Newspaper Page Text
c f ii in v M:iri:.viiii:ii 12 S rbi.ltiUn li Ktutt b prttcnrd. Do-nocratic TJaioa State Ticket Ft CCttTAKT OF ITaTt, JAME3 8. ATIION. Of Mirioa Count?. rOft AIDITO Or tTATK, JOSEPH ttlSTISE, Of Foanuin Count?, roft TtiAu-RKt or PTAT. MATTHEW L. BRETT, Of Dii County. fOt ATTOHIT GtJttAl, 0CAll B HORD, Ol DMtur Cotntr. . foe fttroRTr.a or rrirxE coctT. MICH AEL C. KERR, 0. FimiJ Coumj. roa crctirrciMcvT r ri'iLit i.vsTticTioy, SAMUEL L. KU0. Ot Allen Count. COintlRwMO 4L OniATIOX9 lt District JOHN LAW. 21 JAMES A CRAVENS. 31 . ' v II. W. HARUINUION. 4th W S HOLM AN 6th AH CON DU I TT. 7ih D W VOOUHEES. Oih DAVID ruuriE. l'Hh J K. KDUKUION. nth j. k. McDowell. CarllleMamp'.nj for the SonHi." The Jt'imil ii;ie-i 11 citract from the Gren Ii (Mi.-Vijt.i) Apfral, in winch it i rtated th it Mr. Caclilk ' 1 tu in, mi,; the Western pirt of Viruii 1 gaiut the w ir anl in Favor of the S uh." The Journal knew tlut it vi giving curretn-y t '9 lr fiMiihiii aii.l in'orning tjiterrtvt of thit chtrnrler. Mr. CaRlilk ia lt tumping Western Virginia ;; the war or in favor of U e S iuth. The Journal it the last ptper in the Ntth tint h'ull chirge 117 one with uttering treiaoti itlf Mntimeiit. It wa RZniimt the wr !fie ami after it comment el. It secession retolution, ami iiJ thtt th pe,'e of the Suth hid the rihtof revolution, if the? choe to exercise it. It in f iror of peicetMe pep-ir.ition of let tin j all the State that leirel to leive the Union fft in pM-e. Fur ra nitln after the fill of 8 a in: er, the J tumil ul tint it h id Keen no ret- tn t choice tue o,aniiM it hi I ex,re--el m 'Atmt ctril war an in f.nror of diiuniou. an! it' the rehrU wuulJ Uj down tlie'r arm, it wa rtlll in f?r uf letting them depart in peace. When the Journal w.i alructliu the riht of fere -ion. Mr. CaRLIIC in the Viiii.i.i Cotiren tiou oppuoiti,; it. He opposed it not Milr theo retically, but practical I jr. He rem lined in the Union. a he Ins alwaj been, he i io favor uf the uU Constitution inl the old Union. The trmib'e with the J-timul so far a Mr. Carlilc ia concerue 1. i. thai he i not an Ahol'tiotiit he i not a Bt.iek Republican. He atK.ittel with them Ion en"u-h to find out their hTpocri?, that the cimncipttiori of the lie w mi nljet higher with them th;n the in tin ten mce of the Constitution and the prefer ration of the Union ns it cume from the men of the revolution. Becuie he can not Imve any vmtthy with Bhclc Repuhlicanism, the Jour nmi chAreA Mr, Carlilc with uttering treason able Aentiment4 and w'uii bcin a sece-'sion ji)m p-thier, knowing bth to be faUe. This charge com with ill pr ice from t piper which i. an open an! per-w Ment advocate of a peacab!e ep aration of tlie Sute. The Value of fliuaier. Gorernor Wright m.ikes one gr ind point in bij ihapiodie before the people, for the? can bardlj be called peethe certain I? not arpu tnenti. He denouiices na traitors all who oppos? nero purchase and emancipation all who de ji-e the inhUitions MoRKiLLtariC nil hoch jel to the plunder of the treasury of the nation, or who Cud fiull with the conduct of the war. Thi I abut the bnrden of hi harangues, and the staple of hi.A he rtAtfcni mhip. Since he suld hinfelf to Hivcrnor Mcrtox, and tuti.ed Ii'm political a re into the Rej uhli cut en nip, he reeniA to have Iot all Fiii.-eof sh inu ai.d the little political indeoendence lie nee pos-eyei!. Cor. Wright never had much of the latter commoditv, but that little he tu ikes a willing Mcrifice How to hi rapacif? for oßice and pelf. Hei content to remain dumb in view 01 the ui jut attempt to m-ke lös coiitituentA p.i? for Suthern nejrroe", and to have them shorn of theii propettv to p.imj er the blotted and pur.-e i roul miltcrac? of manu fact uring New Ki'j:h.i:d. In his jtecd for r.l t he humbles liiru-ell Mt the feet of lhre men. and denounces hi old Democratic It'end a traitor-, because thev are not aa cowHidl v, t.e ind meAii a he Ins 'howu l.inell to be Fra.xk Flair, hi RepuSlican brother, denounced th a Morrill t triff in uiituetiuied Utm. atd Jamis r.ioO.S Ortu re etpi tili .evrtengaint the em in cipatiuu I urciiare policy ot Mr LiNOLX Aiethee Reubücana traitor? CriTTLM)..' and all the Border State Uuiou rneii in Connie. votel agA:ut these meiure ot iuuity and ii justice. Aie they traitor! RepuMicAti members of dn ge, nd committee of Conrei1, inipale! on hih the th eve hu plundered the TtCisur?." Rtnl the Republican pe-e deiiouttctd the "rvtb bers wlvi aitaileU the lioiern meist, robbej the people, mnl tote from the olOir in the field." Alio ai the? raitor, too? The whole truth U, thit Governor Wright. 1 ving f.r t j ir ?eu at tha-eit ot a p-iaenul and corru t mon-mhy in Europe h i iuibibel the wort fetitiiuents of a despotic Government. L ke all eak miuded and unpriucipleJ men. hi iatpesions ot lileral goTernment were eisitv I erased, and he returned" Irorn the Court of Berlin i with a thorough coin em pt I r democratic intitu- tioti. He is tor titiin the voice d the people for putting. down free dicuioii for permitting i 'artiDci il weight to be put upon the shoulder of j the trait' mm. and lor ihniarlng theai from the sltuulder of the aryre." In a otd, the niau It a i tumid limsrlf imiJe out. and he move. nbout j Lke nnu'uc, trying to mke DeoiocraU belie e j Hut te otilj i, und that all oiherare SecetNoniL ih1 traitor. When Guv. Wrioht! tnakea aucliau exSibition of him-!r, aim! blusters to m-le ocie ii r beiiwe th it a De nker