Newspaper Page Text
DAILY STATE SENTINEL. rut .vir. i am rttusuri ! Iii (i mm iictnio) at i thk new si:ntim:l omen i o. 2 sut tii ir.uiiiiAr iiti;r.T. ! frroiTi trr rodTTnc. ELDER, HARKMESS & BINGHAM, Proprietor. WATCHES. o rFp a rrn 071 mm OF fOUMERFElTS. JU 111 VOLUME X. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.. TUESDAY .MORNING. JULY 1. 1662. XUMBER i,667. DAILY np B 0 ' ' ? .::.t 1 v. ""! 1 w. 1: ' V -rly ibscrUr I . iTiuAiLt is Ai4(t; or .rM by the earner at 1J, cetita per wek, payable no-fnrthly. i t a- e rpi- fire cm. City xiit n will 1 bel-l re.poni'."e for pap r I- ft at their houe. ait-r they hae removed, or bn Hi' wi-a Iben it.nwJ, ublni rot ice U (0" at tl' ' tVe f pwHlwaMon. N paper Mrct without pre pym rt,or cotitintiedlonger ban i 'J f'r. f ties of tbe Dan. .Tri can be bad at the ofV.ce each Bioniiiir. '! tL Wiiui Snrrisii. each How lay morning, r-tlj eve loped, for mailing. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, rrr.!'u every Wednesday at "- lUIr " - it ati;h or a ii vi:itTisi.K(i u i ac2 3.50 4 .17 3 00 4 00 5 00 00 700 8.00 10. OO 12.00 11.00 20.00 28.50 40 00 45 00 5i.50 57.50 75.00 3 37 4.50 5 J 75 77 3.75 5.00 .20 7.50 8.75 10.00 12.50 15.00 20.00 25.00 33.00 50.00 5.V0O :o.oo 15.00 3.oo! 3.75 4.50 6.25 oo 7 60. 6 12 7.00 S.75 9.00 ii. ri 13.V) 1H.00 22.50 29.75 45.00 50.00 67 .50 .".00 85.00 9AXi 10.50 12.00' 14.00 15.00 170 20.00 23.25 20.5 34.75 33 OO 40 f0 37.ÄO 45 50 43.50 5O.0J 55.00 .' 00 m 11O0 13.00 2m 15 00 auvf.utimm; ix the weekly. i finür", -it Inf ertion f 0 75 two " 1 M f i r " a M r r. !i vilerr.t ifrr'.i, ni for each Iiir t lioa 'f each M.ii'Mijl sa-ir ..... 33 A'!rrM,m'r. j-ul-'i-li! In !'th th Iily nJ tL -rkly .rwTfri. w)M t rlarr-t the full Daily rate, Ith oji-baif lh! Wrrlwl rt- aH-t. p.'ifini Xct'cf tmlli'-liM 1: tbe l-jcul column, of ten or am!tr, will be rhari-d for each lu.-ertion fl; If r ten lm, tf u c-nt per Im. barRM will he mi fr lnc rtlrsf tbe notice of tbi i.winn )n!cr, S.rietie nl AJc:.ttion at tbe rate ntt, f be In mlvutc: MiU'ary linpanie, Orrfer f O-l I Fellows, Maaonlc rMer, li. MfToW nt Spittle an-1 Sinjr. ni? Societira. For earh notice not extee.Üi.V M lines 25 cent fyreach ertln; over ellit lire at tbi rate. Announcing ieatb with funeral notice attacked, fl; Ithont notlr fre Warriajr N'ilce 50 cent. Ttrttice of FettvN, Plrmra and ExcnrMon, rotten up by iirVluala vt yKciatit.nK, or by cburcbes, at tbe regular Aderl!ertvetif lcIeJ and plac.l un.ler tbe bea-1 f facial Noticed, if ten lines or over, w ill be charged double ' qe usual rate. 'Adrertiemert maklnir le than three line, Inserted ff in the Daily, will be tbareil f.fty cenU. Yearly idTe?tVr topav quarterly. Annonncii n camli.late fur iRlceof every description o charged at the rate f tl 50 for eiicb nume In the TJaily, and fa In the Daily and Weekly, tbe name to be, in .11 cae, paid Ip advance. Legal a.lertlemerit inserted at tbe epene of the at orneya onlerinir, arnt not delayable for the le 1 proed 3jr but collectable at our uual time. Putliher not -co. ntable for the accuracy cf legal advertisement be ,ond the amount rhard for their publicntion. KLLKK. HAUKNESS A RINGHAM, Proprietor liniiana State Sentinel. j. m. Tii.wnn, President In1IanapUjoamal Company. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. IIA.Mir.llN. I AHKISONS HANK. No. 19 Eat WashinRton atreet opposite th Sentinel UHlce. may4 MVt:itY STAHLES. LLKN HINSUiY, Livery and Sale Stable, In the , rear of tb-4 Palmer Ilou. June5-ily Vouimir.s. " DAVIS 4 CO., Union Foundry, Delaware atreet.op- poite Unln leMU .' YAfSElIAX A VINTON, Washington Foundry and Machtue Work, east end Union lepot. my29 lir.AI, K. STATU Alii:.NTS. IRANcis SMITH, formerly Ivlzell A Smith, Real KMate Aetit and Tax Payer, 57 Kt Wahirgtn treet. Iotie to rent. Jantti-dky 'C2 cKEUNAN A riERCE. Real F.tate Agent and Brokers 10 'i Ea-t Wa-hington Hrta vv M. T. WILEY,' Real Etate Agent aini Stock loo ker, 10 Kat Washington Mreei. mayi HOOT ai mioi: DF.AI.r.US. C. MATHEW A CO.. Wholesale dealer In IW, J j. Shoe, an I Rubber, No. 4 Roberta hlock, ophite x I nion rpot, Indiattapoli. Ind. tp. DAM KNODLE A SON, manufacturer and lealer In all kind of l-ta and Shoe, No. 32 Ea.t Wah 'gtonatrert. aprt7 HOOKS .XU STATION KUY. 5 OWEN. STEWART A CO., wholesale and retail deal er in Itk and Siatioiiery, ami Prinler' MaterUN, . 1H We Washing ton treet. apr26 liiif ijs ami ir.Dicm:?. f mTILEY M. LOWRY, DUt'tlGlST. D nler In Drug. W Chemical, l'aiiit. Oil. lvetu?Ts IlotAnlc. Patent vi other Med-ine, Notioita and Prrfiunery No. 49 Ma--irhiiett avenue, lnd "03-"i'.. IYOMUNSOS A COX. dealer In Drug, Medicine, Paint. Oi!, 1U. Tarfumery, Fancy Uool, Ac, No. t fla.t Wa,-hingtn treet, Inlianapoli .-L19 k 1 F.ItOWNlN!, ivrugcl't. ar'dealer In Paint. :!, I Varni-he, De-slunst.:A.s,tila-sware, Perfumery, , No. Ti, vt a--bington rreeu apr. Ditv ;oois. V ir A 11. GLENN A CtV, New York Store, Iy . (i ou w hol.