Newspaper Page Text
DAILY STATE SENTUIEL. j i k:MI ani t crushed a r TflE NEW SENTINEL OFFICE. fsO. 2 AOL'Tll ?IF.ItiniA TIIKKT. err:T ra mwuttci. A ELDER, HARKNESS 6 BIFÄHAM, lropritlor. t Yarly f 00. iwraaiaai.- ta a!Vce; of d.h.ered by U carrier at 13 Si cent per week, payable e-nu-tonntlty. hlcr nt C-.ty ut.ritr w.:i U beld repofu.n!a for pajer If ft at th r hfie. after they hae retnortd, of hm they wvh thrm dyrotitmu'1, uulfu notice ta girta at the of f.e of put! -cation. p.p-r int wit Loot prepayment, or cxmtinuedlonger than mu4 f-'T- i;,ir,tr of tbe Dailv Sirw-mai cad b bad at the rub nn.n.injr, and tt-t WaaKLt tTitt. each How d.y monnriQ, neatly ereloped. fwr mailing. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, TVVUnt.t KVKBT VTEÜNX3DAT AT .. n-.i . -mrrv- FATAIIJI IHTAklAtLT I ADTAIK-K. it x v k n c r ADVi:itTisi x ; . VOLUME X. i 11... 3" I 44... JeL.. a hi or ! , k S i ! m m 1 -e i o J tf..V 1.00 1.2.1 175 KM.' a-v I.. J.. 1 m.. im.. Stk. 4 m.. 6m.. 3 0O 4 CO R.iiO 7.00 8 50 II f m.. 13 W) Km 15.0) 1.12 1 7 2 i 262 SM 375 4.5o (no 7.50 10 25 11.75 LYoo 1 oo mm 25 i 2..V' 350' 5 0O 10! 12.50 13 50 H75 24.25 21 25 27X0 Z-ti 35 50 ..' 45.0 1H 3.T2 3 75 437 00 C 25 7 50 1 0.1.0 3.25' -3 00 t 4.5a 5.25 dntv 7 5 9.0O 12 13.00 20. no 29.50 33.00 37 JO 43.54 55. Wt 2 6i 3.50 4 37 H t 3.00 4.00 5.00 s oo 7.00 8.00 H at 5.251 6.13 7.ft .75 10.00 10.50 12.00 14.00 16.00 17J 20 00 23.25 2 50 34.75 40.00 40.00 45.00 45.50 52 50 50.00 57. 60 iVYOO 75 00 3..17 4 50 &.6J 6.75 7.N7 Od 11.25 13-BO 22.5) 29.75 45.00 50 00 57.50 65.00 5 0 3.75 5.00 620 7-f'O H.75 10.00 12.60 1.VU0 20.00 25.00 ' 3-1.00 50.00 55 00 62.50 70 00 95.00 DATTiY Si:iTLBL INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. KU.xrorrA!5i railkoap. TTtinnIAT. Triin Arrive. 5:20 A. K- Mail 20 V.U. 2 00 P. M 6:40 A X. 8 40 P. M 11 iO A.M. limn iroui ao mil tia cxick. Train Lt. Tran Arrive 5.20 A. M Eiprfu 13 P. M. 8:4') P. M. AfcoTTimi)!!t!on lw.45 A.M. I5MAXA CKkTBAL tAiLWAT. Trtr Iev. Trin ArriT. 6 15 A. M 7:15 A. M. 12:10 V. M Mail 1:34 P M. 7:jO P. M ............. 4 55 P. f . ici i a roijs iid cgLrmri niiuirr mm, via iatoj. Trin l' r. Train Arrive. 1 S A . M ' 1 A . M . It-lO I". M 1:34 P. M. 7:01 P. M 7:55 P. M. IStJUkUrOllSAID UXCINX1T1 A1U0AD. Train Traiti Arriv. A. X 1:5 A. M. KMO A. M 4 ." P. M 6 35 P. M 10:55 p. M TIUI ff ACT K RAll.KOAO. Trairi IeaTe. Tr!n Arrive. 7:20 A.M 6:10 A. M. 1 10 P. VI.. . ... 955 A.M. M.4J P. M ..30 P. M. MW AliAy AJ(D CHICAGO ROAD fiRKtSCAmr. JtCTU! Goin? North. 6.0) P. 31 11 05 A. M ...11:25 A. M. 2."0 P. M. AUVKIiT:INi IS THE WKF.KLY. 10 75 t' " 1 00 f., -T " 2 00 Fcr.vrh u'"c linUn, il fw ach lirer- 1k.II f rub ii'.liU.IiAl e'iur 33i A.!vrt!'-rr.-Tit jti'.ii-l.fl both lb Piljr anl tl.e Tklv hrT!r.i villi rhrw"l ihe Tell DillrrAtcs, V4 ith ri-.alf le TVf. klv rut- .vUr. I:uin' In tt )! nilnmti. Pur or n.U-r, w :il Im rtirz'l for e:h lnriioii 1; If wer trn lit-. fuc-rt j-rln. Charge ;II Itu l- f"f irtxertlMr M: n.tlrei or tlt? f ,f..tit; Order. Hocftir aixl AocUU-u t the rte ti ivf, I j-ai'l In alv arin : If :! tarv Cmj4t.iei, Or-W i,f 0l F11jw, Masoiiic Tr e-h TiotSrr n' t rsrrne tines 25 cents for each lnM-rlin; over rlcl.t Itnr at thi utH. AnnotiiKin?; death. with funeral m'.ice attac he!, $1; without mttrefr Mrritie N-t;ce 50reit. Notice, .f Feivcl. l'icnir aniirxn3rsionH,(C(.tt n tj In.t.vt.tuul. or -ci.tim, or l-y churches at the regular prirev AlvfrTteme!if!i leaded n l yUcti tinder the litt1 r Ntitl'srK, if teoliit orwei,wt:i he cbarftrti douMe tu u-i;l rate. Atvertlemert. maVlntf te-triri three line, in-ertcd one in the Dnilj. will U charw'.-.l fifty cent. Yearly 1 vertier tpav quarterly. AntK.nnrintr ranHMatea for offloe of every dcr1pti.n toicharirtd t the rate of fl 50 for each mni- in the Iily. Afwl 2 in the Ltailv aitd Weekly, the aue to he, in II cae. paiJ In advauce. IifK'3Ulverti.Mmetth.-rfc4 ttheepen-e of the at torney. or!erimr. an.l not cMayal.le for ti e It f al tTfrcI- na:, hut roHectmMe at our u-ul time. PubliNher not accountable f.r the accuracy f legal a-lverti-meiitv be- TMi.l üit monnt cbartretl f.r tleir publicatk n. ELLE lt. HAKKXKSS A ItlNt If Alf. Proprietor Indiana Nate SenlineL J. M. Tll.KOKI), Presitlent In.lianartAli JouniAl Cornpanj. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Trifti Arrive. .. 6.10 A. M. ,.1005 A. M. .. 6.f0 P. M. Expre ... . Freight, Itaily . .. LAfAIKTIK AlUOtAb Traii Leave. 10 05 A M 4 4. P. M 1O.30 P. M nar Axittni'iA Art I ichaii aoAn. Train Ieave. Train Arrive. A. M Mail 950 A. M. 10.35 P. M Chicago Eire 4 10 P M IMlA!Aroi.ia AM MAltlSOH RAII &tAt. Trains I-ave. Train Arrive. 12:.".;) P. M Mai' lo-.r.O A. M. 7:00 A. M....fFr..m Pretaht lv,,otj 6:25 P. M jKrirahiiit n.i a kaii kuAO. Train Iave. 6f0 A.M.. C 30 P.M.. .Mail.. Train Arrive. .. M:45 P M. , .. 5:OOA. M. Arrival and I)ariiirf or Closing r .tiitii. ARU1V MailNon mail Ciuciiitiutl and way mail ... JeRerxtm Hlf anl lulville Terr Haute way niuil Wrxt mail ... Central way mail ......... Terre Haute tLritiiuli mail . Ijfn v-t te and Ch;catj' .... IU-llt fi.uuiii.e way tn.til iwllt through ni&il Central through mail ('ii'-:ntialitbriinli mail. . Sprintlel.l,llUni-t AUS. ..11:00 . ,. K:-;o ..11:30 . H::n .. 1:45 .. :. o . . 6 IK . . 7:0 .. 6.30 .. 