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DAILY STATE SENTINEL. PRINTED AND 1 THUSIIRD TUE SEW SENTINEL OFFICE. .mi. 2 mii'tii minim- ntr.r.T. orruMirm ra rocrorr . EIDER, HARKNeTs L BINGHAM, Proprietor. learlr ntxrrlUr M 0. itwi.t m aitac; or delivered by the carrier at US cent per week, payable aT,i-nvtblr. S,ngleepieanveccr.t. Ot cWnber wiil be held responsible for paper I 'ft I their tfW fter th-T have removed, or when they wi-h ibem discontinued, anW notice W given at the cf (We of pqttcaMon. Jto ppe without pre-payaent,r eiritlnoedlonger Ilia pail fr- Cpe of the Daily yunnitin be had at the office a. h mrn.rn, an.l the Winn !irnin each Mon 4 morning, neatly ereUped, for tnal.iK DA VOLUME X. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, rUl'IJiUlKt) EYERT WEDNESDAY AT fAf till IITllliltf I AÄVAIK-S. It A T i; Of' AUVKUTISI.Ifli c s 1 1... at... a-t... 41. 5-1... I.. IfVi. 1.. 1.. Im.. Im.. im.. 4m - ! - i t s 5 s a 3 3 4 k. u 1 t O ü 2 J Z ? 2 2 n i e DM l.uo 1.25 IM 1.75 1 no J..V) 3 no 4.00 S.oo 7 00 1.13 i.r 1.25 a m s oo 3.75 1..V 3.0r. J ); l.R 3X0 3.13 J 4.00 500 31V 1.S2. 3.00 3.37 3.75 3.00' 3 50 4 00 4.50 5.00 3.75' 4JV71 600 &.3 20 3 IMI 3.75 Mi 25. 6.00 75 7 50 SSO 4J7 &V' 12 700 7.M7, .75 5 rm 001 7.0O 00 B.OO lO.OO, 750: .75 lo.oo 11.25 12 to 00i TM 00 10.M 1J.0O 13.50 15 GO no R00 I. la.OO M W 1S..0O 7 AO 10 00 13.50 15 OO 17 ) 30.00 23.50 25.00 10 25 13 50 1.T5 20.00 23 Z' .! 50 29 75 33.00 a tA 15 75 la im) 24 25 29 50 34.75 0 00 45.00 50.00 Hixiiin nnniioo 40 0O 4V00 sooo&soo mi! irOO 1100 25 W 30 50 37 50 43 50 5? 50 67.50 J 50 ro.. 13 00 20 50 2t.V 35.50 43 50 50 00 57.50 0 7 w 13 m 15.00 25 OO 35 OO 45.00 55 OO 5 00 75 00 W5.00 5 00 DAILY SKiTliEL INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Train Leere. 7.20 A. M.. 45 P.M.. 1J0 P. If. ADVERTISING IX T1IK WEEKLY. 0 75 1 00 ... 3 00 On aqiare, on Insertion " two " " " f. ur Fr each wiiejijmt insertion, and for each Irwer tU;n of each additional square 33H' Adrenimeot published In both the Dally and the Weehlr JJr.Tisn. tl b chrri the full IaIIt rate, with t!ie-bA'f the TeekU rtte ! le.l. lluniiieM y..tlf puMlbfd In the 11 column, orten linor uolr. wiH be chrjted for each Insertion fl; If orer ten Hnen, ten Cent per line. tliarfe, wllltema.le for 1n-rlrit the notice or the f-.tlmtii OrJrr, Sotieüe tul Awtc'tin at the rtet Btnw'l, t' flt In advance: MiJltarr tmpne, iMtr tf (W1 fellow, MntjJc (rtler, iw nerolriit .K.cietie an.l Sinuinz Soctetie, Fi1 efh ntke nt eree1lnt 6 liiea 15 cenU for each Inirtlon; over eight lit:f at thl rate. Announcing deatb with funeral notice itUche!, f 1; wit boat not Ire fre. Marriage Notk-ea 60 Cent. NotKeof FertlraU, IVnlca and KxmHona, (rotten op7 ImlivLliuU or aMocUtlonn, or by ehnrchen, at the regular price. M t Advertisement 1eated aod placed tnder the bead of Ppex-ial Notice, If ten tinea or over, will b charged double the cooal rate. Advertisement matin lena than thrie llnea, Inserted once In the Dally, will be charjted nrty nta. Yearly adrertln to pa? quarterly. Announcing eandidatea for offlceaof Tery description to be charged at the rate of ft M for aach name In the I ally, aw! 1 In the Daily aud Weekly, the aame to be, lo all CA"e, paid in advance. IealidvertiiieineDUinertedatthtexpene of the at tocney onlrrtnit, ant not delayat.le for the leral proceed In.but collectable at oar nroal time. p-uMheranot accountable for the accuracy c f leal advertmeutl b Tond the amount charged for tbetr pnblicafion. KLLKK, IIAKXNKÜÜ A WNtillAJf, iToprietort Indiana State Sentinel. J. M. TlLKOKD, Trexident Imtianapolla Journal Company. DUSINE50 DinECTORY. II ARRISOX.V BASK- No. 19 Eait Waahlngton afreet oppoalte the Sentinel Office. mav4 LIVEItV NTAIXI.i:S. jk 1XJ:N . HIN5IJCT, Livery and Sale table, In the l rear of the Palmer 11oj Junr5-dly ioihdiui:. aaixarovTAiaa bajuioa Tralm Arrire. Vail H 45 P.M. 8:45 A.M. iiMASACarrmAL baxlwat. Train Leave. Train Arrive. .15 A. M - 40 r. M. 11:45 A. M ....Vail 2 u5 P M. 7:15 P. M 1O40 A. M. inpiAVtroua ao cotraaia awotrr una, via pattox. Train lare. Train Arrive. .15 A. M 40 P. M. 11.45 A. M TltS P. M. 7 15 P. M 140 A. M. iMi'i am AroLi aid ciaciiaAn aAn aoAD. Tralna Ieave. Train Arrive 6:00 A.M 11 A. M. 115 A. M H:15 P. M. 7:10 P.M 9AS P.M. raaaa iaiti aajiaoad. Train Leave. Tratn Arrive. 11:13 A.M 5 50 A.M. 110 P. M 1123 A.M. 1&.15 P.M 7 P. U. WW AIBAÜf AHO CHICAOO BOAD OattMCAiTl-K JrSCTIOH Ooin North. tloHnu South, 5:25 P. M Expre 10:25 A. M. 11 20 A. M Kreiirbt, Daily 1:4 P.M. LAfATKTTB IAIUVAD. Train Leave. Trafn Arrive. 7 15 A.M 4 45 A.M. 11:15 A. M 10-10 A. M. 55 P. M 6 00 P. M. HBO ABDIXOIAMAroIja BAILAOAO. Train Leave. Train Arrive. 12 00 M Mail 4:15 A.M. 10-.10 P.M Chicago Expreß 4:10 P.M. fPIAVAroUS AXD M AI'iaoR BAILKOAP. Train Ieave Train Arrive. 12 30 P. M Mull 10:0 A. M. 7:00 A.M.... From Freist In-polJ.... 625 P.M jarrBBAoa iu.k bailboai. Train Leave. Trln Arrive. 8:45 A. M..............MalI..,.., ....... 6:IH) A. M. 8.50 P.M 8 20 P. M. Arrival and Heparin re or Cloalnjf off A I BIT A 14. Madionmail. 11:05 a. m. Cincinnati and way mail 11 (XI a. m. JfTrtnville and Louisville 8:10 P. m. Terre Haute way mail 11.10 a. m. Peru mail 11:30 a. M. Central way mail . 1040 a. m. Terre Hautethrounbmail 10:15 a. m. Ijif.iyette and Ciao 6 .