OCR Interpretation

Daily State sentinel. [volume] (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1861-1865, May 02, 1862, Image 3

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015683/1862-05-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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...TI.1V 2
er f.rft page.
he Ohio river, at lot account, was re
from Pittsburg to its tnoutb.
Jharcoal tooth paste sweetens the breath, ! to the guard houe
For tbe IHy Utate VntitL
A Onr-llorf imtnry Iflcer loo III
for Iii Clotlir!
On WpJiT U-t tw o rer.ct.b!e fr.t!emcn
of Indian ij-di... vi.-iUsl Camp MorV n. Thee
topped at th cjuvtTi of company I,bnh ref
ment, and bciti p.ewh.it fatigued fron the
long walk quietly t down to ret themselves
and etjoy cigar. They ha ! not sit there Ions:
before a detachment tit a.dd irn with run and
j brinlin;- b lyouel appronched tliern and ..aid they
!hvl or!m from lid Lieut P.urne to lake them
Not belli
conscious of
the gum and prevent the teeth from living violated any rules of camp, they ob
;,fur i!e at SenourV 1 tained permis-ion to"?ee the nil Lieutenant aril
I aseerLaiu w hat their gre.tt offence wa. Uu only
r. O'Leary, one of the most accomplish- excu-e for the act was" be did not think they had
?ient.ic of gentlemen, lecture to night any hus'nes there.
Mxjiic II til. See advertisement. An ofiicer w ho will Insult qnict citizen by ex-
" ere sinz power n'.t conferred upon him deserves
flit patent leather opera boot, a neat, ' to be drummed out of camp and hi plae ßllrd
I .. II ' a
rticlc. at $2 SO per p.iir, jut opened at
JoMijt, ixxttKic k Co.
by a better man.
ZZrii is highly uawrni j for anj minister of ,
the porel to visit plires where ardent spirits are 1
Sick Air Wot i.i.i SoLMLai Hy the temier
Tycoon, April .iOtli, tf.e following gick and
wounded Indian soldiers arrive! ut Evanaville:
1 J. J. Cronan. co C, '21 Indiana cavalry: Albert
. ; - j I). Chew, co II, :th; J. kon Gros C. Cih;
?fAVhat is the Street Commiicner about? i Felix Lane, co K, Ind'uni regiment; Jerem'uh
Why the tlioruuhfareA of the city in their! V. I'maon, co K, l.-t In li.ui.i c-v.tlrv; .John
preenfö-onditioii? . j Stnttrj co II, 31 t.
VlT Wliile (irnt, IluriL-iide, and othtT br.ive
enerata liae e.rtictl bouunt "in the bi wart
which tn;tke ambition virtue," e lind that oth
er who have not troI the blorlv field, are not
forgotten ut home or abroad. The (Ir.mt h it.
the liurn-ide hit, are faaiiliar to u-; but we i.o
tire in Dtker & Mclver'a window a Gov. Morton
bt. ?old only by them. Uully lor Hiker A:
1 . .i. nr. ' t i
Ti .c touuirT ou uic uis.titMpui oeiow
Ctiro if in a le:l.rble condition from hieb water.
!ier of immense dim;t"e to
We m- et'iett to
the plattation below Me:ii;bM
Caj) e
I of Italian -iMIi C
rnir at 7'. 2 o'cb
I C.l
Tlicre will be a tted
Chapter No ü, thhi (Fii-
Ciiarl. FiAiitt, Sec'y.
. i
iec. if'
the cit
Counterfeit ono'a on .the I'ank of the
Indiana, branch at Ter re Haute, have
eir appe'iraiK-e. Thee noie.4 are well
I and it require considerable care to de
Mr. JnnuM K. Kobitnon, the accomjilihcl
V. e-Iitor of the Laf.ijette Courier, wmiu
i.t evening on hi.4 way to I t t-bur
Imdir.'', authorized by the Governor to take oi
an i tat I stores.
Goi 'arüiaoim Two, m tnuf.ictured at New
Hivenf Connecticut, broke ou the fir.-t tri il tue
veterly. Ther are a pirt of a (Jovernment
invoice Cipt. Sturm coudemne-l the whole lot
all, me hue tiled, of Yankee in.iuuf.ic
ture. "'
t-rf?."eterd4y, the lUmouj firnt of Miy, was
not ex-.ionlin irdy plen.ml. It was cool and it
r.iine.. AUoe.her tho d.iy was a bird one on
d.tndelCns. joliny jump-U?, yellow hämmere,
juun t hickens and voting Udie.
Some whikydovin defender of dissipa
ted nrUy olliceri pnjpe-e., it is tsnid, to check
mate rJ'e inquiry into the li.tb.t- ofnune of thee
officer by operiug a resolution to ascertain how
m my yie'Kre?enUtive!i and Senators have been
intoxiltted during the pe-iou.
CTTjCoI. II. F. Mullen, of the Glat (the Üd
Iri.h) n is teen, we le .urn, appointed on General
H.il!euVii ?UlT. Col. Mullen w a eall.int getitle
tlema4. brave and accomplihel, and will un-
doubtollr ilistinzuish himself in hia new rKjsition.
m m
ArroiNTMENTi. Montcomery C. Howard, 1st
Lieut, in the W l.
Charle- M. Divi-". lt L:eut., do.
Jonathan Kok, 2d Lieut , do.
Alfred Hello.-, k21 Lieut., 4üth.
Johua L. Fif-ell, Im Lieut., 31th.
Columbus W. Moore, 2d Lieut., do.
Ju-ticeG. Crow ell, 1st Lieut , 3fJth.
Stephen D. Uutler, 1st Lieut., do.
Jo.iah Stnley,2 l Lieut., do.
J.mies CJ. MeCotihay, 1st L:eut.t 49th.
George W. Chnstopiier, 2J Lieut., do.
J une- F.nifttt, 21 L'eut , il .
(rison .1. Ky!er, ii I Lieut. Is-t c.iv tlry.
llenj.unin .1. Sommer, Cptiin, 2."tli.
John M. M ir'ev, 1st Lieut., do.
Simon It Henderson, lt Lieut, and Atlj't.do.
rreI. 1 . tMitlcr. 1st Lieut., do.
James M. Taylor, 2d Lieut., do.
Cli tries S. .leiikin-i. Captain, do.
Artliur W. Gray. lt Lieut , do.
Cinrle G. l!ro.",k-, 2i L ent., do.
tTlCapt. Chris Miller, the hem ami the pat
riot, J i in the city yesterday on a brief visit
from fifiyettc. The Captain, recovered from
bia wiinds, is a.s pood and as brave and as gen
erous'n m m aa he ever was and a hero and a
l?Ä Putnam county has increase! her school
fund the past year, trom fine and forfeiture,
moie Shati any otlier rounty in the State. Is
thin t! result "of pre iter hone-dy on the part of
the C?-:rk and Ju.stice,s. or of the greater iu-
creisejof crime in tint community?
Ra$ Mr. II. II. Hunn, who ran with Mr. A.
