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Daily State sentinel. [volume] (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1861-1865, June 20, 1862, Image 2

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

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fttt J i 20
rise l'nia I aatita a prerrU
Democratic Union State Ticket
rom. atcarraar or stats,
Of Marion Countj.
ton. crTo or rrATK,
Of Fountain County,
rot Taa-tcaea or tti.
Of DirieM County.
Ol Dec-tnr CuiitT.
rot. truifTcDhrr or riauc ixsTaccriox,
Ol Allen Cutttf.
Putted Over.
The Democratic pmkfpittUin the Union Con
Tention of th ISih form illy declared "they had
do mpathy with the de-ijrna and purposes of
radical AMlitlont.. The Contention took ro
nolle of tlti eapre-stoo. The I.eptifc!ic.in. who
tonrrollel it, were Terr valiant in denouncing
the rclc'a in arnw, in wliicl all p.irtie unite, tut
they avoide-I very cirefuüy ary ce:iure of the
aUitiiion difuniiiiits who Ii t for je tra opnuty
aJrocateI a di-Muhiilon of the Union and jro
noattc&l the Constitution a Ictpue with hell.
Tiny didn't Uh to ofTcnd tli itc!.i. for fear of
lo!iux the'r rotes. That's devotion to the loaves
ik! fishet.
A Difference.
Ttie lth of June platform ay that the prea
'it w ir is not Le'ng waed. fur the purpose ol
cotique-t, aubjnjution, or the overthiowing or
interfering with the tight or etaLlishcJ institu
ti'n of any of the Sutea. Ciiabll Simnlh,
the ALol'tiun Senator from M is.icliuett$, in a
letter et-itr tint ho knows the IreMei.t
rympilhiz? with the ri!:cil Republican,
aril no cm lien that ein.itic'pation, the
overthrow ir.z the established, iunitutiotiji
of the Southern State, is the'r object in
f r i-ecuting the war? There ia no honest or in
telligent m ta in Indian who can believe other
wise, nnl thit tlie ultra Rc!Mibl'Ci; will be dis ip
pointed it it doe nt o result. The etli of January
differs with the Ilenublictn platform by declaiinj:
lh.it the w ir should be prosecutel for the j urpo
e which the l itter pays it i; mui the former
coiM not tike the position of the Utter without
aflirminj: wh.it every sine and en?ib!e man must
believe to r. untrue.
U here tltc S) uipallir!
The 7th Indian i regiment marched from Fred-
rrickal.urjj to Port Republic in a destitute condi
tion, a l re number without hoc and their
route could have been traced by the blood which
marked their footsteps. On Saturday niht l ist
four hundred wounded men from the battlefield
of Purl Kf public arrived in Washington in box
car, and it w.u. late the next d iv before the
were removed to quarters where they could
receive the much needed surgical attention
and be relieved from their auflcrings. At
the s.trr. time the Government were
fupportin in comfortable quartern ?ome e!even
hundred lazr runaway negroes. That shows the
sympathy of th powers that le. The gallant
men who had been wounded while bravely fiirltt
in ths b-ittltM of the Constitution and lite Union
roust have found great consolation in this con
tr istm the piterml ctre of tlie governmental
authorities. Duncomb resolutions of stay at
liome pitriots will not avail much with the
wounded and neglected oldier.
For the Daily State Sentinel.
The Staver r'rnud"
Editor Simi.ml: Having just returned from
the my of New York, where 1 Imvb been for the
last week s attorney lor Mr. D C Stover in
the matter of the Iti'iuu fraudulent bonds, and
my Mttentioii bei etile! to si letter Jrin New
York, utlihed in our piper of the 1 ? tit inst.,
professing to give the Wall street goip in re
gird to i he transaction, I deem it right to say.
that 5 fir as I am informed, no just censure can
attach to Gov. Morton lor any delay thitmi.v
hive existed in ttriniog to light the rauJ or in
prosecuting the oflending parties.
The otfein-e, although gravely flVcting the
Sute of Indiana, his been committed against
the lw4of the Suteof New Yoik, and the in
formition of the offence wiis convtel to the
authorities of New York by (Jjvemor Morton
a kikhi :i known to Iiiin. The District Aitr-
t;ey, Mr. 11 11, a he in;ormeil me, f r rvtsonj
Hot at all 4iTevtin; the Sute of Indi.ina. took the
re0'i I'tv !' Mi!peniiii ctiii in the ce,
and Irnm tint lime .ill tlie tiel.iy Ins been the act
Ol the Hiiihoriliiv of the State of New York,
and against the urgent demand of Governor
I m.ike this statement s n measure of justice
t4 loth Our. Morton n-l tne!t. The political
d ITeieute whu h divide us wide as tlie poles
ran make no dillereuce with me und as mu h ;
I houd rejoice in the iluicil overthrow ol
himself and pirty, I cannot consent tht a mis
take in the lcts of this case lioi!l be v.o l to
his disadvantage under circuin-t itue which te
quire me to ?peak out. J. E. McDonald
There are several points not aliudel to in the
foregoing card, and upon which the public doubt
le-s would l.ke t be enlightened. It is stated
that "no just censure can attach to Gov Mortoh
f.r any del a tint m iv have existed in bringing
to light the fra'tid." If ., why was the State
Ageiii-y iu New York used as a cloak for the
friud, t:ot otdy before Gjv. Monro x was ndise
of it, neuly a jeir, but for mouths afterwards?
Was it right for ianocent parties to be thus im
p)sed upon, and with the sanction of ti e Gor
ernor and A;;ent of St itc?
There is no doubt but H vtLrtT. aho engineer-
el the fraud, ami, who is repoitel to be a Naro
liON in Wall stieet Mnance, iinprt.el the Gov
ernor, by bis very courteous and killful attn
tioiK, with a;i ex.d'ei idei of his tiu.inoiil abili
ties. It h i not jet been denied but His Excel
lency urgel upon the L an Commissioiis the pro
priety of placing the unsold war bon.ls in the
hinds of UaLLCT f'r disposil. as the a-ent of
the State. lie understood the smid.le vek-nes-e
of the i5 veitior. and the bit of the
financier was gieedi! walIowcl l His Excel
lency. l'ut the fan CVninii-in-r could let
L da'lie! with, and th it g tnie wa thus b.ocked.