(0 r. m. Itellrfotitaiue way mail 9 in) r. m. hvllefontalne thronifh mail Ö 0 A. M. Central through mail 9:U5 p. m. CiiK-iimatithroiuh mail 10:00 p. m. SpriiigUeld.IiiiuoiA 11.00 A. M. DRrABTvaaa. Jf.lll Cln. Jefferonv11Ie and Ixoiviile m.iil 6: 00 a. m. Terre ll tute tliroiiKb mail, St. l.oui, Cairo.... 7:30 p. m. Iifayette and Chicago 10:15 A. m. Irayette City and prinKfleld,Illln 7:30 p. m. M uiivn mall 11 20 A. . Crtitral way mail I0:.t0 a. m. Central through mall and Wahlnrton City.. .. 6 .10 p. m. Cincinnati and way mail lO.-IO a. m. Throuith mail M p. m. Trrre Haute way, Evanville and Vincennet.... 1:10 p. at. fVru 12(H) at. Bellefontaine war and through 7:30 p. 1. I II DAVIS CO., Union Foundry, Delaware. treet,op- po1t Union Ieot. AP!F.LMAX k miOy, Wablnnon Foundry nd Macbiae Work, eaat eod Union lpot. my2 JXV.W F.ÄTATK AfiFTSi 1 BRANCH PMIT1I. formerly Delxell Smith, Real Ktate Arent and Tax Payer, 37 Eat vVa-bln;ton itreet. llouea to rent. J"25-lly '63 cKERNAX A PIF.KCF. Real F.ntate Agenta and Broker. 10 Ei Waahlnjrton atreeu .T. WILEY. Real Ertate Airent and Stock Bro. ker, 10 j Kat Wahingtonrfet. may 1 4 BOOT AND SIIOK DEALF.ltS. i- C. If AY1IF.W A CO.. Wholesale dealer In Boots, j Shoe, and Rublier, No. 4 RoleeV Block, opposite e I nin rVpot, Indfanapoll, Ind. fP a DAM KKOPLF A SON, manufa--tnrer and dealer In all kluda or Boot aitd Shoe, So. 32 Kat Wih BKtoo atreeu aprt7 llOOKM AUD SJTATIOMIHY. r0rE5. SntWAKT A CO.. wholeale and retail deal IS er In Book an.1 Statlooery, and Printer' MateriAl, No. 1H Wert Wfcdiinjrton treet. aprio DIU H AND ITIKDICIXKN. flf 71LKT M. LOWRY, DRUH3IST. Dealer In Dm, W Chemicals, PainU, Oils Djrestuff. Botanic, Patent and ether Medicine, Notion and iTrTumery ). 4 aia tachttaetu avenue, Indianapolis. aor30-l.r. FIV1MLI5SON 1 COX. dealer In DrnRS, Medicine, I I'.; t. O.I. Ci1ai. Perfumery, Fancy Uood, Ac, No. lHEart Ta-hinctoTj treet, Indlanapolia may!9 f BROWNINO, lrit, an.1 dealer In Painta, Oil, 1 Vamihes D e-tuas(ilae,(jiaware, lrfunery, Ac No. 22, Wert Wahluytoii rtreeU apr27 UY fiUOUS. From Knii kerbocker, April. The Turky lluxzrrd A COTKMPOHAUY FABLE. Wunst upon a time, Wunst ujK)n a time there was a turky buzzer J Saw a bi rabbit a-tdYerun in the sun. P.p.' praise rrovidence said the tuikv buz, There's my dinner; go in forks and make the prav v ty I Lord, what a sweet little thing she is, to be furcl AU in fur and fur is fashionable. Here goes,' says he, sailing over her devoted hod, Here goes at that fur-below. Co it Innocence g'lang, Virtue, Wiee is a-gainin' on you I And down he pronounced on the Vic-tim. Thar was a spreading of feathers on fprawl- ing principles, Lordct'l now the fur flew! Such another old clawing and kicking, slap ping and swearing: Swearing up of all the old oaths that had been laid by for ten years in Cairo, And putting together of such a lot of new ones a la Faducah. his claws went in, 4 Demoralize mel yowled the T. Buzzerd as If I do n't believe to jndgc by her toughness That this here's a elsh rabbit.' Wah! trah! tcah! Ye a ough! e e ah otr.' Sp i-g-iz-1 T .ti n! 1c-r-acca mnu s misery blister your heart, you ungodlv Pike Ur A II. CLF.XN A CO., New York Store, Dry . Oood wholesale and ReUil, Olenna Block, Fart Viauin,cloulrU may6 SITOt'KSl A!tX3 Tilt WAIli:. IHAHLKS C50X, dealer la Stove, Tin Ware, c. No. U Wert Wahin;tontrcet pr27 noou 1711 or.ns. 4 Well! thought the Buzzer, I never Did hear fitch language fiom a wirtuous j oung lady f-fore I Guess she must a-had Sccesh beaux And gone to Jay hawker parties frum her youth up. This bangs the Dutch of St. Louis, And they kin swear some. Chivcrlry, put on your gum-shoos! You kin go home arter this. Sich an explosion of saas I nary did heard During this time he had inserted his sinful phangs Into the tUh of the young and lovely creature, 'Cuss me T cried the IUI-bit, 'If I ever heard of such n rn IN C 0 1Ar 1 71 1 H c n 71 r ! nn H 1 U A Jo IXDIAXAPOLIS, INI)., TIIÜKSDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 18G2. NUMBER 3,(515. Tlirllllna; DltroTrry The following wonderful ston' is told by the Ixndon correspondent of the Dublin Evening Mail: This is the age of discoveries, and one of such a startling nature has juit been made in an Knglish county that it seems out of place in the region of aober fact, and to belong purely to the atmosphere of the three-volume novel. litre are the circumstances: the names, for the moment, I am not at liberty to indicate. The Eari of married not long ago, and brought his bride home to one of the old family mansions which members of the. English aristocracy regard with an airec tion amounting to veneration. The hdy, however, being more continental in her tastes, after a short residence in the apartments ap- ropriated to her use, expressed a wish to iave a lwurdoir in the vicinity of her bedroom. The noble Earl would have gladly complied with her request, but, upon examination, it was found that the room, as Kwnetimes hap pens in antique buildings, was so awkwardly distributed that bv no conceivable plan of re arrangement could the desired bourdoir be fitted in. Therapon it became necessary to invoke professional assistance, and an eminent architect was summoned from London. He examined the house narrowly, and said there seemed to be nothing for it but to build, though at the same time he could not resist the impression that there was an