Newspaper Page Text
DAILY STATS' BETJTINEL. j rnirrt r aö rcuLwaicD NEW SENTINEL 07F.CE. " , rruHt ffMB roitvrnci. ; ELDER, CAMCCISS Cj BINGHAM, . Proprietor. , . . . .n.r 71 mm 0? GBaißcreSii!. l i J--L Jo - a voumiä s. INDIANAPOLTS,' IND., WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 18G2. NUMBER 3,726. i; SENT 1 Ä I tcarly au'-! .t , iitiiumt is afevasrg: or etiverwd by th csirwr st Ii', out f w., paya I vmi.tumiL'T. K,iVn-Pf:vf rot,. ?T1ÄÄ-KN0lA!AP0US RAILROAD TIME TABLE. !h Htm !'. tuiued, rule H given st tb st- .Na pift witbut tf j.ytit.f wi.;iiijHloncr J tban sl lof . ' l..t. I the D.iLt Tiul fn t ttad i tr kb Dvti.ii2. ei tu rtlf 5rTii . rwft Mi- 4 ovtbDx.n'tÜy evtUtd.lsr ...!, WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, ITRMPHKD rVEHT WKDSKsDAT AT rtitu iAaai-T i apta-scs. It A T Ii F A I) V K IC '1 1 K 1 .N Ii 4 2 4 n... f-0 31... I.'W 1.25 Ad.-! 1 '0 sd... 1.7. lw..' 7 00 liM.1 . w..1 SO 3w..' 4.00 ImJ 5 (A 9.00 in. ui j Ä.75 10.WJ 11.25 12.50 j 9.00 10X0 12.00 13.50 15.00 1 Htm l0.fH 12) 14 .W 1Xi LH.0 20.00 I 7 JA lO.Ux V2.TA 1S.W 1T-50 3 00 22 V) 25.0 2w..f 7.M 10 25 13 5o 1 75 V W 23.25 MIA 23.75 33.00 im.., nja 13.75 13.0J) -i..2i 2.5 4.7i 40. W 45.0O 50. OO j 4m nl Hl H 5i 57 T.O 3.1 (Ml 40.00 45.00 .VMM) UW ! Cm 11. l O) 25.ÜO 30.50 37.50 45.50 52X3 5T.W) r.i &o ... ii.oo 2-1X0 3-SXO 43.50 M.M 57 XO 5 00 70 00 123 15.0O 2Ä tw : 0 4..0 -j?-2: ' ! AliVF.KTISl0 IN TI1K WFTKLT. Oi. Kuin, rfe lnrrt;Mi. ............. 75 ! two " 1 0 fnr " 2 W) f..r each iiilwquei insertion. ail for each inT- lU.n of ewiii ad'IiU'fial wjaur-..... 33,la H erklr Srvrnri. til cliartH ehe full Ii! rat, itb (.iic-lalf llif WrtVI Tate a Sncl. Itt:.'i Notice pul liiitl in the l-al column, f t-ti liiior ur-lr, will be f.r each inrtin fl; if er un Hoes ti-ocnta -er line. Chars' i lit rn:lf fr inrtinjc the notice jf the foll.rtitz Onlrr. oci-fte an4 Anci.-ti!i at the rate nariK-t. o Wail In atvaiiC": j Jl.Iit-ry Conipan, ()r,tvr .f (VM Fellow. Mn!c Or.!-rt. lw-itevoU vt frWr- ül Sinning Sx-teti. , F-T ea ü nHice ,.it rscee-tint H lüie 25 Celit f-r rM. lt liiertltn; over eist'at lirtt-a t ihi. rat-. Arneuiwirr lill it'u fun-ral tiutke tucletffl; Without no(ie free j f f0 PfMt. Notice .r Fe.tiral.a, llct'tri nt Kxctir-iotia, rr tteti op ljr ln.livUu.-tta or a,vHK!atlon or by churches at the ren ilar rw-M. Atleenrmeiifa learfrtl enl .o1 linger the head Iecial Xtike tf teilt. or ovei, Iii echarKi.t L-uUe th nul rat. , Adverli-rmenta m-VrrMf la thn Ihr- Im, luerle.I once fj the V.vAy, will le tharR-t fifty ceut. Yearly .Ivrrtir t' ijuarteily. Anr.ounriiiK ram'.i !' f-r ftioe. of every li'fcription tle rharvr! at the r:c ofl breach nme in the luily, aixl ti In the Tally ati'l Weeklj, the name to be, in alt c-. pal't In tvf. e. I.ea'at a.lverli jr.i Itirteil at tb espene lifl'ie ;.t toniy eyHrrliitf. a l not Mayal.; for the leral!-r.s hut c.n.cfaUi at ur um.sI tim. PuMi !icr not ccoiintaMeforth-amiriicycf a-!verllni-iit te- loivl the ttrni'int -harffe1 for t'r ptjtliraiion. n.l.LK. HAKKXESS t ISO II M, Proprtetora In.Jiana SMte S-n!'.nel. J. M. Ttl.KKI. Prf M-teiit In Uanap'-li Journal Company. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. hamulus. ÜAHKISOXS' ISASK. ". 13 East WainKti Mreet fppoise the :ntii)vl Oü'.ce. may i.ivruv N-rAiii.i:. I.IXN k HTN5LF.Y, IJrrry tmi Sale StWe, In tie A rear of the 1'almer IIo.-e. JuiM5-dty k)im)i:ii:n. 1" DAVIS A. CO.. Cuit'Q Koumtry, Ieawar Mreet.op- H:te In ton liepot, r- AFSF1JWAN h VLVTtlN, Vabiinctin Fonndr arvt J Machine Wi-rV. eat en-l Union lHjiot. nn29 Itl'.A I. IMATE AC.i:.TS. i lit.VNCIS SMTII, formerly ilx-ll A Sroi.h, Hrat ' K'tate An-nt ai:.lTax Payer, 37 Eat Wah!?.Kto ueet. lliMiM t rem. jnn25-lly '2 Vf tKFJlXAS I PIKUCK, 11 IMnte Agnit ud IT 1 IIrt.krr-. 10; Kat tVal.iinfton tn-eK TjrM. T. WII.KT, Heal KM at A?ent and Stock P-ri.-V k-r, 10, F.fiM Wah'.!i(rtnn trwt. may 14 u iorA r i s s us n ir..i.i:its. 1 C. 3JATHKW A; CO.. Wh..lenale dealer in Bot-, !bfe. ami KuM'er, '. 4 Knbtrta 1'Jork, opposite the I'liion l'p'f, IndiiiiiJpo'K Itwt. VDAM KN0P1.E SOX, and dealer in all ktnN or Do.t and Shoe, No. 32 KaM Wa-h- iigtcn Mrfft. ;,r"-1 ICO OK VrAT10Xi:tST. B0WF.N. STKV. AllT A CO.. wh"! -,le nd rftait deal er in lvH.kil Stationery, and Printer Material, No. I1 Wet W.l,.i!t. n trevt. tprt niti c.H Ar; .tu:nu,ijr.M. UTItKt M. l.OWi:Y, IMtn'.r.tST.-IValer In Drup. CltrmicaK Paint-, thl, lyetnfl, IV tanic, Patent aiHt other li.t'.-.ctiu-, 'Kin atnl IVrfunifry No. 49 Ma achuett avenue, Indian poll. nov5i-ly. f ttMUNSlN k COX. t'eaW iu I)rnir, Medicin', raui'.. O.l, tila, Prtuwery, Fancy tiooils, Ac, N. In FaM'.n :n- t, tii.tianajwl!. ina.vl BUOWNINt.. UrujrsiM, and dealer in Pamts, Oils, j I a Vanii-he, Hve-tul,;ia,ntawar, lVrfuwory, 4c, N. 2i, Wet WaLin2tou treet. aprti xmv ;oous. Wf A II. C.I.KNN k CO.. New Tork Store, Iry ? tlL.leaic anU Ketail, (jletiDi. Hlock, Kat 1 a.htnun trtvt. mayS SiTOVKM AHI) TIS WAKI'.. j c tHAUt COX.tlraler in S.uve,Tin Ware, ic. No. ' 11 Wet Whti.on tt-et. apr27 uooii tii.i)i:its. C AM1TFI.I.