We hive the nwt ;iiii!.dsl conldenre in ti e
pcHl intentions ol the Governor, but greit men
ot all aj.es h ive been ov en e.tched. lllu'.'r.itions
on that pirit are unnecess-try. Srovtu w.i
caught in the ret. and larger fih might be decoy
ed by the aarno meins.
1 lie Snte reion which pnvnstinited the e
ureof the fraud h ive vet to be written, ai.d
when they aie de eloped they will lotni inter
etiiig thipter iu Wall street rinanceerinc Tle
mit how that een Governinent crelit often
lungs upon a brittle thievd And th.il fi ui I nny
sometime t-cre a benehci.il end in usUtining it.
- Wehivenopersoti.il tee.iug io re erence to t!ie
(iov ernor's geicy in the Sroria Ir.tuJ, and
should never have alludeJ to it a e have if the
organ of His Excellency had not attempted to
furteti the od'oira of Srovia'a acts upon the Dem
ocratic prtf . We think boih are now s.tifieJ
that no political capital can be aade out of it
and for that reason it was omitted frm the 1-th
of June platform.
f2fThe Council of Terre Htut has lcviel a
tity tax of forty five cents on each one hundred
dollars of valuatioa for the coaiug vear.
Cheap Mhor. j
The rhi-adelphi v firming Jonrntl sijs that
the i-:et ii.tiux o negio' i.u Coe-ter ctun'r,
Pe;intlv.u.i , hr.so risi ic! the i-c of!dor
that the i.tr n actually work tar ten cents a
ü a y . - U ic'ua mjr .
I.ikcc its.'s will ;roduce like rerahj here, j
How do our white Uborers reKsh the rospect that
emancipation of the blacki spreads leforethetn?
What do they U.ink of xhe inuoJation of two or
three hundred thounod free negroes into Oh o,
which inundation will beeome.if we carry out the
emmcipation policy of President Ltscois? How
many white will it throw out of employment?
liar roach will it reduce the price of labor?
These are jcrtinent questions.
Fvr the Daily Sute nt;&e!.
A Few Thotiglit upon Itie Ireent
Conttitiott of Ittltlic Aiftklr.
SiitLBTTiLLE. June VJ, ltC2.
Da. JsMts S. Athon Drar Str: Prior to
li'J both the Whig and Democratic parties de
nounied the Abo!itouiU boih prcJicted the
disiuption of the Union if public teutuuei.t wax
depraved by abolitionism. To i-ecute power and
pttronage the Whig and AbulitiouistA atliliated.
The nbolition became the dominant element of
the Republican party; the-e i 'ealogi-ts sought to
rethze their Utopian rcheme for the perfectibility
ol hum ui institutions and to bie tk the letteM of
the black race. Their battle cry was, "Wsr
a in-t 9l.1v err." It eokevJ iu counerpari 1 t
tie cry of "War for slavery." The inepresiMe
coidlict was begun. It culminated in tnc pies
ent war. Tiie prophetic warnings ol Washing
ton. Javkson, Clay, and Weister were forgouen;
their alutary coun-els to cultivate fratei nal le
lttions wcielosl iu bitter denunciations; toler
ance, cliant), and lov e were not invoked, but the
cpnlly potent demons of hate and discord. The
eecutiv e scepter was thrust into the bandst of one
ol thee ob'ioxious agitators. A vv i.e statesman
fore-ees results, and ad ipLs his means, to his ends.
Either this wise etatesinaiiship was wanting or
the logical deduction muit be that the war was
braved ft a re-u!t. My condemnation of the
Iii e eaters South is equally emphatic. The guilt
of men who would make a panotrmoniuni of I'.ir
adise, who substitute, treason f.r loyalty, perjury
for fidelity, peace lor war, chaos and anarchy for
law and order, is aggravated indeed. To crush
the rebellion is a sacred duty to hum unty , to civil
liberty, nay, to the very culprits tht-m-eiv es, who
hive imperiled their liberties by their rash rebel
lion. Democrats nra a prodigal of their blood as
Republicans as much tilled with the "tlicine af
jiutu$" of pitr.otism. I5ut fusion is asked. Is.
fusion the correct means of perpetuating Repub
lican rale as continuation is the disguise loi ni of
AooliiiuiiL-ni? As a j ti.alty fur crime it seems
jul, and wilt find a sanction, which us mtie Ab
olitionism it would not.
Med.c.il men w ho tie it a disease aim to remov e
its exciting cause. If Abolitionism is the cause,
it has leeu intensified iu its h.tied, and instead
of disarming the le ars of the South for this their
f.itorise institution, it li.ij abo!i"!ieil jdamy in
the District of Columdit, invited anl recoui
mendeii it in the States, mspended the elhcacyof
the fugitive slave law. Aie these measures cal
culated to exisper ile tlie Siulh, or a. guaranty
tli it tiie extiipation of sd ivery is nut to be one of
iU results?
And lo we, with the lesson of Ilivti and St.
D.Mningo before us, de.siie ernmcipation? To
tiiC slave his shackles mean work; his ireedom,
immunity from it. When intoxicated with his
nev Uirn libertv he riots in feiisualitv, vice nd
idleness; and the South, which now blooms with
weaUh, will be a desert and waste. Even now
hordes of these imbeciles are paupers on the
Government, and the burthens of w hite tax pay
ers are aggravated to lumiali ration. to these
Abolition pels.
If a Democrat dare to question that power
which destroys the liberty of the press by the
expre-sion of public journals, or the "httrs du
cachet,'' by which men are imprisoned in our po
litical batiles, some petty dupe of Abolitionism
cries 'Secessionist!"
The unjust, iniquitous, partial and odious ta
riff and tax bdl thrusts upon the West the most
of this enorm ih war debt. One hundred mill
ions is to be raised t protect or enrich the pock
ets of manufacturers, under this absurd dogma
that the cheaper we buy the nv re impoverished
we become, and the equally luminous one that if
our imjioi ts exceed our exports u other words,
if the streams of weilth we receive aie greater
than those e part with, we are becoming poor,
as. a 11 ition, only C'piiHed by th it obsolete but
now revived cry tliat. national dentis a national
blessing. Untier tlie brniyii inllueuce of this ta
riff policy, whilst our commodities have dwarfed
in value, I re profits und fat prices have reward
ed the factories East.
