DAILY STATE SENTINEL. printed am ri'HUMiFD THE NEW SENTINEL OFFICE. o. j 01 tu 11:111 dia! Hriti:i:x. WnJlI TUB FUfTWfK . ELDER, HARKNESS L BINGHAM, IVoprlrlor. VATCIIEO. Yearly i'ibf r,rt fft Oo, iitamailt 11 iDVaact, or delivered by th carrier at 11 cent per wk, pajtbl aemi-nxmthly . Single eopte nv etita. City Ucr1ber will t Lld responsible for papers 1 ft at thetr hone after they bare removed, or b-n they lh ibrm dicnUnue1, urate rot la given at the ol- f.re ( f publication. No paper est wuhoat pre pay-inert, or eontinuedlonger than pa4 for. Copt of U Dam 5ni ran b bad at tbe of!W esch frt'rn.ior, and th ffuill Pcwmak eath Mon day Boruinf, neatly tc loped, fu? mailing. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, rUBUSHKD EVERY WEDNESDAY AT fa? aSI.B BTaJAtf I ADTAJKTK. iiati:h or a dvi:iitini.iu. ii.. '!.. 31.. 1. H 1W. 1M. w. 3w. Ira. Sin.. 3m.. 4H.. 11m IS.oo 7 M u l.QO 1.1' l.so 1.75 i.w' rua 3 OO 4 OO 5.00 Too .50 B.2S 11 00 13.00 ISO 2 OO IKl! 3.00 3 fx 400 & 00 OO 8.00 7..V) 10.0(1 IDU 13 50 13.75 15 OO 31.23 1S..0 J.0 jojio 2H..V) 25 OO 35 00 1.11 V-o 17! 2 25 2 1 3 00 3.75 4. to .00 2 t 7 1.XH 2 tO 3.11 3.75 4.37 5.00 25 7o 10.00 12..V) HIT 4 .25 27.00 30.50 35 tO 45.00 M M 2 ri 3.00 3-75 4.50 S.1S 6.00 7 50 oo 13. (H) 15 00 2O.0O 29 tO 3.100 TT-M 4.150 65 CO m CP u z M 3 00 4.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 2 n 3 to 4.37j 5.25 .12, 7.M) .75 10 00 10 60 12.00 14 00 1S.OO 17.M 20.00 2.1 25 2 to .14.75 40 OO iO 00 45 00 45-50 52.50 50. 00 57.tO 65.00 75.00 3.17 3.75 4. to 5.00 5 62 6.20 6.75 7 50 T.H7 8.75 9.00 10.00 11.25 12 50 13.50 15 CO H.00 20 OO ( 22.50 2.'.00 I 23.75 33.HO I 45.00 to OO i 0.00 55 00 J 7 50 2.50 5. CK) 70 00 S5 00 05 00 ADVERTISING IX THE WEEKLY. One square, on lnerti fO 75 two lOO f. ur . " 2 00 F r earli Mitsr ) lent Insert aim! f'r each Inser tion titr.Mli Bll.tiual Hir 3-1' Advert:ement publi-hed in b.th the Di!y and the Weekly .K-rmai. will thwd tbe full Daily rate, with niit-lalf the Weekly rares added. Rubine X.irr pulll.shra in tb local Cftlumnn, f f ten lutea or un.W, will e cbrfl f r ecb lnrtji 1; if orer ten lin. t n f nit T Jin. Cbarsre will 1m? tn (r lnrtin)C the notice of ti e folliiwiMf Orders S'n.lftie an-l Association at the rati- mmrit, t' tie pai'l In a'lvanc: Military Companje, tinier of M. Fellow, lUxmic Or-ler, lViietoI. i.t .S.-iet.ie aul Sir.irinp Societie. For eacb nio nt eiceedinR H linea ccüU for each InsertUin; over rljfht linea at tlii rate. Aiinounrinjj desth with funeral notice attach-.!, f 1; without notice free. Marriage N.tic-e 50 cent. Notice of Festival, IVtiic and Excursion, Rotten npbjr ln.livJ.Ju.tli or a.HOCiation, or by churclie, at tt.e rrtfuUr prtce. Advertisement leaded and jlacd tinder the head of S,cial Nolicea, If ten linea or over, will be charged double the isuül rate. Advertlsementa mäkln lea than three linea, Inserted once in the Daily, wi'.l b charged fifty cent. Yearly advertiser to pay quarterly. Announcli.R candidate for ofliceof every description to be cbarreii at the rate ffl 60 for each name in the Dally, and 3 in the Daily and Weekly, the ame to be, in II cae, paid In advance. LeRal advertisement Inserted at the expense of the at torney orderlnjr, and not delayable for the leRal proceed ing, but collectable at our uual time. lubliher not accountable for the accuracy cf lefcal advertisement be yond tbe amount chanted for their publication. EIXF.K, UARKNKSS 4 I'.INCiIIAM, l"roprletora Indiana State S-ntlnel. J. M. T1LFOUD, President Indianaj.!i Journal Company. II BUSINESS DIRECTORY, UAMU.KS. AKFUSONS BANK. No. 19 East Washington street rpite tbe Sentinel UHlce. ma4 II VK i iv sta LLFN A MINSUiY, Uvery SaJe. Stable. In the l rear of the Palmer Houe. Junet-dly OL'Mllli:S. I II DAVIS k CO., Union Foundry, Delaware utreet, op posite Union lepot. ASSELMAN A VINTON. Wahln$rton Foundry and Macbin Work, east enu imuii iiepoi. mjt HEAL ESTATE Ali 1. XX. I" 1RANCIS SMITH, formerly iVlzcll 4 Smith, Kcal Kt-ie AKmt and Tax 1'ayer, 37 East Washirirton atreet. lla-s to rent. f cKF.RSAK k riF.RC'K. R-'al Estate AgcnU and 1YM. w tL Itroker. 1, Kst Vihintoa rt. 'M. Y. WUF.Y, F.Mtte ARent vA Stock Bro ker, 10 V, Eat Wi.sbinnton treet. mayi hoot admioi; im:ali:hn. C. MAYIIKW A CO., Wholesale dealer In Roots, She, and Rubbers. No. 4 Kolxrrta IUck, opposite tuln D pot, In.lianap.di. Ind. m.'I4 ADAM KNOD1.E A SON, manufacturer and dealer In all ktnd of Routt and Miw, No. 32 Kat Wash non atreet. aprt7 IIOOKS AH STATIO.M'.HV. BOW EN. STEWART A CO.. wholesale and retail deal er In ll.-k an.1 Mationery, and Fruilera' Material, No. H Wtxt Washington treet. apr26 Din ;s ax d 7ii:i)iC'iti:N. WII.EY M. LOW K Y, DRUfitilST. IValer In nnifc. Chemical, Faint, thl., InestutTs, Botanic, Patent and other Medicine. Notion and Perfumery No. 43 Ma,s achusett avenue, Indianapoli. nov30-ly. f ilOUUNSON COX, dealers in Iruss, Medicine, I Taint, Oil., Cilass, Parfur.iery, F?r..y Üo.xl, Ac, No. 1-i tfat Washington street, lnlianajMli. ma19 RBROWNINtJ, imifirist, and dealer in Taint, 0:1 s Varnsies, lye-stutTstls,t;Usware, Perfumery, Ac, o. 21. w est aninon rtreeu apr27 DA V0UJMI-: x. DAILY SENTINEL INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. iixxronTAi t tAiLaoin. Tr!n Iav. 5:20 A. M Mall 2 00 P. M ft 40 P. M Train Arrive. . 