Fell, day before yesterday, on the Exchange
race tck, returned "to the city yesterday out of
breitlj having distanced Ids competitor seventy
jards,ind m ty be eeu to day at the Capitol S i
loon, fUst Waahington street. We are glad Mr.
Hunnjiaa got back.
Tu: East Empire. Mr. Charles Lauer, the
rrinri'a. of this establiment, opposite Little's
Hote'kUa prince of a good fellow. 115 hns re
cent! I enlarged his billiard rooms, and place!
additlnal tables, and gentlemen fond of this re
creatiln can find in the city no more pleasant
placertif resort than the East Empire.
Jj One of the very best quarter sections of
unimR-oved land in Marion County, well tim
berevilfevcn miles west of the city; near a good
gravtl road, near a w and grist mill, in a good
iieill-orhood.can be bought at a price that will
mak'l it a firt rate investment. The timber h
wortll more than laud and timber can be bought
for. 1 iyl 3t
Tiiic Mcxicipal Lr(iitTiBE Yestenlay his
Honor, Mayor Maxwell, wlim we all reverence,
removed his qnaiteis fou the Odd Fellows'
building to Glenns Ulock.and immediately start
ed out his deputies to hunt up case tor him to
try, iu order that costs' might be obtained in this
crisis of our beloved country. We believe his
Honor did not realize a ceut. The fate of pa
triots is melancholy.
"The Lafayette Sanitary Committee passed
throil h the citv last evening for Evansville, on
theirlaay to I'iit-burg Landing, with about a
hunifd boxes of every discription of articles
calcinated for the relief of wounded and sick hoI
iliers". Six uraeins will also go from that city
to-d.i lor the same destination and object.
Anions other article we noticed a car load of
ice :The citizens of Lifayette have conti ibuted
alrtmSl.(HM) for Sinitary 'purpose, in addition to
the article n mel alwve.
m m
Ibc'icv's MiNSTRtLS The Chicago Tribune
avsflf this Ethiopian company: "The oncce-s of
this Jjoure of miu.-trels has teen unpreceleiitel.
TheUouse have been full, notwithstanding the
furftft of amusements for come time past, and
evenlnow. Their reason here will close on
Weded ay i-ht. and il behooves the lovers of
this liughter-provoking class of minstrelsy to
take Advantage of the first opportunity to jro and
hear Jhem. Tiiey open at .Metropolitan liauin
thiscty.ou Siturd ty
In i rsT On the -Jth int., an inquest was
held r 'Sou'ire M(ri;an. of Franklin township,
J . . jra IT
Man flu county
a feilile. fouii!
Huckjn eek
T'irr il ls th
tdVi.le intoxicated. A jug of whisky was found
alongside of her. She had teen lyinz there
Mr.:iMght d vs before she was discover!. She
was Imui Gö years ot ace. She leaves no rela
tives; She was the owner of a f.uai in Shelby
an i was no a pauptT.
f aaronrri' nintai T r.a rnt dailt tjtt iimsu.
To Destroy
To D'Strny
To D'stroy
To Destroy
To Destroy
To Destroy
To Destroy
To Destroy-
-R.lt, Ttoiche, tec.
-Mice. Mole, and Ant.
-I!d Bug.
-Moths in Fur?. Clothe?. &c.
-Mojuho" and Flrvs.
-Inects on Plant? and Fowl.
-Inects on Animal, &c.
-Every form and
Evacuation of Corinth!
From .ew York.
NilW Yoek, May 1. Last evening Superin
tendent Ket;neJy received iiitelligcoce, by tele
graph, from St. LosiL. that the police in that cit j
bad jirretl llo-leixki. who is alleged to bate
munlere-l L'iraun I Feluer, a Gerann jeweler,
and robbed him of nearly $l(W,OW) in gold, jiotc
and demands, about die middio c( Oktober,
,iIit Dipatclics.
Destroy Initantl)'
AFFAIKM av .nissLTiti.
O o i' i iz i: SSIONAL.
lAst at NicU untl Wounded in lloipltnl
Mo. :t, City Hotel, l vansvl Nr. Ind.
9th Indiana Serjeants 11 W Graham, co II
Lewis Keller, co E; Corporal Henry Hurge, co
L; A C Porter, co G; Privates Ger-e 151 ick-
tniii, co H; Divid Hryaiit, co II; Mathew Hearn
co K; Simuel Hannah, co K; G W Hilter, co C
Mitchell, eo K: John Morrow, coH: A A
P erce, co II; Chester Pierce, c II; Lew w Kol
eits, co I; John Kitz, co H; Mo-es Kow, co il
(J A Thompson, co H; C W Wi-e,co E.
11th Indiana Coiporal Irwin Earnev, co C
Privates J IT Ilrenn ick, co A; Homy Kerbener
co K; John Gassey, co K: m Jone-, co A
Henry Junker, co H; Samuel P.illum, c II; Ja
cob Price, co C; Thomas Sciefertz, co K; Sam
uel K Waiden, co C.
2'M Indiana Corp)ral Lewis Hoffman, co A
Privates Oscar Ii Dann, co E; John Lake, co II
21th Indiana Corporal V il Keltey, co A;
Privates r K Car?on, co 11; 1 bos Jlvatt, co D
J Jew ett, co F; Kobcrt Kirkputrick, co II; Kob-
crt Liwience, co F; Charles r Miller, co r.
2jth Indiana Lieut D W Darting, co B, Cor
porals Chas Hauet, co 15; Uobert Short, co 15
Privates C W Brown, co I Sylvanu Ilumett, ct
11; Kut'us Council, co C; Geori;e Ferguson, eo
F; J J Fritzer, c H; JohuM Ilonue.eo C; Nick
Huffman, co G; II J Hudson, co E;G W Jones,
co D; Chris Kline, co C; liichard Koer, co A;
Peter Kunneil. co H; Win Meyer, co A; W 1
Miller, co F; W II Musgrave, co E; John Phil
lips, co A; Chas II Prater, co C; J O Kose co
C; Henedick Said, co D; Geo Woodruff, co H.
20 th Indiana Sergeants J M Kennet, co E; J
Feuier, c A; Charles II Jennings, co A; Win
Vm Wert, co C; Daniel F West, co K. Corpo
rals N B Kennet, co E; Benjamin McCreary, co
U. Privates G W Kennett, co E; W II Collin,
co I); K II Craic. co I; C (i.-eeti, co B; J N H
Gillett, co C: W F Ilepuer, co D; Seih W Ka
fey. co I; Getrge Manners, co II; K M uideville,
co C; Frank Muttersplau.h. co H; E B West.co
II; Uhas Wells, co A; Dan Ko-ier, co K.
3Dth Indiana Corporal Kalph E Herbert, co
I. Privates L V Lewis, co G; M C McCosh, co
H; A J. Moore, co K; K Keynold. c G.
31st Indiana Serjeants We-lev Pickens, co
B; Hiram Steele, co K. Corporal Smford For
dyce. co II. Piivates Eleazer Itoueu, co K,
Steplicn Biderman, co E; W Holl'mbrook, co
1); Kau-ene Hughes, co D; John E Ho-tetter,co
B; F M L nison. co C; Pat M O'Cumell, co K;
Joseph Parr, co B; L D (linn, co i ; Jael Ser
ber. co E; James M Sharpe, eo C; G K Lamer,
co I ; ü N eish, co K ; John elsh. co I.