Ä rII.FS.r-ok l.tndra and r.l.;nk I'H.k Mannfacturer. No. 37 Kat Washington t-t., eat of (iienn'a I.I.s., up alair, Iim!i.i.. ,'.!. f t 25-ltf f AOrtil.A PALM KU. P- iMtidmand Blank P-K.k 1 J Manuf.. turer. No. 56 4 Fa-t Wahiu,ton r-treet, i . ' ! - - - - - - - - - - - i nil , ;i.vs m ui i l VAiti.. nAWTlioKN 4 BiTHANAN Importer, ct China, : .la and Oueenare, No. hat W .-hington t.t , litianawni-. indiAna. diy ' n :u 11 vr rii.its. rKKtH.PiCK .Krrr.ll, Veahant Tai'.or, and dealer 1 in ready m.ide cloth.!. g and f;mii-L:nj; r"Js No. 21 tÄe;- Wah:i.pton reel, oppone Sentinel oHice. myC3 " ATTOJt.M'.VS. KILl.V FKlU'il'StiX, Att rney Cnneor at La . Pais f-;i fT api.r.'ve! j l lament and mer?; ai iiet.tia:r ! s, ii.te-, Ac., H rH'Vi.b inctMi trref. !,- t i, erotad iluor to tUe nlil band, op- pce tiien'.i . t . s-ti - -11 MC küACHK A LFyis.p..Seh? K.M, jm ,- 1J, A.t. !!- L. K Ii. Jowj.ti . LrM At- tl. rveya ar.d Cou-.m-J. rs at lw, .ht:,a la irancc ,. : far.y, ecnl f!-r, Pennj lvar.ia stre-i. jet tly -- - ir-r r- MACHINISTS. " i W JK ""V" 'av L? K JBL imr M-Z r IIIt('IiS13iTll Slior. j j ..-,,- .--, . , Fi; LT occup -cd ty j. hn C n per. la eteo-"i, tru.hl Co'r- Lit a.i Hub Uct. ry, I am rrerred w du ' tl . . i .rtu hne. HavuitL-Kl twelve years esfener in the bi machine in tie ccurny, i Sat;r try wir that j can &rl - 1 a III lilt UJCU'eitTT i-r Ui JCIkrTTHUUir ffi'i'.h iu Ok Sae, an.t pay particular attention to hore ,dit,i jt anu i.iat i iii- irain(. Hepa'r.tiff f ail kirxts pr'-trptly attende! to Miaiel of a'i kind ttrlt f r (be rater.i otrive. i:en.en.ier the jjace, .ne q.'.-e M.utb . f o e ri.i.n iLTyiuir!"1'1" T. t-'OWN. NOTICE. -l 7K l ave in. !aj ..-id our ralerT to Menr. Nkk. tm A parrot t. ' i . i 35 3 t 2 i . S 5 t ! t.' b : t 1.12 l.M 1 2 3 .JJ , 10 2.N 2..V 3M 3nO 4 00 i'l 5.M 17 S.W-3.t3 S.7.V 4.37 S.' 5.M . 2 1A 3- 3.75 44 5.75' W .7. 1Z0 2C2 3.M 4.37 525 12 7O0 T.m 175 X no 4 fco &JtO Mt 7.M 8.00 0O 10 M 3.75 kvth Ii 7.V A Ml IHK 7 &0 t.OO Ibat ktnff the put l fn trnerat ff.r thetr leral pmtron- ' aire, r n.kl rn-r-cifi.lly ak the conünnanre of the iaineioirturce,aiT. a. ij. KMiTfR. lodiAnapoli Jul A, U2. Jyll dit I DAILY SENTINEL frim liav. Train Arme. i ;ö A.M Mail 2 I. M. i p. M . .... '0 A M, 2Mi p. M..... 40 P. M ... 040 r.M ... .....II 30 A. M. ltUX AFOUI D CU Mill VU Hin. Tra n Ia. Train Arrir h:H . M Frr I. M. I. M AccotnnHxlalioi 10:0 A.M. itiAa raxmAL a au. at. Train. Irat. Trani Arrive. Q.ljl A. M- . . ". ..... i.lAM Irl!'. M Mall '.. 1:34 P M. T.uo P. M 7 5 P. M. i'iaariia ano roLrrca wht u, via irrx. Trai'i jttt . Train Arrive. C .15 A.M T I'. K. M. 12:10 P. M 1-34 P. M. 7 . Oii P. M 7:50 P. M. ism Aüiroua At nxciii an RAii.kfui. Train. lv. TrA.n Arrive. fi;':0 A. M IW A.M. j VtW A. M 45 P. M j raitaa havik an aoAO. j Train Uave. Tra!n Arrivf . 7:20 A.M ft 10 A. M. 14. I M A.M. j 8 40 P. M ..30 P. M. j aw AiaaüT ad cmcAf.o oai r.Mr.xcAbT!.ic ji.vctiow Uoln North. iiu Ko:ith. ; ll:ii A. M. I 2:00 P. M. &: P. M Fxpre 11:05 A. M Kretfrlif, Dailj... lawa kti BAIU.HA1 Tratn Iave. 10-05 A. M Trafrt Arrht. .. 5.10 A. M. . .10:05 A. M. l 1". 10.30 P. M 6 (H) P. M. rC AaiHSIIA!ArOI.I8AI!AOAn. ! Train Iave. Tram Arrive. I ll.ll A. M ..Mail... 0-50 A.M. j 10-.35 P. SI Cicai,o Uxpr' 4:10 Y M i iw iSAruiJa ash iaiii Ali-aoan. I Tr.i... Train. Arrive. 12 30 P. M. tiil l'r'O A. M. 63. A.M fFr.m Fn-isLt lepotJ WP.M jarrEknoRi illk aan aAi. Train lave. Train .Vrri e. K.M A. M Jtall 45 P M. C 3t F. M 5:00 A. il. Arrival und lie t-.t riu rr or .iMii. or Clofcinu AKKIVAU. iu ill...... C:Po;tratt st;i way wait Jeterntivitle ati.l lmiville Terrw Ilautc way mail Pern mail liirjl wny in il- . .. Tme Haute tLrouph mail IifinelU' and Ch'.cao H ll"fo;itaine way mill . I llrf'rif ine thruusb mail (!it:tral through mal! CiiiHM.tithr.Utfb mail 8(riiir.nelt,illiiii. . ..111) A M . .111.". A. M. I kvo r. M. 11.15 A. M. . . lt:T5 a. y. 2 ti l r. r. 7:' U r. M. eon r. m. 7" e. m. . . .io A. M. ... g:;o a. m. -. S;l j P. m. A.M. nit parti h r s . if.liM . Jeffer"iiVille amM'Uivilte mail 7:30 r. . Terr Jlaute throtiKh mail, St. Iui, Cairo.... 7:30 r. . Itfjiyette ami Chi'Mifo. . . . l:4.' A. frfiravette Ci'v ami .pi iliKt!!iiol ß i r. m. Maiti'.n ma;! llOa.n. eintritt way mail.. 11:05 A. u. Cf titrdt tl.r jHRh m.iil ami Washington City . . . . e m. Cincinnati anil wav mail i:4 A. m. Thr"ii;-li nt'til o .