Newspaper Page Text
s - Bw3BP DAILY STATO CHHTIKIIL. rK'Sltl AND rCRUSHED a t ittiiM (itiitu ticartto) at THE NEW SSSTIXEL OFFICE. RO. MOtlTIl .TJ Kill DIA WTIIKKX. DPI UN I B TM f OffTOfYfTK.. eider, iiAnxiTs & bif.-gham, Proprietor, s - t - va7c::20. 7 1 AI Jo V VOLUME X. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEJIBER 12, 18G2. NUMBER 3,728. I DA c m a rin NT O 1 51 5-1 41 Yearly Wmr It W, tsvaaia.i.t m araca-; r delivered by the earner t 12 S cent per weea, payable rerrH-rrnxuhly. fcogi eopte. five rent. City t 'briber be beld responsible for pspers left at tbe-.r booses after tbey have removed, or when tber wUh them dicontinued, utile rotlce I given b "' fee of i.itItK'H. 5- V"r without pr HijTiwl,f eontinuedlonger than ra;d lf. . . t Op' of the Dm? ?int tan 1 bad at the nc j 1. and tb ntllLI InI racu muu- ay soorcin, neatly evebiped. for nailing. ' j WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, rCCUSIIKD EVERT WEDNESDAY AT rmr HBaVM sa Jr- T- PATAU UOUIIK I At-VASCX. KATF.K Of ADV CHTISIX;. I a. t s s s a a ' t t- b ! t ' ? 1 er , 2 A I at at ' at tfi I W t- I J 1.25' 2.' 3.00 3.37 3.75 3.U) 3 SO 4.00 4 M 5.00 3 7', 4J7( 5.00 5.62 6.20 4JU; 5.25 (K) 6.75 7.50 5.2i .12; 7.00 7.H7 7.1 6 OO 7 H.0O 00 10.0) : 7 5 H7.V10.M 112.M2.50i a) 4 4 1 2 ; 2 t z O.V) 1.00 lis ITS 3M 112 3.62 3 OO a.:s 4.59 1.501 1.60J 3.oo A.OO, 500, 1A JM 3.12 3.T5 47 &.ÜO .25 &d. IfViJ 2M 2..! 3.0 Sw.j S.OO o.OO 7 50 9.00' 10.50 12.00 13.50 15.00 H O. IO.OO 12.0O 1.0 l9.(tO H.OO 20.0 Im..! 5.0O 7..r.0 10.00 12.50 15.00 17-VJ 20.00 22..V) 2.1.0O imJ 7.W 10.25 14.75 20.f)O 2.1.25 2C.50 23 75 33.00 lro.J SO 13.75 13 ) 24 25 28 50 34.75 4O.0O 4...0O M W Am J 2S Ii ' 21.2. '27.0O 33 M 40 0O 4.1.00 50 OO 5. 00 11.00 H.00 25.00 37.50 45 50 52 50 57.50 C2.50 9m.. 13 f0 20.50 24.50 K.50 43.50 50.00 57.50 65.00 70 00 j 12m li.00 Xt CO .15.00 a OO S.VQQ 5.QO 75 OO KS.Q T..OO j AlVF.liTWG IN TUK WEEKLY. On aquar, our wTt'ua tO 75 l-ro " 1 0 fvur " 00 for eah auSurnt Insertion, and for fach lrw-r- tio of arh aViitJonl rjaar1 . ...... . 33 AlvtieTtMri pi H?-bel in b..ib tl Iailr and the tVe'klr TitKi. i!l br chanr"! be Tu!l Dailj ratr, with vfi?-lilf Ihe Wee klr r nll 1. PUMnra Notkr julli-l.-J In tlir Ital chinin., cf ten I iura or und-r. will cJur-d r. r eacU Inaction fl; If crrr ten lur, frn fnl frr line. r;iiargr wilt I niail f"r iu-rtt flt tlj- notic of tbe f.!I..wlnn Or!rr-, 51tlr an-1 AwcUt1!i9 at the rate imrl, to t paid In advarir: Military 0rr,tra, Order of Odd Fr-llowa, Ma'.nic OrAer, IVfievnliit t-tia and 5icietiea. Yt e h notice ut xcedin 8 line 25 cents for each lnerti"ti; over e Uht Iiiie at thi rate. Announrinir deaih with funeral notice attached, fl; wiUiont n.)t1re tree Virriaje X.tiof SOre'it. Notii-- f FrMhraK lVnj and Excumioiin, a;oitn T aMciaUis or ny churche, at the regnUr prior. Adenemeiit leaded ami f lafd tinder the Lea-! of fecI Nolle, if ten lioe or ovei, aril! beebarge! dotiblr- the unal rate. Adrertiiement maVlnir lej than three linea, Inserted nr In the Ii1y, wilt be charred fifty cent. Tarly aiTertt-T taT niarrly. Announcii candidate for ofTce or erery decntlou to he rbared at the rate ofl Wfore.tcU nume in tbe rmUy, and i In the Taily and Weekly, tbe Mine to e, in all rae, pail In adTawe. Leital aifverti-mei t inserted attheeperiie of the aU tnmey orteHnif. and not delayahle for tbe lera! proceed Injr, but eollertable at our uual time. Pall1bere not cco'intatle for the accut c f legal rlrfrti-'f meM be 'jond the atnonnt charged foi their iu1ication. KLi KK. IIAJNES.A HISOJMM. rroprj tora Indiana Mate St ntiiiel. j. m. mvmi , President f ndianapoji Jonml Company. DUS1NESS DIRECTORY. IIAKI.HS. f ARKISOXS' BANK.?". 19 Eat Washington Mreet 1 1 iMxire the Sentinel Office. may4 staiim:. U.F.y HI5SLET, LKery and Sale Stables In the rear of the PalmerJIouo. Junej-illy I DAVIS A CO., Union Foundry, Delaware atreet.op- polite I'nion Iet. I I ASS ELM AN k VINTUN, Wahink'ton Foundry and I I Machine Work, eaxt end Union lepot IIT.AI. TAT ATI'. Ar.iT. J.KANCIS SMITH, formerly IV lietl A Smiih, U t ' Estate Ajtetit and Tas Payer, 37 Eat W a-hii jctoa atrei t. UoQ t rent. Jat)25-dly 'Gl f rKFRNAN 4 PlEIifK, Real Etate A(?fnta and If 1 Firoken. 10, FaYh:nKtjitrret. TM. T. W1I.ET, Real Estate Aireut nd Stock Uro- ' . ... .. .... .. .. .. . i . er, 10, A-uinton ireet. i iior AMnsnoi: ir..i.i:i:s. C. MATHF.W A CO, vVh!eale deah-r iu Fota, J"j, Shes and Rubbers No. 4 Robert' luoca, opposite the Lnlon iH-jvot, IreliAnnpotls Ind. en4 A DAM KNODI.E A SON, manufacturer and dealer In all kind of Boota and Shoes Xo. 33 East Wah nit:on rtreet. apr27 IIOOKM A I STAT 1 ( I'.U V . BOW EN, STEWART A CO., wholesale and retail deal er in B.k and Stationery, and Iriuter' Materials No. If Hest WAhinoti etreet. aprJ Din A!Vi mi:iiciii:s. ru.KT M. U)WRT, IKL(ii 1ST. Dealer iu Dru r Chemicals Pints this Ive.tuffs flofanic, P;i?ent ami otner MeiiiCine., .ii'tl'W :mi i rriunierjr . a huett avenue, Ir.dianapoli. novSO-ly. f "OMIJSON A COI. dealers In DruR, Metlidne, I Pair.t, Oils ilaS Purfumcry, Fancy Oood-s Ac, No. Is Fat Wahinirton utreet, Iihtianajx'li. . . .. ... . A ti . t r 1 f I? S'110 , rl rf .VlrVJir I V . Varnishes, Ihe-tv.nsG'a.