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DA IliYSBiVTIIVEL ÄiTTT ... -m Oo.iu3r.i:i5 CJiiiou State Ticket roi r.-rTr tvt. JA MKS S AT HON. Ol' M irioii C tut t . r iiiTiR r artre, lt. STINK, Of Fountain Count j. m TtM fttft or ftTt, MATTHEW L. BRETT, Of D .. County. rot ATTOtHtt OttCtAL, 0CAK B UORD. Ot Dtcitar Comtr. ro ttTCtlJtTtünrtT of ri'BLic ltiT".t.CTIOJr, SA MC KL L. I.Li(, Of Allen C-Mitit? . Srrcnitt Cnj rronn I niotrlct. The D-n cr-icy of tle Seventh Cuf:rc!'!on! Pi.trict will mm in Mi Coli e..tijn, ai Trnr H'ite, on tli day vt July, to nominate cutliUit fwr Coiirei. The 7irf Phllanlliropr of llie Ad mlnlirMiIn The X Yik Tnktne of WrltinUj laut tue lb tl (Jen TtuoiT'i army i. mJTeiiuj e riuul? fT want of upplie. The Mmf fpT aIi-i that the Government ha rt-tume! Mr. CoLTtä t Nurth Carolin f.r th purpose of re ojMg th-e colore 1 wh'toU," a 1 1 of rourae nt Uie eijeii of the Fe.leial Tiei-ury. Our armie nre ufTeriii; fr the auppliea nereirj fr ii;orou prosec ution of the war, )ct the A'luiiiitrttoti I literally r 1 rT,r''t "i? reurfe of the Oorertjme'jt to tlie eluc.itioii of neroe, ni llie u;r.-rt of a lot of Uir, worth If.- contr ibii'tl in Miene. I not thii an in terferewe Ith the institution, of the State? Wlitt eue in fuch policy, auch chetne of rf2f phil ititlirnpr, wlim evt-ry .!ollr i iienle!, aid II the etierjMei of t!ie (eminent tu "WJ -ptv the tr-itl.ifii men In re fi.'htin the battlfi of the Union! - - Ulio lu Itlamr! The IlrfuMic.n .m ie'in atol re resolv ing th t they nre for :i ij;trotn pro-ecu t ion o tli war. The N tioi il A'lrn ii:-tr i.i.ii. Con pe, newly 11 the Üute Almttiitnlioii4 ütnl L-iiUtine. tare in the Ii tnl.i of the KepuMi ein. Eery Iemiiilof t!ic Fe-Ienl tr ition l'r nie. and money t vigorously proe cutt the war Im leet promptly rexpoinletl to h Democrats, a well in political frien. Who then to I. lime is. not vigorously pros ecute!? Smely the l'iult niut Uj with lliose who luve it tl.u-ction I ntc I of applying tliem elei pitrioticillr nnl eneretic.llv t that oU ject, lint alone, ther hive been buj iu nl perotii frien.h with fnt rni v coiitr.tct. Am1 it cen' os though the war WDijl.l h.'t .14 Inii Hi nn hi er cw be nici thuito (roe'iite it. h in been the difficulty from the beii.uing. IIw oi'teu luve the pople tt-en promi-fl by the AliniuitrHtioii that the war ihoulj et:i, r the rc' el arure-t di.-j erstnl, in ixt j, thirty mxl ten l.i, but iuteai of th it wi.inl lor rcilt tlie tebelüon h.i Lecii cun.taiit !y Hft-nni ii more jiMntlc loju rti.'!!!", ami our rinie in the fieM h ie nut yet been equal to tlie t.k iil!otiel to ihe.n. The AJm lii-tlation h . iier et rit-en to a just comprehension of the tn iniiu le of the rebe.lioti or the me nisi netc. nry fr iu ujpre4.iiti. Tint' wheie the blame muri ret for the prolongation of the war. niul hi euormoui cot in blooU aiuJ tie i.-ure, not with the people who h ive nobly rejpondeJ to every call upon their pilr.otiiin. The I'lrdje. Recollect that the Republican of Indian h.tve o!emuly avowed and pledged themselves that the n jw ei'stlng U not for conqueit or ul ju iiion, . or fr o trtltruwinj; or inter.'t r iii: iüi the rihli ur institution- of any of the State; but that its object i to t.efen! nd m tin- trnthe fiipietnicy of the Contiimiou, mid" to pie.-cre the Union as est-ibli-ht! bv ovr patriot father-, wiih II the dignity, juality ami rights of the i-everI Slate uiiiinp aired. Thi- is the pit of the l!?t!i of June plitfurni. Now e ask tho Ile;ub!ican to redeem th-we declaration of sentiment, hy uniting with the Democracy in rc- istin;; nil f hemes of em mclp ition and cotiü-ca-ti-n, every meis-ire which will not 01 lint till the -'ipreuiacy of thf Constitution and pie-erve the "Union a e-t.JIi-heJ by our pitriot father, or Iii el i will iuipi'r the dignity, ei-uility amlriht of any of the S ate. l'hi is all the c ierv.i tit i H'Utitnentof the country hi ever ilemiml evl. nd we ctll upon the pupj-orter of the l?ih of June CnutUn to inVisnlut the Felci'ill Adminitrloii t-li.ll mt-cuie the w ar t.iitliluilr. j eiieretio.lly anl decilelly. for the purpose ! entimeratei, an! th.t every H-lifin toieifrn thereto I rhall be repudiated. ThU it i dei.-l.ue! i. our! duty to the hole country, and ue ak that it nhll te patriottcalty lulhlle-l. rejinrdles of all former ( dilTcreiH es. Lit the hole feo- !e of Iiiöi;n tleniKl. ii fact ihetf do ieiii'iil. tin; the Fioideid, the Adtitintratioii, mid Con- pre hall pro-evute the w.or in the piiit iil fr ti e pnrpe et fotlh til tho CßlTTlNMM tt'jlu tii aduplttl hv lKth the tlh of JwiiUioy and the i ii of June Con entioti, and that when thry ji'e oC'mr!hel it s-hill ceise. If the 1 "rstli of Jure Con ention, iepreeiiting the Hepubiican. of lnJUn I, honet in thin epresn l semiment upon the object fr wh:ch the war J ihoulJ be proeutel, it o"ce l:onld le hevifl J by the Rejiil'lican Rcrteent.itic from thi stme in Con-re-. We will fee if they will re deem tiil pledge, the platform of thoe. whum they r-pre-ent. TIr Movrr Fraud.' We!ie et imiiied IIaa .- Garet teer" and find thit the auth r of the toll. twin.; cocirtiniiicaiion ! or ,n a respect ibie thin w äre or criKlery merih u.t uf Nc Alhany. nd there fore publ;ii it. ii i eiiently intern! f.r te public ye. We d not kti iw or care whether Goternor MorOM ;rUd t i I. J Bt iT7 place any U:.d of IIalllt any othrr pat ! IW4 either fr brp ih: itt.u or f.r p le," tut if ' ( ernor MoKTOt ill iy over hi own 4 iture ! th-uLedid uoftujrtt" t , Mr. Jams M Ry, whota the pepi of Indian 1 know to te kih'ull j na:iceer. the propriety and a l-inline of pi acliijf j the unKld W4r bond in the h iti!" of Haldtt or ' JksHE "for h po; ion or lor i-a'e." we will ' with gteit pleai-ote ie him 4 place in the cot-! timna of the S'H!iel to x t-lvi.-e the publ--. 