6 30 a . . C .'U) A .. G OO a A. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. II ARKI50NS HANK.-No. 13 F.At Wr-binRtoti Mreet ot T.tte the Sentinel Olllce. nav4 rivi:uv staiim:s. A LLKN A lllNPLEY, Uvery and Sale Maoie, in me l rear of the ralu.t r ll JU-e. Juui-lly F(M'. nicii.s. DAVIS k CO., Union Focndrj, Delaware street, op- . p-it Union ltepot. AH5R1.MA9 YI5T0N, Wa.hUirton Fourulry and Machme Work, ea.t end Union Ier.ot. niy2 ltl.AL KMATK ACSOTN. II rillANn.) SMITH, formerly iHlzell k Smith, Ue.vl l i-....- A.m i.tTn Pilver. 37 K.-t Nahit'Uton treet. llone to reTit. Jan25-dly '2 cKF.KÜAN k riF.KCF, Real Entatc Agtnti nJ Hrokrrm. lO. Kt vv arnii.gTun treei. TM. Y. W'W.KY, Real K-tate Agent tud Sttik Rro- aer, ms '-ai aunigiou mrvi. " hoot jiinMioi: diiam.un. J C. MAT II FW k CO., Wh.Ieale dealer In Tt.t, 'j. hoe. and ltuther. N. 4 Kotn-rU', opixwite la't ivpt, lpdiarupoll. Ind. DAM KNODI.r. A ON, m.vnufacturera and dealers 2 In all kluu vt lUn.ta ana Mi.h-, m. jz fcM v a-a Cjti'O atreet. ajr27 IIOOUK AM .NTA'ri4i:UY. inn FX. STEWART A CO.. wholesale and retail deal I ß er In V-k and Stationery, and lrintera' I t'rrial, M AV I Si. H Went Washington trt-et. apr-: DitKis ami 7ir.nirixr.Ma "W TILEY M. U)WRY, f)ltHJ.l.r. Healer in Iiug, ChemtcaN, VnUiX, ihU, iKeMuff, P.'tanic, P itent atfi other Medicine. Notion and perfumery u. 4 J Ma. at hunrtta avenue, Indiaiiaiwdin. "Ü'll?-.. FnOKUN.N Ä COX. dealer In Drue, Mflicines P PalTit. OW-, ila, Prfuniery, Fancy Good, Ac. No. 1h Fat Wah!n?ton treet. liKltAiiaiMilt mayis RRIUlWNlNt, Iiruffcift, ati.l lealrr In PainM, Oils Vanii-he. iKe-tu:t.,tl.tiiaware, lrfun-ry, Ac .No. 22. nt Washington treeU ajr27 IIUV 4:tMllS. T til-ENS A ft. New York Store, Iry IT '(rll. legale atwI R. tail, tilenna" PJm'k, Kat IV ahtnictoii street. ma5 purvRTt K8. Je ffer"nvtlle and Louisville mail Tt rre llute through mail, St. !.ouw, Cairo, Laf iyette and Chicago jfvyette fit? and Springfield. Illinois .... Madixn ni.'. Central way mail Central through mail and Washington City. Cinrinnnti ami way mail Through mail Terre Haute way, Evaiiwvilie and Vincenne Peru Rellefontaine war and through Jf,ti i ... 7 30 ... 7:30 .. 0:10 . . . "r "M ...1130 ...11:10 . .. 6 00 ... 730 . .. 6 00 ...12 45 . . IV 05 7:30 r. m. r. m. A. M. r. m A. M. A. M P. M. r. w r. m P. M A. M P. M PIANOS. $100 151-ST PIANOS. 8150 ("" KOVESTF.EN A II ALE having removed to their n w Jf vareroont, No. 478 Broadway, are prepared to offer the public a magnificent new scale full 7-0ctavc Rosewood Piano, cont-ininR all improvement known In thi country or Europe, over-Mrutii? )., French grand action, harp pedal, full iron frame, for Slot) CASH. Y ARRANT F. D FOR FIVE TEARS, Kich niouldir p c.v-e, 8175 TO SSOO, alt warranted made of the b4 t materinl, an 1 to better any Mld for $ loo or ?."(o by the ol 1 m''thKl- of manufactttre. We invite the )et judges to examine and try theTew lnfninietits and we stand ready at all time-, tj ut lln nt with anv otlers mtnufitttiirej in this country. i UO V 1', T I : I'.M A: IIAI.I'.. my2tj-!3m 4"H Broadway N Y. PIANO FORTES . V ' h-j T H AVE ON II AND A NUMP.F.R OF Fin.-i w Cla.-s Piano-, which e will eil at "-t f.-r cah WILLIAM A STOW K I U c tl No. 4 Pate II.n INSURANCE. THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO, OF NEW YOkK. ( vrovr.s AM) ti.m waici:. "Ill PI.F5 COX, dealer In Stove, Tin W are, Ac. No. 11 Wet Washington treet. a.r2. hook uiM)i:i:. Arcuiiiiil.itioii.S 1,00,000 CJEVF.N-F.ltillTllS f th- profit divMed to the a- Mircil. Dividend r...t l in the lifetime cf th aured. Hu a-U antäte of part credit given in payment of the prviinuins. A policy of life Insurance t the cheapet and afest mode of n kn a certain investment for one's ." C. Y. W EMPLE, Sec'jr IIENUY STOKES. Pres't. (1 AMPlvFI L A lOlLFS.rok linder and Rlank P--ok j Manuf.vcturers. No. 37 Fa-t Washington eAt of (nenn" l.-k. up ttiir, Indiana l:, feh2S-dtf nort'iI.AS A PALMER. B-ok IhtMem and F.lank IVvok I Manuiot turera. No, 3 Kat Wa-shmgton s'reet, i over Atford, MtlU 1 Co' Grocery. may27 ! rnivt;i.ASH M) iiu:rAv.ur. n. WTIIOUN A lUCHANAN. Importer of China, j ttla- an 1 J teensware, No. Vi EaM W abiiigtoti -t-, ; Indiatiaj "I., I:. I. alia. lly HI IK II T T lll-Hls. i H;EIF.K:CK iF.PI'F!;. Merchant Tailor, and d.-a! r in r-ad' made t-;. ;1. t.s; arid f ini shing rot-Is, No, 21 1 Wrt W ashtnt. ti str.-rt.oj ji! Srtii:i. l oi.-e. ut 29 ttoicm:.s. NOTICE. I KIl.Hf FFK;rsON. Attmey and Counselor at Iw. Pay cah f' r appr. ed j.i!i";ei :,d m -rtike; ai neotia'- !..., n.'te. Ac. t:Vret -ji 1 jt sh- , Iti.tuu trret. i:pt;r, ec tl door t the ruht l.atiJ. op. p.t-Jte ik-itn' I'do- k. oci i K. M:-xiNAM A Al'DlStt.N L. UOniK, j Attortv and Counsel. r at I.w, .ffna lnttraiK-e , C' mrvtnv Pui.Lxi. tt-cuud tJjcr, reisiylvai.!alrrt. ' jl rily ! !I-.IC II.N" X TAII.OIt. UT F M PP. MerrbartTatlr. ardr!el. rlnl l. I . M.s.te Clothing and lurnlhitiij ..m1., No. inj i I a t w-4,,n;?n tret. oppo tia lm i lloutt. I", ti- r'i; u: I- !. Keep contar.t'y cn tanl a laije sk1,rt. ( t-.-: f.f CTh. Ca4iiefs-. ' Ve-t'nts 4 pr.('t.t-, 10. ('4'i,- rfc. Alo, renfh men'a furnish. f K -i,v t: rnri. Fi lershtrt. Drawer. Nerkfe. (r I! l. rf,, tie OoCkJ ol J and the i ti.t ttr of , .rk.. A9-dly j MACHINISTS. 