-.s,Glaware, I crtumery, Ac.. No. 22. Wot wsbinton atreet. apr27 F.ROWMNU. Dniei!t, and dealer in Paint, O I-s ic.. No. 22, Weet Yi abiiiton treet. apr27 T A H. GLENN A CO., New York Store, Dry V Good hciesaie and Keuil, Glenns Block, Kat 7" A H. GLENN A CO., New York Store, Dry Wa-hSnton street. may5 STOVI AID T7i WAIti:. t1lv v0M?w.iu ov",'rin ware, Ac. No. ;1HAK1.I:S COX. dealer iu Stoves Tin Ware, Ac, No. U et W ahir(s n stpet. pr27 HOOK IXIM)i:itS. Mri!KI L A HOI LES. Hook lender and r4ank Y j Manufacturers, N. 37 Ea-t w ahinztou t . ea,t of Glenn' blxk, up tairs. In lianapoh. fel 'iö-dtf notr.i.AS A palmer. Rook Rinder and Blank Book Mnr.facinrers. n. Eat whington atreet, over Alfi'nt, Muls A CoN Grocery. rnay27 . J " ; c7iil .T a7v? a17d üri':i:sVvÄitiir ! . ' W W awt horn A BidiANAN Importers of China, j II u,ai and Oueensware, No. S3 East W A-umgtoti st., i Inhinapi-lisLidiana. dly ( rrrt . - r - rrr-rr -.-.rr. - : MEitnitvT T ill.oilN. FREDERICK (HKlTER. Merrhait Tiilor. and dler i I m retr'.y mAtie ciotbinir and f.inMsh:nji eooda. No. 21 H e-t Wattmrin treet, opposite Sentinel i.ff.ce. ATTOUSr.YSi. KIl.BY FERGUSON, Attorney and Coun-elor at Law. Tay cah for approved judgment and morir.res; Ais netiale l.a-' s nlrs Ac. OltW-e, 24 E.stWah Inrt'in treet, up-stair, aecond door to the rUht hand. op. psi!e ti'.niu's p;s k. cts MC lNALD. KOACIIF. A LEV ls.J,eho E. McDon ald, Ah'.ison 1 Roach. Jopii V. Lewin, At ttornrT aitd Counselor at I jiw, .Ktna Insurance i'i.m- pany Ra:1.1.rg. econd flor, Peiin-v Ivan'.a street. Jel lly rr-- j MACHINISTS. A .SO BtCKSJlITU suor. je LT rf.ftttid the shop FOiiM- i j ied by John Copper, tn Oscoo.1. ! T 1 AV1NT. ENTTKKLT RF.FTTTID THE SHOP F011M-1 II EP.LT occupied by John Copper, tn Oscoo.1. ! rm.t b co Last and nut Fact.-. i ra rrered to do ail lirds of work in tlit ariAchinery r b!cksmitb'.ns; 1 hre. iiarirghad twelve year' eipmice in the bet snacbiue .bop m the ct.urtry, i ?. tter myself that lean i pv entire krlrction to those who mav favor n wlu ! their work. I have m my employ 0ne of'tb. best black-; emith. tu the tate. and roiy paru.UrattentKu to hor ä Sboeina- and iracbtne lartfrf. l:rrT L: of :U:n.S in rort.T attended to Modtb. of kind-1 for ih' pateu office. i:rpair;Li: ot :i a:n. i r ropi;T a:tenoed to i Uodeb. of kirt-1 for ih r-atetu office. J Kernender the place, ne i're miIi of o.e Prion KioWdiv-l.;,'tr''1' " T' "l'OWS" j ! a. a - mm tu I Iwt! -7 F lave tM day cid our Iukery to Mesr. Nick-, Vf um a im it. I . . .. . . . , i nr.a;rt; i: pni.;.c in rCel I'-r I teir iu-erai pairon- . ire, wew uld re-pectlullj a.k tie eoruruance of the arte to our uerrm t. A. A J. ilLTZ'-ER. IMJaiiAfolj July . 1SC3. Jyll d3t m m ril.KT M. LOWRY, DRUGGIST. Dealer iu lrus fnP tL mvni(.nt 0f an v ., nf nmniv .tp.....1 V Chemicals Points this Dvestuffs R-tanic, P .tent ! ir 1Ue panicntot 311) SUlll Ot mono iXCttU- DAILY SENTINEL INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. IXtroXTAISBSAILkOAD. Train Lea.. Train Arrive. 6 20 A. U Kail 6 20 P.M. K P K 5:40 A.M. 40 P. M 11 So A.M. ISMAXarOLU AD COLCMStS TIA CXION. Train Ivave. Train Arrive 6:2 A. M 8:40 P. U. Expre 13 P. M. ! ........Aeromindjtion......l0:4'l A.M. ! IXIHASA CtrrXAl. KAILWAf. Train Arrive, i 7 ISA. M. I Train Leave 61 A. M. 12:10 p. M 7 00 P. M Vail 1:34 P M. rs m a axd coixmr aaoirr un, via dattox. Train Lev. Train AjiT. .15 A. M 7 15 A.M. 12:10 P. M 1-34 P. M. 7:00 P. M 7:55 P.M. lllUIlrvUIAID CIXC1XXATI KAILAOAP. Traina Leave. Traina Arrive. ! . i O.Zyf A 31 i 10:40 A. M 4:35 P. M j tZ P.M 10:55 P.k Ttaia HALT KAIl-KOAD. Train Ieave. Tratn Arrtee 7.-10 A.M.. 5:10 A. M. 1-45 P.M 8 55 A.M. S 40 P. M . ..30 p. M. ! FW AIAT AXP CHICAGO BO AD GKC Am. JCÜCTIOX j Oouin North. Goin South, 5:0'J P. M r.xnre- 11::5 A. 1. 11:05 A. M K reicht, laily 2:00 P.M. LAPAVKTTR t4IUlD. Traina lif are. Trarna Arrive. 10 0. A. M 510 A. M. 4-aP. Maa-a A 0"0 A . 3f . 10.30 P. M 6O0 P. M. rtXC A'DIXblAXArOI.lSBAILAOAn. Train Leave. Train Arrive. 11.10 A. M ..MaH ir.50 A.M. 10 35 P. U ChicaifoExpreM 4:10 P M ixntAXAroLia un maJ'Isox bailroap. Traina feave. Train Arrive. 12:30 P. M Mall lCh.'.O A, it. C30 A. M.... From Frefibt Ix-j-otj.... L.OO P. M JiritUOSMLU iaiuoid. Train lave. Train ArrlTe. ( A. M Mall K 45 P M. 6.30 P. M 5:ü0A. M. Arrlvnl und l)pnriiire or t'lolnc of .tlail. Af.klVAI-A. Madion mall. Cincinnati aiul way mail JefTerwiiville and lfUivi'le , Terr Haute way mail Peru mail .... Central way mail Terre Haute thr'nth mail Lafayette and Cbicasro B liefotitaiiif way rtnil Bvllefuntaine tbronKh mail. ..... Central tbroupb mail Cinciiinatithrorrsh mail 11 15 A. M. ...... H:0 e. M. ...,11:15 A. M. - ... ....10:15 a. m. 2 00 p. M. 7: 0 r. m . i-O r. m. l ilk i.oo r. m. 630 A. M. c an a. m. 8:45 r. m. 7:30 a. m. SprinRfieM.U'.jnow.. DicrARTvara. SIllH Clout. JefftTf-onville and luisville mail 7:3 r. w. Ten-e Haute thrnujtb mail, St. Louii, Cairo.... 