-0 r. m j Terre H int'.' way, Fam.villcai)il VUicer:ne) 45 e. m j IVru. jo fi. a. m R !5- f.ntaiii wnv an! tUrotiIi. .o r. w sin Intl. On aivl ifler the first o! October, 18C2, the stamp tltttii's prescribed in the schedule Iiere at'icr annexed, must he paid under the Fed eral tax law. Section ninety-five of the law enacts, "That if any person or perron sbaU Ukike, Hn or L-sue, or cau-e to be made, signed or issued, any instrument, document, or paper of any kin', or description wliat-ocver, without the same ln-ini duly stamped for denoting the duty hereby imposed, or without having thereupon an adhesive stamp to denote said duty, Mich person or persons xhall incur a pen ally of SO, an;l uch intninicnt, document or paper, as aforesaid, shall be deemed invalid and of no effect." It will bo seen that thi section both impo.-es a fine and invalidate. the document for the, non-ue of the stamp. As the instruments, documents, &c, referred to, embrace nearlv everv common written transaction ot lui- ' lies., the iK-ople ouUt, before the firt of O- lout r, to iamiuanze inemspivcs wiui me si-ue- tlulc. We, therefore, publish it, advising our readers to preserve it lor future reference: SCHEDULE I). Agreement or contract, other than tlioe ppeciiied in this schedule any apprisement of value or damage, or for any other purpose; for every i-lu'ct or piece of piper upon which cither of the same sliall be written, 5 cents duty. Iiink check, draft, or order for the pay ment of any sum of money exceeding $20 drawn upon any b.v.ik, trut company, or oili er person or jx'rson.s companies or corpora- j tions. at Müht or on leimn;l, 2 cents. i Bill of exchange (inland), draft, or order j for the payment of auy sum of money exceed- j inz $20 ami not exceeding $100. otherwise I than on sight or on demand, or any promissory note, except Link notes issued tor cirtula-! tion, for a sum exceeding $20 and not exceed ing $100, 5 cents; exceeding 100 and not exceeding $200, 10 cents; exceeding $200; ami not exceeding $350, 13 cents; exceeding - i $350 ami not exceeding $500, 20 cents; ex- feeding $500 and not exceeding $750, 30 j cents; exceeding $750 and not exceeding j $l,OuO, 40 cents; exceeding $1,000 and not ! exceeding $l,5u0, CO cents; exceeding $1.500 j aud not exceeding $2,500, $1; exceeding $2.5i. O and not exceeding $a.000, $1 5o; and for everv $2,500 or art of $2,5o0 in excess i j of $3,000,$!., Bill of exehange (foreign), or letter of; ! credit drawn in. but unable out of the Lnitenl : i S.ates. if drawn miiltIv cr otherwise than in a ! set of three or more, according to the custom ot merchants and hankers, shall pay the same rates of tlutv as inland bills ot exchange or pruiniysory notes. It drawn in sets; ot three . . . a i or more, tor everv bul ot each set wnere the sum made pavable shall not exceed $150, or tjie Cimivak nt thereof in anv foreign currency . .I, , , , . , r in w hich such bill luav be expressed, accord- '. a fek. ing to the standanl ot value hxed bv tae United States, 3 cents; above $150 and cot t above $250, 5 cents; above $250 and not J above S5oo, K cents; above $500 and not! above $1,000, 15 cents above $1,000 and not ! above $1,500, 20 cents; atave $1.500 and r.ot ( alwve $2,230, 30 cents: alxive $2.250 and not altove $3.500, 50 cents; above $3.500 and not above $5.0o0, 70 cents: altove $5.000 and not above $7,500, $1; and tor everv $2.500 or! parts thereof in excesa of $7.500, 30 cents. Hill of lading or receipt (other than charter r 1 i . I') for any goods, meirlundiSC. Or t'tlects, to Ik exjXirted from a Xrt or place in ttjC United State to anv foreign port or place, 10 cents. Express For every receipt or stamp issued or used bv anv express cormianv, or earrier. a or jiei-son wliose occupation it is to act .as such, cs, bales, packages or bundles, for for all boxes, bales, packages or bundles, for the transportation of which such company, carrier or pcr-on shall receive a coxnnensatiön of not over 2.) cents, 1 cent, When such compensation exceeds the sum a a. 11 ft Ol cenis,aiat noi over one tlOiiar, ? CCIitA When one or more packages are sent to the ime address at the same time, and the com- pv.'n'ation eXCCCtl? One dollar, 5 Cf ntJ. PiondFor mdemnitting any person who sliall have become bound or engaged as surety for the jcvmcnt of any sum of money, or for cxecu'ion or ivrformance ot the du- ties of any otfiee, and to account for money received bv virtue thereof, 50 cent. Bond of any description other than such as .... . - i are re.-uirvi in legal proceedings, anl such as are nut otherwise charged in this schedule, 25 cents, Cy',r,-a r ..1, :. - a teralicate of stock il an incorporated Company, 23 Crnt Certificate, of profit, or any certificate or memorandum plowing an intiirc.t iu the property or accumuLtt ons of any incorpora ted company, if fur a f um not les than ten dollars and not exceeding .fifty. dollars. 