If the war, its mountain of debt, the paralysis
of commerce, and all peaceful pursuits conse
quent ujHJii Republican ru!e, be arguments fur its
coutinuince; if em')e.!eineiit 011 a giguitio
scale, robbing the Government jt the smews of
war, is a title of confidence; if the fruits of our
Ik bor are to swell the profits of the merchant
princes of the East if despotic interference with
the liberty of press and persons are desirable, then
fuse. Hut if the conservatism, as contradis
tinguished from tlie Ian ilicism of abolitionist?.
give belter noj that our deluded brethien of
the South will be lured back, and if all
historv shown that a enerou victor who
uar iiitec- the customs ami rich's of the
comjueiel, holds by h urer tenure than wheie
bale and bloody prosci ij.tions cancelled liv .m i
an arnifd soMieiy, the tower will be vested in
to Democratic h itals.
Whilst the ejection of L'ncoln was tio sufllciei.l
c.iue for tins wicWe-1 rebellion, the l.ict Is pateot
th it the AlKtldionists uro very inimical to the
South; and some hope tnav well be bunt of n re
turn to fhendlv relations bv the restoration of the
Democratic pirtv tint has alwuvs stiug-led 10
aOliere to the, compromises of the Constitution
and stood as a breik water agiiiist the aggressive
obey ol the Abolitionists. And the overlhrow
ol that policy winch has disturbed and disU'oved
the pe ice of the country is, in my opinion, the
hu binder ot peace and harmony, and I do not
seewhv the sacr tice or abandonment of loin;
cl erished principles is in any degree incnmp.itv
ble wi'h a pro-ecuiion of the war to a victorious
conclusion. It tiie abolition is the douiin ml ele
inciit of the Repuldic in p uty. by a tusiun we be
co nie tlie abettors ot their toiicy when merged in
the ptrty. 1 do not write as a party man. No
one b.eaks its letters sooner than 1 do where the
party is wrong. Youis, W. M. McCauiv.
tn urn County Democratic Convert
f ton
Tl e Dtn ocrncv tf this couidv assembled in
convention on the lbh inst. M 'j r William D.
Alin was chosen Chaiinnn, ai d II. W. Dan
11 ls and M D. RtnisiLL Secretaries. The fol
lowing resolutions were unanimously adopted:
lt"lrrd. That the Democracy of Putnam
couiiiv , in conv entiou assembled, aftum the Mh
of J aim ry resolution', and adopt said platlt rni
a the -ree- of our polttiesi faith.
llrsulrrd. That we invite all to act and vote
with us who ate in favor of ' the Union 115 it was,
tiie Constitution as it is, an I the en Ion cinei.t of
the ! iw s," anl who aie opposed to abolitionism,
secessioii'-m.and the eir; iicipaionof the negroes
of the South by Ctnw.ies or the P.esi.ieut, r
bv any oilier p-ower except the Slate wheieui
tne ii.stitutit.n ol slavery exists.
Rttulrrd. That we hcial gieeling to our brae
v oil. 1. tcers, and asstue them th it while they ;.re
eng 4. 1 in putting down the rc'looit at the
S 'itb we p'elge our-elves to put down, by eveiy
hciior ib'e tih-rl at the ballot-box, Abolitionism
al (he North.
Kr$"lrrJ, Tint e heirtilv indorse and fully
approve the course taken by our distinguished
Kef re.ent.tiv e iu Congress, Uou. D. W. Yoor
hes Gecrok W. Priist and Avjtix M. Pcitt
were boin'nitcxl as cmdidate for the Sute
Legislature; Jam is G. Fpwaki-s. for County
Treisiirer, John McKt, for Shf riff ; John -on
Darn ali, fur Conuuis-iot er; ai d II arkisON Ran
rrL, br Surv ev or.
Ti e convention recommended Jamis R. Alles
as a candidate I r D stiiit Prosecuting Attorney,
and Patrick Heamy a a candidate fur Circuit
It was, also, resolved that each Detnocr.it of
the county be Constituted a delegate to the Con
iressional Cnv ii.tioii. and that the voteoflhis
co'-ntv lctst lor Hon D. W. Yoorhees.
The l'ri$t in noticing the roceedings of the
Convent on remarks:
Never Mtxe we have been a citizen of this
count v h iv e we w iti.esscd a nme imposing, ei thu
fciaslic, and itlgniticant deun tiH'.ration tl at which
charaiUTiieJ the PetnKratic Couatv Ccuveutiwa
on Mondiy lt. The brief notice given, and the i
busy ei-ott amour f aimer, le-1 us to anticipate
a litnoed fttteu Jjtice; but the reu!t ues thai!
ihe Dcmocr.icr of Putnam have not rroeuj
wery in tlte.r time huoreil inu-e. Not the!
Ie.jt eigmticai.t fe.ture was the presence of
many war-wom DruocraH, wh e Ion experi
ence of ihe blessings of a g-jod fJoverninent lel
them to re-.ew their etTorts for it erpttustion.
AH seemed to feel the msgnitudo of the duty
which devolved upon them, and the necessity of
earnest and united efforts in the important coa-te-t
which awaits u.
lie is certainly a hört aihted observer who
fail to discern in the meeting of Monday the
contirued progress of the popular reaction.
"Coming evebU cait their ahadows befoie."
Sixth District Democratic Congreat
lonnl Convention.
Indianapolis, June 11), l?G2
At a meef'n? field at tle City ot Indian if-oli.a,
June 19th, lzG'2. of the Democratic Central Com
mittee, for the Sixth Congressional district.it
was unanimously onlete! that a Congressional
Convention be called, to meet in Frank hu, John
ion county, on Thursday, the 17(1 day of Jul
Ordered, That the ratio of vote be fixed at one
for every one hundied lot cs and one for every
fractional vote of filty ami over Cast for Hen
driks for Governor in lCi), which will give th
following number of delegates to the counties
n imeJ, to-w it:
H tncoclc Comity, 14 vote; Hendricks county,
II; Johnson count v, 17; Marion, Hv; Morgan
1C; Shelby 21.
Or iered, Th it the Democracy of the several
counties comprising this district, be respectlully
requested to send delegates to the Convention, iu
accordance to ihe call heie made
The Chairman of the Congies-ion vl Central
Committee, will call the Convention to order at '
one o'clock P. M , precisely.