7:3 r. m. Lafayette and Chi- ro 1:40 a. . Ijifayrtte Lily nd trinfleU, Illinois 6 W r. M. MadtWn maf. 11JD a. m. Cent ral way until. ...... . . 1T:('5 a.m. Central tljmi'.f'brar.lUndWasLirgtcr City.... r. m. Cincinnati and wiy ni.til 1):40 a. m. Tbrouii m;:il-. . ......................... f:."0 r. m Terre Haute w ay, Evanville and Viucenne.. ..12 45 P. m Peru 1005 A. M Bellfdntaitie war and lb much 7:o r. m Slump Dull. On and after the first of Octolwr, 18G2, the stamp duties niTscribed in the schedule liere- ai'ler annexed, must lie paid under the Fed eral tax law. Section ninety-five oi the law enacts, "That if any person or persons slia1! make, sign or ksue, or cauc to be made, signed or issued, any instrument, document, or paper of any kind or description what-oever, without the sanu being duly stamped for denoting the duty hereby imposed, or without having thereupon an adhesive tanip to denote said duty.Mk-h person or persons ääuZ incur a pen ally of S50, and such instrument, document or paper, as aforesaid, shall be deemed invalid and ot no effect." It will be seen that this section both imposes a fine and invalidates the document lor the non-ue of the jtamn. As the instruments. documents, &C, referred to, embrace nearly every common written transaction of busi ness the people ought, before the first of Oc tober, to familiarize themselves with the sche dule. We, therefore, publish it, advising our readers to preserve it tor future reference: SCHEDULE B. Agreement or contract, other than those specified in this schedule; any appriscment of value or damage, or for any other purjose; for every sheet or piece of paper mon which either of the same shall In? written, 5 cents duty. Bink check, draft, Or order for the pay ment of anv sum of monev exceeding $20 drawn ujion any bank, trut company, or oth er person or persons, companies or corpora tions, at sight or on demand, 2 cents. Bill of exchange (inland), draft, or order iii- v. - v diu ui, k ii vtjviiiii civv, mini him: than on sight or on demand, or any promissory note, except Kank notes issued tor circula tion, for a sum exceeding $20 and not exceed ing $ 1 00, 5 cents: exceeding 510'i and not k'dins $20, 10 cents; exceeding $200 c - r v and not exceeding b3o0, 15 cents; exceeding $35 and not exceeding $500, 20 cents; ex ceeding $500 and not exceeding $7o, 30 ... - T . . 1 I- cents; exceeunig csi- aim noi excceuing $i,oo0, 40 cents; exceeding $1,000 and not exceeding $l,"t0, 00 cents: exceeding $1,500 ami not exceeding $2.500, $1 ; exceeding $2,500 and not exceeding $5.000, $1 50; and f fy $2.5Q0 or part of $2,500 in excess Bill of exchange (foreign), or letter of r.lit ilmrr!r lint mvn mit rf tli. T'nltod " VV. , ' , , "."" btates, it drawn singly cr otherwise than m a set ot three or more, according to the custom ot merchants and bankers, shall jwry the same j rates of dutv as inland bills of exchange or: " , Ti. , promissory notes. If drawn in sets ot three i or lnor'' tor CVt"r.v ot' tach fet werc the i sum mane pavauie saan not exeeeu cioo, or the eiitiivalfnt thereof in anv foreign currency . , K . , , ... . . ; in which such bill may U expressed, accord- ing to the standard of value fixed bv the Uiiitetl States. 3 cent?; above $150 and not aboVe 2:i0' 5 ct nts; boe and not aOOv e 5oo. 10 cent.: rdmve S500 and not ! 1 aln)ve 51,000, 15 cent?; alove $1,000 ami not' alnjve $1.5'0, 20 cents; alxjve $l,5o0 aud not aUive $2.25o, 30 cents alwvc $2,250 and not alnive $3.500, 50 cents: alove $3.500 and not above $5,0o0, 70 cents: above $5,000 and not above $7,500. Si; and fr every $2,500 or' narts thereof in excess of S7.500. 30 cents. Bill of lading or receipt (other than charter nartv for anv, merchandise, or effects. ' . to be exported from a port or place in the United Spates to any foreign port or place, 10 cents. Express For every receipt or stamp issued or used by any express company, or carrier, , or person whoso occupation it is to act a such, for all boxes, bales, packages or bundles, for ' the tiaustortat'on of which uch company, CATTicT or P11 hha11 compensation ' ot not over 25 cents, 1 cent- 1 v ,,v ' l' ivv- c a ivui-hmuuu ot not over 25 cents, 1 cent- 1 When such compcnsxtion exceeds the sum 0. , , ' in. 01 -.0 ccnts,ana not over one dollar, 2 cents. When one or more packages are sent to the . ii , l , ! aiae w rne time, and the com- pen.saUon exceeds one doliar. 5 ctnu. ; IVtnl For iudeinnifvillT an v Iwrwin vchn t ti i i , .... 9ha11 l oecomo loutul or engaged as surety t -ti i i t i 9haI1 l Dcoome Unitul or engaged as surety for the payment of anv sum of monev. or for xliC due rrlbrmance ot'the du- ti f otTice, and to account for money receive.l by virtue thereof. 