1 GutreriK-r MctTOM and hi ctnle!erate4 hatinc ! for riudential coi.siderations ceised char j ins; the Ueiuocratic party with the repoii.i- ; bdit? ef the Stotir fruJ" we hte no' detUe to continue the contrj-ery ; but. ifi a personal controvcisy 14 de-wrcd, we taj te )bUceJ to Uluuiuate the .Tir b r theelific4tin ! of tf public, ani the m iteri I .ire at han-1. A j Terjr repcifa!ly, J J. Brow. Lm Comnr I iunrM and queeuiware deiler. u anilou to ' bia mrae ia print, free ot charge, (a !irp d'ate ' to advertise hi ware pati.) we give hm the entiilation ht Jee4. j hi own card it ap pear tht Governor Miu di-1 im1 eliaiate bis financial biIitie4of ufHieut ltnrtnce t even consult with him about the ''hvpothecat on tr aale of the unsold wir boud." We wonder Leiber Ui Excellency bi got any more terti . ficate. nettirt or aGrmrie. in behalf of hit B-aaaaaaMjiaaaMMaa I -l-r1aaaaaaiaaaaiaaaaaiaaMaiaaa Ocial virtue? Read wht "J. J. Raowshai to a y: KiiTia r-TiL Ira SiB: In your com ineiit o 1 tli" I ! i J I. M t I) .i!.il i' !i tier ol t!i. tl e. o 1 t;e .S' rt lr iinl . ut ptite tit I it hi not y-t been lvii'rl tint iocrn r M rtn ure l U'ii t 1 Liti C'Kuini- oio-i a tlie piok-:y of i c iu the uifol l r !kihI in the I. .tri of it -llett r t'. ,.!. it .14 tl.e A.ei.t of the S' ie. i'.e-o-eai li our re.Jf toal (oV. Mutton hi at no t uie iHj'tltJ or ute-I tlte Lndt?i-in dl to place any It-n.d in the hand i( 11 illett or any other either lor byj-oihecation or for tale. Very respectfully, J. J. Raowjr, lynn Commifpioner. Indivnap!;, June 21. l!"G2. It will be tiot'cvfl from the foregoing card, that Governor Moaro.f'a roluntiry witne, "J. J. ßiowy, Loan Comraiioner," Quecniwaic, Lc, does not deny that His Excellency was wined, yiehted, and o forth, by IIallit If the Go ernor h 1 any m re cmU or certificate, neitirely or alünn itively vouching for h'.i official iutenty. we will with pie mure publi1i them. We h ve no doubt he cm f:et a thounni or two rery refct able pentlemeti to a.ty that they never aw him rilin with Hallitt on the fashiomble driye round New Voik city, wining with him at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, yachting with him on the splendid lty of New York, or taking advantage of hi cllicial potitioti to put money in h'14 pur-e. When it min feelt it to procure evi dence of ood ch iractcr. it generally excite the suspicion in the pts'tic mini tint liiere U some, tliinj ''rotten in Denmark. " I'utriotic ient linen t ntitierrncc to the rouatltiitinti. Senator Joiim P. Hale, of New Hampshire, protninent Rej'tblican Senator, thti4 tok tho.e of hi.4 patty cotlraMie4 to t.i-k and they are un fortunately too numerous ho aie l.ibori; to destroy the Constitution, w'ni'e pr tending to be for the Union. He aaid, very eloquently and tnilhluilt: Sir, tili i,ew Rt'ptildic in prtrty came into power upon the Ue-tiuctioii ol two 1 1 1 r.- (bat been, lal-e ujxiii tliis pubjecl; and now, whatever party may oicceed thin Republican party tid (.1 oiil kuos it will be 1 hope they will no wnie on our tomb-tones, that we split on the rock on w hich our pielecess,r4 ilil..ui l thiti in ..i.t of fi-lelity l our declared piindp.e Ii theiei.4 one principle tint we h ivedeolared oiten. early ul l .n,;. it is ti lelity to the Constitution, to it4 repiiieuient4 and it re-ti iclion. The liioiiil.cts 0 ubout the plieetsi iu all the place Hi. a ufd to be the pi. ices of per ol ilm.-e two old partie, in ui itini: oer their dereliction!-, und I tiuttthal will not be lc 1 1 to us. No, sir. lei u under the 11 1 the old tl 1 under the Constitution the old Constitution cairy on tlie w.irl ire in whicli ue aie eu i"ei; and il e l.i we shall not I11I because the, Coh-titntioii does iio ie u ier enough, but because we aie revieaitt and do not u-e the jot er il doe.4 i e us. That is all I want. 1 want the Constitution pie ferved, and 1 do not want to ac!i;ee even a sue ces tli it i.4 to be pnrch i-el at the pi ice of honor. I took occ iioii in an c n ly p u t of this scj-hoii, Umu a lesoliiliou I tiiii k by my lrieul from Illi iioi, Mr. Truiitloilt, tui whicli was buiied in the Cointuiltee on the Judiciary so deep tli it e do not een heir the clos of the valley leveibe rat on the colhn tli tt closel it I a 1 v, w hen thai resolution was up for consideration, when it hid lile, belo.e it w is ptranle! in the hou.-e of i' fiiend und by it friend., I took occasion to sti whit I now, though I Jo not often muk' prrcr that art vxtrtk relating, that iciutrtl constitutional lihrrlt Irjt to $ ajttr the tear ir. octr.thut constitutional, librrty teas the ijrrut lnni for winch we weie tri inj, and we must see to it lint in "tir zeal to put do n the rehellton v.edid not trample upon that; and when the war wa 0 er. and our ptretmer tl ated in the air, and liotit of ictory and th iiksi vin to God went up from the he nt of ;i reeueratel anl di?en ttiralleil people, iu that breeze iniht still tlat the old liit, and oer thi regenerated country niht swr.iy an utiviot.ned and n sacred Constitution, in the faithful ni unten nice d wliich, in the hour of our peril und our trial, we had not filtered. Spec al Corrp-poulf nee of (be Chicago Times, from Vatiinlou. Another Malic tout Attack on Gen. McC'ellan Tht Fastened vhtre it lUlongtGtn. Mc Dtirrll ttiil in Washington Short-tiyUted Policy 0 the Administration- Stcetiittj jor TOd.OJO Troops. The subjoined letter ha been delayed in the tr.iii.-uiission, out iu value a not impaired theie by. Ld. TlMts Washington, June 12. Some of tlie reader of the Tune may piobi bly ee. iu the Boston Transcript a iniliuant at tack 011 (Sen. McClellan unoer the .specious ui--of a Ueiense of Sectetary ät tnton. There is pod authority for saying llut the article em 1 uate iii ectl liom the W.41-Depai tiueut, and tli il il w.isi iiispiieJ by lite head oj that dep artllit'lil h nisei f. It mi-lit he thought that the present critical jositioii ol' General McCiell.m w iili h: lut e army decim ited by i.ktle.sS and ball k lilt lir ixeaiid tint oiupl lining oldiers so iked l the heavy rain d iy alter day, and sleeping 01. the wet ground nt niuht, ciiiiontel bv tl.e ehe my 111 atly Mipei ir number, et pie-entin a bid front uinl a-ktii i eiiilorceuieni.s would stop the mouth, of hi iletnuiur or .t lew tliys al let-t. li'tl not tli.nk his eneinit-s leie. 