10 cents. - - ' For a sum exceeding fifty dollar?, 25 cents. Certifi:a'c Any certificate of damage, or otherwise, and all other certific ates or tlocu-inent-i"m.?I by-any Port Warden, Marine Survcor, or other ieryons acting a such, 25 cents. Certificate of deposit of any mm of money in any bank or tm.t company, or with, any banker or person acting as tuch, for a turn not exceeding one hundred dollars, 2 cents; exceeding one hundred dollars, 5 cents. Certificate" of any other decription than tho-c sjiecified, 10 centsl " ' ' ' Charter party Contract or agreement for the charter of any ship or .vessel, or steamer, or any letter, memorandum or oilier writing between the captain, master or owner, or per son acting a agent of any ship or vessel, or steamer, and any other person or persons for or relating to the charter of such ship or ves sel, or steamer, if .the registered tonnage of such ship or vessel, or steamer, does not ex ceed SOU ton?, three dollars. Exceeding 300 .tons, and not exceeding COO ton, five dollars. - Exceeding COO tons, 10 dollars. Contract Broker's note, or memorandum of des of any goods or merchandise, stock?, bonds, exehanze, notes ot hand, real estate or projieity of any kind orQcscription issued by brokers or persons acting as such, li ronts. " Conveyance Deed, intrument or writing, whei ebv any lands, tenements, or oilier realty sold sliall be granted, (leased), assigned, trans ferred, or otherwise conveyed to, or vested in, the purchaser or purchasers, or any other person or persons by his, her or their direction, when tho consideration or value exceeds SI 00 anil docs liot. exceetl SI, 000, 51; exceeding 31,000 and not exceeding S2.Ö-00, S2; exceed ing $2,500 and not exceeding $5,000. $5; ex ceeding $ö,o0o and no: exceeding $10.o00, $10; exceeding $10,000 and not exceeding $20,000, $20; and for every additional $10,- 000 or fractional part thereot in excess of $20,0o0, $20. 'Dispatch, Telegraphic Any dispatch or message, the charge for which tor the first ten words dues not exceed 20 cents, 1 cent. When the charge for the first ten words exceeds 20 cents, 3 cents. J'ntrv of any goods, wares, or merchandise, j at the Custom-House, either tor consumption j or warehousing, uot exceeding $100 m value, 20 cents. Exceeding $100 and not exceeding $500 in value, 5- eenis. Exceeding $000 in value, one dollar. Entry f jr the withdrawal of aiiy goods or merchandise from bonded warehouse, Ö'J cents. Insurance, Marine 'and Fire Eich policy or insurance or other instrument, by "whatever name the same shall be called, by which in surance sliall le made or renewed, upon projierty of any description, whether against penis bv the sea or by fire, or any other peril of any kind, made by any insurance comjuny, Oi its agents, or by any other company or person, 25 cents. . Lease, agreement, memorandum, or. con tract for the hire, use, or rent, of any land, tencmeut or Krtion thereof If for a period of time tiöfr exceeding 3 years, 50 cents. If for a period exceeding three years, one dollar. Manifest for Custom Iloiiae entry or clear ance of the cargo of any ship, ves.el, or steamer for a foreign port If the registered tonnage of such ship, vessel or steamer d0v.s not exceed 300 tons, one dollar. Exceeding 300 tons, and not exceeding C00 tons, three dollars. Exceeding COO tons five dollars. Mortgage of lands, estate or property, real or jiersonal, heritable or movable whatsoever, where the same shall be made as a security lor the payment of any definite and certain sum of money lent at the time or previously due, and owing or forebornc to be paid, be ing jkiyable; also any conveyance of any lands, estate, or property whatsoever in tribt to be so!d or otherwise converted into money, which shall be intended onlv as securitv, and shall be redeemable before the sale or other disposal thereof, either by express stipulation or otherwise; or any personal lond given as securitv for the iiavnient of anv definite, or certain sum of money exceeding $100 and not exceeding $500, 50 cents, Exceedlm; five hundred dollars and not ex- ce ding one thousand dollars, one dollar. Exceeding one thousand lollars, and not exceedim two thousand five hundred dollars. two 10111;?. Exceeding two thousand five hundred dol lars, and not exceeding five thousand dollars, five dollars Exceeding five thousand dollars, and not exceeding ten thousand dollars, ten dollars. Exceeding ten thousand dollars, and not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, fifteen dollars. And for every atlditional ten thousand dol lars or fractional jxart thereof, in excess of j twenty thousand dollars, ten dollars. '! Passage ticket Bv anv vessel from a port ; m the J Ünited Sratcs'tO a" foreign pott, if less I e."S-tron;lj puarantee it efiicacy and" valuable char--I . , i, . 