OCR Interpretation

Daily State sentinel. [volume] (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1861-1865, October 21, 1862, Image 4

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015683/1862-10-21/ed-1/seq-4/

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Yitr Tat liiptfU ,f ihr Tax Hill
um J larI lr Cnn;rrss Jump M.l
i'i' riic iMitic wit I itr uuie-., In on
uurance i upiinir, ltallral 4 0111
pantr, Ac The Tuirt on DUtlllrJ
ftpirit MnuUcturr, Oll Ppert
Gaif Candle, Tobacco Snulf.
fan Iron, Snp,Scrruri Cloth, Lea
therf.lnr Ulnr.rnlf . ThcTai
on Cotton I ii Liren. r Vax, Ac, Ac.
TheT Üll Ju-t r.ed.f.ofh u je of ( onrre oll
tbe " d of Jane. W tfi U-iww übte f tb te im-poe-l-
ITs imih f the ar.nle ctv.-eaof per.4i
tax'. arrHrM Im a'j labetlcl f rw, rmderira; tbe
taM r)a.U for euvrn eut and ready reference:
Th Uxe uup'd are cf th fv.lwrt.g dileren' tla-,
.r ta on p r-oii and cTvi n faed
ta'u , ur-u .. f x l.cen-e..
,Vfi,.. m a rt,f ,e b-! ankt-. product, Ac ,
10 iant K) tu miMhUunr r proutK-r L-m be
II siich article, or protect
lkirl-m UhtT n Ko-iie of individual.. ri'rod and
traniti t c-j.j.jii -. ji-tl,Pe fttcrf. Irl Iber.
orf4 Im e. I. pant for lmp. wfc b tbe b'll
IT i re. i, i Cx4 tu Certa.n paper. Died, cine., docu
ment, Ac.
Tue Ja 14 II 1 to gn Into rftVet nn the f rt of Auai.f
A I e po i ou i f tbe jr..ple .f ihe .Vc !hn ."fate i'l
be i l I .ja '..r tli iiar-. tu. e o-r!iI'i 'h piy-i.ent
of w ul 'b all rT" e-u- impre loii I prt-vaiei.t. Ii i iMt
t br p od lminrd.i-lt. oi. ihr ii c-i,r an-t prof 1 .f ilo
Jr 're-dy pa ed. tut Hl Uc(iif t ot th lt
lii.HJ, i'if Uidlf UM dmil.e income f r the year
pfcttiii. hu I- piaerdt 'le t.n e in l cli tue tax
M t in operation, tu date fixed tor It tu cee Ifl.-jr
lij rwkl'Nt mj diri! ii:e M4te in d trift. n t
Bce'.ln uiruMr f crtirrMfut di-fric a, 'l -eMuliB
w at'd roürrti r (u lr cn.rtiid lj thr
"itr) ( r rflt'i .i-tit" t. t ft i-M.r riM) div!r ht-
d a'rtt in f e-!!!-!! ut-ditiie'. ml a, iu' an aa
iaii in crcU l!iri-l"ii. rb c nxtr n j M a
mnv ii u ii a l e m dr-m r p r. l'-id- ate re
q-.irel. I "rrtt tu Jy a d Ix rtpoiiMl 1? for aCtaof
th-?r djMi .
All pr'ti. pa'inefHii'p, fitni. C'rprati-ti, ir a
'tn, r? ri(U Tfil ! ne li t el a'l tt.nr j.r 'ir-ffv
ii.r Mi.e fax-! I- Iii- lar, in t'.i- 1-t 'f Au-ut, 162.
atxi lf f Htj f li-r-Hr. rid l vrr mc t f a -
M m t' t!ie a--i ant c.l!ct r I t..e :U:r ct. A Cne ot
9M) i ni.wd fi-rii c rrrri lif-,
l'ei'n r-fulii!r Ut fu'iil Ii a IM -f tliHr tax! Ieffert
and iik-onv ! '-e fl-ied $ in, ihI h awr will akr
lit aiHl iher adl J r cent. ! if. and ti e a-e-r
-:t I;t . d t eiif-r lr!lnn ainl jüae , t arrri aiti
llir vIit i f prjiTf T.
Tie aM,f tu ' liear plieül, 1M Ita'l nt lncra,e
a-r -TD-it aitlul Brrt KfviliK IHM Cr to llir af--l
Tlie f -11. cur 'ia!l five rtire ly Irrrti-emenf r
po'. I ill ot ihelim tirli a-M-fritH-nl ir itu..anl il
t iiej fr ! paid n ilLlii I. n day l ibat lifne. t -r
frii'uni bill le nii 'fd to the aiuoiiiit ,i-n-.et ; ai d lit
rilct r -t a deputy l.all. it L ii tat tij d.n tliereaMer,
Call HJKfi the r-ti rrfU-in- pi, I -tnai diliif llir
nmUn due. witb feil p r cr t ad.Ii ion; and, If n-'t pid
lhn. itie follrt r.r niay Kell m. u.b .f fhe yr pert a-
rad t rai.-r ihr taxrn, t-li irr r.f ail'Vd. a d the ex-
pn, (,t re f a! to 1 e pnhlii 1y lUrriinl. T I
r imptmrii of a lrate ir prfev,n. oi.r cw, a im,
aul prriin. ai! b-'U-r'.!! lup i'iirr br t tT e. i n-i
ap are! nrr ery fr a !aril lial' " ex ti.pl rni mhIi
b r. I'r-jirrtj tliai r iniml le d ilel. ;i L? mM eiiii e,
anl lb urplu paM hick to ihr t-r a. lf pn-pi-r'
taxul caiiiiwi le mII fr tl.e Hmount f txe-, it h ill
te I id in l-y f e roM-t lor for Ii e Ui.itrd Statin, ai.d thru
ol I lor wlm i vrr crini It nut I r i.)t.
Firw for oltructin r bin-irriu a collector or Jrpufy
1le c"ripenifl'n f clleri r ' fo-ir per rent um "t
tlif fir-t liu'idreil tlio'iarj'l ili.r r-ll rie.l. ml Mir p r
re tu;ii all-r til i' um, and a pr. per ain(ii,t oi
atatemary, etc , is lwiilimMl. Out if tiir c'liinj;.H.jMl.
th rnUrf r iinit pity t ! Ir d ptitiea
If ihr laxe cannot Ie cJ'enrd in any Fiale, at t(
tiiie -er tl-l In ibe a-t. the Trr-i-lrnt I ! rrrted ti c.-
Je. t tli-m a mxiii a piblt ai'.d.i. Ix per c ut liit-rt-.-t
ir tue d'-Uy.
Tl-ecdle tor mjy Rfant ll"en-a fr li-l'llltiz; t'.e cd
'rtT in app'lll' ltl-r rtlraf lirti IhI l'illor. li.edl
tillrr ti a eiecl lnMidrd arelioa-e-, urnlrr cert iin te
i fk'ii. Tie roxi.i.iii In reuetd lo ler and dttiUi-d
li-ir are lnjfth äil in det-H.
T' e fietinlfie fjr carry mr in any lu-lne' fr hieb a
liern im re4iirrl, withi-ut a I cetiM", are evere.
Ka Ir"! ai.d erries M pay 3 per cen' on ihflr pr
rreri I fr paiwrliir r II Iwl llit-a; Mrant, lt percrtil
Toll I f 'di'n t'ay 3 er ci t. o Ih'ir re-rjpt". Ka In-ad
cnipan r Ii .11 p iy 3 rr c'it. on Ihe amount f thrir
divi .-ti-l bimI in rret hitiU, a ! eut tL um'
fiom ibeir paynrn'ito fl.arr and l-iidlii!d rn. l'oiik
anl In-urnt ce il-Ti J - re 1 taxed 3 pe cent.
A tlx of 3 permit I l.ltHi a'l alveni in receipt
f ne-fpiper-, perlnli al. fl lo.ive, Ac t l.oon annu
ally Im in exempt . nnd ne W!p ipen not . a intr 2,'0ii c r
cu'a'i- ii lriii i 1- rx nipt
It I utilrropMI that 1 rpir ite hill w.ll le j as el tax
ing jive t ck aiil real et tr.
Advertl-enien In ert--d in new .ip-r, m.is?a
inie, r view, any other puMicaih'ti, n
uro mvlpt i'ur.
t:, all rcrpia tor, to ihe atiKHit f 4I.IKU....
I., d.. -y m-w-piijx r d' liicd tlie U-e of the
fi., . l.y p.ip-r ti r'rculaii! doea not
exceed 2,01ft' copiea
Arrrnienl, for each llel or piece of p.ijicrnn
which written, atanip duty
Agreement, f-r th lure, ue or riit of any
I iimI, ti neiiM tit, T porti ti iherr'-f, if for a
perial of tim md excrei in f three yf ir,
at amp duty.
!., io., if lor a riio! of time A.erling ti rce
J ear, tsnip Aa'
Ale olo.l. inalr or ni;m flui-l ol p'rit -T
mil f at- up Ii I it I. tin ilii' f imi o cd I y
tot art ha I harr been pi.i l. i nt ! bv
ronvdrrJ a minu acture.
Ahr. r harrrl l hiriv-oe i a Ihm", fr.v-lional
part it a ml t- p.i prfii'rr'twt Iv
AberaMvea. each p.icUa f of, the rfiaii price
or valae of w liM'h ihat not exceed ct'lila,
tump d ity.
f., eaci park.? if, tbe n-ud ir Ve or value
of wlii h exrerd 2-" friit. nd d''a not ex.
err. I ."41 cent-, t.ini,i duly
!n.. rac!i packa .e of, Ihe reta I pr.ee or value
of which ftcfd 5 ifenf d doe noi exceed
75 c nt, u.n duty
Do, each packave t. the a!ue of ihkh ex
CeoU T" cUtä and doe- I ot iMi ed ? i
Do . each jmck.-iije i.f, the retail prkv or value
of width exceed rl, lor eiciia.id every M
fem, or fructia! part tin ru f. over and
aloe tl.au ad i t.ointl -tain, !u;y of ....