undiscovered room somewhere in that wing of the mansion. The noble Earl laughed at the idea; the eld est servants and retainers of tho mansion were questioned, and declared that they never beared even a rumor of its existence. The ordinary methods of tapping, &c, were re sorted to, but without efiect. Still, the archi tect retained his conviction, and declared himself ready to stake his professional repu tation the result. The Earl at last consented to let the walls be lori'd,and, when the open ing had been made, not only was the room found, but a sight presented itself which al most defeats attempts at description. The apartment was fitted up in the richest and most luxurious style of 150 years ago. A quantity of lady's apparel lay about the room, jewels were scattered on the dressing-table, and, but for the faded aspect which everything wore, the chamber might have been tenanted half an hour previously. On approaching the bed the most curious sight of all was seen, and this it is which furnishes the only clue to the mystery. The couch heid the skeleton of a female, and on the fioor, underneath the bed, Laif in and half out, lav another skeleton. that of a man, presenting evident traces of violence, and proving that, before he expired in that position, he mut have received some dreadful injury. Tho secret connected with this tale of blood has been well kept, for not merely had all tradition of the scene faded away, but even the existence of the room itself had been forgotten. The survivors probably walled up the apartment at the time, and its contents remained hermetically sealed up till the present day, when, according to the best calculations, after the lapse of a eeuturv and a half, daylight has accidentally penetra- i . . . I 1 i a teu into tnu cnainuer ot uorrors, wmcii to tue surprise of all concerned, has been discovered in one ot the noblest mansions in the county of . good luck, Do You Think It l ulr. I know a young man, a noble fellow, who prosecutes a puceessful manufacturing busi ness. Although poss'csscd of an abundant conitetence, he devotes himself with untiring assiduity to the interest of his factory, ten hours even dav. His eves and hands arc everywhere. Half a year ago, he married a beautiful, accomplished girl, who is said to speak tour of the languages ot southern Eu rop, (where she has resided for several years,) with the fluency of natives, while she touches the keys with infinite grace and skill. Four months ago they began house-keeping; a week since thev gave it up in utter disgust. The three servants figured conspicuously in all their griefs. The coffee was execrable, the steak a shame, the cruet stand and spoons not tit to be seen, and the whole house in con fusion and covered with dirt. The husband lore it as long as pride and patience could en dure, and then sacrificing everything at auc tion, returned to Hoarding, resolved never to sutler the miseries of house-keening again. I was never more indignant than when I heard of it. If that beautiful bride had learned one less language, and devoted a year A . ... . ft 1 to learning tue mysteries oi nouse-keeping, she could have made my friend's house a real paradise. Ignorant of even' tlung, she could but weep and despair. Suppose her husband's management of his business had been like her management of that which belonged to her, what would have become of them? I don't think the match a fair one. On one side it was a cheat. One voung ladv of the same merelv ornamental class, in discussing the cac, exclaimed, "she did not agree in the marriage contract to play the part of a house hold drudge!" I replied, "Did the husbam agree to play the part of a factorv drudge?' But does not the relation imply mutual obli gations which this wife had utterly failed to meet.' Lsicis s Jtetc Gymnastics. C1AMPBFI.L A BOT LKS. Book Binder and Blink BHk Manufacturer. No. 37 Fast WahinRton t.. cart of (lenn'a BWk, up tair, lndianajMdis. 'ILL. DOUOLAS A PALMER, Book Rinder and Blank Book Manufrturer, No. 3S F.aal Washington treet, ever Alford, Mill A Co' Grocery. may27 Just when I was as hungray as a vampyrolig- neous Wolverine, To have my dinner come a-tlyin' into my very claws and vitals. Go in lemons! tommy wliack and sculperl I'm on the war-trail, am wah-hoo! rau-kttce call vourself, do vou? There! I've gouged one ot your eyes out! Now you're a One-ida. Guh! guh! Take that ; why do n't you kiss me ? How d'ye like ruinin' virtue? great fun, aint it .' r. aim uraier , ... . . . i v in ready mad- cL-thin and furnihmx "d!. No. 21 I Here She t'lt a gTCat piCCC OUl OI ntS OUZZUm : And s walle red it. J ; 4 Pitch in why won't vou take a bite? 1 lo let me entreat: whv reallv vou haint no appetite, Only feel how fat 'I am! I ate your wife last week our eterna. generation, 1 smashed them eggs ; clum the tree and tore vour infarncl family into tatters when vou was out. I loo! hoo! hoo! the Muscolgce! Itig Injun, I tharl've got your scalp otT; Next time vou po a rabbitting Take kt er "and do n't get hold of a Wild Cat." HIM, .!,. AXD QI'KKXKWAIIK W AWTHOKN A BCC11ANAN. Importer of China, I 1 C'.a and yueenware. No. 3 Ka.rt Washington rt.,, Indiana. dly ?ir.ut ii vr TAii.ous. IRF.Dr.r.lCK MF-PTKR, Merchant Tailor, and dealer! ' in rea.iy r.w ciottung ait furntthtnt: Wert VV ahi:iten treet, oj-jMjsite SeiiUnel