50 cents. " ' " Ilonil tX &nv descrintion other tLan such a ari refpnreo in legal pi oceeUjngs. and such as are not otherwise charged in thU schedule' r cen:. Certificate of stoclc ih an incorporated! company, 25 rent. ( Certificate of profit, or any certificate or memorandum showing an interest in the property or accumulations of any incorj ora ted company, if for a sum not less than ten dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars, 10 cents. For a sum exceeding fifty dollars, 25 cents. Certificate Any certificate of damage, or otherwise, and all other certificates or docu ments issued by any Port Warden, Marine Surveyor, or other persons acting as such, 25 cents. Certificate of deposit of any sum of money in any bank or trust company, or with any banker or person acting as such, for a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, 2 cents; exceeding one hundred dollars, 5 cent.'. Certificate of any other description than tho?e specified, 10 cents. Charter party Contract or agreement for the charter of any ship or vessel, or steamer, or anv letter, memorandum or other writing between the captain, master or owner, or per son acting as agent of any ship or vessel, or steamer, and any other person or persons for or relating to the charter of uch thin or ves sel, or steamer, if the registered tonnage of such ship or vessel, or steamer, does not ex ceed 300 tons, three dollars. Exceeding 300 tons, and not exceeding C00 ton, five dollars. Exceeding GOO tons, 10 dollars. Contract Broker's note, or memorandum of siles of any goods or merchandise, stocks, bonds, exchange, notes of hand, real estate, or propei ty of any kind or description issued by brokers or persons acting as such, 10 cents. Conveyance Deed, instrument or writing, whereby any lands, tenements, or other realty sold shall be granted, (leased), assigned, trans ferred, or otherwise conveyed to, or vested in, the purchaser or purchasers, or any other person or persons by his, her or their direction, when the consideration or value exceeds Si 00 and does not exceed $1,000, $1; exceeding $l,0o0 and not exceeding $2,500, $2; exceed ing $2,5o0 and not exceeding $5,000, $5; ex ceeding $5,000 and not exceeding $10,000, $10; exceeding $10,000 and not exceeding $20,0V0, 20; and for every, additional $10, 000 or fractional part tliereof in excess of $20,000, $20. Di.atch, Telegraphic Any dispatch or message, the charge for which for the first ten words does not exceed 20 tents, 1 cent. When the charge for the first ten words exceeds 20 cents, 3 cents. Entry of any goods, wares, or merchandise, at the Cus'om-1 louse, either for consumption or warehousing, not exceeding $100 iu value, 25 cents. Exceeding $100 and not exceeding 6500 in value, 50 cents. Exceeding S500 in value, one dollar. Entry for the withdrawal of any goods or merchandise from bonded warehouse, 50 cents. Insurance, Marine and Fire Each policy or insurance or other instrument, by whatever name the same shall be called, by which in surance shall be made or renewed, tijton properly of any description, whether against penis by the sea or by fire, or any other peril ot any Kind, made by any insurance company, or its agents, or by any other company or person, 25 cents. Lease, agreement, memorandum, or con tract for the hire, use, or rent, of any land, tenemeut or portion thereof If for a period of time not exceeding 3 years, 50 cents. If for a period exceeding three years, one dollar. Manifest for Custom House entry or clear ance of the cargo of any ship, vessel, or steamerfor a foreign port If the registered tonnage of such ship, vessel or steamer does not exceed 300 tons, one dollar. Exceeding 300 tons, and not exceeding 600 tons, three dollars. Exceeding JG0 tons five dollars. Mortgage of land, estate or property, real or personal, heritable or movable whatsoever, where the same shall be made as a security for the payment of any definite and certain sum of money lent at the time or previously due, and owing or foreborne to be paid, be ing payable; also any conveyance of any lands, estate, or property whatsoever in trust to be sold or otherwise converted into money, which shall be intended only as security, and shall be redeemable before the sale or other diposal thereof, either by express stipulation or otherwise; or any personal bond given as security for the ayment of any definite or certain sum of money exceeding $100 and not exceeding $500, 50 cents. Exceeding live hundred dollars and not ex ceeding one thousand dollars, one dollar. Exceeding one thousand dollars, and not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars, two dollar. Exceeding two thousand five hundred dol lars, and not exceeding five thousand dollars, five dollars. Exceeding five thousand dollars, and not exceeding ten thousand dollars, ten dollars. rTf.ftU.l!n, .. 