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Daily State sentinel. [volume] (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1861-1865, June 23, 1862, Image 3

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

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,..,jim: 3
TUT. 0 VlT.Y STATT. IFNTIHK!. U viYj :i tat early
ai.a-Vss; ;? arid fYelirbt trarus. mttA OMvervd to nt
er.bera In adjarent t"wr anont the aame lim It I
triVutJJntbifity. Thia enaMa reader, at adUtanee;
frn th Capita! of Indtara. t rt tb new. tf the day
front iii to twtlre hwir before they can rece.re It through .
p.jr ribt!tel tlß-mhT. fealera And earrier j
!uany of tb fwn. os rallroadf centering at Indianapolis, i
wnt U. .up; lied with tbeSF.JTnXEL co a good term a i
any yter paper. Cist- f ths Daily will be aappl ed at ;
Acenta'ratea. Order, are aofirited. daw
Lout On the corner of Washington and Del
wäre sbeetsa bundle containing ore-pair of dark
pants, new, and one pair ! cln. Any one
rctunitig the same to this fiice w.ll be fcr
thtt'r trouble.
Valuable Documents.
W ha for aal the following valuable document,
an t ak Irn-roi In every County and Township la In
diana to clot? father and send for thra,for dntrihuti...u
Vorlirra Stpeecliew.
He speechr of lion. I). TV. Vootntts upon the finan
cial policy and fnud of the Administration party, acd
tv vindication of bU tUtrnK&U In that j-eh in reply
t- the comment' of Mr. Diva, of MAacba.etti. These
pebea Low, fiam Republican record, the xpendjture
of tb Administration; tbe amount of tbe public ludet t
edne, and tbe Hroa frauds by which that debt baa been
t:creaa4.- Published ia c ne pasnphlet of aUtees pare,
nd will be furnitbed at l per bmdred, and f 10 per
Mpeer h mt ftlctiairdson. and Addreaa to
the Democracy of the fritted State.
The peech of lion Vf A UiruaaiMma, of Illinol. e-
ping the abol.tion Kbemei of negro equality, and what
the tai-payrra are paying for tbe esperiment. In the
aame pamphlet (of eight pa;;e) la tbe Addre of tbe
Iremocrarie members of Citiirrea to the D'tnocracy of
tbe Cnited State, prepared by tbe Hon. W. A. IUchabd.
vox, the tnot Intimate friend of ."enator Ixjculas. Irice
ten eenta per doen, fifty cent per hundred, and four
dollar per thousand.
C'irctilute the Document.
Tbe dortifsebta aUouid be placed in tbe band of ev
ery roter in Indiana, a ibey diu In a masterly man
ner urjecl which have a deep Interest for every citizen
who denJre to preserve constitutional liberty ant to per
petuate the Union a framed ly the Fathers of the Me
public. Fpeechea khould ! orrtered by Expre, If ponible, aa
the poMage reiit a ropy, anl a.i thii mut le pre
paid, it ia taki-it mt of tbe money rnt. AU oriter ac-
cmipanlrd with the r'Ji, be pronitlj attetuh-d t.
Ilili.1Ii'Mi, Ilid.
nurion County Central Com mitte.
The ilArin Ouunty Ccntrtl Commit toe will
meet mt the Smtintl oftice on SatunLij, June l2,
Mt 11 o'clock A. 31., t nuke arr.incinent. f-r
apN)intin delepttw U the Coni:r-Mioii.il Con
,Te:iti.'i. A full ntxl prompt itttt'iidiince H de
sireil. The foIUMkin the Committee:
Centre To-ihri- Jobn Ii. Kiler (Chairman,)
Samuel Heck, Julius Uoettichcr.
Lawrence S.rnuel Corey.
Warren Wi 1 1 u m Hunter.
Kra tiklin W txx 1 forU W I. i t e.
I'erry Jarne Welb, Sr.
', Decatur Jrs.e Price.
! WahingUn William Ivirle.
i'tke Joseph Lofleti.
' Wayne James I Drake.
Flori set' Sixkx A fre Iurn 1 1 et at
thin wjj-nUr ub:s!iBerit e.erj eveuing at 'J o"
clock, nhere rnj le foun.l tha choicest nammer
Leverage. Wm. Iiiuetihoue, Ki . the accom
pli. -hf upeiinteridertt of the establishment, nil!
1,-e hafcy to tee ani erre hi.s au l ila nuUieroua
Liux'a Whitm. There were thre lion'
wheljm exh.bited at the menagerie of Mabie Si
Co., od baturdaj, in Ihi city. They were of
Asiatic extraction, and were brought forth at
Cincinnati aome three weeks iace. Ther were
interesting eje-iniena, uituralized anl to the !
manor born, but their mother was ery crus.
They cte sitnplj another instance illustrative of j
the oft re;.ttel fact titat the. North American j
continent can produce nj thins that all the world
beside can wbethcr animal, vegetable, or mine
ral. McRntK ix Booxe Coi TT. On !at Tuesday
nicht week, Mrs. liner was brutally murdered.
by some unknown fiend. Her hu.-band went to!
the war that morning, anl left 1m wife what
money be h-td to purport his family in his ab
sence. In the nifiht the house was entered; ?he
was very badlv beaten and her money taken.
After he was beaten the cuckleJ her small child
and walked to a neighbor's, about a mile distant.
She never apoke alter the affair took place. Five
persons were urre.-ted en uppiciun, but we are
not informed as vet of the result of the prelimi
nary examination ot them by the magistrate.
The Ntw York Grociry. 1 his establish
ment, E.'st V)thititon street, west of Glenns
Muck, under the in inaeinent of the mot en
terprising and tnerr.etic of our oea!ers, Mr. C.
II. Uuell, is daily in receipt of everything fresh
and choice, ich as families, hotels or restau
rant need. Particularly would we epcak of the
fruits, vegetables, pring chickens, fresh fish,
and every native and tropical production, offered
at the New York llroccry. The etock of ugnr
cured ham-, among Uie very finest in the market,
and the varieties ol silt li.-ii, A.c., to i.y n thing
of the great staples of cofl'ce, ftigar, rice, Hour,
and 8j on, attract daily numerous customer.
Kv-ry article m warranted, and the prices at this
establishüjvut are tlic lowest for ca.h.
Great Kxccrsion to Cincinnati ox Tnt
Koi inn or Ji ly. The excursion train will leave
Indianapolis over the Iiidi inajMlis und Cincinnati
railroad, at (" A. M., and returning will leave
Cincinnati at 11:110 I. M., alter the display of
the tire works. Tickets will u1m be j;ood to re
turn on any of the regular trains of Saturday the
Jth, Hiid no longer. Tickets for the round trip
only The citizens of Indiana)olis ui iv rely
on this leing the great excursion of the season.
