Newspaper Page Text
r X .. m f tAILY STATE SENTINEL. : PRINTED A5D I'L'UJMItl' l'r'ill lOIIIM (IC litl SICtMBft) ATI THE NLtY SEMISKIj OFFiCB. j in tu ii:iftim.i jrm:i:r. i DA ELDER, KARKNESS & BiNGHAM volume X. i.-J.ieredh, thecm-r at 12', rn.i. r week, p. aid ) j J y g I A Ti I J ! t;. -m..ftblr. fU" rop fue enta . . ÄÄKK?.; Indianapolis railroad time table", i i.m 1. - "'wl potf' K,Trr Le ' t. "f itfll-ri m-o. . .ix ro.vTAi aaitanaii. ! j .-!, -iloaipr p-jmTt, or c'i,t.i.uel!ongr Xr-r. Tmn Arriie. ' tb radf"T ) A M Mad R2' I'.M. of iL!itt rri.H Can b Lad at the o!V.c , j ((,i p. y .0 A M. , morning. O" VLf Sianaai. cacti Hon- a 40 P. M 1 1 3D A.M. , io"'C. eat!y ped. for madm-. j iuaroM ad cot.rma via var"."-. j ' Tra'nLe. Trair.a Vrr've , . ,.-.... t.: A. M ... . . Expre 1:3 P. M. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, MO!'.)! Acr..Tmr,.-l,inn HMSAM. I PI'ltMCIMUL llAl. PLrLDiHKD KVF.RT WEDNESDAY AT I T'YVs M." 7"iV aV57' j t wm at- mm. i 7 P. M TK ! M. ! IX I I I roll, AM) I'll HUI MI""HT UM, VIA lTOi. , Tram- l-ae. Tram Arn. I l'.A.M Tl'.A.M. J 1210 I. m i .14 r. m. ; n.i ! Ii l l I i j j 2! 5; 2 j S' 5. ijrMAJuruu asp nc.-iAti Aii.fcfi. I ; : Trait I-aee. 1 ra'.n Arrive. ' 7 1 r:iO A. M I.u- . . j 2 ! 1" 4 A. M 4JT r. M i raraaij laraa-aai 1 a-a( a. !iiti;ji or a it v 1: it Tim . a . mm 3" ! r i. 3 5 I ? I I .... . 1 r, .1 1 ! 1 im T T T1 1 II... If.. 11 ! ..! '- - , 3!..- !U) IV) 2 &0 3 Ix 3.rH 4.W 4 .'. S (I . Trw -. 1' .'J' 111 4 17 &CJ n ' A.n... CXi I'.M U'. I'.M TCHKK HAITI RAII.JAI. TraTn Arn'. 5 10 A.M. 4 1 J l'v ? 3"" 3 " 4 Ä 5fc5' fX 7S 7..r'" ! 14" I'. M.. 1.'.A.M. it!.. 1.7'. 3. .I.V- 4-17 5-2.'. 13 7 T"7 m 7. S P. M .. P. M. 1 - irf t 1 no ifO 7 t H 1W B.iMi Ai r ai diu A'.o r.oAi .Rr.rrTt r. ji Nf-Ti".i .,. ?. Mm .-ii 7&i H.7.. ln0 11 25 P2.W ' .f N rih. ! 2 .. r 7 i -jr. n jui' i; chi art a'. 21 rn w.ts xi o Tr-n.u.. n r. a. m. to p. M. Trfu Arri. 5 M A. M. Sin" .V) 1.17. i4;." .V ."4. 7. 4 tH 4." OO .. (0 l'0." A. M o A. M. j 4ui 9 l'f 21 a.v a7 t o .n int i' h 4.' r.o im .v. to 4 4.' 1. M. lo 0. a. m. j t 11 ü t r. xn.L :t7 4.. rm :.2 M .':..' 2 :.u ; lo.rj.i P. 6 M. n 11 1 W W .V f'' ' ' '" ,"1 ft.. iH 71 f'O ; rrm ahu iii t ai-oi.iumau hoai. ! 12n. l'i ix r. mi . " ..' fi--. M 7.'. 0 . M ?" T"" Tr.i n- Arrive. ; ' - - -- A M ..M..I !i:,tA.V. 1 Al'VKUl 1IN IN 1lK WKKKI.T. lo;ij I'.M (1... aw. Kpr. 4:.uPM . ,. 0 7. 1 IM'Mri'I.Hl'llMM'S HAII.Ki'I. i ;. ,,- .. 1 (hi rr.iifi Arrie. , : .. I,, .. j (mi la ::o p. M l-' M. ! f.J 1 -..r.' V.i Wr ch l'i r- 7.C0 A. M...ri r. in Ir.i.l.i I.;...? Ü -j P. M ! . .. I. i i i . .t. .1 n . c .............. . .j.1 ! jirimw"''"'"1"" H l'i it n-t'iiu (' - - . , Tru'ti !.. r. Tra:t Anne. I A (Ml A M Ma l K4.. P M. . ,rti.n.fiit, i.ui.n ii'i tu t"' i''y es p.m.. t. i-:k I v rTiHrt i '. . r!.-rti' 1 tlf lull Daily rtr, , w. ! .i r.lill ll f VrIv rt ' ' !Icl. j a . .. .....t ... n r. ('liiklilc It.n.r ,..l.l:-l -it tu li'- !- 1 r..lwti.u-, " tn , oI .HniU. I ln-' .r iin.l-r, 'il rh r-'-t f.r tb l.rUm 1, if j .T. t t lm. t-.l 1.-UI p. r Im-. AKKIA'..H. (jftr.iilUma.l f r I..-.H1 1 ",'!;7;;,I'"! M.lir.nrn.i! r.lii. OrJ. r. .s.k -tl. :! Ar.M'.iiaill.rir rll,!liUar ,.,,, ..lu3 A. 3?i..-rr ir.1r ..r lM rH..wS ..,,. v Iua j 11. ; a. m. t-r ! i...m-i..!,H!i.I0. c i.t ( ,Vl,tr(lU ,y ,ni, 1:4. r. n. ii-:ti..i;ovrrelz.t t tin. mle. ; Tr, ,,,..,,,....,). ,,1 7:1 r. . .-f,-i.i.rli ir, with ru..-rl n-ti.- tm ucj, i, , ( f.Mf. ( r, (H, ,., . ',:"""'""'-frr- . ' firlM. .lim..,. w.,y ll.ail T titiP. . .-! irrur ..iir,!. , . P.. I1. f.,tit,iii r tlir..ii. mail i.w . i N I,,. ..I rl,v.N. II.,,,.-, .VHlFxcur-ion. r-. .y ( Vm f J , , ,ir,.(, y . , ;,, A. . 1...V 1 .In !, or h ....., or Ly cbu.rl., r-.l..r , r i ( iinjl,(!irlli;ll t; P.n a. m. ' 'T.'vfrtu. t. ..Ir.l n. ,..,I. MU h- -f pri..KU-l.t,lli..oi- 6 a...., 5jv N..,H-r, If i-n ti.r r vri,i;l 1 l.itra t.ut.l.- i nrrmmri. ; t V rl,.r.l I ,h. r-t of 1 tt for .1, n uy m tl.- ' l ' , , .. A M I, l.v. ..Hl Ali., tbr lUiijr ..1 WcrUljf. the ac t-, t., H. ' ' A ill .n". fl tti .ivaitr. - ' t: 1 ,i.r...i.. il WhiiiLMonCitv ft AO P . M , 1-1 ..vrrti,neVt it,rrt.l tt.r ; n". -; ;jr!.1IiI(i(tlrtll() H.v liu;, 7 :;o r. m tiv 7 orit-rnw, ii not ! woo- it in.- ' i1"" ' - T, I , ,;. floor, m l,. t.iit roll.Ttt.l t car ,i'ui tunc ruon-nrr- n.-i ti"v t orlt-rnw, 11.I not l Uj -LI- f-r the U t pro T- II ... t i,.l Vlt.rm !'P . . ! J.". 9 M ... ' M-f..rtl.....e...!.eff lrtrl .1 V. rtN. t e- ! rI 1 r ih.'.t " "j , - 01 -I th miiiu'iiit r harcrf.l tor tlie'r iutili"ton. Ir'.LLKIt. IIAKKNKSSA HIN.illAM. Iror.netori lixlianj Mte Sentinel. J. M. TU.HUU, lrri.lent In.Uaniir.oÜ Journal Company. x BUSINESS DIR ECTOR Y- lIAMilllCN. I IVrn frt.'fontaine war ai.'l throimh. KM'.'. A. M " Jill f W AKItlSONS" IIVNK. No. 19 KaU Wal.i,.Rt..,. J 05 jx.-i'e th- S'titiii-! OtÜrr. Tv4 PIANOS. T7)Ü 11KST PIANOS. $1 50 1 KtlVKSTKKN A II l.K hivii. n-mowil t. their n v K W .U'et 'l"!!