Animal oil-, perall'iii
Amnt ne. each p ck.iie of. ihe retail prce or
Taitle of which doen l.ol rXCeed U- Jfi.t,
Btamp duty
!.. rai'li p it U;r of. the frTBil prive or Value
of h ch ereed " CM:!-, nlid Joe' ot ex
Ceed LO rftita. afamp d.i'y . ...
I.. ertch üiCK ie of, .he mad price r value
of wliU-li e ct-eil M ci'i.t t nnd di.o i.ot ex
rr.il 75 ?nt , Mmp out
Ii..do . evceeilinTScrtit-. and i.ot fACiiHlinit f 1
, e.irh package of, I. e r-lail price or vain,
of wlik'li exceed fl, for each an I every d
end, or fiact;i tu! part th-rof, over and
aln.xr 1. an al!:ti nal -t.i'op dutv of.......
Airtthrc.irie v hen a l.crli-e a-wholr-alr ..r re
tail dealer ha hot Iktii trtkf II out. f't lirrii-i
Appr ii--ni'tit of value or damaj;e, on each, a
Minii duty of.
Aronnt c stuff, on each packaaof ihe re-a.l
p' ice or value of which does iit exceed 23
cvnta. a r-ta tup duty of
TV . dt , on each p.icd.iire ol, the ret.:i pric- ir
T.lIUr f WllHh fM'Cf'i2."Cfiit,4llildiK,s not
r.xrrnl 5l cri.l-, a t illip duly f
!., do.- on e ,oli (Ktcktr ..f, ihr ret ll oriCr or
value of which eAcecd-Tat cent, and d-.H not
exceed TÖ CI III", A t Itllp dl!t of
J. do . e.xceedirg 73 cent-, ami not exceed
ing 91
po., do , on eaoh pck;e of, tin re'ail prkv or
value f which exceed- 1 1, for e.icli ai.l every
50 ceiil. 'r IractHHial part ibetvof. over and
a'.ove f ! an a klitional tarn, dtity of
Auctioneer, under h ch irnn i ii clj i d every
prr." li.-e lui-.itr- it i 10 otter prieny
fi.r alr to the lnHhi-l a:i.l I r-t lt.iter. for
Auction vle of g od. nierclt.iiid.e, article and
ihm;-. liH'lii'iiiii; all tie ol ft.K ,. IhiihI-,
and o'ti'T -tcuri ie, on cro. amount of
3 P cl.
exellip .
la r ct
5 cent.
fto cent.
$1 IKI
1 in
1 cent.
2 cent.
3 cent
4 cent.
2 cent.-.
i cent
1 cent.
i cc tit.
3 cet:t
4 cent.
2 cent.
6 cent.
1 cent.
2 Cent.
3 cent.
4 cent.
2 cent.
20 (t
aale 1-ln
FUd xer'a cl liver o l, on e.n h p.-K'kake of, the
rrta. I ,rx-e o- value ,f which do- I10I excerd
lCtil, e -tainjidaty of
Ii., mi ejch package of. the reta. I price r value
of wlik-ii r c ed Z't Cfl.t. a:nl ! !Ht e X -cI
M rritt. a -la up lu' .f. ...... .......
IX., tHleach Kck:- f. fhe r.-tail price r vai.ie
of wli cb exceed cent , and d- t:ot ex
ceed 7 cent, a t imp duty ol
Ih. do., e Crr.)U "5 Celit-. aud not CXCef-liJijJ
cf 1 ? .
1 cent.
2 cent
3 centa.
4 Cht...
1 cent
1 cent
Ü cent.
lK). . d.i.. oti ea.-U p.cka;r ..f, the r ta.I pr ce i r
T!ue of W h cbexcetnl- $ . . f.-r e.u b .III I every
U vriic-, or tiaetltiiial part tlier-.f. mrr asd
above f I a i aJ lit, :ial (4in(. d'itv of.
Balm of a lb..-4!nl rlowrr-. eaoh p.cka,ei.f
the n tad i r.ce r v.Ia. ot w l;ch dr 11. .1 ex
crM 23 cel.!-, a -tx.np tu'y of
Iki.. raib pa kae o, tlie retail prk-e t r va ie
of which ex. er. 2. rent-. a"id ! imK e
Crrd Snc-ut-, a tarnrd(jf i.f
IVx., raeb p ic.ke ot. lue icuil p-a-r or a!u
ol h ch rxc-eu To Cet.t. at..! d- e I.ot eX
cred 74 c i 1. a tarn, duly ol
D"-, vacti Mi'.'kr ot, tue value of whkb liall
fxCred 7öer'.!. a.d 1 I Hot CXCefd 1....
Do., ch package . 1 . the retad price or rala
of w u cb rv ee-t a)1, for ecb a'ni evrry 60
CVM-, r ifscti nai part thereof, over and
aliove ft. a'l a l-'.i l.nul tnj-. d ty tf
Bai n of L.:e, aa.e aa "ttilu if a lUouMii.d
I lower..'
BaUaruof Ijvtrwort u:e a"R'.m 1 f aTLou
iaid 1 h.wre
IUi4i.i of W,1J CVerry and lorl md !o-, nm
a K dm a IUMaud llwwrr.'
Bau-1 In n " T..n.')
Kauk. on I ! vl. o !
tVJiker. tir!er biihteru l ila.iii.'.rd eve'y
per b- k'e,. plte of hu-me wLere
crni:t are petrd m Uve of ai.y r-n.
Gnu or toi pi .u. by tbe deposit or c.-ll.-tioQ
of iifixy 1 riiri: j, aJul the me or
ai:y part theretif, .hs!t paxl f retoitied
iai ll.e draft, elic or orlrr. of lieb cnrii
f r, ft L c.'i drtr- no fiar u.le twtT,oratrd
ba.j. or oil rr t a-V le.-ally auibonzed t
lue note a rirtula.. !, for 1icq
Bar Iro (-re "Irao.")
Üaryica. blybaia '., per 100 pouuda
Beef, pee barrfi of 31 Rallvin, frucl -o! pArtx
of a tarrel to pay proirtlona:el. .
IWtxl letthrr, per pouiai 1 ex. a;
fcriirti e, 1 1 r ti
Ri-rar! .at -f 1. per Miid
Iflll.arl 1 a tor. f rat h 11 Ir
lUln.r I nr.rn , f. I ceue, f.-r e.ch till-
L.11 f exrhi.r (i',lai..!) f.r the payment of
any aunt of luxury kul xcrtiL.f fluu, wo
Skfit of dainad. Mauy 4uU ot-
3 ecru. I
4 cent.
3 cent.
3 per ct.
100 oO
10 cant .
id & 11..U-.
. V letit
& Ii. .11-.
4 au.
f)o , rtrt.,errrt;r,c ! d not e-!!! f . M Cet.
la... d- .ev.r.-,l..j e J . alt) !..! r vc ii: V .- Ij Cel.t.
1 . ' . e in-r.,,1.; a ". .. S li-.f r ,c- 1 ( 2 reut. 1
I. , !.. e vr. r.l o.-' j I -f rvrrr.?,, j T'i '.? Cf-nt.
! 'U .e .c- io: 1 tt l urin!'!.,' C l.orJ 4 J t Ot.
o.,.i ... cvr"!.. ti; d i i .! ii; t
I,..i.;., exr..i.iv l,iJ aui xcevi ü
Iu..fo. .'.-rr.l:f; f and tot exceed. i,j
Do . do., lor every tl.UO or pai t of ia
excra of ii.lAXI
1 to
1 SO
Ta l of f xctia; (fore sm) drawn In, tu! py
t'.e otit of tb I'roted joatea. tf draws i&clT.
or If drawu o.l.erwj.e U.an In et of rnor
than vo accord 1114 U tii cutnta tf mer
chan' and tai.ker. an aa bid of exchange
In.., do., if drawn in et of three n;re, fT
every I IS of e.teb '. wt.ere ilie mn m.oie
pav a'-le haö i.tH r vex d 4 l.'a . 'jT ll.e euiva
li,t 'iirre.t in ai y f'.re.ii funerey 3 Crnt.
Ij . do , a e V l-'.u ar.'l tM.i alx-ve . & C.'ii'.
I.. '.., a!-. e fJjri ai.d i.ot ai.ve .ahi h echt.
Inj . ii.. a1 o.e ;--i at-l iwt Line l Ui .... 1 c u.a.
Ij., do., aUive t 'rW and u t a'-ove fl..aa... 2"Cei,t
lo , do , .ove f laai aiol hot a'i'Ve f.2-' . . ItUrri.ta.
I .. do., a'iv e tl.Ai air. J ji't al.ve e'! fcei.t.
Ix., do., i!nr ! ') an t not ahovr ei t 4. . . 7v cut.
I" , do., above tö.iajo atnl not above tt.l3... luv
Im.. Uo. f.r every il or j art tl.ereoi in ex-
cr ..f 7..V4I 30 centa.
r..l of biding for atjy gol-, tn-rchaO-J.-e or
f .fect, to be f xporti d lrnm a jmrt or piace in
tie filled Ve, to any lore'Rii .rt or
I'lacr, a lUmn duty of 10 centa
I., lor any 51!, u e Cuanl. ore.lect tobe
Orr eu troiu one port or pi ice m te L'ai e4
Matr. to any 01 her port or pi ce in tb Lci-t-d
Maie, e ther by la:.d or water, except
w be ü Carr e H j Bhy expreicoß:p ,;: r car
rier. duty of . Scent.