20 p. m. 5:40 A. M. 1130 A.M. iiui4rtu av roLtatt's mk rviox. Train Leave. Train Arrive 5:20 A. M Fipre. F.H p. M. M.40 P. M Accommodation 10.45 A.M. tMI'lAXA CKSTBAL IttlWAI. Train Leave. Train Arrive. .15 A. M 7:1 A. M. 12:10 P. M Mail 134 P M. 7 oo P. M 7.55 P. M. im a t roi M ad roi.t Mara auotrr ui, i ia iatto5(. Train Iave. Train Arrive. 15 A. M .7 15 A.M. 2-1 0 I. M 1 V4 1 M 7:00 P. M 7:55 P. M. st!A1Ar0M AI CtXCIKJIATIIAItROAD. Train leave. Train Arrive. iV 20 . f 1 Ot4 A - 10:40 a. M 4:35 P. M C .C, V. M 10.53 P.M TKBRK ACTE BAIt aOAD. Tfain lrave. Tratn Arrive. 7:20 A.M 1 45 P. M H 40 P. M 5:10 A. M. 55 A. M. 6 30 P. M. r.W AI BART AsD ( Hlf A0 BOAD ir.tSCA8TI. JV(T1o fioin North. r, o p. m . . 11:05 A. M.. (loin? South, 11:25 A. M. 2 (H) p. M. Train Ieave. 10M5 A.M. 4 45 P. M. lr0 P. M. F. x pres . . . ....Frrilit, Daily LA'AIETTE BAILB0AI. Trafn Arrive. 5:10 A. M. 10:0. A. M. C:00 P. M. rr.au Aii.iiAXAroi.isBAii.ROAi. Train Leave. Train Arrive. 11.10 A. M Mail .V A.M. 1035 P.M Chicair Kxpre-s 4:10 P.M lIAAr0l.ls AMI MAlls). RAlLfcOAP. Train- lfav. Train Arrive. 12:30 P. M Mail K'-'O A. M. 7:00 A. M. ...From Freinht DepdJ.... f:5 P.M JKrrKRSOSII.I B BAILkOAD. Train Ix-ave. Train Arrive. fil A.M Mail .P. M. 6 30 P. M 6:00 A. M. Arrival and part ii rt of .viitllo. or ClOHln.y ABKIV Madison mail Cin.-itinnll and way mail .... J-lWs4,nvi'.le and luiviUe. . Trrr Haute wny i.nil. . Peru mail Central way mail Trrre Haute through mail. ... Lafayette arid Chicago .... llHirfoiitaine way mitil .. U 11.' f.. Maine through mail . Central through mail Ciorinnnli through mail Springfield, Illinot.. AtJI. i ..11:00 ..10 30 .. H:20 ..11:30 ..10:30 ... 1:4." .. 7:00 .. 6 00 .. 7:O0 .. 0:30 .. ti:30 ... :30 .. o :;o A. M. A. M. r. M. A. M. A. M. V. M. r. M. r. m. r. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. DKrARTVBKB. Jf tifH Chf. JenVfonville and Loui.sville mail 7:30 p. m. Terre Haute throunb mail, St. Loui, Cairo.... 7:30 p. . Lafayette andChiciro :M a. x. Ijifayette City and Springfield, Illinois 7:30 p. m. Madison ma ;. 11-30 a.m. Central way mail 11:10 A.J. Central through mail and Washington City.... 6:00 p. n. Cincinnati and way mail 7:30 p. m. Through mail C:00 p. m Trre Haute wa, Evanville and Viucenne.. ..12:4. p. m pru ". 10:." a. m Bellefontaine wt and through... 7:30 p. m PIANOS. $150 EST PIANOS. $150 C1 KOVESYF.KX i HALE having removed to their ntw f warerooms, No. 478 Broadway, re prepared to ofiVr tbe public a magnificent new scale full 7-0ctave Rosewood Piano, containing all Improvement known in thi country or Kurope, over-strung ha. Kreuch grand action, barp pedai, full iron frame, for sl 50 CASH. W A RRAXTED F O It F I V E Y E AUS, Rich moulding case, $175 TO $200, all warranted DM.lt of tlie let m.iterial, and to stand better than any told for 400 or .o0 by the tdd method or manufacture. We invite tbe let Judges to examine nl trjr these new instrument, and we M;tt:d ready t all time to lest them with ,mv oll. er manufactured in this country. i I O V IS B' I ; 1 1 Ar II Al.i:, my".'u-.l3m Pradway 2 Y. I X A. 3ST O DF" O K. 1 IB S i' n vr sir-fi WTZ H'K 0N IIANIJ A DUMBER OF FIRS1 V CU I'ianos, w bich we will sell at cost for cash WILLIAKD A STOWK1.L, c tl No. 4 Paten House Ii v ;oo us. W J- A II. C.I.ENN A CO, New York Store, Iry . Goo.twLolcsA1e and Kctnl, uleonv Liitck, East hinton street. maya STOVES AM) TIX YA3li:. C. Y. WEMPLE, Sec'y HENRY STOKES, Pres t. Curamplih'ts, Statement, and Apnlioat'ons will be funibed, and ail information desired ill be tiven by the unleri:ie.l. C. P.. PAVIS, A cent. P5Xt).rioe Ud fl.vor, (Md Fellows' Hall, Ir.Ji.iiunoi:, Indiana. m24-i2m CTEi-AJRTEJ. OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO, . . j OF UAKTFOttP, CONN. (1 AMTJ FI.L A r.OTI.ES.l'-vok lender and Plank F-oit , j M.rnfactnrem. No 37 East W.slnnsto,. s f ; 'll 1) i 1 .1 1 , - - - S ()(.()) lilenn l!.Ick, up stair. Indianajdi. febi-dtf j a 7 c HARLES COX. dealer in Stove, Tu. Ware, ic. No. 11 Wfd Wahir.gt'.i street. aprtT HOOK 111.". Dl'.ICS. INSURANCE. THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OK NEW Y0KK. Acciiiiiulalio.i, $1,300.000 4rjF.VKN-Eir.HTHS of the profits divided t the as- Mired. lhvidend raid in the life-time of th assured. The advantage of part creeiit given in payment of the premiums. "A policy of life Insurance i the cheapest and safe.t niolf of m.ik'mjr a certain investment for one, family." I KXJAMIS lR Vkl l. nOlTL.VS A PA 131 ER. rk Hinder and P.Iank P-k Manufacturer, No. 33', East Washington street, over Alford, HAU A CV Grtcery. maj27 (11174 . (iLASf A.M tU'EE.'NSWAKE. HAWTHORN A PCCllANAN. Imrx-rtem of China, j tilas an.1 tj.ieen-v are. No. S3 Ea--t W&sbingtoti st , 1 l.'idtanapolt, lit.t.ana. dir I TIEIUTIAT X. 11.4111. W XSrivES r.iiil.liii?. Furnitnre. ilerchandise. and fther I . j t ... ' pr.'jH'r'r ajra;ni i"s or uanwee oy rue. 1 arncui.ir attention given to the insurance of Itwe'lii.t; for 1,3. and 5je.tr. 3. M. SEXTON, S v J. H. SPKACUL", Tres't. i IRF.PF.KICK trtKlTElC, Merchant Tailor, and dealer tit realty male clotbitn; an l fun.ihitir eoixts. No. H est Wah;nton street, opp.s;te Sentinel otüce. niy'a ATTOIIM'.VS. KII.F.Y FFKiU'SON. Attorney and Counselor at U. Pavrau f-r approved judgment. and niortace-; a.