-, No. 478 Broadway, 1 l iy piiy J are prejMri ! to o.Ti-r the j.uL'iii: a liianir.ceril new Ki!e DAVIS A CO., Union Koumlry, In Uware Mrt, p- , p-.i,e t'nion lepot. ASS I.MAN A VlNTtlN, W-hiiii;t"t" Foumlry iin-l Vii liiiif Work, eat ent l uion In pot. my'i'J I 7-0ctavc Rosewood Piano, c,it in!n all Improvement known in thi country or Kurope, oer-tr'j,i' ', Kretith gr.iiiil action, harp pedal, full iroll Irame, for SIXO CASH. W A Uli A NT i: b FOR 11 VP. TEARS, hielt ttMiiMinn fn", SI 75 TO .OO, aM wjr'.tito.l in.fl.' of the ho-t m an 1 to t.inl .-tfer th in any m.M f..r M-0 or f ".no l the ol I ni'Hi"l of in ill'l'Mcmre itiilo th t.t jil'les to exaiP'i.e an. I irr th ,o w in tr.itnent, e l ri-aMy t ;ill rKKKNAN A 1MF.UCK, Keal Ag. ots and ' t.un". t n -t ll.i m iih :mv other- i.ii.-if.M iure. I Pi tin P.rkeT!, lo1, Kat Vnhitn.:tuii treet. c.untrv. lttU'l'.H'I'lIl'.X A II. 111!, - - . I in Jt".-;.'oii 47H Ilroa l ny N Y. Jil.. WU.F.Y, K-al r Ute a-th ati.i ?in IP 1 KJ" O FORTES 4?LI.FN A II1NSIJ-;T, Uvery aiel Sa Stat les, In the ft rear of the pilm.-r H- u-e. Jnn..r.-Jiy KMMHtlO. ! 11 icr.Ai. iai ati: a;i:tn. JkNC1S SMITH. f..rm-rtv Ivlill A Smith. Ftaf Afr-tU n! Tai P..yer,37 Wrt-hit uton r-t. Iloiise to rent. Jiiti'i'i-dly 62 iniu r a.m mioi: in: - t C. MAVHK'A A t'O , A'lio!.-atr d.a!er In P t, i hh-e, ail K'i.r, No. 4 Kob.-ru' 1;!W, opposite th l'i l"n lep.'t, In-i iriitpol;,. In.t. ep4 -. - IAM KNOJ l.i: SON, nniiuf.i. tnrer an. I il.l.-r t v -air. 7 i IAM KNOI I.i: SON, nniiiir.i. tnrer ao.l it.W r f In a'.l Win '.- of p... .t. ai.i Slo e-, No. :t- Ka-t Wa-li- w . . r 7 11, 4 'ii ireei. HOOKS AM MMTIOM.JtY. 0WF.N. srrWAIlT A CO , o!. -.ile n:i l r-1 ! ; apr-B I N.yl;" Wrl V.-h'! atiitl tr.rt I dim :s ai rir.iuriM. l't'E It A V V, ON HNI A MMr.KK fiF FMtS f Cht Piano, m hit ti HI 'it f t for c.i-h WU.I.IAM A STOWKI.I., r. tl Nn. 4 Hate- "'1 INSURANCE. THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NF.W YuKK. m4ril.KT M. I.(WKY, OKI lit. IT. IH-aU-r in Htuu, ; O.rmiraN. P,.,!NOU, Ivesturl. I. t... i. P. fit A (Til 12 1 11 1 II I I Oll , S I , O 0 , () 0 ) ati ' "ther Me.t:v.-. -, N.-I.on ami Pt rfur.n ry No. 4a Ma v,".,-: l":1''4:,:,1,":i- nov:; i pvFN-UCinilS rf tl,- r,-ot:t d.w.!-! t., the a-- ;9oMI.!NsoN A COX. dealer in Itm.', ie;iie, , -w.-.l. if P . ?. ti U ii!a. Petfunier-. Fanov (.o.M-. Ac.. No. , I'm !'.! P. I ii' tV." 1'f- -tin f th- a-Mjr.-d. !. a-t UahKt.t. -tre.t. l-i.I Htapoh. tii.i1 j ll.e . !.:.t..;e of pa: l ft "'. it iiivi-n iri p.ivii'i.t of ti." - ' - " ' j I'Mril.ilil?.. I ItUOW NINt;. In: 'i-f. and tealer in O 1-, , . V4tn.ihe, le-'ii!l,li;a,t.laar,lVrfiiuiery, ! poJy f Itfe '.iraiice i tlo' ail-ife-t IMCV ittlIN. A II C.t.FNN A CO Mill ! l II" H IUI.. r .II l;!. I S CO, d. ai. r in Stove. 1m Ware, Ac. V 11 . -t .-h 'itt.iu tr.'t-t. ,""J7 I ikok itiMt:r:. r',. . -2 1 Iot, O ld F.-;i"'!. I.e. ..ii. a. M '.'4 -.l.'i FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OK IIAKI FOKO, CoNN. ((' M Fl'FI.I. A l'OTi I.FS. I'.'.k p. nder nn.t Pl i- k r--x J J,.,..l.,r,.-rr., No 31 VI ttWlrtut,.!,.. .f.,-! -f ; - - - SHOO, 000 d.i. Ii' l.hvi, 1I. ! l,r. l..l!.lt..ij.o4-. f I .. '. !f j IT .lftil. S A IWl.MFU. K' "v P.r:.t.T. at: I I' " k I M4!.ut.i. türer. No. Fat a.hnij;!' n -ir.-t. A '.ford. Mill A C' tir. very. ' (.: : i'ii awt ii t '. !;.o 5 1 utt.: 1 '. r. . r i:.iw .ir nice P r , ! i.r i' J. S:. SKXTON. S. c'y J. M.M UAi.t P. I i- t NtI!o:;N A PI CHNN. Import, r of Ci.n a. .'a a:.d (J'iee:iwar. No. ?. Kat lito.t'i. t.. ; l:H'K!'K iiintl i;. M.'Mh.w t r. at. 1 d-i!. r mi rr-a.iy ni..!.- I. t or. I f !ir'..h;lu e 1 N 'Z 1 I ai"hum:i. " II.ÜY I F I;.. I'M N. A l '. rt.. y and C--:t;. 1. r at l,i v. fc a t . h f r flj'pr. -! j I : " .' - .v I !'..' -; a -J n.-.-oiiat. 5,"i. -t.-. Ae. '... .4 Ki : o!i 1::. n tri ct. i:'-t ir. ''.'! t t'.' n;!.l I .!..!. ; p.. l' l.ler .' I"f '. r-PH F.. .V. li'NAl.O A AK!mN L. Kot HP, Att. n ar.,1 Ci ;!.- I r at .Ktt.a I.Jnra.. e t . ;a' v r.aodi".". c :id r:....r, I .:.!. - l a -ir. t. NOTICE. t ' nil..! s :( ,f nir it u. Iliol r irl of II! l.f V. -1 ' i of '!' p. -: .. : C ; tt:- I',.:- !-.. .1 t'.'.-d 1.' c :!: -i a- t f r 1 ... . V H . W.J. I' .t :i I. 1. t - i .ii:uciia r TAii.tMt. F II! 1, f.rc?..v t T ' r, and r !. M.- ... ! r. ; . v of Y - ! 0 t !. ! .: 1. a.- ;:.: 1 i .i. k .'!.'. ii t-a: ft i !.. . t k . . .u:i ! .1 r" ,.r. 1 k.-c t.l. ao-i It t'-.xe t .1 : !.. .. ' I .1: J a"- f- r n i. of :!:. Jaw . ;he lf-!'-l .id t... t !i.i:,- .' ! :.! ..;.' I I ' r. '. I pr 0 : t . r. ve - ,ic 1: : - o; I ,11 t t: 1; Mi'..1 n..i :,,',..i:..-,4; J . i- i r. i 1 1 ' ' 1 " ! . f w . r N. . MoT. ! ,'. .'1 ps.r-;:.. f :. r : a 1. : ;.-r '.. ! : t I .-;rt !.. i .-.1 -.!:. : -r--t. I. :t 1; 1 ft. V.l.,. fl.-iin.. a-4 f i,:'.i-hi? c i.-'o!-. No. t'.". 1 .: . i tr-e(, .pp..(e ihr C.-ti t IP u-. I- I. : , .1 1 Ke. p 1 a:, i a lu a-. . f ( 'I -, Cj tmer', Ve-t n O .-t. I'' ;- 1 r 4. , 'c. A 1. c'Ti: "- f.ri.-! k 'v v .; ' t'.. r ' !,"!, Pra :-. N-i '!!. Cr i ".. t; I, v, , rU" j.-! li ..lit .-.u'.!.. t.