-sale and Retail.tilenna' lUock. Kant . k hington street. may5 vrovr.sA.M ti waiii:. '"Ill ARLES COX, dealer In Stove, Tin Ware, Ac. No. ty 11 West!ngton Hwt. '"' hook iii.ui:iis. "1 AMPRFLL A !'OYLES.R.K k r.:n !eraud R'.ank IVKk Mamjfacturers, No. 37 E"t Washington t., eat of im' tlvk, up utair. Indianapoh. ffl J.Wif xon'.r. ts A Pll Vrit Rook Rinder and Rlank Rook Mannfacturers o. 36. Et WaUü:gton trvet, I " -I, Mol A Co' Grocery. may27 i iii.ia, ii la ss a. mi un:r..sNUAisi:. IAWTHOKN A RCCHANAN. Importer of China, Gla and Jueenware, No. 3 WAshingVn st.t ianajvlis. lnbaiiA. dly Mr.ISCllAXT TAIIAIIIs. ! FREDERICK tetEPPER, Merchant Tailor, ami dealer; ' in ready made clothing and f:trtiihng g'd No. 21 est Washington street, opposite Sentinel oft'.ce. uy29 j ATTOUM'.VS. "T'lIJiY FKi:".l'SON. Attorney and Counselor at Law. , . Pay cah f. r approval Judgments and mortgage; , . ngia:e loans, t.: U-, Ac. t(TU-e, i4 EstWa-sh- treet. up-ta.r. second d nr tj tbe rixht band, op- ' jslte Glenn". I'lock. (OS ETII E. McllNAIJ A ADDISON U ROAC1IE, ! Atorae and Coanelor at Law, Jima lusarance u:r-a: y Buiüjj, secoiel floor, Irti?yivni Mreet. Ji dir ! Tir.IirilAT TAlI.Oll. F H-l'P.'MerchartTaiV.r.arJ .lealer in Read v. M.W tlo!hmga-id luriJ-!-'; tiooi Nö li' ' 1 ijL:t.jnon street, r-pp : tl;e foqrt House, r LVapoii, Iifc;. Krep con.-t nrly hi t a Iair -' lei.t of Clott, .1were, Vt''r, Orercoatins, eed. Canine:, etc. Als, irt, etnft : K-!, ilr. Sl irt. raderhirt. Drawers Neckties, Cra- I '. lUntiVrrthicf. Gloves, etc ioo.l s.ld anl the irn -ut free of cLarg. ap-dly .MACHINISTS. Asr llLiVliSJilTli SHOP. n A VI Nil KNT1KKI Y UK KITTED THE SHOP FORM I KLY occupied by Joho Cooper, in Orod, t-i.h A Cu' last an 1 Hab Factory, 1 ata prepared to do fl k!rtt of wofik ju the macUiiiery or blackaiiuihu-ff i I -. Ilavinf had twelve yar' eiperwnce in the lri , juLine Lop in the country, I falter C; wlf that I can ! e entire al irfacttn to ibuw to may favor me with 1 eir wrk. I bate in my employ one of the bet t lak- ' Tum in tne Mate, an l py particular atlt-r.tion to Lora oeinjf and tnn -bine forpnir. J.eparing tit all k'.tx! pr. p. tly tended to -i I cf ail klixl built for the patent cff.i-e. Mn.(rthe place, on ui'ie aouth of the Union . jm I. 00 liiinot treet. f j. CwoWN. 1 ;tll stir 1 4 . " m m ! M h Hi a m m ; m Z i m , i i 2 d.J UM 1.12 I SO 1.M A..J 1." 1 Ji 3.fl -...! 1.2' I. 7 l.i d.J 1-V 12i 3 00 8 75 -t...i 175 KJ 4.37 w..l i no 3 to too SM oi. a 3.7" S o 25 'tr.J 3.00 4.&0 00 7 tO -w. J 4.00 6.00 M OO 10.00 in..! 5.00 7.SO 10 oo 12..V) m.J 7.00 10.25 13 SO 18 75 rn..' ..V 13.75 19 iv 2I.2 mJ !' 15 00 21 5". l.oo 25 oo :?.. o 20 50 2 50 35 50 25 00 35 QO 5.0 DAILY SKiTIiRL IKD.'AFJAPOUS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. atu.rcrrA!K tAiLkOAi. TriiDlTt. Train An1e. 629 A.M Mail 20 '. M. 2:00 I. M 5:40 A. M. M 40 P. M 1120 A.M. Trin I--ave. - Train Arrive 5:20 A. M FTpr X 1". M. H0 1'. M rcniiiKHlatin 10.4j A.M. DMA A CtTBAL RAILWAY. Traf IaT. Train ArriT. .15 A.M. iiloA.M 12.10 V. M it;! 13 F M. 70 P. M 7 55 P. M. IW IASAroUS AhO CCLIMII UIOUT UE, VIA PAfTOK. Train I-tv. Train Arrive. tV, A.M ,715A.M. 12-10 I. M 1 il4 I. M 7 ) P. M 7:50 P. M. ISMARAroi.ia AND CIXCIXJIATI AILaOAD. Train Ijt are. 6:29 A.M Traina Arrive. ..10:50 A. M. ...4:35 P. M ,.10.55 P. M Tra!n Arrive. .. 6:10 A. M. 9 SS A M ..6 30 P. M. !MJ A. M 8:35 P. M TtRKK BACTI tAIIAOAD. Train 1-are. 7:20 A.M 1 45 P. M 8 40 P. M n Aiaaxr Am cuir-Aoo aoAi car.cscASTt a Jrxcnos Goinjr North. (ioiny South, 6;W P. M F.xprf! 1125 A. M. 11:05 A. M Freight, Daily 100 P. M. LAP ATKTTB KAILROA. Train Ieave. Tr.nfn Arrive. IOWA. M 6:10 A.M. 4:15 P. M 1005 A. M. 10:0 P. M 6 :00 P. M. r.KC AXDIXDIASAPItUSaAIIIOAP. Train Leave. Traina Arrive. 11.10 A. M Mail 50 A.M. 10 33 P. M Chicago Ex pre 4:10 P. M ITMASAPOU AXn MADISOM RAIUMMn. Tram Iave. Train Arrive. 12:30 P. M Mail 10:50 A. M. 7.00 A.M. ...From Freight Depot.... G:23 P. M jarricaiw.viL.i.K baii.uoao. Train I-eave. Train Arrive. 6U A.M Mail 45 P. M. 6.30 P.M 6.00A.M. .Crrlrnl and Depnrmrc, or Clolnp of Mull ABRIVAU Madison mall Cincinnati and way mail JetTVrwinville aii'i Iiiville. . ... . Verri Haute way mail Pru mail Central way mail Terre Haute through mail .11:00 A. M. A. M. r. m. A. kt. A. kf. r. m. r. m. r. m. r. m. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. .10:30 . :20 .11:30 .10:30 . 1:45 . 7:( 0 . 6:00 . 7:00 . 30 . 6:30 . 6 30 . 6:30 i t Ifjtyette and Chicago .... Ilel.eforitaine way mail . TWIIefotitair.e through mail Central through mail CinciimatUhroiiKU mail. ipringneUt,t!lini. t t i DCrARTVRIt. J.tiU Clone. JefTer'nvil!e and Louisville mail 7:30 r. n. Terre Haute through mail, St. Lou!, Cairo.... 7:30 r. at. LAfavette and Chicago 10 a. m. Lafayette City and Springfield, Illinois 7:"0 r. m. Madin iuaZ H- A. u. Centralwaymail 110 a.m. Central thrugh mall and Washington City.... 6.00 r. Cincinnati and way mail 7:50 r. Through mail 6:00 p. Terre Haute way, Evansville and Vincennes.. ..12:4 r. prru 10 05 a. Rellvfontaln way and throngh 7:.'i0 r. PIANOS. Si 50 BEST PIANOS. 8150 GROVF.STEEN A 11 ALE Laving reiuoviu to their n w wareroom, No. 478 Broadway, are prepared to offer the public a magnificent new ncale full 7-0ctave Rosewood Piano, contininx all Improvement known In this country or Europe, över-ptruni? ba.-., French granJ action, harp pedal, full Iron frame, for sl .10 CASH. WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, Rich moulding cae, $175 TO $200, all warranted made of tbe bet material, and to stand better than any sold for $400 or f500 by the old method of manufacture. We Invite the bet juige to examine and try instrument, arid we Mand ready at all time to test them with an v her manufactured in this country. liUO VHVllJ V IIALi:, my26-d.'tin 47S P.roadway N Y. F 1 -A. 1ST RTES WE HAVE ON HAND A NUMHF.R OF FI RS Claf Piano, which we will ell at cost for cash WILL! ARD A STOWFI.L, cttl No. 4 Rate House INSURANCE. THE" MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO, OF NEW YORK. AcciiBiiuIalioii $1,200,000 SEVEX-EIGHTHS cf the profit divided to the a nired. 