-o urcn loans, ti. tr-., Ac. Oftice, 24 K-ta-h- T.j:t. n street, up-ta;rs, second d .'r t- the rut:t hand, op posite t'lletm's Flock. .k-!S IOSfcl'H K. MctONALI) A AtDISON L. IU)ACHE, Atterrer aid Course!, -t at .Law, .Eira Insurance C'iiipanj Ku.U.i fc, second floor, Penn Uaüia street. ll UC II AN T TAll.Olt. UT F. Kl'PP, Men hant Tajor, and dealer in Keady. . Mie CKtthir. and un:liii.ir J.müI-, No. 105 l t W ttinjtni etreet, p t:e the Court H.u, I'ti anr li, I::d. Keep constantly on hard a luce a-, rt ipeut of Cl'Jth, (-inyers. Ver c, t)ervat.!iz. lnre.1, Casi:e.'s etc. Al-o. penMemen furr.isli'.'i i(Hst. ii: Shirt, I'itdersLirts Lrvr. Ne kt.r. Cra vat. HaiidkenLiefs, (ilores, etc i!s mM and the rirtner.ts cut free t.f charge. a tf-dly MACHINISTS. !' ULAVIiSJllTll SHOP. JvJXI.o-. s adjusted and proniptly paid in cash by . C P.. 1. 1. AKnt. K.fJk.Ofl'.ce 2d fl -or, tvid Fellows' Hall, lndianapolia, Induna. tny2t-.lja NOTICE. Inilril State of Amrrira. I)itrirt of i J llltlilllia. S: W'ikrhs ;i 1 K l i f ii!rn:i.i':i-n has tn-en tiled in t:e 1 I)tru t C. urt of the I'nit'-d Mate, wi-bin ai d f.r t!:- ' Seeti:h t';re'Jit a:i.! l:-tn.t of In-liai'a, on the 2"thd.y T May. IsfiJ, ty J. lui Hanna, l'.t , Attorney of the I' intcd st.t:- f"r .f I I : strict of Indsatia, a.'.vns't 10 at ks c f! e. 10 barrels Ly. 1 kec cream tartar, 1 ke si, an! 11 boxes tarcb. k Ivjn-nlle fir i violation of . the law of the l"i:itel State, sti-t pxst arl nierchan- ' i!i-e N ir.j contrjb.iTl of war. and praylr; rrve j;jit jn.l p.HsU. anl tht tbe s.ime may he condemned arid n-l-t as article contrabat.d of war. Now, therefor, in puru ar.ee of the rr.'-nition tnder :be seal of . s.i ;d Court to rne d'.rec'ed a::d delivered, 1 d here. ty tr;ve public nM ice to all pr rs ins c laiiunnc said costs, i'T j: y part thereof, or in ar;y niAV.ner lnterestel there. n, thit they and appear t efore the said, the IStr.t Court of the lintcd ta!es, to t-eheldat the city of Indian apo.is, m and for the l-,:nct cf linliara. n the ecetel M-.nday of July net, at lrt o'ci.ck of the forenoon of thi? dy. then in 1 there to interpose tbr'r ila ni and cativ n in that N half. I ti KiSE. I. S. Marshal, Per 1 S. I n.atow, l. pu'v. Jmh H.r.iA.CUrV. lteiJarie ,11. janelS 115t W. w. IE iTl! K. ACENCY. . . .'. U 0 ETl a. ..I'. S. M ktAVAV n AVINii KNTlhKLY kKHTTFO THE ?HOPF0hM- KI-Y icu;..tj l y Join Cooper, in 0c !, en.i:o A Cu'i Itst an t Hut iirti ry, I am preparr! I do a I k.il of work in tbe mif hinrrj r bl kmitljir !! IJjvirphad twelve year ejrietce in the N-t n . lime L p in the country, 1 flatter myself that I can jr'te ftiiir :!? action to ll)- who may far lor Witt :-irwrlr. Iham my employ one cf the ltllaik n.:'hintl.e Sute, and pay particular attention to hor i h-in ainl markinc f..r trior. 1I Tiiuf of all kiixta promptly attendd to M.sl. Is of all k'l.'d 1 uilt for the patent effce. Lelru.ber the !ae, ot-e ivut oolh of tbe l'nUo lvr4. fi lhiM.ia sirr.t. T. I'lioHN, 'i.ln JI 'CI M.etilher.s, Uirtt r Ss' orlifni(tii, .wttOfll CM Z t IaS' j i riein coin.-teti witn a Military -S',K Acet.cr at Washinirron Citv. are cill'cti'n ?:! -innar tif lVri4n, mJM v-J aMe to n:ej roü'pt at!fi;ti.nto ti.e Jarc 5 1U AT i nn N nn Jo INDIAXArOLIS, INI)., MONDAY MORNING, JUXE M, 18Ü2. NUMBER .5,660. RAILROADS. PERU AND INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD. 1S62. nny-i 1862. NEW ARRANGEMENT. Sew lloule to Chicago via Kokonto. 33 MILES SHOI-TER T11A5 OTHER ROUTE. 05 AMI AFTER MAT 5, 1hS2, traina will be run a follow: A Ma i Trafn will leave Indianapoll at 11:10 A M., atop t all tat ion and make clos connection at Kokomo with train on the Cincinnati and Chicago Air Line Rail road for l?anport, Valparaio and Chicago, and arrive at Peru at 3:1.' P. U., In time to make connection w itb traina on theTole.lo and Wabah Itailwar, g"ing East and We.-t. Iturnintr, the name tralo 111 leave Tern at 6.00 A. M., after the arrival of the train on the T. A W. K. W. from tbe Ka st, and arrive at Infliaiiap. lia at le..rH) A. M. In time to make connections for all point East, South and West. An ExpreaMr vin will leave Indianapolis at 1 0;!5Ö I. M., connect at Kokomo with train for Chicago, and arrive at Peru at 5 00 A. M., In time to makeconnection with train poing Eat and Went on the Toledo and Wabah Kail way. Kftuniir.jr, the name train will leave Teru at 12:00 M., making close connection at Kokomo with tbe train. nn the t'mciniiali and Chicago Railway from Chicago Valparaiso and Loftnpnrt, and arrive at Indianapolis at 4:10 P. M., In time to connect with the evening train for Cincinnati, Iuiville and other point. Special attention (riven to the transportation of live tock, produce and merchandise generally. DAVID MACT, General Ac-ent and .Superintendent. Theo. P. Havmiet, General Ticket Aj?ent. aj.l'62-dly INDIANAPOLIS AND CINCINNATI t b ia EL . m m 7 KAILROAD1 i 1 i i i i ij i ii J IUI' ' - - J' ' ij.. rii'iTy yrwei ZZ-&CZrii Miorlrt ICoutc lj- Tlilrt' .Tille! SO CHANGE OF CARS TO CINCINNATI 1 Three trainsleave Iiidianapoli Daily, (Sunday excepted.) I7i I EST TR UN. 5 -'0 A.M CINCINNATI LIGHTNING ' Expres arrive at Cincinnati at 10 A M., ai.d Lex invrton. Ky., 7:30 P. M. Second Train KMo A. M. Cincinnati Mail, arrive at Cincinnati :i:0 P. M., making cle connection with Little Miami Railroad for 