Fitter. nie a- "lviniof aThou-and H-wer
lk rd are not to Ir toiiU r d a m.u.uf icture.
IajihU, aucii' ii tal of, id Krt an.om t of
.lr- 1-1 of 1 per cent.
iJo., tor ii.ilenmify li j; aiiy --r.oti who hall have
bi-coriie bound or eiiraj,ei a urty Jor the
payuiet.t o any um of money, or lor tbe due
xee-uiioii .r erf.irmaiice of loe dniirof any
oh;ce, atid to aecunt lor money received t y
virtue thereof, a fa:np duty of 50 cent.
Ik.. of any ue-erijt n.ti other th in Mich a. are
reo,u;rei lu b-ical jr-erdii.K not othrrwi-e
charged, a tamp du'y of 25 cet.t.
Iaine, maiiufiicture ot, wholly or in an if n
o'herwii e aec.t.ed, ad v.il,.etll & per Ct.
Iook are not to le reardeu a a m nuSaciure,
or ubmiited to a ra:e of dty a a ntai.utac
ture. P- ttle, contain n; medicine. Ac, the retail
pr ce or taloe of wbcli col tent ilK'luded,
loeiiot exceed Uüceiii-, aMatnpduty ol.... 1 cent.
I... Coiitaiii:ii' liie.Uii.e, i.e., ihr reta.l pr ce
or value of w '...cit conti uii. included, e.xce iW
"i'.i rei.l, .in i!- hotexteed lAi cent, a tatiip
duty of 2 cent.
In,., I'ontaintii j medicine. A c.. Ihr reia.l r ce
or va!ue of wh ch, content included, exceed
So cent, but d. not exceed 75 cent.. .... . 3 cent.
In... col.l jii.HiC li.eiil-.lie.. A.., the valor of
which, cont-nt iiicluled, hol exceed "."
cent-, and UjII not exceed 5 4 cent
Ihi , coiiaiisiii' miita-ii.e-, Ac. ihe value of
w hu h. conieiit titcl.i led, xci ed ? 1, fr eacli
and every .r. cent-, or rr.u tu i al pirt tliereo'-,
over and above f 1. m aihiitional -liimp ilu'V of 2 cent.
Iiowlmg adev , lor each alley, duty t r licen-e 5 IM
lo.e, Cot.t.iiLiiii inedkiiiv., ic , haute a
l-ttlr-," wmcll re.
r.rai.diett.' pill-, a;itne a "Halmof a lliousand
Mower,'" wh ch MC.
.ra. iiiaoutiicture of if not ttherwi-e jnfl-
hed 3prct.
I'.rick aie t ot to be o i.m lered a nunufoc ture.
Itrnle-, u.U. on uro receipt 3 per ct.
I'.rewer, under which term i included every
eronwho manul.icture leni eiit'd liquor
of any name or d.-.-Oiplioi, for ale Ironi uult,
wholly or in pnrt, lor l.ceiie 5' Oti
iKi.. who nuiuut.ii ture- le.-a than Ö4MI barrel- per
year, for l.cene 23 00
IVn-'le, manufdcturea of, not otUrwie p ci-
lied 3perct
I'.rni-li oil jiue aa Ualm of a 1huanit
Ft.iv er "
I'.ioker. auction fair by, of pood, wares
iiier;hiin.lir, a.ticie or liiin, on (:r.i-
amount "i .! 1-I0of 1 perct.
r.rokcr-, umi. r w h en term i iticluded every per
hon w ho-e bu-ine it i lo pi.rcii.i-c' or vll
Mk, coin, m-rtiey hank note, lit ult, prom-l-ory
note, or other M-cur. tie for tin p;iy
mtit of money ,! r t!iem- he it ot tier-, or
w ho deal in exchange n I uii'K ' nn.ney, tur
lteil-e 50 Oil
l'.roker-, commercial, under w hich teiin i in
clitib d every per -on w ho purcha.e. or m'IIs
K"o1- or pnaluce, or cek order therefor, in
oriKinal or unl rokeit pack i'e, r tn.iiia.e.
bume iimlter for ibe owners of vevel-, it
the hipper or coti-Unor of ireiht carried
by vexl., or purcha e , or wll real ftate
for other for l.cen.c 50 00
l'.roK r-, bind warrant (ee land w.imint bro
ker) 23 00
I'.uir arai'yr.l!.i, minv a ta!m of a Thous
and I lower," Inch Me,
Lull. on. in the nmiiubicl'ire of ilver-ware, ia
imt to l,r coii-idered u maiiuf.iciure.
liuriieti' ico.tii e, aine a, "liiiliu of a Thou
Mind I loier.." w h h er.
Uor.uiu tbml t not to 1 cotiidered a manu
lacture. !.di- kin-, tanned, e.n h Ö cent.
I H. . Ao.eriean pit tent, ....................... per el
t'.Uidlc, of wh.itever tii.itin.'l niade 3 i r Ct.
Card-, playing per pack of w hatever number,
w l.ni the pr.ee pe r pack ue noi exceeu l
I cent,
1 o., (in , ovi r 1. and no over .ücent per pack 2 Cetil
I , ovi r and not over 'M cv nt. jkt acl . .. . 3 cent
lo.. ovi r 3o uii.i not over :ti cent 4 cent..
(Hi., over .'Id cent. l cent
t.'.ilve l.iuliu red, ; ei beiid 6 cent.,
(,'.rrur-. Ac, valued at t'ä or over, tirawu ly
one hi r e 1 00
ki ilr.iu by two Imrre. Valued atT". a:id not
e.xc edinii .! 2 On
)o , exceedn.f; in valu. f iH and ni exceeding
f-W 5 on
Ki., exci ed ii' llt'O In 00
Ci.-fia. Kio'ind, and nil iiiniatn.ii of, rpoui.d 1 cen'
Ci-tde i.rtp, ef aii."
Cil-irrh SiiulT, each p;u l.ase of, the retail price
or value of winch doe- not exceed 2 Centa. a
i-t.iiii,! duty ol cent.
I"., each package of the ret.iil pr ce or -value
of which exceed .5 cent-, and de imt ex
ceed ttt ceti i.-, a -tamp duty of 2 centa.
!o.. e.cli p;.cka'.e ot, ib retad price or value
of w Inch exceed 5i cent-and dot,' not ex
ceed T.i cent-, a -.tain. i d .ty of 3 cent.
lK., each pack a .e of, the value ol win. h ex
ceed 75 cetits, ami d e not exceed 1 H 4 cent.
!. encli package ot, the ietrtilpr.lv- or vulue
of w.i.ch exceed 1 'a , lor each an I evi ry ad
d.tioiinl ÖD ce..t, or tract on;tl part there -f,
over a. id above i no, an additional ftatii,.outy
of.... 2 centa
Cafiari c IMI-, oauie a "Catarrh Snult."
Caiile horneit. exceedin r Cixhieen in.nth old,
lait.htered fi r lie, e .ch .10 cent.
Ik., uiaier IS month old, er head 5 cent.
IN , l.iu,lilereil hy any iciou n.r hiown con
Munption Free.
Cattl- I roker. including every per-on wli..-e
I u -me.-, a i to l uv and - II au I deal in cat
tle, ho,; or beep, lor liceit.r 10 00
t'avei di.-ii ti l i Co. valu d at more than 30
Cent. pT H.und, jwr pound ij cent.
I Hi., do., va.ued i t any unl not exceedirg 30
cent per ,'oun i. p -r pou:.d 10 cent.
Ceineot, ma te wholly or in part i.f glue, to he
-oid in a l.'juid tj.e. er .Ihm SöTcnt.
Ccrti.-ci'e nf i'k in iiy iiicrtM.rat-l Com
pany, t.imp duty o:i each 23 cent.
Certilrcate ot proilt-, or anv Certiiicate or mem-
trandüm-, ll.. w ing; an inten; in the proper
ty or aecuii ul.an.li of ny ii m poratcd r in
panv, if lor not le- than 10 and not ex
cee.lin.; iiO on, M.inv diry 10 cent.
Ik., hi a u:n exc 'tii;iu htl 2o cetil.
la-rulicati Any errtl..cnte of dam ij;e, an.l all
oilier certilx ale or diH?uu,etit i.-nied .y any
jHirt warden, marine urevor, or other er
oit aci .n. a ueh. a tam,i duty 2o cent.
Certificate deo-it of any um of money- in
any bank or tru-t company, or with any bank
er or cron acting a m.cj. if lor a mm not
exceedin;; 100 OO. a tantp duty 2 cent.
Iai.it for a un e vo-ed ii Iin mi, Manip duty 5 cent
Ceriil.c.ite of any other le-cript.on than tboe
ja-ci' l, a t;inip duty of 0 cent.
Ci.aicoal . not to l-.r c..fi ten d a iiianulacture.
