DAILY STATE SENTINEL. FMNTEl AND ITFU.tllF.D Milt 19 (ICIMTI ItCirtlH) At ThE NEW SENTINEL OFFICE. no. t 01 tu . i:iiiia nthi:i:t. rrvsurt rat ro-mmrt.. i ' ELDER, HARKNESS b BINGHAM, MroprUtor. Oawas-aataajaw Yearly wWntr t la-vaaiaaLi i anvaaca; or lelneredby tbe carrier at S cents per Weeg, pajahb ni-mnihly . iltnrl ot ri fenta. Ott rtiN-mfcer. will r b-M r.priMH f tr prr W-fl at their hou.e after they ! removed, or when the? wtt tbem dtc"titlnnrl, uiW trjc U glren At the öf tre of publication. 5 paper "1 without pr-payTOent,oreootlnoeJionrer tkku pi l for. . . tp-. of tla Dalit STt M b DM at tb atT.c each morning, and tht Winn Samsai. each Mon day n'm mi, nUy vel.pd. for mailing. WEEKLY. STATE SENTINEL, ITtUSIIKU EYKKT WEDNESDAY AT mmmw mm "Tmmmmm KATI'.H OF A I V r.llTlHINfi. M VOLUME X. 1 H ) w 4 i m 4 i I K k. M M I J b fc k. i i i .2 2 2 to X H.j-iSO 111 1I-J; 1-M IK li 00 i-37 i! I 10O 2.00 7JA 3 3.5 4 W) 4 50 V. i 1A 1 "7 t.&rt S 13 -7' 00 5 4-t.J 10 2.2-'. 3Ki 3.75 4 6o 5 25 00 .75 fdD 175 2 3 .V; 4J7 5 .12 7.00 T.7 JV.I)IK) 3d) 4.W; 5.00 . 7U 8.00 t.OO m.t ! t m s ?S &o 2. 7 60 S.7S 10.00 11.25 I i m 4..V .0f' 7 SO '. ar I A (Ml A.AO 1 n R IKI 0 00 lO.fiO 12 00 13.50 (Mt.10.no 12.00 14.00 100 100 7 SO 10 OO I J..H1 15 Ol 17 . 20 OO 17 60 2m 7 1.2& 1-1 W 1 75 20.PO 2a. Z.5 3m j S W 13.75 lU!C;M.ri rj.50 34.75 40 00 45.00 4m ! 2.'. 15 0O 2! 25 27.00 .TTOO 40 00 45 OO M IX) Im n 00 20.WI 21.W1 M 50 43.M 50.00 57..'0 5.00 12m 15 M 25 0J5 00 4.00 M Ql) 3 . 00 75.00 K.V00 AlVKirn."lXJ IN THE WKEKLT. (hi in.irf, rm1 jnertin IA two 1 f-air " Fr U m!m qumt lnrt'.'tj, tvA I t cnh liter- tio of earli aLitl;iiJl wjusrr 4 3.75 6.00 20 750 75 Ifl.oo 13.50 15.00 20.00 2.VOQ M.OO M.00 55.00 n.60 70.00 S5(0 7S oo 00 33; Advr?Nementii 'lMi-hl h ilh thf PuiJj trxl the Weeklr ÜBirrirL wi!) I rburwJ lUm full rte, with ciV-hjIf ih Heklv rt -l J'l. Bnine N ! In lb lncl column, often line or un-Jer, will bt rhirirM for ecb lifterUD 11; If rer ten liii', l n cr.t jer line1. rhrcewillMin.l for Instrtlnff tli WtKr of th 1 Alomuig Orler, S-irit-ties an4 A"C'?i t the rtt- ltam'l, t lepii in ivnrr Military Comanl-, inter f fWJ rIUwn, Manic Or-ler. Iiiev.Ur.l S' ietie an.l Si;fln Soci-tie. F.r eirh not exrei'.ii S lu 25 cents for each Inwrtion; over elsiht line at tLi rate. AnnounriiiK deatba with funeral noiic attacb-J, fl; without notUe free JlirrtiV- N'Urr 50 cent. N.t re ..f revivals, lVnica anl Ecur1on, Rotten npy lntlvn!u u r associations ux by churebe, at tbe rt-Rular ITke. A.lTerti-mf.t leaded an.! plc;! unrr th hea1 or ?peil .Nelken, if ten line or over, will be cbarged double fLe uuat rate. A4vertleTtienaifiakln(f lthan three lines lnertM ot ire )n tbe DuPy, will be cbared f.fty cent. Yearly a1fertier to par quarterly. Annonnclti caiKlKUten for ottk-e. of every deacrlption tob cbartred at the rate ftl 50 for eacb name in tbe I).1y, attd $3 In tbe Daily and Weekly, th Mme to be, In all eaea. paM In aJrance. Ie:al a'vertl-enienU inserted at tbe expense .fthe at torneya rr-lerinjr, ami not oVUyable for the le (tal prncfe -I-ln(rs,but eollenabUat oar usual tim. lublibera nt accountable f.r the arrurary Cf ea; advertisemeuU be . yna4 tht amouTit rharpe! for their puMicaMon. ELEKR. HARK NFS! A WNtillAM, l"roirielr Indiana SJate Sentinel. 1. t. T1LFOK1, President lnl!napolw Jounial Company. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DAILY SKtVTIIVKL IHDIÄHAP01IS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. aau arorTAixi aaiLaoaB. TralnaIeaTe. Tralna AitIt. 5 20 A. M ...Man 20 KM. 2:00 KM 6 40 A. M. 8 40 P. M 11 30 A. U. ix Aroux aao rLCat ti iihom. Triina Iare. Traina Arrive 5:20 A. M K.xprr l .'U I. M. 8.40 P. At ArcoTnialatln 1045 A.M. lam.ina ckktbal aatLwaT. Train lav. Traina Arrlre. U A. M 7:15 A. M. 12.10K M Mail 114 P M. 7f0 P. M 7 55 P. M. KPuiiMUt Ae coi l wara nmntrt uk, via dattos. Train Lrave. Tra'tn Arrive. ;15 A. M ,7d5 A.M. 12-10 P. M 1 -U P. M. 7:00 P. M 7:55 P. M. LTTHASAmUa AU CIJiriJiirATl tAILOAD. Tralnaleare. Traina Arrive. f.:20 A. M ." 15T A. M. Ifr40 A.M , 4:M P. M C.35 P.M p.M Taaaa haitb iauaoai. Tralna Ieave. Train Arrive. 7 20 A. M. 5 10 A. M. 1 10 P. M 55 A. M. 40 P.M ..R.iO P. M. uw ait A.vn ciTffAno aoAP iaajicAm.it ifxrno (J.iti "orth. tioinir South, 5.00 P. Fxpres 115 A. M. 11 05 A. M Freist, Iaity 2.00 P. M. LArATCTTB IAIIA1I. Train Ieave. Trarns Arrive. 10 05 A.M .' 510 A.M. 4 45 P. M 1005 A. M. f.M V. M COO I'. iL. rCKC A5UI5PUVAPOI.I RAILROAD. Train Ieave. ' ' Train Arrive. ll.lnA. M .. w .......... M sil A.M. 10-35 P.M Chirao K.vpress 4:10 P.M IXDUXAruUa All MAblSdü RAII KAI. Trains Iave. Trains Arrive. li::iO P. M Mail 10: Ml A. M. 7:00 A. II. ...Frm FrHuU Depot J.... 6:25 P. M jrrraiwiavii.i.R raiijioad. Trains Ieave. Trains Arrive. imi A. M Mail H 4.-, p. M. .30 P. M 5:IMI A.M. Arrival und Icia riu rr, or :iolnp of .Tlail. iia.ki:ics. II AK1US0SS' HANK. No. 19 Eat WteLinRton str-et oMmile th Sentinel Office. ma 4 U KS k H1NSLF.T, Urery ami Sale StabW, In the rear .f tbe Palmer Uutu. Janr5-dly ioi;muii:n. I II DA VI CO., UiUon FouaOxy, DeUww treet, op- pite Tnion IVpnt. AHSKI.MAN A VINTON. Wahimcton Foundry and Marhine Works e.-t end Union Depot. ny'i9 iii:ai. fatate aukmtk. 