'nllol tlalraol iiirrir.i lllrirl of ; j lnll : Wnrr.i . a l.bel of in"rtn'ioi ha be-n fbd in tlie Ih trict i ..ort ul Ii..- l Li. d :ai's, nt.iu aod f.r the .-Mith t'.rcutt rfiitt District o( Indiana, on the ;t!i f May. W;.'. r John Hnti., Fj . Attorney of Vwe I'nitfd Sat" (r i- I r.trict of 1 1 -. i i-m, ac t:tit li ack C'.ttt'e, Ii i.arr I- hts! , 1 kic cream trtr, I k C .1.. . and 11 to..- tar h. -t i.'e.! at Fvan d'e fr a vioi.Vi 0 of ' le I.iw of the I iiiie.1 Male, .aid ;o.J-a:il rt'-rchar.- d;-e U iiK O'i tra!.nd far, atid prair )i aii.'t ail fi-.ts. and that the in may le condemned and oM as arlM.eaCsMiirahaiHi 4 Mr. N.oa. tlierrlttre, in puru.vr.ce of the monui. n un-! r tne -al i f sji-I Court to jne dirrctcd and '.r- i-red, I d- hei " 1 lV f:vr':i!'l;iMflff t all pT'rt Cl.i:ni,; i; .ü I (;.!(, or a; y thereof, -r i:i any manner inter. 'ed t' ernt, that they te and apj.ear Kfort ttie -a?.!, the Distr.ct Court of t ne I 't. i tet Mate, t. he held a i t Ut aly ' ; " ii;i a'd f. r th I;.ricl of I: 5 an , r the ecr.l Moti.'ny of J.A Let. a: '.0 ocl tk of the f .renooti of dT, Iben and there f. Inter, Ke their cla.ina and make t!.f.r ai'.eijv'.ion in that behalf. . D 41. KK. V. S M.vrb.".l. Pr 1 S. r.K.ttow.Is pee. J.tij n l.iA.Cerk. Dvte l June . JunelJ dl5t as i tt I t r4 . ftt rtt s tt o f. m-z W. W. LI ITHU. . . ACENCY. .f.lO. C4KIIK. n AVlNt; ENTlKfLV KKIiniD TH K !HpKlkM KI.V si-upie.1 t-v J-4m f,..-.jT, m c1, ; f i h V Ij-t an t 1,'ub I a. t it, I ant rrt ar 1 to do I k -..t of . rk III the Bta.-l tt.rr) or t ia. ksirU'hliig ! l!-.- Havtrt-tui twehe years e-j.ert. fn tt- l-t ' ..'t- bp in the rot.t try, I flatter yrf that I fan j I ir entire atofat t l"ti to tL . ho may faor nie Ith ' r.e4rrk. I ba-" tt Hit emplny trttr of the tt laa k ' m.,i; h in the Mate, and pay particular attention to h..r ! II o iff a'd tTiacbiPe fofgi j ). atrma" 'f all kinda pr Tnp!y attended to M.-f.N of II kllnl. t for the patent oiTce. ! l-er the I lace, ft.e .jl'vre 4ith of ti f"i.i D.i. em Itlh.nta trtt. T. Hnows. I 'ulrlo-tilv '1 . . .t. a. at iiii!urs, arltrX .Vf if rinin, -aV Tt 1 "i- e ataav ft --,, e&. tll-u r..t,..t.t w , V, f V . . Aeency at Wa-hlnaton C;tv. ar- ; t-j a to rtv snmpi atien1. t the lawwf ftwlertioti and 'curin of Prti..r, "'ViJ Ptk ly f rlecea-s.I and di-hr;, and all the rlattna and deiuarfla aa-ainM (he liovc runwnt. Person rexidlnr In any f art of the Mate may have the rcUiu. 4-ttre.t hv aldrein them tA t titif particular- ful y tifes). 4 Ka-l W a.hinft.Ti Mreet, in the s-oi. t t-uiMmff wt of tbe Court II JUe aooare,, nd. IUr ai Ciov. Morton Ui Not le, M.j (.en. Walla.-, hrtff lien lKtinM,Co. John folium, Julfe Ferkln, u reau. Cari. ap-41y S TAT E SE H Jo INDIAXArOLlS, IND., SATüßDAT MOKXIXG, JUNE 21, 1862. NUMBER 3,659. RAILROADS. PERU AND INDIANAPOLIS BAILBO AD. 1862. nns n-r 2 1862. NEW ARRANGEiVENT. "Vew Koute to Chicago rla Kokomo. 32 m:lf.s shorter than other route. O AND AFTER MAY 5, ls82, train will U run a f jIIow: A Miil Tfiin Will leave In liaiupoli at 11.10 A M.t -top at all station and make clo connection a. Kokomo with train on the Cincinnati and CLk-airo Air Line Kail- D'.vl fur L;'a!port, Valnrtii-o tnl Chicago, u:A arrire at Peru at 3:15 P. al.. In time to make connection with train, on thT(la-lo mod VTabb Rut way, goiof; Kat and est. Iletnrnirz, tfc name train 111 leave Peru at 6 00 A. M.. after the arrival of the tr?n on the T. A W. It. W. from the Ea-t, and arrive at lndianapolia at 9ZQ A. M. in time to m&t cucnectiohi forailpoiau Eist, South ar.d Wut. An Epretrain will leave Indianapolis at 10:35 P. M., connect at Kokomo with train for Cuic?. and arrive at Peru at 5 0) A. M., intime to makeconnection m itb trains froimt Eat and et on the Toledo and Wata-h Ua.l way. Ketunilni? tLe game train will leave at 12.00 M., making flu connection at Kokomo with the train on the Cincinnati nd Chicago Kiiiway from Chicago Valparalao and Lnira!!port, and arrive at Indianapolis at 4:lo P. M.. in time to connect with the evening trains for Cincinnati, Louisvill- and other point.. Special attenti-.n jriveu to the transportation of live t"ck, pro-luce at.J merchaiidiM- generally. DAVID M ACT, General Atrent and Superintendent. Titito. P. Hai i. hut. General Ticket Atcent. apl'C2-dly INDIANAPOLIS AND C1NCINNAT. MBaait-liiiB Lfl5!ZlaYi Miorlrnt IKoute by Xliirly .Hilf.! NO CIIAM.K OF CA US TO CINCINNATI! Three tra:nleave Indianapolie Daily, (Sundays excepted.) 5 MP..STTF.A1N. 5:20 A.M CINCINNATI LIGIITXINC K.pre arrive at Citicinniti at 10 A M., and Lex ington. Kv., T:Un P. M. S.toii.I :l r;n 10:40 A. M. .':n tnnatl Mail, arrive at Cincinnati ö:4d V. M., nnkjnn cl? totiti'-( tion with Little Miiimi lor Lovel.i'td. Morrow, Columbu, New ark. Z.nesville. and W hfil iiiij. Tlurd Traiii 6 :3 P. M, Cincinnati Eiprcse, arrives at Cinriutiati 11:10 1. M. rure aine as hy any ttther route. Call for your tickets r i f the lndianapoli and Cincinnati Kail pad. Ha i: a ige cherke! tl;r UffL. Special Norn-it. IV sure you got in the right train at Itidittliapoli. The tily CitKitinati train, rtati-li on the fifth track, htinn ibe fartht et track south in ;he Union IVnot. at Indianapolis. II. I., tiiiur:, itetierai lit.