1tveland, Morrow, Columbus, New ark, anesville, ami Wheeling. Third Tram 6 X', P. M.Cincinnati Express, arrives at Cincinnati 11:10 P. M. Fare same a I y any other route. Call for your ticket rii tbe Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad. P.a)T!Ja(rcchctked through. Spkcial. Noticr. lie sure you (ret In the right train at Indianapolis. The n!y Cincinnati train, stand on the fifth track, beintr the farthest track nouth in the Union Depot, at lndiaiiaiolis. W. II. I NOP.LE, General Ticket Agent. W'm. Powki.l, Traveling Atrent tny26 '62 HOTELS. French's Hotel, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. CITY Of KEW VOKK. MMil.i; HOO.llS 50 CFTS VIM D.W. CITY II ALL SQUARE, COR. FRANKFURT ST., Opposite City Hall. KALS AS THEY MAY RR OKDF.RED IN THE spacioii Refectory, liiere ia a Barber's Shop and liai Dx-ni Mtaclirl to tbe ilott'l. t3y beware of Runners and Hackmcn wjio my we arfuil. U. Ili:ClI, nov.to '61-lly Iroprietor. LAW BOOKS.. VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. To Destroy Ilat, RoicJic., c. To Dtstruy Mice, MoleT ami Ant?. To Destroy Hel I3up". To Destroy Moth.1) in Fun, Clothes, &c. To Destroy Mosquitoes and Flea. To Destroy Injects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy Insects on Animals, &c. To Destroy Every form ami species of Vermin. THE 'ONLY IN'FAI.LIIDLE REMEDIES KNOWN." Dratroy Inlnntljr EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF VERMN. NEW AND VALUABLE WORK FOR LAWYERS, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, And all Connected tcith the Judicial Administration of the Gorernrntnl. w rjcr k. rjt? rac : Of the State of ndiuna, CONTAINIXO TI1K REVISKI TATUTF.S OF 1852 with the amendment! thereto, And the fubsequcn legislation, with notes and references . Judicial decision?. KDITED BY JAMES GAVIN AND 0SCAK 0UD. Vo!uuie 1, Published by ltlX.HAI V IHH IilllV, im;ia."ai-olih. Judpr Da v ill McDonald one of the most eruint'nt lawyers of tbe State, volunteered the following econiuiendation of the work: STATiTr.a or IsniasA, bt Gavix A Hord. Sorae month ago, tbe aove named gentlemen issued proposals fur pub lishing, in two volumes oc tavo of some MK) paes each, al the statute of the State passed cince 1SÖ1, with annota tions. Tbe tirst volume of the work is now published; and the manner of its execution, both mechamcalljr and edito rially. deserves tbe thanks of the profession. Tbe imperfect manner of publishing our statutes nndei State authority, has always been a source of great incon venienee to the Indiana Lawyer. The revision of 1SÖ2, a! well a the statutes passed since that year, might almost aswellhave been publi.hed without any index. Ip tc thlstime the lawyer has constantly been under tbe neces sity of tuniin over, laf by lef. tbe volumes o our sta'tutes to find anv particular enactment. And everv one kno'Ashoir annovinz and provoking this is, especially In the hurry of business as in our Courts. Happily for the prfession, the publication under consideration promises better state or things in tue luture. ine nrst volume o Jlessrs. fiavin A. llord's work contains an excellent and copious iintcx, hieh to every practicinsc lawyer in the täte is itself worth tbe money w hich the volume costs. The volume under review contains another excellence Wl its pazes are stipjdied with valuable marginal indice, so that a glance at tbe margin is suCicitnt to apprise the endcr of the contents of the page. Another matter of preat importance to the lawyer 5n this volume is a pood collection of the sulijects of all leg islation sir.ee ls5l. Heretofore, the lawyer in examining our legislation on any piven subject had tlrst to find what was relevant toil In tbo Kevjion of K2, and th?n to turn over the pages of the volumes of subsequent Statutes, t a see how fr recent legislation may have repealed or nud -fied the provisions contained in that Revision, and even then he would often feel doubt whether be had found a!! the legislation on the subject of Lis inquiry. Messrs. Ga vin and Hord hae relieved us fall this trouble and doubt. They have collected to-rether in consecutive page all the -tatute maie since ls"l. on the same subject. Thus, on raze 373 to 377 of their first volume they have collected all our legislation, now in force, on the Rutijt oj husband and wife, including the art of 1n"2 and three act of lv7. And they have followed the same mode oi eo. oci'.ion, in appropriate consecutive pages, in regatd to a ) other topics of legislation. A still more valuable feature are the copious and accu rate notes contained in the volume in question. This vol ume Includes the Constitution of the United States, thb Constitution of Indiana, and several important acts ol Vir ginia and statutes of Congress, and a large portion o our n statute now in force. The numerous decision o the Courts n tbe various provisions contained in these Constis tutit-ns and statutes are found at the bottom of the appro priate paze. in the form of neat, brief and accurate note a:vi reference. S'esr. tlavin A Hord seem to have per formed thi part of their work exceedingly well. It must have cot them much cart and labor. P.y it they have preatly lesened the labor of the practising lawyer, and have well mentetl his frrateful approval. In every re-ct the volume under