oSlce. - ATTtursr.v. . KU.BY FKlaU'SOX, Attorney and Cur-lor at Law. Par cah fr a;-proe 1 ju.!nint ai niwrtif jce; . nrftiate lon, note, Ac. Cffu-e, "i4 Fat vva,ti. li-Ct'-n treet, up-rtAirs ev-n 1 dotr to tLe rit.t hand, i p poM'e tilenn' flck. o t 10H'H E. MrlHNAl.P A ADDISON U KOACHE, Ait.iniey arxi Coune!or at Ijiw, luura:ite L'nipary BÜf.Jiin:. ecoriJ Soor, Penn- ham a street. Jel dly .ni:nriiAvr taii.ou. F hi" TP. Verrhant Tailor, and dealer In tie awl v l .Am i l..rl- tr, t. mtA Knn i.Ktnff 1.0.1 V t lll LAN V OY. This here has a moral it has. al Wa.htnctoti treet, ripoi:e the Coort Houe, ln i;li, ril. Keep roiiunllv oti han.l a lai ire art- mnr of ttth, Cawnnefi, t'lirs Overco.l:tie, lee.i, Catne'. etr. Alo, ccrrlemen' furchbia j rl. 11: St.tri. Utideridiirt. Iiraer. Neckties. Cra- vat. iiaiirrhef. r.'.eve., ,tc iood oid n.i the; The Bazzenl aint a buzzerd it means Secesh: ya' cut free cf charge. ap9-dly , he , Is figurative of 1 nele Sam. VI ACHINISTS. He tuck rather a Ion? leer at fimt Let the wild-fowl confisticate him suierau.j, I Anl lail by on the slow ' Till the bird of prav had hi.-ted him a nuantitv. n.kmi i kntikflt Kr.iTJTFD the siiopjokM-1 When he suddenlv ?l,k himself out on the FKi.Y occupie.1 by J.btt tx-per, in (K.rt, ! i ' mi ih A Co' lArt and Hub Factory, 1 am prepared to do ! . sman. WANTED. An iTti suor. some con- a'; kind oi work in tb machinery or biackrtnithin i And expanding his nsh-hooks, excrutiferoulv ce (n the hemt -..,.. U:. B.ahiie ahopa in the country, I C alter myself that I can j K . 1th c ui uone vet. line. Harmabad twehre year eipertence rue entire atlfaction to thcee who may favor me w heirwrk. I hare in my eauoley one or tb lert Mtk etnitli. tu the State, and pay particular attrntioo to tor ibotna aiid Bta. kiue foraf. heparin; of all kind pronptly attended to MtM i f ail kind built fur the patent office. krnM-Biber the place, ote irv awtb of the Union lfi.oR IlltiMt. ureet. I T. WU'WH. (illd-llv '1 punctured his opponent. unt done vet. It a troinz on like smoke. Keep on Uncle magna est Veritas Kt if you pitch in like thunder f prtvcleUt. t?P But little damage has been dune to the fruit trees in this tcinitv bv the late frusta. 200 Recruits Wanted FOR THE ji bw-jltm?. mn O.' OK The I'lrvrnlli In fan try, WHICH MAJOR J. W. IJORDOX Uaurhorized toraivr in Indiana. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. 1J KX FROM iA TO 9 23 PER MONTH. WITH RA TIONS, juarter, medical attendance, 4c , Ci.ta plete. All ho enlirt will at once be clothed, suisited and provided with everything eetitial to thvir comfort ty the Gvemment. "Theterm cf enltment isTlirrc Yearn Pay to commence from date of eidirtmetit. None but aMe-bdied inele men, between the ages of Is arxt 3. year, need apply. KecruituijC Lendexvou in Metiger' new bnildinr, No. J6Eat WaLintn treet, adj-MirrfVld Fellows' Hall. D. R. COIT,Hrt Lieutersnt F.3eventb Ir.Untry, KecruuinrOfy.cer. H AR DWAR E. Just Received and For Sale, wholesale and retail, at NO. 21 WEST WASHINGTON ST., VLART.E ASSORrjIF.XT OF Ii AHDEN KAKF.S FROM to 14 teeth: Garien and D.tchinc Spaleis Garden anl Bricklayers' Trowels Fi rks. 2. i, 4 and & pron; Garden and Railroad Wheeibarr, Pruninc Kn:ve and Shears, Hedre Shear, Griu1it.ries. Na;I, Wire and Wire Cloth, beltin atid Packing Rote. A pleiuiid a-M-rtment ofTabU and Pocket Cutlery, together wiUt a large and general awortmcn of For Farmer, Builder, Mechanic. MachinUt and Rail, road. J II VAJi:. mch2S Killiou rue's OrumK. AT 2STO.-4: BATES HOUSE. aoS WILLARD A STOW ELI. Ufficernof Indiana llefflmenti In the field. SIXTH KECJIMKNT 15 KISTVCIT. Thos. T. Crittenden, Colonel. llirnm I'rather, Lieutenant Colonel. Auk'Utus II. Abbott, iIjor. John E.mijhaw, AiljuUnt. W. K. McClell in, Rejiimental Quartermaster. Dr. Schis!er, of Madison, Surgeon. S.truuel II. Ch.trlton, Assistant Surgeon. Captains Philemon P. Baldwin, Samuel Rus sell, Wm. Davis, Ilagernun Tripp, John K. B. Glasscock, Jnnies Moffctt, Georpe W. K.own, Charles It. an trees, Autwtus II. Abbett, Cal vin Campbell. MTI.MH KKGIMENT I MART La KD. JsmeOiirin, Colonel. John F. Cheek, Lieut. Colonel. iJenjnmin C. Shaw, JIajor. John M. lUair, Adjutant Kichard I'. Johnson, Quartermaster. Georpe W. New, Surgeon. William Gillespie, Assistant Surgeon. John Kiger, ChapUin. Captains Jessie Armstrong, Solomon Wtter- man, Scott Miller, Merit C. Welsh, Ira G. Grover, Samuel Lamberton, Wilson C. Lemert, Samuel J. Dauta, Joba II. Ferry, Will C. li.inu. EIGIITU RtOIUEXT IX ltl&80tBI. j Wm. 1. Benton, Colonel. David Shunk, Lieutenant Colonel. Charles S. l'arrish, Major. Charles O. Howard, Adjutant. Nathan Branson, Quartermaster. James Ford, burgeon. George W. Ilruce, Assistant Surgeon. Captains Frederick S. Wvsotig, Thomas J. IVady, Joseph M. Thomson, Oliver II 1. Carer, Wm. U. Wnlls, Alexnnder J. Kenney, George W. II. Jtiler, John K. Foik, Hiram T. Vander venter, Frederick Tvkle. NINTH BROIMEXT IN MARYLAND. Gideon C. Moodv, Colonel. Wm. II. Make, Lieutenant Colonel. John Li. Milroy , Major. Thomas J. Fatten, Adjutant. James J. Drum, Quartermaster. Mason (J. Sherman, Surgeon. John K. Hl ukstone, Assistant Surgeon. Safetv Layton, Chaplaiu. Captains Thomas Madden, William Copp, Douglas G. liisley, Aniasa Johnson, Leonidas A. Cole, (Jeorge 11. Carter, Joshua Uealey, Isaac C. F. Suman, James Houghton, William