1 acter, and commend it to the favorable notice of au intel- tlnrty dollars, fifty cents. h '.nt nublic. t'nan Exceeding tliirtv dollars, one dollar. Power of Attorney for the sale or transfer of any stock, l-onds, or scrip, or for the col lection of any dividends or interest thereon, 2 ceoi. ! ... e . I ower pf Attorney OT proxy for voting at UV election for OtHeers of anv iniOrpo ratted corpora ted couipany or society, excejit religious, charita ble, or literary societies, or public cemeteries, ten cent. rower of Attorney to receive or collect rent, 25 cents. Power of Attomev to sell and convey real estate, or to rent or lease the same, or to per form any and all other acts not hereinbefore specified, one dollar. Probate ct ill or Letters of Administra .: vi. .1,. ...1 . CT r :.. turn W here the estate and effects for, or in respect OI which SUth probate Or lettCTS Ot j adniini-tration applied for shall be sworn or! ,, , lit , c . A, ! declared not to exceed the value Of tWO thOU- sand five hundred dollars, fifty cents. To exceed two thousand five hundred dol lar;, and not exceeding five thousand dollars, one dollar. To exceed five thousand dollars, and not exceed twenty thousand dollars, two dollars. To exceed twenty thousand dollars and nc lo exceed twenty ttioasand dollars and not exceed fifty thousand dollars, five dollars. To exceed fifty thousand dollars and not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, ten dolbrs. Exceeding one hundred thousand dollars and not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, twentv dollars. And for everv additional fifty thousand dollars or fractional nart thereof, ten dollars. Protest Upon the protest of everv note. bill df exchange, acceptance, check or tlraft, or any marine protet, whether protested by a notary public, or br anv other officer who .mav be authorized bv the law of anv State or w a IStates to make such protest, 25 cents. Warehouse receijit of any good, mcrchan din, or property ot any kind held on atorage in any public or private warehouse or yard, 25 cents. Leal Documents Writ or other ori'rinal process, by which any suit is commenced in any court of re ord, either law or equity, 50 cents: Proc'uled that no writ, summons, or other process issued by a Justice of the Peace, or issued in any criminal surrs commenced by the United States or any State, shall be sub ject to the payment of rtanp duties ami ro r'uh'l further, the stamp duties br the foregoing schedule B, oa raanifots, bills of lading, ami passage tickets shall not apply to stcaraloafs or-othcr vessels plying between ports of the United States and ports in British North America. DRY COODS. MEDICAL. T A 111 AXT'S F.n;Knvr;scKNT SELTZER JNTT. This valuable and popular Medicine Iks ti.iiveraily re ceived the ttiot favurthle revommnidittioni of tbe Medical Prote-Mon and the Public as tlic ru t trricn :j.t ao arrkeam.k ALirVK AIMCRIKIVT. It may be used with the l"d rfJVct in j Bilious and l'ehrile Di.eaes, Costiveres, Sick Headache, I Nausea. I.o-s of Appetite, Indie!!'!!, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, trout, j Kheuniatic Atiictiens, Grave I. llles, ; And ail Complaint her: a (retitle atid Cooling Apern-nt j or I'urjrauve i rt qui red. i It i particularly adapted in the wants of Traveler ly ! Sea and Iind, KeMdci-t. in H 't Cliunite., persns of S- dmtarj Hitit. Invalids and C,nva!fn-tit; Captain of, VeMl and Planters w ill find it a valuable addition to j tin ir Medicine Chots. I i j ... f..m. m .f . T. .w. ' i n ..Ai'l ttv in K-.t I h I ill LLIT' tv.'i til a t rnurit ai.muj 'ui u' lit ' v - tie tn keep iu any climate, and men ly requires water poured upvii it to provluce u JeIirhtrule!terve-ent tn ver- ....I4'""" rous tettitnotiials from professional and othr (rf'nit..r.-.n ..f t!. f i Tittir rr ?Th roil l!i r.ii t the r.iiin- try, and its steadüy ir-crean? popularity u.r a erie of M inufrtctured onlv bv T AHT. ANT A CO.. No. 27 Green wich street, comer of Wurren t:reet. New York; and for sale t.y lrurii.-t. generally. Jy7-dly TO TIXK A FFL1CTED ! i MPkOCTOR J.AWP.ENCE, after an extensive practice of i J ten year in Pal imore, -ahich he kit for a tour ; tb.oujrh Knrope, whpre be remained two year, now re-. turns wit n m mma r.cniy ti.rea wnn !fC'er.T.iiic kiiowi- t edi;e and reearch. The tirt six moiuL wa. spent in the ; Liverrxxd Ir.nrrtiiry fi r diseases of the eye and ear. after I I hit-ii he availed himself of a thorouch course of ii.vs- j j ti?Ation in the Queen' llop;tal, Lndn, where the iuo.-t i! nil cures are 'aly ented. iheixicior s treat ment of Cl.rot.ic Disease is cutirelv different frm that r.!ark,d out bv the .uperannuated fathers of medicine, ro ; called It is not confined to the routine fjstera of any ! tipcied party, 1 ut enViracei a yMeta cf practic, not ' only ouud and rational, but truly scientific ia iu meas- ! urv.. j After rniny c!rcitatfons frcm phTci.!ns and other of ; ' this Mate, tne Doctor bascoiu-cntt-d to make the State of j in ;ana nis jr.nanent anoue. lie win visit any town in lh9 Ma, rUfft of M, cr moTt &f ,t, ciüJt.ns an., : treat a'.l c-e -.resented ih a success setdori attained. ,,u mination will r made wib treat care, aod hii opnion pTen freely and frankly, and withoct chakök, therebr aavine esoense. and aatifvinff the the. ' jatieiit. and friend. J To Ijdie who are incapable of bearing healthy oT- ' fpHr.