. 6 Fast Fouith ft CiBciDnati,0 For the prevention and cure of disease arisinj from Impurities of the Mood or secrctiona. Certified to by Morris MorrU, Esq , Rev. lr. McMulles, of Indianapolis, Rv. Jas. liaven, Kokomo, aid hunlreds of other citizens of Indiana. Price of the Scandinavian Yejretajde Bloirl Purifier, ft per bottle, or f5 per ha'f dozen. tf the "anetnarUu Vegetable Blood PJls, IS centa per box, or tjva boxet for tl- Read Dr. Rohack's Special SCotiea aa Certlflcat, publirbtd In a couspicuous part of this pa from time to time. Dr. P.oback't Vediral Almanac and Pamilf Adviser, con taining a rreat variety ot ir.terestirur and vs-'uabla medical Information, can be bad gratis of arj pf bit Acr.ui throughout th country. From the Iitawaka (St. Jos Co lod. Ktterprlae, Fab . lrl.l Worthy of Tferlt. Among the many remedle offered to rt" patlie trnder be head of Patent Medicines, it ia a relief to know that some of them are valuable, preparations ill do what ia claimed for them and are worthy of use and a place la every family. Belorjfrir.g to this class msy be mentioned Dr Koharkrs Scandinavian Re med lea EI 'od Purifier and Klood 111 which art most excellent prep arations, and have the desired efiect in all cases for which their sc is lnfended. like thousands of others, we -bear perTjaJ wiuiesa to this, having aed th u in our family with th betefTrta. We are alo acquaints ithrcany who speak volunurily in praise of these medicine. Oi.e of our leading buaines men says tl at by tho tvaa of only four bottles of Partner he received nor than on hundred dollars worth of benefit His d;Sl ulty was Dys pepsia. We express our thanks for a li V-ral preaeot of these remedies for use in our family. For sale In Marlon County by VT. B. Ticker Madiaiapo!; Robt. Browmnp. do.; Perkins A Co., do.; H Roaengartea, do.; Etr A Wocber, do.; W. T. Hurd, houthport; R. H. Church, Cumberlarid; E. D. tUsna, Oiklary; L. DrombeT rer, CastMon; Warren A 8teacy, Fannentvüle; W. T Teaman, Rrid(r.,rt; aid by Druggists atd Merckaut. thronghout the Union. A ISew Article. Dr. Robacks Stomach nilters. A new and d lijrh'ful Stomachic and Con'lal, for giving tone to the Stirnac ft, and for the preventUm of btllio complaiou inciient to the Western country. Try It. As a morning drxk, to assist U.(etioo act rtliev Dyo pepsja. It hs no equal In flavor it is uperW to aJI other bitters- Try it. The formula of these Bitrers, now (1HC1) the aoia prop erty of Dr. Roback. originated with one of tho oldest and mot eminent Medical Practitioners of Ihm West, and It is directly predicated apoo tb wants of Western po ple. These bitters derivo their stimulcs from the powerful tonic Latare of the roots and herbs of wlich they or composed, aitd as they arc, by allaying unnatural cravtiif f the stomach, directly promotive' of Tr.yiPEiiA?icE, The present proprtHor believe that ia making then widely known the public welfare is subserved. It will soon be for tale by ail of Dr. Roback'a nemefo A rents, and at Hotels, Ac, the coon try ovwr. In the meantime, orders will be Sled ti :ect from Ctn dnati In ary quantity, and at the lowest ratr. 2t li put tp In Qnart CwtUes, and seorely parkest la ono doaen caaaa. Half dozen sample easos, II however bo packed and sent to any address if denrred. RtUd Price $1 per BottU, or m er $5. Principal office and saJesroma So C East Focrtk street Cincinnati, O. Laboratory, So. ti Hanrmccd atrot, arrll-lawdwlr. SCHOOL DOOIC0. FOR THE SPRING TMC3. WE IXnrETlIE ATTENTION" OF KUTERA TO OCR larro stock 8CHOOL BOOKS, WRIT15G A5D WR Pi1fr, PAPERS, EXVELOIX8 .KB. stylea, P4JI5K COOKS, BOX.NLT HOARDS, WALL A5D WI5DOW PAPER, tXN f, rESCILS, 15 ES, Ac. Tbo trade supplied at Cincinnati Wkoleoaio Prka. DOirEJT, $TFA1QtlT ts CO, IrtdUnapol. led Una. WrhTj-dtW " V