F. Lai TENTH RI UIMKNT IN KENTICKT. Mahlon D. Mausen, Colonel. Wm. C. Kise. Lieutenant Colonel. Abram Ü. Miller, Major. Keuben C. Kise, Adjutant. David N. Steel, (Quartermaster. Josrjdi S. Allen, Surgeon. Conrad S. Perkins, Assistant Surgeon. (Jeurge T. Dougherty, Chaplain. Ciptaiiiä Simuel 11. Sliortle discharged,) John W. Perkins, Alexandc-Hogeland, Marsh P. Taylor, Joseph F. Taylor, (discharged,) Wm. P. Carroll, James II. Vanarsdall, Ahram 0. Miller, Benjamin M. Gregory, James II. Hamilton. ELEVENTH REGIMENT IN KENTICKT. George F. MeGinnis, Colonel. Wm. J. II. lie iison, Lieutenant Colouel. Isaac C. Elston, M.'jor. Daniel Macauley, Adjutant. Joseph P. Pope, Quartern aster John C. Thompsou, Surgeon. Clay Brown, Assistant Surgeon. lleuty B. Hibben. Chaplain. Captains Nicholas It. Ruckle, Henry M. Carr, Jutez Smith, Edward T. Wallace, Wm. W. Dar nell, David B. Cully, Je&e E. Haraill, Joseph H. Livsej, George Butler. TWELFTII REGIMENT IX MART LAND. Wm. H. Uiick, Colouel. George Humphrey, Lieutenant Colonel. Henry Huhler, Major. Oscar Hinkle, Adjutant. Milton It. Dixson, Quartermaster. Wm. H. Lomax, Surgeon. Noble P. Howanl, Assistant Surgeon. Captains Thomas G. Morrison, Thomas R. Noel, James Bachman, Wm. O'Brien, Henry Hubler, George Nelson, Arthur F. Reed, Thomas Doan, Alexander Buchanan, Joseph F. Draper. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT IN M ARTLAND. Jeremiah C Sullivan, Colonel. Robert H. Foster, Lieutenant Colonel. Cyrus J. Dobbs, Major. Charles H. Ross, Adjutant. Alois D. (Jail, Surgeon; Wm. C. Foster, As sistant Surgeon. Captains Abner L. Newland, Clinton, Davis, Chauncey, Harrington, Saylcs, Wilson, Johnson, Kirkpatnck, Ben. H. Myers. FOURTEEN Til REGIMENT IN MARYLAND. Nathan Kimball, Colonel. John R. Mahan, Lieutenan. Colonel. William Harrow, Major. John J. P. Blinn, Adjutant. Thomas C. Buntin, Quartermaster. Geroge W. Clippenger, Surgeon. George W. McCane, Assistant Surgeon. Thomas E. Webb, Chaplain. Captains Lucien A. Foote, Jonathan D. Wood. Lewis Brooks, Elijah II. C. Cavins, Na than Willard, Jonathan D. Hagan, John Coons, John H. Martin, Philander R. Owen, James R Kelly. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT IV KENTUCKY. George D. Warner, Colonel. Gustavua A. Wood, Lieut. Colonel. Alexander Fowler, Major. S. F. Frv, Quartermaster. Captains Samuel Bums, Comnaret, Short, Miller, Terapleton, McCutcheon, Rice, Fowler, iiennett. SIXTEENTH REGIMENT MART LAND. Pleasxnt A. Hackleman Colonel. (No further returns ut the Adjutant-General's oflice.) SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT MART LAND. Milo S. Hascall, Colonel. John J. Wilder, Lieut. Colonel. George W. Gorman, Major. Edmund R. Kusletter, Adjutant. Samuel E. Munford, Surgeon. Captains Wm. T. Jones, James Thompson, Silas" W. Boswell. George Cubberly, M. Allen, George W. Stough, Henry Jordan, Jacob G. Vail, Jacob R. Stewart, Silas F. Rigby. EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT MISSOURI. Thomas Pattison, Colonel. Henry D. Washburn, Lieut. Colonel. DeWitt C. Thomas, Major. George S. Marshall, Adjutant. John II. Popp. Quartermaster. Samuel W. Peck, Surgeon. John W. Hitchcock. Assistant Surgeon. George W. Ames, Chaplain. Captains Jonathan Ii. Wilhams, William Slanlev Charles, John W. Jones, Jesse L. llol man. Samuel W. Short, Peter C. Wood. Sam uel Donalson, John C. Jenks, James R. Bryant, Rinaldo R. Ruter. NINETEENTH REGIMENT WASHINGTON, D. C. Solomon Meredith, Colonel. Kotiert A. Cameron, Lieutenant Colonel. Alois A. Rock wood, M-ijor. John P. Wood, Adjutant. James S. Drum, Quartermaster. Calvin J. Wood, Surgeon. Captains Stmuel J. William, Valentine Ja cobs, Robert W. Hamilton, William W. Dudley, John B. Clark, Jobn M. Lindley, Richard M. Kelley. Luther BVilson, John H.Johnson, Isaac M. May. TWENTIETH REGIMENT IN VIRGINIA. William II. Brown, Colonel. Ben. H- Smith, Lieutenant Colonel. John Vsnvalkenbauzh, Major. Irael N. Stitea, Adjutant. Isaac W. Hart, Quartermaster. Oryheus Evart, Surgeon. Henry C. Grover. Assistant Surgeon. William C. Porter, Chaplain. Captain Wm. B. Rejourn. John Wheeler, William Babbingtou, George F. De-k, James H. Shannon, John Kitler. Wm. C- P. Taylor, Geo. W. Meikle. Jamea W. Lytle, Alfred Reed. THENTT-FIKskeGIVENT MAtTLAND. James W. McMi'len, Colonel. John A. Keith, Lieutenant Colonel. Benjamin T. Hays, Major. Matthew A. Latham, Adjutant. Win. S. Hinkle, Quartermaster. Ezra Read, Surgeon. John B.TXtvis, Assistant Surgeon. Nelson L. Brakeuun, Chaplain. Captains Richard Campbell, Jacob Hes, Elihu E. Rose. James Guinsler. Wm. M. Skel ton, James U. Gavitt, Francis W. Noblet, Wm. Ray, John F. Campbell, Edward McLaftin. TWKNTT-8EC0ND REGIMENT MiSbOUKl. Jeff. C. Divia, Colonel. John A. Hendricks, Lieutenant Colonel. , Major. Charles L. Holstein, Adjutant. Emory Bradlev, Quartermaster. Benjamin J. N'ewland, Surgeon. Jos. A. Stilwell, Assistant Surgeon. Captains William H.Tagpart, Michael Good ing, Thomas II. B. Tanner, Elijah A. Stepleton, Jruiah Wilson, Thomaa Shea, Richard H. Liteon S-juire Iham Keith, Isaac N. Haymaker, Daniel Lunderman. TWEVTT -THIRD EGIMEKT KENTUCKY. Wm. Sanderson, Colonel. DeWitt C. Anthony, Lieut. Colonel. William P. Davis, Major. Eugene Commandeur, Adjutant. J. T. Smith Quartermaster. Thomas C. Austin, Surgeon. Robert Kay, Assistant Surgeon. Juhu D. Rogers, Chaplain. Captains George