- e-..' t aj ;-.;! : . 1 1 ; ' v 1 ' ;:i j.i . m.i: ' r -1 . f,.re ; : !,e:.t ; a ! k' tie MACHINISTS. a'. iN.i FNTit.vM i:a:nii' ti::: siüm1 rM.M- f t 1 1 L .11.1 y j . i . . A (' '- I.- . ! I! t j -i.ti . I t.i 1 f vi i!.e iii.k h i r .r tl i. k' M . Ii. tHr.-.e jear : i :.'!.. '. , I !. ...', 'V. I !'.!!.' I. lifi' ,1 I , ,n 1 rT i 1 .' r ' ' 1 1 "-t 1, . l'u;; ,f,i dfnur.S a.C:.t t!i;..u-.Hl. Pr t Li. ,11 f j t . rk I In. : f ti r S!j!r, pjy .rl.(ulr :.t: ,: l I,, r.,. ,tir f if a? 1 lo.n ! H.r f r ?-; r r..' 1 :! k-: tj, 1 r. ti 1 '!v i!r?..!.i1 to - . f a'I k : r 1 v. !: . r tLe j t - e or .1 'V j :!!'!;'. !'., 1; t! 1.- .t ! C.-r. to t! I - t :. - .. i . .:; .'. '. t.-r I1.-::! . ! -u t! e . : 1 M . 1 1 1 .' ov ' . j- pi U f th- f !.... .!:,:' : i . '! ! !::..-:.', :l . r I. i.'..- I: ie ;!.( ,r .. .V. :.,:, t , t ' . !. l . i.i '-r. i" s m it-: 1. Pi r I l'i .1 1 . I j h I! !.,"-. 1 .. ,. 1;.. j'.nrlJ ÜU-. ACENCY.'iru ...o .vi. ii:. . n u.i rutUttr. 4'ttrttr X r lit num. t tria'N ant B . ,-j- 1-t c ...;. tr h a M.' -irv . . -AV.iiii . i ut a-i . .. C l, at. 4'' ' I- 1 . l i ' V. )a.f k tt.!!. . ! jo ! J.-..U , f p. , ... , -. -C . . ai 4.1. i. i t . 1.1 I'.jckPay rf Joriv't niivj.: - ! I '. . i .1 r I. ' 1 f t 1 V" . ,. !'.! I. 11. l'i.l.,-l..r. . 'f 1 .v a. I. Irr ir s ti..-m a".t n' ';!. r ri:! v I'!'., e -ft Fa-t 'fl",""'' 'reT. i", I e eo. 1 u ! J! '. ri Z -.uo... ..r t .e. U. -t . f tl eCo. ft !!.U. It.'.Mt.po'i.. Ir.4. ,Le l...r ar o, .re c f tt.e , ii.rt (le v. M rt.r. ' !e. V .. tlr. V ar- VvL" ' ' -wov. , ,.r, ,n I,..r:irf,cj J hnCr.bu-n'.Juie Perk.r. 1 U tl .;r.n.r.-:rv Mr LI STATE nn E DGVAnG OF Jo INDIANAPOLIS, INI)., WEDNESDAY MOUNING, JUNE 25. 1802. XÜMBEK :5,fiG2. RAILROADS. PEEU AND INDIANAPOLIS BAILROAS. NEW ARRAHGEVENT. Keiv Itotilc lo Cliiragn vln If.ok.onio. VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. INSURANCE. MAY i, 1&52, traiua 111 ON AND AI-TF. K run a- follow: A Mil rr.n will lare In ianan'-ii t 11.10 A M., top at :i lation arid make clo connection at Kaonio i'li train on the Ctk Intiatl an t Chicago Air Line 5U.1 r.t I for lea:ir, orf , Val,.ara:'i and Chicago, ar l imvf at Peru at 3 l. P. M , in time to make connect;. :!, it h trai'i uu the Toledo and Yabah Ka.lway.goin Kat and Wet. Ketnrr.'np, th m train will lev I'.ru at C 00 A. M.. after the arrival cf the fr n on ih T. A, W. II. W. from the Kat, and arrive at hi'il.n.ap"!is at ! .'0 A. M. : time to malte counectiuiis for all point tat, South and Wet. An F.pre.rn will lar Indiaiapoli at 10:.1.1 P. M., coi,net'tat Kk.ino wit?t train for Cli;c?o. and arrive at Pern at 5 00 A. M , iu tittie to m.ike conroctioti ith train iron; and Vt on th Toledo and Vahah Pail ay. KeturniiiR the am train will leave Peru at 12 IM M , makiTia cl- col lection at K'koni' ith the t rains on t h- iticitn.ati and Chica?') Itulway from CLicao'o aod L.icanp.rt, und arrive at l:ilianapoli at 4 10 P. M.. In time to connect with th evening train for Cincinnati, l.onivil!- atid other point.. Sp'.-ial tttfiittoti K'ien to the traiiportation of live st' k, pi.iuee atid ni. n harVu'- nctierally. DAVID MACY, (Jrni ral Atrent and S'Jpfrifi'ernleiit. Thkii. P. I! ti 'iuiv, !. rral Tu Ut AiMTit. apl C2-dly IN I ) I Ä xTi I a! S AM) C 1 N hTYi T I To Destroy Hat, UoicIjcj. &c. Tj lhtrnj Mi-?. IMoIea, and Ants. To Ihs'roy U. il Iljfi. To Ii.!roy Moths in Fur?,, Clothes, &c. 1 To Iksiro'j Mo-quitoes and Floa?. To Destroy Tnpct.i on Plants and Fowl. ' To Destroy Inccts on Aniina!?, &c. I To Destroy Every form and species of j cntun. IrTV! lYniDlYfl? fHill P1YV ilili.J 1U1I1:U1J 1. in iiAitTf out), ( rt. Capital Enlarged Jaxi'y 1, 1860. CAPITAL tk 1500.000 OO ; SET srKPl.r?, (artr dMuctiujc all ! lAtiltd) 211.112 30; ETNA BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS. r 1862 ßj RAILROADS. rr3 1862 4 VLL PKRVJNS rUKCltASlNrt TICK FT I OR ST. JOSLI'l1'1 other pii.t tu N Tthern Miort. tie ma11 of Kann ;s or the Trrtttrrif , houlJ si va tav. ing ticketa h- read by th OI(11l .'HlSStH'Itl KA1I,ICAD, Tli ot.!y r:l J ate from ?t. Loci to Si. Jtet,b. It I t!i hortet rnl -iK-att Im, by tk'.rten bonrs to lb rr jx.iut 1" ache.1 by rail, au4 U ala) ai cheap a. anj ciher. j jour Ticket tJ Ka ias and all jointa la Northern i urt by the North Miwmrl Pai'road. J ISAAC H. STClu.FON, Pt.'t anJ rtenM Supt. Srtk Mwaouri IL R. IIKNKY II tMMüNS.Gcncianravelai,: Ar'tt. eptl7-dty rJBL?Ä: the "'only lnfallublc rlmldies known. Destroy InMatitlr EVEHV FOUM AND SPECIES OF 4EiBitBaV . A I L R O A D i - J . i '" I -A P. ...... 1, ,r ,-IT,. Sliorfft Uouie by lliirlf faille! NO CHANtIK OF CAHS TO CINCINNATI! Tl.P'e trainlave lodi.iiidpoli- la:ty, (.Min. '.ay -n pted.) ! l I KST T K A 1 N ..'.JO A . Xt CI NCI N V ATI M i I ITN I N i Kxpre-arriw at Cincinnati at lv A M., and Lex inuton, Ky ., 7.oU P. M . Seiotid Ira -n ln.4U A. M. Cipcinn.Ml Mail, arrive at Cm. iimati :i:ll) P. M., iiiskin' che ti-.ti with Little Miami Itulro.i I hr l.-.v.lii.d, !oi n- , Colutuhu , Ns- w ai W. Z uvPlo. and W l i lin. 