-. from deformUy or rtherw!,, will Crsl bi advice j invatuaLle. 0;hr intere.tinz aad iir.p mant aivke will ; ie riven (omarnea laaiec, asDisoportu.mes Lave teeD anch that ail the intiicate cae of female complaint fcave ben fully comprehemled, and the c.iJC! of the dis eases truly acertaii.ed, his opinion correct, and bis adTiee arxl prescript ion valuable. See circtibirf for particulars, whkh will b distributed In fverytowTi tni fcsmlet In the Stite. Headquarters Spender Il.-ue, Indiananolia led. jyll-din CHEAT WORK. TOE GREAT WORK OF TOE AGE PULPIT POLITICS ! BY PROF. CHRISTY. PRICE, - - - - $2. OJi I q U J : t I CD! I b rq Z 3 e y "V j! FOR SALE AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE VERMIN EXTERMINATOR, To Dtftroy Rats, Bnchcs, &c. To Destroy Mice. Moles, and Ants. To Destroy Beil Bugs. To Destroy Moths in Furs, Clothes, ike. To Dzroy Mo)ui?oes and Flea1. To Destroy Insects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy Insects on Animals, &c. To Destroy Every form and species of Vermin. C IL' Uii! II. V.-. f 1 a. : , THK "ONLY 1XFALLIIDLE REMEDIES KNOWN." Iiestrof Inlantlr EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF Tliose Preparations (unlike all others) are 'Free from Poisons." Not dangerous to the Human Family." 'Rats do not tlic oa the premises." 'They come out of their holes to tlic. ''They are the only infallible reniedjes known." 12 vears and more et-tabli.hcd in New York Citv." Ute (I hy- the City Po:t Office. the City Prisons and Station Houses. the City Steamers, Ships. &c. the City Ilo-pitals, Alms-Houses, &t the City Hotels 'Astor, 'St. Nicholas, &c. the Boartling Houses, &c, &e. Lsed by Used by Uned by Used by- Used by Uted by- -more than 50,000 private families. we one or lira rtpecimtn oj tcnai l.f ere ry rlt ere sold by the People Kditor Ikaftm, etc. IIOUSEKEEPERStronbhd with ver min need be so no longer, if thev use ''Cos tar's "Exterminators. We have ued it to our satisfaction, and if a Itox cost $5 we would have it. We had tried poisons, but they ef )thing. but CosTAnV'article knocks fected no! the breath out of Hats, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bug?, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country. Median TO. (inzctte. MORE (jIRAIN and provisions arc de stred annually in Grant County by vermin tutrfi would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer. Lancaster II 7. Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR We arc selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. ECKEK & StOUFFER, Druggists, Windsor, Md. CostarV Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. "Cottar's" Co-tar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator. Costar's" 'CotarV Electric Powder, for Insects' &c. In 25c. 50c. and $1 Bxf;s, Bottles and Flasks, S3 and $5 SuE3 for Planta tions, Ships, Boats?, Hotels, &c. CAUTI0X! To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bearing a facsimile of the Pro prietor's signature. Examine, each box, bot tle or Ihsk carefully before purchasing, and take nothing but "COSTAR'S." Sold everywhere by All Wholesale Druggists in the large cities. Some of the WHOLESALE AGENTS IN N. Y. CITY. Shiefleiin Bros. & Co. Ilunal,Risley & Kitch B. A. Fahnestock, en. Hull & Co. Bush. Gale & Robinson A. B. k D. Sands & M. Ward, CIoc & Co. Co. Wheeler & Hart James S. A spin wall Morgan & Alien. Hall, Ruckel &: Co. Thomas & Fuller P. D. Orvis. McKisson & Bobbins. D. S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Lazelle, Marsh & GaTd Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox. AND OTHER? PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. i iv,-i s. rv . 't ii.. ct T. XV. Dvott Sc Co. Robert Shoemaker Sc B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Co. French, Richards,& Co. AND OTHERS). BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. Geo. C. (Joexlwm & Co. I Weekes 5c Potter. M. S. Burr & Co. Jno. Wilson, Jr. AND OTHERS. Also, all Wholesale Druggists at cim.;o, in., NT. IdMTS 'lO., Ur.TICOIT, "licl.., (Lot isvii.i.i:, K)., (TCIAT, Oiilu, i'i r rsiti iccai, ra., Bl l F.l I.O, .N . V. AND EV Druggists, Grocer?. Storekeepers and Retailers generally in all Country Towns and Villages In the UNITED STATES at aT inn Ol U bh Robert Browning -AXD nnvtPfl , v IMJI1XA IllUI.l.l.ll VUl William Bannaman, Wholesale Agents. AND BY- T0.1IIjIaSOa Sc COX, W. B. VICKERS, And by the Druggists, Storekeepers and Retailers generally. Country Dealers can order as above, Oradlrcssordrs direct orif Prices. Terms, &c, is desired, send for 1862 Circular, fliving reduced Prices to IIE.