n he U tili, let all the jeople Uugl ! The wLole tbir.0' i$ funar. (Ttae DemociBltc Mte t onrmtlon Btr our jTti tl hsp-itches from S r'ngfie'd its witTbefeen tht the Democratic Sute Cloven- tiou hiAU m OKtrt tMtmotiiou and proMtb!e re j hui jr-tenfa?. The iioin'u tlion ete mule' with eut'ue unaitiroitv, nt the re lui ions will j cutiitaat:d th apprvUitiou of all Union lo?ne aimJ U w.atitiiig iple. The notninAtin.A are: ; Jue S A lieu, of CiawfrU . county, for i Kefmeutativt iu Corgresa for the Stute at I Urge. j Alexander Starne, of I'.ke coonty, for State TreaurcT. Rev. John F. Brook., of Rock I lind county, ; for SurtnlnHietit ot Fubiir Instruction. ' We aubinil that the-e are ttomtiitions enai-' ret.tly tit to le uiAde. M te unexceptionable men could not hate been f rerented, and none; vho coulJ commitnl a Lrcr jx-pul tr rote. j We applaud the etitHn t'r ihe mi:ner in wb -h it has doli ita work CMc$o 7i. The follow lu la th sutuiic of the reo!u. J tlooatdoptcJ: ' The firt sya the Constitution tnu't be main t-th eii and the reel!ion niut fe u; p-fwe-l. The cecotid leiioutKe a! k tho doctrines of S'i' an I Northern ex"reni'ta. T he tlt'.rd T iin-l the po? cf Uxii wliise nien fr tho p .ri h.i-e m t.croe. 1 he tour;h coifieioi. the revct rnmtir? r ret of citizen of this State, t-J devl oe tlit ' the? have a right to demand tnal. The fifth protects against u!jut whh the freelom of speech at.d the press. The iith tefers to the reckle extrA?pvnce of the Feleral (government, and counsels a teiuio to rigid ecmotaj. Tue seventh declares the new excise law very Or just. The eighth counsels economy in the S'.ate Govern men t. The ninth recommends thit all taxes be p.'ud in Treisury Lote. The tenth hails with tifiction the Presi dent's declaration that his object i to me the Union the shortest way under the Constitu ion. and says he should be su.uiued againtl the preuieof rohcal Republicans. The eleventh insiam ux.n the in for cement cf the negro exclusion law of the Stale. The twelltb tenders tlunks to the Illinois rob onteers. 8 pedal Corret pomleisce of iie Chicago Tims From Mrington. T1 intation tf MaryliH-t General McCUUan's Rfupioinimnit UAf I.e Rrbtl $nliluri lay atut the tcarSutional troopt thrown into Maryland in creat force 7'Ae liilfl repulsed from Winchester by th 1 2tk Illinois Caealry Ctn. McCitUan takes the fill in person. Wasih.notm.x. Sept. 8. S'nce my last, events wet of Washington bate lost, to a great extent, tlieir interest, while thoe now occurring in Mary land--"in? Maryland"- exercise a monopoly iu attuctiug public attention. It will asTird Western retders greit gntifict tion to know that the allow in of the enemy to cross the Potomic into M iry! ml was pr.'ol our fro-run me, and thtttiow the "fbel hive got into a trap. and furthermore, that at last e ,havejgri tlicrn just whete we want them " To le sure, thi was the cae when we "ch inged our b i.-e" from the Chick ihoiniuv to James river; and then, a wdl be lecoliectcl, it w.m announced that we hid the rflel where we w uoed them. Again the telel legion cinie p-oir'ng, ragL'el, hungry, and!tel, nrouud thebie of Bull Run Mountains. They reid them elie long the railroad that coi. netted our r mie with Washingrou, capture! r ske-tiihil! our guard., burnt, plundered, and ry is.icred at will at eery railroad station, ;nd even cameneir enougli to plant their tri-lirrel emoleui of treason withn sh.'ht of the grauile monument of the im mortal Washington. When the preA and the people heard of it, they exclaimed jot fully. "We hate c.otthem now jut where we want ihem!" A few days later, an 1 our o it-grnenled. bro ken cohorts, in the face of :i numerically interior foe. tell buk within the hadow ol the iortihc.i tiou that guird the ajproache to Washington. Flag of truce go out and our patriot deid arc t ike;, from the clutches of buzzard anl unggot, and giieu euch poor turia a i accord e I tlie m i-ae who die upon the held of honor, lu the meantime the ever jubilant pre assures the pub lie th it it tn it rest content, for the enemy can iicver ctos the I'otoin e into M.ryl tiil. The t ix p iyer rejo ces. He Ii i ccircel? the assurance in hi pocket ere an tiier elition in form him that the i ehr I hae cio.-ttl the I'oto maciu force, aliove and below 1'oint of Rocks; tint they h ive clit.-ed ilie Koler.ii gu tnl from 1 Kilesville and ilonocacy, t'Uhed up along the Moiiocac? river, and in an inciediLably shori space of time h:tve cut the Rittimore and Ohio railroad in two. und are in Mw.ies.-ion of the im portant city o! Frederitk. Dishe irtening intelii pence! But hold, another paragraph strike his eye! He smiles hopefully, for it reads, "We now h.ite got the rebels just w here w e want them!" And thi i the summing up of the position of aiTair around Washington. We have in short, for the fiftieth time, "got the tebela just where we want them " I do not think that the reverses of the last fortnight hive been in vain; thtt the blood co freely spilled h ull been simply pouretl upon the ground! It li t been u most c quietu upon the Abolitionist, and for the moment ha deterred then from their scheme of nigger liv ing, ainl, by putting them in bodily feir of their own carcasses, has forced them to turn their at tention to the single object of saving thecountiy. Tl9 reappointment ot wa the first Step whitfh followed thi täte of things; the prohibit resignation of Sta.itou i another; and the abandonment of all scheme for making