-kei .vtrenr. my26 Ci VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. To Destroy- Rat. Rmche, &c. To Destroy Mice, Mole?, and Ants. To D'strny Icd Brig. To rtesfroy Moths in Furs, Clothes, &c. To Destroy Mosquitoes and Fleas. To Destroy Insects on Plants and Fowls. To De&froy Insects on Animals, &c. To Destroy Every form and species of Vermin. INSURANCE. IT I TlrifTra I fi i a . i it.. liioiJicaii iHTVI IWIiniVHR HHtPlXV 1 1 v .III 1 m ' e ' f " r 4. r m x 'v,-. v H THE "ONLY 1XFALLIIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN.' Destroy Intantljr EVERY FORI AND SPECIES OF or IIA UTK) It I, CO.f. Capital Enlarged Jan'y 1, 1860. CAPITAL 1ÖOO.OOO 00 ET RIT.PLÜS, (after dedueüng aU iabiiitkt) 614-112 30 iETHA BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS. mum. v. Wst. powh.i.1.. Traveling Aci t.t HOTELS. French's Hotel, OX THE EUROPEAN PLAN. cut or xtw Yuan. sincji.i: icoo.tis -,o cr..TS ini hay. CITY HALL SQUARE, COR. FRANKFURT ST., Oipite City Hall. ÄTKALS AS THEY MAY BE ORÜKKED IX THK if i. opariouH kefectory. There U a Ilarrer'a Shop and p.atn-ro- tin .ttaclo"l to the Hotel. t-if He ware of Runntri an 1 Hackmen who any we arTiTl. it. i iii; ii- nov.'to '61 -Jly Proprietor. Used hy- Uteil by- by Used by- Used by- LWil by- Lsetl by- LAW BOOKS. Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poison." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats lo not die on the premises." They come out of their holes to die." 'They are the only infallible remedies known. "12 years and more established in New York Citv." -the City Post Ofltce. -the City Prisons and Station Ilofises. tlie City Steamer?, Ship., &c. -the City Ilo.spital, AIuis-House?, &c. -the City Hotels Astor 'St. Nicholas, kc. the Boardin-r Houses, &e., &.e. more than 50,000 private families CT See oi: or tiro Specimens of tchat is ertrytehcre fall by the People Editors Dealers, etc. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with ver min need be k no longer, if they use 4,Cos tar'-t "Exterminators. V'e have used it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost 5 we would have it. We had tried poison, but they ef fected nothinjr; but "CosTAuVartide knoeks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Betl-Bugs, cpitcker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country.- Medina 0. Caztle. MORE (I RAIN and provision are de stroyed annually in Grant County by vermin than would pay for ton of this Itat and Insect Killer. Lancaster 117.. Utrald. HENRY R. COSTAR We are selling your preparation rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rit, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. EcKhi; & SrouFFER, ists, Windsor, Md. -- 1 -T.fl ' v, i i. e" t III iE If " V . L. lull Erected 1859 Owned by the Co. 1 Sr.:. IAL A .TKXT10X GIVEN TO Til E INSUR A'CK ot farm property, dwellings and out-huildine. lu nurefs Mieli luiiM tiv's or contents ia a very favorable man ner, for three or tive yea... Lothes r.quitahlr Adjusted and Ironitl- litia In Ctaa.Ii. Also, insure. stori s, warehuses, buiMin??, or contents and personal iiro-rty fee nerally. in town or country, at rate as low a$ C(iiis!t'tit with haiard taken, and Inland against the h rils of navigation. WM. HKNDKlUsOX, Airent, Indiatiapoti, Indiana. Application can he ma le to JOHN l.O.S's, who i fully authorized to transact all huMucss conr.prfed with the Agency. fautf 1,'61-dly WM. HKNDF.KSÜN. RAILROADS. 1862 BOS -en" 2er rn? 3 1862 All rFRoss rurxHASio TicKrrs tor ft. JOSEPH anv! other 4Lt in yortber JIl-ourl. the Mate of Kan, or the Trrriioriea, ahould inaist wa bar ing ticket that read hj the xoitrii .niKsorm icAii.ito.n- The only rail route from St. Louis to St. Joib. It ia th hortet attd quicken like, bj thirteen Lour, to th re motest point reached by ra;i, and la alwaya ai cheap a any ether. Buy your ticket to Kaoaa aiül all point i ta Sorthern Missouri ty the Nor.h Miouri Railroad. ISAAC It. 8 TU KG K OX. Prea't and Gen'l Suj.t, Nort itioüoori R, R, HEXUT II. SIlIiI0XS,GirfralTrvlii5j Ant. aeptlT-dly , JETFEHSONVILLE KAILKOAD Two Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted Train ArrlT M42 1. M. 4 45 1.X Train Leare. 8 43 A. M 8ior.ii. VEOVE TRAINS STOP FOR THE ACCOMMODATION of pa-ntr"ra at South port, Gr-nwood, Oanklin. Fumburtch, CiJjmbu, making cnnsctioTi at Sermour with train on the Ohio A Mis-fippi Road, arl a; Louis ville with traiim on the lA.uiville, Frankfort k Lexington and LouUvUle and Nashvill Koad. Knight trainlea-e daily. Freight promptly forwarded. Office, MadtkOB Depot, Wet id. A. 8. CAKÜTHF.RS, Superintendent. J. O. Whitcos, l rt iK'ht A-t.t. apl'Ci-dly DENTISTS. P. G. C. HUNT, DENTIST, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. SO, 3J. EAST n iltKET VriCKI.T, INDIANAI-OUS INI). MUSIC. riAAOS! S'lAaVCIS! MEDICAL i iniTo-i CO- SX.I'jrtiphlt t. SuitrrtifDt -, an 1 pjl r,ttion w i'.M'e riri.Tsu,-.!, and all Information Jesrd givm !.y the un.t. M -ned. C. U. 1AVIj, Agfr.t. KrXOitko : 1 floor, Odd Fellows Hall, I;i1:..ii.ip , l.iU.unu. nu -4 IJiti CHiU-lTER FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO, OK IIAUTKOltn, OiNX. Cipitnl, - - S.JOO-000 INSI'RFS!inz-. Funiiture, M n'lMid:e. and ottur , projierty a v:i-t hv 4,r duni4( hy Fire. I'trti- '.l r ' an- r.tion ki"1 t"1 the Insurance t t Dwellmk;- f.r 1.3, an 1 I 6) earn. j J. M. SEXTt'N, Ser'r J. II. SI'I. U'.IT, Pret. JJI.OkM - aIju-ted and rvompfly paM in cash 1 y , f I'.. 