4L-.,iatn.l ,J11, Exceeding ten thousand dollars, and not Illteen dollars. ! ti' 1a i lit And tor every additional ten thousand Uol- lars lars or fractional part thereof, in excess of twenty thousand Mm, ten doli. 1 assage ticket By any vessel lrom a port in the United States to a foreign port, if less tuan tlurly dollars, titty cents. Exceeding thirty dollars, one dollar. Power of Attorney for the sale or transfer of any stock, bonds, or scrip, or for the col lection of any dividends or interest thereon, 25 cents. Power of Attorney or proxy for voting at any election for otlicers of any incorporated company or society, except religious, charita ble, or literary societies, or public cemeteries, ten cents. Tower of Attorney to receive or collect rent. 25 cents. Power of Attomev to sell aud convey real 0 estate, or to rent or leae the same, or to jw?r form any and all other acts not hereinbefore specified, oue dollar. . Probate of Will or Letters of AdininUra- tin- hew tht. e?tate and t-ffect for, or m respect Ot w lncli SUOlt probate or letters Ot ). t A 11 administration applied lor shall be sworn or declared not to exceed the value of two thou- sand five hundred dollars, fifty cents. To exceed two thou5and five hundred dol lars, and not exceeding five thousand dollars, one dollar. To exceed five thousand dollars, and not exceed twenty thousand dollars, two dollars. To exceed twenty thousand dollars and not exceed fifty thousand dollars, five dollars. 1 A tT a if "4V ' V ,V exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, ten dollars. .... , . Exceeding one hundred thousind dollars and not exceeding one hundred and fifty . , , ,, , thousand doUars, twenty dodars. And for everr addition.'U fiftv thousand .tM t .: . .111, uuimhihimmi... jwi uiuw.,iui M13l Protect Uion the protest of everv. note. v i - ' Protect Uion the protest of bill cf exchan"e acceptance chet or any marine protest, whether p a notary public, or bv anv other mar be'authorized by the'law of J check or ttratt, jirotested by olhcer who 1 1 i iv aukiiu. it.. vi u I mv; o uu t uuitv ui stat t.i ni-iL- iu-li T.rr?t s e.nt. Warehouse receipt of anv kk1, merclian- dise, or pmpt-rty of any kind held on storage in any public or private warehouse or yard, 23 cents. Legal Document.- Writ or other original process, by which any suit is commenced in any court of record, cither law or equitv, 50 cents: Provided that no writ, summons, or other process issued by a Justice of the Peace, or iuel in any criminal suits commenced by the United States or any State, shall be sub ject to the payment of stamp duties and pro vided further, that the stamp duties imposed bv the foregoing schedule B, on manifests, bills of lading, and passage tickets shall not apply to steamboats or other vessels plving between ports of the United States and porta in British North America. DRY GOODS. C3 ZD O A r. GO 6 o o Eh o CT us u c V3 Iii Vs. O o in "73 5C MEDICAL. t ti Ii is' rr ' h EFFERVESCENT SELTZER AFTTFtTTTISITr. This Taluable and popular Medicine ha universally re ceived the most favorable revomtnendationa of tbe Medical Frofe:sion and the Iullic as the most EFriCIKNT A'D Af.UCEAI LIL SALTNK VlMSlwIlSIVT. i It may be used with the best effect in j Bilion and Febrile Diseases, Co.tivenes Sic' Headache, Nausea. Los of Appetite, Indigestion, Aridity of j the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver. Gout, ' Rheumatic Affection, Gravel. Piles j And all Complaint w here a penile and Cooling Aperient i or Purgative is required. I It i particularly adapted to the wants of Traveler.-, by j Va and Ijnd, Residents hi ll"t Cliinatt , persons of SV deTita-y IHM!, Invalids and Convalescents: Captains ot ; VeJ ,fid PiatU.riwill nnd lta valuable adiiti..,, to! tht ir Medicine (Thes. l ' 'n tn fyrm cr" a Pder, carefully put up in bot- aeep in any annate, ami mereiv requires water poured upon it to produce a delightful efterveent bever- j ÄS'i V'S'hSSnÄS.', j try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a and other he coun- erie of I years, strongly tTjarantee its etikacy and valuable char- j acter, and commend it to tbe favorable notice of an ictel licent public. M.inuf.ictured only by TARRANT A CO.,No. 279 Green wich street, comer of Warren ;reet. New York: and for aale by Druggists generally. ji"-diy TO Tills AFFLICTED! j DOCTOR LAWRENCE, after an extensive practice oft ten year in IU It imore, which he left for a fur ; tlouuch Kurupe, where he remained two years, now re- i turns iih hi- mind r chly stond with scientific ktiuwl- ' ed:c and reseaith. The frst six months war. hj-nt in the 1 Liverpool Infirmary for disease of the eye and ear. alter j whi h he availed hinrelf of a thoronzh course of ;,ves- , titration In the Queen's Hospital, Lnd"!i, whf re the most ; wonderful cure are daily etlected. The Doctor's treat ment of Chronic Diseases is entirely different from that j markfd out by th? superannuated fathers of medicine, so ' called. It is not confined to the routine yu m of any I bigoted prty, but embrace a ytem of practice, not only ound and rational, but tru'y aciei.ti&c in it rr.ea- j ores. i After many solicitations from physicians and other of tat(: e Doctor bascor.nted to make the State of j i treat all cae pre-nted wi:h a success seldom attained. in examinations wi;j re maue wun treat rare, and fcü opinion piren freely and frankly, and wtthoct cnAnr.r, thereby