32d Indiana John Elmer, coD; Louis Witz,
co K; Julius Theobald, co E.
34th Indiana Josh Siders, co B.
3rth Indiana J M Evans, co E: S D Jones,
co F.
4 2d Indiana Corporals S Beardsley, co B; W
McCoy, co D: Privates E'isha Hale, co E; J F
Jones, co C; W W Oliver. Wm Pierce, co C;
Solomon Lenimon. c B; Henry Shoak, co A;
E J Lennecn. co D; D W Waine. co F.
4.'kl Indiana Corporal Wm C Burcham.co G;
Privates F Butcher, co B; C C irev. co I); U
W Caiev.co I; Jdiu Downs, co D; John East,
co F; J C Gindie, co D; Junius Haider, co F; J
Ltrncv, co B
41th Indiana Serjeants M Hadnell, co F; W
Hivens, co E: A P Wtterhoiie. co C; Corpo
rals Kobcrt Stuart, co C; John Y Bobbins, co E;
Te.innter J II Hoagland, co II; Privates Henrv
Able.co F; Wm Burgh, co E; B Barttet.coL
N D Campbell, co B; James K Dover, co A;
Doiiiihertv, co B; ni Hemmer, co I; J
Housel, c K; A A Jackson, co I): W M J(hn
Kon, co D; J K eller, co C; 1) Kni-lit, co B; T 0
Le-tie, co K; F A McCov.co E; Wm Ossir, co D
F Püiilips. co B; F Phi 'lins, co B; G Pringle, co
B; W (jii.ii. ci I; J D S iurion. co E; C K
Tyler, co 11; I Werden, eo D; J G Wahl , co B
S B avbill, co D; A Wetla!l. c B.
51st Itidi.iii i Private J Harveo.
Wl In.liun i.) M Se--fant F A Frvbirjrer
private J H)uhl and. co F.
53d In li Mia Private L Jennings
50th Indiana M Hr.ii-.iiin. co II; M Cal!i;an,
co E; Wm Fender, co A; A D (trass, co E; A
Tho?e Preparation (unlike all others) are
44 Free from Poisons.
t4Not dineroiH to the Humm Family."
4,Kits do not die on the premises."
"They cone out of their holes to die.
"They are the only infallible remedies known.
44 12 vears and more established in New York
f.Vrf by the City Post Oilke.
Vscil Im the Citv Prisons and Station
I'st tl ty the City Steamer?, Ships, &e.
i'std by the Citv Hospitals, Alms-I louses,
; &e.
tjs, ,l by the City Hotels 4Astor,' 'St.
Nicholas, &c.
Vsed ly llie Boarding Houses, &e., &c.
Used by more tlian 5Ü,000 private families.
one or tico Specimens of wnal is
everywhere said by the People Editors
Dealers, etc.
HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with ver
min need be so no longer, if thev use "Cos-
- WP vfiirniitintAffl W l.nt'ra no.l it fr ntir
Ji. .:..: l c-. ... lonty to reter the subject ol the connscation of
. .. xv i i . l v. r rebel tiropertv to a eiect committee was regard-
have it. ) e had tried poisons, but they cf- eJ as a tlest Vole heen lhe lr;enas rtlld
!-eteu nounnp uut-uosTAK t, arueio KnocKS ,ienU of the me aure alld wast a triumph of the
i ne ureal n qui oi i. us, uiee, iwoacnes anu I former.
jJeil-liugs, fjtaeker than we can write it. It The Petersburg (Va.) Express has a long ed
I rom WaIiinirton.
Wahioto., April The Joint Committee
ou the Conduct of the War made a lengthy re
port regarding the treatment, by rebels, at Ma
nassas of the remains of otlicers and soldiers
killed there. 1 hey say the facts disclosed ;re of a'
painful, repulsive and shocking character. That
the rebels have crowned this rebellion by deeds
(candy known, even in savage warfare. In
vestigations have established this beyond contra
diction. The witnesses called before us were
men of uudoubted veracity and character, some
of them occupy high jsiiio:s in the army and
some of them high po-itioiis in civil life, dilltring
in political (sentiments. Their evidence presents
a remarkable coucuncnce of opinion and judg
ment. Our own jieople and forego nations mu:t,
with one accord, however they have hesitate!
heretofore, consign to lusting odium the authors
of dimes whic'.i, in all their details, exceed the
w orst exce-es of the Sepov? in India. The out
rages on the dead will revive the recollections of
the cruelties to which savage tribes subject their
prisoners, i hey were buried, in many instances.
naked with tiieir faces downward; they were lett
to decay in the open air; their bones being car
ried off as trophic, sometimes- as the testimony
proves, to be used us personal adornments; and
one witness deliberately avers that the head ol
one of our most gallant ollicer was cut off by a
secessionist to be used as a drinking cup, on the
occasion of his marriage.
Wm. Allen Bryant, of Virginia, nephew ol
Gov. James Barbour, has been appointed Chief
of the Bureau of Inspection of the Postoflice Department.
i he vote in the Senate refusing bv lour ma-
Chsrle L. Lathrop to b Collector of Customs
at New Orleans.
W. T. Sherman, Major General.
The Navy Department receive i copy of the
Richmond Enquirer ot ye?terdav. which contains
the announcement of the fall cf Fort 3Icon, N.
C, also the correspondence between Com. Far
rtgutan i the Mayor of New Orleo in reference
ti the Kuircnder ofthat city, i
v in irrcat
Medina f Cazctte.
demand all over the country.
VIN and provisions are de-
stroyed annuallv in Grant County by vennin
han would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect
Killer. iMncaxter 1m. J Iltrald.
HENRY R. COSTAR ,- are selling
our preparations rapidly. Wherever they emptied into the river
Bave been used, Rats, .Mice, Roaches and
itoral regarding the los of New Oilems, and
says the city was captured by our gunboats being
encasM with wet biles ol hay, so that hot and
cold shot were of no ue.
The Express s.s:
The Louisiana mounting twenty-two cuns,
was sunk bv our steel-piintwl conic d shot.
1 he cotton w as destroyed by hre, and the sugar
Vermin disaiiear rapidlv.
? Eck ki: & Stoüffe,
Druggists, Yindso, Md.
4' Costar'sn Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator.
tCostar's Bi'd-Bug Exterminator.
"CostarV Electric Powder, for Insects' See.
in 25c. 50e. anl SI Boxes, Bottles .and
i lasks, 3 and S5 Sizes foii Planta-
' Tio.vs, Smrs, Boats, Hotels, &c.
' CAUTIOX! To prevent the public from
being imposed upon by Spurious and Highly
Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been
prepared, bearing a facsimile of the Pro- excepting the upper battery.
pnetor s signature. Examine, each box, bot-
The specie iu the bank3 was all removed from
the city when Gen. Lovell returned
From Chicago.