'lHvidemI paid in the life-time of th assured. The advantage of part cretlit given in payment of the premium. MA policy of life Insurance I the cheapest ami safest mud of making a certain investment for one' family." LrXJAMlX 1'RAJiHI. C. Y. W E.MPLE, Sec'y HENRY STOKES, Tres't. yIX-l-'T'l',,',. Statement, and Application will be ftirniMit d, and all Information desired will be given by the undersigned. C. P.. DAVIS, Ag. nt. t?fVülhc 2d floor, O l 1 Fellows' Hall, Indianapol;., Indiana. my24-12m -s pgr- I l-T. OlIC FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OK HARTFORD, CONN. inpilnl, - - $00,000 INSURES P.'jilding, Furniture, Merchandise, and other property aain-t lo or damage by Fire. Particular auentioit given to the insurance of Dwelling for 1,3, and 5 3 ear. J. M. SEXT0X, Sc'y .. J. II. SPRAGUE, Pre't. CX Losses ad'usted and promptly pnid in cah by C R. DAVIS, Agent. it45L.0(f.ce2d floor. Odd Fellows' Hall, Indianapolis, Indiaüa. my24-d2u NOTICE. 9r . Unltrd Stnlr nf Atuerira Dilrirl of I ul lima, ss: Whi k . a bl .l of information ha leen filed in the Ihtn t l ourt ff the Cniteii Mate, wiibirt and for the Seventh Cirtuit and lhstnct of Indiana, on the 2Mhdiiy of May, lVi, by John lUnna, Esq., Attrney -f the United State for vi I Ihstrict of Indiana, againt 10 sacks coffee, 10 barrels w hisky, 1 keg cream tartar, 1 keg odA, and 11 bcxe tatch. seiifdatLvAUsv for a violation of the law of the United States sid vgools Rnd merchan dise beicg contraband of war, and praying process against sail good. and that tbe same may be condemned and oi4 a article contraband of w ar. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the seal of said Court to me directed and delivered, I do here by give pul hc nonce to all persor el.v.nirt 'i go-s'-S rr ar.y part the-vof, er in ar.y'"-:'r inier. -ted tl.etvn, itat they be and appear before the a:d, the District -t of the United States, to be heM at the city of Indian a. 0.1s, in and for the Iistrict of lnd:aoa- on the second Moielay of July revt, at 10 o'clocc cf the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpf a tLeir claizr.. and make their allegation in that b half. D. G. ROSE. U. . Marshal. Per L S. Kn.cirw, IX puty. Jors n.RiA.Cerk. Dstrd June l-6t. Janel2-dl5t AGENCY. W. W. l KtTHKKJl EO.VaKTVB I. - H'KeiMAX t Leathers. Carter .V JtleKeninn, -a.ttaRCy a JLawm-, -s, Reinf connected with a Military - t N'"S Agency at Washington City. rfl ' VsV"-i5 alU to jive prompt a: ten: I to the ac( fijiiir" collection a?M securing of Pensions, Hal'. J ' Rack Pay of deceased and di.scharged soldier, and all the ! nanu aul urmim iiiüm iu- ooirrnniini. 1 nxm, residing in any part of tbe State ma have their claims ecured by addressing them aixl statins particular fully. OCice ni East Wahingtin street. In the second building west of she Court House square, lasliar.apoli, Ind. kifrukus Gov. Mi Hon, lais. Noble, Mj. Gen. Wl Isce, p.r.g.Gew. Iambf ,Co J tc Cwburn.Judge prrkin, u .rt t t'.uti ai9-dly O "F O RAILROADS. PERU AND INDIANAPOLIS R A I L K O A D . HEW ARRANGEMENT. ."e?v Honte to Cliirno via Kokomo. 33 MILKS SHOkTER THAN OTHER ROUTE. OT AND AFTER MAY 5, 132, train will be run as foüow: A Mail Train will leave Indianapolis at 11:10 AM., stop at ail station and make close connection at Kokomo with train on the Cincinnati and Chicago Air Line Rail road for Ixsan-port, Valparaiso and Chicago, and arrive at Peru at 3:15 P. M, in time to make connection with train on the Toledo and Wabash Railway, going Eat and West. Returning, the same train will leave Peru at G:fK) A. M.. after the arrival of the train on the T. A W. R. W. from the East, and arrive at Indianapoli at 9.1-0 A. M. in time to make connections for ail points East, South and Wet. An Expresntraln will leave Indianapolis at 10:30 P. M., connect at Kokomo with train for Chicago, and arrive at Tern at 5 00 A. M., Intime to make connection with trains going East tad West on the Toledo and Wabash Rail way. Retnming the aame train will leave Peru at 12.00 31., making e!oe connection at Kokomo with the trains on the Cincinnati and Chicago Railway from Chicago Valparaiso and Igsnport, and arrive at Indianapolis at 4:10 P. M., in time to connect with the evening trains for Cincinnati, Louisville and other points. Special attention given to the transportation of live stock, produce and merchandise generally. DAVID MACT, General Agent and Superintendent. Tni.0. P. II atonic Y, General Tkket Agent, apl'62-dly INDIANAPOLIS AND CINCINNATI Mlat-JLflmo RAILROADI Miortrwt Kotilc hy Thirl)' .llile ! NO CHANGE OP CARS TO CINCINNATI I Three trains leave Indianapolis Daily, (Sundays excepted.) 71 IRST TRAIN. 