avios; expeuse, ut aufying the mind of the paticuis and fntuOA. To Isdie who are incapable of hearing healthy off spriiiff. from drformiry otherwte, will rind bi advice iiiva'u.Me. 4 thr mtereslinr and importrr.t advice wjtt be e.ven to married ladie. a his opportua'.ties hare teen '.;ch that all the Intricate case of female complaints hare been fully comprehended, awl the cane of the dis. ea-e truly ascertained, rendering hi opinions correct, arxt hi adelce and prescriptions Tillable. See circular for psrtk-ulars, which w ill be distributed In every town and hamlet In the State. Hadourter Spender n-iuse, In.lianspoM Ir.d. JylSi-dßm GREAT WORK. THE GREAT WORK OF TIIE AGE pulpitTolitics! BY PE0F. CHRISTY. PRICE,- - - - $ü. FOR SALE AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE m v- -J VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. To Destroy Bat, Reiches, &c. To Destroy Mice. Moles, and Ants. To Dtstroy Bed Bag. To Dtztroy -Moths in Furs, Clothes, &e. To Destroy Mosquitoes and Fleas. To Destroy- Insects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy Insects on Animals, &c. To Destroy Even' form and species of Vermin. THE "OXLT INFALLIIDLE REMEDIES KNOWN. Detroy lntlantly EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF Those Preparations (unlike all others) are 'Free from PoLons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family. ullats do not die on the premises." 'They come out of their holes to die." "They are the only infallible remedies known. "12 vears and more established in New York "Citv." rdbti- the City Post Ofhce. Used Ly the City Prisons and Station i Houses. Used by the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Used by the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, j Used by theCity Hotels' Astor,' 'St. ! Nicholas. &c. i Used by the Boarding Houses, &c, &c. Used by more than 50,000 private families. See one or ttro Specimens of ichat is everywhere said ly the People Editors Deitltrs, etc. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with ver min need be so no longer, if they use ''Cos tar's "Exterminators. We have used it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost $5 we would have it. We had tried poisons, but they ef fected nothing; but "CostauV article knocks the breath out of Rat's. Mice. Roaches and Led-Uu;rs, quicker than we can write it. It isinriat demand all over the country. MOKE GRAIN and provisions are de stroyed annually in Orant County by vermin than would pay for tons of this liat and Insect Killer. -Lancaster ll't. Herald. HENRY R. COSTA RWe are celling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they nave been used, Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. ECKEU & SlOUlTER, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "CostarV' Rat, Roach, &e. Exterminator. " Costa rV "Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator. "CostarV "Costar s" Electric Powder, for Insects' &c. In 25e. 50c. and $1 Boxes, Bottles and Flasks, $3 and 5 Sizesi for PLANTA TIONS, Ships, Roats, Hotels, & CAUTIOM To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicwus Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bearing a facsimile of the Pro prietor's signature. Examine, each box, bot tle or flask carefully before purchasing, and take nothing but "COSTAR ST Sold everywhere by All Wholesale Druggists -in the large cities. Some of the WHOLESALE AGENTS IN N, Y. CITY. ShiclVelin Bros. & Co. HurraLRislev & Kitch- B. A. Fahnestock, Hull & Co. A. B. & I). Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall Morgan & Allen. Hail, ;Ruekcl& Co. Thomas & Fuller P. D. Orvis. en. Bush, Gale & Robinson M. Ward, Cloe & Co. McKisson & Robbinr . D. S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Lazell e, Marsh & Gard ner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Con rati Fox. AND OTHERS. PHILADELPHIA. PENNSYLVANIA. T. W. Dvott & Co. Robert Shoemaker & B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Co. French,Richards,& Co. AND OTHERS. BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. Geo. C. Goodwin & Co. I Weekes & Potter. M. S. Burr & Co. Jno. Wilson, Jr. AND OTHERS. Also, all WnoLESALE Druggists at CTIIt'Af.O, III., ST. LOl v, .tlo., DETItOIT, .tlirli., MM IM ll.l.i:, Ky., riTIAT, Ullio, IMTTMU HMI, la., II Li FALO, .X. Y. AND BY Druggists, Grocers. Storekeepers and Retailers generally in all Country Towns and Villages In the UNITED STATES AT IXD1MP0LIS, INDIANA. Gr Sold i Robert Browning AND William Hannaman, Wholesale Agents.. -AXD b Y ( TO.HLIaS01 Sc COX, W. B. VIGKERS, And by the Druggists, Storekeepers and Retailet-s cenerally. Country Dealers can order as above, Or address orders direct or if Prices, Terms, &c., is desired, end for 1802 Circular, giving reduced Prices to IIEiMlY U. COSTAR. Principal Depot No. 512 Ilroadway (Opposite the St. Nicholas Hotel,) New York. mch.31 -deodl we; ( RAILROADS. 