re view lL;:b.!y red- Itable to the diligence, acenracy, talents and the taste o Its ed-.tors. as well as to the nitsrbantcal kill and neatne of its publishers, aui It must r.ve th? Jjt expectation ot the profession, as to th value of the second volume, which we understand iU be forthcoming in a few months, and hkh will contain the code of pleat. tig and practice o K'2, with ,.beq':ent aroendments and otter atatutes. Without anyconcert with the editors or putdihers ot the volume in question, the writer of this article ha been in duced to compose and publish this little review of the book, solely because be beheve the editors and publishers de serve high commendation for their performance. He, therefore, deems it but just to them, without being solic ited to it bv any one, to publish this notice of the boos, over Lis own proper nace. DAVID 31 c DONALD. Indianapolis, November 1, 160. The first volume ia now ready and being delivered to Bbscriber. PK I er. SI 50. It is for ale ly BINGHAM A I)rtiIJTT. Indianapolis. PAPER DEALERS. Those Preparation? (unlike all others') are 'Free from Poisons. 'Not dangerous to the Unman Family." Hit? tlo not die on the premises." "They come out of their holes to die." Thev are the only infallible remediesknown. 12 years and more established in New York Citv." I'sed by the City Post Office. Ucd ly the City Prisons and Station Houses. Used by the City Steamers, Ships, &e. Used by the Citv Hospital:, Alms-I louse,' &c. Used by the City Hotels Aster, 'St. Nicholas, cxc. Used by the Boarding Houses, &c, &c. Used by more than 50,000 private families. C3T See one or two Specimens of what is everywhere said by (he People Editors Dealers, etc. HOUSEKEEPERS trouHod vith ver min need be so no longer, if they use "Cos tar's "Exterminators. We have used it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost So we would have it. We had tried poisons, but they ef fected nothing; but " Costa kV article knocks the breath out of Hats, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country. Medina TO. (Jazette. MOUE GltAIN and provisions are de stroyed annually in (irant County by vermin than would pay for tons of this Hat and Insect Killer. Ijtncastcr 11 w.l J It raid. IIEXHY It. COSTAll We are sellln- vour preparations rapidly. Wherever thev nave been used, Hats, Mice, Poaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. Eckei: & Stoufflr, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "CostarV Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. "CostarV "CostarV Bed-Bug Exterminator. "Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects' &c. In 25c. 50e. and Si Boxes, Bottlks ami Flasks, 3 and 85 Sues kok PLANTA TIONS, Sims, Boats, Hotels, &c. CAUTlOX! To prevent the public from being imposed upon, by Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bearing a facsimile of the Pro prietor's signature. Examine, each box, bot tle or flask carefully before purchasing, and take nothing but "COSTAR'S." 55;" Sob! everywhere by All WllOLKSALE DnUUfilSTS in the large cities. Some of the WHOLESALE AGENTS IN N. Y. CITY. Shiellelin Bros. & Co. B. A. Fahnestock, Hull & CO. A.B.& D. Sindsfc Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall Morgan h Allen. Hall, Ruckel& Co. Thomas & Fuller P. D. Orvis. Hurral,Uislcy& Kitch en. Bush, Gale & Robinson M. Ward, Close c Co. McKison & Bobbins I). :S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. LazelIe,Mai?h& Gard ner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox. and others. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. Hobert Shoemaker & Co. French,Richards,& Co. T. W. Dvott & Co. B. A. Fahuestock & Co. AXI OTHERS. BOSTON MASSACHUSEnS. Vcekes & Potter. Jno. Wilson, Jr. Geo. C. (ioolwin & Co. M. S. Burr & Co. AXP OTHERS. Also, all Wholesale Dkugcists at IIIf'ACiO, III., M . MH l, .Tlo., mn itoiT, ?nch., i,oi i iii.i:, K) ., C INC INNA TI, Ohio, ii r i Mii 1t1.11, iu.f HI I FA I. O, .. V. AM BV Dri ggists, Grocers, Storekeepers and ' Retailers generally in all Couxtrv Towxs and Village In the UNITED STATES INSURANCE. jfiTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF IIAItTFOHD, CCI."CM. Capital Enlarged Jan'y 1, 1860. CAPITAI I 500,000 OO SET SL'LPI.US, (ftf r dfUucUng all UbiliUeil 1411230 TNA BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS. . I E Erected 1859 Owned by the Co. E SrFA I A L A iT F. NTION fi 1 V EX TO TI I E INSURANCE ol lurin rron?rtv. dwellintrs and out-buiKlintr. In sures Kucb tuilJiuK! or contenU in a very ravorable man ner, for tbree or Ave years. Love I'qiiitably Ad.iiCed and Iroinptlf lnld In f?lt. Also, Insures etore, warehouse!", buildings, or content and personal property frnerally, in town or country, al rates a low a consistent with hatards taken, and inland Insurance RainM tb jerils f navikTaflon. WM. HENDERSON, Ajrent, Indiannpolis, Indiana. 