'I I. ml Trrtin ß ::." 1. M, Ciiii iniiati Kxj.rek, arrives at C.i . 1,1... tl 11 to P. M. hare fame a ty any other rout Call for your lieet rt.i the In haiiapolii' and Cincinnati K.iili...ol. IwU.MV'e cheeked through. Spkciai. Noth k. I'j our von pet in th ritcht train ait IndiHtiaiMil:. The rTr Ciiieinnatl tra f, fih triok. Ix-iiiir the faith.-.! track I'pot, at linli.n.n;..!l. W. II. L. Ticket Acert. Wm. Po 1.1.. Tr.rhna Ali lit in'.'.! C2 HOTELS. French's Hotel, ONTIIF. FCUOPCAN PLAN. . or or mv vurk. SINC.I I, IttMlfllS öO (T.TS WAX DAV. CITY HALL SQL'AltK, COIL FKANKFUUT ST., Oi'ioitc City Hall. OKDPPFD IN TH K 1 ai ion K.'tectorv. i here 1 a Lai !er s Miop aim p,;lti.-r.. m ntt.,clod to ihe Hotel. Dry are uf liutnu ri an 1 HacVmen hoay c are u i. it. riir.x u. tiov:;i il -1 1 y Proprietor. LAV COOKS. Ni:V AM) YAL IJAßLIa WORK 10 K LAWYPKS. Jl'SriCr.S OF TIIF. PKACF, Jutt nU Oi'tUft t it it'i t'ie Juf; it! AiImi'tMriitUinvl tic tt'irtrnint ,t. Of t!ie Stuff of f tONTAINlNd Till'. K'A'lsl l TATUTrS OF 1.2 with the amendment tlieirto, .nd ttie i!teijnell lei;i;.uioti, with note and refer.iici'a . judicial leciion Ll'MKIl y JAMF.S GAVIN AND OM'AK OUO. ri -! of ni ik n' j ciTta.ii in ! :ii i:t l. r on''. f im:ly." PK 1 MIN 1 h k, IX. j New iork Storr, Dry I . i'"loo;.-air and K.'ta.I. .iu-nii.' I'.i.vk, i IC- -A- Paii.phlt t. St.He ni.'l.t-, hu i Aj yd cat oti u ill . tuiitoii tr.' nn.". f':r.. ... d, a-i I a'l iif.nuuti.n d.'-ired w.ll ? i-iv.n by tl.e l . ? " ' ; in .i. c. n. dv is. A.-nt. ; ! Krt J.,.-, :t .1 a:.d p'..:.ptlv p-od in . 1 v I' tl H ..o t. RiTUO.r.c. Ud f ..or. (M t -d;. Hall. It.-ii -n i!-':-. I In.: m.i. ' ' . .'4-.1.-I.I V. !ii,ne'L.d by iti.xiiiA.ii v imniiri v, i.Mt vAriiJH. Jitle Invil ?It'lnal(l, one of thf n,yt eniin' id lawyer cf tlie St.ite, volunteered the folio m room, net. dation of the work: StATMrsnr 1 ii x.. nr C. h im A Uokp. Some moutl. a.. :l ' a'.ove l. itin d i ineti i .Ue.l propoaI for pub l.hmu, in l voruiue ovtav.. of nin.- mki paoi each, al Ihe M.iM.l of the Stale p-ied vilM e 1 V.l, w irh 'He ta tio,.. lln.'bi ! volunif of the work i now iublil cd : and th" nui.i. r of it execution, both tm h.iuically anJ e !it.. ri.i'lv, lferf tl thank of tl.e prof.j.,n. 'Ihe iniperfevt lli.l!:i i r of pul.Iihilr,' our'ltes im let State ai.i lot i! j , h t alway been a (ir e of gr.Mt il.ctl v. i.i. me toth.' It.i'.iaiia Law er. Tl.e reviin i f Iö'J.ä" well a the ta!u'e p ied -tu e that year, tt.'ht alniovi a well I. ave been publi-hi d wrh..ut any index. Cp tc th 1? t'llle the I iw el ll.i" Cotlt at.t ly In . tl under the nece l , o! turii'tiif oer, le.lf by leaf, the v.!',' .-. o our :.r nie to tmd any part it nl.r eii.u-unetit. And everyone ki.ohov annojin and pt o ..rith , !i j j. ep- -j.iUj in the Iriiry of b.t" .. a in .-ur C. '.rt. Happdy for tlo p. o !, ti, tl ''t'ti under con-id. ra; i 'ii pni-ui-e. a 1 1 tier täte of tl.inir in the future. Ihe tirt volun.e '..M. (i.i in A ll"rda work coni.nn an e'.eeio ti i and ! co'ioi. index, irih to every pract;c'!i" l.iwxer in tlo ; tilt e i i! -elf w orih the money hich the Vol .me c-o I . i The v olutne iiml.-r review contain. another eMeMuoe I! it pu,;i Kre Mipt'l i d w ith vatuatdo marginal ind.C'-, i oth:tt a" St the n;irrrl i Mlttkient to nplle the I rtil. r of the content of the p ik''. ' Ati. -tier matter 1 importance to the liwv.rm ! th olunie l a k''."l coih'ition of the (, ail le- i l'.atiot! incv lT.l. lleruilo, e, the l.irin exainmin o i.r b c':-itio:i on any Riven nbjert h id f,r, t.. find wh' a rt ievai.t to it in ilie be i.-i"ti of I-.'.'.', a:.d then .. turn j 0 r tue p.l;;.' of the 'Will:e of ulie'ju'Iit Sta! iU ,to ' a -e h. v f ir r. ct tit lei-l.itii ii may have r pe.ihd or in d - ' tl I the pro;'oii loiilj'iied i:i that lo i.o'i. and e. t ' tl en he w i often fe 1 duubt whether he ha I foii::.! a:i th- l--'i-l:itioii oi, the u ject of Li njiiiry. M r. li.i- ' voi mi t II. -rd Uar relieve. I u of all th' trouble ari l tl .ubt. 'I lo- U.i e collect i d i.-eT 1. r in cnecuti e paje. j a'! tin-tat. ii. made ;tue 101. on the anie Mil j. -if. j Tlr:. on ; ae ;.T.lioö77 id their tir-t o!"i me they ha e, C'.ö-c?et all .-ur te"I.,! now i:: force, on th.- V j t ... bi.-t and ai.d w f ", incliel.t..' the act of l"v'J and three c'- I 0' Is. An', tl V I O e I I'.. .ed the a::i- rii.!e C- m-.tll",.. ll .1! t'T.-i T. .!' Cotiecull e pae, in re 1 rd tt. .i I o' t'er toi'ic. d lri.:l.tioi,. I A l 1 I.. ore'.able feature are the croc. in and icr'i- I r.i;e no-' c 'l.t.! i.e I in the volume i?i 4'n :; !,. TI.V I- j i.n.e incl :!e- the C'ii-t::i:t:-.!i of th I ir.ied State, th. 1 C- :.'. ;i.'"n f Iu.1! ma, and eeral u:ip rta!it act oi Vii- ', f a: d t.v.ite . f C-.n. and a l .r.'e p'rtt'ti o tr I !. n M";. tio-v n f.-rce. The mmi, rii ib-riion r the j I ' iin "s t!.' ou pr"vj. !,. C"i.t.i:ii.'! in Ihex- I' Jtitl j ti.:.. : - ;, ..'