Chicago, May 1. A special dispatch to the
Tribune from Cairo says:
The packet Diligence, from I iptonville, re
ports an alarming stae ol" water the Mississippi
Hundreds ol houses on the banks ot the river,
ut that place ai:d New Madrid, are submerged,
and thousands ol cattle, sheep and ho;s have
been washed away. Many families are living in
flat boats. Everywhere along the- river there is
great suffering iu consequence ot the unprece
dented Hood.
The whole of Columbus, up to the foot of the
fortifications, is overllowed, the water running
into the windows of houses.
Hickman is als suflerlug creatlv.
The fortifications at Island No. 10 and upon
the main land opposite, are still above the water.
ile or flask carefully before purchasing, and
take nothing but "COSl AR.
ST St'd everywhere bv
All tVaoLESALE Duugoists in the
large cities.
Some of the
llurrat.uisiev x rvitcn-
Rush, Gale &llobinson
M. Ward, Close & Co.
MeKisson & Robbins.
I). S. Barnes & Co.
F. C. Wells & Co.
Lazelle, Marsh & Gard
Hall, Dixon & Co.
Conrad Fox.
SliiefTelin Bros. & Co.
B. A. Fahnestock,
Hull& Co.
A. R. & I). Sands &
. Co.
AVheeler & Hart.
James S. Aninwall
Morgan & Allen.
Illall, Ruekcl & Co.
Thomas & Fuller
P. D. Orvis.
A large amount of cannon and heavy ord
nance stores, captured from the rebels on the
main shore, are still Iving in the bayou and cannot
be removed uoil the water subsides.
Point Pleasant is entirely drowned out.
Memphis papers of theäüth say:
At a Convention of the cotton planters, hel
at Selm, Alabama, it was unanimously resolved
to restrict the production ol cotton to oOO pounds
for each hand employed, and tdvismg tue culti
vation of breadstuff instead.
It was recommended to lew a tax of $25 per
bale on all :rovu over that amount. Marsha
law was declared in Eastern Tennessee.
The Columbus, Georgia, works were turning
out six cannon per day.
Gen. Albert 1 ike has issued an order compli
menting his Indian allies for their gallantry at
Pea Kide.
WAhaU.suTON, May 1.
SENATE Mr. Howard peeented petition
in favor of a general bankrupt law.
Sir. Wright also presented petitions for a bank
rupt act. He iid none of thea. were from In
diana. Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, offered a reso
lution that the Secretary of War report whether
one Frederick Emory, who murdered Willi im
Phillips in Leivenworth, Kansas, in lJ-55 or
lf5fi. had been appointed to any place in the
Depaitmcntot Kansaä.
Mr. Line, of Kansas, said the GoverntneLt
Lad befure it to-day the Kansas difficulty, and j
he prcsuajed it would correct the evil.
The resolution was laid over.
Mr. Davis offered a resolution declaring that
the war now being carried on by the Uniied
States ohall be vigorously prosecuted and con
tinued to compel obedieuce to constitutional laws
iu the limits of etery State and Territory by all
the citizens am! resident thereof, and lor no
further end whatever.
On motion of Mr. Sumner the resolution was
laid over.
On motion of Mr. Wilsou, of Mass., the reso
lution asking tho Military Committee to inquire
whether any further legislation was necessary to
prevent soldiers and ollicers from returning fugi
tive slaves wa taken up.
Mr. Sumner said he was glad the Senator from
Iowa in his speech had called atlentiun to sjiiie
otlicers concerning their treatment of fugitives.
One General, w ho lately mide an order returning
lugitives, was a native of Massachusetts, and he
Sumner used his influence to get him appointed
If he had kuown that Gen. Hooker would have
made such an order he never would have tried to
get him an apjioiutment. When a General falls
in battle there is honor in it, and we regret his j
death; but when a General falls as Gen. Hooker
has fallen, there can be nothing but regret. He
referred to the order ot Gen. Doubleday, and
contrasted it with that of Gen. Hooker, saying
that he Doubleday was an honor to his country.
Mr. Sumner then referred to Gen. McCook at
the West, and also the conduct of the Provost
Marshal of Louisville, as Oeiug disgraceful to the
Mr. Sumner also read an account of how the
blacks were oppiessed at Louisville.
Mr. Davis asked Mr. Sumner where be got his
Mr. Sumner said from the newspapers in New
York. Mr. Davis had no doubt of the falsity of the
Mr. Wilson of Massachusetts snid he had abun
dant evidence of the disgraceful treatment of
fugitive slaves by portions of the army.
Mr. Sumner also referred to the return of fu
gitive slaves from the camps of General Buell
and to the order of Gen. Halleck excluding all
fugitives from his lines. He (Sumner) said the
order was unconstitutional, absurd, deficient in
common sense, an outrage upon common human
ity and unworthy of a soldier. Such an order
would exclude all the valuable information re
ceived fugitives, such as for ii.stance the capture
of New Orlaans and the evacuation of Freder
icksburg. Mr. Sp iulding offered as an amendment to the
resolution the following:
And also to inquire what further legislation is
necessary to prevent the illegal capture and im
prisonment of free white citizens ot the United
Mr. Saulsbury referred to the number of per
sons taken from tho States of Delawaie and
Maryland. They had been seized by the Milita
ry authorities aud dragged away to forts and pris
ons and alter being kept a week or two were dis
charged because no fault could be found with
them. These men belonged to a class who are
deemed to be if no account and whose interests
do not appear to be cared for. They, unfortu
nately are fiee w hite persons. The men who bad
committed no offense were seized in violation of
every law and every rij;ht. If the wrongs of the
negro are to be redressed he could only ask that
the same justice and riht be meted out to white
men. He asked nothing lor men who w ere dis
loyal to the Government. He would have them
punished to lhe full extent of the law.
The confiscation bill was taken up.
Mr. Wilson of Massachusetts offered as an
amendment to the 6th section of Mr. Collamer's
substitute authorizing the President to make a
proclamation to free the slaves of those who con
continue the rebellion for thirty diys.
Messrs. Wilson and Morrill spoke in favor of
the bill.
The Senate went into Executive secession, af
ter w hich it adjourned.
From .TXIlvrmtiUcp.
MiLVAiKii. May l.In accordance with the
proclamation of the Governor this day has teen
generally kept in the State with appropriate ob
fervauces in memory of the late Governor Har
vey, recently drowned in Tennessee river. In
this city a cumber of building! were clothed iu
mourninr. Business in many cases tupended.
minute gun were fired, flag displayed at half
mast and services held in neveml of the churches.
The sorrow is general and sincere.
Private dispatches to-night from Savannah,
Tennessee, say Governor Harvey's body has been
recoterd aud if on the way to Isconaia.
From .iIIonrl
Fortthe, April 'JO On the 21:h instant the
' cavalry from tlds place destroyed the extensive
salt pctre mvrmfactory near Gelviile, Arkansas
and burned tins building.
Lieut. Ilicock of the 4th Iowa cavalry, wa
killed and one private wounded ia the skirmish
with the rebels.