S. Babbitt, Alonzo Tubbs, W. W. Caldwell, Henrv C. Furguson, Thomas Clark, David i. Hay, Thomas P. Moore, Fred Crick Pistorius, Wm. P. Davis, Vincent Kirk. TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT MISSOURI. Alvin P. Hovey, Colonel. John Gerber, Lientenant Colonel. Cyrus C. Hines, Major. Richard F. Barton, Adjutant. Peter Schmuck, Quartermaster. Robert B. Jessup, Surgeon. John W. Davis, Assistant Surgeon. Charles Fitch, Chaplain. Captains A. H. Erwin, Thos. Johnson, Sam'l F. McGuffin, Wm. L. Merrick, Samuel R. Mor pan, Wm. T. Spiceley. John F. Giill, A.McCon nett, Nelson F. Boltou. TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT MISSOURI. James C. Veatch, Colonel. Win. W. Morgan, Lieut. Colouel. John W. Foster, Major. Wm. II. Walker, Jr., Adjutant. Alex H. Foster, Quartermaster. John T. Wulkcr, Surgeon. Arthur White, Assistant Surgeon. Frederick A. Herring, Chaplain. Captains James C. Hastincs, George W. Saltzman. John II. IX -bv, Jnn Khinlander, Wm. F. Wood, Charles S. inch, Charles Jones, Thomas J. Bethcll, Victor C. Lnrkin, John Poole. TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT MISSOURI. W. M. Wheatly, Colonel. Richard O'Neal, Lieutenant Colonel. John 0. Clark, Majr. .Henry Schräder, Adjutant. John P. Routh, Quartermaster. Robert N. Todd, Surgeon. (Jeorge A. Torheit, Assistant Sturgeon. Chaplain. Captains Alden H. Jumper, Courtland E Whitset, Mortimer C. Holuian, Augustine D. Rose, Lewis Manker. Miller L. Miner, Harvey Johnson, Benjamin Hargis, Newton A. Logan, Nhthaniel J. Beachly. TWENTY SEVENTH MARYLAND. Silas Colgrove, Colonel. Archibald J. Harrison, Lieutenant Colonel. , Major. Robert G. Gilmore, Adjutant. Jame M.Jameson, Quartermaster. James J. Johnson, Surgeon. Green V. Woollen, Assistant Surgeon. Captains Peter Kopp, John W. Wilcoxen, William S. Johnson. Joel W. McGrew, Geo. W Bürge, Jackson P. Moore, John R. Fisler, Rich ard W. Welman, Allen Hill, Theodore E. Bueh ler. TWENTY-EIGHTH (CAVALRT) MISSOUM. Conrad Baker, Colonel. Scott Carter, Lieut. Colone? John S. Gavitt, Major. James Necl, Adjutant. William B. Barker, Quartermaster Isaac Casselberry, Surgeon. Charles Brackett, Assistant Surgeon. Captains John R. Hiehman. Samuel J. La mar, Joel F. Sherwood, Will H. Walker, Thom as N. Face, Lvman W. Brown, James M. Barter, Robert l. Clendenier. TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT KENTUCKY. John F. Miller, Colonel. David M. Dunn, Lieutenant Colonel. Henry J. Blowney, Major. James L. Angcll, Adjutant. Asa H. Mathews, Quartermaster. Louis Humphreys, Surgeon. Lorenzo S. Rein, Assistant Surgeon. Joseph C. Reed, Chaplain. Captains Horatio G. P. Oblingcr, Silas F. Allen, Joseph P. Collins, Frank A. Hardman, John S Fosdick, Wm. W. Shuler, Daniel Carev, James M. Confer, Millon M. Boggs, James H M. Jenkins. THIRTIETH REGIMENT KENTUCKY. Sion S. Bass, Colonel. Joseph B. Dtnlge. Lieut. Colonel. Orrin B. Hurd, Mjr. Edward P. Edsall, Adjutant. ' Peter P. Bailey, Quartermaster. Reuben F. Delois, Chaplain. William H. Myers, Surgeon. Delos W. Ruert, Assistant Surgeon. Captains Cvrus Hawlevs. Martin S. Stewart James B. White, Joseph 'W. Whiuker. G. W Fitzsimmons, Myron A. Hawks. Wm. N. Voris Wm. Dawson, Joseph. M. Silver, Joseph E Brallen. Thirty-first Regiment Charles Cruft. Colonel South Carroll ton, Ky. T hi rtv -second Regiment First German Regl ment Augustus Willich, Colonel, Green River Kentucky. Thirty-third Regiment John Coburn, Colonel Lexington, Kentucky Thirty-fourth Regiment Colonel Ryan, New Haven, Kv. Thirty tilth Regiment Irish John C.Walker Colonel, Bardstown, Kv Thirtv-sixth Regiment William Grose, Col onel. New Haven, Kentucky. Thirty-seventh Regiment George W. Hazard Colonel, Bacon Creek. Ky. Thirty eichth Regiment Benj. F. Scribner Colonel, Munfordsville, Ky. Tlurt v-nintli Keiment Thomas J. Harrison Colonel, Muuford.vil!e, Ky. Fortieth Regiment Wm. C. Wilson, Colonel Lebanon, Ky. Forty-second Regiment James G. Jones, Col onel. South Carrollton, Kv. Forty-third Regiment George K.Steele, Col onel, South Carrollton, Ky. Fortv-fourth Regiment Huch B. Reed. Col one. South Carrollton, Kv. Fortr-sixth Regiment Graham N. Fitch, Col onel, New Haven. Kt. Forty-seventh Regiment Jas. K. Slack, Col onel. New Haven, Ky. Fortv-eighth Regiment Col. Eddy, LouiaTilIe. Ky. ' Forty ninth Regiment Colonel Ray, Bards town. Ky. Fiftieth Regiment Cyrus L. Dunham, Col onel. New Haven, Ky. Fifty-first Regiment Mechanics A. D. Streicht, Colonel, Somerset, Ky. Fifty-second Remeut J. M. Smith, Colo nel. Ky. Fifty seventh Regiment Colonel McMnllen Somerset, Ky. Fifty-eighth Regiment Princeton, Colonel Carr. Fifty ninth Regiment Jesse J. Alex ad er, Colo nel. Sixtieth Redmeut Dr. Richard Owen, Col onel. Evansville CAVALRY. Captain Bracken's Company Western Vir ginia PostofUce address, Parkersburgh. Captain fctewart Company estern lr rinia Postoffice address, W eton. r.i - - captain urauam a tympany ikeniucKj, Captain Moreau's Company New Haven Ky. 2Sth Regiment Col. Baker 1st ca.valry ronton, Missouri. Forty first Regiment (2d cavalry) John A. Br id gland. Colonel, New Haven, Ky. Forty-fifth Remmetit Colonel Carter 3d cavalrv Maryland. Ira Harris s four companies of Indiana cavalry are at Munson s Hill, irnnia fostorace ad- dretjs, Washington City. ARTILLERY. Captain Rabb's Battery, Kansas. Captain Frybarger's