1 FRANCIS SMITH, formerly Deliell ft inith, Keal KMate At:-nt and Taa Payer, 37 Kat Wa-binirtoii jana-uijr o treet. Ilounea to rent. !f fKERNAN k riEP.CE. Pv-1 E"tate Agenta and IT I Brokers 10 Ea-t Wa.hinKton etreet. 7M.T. W1I.ET. Kea! F..tate A(rent and StockP.ro- ' k Im.. a- i . -a a tn aril nooT AD siioi: dkaleiis. I C Uivttrw A PO Wholesale dealer iu Boot.. M ä Shoe, aikd Uut.Ur. Xa. 4 Kobe.rU Hock, opposite the I nion Iiepe.1, IrvtUn.ipolis, Imt. A DAM KNODI.E A SOJ, mnufac?nrers anj dealers l in all kimls or uoota ana soom, ro. jj r.vi. xu- nton treet. apr27 IIOOKM A.M XAXlOr.ltV. n o. OWEN. STKW AKT & CO.. wholesale anl retail leal ers in Rooks awl StatJ.rr, ami Iiulera Materials, 1 West Washington street. aprzo iui ;s a.m iii:iic'i?ii:x. liriUT m. UIWKT, DKlVnST.-lValer in DniRS 1 W Chemical. Paints, OiU. Ivetuns, lt. Ismo, rnvni and other Medicines, Nutioas and IVnuniery .. 4 Ma achutti avrrne, !nlianapoUs nov30-ly. f HOMUNSON A COX. dealer In Druirs, Medicines I Faint., Oils, tilas Perfumery, Fancy Goods c,No, ! Ea.t Washington stret, Imlianauolia. mayl9 RRIMVXXIN!, DniffSt, and dealer la rainf, im, VaniMies, Dje-stuffsGlas-stJlaviware, Perfumery, Ac, Ti, WV.-t WahinKion reet. liiiv ;oi)N. aprt7 A KHIVA 14. Madison mail Cincinnati and way m.iil ... Jefferiumville and Louisville Terra Haute way mail Peru mail Central way ma'il .i i . -1 lerre iiauietnnoiuiu.iii Iifiyette and Chicago Itel'.efotitaiiie way mail IU-1! fonlaine throush mail Central through mail Cinrinnatithroiiirh mall 8pTingeld,Illinol DtrAKTlKKS. JefTersonville and I ilsville mail Terre Haute through mail, St. Louis Cairo Lafsyette andChicauo Lafayette City and ruigliell, Illinois . . . . Madi.on ma'.I Central way mail Central through mall ana v asnmirxon iuy. Cincinnati and way mail Through mail Terre Haute way, Evansvi'.Ie and Vincenne Peru pellefontaine war and through ..11:00 ..10::) .. h:0 ..mo ..1030 .. 1:45 .. 7:00 . . :0tl .. 7: .. fii.tO .. :no ,.. f.r.o .. 6 :o A. M. A. M. r. m. A. M. A. M. p. at. r. m. r. m, r. m. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. il Clot ... 7:.10 r. M .... 7:00 r. at , .. 5.lf A. M ... 7:30 r. m ...11:30 A. at ...11:10 A. m . . . 6 OO P. M . .. 70 r. ... coo r. ....12:45 r. . . 10 05 A. ... 7:30 r. PIANOS. 6150 BEST PIANOS. $150 (t KOVF.STEKX & HALE having removed to their new J warerooms, No. 478 Broadway, are prepared to offer the public a magnificent new i?cale full 7-0ctave Rosewood Piano, containing all Improvement known in this country or Europe, over-Mrung bass, French grand action, harp pedal, full iron frame, for SI 50 CASH. W A It R A STEH F OR FIVE YEARS, Rich moulding cases' SI 7e TO $200, all warranted made of the bc.-t material, and to stand b tter than any sohl for $400 or J.VM ly th eld methods of manufacture. We invite the bes-t judges to examine and try these new intrume tits, and we Maud ready at all time to tet them with anv others manufactured in this country. t.UOt IM EEX V HAI.i:, myJti-L1m 47 llroadway N' Y. 1ANO FORTES mm "lF. HAVE ON HANI) A NUMBER OF FIRSi Cla.k llanos w hieb we will sell at cf f-r ca?U WILI.IA1!I A STOWF.I.I., cttl No. 4 Hates Houne INSURANCE. THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. 7" k It. GLENN A CO., New York Store, Iy . tiool!iwhoUale and K-td, ulettns IUn.k, Et bmrtoti treet. may5 vroviA a i ti v ur.. C HARLES COX. dealer In Stove, Tin Ware, Ac. No. 11 We-t W'ah!n)fton street. apr'i" HOOK. IM KI) FUN. C1 AMri EI.L A POYLES.IV.k Hinders and PJank R.Hk Mar:ufa:turer, No. 37 F.a.t Wahuit;toi L, rA.l of fäieti:ia t'.!sU, up tir. Iii-!ia:.tilis. fet25-dif Ol'lil.AS A PALMER, K. ok Rin.lersanl RUnk K-M.k atiu:acturers. No. rfS't La-t n ashnigtoa reet, over A I font. Mill A Co (Irocery Ai cuimiLilioii, s 1 ,)0,000 CJF.VF.N-F.ir.imiS tf the profits 1ivid d to the as- sured. -Dividend paid in the lifo-time of thA assured. Tlie advantage of part credit given in paymeut of the pre tniums. 'A policy of lif' insnranre is the cheapest and safe.t mode of mak.ng a certain iuveunent for one's family." !'.. JAM13 FkAMkU.N. C. T. YE3lPLE, Sec'y HENRY STOKES. Pre't. COPamphlet, Statement, and Application will b? furui.sbrd, aad ail information doired will be given by the und.-rsigned. V. P- DAVIS. Acenf. RCTjUOtr.ee 2d fi.Kir, Odd Fellows' Hall, Indianapolis I:ilian.. my'J4-d2ni t-rr-r xx T-? ' i - t-f?. OAK! FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD. CONN. C.iIHlnl, --- $.100,000 INSURES F.uildinsrs Funiifurc, Merchandise, a!)d other property a '.i;nt loss or dauuze bv Fire. Particular may27 attention givn to the insurance of liwellmgs for 1,3, and 5 year. c iiia, ;i.ash and m i:r..svAisi:. AWTHOKX A MCHANAN, Importer of China, on s1 dly I 1 I 1 tllas aad yueenj.ware, No. jvJ East Washington st.. luOiaoapoiis, Indiana. . - ' - .Mi.lU'll.Wr TAIIAHS. J. M. SEXTON, Sec'y J. H. Sl UACl'E, Pres't. KJ)UL0.'s adjusted and promptly paid in carh bv C R. DAVIS. Agent. Cy5u02;ce 2d floor. Odd Fellows' Hail, Indianapolis, Indiana. mv24-iim FREDERICK LEITER. Mcrrhant Tailor, and lealer in ready made clothing and furnishing kkmJs, No. 21 NOTICE. Wrt VTh:iiton treet, opp.:!e S. nttl el ort.ee. r.!j23 attoui:vn. KILHY FKK;i, Attorney and ('-itwlor It Uw. Pay cah f.-r approved ju Ign.et.; a:, i raortji"; ki negotiates loans. ii,.t'. Ac. i:!'