'I'hey tili pui in ii -e e cry enmue at liicir com iiiaiid to hain;crlii-i uiotiiiciii., to einlurra hi pl.tiis, and to pieieut tiie realiz itiou of Iiis hopes. Tin attack in the Bo-ton p iper is the Iiicst .-clit'tne to wtiiih tliey hive if sorted. Its and male oleuce are worthy of lite .source ironi wlncli it em 111 ales. 1 he bevit'tuy complain in hi defence that when tie came into otlive iiotiiiu; It. id lt-ii tioit towaidt siippieö;ii ttie it'Octiioii, CXlCpt oralli Ziu.ili aiiny. Adm'.stiiio that lobe true, the or ti.ialioit ol' Hit .iiiuy was ll.e ei y Hi r: illiu. t w incii the icoedt in couM i;eer be suppitsjfU Il was no; McCellah's. place to do ui'oe ihm to tu u tilize aii-l iliiect the i y luea-in e b which I lie Union was to be reuied; and Stai.toii iKim ts dial tti. h id been done by Met-'. til 01. Too ie-toi iiiou t the Union ot Kentucky and Eistet u I euiK's-te, whicli he comaUm was not done, cou.'i ncvei hae beeu done by Kice ot ai in .1. n . I w is iuioi iiied mouths 10 ty in Huvnti d cit zciis of itiose ätites, and ihe raiue was leuei itel only a lew divsagu, tint ti e I'niou seilt uient in tli e Mites had always I eeu it p. cseO, and was still iepres-ed, ly tne toiiit. ones hostile, il. 1 it all lime acnlaiiu, Jmi.ic ol the alm nitr.i:i 11 in regard to the sla very ijue-t oii; t tue ptcjotidcr.iiae ol AlKtilion pentiiiicnt in Connie ; .iui by the pcisisiciil ut ta ks 01" pi 0.11 1. cut iiem:ei s ol Con.1 es. known U btj in Iivor .th the .idi.niistra.iuii, on the in- tttit ulion ol sl.iv ei . U'tli 01 5. are- and leiiito ries. 'lie. as-i re me tiMt, us .'011 as this if la e Ul til. lip' continue', any I'niun sei.Uneiit p.oic.-s- el in either 6. ale will be "ho. low ami ln-.iitTie; but that, it aspuieti of their rights hy a Demo cratic admiiiistratixii, or m miy ..Jinini-ir aiion in w.iich the could hiveconh, those S.atcs wou d aaiu be, ns u.ey once w e;e, the trone-i U.oou Siates in the nation. The fohoi.i oe lar iiu-n 01 Kentu' ky s miedest ?on i Olli u qujtej in t-.ia f.. iu thee I t er day. "1 woulo lather aupSii fjr the t'iei.einy any h man, f an t p. rty, '.Inn a in ill w:io, louoly pio.C-o Inj do Voiioii U tl.e Union, i i edit, at the une uuie, uit'.o m -iiinji and aut ertui the priucijt e upon wh eo it is ioiii ie I." Ttus desCUplioii appl es exo.ii to Iii ptt-ent Uoui.u-il.1 latnuii in il.e Ctln. el alal in Coliktess. Ni;ttwas not Mv.Ce.lan' Tiult that so li:t!e had been done a heo S. u.tou came into i the, except the orair.Zit.oii of an army. It be Cause the rie.-idcnt al ciiair w.i occupied by a tian fit in his niture, "inhtm in purpise," Willi no DieJ pnnc ples on thesut'ject ol n.iiiinl ;u eruuieiii. iln no oetn.ile in vie, lie ins oeeii pet unit. im tinnu to dint aim essiv oil, and h id &ieti h. in -ell up to tl.e j.ul iti.e ot that wdv demaroue 5e.itd. Ol him it inav te trulv Slid that he hetei h.., and dcs hot how, coiu preüend the vast prosnoiis of llie war iu which we ate engned; and hi col e liiue in the Cabii et re epially oblu.e. The pro:'sof this have been too otieu ppread at len.lli in the column of the Timet lo i.eed recajtulalion he;e. But if tlie I'res denii tl chair h.ol teeii occupie 1 by a plates m in like l tul s. or I'olk, or Van Buren, or 1'ierce. the Kxecuüve woaid ha liken a -tntuLke iew of lie w ir. .1 policy would h.e been .lop eland u.hctel lo, both .S regard the C ii. i ui t f ihe w ar si d our ir i .u ret t ons; .hkI loll,; eie Hi the w ir ou'd have been e't.iei a. id the Uiiin re-toted ihe tninnef til w Inch the Got ei ninciil bf been a!ui n a e:ed the ir bet;4ji i.'toas. aa Ü Tittiet ha oiten ikrnutilra- tJ, tht the Republican party i utterly mcompe- ti.l to thst ta-k. I l.e evenis of the 1 it two wetk hive tfive I tiie coiiectne-s id tlte v es erie el in tut : lriM-r !riterp in regard to tl.e means in ro-e-' J iou ot theirbrU ..r the .lefen-.e of lUhtumi. ; i is i,o by all enept t!ioe wh me! wi.inilly blin I tint t'.e iee! ..ip,-s .,t Itichmoftd ' lr ou'.ri.iniScr iicU.e!! .n-, whie ihev Imeaili the alt iiiii.i-rs ol p--i'.iou, j-rjotnd, V.; thit the.r troop ate brtve mi l well d .;p.ii.el, aiil tut their o!ü er are fuly to our in mil itary skill. Un ler thesecircuiusince the ruu try look in atinzruieiit while the telerapli re peil I iom day to day, "General Mil) well is Uli iu Washington. ' r It is aid here, on pood authority, that the j roj-sel camp of instruction, to be formed at Annapolis, will be nothing more tli n a tneie de fot fur recruit; tint the exigencies of the i-er vice are such that it will be impossible to keep the men in camp more thin two or three week; and th it, as poou a teu thousand men are aeui u.ed theie. they will be immsli itely dratted otT to sucli refill. e;it a hive had the r rank thin tiel by battle or di-e ise. This, of cur-e, i by no means what is indicate! by the onier of the Wir D(,urtment esUblishin'the c imp. Rat it will not be the first time, nor the ecotid.thit troip have been called out under fal.epretence. Some of tlie tu est reimentaof Nev York trMf., cotii;K)eil of men of weillh and hili standing, rus'iel with nlicnty lo the field, becau-e Stanton e e.r.i hei th it "ihe enemy, in ptrotij; for e. are m itching on Washington, and the capital i in d itier." Those ie;im-iit ure now discontente!. j because thev tind they were deceivel und played upon, and becau-e they have to perform mete police duty nt Baltimore, and ure nut even allow -1 ed to