Tickets can le had at W. 13. Vicker'sdrug store,
under Odd Fellow-. Hall; Merrill L Co'h bo k
ftore, Gifnn.s' IMock ; No. Kast Wushington
street, and at the Union Depot ticket ollice.
! t?f"These warm evenings a dish of Cunuing
,ham's pure cream and berries is delicious.
X3P Wheat is celling on the streets at 75e0
)- f?fQtnrterly meeting is In progress at Wes
: lejr Chapel. Lovo least tonight.
fffAii acre of grass the north part of the
.city is for sale. Inquire at this oßlce.
2T"The alarms of tire, between midnight and
daylight, bight before last, were false.
5T" Several ef the members of the police are
already out iu the new uniform prescribed by the
City Council.
t? There will be a love feast at Roberts
Chapel thia evening, (juartarly meeting is in
ES" Hon. D. Garland Itoe, United States
Marahal of Indiana, ia now Commuidant of the
Post at Camp Morton.
iyThe wall of the old Ilapfist church, cor
ner of Meridian and Maryland streets, are leveletl
with the ground.
3t7At the Magnolia, Illinois street, Messrs.
Flagg Vi Wright proprietor, lunch is oet dailv at
1Ü A. M. und 10 P. M. je2-dir
J3TIIungarian grass is being raised this sea
son by many of the farmers of ludiaua. It is
aid to be excellent for cattle and sheep, but not
so goou for hordes.
J""The jlice arrestel everal pick-pockets
who were in attendance upon the crowd visiting
Mabie & Co.'a menagerie and hippodrome 011
Saturday lat.
ZPX ppecial di.'patch from the Executive of
fice, ItidianKlis, to the Cincinnati p-pers of
Saturday .st, täte that the militia ot Indiana
will probably immediately bj placed ou a war
Umi.it l Invkntion. Necessity leads to many
inventions both lor the living and the dead. Mr.
Matthew Long's experience as an undertaker has
led him to the invention of 11 refrigerator better
adapted to the preservation of a corjisc than any
thing ev-r before used in this city. A descri, lion
of it is unnecessary. It is sullicient to nay that
the corpse may be dress 1 for the grave and then
frozen mi as to be preserved lor any length ol
time. The box used only occupies the ppace of
a cooling !oard, and the apparatus can easily be
applied. So far as it has been used in this city it
h is been a perfect success. Should a mournful
occasion require it with any of our readers we
commend them to Mr. Long. l.'Mm
Maoxic Notice. A ?ecial meeting of Ma
rion Lodge, No. IC, for work will be held this
evening at 7JJ o'clock, at the Grand Masonic
Halt. Punctual attendance is requested
Fram-ih Kinu, Sec'y.
TiiEATtR Mi.ss Marion Macartuv. The
bills announce a benefit to Miss Marion Macar
fhy, at the Metropolitan, this evening. The
pieces nelected are the "Invisible Prince," and
the farce entitled "Taming a Tiger." The first
of these pieces is a grand ncenic spectacle, and
we are sure will have ample justice done it by
the excellent company. As Leander, the Invisi
ble Prince, Marion Macarthy will charm all be
holders. We will avail ourselves of this oppor
tunity to acknowledge the cuperior abilities of
this lady as an actress, and the high claims,
based upon her own merits, sho has ujon the
good people of this city for a hearty indorsement
to-night. She has long been connected with the
drama here, and it giveJ us pleasure to say that,
oil each succeeding performance she has ever
been greeted, by those who know and appreciate
her, as the eer, if not the superior, of any who
have visited us as bright particular stars. She is
always perfect iu her parts, and has a conception
of character which we rarely have neen equaled.
To a graceful and dignified person, she u.iites, in
a remarkable degree, all those qualities of the
mind which distinguish the tmcccssful actress,
and which, we assert, entitles Marion Macarthy
to a conspicuous placo in the foremost rank of
the profession. As a Mongstress, the fair benefi
ciary is no less accomplished. Who has not boon
entranced by her songs? He who has not, hav
ing heard her, "is fit for treason, stratagem, and
ioils." We h ive been belter for the old time
memories she has awakened of sweet home in
the long vista of the past, and more patriotic
mid deejer in our love for ourcountrv alter hear
ing her sing "Viva L'Amcrica." We are sure
many people w ill go to the theater to night. The
occasion is a proper one to tully indorse our beau
tilul and accomplished "home actress," and to
tlo credit to ourselves as an appreciative und in
telligent people.
jyYrsterd-ty afteriion a buggy, the horse
attached to which was driven by a dashing young
gentleman, was upset 011 Illinois street, near the
liate Hoase, and left in fragments mtrcwed
tround on the ground.
JI want to tiadea piece of desirable laud,
'3'., miles west of the. city, for a house and lot
"cofivenientlv located iu the city. Call at No.
30., West Washington street, tip stairs.
21-d'Jt O. B. Tc'KBLT.
CTtThe excursionists to L.mum ille, who left
en I'liday Ia?t, had returned pretty generally
yeelerday". Th trip, although there were several
mishapa," such as running oif the track, running
over cows, running into freight trains, arid the
like, was, take it altogether, nn exceedingly
pleasant one. . j
Aothr Kailroai AiCim.nt On Saturday
Ut. a mile and a half thissideof Soulhport, the ;
freight train on the Madison road ran off the j
Oat k. smashing up two or three cars beautifully,
ar;d detaining the tri 111 two or three boms. No- .
rody hurt. !
' Common Pii as Cot rt. The criminal trials
rem üning in this Couit aie set forbearing this;
week. Among them is the case ot Webster, a j
relel rrisor.er, for the killing of a comrade, am! j
the ca.-o ol two vgung men accused of attempt- j
tug the life of Mr. John A. Berlin, a well known
cituen und a fold er at home on turlough.
:?r wi: auk authorized to an
Not MK the name of JAM KS K. 1'I.l'MM K It, a a cm
ihdite to represent !.ir.. county iu the next l-cMature,
subject to tbe decision of the Ik'Uiucrntic INmntv ('nven
TIVE OF ItOTII SFXFS. A Retired t'lerjrjinati bavin.'
I'rm r-tor--! to health tn a few taj, afirr many er.
of itrvat MiÜVruiK', I willing to asM.t others by M iidiim
(free) nn the receipt of a piM-paid di.ected envelope, a
c.'j y if the pre.-cription twd. iMrect to
J-Ü-i!4nt:n ! I ulr.-n street, I'.rn k!ui. N. Y.
Blowiu L'ror Kxuine. Fieijiht engine!