4pplication can be made to JOHN lIOSS, who is fullj authorized to tranact all business connected with the Agency. fau 1,'61-dlyl WM. IIKNDERS05J. MEDICAL AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL HAS WON FOR ITSELF SUCH A RENOWN EC R THE cure of every variety of Throat and Lunj? Com plaint, that it is entirely umifcessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it tas been employed. As it has Ions; been in constant use throughout this section we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has b'n, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. AYER'S CATHARTIC FILLS, hOK THE CUKE OF Costivcness, Jaun-Iicc, Dp-pe pia, Indicpstion,TjonterT, Foul Stomach. Erysipelas, Headache, Tiles, Rheumatism. Kruptiona and Skin Dlaes, Liver Complaint, Ih-opsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Hlieum, Worms, Gout, Neural gia, as ft Dinner Ml, and t'.r Purify in jj the Ulood. They are tuKr-coted, io that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all purposes of family physic. I'rlcc 25 cents per Hox; 5 boxe for tl RAILROADS. jl ion: up cl ia or 1862 en? LT " ä or . 5 1862 VLL PERSONS rURCHAMNO TICKETS FOR FT. j JOSLFH and other pointa io Northern Miri. toe ttie of Kansas, or the Territories, houIJ Ini5t n nav. lug tickets that read by the MHITII .TllSMIt'KI ltAII.lt OAD, The only rail route from St. Loui to St. Joe h. It t the hortest and quickest hue, by thirteen hour, to the re motest point reached bT rail, and 1 alwari as cheap as any other. iVuy your Tickets to Kan and all point in Northern Missouri by the North Viouri Railroad. ISAAC IL STUIUJE0N, Tres't arxl T.en'l Supt. Nort Missouri R. R. HENRT II. SIMMONS, General TraveliDir Altert. eptl.-dly '3C: JEFFERSONYILLE RAILROAD Two Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted Trains Leave. ... 45 A. M Ä.50 r. M. Trains Arrive H.45 P. M 4:45 A. ii VE0VE TRAINS STOP FOR THE ACCOMMODATION of pansenfra at Southport, Greenwoud, Franklin, Edinburgh, G)lambu rnaki.(f connection at Sevmour with traina on the Ohio k Mi.MsIppl Road, and at 1 uU ville with trainti on the Iuiille, Frankfort k Lexington and Louisville and Nashville Roads. Erficht trainleave daily. Freight promptlj forwarded. Office, MadiHon Depot. West "id. A. S. CAROTHEK3, Superintendetit. J. G. Whitcom, Freight Ageiit. apl'62-üly DENTISTS. P. G. C. HUNT, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. XO. 32 r.AM .n AllKIIT MTIli:i:Tf INDIANAPOLIS IND. MUSIC, PIANOS! PIANOS! C1IIEAPKK AND RETTER IN- STRUM ENTS than were ever otlered in thin market. Mr ar ranKPinenta with Eastern Piano manufacturer! are euch that 1 can furnish 11 orders 25 per cent. cheaper than any dealer in the West, and I warrant then superior instrument. Only for eah. Call and see at Messr W II. Talhott & Co' Jewelry Store, No. 14 Washington street. PIAN08, MF.LODEONS, ORGANS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, ACC0RDEONS, c, TU. ED AND REPAIRED. Having had over twenty ye irs' eperitee the public can be assured that they now have a better opportunity than they generally meet with to Lae their instrument put in perfect order. H. SCHON ACKER. July31-dly '61 SPECTACLES. &C. To Officers of the Army. Great number of Clergymen, Physicians. Statesmen, ami eminent persona?, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of thee remedies, but our space L?rc will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish trr.tisour American Alma nac in which they are Riven; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be ollowed for their cure. Do not be put off bv unprincipled dealer with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayers and take no others. The sick w.int the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. rHETARKD BT IK. ,T. . AVER A: CO., LOWELL, 3XV. Price, si per ISoltle; Six Mottles, 5 All our rctv.diet. are for sale by ROBERT BROWNING, Indianapolis. ALLEN & CO., Cincinnati, And by all druggists and dealers everywhere. aug27-d3ni JCST RECEIVED A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP SI.VGLE .I.m MfOViSLK SIT For fielil, portability ami power thej fupcrseJe 11 others. For sale by SKM MÖNS, Optician. SPECTACLES, EyTgLASSES, &C, Of the greatest tr.in?pfl rent power, cf new im provement properly adjustexl to the ou. Orders from the country, with particulars, promptly attended to. Repairing neatly done wit'i disjutdi. SEMMOXS. Optician. 0Ct21 No. 125, South Illinois street. HOTELS. IHEMATIOXAL HOTEL, 3ö Ai 3G7 IIKOADWAV C0UNEU OF FRANKLIN STREET. f IHIS first class hou. the most quiet, homelike, and JL pleasant hotel it. the city offers superior induce ments to those visiting New Tork for businvMorpleasme. It is central in 1U location, and kept on the EUROPEAN l'LAN, in connection with TYLORS SAUXJN, where refreshments can he had at all hours, served in their own rooms The charges are moderate, the rooms and at tendance of the first order baths and all the modern con veniences attached. Karl2-d3m HOTELS. BROADWAY HOTEL. CINCINNATI, OHIO. CAPT. CHAS. H. CROMWELL, PROP'R. Breakfast at five A. M-, for passengers by the morning Trains. apr6-dlv. POWERS'S HOTEL, (rORMCRLT XHMt'.) fly t- A3 ICow, Opposite the Astor IIou and Tark, Jfrw Tork, PICICi: OF IIOAltD 1 50 DAY. rilHIS loiid establiKhed an! popular hou has recently JL been rebuilt and greatly enlarged by tbe addition of over 100 rooms. and now has accommodations for over 300 persons. It has also been thoroughly renovated and re furnished, and is heated by steam and lighted by gas throughout. This hotel has one of the be-t locations in the city, is eay of acres from all the Meamboat and railroads leading to the city, and la convenient to all the city conveyance. It ban now