an A'ioi'nioiiist l'resiilent out of the war, tor the present, ha also followed. To-day, here in the t ist, there i a healthier loyalty, gre iter unity of purpose, and more determination to prosecute this war successfully than there have been since the bombardment of Sumter. The announcement of tlie reappointment of McClellau, tell upou public excitement hikI alarm like tlie "Pcue be Mil!!" of the Sivior upon the upheaving wateiii of the t-e i. l'ep!e lelt their haunt on the street corners, and te turned their buiues., conscious that a master spirit ruled the storm. Kien hi enemie were f need to acknowledge the change and admit it cause. Hereafter McC'elhui will not be oippled in hi efl'otts when on the eve of succe-s; he will be allowed to manage nutter a he de-'ires. "How do tlie men under McCellan like hi mir " impaired I of one ot his otlicers. "L ke him! By G d, there ws't one of Ui but what would die for him!" Confidence in a leader is inseparable from uc ces. Tne army doe not have it in 1 'ope or Me Dowell. and hence their removal Irom this De p-utment whs h m ittrr of necessity. Pope, 1kw ever able he may be, lost the confidence of hi men, and, whether this los. resulted fiui bad Generalship or an un avoid ibie combontion of i circutu-tatices. it was. in either case. iiiill fa tal to hi success. And with M.Dwe!l,a tine he tried, well-meaning, but mot uuloriutiatc General. The .nl task of burying our dead and bringing oiT the wounded ha at length been comp.e:ed Several get.t.euieu retched here tins moriing who hive been engageJ iu this dut? since tne Smirdav upon w Inch our .one met their he ivy leverse. Thev buned lnm two to tlnee thouiiid ileid and brought ott from the fie'd omething ove' ti.teen hundred wounded. They state that the rebels, duruig all this lime, were i;n wavering in their kindness to them; tint they gaiethem ine,lic t:e-. blanket and food to the ex enl ot their ability. 1 st.te thi tact from a ru t reliable siurce. for the le ison that I lo not wish to gratif? n disposi tion among m iny ot our Northern pep'e i di positiou which is prone to believe that every step of the refel i tn irkel with deel of eriin ainl hornr au I ti -ditions of the cut nn of c vili.ed warfare They, without ex.eition. deuounce! the robbery of the dead, except in the case of shoe, winch thev siil thev felt warranter in t aking under any circumstance. According to myiuiorm int, a 1 irge j er ceutage ot tlivui wete bireioote!, hence the exceptiou made in this arti cle of covering. Strange enough the? are not eltel with their succe-ses. They own to a Waterloo dele it at! M ilvern Hdl. and piid high coniplimeut t the ' de-jT4te bravery display e.1 by our troop on that 5 occasion. They are weary of the war. but still' will accept im other coudilin of peace sue th e which recognize uncond. tum illy the inle- '. peiidence of the Southern Sutes; aul say that, ' whi erielietiiig that we can And will corqurr them it the w r I not etided by toieign intervention, thev will neer yield ? lon as thCie i a single cim left to pull a trigger. Thoe opinions are heM hv rebel oncers, and miy tx rerted as represeutttie of those held ' h . . i .1 ft fhi ? if K.iiLfK 1 liAtf tlt n.fct hiirjk ti rrt . L a 1 ",v ww " " ' - , rnirshal retwrt.el tliat fie tun arre-ed tr.e mm aucxWul war upon the horth; but their late nujer the oruer of the Se,.etarv ot Wr. of Au e.oru northward are mule with a view of con ! U1 tf d .til , lhe j,,, T.ncsng the nttton of Europe that they are n .t lounging enhstmei.'s. ai.d th.t their ces be re only able to successfully delend the Conlcleracy. j ttl for tritI ,.r;n m u,irv i....iuissi.n. and but to roll the tide ba k upon the hime of their u t h , w nrM am.ther order sti. ,,cuvc ,r I,,uuw lu rccogniuou as , a nation White? aw be the force or intention of Üie leU-U in inrading is not Mob able thit much time will iu without the occur a .. m '. remeof Something deciite. If they aie there t in force, there will be a heavy bittle; if not. they j will aieedily be iriveu um,' f. wiilön a, day or i two Natiouil troops hate been thrown into Miry land in treat numbers aid with immense J rapidity. It may be that the rcel hate cro-ed j a small force simply to p-ck up forare and re- i the Mate. In either ca-e. or whatever m v bo 1 their intention, they will be met, and let tt hope b filed by the f&r-tigLtedues of General ilcC'.el- Ur. ciuit. nd at the Mme Uitie draw od 1 rge j puni-hed tor c..nteinpt of Comt The M irshal. Prceot 4 nertiottte. the tnJrr.tcni propoae. . fur. nutuher of our troops from the frontof W.,- j ending io ihe mler received from .n' 'h'r7tfT'r r.-loi. ot whtch rer, t.u, or else they hive pone determne-1 to nnkel in .on.d.d r-oprtaiuce the mm. wbe.enpon the iruV-t,'; Mirvlanda batt'e ground for the r-essii.n of onler to show c iUse w a nude. P iysK-ianr Irujrcoi jiIthUou tt npKectfi lannl..' The rebels mide a d ih opon Winchester je tenliy.but after a short trufle, tueieentto the rilil ntittut. evere'.? Tutii-hel for their e rerity. The pi m e wa t rn el ly t!ie V2 It I ' Iliini c i air uii!er C-ft. --, art mi wrll le ' Ifiai' ( Hi t cur I k w i y ! k'l't iai il ten w -iinotti the loriniT Cape 1.1 C.r.n- r aud , L cut L'- Jti. . ! U-pt. Groveior a orijjin illy r.f New York, but nine teirs ao movevt to Eliu, lihno', 1 whete he ulied Iaw, m wa, during the cam- j pAigu of 'Zti, associateil with tour cot respondent in puhiihirii( a pa, er. Whea the war Itrokeout