No 4. on the li.-dianap.dis and Cmcnnati rail j
n ot, blew up Fi id y i.ightlat, ab.mt 1'2 o'ch-ck,
at Morris Station. "We urdert uni that the e i
gine.r, Mr. Frank Koe, and also the fireman,
escaped injury. The hock of the explosion wa
so gte it that the rails immediately under were !
settled di.wn into the ties perceptib'y. !
Cr( rs Kep. rts which reach us trora through-
'he srto reitesent the crop as promis ne Wa-a:ion Mr-n
ni-.e at iin.i .i.tiT thm ever tefore. i he y-.el
d' o:tt, rve, wheat, con. buckw heat, grass, kc.,
wdl t;rid ubte-Uy be unpi et edented. Iu addition
Mil iiin:ene number of acres have been plntei 1
'in toiMcct", and eventh ng bid fair for an unjn- :
' r tüeicd flop. In Mim ti-t!ons of llie State this ,
toikieeii crwfv will i a 11 w txie. but those pn
d'n ü.g it hid pieviou! turned their attenli'Vn U
the Di i'ter, atid h ive cultivated the plant scienti- '
tica'ly. In Southern Ind.ant the wheat harvest j
Legan Lt week. j
? Wukat at Wortiux-tom. At this point, some 1
fortv six miles south ot'Tcrre Haute, on the Wi- j
bull and Kne Canal, we learn there ia an im-I
li,-i;-e quantity of 'raiil stoied. ()lu ; ei.tlt l t 1
! Mi Ilerriott, alone, has some twenty -five thou-j
Miid bushels of wheat ami nuDieeous cribs .if.
cm. all of last yesr's yield, piied hili anl
awaiting shipment. This grain would probably
have gone furwsrd to market earlier had the
io.ai ien inMlr. There ia a at quantity of
oid grain in the State which will compete in the
maiktt w .th the new crop ju-t now reidy iu won
dtiful abundance.
X'1I.IS. A- X Druü'ivl, Mo.
IS Dust Uliillgtoii Mrcel,
Have bren appo-nted agents fur the aie of
11 it i r. s r v s s 1 1, a (; (i ,
Tilt WDNPKUUX liKANfl.t . f'rtbecure ef C -m;l',
Col ', Sore Thr Mt, l'.ronch t.s, Whef zinc, 'rritatioii ot ti e
t'vul.i and T aii, and Ii.ea' of th- I.utu. S!d in
tare lmr, "i.'icts., il ct..a:ii J I each. nlsdAwlv
:?riN'oi:u & co s i.ettek"afam.
ILY SKWIMi MAC1IINF. with all tbe reo-iit improve-t-.i.
n:. i the l.i:ST and t'lfj: rrsf a!,d MUST r.KAt'TI
H I. f a'l en niacLme. This 1i1.1rl.i1ie w ill any
th.n, from :he ruin ing of a tuck in larletan t the r.iik
U' "f uti overcoat anytbini: from pilot or heaverch-th
di 11 t the oft-! (tiuJf r j;aiii.-r ti-ue, aixl i- rn-r
ro.i 'y i wi k t- perfecti- n. It ran fi !!. betn. bir. i,
Iftil.er, tw i. j-.;ilt, ai: 1 h capacity fir a ri at vari.-ty
ef in.a:r t.tal work. T.'.i--i r."t tbe ot.ly 111 v bine that
can b 11. hem, bin 5, and so forth, t-u? ir will do so hotter
lhn a:y other inachir.e. The L tier V Kaniily ein
Machine nay be la i id a great variety of cabinet rae.
Tberoldinc Cae, wh:cli 1 r.w l-co -ire o pej ul.ir, I,
r.anie impl.e. one that cn be folded ito a box or
oe, hieb, whsn opened. mks a beJti.'ül,'ibt antial.
and picioutatlc for the W'-rk t rest upon. Thr.e
are of every iri;:naVle deMg-. j !.n a the wp.J j-rew
intttnativa forst, era elaborately fr.i'hrd a art can
ranke tbm. I. it. SINc.LH A CO..
No. .S D:ca.!sv, w York.
4-i!r.d anapo!-. OSice No. 3 Odd -reib' Mail.
v TKLacaarw. j
'iticitiMiitk .Markrt.
Cincinnati, June -1.
Flour remains dull find heiry t $'i ',?3 le)
for aupertiue and $1(4 10 lor extra; fancy $1
Qf I 75. ' .
Wheat dull and unchanged.
Oats and corn 31c.
Whiky firm at 21)c.
fkJ demand for ford at "8'3V' ,,,r
sugar cured bams at be; no inquiry lor jotk or
Groceries unchanged; small arrivals of Louisi
ana sugar, but no sales; coffee firm; moIa-.-cs 5k?.
No important change in the money market.
rarrr.Tir tirtin r-a trk pailt Tatb ecmaaiul
oo:i Kcporls.
'' $
V. saaaMaaaMwaa
1 i
I t 1 II 1 tl Vi t w rt i. Ii w
ai rataoaara.i
New York .Market.
New Yokk, June -'1.
Flour Le?3 doing to day; mttket generally
without any very important or material ch.nge;
aale.4 at $l'l0(jnr4 25 for superfine State; $4 45
(or 4 tor extra State and $( CO fur choice;
$1 10(4 20 for superfine Western; $4 454
for common to medium extra Western; $ 1 D 5
5 00 for common to good shipping brands
extra round hoop Ohio; and $5 1U(6 5') for
trade brands, the market closing quiet.
Whisky heavy and declining; sales at 2o(Vi 26c
Wheat heavr and closes lc lower; sales ol lair
' J O X O i: 1Z SSIONA L.
1 Beaurerard Gone to tlichmond.
from Vurilngtbn.
WapHINütox. June 121. The Tribune has the
following correspondence from Seven Pines,
June IS:
At noon to day Intelligence wa communicated
from the front, that the er.emy30,(H)0 strong,
was in line before Hooker's advanced position.
At hall past 4 o clock, under Hooker s order, the
Chicago spring at D7c; Milwaukee club $1(1 03; j KJth Massachusetts went Into the deep, swampy
amber Iowa $1 lhj(Tl UG; lair winter red West- j woods, and other regiments took. up lines ot bat
ern $1 15; amber Michigan $1 17; Canada club
$1 V-2; w hite Western $1 22.
Corn market heavy and lc lower; sales at 51
Q52j for old mixed Western; 45((2G0c for un
bound and new do; 53)a354'.jc lor Western
yellow; C7(t.70c for while S uthern.
Coffee There has been more activity in the
market for Itio since our List, at firm prices.