Ordeted that the proceedings of this committee
le published in the Democratic papers of tHs dis-
tret. W.II. TALROTT,
Clnirmm Dem. Ceti. Com. of Cth District.
Alonzo Rlair, Stc'v.
For the Daily State Sentinel.
.Tlemciilo Tlori.
Died, in this city on Wednesday, the 16th inst..
after a lingering illness. Re Pub. Li. Can. A
Coroner's jury 3 called by Gov. Morton, who
was with great unanimity chosen Foreman, and
after viewing tlie b dv of the vouthful deceased
and examining ever.il witnesses, a verdict of
"justifiable suicide" was returned. It was no
ticed that none of the relatives or friend ot the
decedent were called for or examined by the jury.
The question for the jury being, as briefly stated
by the foreman, .:nipiy to iuqu-re whether the
deceased came to Ins end "by accident, by in
cideut or at the hands of a edentary." The
verdict of the jury is upjosea to be based upon
the second of these causes, though it i generally
understood tint the foreman's opinion was that
lie met his untimely fate at "the hands of a se
dentary." The real cause o& the death will prob
ably be forever fhrou'led iu'niystery. There aie
not wanting malicious tongues whit h pay that the
lece-.ied was strangled by his own children. He
was, however, iJecentlv btrrieil or interred, nnd it
is hoped has gone to sc crist. Some kind friend
placed a garland of roses on his colhn, and n im
pressive tuneral .sernun was deiiveied by Fat Iter
Oi'ver, of the order nf thimble-rigger.-?. The
services wie conductel with f:reat propriety and
the pall bearers were numerous and highly re
spectable. "
Spi'cal Corrfspondence ftf the Chicago Times,
from Wtisliinglon.
The Fresideni's Pulicy in Morth Carolina Sub
juration of the I'tople of the Territories De
mta nor of Central MiCltllan Causes of the
"Ominoun Pause" before Hichmtmd IVAen the
Rthtl Works on James Hirer vill be taken.
Washington, June 15.
Even at this late day, no one heie can say with
certainty what Mr. Lincoln's ultimite course will
be w it'u regard to Gov. Stanly, of North C irolina.
He has given positive as-uraiices to conservative
men that he approves of all that Gov. Slanly has
done, and thai all that he has done has been in
acuiridance with his instructions; und that while
Gov. Stanly has been left to the exercise of a
Urge discretion on many subjects, on one his in
structious were ppecitic ana definite, namely:
that he was to administer the laws of North Car
olina as they existed befoie the rebellion broke
out. As these laws positively prohibit negro
schools, it is probable tint the wise course of
Gov. Stanly in closing them will not beinterleied
with l!ut, on the other hand, the radical and
abolition members of Congress have for the last
ten days been resorting to their old game of teis
ing und worrying the Piesident, and even of
tine iteiiinir him, if he did not instantly send in
stiuctions to Gov. Stanly to reoieu the negro
schools. To day they are boasting that they have
gained their point, that the President is conv ineed
that he was wrong in the first instance, and that
he has promised litem that Gov. Stanly's iusttuc
lions shall be modified, so its to prevent his in
terteience with the nero schools. In thils woik
ing on the weakness of "Honest Old Abe," they
have had the active cooperation of at least two
members of tlie cabinet; of whom 1 teed not
say that the Se aetary of War is one. Tlie lat
ter openly declared tint the negro schools should
be le opei ie I. mid that he would lesion his oiiice
unless the PiC'ident instructs Gov. Scanlv to
h ve them le-opentil. Apielty declaration lor
11 Cabinet M nistei !
Let me here siv that the Secret irv of War
finds the claims of oilico so meat that he will not
lesion in any event, even if be should be over
ruled, not on this only, but on every other point
(ot which there is, by the way, a remote proba
bility.) The-e two contradictory declarations of
Mr. Lincoln, however, only afford a new proof of
his instability, and of the fact that he has no
fixed plan in view by which to restore the re
bellious States to the Union. The instructions
whim were given to Gov. Stanly, if properly car
ried out, would satisfy all the Union men iu the
State, mid would go far towards restoring the
whole State to its iositioii in the Union. Rut
if those instructions aie tampered with or al
tered, so as to interfere with the local laws
and domestic institutions of the eoji'e. North
Carolina will nut be a willing member of the
The people of the Territories of the United
States aheidy have cause to regtet biiterly the
untimely death ot Senator Doughs, their best
and saeidfast friend, and todeploie the ascenden
cv of that faction which has ove'il avvav.onehv
one, the landmarks of their rights which he
guarded with mk-Ii jealous care. The recent
pas ige by the Senate of the House bill "pto
iubitinir slaverv in the Territories" is an apt il
lustration. The tt-issage of this bill sweeps awav
at a single stroke the right of the peop e of aj
Territory l form and regulate their domestic
institutions in their own way, and places them as '
clinging v.ts.-els at the dis;tos.l of this wicked !
and laoaticul Countess. The principle is now j
' established, so far as such a bodv can est abb.-h 1
j am thing, tint Cohere has unlimited power j
ov er ihe Tenitories. in all cases w h it-oever. To '
j such extienies of politic 1! herey has the f.inati- j
! ciin of ti:e A'lition;sts brought the country. !
j I find iu my note book one or two ifetns that I
j jotted down while I was aith the army i.etrj
j Richmond two weeks ago, which I will here I
intention, in the absence of any stirring news;
! heie One is in regard to the general devilment i
t and demeanor of General McClell.ui in moments
I of triuuifh and in limes of excitement. The
I statement has been in de that on such occasions
he lose- command over him-elf in a measure,
becomes excitei, ami ifidu'ges in undue timiliir
) it v with tho-e arounJ him, regardless of their
: rank. Now, in ail thi there 13 not a word of
'truth. I hive enjoyed opportunities of being '
I near him on many such occasions, of he ring nil i
j that he sod, und of in .iking his dememor. '
j Theie 1 no "excitedly draining on and pulling '
! off It. a gloves," no "wild exel intiou of hav
ing got ihe whole tebel crew," n "sljppinjr on
ll.e b ick." no "familiar je-tii g w ith the common
! so!d:er." From ail I luveeent General Mc-j
I C ellaii. and 1 saw much of h in evert day from i
'ihe slee of Yorktowa to the battle on the:
Cli.ck thotniny, I thould say tint the pre- j
j dominant reuliment in his mind was a rer- j
v uling. leil zing sense of the val responsibility '
I tint tests upon Inni. and of the magnitude of
I the task thit he has to do. He hs een his
pi ins, the fruit of the midnight ftudy of nnny j
! toilsome weeks, rudely brushed aside by a char- j
1 lat in. and broken up by the cabals of factious j
; demauoues. He has seeti his gallant army toil- j
j it; through ihe owamps of the Peuinsuli lor six
! wetks, and losing from sickness and battle fully
five hut.died men per day, until now he is con-j
fronted with a super. or force of ret!, while Mc- 1
; Dje!l r-tiil dawdles at Washington with G UJk) 1
troops. When, therefore, victory after victory !