-VKY R. COTTAR. Principal Depot No. 512 Broadway (Opposite the St. Nicholas Hotel,) " New York. raetai-deodA-wecw-Cn i RAILROADS. ra et- o jd rsc xv 18G2 1862 ll rr.KoNs rt'Kciustyr. TtcKirn tor sr. JOSKPH arl e-tler potnta n NcrtWn XiMarl, tba S:aie ef Kt'is tb Trmtort, lauuld tit oa aav. irg ticket that read t-y tbt Mfltril tilSMII lll ItAll.ltOAD, The nly rail rute from tt. Loui to SL Jo-eph. It U tk hortei and quicket hne, tj thirten bonrs to U. r'm c"t:t ioict rsacLed I'v ra.l. and U a!ay a cheap aa any other. Puy jour Ticket to Kin and all point. In Northern X iwouri by the North attjr1 l:i!rual. IS. A AG IL (TnaiKO.V, Pres't and Gen'l Supt. Nortk Miouri R. R. HF.NUT 11. SIMMONS, General Traveling Ar 'tit. ae4l711y JSTa.jBm Al C JX:jLKmrs. JEFFKUSONVTUE RAILROAD Two Trains Daily , Sundays Excepted Train Arriv tt43 P. M... 4 4. A. M... Traina Leave. . 8 45 A. M . 8 SO P. It. VBOVE TRAINS STOP FOP. THE ACCtlMMODATION of paencer at SotuLport, Greenwood, Franklin, Fu.nourb, Columhu, nakin connectiona at S-evm our witli train on the Ohio A- Atitipp! Road, and at LU' ville with train on the lu:vil!e, Frankfort & Lexli.gton and Louisville and Na-hv il'e Kcad. Frvijifct train leave da'ty. Frolbt promptly forwanled. OP.lce, Jladto Ilepot. WH side. A. S.CAUtmiER.', Si:periiiten.terit. J.G. W'HrrcoiiB. Fr !Lt Ajfetit. apl'C2-dly DENTISTS. P. G. C. HUNT, DENTIST. OFF1CF. AND P.ESIDF.NCF, tSO. ! I'AST -I Altltr.T vntl LT, INDIANA I-OI.IÄ IND. - MUSIC. PIAIVOS! PI A AOS! HrfHF.APF.R AND KKITKR IN- VJ ITi: L il I .MS t h it : w i re e er ; f-fcj- rmifr ni.'iMs with K"tsn Piano fi i nia'inf.cturers tin? su h that I Can f 7 S- S- furnish til orders Ü"i ter cent, "t cLeaK-r than any dealer 111 the Wet, aud I warrant then superior lnstrcm'-Tit. Onlv for ca-h. Call and, eat Messrs vV H. Talljott t Co' Jewelry Store, No. 24 WasLrtiirton .treet. PIANCJS. VFI.ODKt NS.ORG NS, C.L'ITAES, VIOLINS, UCOUDhONS, Ac, TL'.'1 KU AM KKl'AlKKD. IIa vinir had over twenty ye ,r.' experience th- pjblic can lie suiel tliat they tK.w have a better pMiri unity lhau th"y irenerjlly niet with to bse their instrument put in w if -ct order. H SCMOXALKF.K. t-ily::i-dTr'l SPECTACLES, 3t C. To Officers of the Army. JUST UKCF.1VFD A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP IBISSES. For fi-M, port tlMÜty and power ther supersede all others. For K-ile bv SEMMONS, Optician. SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, &C, Of the est tnnspater.t power, cf new im provement properly mijusiei to the cat. Orders from the country, with particular, promptly attended to. Repairing neatlv done with dispatch. SKMMOXS. Optician. oct2 No. 25. South Illinois street. HOTELS. THE MOKKLS IIOXJH13, (Fonnerly American,) IMMEPtATF-LT OFrOetTK VMOX DtPOT, II. WIIIT.TIOHC, Proprietor, VT. D. SATP, Clerk, IS now open lor the arcoramoiatioii of the traveling public. Tli liotie Las btvn thorouLlv renovated and furnished from top bottom. ma31 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. .TiSiSHia .loiirsrsors'. General Commission Merchant, Atn Dealer in Flour, firnin and nil Kinds of Counlr) Produce", Wines and I.lq 110 r,('i ;r,ur, Tobacco, Ac. OFFICE AND WAKFIIOUSF, 237 SOUTH SFCOND ST.. iiii.Aiir.r.i-iiiA. Advance made on ( onignmenli. auirKdly WANTED. 200 Recruits Wanted FOR THE OF The i:it'vriilh IiiTaiitry, wiucn- MAJOR J. W. JiORDOX la authorized torai in Indiana. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. IAY FKOM fl3 TO 922 PEP. MONTH, WITn KA TIONS, quarters nelical attendance, 4c , com plete. All who enlirt will at once W clothed, usited and provided with ever thin eetitlal to thMr con.fort by the G('vernn.ent. Tut term of enlistment i. Tli reo Year. I'aj t comruer.c frro date of erlitme:iL None but able-bodied fc!rile nien, between the acetof IS arl 35 year., neel apply. Recruit in jf Renteivou in Metirer'a i.ew buCdirir, Ko. MEtut Wab:nton street, adjoining Odd F'ilowa' 1U1L D. R. CO:T,Firt Lieutenant Eleretitb Iifantry, KecniitlrtOScer. NEW BOOKS. NEW PUBLICATIONS FS Mir-erables. by Victor IIn?o; Ixve'a Labor on, l y J!r. Sjoutnwona; Iarerj.-b. by Kincilev: VfhTpaul Fern-ll Kid-dbU Wife; Nine Montb in the QuarttnnarHer'a Departmect; Paron P.rowrlow's Look: Stolen Mak, by W.lkie CoILd, aatbor of Wemaa In Vtite; Rower of the Prairie; Tie r.irt: A Life Secret; ReereaTion. cf a Ctniotry Paron; Leisure. Henri in Towc: A lVxk ATout Doctcr; City of tb Saisu; AT I HOirJS.1 STEUlItT Ä CO.'S.l Jj4-d2w DRUCCISTS. US SCHiEFFELIN BROTHERS 6 CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGIST. And Dealers In Fancy Goods, Per fiimeryt A.c. A lo, Aa-enU for th al of E?Cnet Petroletim, lilain;Ba Ung Od, icperV'r to any Coal O l, fu.xi-bed to axy quaiitltie at tie lowest market ratet. 