1 V1. Aic'"t. ' r?i.0ce 2 1 fl..or, tv'..i rtllrw.s' lUU. lt..5i ;i -j i.'i', ) In!.i..i. tin.'l ilJit i SEW AND VALUABLE WOlUi FOR LAWYERS. JUSTICES OP THE PEACE, And ilt 0iuect'il u UK iht Jiulicüil Administration of t Gort-rnviftt. W YtT JK M 1JP T U T MZ or Ilie Mate of iidiann- C10NTAIMN(! THE REVISED TATUTES OF 1SÖ2 with thi amendment thereto, .wd h .useJel lei-la'ioti, with notchai.d rrli-rence . judicial dci!ion'. KtilTKD fer JAMES GAVIN AND OSCAR OUD. Volume 1, Published by iiix;ii a. Don;iiTVi ixMAyAroua. Judpc Ilavll TlrDonnld, one of tbeinoM emiiu tit lawjersof the State, volunteered the followin ecotumeiidatlon of th work: Statvtci or Ixman a, r ti aviü ä IIorp. Some mf't:th aifo, the a'jove named gfiitleuieti Uucdprop).suNfur pub-li-hiiiK'. in two vtilnmoH -tavo of some J(K pae.t each, al the statute of the Mdte passed Miice Isül, with antiota- tion. The tirM voluniotl the work how puMi.-Lfdund the maimer ot it execution. Loth mechanically and edito rially, de-erres the thank" of the i.rtfeson. lue imperfect 1. tanner of nuhlKhint; our statute under State authority, ha alwaya teen a ource of Rr it fncon venietiee to the In liana Lawyer. The revision of WiÜ, a w il a. the tatutei ps.-ed muco that year, mihl almost vilhave t'ern published without any index. I'p tc thittime the lawjer ha coT stantly heeti under the neres aity of turniiiK oer, leal ly leaf, the volume o our matute to tind any enactment. And every one ktiowhov anii'jitii; anl prook;m; tLi N, in theburrj of hiiMtiew a in our Courts. Happily f..r the nrof. ssK.j), the pul licatioti under' pronllea Iettt r täte 01 luius in iuv iiituic. toe nri voiutiie o l.'i -sr).. i,An A llurd' wurk cntiin an wn llt-ni arid copioiiK index, whieh to every priictirlnsr lyer in thr "tuteW itselt woTth the money whii h the volume ciwts. TLe volume under review contain another exc 11 t re Ul it-pap- are Mtpplied with valuaMe marginal indice, 40 that a it lance at the margin I .urhcient to apprise the ender of the confetit f the pac;e. Another matter of great impoitance to the l.iwyiriti th voiume ta a a-ood roIiTtini of the (.ul.ject of all lec l itioti -inte Kll. Heretofore, the lawyer in exatni-iitu our lejrlatioii on any Riven -.ul-ject had tlrst to find hat wa relevant toil in the RevMon of Is." 2, atid then to turn over the p.iire. of the olutne .f auliM'tpuent Statutes, to -f h' fr recent lesislation may have r pealed or nt.l -ß.-d the pr..vis,.ti contained in that Revision, atid even ti;eti he would often feel d.tiht whether he had f. i.i.d ad th" W'i-la?i"Ti on the tilJ.Tt of hl Inquiry. Mr--r. (ii Tin und Ih.rd have relieved u of all thi trouhle and doi.l t. 1 hey have collected together n cotiM cuttve paeji all the Matute ma le iTKe Wd. on the -ante aulject. 1 u a, on pae ATA to Ü77 of their t;rt volume they have Collected all our lei-lat'.on, n.. in force, .n the a-jlject 01 L'i-hatiJ and wife. lnrlud;i.K the art of Iö2 arrl three art. of 1A7. And they hare followed the anie ti(vn co ocfltion, in appropriate consecutive pa , in regard to ail Other toptcn of lecislatiott. A otill more vaUial le feature are th coniotj nd accu rate ti 'te contame.l in t'ie volume in questi on TLis Vol ume include the CoiiMiiuttoii of the United States, ih C"tistiltiticti i f Ito'.i ana, and m vr ral itnpurtant ai l oi ir Rtnia and tann- of Coiire-a, and a Uriir poito n o our 0 n laHi:c- not in force. The batuero'.i deci-ion o the Court on the var.-.i j nehi..nconfa.iied in these C.nt! tu'ioti and statute, are found at the bottom of the appro priate paire. in t!i form f neat, and arctirite i.ote an l n f.-retice. )I'-t, tiavin A Hord vet m to have per formed thi prt cf their work eaieedinglr well. It mut haveeosi tlo ni nu:ch care and lat.or. I'.y it they have great'y lessened the lal or of th practisinn lawyer, an 1 hat ell pm nted his grateful approval. In every re-p ct the volume under review lMcu!y eed itahle trtthe diUtirer.ce, accurary, talent and the taste o it editor, a well a to the kill and neatne cf it puh'.isbi-r, ard ' rmi-t raie the Jut expectation 01 the profea.ion.a to tu. value of the second toIubi. hlcli we understand will I e foriUcoauir g in a few month, and w h eb will contain the cde of pleading and practice o ,2. w ith t hc;u. tit an nd:nen' and other tatute. tN itboul anyCMicert w it b the editor cr pi;lliher ti the Tol ime in question, ti e writer of thia article ha heeu in duced to conipcM" and putdisb tLt little review cf the book, aedt It recaue he l-ei,, the editor ait putdikher de erve hi.h c rrm -ndat'on f r ttieir performance. He, Iherrfire, deer it hut J .t to theiu, without lieihaolic It'd to tt hy any one, to puMLh thi. notic of ti e boo-i, CTer hi own proper name. DAVID McDONALD. Indianapolis ovr rcher 1, The t)rt olame 1 Dow ready and being delivered to nbrlt-r I it I c r. t .v. LINOHAM A rOITiTiTT. Ireilarajxll. 