5 20 A.M CINCINNATI LIGHTNING ' Express arrives at Cincinnati at 10 A M., and Lex ington, Kv., 7:30 P. M. SVeond Train 10:40 A. M. Cincinnati Mail, arrive at Cincinnati 3:40 I. M., making close connection with Little Miami Railroad for ioveland, Morrow, Clunibus, New ark, Zanesille, and Wheeling. Third Train 6.35 F. M.Cincinnati Express, arrives at Cincinnati 11:10 P. M. Fare same a by any other route. Call for your tickets rii the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad. Baggage checked through. Spitt lAi. Notice. He sure you get In the right train at lndianajx.lis. The anly Cincinnati train, stands on the flfib track, being the farthest track south in the Union Depot, at Indianapolis. W. H. L. NORLK, General Ticket Agent. Wat. Powkll, Traveling Agent my2G '62 HOTELS. French's Hotel, 0XTHK EUROPEAN PLAN. CITT OF SEW YORK. .NI.XiLi: KOOIH ßO CF..STS VV.ll DAY. CITY HALL SQUARE, COR. FRANKFORT ST., Opposite City Hall. m fEALS AS THEY MAY RJS ORDERED IN TnE I V JL ppciou4 Refectory. There is a Barber's Shop and Latii-roJ ms .ttachel to the Hotel. BWV-" Beware of Runners and Hackmen who say we arTuTi. 11. ringen, nov30'61-dly Proprietor. LAW BOOKS. NEW AND VALUABLE WORK FOR LAWYERS, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, And all Connected with t he Judicial Administration of the Government. jc ii jk r ra: tjc w ra: mi Of tlieSlnteof ndiana, CONTAINING THE REVISED STATUTES OF 1W2 with the amendment thereto. And the ubequen legislation, w ith note and . Judicial decision. edited tr JAMES GAVIN AND OSCAR 0RD. Volume 1 , Published by IllXill aV DOIKUITV, iJiT.iAyAroua. Jlidc llnviil McDonald, one of the most eminent lawyer of the State, volunteered the following ecommendation of the work: STATtTERor IsPiAüA, at Gaviw A IIorw. Some months ago, the above named Rentlemeu Issued proposals for pub lishing. In two volumes octavo of some H0 pages each; al the statute of the State passed since Lsöl, with annota tions. The first volume 01 the work 1 now published; and the manner of Its execution, both mechanically and edito rially, deserves the thank of the profession. The imjiorfect manner of publishing our statutes under State authority, has always been a source of great incon venience to the Indiana Lawyer. The revision of 1SÖ2, as well a the statute passed since that year, might almost as well have been published w ithout any index. Up tc th it-time the lawyer h.v cnstantly been under the neces 'sity of turniu: over, leaf by leaf, the volumes o our statutes to fii "any particular enactment. And every one know show annoying and provoking thl 1, especially In the hurry of business a in our Courts. Happily for the prfesioii,tbe publication under consideration promises a better ftatc of thins tti the future. The tint volume o Messrs. Gavin A Herd's work contains an excellent and copious index, which to every practicing lawyer In the Mate is itself worth the money which the volume costs. The volume under review contains another exc Hence llit- paes are supplied with valuable marginal Indice, lothat a glance at the margin is sufficient to apprise the eaderof the contents of the page. Another matter of great Importance to the lawyer in this vlume i a good collection of the subjects of ail leg islation since 151. Heretofore, the lawyer in examining our legislation on any given subject had flrt to find what was relevant to it In the Revision of 1S52, and then to turn over the pages of the vlumes of subsequent Statutes, to aee how far recent legislation may have repealed or mod -fled the provisions contained in thai Revision, and even then he would often feel doubt whether be hail fonnd all the legislation n the subject of hi inquiry. Mec'srs. Ga vin and Herd have relieved u of all this trouble and doubt. They have collected together in connitlve paes all the statute made since 1S51. on the same suhject. Thus, on pages 373 to 377 of their first volume they have collected all our legislation, now In force, on the suf ject oi husband and wife, the act of 152 and three acts of 157. And they have followed the same mode 01 co ocatiou, in appropriate consecutive pages, in regard to all other topic of legislation. A still more valuable feature are the copious and accu rate notes contained in the volume in question. Thla vol ume includes the Constitution of the United State., th Constitution of Indiana, ami scerl important act. oi Vir ginia and statutes of Congress, and a lar- portion o our ow n statutes now in force. The numerous lecisions o the Court on the varioti provisions contained in these Contis tution and statutes are L'und at the bottom of the appro priate pae, in the form of neut, brief and accurate note and rvferinces. Messr. Gavin A Ilotd seem to have per formed this part of their work exceedingly well. It liust have cost them mocliare atsl labor. By it they nve greatly lessened the labor of the practising lawyer, nd have well merited his grateful approval. In every respect the volume under review is highly red Uable to the dillisrence, accuracy, talents and the taste o its editors, as well as to the mechanical skill and ceataesa of Its publishers, and it must raise the jast expectation ol the profession, as to uu- vaJue of the second volume, which we understand ill be forthcoming in a few tconth, and which will contain the code of pleading and practice o l.s5?, with subsequent amendments and other statute. Without any concert with the editor or publishers ol the ;!