Charter I'arly Contract or agreement, or the
clnMer of any h;p or ed. or ferner, or
any letter, menu r ui.lui.i, or oiber w riling hv
twren the ca,ta u. ni.t r or owner, or per
oii act in ; a ai n of any liiti or ve l, or
teauier, and any other j r-n or p'r-on, f'T
or r Illing to the freight it cnarier of uch
ahtp, or vee!. or teamer, i: i he rri.t red
tiM.a.e ot cii h:p, or ve-.i l, or .-teanur
d.w.- ;.. exceed Slh loll. -t.Ull.i duty Oil
lN. do., e.xcoedl!!; :hNl ton, at.d Hot exceeding
tl-ai ton, a t.mio duty ................ .. J (Ml
lo., do., exceed!' K bH toll. t.1Uli liufy l0 00
Cio-v . draw ti U, on any I ank, tru-t couii.any,
or any peroii or per-on, com .a.i.e or ciT
Lora;.oti, for the p lytneiit of mones .exce.-d-i:i;
? J" ..t .i.ht or n demand 2 C lit.
Ci ev-e i- not o l e ci ti.den d a tntuutacture.
Cm iniiil prepr itiou aine a 'X'atJ'r.i M.utf."
Cbocol oe, ,-rcpare.i, n-r pound I cent.
C'.rcu e.-. under w b cb tenn i included budding,
letii. pace. or ac.e. w nere feat of h rcniaii
tlitft or acrol-a ic -poit are exhilnied, l..r li-cvn-e
5j Uv)
Clam ao!i'.. unter wnnii term i included
every ier..n whoe bu-mea. it i to pro-erute
cla.iu- in i of the exrvutivedepartmetjis of
the rc.r! K"veri.n.cn;, f it each yearly li
Ceue 10 00
Clearance, tanip duly.... 25 Cent.
t Ii: movement mavle to run one djy, each.., A Cl-b'-s.
tin , do., uote to ran over one day, eac.1 lo cvtu.
Cloth. 1 1 lore 1: hav boei. dy ed. pnnu-o. h!eacLei,
er preparrd m any oü.er uaitm-r 3 per ct.
Coal, aa m.r.cr-il. excrptp- a c al aud dut coal,
r ri. n 3H cent,
CojI j:a, re cia.
Ct'.l o.l. rrcne.1, jr galhm 10 ceatn.
Coal o.l li t..l r, UT.d r wh eh tenn i included
any p r-ou wlo na.l rer.ne, pniuce or i.ii.l
cruue p truleuiu or rock od, or cru.hj cal o.l,
or crude oil made of a-pna tu:u, ba!e peat,
or o hir Utuui.ni'U subtaice, for each h-
cen-e 50 f 0 i
Coal tar, pn-iuced in tht manufacture of gas., exempt.
Cto-a. prrparrt. pe I p- nn 1 1 o i t.
Co:f.-e, rrout)it. p r pound 3 Biilla.
C-.tie. A U piepr.it i-ii l h.fbcoriee formt
a p rt, or ah:eh I- p'epa'rd lor l a a ut
l,i u e for rotier, rr p u:i t 3 mill
Cotomerei.t! Hroker. are "Broker..'
CoocrM rated milk inii to b cu-drrrd ataan
alBcture. Contct ;ner, under wb'ch term included
vr- er-4u ho rll-at rrta. I c-in'ecilonery,
w ee; uieatB, comrlu. or other co&tect iu any
bu hiii;; Cconrea'.cucr who have taken out a
Lceae a w bo!eale or r. tail dealer are not
re.)U rvd io take a eparate Ikette) for each
hci ti-e J oo
Coi.f xteniery, icade wholly or in part of uar,
p.rpo.n.1 lernt.
Cn-uiii.t.uu n.try , at any cufotn bn-e m ex-
C.ni,i:w 100 iai in value. taDip duty 23 C tut.
Lnj.. d.. rvi-rnlii.g loo oo, aud oot" nxcrrviu
I , d., exeed,rir SO" (o in valae.
C"Mr". u hr. t or p.rce i.f pr on
w i.K Is w r-t?. n. lanip u'i'y
I.. (..r ti.e i. re. u -e ren: f any I ir.d, t- ie
t i.t.or portion, ib'-re.f, if fir a p.-n.i of
t,i;f i. t fic.-i il.i t ti p - y jr, :j;:ri '.jly . .
I w... lur a j-er."! ot t.nir r xc.- .in , yearv
C"li'ri, broker- ixie, or ii.em.iraix'i.iii of
aie of aii K'". or io rcuxi. t.-e, ;,
lofls exebanp", l.otc of bawvl. r al e-tate
or property of any k nd, or derr: Vfu iued
o CiM.
V) ccr.f
by Oroter or prii. t:.a a ucu. utaixp
10 ceuu.
Cocvej ar.ee, deed, iantrraet.t of writire. here
by any land, tenement, or other realty Bold
halt be granted, lea-ed, aliri. traa-Verrt-d
or o:aerwi conveyed to, or vetr-d in the pur-cba-er
or purcUa-er. o' to any p rv.n or er-Hi-
ty b , her or their direction, when tbe
Val ie exceed luo wo, and dor n t exceed
l.ooo J, tainp diry , 1 00
!., do., w lien ii r value excerd l,'w 1-0, atid
d ! nH exceed oo 1
I., exceed, n,; 'Jm yd, a. id not exceed. nj
5,iuj 5 00
l , excei-ii.nx 5,000 W'. and not exrevdil'g
l.l.Uad) 10 00
I . excttd h,t lO.oOO 00. and iot exceed.
20,000 uo 20 00
In.. ir every addit.onal 10.O.HJ oo, or fractional
part l:i e.ce of 2o.in 0 oo 20 00
Copj r. ntiu'actu:i of, not otherwise provi-
ned lor ad valor, til 3 per Cl.
Ci rtiai-, medic nal. name a Catarrh Suuff."
CVn.et'c. amea Ix-nt. trice."
Cotton, r .w, prr lb. . i cent.
Cotton, m iiiuiactorea of, wholly or in part, not
o.herwn- provided for...- 3 perct-
Cotton und re'ia. 5 per ct.
C'.'Ujh "iruji, -aiue a Ca?rrh ?iiuff."
Coup"ti. railroad ..... 3perct.
Croup remedy, arae a Caurrh SnuT."
Croup urup. amr a "Caranh nu.f."
leei,-t whereby any laint.-. 'eneniet.t-, or o'her
th iii: oid, hall be.rameil leaed, atned,
trail- ferreil. or otherwu convey tu loor ve-ted
id ibe purx i.ar-rr or puicba-er.-, or to any jt
on or per-otu by Li-, her or their direcnoiifi,
tam,iduty f me a O n veyai.ee.'
lieer-kin. ureed an I fm"ki-d, per pound. ... 2 cent.
LN litilrice. emli pac.aixe of. the rria.I pr.ee or
vane of whkb tiiv not exceed ceiio, a
Mamp duty of 1 cent
Io., exceed ma: .'5 cent, but n.t exceeding 50
cent, Mamuduty 2 cents.
Do., exceed 5o cet.t-, but hot exceeding 73
cents 3 cent
Iv., each ptcka'.e f, the value of which ball
e.xceeil 7-c nt. and .1 all not exceed 1 00.... 4 centa,
Inj., exceeding 1 00, for each and e.ery 50 cent,
or Iractiotial psrl thereof, over and above
loo an adlitiunal Hump duiy of 2 cent
lie. t:.-t, f r l.cen-e Id 00
l'tparch. teleicrapbic, when the chirxeforthe
t r-t ten word doe not exceed üo cent.
ta:nn ilut v 1 cent.
IM., w hui it exceed 20 cent;. 3 cent-
liian.ood 3 i er ct
liiiit.-d pirit. tlrt prex'f, per ;alo.i liOceui
ln t.Ui'! jnrit The dutie on i-pir.tuu li
quor, und all other pirifUou. lieverae
ei.um. rat. d in the tax bill, i to he cLec!ed
at tin lower ra'e than tl.e b.i-i of br-t proof,
and -hail be increi-nl in proportion lor any
Kie der treiutli than tbe ,-treiith of prool.
Ik-ii!ed pint The term br,t pn.f i de
clared to nieuti tit it proof of a li.Uor wh ch
C rre-pond. to tilty ilejjree of 'I ralie.-' ceolr-
inial hydrometer, at tue iem;crature of i
ty lieree Fahrenheit thermometer : and in
re.lucii x the inperMture to the tandard of
nxty , and in levying dut e on litpur alwve
and Ix-lovv proof, the tnhle of fotnmerci.il
value contained in the Manual f..r lii-ecior
of rii rit- prepared by Trot, v cCttl'i'Ch, un
der ihe Mipe'iiitciideiice of Prot, liache and
adopted by the Trea-urv lN-partment, i lo be
u-ed and taken a giving the proportion of
ah-olu e alcohol in the 1 (nid gauged and
iiroved, according to which dune b'uall be
Ii.t.llrr, under which tenn i included every
per-on or co-partnerLip who di.t;ll or man-
uiactare iintu. u. liquor? for tak, for li-
I)..., in i kin,' th.tti ::i bid I y ear
1 1.1 . of apple and pe.iclie-, making le than
l.'.o bl.l per year
50 (M)
12 LO
Lliv idni.b, annual income from, w hen exceed
ing K.0 ini and imt exceeding lo,o. 0 00, on the
t xte over Coo oo 3 per ct.
1n.. exceediinf 10,000 (Ml, and not exceeding
Ö0.0IM oo. on e.xce over 6o oo 5 per ct.
Dividend annual income fiom. when n .ili.-d
by any citizen of the L'nlied Mate re-id tig
a) road, and I ot ill the employ t Ihe I'luled
Mate-, not otherwbe provided for, wlenex
c ed.ngtoO on, on tl.e exce over tioo 00.... 5 per ct.
I irntT , drawn upi n any bank, tru-t companv, or
any jK.'r.-oii or per-on-, coiopniiie or enrpora-t.oii-,
for ihe p iymeiit of numey at ii;ht or
on demand, aine a l5ill of Kxchange.