..e, 24 Eat Wash ington treet. up-ta.r-, nvitil door to the nht hand, ep Mtte Glenn'a r.hs k. u lS JOJJEIH F.. MclNlNAI.D i ADDISON 1 POAt'HK. Attorney and Cansr.r at Law, .Etna lusurance C mpany B uld.r.g, Ti nJ Eo'r, IVtuisylvaii.a street, jel dly ."ii:itriiA r tau.oii. W" F. KUPP Merrbaut Taihr, and dealer in Ready. . V.1e Clotting and lunii.Lin litKt, No. 105 Fa-i WasL'.;.gtoa trrrt, oppoit th Cnurt House, In.!i- Btii-.:i. ... Kerpe. contar.t!y on band a tat re awtrt n:e'.t rf W'th, Cas-amer, Vestings Overcwiim?. 7 'i -. fi'if , ric. Alo, genilnien fu:i.ihing si.ir., Ui.derLiri4, Drarr5, Necat;e, Cra- ?, Haii'lkert b-.ef. Clove, lc Gooja ald and the finuftif cut fr . f t barge. a9-dlj MACHINISTS. nifrtl Mal- f Amrrirat, I)ittrirt of I ml iana. N: Whi s. a l:!el of :nf..rrn.iM'n !. I ei-r. f !-d in tl,e Iitn t Court of the Uiu'fd Mat', i'hin and for the Seventh Circuit and I,-:rct of Indiana, on tbe ".'v h day f May, lst'.J, by J -tin Hat na, Eij . Attorney t f the United t.te r-r said D-trft of I'id'nna, a.nt 10 aks coffee, 10 barrel h;ky, I k'ir cream tartar, 1 ker 5a, and II boxes .larvL, ci.ed at F.vaij:i!e for a violation i f the law of the Fnted St.it-, sad kois a.id xuerclian lis lnn contraband of war, a:.d prayina- priVfj,ri:t said gosl. and that the s.mie may b conderaned and sold as ar.it'le contraband of war. Now. therefore, in pirus-noe of the monition under the seal of ai.i Court to me J-.r-ct-.1 ati ivl-.v-re S, I do here- by ,r.ve utl;o iwtico to all ;-ert:is U.ir.ir.i Mt-i gols, or any part thereof, or in ar.y manner intere-text t'lervin, that th-v te an.1 appear brf.re the i-!, the lhstrict Court of the r:.:te l State, t be held at the c;:y of Ir.dsjn apolis ia ai d f .r the D. strict of Indiana, on tie eotid Monday of Jui ci.t. ai. 10 o'clock tf the forenoon f that day, then a-...4, there to i:.terooe their claini and maketl efr a'.lej-a-.io;; mthat btb!f. D. C. LOSE. I. S. MrhI. I"-r I. S. En. la w, ln-pury. i Johi H. Raa, Gerk. IwteJJuae . HI. Junel2-dI5t i? mm. AM fAVlNt. E NTH. ELY KFEITTFD Tili! SIIOPFOKU J I e hl-T orcupieU hx J. ha (V(r. in K?.I, Si. h A C's It an I Huh F t.-ry. 1 am rrepared to do ail k;nl of w.W in 'in? n-Ach:rrry or hla. ksnntbing I::-. Havmr bad twelve year' iperii.e in the l-t a,. t x shop in the country, i flatter trys;( ifaat rajD f. eMfre i!f fact. i n t lhe w bo may favor tne w ith b:rork. 1 have in my employ one of the t--i-t t l k- in the State, ai ,d pay partKUlar atf i.tioti to Lore .hoetnar and macbine fvrg-.i.-. Krpairit.g ( f ail k t :.-1 av .r mp:!y attended to f .-.rl. of a!! k-.rd Puili f.-r the- patent ofW. l.t cirf-.l er tbe piae, oi.e 4tr aiHith of the Uni-m l--ot, n Illinois treet. H 7. l"otS. 'u!lit-Jlv '41 ACENCY. . w. litraia. &io. canrica p. g. m'ai .. . Lratitrs. Cm lirX .Irtf rnaii. -w iw ng connvted ;th a M.!:tary JVK Ateijcy at Wasbiigton C:tv, are able to gue pron.pt attention t the ' il w" collection aid -cu'-tnr of Vrs.i-n. ? Pack Tay f deer a atd i'.im hrfce.t soldier, at.d a -l.;m aiul deman!s aait.t the (iuun nrnt IV reidtncmanr part ot tne -it may nve tneirciaim erttred by addre.ine them and tatm? particniars f ipy 0rT.ce Fist Wahingtin treet. la the second hu.Miug ot of tbe Court lloasf iur. Indianapolis. Ind. l:.ri Rotes loT. Monoti, Ijii. Not !e, MJ. C.en. W'al larr, p.r'g lirn. Ium.nt,CVl.JohaCot urn. Judge Perkins, Supreme C urt. ap5-dly J 7 AT 4 J SENT Jo INDIANAPOLIS, IND., FRIDAY M01LVIXG, JUNE 20, 18G2. NUMBER 3,058. VA7C:iC0. RAILROADS. PERU AND INDIANAPOLIS 1S62. GdajL 1862. KEY ARRANGEMENT. . .fr lloule to Chicago vln Kokomo, 33 MILES SHORTER THA5 OTHER ROUTE. OTT AND AFTER MAT 5, 1, trains will be run a follow : A Mai Tram will leave Indianapolis at 11:10 AM., ton at allatatlons and make close connection at Kokrmo with tram on tbe Cincinnati and Chicago Air lane lull, road f-r Loganport, Valparaiso and Chicago, a'A arrive at Peru at 3:15 P. M lo lime to make connection with trains on tbe Toledo and Wabaah Railway, going Eat and West. Returning, the same train will leave Peru at 600 A.M.. affr the arrival or the train on tbe T. A W R. W. frru the rUt, and arrive at Indiauapolia at -50 A. M. In time to make connections- for all point East, South and West. ' An Etpresstrain will leave Indianapolis at 10:35 P. M., connect at Kokomo with train for Chicago, and arrive at Peru at 5 00 A. M., Intime to tnskecoimection with train going East and W est on the Toledo and Wabash Rail way. Returning the saayie train will leave Peru at 12:00 M., making close connection at Kokomo with tbe traina cn the Cincinnati and Chicago llailway from Cbkago Valparaiso and Igansport, and arrive at Indianapolis at 4:10 P. M.. In time to cmnect with the evening traina for Cincinnati, Louisville anl other points. Special atteutiM) given to the transportation of live stock. priuee and merchandise cenerally. DAVID M ACT, Oneral Aarnt an-I superintendent. Tnr.o.P.IlAn.nT,Oenrrtl Ticket Afent. ap'C2-t!lj 1 the rx.i. INDIANAPOLIS AND CINCINNATI wm -( KAILItOAD! Shortest lloule hy Thirty 7111c! NO CHANCE OF CARS TO CINCINNATI 1 Three trainsleave Indianapoli Dally, (Sundays excepted.) IIKSTTRAIN. 