A lare quantity of supplies hid for the rebels
use, with deserters and jayhawkers hiding in the
mountains, wete capture! by Gen. CurtU's com
mand. Major Hubbard, with 116 men of the 1st Mis
oouri cavalry, fought and routed Cols. Coffee and
Stamright and GUI) Indians at Neosho, on the
26th hist., killing and wounding thirty and taking
sixty -two prisoners, seventy horses aud a large
quantity of arms.
From ForlrrM ."Hon roe.
Foutkf.?s Monroe, Mav 1. (Jen. Wool tele
graphs Secretary Stanton that five negroes had
arm ed in Mansfield Division and report toe lau
of Fort Macon, also that Beauregard has evacu
ated Corinth and fallen back on Memphis.
It is reported that Com. Tatnall and the prin
cipal ollicers of the Merrimac have resigned. She
lies off the Marine Hospital, Craney Island, fast
to a buoy. She now mouuts twelve guns,
from Wilmington.
Wilmington. N. C. April 20 Fort Macon
surrendered on Friday, 125th. after a bombard
ment of ten and a half hours. Batteries were
planted behind heavy sand banks. The breach
ing battery was l.UKI feet distaat, and mortars
1,4th I feet.
The garrison was allowed the honors of war.
The oncers ictained their side arms.
There were seven men killed and eighteen
flew York .Murkrl.
Na Voaa. May 1.
Flour tnirket trra.butlrl UVtnr; the f torta
seriously checkt tranaacti küi; aalea at ii 00)
5 05 for choice superfine State 15 25 5 -7 1 for
extra State; $5 UO0J5 05 for ;tuperr Weitem;
$5 25(3 5 45 for common to tfed.am extra Wett
ern; $5 35(4 5 45 for common good ahipping
brands extra round Loop Oriio, and 5
50 for trade brands, roarketT closing quiet and
Whisk t le active and clone scarcely so dull;
sales at '23 (3 2 4c for State and Westers.
Supply of wheat quite limbed, and with mod
erate export demand the holdltra are dipoed to
insist on better pi ice; aale c T inferior aod com
mon an J Csnadaclcb at$l 1 15,
Corn quite firm: moderate export demand;
sales at 5?e35-tvC fur mixed Western ia ftore
and delivered, aud iV-'c lor Jer?er yellow.
Sugar Kaw unchanged; Cuba C?4'Q-)c;
Porto Rico "Jfßg'c.
Molaes quiet and witbou j material change in
prices. !
There is little more doing in potk; market very
firm; sales at $12 50(4 12 75 for mesa, $12 50(4
13 50 for Western and city pime me, and $10
(g 10 25 for prime. 4
Beef rules quiet and ßrm. f
Lard in good demand; mallet a shade firmer;
aale at -"JgisfgC. J
Butter is selling at b(17c! for Ohio and 17(3
19c for State.
Cheese very firm; sales at V 41 9c.
lT TEI-aAqa. J
Cincinnati TlKrket.
Cif ciNNiTi, May 1.
Hour in fair demand: tnariet firm at $1 201l
425 for superfine. .
beat firm at 903 95e fo red and 95(3 $1 for
white. I
Corn advanced to 3te and in good dennnd.
Oats 34rr35c. the latter ;the ankirg rate; a
strong speculative inquiry consequent upon the
large quantity advertised foh by Governtneut in
St. LOUl:-..
Rye advanced to 52053c.
Whisky in active speculatl-e de mind, theaa'es
reaching 2.31X1 brls at ltlr'aC, the latter rate
for w agon.
Provisions firm but quiet.
Mes pork held tlrtnly at 10 75 (7? 11.
There is demand for bulll hides for smoking
and 200,000 lbs sold at 5i4'.
Bacon is wanted at J'.yb'-c, but is held at
4(?Gc. f
Lard quiet at .e.
Nothinir new in encer:es 4 the demand is qnite
Exchange fteidy at prtyn.
V. Dvott & Co.
A. Fahnestock &
Robert Shoemaker &
French,Richards.& Co.
,nty.oiitheUKiyofI.hodalIurnphre , jj,, n, ickeiis lem. co A; A McKce.
ouod lying in a rivtne on the bank of J sl(jimlMl5. co K; O Tavlor, co F; W
i , near Acton. The venbet id the y co
,at she came to her death l-eing drown . ,? lttrrv,T;U.ob Ij4,el.
a F 1 .1 ..... 1
ClMlDjIT ,
Geo. C. Goodwin & Co. I Weekes & Potter.
M. S. Burr & Co. Juo. Wilsoii. Jr.
and others.
; Alo, all YIIoL:AL: Drug(iists at
cuir.;i, in.,
DI.TUOIT, Mich.,
l.uriM ll.l lli Ivy.,
( IM l ATI, Oli.o,
I'l I TMII ICf.ll, I'a.,
j lit H ALO, . V.
Druggists Grocers, Storekeepers and
Retailers generally in all Country
Towns and Villages
In the
st ret
ILY SEWING MACHINE, witii alt thr reo nt imprv-m.-nts
i tl'- ;t:sT "n 1 CHKAIrST and MOST HEAt'Tt-
iANr ,.1 ilt tt. SntiiitendHit of ! IT L . f all x-tiii: rac!4i:t s. Tl i- ta.u-l.in-wi'.l . w any-
...-..,.............t ,
Ii mir fr.pin lit r'in'.iii r a !urs in j.r.'tmi lo iiis in.- !
ilu..f 3 ..vrx ,at-.i;itli..vr t n , ,1t , r t.ax.rclth I IYFJI Ufll K1 IVRI IV 1
r f UIM 1.1 11 UlJI.Jt l.lIM.l.t.l
JTil We un!entanl lhat the Supeiintendent of
e j!et.rr.tcl gnrery. N. i We.t Washington
retl of which G. W. H a aes is pi . ptietor, en
re:9into tho holy lihl- ol matiiuiony last
Ixave l:ve thfir Tin; t f .1". '
Tw u!-! weh Nit a sink'' ttiugbt,
Two brut I'aat hfrt a- o:ie."
'TrU rne not. in n.-uraful nunitKrs,
I..V i t.at an t?mp?y lratn."