4Costar'sw Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. "CoLtrs" "Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator. Cottar's" "Costar's" Electric Towder, for Insects' &o. In 25c. 50e. and SI Boxes, Bottler and Flasks, S3 and S3 Sizes fok Planta tions, sMiifm.JJoats, Hotels, &c. CAUTI0S! To prevent the public from being: imposed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bearing a facsimile of the Pro prietor's signature. Examine, each box, bot tle or fhk carcfullv before purchasing, and take nothing but "COSTAU'S. C" Sold everywhere by All WuoEESALn fAcuottisTs in the large cilies. Some of the WHOLESALE AGENTS IN N. Y. CITY. Hurral,Ui?lev& Kitch en. Bueh,Gale & Robinson yi Ward, Close & Co. McKisson & Bobbin. D. S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Lazelle, Mar?h & Gard ner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox. Shiefielin Bro. & Co. B. A. Fahuestock, II till & Co. A. B. & I). Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. 'Aspinwall Morgan & Alin. Hall- Ruckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller P. 1). Orvis. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL n AS WON FOR ITSELF SUCH A RENOWN FOR THK cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Com plaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to reooiiit the evidence of its virtue, wherever it ha beeii employed. Aa it ha Ions? been in constant use throughout thiMction we need not do more than aMire the people its quality U kent up to the let it ever ha been, and that it tnay be relied 011 to do for their relief all it has ever been foaud to do. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, FOK THE CCHE OF CoMvene, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indi creation, Iyentery, Fonl Stomach, Erytpela-, Ilea Uch, Files, Rheumatism, Eruption and Skin Disease, Liver Complaint, Dropy, Te'ter, Tumor and Salt Hheura, Worms Oout. Neural gia, as a Dinner Till, and ir TurifjiiiK the Hlood. They are Mir-coated, co that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, nd they are the best aterjerit In the world for all purpose of a family physic. Irlce 25 ceitt per Rox 5 boxes fort I. J STl.'L'ilKMS than were ever fpf ottered In thia market. Mr ar-fc: ranitemeots witti Lastern naoo u f m ; taanufacturers are uch that 1 cau W X-Js-Si furni-h f.M orders 25 per cent. 1 " cheaper than any dealer in the Wet. and I warrant them uperior intrumetit-i. Ontv for ca-b. Call and M-e at Mcs-r V H. Taloott k Co'a Jewelry Store, No. 24 Washington street. PIANOS. MELfUEONS, Ol;ii ANS, GUITARS. VIOLINS, ACCORHEONS, Ac.,TL'.TED AND RETAIRED. Having had over twenty ye ir' experience the public can be assured that they now have a better opportunity than they generally meet w itb to bae their instrument put in perfect order. II. SCHON AL'K Lit. lulvMl-dlv '61 SPECTACLES, &C. To Officers of the Army. JCST RECEIVED A S TLE N DID ASSORTMENT OP artssi:s. For rielJ, portability and power they gurxiscile 11 others. For sale by SUMMONS, Optician. SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, &C., Of the preatest transparent power, of new im provement properly tuljustcl to the caie. Orders from the country, with particulars, promptly attende-J Repairing neatly done with dispatch. SEM MÖNS. Optician. oct29 y.o. 2.". Siuth Illinois street. Great nnraber of Clcrstymen, rhylciana. Statesmen, and eminent perMmaiies, have lent their taames to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our pace here will not permit 'he insertion of them. The Apent helow named furtiih pratlsour American Alma nac in which they are Riven; with also fall description of the tove complaints, and the treatment that should be Mowed for their cure. Do not be put cfT by unprincipled dealer w ith other preparations they make more proLt on. Demand Ayers ; and take no other. The lck w nnt the best aid there i ! far them, and they hould have It. TKTPXKf.D BT PK. J. C. AYFjR & CO., LOWELL, 3IA.H. Irlct, per Ilottle; Six Rnttlf, 5. All our reiredies are for ale by KOBE KT RROWNINfJ, Inllnnapolia. ALLEN CO., Cincinnati, And by all drupt and dealei everywhere. auf7-d3m HOTELS. INT Kli NATIONAL HOTEL, 305 A: 307 IIICOA IIU'A V COIINER OF FRANKLIN STREET, AND OTHERS. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, HOTELS. T. V. 1 ott & Co. IJ. A. Fahnt t.ttxk & Co. Hol ort Shot maker & Co. Frcnci,Ri(?iian..& Co. BROADWAY HOTEL. CINCINNATI. OHIO. AND OTIlEKH. BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS, Geo. C. (Joolwin & Co. J Wecke & Potter. M. S. Burr c Co. Jno. Wilson, Jr. AND OTHERS. Also, all WnoLESALn Druggists at ( Illl'tCO, III., M . I.OI Is, Ho., IIETHOIT, licl,.- 1.1M ihvii.i.i:, 1)., All, Oliio, Il I I MII lit. II, I'a., IIM- fr'AI.O, .. V. and nv Drt ggists. Grocliis, .STonritcnrERfl and gmerallv in all CorNrur Towns anl ViLLAtiEe In the UNIT STATES at IXDUXAPOLIS, INDIANA. CAPT. CHAS. H. CROMWELL, PROP'R. Breakfast aa fire A. M., for passenger by the morning Trains. aprtj-dlr. I DRUCCISTS. f "MWR first cla hou-. the most quiet, bomelilie, and X pleaant hotel ir. the city offer superior induce menta to tbose risitin New York for bugiaesMir plea.ute. It In central in its l.n!ion, and kept on the KUUOl'F.AN PLAN. 1n connection trilh TYL)KS 8Al)t)N, vbn refrehmetita can le bad at all hour, erved In their oan room Tte are mderate, the room and at tendance of the tir-t order haihskiid all the mo1ern con vet ieuces attached. irarl2-d3m powiirs's hoti:l, (rogMCRLT riaixV) 17 Sr fl 5 fl- JK-m. flCi-mvs Opposite the Ator lloue and Park, New York, 1'icici: of iio.iiiii st .