-juje in question, tbe writer cf tfc'.s arrlc has been if cuced to compose and publlh thisl. tile review cf the book, okly because be believt tbe editon and publishers de serve high commendati n for th-lr performance, ne, therefore, deem it but just to them, without being solic ited to It by any one, to pubUh this notice of the tot', ver Lis own proper name, DAVID lie DONALD. Indianapolis, November 1, 10. The first volume is now ready and being delivered to ubscriber. IMl ICK 50. It is for sale by BINGHAM A DOUGHTY, Indianapolis. PAPER DEALERS. THOMAS VIXOR, ww. . caATnRU. w at. w oor. ion Cii.itHeld X Woods, n and Ytl Walnulst.tClnrlniiutl. Manufacturers and Wholesale dealers in PRINTERS' CARDS AND CARD SHEETS! 1 PRINTING INKS AND PAPER MANUFACTURERS also, erlab-, agei.; for the Magnoha Mills writing pa ter: msnu alurr of etra wrappi g paper and paper I ags. VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. To Ih'ttroy- To Istroy To hafroy To Ihstroy To Iksiroy To Jkstroy To Destroth- Itat. Ko-iehe-, &c. j -Mire. Mole, and Ants. ; -Moths in Furs, Clothes, &c. i -Mosquitix's anl Flea. -Insects on Plants and Fowls. -Injects on Animals, &c. -Kverv form and species of' errum. 1 vfiiafcilv?-' s THE ONLY IXFALL1IBLE REMEDIES KNOWN. Destroys Iiitan(I' EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF Tliose Pi-ep; rations (unlike all others) are "Free front Poi-ons." "Not dangei-ou- to the Human Familv. "ILtts do not die on the premises." "Tliey come out of their Loles to die." They are the only infallible remedies known." , 12 years and more established iu New York ! City." Vfedhy the City Pot OHlee. U?d by the City Prisons and Station Houses. Ustd by the City Steamers, Ships, &e. Ustd by the Citv Hospitals, Alms-IIouses, &c. Used by the City Hotels 4 Astor,' 'St. Nicholas, &e. Used by Used by the Boarding Houses, &e., &c. more than 50,000 private families. CiT .SV? one or two Specimens of what is ereryiehere sail by the Ptojtle Editors Dealers, etc. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with ver min need be sc no longer, if they use "Cos tar's "Exterminators. We have ued it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost .55 we would have it. We had tried poisons, but they ef fected nothing; but "Ct-sTA It's" article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country. Medina TO. Gazdte. MOIUu (iRAIN and provisions are de stroyed annually ia (irant County by vennin than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer. iMncaster I !". Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR-We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. Eck er & Stouffkr, 1 Druggists, Windsor, Md. CostarY Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. "CostarV . " "CostarV Bed-Bug Exterminator. "Costary "CostArV Electric Powder, for Insects "&e. In 25c. 50c. and 81 Boxes, Bottles and Flasks, S3 and 85 Sizes for Planta tions, Ships, Boats, Hotels, &c. CA UTI0X! To prevent the public from being imposetl uton by Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bearing a facsimile of the Pro prietor's signature. Examine, each box, bot tle or flask carefully before purchasing, and take nothing but -'CÖSTAR'S." Sohl everywhere bv All Wholesale i)ruguists in the large eilies. Some of the WHOLESALE AGENTS IN N. Y, CITY Shieilelin Bros. & Co Hurral,Rislev& Kitch- B. A. Fahnestock, Hull & Co. A. B. & I). Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall Morgan & Alien. Hall, Ruckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller P. I). Orvis. eft. Bush, Gale & Robinson M. Ward, Close & Co. McKisson & Robbins. I). S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Lazelle, Marsh & Ganl ner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox. AND OTHERS. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. T. W. Dvott & Co Robert Shoemaker & B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Co. French, Richards,& Co. AND OTIIEr.S. BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. (co. C. Goodwin Sc Co. I Weekes & Potter. 31. S. Burr & Co. Jno. Wilson, Jr. AND OTHERS. Also, all Wholesale Druggists at CIII(AiO, III., ST. l,0'l,.llo., miTicoi r, Mich., .oi'iwvii.i.i: Hy,, t'lCIXATf, Ohio, PITTMH' ICC II I'n., tlVl PALO, V. AND BV Druggists, Grocers. Storekeepers and Retailers generally in all Country Towns and Village, In the UNITE!) STATES AT INDIAN 1P0LIS, INDIANA. Robert Browning AND William Sannaman, Wholesale Agents. And by the Druggist?, Storekeepf.Ks; and Retailers cenerally. Country Dealer's can order as above, Oraddressorders direct orif Prices, Terms, &c., is desired, send for 18G2 Circular, giving reduced PricesQ trt II CXK V II. COSTA R. Principal Depot No. 512 Broadway (Oppostte the St. Nlchola Hotel.) " New York. t.irL31 - Jl i VERM INSURANCE. ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY or iiAitTFOiii), coxa. Capital Enlarged Jan'y 1, 1860. CAPITA! , s i.5ooooo on XET SURri-US, (after deducting all Iatin ties)... ............. ... 511. 112 SO ÄTNA BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS. -r Ar-.-. jfz I w m : it t -. fi t. .J, fc 1 ST.. JfTA 3t-'-AV v -e'35i if ii - i Erected 1859 Owned by the Co. IT SPEt IAL A I ENI ION GIVEN TO THE INSURANCE j of 1 ana property, dwellings and out -buildings. In ures such buildings or content In a very favorable man ner, for three or five years. Looses Equitably Adjusted und IToiuptlr Paid in CaftliV Also, Insures stores, warehouse, buildings, or contents and personal property tr nerally, In town or country, at rates a low a consistci. with hazard taken, and Inland insurance attains! the peril of navigation. WM. HENDERSON, Agent, Indianapolis, Indiana. 