he raieHl a crtnjxiny for or wa. a;iitiel to the command of one in the McClellan Dragoons, un der M-jor Bit ker. Aiterward he was tr-n-ler rei t the command of a company in the 12'h Itl'nui. and for some tim pst h beeu hcate l at Mrtinburg, above H ir; er's Ferry. I luve uot obtaine! particulars of his deitti, but, from a long aciplaintAt'te with Inm, I doubt !ot that he diet at the head of hi comramd. He a self ni ide voung m in, oi,e ot far mote th n ord tnary promise, se-f reliant, generous dI mii'ii tion. and would, had he bt ed. ha ve in ide his m irk high in lite. Toe intelligence of his death will be i even el with profound sortow at the home of hi Adoption. Illitioi. By the Kcurrence of the lite -tirlinz ererit. the trial of M ihny ami other Weteni pohtical pr aoner hiteii itidetinitely postpoi.el. In lact, it i now ort douhtt'ul whether the ex unin i li n of the loimer will occur till after the e'ectiou fr Cn-re-ma:i has taken place in the Diibmpje D. strict of Iowa. A 1 pmphe.-ied in former letter. tve effort of thecletk hereto form voluntary military organ izitions met with uniked liilutes. All hid some excuse to avoid joining; one lud married a wite; another h id a vokeoi oxen an I mut need try them; iu sliort all begged to be excused. A fe days sitae came a peremptorv order from headqmrter for the clfiks to orjaioze into mili tary companies, elect their Ciptiin and drill duly, in onler to he re idy for jcti e eineigencies. 1'heie w;ia no ihsobeyiug thishoit of iesigniig a twele or fii'teeu limi'hl dollar salary, and th .t of conr-e w a not to S thought of. A d now daily ihey .chinge the pen for the mn-ket, :inl "shotiliier," mid "order"' and "charge biyonet-," and fr.imp hi,-1 tlu.k greatly to the dicotnlbrt of liiir teciing and iheir lone. -They say that we t ilk afwiut the S uth forcing men it to the oilTiTetice ttieie'i between the J mth and them-elves? Poor fellow?! They had baie'y reachetl the comtortable conclusion tint they were exempt, when they find them-eive manipulating a teUe pound miiskit and lrab!e at any moment to be put as Ureu fjr Soutlietn tdnrptdiooier. Gen McC ell in yesterd-ty took the field in per son, kikI eie long ecusion and the balance of tn in kind w ill he ar from hint. Galwav. Our Army Correspondence rrom tlie Ijtll ItKllUIIU. . Camp near Washington. Sept. 7. We hive been on the iinrch for thutydats from Feieiickstiurg, Virginia, and h.ive now fought thiee bittle inmeSy at Wturiiigtoii Spring, G liusvilie .t:d Mnnss i. At the latter p'ace tlie eneniy were strongly osted, and our attack though vigorous wa iepul.e 1 with uiiich aacrihveof bl'e. I never witnessed a nioie biil li mt attack llioi that nude ty the "bioody old ILfih." but it w.s a u-ele-s slaughter ol'hrave In Oi iiii ips. We were swept by a croiS-tiie of r tdlery on U'ii li ink, w lute in front the enemy were protected by a railroad embankment and a stone wall; therefore we were compelled to fall back to a fence, and then we gave them h ill Co lumbia with a yell. The rebel could not tand it, ami and tun like dogs. A'ttr the bittle we louud our lo to te '2Ti men out of the ID h lii-liun.i and eight commssiotiel ollicer. Col. MeiCAlith is a buck and a fine otHjer. When hi horse fell we mis.-ed him. and feared he was bad ly hurt, but it proted lie was badly bruised with two lib broken, but he never left the field. Bully for Hvl. Whoever commanded 1 don't know, but of thi. 1 assuie ott, the men are dis satisfied Hil l ileiioniice. the General whose mca picii? sent them to that slaughter pen Wounl to G'hI our br.ive M.:Clellin been ihere. how üilTeient woiihi hue been the te-iili oi tlie last b.itt.e; we hear he i to take coui m nd. and the b y s tire all oeijiy el. Never dul men tiht nioie oiaxely th in the boy of the oliJ 13-h. but it was of no avail, ami we were driven back by a cross fise of nriibei t and ride. Lieut. Col. Bichmtn acted the prt of asd dier. and Oe-ei t es a belter pu?itioii, for he is com -pcient mid a brave 'Iii er. The following is a I. si of killed und wouiide! otlicers: M jor M iy, mortally , in he id; Cipt. Lindley, co K. b.dly.m leg; L.eut. Stmuel Mciednh, badly, iu neck; L eut. Ciajk, co. C. b it h legs, bidly ; 2! Leut. C, tath legs, bail ly; Lieut. HinOman, co. B, tiadiy, in ihih; 'ii L ent. Jack, co D, b ully, iu thigh; 2 t L eut. Geo. E H. in aim, slightly . Captain Jacobs, of co D, seiliel his loot on the eve o! thetir-i bittle(!j The4e is jtobcy in w.r. Yours tespect fully, Pat H. Habt, Caj-taiu Co. Ii l9ili luoi.ui. Frederic Cilj' und Vic.nlljr. Frederick City, the capital ot Fre .erick county M rt latnl, is ituated two miles west- of Mouca cy iter, forty-four m !e northwest of Washing ton and sixty mile'1 west of B Uiuioie. A branch railroad, mice miles, long, connect. it w all the B.iltimoie and Ohio nitro id. It is cotisideted a tne secoutl city in the S'.ate iu wealth and coin mereial ini;sii tance, and is the ilnrd in opulation. 1 he ho i?ea ate generally budt ol buck or tone; the slreeia ate wuie and (night, ciossing eacu other at right angles, 'ihe town couiaius a h.r.itisoiue Coiut h.use, churches lor Pie-byteri-ans, Kp.siop Ii in, MetUo.iisi-, B iptisis, Gei in an Ltiiher.ui, Gei in iu Uilvinits .twd Kniiui Citii one; t. tee tunk aiid a Ii uiiu C ithohc. college and other seniin ii iei. and newspaper oth ccs. It also h is m inutactoiie of iroii, wool, pi- pet, tl ur, rope ud ei then ware. I he couutv o Fieieiick t s.iuite! in the northern part ot oi the State, bordering on Pennsylvania, and Ins anaieiof iidsijuue miles. It is bounded on the southwest by the Potom ic rtter, which rena mes it Horn Virginia, intercepted by the M inc icy river, aitil also drained by Cacoclin. Pipe, Lngaiutie and Beiinelt'a cretk. The South M '.intains, a conlinu ilion of the Blue liide ol ot Virginia, form the western boundart , ami the stiri.