come to th city. i To return to tiie camp of intiuction: Any j Administration which had n ptoner appi edition j of tiie natine of the war in w hich w e are en e l. and of the liumher ol troops it wiil require, would have established :his camp a yeir sio, mi I j not only this one, but one in etery loyal State; I an t would have invited to these cmrs, for nnli- j tiry instruction, only louii uum iniel tnen, be I ta een the tijje of eighteen und thiily. Then, j by thi time, if thee camps had been under the' charge of proper ofii - r. we ph-oi'd h ie i h il now a re-erte corps of hilf a miilioti p l- i diets, who would not, indeed, be tit to form into i eiuients by theniset es, bat w ho w out! -on-ii i iute just the m iterial that i now nre le-l to rill j up our broken. Intteied und decim itel re.i-j iuent.4 now in the field. Sotnednn like this will I et fiave to be done. The hard fihlin of the i war i not over yet, by n reat deal. It will bei i.e. e ary to keep in the rieb 1 an army of 7' .- j ;!id eil tr iine.1 troops tor moie th iu a e ir vet ; ! ....I I.. 1 uun ll.lj ..1.. I. .11 i, .. .Il .... I (.-, f t i .in- iiuiii',! ii i - n s lull il lai I J ptire con-t int iii l'i -i ti.- ol fie-li blooJ, in the h.ij e ol new but not raw i ecru its. Matrimony Reforn er were alre-i ir t work in Cum'4rl-iid. Ore out of eierv eihl ol itscliil dien ate l-'rn io, id! S-r ously , a e h i e no mre to lo with tl e pe- pe'utii r the tet.i ival of !aer in the S mil ri-ni. "." r-nt. t - i. i . ii.. i. ...,. w.oi.dLe tin I b ,vc '.Ciiom-I, an I wl. nil wie p,x. i..l..!.l-U ir .. fltui t?ie:i wili leie te tho-e who im : m-i v.i-m i'mir ::.r.i,i AMÜSEM ENTS. .iiiyri:oroiaiTA. ham. ft'M.f OF Vh !('! .. eru Si i!e th m we il i e with the i. and -h ines ,,T'' C"rrX or IVir.rotip. f,. a i.n.iirtnan.. ..i 1 ...!... i !.....- : . i .. . ..i. . , nf la iv in i i.. iii.-i.iii ......... n .'i.i.rn i- i-n t i s im ii .Lfi iiirii DRY GOODS. no' hate'v cin Ti e. I with it. Letting it I alone, here at the North, i jn-t tin- h i .1 duty a it ii dntr to let alone the debtor' j pn-oo, the m itritnonial crimes, the teniole im moralisie of Kn'and. Theie i a strange pto f-ens.ty in the mind of rff-rmjrj to look away Iroia liiine. The race of men i sinful enough, even in iLbet e-t.tte. and always, atiache.1 ti in ly to its hiphe-t form of etvilintion, if holiest iti-titutioi.H. its puret politic ! system, there are terrible evil, weighing heavily on the temporal a well as the etern il interest of neii. We m ty 11 tind ample work in reforming these evil w hich surround us, nnl for which we are ili recti y re-spon-ib!e; and when this svtem i carried out, and men reform them-ele. und their own funi! the-s er whom they hie immediate influence, the woik will be'in a it ott-ht. Rut so long ii they begin at the other enl of the wotk. ther will inevi'nblr f ol theie. and re le f I ni' ihem-e!ve, will, of cour-e. gmw to lie unfit ruMe or advi-er of other. No m m mi -pend his t,me on the mote that i iu his neighbor's e , wliout ar ve dancer tl a hi own visit n n ay i come oMiipie, and be totally i1tnied lur all good purpo-es .V. Y. Jour of Gtm. in I. rjr SATURDAY LYKNINti. JUNK 21. MEPinY MONARCH. niMTAitY m iiy sm Jr'iaiaaalc aftMi Her Lt ApprarD-. .lliSS T.ltfO.f JUlV.lilTUY. CONTENTMENT VS. RICHES. VISS M.VldON UACAKTIIT'S BENEFIT ON MONDAY. jTIor oj td t 7i 'ch k. ct on ei ce at 8. Great Show. !Ir. Voorlteew und 'S'nsew. Tlie Wab ph Eidm aa tint D. Web-ter Voi.ihee-, E i , who recen'.ly made puch ai 4 imn.,1 i .......... J - ..a..... . . i tl... I Illing I-CTTV. II Sil VH'l'.'ir'-, I II I ' -1 1 I II i n iei-cil taxes, &C , h s Ii e in Tcrre H lute-lx eins, rind his loMfi pod n cent of taxes. La J'ttjftte Indiana) Cturier. .We luve pceii the nloe coing the round ol the Republic m pi e-s for pome tim.e. und they eem to iriir-i.ii e that it i a er sm ut answer to A Cliimre for llefor liier. It is tinie that some of our radical reformers Uiiccte d thi'ir iittcntioti to a new subject The aie s.t-gul. uly helecitul of the inteust of the ppie--ci hum in rare in part of the win hi with which we have very close relations. They hold lo they ate bound to icioi in ail sin of hum hi laws w hit h oj t-r.itc to oppies or leinoralize ihe hum m nee, or uny -'itiuii of it; ihd bel'evin theiu-eUe ti be specially iu-pired with an ab. lit v to dis -ein rii: lit and wron in the nt of other (if not in their own acts) they jlaiui the 1 i 1 1 1 of inlet lei in;;, titli their lefoi in aleas, among all those people. Slates and nations, who, being le-s enlightened than they, nie there loie siibjecte.1 to ihe.r pUjcrior jidtneiit. I he sune piinciple on winch ihey are impelled to iiiterlcie with sdavery in ta e which, as to lave laws, are wholly lotein to them and the counity they, oujit to impel them at on. e lo enter the fiid lo which we now d. reel the r attention. Just itcro.. the water from New Kngland are t'ie islaifls ot Great Init.iiii. inctuoin Oid Eng land. Cointuoii Hit e-tiy and cou-cpucnt blood rel itioiislup, a cniutn)h language au 1 a proles-e i deotion lo the same general principle. of liberty, commercial and literary cone-poinicnce and in teiests binding c together, all the-e surely i re rca-ons why the philantropist of the Noi th should .liiect his attention acioss the ea, if he deal in loieigh sin at nil. And then, regiHuig t!:e mott w Inch ha been as.