. :i .. a:e f. :,d at t'.ie l-tt. m ':!: at -t n. pri ite r .ii.e. i:i tlo f. r:.i of near. I"-, f an l ac. urate te-te. a! ' re!-r. ce Mr r. I ia v;:i A ll.rd seep. I.La'.ejer- ! f- th; t int of th r work ec. Hd.i.niy well, ir mut h..e C' : tin n III UC U care H!.d la!.r. py it tlieyha-' nn -:!y b -:..-i 'h- Ut-.-r of th- pracii;:. lawyt-r, and . h ji e . II Ti.-r.f I ! .: k'' fi: a; : r . ..1. " I l;i .ery r jct the oh.n.e uuderr.-v .ew ih"k-h!y r-J. j i a ,.. l i.e i. 1. ei, e, jauUi'V, taie-.t and t he t a-te o . it e l i tor, a r 1! ji to ' h nu i haircal W ;i I and ii"atne- i of ii puhit-h. r-, r.I 't niu-t ra.e the jut ej.ict;i.i Oi j th prote',..ti. a to to. value of the x-ond volume, nLich ' e .i'iderijti.t t'e f .rtho-nvfn in few and ir, h ."u'i'!ii.i:ii the Ciie of pieal.:. and prai'lA o i 1 ' J . Ith lo.flit ul'.'li'illirn! ol oi .her MatUto. 1 i !.. '.. t a: C"' ;i rt . .1 :. l .e ed.r- -r i-r pulih. r ol the T. '. ..!; in nut'-':, ti, ihe n1 er f iLi artic!- L !.. in. : d ..i . d t . -'?i.por and put !;ti thi l.ttie re ie . f the b.n.k, s ! ly heca::e Le bfiieve the tr blot and puhhh-r d-. '. mi L-.-h cou!'i ti for their pr-rtormaiK e. lb-,! the'efore. .i.e:i. tt tut jut to t3e.M, w:fl,.a.t b' i:: o'ic- . itr.t l. It bv al.T (!., lo pU.bliU t':. tlollC- f-f the boo. ( J over h - 'n pr or r nam.-. DAVID ä'c DONALD. i lti'!,.i!i..jv. 1,, N.ofini er 1. Ih'ii. j Th ':rt . I'ime i- ik w rea !y and bem de!iTd in j vbcnt r i i it i i: si ;o. ) Tlio?c Pirparatlont (unlike all other?) are ! Free from Poirons." j 'Not ihtnerotis to tin; Human Family." "Kits do not die on the premises." "They come out of their holes to die." .'Fh..t 1 . wt.l'r,11.1t.. am 1 1 . 1 n ... h . I IIV Ul V till OHM 1 II I ill 1 1 1 I V lil V 14 I . l Il'J V II. j "12 vears and more established in New York j Citv." j rw by the City Pot Oflico. 1 Cucl by the City Prisons and Station ' Houses. i I'stJ ly the City Steamers, Ships, &.. I Usui by the Citv Hospitals, Alms-IIuus;?, ; &c. ' i Usui by the City Hotels As tor 'St. Nicholas, iv.e. am, Man.h on the ftf f))f M )0iXUxVr HotlSC, &?., .on tli in the I limn ; . . ..vAA , ... I (. .tcl hy more than 50,000 private famine!. Ci Sri- on? or tiro Sjx.-rhiicns of tchnt is crcrychtre said by the People -Kditors Duders, (!c. IIOUSElvEEPEIlSaouUtd with ver min n-ed be .o no longer, if they use "Cos tarV "Exterminators. We have ued it to our satis.'aetion, and if a box cot rö we would ! have it. We had tried poions, but they ef fected nothinp but "Co.TAU's"artiele knocks the breath out of Hat, Mice, Iioai and Kcd-Kurs, cjuii ker than we can write it. It h in :reat ih-mand all over the country. Medina CA (,'az'tte. MOKE (jKAIN and provision, are de stroyed annually in (.rant County by vermin than would pay for tons of this Kat and Inject Killer. hmrnatcr Wis.' Herald. HENKY K. COSTAK We are selling our preparations rapidly. Wherever thev have been used, Rats, Mice, Roaches and ! Vermin disappear rapidlx. i Ecke It & Stouffhi!. Druggists, Windo., Md. j i " Costa rV Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. "Co-tarV "Co star's" Red-Bug Exterminator. "Cottar's" "CostarV Electric Powder, for Insects' kr. In 23e. 5"i. and SI Boxes, Bottlls and! 1 lasks ?.' and S. SizK-t ion Planta tions. Ships, Boats. IIotli.s, c.c. C.WTIOy.' To prevent the public from bei n imjioel upon by Spurious and H'njfdy j Ptrniciou3 Imitations, a new label has been j prepared, beat ing a ßic-simife of the Pro- j pr ietor'.s signature. Examine, each box, bot-1 lie or flask carefullv before purchasing, and ! take nothing but "COSTAR'S." ! ts" 'S' 'd err r y ch t ri 1 iy All Wilot.CSALE Dnuc.GiSTS in the j larj;e cilies. t Some of the. WHOIESUE AGENTS IN N. Y. C'TY. t "'- ' . -f. . .' v-r I - r'-;r ' ."'1 " rK;-' W ?'' tli -Hi if h r Z- 4 - t " P !i k-' 71 ?'.'? '5 ":t-fi - ''siwrAj.M v.v.;V"Vsr'v:; Alt' U IV '--.'.'-'. r- T-'.T- . -- ...-."rrv.-ifr! C?2aA mi J EFFE i) S0XY1LLE 11AILK0AD Two Trahis Daily, Sundays Excoptcd A Train Arrl I Train Ieav. H43 r. M...J H45 A. X 4 45 A.M... t P.M. D0VK TU VINSSTOP FOIt THK ACCOMVODATION of pa- ocrr at South port, lrt-ei.ood, Frauklin, Ko.nbuikh. C -'iiiiibua. n.Bkim conm-ctiona at skyniour with tram on i.e Ohio X Mliippf Road, ant at Louis ville wiih trai I on th l,oniri!, rrw.kfort i Ix'.r.gion and Lomill md Nahville P.oaJ. FrviicLl ttait L-ave daily. Freight promptlj forwardt-i. Oftice, Ia:i I I jH.t. Wet -ide. A. S. CAItimtrns, Surr'nte'.di.nt. J.C. Win-re. .ia. rn-iftil Aa-nt. aj.l'C-Uly , r - "Air4 Erected 1859 Owned by tfio Co. TSPK IAL A .l KNTtONCIVK NTOTHF. INUKANCK ;j of farm pr('rty, dwcllinps and out-biiildini(a. In aure auch bnildin or cotiter.ts iu a very favorabl tnati tier, for three or tlve j ea. L.okfcc I'qiiitabl-'tl and I'miupt ly l'ulil In Ca nIi. Alo, In.-ure t.toref',, buildiiic, or content and ver.inal pr'p rty generally, In town or country, at rates a low aü content w ith hazards taken, and inland Insurance apaint lb perll of na bration. WM. HFNDF.KSON, Aretit, Ir.