Sugir IUw continues tiim at l47'nC for
ftir to good refining; Cuba 7f?ic; reSned in
good demand and Ci m at lOJQ lOgC tor ground,
granulated, and cruahed.
Molasses matket quiet; Porto fiico 3Cc.
l'ork openel heavy and closed steady, with
rather moie doing; s.ikvj at $10 75(310 7$,
closing at the latter price, for mess; $10 75 lor
prime mess; lor prime.
I'eef quiet and unchanged.
Lard quiet and very firm at 7(ac.
liutter is Helling at y(V$15c for Ohio and 10(
17c for Stale.
Cheese Meadv and firm at 3(fsic..
Tbe market i foil of imitation, rrrente 1 tn be tb. i
atn.e M'TdlOWN'SIUtONCHIAI.TKOCHF.S," which are j
in ino.-t caf pnslu. lr. e i f p..::ie itij-iry. Mary ! a'. r
w ill ri'aiui-r.J iuferi-r pr parti ioti :..i lower pricej
articles, aSurdi:. m re pri f.tto theruseli Ak for a:iJ
wbicb t y loi.i? experiftica hae proved their vabie.havirr
recrlved the !?r?irn of phjicUn ce nerally, and teti
rnotiial from etn:nr.t men throughout tbe country.
liKOWN'S hkoNCUUL Tl.lKJHbS, wheu a'.: ed to
dissolve low ly in the tnoiitb, bae a direct influence to
the affected part; tb eJauve aud votbiUK r Sect to tbe
uiucot lm:ng tithe wlrdjope hito the br. t.t h.i a'.tay.hil
m. .nary irritation and icive rel:ei In C-u-h, Col i, and
the v arioug Throat affrct-oin to w Lich j ubl.c peaker and
Milder are liable. fbll-dl'l
1. fANTbl, fortaa year. iD pd Uiorlcatfe -ur1ry.
f f2.oo. at i rc nt. U.tereH. A dilre "M' liey
at Ss-utmel lirt-t e jlldUaw
IXou York attle Market.
Markkt Day, Wednesday, June 18, 1SC2.
Total receipt of cattle of all kinds for the
Co'. VeaN. Lamb Swine
Reeves .
Total 4,lv5
Lift week 4,4'G
No. per w'k
last year. . . 4,51 1
Average num
ber per week
last year. . . 4,370
New York 121 Iowa
Illinois 3,'J73 Kentucky....
Pennsylvania 71 Ohio
ludiaua 125 Canada
b.CTJ 11.12GG
7 JUG 11,GG0
132 1,111 3, im 4.23G
113 G3sj ),t'JG 11.530
a k r. v v. 8 .
As we intimated iu our last report, the
ptices of lrtt Monday were telegraphed all over
tlie country, and the stock has been sent in num
bers too large for the present necessities of this
market. The stock left over last week was all
sohl before Saturday, o that Monday opened
w ith nothing but fresh receipts; the market was
dull and prices were lCiJc per lb lower.
On Tuesday there w as a little better tone, a
several droves of ".stillers" which were expected
did not come to hand.
We have rcjort that Government has lieen
buying largely at the West; 500 head were taken
from an extensive Illinois dealer at 3c per lb,
live weight.
The quality of cattle this week is very fair,
some of the droves bejng very fine. A good
many country butchers were in market this week
and bought quite freely.
Considering that this is the bight of the season
for strawberries and green peas, the sales have
been at very respectable rates, and the market
closes steadily at our isolations.
Premium $9 00($
Prime b 50 8
Medium to good 8 0()(c 8
Poor 7 (I0(.Ü 7
General selling prices 7 50(. 8
Average 8 W(jf
Henry liurd worked o!T G7 fair to good Indi
f e a m
ana sieors lor llealli .v vv insiow. l nev were
laid to dress 8 cut to cwt, aud brought 8(
Woodruff & Pro. sold 30 Indiana steers and
oxen, common to good, at tOtfc, with a lew at
b'oC. or jj-rf each.
mii.cm rowa.
Have been in better demand, and common qual
ities have brought prices more satisfactory to the
tl rover. W o noticed pome extra irood milkers
which brought rood prices. The sales this week
have been made to the sw ill milk dealers
Pest cows pci head J5H75
(Jood di do 4H((45
Fair do do 3.W.H
Com'n do do 20((25
vrAi. CALvr.s.
Are without material charge in price, but there
is more activity. The quality this week is good,
m.uiv large calves are now coming in which have
been held back tor better prices.
Good and extra qualities. . . .per Ih 5 (?.'),; cts
Other qualities do .3 i?4'ets.
Are scarce just at this time, and prices are 25c
higher; fair lots have brought 4t.;c . per lb, mid
extra fat have sold at 4-; lambs hive been more
plenty, and prices are lower, with sales at 7(Tf
'.jc per Ih.
Sheep per held at $2 50 (M 50
Lambs 2 f0(t 5 00
Are very dull and prices are declining. The re
.ceipts continue large, and, with strong efforts to
dispose of them on the part of butchers and
packers, still the market is overstocked. The
demand for con.-umpti an here is now limited, and
the larger portion are made into ham and bacon
for the KiiL'lish maiket.
Live llos
....3t8(t34 4
....3 oj:ph t
3 (a.3la 3(.t3Jt
of longitude
Heavy prime cornfed.
Light do
Heavv still fed
(7 1H
ie York Mock Table.
coh.cti t r.riuv.
I'nited States G
I'nited S.ites i
United States t"
Pnite 1 States G
I'niteil States 6
I'nited S'ates
L'nited States 5
l"nitel States 5
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coupon. 1?74. .
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tie upon the edse of the timber, out of which
the rebels burst upon us in uneqitl numbers, re
sulting in the death of many of ur brave men.
The musketry fire was soon s'.-irp within the
leafy forest. Bramhall's battery, sent spherical
case shot over the woods into tie reel picket
guard, to asf'st the infantry pk'umishers. This
artillery file v as not replied to for a half hour,
and then only from the far right" It was Arm-
stead s brigade that was in frivtof us today.
In one fpot fix rebel dead lav- together. e
droe their whole ticket line ru half a mile.
Three men of the lGtli were k:lled, and eight
The Times' correspondent, cai'p before Rich-
rnond. June 1 8, savs: '
nother tine dav. Every day?jf sunshine ad
vances the fall of Richmond. Three davs rain
might io.tpouu operations. Tljft roads are hi-
couiing liarü. 1 lie furtace ol fie eirtii iu tue
lields, except in low spots, is practicable for urtil
lerv. We had verv l.iik pieket lirinr last ni"ht
in trout of a point halt a mile lie th ot Fair O iks
elation. Our side pustained no-dani;irre. This
morning everything is quiet n-rait. It is reported
by (levellers that heavv teinft rcenients have been
sent from Richmond to Jackson, in the valley of
tlie slienandoali.