Dran ing tile are hot to be cmi-idired a f.ianu-
Drop, medicinal, am n "Ien?ifrice."
Kai.iu hou-i, under which term i included
every place vv here food or refrel.iueii'of any
kind are rovdd tor ca-u il vi.M'or. and mM
for coii-uinptioii therein, but the keeper o an
c.ting b u-', having t iken out a licence
IherttiT. i not r .'quired to take out a licen-e
a Coii'ectioi er, f..r la eti-e
th'ctuai ie, aine n IN.ntIfr:C.,
I tu r d l-
Kiiitrcatioii-, Mime a "iN titifi- ce."
blntmeh-il leather, per Hare foot.............
Knarii. l.-d k:rii'ig iealher. per quarr f'H.f
10 00
3 perct.
5 milU
1 t CtM.
Ftifry of any fronds, ware or ni'Tcha:idie at
any cu-toiiib"UM', lor consumption. M-e "Con
sumption r'.iitry." "
Entry of any gnial, ware and nierchindie at
anv cudoiii hou-e. f.r w arehousini, fee
"vVare,.iie l-.ntrv
Kntry for 'he witlelrawal of any good", ware
or iiiercli.illi'1-e, frtdii bonded warehou-f,
stamp duty 50 cent.
I".p h-pric pill, came a '"iN-ntifrice."
Kr.iftve Mia;i, ee "Soap."
i:-ene ol Li e," same a "Deittifr'ce."
Kxpr-'M I or every receipt i.-uei ly anexpresB
cotnpiiiv or earner, or per-o i w ho-e la'Ctipu
tiou it is to net a such. f-r every single bo,
bale, pickaxe or bundle. hen the fee lor
trau-port i ion doe not eXceel i5 cent. .....
Do., wbt n it exceed -5 cents, und doe lint ex
ceed I 00
1 cent.
2 cent.
Do., when one or more pnckaite are sent to t lie
came a'hlre.-, and the conii-eti-ation exceeda
1 (mi Scent
Kye water, same a "Ik'ntifr ce."
rimly pill-, ume a "In-M if nee."
Fetn iie pills, sann- a- "iN'tnif; ice."
I rry bout, pro-llfd by teani or horse-power,
n if r- r'C-ipts- ... -
l4per ct.
3 perrt.
5 per ct.
line cut tobacco. ee "lohacco
Ftp in, ranee c nipanie-, on all dividend
I- i-h. preserved, ai valorem. ..................
I "i-hod
i lix. manuractuier of. no. otherwise specitied.
lo. pr-pared lr textile or fi lling purpo-es, i
inn to l e considered a manufacture until act
ually woven or lelicd into fabric tor coiiuinp
t ion.
Flour m-ole from grain, is not to be comidered
a manufacture.
Fruit, preserved
(.tin, annual, of every person, w hen excreting
GOO CO, ami do not exceed lll.Ooo 00. on tbe
excess of gam over 6;0 00
IV., exceeding 10.000 00, ai.d lint exceeding
.Mi.ooo OO, on e.xci- over COO OO
(iain. n annual, Ironi property of any kind in
the I'niied Mate, real. zed by Any Citizen of
the United States re-nlit.g abroad, and md in
tne employ of the L'n.ted Male, not other
wise provided for. ...
(i;s, coil, when Ihe pro!uct rli.i.l le tmt alove
.Vmi.imhi cubic teet per month, per l.noo cut.ic
Do., do., when the product hall he above
öd ,ot;o, and imt eceeeinj nod, into cubic
teet a-r m'f:!h, er l.tl.41 cuhic fret
!., .o., wh'ii the i nluct sb.dl be above
5.iHMi,ooo, per 1 mio cubic iVer
Ii-, ail illunonal:ii. ine a eo.il --.is.
till i;n:e, 1 all ie cription, in s bd ftate, per
H'Ull I
(linger, groutnl, ani ail imila'ion of, periou:i I
(ilass, nianufact tirer f, not ottierwi-e specified
diu.-, in aliipuid lorm, a-r gallon
I hi., in a solid sta'e, per pound
l.lycerine lotion, same a. "leiitif. ice."
(oat skin, curt led, matiufacured or tinislusl...
liold, manufactures of, not otherwise provided
Good.-, p. .id.- for the u-e and c.iiumpti..n o the
tnaki r
Ini., except spiritoii anl in ill InjUor, and leaf,
stem. -r maiiu'ac! uri'.i tohaeco, where the an
nual product bes not exCM'd Gtai ti. proviib'd
that tin .hall not apply to any bu-i-ie or
tr-di-iiction where one party furnishe the
in. t rial-, or part tb-reof. and employ an
other party to m itiufacture, ni ike or finih
the giKals, ware and tn.-reh tndi-e, r article;
I ut it. ail such ea-e the party f.:rni-hi u the
Ul llerial and receiving the uO.als, vv.ireg aud
merchandise, or rticie; p tv ion -r pr m uig
to pay theieo-r. and n-cetving the (.Mai-,
w airs an I merchandise, or article: I e li t) le
o any charge w ,tii all accruing duties t hereon
111"'. powder, and nil explo-ive uttance u-ed
fir niiii.tK, anillery, or o ting purpo-e,
wSeii vahieil at H cent per pound or le,,
r r iMoiTid.-..
3 per cl.
5 perct.
3 per ct.
5 per ct.
5 per ct.
5 cent.
10 cent.
15 cent.
5 m:ll.
1 cent
3 per ct.
2." cents.
Ö m.ll..
4 per ct.
3 per et.
5 mills.
1 cent.
6 cent.
5 cent
7 mill.
5 mill.
to., wh'-n valued aOove lcent pT pouial.
ai J not exceeding HO cent, ih j pound
Dvi., i , when v alued above 2i cents p r Kund,
P- '
Gutta 'nbi, manufactuie of not otnerwi.-e
I rov id: ior. ...
Iiy (um i- not to l-e con-h'-ere-l a manufacture.
hair dye, same a "I Vntifrice."
Hur redorative, ame a 'Detitu ice."
liamea- leather, per p'U:id
Harne leather, made cf bides imported ea-t of
the Cape of ti-tc-i H'vpr, er pund
Heading are not to be coii;iert-d a manufacture.
Uetnp, mauufacturt of. when not otLcrwl-e
pea tied
Hog kut, tanned or drevrd
llo exeenlii g 1 rcotith and slaughtered,
when the numher tba lauhtered exceeda
tvrei.ty in any year, for xale
D., slaüc'iteted by any peraoa fT hi co ccn-
UOJ pt ou.
Hollow ware, in-n. per tou of 2,0o0 pound....
11 op ir."i (-ee Inou)
lb tu, manufacture of. net o herwi-e rrovided
II. -rued cattle, exce-d.ng eighteen ci c:h old,
3 T cent.
4 9 ce&t.
10 cent.
1 50
3 P cent
30 cn.
5 cent.
4 per ct.
slaughtered f.r ale. each
Do., jnlrr IS month d.i. p. r head...........
Horse kirn, tantail and dresel-.-.
HiT-e dealer, idrier which tenn 1 included ev.
ery ptTon w hoe busiisr n i to buy ami -ell
r.oi" and mnl, fr each Ivern ....
r0.. when they bave takeu out a ltcene a liv
ery Mab! keeper, are bot recrire-l to take
out an and t otial one.
Il.wtrtter'a latter, aine a r)entirnc.
II r, eon iucüni
Hotels, uider wLich term i ii-cluded every
place where fol and lodging are provhled
tor and f-rai-bed to travehT and Kirne r,
in new of pay ment t hen-fr, where ti. rent
or valuation of the yearly rental of the
h u-r an.1 (.r..prrtv KXUpir.J, b,tb be O.üdOOO
or ni'de. for eai h yearly lici uje ,.
Do., do.. b.-re the rent or the vluatwMi'of tbe
V early rental hall oe 3.0OX Ov, aud ea than
il) OW uo, fs-r tarb yearly lxtu
10 uo
3 per ct-
200 00
t.. !.. wher- tbe rrnt or tl e valua'ton of tbe
yejil - r, u t,a; be 2.3ajM. aii b- ihau
5 iJ (, for e.M u yexriy l,e:ie.. . ..........
!.. do.. : r-r Ihr rn.l r th" v !cat...n f ti e
r- nial -loii ! i.ikai im. . J U-s- u.a.; ..V"l O.I.
Tj 00
, ej u veariy 1,-, .
50 00
!.. d-... w.i. re Ue letd or the Vjiuih.n of ti.e
y. ar' , r, ,,'1 ,i,n .'M a) ini, and Irs than
l.trna. f Teacn yearly Uen-e S3 00
Do . do., where the ret t or the valuation of the
yearlr rental Lall be 3w oo, and le than
5oxi uo, f.r ecb yearly bcene 15 00
lk., da, wher ttt rent or ttt valuation of ttt
yearly rtctal Lali be 10O 00 and lea taaa
3oo üü for each yearly l-cenae 1000
Do., dos, where toe tent or Ibe valuation of tbt
Jar! retUl -lall b le ttaa ICH 00. for
ecb yearly bren-e 5 00
tränier and rrrh upon water f the Uni
te I S'aU-a, o .ari .f wb-ti pa- U.'er or
traveler aie pr..vi.iel with f ad or lod.big,
idiall W renn ivd j ue .ut a I.Crne of the
fifth da., vu.. at 23 00
Hjpenou Haid, atrte a k-nii rare."
liicome. annual, of every person, when exc-ed-big
6.i tl and n.-t exert! it g lü.ttaj inj, on
the exe over tid i 3 per ct.