-e w generally undulating. 'I he sod in oil lei eut parts is formed ol" iiecomposel hme-toi.e and sl.teand is hi-Iii oroduclite. II av ai.dnui- ter are raised in tins county to a uieitcr extent j than iu any other in theSi ite. Th Cnc ipe .ke i ami Ohio canal tr.neres its soulhwe-l bonJer. j lu 1:G the population iiumbeteAl 4Gö7li. ofj nlnui .'12-I'I were slate. At the State e.ectioii 1 held in 1-01. the vote for Governor siood ihn.-: j For Bradford t Union) .'i.u'J I i Forllowaid (Peace Democrat; Uhioa ta ijority 2,lJ4? rrota the cw York Tiroes, Sept. 5. j Mate Ilit;2it ii Vermont. j A spe-k ot tioulde has arisen lately for the j Got eminent in a pxirter where it wasleil to lei expetel. There is a po-sioi ity of a contest in; Veimonf, between t Sie Got etnmcnt and the Fel-! era I Jtlreol 111 it district. It eems that Some; jetsoiis h id been anested ly the United State J Marshal tor discouraging enlistments, and weie j put inj ul in Burlington. A writ of hebras cor-1 pus as issued ? Jmle Sin alley inbehilf of one! ot the men Theimrhil refute! the facts to i Washington, receive! the follow iug dispatch Irom ' Jude Advocate, Turner : ! " Pay no attention to the halteas corpus for the i liberation of Ly m m. Batney.aiid F e.l. and, if! any attempt be made to bberntethem Irom custo- ; iy. resist ii to the utm it. and re;ort the names I ot all who att-m'jt it " ' V V I W7 v " 4rw w ... O i the leiurn of the writ on the 1st :r.t . the rillliillL, ltie kaUns crb,f in such case-, and the !!- - fs-- order afovesJt I iUi, The u.-ge-ti'!! w;is mule tint tlie proceedings should lie oter until the authontie at Washing ton could be further heard Iroiu, but ue prisou- er's counsel opio-el it. and the Judge decided! tliat the return was insufficient. inasmuch ;s the Secretary ot War cuM nit u-jei.d tte wiit. ' He acerJingiy oneied the M irshal to produce the mm withui lour hours, or he would make an ; vrlt - r tlil the Mar-bal hw c.o-f, nt the next ' terra of the Circuit Court, wh? he should nut te Hit uru orm oi the Uoort is not held until OctoUr, and many change taiy Like place be-; twetii now an.1 iheu. It re to tin to be p eeu ' whether the (toverninent or the Jude will yield. ' The ftllnatlon. The conticti-n wa tefeidt forcel upon our mil tary miiIIlm it e th it the te ri w ere hi os i g the r Jti e w it it. tri, miles ol the ct't . w t'i li, pirpje'l atu. k m. it. U i Let erl thai ihry . Oh ire 4 lr-e ot t-ci ii i; li.teri liNU-od. Tit, Wliit ti .v-. fl..'that th t h ie b'f or fi.u ; I l n-:ir I a-i -tie .iuid ju ! Mm r ie il j way in i ir. uUiioti in uc'.i t me. We hue a j tey consider abie army over the river, with hen y ' artillery, and oiherl-e well provided. Thei: aie sotne of.icers with us who hive hot the cm- ' v s. -. . ma i'uuiic, imi uncmiiiT "im rr ; wt'l kt.own to be reliable. We lute the com-; man! of the Detriment. t:en. Wnght. the dashing soldier Gen. Lew Wallace, aini Gena i Ret hold-. Morri and L.te. of Indian ., 11 of j e-t.blisbei! inilitAry reput tion. We may, there- j fore, firm?? hold the oj-ini ui tint if there i an j engaemiit. the nien wid be baiHlle! in v.ool i style. It is tn,e that mi-t of our tr)p aie raw j ill it i to t thev h it t iiol seen erv ce. But i f, I-.... ..r .i . i: . i- i ' they ate fighting men. Better men reer fil cd the ranks of an army than iho.-e who are detend iiig our I i e. Our raw regiment fought well at R'chmnd, Kentucky. Seteu legitnetit withstoo! the at- j Lick o, three tunes their iiumler hr iinlit h ur I The testimony of our euem cs t fhat they m nie I a gaai hgtit. If they had had the advaniagesol the ground and ol r.tle pits, tnd of siee guns in j pon.liou ma our men hve oter the river, the eue- , my never would hate jose-ed the rich countrv i o' Kentucky. We h ive nw a loice numei ically su;enir to that of the eneiiir. in position on ground CirtfuMy selected, and which wr have . been lortitying lor ten I us. The pie-uuiption, thereloie, i., that we lin? cilculaie thit the ch.nces of succe-s if tie euemv advatices Ujou ; . I v" nin- m i.riiuniM ill ur iar. Tne di-jo-itioii moie of ihe troops over the riier,, we are assme l on competetit au thority, w as ext el' em. 1 hentmy i now in go. d Inpe. Generals Revnold. Monis and Lite aie commanding diti-ious. and their pe-ence is in v iluabie, giving confidence to tlie troops. (Jen. Wright wü in hi sadule all d iy oterhniking op eration He is confident of his ubility to whip Kit by Sm'uh Inn Isoinely, if an uttack is made. Cin Cttmmerciul. Tlie Knigluw of lite (.olden Circle., in the hist number of his Lsdyr, le pict a class of enemie of the country win are almost, if not quite as dangerou to the god cause a are the telitU in arms "the Knights ol'i the Gul len Circle of Public Plunder:" j . . feuddei.Iy a new onler of grandee h is sprung ; up Hiuong u. Its membets, like D uglas Jer- r 'Ts tuiikiiote in hi, seem to hem "lent money, i They i tiicha-e brown store palace nl cram J them with splendid tiiun;-ery, set up gorgeous eipnpige, anl tit once am ize the heidanlie joice the heot of waientig place landlords with ther livi-h i-ipendituie. Thir wite an I daughters ate luminous with h inionds. inl lead ing de lief in cosily luxuries tin late that ihe pi tronage of this new mistociacy tnoie ih ui in peiis-itcs them for tlie falling ott in tl eir general cusiom, occi!oneu ov tue war. l'ui.i g t tie sutniii-! , t r itog-i, rt ew prt, U re y , and tlie hotel at Xiigart, hive been lavorol with tlie presence of a race ol inu-iiroom m iiilicu, whose laces were never bemie seen iu those to c.i f i ie. W ho Arethee impos'ng personages and tthetn c hi they c one? The ipsc-bon is etsdv aii-weretl, for there is no hitsutv ah mt t ie r a ite,-e lent They are Kirglit- ol theGohlen Circle ol Public j Plunder, the pmieny of com option and the heirs i o;' tdiAtne. 