Another correspondent, writing same date,
1 am positively assured by par.ies who are re
Hablv informed that the liteoffhe arch traitor
Jeff Divis is in extienie danger, he rebels look
ing iiikon linn wuli the utmot t'lspu-mn. It is
even asserted that he was prevented by an armed
torce Irom escaping out ol liichiond. He is the
object of general distrust. Handbills in every
variety are displayed all over the itv denouncing
JeH' Davis, and applying to him-traitorous and
opprobrious epithets. The rebe's declare it is
the intention of Davis to desert them.
Numerous persons have been afrested and con
fined for rebelling ngaint the authorities in
A special dispatch to the Tribune says:
The Pacific ruilioad bill passed the Senate to
day with five negative votes.
1 he main route which it fixes at to commence
at a Klint on the 100th meridian
within the Tenitory of Nebraskc;
Of the branches, one commences at Sioux
City; another at another point n the Western
boundary of Iowa, which will pij bably be at or
near Omaha City, or the mouth f Platte River.
Roth of these branches to be constructed by the
Union Pacific Company, which constructs the
main road. The Kansas branch, commencing
opposite Kansas City, is to be tonstructejl by a
Kansas company, and with this I ranch the Han
nibal and St. Joseph road is autliM-ized to form a
The main road is run by the .most direct and
practicable route to be located, pc.bject to appro
val of the President. Ry the House bill the road
was to commence on the 102d meridian, and the
terminus was not necessarily w ithin the Territory
of Nebraska, but probably the House will agree
to the Senate amendment. There is little doubt
of the final passage of the bill i ubstantially as
it passed tho Senate.
Colonel Turchin, of the 19th Illinois, and
Colonel Uriirirs, of Massachusetts, have been
nominated Rrigadicr Generals.
A dispatch to the Herald says:
It is now definitely settled that Congress will
adjourn between the 1st and 10th of July.
The Government has no official intelligence
confirming the report of the capitulation of Fort
Morgan, near Mobile.
Major Gen. Pope, who has so greatly distin
guished himself by his operations in the west, is
expected phortly to be in N aslungton, at the in
vitation of the President.
Yesterday a delegation of progressive friends
from Philadelphia and Delaware called on the
President and presented a memorial numerously
signed for the universal emancipation ol slaves.
The President replied to the aci-ompanving ad
dress, as a gentleman who was pttrsent remarked,
in guarded language.
The Committee on Finance on the bill to pro
vide internal revenue have nearly completed their
l'ront FrcderlckwlHtrfr.
FKF.PKRicKSBrito, June 19. In the fight at
Port Republic Col. Carrol Pa artillery used noth
ing but canister and grape, am. when the enemy
came too near to use these, the men used their
revolvers with telling effect.
Col. Carroll lead three uccessive charge to
tho support of the 7th Indiana, driving the ene
my back until they were flanked and compelled
to retreat.
The State jurisdiction has been re-established
iu Morgan and Rerkley counties, and will hhortly
b extended to Jefferson and Frederick.
The election iu Rerkley county last month
gave t00 majority fur Gov. Pierpont.
A considerable haul of guns, pitols, and am
munition was made in Rerryville yesterday. The
arm were all loaded with ball cartridges.
Tlie ollice of the Rerryville Conservator was
confiscated for session publications, and the
effects removed hither to aid in army printing.
A large amount of ammunition, left here, it is
supr-osed, by Gen. Shields, was discovered by
the ordnance officer in tlie old stone church to
day, probably overlooked by the enemy.
The first instance of the arr?st of ft tolorel
man for abetting the rebellion occurred to-day.
It had been stated that he volunteered a guide
aud spy for Jackson in his late advance hither.
He was confined for further investigation.
Gen. Sij;el has been in command of this de
partment duting the temporary absence ol Gen.
Panks. wlv returns to morrow.
The bridge over the Potomac it Harper's
Ferry hs been rebuilt nrd the cars run regularly
to the Wet. At the instance of the Government
the Baltimore and Ohio Kailroad Company are
repiiritig the Winchester and Potomac road, and
travel will be retimed over it by Thurday.
This will greatly facilitate the transportation of
much needed nimy supplies.
The occupation of the valley by our present
forces his not restored a feeling of security to
loyal residents. Jr.cksou will shortly pay us
another visit in bi$ uual strle.
, 2 vr con .
1053' 1051
12 mos
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New York
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" 1?7?.
Pennsv lvar.i 5
Kentucky . . .G
Missouri . . . . G
Tenne.ee. . . t
Illinois war loan.
Indiana 5
Indiana war loan.
In iian-t 2'
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Iowa 7
Ioui-i in i. . . .C
N. Carolina. .G
Georgia 6
' l77
lr72 -G.
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1 06 14
51 34
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From Co rlntti.
Coeinth, June P. The telegraph north was
prostrated the early part ot last week by the
heavy winds.
Our armv ha? returned from Boor.viUe and now
115 j occupy a more northern position.
(.fen. I ope h pone rvortu on a furlough.
The Memphis and Charleston Railroad is in
running order eastwanl to TuscumbSa and wet
ward to Cypress Cret-k, four miles from here.
The Motile and Ohio i running north to Jack-
k 5P4
1 .8
10 J
and Ulegraj hs
tit o
97 97 j
55 5G i
is Kt 83 '
lr-C-.. 95 95;
b'ii C5 G5
W3.. 72 72
.157-2.. 75 75'-' I
. .31
s.n, and railroad communication
(Jrmd Junctim via Jackson.
Tie road west from the Junction is re"rteI
badly damaged. All the railroad
are in good condition.
M ijor (ieneral Onl and Brigadier Generals Sul
livan and Hamiltou have arrived.
Considerable Union sentiment exists in West
ern Tennessee, especially in Bolivar and Jacken.
IVeauregard'a army, at laat u'vouuU, waa at
Oaalona, eighty thouaitd trung. Twenty thou
sand men, under Kirby Smith, is at Cbutamoga;
fifteen thousaaid, under Price and Van Dorn, at
Fulton, and a small cavalry force is at Grenada.
a From notion.
Pmistox. June 21. The pissenser depot of the
La-tern Ihailroad was Jestroye! by fire this mor
ning. Loss about $10,000," which is fully in--ute-l.
. rVilat Dipatclicft.
From .'Heniplila
Chicago, June 21. The following is a fuller
amount of the fight at the rebel batteries on
White river, jmt received from Memphis, June
The gunboat Conestoga arrived w ith dispatches
containing particulars of the engagement at the j
rebel fortifications below St. Charles, eisntj-ove
miles from White river cut-off on the 17th.