-lianapoli, ludiaiia. Application can be-made to JOHN LOS:, who ia fully authorized to tratiact all buiries connected with the Ap-nry. ,raiiK 1,'61-illyl WM. HKNDKRS0N. --LlJ T 1 DENTISTS. P. G. C. HUNT, T-. tr TVT T T sn rr FHCK AND KFSIDfcNCF, 32 i!ast M.utKCT mici:i:t, INI)IANAIV)1.IS INI. MUSIC. 1llFxPFl:jNr P.ETfKK IN äy m jumi is man wer eer rr- " ar.'- MEDICAL Ta 1117 0LT 'TL? Jt1 ml ia na. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL 1 I AS WON I OH ITsF.LF SITU A Ii KNOWN l'OK THE 2 1 cure of every variety of Throat and Lumr. Coni phimt, that it is en'irely unneceary for us to recount th evidence of Jt virttn , wherever it hs been employed. Aa it ha Ion Ix en in contant ue throughout thiM-ctioii we need not b more than aure the p-opl it quality i kept up to the be-t It ever ba. beeil, and that it Uiay ! relied ou to do fur their nlivf all it ha ever been found to do. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, Fol; THE CTLK OF Ci stiverif s Jaundice, I)yir'er''ia, InJIce.-tion, Dy'crtery, Foul Stomach, Fryipela, Headache, Pile, l:heumtirn. Fruptioui and Skin Dieae, Uver Coinjdaitit, Drpy, Teiler, Tumor and Salt Uheuni, VVorni-, Ooiit, Neural gi.i. aa DihniT Pill, and r-r Punfyini the Lkol. They are usir-cMit"d, . o thai the most Mnodtire can take th"m pleasantly, and they ar the bet aperient in ihe world for all purpose of a family pbyic. Frlcc 25 cent icr IIox, 5 btrforf. ol e red in til market, ilv ratiyitiieiit 'itb LVtcrti llano manufacturer lir auch that I can turni!i ill .Vier per cheaper than ly dealer in the West, and I mat taut t la m superior iiihtr oent. Onl f.-ir cah. Call and reet Mer VV II. Talbotl k Co'a Jewelry Store, No. 24 I ahitii;tou itreet, PIANOS. MF.lfiDF.ONS.OKrtANS, l.tTIAKS. VIOLINS, ACCOKIjIoNS, Ac.Tt'.'FD AND KFPAlfJPD. II a :n oc had Jver twenty jt tra' experience tL public can le asmr.". tn at tiiey now iit a ti;er . pponuuity than th v irenl ally meet with to liae their lotrntiieiil rut in perfect frder. II SCltoNACKI II lultrtl-dlvjl SPECTACLES, &C. To Officers of the Army. - VC JMr' WV --a - a Great tiuier of Clercj mn, riiyician, Statesmen, and cniiiu i t peronn.'e, have lent their names to crtify the unparalleled ncfulnes of these remcdiea, tut our apace here will not permit the incr;i..n of tli.-ni. Tne Ap tit below tiam-'d furtd-h jfrati our American Alma nac in which they are Riven; with al-o f.ill description of ihe above complaint, and the treatment that should be olio cl for their cure. Po ti"t Le put i.T by unprincip'ed dealer with othi r! they m ike mor prolit en. Di-mriT! Aver and tnk i others. Thediek w mt the beat aid tLere I fr them, and they hould have it. riir.rahM r JUSTUF.ciIKD A SPLENDID ASsOliTMF.NT OF srvarw .rvn novnrt: svi t2T.. V.VF'.V. Fur he!. I, .rlaljilitv ami power thev j-uperfHe nil others. Fur sale - SEM MÖNS, Optician. SPECTpLES, EYE GLASSES, &C, Of the frrlitest trniisparent power, cf Lew im upetlv iuljutel to the cat e. m the eountrr. with parucuUr., tided In. provenient ; Orilcr.s fi prtimftl. nt" liei..iiiinfcn;a:lv dure witiid.sp.ttch. J " SKMMOXS.Op octLD . No. '25. South Illiioji, tu un. liiiuu street. HOTELS. DK. J. C. AKK & CO. I XT lil 3d C 0 Ii N E r hiii' f.rst I NATIONAL HOTEL v 3G7 i::ioaiva v 0 F F U A N K L INST 11 EET, a h.-ue the ino-t quiet, homelike, and ple.vaMfimti 1 ir. the city id'er rUptrior indue nicnt to thi" vi-ititiK New York lor bi &u.eie or jleauie. It i central ig lis batation. an-1 kept on the KL KOPKAN PLN. In coil e.,n with TWLolCS SADMhV, wher refri!itiiciit: U in I e hud at ail hours, .ervedln their own rooms Tue lare are iioxlerate, the rm.m and at tendance of t tirt ordi r batL kiid all the mdcrn con vei iences attained. uarl2-'.3ni 5 Sl,ii !i;iin BiO'.vCo B. A. FahnestOvk, Hull S: Co. A. B. & 1). SjinU 5c Co. Wheeler & H o t. James S. A? pin wall Morgan & Allen. Hall, Rm kcl&Co. Tin mns tfc Fuller P. D. Ovis. Hurral.Rislev & Kitch en. B us h , CI al e & R bi ti co n W U'.e.l f'Lv,.. k. .... f i.i. , vio'i vv v yj. j McKi-on S; Robbins. j I). S. Barnes & Co. 1 F. C. Wells & Co. j Lazelle, Marsh & (lanl- i ner. Hall. Dix.m S: Co. Conrad Fox. i PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. T. W. Dvott Co B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Robert Shoemaker Co. French, Richards. 5c Co. AND OTIILKs. BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. LOW12LL, 3IvVS. I'rlce, si per Itottl ; Six Ilottlea, So All o'ir rerrdie are for sale by KOBF.kT P.U0WNINC. Indian.'poli. ALI.P.N A CO., Ci.i innatl, And by 1! dru?;-1t and dealer ever) where. au,r'27-d3m HOTELS. ETOX5VvT-r HOTEL. CINCINNATI, OHIO. CAPT, CHAS. H. CROMYELl, PROPR. ? (roiiyraiT ristr.'a.) H-f m.&. RS TI-a o. at- a. BC.-, Opposit Jhe Ator II ue and Park, New Tork, I'icif i; r i:o.iii i 50 ii:it iiav w flllllS l..n: g lK?. n r Over loO root; Person. It . furni-hed, a throriKhollt. tlie cit v, i e.i raüri ad lea. 1 iy c'.tiey ii cla hot I, pat rotioo of Icrin JI 5n M J4-.!3.n nabli-hcd and popular lioue ba recentlv .lit and greatly eiilartf! ' y the addiCn uf uti'l now has aicominodation for over 3(a) alo been thoroughly renovated nod re. Is liea"ed by neam ant lit.'od by hi hotel ha one of the beat location In of res from all the leamboat and ! H to the city, and is convt t i.