5 20 A.M . CINCINNATI LIGHTNING ' Express arrives at Cincinnati at 10 A M., and 1.. incton, Ky., 7::U) P. M. Second Train 10:40 A. M. Cincinnati Mail, arrive at CiiK-innati ,'J:0 P. M., making close connection w ith Little Miami Railroad for Lvi-',atid, Morrow, Columbus, New ark, Zaneviile, atl W'h'eling. Third Train 6 X P. M, Cincinnati Express, arrives at Cincinnati 11.10 P. M. Fare same as by any other route. Call for your ticket. rid the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad. Kagirage checked through. Sitcial Noncr. L sure you get in the right train at Indianapolis. Tbe anly Cincinnati train, stand on tbe tlfth trat-k, b.'iiig the farthest track south in the Union Depot, at Indianapolis. W. H. L. NOBLE, C.eneral Ticket Agent. Wm. Pownx, Traveling Ayent my28 '62 HOTGLS. French's ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. CITT Of KW T0BK. si(;i,r. icoois .-o cfmts pi-.ii day. CITY HALL SQUARE, COR. FRANKFORT ST., Opposite City Hall. MEALS AS THEY MAY DE 0RDF.LED IN THE spacious Refectory. There ia a Rarber'a Shop and liat h-roems attached to be Hotel. CtoV beware of Runners an I Haekmen who say we areTull. K. iir.it:il, nov.trt '61-dly Proprietor. LAW BOOKS. NEW AND VALUABLE WORK FOR LAWYERS, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, And all Connfi tl trith th Jtnln itil AJminitrttionot the Gnrtrnment. a rBC u rjmj jk Of the State of ndiana, rIONTAININO THE REVISED TATUTES OF 1S52 j with the bum ndmeiits thereto. And the subsenuen legislation, w ith notes and references . judicial decisions, anrnto bt JAMES OAVIN AND OSCAR ORD. Vc'.umel, Published by ULMIIA.M cV DOt'fiHTYi INDIAXArOUR. Jude ilnvlrt 7IcIonald, one ofthemot eminent lawyer of the State, volunteered the following ecommendatioii of the work: Statvtkh or Isdiama, bt Gavijc & Iloan. Some rnontb airo, the above named gentlemen isued proposal for pub lisbiug, in two volumes octavo of some hOO pages each, al theta!ute.nf the St.ite ywü mccc lsöl, with annotA lions. The tirt volume of the work s now published; and the mariner of its execution, both mrhanically and etlito rially, deserve. the thanks cf the profession. Tbe Imperfect manner of publishing our statutes under State authrity, has always been a source of great incon venience to the Indiana lawyer. The revision of 1."2, a? well a the statutes passed since that year, might almost aswell have been published without any index. Up tc th it-time the lawyer has constantly been under the neces sity of turning over, leaf by leaf, the volumes o our statutes to find any particular enactment. And every one knows how annoying and provoking this is, especially in the hurry of business as in our Court.. Happily fi r "the profession, the publication under consideration promises a better state of things in the future. The hrt vJunre o Alessrs. Jain &. lbrJ's work contain an excellent and copious index, which to every practicing lawyer in the "state is itself worth the money which the volume costs. The volume under reiew contains another excellence lllit pK s are supplied with valuable marginal indices, o that a glance at the marcin is sufficient to apprise tbe easier of the contents of the page. Another matter of great importance to the lawyer in this volume is a good collection of the subjects of all leg Islation since 1S51. HereU.fore, the lawyer in examining cur legislation on any given subject had first to find what was relevant to it in the Revision of lv"2, and then to turn over the pages of the volumes of . ubsequent Statute, to a -e how far recent legislation may have repealed or ni 1 fi-'d the provisions contained in that Revision, and even then he would often feel doubt whether he had found all the legislation on the subject of bis inquiry. Messrs. ; vin and Ib-rd have relieved us of all this trouble and doubt. They have collected together in consecutive page? all the statutes made since KM. on the same subject. Thus, on pages 373 t. 377 of their firt volume they have collected all our legislation, now in force, on the subject oi hushand and wife, including the act of lo2 and three acts of l.-T7. And they have followed the same moieo. co ocat.on, in appropriate consecutive pages, in regard to all other topic of legislation. A still more valuable feature are tbe copious and accu rate ntes contained in the volume in question. This vol- nuie includes the Constitution of the United States, the Contitutin of Indiana, and several important acts oi Vir ginia and statutes of Congress, and a large portion o our own statutes now in force. The numerous decisions o the Courts n the various pro isionscontained in thee Constis tutit-i.s and s'aiute. are found at the bottom of the appro priate page, in the form of neat, brief and accurate note iV'l reference. Mer. tiavin A Hord se-m to have jer fotmed thi part -f their work exceedingly well. It must have cost them much care and latn.r. l";y jt they bave greatly lessened tLe labor of the practising lawyer, and have well nieritd bis gratef :l approval. In every respect the volume uu-ler review i highly red itable to the d.l'.ijence, accuracy, talents and the ta-te o its ed.tor. a well as to the mecbarrcal üH ant tieatr.es of its publisher, and it must raise the just expectation o! the profession, a. to the value of the second volume, w L.'ch we understand will be forthcoming in a few months, and w h'cta w ill contain the cusie of plea ling nd practice o 1C.