alWhe requivtea of m Hrt class hotel, insuring the cemfort of Its inmates. The patronacre of the traveling public i.s repectfullv w'icited. Terms $1 50 per day. IL L. IOWERS, feb24-d3m Iroprietor. DRUCCISTS. SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, And Denier In Fancy Goods, Per fumery A.c. AIo, Apents fT the sale of P.ffined Trtroleum, lllum'na ting Oil, superior to any Coal Oil, furiiished In any quantities at tbe lowest market rate. 1T0 AND 172 WILLIAM STREET. NEW YORK. jan2D-i6m AT INDIANA 11 J HARDWARE. CiT So'd hy Robert Browning -AND TMOHA MIC, a. a. cHATniLD, Bark I'ar of dt-et ard diM"h j't -J m'Mht, and a1! the !.ms t?A iec;:i a:iiLst th- (iutn.rufi t. rervt.s residitiff in any part of the State way have their claim -rtipr.l hr adlreiri thrm and st.ti-ii particular fully. '. (ftt-e xS Ea-t Wa--h:i.Ttoa street, :n the Mi-ond bu.I J.ii west of the Court 1I u- uire. lii.lianap'!;. Ind. lUrKiiiM .. Morton. Ii Not le, MJ. (ien. al- , tacf, Lritr tien. In.mont.Col. J hnCo'.urn, Judge lvrkins, !U ptrj.'r ( 4JII. J dly ion, Chatfii'ld A: AVooiIm, 1? nncliu WHlnutM.trhirinnati. Manufacturers arxl Wholesale dealer, in Skm SOl. fi. JK BS. PRINTERS' CARDS AND CARD SHEETS! PRINTING INKS AND PATER MANUFACTURERS alo, e rials, pei t for the Macool:a Mills writing pa per; manu artnrer .f estra wrappirg pajr and paper aj. William Hannaman, Wholesale Agents. And by the Ditrot;isT8, Storkkektkr and Kf.tailehs ptnerally. CorsTKV Dealers can onier a above, OraildnrssonliTs dirv ct orif rrice?, Term?, &c. i Jesirp!. svend for 16623 Circular, giving reduced Frice?3 to IIEINRY K. COSTAK. Fkincital Depot No. 512 Broadway (OpjK?ite the St. Nicholas Hotel.) New York. r h3l-1eodlweiw-r0 I Just Received and For Sale, WHOLESAU: AND RETAIL, AT NO. 21 WEST WASHINGTON' ST., VI.AKCK ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN KAKES FROM h to 14 Uf ;h: Garden an-1 Ditchin? Spades Garden and Bricklayer' Trowel, Fcrk. 2. 3, 4 and 5 prone: Garden anl Railroad Wheelbarrow, Pruning Kniven artd Shear, Hedpe Lears, Urind.-tvncs, Nails, Wire and Wire Clth. rVUSn? and PacLisz Rod. A plendid a.rtment of Table and Pocket Catlery, together with a large and general avortrant of For Farmers road. TII13 3IORKIS HOUSE, (Formerly American,) IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE UNION DEPOT, II. Willi MO Ui:, Froprlrfort W, U. SAI'P, Herk. IS now open for the accommodation of the traveling public. Tbe boue ba been thoroughly renorated and fumihed from top to bottom. oiaj31 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. .tisjsssi:: jroiirvfsorv, General Commission Merchant, axd Dealer lit Flour, Urnin, and nil kind of Country Produce; Wim and Liquor Cigar Tobacco, A.c. OfTICE AND WAIiLHOUSK, 237 SOUTH .;KC0.ND ST., IIIL.ADEL.PIIIA. Advanced made on Consignment. atiirtt.llT WANTED. BEWARE OF COUNTERPEITS. Bnilder, Mechanic. MacbiciMi and Rati- j. ii. vaji;. EXPRESS COMPANIES. 200 Recruits Wanted FOR THE -OF- American Express Company, UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. OFFICE ON TUE COKXEB oF WASUL5GTON AD Merviiao treeta, lwlianapuIU. Ttree daily Exprewi to w Tork: Two daily K pre e. to Cincinnati, and Two ta.Ijr Expreoee to Chicaro and fct.Loulf.; Tbe al-vve CuDipahie are tLe onJj prtTllege d Cxprettecc tb follow in? road, vir: INDIANA CKNTTRAL4 L-VFAYETTF. & CHICAGO; lyDiAXArcus feku: TF.RRE HAUTE k RICUÜOXD; BKLL. FONTAINE k 1NDI ANAPOUS. MoiiCj, pataaes, Taluab'e and frebt carried with aafetT artd dispatch, and In charge of apecial and efficient iaeei!ger. 'ote Bi!! and DrafU wiU be promptly collected and ready retuni made ). BLTTF.UHF.M, Actnt. The i;irvciHli IiifiCiHry, WHICH ! MAJOR J. W. I0R)0 hautboriied tore in Indiana ONE HUNDRED OOLLARS fcOUNTY. PAY FROM 113 TO ttt TER M0.VTH1 WIT1I RA TIOXS, quarter., medical attetxloc I c.. com plete. All who enlist will at one be clothed, ubatte4 and croTtfed; vith vfrjtt:r.i5CS5rLtiAllo.'c;rcon.fort by the (Joreniment. , Tbe term or enlltiieni i inrrr a rmtw-m nj io commence frcm date of f rlitiret:t. None hut able-boiiei tingle men, bt IS mxtd 35 year. Ied ap!y. Rrcruitlrz Rendeivou in Xrtxzer'a new ; anjinr, Wa.sLington street, join t ? Odd ll'..wi' HIL I. U. CXIT. Ktr Uutena uX EleTectl InfantrT, KccrnlfOCicer. twee t! tLe age of j Q V "tk Am: KFcrrviNn WrtF.CT irom thkham If t'FAtTOKYIn ererr variety and rtyle of ca th e(lchrtrd Wnlthnm Untrhrt. A renuine Wall ham Watrh coata ea t buy aud wiM laM much longer than foreign mal watrtaea of ihm Mm qotlitj. A penn'ne Wah'.am Watch I a durable, rrllaM ar4 accurate tine-kee;rr. We bad rather warrant a Walttam Watch for five year, than th trdinary EcchoU or 8wta Watchea for ot.e year. A genuine Waltham Wa'.ch U the het for railroad Dfa, tbe bet for farmer., In fart tb te fr reo IkkIj lit want of a tisi-keejer. We (ret onr Wa'tLara Watchea direct from the manufacturer, and every Watch la war ranted In (rive entire hat if actku. In erHlinjr f.r a ticnulne ' n 1 1 ti n m Wntrla yoa run no ri'k, docrile the atjie of cae aiid th watth I rurv to keep tlnie. S-id fiT a lit of pric-. Our htitct .f Sw WaU he arxl Jewelry la very large. ComrH)Uin Ixpii. Wat:he, 4 M to 5 I. CrnrH ition Hunting CaMsl ratcbe, f4 SO to H ?5. SiUer Hutitirs;l'aed Watete. 7 t J 12. filter lull Jew. led Watt-he, f Im n f S 50. Tare Cvln S !v rj Wa.