i crom. his arm. av the case at Widiim-burg
I and on the Chickahomiuy, it is iuqos.blc to
vU uttt that the iJei which occupie Li ruUid is,
how much greater woufd be his triumphs
b id he been .ioid to werk ut L's original
plans with his or'git tl forte. iUlweeu hiiu mn
the old!en there tsi.t the warmest fethwgs. On
their part. terie. I confidence and ent ie I ejj e t.
On bis part peifect t cm nee on their Itritery and
K'xxl conduct. Rut ti e ro'd.ers oftheartnyof
the Potomac tire different men from th-i-e who
left their homes in April, l?t'l, or in the July or
August follow iug. They have le-imel iuee
then that the fieedom and equality of a citizen
is one thine and that military discirline is quite
another. They hive become soldiers, which is
whit their country wants jut now, and have left
tlie citizen at home. They lov e their comat mder,
becau.-e he has made them soldiers; bee luse,
from the first, he interested himse f in the-r cm
fort. and t-h-ire their privations now. I have
mirked him weil. I hive seen him in the flush
of victory, and w hen disaster anddele.it seemel
trembling in the balance; and I have never known
him to be otherwise lhan elf-possessed, courteous,
and dignified, in hi entire dememor.
The great question which now agitates the
pabüc mind is, "Why des not McClellan ad
vance on Richmond, und take tint city?" Whit
is the me ming of this ominous pause, which h a
lasted now thirteen days, and wbch follows M
Clellau's stirring addiess to his soldiers Sou e
inkling of the explanation of the matter maybe
found in my recent letters, but the whole truth
wijl never be known till developed by the p-t-gi
ess of events. General McCIellao is doing all
tint anv militarv comm mder can do, but be can
not control mc eleuien', and he cannot
achieve im;xfs bill e-. T. e r,bel army, i.t
Richmond is üreatly uperi)r to his own iu nurr
ber, amounting to near "2 )'J,U'.X) irooj s. And the
eilect of the heavy and continuous rain of the
lust two weeks has been not only to swell lie
Cbk kaln miny to the propoitions of a re-tcctable
river, but also to flood the whole country lor
miles on teat h s'! aud to convert even those
portion which aie not submerged into a bog or
swamp, iu which any military opeiations are ut
terly out of the question. I leiing thee facts
1'rnni jin ofiicer of hih rank w ho left McCieUan's
he-ulqu uitrs yestenlay.
The rumors which have filled this city diy af
ter day and every day for a week past, of disas
ters to our naval fleet up the James river, near
Richmond, are not without found. ttion, but they
arenotbtsed ujon actual facts. The fact that
our entire naval force theie, including the far
f.wned Monitor, has been for so nnny weeks be
fore Ihe le' el works, without being able to m ike
any impression upon them, has been seized hold
upon by Southern sympnthizeis here r.s prima
faeie evident e that the rebel works are im,ngii 1
ble. Rut thaf by no means follows. If a proper
naval force had been seni. there in the lirst in
stance, Fort Darling und the rubel woiks on Dru
ry's Riuif could have been taken with very little
trouble. Strengthened and protected as they are
now, it will require a fleet ot mortar boats and
the co operation of a land force. Rut they can
be taken whenever the Secretary of War wishes
them to be taken, and whenever old Gideon ex
ercises a little energy. ,
Tlie election.
We have received, comparatively, but few re
turns of the election on Tuesday on the adoption j
or rejection of tho new Constitutum. YV hut re
turns were icceived yesterday indicated a closer
vote than wits conceded to be jmssible by boih
opponents and suppoiters of the Constitution on
Tuesday evening. Tlie great tains iu Chicago
and Cook count)-, nd which, it wa thought, in
dicaled an unexpectedly favorable icsult in the
noiiheni portion of the S:ate. did not extend to
tlie udjoining counties to tiie extent looked for.
but still the gains are sufficiently large to carry
the new Constitution by a decided ni joiiry.il
the central and southern portions of the State
give it the vote promised in those localities. By
gains we refer to a comparison of the vote on the
Constitution with the result iulhe Slate iu lcGU
on Presidential candidates.
Lincoln carried Illinois bv 11,916 mijority
ov er D tughts in a total vote of 34'J b'.M. In the
four northern Congressional districts the Repub
lican m tjority in 1";CD was 411,'J1. If we con
tinue to hear of gains in the north as he ivy as
those already reported the in J rity will be re
duced at hv.st to one half and probably to one
third or one-fourth of that f-gure. The five
Southern districts will certainly be able to over
come this unjority and leave a very handsome
margin. The Democratic majority in these dis
tricts in 1 ir 6r) was 21), 12. We expect a falling
otT from this, but nothing l.ke the redaction iu
the Republican nnjorities 01 tue northern part of
the State. In fact, so far as heard from in the
central portions of the State, we hold our own in
majorities, even when corn pa ret 1 with the vote of
lfbl. In Springfield, the capital of the State,
we gain 2i'2 votes, notwithstanding the influence
of the State Administration, and in Adams coun
tv the new Constitution has iOJ m tjority, while
Douglas had but4."l. Shelby county gives 1,0 M)
majority for the Constitution a los of but 100
on Douglas's vote. The Ninth D. strict,-Ivypt.
gave LoiNin in led, 15,'J1"2 majority lor Con
gress. We believe this vote would very nearly
neutralize the m tjority north of Springfield against
the Constitution, and if the voters turned out it
would be given; but the fear is that the absence
of nny opposition in that section of the Slate has
li uT tiie effect of of calling out but a light vote.
Chicttao Times 10th.
s Ca lv of fkices.
Prest Circle, er Pirqurtte, f&r a Geutletn&n ....50 cnt.
for a La ly an I OwiJ.'nitn "3 cect.