-J, wjth subsequent anien.lir.enta at. J other statutes. W ithout any concert wuh tie editors or pul'lishers ol the volume in question, the writer of thi article ha been iu ducd to compose and put lih this little re view of the book, lely because be believes the editors and publishers de serve Liza commendar.on for their performance. He, therrfore. deems it but just to them, without being solic ited to it by any one, to publish this nouce of the boos, over hi own proper came. DAVID McDONALD. Indianapolis, November 1, 160. Tbe first volume is now ready and being delivered to ubscribers. l it i ( i; si 50. It Is for sate by BINGHAM A DOUGHTY. Indianapolis. PAPER DEALERS. VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. To fr0y To I)$irotj To I)estrot To Destroy To Destroy To Destroy To Dt i troy -To Vtstroy- -Ilat, Kniohe, etc. -Mice, IMoles, and Ants. -Moth in Furs, Clothe?, Lc. -Mosquitoes and Fleas. -Insect on Plants and Fowls, -Insects on Animals, &c. -Krerj firm and ipecies of Vermin. TUE "ONLY INEALLIIllLE REMEDIES KNOWS." Ie troys Instantly EVERY FOIIM AND SPECIES OF Those Preparations (unlike all others) arc "Free from Poisons. "Not dangerous to the Human Family "ILits do not die on the premises." "They come out of their holes to die." "They are the only infallible remedies known." "12 years and more established in New York Citv." the City Post Office. the City Prisons and Station Houses. the City Steamers, Ships, &c. the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, &c. the City Hotels Astor 4St. Nicholas, &c. the Boarding Houses, &c, &c. more than 50,000 private families. f3T Sie one or two Specimens of what is everywhere mid by the People Editors Dealers, etc. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with ver min need be so no longer, if they use "Cos tar's "Exterminators. "We have u-ed it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost $5 we would have it. Wc had tried poisons, but they ef fected nothing; but "CostauVu tide knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in gre.it demand all over the country. Medina TO. (iazette. MORE GRAIN and provisions are de stroyed annually in Grant County by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer. uuicasUr U it. Herald, HENRY R. COSTAR We Used ly Used by Used by Used by Used by Used hy- Lsed by- arc sellinir your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. Eck eu & JStoutfer, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "CostarV Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. "Castor's" "Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator. "CostarV "CostarV Electric Powder, for Insects &c. In 25c. 50c. and SI Boxes, Bottles and Flasks, $3 and S5 Sizes for Planta tions, Ships, Boats, Hotels, &c. CAUTIOX! To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bearing a facsimile of the Pro prietor's signature. Examine, each box, bot tle or flask carefully before purchasing, and take nothing but "COSTAR'S." Sold everywhere by All Wholesale Druggists in the large cities. Some of the WHOLESALE AGENTS IN N. Y. CITY. SlucHclin Bros. & Co. 1$. A. Fahnestock, Hull & Co. A. B. & D. Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall Morgan & Allen. Hall, Ruckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller P. D. Orvis. Hurral,Risley k Kitch en. Bush, Gale & Rohinson M. Ward, Close & Co. McKisson & Bobbins. D. S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Lazelle, Marsh & Gard ner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox. AND OTHERS. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, Robert Shoemaker & Co. French,Richards,& Co. T. W. Dvott & Co. B. A. Fahuettock & Co. AND OTHERS. BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. Geo. C. Goodwin & Co. I Weckes & Potter. M. S. Burr & Co. Jno. Wilson, Jr. AND OTHERS. Also, all Wholesale Druggists at CHICAGO, III., NT. I, M i, .tin., I) I IT ICO IT yiirli., l,OI IM II.I.i:, Ky., t l( IWATl, Oliio, ri r I Mil it;u, iu., in halo, . v. AXT BY Druggists, Grocers, Storekeepers and Retailers generally in all Country Towns and Villages In the UNIT ED STATES at IXDI.MPOLIS, INDIANA. C3T Sold by Robert Browning AXD THoiias sixox, w. . cRarriKU, w h. wxra. .iou, ChaUii'Id A: Wood, ::and:i Wal nut St., Cincinnati. Marafacttirers and Wholesale dealers in P Rl NTE R SCARD -Ta ND CA RD SHEETS! IJK1NT1N0 INKS AND PAPER MANUFACTURERS ais-, er.a'.s, agents for the MagnoLa Mi'.U writing pa twr; manu axturer rf extra wraj ping paper aad paper bag. William Hannaman, Wholesale Agents. And by the Druggists, Storekeepers and Retailers generally. Country Dealers can order as above, Oraddress orders direct or if Prices, Terms, &.C., is desired, send for 18C2 Circular, giving reduced Prices to IIEIVRY It. COSTAR. Principal Depot No. 512 Broadway (Oppose the St. Nicholas Hotel,) " New York. Hrh31-deodAweow-tai i INSURAfJCE. Em vmm company, or iiAirrroiiD. (o.x. Capital Enlarged Jan'y 1, 1860. capttal i 500000 00 SET SURPLUS, (after deluding all labilities). 514142 30 JETNA BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS. I - t . Li, ..'- . 1 ' 9 l 'S ? -Z I -4 . ,.i- rf. . 1. r ' Js. ,-. r . it P' : 1 i 'i.