F.'ii fc,!i Iwavs on hand at the aforesaid
grmj .
tr. 4- aie i..fted t. lv the iiijcer-lovin A'o-
bt. ir. t. interüre with the circulation ol the
f . In tr.!r to ?i.iw our readers hw e
aie -iied. e ; i.t '.i-'.j the lollow ing extract trom
a!l,r:r.ro M ,rt n- Tllr papers are put
ii. in ii r i i v
rc I alC .i-ei.ciexl
i.'ii. f 1 i e
t v.T jj .per ii W. I
Ali k":nd of dirtr. mein, ccnttm: t-.b'e
'. I tin m.nir, aii'I we u"iiee i
wi'h I t'.tcu this citv and j
U. ii t- tilt- ..!: st pui" i r nu r ti- l'-. Ji1 i on
r-a.!v ' i' "rW jh rV. Ii- Ii. I: rati frit, l.riii, l it).!, ;
jratlM-r, tuck, luilt, and ha- cap.i ity f- r a fr it jr.ctj
t.f o'Kai.t titI Tk. Ttii'isti'.t tli ! ly rixliw t'J tt ',
cjii f, , f.-t!i. t-in I, ami fortli. bu; it ai'.l !a m. t-tr-r ;
t! :i ji yn... r luLu.r. L-ltrr A Fatu:ly Sin.iT j
Ujtliii may tr hl in a errat variety of cat inrt cxatt. ;
Tl.- h .p'.tn. l'e, hic!i is lii U-c ipiuk ppi.I.r, i,
a- it- ii ir-.ic i'liplio!', one that cm W f'.''ri :i i a box t r .
c- w'.i !. I.ra opne.!, nuke a Waütifu!, t:t'antial, j
an! i.ji..u table f.rthe- work to r-t v.ti. TlicM. j
are of .e-rj iiia:.:..'ie t!rr;T! j lain th" 'v" tw j
ni it-, u c: f.-rc-t, .r a- e!a.or.it ly f.t I-'.ici a art can j
nu.r ll-ri::. t. M. S1NGK.R i CO.. j
N. I." p.roa'.viay. New York.
SzjflnA anajx.!'.. N... 3 tKM-r . Hail,
VVj.!i!iiirt..ii trt. apis-itly
t S!d by
Robert Browning
I'rom Mow IHcxico.
St. Liiis, May 1. Mr. Mitchell, merchant
from New Mexico, arrived in this city yesterday
He confirms the abandonment of Santa Fe by the
rebels. Thev were retreating as fast as they
j I
could from the terntorv. Thev are destitute of I
all munitions Hnd provisions, and there is no hope
of their being supplied from any quarter. At
Santa Fe the rebels levied heavily on the mer
clunts, iu some cases tak'ng as high as $15,000
worth of goods, paying for ttie same Confederate
It was believed Genend Canby would now fol
low the rebels and drive them out of the territory.
No doubt exists of the ability of the Federal
troops to keep out the invaders.
An accession of two or three regiments of
troops is necessary to keep the Apaches and Na
vajes in subjection. They have been commit
ting depredations for months past stealing hoi ses,
mules and everything that came in their way.
The report of the formation of a Territorial
Government under rebel authority has no foun
dation. All the Territorial oßicials had returned to
Sinti Fe and lesumed the perfoi mance of their
Chief Justice Benedict is on his way to the
States. 2o United States J uoe is now in tue
From trlcrn Virginia.
Va., April 23. Three thou
sand febels under Edward Johnson, formerly of
the Federal army, arc posted a few miles trom
Staunton, but in a position easily accessible to
grape, in case of Gen. Milroy's approach.
The mod reliable r.ews from Gordonsvil'e is
that there are only four brigades there, not num
beriii more than 10,000.
Gen L.ri.street with his command has gone
to Yoiktoan. Should Johnston retire, he will
probably reinforce Jackson on the Hlue ltid;e. j
The Kirhmond Examiner of the 221 says, in !
effect, the destiny of the Confederacy is tremb
ling on the result at Yorktown. If successful,
it will give us six months for carrying out lhe
conscription act, armlnjr and equipping a large
armv, and launching a large fleet of Merrimucs,
but if unsuccessful, Virginia is lost.
HOUSE. Mr. Illair of Missouri called up the
bill recently reported from the Military Commit
tee authorizing the appointment of a Board of
Fortifications to provide for the sea coast and
other defenses of the Ui.ited States and other
purposes, an abstract ot which was published ou
the 2 Ith of Apr l.
Mr. Blair explained the provisions of the bill
in response to a question and said it ?uspenled
the appropriations for fortifications already made.
It also provides that the money shall be expend
ed upon such works of defense asliall be recom
mended by the commission propoed to becrca!
by the bili.
The consideration of the bill was postponed un
til Tuesday week.
Mr. Lovejoy, from the Committee on Terri
toiies, lejKirted a bdi to render freedom national
and slavery sectional.
The Hou.-e went into Committee of the Whole
on the Pacific railroad bill.
The time was occupied in explanation of nu
merous amendments.
The Committee rose without coming to a con
clusion on the bill. Adjourned.
Foreign Xewt
Halifax, Mty 1. The steimer America,
from Liverpool on the 19th ult.,and Queenstown
on the 20th, arrived hero at o clock I . M. to
Madrid. Antil 19 Spain will not withdraw
her troops from' Mexico. Thev will stay until
the satisfaction demanded is obtained.
Great Buitaix. The London Times eJitori-
allv expatiates on the importance of the struggle
a - -
for New Orleans, and says:
The occupation of that place would be a tourni
quet thrown around the seceded State.
The Mornimr Herald (conservative organ) has
a sarcastic editorial on the protracted continuance
of the America A struggle, letleral predictions to
the contrary notw itlistandin. It frees no tins
of exhaustion iu the North, and no discourage-1
ment in the Souih. and leiieves no trobable mdi
tary achievement on either iile will aufiice to
brinir either partv to terms. With these views,
our commercial and political policy should be
regulate! on th; conviction that a fpeody peace
is hopeless. I
The Herald further says that the Government
of Washington : should be permitted to have one j
more chance; abd it they Jail, the Great rowers
should peremptorily interfere in behalf of the
General well being of mankind. That this !;
not been doue before is owing to the generosity i
of England, as France was ready; but it is time
that England should cease to stand between her
ow n people and the lelief thev need.
The zeueral news as well as commercial is
Further experiments in armor plating of ships
are engaging the attention both in r ranee ana
Fbance It is rumored tha. the French police
have arrested 1,25'J workmen ou the charge of
Austuia The Austrian Government has sent
two naval engineers to America to inspect the
Monitor and Merrimac and the new coast fortifi
Italy Great delight is manifeste! in all parts
of Italy at the recent language of Palmerston
and Gladstone in the Italian debato in the House
of Commons.
Loiox, April 20. The Russian Minister of
the Interior has made two lwpenal propositions
one for accelerating the liberation of the ferfs, I
and the other for creating a system of parlia
mcntary representation. The propositions have
been referred to the Council of the Empire.
Larger the UuilnrMou er the Cet
Itoot and Mi or !Qanufacturert
&3 Wef t Fourth utreet Cincinnati.
eonr.ri tb iKwrt arxl cKnjct tjlra of Mrtt'k,
l"tr'f. Youtta and CbiMrru'a wtar, and Lance rreaüy
Increased my facilitW for manufa turjiR, I am enabled to
3t rrrat induct-irirnt to cah t nyrr. I bare tuarkM
niy pricea down 13 a vrry low rtarr, only aking a mall
protx Sly motto in Urvr ala ail Mnall profit. Under
HauiliiiK the tircf ity ol k--ii!i Xir with the times 1 will
ose every endeavor to katNfy my c--t"tiM"r Iu every r
pecU , Iprl7'6l-dl7l JOHN II. PFTEUS.
. .
J.iprr County Lnnd.
ran M'rairle, Part Timber:
County, bclnir 40 acres, part imter and part prairie.
ihpI cwimn land.) that I will ee!t at five dollara aa acre.