V.Ach .-M:tiocal Lm-'.x tiMCti,
Imr I t- to bold -it per-ons.. ?4 0
Nrur Se.it ia Trivaie llox Tlcert.
ütiiery - Umhu.
Tnr fit n4 tt n'.irht t-tit one of
VThm the perToricir.ce w.K consist of the elegict
V "V ). WXNT t: M a;
Ic which itISS KAP.ION VIACART11T will ftjsti.i font
Characters, ao-1 tbeGrnd Fmry nutlet I'ADtomime of the
f- at at ot aa M. mm. -M pit.
In wh ch Mi.Ss FXNE ROS.vL w 11 ustaln the character
vf toi, tUe Muutttaia Sylph, Hb Dance,
I7"Ioors open at7-; o'cl-xl. c tnrrerce at 8.
o w.
J EKK n.
Tlie Armr Iteforc Il.clt iiioikI.
The New Yoik Herald thus alludes to the
malign ii.lhiences which have been at work to
emburass Gen McClellan in his movemenbs
upon Richmond:
He was not and would not become a worshipper
among the nigger worshippers, and they resolved
to immo'ate him. Hence tlie cutting up of his
Potomac army into tin re or four separatee imps,
to make room for two or three military poll
tici ins. Hence the late disastrous repulse of
Cen. Rinks from the S ienando ih valley , iiiid the
general disarrangement of all those beautiful
plans which were to supersede the plius of lien
McCiellan for the recovery of Richmond and the
State of Virginia to the Union. Mr. Senator
Wilson and his radio tl associates had decreed
that no more troops were wanted, and recruiting
had been for some time ?usieiideii when this re
pulse of (Jen. Ranks led like a bombshell into
the War OHice.
Mr. Secretary Stanton was tlni persuaded of
the expediency of calling out fifty thousand addi
tional troops. Rut why not one huu.hed and titty
or two hundred thousand, in order to bring this
war to an end at once? With this additional
force on hand a month ago, Richmond, Ch ules
ton, Sivanit.ih. Mobile, mid every other place in
the South of any importance to this rebellion
would be now in our Mssesion. As it is. with
out jroin;; further, (.ener.il McClelhm evidently
needs i enforcements, when he might ju-t as well
have had in hi camp today it it overwhelming
army of two hundred ami titty thousand men as
the mote limited force now under his command.
We ch ir-e all these drawbacks upon our Ab
litiofi radical faction and their domineering partv
chiets at Washington. The President has held
them in check as far as possible; but controlling,
as they do the lawmaking power of Congress, the
IV'si lent 1m been compelled to hindlet ;em
some hit oelic'te'y. V e sie inclined to the
opinion, on the other hand, that the Secretary of
War his lent a too willing ear in some cases to
the-e Abolition radicals; but, bel.ev inj; th tt he is
at length convimed of these expensiv e blunder
ers, and realize the difficult position of the aimy
of Gen. Mcdeilan, we feei Hs.ured that the ne
ce-sarv nieasuies tor a crowning vietmv at Rich-
inottd and a peedy end to the r are under way .;
and will be Mctivrly cirried out- Out of their j
own mouths our Abolition tiisorgmizers are con-
demned; and to save themselves from the jtossi J
bie coti-eijuences of iheir folly and treachery they
come iu at tlie eleventh hoer for icii lorcements
lo the army of General McCIellao. I
:Sl4Mi.tl rVotio?. j
70 nrEnTr$EnSAnvitertinnentt fia.Ar.
a frtmfiet timr, -nit or4frt nut ltr tKe rxjirtitisn 't
nt lUr i'tMt jiffil, utU ' tAnrjrJ te rejur ratns
f trlketimr . . tk time tk'S tr ordered out.
now traveling, cor.fis'inp of
all rare. Jat imported, and collected from the four quar
ter nf tlie glih.
thst Dance, Climb, ai:d s invert their bodie as to STAND
ON THÜR HEADS, are inclu-tct in this collection, as
are tbt
1HEUS, 4c,
that hire hen trained and tiljfcted, and will be per-
form;d u-'df-r ttie au-'ics T Lc
Inc"vraied w itii the Grand Sliw is a
Miiprrioi CirciiM Tron pt
who hve leen enjrage! for their tuperlor ability.
Among the p ottiii'Ciit is
ihr Chimrtr.n Btr-fitck Aii-tntl'in Equestrian, a r der
w ho c!i s i lie world to e rel Lint in a tlarinj; ac.
The following di.-tiii,'uihcd artL-ts have alao been Fe
Toother wl'h ntiTPprons i!ilirie.
TLe jtui'lic CMtt fiixl a de ai! d li't cf ur attracMns ia
the pirn; li'ats and hills, to which their sjacial attcutiou
is dir. cted.
jrjVVill exlutiit at Indinnapoti on
atiiid:iy,.Tiinc 1SG2.
fpen at 2 and 7 P.M. Admission only 23 cents. 'o
half price. JtlH-dtd
Piano -Fort es.
- numtrninn o nntnev
y'V V J v
( & gt. , STEINVA Y & SON'S
Just received at No. 4 Bates
X. P.. Pianos tuned to or.Ur and BY HIE YEAR
IfAliE to hold from on to sixteen ponn Is of Suzar,
11. CotI e, f lour. Ac, Ac. just the artuk T-r Grocers,
Bakers, and Fiuit D'-'ah-r.-, at
PSiotnraph Alhum-,
TEW Styles anl Variete, at
Lyncli 8c Hieane,
l.adic' I)rr Good, everj tiling In
tlie Line, und evct Leign.
" ACE a.td Silk Mtrtilli, r-w nyle Saqu-s, SbM
I J and tloak, Pr nt.1 Calicoes Parasol tri Min L'm
brfllas, II. mp Ski t.-, Hosiery Ac.; Iri-h Lin-iif. Emiro:d
eries v.vhite (,ot"t", I .neu and Camltrio lUriJketcLiefs.
Lleached and Br..wn Stife'inzs, Gloves, Noiiuiis.
Bet Ame'ican lirnii'ts, irfin fic a yard up;
mi est s:.rai.fsn i'itM.rTS,
Only 12;,c a yard;
6-4 w ide, oi ly 69c a yard:
very RtsJ, 3 pair 2-c.
only to be had at I t.ch A Keane'
For men's and bo' wear: S raw CtcA, Hat, Cap, and
nT, ryih-itir to I found it a trjr loU More.