4rplicationcan be made to JOHN ROSS, who is fully authorized to transact all business connected with the Agency. f aug 1,'61-dly WM. HENDERSON. MEDICAL AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL fTAS WON I OR ITSELF SUCH A RENOWN FOR THE jj ft cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Com plaint, that It 1 entirely unnecessary for n to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been emploj ed. As it ha long been in eontaiit use throughout this section we need not do more than assure the people Its quality is kept up to the best It ever ha been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all It has ever been found to do. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, FOR THE CURE OP Costtvenes. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indipestion, Pyentery, Foul Stomach, Erysi-la, Headache, Pile, Rheumatism, Eruption, and Skin Ui.eases, Liver Complaint, I)ropy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Uheum. Worm, Gout, Neural gia, as a Dinner Pill, and i r Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, eo that the most sensitive can tahe them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient In the world for all purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cent per llox; 5 boxe for SI Great nnrabers of Clerirymcn, Physicians, Statesmwi, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify tbe unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit he Insertion of them. Tbe Atrents below named furnish gratis our American Alma nac in which they are given: with also full descriptions of the above eomplaints, and the treatment that should be ollowed for their cure. j IV not be not oft bv nnrrtnr"t"id i1ra vllh ntt-i.r . preparation toey ruaae more proia on. in-nianq ayrrs and take no other. The sick want the bot aid there i f.r their,, and they should have it. PRAPARrit fcT IIBt. J. C. AVER A: CO., LOWKIJi, 3IV. Price i per nottlej Six llottles, 95. All our retvedies are for sale by R0P.ERT DROWNING, Indianapolis. ALLEN A CO., Cincinnati, And by all druggists and dealers everywhere. angC7-l3m HOTELS. BRO-ftJDWA.'S' HOTEL. CINCINNATI, OHIO. CAPT. CHAS. H, CROMWELL, PROP'R, Breakfast at five A. M.f for passengers by the morning Trains. apr6-dlT. DRUCCISTS. SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS 8c CO, WH 0 LE S A I.E DRUG G 1 STS. And Heuler In rancy Goods, Per fumery Vc. Also, Agents for the sale of Refined Tetrolenm, lllunvna ting Oil, superior to any Coal Oil, furnished in any quantities at the lowest market rate. 170 AND 172 WILLIAM STREET. NEW YORK. Jan29-dCni HARDWARE. Just Received and For Sale, " i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT NO. 21 WEST WASHINGTON ST.,! 7 i VLHRGE ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN RAKES FROM ! s to 11 teeth: Garden and Ditching Spades, Garden i and Hricklayer' T.-owel, Forks, 1, 5, 4 and 5 prong; ! Garda and Ran'oad Wteelbarrows, Pruning Knives and i Shears, Hdge Shears, Grindstones, Nails, Wire and Wire ! Cloth. Belting and Packing Rooe. A splendid aMortment I cf Table and Pocket Cutlery, together with alirjeand general aortmect of For Farmers, Builders, Methanio. Machi-ts and Rail- 1 roads. J. II. VAJE.. I Dctl6 ! EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company, UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. OFF1CK ON THE CORNER oF WASHINGTON AND Meridian otreets, lodianapoiis. Three daily Exprese to New Tork; Two daily "Expresses to Cincinnati, and Two daily Eiprees to Chicago and St.Loult; The above Compaales are the only prirtleredF.xpresoor the following roa.l,ti: INDIANA CENTRAL: LAFAYETTE A CHICAGO; INDI.VNAPOUS k PERU TERRE HAUTE A RICHMOND: BELLEFONTAINE A LNDLANAP0LI8. Muej-t paakaires, valuables aud freight carried with aafety and dispatch, and In charge of special and e Sclent Deriger. Note, tili and Draft will be promptly Collected and ready letun.. ma.le J. bCTTVKriFI.I Agent. r -'X r .V- V' s.t, , r 'r-fl ; N. - . 4 - .W' rF-) tW.C - - M. ii k k Jill RAILROADS. jw. - jic op v ri 18G2 S3iS5 S 1862 VLL PERSONS PURCH ASING TICKETS I OR ST. JOSEPH and other point In Northern Missouri, the tiaie of Kansa, or the Territorie, should iuit on Lav. Ing tkket that real ty the .OllTII .TIISSOl Ill ItAII.UOAD, The ouly rail route from St. Loul- to St. Joseph. It I tbe shortest and quickest hue, by thirteen hoars to the re motest point reached by rail, and 1 alwayt cliesp a any other. Buy your Ticket to Kana and ail t-oint. in Northern Mi.sow.ri by the North "Missouri Ka lro..l. ISAAC H. STURGEON, Pres't and fien'I Snj.t. N.TI Missouri R. R. HENRY H. SIMMONS, General Travelina: A rent. et4l71ty Claaai JEFFEUSOSVILLE 11AILK0AD Two Trains Dally, Sundays Excepted ; Traina Arriee Train Leave. 