Do., ecd ng ln.(iay oo, and not exceeding
5o.0iaou, on exce-j. over 3oo .a... 5 perct.
Do., annual, fr;m property of any kind in the
1 1 iud Mate, -eai.2d by any citizen i tb
United Matr re-i.l;ng abroad and not in the
employ of the United Mate t,ovTi .roil, not
oti.erwi-e provhied fi r 5 per ct.
I.'.di4 rubiT. ßuituiacture of, hot otherwise
provided for 3 per cf
Ii n, same aa "UotrU."
Insurance cotnpirue, all, on dividend 3 per ct.
'nsnraice Companie-, inland or marine, upon
gro- receipt for preni. urns and a e-inent. 1 perct.
In-uraiice companies, f.-n igri, doing business in
the United Mate 3 per ct.
Insurance (life) Policy of insurant e, or other
in-tr .m nt by whatever name tbe same shall
be called, wnereby any insurance h .11 be
made or renewed, manne or i.and, upjn
property of any ie-cr;ption. ahei u.r a.'a.nst
peril by the sea or by tire, or t irr peril of
any kind, made by any murai.ee company T
its agent, or by any oiher compony or per
nio .' 23 cent.
Iu'erest. Income from, w hen exceeding the sum
tf GoO 00 per annum, and hot exceeding
10. nun oo. on the exce ol income overturn on. 3 per ct.
!., exceeding ln.iam uo, a. id not e:.cseding
.raj.(K)0 0l, on the exce ov er 6i0 00 5 per ct.
Do., iijcit:ic Ironi when realized by any citizen
of ti e I nite.1 Mate re-id tig abroad, and not
in tbe employ of the Uni'el Mate govern
ment, not otherwi.-e provided for perct.
Iron, manufactured, if not otherw i-e sjeciheil. 3 j er ct.
Iw., cat, used for bridge, bud i-iigs, or iber
jrermao. nt structure, ja r ton I OO
Ini., railroad. er ton 1 öo
I'-n., re-robed, per ton 75 cents.
Do., advanced beyond slabs, biooin or hoop,
and not advanced Ley olid liars or rods, pert -ii 1 50
In.., I. and, bp and sheet, not thinner tu an No.
Is w ire gunge, jer ton 1 50
Ik , pi te, not it'.-s than one-eih h of an inch
in Will klie.-s, per ton 150
Do., band, hoop or sheet, thinner than No. IS
w ire guae. i-r t-m 2 00
Do., plate If-. than one-eighth d an iticn in
thicXne-s. i er ton 2 oo
Do., nail s, cm, and sp kes, per ton 2 00
lo., bar, rod, band, hoop, sheets, Jäte,
nail and spike, upon whk.-h the du'y of 1 50
ha. la-en levied and paid, are only subject to
a. i additional duty of pei ton 50 cent.
Iron, pig, i toil to be considered a manufacture.
Ivory, manufacture ol, if not otherw ise sjecitiel. 3 perct.
Je.veln 3 perct.
Jute, manufacture of, if not otherwi-e specitied. 3 jr ct.
Juggler, including every mt-ou w hoperionn.s
by sleight d bund, lor each licen-e 20 00
Tiir pr. prict r or agent. of all otln r public
exhii.itiou or shows ir money, net e .um r
ated in tin iciioti. hall pay for each bcetise 10 00
Kid ikitis, curried, mai.utaciured r tiuished... 5 per ct.
Lager he r (er barn l. c'oinaiiiiiig ol gailotis
(Tract ion il parts of a barn l to pay proportion
ately) 1 00
Luid warrant, brokers, under which term i in
cluded every person who makes a business of
buying and selling land warrant, and furn-i-Ling
them to settler er other jaTsoiis. un
der Contract that the land prorured by
nn an- of them shall be bound for the price
agreed on tor the warrant, for each license.. 25 On
Lard (i.l. per g ilioit. 2 cent.
Luvt vor under which tenn is included every
person liuv bu -ine-a it i, lor lee or reward,
to pro-ecute or d fend any cause iu at y court
of record or other judicial tribunal of ihe
Umied Mates, or of any of the Mates, or give
advice in relation lo any cause or matter
p'iiding therein, (lawyer relu-ing to pay for
thirl ceiise shall not be allowed to practice ia
any such Court or tribunal,) for each license. 10 00
Lead, manufacture of, if not otherw i.-e pecitied 3 j er cf.
Lead, white, K-r hundred 25 cent.
Leue, tor the hue, u.e, or rent oi any Ian d, ten
ement, or portion thereof, if for a period of
time not exceeding three year, stump duty.. 50 cents.
Do. do., if for a period ol time exceed. ng three
year-,-t .mi. duty 1 (HI
Lcuibcr, liciid, i er pound 1 cents.
IX., but!, per pound 1 'Cents.
lo., damaged, p r pound 5 mills.
Do., enameled, per square fo-t 5 null-.
Do., euiiin. led sktrtmg, per square foot ), cents.
lo , ha. lies.-, p-r pound - . "null.-.
1'., ii.iriie-s in. tile oi hnles imported ea-i ol the
Cape ot (Jood Hope, per pound 5 mills.
Do., oilal, per pound 5 m.ll-.
lo., oil ill e.-ed, per pound . . . . .............. 2celi.
In., patent, per parc loot 6 null.
Do., patent j.ijatined fpl.ts. u.-cd for dasher lea
ther, qua IV loo 4 mills.
D'., patented or enameled skirting, per eqUare
fool 1 Ja cents.
I H., rougn, in. aie Ironi hides imported ea-t of
the Cape ol tio-xl Hope, per pound 5 mill.
Do., rou.ii, all othi l hemlock tanned, j er pound o mill.
D., rough, tanned in w uoie or in pari n.iii oak,
K-r pound 1 cent.
Do., sole, ma le truui bides imported ea-t of Ce
Cupe of tool Hope, er ia!id 5 mill-.
Do., sole, all otoer lieu, lock lanned, per pound. 7iuill-.
lki., sole, tanned in whole or in pail wiiii ouk,
perpodtii 1 ec.t.
Do., Loaned call skin-, eacli C celit.
lo., upper tiinsiied or ui r.ed, except calf skin,
made tr.. in leather tuhited in the Hit- re t i
the par.ie. biii.-hing or curry ing such leather,
ii.d preeiou-ly taxed in the rouh, per pound 1 cent.
Do., m.diuiaciure ol, when not otherw i-e spc
Ciiied 3 perct.
Leg ace - Any per.-on or jiersoii having charges
or trust, u auiu'.iii.-traior.-, execuior or tru
tci a, ot any leguci' or distributive shares
an-.ug from p r.-oiiul jiroj.eny , ot any kind
luiMievrr, wiieie the w note amount ol uch
personal prop, rty, u alores...il, hall exceed
the sum ol one Uiou-alnl tlo.ia!' in aC.Ual
value, passing Ironi any person who may die
a.ter the passage ol this act possa ssi d ol sucli
properly, either by will or by the intestate
law ol any Ma e or territory, or any pari of
sucli property or inieivi liiete.n, traiisierred
by deed, grant, bargain, sale or gilt, made or
Intended to take eneci iu psp.si,n or enjoy
ment alter the deutli ol ti.e grantor or bar
ga.m r, to any person or p-r-on-, or to any
body or bhe.-, politic or corporate, in trut
or otherwise, are subject to the following
taxes: Where the per. -on or person. entitled
to any I etieticial .lucrcsi m such pro. rty shall
be the lineal issue or i.in id ance.-tor, brother
or sister, to the per..u who dii'd posses-, d f
such propiTty. t..r eaih and every hind rvd
dollar oi the clear value ol such interest in
such property. 5 cents.
In.., mi., vv ucr; the imtsoii or per.-ous eutuled to
any tjeiiettcial intereri in such property hall
be a descchil.ibl ol a brother or a mut of
Ihe peron who il.ed po-c.-s-d ot such prop
erly, lor each and every hundred dollars of
Ihe clear value of such merest.... 1 o0
Do., do., where the peroti or pi r-on entitled
lo aiiy liei.c-hciai interest iu sucu property
shall be a brother or iier of the latner or
limtiu r, or a doceiid.u.t id' a brother or sister
ol the lather or mother of the per on who
died po-.-c-s.-ed of such property, tor each ami
every hundred dollars ol clear Value of -uli
itdere-t 3 00
D.i., do., vvuere the person or person entitled
to any lenet.c:iil .merest in such property
shall be a brother yr bister of the grandialher
or grandmother, or a descendant ot the bro
ther or si-ter, or tue grand aiher or grand
Sii"ttier of the p'r-oit who died po.c!Md cf
M.eh property, lor each anl every hundred
dollars of the clear value of such interest ... . 4 00
!)., to., w here ti e per-ou or person eutttled
to at:y bciiehctal tiiterei i.i mcli projwity
sb ill oe in any ..tlit r ile.ree f coll tteral con
sanguinity than is stated abive, or shall l e a
Ntrtiger m IdiaaJ to i he person who died je..-se.-rcd,
a ufore.-aid, or sL.tll be a tnaly Mlitio
or corMr:t e. lit eacu and every hundred dol
lar o lhciear valued uucb interest 5 00
Do., pa-si :ig by will, ort y the law ut any Mate
or territory, to hu.-Uaud er w.le of theper.n
w ho d'.ed posses-ed of the property Free.
Legal d.a-iiiiieiits, writ or otuerorigiu.il process
coiiini.-tn.cd in any cou.'t of la or equity,
stamp luty 50 cent.
Letter of i redtt (-ee UilWcf Kxchange, foreign.)