Stock complHe; b' utrh at rect-nt at'C'it ns in New Ycrk;
will sold "JO jer cent. b low former pr ce for ca.u.
IUvi.ijj male arrattementt with two of the larfrt
Hoop skin Mitnufac'orie in th- I, we ar preoared It
ottr th m, wholesale and re ait, at Nrw York prires.
Call an I exanioe th tock; tio trouHe to slfw jf'od.
Only one price. K-memtwrr sijrn of the Pa Hoop
Skirt. jelX-62-dly
irvtitiation, or to tho by when an increase of ,
family U Tram any reason otJectioLat le, th i ndertKBed .
would ofTr a rcri?tiun which U perfectly r-liable and i
afe.iid riiirh ha been prevribed in t a riot, partcf
the Old Worldfjr thepa-tcent ary. Attbounh tMartkle .
lTerychep and slaiple, yet it ha been put up in half!
pint Mottle and sold very extenivelj at the exorbitant j
price oli per bottle, Ihe uu-iersltieo propose mr
alh tberecipef r l,by the poeiou of which every
laty cnupp!y beraelt with a perfect safeguard, at any
dru tore for tho tnfiirur am of X5 cent per year. Kay
phytician or drurii-t will tell you it it erfectlj harmK'M,
thound.f teatimonial can le procured of it eftica.-y.
Sent to any part of th wortdna receipt oftl.by -tdre.
ir.jr. D.i. J.C. DEVEK ACX.
P. O. IV),N.215S,Nw Uaren.Cnneetieut.
oaraTOCJCT, I c. s. rTTr.tritu,
Ijite Adjutant Ic. Serrice. I-atecf St-c of State's office.
t o t:s i: rvj; v t tl hlm l l if,
o. io wr.vr w amiinc; rti st.,
(Over Vajen' Hardware Store.)
IEN.IONS, Ftmty l-rid, 1100 Boarty, Back Tay,
Extra I'tv, a'td in fact all cUtan atin! th L'nited
Stat succe--fully and ipeedily prosecuted befora tt
tT-ral I epartn-entt.
pectii atten ion given to tnaktra ont MuMer in and out
Rollt, ufficer' Py K-1D, Coinmutatlon cf Quarter for
Becruitire Oiricer, Ac., Ac.
Particular attention aiven to procuring discharge! for
"tuper-ntiuated" and 1i-a led oluier.
Notartal iuines and all kiuds of writing solicited
W have ma te arTaiisretnett with a prominent attorney
cf Wibinton fity to atsend.in irsn, to all claim that
may b referred to lieadijarter llavir.ir bad an ex-tt-rxied
prst.cal mi!itry experience, we believe that we
have qualtricationlor doa a collecting and claims bui-ne-s
that ttut tew P'sf. Saldier, rr any one ei-e, !e
irinjf Informati'n eo'tcemiria; ibe locatio n of any rri
rtenf. company, or batta!n n, are invited to call, a no
Charge are made for any infornutto't whatever, also,
id.i-rtidesir.hx tratsport4iiti home ortojom thir rejri
Dten'iwill pen all tiecessrv information pra'S. Our
ftnnectton with the difWen- Military Deptrtmentt of thi
State eaa leu to I of great r to ail desiring In
formation roiR-erutr the name.
lEmiuii-t rraaisMo.
Gov. O. P. Vj.inon; CaI. J. Mnotiwi, U. S. A.: Gen.
Lax. Noble; VV . A. i'. etle. Seerttary of .Vale; Capt. Jame
A. Ekin, U.S.I. 31.; J H. Vajen.Q. M.l.M.rr.l.
n-yI9-dly Lock fr 117, IndUDajrtIi Indiara.
ITo. 5 East Washington St.,
uoor SKIRTS.
Wen' and Boy' Wear, TriiumiiiN, lYotion, &c.
M. H. GOOD, Proprietor.
Ruger k Caldwell,
IVo. G8 Fasl Washinsrtoii St.
Fit Zkort Ent of Odd J-JUic' JZjU, I-idi-
auiii, Indiana.
2QQ BARRELS Tbopnlx Reflned Sngar;
BAHRELS Cnikbed Sugar;
BARRELS Towdered Sugar,
00 nAR'ELSTe"lowSusa, Tlrioll, brand?;
-'ll BARRELS Golden Sirup, A No. 1;
fc) BARRELS Toney Sirup;
2 BARRELS Stewart's Sirup;
Ia ttore and for aale be
C1 Eft Washington L
RAGS Roasted Cofft-e;
JQQ BAGS Old Java CotTee;
- m BAGS Rio Coffee;
"I X 1 1 Bf,XES Ground Coffee; Do. In Tapers;
(Jt( CHESTS and Hal' Chet Gunpowder, Tonnjr
Vff Hyon, Hyson Stn, and (Mutig Teat, very
VIriCE, ('awla, Clore, Cinnamon, and a ceneral
ass.rtm,nt tf Spices mita'de ftr retail trade; Black
anil Cayenne lVpper. I'or le l.w by
Ci Last Washington L
T0. 1 and No. 2 Mackerel in Barrett, Half Barrels, asi
00 lJo:tESIlerrin?;
-jUU BOXES Codflfh:
XUU L0XES Snjnlf,J IIa!ibut-
For sale bw hr
GS East Wa-hingtou tt.
ALARGEard well selected assortment of Grocertet
now receivtua: ai.d f -rtale a-hw as at any hnu-
iu the VVeM. Country alerelti.t and C y tr"cerinvitel
toexamine our Mtck. RL'GEK A CALDWMJM
jeU'6'J-dAwljr Ci Eatt WaitiKtoti tt.
BY direction of Pttilnxenian IotK-e, No. 44,1.0.0. F.,
I will pay the ao e reward fr the apprehension
and cnvkti n of the person or per ris truilt v of the.
murder of Kro. Lew U Chaboude. on the rtkht o the 2llh
ol Hy. Isa32. JOSKril TAtT.. N.G.,
June 5. 1GJ. Thiloxenian L(x!ge, No. 44, 1.O. 0. F.
jeS d:w
1 Slight Cold,
cr if ate
uit a simple remedy,
inrjlectcd, cficn terminates tericuzly.