8:40 P.M 9 45 A.M 4.43 A. M , S 50 P. M. A DOVE TRAINS STOP FOR THE ACCOMMODATION t. f passengeri at South port. Greenwood, Franklin, Euitiburph, Columbus, making connections at Sermour with train on the Ohio A Miss sslppi Road, and at Louis ville with train on the Louisv-ill?, Frankfort t Lexington and Iouisville and Nashville Roads. Frifiht trainsleave laily. Freight promptly forwarded. Office, Madion Depot, West side. A. S. CAROTHERS, Superintendent. J. G. Wwtcomb, Freight Agent. apl'62-dly DENTISTS. P, G. C. HUNT, OFFICE AN1 UEslLENCE, 0. EAST "I AKKilI M Illil.T, INDlANAFoLLS IMi. MUSIC. PIANOS ! IalAaOS! CHEAPER AND RETTER IN- T STRUM ENTS than were ever -fZ'' ottered In this market. My ar-V .vi-x! raneements w ith Eastern lano f 1 . 1 Y - Eastern Piano f " rCl . r-.-. urh that I can f jü 25 per cent. ' manufacturers are hue . .... ' w runnsn (II order 20 pe cheajer than any dealer in the West, and I warrant tl.em superior Instrument. Onlv for cab. Call and see at Messrs W II. Talbott A Co'a Jewelry Store, No. 24 Washington street. PIANOS. MELODF.ONS, ORGANS. GUITARS, VIOLINS, ACC0RDEONS, Ac, TUJF.D AND REPAIRED. Having bad over twenty ye irs' exjerience the public can le assured that they now have a better opportunity than they generally meet with to have their iiistrnment pet in perfect order. r H. SCHONACKER. JulySl-dly'Sl SP ECTACLES &C. To Officers of the Army. JUST l.F.CF.IVED A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF For fieM, portability and power they su-erc(le nil others. For sale hy SEMM0XS, Optician. SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, &C, Of the p-reatest tran-pnrent power, of new im provement properly adjusted to the cai e. Orders from the country, with particulars, promptly attemled to. Ilepairin:- neatlv done with dispttch. SEM MÖNS, Optician. octiy 'o. Üö, South Illinois street. HOTELS. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 305 V C;7 1XIIOA DWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET. zmr tk -3LTij-ifXÄt., ri"HIS firrt tla hou .etbe most juiet, homelike, and I rl aatlt hoUl ir. tbe ritv offer sortrHoe (mine ments to those visiting New Tork for business or pleanie. It is central in lis location, and kept .n the EUROPEAN PLAN, in connection with TAYLOR'S SALOON, whre refreshment can be had at all hours, served in their own rooms Hie charge are moderate, the room and at tendance cf the first order bath and all the modern con venience attached. trarl2-d3m I'OWKIW'S ISOTEL, (roRMrai.T r.khtr.'h.) Opposite the Ator House and Park, New Tork, Pinn: or no m si 50 vim day. rBlIII.S long etabl!sh-d and popular house has recently J been rebuilt and greatly enlarged bv the addition of over 100 room. and now ha accommodations for over 800 p'rsons. It ha al been thoroughly renovated and re furnished, Rtid ii heated by steam and lighted by gas throughout. This hotel La one of the best location in the city, I eay of aece from all the steamboat and railroad leading to the city, and la convenient to all the city conveyance. It ha. now alt the requisites of a nrvt i class hotel, lnuring the comfort of It it. mate. The ?trotiRir" of the traveling public l s-liclteL i cnü! f-Oper day. ILL. POWERS, ! 1 ie"j4-i3iu Proprietor. rniK 3ioirriiH norjwi:, (Formerly American,) IMMtlHATLLT OmITt t'MON UKPOT, II. WIlIT.IIOICr, Proprlrtor, W, U. S WT, Clerk, IS rmw open for the accommodation r.f the travelin public. Tbe hous ha been thoroughly renovated and furnished from top to bottom. tuaySl COMMISSION M ERCH ANTST .TlO.SSli: .TOIirS'HOlN, General Commission merchant, AM I Dealer In Flour, Crnln, nnd nil kind ' orCouutr- Produce; Wine nnd i Liquor, Clears Tobacro, A.c. I OFUCE AND WAREHOUSE, 237 SOUTH SECOND ST.. IIILADI'LPIIIA. j Adroncr made on Contlsnnieuf. ' a'icr22dlv ' WANTED. 200 Recruits Wanted I FOR THE ! -OF- ; Thr r.I'vriilh Infaxitry, WHICH- MAJOR .1. V. liORDOX Iiauttorired traiM in ladlana ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. 1AT FP-Oa 113 TO 21 PER MONTH, WITTI RA-! TI0NS. quarter, medical atiendatrf-e, 4c.. com . pUte. All who enlist will at once be cloibed, .uti-test : and prorjded with ercrj thing esvntul to their cotafort by the Government. "Tbetena of eblistiuent LXtiree Yeari Pay U ! comrnetxe from elate cf enlistment. None but aide-bodied single men, between the Ae of j 1, and 35 years, need apply. Reer-jitlna" Reodeivon in MeUer'a new buildioar. No. ' MEat Washington street, adjoinm-rO'ld Fellow.' HalL D. iL COIT, First Lietiteua&t ' Eleventh Infantry, LKrJiUca-0Scer. j PATENTS. P A T E H T S OBTAINEÜ FOR SEW INVF.NT10N OF EVERY description. Fee contingent on ucres. N pat ent no pay. Send for Circular, giving terms, directlotw, j ir. AdJre-s AAlOH a a, t.ovlg.Jlj Patent AlHnrr, Wa..trloij. l. V. ! i t r- V..-;." cr---vj r I A "V tat 7E ARE RECEIVING DIRFCT TR0M TnE MAM UFACTORY in et-err -rartetT and trlt of cas those Celebrated Waltliatii Ualcbet. A genuine Wal.hsra Watch ents )e to buy and will last much longer than foreign made wjtrbet nf tb am quaLty. A genuine Waltham Watch I a durable, reliable and accurate tfme-keeper. We bad rather warrant a Waitban Watch for Cve year, than the crdmary Ft g'.sh or Swia Watches for oe year. A genuine Walihant Wa'fh is thebet for railroad men, the best f.r fanners, la fact the best for even body In watit of a time-keeir. We get our Waltham Watches direct from the manufacturers, and every Watrli 1 war ranted to Rive entire atilaclion. In sendinc for af.enulne Wnllliant Wutrh yon run no ri-k, dt crJ-e the t le of ct-e and lb wale I nre to keep time. S nd for a list of -.rice. Our stock cf S im Watches and Jewelry I Terr lrg. Comp.siion lupine