The gunboats St. Louis, Mouud City, Leiintr
ton, Couestoga, and transport New National,
having ou board the 4Üih Indiana, Col. Fitch,
which left here a week, ago to open communica
tion with Gen. Curtii's army, and remove ob
structions Irom White river, ascended that
stream, gunboat Mound City, Capt. Kelly com
manding, about a mile aud a half in advance. In
the bend of the river, near St. Charles, two con
cealed batteries opened on the Mound City. Her j
decks were immediately cleared for actiou. Soon
as a range of the works wa) obtained, the guns
opened fire. Capt. Kelly signaled Col. Fitch to
land his force a mile below tbe fort, which was
successfully accomplished, tbe Lexington and St.
Louis shelling the woods, under the cover of
which Col. Fitch gained a position in tbe rear of
the rebels. At this juncture, a plunging phot
from a siege gun, mounted on tbe bluff, btruck
the forward and port side of the Mound City
casemates. Penetrating, it passed through the
steam drum and filled the vessel with escaping
vapor, scalding nearly every one on board.
Tweuty-three officers of a crew of over 175 es
cajed unhurt. The scene which ensued was hor
rible. Many of the crew were frantic from inju
ries, and jumped overboard. Some were drowned.
Boats from the Conestoga, which coming up at
the time to the support of the Mound City, were
sent to their relief, but the rebels fired on the
men in the water with grape and canister from
field pieces, murdering most of those attempting
to escape. Apprised of the position of affairs at
the river, Col. Fitch drew up his regiment, pushed
forward, and carried the fort at the point of the
bayonet. The rebel works consisted of two bat
teries, the lower one mounting six field pieces;
the upper one three heavy siege guns, manned by
from 400 to 000 men, under the command of
Col. Fry, late of the United States navy. About
200 rebels are said to have escaped. Over 150
are reported killed and wounded.
Thirty prisoners, among them Col. Fry, who
was wot nded in the shoulder, wad brought up on
the Coiiestoga.
Capt. Kelly, seveiely scalded about the face
and hands, will recover. Second Master Hearth,
Third Master Kenzie, Fourth Master Scoville,
Master's Mate 11. R. Rrowue, Paymaster Gunn,
Chief Engineer John Cox, Assistant Engineers
John McAfee and Ilollingsworth, were killed.
Pilot Charles Young was severely scalded re
jiorted since dead. Surgeon Jones and Carpcn
ter Manning were slightly scalded. From eighty
to one hundred of our sailors have been already
buried, and over twenty are missing. Col. Fitch
rejrorts a few men wounded none killet).
Rut for the unfortunate accident of the Mound
City, the rebel works would have Leen carried
without loss on our side. She can easily be re
paired. The flag officer has sent to Cairo for
another crew.
The rebels have obstructed the channel above
by sinking two huge steamboats and a gunboat,
believed to be the Maypole. -
Mem hi is, June PJ. Nothing of general inter
est has occurred within the last twenty-four hours.
Several unimportant arresu we're made, other
wise the city is quiet.
Southern papers confirm the evacuation of
Grenada by order of Peauregard. Tho order is
said to have been given a week since.
Two hundred persons took the oath yesterday,
thirty-live of them are soldiers.
A Conlederate mail carrier was arrested in the
city yesterday. He had several letters lor sol
diers iu the rebel army.
A special di-natch to the Post from Memphis,
011 the 19th, says:
A rejiort, which is probably reliable, reached
here to the effect that a part of Porter's fleet is
now on its way to Vicksburg. They were at
New Orleans on the fth.
A rebel soldier, who says he has been orderly
to General Price, was captured in our lines last
night. He sajs Beauregard started for Rich
mond immediately after the battle of Chicka
hominy. He also states that Price has gone to
Riohmond to tender his resignation. Rragg is in
command ot the army of the Y est.
front ew York.
Nkw Yoik.J one 21 . Tbt Unite.! States gun
boat Connecticut, Commander Woodhull, arrived
this morning from ports on the Southern coaat.
bringing dates from Matagorda, Hay to June 3d,
New Orleans June 5th, Mobile Bar June 7th.
Pensacola June 8th, Cedar Keys. Tampico Pay
and St. Marks June 9th, Key West June 14tb,
Port Roval June ISth, and Fortress Monroe
June 20th.
She bring- a large mail from the squadron, acd
sixty-seven sick acd wounded from the Tartous
porta, principally those from New Orleans, who
were wounded in capturing the forts below that
Nothing of importance had transpired at Mat
agorda Bay.
The mortar boats were preparing to tak the
forts at Mobile. At Cedar Keys all was quiet.
Gen. Brannan, with bis entire force, bad been
ordered from Key West to Hilton Head.
From Fortreta ."Monroe.
Fortress MoxRor, June 20. The fleet iu
James River remains aa previously reported, qui
etly at anchor above City Point. Gen. Dix pro
ceeded to New Point Comfort, thia morning, to
make arrangements for new hospitals there. This,
as well as White House Point, is in his lines.
The Nelly Baker brought down fifteen rebel pri
soners, captured by our cavalry scouts at differ
ent points near Richmond recently. Everything
is reported quiet in'the'army of the Potomac.
From Curtnilt.
Corinth. June 20. A force from Sherman's
command occupy Holly Springs. They destroy
ed several pieces trestle work on the Mississippi
Central Railroad. The machinery for repairing
and manufacturing arms was removed from Holly
Springs to Atlanta, Georgia, previous to evacuating.
Wasiuutov, June 21.
SENATE. Several petitions for a geueral
bankrupt law were presented.
Mr. Giimes. from the Naval Committee, re
ported a bill authorizing the Secretary of the
Navy to accept the title to League Island on the
Delaware river.
Mr. Collainer. from the Poslolbce Committee,
reported a bill opening Pustoiiico in tbe insur
rectionary districts. Passed.
Mr. Wade called up the House bill to establish
certain post roads. The bill authorizes a bridge
with a draw of 200 feet, to be constructed across
the Ohio at Steuhenville.
Mr. Cowan opposed the bill at length as ob
structing the navigation of one of the greatest
livers of the country, and affecting the vital in-tere-ts
of the people ol his State.
Mr. Wade advocated the bill, and caused me
morials to be real from the Board of Trade and
merchants of Pittsburg in favor of it, aud also
from the Board of Trade of Philadelphia.
Mr. Cowan said be bad also received letters
from Philadelphia und Pittburg favoring the
bridge, but they were mostly from railroad men.
He caused a letter to be lead from the President
of the Pittsburg Bard of
oppo.-ed to the bill.