'I heie is Peacock Sholdy, Ksq , to j w hose sticks of "gieenbacks" clings the cur-e j of lens of thousands of pitri t sd. tiers, srnt to battle in rags, th it he might roll in riches. There i i Mr. Spavin, who h.t m nie a cool millio i bv ' suppltinir the Government with war-horses, Ire-h from the tw piths of cmal and the sh lt ot cl tin cart. Tliee is the Honorable Fungus rit- h, the ship m nager, whore po kets me dot.b'e liticil with offiVit! mid private crtentaies on the cost d sundry hulks purchased :it Hintes oue-ihiid alMiie iheir rnukei value. Tline is Highlow iimp. Lti , the ii h shoe con'r ict'T, j whofurnishel fMtgeir for the ch nriiotis of the leoiihlu-. onlv one degree !e-s woith e-s thm li ow n sonlid soul. But why go on with the list f v.iumvies? their nauie ;nd denl.s would h co'iimus; anJ as they re on rec rd where du t rat, not be thrown i;.to the eye- of justice, we will not attempt to comple e the endogne heie. These are new paii-ciui-, tiedi from the aco 1 nie of infinit. S ine if them, we are told, sport coats f arms on their carriage panne!, harness and plate Alloa us to Mige-t a bit of Ida?, iiirt that would suit them all. v..: a cross beam "sinister," und a noos "piaij er." Iougl.i and ttrigiit. We nnder-t'iid th .t J..e Wtight. n his speech es, i.uts up gieit cl .itns t.. be ihe peculiar cham pion and e-pecid friend of ths i de Senator I) nilas, with what truth let the tacts in the case decide. It will be refollecteil that the difli'-ulfcs be tween Senator D mglaa and the Administration of I'resideiit Biiclniiau o.-curred iu 1?5", over tl-e Lecompton Constitution in Kmsis. and tint the leud was carrie-1 into the election for Uui'ed Sate S 'tutor in Illinois, wnicli ciine nil' tint tear. t heie was Joe Wright then? What was thi especial frieml of the gieit lll noi states man doii.g at that ieiiod to aid his e. rut ion? He w.i at Berlin, ii is fiue, hoMing a high and lu cratite fHi-itioii under the Nitioml A lmiirsfr i tion, but if he w i such a gieit friend of Jndje Douglas, a ha now claim to be. tie 'oulil and would luve written a letter in fat or of his eiec tioii. D.l he do it? Yes, he wrote a lettrr, nut riot in fitorof Sen tot 0 nigla-! Iu lhD, two year after the hrst ditttculty tetwi"en Douglas and Buchau in, and whiie the tend w as almo-t at its htiht. this especial, mid pecul'nr, and stenl f.t Irientl of Senator Douglas wrote a letter in which he indorsed and approved the policy ami c nr-e pursued bv the Administration of Piesi dent But Inti m, ia alt respect-! Theie is where he stood then, poe heeill for the publication if the letter? Let h;m authorize its publication, if he d ue, mid it will convict him ot a duplicity inn! hypoiiisy uupirallelie! eteu in the corrupt cessH)l ol political chic nerv in which he has been so long d ibbling. UushcdU Jacksunian. Pinning- Him Dottn. The Hariishtirg Union publishe a repa-nsib!e letter from Washington, announcing the hsres sion by the writer of j-ositite j not that Home (Jree ev, at the beginning; of thi tivil stiile, tohl a ii'itiit'Cr of his fi end th 't he was iu -avm d the tin I separation of the Northern Irom the Southern hilf of the Republic. The writer add tint if Oieeley, or any one of h's lesjMinsii.le trends, d oe dent the tnnh of this, he is pre pa ted to hriuz forth the proof. Ve hue never doulitcl that the '1'ribune an I its c iiuhictors were distin uiist at heilt; uoieed tlntpiei' eiily advocitel seceson; tiit this det elopement is t f'irtlier proof of the tact. et the 'iriliiwt nreieuds to be in ft vor of whit il call a "war for the Unin." Jlartj'orJ Times. Cnrollinenta Subject to Enrolled. Volunteer. Exempt, oraft. Putnam county Vigo 3.551 Wa-hVn " 2, 52 Scott " 61)5 CT5 GM l :m i Go) 1.24 35"Tho prelude1! Unionist of Pennaylrania hive nom nttel fhadde'i S. evens lor Coitgre-s; and the sime pirty m Indiuii h ite nom n trod j George W. Julian. Je3" Dt i is a Vt er L'.iion j man thin either of them -Lnuiscille Drmccrat I MARRIED. I'L'.tM.ViiHAll-CU JIBr I.f t tLratth-rch In this city, ou Wedur'ay even nr. the 0 u in-i., bv lt-v. 1 vt. K'is, lector cf M.J .hb'aCa rrb. l-afaei:e, Ad Jot ni Frank Cunt 1 ibm to Mis Kl.a Cianbr. MEDICAL. PilEYENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. riVi LADlKf tr')RUCTr!IEALTn0kl5tP.VIRID r;oii(ah ii,or io tb-ve ! whom am incrrast wi f.fuily t frora ny r-. ti hjt-ctiotiat iL i -lerij:n'l would oiTrr rrseriptioiKi.icfi i (erfrctlj r'!ibi-nU ate. and whira Ta tii tescribea iu ririM. part, i f IbeOlil Vor..! ye ltie,ai :euiury. tltbouL tl is irticle I very chej. and -imi.'e, el l pltit "-ottlr, 4uU J .-erj ilenivelv at tbe i,brbitarit tbis4tit- -1 rcticiuiiiai- r.u tx .rscur-i ol its rtTic..