It is the north-wet quarter cf the aooth-ea-t quarter cf
t-ection 19, in towuhip 32, north of raup V, w et, tn Jaa
jper county. Indiana. If any one fhouM want tt at th
above price, they can addret tn; at Indlanapolf.
trv r v iTTiiriT 7rn Tr IV.
. -1 pi ii AlkLi APJ lUUItlliUU VS 4..
NOUNCE the name of JAMES K. PLUMMER, aa a can-
didate to rearesnt Marion county in the next Legislature,
subject to tbe dcciMon of the Democratic County Conven
description. Fees contingent on huccei;. o pat
ent no pay. s-eiia lor Circular, nm-ir reris, airecnon,
novlS-dly Patent Attorney, Wahinirton, D. C.
iu I
I vet h tt e tu 1
l)tfl. ai? a-..
the man
Ii in i
t .ii
th a
hilctn it, tint tir.i;eis with
h vl better be careful, or he
;-'. u u ti M :i)iitvr4.
1 lUV
ctrrie., tin
u.i.l'I. ,i r tu
t "tl t. fP'Ml
in v ,r w;it nf
rt'y anl Uro klin The Ji,nj u i V. !:; bv
rrUr. but no Srntiutl. re.- ,i 1 .t
e I ut ! i v te!'pre. Ac
v of r rat klii tprm
. Iat Fridav's Ser.tinri, nn 1 !.t Kr. lv 1
vei the Sentinel of t!
mi! tint comes bv
the .ts regular on its days. PSeae attend to
li el utter iilit on, for it is very Oisirett.e to
be I thout the new ibee time, nenn i-ct
y of JttfH4tl4 to buy every evening, but iu
m .fwlifioa eeiitiuienia cannot le eneour
by true Contiutiorial Uii'on I)enicrat,
thiug but the old Tnion of all the State
tl: i: no
cmi'tio:. !
Ti.e markrt i fait of im'tti.ti, rfprr-nt-.l to be Iii
aamen"ni:oN'Sbl.U.NCIIlAbTlaK.'!lrS," which ar
in rn.W ca-en prMactire -f potr;ve injury. M ry it-alrr
t! r. c-"iK-!d ifitTHT prt-para-.i"!- ar.d l..r prior.!
artic! s. !1..r.! u. U' re ;n !.t M l!.. iix lv Ak f.-rand
OHTAlN o..ly -liUO-AN-S biiuNCil! AL TKiCUbS,- (
Lh by L.us'experiviic. hae1rv.vr.ith it value, havit
.-reitol tie t-AtiCÜ- n of physician- grnorally, ar.4 te.u-i-...t.uN
from eminent meu throughout the cout try.
KlUiWN'S P.UO.NCHIAL TLIK'HES. Len a'.luwrd to
d.sr,!,r .luttjy inlheniuth, have a d.nct iuaurncet.
tlir a.T. -ct. d i.j.rt:thr edative and vK.it.iPf: effect to tLe
i'mm 4. b in f the windpipe into the tronchil a"ay Pul
, i!.'.'.ry irruau..t and nivra ret.ef ia Couh Cvld, and
. fa- .4rt..u. n.r..a!T-ctinto which public peakera aud
William Hannaman,
Wholesale Agents.
And by the Dki c.uists, Stokek EEPEitsi and
1 1 ; . t a t L e 1: s gi rie nil ly .
Cocntky Dealers tan order as above,
Or a l 1 ress oabrs II red orif Prices, Term?,
c.. is desire 1, semi for 1.S62 Circular,
giving reduce! Prices to
iii;m:v is. co.htar.
From Xcvr Vork.
i.w York, Mav 1. The Herald sax wehavc
receded information from a rel'nble source that
certain parties in this city are giving practical aid
and comfort totherehtls. If our information be
correct, two fecessioutsts recently rrive! here
from the South who brought oi a ouantity of to
b.icc, bold here at $50,(iU0, which urn they in- j
vetei in army clothing and lnts fr the rebels, j
These pood were ?ent trom the city testerday '
to a small town sooth of Xashviile, where they '
will be taken in charge bv the rebel authorities. J
The box.! ctnUiiiin' them are nttiked with a
di.imud. If our authorities on the route excr
cie due vigilance tbe gorxlc mir be intercepted.
From .Mtvaotirl.
Sr. Lot is. 3Iay 1. Col. Jennison receive! a
letter ve-tenlay from a SenaUtr at Washington
city, which stated iu exploit terms, that an order
refieiit'i: (tenerals Sturci and Denver from their
oc-mmmdsin Kansas, hd been forwarded from i
the War Detartu.euL !
. i 1 . . : 1 l. : t
Principal I)EitT Ao. 512 Uroadwav jcnaiwn jh 1; 1 ww 1 u ii (
(()pjioite ihe Jt. Nichobs Hotel,)
New York.
rw h"51 -.!el.l - -6n
i p. 1 :. . ... 1.. .i ?:l., . u 1....-
Vtrie, all'l unii vmipCt .1 ir,iri uy icner. 1
I Under thi liberty he ex,rcu to leave to-diy for
I Washington city. 1
TernifMfc .ev.
Caieo, May 1 The river rose two inches in
the last twenty four hours.
Belle Creole arrived lrom Pittsburg Landiug,
Wednesday noon. She reports that a recou
n&issance was made in force yesterday morning,
from the right wing, four miles this Eide on Pur
dy, on the Memphis A: Ohio Railroad. They
met a force of rebel cavalry w ho tied in great dis
order and could not be rallied. They were pur
sued to Purdy. Our forces took posse, si on of
the town, burnt twobridges. run locomotites into
the river, three prisoners taken. Our forces then
retired, having cut oil' all railroad communication
with the country north of Cornith, which has been
a great source tor rebel supplies.
Chicago, May 1. A special to the Times from j
Fort right the dUth, says:
There has been no change in the outward ap
pearance of things in this place in the last two
Certain imlicationa now point to a speedy ter
mination to our protracted struggle. I am uot at
liberty to say how soon.
A deserter to-day from the relel fleet says the
ve-sel to which he was attached baa been era
ployed for nearly a week pat cruising between
Memphis and the fort in search of cotton. Kvery
lot discovered was burned. These lota variel
from five te ixty bales. Tbe aggregate destroy
ed is several thousand btles.
Montgomery's rebel gunboat fleet from Xew !
Orleans has arrived off the foit and joined Hol
lins's tied They have now a sufficiently Hrong
etrong naval force to make home show of resist
ance. Pittsblro, Tins., May 1. Gen. Halleck tel
errrarhs Hon. E. M. Stanton. Secretary of War.
t w 4
that dISc'ihI information had been received of the j
defeat and rout of 6K) savages under command J
of Colonels Coffin and Sumwright, at Xeosha,
Missouri, by 15) of the 1st Missouri volunteers; j
C2 pri' 'tiers were taken, 70 horses and a Urge .
quantity of arms.
Thebodvof Governor Harvey, of Wisconsin, j
recently drowned at Savannah, ha been found
r . ' t i .111.r..:
ionv mue.- oeiow on me. u.u. 01 ruer. j
Weather clear and pleasant and good prope -ts 1
fur improvement in road.