-uini-d ny the le idiug rad cal tew 'ppaper of the day, iu Boston, since it du dared tlie American Union oiie."oiir country is the world, our country men are all mmkiiid." w e do not ree that thof-e gentlemen can phow any sii;erior obligation directing their altcntioti to the South, over that which tetpiiie them t piocce l in the woik of refoiming Lnland. An examination of the i event Lngiisli new- pipers must co.ivince any leileclin m ud thit theienre some grave and seiiou. moral sins win h attach to tho eop!e in Lugland w ho are engaged in the institution of m itriinony. To use the r.uli cal exptessiou, m it ri.ige i. the cause of hurrib'e pins mid ciiincs iu that country. M ik that this is not our expression. The radical logic is that necause a t u t would not occur but lor an exist ing in-taut ion. there.'oie the institution is the cause of the fact. A for example, "if there whcie no slavery, there would have been no war, rya slavery is the citise of tlie war." We refer to the London Twi't of M iy 13, for a report of the openi.'.g of tho Central Criminal Court in Louiiu and the charge of the Recorder to the Grand Jurv. Among the cases to winch he call ed their attention weie some w hich he thus de scribed: "A rcmlcd the other charges to which lie h id aiiude 1, ot voundnig w ith iment to 1:011 ier, it appear-! iu the titst of them the prisoner was charged with shooting his wite, and the evidence j would ; to -u tit it the prisoner h id retealel Iy ihieatei.eil Ins w i!e, and that he h id in nie use j ot tioitnt 1 abginge t her on the liy on which j tlie occurrence look pl.i.e. and alm-t iinuie li ite'.y atlcrw mis a hot firel at the pio-ecu- I tux. In tiie second cne. it iil-oappouaHithat! i lie bust,. iii. 1 and Mile lived on bid term-1, and I lint u;sti the occasion of the (pi uicl taking j pi ice between td.i-in tiie prisoner ntiacke! his wbe i a ctli an axe ami iutlicted very serious injurv ujon 1 her. The tinrd c ie wys one ol the same cii u tc-; ler, and according to the depositions the pr'soner I appeaieil to iiae been guilty ol most gross I and extriordinary violetice. In ihe hist in ; stiine he seemed to have knocked her dwu! ana he then C"iuiiieti-ed oeating her wiili tlie leg I o( a t ii i:r and also li tick her wnh .1 Ü it tion.and j the List thin thit appeirel to be i eoienj e: ed ! by the untrtuii ite woniiii was pn-ou j er e zed hT :thi! thiew her over the slairca-e. j n 1 bec im iuen-it e. and knew nothing nn re i w h it h tppeiiOvi tditii rhe found her-eil in bel i in tie hospital. In the touith case of the same; k n 1 the pi isoner a cliarge! villi stii.oing his w ue, and it :ppe urd th it in coii-eput nce ot the maul er in I.e fi ui treated her upon for.ucr : ! oj- lis p.'ie Ii ul le t li m, an I he had ur-ed her ' j t leiiiru and with him. but si e ie.u-el to do ! s . and was about ;o nwav. and at the same mo- i j me it she led ii seme b ow, ai d it tartitsl out j t that she had receiel two stabs from a shoeini- . ker s kttiie. I he.-e wtie tlie principal tact um n ; v Inch tli. s class ot ca-e- was si:!it to be pup-I j ported, ami it appeired to him tli it if the f. ft ; i should be i.nde out a he hid t.itel iliem it ' j woud be the-r dut to return a Hue bill with re t g nl to each ol the ch irges." We ngtee with the Recorder that it appear very ! much as il Hue bills ouht t e loan I m the-? i i ca-e-; and the question then arise the ; j radical lo-ic e ng .ippl el. a Butisli :.nd Foie n ! I Ai t-St tiei v and Anti MaUiunuiv societv cannot -be stirred up by ihe members ot the American j It a i.c il p-iity w ho aie n.w their close res ; potideii i, Hid who it is ui.uers.tood wre Uuilel I with them in the ppppottolaii antt Union and;!tuiioii preach ng and declaiming place in j e Wk.) iid whether they cannot and .1 l:t i I tie sp ue time to de ote to a removal of ti e cause .t these T.uie, which are only specimen list ; 1 liomVtie d ay's iep rt of .i Lnhn court. Ifi the.-e -eop!e h id i ever been niarriel, they would ! i never luve had li.e-e m nlerus scenes. Tn t l the line f argument, of which any radical ui iu t can see ihe constquence. F-r the Imiher con. aeration of the same Brit-; J Uh and American Iteioi uaei we imex para- ; ' graph which we clip Irum the Lmtlon Timet, a ; lew day later than the above: l Illig.t.mate Chi LI-KIN The r.uniber of ! children la. in out ot weo;cxkin Kurland during the ear JC) w as 43.011.1, Win G 4 f-er cent, of i ihe whole nu ml er of childicu lnrn. In Cumber- ! ' land, where ihe rrojioition aro-e tojts maximum, ' it was double thit amount; in Norfolk it m 107; in W 1U-6; in Shnphiie 9 6;, in Noltin-hauishire 'J 1 . Il was also hili in, S.iff.tlk. Hereford-hire, Lincoln- i ' sh re, an.l the North JUii.; of Yorkshite. Ti e Kegi-trar Geneial thinks that the proportion of : illegitim ite tlnldrcn born in Lndon 4 2 per cent, in tne libit is ery rprobably understated. ' ii.eie is much greater f u.lity lor the suppres-ion ' ui facts in large cities, than in smaller towns and . vill .-.-- Theie is work for tie Duchess or Suiherlaii I at d I.eO met icau cotresponoenL and ( allies, on Lolisli j One might imf7iie from th! that the Auti ' trv vfe V& T f flHK. HNKT AI'lil'N I I AM) T CKED MEN AG EH K "w trivrline, co'isi-'lr.)? ft 10) DK.-T, MUDS, AND 15F.IT1LF!', 1 . 1 . . I .... . . . . .. i. 1. r ... .1 i i iure-a ecu. tu i tci. u.e pari-r.ipu ; r,r..ju., imported. aal collected frni the fovr quar isl.o'h loi-h niul til-e. If the statement was; trr-! th-ila.-. tn e. it Mr. Vi-orhees hid not piid a leilofj THC WOVUKKFl'L TiYMNASTlC FI.FPHANTS, t tXCs in six u-ai s. Would tint rene e h 111 ot hi ti, Ho.rp.Ct tuh. ai.J - Invert t.-ti-s as u T.NI : re-poiisitj'lity to hi c m-t tuenf , to co le i or to n. UltlK HKAUS, are incluleJ in tbU C"li.c:iti, ' oi.tain ,i lair iiikI equal tax b ll on ti e r accoui.t. ! are h ! The i e iie of his district re t ix n iv er-: thev Vi lli owMING Lto.vs. Tt;F.i:s, LKOrAUU. I'AN- nie l-xcd larelv. und Mr. Vooil.e-- is il.e'r ! 1IIKK. Ac, Repit-entiiin. in Ciifie. It is a dutv to look ' have ntniii-i! t.l u.j.cted, nr.dwill be per ,L.; . i i.: ir i... I f.rnis.l u-er it:e au-.ces .r the ui n.ii-. r-i, .iio ii'ii in- on ii. iii .ftc in the r behalf, and if the h ir. e aain-t him w . true, it would only prove that he lo-.ked fn.'ie to the intet ests of tho-e who elei te! him ihm he CKI.KItlt ATM I.MN KINO, L ANHWciKTIIY. Incrp d with t be brand Miw is a Misprritir Cirt'iiM Troiipr, did to i.ia .wn. and ih .t certainly is an excellent I wlil, h ,ve ,,.Pn fr tUir tuperi-.r ability. cnaractci i.