1862 Fin; "-err 1862 4 LL TKRSONS rCRCHASlNt. TICKETS FOR ST. J JOSEPH and other potnt In Northern Mbcmrt, Oj tAle of Kan, or tbe Tf rrltorw, iboald tnait on bar lng ticket that read by the KOHTII .mSSOI'IKl ItAlLltOAD The only ra.l route from St. Louis to St. Joaeph. It la the hortet and qn:cket bae, by thirteen boars to the re motest point reached by ra.i, and is always as cheap as any other. Buy your Tickets to Kansas and aU points In Northern Missouri by the North Missouri Haitroai. ISAAC II. STTRGEOX, Prei't and Geo'l SupL Norli Louri R. R. HENRY H. SIMMONS, General Traveling Agent. ept!7-dly JFJFEUSONVILLE RAILROAD TVo Tntins Daily, Sundays Excepted Trains ArriTe Trains Leave. 45 P. M S 45 A. M 4:45 A. M R.50P.M. A BOYE TRAINS STOP FOB THE ACCOMODATION of pas-entrer at Soutbporl. Greenwood, FrankLn, kdiiitrnreh, Columbu, makinr connection at Seymonr with trains on the Ohio & MUsissippl Road, and at Louis ville with train on the Louisville. Frankfort 1 Lriiiistoo and Louville and Nashville Koad.. Fricht traiasleave daily. Freight promptly forwarded. Ofl'cf , Madison Depot, West ide . A. S. CA ROTH K RS, Strpenntendent. J. G. Wsutcom. Kreitrbt Anebt. aol'Si-dly DENTISTS. P. 6. C. HUNT, X E 1ST T I S T . m OFFICE AND RF.SIOF.NCK, o, 32t i:ast .viAHKirr stiu:i;t, INDIANAIOLlS tSD. MUSIC. PIANOS! 1'IAlVOaS! CHEAPKP. AND P.ETTK.R IN STRUM EN TS than w ere ever ollered In this market. Mr ar-ta; ranpemeiit. with Kastem Piano manufacturers are such that I c-.ui furnish 11 order -5 ikt ceiit. che aper than any dciler in the West, and I wirrtet them superior instruments. Onl e for caH. Call and see at MeMr W. 11. Taibott A Co'a Jewelry Store, No. 24 Wa.-hingtou Mreet. PIANOS. MKL0DF.0NS, ORfl ANS, (1 HTA RS, VIOLINS, accokif.oxs7ac.,tl':kd and ItEPAlRi:l). Haviiif had over twenty ye us experience tbe public can be assured that they now have a better opportunity than they srenerally meet with to have their Instrument put in perfect order. II. ÜCUON' ACKEK. July31-dly61 SPECTACLES, &C. To Officers of the Army. JCST RECEIVED A SPLENDID ASS0RTMK5T OF GLASSES. For field, portability and power they supersede nil others. For sale by SEM M0NS, Optician. SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, &C,, Of the greatest transparent power, cf new im provement rroncrl? adjusted to the cu e. Orders from the country, with particulars, promptly attended to. Repairing neatly done with dispatch. SEMMONS. Optician. oct29 No. 25. South Illinois street. HOTELS. ' TUE 3IORUIH HOUSE, (Formerly American,) IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE UMOX DEPOT, II. WIIIT.lIOItr:, Proprietor, W, a SAPP, Clerk. IS now open for the accommodation of the traveling public. The house has been thoroughly retovated and furnished from top to bottom. tnay31 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JESSE JOHNSON, General Commission Merchant, AND Dealer 1 n Flour, Grain, and all kind of Country Produce; Wines and Liquor, Cigars, Tobacco, A.c. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 23T SOITH FF.COND ST.. iiiLAur.i.ri.iA. Advance made on Contijrnmrnli. aurtüdly WANTED. 200 Recruits Wanted FOR THE jiA' OF The Eleventh Infantry, wiucn MAJOR J. W. GORDON Is authorized torais. In Indian. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. IAT FKOM tl3 TO tn PER ilONTII, WITH RA TIONS, quarter, medical attendance, Ac., com plete. All who enlist will at once be clothed, ub1ted and provided with ever) thing etentlal to their con.fort by the Goremmeiit- Tbe terra of enlistment UTIaree Yenrsi Tay to from date of eniie'inent. None but able-bodied -ingle men, between the a&esof IS and 3. years, need apply. Recruiting Rendezvous in MeUger'a new bniidinir. No. 5 East Washington street, adjoining Odd Fellow' HaiL D. R. COrr.Hrst Lieutenant Eleventh Infantry, KecnutirgOCcer. NEW BOOKS. NEW PÜBLICATIOWS LKS Mi-eraLle. by Victor Haeo; Love's LUjt Won, by Mr. Southwortb; LaveT.he. by Kinrvey: Why Panl Ferroil Killed his W U; Nine Months In Ü Qirtennatr, DepartmeBt; Parson Iwownlow' Ivx.k; Stolen Mak, by Wilkie Collins, author of Woman In WlPe; Flower of the Prattle: Tb Flirt; A Life's Seem; Recreation of aCotrntry Partoci Letnr Hour In Tcrwn; A Bock About Doctors, City of the Salnu; AT B01VEJ STEUMItT U COJS, ly-djw DRUCCISTS. SCKiEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, And Dealers In Fancy Goods, Per f umerj, Vc. Alo. Agent for tha Sal. af Refined PrtrwUvm. niam-iia-tuif OH, superior f cy Coal Chi, fun UUd a ay .aacUUe at the. lowest birket rates. 17 AND ITl WILLU1I STU . 