-,0 ii:it day. riHI.S Ion? erablisbed and popular bouse baa recent le 1 been rebuilt and greatly enlarged by the addition of o er 100 room and now ha arcotninodaMons for oer 3'W person. It ha also been thorouchly renorated and re furnished, and la hea'ed by Meatn and lighted by tbrouehout. Thi hotel ha one of the best location, in the city, i f ay of ncros from all the tealboA nd railroads leading to the city, and U conxerient to all tha city conveyance. It h. now all the requiiite of a flrt cla bofl. Inur!ne the comfort of it Inmate. The patronage of the traveling pubhc 1 repectfuilT Mdiclted. Jertiisil ß0 per day. II. L. ItlWFRM, feb24-d.tin Proprietor. Till: MOR HOUSE, (Fonnerly American,) IMMr.PIATF.LT ori'OSITK UX10X DirOT, If. WIIIT.tlOICi:, Proprietor, W, D. SAI P, Clerk. IS row open for the accommodation of the traveling public. The bou- ba t-en thoroughly renovated atid furnished from tip to t-ottom. tnaj SI SCH1EFFELIN BROTHERS & CO. Wl! OLK SALE DKtT.GISTS, And Denier In rancy f.nodvt rer fumery. A.c. AIo, Agent fr the nie of Ifined Petroleum, Ilium na- 1 ting Oil, cpenT to any Coal O.I, Tuml-hed In any quantities at the lowe-t market rate. 170 ANL 172 WILLIAM STREKT. NEW YOLK. Jni-'.8m HARDWARE. Just Received and For Sale, WHOLESALE ATD RETAIL. AT NO. 21 WEST WASIIIXCTOX ST. WANTED. It I fcr ! Vt PAPER DEALERS. raoitA miov, wat. . marrtBLb, WM. WOONU .i01i- Chat Hell! X AYooiN, 1? nit a til VnlnutM.,('lnrlnnall. Manufacturer ar.d Wholesale dealer Id PRINTERs"cABDSAND CARD SHEHS! Robert Browning AND IJRINT1N0 INKS A50 PATER N ANTFAC77KFBS alo, etial. a-:rt t for tl.e Mairhol a M:I wrtit- pa per; mana aturr of eatra wrapp.cir pajr an! paper I bag. William Hannaman, Wholesale) Agents. An l br the Druggists, Storekeeper and Ilr.TAiLF.r.3 ccucrallv. Country 1)ealcra ran onler as aWe, Ora MrcMoniors direct orif Trices. Terms, .c.- i desind, Mnd for 18C2 Circular, giving reduced Price 10 ' m:nv u. costak. Trixcipal Df.potXo. 512 Rroadwav (Opposite the St. Xicholas Hotel.) " Xew York. HX-Lll-tl.t-l weo-.m 1 AL . nr. E ASSORTMENT OF fi A TIDEN 1LKES EEOM to 14 teeth: Ciarlen aid I'i'chlr.a: Spa4e, f5Mn and KrirkUrer' T'we, rtrk. 2. 3, 4 and S proof; (iarden and Railroad Wheelbarrow. Prunlnr Knivea atid Shear, Iledce Shear, (irindstonea, Na U, Wire and Wire ! Cloth. Beltinir and Pa.-kinir, Rooe. A plert!!d a -rtm-r.t j of Tal le and rxaet t-ut.ery, toPetDtr wttn a large ana general auortment of 200 Recruits Wanted vatc:ieo. .fs- nmrinn nn rirvcHnnnfn COMMISSION MERCHANTS. .JlOJSfSi: .TOii?sHors General Commission Merchant, ATD Realer In Flour f;ralnt and nil kinds of Countrf Produce', Wine and llquert flpnr,Tobttrro, Ac. OFHCE AND WALEIJOL'SF, 237 SOUTH SECOND ST- iiii,ADi:i.rniA. lal vtaftaj. mwm m a tta T,Ataa,lMtMAMlfi u w l.s. ffaa-mu vuiiiuuicuiwi t I 1 17E Akr. nrcEinxa Dtcccr nson ms ka.n r FACTORY In err .rjetr .ixi Ktl. of mh tWCelebraied at I a ta aa mucwe. A efnuine WaJthaai W atch ta lee u tuj xA will laut rauch lr.ger tbaa fsreiu itai waidei of th 4C. quality. A Tiu'ne Wattam W'cl U dut;itl rtl'aVl an accurate t me -keeper. Vit LaJ riher amrd i Wa!ibm W.irh for tire year, than tfc rUarjr Lr(l-kfc 0 Swia Watcbe for one year. ', A genuine WahUia Wtfcb i the bf' tor railroad net), the be.t for fartuer. la fact th tt f'r eren Wjr la waut of a tiroe-keepe r. W fret e-r wilttum W.tcbi direct from th tnai;ufacrartr, and ertry Watch U war ranted to give entire tatifaclKri. In eiid.iixfir alien til nr tValllinm Walrla joa rua o iik, de.-ne th tjl f c aid lh watch Is ure to keep time. S o1 for a lt-4 of prleea. Oar stock of .wiM Watt bea and Jelry I verr larfr. Composition Lepine Watche. (4 10 t i M. Compo HÜon unttn Caed Watcre, 10 to t T5. Silver liuntir s Caed Watcbe. f 7 ta to 1J. S.Wer Full Jew. eled Watche., t 60 to f- 60. Pur Cin S.!rer,Wre; Silrer Plajed Ware.Clock, C, 4c. Watch, Clock and Jewe'ry repaired atd warranted. W. I. IIIM.IIA.! A C O., 39 Last Waln:te .tre, prT. Ir.d.a.ipoli, In2iaoa. RAILROADS. ItiiliniinpoliM ami .lIndiaon .fV V UK X 1S62. JSSiES232 1S62. rilHE PASJEXfiLR TRAIN WI5L LEAVE TTIK X ltQ iK-pyt, Itidlta;H;li, I li 30 p. U. dailj, for Madison- Cincinnati ana Louisville. TLi Is the .hortet railway line to Cincinnati ind Ial- Tille -coiiuectii at kiaüirou with the L'uiled State Mall Line teamers, arrtti;i: at Cincinnati In tinve tw cun- wet üb t?ie Kxprr Train on the LltUe Miithf rallroid leaving at7 0'chx.k A. M., for the Fa-t, and tr the Ken tackT Ontral Itailrvad for the South, and at LouUvlll. alMiut 11 P. M. . Returning , kave CincinratI daily at 52 M., ty the atoro teauier. and aNo y the MaIi-j pacVeta. F"r-t Queen and iTiore, arrtvii" j- at Madien in ti'ne to connect with the 1'dhM'iier Train leavinjj at 6 A. Ii., and angine at lnlianapli at Kh.'O A. !., makinf connecttona with all train, leaving for the Ka--t. W et. and North. For the accommodation of way pa-enRrr a Car will run ir Connection with the Freight Train daily, learinc lndiriap"li- at 7 A. M., whicb train reinam. inie time at each Mation, afforditiR i' jfer an j-pportonlty for th triNsactkia of Lusihe irrivih at Nitüi iI-d..t o it 111 P. M. Fare to Cincinnati, or Cincinnati to Indlunapollfc, 3te; To Lulavllle 3 i0. No charge for meal or tate-roota t u the steamer , r for bak'ppe or ormi'.l u at Madisun. ; Tarifl" of Freisht a l.