The confiscation bill was (ostpoued till Moil
After Executive session. Senate adjourned.
From f,onlllle.
Lot iviLtt. June 22 Friday evening, M er
eral Unionist were returning Irom a meeting to
choose delegates, five wete killed by ecrMicn
bus-Iiahackna tear Perry ' Station. Rcinftrt.e
mer.U were immediately ent from Lexington.
Kentucky, and other places, aid the capturt of
the buah hackers is onsiderci certain.
Trade, saying he was
From !Mev York.
New You k, June 21. Advices by the Con
necticut state that the rebel force at Mobile bad
been reinforced by 12,000 men from Beauregard's
army. Beauregard himself is believed to be
Fort Morgan has been strengthened by the
The towns on the w est coast of Florida were
reoccupicd by rebel troop in larger numbers than
Our troops were erecting fortifications near
Pensacola to protect it agaiust the rebels. All
was quiet there, aud Union beutimeut was being
One of our loat's crews has been captured at
St. Marks. They were surrounded by 80 rebels
when sent ushore for water. Two were killed,
and the balance, twelve in number, weie cap
lured. The steamer Connecticut when passing Charles
ton noticed the flags on Fort Sumter aud other
lortilications at half mast, indicating the death
of some important military ollicer.
The steamer Haze, from Newberne 17th and
Hatleras 19ih, has arrived. She saw a large
steamer ashore oil' Loggerhead Iulet, tbe tea
breaking over her.
The bteauier York, from Tort Itoyal, had put
into Hatteras w ith her smoke-stack disabled.
Hon. W. A. Graham having declined, Z. B.
Vance has been nominated by the opposition as
Governor of North Carolina.
A force of our troops at Newberne dispersed a
rebel force some six miles above ou the opposite
side of the eusc river and destroyed their forti
fications, bringing in Captain Latham a prisoner.
The prize schooner Mary Stuart, from Nassau,
N. P.. arrived fiom (ieoretown bar to dav.
where she was raptuitd on the 1st by the United
States bark Gem of the Sea. Her crew escatHkl
to the shore. The cargo consists of salt und
The Post fays: Advices per the Connecticut
state that only 1,200 hogsheads of sugar were
destroted bv theribcl mob at New Oilcans, and
there are UO.OOO hogsheads sugar and ruoUss
theie ready lor shipment North. A number ot
rebel prisoners were brought on her, including
ex-Surveyor General Butts, of Georgia.
From utliliigton.
Washington-, June 21, 3 P. M Having learn
ed that teports of an exciting character were in
dustriouslv circulated in I iiiladelphi and New
York respecting the affairs in front of Richmond, i
I called at the v ar Department for information,
and was assuied that no advices had been receiv
ed which indicate any engagement of a character
beyond the daily skirmisliing growing out ol le- ;
conuoissances, and none announcing any chan;e !
in the general position of our forces belore Rich-
mond. !
Later.- The following message was received
at tbe War Department at 3:15 P. M.:
MiClellan'h Heapquarter, I
June 21, 2:30 P.M.
Hon. E. M. Stanton. Secretary of War:
Th'ngs are pretty quiet to-day. There is not
quite as much shelling as usual. Our prcpaia
f.ons are progressing well. The enemy opened
fire with some heavy guns yete.dav, but did no
harm. (Signed) G. B. McCLiLtA.
from letnphla.
Memphis, June 19 An expedition, composed
of the gunboats Sf. Louis, Lexington, Conesto
ga and Mound City, accompanied by trnnroits
carrying the 43d and 46th Indiina tegiinents un
dor Col. Fitch, were sent frrm here orre days
since for the purpose of removing obstructions
from White river. On the 17th the expedition
reached St. Charles, fc-5 miles above the mouth.
There the rebels had erected a battery. An en
iracement enued, la.tirg an hour and a half.
While the gunboats digged the battery tlie
troops nnder Colonel Fitch, who had landed a
short distance below, proceeded to storm the
During tlie cannonading a ball entered the
boiler of the Mound City, causing a feirful et
plo.ion and lo-i of life The crew consisted of
175, of whom newrly 125 were killed. John
Kinzie, Jame Sovii!c, Johu Green. Henry R.
Brown, Jo-eph Mixc-n, John Coxe, Ca&t. Kelly.
Fiag Officer, were bacily ?ca5 ie-1, but it is thought
they will recover.
Col. Fitch charged upon tlie battery with great
frucros, driving the enemy out at the poiLt of
the ba tonet.
Tbe rebel los is 125 killed and wounded and
30 prisoners. Col. Fitch's loss is mull.
Gen. Hallck ovcuple Hjully Springs.
From Cairo.
Caiko. June 21. Col. Ellett.of the ram fleet,
dieJ here this morning, from wounds received in
the engagement before Memphis.
Sunday night Iii patches.
From IV u hingt on.
Washington, June 21 .-The Secretary of War
has issued an order to encourage enlistmeuts,
either volunteers or regulars, by laying a premi
um of two dollars for each accepted, the recruit
vounteering lor three years or for the w ar, and to
receive the first month's pay in advance upon
mustering his company into service. This order
will be transmitted to Governors of Stales and
recruiting officers.
Washington, June 22. A daily overland mail
to the Pacific is again iu successful operation.
The announcement is made as a fact that is not
generally known that there is sullicient military
force to protect travel. I he time from St. Jo
seph to Placerville is about seventeen days.
Within the past week the Postoflice Depart
ment has opened several old offices in Virginia.
The bark Gem cf the Sea on the 3d captured
the rebel schooner Mary Stuart, from Nassau,
while uttempliug to run the blockade of San tee
River, S. C.
The United States steamer Calhoun has cap
tured on Lake Ponchartrain the rebel steamers
Whiteman and Venus and cut out the rebel gun
boat Corphyus. A number of other vessels have
been captured by our squadron.
Ten churches have already been occupied for
hospitals and six already fitted for the reception
of wounded.
Wadsworth has been relieved of the command
of ail military here except the Provost Guard.
Gen. Sturgis has been assigned to the command
of all the forces in the vicinity of Washington.
From !'cr York.
Nkw York, June 22. The steamer Roanoke,
from New Orleans on the 15th, has arrived. Dr.
Warren Stone has been relieved from Fort Jack
son. James Robb has been appointed Militatv Gov
ernor of New Orleans. Two meu were to be
hung, having forged an order of (Jen. Butler, and
entered a bouse and aobbed under false names,
as United States soldiers.
(Jen. Jackson Ins been airesded, charged with
burning a vessel at the time ot the arrival of the
Federal fleet.