Letiers of Adtn instration M.ere the estate
and effect f.-r or in respect ot wl ich such
letter oi ailiniid-tratioii applied l t, siiall be
sw. rn r di-elared not to eceed thv value of
2,54i uo, -tamp duty 50 cent.
Do , do , to exceed 2,500 00, and not exceeding
5,.'J, ti 1 Ot)
D., do., io exceed 5,ia0 , and nt exceeding
20..IOO 3 00
1. tin. to exceed 20.000 oo, and not excceiLng
5o.ouo .ni 5 00
Do., uo , to exceed 5 0J iJ, ami not ex edmg
l"0,l00isi ; 10 00
Do , io , exceed. lOd.ouo , aud not exceeding
lo,uoo oo 20 00
!.. d ... for every addttiouul 50,lkj 00, or part
thereof 10 OO
License mas be taken out each year by the
follow it.; turned person, for which they ara
to pay uc um placed ippoiie ü-ej uatuo,
Apotbecarie 10 00
Auctioneers. 2o oO
bunker KjO Oo
B Iiiard table-, each 5 00
Lrewers, "ürea er
-5 and 5o uo
50 00
5 oo
10 oo
10 00
50 oo
50 On
10 O0
51 oo
10 00
lUuwl ng !, tor each alley....
(battle bro r-
Claim agent ,
C.al oil distiller
Commercial brokers-........... .
Co'iirctiotier-..... .............
iNstiller, see "Düdiller."
Fating houev. lu 0o
Horse dealer lu 00
Hotel-, s-e "Hotel" from & to 2o0 oo
Juirglcr. 20 uu
Lawyer 10 00
Livery lalle ke-r 10 Oo
31inufacturen lo (ay
Pe-idlrr-, see -peuUer" from 5 to 2 oo
FhotogTjpler 10 Oo
Pawuorokers 5 oo
I'liysiciaii. lOtai
l.Cta.l deal, f lOlO
lirta.l draier ill llu'Jor 20 WO
IwrCtlt.rrs, tare "lUrcllüer.
Sargeoba 19 00
Tbaecwit -...
1 V
loJ oo
10 00
10 l0
5 I
liN) 00
Taih'W ehan-il'T
np tri ier. .................. .
VX ii..ir-a.e iI.'ait. ...... ... ..
vä li le-ale d ai r in l..iu rs
Lfe insurance com;Tiir, r 'li:i.r4icr,"
lame t not to frejniiil . a manufacture.
Lin.nieiii. same a- Dent.frice."
L'nred ol, p r gall "ti Icecu.
Livery table keejri. cinirr which tenn I ia-
dode-i every person W (a-cupaiion la to
keep tore for hirt or to let, for I;cLaO
19 00
Lotiou,iint aa "Dei.tfrice."
Lotenge. taed.cioal, aiae aa MTBtri2ce.
Lumber 1 not to be considered a manafacturt.
Magaiine are rot to be regarded aa a manu
facture of paper, or ubm.tted to a rate of
duty a a m utufartur.
Ini.. f.-r all advert i'tnetit on ;n receipt.... 3 per Ct.
ilag c L n.inetit, Mint a l n: llrKe."
Malt i tjot to le co:iider-.l a manufacture.
IIa; net of the car.- of any sh p, vr.el or
ie a me r. for a foreign psnt. if the rei.-teied
tonage d.?s not exceed lii f hundred ton,
lampduty 1 00
Do., do , e.vceed.ng three hundred u.u, and not
exceeding ix hand ed tn 3 00
In., do.. excee.liiig six hundred ton. 5 0'
Manufacturers, lor iieen-e. oo
Manufacture. n.t otherl-e peeiSed, of l'tie,
bra., I ritle .copper. cotton Max. gla-a, gold,
gutta jM-rciia. hemp. horn. In tia ruldr, inm,
ivory, jute, 1 ad, leather, pajer jKittery, i!k,
isver. Mcel.t.n, willow, wiJ, wool. worteJ,
atrl other ruateriai. . 3 per ct.
Map are not to tt conilered a mnnuiacure.
Marine inura:ice compaiae sr- "ih.urance."
M anne protest 25 cent.
Meat., preserved 5 per Ct.
Meil.eaied herb, same a l.m l.-:ce."
iln:icated water, same a "IeuLfnce."
Mediciiies, see "l?iitifr.ce."
Merchandise, see "(jiaai.-."
M. m rat coal, except ra coal, per ton 3. centa
Mor.arci', kin-, curried, nmnulaci'd or tini-hed. 5 jier ct-
oiorxa e on lano, esiaie r property, real or
personal, heritable or movable, w Uauoever,
whe e the same hall le made as a security
for the payment ol any detinite and certan
sum of money, lent at the time or previou-ly
due and owing or fort to tie paid, l-emg
paya' le; al-o any cotiveyance of any land,
. estate or projH-rty wbatoev r, hi tru-t to be
sold or otherwise convened into money,
which shall l-e intended only as M-cunty, and
shall be redeemable before the sale ct other
di-pos.il thereof, either by ex pre stipulation
or oih'rwi-e, or any er-onal bond aiveii a-
s-cur.ty for the payment of any detinue or
certa'tisum of money exceediiig loo oo, and
not exceeding Ö00 00 50 cent.
I aj.,exceel. tig 5o0 ihi. and no: exceeding 1,(Mmm 0 1 tO
lo., e.xc-rding 1,000 IKJ and not exceediiig
2.5o 00 2 00
Do., e.xce.iling 2.ÖOO 00, and not excediug
5 00 00 5 00
Do., exceeding 5,000 0.1, and not exceeding
1 0,0oo ihi JO 00
Ini., exceeding 1 1,000 00, and not exceeding
20,000 iM, J5 oo J
in.., t..r every additional lo.ooo oo, or Iractional
part th. rent, in exce-s of 20.0"0 00 10 (0
Moveiueins, cla.'k, made lo run one day , each.. 5 cent.
1 ii., do., made to run over one lay, each 10 cents.
Mu-ta d, ground, per pound 1 c n.
Uu-tiird s e.l o.l, pe r gallon 2 centa
Mutual iii-uiance companies, see "Insurance."
Nail-, cut. p-r ton 2 00
Naphtha, icr gallot 10 cent.
Newspaper are not to be regarded a a manu
facture, or submitted to a rate of duty a a
Newspaper, lor all adveitietn nt, on gross re
ceipts, see "Advertis m'n!" 3 per ct.
Notarial act, sie 'l'rote.-i."
0...c.iul preparation, same as "Dentifrice."
Ii. I-. aniin.il, all. pure or adulterated, it noi oth
erw i.e provided lor. per gallon 2 centa.
Do., ilium. hating, retmed, pr.aluced by the di
t.Ilath ii ot coal, aphal;uni, shale, 1-eat, petro
leum or ria?k oil, mid all other hi umtnou
substaiici u-ed tor Ike purjKises, p r gallon 10 cents.
Do , lard, pure or unadulterated, If not other
wise provided tT, per gallon 2 cent.
Do., I:ii-eel, lo.. p-r gall-n-............ ... 2 centa.
Do., tnu-tard seed, do., per gallon.. 2 cent.
l)o., all vegetable, per g dloii 1 ceuls.
Oil.-, medicinal, same .1.- "Dentifrice."
Uli, relin. d, produced by diuliutioii of coal
exclu-ivily per gallon 8 cents.
Oleic acid, pmluced in the manufacture of cau-
ilns, and u.-ed in the manufacture ol soup.... Free.
Oxide of zinc, per 100 pound 25 centa.
Oxygenated bitter, same a "Dentifrice."
Painter' c -lor, do 5 per ct.
Oid r i r the payment of any sum of money
drawn upon utiy bank, trust company, or any
person or p r-oii, companies or corporations,
at sight or on demand, stamp duty same as
VH.ll of l.xchtuige."
Packet, containing medicines, Ac same aa bot
tles contain,' the same, see "iiottles."
Pain killer, see " Del 1 Ulrica,"
Paiii's.ilry or ground in oil or paste, with water,
md otherwise provided for 5 per ct.
Pal1iK.1l, see "Soap "
Pamphlets are imt to be regarded as a tnantifac-tuic-
or submitted to a rate of duty as a manu
ture. Io., on gross receipt for advertisements 3 per ct.
Panacea, .-ame a lkntiir.ee."
I'.q r, m.inuiai Hirer 1.1. ii i.t otherw ise ppe-
ilied. ol account book, bt.ttk note, binder'
board, card, hanging, letter, map, hole,
print. ng, si.cd and colored, printing unsized,
pa.-teboard. plate, uneoloied calendereil,
wraipi:ig, niadcof Man. 11a hemp, ornnitation
thereo-, w ruing und all other ue.-criptK'U of.. 3 per et.
Pai aiiiiie oil exempt.
Parasol 01 any material 5 jkt ct.
Pa.-pnr,, on each isued tretn the oHice of the
Si-creiary . I'M ate. .......... ......... 3 00
Do., on each ia-ued by any mini-tcr or consul of
the United Mutes 3 00
Pa.-ege ticket, by any vesel from a port in the
Lulled Maie loa loreigu port, ol I'.-s than
3d 00 50 cent.
I ki., exceeding 110 00 1 00
Pasteboard, made ot junk, straw, or other ma
terial 3 perct.
I'aleni leather (ee 'Le.uLer, ') per square loot. 5 mill.