-w a tj any Uhrr roate. Shipper and uierrhatit. Wft will fiiid It to their Inter est to travel over nd hh;p I t tfc' line. ap26-dtf. D. C. HÜANUAM, SuperinWndent. ESTABLISHMENT. TflHE UNITED STATES DYE-H0C-E, S3 SOUTH Illinois street, Indianapoll, lcdna, JOSEPH HARRIS. Prop. t At til old and well-known e.tahliLhment, the ladiea can hive ailks and woolen roodi dyed I i permanent and leant lul color.; and genu' ararineuta thoroughly renova ted ail l repaired, ai good a when b w, at lower pricea tban ever. New and second-hand clotbln bom hi nd aoJd; alio, a paticalar branch In thebaine denominated line draw. lnr t;lliard tabl Ootb. or tear ia a cirsv-iitcaa ba so wrouxbt that it can not be vii.ih! ti tLe naked fjt. tfm Countrj o-der panctually atVnded to. No cuiiuection w ith any other b'mur tn tin. city. Ketnemher the place, No. 39 South Illinois street. feb4 JOthl'H KAURIS. MEDICAL. ÜÜL! TO )OI.IC I L .ltALI.i;j. Couch aiid Cold, will go away, Rometlrne In a ln(fle dar, Jf to th Iniir Store you will ( And tret eppiied with TuiUts; Tou can u.e it freely a yo. plea.e. It never fail to give you e.e. Tboe Granule wonderful or. 1 ore, Kw they peetiily effect a U.tira; rtare. Jjr 2") cent per box, at all Irug;hiote. 11 HAN l) KS TUSSILAlio CURES COUGHS. DRANDE'S TUSSILA(U) CURES COLDS. IJRANDE'S TUSSILAGO Cfk,:?H0AR8r.XESS. I5IIANDFS TUSSILAGO CURES; SORE THROAT. ODE TO Hlt.tMli;' Tl SMLAliO. WON DERI UL C. RA NULLS. Ohl liere can I f.nd tl m. T tte Itntg Xtore to rtutck, X riil peellly try Oiem;! I bate a bad Conga, ' Awd I wi-b to he uro To have the tit reTBely Tfcat will very o,rt ecr" cents jr box, at all tbe Dt ar Sterea. JIKAXDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES ASTHMA AND FRONCHITIS. Jf5y Sdd by al! Imi-fa. H cents a boa. HRAXDK'S TUSSILAGO I. I1eaant t the Ta.te Oiihlren cry for It. BKANDFS TUSSILAGO CCKF.S HOr)PIr, COUGH AND Clf UP. Jfpgy- s.ld - all Drugtt. ti cent, a box. ÜUANDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES COUGHS AND OLTiS. XQjf -ld by al! Lrupgisti.. ti cent a a box. ACENT. i Grorr F. AVorniinlon, AGENT POR FOR THE aar .av. it M9 m.. it mz m Tor Farnier, Builders, Mecbatiics. Vjrhü.Wt ard Rail. road. j. li. v.tjr.x. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company, UKITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WASHINGTON AN1 Mertdtan treet, Indianapolis. Three dail Eipre.e. to New York: Two caily ExprrM. to Ciinuuati, and Etpre-' to Chicago aj.d St. Iui The a hove Coipaa:e are tbe only prtvilegad Eipreoff the f.!ljwin: f.a, rls : INDIANA CKNTU-L: LAFAYETTE k CHICAGO; ISKANAPOLI A PKKUr TTRKE HATTE k KICIIV0X. BKLLF JONTAINL k INDIANAPOLIS. M(neT, paekave, raluahle and frelfkt carried wt aafety a'od di.patcb, and in cbartcf special and ffldett meerjrer. Note, Bill and Drsfl wlU be pre tn pile eotlected anl fadT retura. maJa J. BUTTERnELP, Ateftt. OK- Thc i:itrcntli Infanlry, WHICH MAJOR J. V. CORDON Is auThrrU3 tori. tn In-!'.-:. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. 1at rnoM tia to tn per month, wmi ba TIONS, quarter, me Ileal attendance, kt , eia plete. AH ho enlit will atone be clothed, rohal.tod and pro tiled with eerthin eArul to their otufoit by the 0Tenmert. Tbetrm of en!itmert UThrre Trara. Tay to eowiittervre frn Cate- of enlutment. None but atle-tiosiied ii(i tue a, between th ac'f IS and Zj years, need apply . Ilecrultit g Indexvou tn Jfetrer' rew bnflllr.r, ICo. &6Kat Wahlnfton treet, ajnti.T-Odd PellowV UalL Z). K. CUIT, First Lieutenant Elt ti. lfaucry, RecruuJtiOflxcr. MILITARY- CLMMS, f NO. 4"4 THIRTEENTH fTREET,0E IfX)R FROM T, WLirijroo Cfyj T AT1NG EE EN ENGAGED FCR A 5 CHEER OF I I year p th ettletnent of cb CU'tos in r. of tt Gc.vernraeat ( (frm whtrh k baa witbdrawA.) offers Ut attend to cla'ma f ary kind 'hat may b entrwat d to bin, sacb as th-x tot pent'eirl fwtnfy. Arrears 4 pay, Sultetr( Iran.prtation. Cbinf. and part.o lariy for bor, and über prr-rtj. lot tt Atrvj4 ta the f'nl ted Siaie. service, tocludinf rive c4isnpraiavrt. Tivnio.MAL. Hi well avnain!ed with MiJ. W orti tnjrtntv, a4 cheerfully teMfy that we ktyw bo dfnt ta wt!rroo 03 bora clatraaau cat) r&rra cnnftJamty rely tkaa a btm to coodaet tbir bunnea. wtth m..;nty, capacity a4 Mal rd by BOX. JOH5 D. McPntRSO.t aV:civr of U. ! Ovm if Claima. H03.CUAR. IVCALVIKT. Ilo cf F-pratatrea. irT.FVTTTT PTNE.D. D COL. W.R RANIatLPH. Chief Clerk U. R. Trea.-j.-er' OSc. I folly rnd'vr tbe a teMitan-ul, and cbeerttttry and eotj&Iently reedrerartal Mr. Vrortuinru taaay brotb r Teer aad aoUier. ia Ketitttrkyi id Ue kver. and Ob I 01 hers baric: rtaJsns sr ainat th OOTmnt. Prt- av If do man has a more thrr.,fc kncaledara of Waf PATENTS. PATENTS ORTAlNrH FOR NEW INVENTIONS OF EVERT description. Fee contiC(etir. on sucrata. Na pat et.tnop.y. S?nd for Circular, rlTit': term, dlroctioni, Ac. Adlrea AilOS RIUJADNAX, naia-dly Patern Attcny, Waafetafta. P. C. I- 1 m at Ctai&.tban Mr. XT v superior. apr7-Ua and for seal and lotra-ettr he baa aoi T. . KVCMKTT. Ca; ta n, Adt.(ienral'i Lpt. LIVERY 5TA0LC. LI V E CI ÖTADLE, "fO. 19 fast Pearl street, klf a nare aotitb of Wai m Intton .treat, betwera Mcnd'.t ax4 Prnaajlta&U atrtt, tt rear of ü'i W. :rx'ariap tla. jsVdtf WM. tCILKIX, Ptsw1W