17 AND ITS WILLIAM STB . SEW en'- "f 7"E ARK KFCFIVLNG DtHFCT mOTtC THE A. UFACTtlKT in err ariete and ty ! of ef, tho Olebraf rd U ttltUaiM niches. A genuin Vl;hara Wathtsia lea to boy aid will lat much lungT than (orviiu niad attb 4 th a?n quality. A renu'n VTa!tbar Vack I a durable, rej'.l le a txl accurate ttTe-keeper. Tf bad ratber warrar.t a .it Lam Watch for five year, tban tb orduiary Epjflibr rwi Watche for tw yar. A arenu'.n Waltbam Watcb I the best for railroad rren, the brt for farmer, ia fact tb be.' f..r ever. dy la want of a tmi-keeper. get r Waithara Wate; direct front the maLufaciurer. and ry Waubiawar ranted to (tire entire t1fact'on. In Ktfunf fiiritirnulnr tValthnm Watcn you ruo no rik, decrtle tb tjle of c and iL waub la aure to krt time. fr a M-t .rW. Dur Kock 4 Swisa Wa'cbea and Jewelry I trerr lrjr. Compo-irion Leptur Watche. ti M to M Con po iti'fi Uuntin Cad Watele, fn .r0 t fl ?.V Ptlvr Hunt lite Ced Watches, f 7 10 to 12. tsilver lull Jew. eld Watcbea, f 5 10 to f 9 50. Pare Jin S Iver. W4-; S.lrff Mate-l WarT.Clxk, Jie.. Ac. Watha, Clocka and Jealry rele-d and warranted. V. I. Illf.ll 41 & C O., 29 Lat Wah;tirtn ttret, apr7, Indiaua. RAILROADS. Incliaiia poll and Hnlion 62. ütttj-i H IS62. ff IHK PtSSFNGFK TKAI.V WILL IF AVE THE X Union Irt( Indiauaixdis, at 12-30 P. VI. daily, fo MadLon, Cincinnati and Louisville. Tht 1 the hone.1 railway line to Onsinnati ad Lnu! vi'.le conuet;,it, at Madioti taith the L'uittd Mate Mad Une Meanur, arrixi'i at Cincim atl in time to cn iieet with the F.xpreiM. Train on the Little Miami raitrood leaving at 7w'c!jck A. M., for the, aiwt by ttie Ken tucky Central Eailroad for the Suib, atid at LuSvi',! alut 11 P. M. lOtumin?. leave Cineittnatl daily at IS M., by the abov learners and alobytbe Madton FotM tjuee anJ Pr;rew, arri-riri-f t Madison in time to curiect with th- Pa.fS'tijT Train leavii c at 8 A. 11., and arr'vii at Indian a .; at lXt A. M.. making coiitiectn. Ha II train leavine for the Fat. Wet, and Nrtb. For the rrimrndst.ij f way p.ieiife. a Car will run in connection with the FrelxLt Train deny, leaving liHila:iax.H at G:30 A.M wtich tra-.n reniaiu wt'.tln. at each tat ion, affontin? pa-e' cr an opportunity fTtb transaction ( businew striving at Nurib Vadi. at LLo P. M. Fare to Cincinnati, or Cincinnati ! IndlanMolis, i.kio; I'm l.ouis ill .J .0. rTo ctitre for pea! or HAte-r-ra La the rt.tmcrt, or for ba'raire or :iribu. at Ma'ion. Tariff of Freiaht lw a by any other rout. ."hlpj-er and mercLaM Wet wld fnd it to tbeij inter t to travel over and i-bfp bv thl li'ie. ap26-d.f. D. C. bÜANUAM, f uperibleiwl. ut. RENOVATERS. EST1BLIS1IMEM rpnn united statfs dte-hocse, yo. 3 fioziu X UHooliatre;!, Icdianapoli, Indiant, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At hi) old and wt ll-known e.tabtl.hment, the laiiea caa bare tliti aid w oVn ood dyed ti permaneat and leauiiful colors; and gt cU icarmenta thoroughly tetrva led an t repalrd, aa good aa when new, at lower price than ever. Nevr and Mcond-hand clothlnjf bougbt and !'. a paticalar braitrti in the tn.iue denominated l'.ce draw. Irijf billiard uble clotb. or tear in any f-armect can be 0 woujht that It tun not be ruible to tie ruAed eji. tff ejonnrrv order punetoatlj attended to. ro cvH.n ction ith any ctber tiouae ta tbia city. Remember Ue place, o. Si toaib liiina'.t wreet. febi JOSEPH HAKE'S. MEDICAL. ÜÜF, I O iVODi:UFI I. bUAMM V. rnfflis at.d C'-ld. will fo as ay, Kr.metiiae io a intrle iav, if tth: Irui' yea will gs Ar. I f-ti n:rp!il si;h Tai!ir'n Vo'i can u- it frely as yoa plea, tt üivfr li to ie yo-j e.e. Tn'e Graiutr wonderful are, rm aure, 1 r thfy speedily t.T ct a lAtii:c je 25 ot. r boa. at all Drug Store.. IIUAXDIL'S TUSSILAGO t i KKS CrGl!S. I5UANDFS TUSSI1-AÜO CI'kKt CtiLfiS. UKANDE'S TUSSILAGO CCUt H0Ar.SEXLJJ. BRAXDE'S TUSSILAGO CVUT.S SOF.E THRO KT. ODE i t itit Ani;' TtMI. i;. WONDEP.IXL OKA Nt'LF.S. Oh w here ean I f.n 1 th-m. To tL I tu n ht.r go tjUitk, I siil speedily try- fbem; I have a l a 1 Couch, Ar-d I wi-L to be Mira To have th be-t remedy Hat si! I very "Hetäre. JZj 25 ce; 'a per box, at all tb Dru-f f tore. BRAN DFS TUSSILAGO Cl'EF.S A STUM K AM) Pr. XCHTTI!. Kold by all DixgcifU. Urenua W. BRAXDE'S TUSSILAGO I. Plefc.axt to th Tate -Children cry fr It. BRAXDE'S TUSSILAGO CTKKS H00I1.VG COUGH A5D CU)l'F. olu by a!l Dru ':. c ru a box. BRAXDE'S TUSSILAGO Ct'KFS COUGHS AND COUS. S- VJ by aii lyruiu. U cMt a boi. PIANOS. Piano -Port es. ANOTHER INVOICE OF CK!CKERING & SQWS PIANOM. STHNVAY 6 SOIi'S PIANOM. Jet received at So. i&staa llou. WXLLARD A fTOWELL. 5. B. Piano tuned to order and BT THE TEAR EXPRES3 COMPAUIEO. 4 American Express Company, AST IXS UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. OmCZ OX THE CORSES OF WAJai5C.T03 AXD Meridian atreela, lixliAtapoI:, Three daily Eiprt? to Sew Tork; Two F.iprem to CI-jcuuuI, aid Two d..!y F.xpreM to Ckis-ao and M.Lost; T above Oimpaaiea are th oUy prl icsl 1 1 tb fcliowirjr rta-i. vir . INDIANA CKNTKAI4 LArATirrrr . chicaoo; INDlANAl"OLl k PKKU: TEKKE HAUTE k ÜX'HVO.TD, ELLEuSTAINE 4 LNDLiSAPOLlS. Money, pksa. vaiuablea sst frt'xbt carried wtt Mfety and dl-puk, and lo cbarf of pedal at.4 'Sclral te-Ejsera. StA. Bin a ad Drafts will b pesnpUy collects! sas rsady rHsrsa si s. tu. rrr kii