-i Jt lit (I I ' 1-,., a Erected 1859 Owned by the Co. icppi tu n 'irvririVßtvFNTnTirp ivspr tvrie Ii fc. a A j V a a. aw . a a ..a a a v . a . a ' a . sa i ot larm rrop?rty, dweliiii?saiidout-buiUinirs. In sures such huildiiiK or contents in a very tavorable laan ner, for three or five years. Losses Equitably Adjusted and Promptly Inld In Casli. Also, Insures s-tores, warehouses, buillings, or content and personal property frenerally. In town or country, at rates as low as consistent with hazards taken, and iuland ln.urance against the jerils f naiiration. . WM. HENDERSON, Apent, Indianapolis, Indiana, .pplicatloncan be made to JOHN ROSS, w ho is fully authorized to transact all business connected with the Agency. äug 1,'61-dlyl WM. HENDERSON. RAILROADS. . sr m . 1862 rererrnrrg igs2 a : JOSKI'H aoJ other poiuu in "orsbem Missouri, the IX PERSONS PUROIAS1?.0 TICKET FOR ST. V JO biaie of Kansas, or tb Territories, should trtsiat t ha- ing tickets that read by tbe xoiiTii missot III It A II.lt OA D, The only rail route frora St. Louis to St. Joseph. It la the shortest and quickest Uae, by thirteen hours, to the re motest point reat hed by rail, and is always as cheap as any other. Buy your Tickets to Karts and alt points (a Sortbern Mlasovri by the Sörth Missocri Railroad. ISAAC H. hTT'KGEON, Pres't and 0n'l SupL Nonh Missouri R. R. IIESRT II. SIMMONS, General TrateKng AirnL septlT-dly Catmnnci tsfl JEFFERSONmE RAILROAD Two Trains Daily, Sundajs Excepted Trains Arrlre . Trains Leave. 8:43 P. M 4 A. U 4:45 A.M ft&O P. M. VEOVE TR.MSSST0P FOR THE ACCOMMODATION of pasenirers at Southport, Greenwood, Franklin, Edmbnrjth, Cotumbu, rnaklns; eonnectiotia at SeytBour with trains on the Ohio k MiiMippt Road, and at Louia llle with trains on the Louisville, Kratkfurt & Lciuigton aud Liuiville aiit Nashville Ruails. Freight trainsleave taity. Freight promptly forwarded. Office, Madfron Depot, West "i.le. A. S. CAKUTIIEES, Sapfriutfrwif nt. J. G. Warrcoiia, Frtizht Acer t. apl'62-dly MEDICAL AYEPJS CHERRY PECTORAL UAS WON FOR ITSELF SUCH A RENOWN FOR THE cure of every variety of Throat and Luii(r Com plaint, that Jt Is entirely uiiiiecetry for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, w herever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section we nce! not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up U the best it ever has been, and that it may be reliel on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, F0U THE CURE CF Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indieestlori, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Hheum, Worms, (iout. Neural gia, as a Dinner 1111, and tir PurifyitiK the Wood. Thev are suftar-coated, fo that the moFt sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the bent aperient in the world for all purposes of a family pbic Price 23 rents per Hox; 5 boxes for St. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish frratis our American Alma nac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment thathould be ollowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more prfit on. Demand Ayers and take no others. The sick want the best aid there ia frtheni, and they t-hould have it. FRKPA&ED IT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MAS. Trice. 1 per Hottlc'. Six Bottles, 5 All our reiredies are for sale by ROBERT DROWNING, Indianapolis. ALLEN A CO., Cincinnati, And by all druists and dealers everywhere. aug127-d3m HOTELS. B!RO-AJLW-kr5r HOTEL. CINCINNATI, OHIO. CAPT. CHAS. H. CROMWELL, PROP'R. Breakfast at five A.M., for passengers by the morning Trains. aprC-dly. DRUGGISTS. SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. And Dealer In Fancy fiood. Perfumery-. A.c. Also, Afents for the sale of Refined Petroleum, lllunvna ting Oil, superior to any Coal Oil, furnished in any quantities at tbe lowest market rates. 170 AND 172 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. jan"23-16in HARDWARE. Just Received and For Sale, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT NO. 21 WEST WASIHaNGTOX ST., V LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OA RHEN RAKES FROM s to 14 teeth: Gard n and Ditching Spades, Garden anl Bricklayers' Trcwei- Forks, 2. 3, 4 and 5 prong; Garden and Railroad Wheelbarrows, Trunin Knives and Shears, Hdee Shears, Grindstones, Nails, Wire arid Wire Cloth. Belting and Packing Rope. A splendid asortmnt of Table and Pocket Cutlery, together with a large and general aseortroeut of For Farmers, Builders, Mechanics. Mar birist. ar1 Rail roads. J. II. VAJL. mch!6 DENTISTS. P, G. C, HUNT, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, NO. 3k. r.JtT MARKET KTltEET, INDIANAPOLIS IXP. MUSIC. riAXOS! 