-nt to all tl.e ' . It ha now a'l tlie re.,ui-ite rf a f.rt I'urinjr the comfort of p inmates. The .e traveling public i re-peclfu.Iv ndiclted. rdiy. IL L. 1'OWFI.s, Proprietor. Weekes c Potter. Jno. Wilson, Jr. Geo. C. Goodwin Co. M. S. Burr & Co. AND OTIIF.I.?. A'so, all Wholf.salf. Hui gc.ists at rinrAf.o, 111., NT. I.OI'I, .11., DIM KOI I , llirii., I. M lVll,t i:, isv) IX'IW T, Oliio, l'i r IMU ltf.11, ia., HI ! I AI.O, . V. AND P.Y Duigüists. GirocKi:. Sioi:FKF.i:rFi:s and I.KTAii.r.i;." -ciKMail in all Cocxtky Town and Yillaoi s In the UNITED STATES Lreakfa.-t at Ce A. .!., f t pavsen-rs by the morn c Tra;r.. api6-ll?. rnir: iuoinsis irousK, (Formerly Ainericari,) tMMi ati:i y orrosiit tMOü hiroT, II. Will .'IOl.r, Proprietor, t W. D. öPP. Clerk. IS now oj, 1 for tl.e accommodation of the trael;n? public. e house ha tuen renovated DRUGGISTS. SCHIEFFELIH BROTHERS s CO, and furrdhe coMrv WHOLESALE W.rüCIM. And Denier In f ; r:cy (iood, Per fu in err,-, A.c. Alo. Aper t f'.r tl.e m of Lef.ned Petrleni;-, Illurrna tirg 0:1, v'ipei i-T to any C al O I, firrii-h'd in at:y l'.aniiii'" at the lowet market rates. 170 AND 172 WILLIAM S1KF.KT. M.W 0i.'K. !.nJ.-fi.Jn - i Genera rom top to bottom. m-o:tf ISSION MERCHANTS. ,tio;?si: .toiinhon, Commission Merchant, AT INDimPOLIS, INDIANA, CöfT &)!d by Robert Brovning AM William Hannaman, HARDWARE. Just Received and For Sale, W 1 1 0 LP s A LF. A N D T. LT A I L, A T NO. 21 WEST WASHINGTON ST., 1 VI. ALOE ASSORTMENT OF OARDKN ItAKF.5 FL0M j to 11 te-tr.: i'i arl a and tMcLitiz Spade, (i .rd-n ai. l l.ricklay.-rs' T ' I, 1 . rks. ".'. 3, 4 aiol 5 j ron?; j Oard.-n and ÜjMrovl .Vhee!barro , Pro ton? Knives and Sher. IJedte JI. ar, t;iidtorje,Na'lr, Wire ari l Wire Clotb. Pfb-irnc and packing Pooe. A eplendid aa-.rtment j of Tat.l and Pokt Cuiiery, together with a large and 1 general a .ortmei.i cf TI SC "H "avaV Ta. TatC alC , '; For Firmer-, Luilder, Jtecbentc. MacfciMt ar.l IU:I- i ro.d. J. II. VAJi:. c.hJii j J Ar Deuler it Flour, Grain and tall kind of C or ,trr Produce; Vine mid l.iqn r.,CI)rnrat'roliiirro, Ar. Ol f ICE AN I A A KFlJOl'M', 237 SOUTH MX'ONii ST.. IIIIADIM'IIIA. Advan.vt t. made on CotiHiiinient . aii.r.'M 200 WANTED. -ik" -TJ-v . r- "," - . - . zz. .ecruits Wanted K 1) AaaTaaTaTa-B--W-J-P. aw: es c Co PC. --a. --, 'ä. aar .1. r ii I :. A . ' r r RLROADS. IniIi:iii:ipolii and .tlatli'-oii TTT3 am TRAIN WILL LF. A VK he; THK JTJaaalC... IS62a vk -iE? Zril flOIR I'ASSKNOF.k X L'niou I. p ', lii.lisiiapc'.iii, at 12 HO P. K. dailj, for Madison, Cincinnati and IaOiiiMillc. This 1 th Lottevt rai!ay lin to C.iHiminti aad Lout ilie c n,i.xtl, g Malion tili tl.e Ci.iird State. Atail Line teamer, arriii a: at Citicit.nati In time to ron. li-ct with l be K&pres Tram on the 1.11 lie Miauit railroad leai li ir at 7 o'clock A. M., for the pat, ai d by the Ken. lucky Central Kail road for the South, and at Lulvili about 11 P. II. lletunilr.K, leave Cindnr.aM daily at 1 J M., l y tl abort Itramera, and alo hy the Maiiu acaeta. lott Q'i.en and Priorei, airfving at Madison in time to connect with th- Pas n?er Train leavlnir at 6 A.M., and arT'vlna' at In -Panapoli at loZO A. M., tr.akir.j rotmeitior.a ub II train lea it. for the Fat, Wet. and N'or;h. For the accommodation f way paet.irera a Car will run 49 enneetion anU th Freifcht 1 raht oai1-, leaeir.jr li."Ii;i(.' i.f. at 7 A. M. hicia train trmuli.i some time at each ft a' Ion, affording pa-: pert an ft rtunlty for tbt t r.ui-ai. ,f bii. ii.t , urrivin at Noitli Mad.M U at 4 ii P. M. f uro lo Cincinnati, or C incinnati to ludlanapalls, IIOO. To l.ouUvllle, s i .iO. ?"ö.l.a!.-c f. r nieal r (ei--roon. eu iL tmrs, r for baccace or onitiibu at MadlM.n. TatilT of Fretth' a bw a by ny other rout. Mitr-..."? and nier. ham W e-i III fnd It to iLelr int? eat to travel over and l.ip t Ihia Ime. pW-dtf. D.C. lütANHAM. 5u-r1nterdrnt. RENOVATERS. a.n mM:rya ESTABLISHMENT. ri iiif: united tatf.s dtf.-holsk , xo. xi fcorrn X lioiiol atre-t, ludianapoli, Indiana, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At thin oil and w-!l-known etat)lihmTf, the ladtea can have mUi and woolen coo-la dyed 1 1 permanent aud b 'i: colors; and gents' carno nt tborou'ily rtnor. ted ant repaired, a good aMhen new, at lvrrpicea lhan ever. New and eond-band elothinsf Lonaht and old: ala, a paticular branch in the denominate! line iiri. Uij--billiard table iloth. r tear in any gannent can 1.4 ao wrongbt that it cau not t viit. to the naked ej . fij CmnTxy '.rder punctually atteieled to. No connection with any other Loue In tt i City. Keine uiher the place, No. 31 ioulh lllin. ! ureet. M.4 JOs-l PH II ALIUS. MEDICAL. all: 1 U OMII IIi ( L .KAM .'Li:. Couchs and CoJd ill (to