5tW TZ ARE RFCEIVTN3 DIRECT FEOM THE slAÄ Y UFACTOUT In eeerr raletr end ayte f eaC, those Celebrated Waltham UaKhn. A genuine Waltham Wa'rh Coats lev to bay and srfll last cuncbk longer ibaa foreign r4e watches 4 tbe same rxAij. A genuine Waltham Watch la a durable, reliable and accurs'e t'me-keerer. We bad rather warrant Walthaaa Watch forCre year, than the trdiiary Ci g!iw or fcwtM Watches for one year. A genuine Waltham Watch Is thWt for railroad new.' She best for farmer, in fart Sle b at foretenlxT I want of A tirae-keeper. We get ir Walt asm Vsttlas direct from tbe mauuficturrrs, aud every Waua is war ranted to give enMre at!fartnn. la geasiuift fr Genuine W aa 1 1 Is at an Waat-n you run no risk, describe the itt le of cs-e ard tie watch Is sure to keen time. Sfid for a lit of brio. Our tock of f is H atchea and Jc !t i err Urr. Compoitk.n Lefine 1Vwbe. f A r to fS to. Cor-portion Huntinir Uae4 Watches, H to M TS. Silm Huntir.g Cased WatcLe. T iO to 12. fcdver lull Jew eled Watcbe, fS 50 to f9 r-O. Pure twin Silver Ware; islrer Dated Wart, ClucXs. Ac. Ac. Watch, Cl-V and Jewelry repai-ed and warranted. V. I. IMCall A TI V C U., SO East Washington street, apr? IndiAuapoü, Indiana. RAILROADS. Indiniinpoliv and .T2ndion 1S62. nr&ztji 1862. rpilE PASSF.NOER TRAIN WILL LEAVE TUK X Union Irpot, liili.maj2i, at 12:30 P. 14. dally, for Mudisou, Cincinnati and Louisville. TMs Is tie störtest ru'waj I!t. to Cincinnati ind lmla s-ille coniiecung at Madison with the t olled Stales Uafl r Line steamer. arrlvliiK at Cincinnati in time to ton nect with the Express Train on the Lit Je Miami railroad leain? at" o'clxk A. M., for tie Lat, and by the ken turky OrHral Railroad for the South, and at Looia-etlle about 11 P. U. rtumin?, letre Clr.clnnitl daily at 15 M., Ij the abov steamers, and also by the. Madlaon packet. Forest Qoeew aud IYiore, arriving l lladon in time to coonert with the Paawrjper Tra'.n leavirg at 8 A. Ii., and arriig at IiidiaRgpi'lii tt Ittftf A. M., mtk'.nr, coni.rtt''ii with J a!) train leavina for tbe V.a-t, West, and N'-rth. For tbe accommodation of way pa-sender a Car rll run la connection with the Freight daily, h ar.rf ' Indianapolis at A.M which train remain ome time at each statk'nt, afTordit.g pasaener an op,wrt unity for tb traus-ctlun of busine, arnvinj' at Norb Mdin at t.5 r. ir. aa sVasre to CinrlnnHll, r rinrinnnti l Indlonapolit 3 Ot)j To IxsitlsiTllIe, 3 VOa No charge for meal or state -rooms on the at.amer, r for t?eage nr omtritdi it Hf on. TcitI of Freight a low as by any her route. Shipper and merchant H est w'll find it to ibetr inter est to travel over and ship by thi line. ap28-dtf. D. C. IiliAMlAV, SuperlnleuWnL RENOVATERS. ct.Kut.ri.ra .urn nrEt.rG ESTABLISnMEXT. TfinE UNITED STATES DYE-HOUSE. 2C0.S SOUTH 1 Illinois street, Indianapolis, Indiana, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At this old and well-known establishment, the ladiet can hare silks and woolen a;ooda dyed in permanent and beautiful colors; and jenU carmenU tborougllj re dot. ted and repaired, a good as when new, at lower price than erer. New and second-hand clothing bonght and sol i, also, a paticular branch in the bu.iness denominated floe draw. Ing billiard tsble tloth. or tear In any garment can be so wrought that it can not be vitUl to the naked eye. Se3&. Conr.try order punctually attended to. No connection with any other Loose In this city. Imember the place. No. 33 South liiiii..! street. feb4 JOSEPH HARRI. MEDICAL. OI)L J O WOXDI KI I l t.UA.M Coughs and Cold will go awsy, Cornell roe in a single day. If to the Drug Store you will go Arid get t:p plied with Tui!airo; Yot can Use it freely as you please. It ti;ver fails to give you ease. Those Granules wonderful are, !"ra sure. For they speedily effect a lasting cure. Jjfcjy 25 cent per box, at all Drug More. Ml ANDES TUSSILAGO CTLES COUGHS. DRAXDK'S .TÜSSILAGO CURES COLDS nUANDK'S TUSSILAGO CUREl HOARSENESS. KKAXDE'S TUSSILAGO CUUtS SOLE THROAT. OUi: TO IUCAM)i:H TI JsMI.A'iO. W0NDLE1UL C.R.CNULE. Oh' where can I CjkI them. To the Drug tore go quick, I will speedily try tleru; I have a bad Couh, A ad I wKh to e sore To have th bet remedy That will very soon cure. T7" 25 cei a per b'.x, at all the Drug Store. ISRAM)E'S TUSSILAGO CURES ASTHMA AND RRONCirfTlS. Jföf Sold by all Druggist. 25 cen's a ba. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO Is Pleasant to the Taste CX.'ldren cry for It. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CTT.ES HOOPING COUfilt AND CP-OUT. faJT ikjld by all Drogg1u. 2" oenta a boa. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CUKES COUGHS AND COLDS. tSF rv!d by all Dn.-!u. 25 cetts a bo. PIANOS. Piano-P ort eo. ANOTIILiriTTvoiCK OF JSSK CKiCKRING & SOWS . (CJqtD) PLVNOH. " & JSTEINWAY L S0HS a PIANOS..- Just received at No. 4 Este House. ' WILL ARD 4 STOW ELL. N. E. Plat. s toned to rrdef and BT THE TEAR )! - ' . EXPRESS COnPAHIUQ. ijnerican Express Company, an in UNITED STATES EXPRESS COr.PAtJY.: OmCE 05 THE CORNER 0? WASHINGTON ATD Kendl an atxwrta, ladlanapolia, Throe dally Eipron.s to New Tack; Two daily Ex presses to Cinctrxail, and Two daily Expresses to Chicago and SL Lewis; The above Coops aioa ar lh only pritlowd Ezprwaawtv the foUosrusg roasla, vis: INDIANA CENTRA U . lurATrmc a cuätago-, IND:a5APOU k PERU: TERKK HAUTE RICHMOND; EEUXFNTAXXX k INDIAN A IOU. Money, pkjra, valaable aikd frwlght earned wlta afety and dhtpauh, aud la aharje cf special aal Ccisct tneaamgers.' Note, Bills aad Drafts will bo worawi, eo!lcttJ srri roaJy rrtarwa nade J. BlTTEaJTXLD, Agewt.