51 AIVOS! mm CHEAPER AND BETTER 1N STRUM ENTS than were ever offered in this market. My ar rangements with Eastern llano manufacturers are such that I can furnish 11 orders 23 tcr cent. cheaper than any dealer in the West, and I warrant them superior instruments. Only for cah. Call and see at Messrs W H. Talbott k Co'a Jewelry Store, No. 24 Washington street. PIANOS. MELODEONS, ORGANS, GUTTA RS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEONS, Ac.TCJKD AND REPAIRED. Having had over twenty ye rs' experience the public can be assured that they now have a better opportunity than they generally meet with to hae their instrument put in perfect order. H. SCHON ACKER. iul31-dly '61 SPECTACLES. &C. To Officers of the Army. JUST RECEIVED A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF artssr:s. For field, portability arid power they supersede all others. For sale by SEMM0NS, Optician. SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, &C, Of the greatest tnnspirent power, of r.cw im provement properly adjust ed to the cai c. Orders from the country, with particulars, promptly attended to. Repairing neatly done with dispatch. SEMMONS, Optician. occ?J No. 25, South Illinois f treet. HOTELS. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 35 V 307 KltOADWAYf CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET, flUIS first class hou3 the most quiet, homelike, and pleasant hotel ir. the city oCcrs superior induce menu to those visiting New Tork forbiisinesor pleasuie. It is centra in its location, and kept on the EUROPEAN PLAN, in connection with TTLOÜS SALOON, where refreshment can I had at all hours, served in their own rooms Tbe charges are moderate, the rooms and at tenlanceof the frst order baths and all the rno'lenj con veniences attached. marl2-d3ra rOWGRS'S IIOTEIi (rORMERLT KIRLK'M. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company, AKD1JE UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. OFTTCE ON THE CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND Meridian streets, Indianapolis. Three dauly Expre- to New York; Two daily Express to Cincinnati, and Two dally Eiprew-es to Chicago an i St. Louis; The above Companies are tbe only privileged ".apre the M lowing roavi, via: INDIANA CENTRAL; LAFAYETTE k CHICAGO; INMANAI'OUS k PERU TERRE HAUTE k RICHMOND; litLU ONTA1NE k INDIANAPOLIS. Money, packares, raJuablea aad freight carried with aafety aii dispatch, and in charge of special and efficient tnesengers. Notes, Bills and Draft will be promptly collected and ready retina made J. ELTTKRF1ELD, Agent. 5 Opposite the Astor House and Tark, vr Tork, PIUCi: OF ISOAICD I ÖO IKll DAY rHIIIS lone established and popular bouse has recently X tpen rebuilt and greatly enlarged ly the addition of over 100 rooms. ana now has accommodation lor over 300 perons. It has also been thoroughly renovated and re furnished, and is heated by steam and lighted by gas throughout. This hotel has one of the best locations in the city, is eay of acces from all the steamboats and railroads leading to the city, and Is convenient to all the city conveyance. It has now all tbe requisite of a first clasa hotel, insuring the comfort of its inmates. The patronaee of the traveling public is respectfully solicited, Terms tl SO per day. II. L. POW ERS, feb24-d3m Proprietor. nnirrimn nri rnrvrrmnnn IT" LlUi'Mi W ÜWil IU UrMlfr 9 TIIK 3IOIZIIS HOUSE (Formerly American,) IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE CMOS DEPOT, If. WIIITJIOICC, Propricton W, D. SAIT. Gerk, FS now on.n foe th imiminivl.tinn i,f Ida tr.r.t'n. 1 public. The bouse has been thoroughly renov.tcslj anq Torriisnea irom top to rwniora. isaj' J I "BTTTTt ARK RECErvi5(3 CTSECT TVjOU TDK KAM W CFACTORY 1 err variety and styl of Cass the Celebrated WaltHani W atche.. A genuine Waith H'atrl, costs lest to buy aad will last much longer than f rr'fn mad watches of U same quabty. A rytiuine Waltham Watch I. a durable, reliable aad accurate tnne-keepr. W had rather warrant a Waith aro Watch for five years, than the ordinary Enslh r Swtaa Watches for one year. A genuine Waitham Watch I the best forrallroad ms, th best fr fanuers, in fact the test fr even body ta want of a time-keeper. We ret oat Wal 'ham WatcLea direct from tbe manufacturers, and every Watch t war ranted to give entire aaufa lion. Insend.ngrraCarniilne YnlIhm Walch you run no rik. decn-e tbe .jle of rae at4 th watch ia aure to keep time. Hrwl fort U 4 poc. Our stock if ?wi W aube. aud Jewelry is Tery larj-. Conipos.tion Lrpine VTatcLes f 4 M lo5M. O'trpo- - attion Huntinc Caed Wate.e-. fcO t f-S TV SilrT Huntin Caaest W !. t7 60 ! 12. Silver tl Jw led Watrtf s 13 to V f. Pure Coin Uileerj Ware; Silver Plated Ware.CawWa, Ac, Ac. Walrh's, 1rk arwl Jwetrr repaired aat warranted. W. I. IHM. II AM V C O.. 20 Eat U'asUnf tn street, pr7 luJianatlis, Indiana. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. General Commission Merchant, AX Dealer IIa Flour, f.raln. and all kind of Country Produce; Wines and Liquor, Cirar. Tobacco. Ac. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. 237 SOUTU SECOND ST IHLADr.LPIIIA. Adranren made on Conalirnment. aurWllr WANTED. 200 Recruits Wanted FOR THE OF The Eleventh Iiilhiitry, wnicji MAJOR J. W. CORDON U authorized to raix In Indiana. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. PAT FT;0H 113 TO $tt PER K05T1T, WTTTJ BA TIONS. (aartera. medical atutdanee, Ac-, oora p.ete. All who er.Lst will at oucsv b clothed, subelated aud provided with everything essential to their eoisfort by the Government. The term of enlistment Is Three Year. Fayto cotDTnence f rom date of enlistment. None bat able-bodied single men, between the ag.iof IS and So years, need apply. Recruiting Rendezvous in Metiger'a new building. No. 5 Eaat Washington street, adjoining Odd Fellowa' Hall. D. R- COIT, First Lieutenant Eleventh Infantry, fcecruitir g OfiVcer. PATENTS. PATE IT T S OBTAINED FOR SEW INVENTIONS OF EVERT description. Fees contingent on encresa. No pat ent no pay. Send for Circular, rmnar terns, direction, Ac Address AatOS LROALNAX, novl-dly Tatent Attorney, Washmtpa.D. C. !AUyAD?