waj, fon. limes in a nuz) day. If to lb Drue Store yii ill po And a tl ft:pplied wp.U luila?o; o'i ran u-e jt Ire ly as yon j.eae. It ne,er to ive yaa ae. Thoe liranulea wonderful are, I'm ore. For they H-edity effect a lati.r; mrt. atVJ"" 25 i ent r lox, at all Irug Morn. BRAN UK'S TUSSILAdO CCKFs CI.POIIS. BRAXDKS TUSSILA(;0 CL"U KS COLLS. TUSSILAGO CUKF.H IIt VLSENESS. TirSSILAGO CLLL.S SlUiE TIIL0AT. BRANDKS BRAN I) FAS oni; oi iiu iMiLs ri ssiL tt.o. WONDFLI l'L CLANLLLS. Oh where can I f. r:d them. To the Iki-i Sfo'e fro rjuicit. I fpre.ii;y try then.; I a bad ti.uah, A fcd I i -b to b l re T. hs.e tl. it re.rt.dy w ill very iiwm c nr. JI f 25 cent., j r box, at ail the Inez St- r,. b n a n i) i-r s t u ssilao o CCLFS ASTHMA AND LI.OVCHfTIS. a?ajr f"ld by all Drc- ,-t. ii cent, a tea. B R A N I) F S T U S S I L A G 0 U P'.eaai.t to the Tat CFi'eJren cry far tt. branii:s rrssi lago iTHVS IfOOPIMi (IU oil ANDCLfil P. J2Jf, S..1 1 hy atl Iruf iriM.. Si ce'ii a l-ox. 11 A N I) Vs'S T i; S S I L A G o IT UKS OilnlU AND (dUrt. ZKif ";d t y a. I iT'i;.',. Sicetta tort. AGENT. EXPRESS COMPANIES. It i f- r a!e t t blNi.HAM A L-UV.HTY. In li.r'3j oll PAPER DEALERS. tmi am ml , w. h. cHjiTrinn, . n r. .ioii, (Tiatiicld .V: WooiN, i; und T!) Walnut M.( im innali, Alat.i.'.. rurer an-! W b. Irsat- ileaiers Id e- .tk K- b; hc , PRINTERS' CARDS AND CARD SHEETS! IJMNTiM- INKS AND rAl'FK M A NT F A C7T R F T- s 1 Si', era'., a,:eLt. tor the Mas-no! a Üiö wntim: pa te-: nii.i "crt;rr f extra wrtp;rj paper and FpT 1,4 Wholesale Agents. And ley the DnuGoisT?-, SToitPKr.rrtns and : Rftai'ler L'vne rally. Coi'xtky 1)ealer can order a-i above, Oraddrc5ordersdirvct orif Prices. Terms, i Ace. is deired, end for 1SG2 Circular,' giving reduced Pricesj to i HIaS:V K. COSTA K. ! i I Principal DlpotNo. 512 Broadway! (Opposite J e St. Nicholas Hotel,) New York. V'b31"4!-'''lri! It American Express Company, ' 1 UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. ! OFFICF. ON THE COKNFK fF WASHINGTON AND f Merkban streets, In liai.arx i. j ILrted'.i' Espre.-sea i-j New York; To daily F..p.e to Cincinnati, are! ; Two la. It Kpre to Chieago atoi St.Lout; Tlie above Compahiea are the only pririledF.iprsct j the f..loi-ii: road, 'n: INDIANA CF.NTkAU UiOKTIi: A CHX'MiO, i.ndianaimlis x rtr.u: TFkFK HAUTE A RICH MONI: BtLLF JONTAINE k INDIANAPOLIS. MvTteT, pAekic-, .!uablei and freftt csmed ;tb aafety a-.i-i di; aict, aiid in charge of pecial and cc.eLt icerr.irer'. Nr:, B1: aad Drf: t'i r p rcaptlr collected aid 'iWrfPtm rr-i J ErTTTriKITi. Agent FOR THE .JF The felrvenlli IiiOiiitrv. If which MJBOR J. W. CORDON ijfi'horized torai in In Man. ONE HÜÖDRED DOLLAR BOUNTY. AY FKoI 113 TO tl PFR M0N1H, W ITH KA TIONS. aarter, ni-dical Uendatare, 1c , Com plete. A'.l r.ftili.-t will at one be eb.tbed, .U'ited aud proride-jkajtU everjfhir.g eaei.t;.il to their Cottfort ty the Gorer J.irt. Ttifterm tti:ittner,ilTlire Yrart. Pay to ccn.nic fr. 1 rial of ei.i:.-iueut. bat aIt-Vwd .i.'.r iLen, between th a;rei..f li and ZZ je, need pp!j. RecruttiT n'lriv'i in jft'er a bw txiiVliaar, No. S6F.At Wa.siS atonklreet. M'.in.MrOM rellot Hail. D. Il- CoiT. Fi't L-eutenar.t Eteeritb It f.r.try, lcru.tin: OTt.-rr. ti j PATENTS. P T E N T S KJ descr-pt em so r.ay. ic. Adiret FOR NEW IXYKXT-ON'S OK EVE KT ii. r contiMreLi on i.uc--a. no pal f od for C.rc-jJar. rltrnr trrna, t.recllo.ia. AMDS EKOADNAX. rtH Aftcrti'T. Wulteft. .r r CrJcorc L IVortliinfuii, A OF. NT Poll MILITARY CLAIMS, NO. 44 THIRTEENTH 5TRFF.T, ONE DOOft IROM f, Wa-Ltrjr'en C;fy. nA1NG P.FEN ENGAGED FOR A MTMRFR OF jar in the ettleuaen ,f 'JCb t Um m or. of ta Ifvernment Ore, (from birh bs baa withdrawn, ot r tu attend t j . t ar.j kind that may bo rctrcit- J to tim, uih a tho.e f..r peti-.oo, re-nnty, Arrear tl Par. S-.t-it.-.;, Tta..t.i tail ti. C'lHi,.:.:. aai firt'e ilarlr for Lore, and oi ;,r p iB-r'. J-i -r d troj ed t tlie I u;ed Mau-a i'T ice, iacluLrf caei ofirr; r.r.l. TIATI10M Ve ar eil acq'il,.!-l with Jdr. v.nbinrtrn, ar cLe'fii'.:y test.fy thai ku-.w t. j A;.i.t nn i Liron nwLout etairr.ania eaa ri -re e.t f.!eo;!y h'in tocjr, t ict th'.r t'.. w.tti b..;r-y, capacity atx) aval. .V.r..y HON. JoHS D. 5f. -PHFRsoN, A--t. S..!n-rrf C. ou't 'f Oaliaa. HON. CH AS. U.C .LVLT. II. Im- of Ir,reeniatltea. BEY. SMITH PYNF. I. D. CtL. W.r, li.Nl)LPH. Chief Ork L". S. Traurr OCcn 1 Lilly lnbrs th abosc te-t.raont, aa4 ebeerfefy asl coolder.tly recommer.3 Mr. Wonhinston to any bro fc r of;cr4 an 1 '. L.r in Kertücky r.l el-eLere. ad to a:i other, hav Inf claim i.-4.n.tti( Ooverwrrvent. Pro. ably to man has a more thontb LryaMf Kar (Tami than Mr. X.t aal f ..rre! a -vi interntr fe ctt a.u;-n..r. T. R. EVfcLrTT. apr7-d3in Captaiu. A t. OervrraPa I-ept- LI VER Y STABLE. fflalaSNO.'M i: It V S T A W tt K I a aw 1 I A" Jö. 1ft Fat Pearl 'reet, Laif a o.nara aoaith of tTa-h 1 tna:toe trt. Neen J4niiri aad troj I r aula treeu, ia rear of G'roi I lnca. Ir taTpepa. rS dtf Yf. lriLiaSiiN, rtcTTVf J