-. Seut to any part o hue worlci on receipt of l.v I trea. !8f. Dt.J.C. liKVKHM X P.O. Roi,X.iUS,.Vri daTeB,Csoaocticwt. lTM-Uw'l AMUSEMENTS. .1IETR0P0LIT.1X II ALL. THIS FRIDAY EVENING. Miäs Sallic and Little Julia. ornrcEDisnED ?vrvy DiuomiD Atrirycrs 1 I a t T W ev THE FOrtTLAR i v a 1 n rn t IlOlnHill iNatlOIlAl I'pPRl iTOlip?! SVCCCSS OF TUil cr-mrf r . EW i.CTACLE. JfcCllttlJ flH't litt Itffist, Utfitttu ami Ute UfftSt. . . . . . . irn e I MM .! V MS s-s. K 0 .11 rw. rarlinsrtfin. nniSIO " .. 2"i rnTSi I: rr A sra's 3", c n',-. tTi htrrn half ri:e. EfA ('Tisj (M-rt f tn 1 t nV!il( fl 1 EXClSb TAX. "X'tT.CK I h-rehy civt-n that 'be f.!K'uir iirr.M 1 wr'ts Lave t-et-n annoin ed A-itAiit .s-e-s r f-r ihr srrl As.-es-inriil Irt-Tict llanitit t-rlor, cotn pr sii; tb Mi ib .s-su.tiit Lii.sir.ct v( the Mate ,T tw UIala. ari ctctt. W-trxt No.l louiijs M. l'b pi, ItviiaApoh. .r rl. L,wrei.c WasLir.t- tun l'ik an. I tia.r'l. I. a I ..f I ,i ,r i District Jfo. 2 Joiin B Mumiih. iniianaMh' I T'iwii b p Ivrry, lramr. Wne. tnl j Miutb b.ilt f O-ttter, ii.dui'.mi; out-lot j No. 70 iu tlie city f lnJiaioln. i Listrict Xo. 3 tn-trew True II ot. O srnfiH.I.. 1 wnsl,is c" titer, ltjk Crrek, Sugar i reek. 11 WriK-ti. Diftrict !fo. 4 John Qisinrx HattVM, levclsnd. Tuwiis ip ftrantvwiiM f.lue River, Ja.k n. I'.rinvti, and breeii. IIKIJI CCsTT. Diftrict Xo. 5 Slny Itofftso-, tt'i'dmn. TuAiiship Wa Linpti i;, X M. I.ih-rty. ti i"ti. Haimvr. Vlari'ti, and Van Bur.-ti. District Xo. 6 W lüs tilia, .vheltavillf. Ti w tish p .tdax.n. Il-iiincks. S J,sr Crt-ek, Rr m I y wii e, anU iloral. JIllO.N corsTT. IHtrict y0 ctark.f . .t in'.nrh. T..wn-bt.s idue Liver. Nineveh, Hetis- h t , ami l iii'iti. Distric: Ni. 8 Life t W. I h-tcher, TraiklT. 4.wn hip r'r.tnkl ii. CUike, Slid V Li'e Kiver. MoMOAK COCKTT. Di t let Ni 9 Win.ini Ii Cr-?. M-rtin-vtlle. Tw-ii-liip? lv, J' ITr-cn, Iluker, Wap iti j,,n, lirn-n. and Jack-on. Litlict Xo. 11 Xarban iilrr. M ce-vtlle. lown-ti'p til.'ms, Monrve, Brown.llad-i.-on. .ri, auil C:ay. jo.x. kicks cctv. DUtrict No It S. T Halle, I'anviJle. !' n-liips - I iiion. t t l River, Marlon, Cl 'V, fianrlin ami wei half ui C-ijter. Di-trict Xo. 12 thni Ue-. Ii.-nvulr. low-ti-hip Midtle. brown. W.-i-hinston, (JulioM, lh r t. and eat lial of On r WiLLft.M A. Xlti..V. AvsMir ith Dtrict. tnfunrt: cr,t. tH s. oll- ::t . IJOTlCü. 0 It Ck I on .LK Inquire of MpS-J2w ilcKFHVtN 4 riER-TK. FOR THE WAR. COLTS PATTERN SELF - ACTING RKYOLYEBS NAVY AND ItELT REVOLVERS, A full tupply New I atttrn. Swords at Cost Prices. n-wie. Torkt, ai'1 Talle K"iv-; Fruit Cao; Xails; Billing K)i'f, and BuiMing II irdware. At No. 21 Wet Wufcbiuton St. jet.! J. II. VAJF.N. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Sari 8c Hatcher. W II OLES A L I? GROCERS, HF1VBTT13, 1XDI.IM. Hit liS. Xcw Orleans irar Just received from r f J Memphis, and for f ale by EAI:L i IIATCIiF.R. o 0 0 rrLS Kcf ned Su?!ir tot "le b KAHL 4 HATCHER. -JQQ BAoS Xiio Coffee; HO Bags Java Cffef; 10 Bles Mocba Coffee; For ale by 4 Ü ATCflF.R. TOBACCO. 150 B0XF'S5l'uirp; 100 Boxe 10 Lump; 75 rjes 8 Lump; 100 Doxe hrlght Its; M ßoxe dirk Ibi; W0 Caddies lbs; 60 Kaa Six Tit; The ktort Mrr:nf nt of Tobacco 1 now th larje st to be found in th Wert, aod will b aold be'.ow th mrrerit ratfi. EAhL k 1IATC1IF.R. CR0CERS. XV .11. iIiE .. A: SOtS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 7tAXDTlVlXE SfKFET. BETWtEX 2EC05D A5D PEAELSTKELTJ-, mm ri AV R A LIUiE ANH WELL 6F.LKCTF.D STtCKi of t.rcrri? ol HI kiiws, noani rxciu-i.-eu lor I 1 cash, to wbkcb . LuTie ib aiieiitioOwl rlwe rab 1 ny i rt. at.i-uti DRY GOODS. 1 ri o 0 0 a t I O (4 CO 1-3 r KB CROCERIES. Ruger & Caldwell, WHOLESALE R0CERS AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, io.C8 D:st Vathiii(oii S. nee nt t Eit OM ror IliJU Idi tiniijt4i", Ii'il iiun . OQJJ nAUKLLS rbapiiix Intied Sugar, 1,'AKI:K!-S Crushed Sonar, ) j HAKhKLS Yellow Sugar, varioua bran1; BA,:,:KI'S Gol,,n Jitrul'' A No. I; BAIJIKIi Hon-y Sirup; J IiAI.KKLS Stewart's Simp; J II MUS Molas6fP; In .tors and lor sale tr ICLGFR A CA!.lrtVKI.L, CS Kal VVaLuigton i-L TO. 1 at l Ki s; and No 2 Mackerel In barrel-, Half Barrets, ana 2M) KM) 10U BOXES IhTrirw;; ttilT.SCM2.di; BOXF..H nalibut. For sal t"W by IIL'C t'.k k CtLDWFI.U 6H Kat at 100 RAr;OU Jtr CofTee; P. AGS Hio Coflre; B X KS H round Coffee: Do In Ta BAGS Hoaxed CcfTre; 10 15 200 fk CUF.STS and H.t Cfct Twin, llMn$ism, and M cg Tea, very cnea; VI-5ltCF, t'as-ta, C1oa. Cinr.amnn, an! rwral xrtm-iit tA Sntr uita'-U Ut reuil trade; aii-J Catnn. peppr fi.r ile 1.- bv UUGKK k CAlJWFLT IA Kai IVbiBStOD ft. V L A RGE a'd well aelec'ed aArtrneit f Groeertea now ret ie't-a- and f-r tale a- br at ( hrxi in tbe Wrt Country Mereti fand C ty irerhvitd tu row mjr Mock. Ikl'GllU A CAM'WKLL. jelJ'6i-Ully 61 Kast VViLlngtt.ii it. EXCURSION. EXCURSION. T nntt PF.RC NT) fNldAS AP 'LI RAILROAD Com pany will place oa mm'.t at ik Union Lwjkh t excur- aivu ticket to tb WORLD'S HORSE FAIR, at Cfcioa.'o, to 1 UM Sf t. irA o 12 L lt.Ha-fr. Tb tickt t-will l-e tal r Ota Inajisjiipa-Ii- ta. Cl.k'aro fr ta Sitrnilirr lt. "i Sa-pt tuVf 11 b, inclus'e, atl o re- tarn from isptetil. r ir ', io SflvUii rr lSilt iuciuM'c. Pr.ce tT.lsj fur tbe rvwna uij. PI L r aaf z-jvra. DAVID VACT.'Snp. CHOCOLATE. "fabtlwHrd In IHKrn-!- riFJi tw cimiii'.'.-itrf ntf. PtlwMi I r-f-h. ll -'f-'br and t fi.: 1 C'" 'la e-. w rnt.l m vi' in 4.ali trot t lh- T-n- t'U. C.Vf ; ,it -1i-t l.e e-t I f v-Ttl r ,urr- . f m rrjrv. ! are r t.n w-t y a'l fco ire th- ra rt h M prrnf to air .