-tic. llui Mr Voorhees is a tax j-ayer, and to a con siileiable amount, beyond all qtie-tioti. He we.u. tuxt J bro nlclolh elolhe, has a taxed hat, weirs taxel phitts mi. I has a taxe! watch and jewelry. He drink taxed tei and taxed collVe and e its taxed sugar, mid. in fact, is tixel ujioti almo-i ev ci v thing that ho buy mid con-iiuie Hi btiiie may not be uihui the t x list at Tetre II ute. but he nays his lull sh oe to the -npp .it ol the Government, nev erthele- ccii si.leriii hi mein, n ninth, if not mine, than some verv ri h und wedihv persons Ii i a very mistaken hlei to suvpoe tint the poor ! bot er pays no taxes. In fact, ne irly all the taxes come !i';m thoe whose names nie noi on the tax list. The owner of hou-e pay the taxe ut ton them, but in a lane majority of cases the ten nit p.ys it buk in the slnpe of extra rent the taxes being an element considered in the renting of the tenement. The burdens d' tuition (all upon the many that nie poor, and not upon the fevr that -ue rich. M mv men of m nictate meui con-ume nioie luxuries und iiu pite article, and piy n higher lax upon them theielor. ihm some million dies of simp'e h ibifs da. Thete is no evading taxes in this country. "A certain as ileilh and tixtV i a popular pro.eib, and it is a correjt. one. The tax ath eicr. iu some of the form of hi apoeir in-e, ic.iclies nil, and there i no e-cape. Mr. Voor bees is a tax n'.ver, ad probably it very he ivy One. Cin. Eii'iuircr. One of the most prominent Republican in Imliana, und w ho .is such h is icccivc-l the di--t'nguislied appreciation of his party, hands us the following communication for publication: A MW PLATK "KM. Mb Editor: Vitl von permit a few wonls nut ideof alt pu tie-Tf The present crisis demands a platioim of only three nn;n he ids: 1. The vigorous irosecution of the war. Here both parties, officers, soldiers and eivilhit, ngree both in Wor l ai faction; although the Democracy of cur-e criiici-e an Admini-trat ion against which they vote I, and m ie epeci.iily tlte opin ions of the tiltrns on that islde. 2 Th it si ite of feeling that will -.t the close f the war hei sectional ends, tind ih t will in the me intime hold the fiicmis of the Union in the S ctli to their love of the Unioi: n other word. a readiness lo abide by the compromises of the old Constitution. Ileie the Democracy aie ex- I re., but aie twfi cs without the aid of con servatives of all puties. 3. retrenchment. In a cri-is liRe thi, Congressmen sh uld be willing to reduce their own pay oi ehilf. anl they would ieceie as tnuch a.s if out of olFiee; le-ides ei.joviug the immun e .i ron ge they distribute to tiierr te!a- tite-, Irieiids, und olitical allies. Until the thus commence on themsel es, they c umot com se on the civil li.-t generally. Re tt eiichment ah heavy taxation, will I m 1 1 be nee essiry, to su-t in the tin ncial conti ience of the country. 1 either pir'y sound on thi head? II seems to me that these three, and no more, ate the im ortaiit c 1 dit ons. .iliiooitil IN'otift;. 10 AbVERriSEIiXAlhidrerlimentent t il' fr tt " tintf, tut itr-trrrtl ,tut tfote the trfifltiit t t,',f time fift, trill r tAitr-jr'i the reyui'ir ritn4 fr'e itw nf to the time thtynre orlritd nut . MEDICAL. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. T M 0 b Dl K ? 0 F 1 ) il LIC TF. 1 1 K A LT 1 1 0 R I M PA II.F.I 1 .rg CiUa'ioi., or tu l h-e hy whom au im r-n-f of r unity i- i rmn ii v r-.ii ii.jwt'oiiablf-. t In i ! riirnel woui.t r a trescriptiuii rtiich i pe rfectlj rll.ih- aiol afe. atvl w hicii has iepn irescrited in var1lt part-i f tLe UH vV.trl.t Tor Hip ,-! century. Although tl is triicte isrpry ln-ap ami -itnpl-, yrt it habeeii put up in hlf Anions tin p ou.h.erii i JA M KS MKbVlf.l.F., the Cltampioti ltirn.b-ick An tra'.ian Kpt -'rlan, a r tier alu ttfs i In-wurlit in -e' him in a 1ariia ac. TU following ii?tini;ulrlitj urtt.-ta have ul.-o been e curl: HKS. J.onF. MFIATLI.t, LKN si um:. GrOl.liK -bt)fA. W. W. WAIF. UMAX. 1 11 K lKLV NT r.'M.. W.M. K'NCAHK. M STFi: I 1JANK A .SA.MMl. T'"lh-r w-I1j nuirt rmi. ,iiili irh. TI pit' I c r.m timt n ) nil- .1 lit i f nr iitr.r'iois hi tli- p n.iiit!i t-ait.' 0.1!.-, t . wind their ppi.cial attrmioii is di, i rtrtl. "ryw'ill exhibit at I'MlMtiapoli- in Satiir(l:iy,.Iiiiie 1862. ONE DAY ONLY! fpen at 2 atl 7 P. M. AdmU-ion only 23 rents. o half prl c Jel S-Htd; PIANOS. Piano-Fortes. ANOTHER INVOICE OF ,hy CMICKER1MG & SON'S j . z. J cjl.ji l STEIiMWAY 8c SON'S lO-.iJtrtri'orti y irviNOs. Jut received at No. Bäte Ilon-e. vvii A f-TOWELL. X. R. Tiaiiop tuned to order and BY HIE YE Alt Ji-H v. A 5. BOOKS, &C. Pi-iJPER "BAGS, ADE to hold from on? to i-ixteeii pun U of ueÄr. ifi CofT.o. H.ur. A3., Ac just tlie article f r rccer. Lakers, ami Fruit thaler, at boWKX, STF.WAI.T, A CO'S. INiolo-r.i!! A Ihiiiii-, TEW Style anl Varictj-, at 110 W.X. STEWART, A CO'S. "ARTEMUS "W -A- 1PL XD," MKS XSCkOU., AT no if !;., sTi:utiiT .v co.'.v. JeJ4-d2v DRY COODS. Lynch Sl Keane, 33 WEST WASHINGTON STüEF.T, OTHER LARGE INVOICES OF SUilMER DRY GOODS, l.ndirs' nrp (inod cvprylliinjr In tlie Line, und cwrt Design t B ACT. ami Sil'K Mantilla, nrw tj If S-jUo. Shswl i I $ til t lonk, 'r ntcl t aliens, rarasol nl utl lm l r lla, imv, Sni I-, o.irry Ac; Irish bitiens. r-"e- White lJ.M-1. I.'iifii anl Ciimnric llaixlkoicliiel. liK'.u heO aii-1 llr-.wn Shcc'iii j-, OIvs, No. ions. rrst An.C'icaii Lrmuls, iroui i- a jaril uj.; MIST ;.l bM.S7 VTS, Only 12,l4c a yard; IRISHES' C'IsO.iltt-l'fi ClsTII9 6-4 wid, oi Iy CDc a yart!: m sc-:, very go'-d, 3 pair 2c. TO ties jL&mms. SECOND LARGE INVOICE SUMMER DRY GOODS t No. 5 East Washington St., ., CONSISTING IN TXVJ CT FIXE DRESS GOODS. LACK AND öiLK MANTLES, LINENS. GLOVEsv AND HOSIERY. PARASOLS. BLACK. AND FANCY SILKS. NEW STYLES S AQU LS, WHITE COODS. EM DUO I DER ITS. fcCX UM l! KELLAS. H00I SKIRTS, SILK MITTS. LADIES' GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S FINE CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, CLOTHS, .11 t il N nml Kovs? Wear, Triiiimiii, Aotioii, Vc. KVERYTHING IX THE LIXE, AND AT miCF. TO MIT Tlir. TIMT.S. CALL SOOX AXD KXAMIXK THK STOCK. 