Battery, Missouri. Captain Klaus's Battery, Missouri. Captain Bush's Batterv Munfordsville, Kv . Captain Simonson's Battery, Munford ville, Ky. Captain Behr s Battery, Calhoun, Ky. Captain Harris's Battery, Munfordsville, Ky. Array Pay Holl, The following statement, taken from official sources, will show the army raj roll. In the first column will be found the nett salarv per month and in the second the total salary per month, which includes rations, servant hre, forage, &c GENERAL OrriCLRS. Ter month. Total. Lieutenant General $270$778 00 Aids-de-Camp and Military Sevreta- tury to Lieutenant General, each Major General Senior Aid-de-Camp to General-in- Chief Aid de Camp, in addition to pay, etc., of Lieutenant Brigadier General Aid-de-Camp, in addition to pay. etc., of Lieutenant 80 IDS 00 47 00 80 li'J 00 24 I2i .12 00 321) 50 20 PJ 00 DEPARTMENT. 110 237 00 ADJUTANT GENERALS Adjutant General Colonel Assistant Adjutant General Lieut. Colonel J-t Assistant Adjutant General Major H) " " Captn 70 Judse Advocate Major K) 213 CK) IK) 00 133 SO ltd IK) INsrECTOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Inspector General Colonel 110 237 00 810NAL DEPARTMENT. Signal officer Major 80 189 00 QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Quartermaster General Bi ig idler General 124 32Ü 00 Assistant Quartermaster General Colonel 110 237 00 Deputy Quartermaster General Lieutenant Colonel JÖ 213 (M) Quartermaster Major 80 lMr 00 Assistant Quartermaster Captain 70 13d 50 SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. Commissary General of Subsistence Colonel 110 237 00 Assitant Commissary General of Subsistence Lieutenant Colonel J5 213 00 Com Hiissary of Subsistence Major 80 IfcD 00 Assistant Commissary of Subsist ence Captain 70 13H 50 Assistant Commissary of Subsist ence, in addition to pay, etc., of Lieutenant 20 II 00 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Surgeon General $2,710 vr an num 22S 33 Surgeons of ten years' service 80 225 00 Surgeons of less than ten years' service tO 174 50 Assistant Surgeons often years' ser vice 70 174 50 Assistant Surireona of five years' service 70 133 50 Assistant Surgeons of less than five years' eernce 3333 121 83 PAT DEPARTMENT. Paymaster General $2,740 per an num 223 83 Deputy Paymaster General 95 213 00 I'ay master bU Icil UU OFFICERS OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS, CORPS OF TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS AND ORDNANCE DE PARTMENT. Colonel .... Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain First Lieutenant 110 95 . 80 . 70 5333 Second Lieutenant 5333 Brevet Second Lieutenant 5333 237 00 213 00 18'J 00 139 50 121 83 121 83 121 83 OFFICERS OF MOUNTED DRAGOONS, CAVALRY, RIFLE MEN AND LIGHT ARTILLERY. Colonel 110 237 00 Lieutenant Colonel 95 213 00 Major K) IK) 00 Captain 70 146 50 First Lieutenant 53 129 83 Second Lieutenant 53 129 83 Brevet Second Lieutenant 53 129 83 Adjutant, and Regimental Quarter- termaster, in addition to pay of Lieutenant 10 10 00 OFFICERS OF ARTILLERY AND INFANTRY. 95 80 70 CO 50 45 45 222 19 00 00 179 00 120 50 110 50 105 50 105 50 10 10 10 50 26 00 Mullen, Madison. Sixty second Regiment Rock port Colonel not yet appointed. Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Ciptain First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Brevet Second Lieutenant Adjutant, in addition to pay, etc., of Lieutenant Regimental Quartermaster, in ad dition to pay, etc.. of Lieutenant In the above we have not inserted the frac tional parts of dollars, for convenience sake, in this matter of but little importance. BELOW THE GRADE OF LIEUTENANT The first column denotes the nay per month of artillery and infantry, and of dragoons and nnemeii when serving on foot 1 he second col umn denotes the pay per month of light artillery and of dragoons and ncemen when mounted: Serjreant Major, Quartermaster Sergeant, Principal Musician, and Chief Bugler, each First Sergeant of a Company Ordnance Sergeants Hospital Stewards 22 All other Sergeants, each Corpo:als Buglers Musicians Farriers and Blacksmiths Artificers Privates Matron Females nurses 40 cents per day and one r tion. Paymaster's Clerks $700 per annum, and 75 cents per day when actually on duty. Chaplain in volunteers $146 50. In addition to the pay as above stated, one ra tion per day and an abunaant supply of good clothing is allowed to every soldier. Quarters fuel and medical attendance are always provided bv the Government without deduction from the soldier's pay. If a soldier should become disabled in the line of his duties, the law provide for him a pension, or he may, if Le prefer it, obtain ad mission into the Military Asylum, which wil afford him a comfortable home so long as he may wish to receive its benefit. To the above pay for priratw soldiers ranst be added the additioaal $2 a month to be paid du ring errice, the $100 bo rant v at the end of the a a a a . a war, wnicn nas aireadv oeen provided lor, ana t - . . ... M - Ml me quarter section 01 land that congress wu provide for at Its romin session. The bounty and land apply to officers and privates alike DEWAOE OF 21 21 00 20 20 00 22 00 22 0 i 17 17 00 13 14 00 12 13 Oil 12 00 15 15 00 15 17 00 13 00 6 00 LAW SCHOOL. LAW SCHOOL OF Harvard College, 1C32. ;Vt. rat rw;m.T.t-nii ri-woTTRMSOp xixkteex weeks each. com. Sixtyfirst Legi meet -2nd Irish Colonel j KESCIsa March Sd a&d September lt. ler Cats- llan I . 