Fcu are aware' cf the impcrijrce cf
sieppir. a ßaieli. cr J lln tit
ßcld in lis fret stage ; tai xj.üsK
ia the linninr ivculd yield I'j a
mild remedy, if, net aitcrjtel tc, socr.
attaches the lungs.
7.ttuusL' QtcjncliLal jEffacir
Ue-e frei introduced eleven x.ears cgj.
It has been prct-ed that they are tht
beet article befcre the pxiUxs fcr
ffcuiaiA, chUt f&ficruifuliH,
fjLalfurLCL, fgaattt., the Hackm?
C-currh in frCJi&umfiilc.n, ar.d
numerous affestizns cf the jEJUfiaut
givinrr immediate relief.
Public Speaker St Singer
wVZ fnd them effectual fcr clearir.g
and ctrenrrthrning tje vzice
Cold by all (Irutjgists and (Dealers
in JScdicine, at 5 cents xr bcz.
lYctt Wrriirni llif-ccivcry
For the ee'y attd permarveDt cur of
Grarel.stricture.aTKl Aftecttonnof tie Födneyaw1 Btalder
which ha Wen used y cpward of one
hundred physicians.
CF.SS, Miners? ding Culab, fjpaila, Capul. or acj
other compound hitlterto known.
m:i,ivs sii:ciric pilln
Are sjteedy In action, often effectinit m cure tn a few days,
and when a cure la effected it I pennatt tit. Thy are
prepared from reiretaMe extract that are barrel e. on
the y:em an.l nerer nauseate the t(micb, or iiMprea-
nate tlie breath; and tein? UK:ar-catel, all oauKeoai
taste i.s avoided. No chance of diet 1 nece.tary while
uf'rtr them; nor doea their action Interfere with buttneta
puruitt. Each box contains nil dmen IMlt.
And will "ent by mail, post-paid by any adeerfined
Agent, on receipt of the miej. ikld by DruggiMt gen
erally. Nuue genuine without inT stenatore on the wrapper.
J. BUY AN, Kocbe.ter, N.
General Agent.
Jfctjr TOMIJNSON A COX, Ajrenta for ItKlianapol
Jul19-dAw '61
.Tl A A II O O I) ;
A LECTURE on ihe Nature, Treatment and lUdk-al
Cure -f Sperm ttorrhfi-a or Seminal WeaLne, In
voluntary Emission, Sexual Iebility and Imped menta
t' mtrrittr ineratly. Nervousnehs,Cniumption, Kpi-
lepy atid Itts: Mental ard l'hyrl Itcate1T. r-nltin
I from S ir-Au-e, Ac Br KDRKKT J. CULVER W ELL,
fM. I) , AutLor of the tivem Jat, rfy 'A I i to
I liousatKi or Munerers " eent antler neat in a plain en
velope, to any ad lref, pot plt, on receipt of sit rent
or two pr-ttr stamp, y Ir. CH. J. C. Kl INF.. 127 Bow
ery, New York, iWoßke Boa 4iC. apr3-dlw3m la
twenty years I voted Lis trofenil time i c!il
sively to ihe treat it.-i t of Eriualr li f f Ir n 1 1 1 ewt
and havinfrsUocMsl in bou-aixloor cases In eeiorira;
the aOti:te 1 1 sound health, bat now entire confidence
offering ihhJiely Iii
"(VI .Itnerictt aa ItemetlyS
nr. iiAr.vrrs
Which have neve-jet Tailed (when the direction bT
been trictlj followed,) in removing difficulties arising
Orlnresforini: Itie ytem to perfect health, wbenufferirif
from .toinal AfTtlona, Prolapsus, Uteri, th Whites, or
other weakie ot the Uterine trrfrtns. Also, In allcaset
ofIebihty or Nervotis Proetratloti; Hysterics, I'alpita
tiona, Ac, which are the foreruiiner ol taore eriov.dia.
IqV The-e pills are perfectly harmless on throntl
tutin and may I Isketi by themotdl-aiefrmalew)tU-out
ca-tsit .!i-tre. at the ame tsiriet bey art bit - m charm
by -trerjt heninr. n1oratri(f and restoririi tletytero
to a leaithy condition, aiid r.y brii clrr or. Met .ontHj
perMwithrrKularity.no n-atter from what eausetha
otructi!s mar arie. Tbey tiotil-1, liow e i r. n"t t e
taken turitifr the f.rt ttr e r four moiih of prn.aey
thoiikft safe at ai-y otlr time, at miscarriage woul 1
tLe result.
Each tw.x contains fti) lists. Price tl, and nn. de
tired will v ut by mail, pre-paid by any advertUed
Agent, on recei-.t of the tnoorj.
Sold by Druft-Ws renerally. J. ERTAN.
i tbesfr New Tork,;neral Ager.t.
. &0T TOM LIN SON A COX, A genu for Indianapolis.
. jBiyl9-dAw'ai '
Desirable BuilTin j Lou fronting on Pennsylvania, TvUwtre and Michigan tts.,
IK" ix. PAnmsn's subdiviqi
lüä terl.
JOII 71. I.OltD.
115 per foot 2 254. -
- 15 peiifoot 2f250.
Soldfcr t2,TM.
I A i - S
SOLD FOR 118,000 JZVl
lILj leel.
Sold to
DAVID .tlACV, i:q. S
r-Kold tollcr.Mr.Tlndnll
Soldi -
4 Fred. Iluactabanpt. 7
: I a !
ac: i i i c-.
2 i 5 r : -
. i i
' ot ot- ' ,o.
' . tr II t I I
Ketraitt, d m. i . ii-x. i . i
No.ls kU Waihi&ctoo tu-tet.
J from fAi per foot to U per fowl. Ob Pcunsy I aid a from fo3 to fid per foot.
This is the cheapest and m desirabU vacant property la lb city, by U per ceol aorta of Washington, bat
twee n Illinois. Delaware od Nonn treet. which is the center of Indianapolis.
Parties wi-hlng more than 40 feet cao have a part of the neat K. !
TERMS AJne-lourth ea.h.balancein 1,2 ai.d 3 years, with annual Interett.
Eur further infortuatioucall ai y oQceover Tafbott't Jewelry Storo- PAaElaH.
Iiulis&af oils, Indiana, February I, la43 (tol-dCxii

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