1 M. H. GOOD, Proprietor. GROCERIES. Ruser k Caldwell, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lo. G8 l:t Wasltiii-Kni SI. nie . Et t of Ot t .AVra' tf, Jmti- 0QQ BARr.EI-S rhflttitx Heflnod Sn-jar, r.AKr.F.LS Towiiered SiiRar, 0()() --"I-LS Y-How Sugar, various brands; BAKRF.LS Howy Sirup; CAI.KF.LS Stewarl's Sirup; TIHDS; Iu tore and for sle br KUGEH A CALDWELL, 63 East Wasliiuglon tL 100 Tur,s m JaT Cofrf e: J 00 BGSIU Coffee; j' j j RXF.S Ground Coffee: Do. In Taper?; RAG Koaatett CoSTee; V CHEST.- and Hal Cbeft Gunpowder, Toonu fJj Ilysi.n, llvsonSsiu, and OLug Teas, very cl.t-ap; VII'lCF, Cas-ia. C!ovx,'n, und a reneral a-sirtin-iit of Slices Mijtui i..r retail trade; black aud Ca;ct.tir iVpptr. tor l'-w bv LUGFK CALmYKLI-, 64 Ka-st Vh;o0l.on t. 7VT0- a"4 X Mackerel In Barrels, Half Barrel, and 1 Kls: BOXES nerrinir; jJj BOXES CK5fi-li; XUO r,0IES fmkt1 njiitut Ftr al lw t t klGEK k CLDWFLL, d L.t Wa-'Ulton It. MEDICAL. .1 Slight Cold, cr fac itcett, whith n.'j-Hf " checfd with x cimj:U rtrncu, a f Wjlectcd, cfien terrr.vtes cericucl';. "5 Ftu are cf th impcr ince cf !" a cjiql cr It(jit " cLL in. tts jZrct ; t-va: w-iWi m tht lfjirTin; uquH fidi to a rr'JL remedy,' if net aiiend 1 to, JUJJ attacks the lungs. T ti'c-f f.rzt iKircdiiCcl clam years cj. It has been, proitd that they arc the best article becm tte fulli2 jr 2Ls.lluncit Paiatri, the Hacking ' zZ in, fpcji&umtiirn, clkA numercus ajfcctiCKS cf the jDli?cnl - giving immediate relief. Iiiblic Speaker if Singer U't"- find them, efeztiLol fir cltirirg and siren tzthcninr the icir? M jf7"J by all (T)T-arjg-izic ani (Tk.utrs in, J-Zedi-iin. ai 5 cs-nls 2r Zc.r. Xv.w 31 cm! i ml nic -ry. For the p"jr am! prrmanent rure of flONOl.l.HKA, GLF.FT. CKIITHAu !)l.CHAUi;KS, SKMIN VI. VKAKNKSS. Nllillll.Y EVISt-inNjl, lNt -)TINANi:K.CNn ALIHKITvKllJl A, ttYfl,triftiir',nl Allrctlnof tbe Kldra-j.! Bladder whirl) lia t-fo-n a--S t y Usr"xl if ii linn.lrrd phrwlaii. X THEIR rittr ATE PRACTICE. WITH F.XTlKK Sl'C- CKSS. uiwr-rdiitf Cib-I, Copaiba, Cap-uU. i.t any oihrr -hijuihimI hiil-rrto Wnn. iu:ms spi: ifh: imm Ar iAy In action, nrnrffi-ctiiiR a cure !n a fw ), and w hen a cure I. efTt-d it I -riiiariit. Tb'y ara prepare.! reirriable estrartthat a lianT-Vs on th-ylrn an! iMvrr naunral- lh kI.i..-U, ,r in.prr nate the tl t ath; anj triii( Ui-ar-Cuatcd. all titui-t-'m. ttrl Norliancf of di-i I VTevary uftlnirthen: n-r do thrlr action Inferfrrr with bu.inea purouitt. i'.atb box contain is di-n III . TK1CE tlXF. DOLLAR. : And will ts -nt hy mail, pot-paid by any adrerti-4 A if nt, on leoMpt of tb muttey. bold by Ilrucgitt. urn--rally. None t;eiuin- without rnr Iffnatnr- rn the wrappr. J. BUY AX, liocbestrr, X. t 0iral Ar'nt. TlMLtNSON A COX, Aprnt fot Indianapol JulI9-!aw kSl j A X II O O lit HOW LOKTI HOW IIIIs'rOHCDJI Juht rvliithed in a Sulleil Enreloj. I'KICK SIX CKNTS. VLFCrntE n the Naturr, Treatment and Radical Cure -4 Sperraaforrlirea or Seminal .VetWo-. In voluntary ImiiI .ions. Srsual lability und Im-trd'titt-nta) ta rosrriaee,Kn'rally. N,roune-i-,Coaaunip!ion, Kpi lepsy and Kit; Mrn'al and Fhymcal IiicaxniT. re-ultmf from S4-f-Abue. ke By KURF. KT J. TTUIÄTKW LLL. M. I , Author of the tirertt 2l,4c. fr A I coi ta Vh'iu-ands nf Sufferers " nt undr aeal In a ptnln en velope, to any ad-tre, not pid, on re-etp of 1 r-nt ortwo -.ostriie Mnip. J Ir. CH. J. C. Kl INK. 127 lw.w ery. New York, PostoBlce Itox 40". apr3dkw3m ia I-tliMHlTAiM TO LADIES. DR. ZCH'S II ARYET. HAVING FOR CfWARD Or twrtityyeari t cted Iii profefiorl timf uclu Mvely to the treatn-rt of f'nitulr Dllf Iciilti- and havir.jcsuoceei ' in hunl of ca- in riorn. the afTlln- 1 ' oiind bealvb, La. row cut irs-or jrfrintrjiUb'.icly hi CrVl 4nerlcat ttetntctyS9 DU. HARYFT'S CKRO.S'0-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS TVhkb ln nvr- y-t failed (who th direct ion. ha bff n itrictly fiIIot!i,) in te riuvii, diolcu.tiea riainf from ? OBSTR'JCnOX, OR STOPPAGF. Or XATTRF, Or In rfstorirtjf t henyatrrn lo perfect health, W. -nfferirj frm Siinal Afl'--t!ot-. Pr'lp-u. L'trt, tlm W bi. r ot tier w-.a--ut tbe L'trriii Organ-. Ai-r. in allr.- ot Debility Nervou Irtrti:i; Ilytera. Falpi'. ticna, Ac, n 'llcb are the forerunners ol tnorra-'rioviod. . C4--.T- Th.'- ntl! r nf-frf 1v hirn.I, r tVa r ..I LAi:r.Eard well xev a.ortment r.f Grocerie ' tution tni n;y te taken v the nost UIintef. male aiih- 11 ow rereivii.ff ai d f -r S.lf a-..w as at anj bouse ou, causirird streu, at the m-tin..hrr met iuea rh.rra in tü WrU. Cmintry a-rl)i li-1 C iy lircrrinil-tl hy tr-r;irtbi.'inr inrij-rUi- ai.d re-t Trü 1 1 y-t. m iu xm..iiw ..ur fu. HlOHi A CALMTKLU to a irallhj c-inditlii. and t y brit.nt-i -5: I:..' tMr Jel3 C.-KUly t1 F.St iYi.hiUK!ou kt. pfrM wit). Htilarli. r... matter fror wiJ. r.i..ib m w m oliatructi'-n. iumy arixr. Th-y buLM, h -- r. ro I. taken -tuirih r.r-t thr- or four nr;b-r.?-prrt-j.i!rr 100 DOLLARS REV ARD. tWn,.ire..y otUr time. a. tnirat llal;r .olil.f I. .... iL result. ' ', Fa h !. .oLiaini f.O I'fll. Trice fl. arid wui : I will par ibe eo e r-warl f .r the aft rrhetion Irel w 1,1 bflM-i.t by maii. pre-paid by any alier;u--i . . i..f i . .w . . f f.. n ..m. mim . 1 . .. . r . v ALetif . .T i r-l.irf t.f ll. m . ....