1 i i -v I . s-. mm m at a at e as n logo aod Circular, sdUreas Canbridf, Man. Fb. UtX Roy ail Profeaaor. fabJl-dJt-U-c tat TttoiiTr ' a Jr. . : I - I ;0 LS-- T1 SFJTJvWx ? X i o 60 ft '- 1 v -s 1 ' c . 5H to cue Cm -:i . RAILROADS. PERU AND INDIAI7AP0LIS RAILROAD. 1S62. 13nSS2?Z3 1852. NEW ARRAUGEf.'EliT. Xew lloulr to Chirafo wlat Kokamo. 31 MILKS 8HOKTLK THAN OTHER ROUTE. ON AND AFTER AI'lilL 10, 161, trains will U run a folluw: A Ma. I Train w ill leare rndiauapcll at 13 00 II, fp at all station and make rloae connection at Kokotn witli train in the Cincinnati and Cbica'o Air Line Kail road for lnranprt, Valparaiso and Chicago, and arrire at Peru at 4 ix) 1. M in unie to make connect ixia with train ou the Toledo and WataU Kailway, fU.g Eat and We-t. Ketuminir. the aame train will leare Tera at Hi P. M.f tnakiu clone connection at Kili-mo with tralna from Chicago, and arrive at Indianpdi at 4.15 A. M.t in time to make connection for all point Eat, South and Wrnt. An Kxpreutrain will le .-e Iudlanapoli at 10:10 t. connect at Kokonio with 'rln for CLic(t). and aUre at Peru at 2 A. M., in time to make connection with train Köllig Eat and Writ n the Toledo aad W atah lull wav. Retnrnlnfr the ame train will leare Tern St 12 00 M.t sftcr tie arrival .f train t.nT. A W.U. W.fmai the Et and Went and make cle connection at Kokomo wltll train on tueCirx ii.natl and Cbirapo Railway froro Cblcafo, Valparaixo and !i;tiprt, arid arrive at Indiana poll at 4:10 l M., In time to opined with the ereblca; traiM for Cincinnati, IiOiiUville and otber plnta. special attention Iren to the transportation of lire lock, produce and mercbandl penerallT. DAVID M ACT, General Arent and Superintendent. Thko. I'. IlArom-.r, General Ticket A Kent apl'62-dly Iiitliannpoli and iTIadiMon 3 18C2. IIE PASSKNGKE TUAIX WILL LEAVE TflE Union Depot, Indianapolis at 13.30 P. M. dally, lot TTT 1862. I T Madison. Cincinnati and LouLsTillc, Thi ta the bortent railway line to Cincinnati and Loula tlle cotinectlDg at Madiaon with the United States Mail Line teamer, arrliiig tClncliiBstl In tlmo to cvw nect with the Expresa Train n tk. little Miami railroad learfna: a. 7 o'clock A. for the Eart, aod br the Ken tucky Central Uailroad for the South, and at LouiaUU about 11 P. M. Uetoniina:. leare Cincinnati dally at IX ftf, by the ebor steamers and alo by the Madion packets. Forest Queen and Prlore, arrlring at Madison In time to connect with the Passenger Train leaving at 6 A- M, and arrtrlaf at Indianapolis at 10-.&0 Av. making connections with all train leaving for the Est, West, and Sörth. For the accommodation of way pasenf era a Car will ixn in connection wth the Freight Tratn daily, learicc Indianapolis at T A. M., which train remain aome time at each station, affording ptseenger n opportunity for the transaction vt busineei, srriring st Sörth Madison at 4.25 P.M. Fare to Cincinnati or Cincinnati to Indianapolis)) 3 0O; To foulsvllle, 3 SO. !?o cbarge for meal or tate-room on tbe steamer, or for baggage or onuuLu at Madinoa. Tri:I of Freight as low a by any other route. Shipper and merchant West will rind it to their inter est to travel over sod ship by tbi line. ap2-dtf. f). C. Bit S HAM. Soperintendept. MEDICAL. Who ht not seen the W0NDE1UCL GttAMU.S, BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO, For Cocgb, Cold, Sore Throat. 1. " W hat should 1 take for a Cooghl Tbey give immediate relief. 25 cent a bog. What should T Uke for Aetlma? - BKAXDE'S TUSSILAGO, THE W OXDF.RH'L ARAN'CLES. They give immediate relief. 23 ci nta a box. Wl y sh'rtild I buy a boa KKAXDE'S TUSSILAGO, THE W0NUEWXX CUAM LES. Because tbey cure Cough and Cold, for 25 cent. Why thnold I bay s bc-i of BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO THE WONDERFUL GRANULES? Because they cure Hoarseness, Sore Throat. Ac. vi ho ha not heard of the What should 1 take for s Sore Throat? What should I Uke for a Cold? What is Life Without Health ! A Cold I annoyii g. A Cough I troublesome. Hoarseness prevent speech. ore Throat are painfa BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO I pleasant to take, and soon effect a rtire. 25 cect a boi, st sll the Drag f toret EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company, UNITED STATES PRESS COMPANY. OFFICE OS THE CORXF.R OF WASHINGTON 15 D Meridian streets, lixiianapolis. Three daily Etpeeeae to 5w Terk; Two daily Expresses to Cluc!Lr.Aii, and Two Ei presses to CLicag and St. Levis; The above Coaipaaiea are the oely pnrdeged Eanreaeoe the followinr ro4s, rli: INDIANA CENTPJtU LAFAYETTE CHICAGO; ISlANK)U.t A VEKVr TF.KRF. MALTE - tlCHMONlX EELLF I UNTAI5E A IM?IA2(Alt)U. Moner, paakar valuablea astd freight carried wttBi aafety and dixparrh, and in charge of rpectal and eCcsent metaengrr. Notes, Bills and Drsfts wCl be prowp-Iy collected and ready rvtarne asade J. Bt'TTF.B FIELD. Agewt. SCHOOL DOOK0. FOR THE SPRING HUC3." WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OF E CT t RS TO OC largj stock of . SCHOOL LOOK. wnmNo and wrnxa nriis. ENVI LOPES All stylaa. BLANK B00ES, BONNET BOARDS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPES, PENS, PENCILS, INKS, Ac Tb trade supplied at Cincinnati W aeleaaie Price. lsd.sassH4m.lediss. BKh2-t3w i