-e; Silver Hate l Ware, l"Wk. Ac., Ac. Wat.'!', I'r-a aint Jrwrlry repaired and arratited. U . I. ItSMill AM A. TO., 20 Kavt WaMiinict'Mi treet, apr7 IiulianaH!i, ludiana. RAILROADS. Iiiilinnapoli and JlndiMUi PATENTS. P A T E IT KTAISKD FOR SEW ISYtMIU?U K.BI j J iev-rij tion. Ie eonUcgent ot uece-i . pat ent no pay. Send for Clrrular, giving ter directR.n, Ac. Addreaa AMOS BKOADXAXl ri'lJ-Jly Patett Attorney, Wa.Lh4ior, P. C. IJCAVK THK 1862. rilHK I'ASSKXtiFR TRAIN WIIX X L't.luii I put, IiKlianapulK, at 12.30 T. U. daJy, for Madison, Cincinnati and Louisville Tbl I the Lortett railway line to Cincinnati and Ini vi'.le coi.nectji g at Uadiou ilh tbe l Iiited Mate Mail Line rteanier, arriving at Cincinnati In time to con nect with the Kxprea Train na the Utile Miami ral'road leaving at 7 o'clock A. M., fi the F.a-t, atd by tl e Sei. tucky Central Kallroad fur tbe South, and atL"Uittil about 11 1. M. Returning, leave Cincinnati daily at 12 V., l y the abov teamer, and alo by tbe Ml:cn packeta, Foret yveen and IYioreMi, arriving at Ma.lwti in time to ruunect with the lVMiifcr Train leaving at 6 A. M., and arriving at Irxlianapl:a at lf-50 A. M., Making cunnecttitta with all train- leaving for th Ea-t, Wr and North. For the acromntodatioti tf way paei grr a Car will run in connection with the l'reluht Train daily, leaving Indianxli! at 7 A. M., which train retnatne mn time at each tation, affordini; ai (jer an opportunity fr Iba tran-iacti n of Iiumii-, arriving at North Ma.lion at 4 ZS P.M. Fare to Cincinnati or Cincinnati f IiidinnnpolUt i3 00; To l.oui illc, 3 5. Ifo charge fur meal r utate-rtKima en the ttatner, or for b sir ice or otnml u at M !:. n. Tariff t.f Kreiuht m low a by any other rute. fhtppern and mercharita Wett will find It to their Inter eot to trarel over ud Lip y thin line. ap28-dtf. I). C. ItKAMIAV. SaperintendeDt. BST1BL1SHHEXT. rpHK UNITED STATES DTE-IIOCSK, J50. S SOUTH X Illinois treet, Indianapolis Indiana, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At thi old and well-known establishment, tLa ladiea can have Kilk and woolen rools dyed la perroanmt üd beautiful color; and gent' garment thoroughly renova ted and repaired, aa good aa when new, at lower price than ever. Xesrind wcond-biri'! clotlilnj- Welt ind M: alio, a paticular hrtm li In tb batliWM denominataxl fine draw, lng billiard table ipth, or tear In any garment ran be o Toubt that It can not V nsil.Ie to the naked eje. Jtff, Country order punctually atteoded to. No connection with any other houne tn tbia city. Remember the flace, 2S'o. South Illinoia Ireet. feU JOS EMI HARRIS. MEDICAL. odi: to voii:itri i, c.icam ie Coughs and 04d will go away, S-metime in a single day. If to the I Tug Ftore yon will go And get etpplied with TuaMlago; Ton can ne it freely a you pleae. It never fail to give you . Tboj (iranules wonderful are, I'm t:re, Ftr they pedily effect a lasting cure. Xt 75 cent per box, at all Irug, Store. lUJANDirS UKANOK'S URAXDE'S IJUANDI-r.S TUSSILACO CURES Ct)UGII5. TCSSILAGO CURES COLDS. TUsSSILAUO CURES HOARSENESS. TUSSILAGO Q'KLS SORE TIIR04T. ODi: TO IIICAMii: Tl SHILAUU. W0MKRFUL fiRAM'IDS. Oh! here can I bud them. To the Inig Store go jufck, I will epeedily try them; I have a bad C'o'Jzu, Ahd I wi-h to e tire To have the bet remedj That HI very "'n cure. Jxj 25 Cent per box. at all tbe Img ftre. IUtAXDK'.S TUSSILAGO CURES ASTHMA ANI BRONCHITIS. ttSÜf Suld by all Druggist. X5 cent a box. 15 U A N I) K' S T U S S I L A G ( 1 riea-ant to the Tate (,"hil-lren cry f r it. Tui a n Invs t u"s sTl a g 6 CURES HX)riNr, COUGH AVIJ CROUP. XctjT S"M I'J !l I'Ttui't. rer.U a bx. j KAN I) KS TUSSILAGO CURES COUC.HS AND COLI, ftjjy 8old by all Ihny gt-u. Ii cents a bo. ACENT. orc r. Wortliintoii, AGENT rOR MILITARY CLAIMS, NO. 34 THlirTEENTH STREET, ONK DOOR FKIJM Tt Wa-'Lir.on HWiyc. r.EEX KM AGED VOll A NUMKEU l IT yean in the ittn;rtit of m jj cUir.J la or, of tb4 Goverenent 0Sce. (from which h ha withdrawn. f fJer to atteod to claiia est any kind that may be entrust ed to h:m, x-h a tbe fr TenMo, Rnnnty, Arrears e.f ray, rijtMitenr, TrnT.rtatiott, n.-thinr, and partc. ularly for hTe, and other prrrty lost or dfttrred To the United Ufrs ertire, tncludinj;cacfltripriwtDent. TIlSTl.tlOllAr. We are weil as-qnV.nted wjth Vr. Werth trjtrtn, and cheerfully testify tht t krv.w ro Ajreu a Wahtnlcii Mi'bota cLalmanta rn more evndestly rely than on hitt to conduct thsr biir.ev with toterrrty, rapacity td al. Pigned by ' HON. JOHN D. Mcl-HKRSON, . An. Solicito r cf V. S.Cocrt ofHatra. 5 hos.chas. k. calvfrt, iL- H-ru- of Repretentatirea. " RET. MTT1! PTNK. D. D. tLW.B KI.MJDLMI, J Chief Clerk U. S. TrraMirer'a OSVc. J I fully Ulrc the aJov tetimotilal, aud cbeerCtt-ly atd rn.3dentlj rec(rüinea.l Xr.W fjnhinctonlOBJ tro'.h er offiotr aifl soldier in Kentucky d eUe Were, and to alt MWra taaTlngelaiaM kumi Um liorninniL rrot' ably o man baa a more thorough knowletlre of War Uain, thin Nr. W.. taJf..r leal atl iotegritr he has hot aauiieri.T. T. I. KVl KICTT. aT -03 m Captain, Adjt. General Dept. LIVERY STA DUE. " JL I V E U V MIBLE, tO. 10 Eat Pearl trt, half a tulwar xmiUi of Waafc- Ington atreet. between Meridian a od PnaylrJU trreta. In rear of Gleim" T-lork. Ireliarnpoha. apJ-dtf M. WLKl$()N.ruptw'r