- pn,t ottles itid -old very -vteiisrl-at the-xhcrbitant I 1 Kl 1JALHJL - r 1 L. Lll 1 Ulv l 3111 K I a, murder of Bro. Lewi. Cbaboude. on the ntbt oi the 2sih 8old by Lrwirlrt senerally. J. BhTAX. W Y direction of rbiloxentan Lod . e, 'o. 44.1.U. r. F., 13 price of tö p.-r bottle, the under-ii-tied prot.ose-'- fur ntb the recipe for "! 1 , hy th- ;osse.i ii (- which -very ladycan -uppty bersell with a nerfrct afe;;uard, a . at.y druir -tore tor tl- f nn:n -I'm t 'lo rents per year. Kuy iily io l e Lal at Lyt.ib A Keai.e's TRY BK FKLXCti CORSETS AND VAIST3. ! i-'intu ni iftiiirrr t nn ni iita rriirr 1 ..r lruczt-t w.lltellyou it isin-rfectl harmlosn, i LnUIn, LhC OllT.t Dt, MliU rnflö OlUrr th"'ian.t.--.f '-stintoiiia!-cti be irK:urel ol it. -rica.-T. ) .... . Sent iu any part otibe world on receipt of vhJre. - i Fr men ' ",mt " O-od. Ht, C-ps arid itiii )lt j Dr VKItVl'X ! er rytb-t.z to le found hi a lry Mote. P.O. R lUven.C-nnerticnt. S!CKk complete; b-ucht at remit a xMor.s in N.-w York; I ot May. 1-62. JOSM'll .TAL'B. N.G.. K New YorV. General Arr.t. June r.. 1CJ. I Liloxenian ljal2e, Xo. 44. 1, u. O. F. TOMf JXSoX A COX. Aifnt Tor Indianapolis. Je6 diw Jal19-dAa61 FOR SALE. ilr22-:!Aw,l ELcCTiON NOTICE. I. 1. Sc C. IR,. JFl. CO. w ill l. so.d 2i) p-r cent, h low f..rm- r pri.-! HOOP SKIRTS! HOGP SKIRTS! Havi, tri!- arraneme-its wltb two of the larf -t J H-op sKirt ,vi itiurac or:r in ib- Ka-t. we are prepare! to J OoVr 't.m. wh..le-ile and r ail, at New lork pne. xüxr fillK l XD'.uil .M.e" of th? M rV hr'!-rs of I i'ti Mn.l examine ih--.fork: no troul.l- ioi- -.!. X lud anati.lj-. litt-t.urh aid t"ltvel..i..1 hat-, iiy price. K-ianiiocr isro of the Bix Hoop ri'C?n lr clor-, ana Ifie trMii-c lull of a:.y olttcr bui- jelii'iK-dly .lev thai ra iy come tcrvre tLem I DWARii KING, -secretary. In dianspoli, Jure 15. l'-JSJ. j-il-d 1 1 w:it COMMISSION MERCHANTS. C. L. S. Matthews, G E. E R. I LCOM MISSION FORWARDINQERCHANT, L a r v. V i r c - V r o o V B i ii I I i n s, XO. 124 rOCKTH ST., WFST SIDE, Ilfttvftn .tlain Mreel und Ihe River. LOUISVILLE, KY. Con:rrieBts are re-pectfully solicited, and im AGENCY. THE UNDERHILL BLOCK FOR SALE AT REDUCED PRICES. DeiraHe BailJia Lot fronting onFenn-jIvauia, I-Iare ami UWlin u.t x -fk. n. n. x xx w ur 33 x x x : Of SQCARK NJ. 4, AS PhK i'UT. NORTH STREEt. own zovtr.T, r.. . BrmcariiXD. Late A'lJ-Mct Ree. Sc rrire. Ute of Sec of MaieofSce. T fi I s f : 1 aV 17 V T Tt: 11 VI E 1. 1 , U.S. CLAIMS AGENCY 0, 19 WF.'T W A-lll"CiTO JT., (Over Vajea's Hariw Store.) INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA. fEXj-lOXS. Eonnty Und, Ii) Eonr.ty, Back Pay, fcxtra Pay. and in fact all c'..ia a?ainst th Lnited State suxe-tu:iy aria apeea;iy proeecuwa uriui iu Mvral 1 epartnf.:. Specia' a' ten ion ffiven to tnaVire wl Matrr In and ect Roll. 'JfiCera' I'ay K--11. CcuidwUtion of Quarter for K-cruitin?ORer-. Ac e. Particular attention Riven to proenrtng dKUarjea kr -i-prraniiuat-l" and i'.a led Xotanal u-;ces iA all mid. of writing otici'ed IV h ie rna. arraiifrerner.t.- with a prominent attorney r.i-Ui e-a'.eswab prompt returns puara::!e--d. jai.13 ' of Wa- jin-rton City to afei.d. in j-er-o't. to all claim- that 1 tn.iv rrferrl to head-juaner- IUin bad an ex- . CHOCOLATE. r.ttubli.hrd in IT() tended prctCi.l milüary expenenoe. we believe that we , hae cua!i?.catiou lor doiiifr a collectins; at.d clatm bu-i- ; j cess that hut lew v se. otdier, cr arty ot eiie, oe- : oirins information co cern!t.f tLe i.vatKn oi any rrp W W CO i in w B AKER'S PKKM UM CHOCOL TF PUKF PRE- 1 w.r. company, or battalion, are innt-d to call, a so PAHKI Cocoa, broma, Fret.cL, Homeopathic and 1 chaw are made for any IrtfonniUOii aa.eer. a.-o, aii..laCr.c.Jaie-, warracte,! eual iu cuiii y ai.d Caver wldier de-'rlnz tra-nition botn or tojotn taeirrep . . . i i... -i i .......... . I . M i i -.ur ii, formation rrt:. uur 10 iut a. is vu-io a.r , i.ic ,u iie ie- ii ovt-r ituree- i.i-u . t t quarter- f a rmtur. and are r o i.i-ed t ail who connection with the differen M;i-.ury la-parrniem. o. have ware u--d ihetn to be aupenor to any other . State enal le u to be of arreat aeric to 11 Uet-irung m- j tutsctured bv . Bakt-r v Co., at thir Mill-, in Iht- i formation Collen :r g trie same. cl eter, AIa- , ail loi .le al their Bra ch la-pot 'o. ar.rrfcn- t mm. 317 Fulioo trert, Xew York City, ai d by Gr -cer and I finr. 0. P. Morton; Cl. J. S. Siniouon. U. S. A.: C.en. j la-aler KvLrraJy tiifi ugh- ui t Le I Molt. :0tte;' w . A. Pe:le. Secretary of -state; Capt. Jamea j A.ire- ii. l. n IlK, a kin U S. O M.; J- II- K'ü- W- '"" JMJ-.Ü :.: Fult. n aire, t, Xew York. ! Tt L"KT A P.HTr KFIFID, Lock Box l-'7. indnmai-oils i-miana. e -X JOII. 71. LOUD. - mm 1 13 per fool 2,250. M ä - i periloot-2t?50. -Ä ie J. 11. OSGOOD O Sold for f 2,720. SOLD FOR 116.00 I -N I lJaL o I.YDTLIS rtMALK INSTITUTE. lUi fret. Sold to S DAVID .YIACV, Eq. ft ; m m 0 ii (-.5oI(ilCer.7Ir.Tlnilall - Sold to Fijed. lTucUbaapt. at C 4 Z : : , I fai I 'I ? t lh .1:1 t h ; c " - mm ?r 7 I V w. -i !!. 5 I O : ' f : i i i I cc iSi ; ot o Ü w W CO H W UICHIGAN STREEir. my2S-dly WANTED. WrANTtl-UnY OLLERS At he hirb-t market octit-dJm Xa.10 ,' . Waaui4-tcii.treet. WANTED. bt market w -jar T AXTEl C"0CXTY UUDF-KJ5 Attbe hibet mar- TFka.- One-furth rah. balance iu 1, 1 aitd 3 yetr, with ani W1LKT. j V V,t ui. b WH. Y. WILtY. ptar rartber iufurmatit.eall at Talbou'a JtwUy rtcn .treat. ww Tao.10- E- Yaahint.n tueet- I-U&apoU,tidUxa, Febnary I. lU---fol-4am flini: PRICK OFTHE ABOVE PROPEKTT OX MICHKi AX ANI DÄL XARJC STKEETS H AS BKEX EKULTED J from f4i per fcMt to $5i per fut. a IVtmaylnatua f roan ti lo $li -r tavl. Thi. I the cbeape-4 and DKMt desirable racnt property In tLe city, by 13 percent., Barth of Ttixi(töa, be tween Ulinota. Delaware and North a'reeU. which U the center of lituianapua. Parle wt-htna ta(rr than 0 feet ran bare a part ! the ieai lot. I arm aal later lt. t I