W aU h , f JiO to W. Cotrp sition Huntinr Cased "fiatcbe,fM i0 to JvS 7-V Sileef Hunting Cased Watches. IT to U. bUxcr lull Jew eled Waiche. ?5 W to 'J M. Pure Cjim Silver, Ware; Silver Ilated Ware.ClorV. Ac, Ac Wati-h's, flock atil Jewelry repaired an-i warranted. V. 1. IIIMill ATI A CO., 20 Eat W ashington street. apr7 Intianaoii. Indian. RAILROADS. Isiiliniinp:li and ll:uli-un .B VM T H. 1S62. HUE PASSENGKR TRAIN WIIJ. UCATK THK Union Depot, Iixiiauapolis, at 121(0 P. M. daily, for Madison, Cincinnati and LouisUIIo. This Is the hortest railway line to Cincinnati and Lol rille ronnectirg at MaUn witi the United State Mail Line steamer, arriving at ClnrinnRtl In time to coc nect with the Kapre- Train on the Little Miami railroad leaving at 7 o'clock A. M., for tbe Fast, and by the Ken tucky Central Railroad for the South, and at Louisville about 11 P. M. Returning, leave Cincinnati dally at 11 M., by the abov steamers, and also by the Ma lison packeta. Forest Queen and FrioresK, arriving at M.Iin in time I connect with the Passenger Traiu leaving at 6 A. M., and arriving at Indianapolis at I(r.L0 A. M., making connection with all trains leaving for the East, West, and North. For the accommodation of w ay pa.seiiger a Car will run in Connection with the Freight Train daily, leaving Iudianapoii at 7 A. M.t w hk h train remains some time at each station, affording pasenper an opportunity fr tha transaciiou of busim-si, atrivUig at NrtU Mr4imq at V2i P. M. Tare to Cincinnati, or Cincinnati t Indianapolis), 3 oo; To Louitvillr, $3 o0. No rhartce for meal or state-roouia on the ataamer, T for baireaire or omnibu at Madison. Tari'f of l reicht low at by ary tW route. Shippers and niirharit Weht will find It to their Inter est to travel over and bty t-T this line. ap26-dif. D. C. I IC A MI AM, Soperlutendent. RENOVATERS. ESTABLISHMENT. rilHE UNITED STATES DYE-HOUSE, NO. SS SOUTH 1 Illinois street, Indianapolis, Indiana, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At this old and well-known establishment, tbt ladles can have silks and woolen goods dyest In permanent and beautiful colors; and gents' garment thoroughly renova ted and repaired, as good as when sew , at lower prtc? than ever. New and second-band clothing bought and sold; also, a patjcTilar branch In the bu.lne denominated Bne draw ing billiard table tloth, or tear In any gaiment can be o wrought that it can not be visible to the naked eye. Cev Country ordern punctually attended to. No connection with any other house In thia city. Remember the place, No. ZU South llünol street. feb JOSEPH HARRIS. MEDICAL. ODK TO t OMn.lCFt I, (ill Art I LLS, Coughs and Colds will go away. Sometimes in a single day. If to the Imir Store you will go And get supplied with Tuseilago; You can use it freely as yon please. It never fail to give you ease. Thoe Granule wonderful are, I'm sure, 1 it they peedily effect a latirg car.. EOT" 25 cent jer b, at all Irug Store. ISKANDK'S TL'sSSILACO CURES COUCH. HI.ANDK'S TUSSILAGO cntEs COLDS. HHANDK'S TUSSILAGO CURES KOARSENEHS. ISKANDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES SORE THROAT. ft DU TO im mh;-s TFjii.Ai;or"" W'ONI'LRITL GRAN ILLS. Oh! where ran I liA th-tn, T the Drug ttore quick, I will speedily try them; I have a bad C xtirli, Abd I wish to be sora To have the bejt remedy That w ill very aoon cure. TJ7 25 cents per box, at all the Irag Störet. it k a x D ir s t t; s s i l a g o CURES ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. XOtf old by all Dtx yi.t.. ii ceuta a ho. 15 RANDK'S TUSSILAGO 1 Ileasaot t the Te Children cry for It. Uli A N DFSTU S S I L A G O CURES HOOPING COUGH AND CROUP. aUaj Sold by ail Iruggtu. 25 o nu a boa. KAXDE'S TUSSILAGO coughs and colds. JCkaJ"" Sold by all lTugg1a. 25 cents a Hor. ACENT. Ciporr F. Worlhinplon, AGÜNT I-OU MILITARY. CLAIMS, - NO. M THIRTEENTH STREET, ONE TOOR FROM F, Watington Citj. MAHNG LEIN ENGAGED TOR A NUMBER OF years In the aet'l'ment of ach Claim in cm of th rtaect Offce, (fron wh'ch be bat Hth4ra'ra, effer U attend toc'a'm ef anyk'nd ttattcayb tntruat ed to h.ifi. aac aa tfecs for P.ntos, Brmsty, Arrears of Pay, Subststeoc, Tramportatlon, Qothing, and partic ularly for borse, and ether prt-perty loat e destroyed ta th United State eric !chidg ta cf tnpreaaeMCt. We art well acaiEteJ wiib Mr. VTertiter, aad cberfI!y testify tha4 wr know no A (rat ta Waahragua exi whom cJalmacu can more rocdertrry raly than oa bin to conduct thir buftri wih integrity, capacity aad 1. Signed by HON. JOHN D. MrriIEkS05, AH. ftoIMtor of U. . Court f flairo. fiON.CUAS. B.CALVFLT, lb ms ef Kepra-trnlative. R K V. S MITII PTN F., Ii. D. col. w.b Randolph, Chief Clerk U. S.Treaurr 02ct I falle Indors th abseva teria.tal. aod cheerful? rd cotiSUenily rerj(ametid Mr. Wortktsanoa tosay broth er offUrrs and aoldier in Kentwkr and elsewhere, and to all other La ring claim again! the GovemtnerX Prob ably no man ha a more thorough koowlwdg ef War Claims than Mr. W., and for seal and tnten-ty he has bo a superior. T. B. KVEEETT, ar7-d3(n CapUin. AdiuGeucrai's Dept. LIVERY 0TACLG. w XL jl, xul 2roajsrss 0 LI VEK V-;9TADLG "VTO.J0 East Pearl 1 rev.bftf a square soota f WaaV. ington street. Mtweesi Meridian and Peuixylraala trret, iu re.r f Glenn. BJ.. k, lrdaRarli ar- Jtf WM Wt;i'Kii.Pris1a'n V s Si V V A V ' X