Rebel information states that Beauregard's
army wus in a deplorable condition w hile at Cor
irith. His sick number 30,M)i),
The Neabern Progress repot ts 100 rebel,
dragoons, surreudered themselves at Washington,
North Carolina; also that six North drolina
tegiineiits dirbati'Jed at Richmond, and are now
under gu rd, previously having hung their Brig
adier General.
By the pteamer Haze, just arrived, we lesni
that that (ten. Bumside arrived at Newberne on
Sunday.. Pieparations were making for an ex
tensive military movement.
Tlie steamer North Star, from A"pinwall the
14th, baa arrived with $G12,000 in specie,
am i. The Governor issued a proclamation to
arm and resist Mo-quera. The commander stated
his onlv object waa to prevent a re;etition of such
outrages as was lately committed by Gen. Sum
ner. The Governor fii ally submitted. The crew
of the frigate Saranac were ready to land to pro
tect Americans it necessary.
From Co rl ti tli.
Corinth, June 21. In response to Gen. Hal-
leek's call, large amounts of provisions were re
ceives! from St. Louis for suffering Mifsiaaip
pians, and distributed liberally among tbe inhab
itants, who seem grateful. Railroad open about
eight miles from Grand Junction, and it waa ex
pected the road would be opeu froui Columbus to
Memphis by the 25th.
Ollicial notice waa received at headquarter of
the evacuati jii of Cumberland Gap by the reb
els, and the occupation thereof by the Fedem!s.
Deserters state that Beauregard turned over
his command to Bragg, an 1 went Last without
The rebels are taking up the rails north of Ju
pello and carrying thetu south to complete the
road from Meriden to Uniontown.
Contrabands say no troops? have been sent east
an l no intention of sending any thither.
It is now positively aacertained that Beaure
gard turned over his command to Bragg. On tie
13th he left for Montgomery, where he arrived on
the 17th, accompanied only by his perstonal staff,
and left for Richmond. To reports received
here atate the cause of his departure one that
he goes east to take commard; another that be
got there to exphin the evacuation of Corintli
the latter is considered most probable, as it is
known that Be-turegard and JefT. Davis are on
antagonistic terms.
To day is the warmest of the season; mercury
90 in the shade. Tbe night re very cool.
Uentern .ev.
Kansas Citt, June 21. The Santa Fe mail,
with dates to the 7th iust ., ha arrived.
Capts. Morris and Ingraham and Judge Otero
are amon.' the passengers.
Ctpt. Morris left Fort Craig on the ill inst.
Tbe rear guard of the Texan was at El Pao.
The mail partv saw no Id Ium on - the road,
and nothing is known or beard of the Texaca
cotüing on the Santa F road to rob teams, aa
was reported.
All regiments of Mexic.m volunteers have
been reorganize! into one
under the
command of Col. Caroii.
St. Lous, June 21. Major General Pope and
a jiortion of his staff left lor Wahinton on the
evcuing train.
From f ortroa .taonroe.
Foarat&a Monroe, Jtxe 21. We learn that
quite a skirtnUh occurred on tits lOib beta e a
the 20: h Indian, in Kearney's D.vieion and the
rebela, lasting over an Lour. Tbe Indiana boys
stood their ground witb slight lo. Lieut. Carr,
of Co. I, a 1.4 three privates, were wounded.
Tbe regiment was complimented by Gen. Keax
ner for bravery venter day.
The rebels endeavored to feel our eutire lice,
shell. ng vigorously at diZeteit points to annoy
the workmen, doing tut little damage.
I rom .McC Icllan'a Army.
Hiatal' AKT E&s, June 22. To-day baa been
remarkably quiet. Brisk, akirajiabiug all day
yentcrday and last eight, and everything indi
cated that a general engagement was at baod.
The enemy advanced in strong force on our lines
last night, but being rromptly met toon retired.
The Richmond papers contain a dispatch from
Montgomery, Alabama, saying Beauregard and
staff had arrived there, ou their way to Rich
mond. It is eaid that Le would be followed by a
large jiortion of the Mississippi army, but suffi
cient force has teen left under the invincible
Bra ug; to check the advance of the v andala uuder
The Chnileüon Mercury of li e lMh gives an
account of the engagement cm James I.lauJ on
the previous Sunday, ackuowlelging sever loa
on both fides, without material change of posi
tion. . From yilasourl.
St. Lot is, June 22 Gen. SchofielJ, com
tnatiding the FederaJ forcej iu Missouri, has
issued an rder holding rebels aui rebel sympa
thise! s lespor.'ible in their jHoperty, and if r eed
le in their persons, lor damages hereafter com
mitted bv guerrillas or marauding parties in this
State. Five thousand dollars lor every soldier
or Ur.iou citizen kille!, from one to five thousand
for every one wounded, and the full value of all
piojicity (ie-troved or stolen by guerrillas, wiil
be a-.-esKJ and collected frwui tlie cla ot per
tons aloe mentioned reading in the vkinitv of
the place whete the net is coiumU)!.
Mo.-uueai bad eit SJ.IHHJ tr"is tooeeupy l'au-
Thc sum thus collected will be paid over to
the legal hens of the oldii-r or citizen kiilel, or
tlie jieison wounded, ;r lo the rightful out er of
the piopetty dC'trou-S or sto'i n. This onier is
very stiin-en, and abiiidant mat finery has been
provided to tarry it inb eptedy eflevt.
cir."r i i h ä t i a ii .
T' -- y Vt li ttiemsehea -y certain aeeret
' ,ZJ bal.it, w Lfch urit't ihem for t.uiueaf
: - - ,1--ih- r lle tut- of marrw-d ll:";
f f.jjssy l-o, laid il-a?e.l arid dd tncn. wb
Irom the Mli.' .f ..nth r eth r canses, fe. l a det.llity
in advance of their year., 4efore placing tliemaelvea un
der tlie ir. aim-lit of any Mie, huld t.rt read
"TIIK M:C5lr:T UUKM)."
Married la tie wl I -arn aoturtliitig of Importance by
peru4ii 1 mk bkT I'aiVMi."
Si'til to any adJres, in ä sealed envr!je, ou receipt f
Ten CeiiN.
lilt. s. 1 V AI1T A CO. can le ron-ul td n all dieaea .f
a private or cmtnlt-ntial l acurv, from M A. M. ttS I' M..
(Sundays fr, m 9 t. 11 A. M ,) at their ofiicf, No. 13 Kat
TKinl Mr-et, m-ftair, l lru Malu and Svcamore, op
posite In Ii t rine lliue.
Ad.lrena tilt. CFIAS. A. HTVAKT CO.,
mch2l-dwly.i.'62 CtiiciunaO, Ohio.
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