The river falling.
Gen. T. W. Shernnn, of Port Koyal, hi ar
rived and taken command of a brigade.
i'roiu XVawtaliiff ton.
Wx.HiJioro, May 1. -A sf.ecial to the Even
ir.e Post fays:
The Pre-udeot has jut seat to the Senate the
name of Cnas C Lsthrop aa Cohector of the
Port of New Orleans.
The Senate to day confirmed the following:
Just Received and For Sale,
8 to 14 teeth: Garden and Ditchinx Spadea. Garden
and Bricklayer.' T owels, Ft rki. 2. 3, 4 and 5 pronj.;
Garden an 1 Railroa.1 WhIbarrowi, Pninin Knivet and
Shear, Hdre Shearn, (rindi.t.nei,Nail, Wire and Vi ire
Cloth. Bp-hiiitj and Parking Roce. A plcndi! i.v.ortment
of Table and locket Cutlery, together with alargeand
general assortnif nt cf
rar, 0.fe.r9
oat Planu of assorted varieties, at reduced price, to
ciulinff VERP.ENAS, :
Ac, Ac, Ac-
Al-iO, a ceperal a.crtment ofhardy I-sldinjr Hanta, aa
Spireaa, Phloxe, Chrynantbotnniiitns Ac.
JF'rtrlf tief Ornamental,
Deciduous and Evergreen Tr and Shrub.
iacw uzm.
A rar collection cf a'l the dif.rrent clae.
A lartre and complete collect -n of Asaliaa, Camilhaa
Ac , direct from Philadelphia. ,
And also ihe niot complete aaortmerit cf kartjy natlre
Grapea In the VA'et. Aa tnt prominent among them I
name the Delaware, Diana, Coobord, Cnyaboea. Allea'a
Hybrid, Rebecca, Warren, Unioj Village, PaiUne, Atuva,
Ontario, J
All bdtcr (han 5lhc Catiiwba,
And thirty other hardy fort, i
Catalogue No. 3, a Grape Caldfrue, funiip-hed on ap-
f lication. Call at th' rruunds, 0; ad ires Wm. II. Ioonil,
ridianaio'.i, Indiana.
p. n. Ail ierofi doabtintr the aaperior exceUenre of
the Delaware, 1 refer u Mr.'' Powell liowland cf thla
rouuty, who baa fruited it for '.0 ;er, and to whom I
ik,M thin fpritiR f.fty dollar.' wc-rth of Delaware vine, at
one d2r each. aprS-dSm
For Farm r, Builder", Metbai.ic. Marhinit at.! Rail
roads, j. ii.vaji:.
JL Slight Cold,
X fraivffl! Mil or SfllfCJll.
vJhizK might be ctedked
rvith a ctmrZe remedy,
if neglected, often terrrsjuiies cerieuclj.
5 Feio are aware cf the imjcrtarjx cf
T stCFZVLff a ßaigi. er flfji.
field, in, lie ßrvt stage ; that vjaicK
T Tn. the I rrir.TLin.rr rucuLd, vitld to a
mild remedy, if net aticrjded to, toon
attacks the lungs.
fjftcjULTL a. faruJilalJaciiJCS.
were fret irjrvdu.ee 1 eleven years ago.
It has been prcved that they are tht
2 best "article before the jrublic fcr
2 ficuaiit fields, Jjß.fCjcJdlUt
- Ccurh in, ficji&umiticn, arA
numerous ajftcticr3 cf the j7ficxitt
j " giving immediate relief.
i 5 Public Speakers tt Sitifteru
t -ljCI -fjnA them. tTectul fr cUarifr
0 ' -JJ
- and strer.gthening the rc:c
m Cold ly all Qru ggicis or, d (T-ealcra
in JSedizine, at 5 cerUs jr Lxz.
A Jlrdical nvporl,
-TO. 10 Fat Pearl atreet, ba'f a aquar avntb of Wab
l Icrton treet, between Meridian and pencrylvanla
treetit, in rtar of CUnn'a Mock, lndiaraprfia.
api.4tf WM. WIUUÄON, Prcprvttor
airry 4
. m
Afuitamy iai 'Ay.rf'V
tt.tU of Jf"ut an i AArie-
treatir- Venenal Dea, IncSa
dir tirphilt In a.1 tu ata;
GonorvLea, Cileet, Stricture, Vart
txile, tid Hydrrle, DUeaea at
the KH&ey., PJadder Ac, wttb
out BK.rmryl corttinir.z a al
sahle tN-atiive on that wldef-ad
malad-' of yoaiU. henii.al Weak
ne, ?;nctnmal Ln.W-t, Seiual
Delil'rJ-, ltnp.tency, Ac, tie e
crt tn. nnitia of youth and ma
turity trWinc frvea the banrfal
habit of aelf-ala;. To whatfla added observation oi
Fetuale Di-a.-e, artd otter inf rentier matter cf the cl
ruot importance to the tnartr anl tboe cowfuiplaUim
narriar, wtoentertaia doobtf of tbeir pliyical aVlity to
enter that atate. Sttt U any addreaa la a aeakd wrap
per, cn receipt of ten eeLta or fjor uaspa.
We devxe our ettire time nd attenUot to the treat
miit of the artou prrate di-a treated of in oar prl
rate report. Oar I.rnJ.ry il the It In-tJratioe of tbe
kind in imrtrt whieh ha. b labUhd by a epeial
cbarttr,aa4 thia fact h.ld it a preference over the
various juacli cf d.-vbtful tyiaracter to be fosul la ail
arge dtie.
Imrorl'int Fcnialrrv!
Ooe aeparuaent of our Dlptaary !a rpedatJy demoted
to the treatment of the LReaas of Fen aie, uch a La
ehcrrtea. W'b," Irrera'ar, Painful and aopfra.
Men-truation, Nerrou and claeral Debility, Diaea of
be Woiwb, BarreiM-., a- I
Cucscltatitma and e 1 amm ao-ln free of .harrt.
for Fetnal Obrtructw ua, Irre-u!ariei Ac Married la
dla In eertaia ltuatto-. H Vd not e them, aa they
would cause tui-cairUse. IT f 1 t VoA abd Buy bo
et;t by mail. I
DR. GALE2TS rR EVENT1! E Aa InrrJaaV-ie alMcle
fur th. vllr.j t limit the 1 luiber of their offprmf . or
the barren who de.tre rt:Ure '. warranted not to Itjaie
the health, and will Uot it alt'etlme, wnt U any addre.
orvtrra' ma reeii ortte r? TWO DULXAKS.
PATIENTS AT A DU-TAXC5 By idjjf a brief aiate
tent of thetr ryn.pt.n, wid ira a hUtik I3aneaatal
lug a I-t of qu?4.as our Urm' for iht ewam oftreauaect
Ac. Medicine est to arty pail of too coastry to care as
cae at home, fns. frou da I cnrloity.
Xll tranwiiona prai a.1. ounMariial. Saaaoi.be
th baxe atd nuiaber. I
Direct all latter to j - ..u.i
oetLS-dAw LoaWvtl Ey.

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