-- Indianapolis and HatliKon 1S62. mmT01 1S62. rilHE rASSENGER TRAIN WILL LE AVF TnK X lnl.n D'pot, Indianapolis, at 1U0 P. M. daily, for Madison, Cincinnati and Louisville. This Is tbe shortest railway line to Cincinnati and Lotria rille connecting at Madison w ith the United Stat a Mail Line steamer, arriving at Cincinnati in t!tn to con nect with the Kxpresa Train on the Utile Miami railroad leaving at 7 o'clock A. 11 for tie Ea.t, and by tba Ken tacky Central Railroad for the South, and at LotdaviHe about 11 P. M. Returning, leave Cincinnati daily at 12 Vf., by the abort steamers nd also by the Madison parketa. Forest Queen and lTi.tea, arriving at Madi.n in time to connect with the Passrncrr Train leaving at 8 A. Mn and arrMnc at lndianapoba at lo-.&O A. M., making connrctions Ith all trains leaving for the F.at, West, and North. For the arcommtslailon of w ay passengers a Car will run in Connet-.ion with the Freight Train daily, lea ring Indianapolis at 7 A. at., whtcb train rewiaina sota Um at eacii atation, afforditig paergers an opportunity for tl transaction of business, arriving at North Madison at 4 2i P. U. Fare to Cincinnati, or Cincinnati fo Indianapolis;, $3 00; To LoulaTllle. 1 50. No charge for meals or state-room on tb rliamri, r for baggsce or omnibus at Madison. TarifT of Freights as low as by any other route. Shipper and merchants West w ill find it to their Inter eat to travel over and ship by this line. ap26-dtf. I). C. LKANHAM, Superintendent. ESTABLISHMENT. FI W. UNITED STATES DTK-HOUSE, SO. SOUTH 1 Illinois street, Indianapolis, Indiana. JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At this oil arvi well-known tabllshment, th !dle can hare silks aid woolen goois dyd ia permanent and beautiful colors; and rents' garments thoroughly renova ted and repaired, as good a when lew, at lower price than ever. New and second-hand clothing bought and sold; also, a paticular branch in tbe bu.inesa denominated fine draw. Ing billiard table cloth, cr tear In any garment can ba ao wrought that it ran not be visible to the naked eya. C?3i Country orders punctually attended to. No connection with any other houe in this city. Remember the place, No. 3$ South Illinois irret. fe'oi JOSEPH HARRIS. MEDICAL. OliBU XO WOMi:Ut l L aUA.MJli:. Cough and Colds will go away, S-nietitnes in a tingle day. If to the Irug More yoo will go And get supplied with Tusailago; Ton can ose it freely as you leie, It never fails to rive yon ease. TbM-e tirauulea woiwlrrtul are, I'm aure. For tbrj ppf dj! tlTcct a listjnjt cure. 25 cents per box, at all Drug Stores. 1JKANI)KS TUSSILACiO CURES COUGHS. TUSSILA(iO CURES COLDS. TUSSILAGO CURE H0Ar.SENF.SS. TUSSILAGO CURES SORE THROAT. ode to imAxrti:' tiamlago. WONDERFUL GRANULES. Oh ! w here can I find them. To the Imig !tre go quick, I will speeiily try tbem; 1 have a bad Cough, And I wish to be sure To have tbe beat resnecy TLat w ill very 'on enre. Xj 23 cent per box, at all the Drujr Store. B II A X DE'S T U S S I L A G O CURES ASTHMA AXD nFX'NCHITI.. Xäjr Sold by all Ilruggista, J5 cenu a boa. I5RAXI)KS TUSSILAGO Is Pleaaaitt to tbe Taste Children cry for iL. intAXDKS IJRAXDrrS BIIAXDE'S IJRAXDPrS TUSSILAGO CURES ItOOnNG COUGH ANfJ CROUP. PJSjT old by all Druggist. 2i cenu a box. ITÜAXDK'S TUSSILAGO CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. Sc-W tj 11 Druggist, ii cents a boa. ACENT. George I AVor thing ton, AG EXT I"0K MILITARY CLAIMS, NO. 424 THIRTEENTH STREET. ONE DOOR FROM F. Washington City. TTAYIXG EE EN ENGAGED FOR A JTLTfEFB OF B 1 year, in tbe etUnwot of och Clalsns in w of Lb itoerumetjt OTkes, (frotn which he has withdrawn.. cOr to attend to claims of any k!nd that may be entrmst ed to him, such as thoe for ren1ona. IVunty, Arrears of Pay. Sahitenc, T rmn-p trtatiou. CltKa.iaa-, and prtr- clarly for tore, and octf property lot or df im-yed Ia the United States service, Inclad.ngcases f -f impreaner. t. X KST l.nU.XIAL. We ar will acToaintel with Ur. VTortrrtoa, and cheerfully testify that we know no agent ia Waahtortoa oo whom claimant, can mors) confidently rely thaa oa him to conduct their business with mttgrttf, capacity and teal. SirnH by - MOr JfiflX IJ. Mr rTTFK.fX. A sat. oiw-itocof U. R. O wn of Cla.Tnv B05. crjAS. n ciLYFirr, Hotiae of Ra-reaentathre, EF.r. jurrii ptne. u d. COL. W. B RANDOLPH, Chief Clerk V. Ä.Trea eurer' 055ca. I fully Indorse tbe above testim-mlaL and cheerfully and confidently reoonmeodMr. Worthinruus-ty broth er offioers and aoldiers In Kentucky M elaewaere, a4 to all others tartog claims a raiut tot Govern tnent. Prh ablyoa mao has a more tboroaga ktowrledreof War Claims than Mr. W., and for seal and interrity he has not a superior. T. S. EVERETT. aprT-sUm Captain, AdjLUeeeral'a Dept. LIVERY TADLE, s5 . 1' LT0. 10 Kat Pearl r reet, balf a Kyuare south of Wash. iegton street, beiweva Mendiaa and Pennsylvania t reels, n rear of Gleni. s r.Jock. In-liawapdia. api-dtf WH. WlLhlON, Itjri.er