-ifcer . Ma ,u red b w. B-r 4 L . attttl'X :i .is I"r cefer. Va- . and r ie at their Bra th J17 rl-oi tre. t, Sw Tort C tv. ad by ßcra and Iiralcra geoera-ly tin tflirsii the 11 Ur. A-idff ill. nricr. Jl d.t-w liT Füll tss.t. New T. MEDICAL. c o y r i n i: . t i a m . Tt NG it FN tT HO HtTF IN Jt"KI I 'Lt I t y cert ; -erret blit, ! i h u. M t.ern f.r ba-i , p'r.-nr it I be .lurW f riarrje tl'e; al-. nj'V.le-red atd 0eti. mhr Irtu t'ue f..!! of y.ub r .br raa-, f-e .1e"i!?j in 'tr.ncr f ilieir e.r-, lf.-re ilcvjr ihen-eUe a t 'ter tbe treainiert of a y mif, b"ild Trt read "THE SrCkFT IRII- Nl." Mtrrted ld:e. I 1 f-n -.nx-tl.lria of lmjvrtare erusiiij; -Ta rrar Faio." V to any ul Jrr. hi a ae drd esvel.ip, or rec j i t Teil Cents. IK. ST I" t KT CtXran r.m-ulied on a'l di-ea of 'r r' 1t tit fnm A V ti P iS-ii, f'. ni t.. 11 A. M ,) a! rle r . f e. 15 Fa-t rtilr l tr. e;. UI,..t.r laeeti Main and vram re. p- j iHi-itf tbe tletirie Hle. td .is-.. HU.CHAS. A. SU' t KT A CO . .fw-tii.-UwlT-ls-V.J'i. HAPPINESS OR MISERY? THAT IS THK yUKSTIOX. 'ltHF. rM,r,r'rs rf He "I'AKisrtN Cr.IKT OF I WMNDKH. AWTitMT. ai-l JlrPlCiNF bavt 'eterniinev, t'Ci'tlle- -f cin e. t ts-w. fre--. (fr t be Niietit ff niiff bt!mitit' Y l"K "f ther HK-t t sr. nlvw .d in'ere-'tii lre in 9 "n Murr a e ad Ita IM qualiffc.tjoii-. N rv a- It'iI'j, !"rmti;r' !r!iie f M.nh'Hst. I ite-riii., tt o' .is f Kto r.-v .fl Vit. I I'.wer.. tr lire.t S"cit rM-.aid h.-f Üi'iili. whiih r-'i! fp rti vii I fu! f-.M e-, i x-e-se .f Matuit, -r tirtn rte ! Itiy-iad cy ant Na lire's L--W Thee nal'' Ie Lr'nre- b.e l-ei the nejin o et.liibteti rat and a u i? t't. aiils, an.' will e rwiir '"-t fr- eoti tbere c-ja -f f"?r stomps, br ii.Mi.m. SICK TtKY Paisi a Caa'siT or Asr v ai M.irtr, Zf-Ii r.roadw), fw York. ;e-:.1-Hi .2 Slight Cold, tu tji Ccjti txrtrs cr 7tr.ttt uic Tiirht is cluc.JL mat urU a cimple rcmcdj. if neglected, cfier tcrrri'jiea ccricuc!;;. Feu ar au.'ire cf the imronire if stcpjiinj a cjinlt er I In lit cLd ta He f.r-zi els. ; iKzi w-ito'i in. the ber-ir.r.inrr ucuU uicli ti a mild remedy, if net aitcrdti to, soc attioks the Iwfjs. fret iKtrcdiLCfd tlcvm years a3. It hjLS bezn, proved that tKey are th. he-t article hfzr. the fulh-j f r rfrtirjL, ?cJtl Aficnrliiti! f)Lnl!uniX gonitis ft, the 2jk:raj Ccuj-K in sfcn&iitntftrnt crd numcrciLS affections cf the jDlLtJut givir-rr immeduiis rcli'f. JPttblic Speakers V Singer U"..! frA them, effectual fcr cUarirrj and cirenrrthtnir rr the vci:e ßd by all (Drug-i:is and ( i!ers in Jedioine, at 5 cnls fer Zot. IVri 'tnporlststt to Ihe Harried! ANI TIISK niNTFMILtTING M A I; hi AG K ! IIIh uiidTsjiif-d wili . i U f r-r l y mail ihe m Mii ol i n- i '.ii'.i; i nc ':,n. Nn rtnt m'i. . p.e, u r a i.trr pi-r .i.r. A rirru'ar w t'b psMirtil n ill he seil to any a tlre y hiclo lug Rm; two 3 fnt A lHMk oiiUininf ill tbe k!ow-dc ref.rr d o. ainl -ev-nl (.rivnte rerei-t. im n.AT , ill ssi-rfit anv name or adJress u nut wib. by inclosing tna ti dIUr. Me.lioiiie. rVerrb liM. w ill I e rvt for one dollar par x. It I very aure hi ü eti-ct- .idress Loc k box No. S2. t ban a !-":. Jjl9-.!5ro A. R ISHCIll.T. DRY GOODS. n o o Ö a Eh P ß 9 Is Q --s 8 4. f b m k 3 9. t a. 1 " s S r 5" i R as s) m 9 . O z - i : s s. It i "i M US 5 S ? i - ZS. si I s 8 ' e mt s ä Im O ma. S) 7. Il 2 1 A V Z 0 ' I. mm SJ 0 i " Ü S c W esj 9 ä 1 3 mm Z OAKERY. i MCKl Ji. ItOBACF. PlBBOTT. NICKÜM & PARROIT'i (St lTl.sJoCs TO A. & J. mr.1t'.T) si k a: ii iMiii:i:v An CO 1ST FECTIONERY, No II NORTH PENNSYLVANIA STHEET (B-tWet ri O'd Ii flow' II. Tl an.l l'...i 1 1-V Manufacturer, f all kl 4 of Crack. r. lirrad and lie-, . n .i,j Ketail. WF msinfacfu-e and ktep a roL-tan uri 'j of tl CKACKEhs t,,tier L'ifk'r. Itc-Nc 'rirker. .-1a Osfseis, l.ri' am l"r-k.r. Crck'tel f-L.t. A.trr Cracker, u.-ar C'ack-r. tt wie C ak r, I'otuti Crack r m l -f - Vers (i n er Crnrker. . t . CtKF.Sof all MmI, I'Uiii ai.d ini-iii n el. Alt kind-if MaCr.M. rid Tarts. .Mir. I jtiTT. fi't re nd - U.'nr C .Wes, kr , Ac. Uedding and l'unir fnrnUiird o wltort Goitre. SS.rASIHF. Ol AI L KIMS &2jf"i r!f r for larte qa.iifitiea f.Id at low rate. 831Ord r i.r..iii:.t1r LIM. and dtrlered in tb fr ol cba-ve. Jrai-J2 DRY COOCS. liynch tk Keane, 33 WEST WASHINGTON STIELT, OTHER LAHGE INVOICES OF SC2IMER DRY GOODH, Lndiew Orr) Cond rverrthlnf q Ibe Line and vtt rtt üraignt. TACF. and tlk Marr!!. new atyta Saqaea, Shawl 4 ai.d Cloak-, Pr Dio-l C'a.iow.. Faral. ..1 fan triU, Ihof. kl t, fto ey 1c: ln-h Ui.cs, Kt&bro.d erie, ttbite Goods, l.'nen aa-1 Cambric H !.:. re LWU. Hlaacbeii aid iJr wa beatiii, GU-e, C7aU.-KajTC;aW O--. Ft Atr.C'tcaa br.rx' irom Ki) ad up BEST E-VGLISli Prtf.m, IJi.e a yard; rtniEs Cat,o.i.f a CLorrr, -4 w Me. C3c a yard: vurj j J j.44. 2c TRY BALLOU S FRENCH YOKE SHIRTS. ot;!y to b bad at Lyrcb l Keane. Till DKiT FKENCil CiiUSLTS AND WAISTS. CHOTH, CASSiFIREAND PANTS STUFF For men and b-ji' ear: S raw G-od. Hat, Capa. and nt ev. rvtb ba- ta l fotd In a lry .L Ma-re. lStk complete; I-huH et recetit a-cixia to Nw Turk; will km wjd 2t) p-r ceit. Is hw f -nwr prx. HOOP SKIRTSFhOOP SKIRTS! - IUring ma.L arrair'.i t with lira of tö Urres Ilp skirt Umtia'me one- Io lb- Lavt, e are prepares! im ofl-r bTw. b.aa-a.le .ia! re si1. at N-w Terk prtre. ('a'l and exan.ii. tie .tock; no trouble to b w $ d. Oul wt. prw. tUBoeiuwarr ij-u of lb Ht Ituoa