Pavviil.ros.er, un.b r wh.ch term i included ev
ery per-o.l w hose business or occupation is to
take or receive, by way ot pledge, pa or
exchange, any good., w are, or tm rchundise,
or any kit.dol cr.-otial projH-ny w hat-oever,
for the repay m. iit or securuy oi uioiiey lent
thereoll, lar I.C'i'D-e 50 00
Peail barley is not lo be considered a manulac
tuie. Pectoral bal-am, same as ''Den 1 r ce."
leun r-, undir which term i included every
p. r-oii who sell or otier ic sell, at reta.l,
good, ware or other comm.ali.ie., traveling
lrom place to i lace, in the street, or ihrough
d It. rent p.rl-ot the countrv, wlien uav. l.ng
w itii nioiv tnau two hore., lor e ell iicelie.. . 20 00
Do. in)., w hen traveling w it 1 two hor.-et for each
1 cense 15 00
Do., do., wh. n traveling wib otiebor-e fur each
license 10 00
Do., do., w hen traveling on foot, lor each Ixense 5 00
lk.. who sell iiew-patiers, l.ibles or rehgiuus
tract exempt.
D., who sell, or oher to sell, dry goods, foreign
or dornest a, by one t more original packages
or pieces at one lime lo the same person, lor
each license 50 00
D., who peddle Jewelry, 1 r each license.... 20 00
Pepper, g.ouiii.', and all imitations of, per pound 1 cent.
Peiluuiery , samara Ikntitrice."
i eindeuui, rebia-d, per gallon . 10 cent.
Phial, containing in.-d.c.iie, Ac, same as "iat-
I le-," w hicll see.
Photographer, unier which term I included
every p rou w ho tnake lor sale photograph,
ambroty pe, or piciur-" on klass, metal or
paper, by the ae-Uoii of light, !T each license,
when the receipt do not e.vcted öoo 0U...... 10 00
Do , do., when the rec'rijits are overöoo 00, and
under l.ooii oo, fr Iicoii-c. ................. 15 00
Do , lo., w neu receipt are over l,0o0 oo, lor
l cen-e 2S 00
t'iis.ciaus under wh.ch term i included every
per.-on (rxc. pl apothecanes) whose business
it i to, for fee or reward, precribe uied.cine
or H-rioriu any surgical operation Lt tue
cure of any bod ly disease or a. ling, dentint
included, lor euch liceuse 10 00
Pickle 5 perct.
lig iron is not to he cou-idered a man utac iure,
lill-, same a "lemitrice "
lliueiito, ground, and a!i imitations of, per pound 1 cent.
Puis, solid head, or ib'r 5 per ct.
D.i., solid h. d r other, in boxe, packets bun
dles or other tonn 5 per ct.
Pl t.-ter i hot lo be considered a manufacture.
PI ters, sain. "ln-ntiir.ee "
Plate of goid, kept lor um-, per oz. troy 50 cents.
Plate of silver, do., per oz. tmy 3 cent.
Plate, stiver, a above, to the extent of 40 oz.. Free.
Plate iru, see "Iron."
Playing card, see "Card."
Plug tot-ai ci, see "Tobacco."
I obey ol insurance, (tile,) see "Insurance."
Do., (manne or inland,) -ee "la-urai.ce."
Ix., (lire) see "Insurance."
Pomade, same a "Dentifrice."
Porter, er barrel of -1 g.tiloti, fractional parta
in i r .ponioii 1 00
Pot.coiita ninz niedtc.ne, Ac.saroe a"fl tJen."
Potion-, same a "Deu'ifrice." '
I'ottery ware, if md oih.ri-e speciSM 3 per CL
Powde'r, med ciiial, aine a "Denlilr.ce "
Power of attorney, for the sale of transfer of
any stock, bond or fcr p,-r for the collection
ot any dividend, or interest thereon, stamp
duty 23 cents.
Power of attorney, or proxy for voting at any
election lor od'.cer of aiy iitc-rpora.ed com-
fany or society, except charitable, religiou,
iu rary aui cemetery "Cieue -, stamp daty. . 10 centa.
Power of attorney to sell aud couvey realesu:e,
or u rent or to leae th aacae. or to perform
any and all other acta not pecitieU, la-iip
duty 1 00
Preparation. mexiiCal. same as 'DeDt.fnce."
PreparauooA, ot which co3ee form apart, or
wbtcli arepiepared lor ale a a ubsuiute for
coif.-e, per iound irailU
Tower ot attorney to receive or collect rent,
t amp duty 23 centa.
Preserved ti-h Sperct-
Preserred fruit Sperrt.
Pre -en eil meat 5 per ct-
Pr.atrd 1ooks are not to be regarded as a manu
facture, or sutrn.tted to a rait of dutj aa a
Do., on ail advertisements, on jrroa receipt for 3 per et.
Pniite'V ruk is uot to be corn.iiiered a manufac
ture. Probate of will, where the etatc and elect for
or la re-peci of which such peoat appbed
f'.r hall be sworn or declared not t' exceed
the value of two toou-and tve hundred dol
lar, stamp duty 50 cent.
Do., do., to exce-d two thou-ni five fculred,
and Dot exceed llvt thouwtid 1 00
lio , d , to exceed five ihouau4 and not ex
ceeding tweuty lhHll.d. ......... ......... 3 00
Do., do., to exceed twenty tLotuavtul, and not
exceeding tilty thouahd.... . 2 00
Do., do , to exceed tUy thousand and not ex
ceeding one hundred tbou-and 10 00
Ik)., do , exceeding one huniired thousand, anl
not exceeding one hundred and hfty thousand 20 00
Do., do., lor every addition aj nity IbouaaxMl r
fr.sctlotial part thereof. 10 00
Profit, annual, of every peraoo w ben exceeLmj
U hundred dollars, and not exceeding tea
thou.!, oo the uxreaB wer Lx kundcd.... 3 per ct-
Do., exceeding ten thousand. an1 cot ex . in
tfy tb"u-a' d.on ti.e exc- over . Latl-ed 5 pet ct.
lo-, aniiu!, i,rc rv--eiVed by a y C t.en of Ihe
United Mate retliT.g abtvad, ate! i.iK m rra-pl-.y
if the L'ii.ted Mate, te-t oiberw e jro
eie.! fx ß per Ct.
Ironnory tnr, er -.4f .'
lrop rty, annua! iticf.me from. roe a" Profit."
iTO.-er.y , iett by legacy. ee "U gacw."
lTotet of tvery Do'e, b.ll of exchange, accep-tatw-e.
chrci, or draft 23 centa.
Putlatioo, aase a. "Printed Lu ."
Puliaouary blaa. aaa a "Ik-uyince.'
Iu:aoary a rup, anie a 'Dent fr."
Pulmordc airup. ata a Dcnuf. to-"
Ik , warera, atzte a Der.ufnct."
lu Iroad, oa gro recetpla fcr carrjirij r
Bergrr. 3 perct.
Io.,tue motive p.wer ot wuicb 1 nt steam, oa
gTo receipt irvm carry iitg paser grr 1 tJ per ct.
Do., on boti.i cr i: her evsieta-e of in.lebte.lne
u;'U whk b ititeret 1 Z:puUted lo b pai-'..
oo tbe aui aii it of interest 3 per ct
FtXilroad iron, per ton 1 5o
Ini., re-rolh-il. per ay n 73 cent.
K.lr..ad lull, anie a Drn'irrce."
laJy rei.f, same a "I)e'rurrx:e."
lc ipt. warehoa-e, tamp daty 23 cent.
Ince pt l'ith rthau char. er p.r y ) lor any goods
merchaieii-e or ett-ct to t exjHtel trora a
port it place in the United Mate to any fot
cun port or place, tamp -Juiy 10 cent.
D.i., (r any goods, merthaaalj or eTct to be
earned lrv-m ot;e port or place tn the United
State to any other port or place in the Ur.'ted
Mate, either by laisd or water, except when
earned by au expres company or earner,
stamp duty Scents.
Rectify r. under which term i included every
j-er-onwho rectil.e. punties, or retine spi
rituous liquor or wine, by any proct s, oir
cnxe distilled pint, whisky, brandy, gm,"
or w-.ne, wnb any other mairnal, for ial
tinler the name of rum, wbt-ky, brandy, gin,
wine, or any other name or name, for each
license lo rectify any quantity of spmtuou
liquor liot ext-r-edmg :wW bairel. Couiaimng
not more than forty gallon to each
IX.. for each additional 500 barrels or any trac
tion tberef
Hed oil, used a. material in the manufacture of
Ket.ts. animal income from, when exceeding u
25 00
25 DC
hundred do lar, o.i excrsa over ix hundred. 3 per ct.
Do., annual income lrom. whu realized by a
cit.zen of the United Mate residing iu a for
eign country, aud not in (he employ of tbe
United Mate r S perct.
Ileta.l dealer, und' r w hieh terra i included ev
ery person w bo-e business or occuiatioa is to
ell or o.ler to sell groceries, or any goods,
wares or mere hind i-e if foreign or dotnestx
production iti less quantities than a w hole or
original p tc or package at one time t ihe
same per tn (mt including wines, spirituous
or malt liquor, but not excluding stationery,
drug, meuiciiies, c gars, taiart or tobacco,)b.r
each license 10 00
Retail dealers in liquor, under which tenn is
Included every ersou who shall se'l or otler
lor sale disi il.ed spir.t. fenneuted liqur or
wines of every de.-crlption, in lea quaul.t.e
than three gi lion at one time, to the same
purchaser (,ihi d. not authorize any spi-rii-,
bquors, wine or malt liquors to be
drutik on the premise.-) b reach beet; .... 20 ("0
Review, same a pamphlet."
Kic'uard.-on'. bitter-, ame a "IN-nu.t.
l.txk ml, reliiied, see "Oil." ,
Jo.iu.m cement i not to be regarded as a mxn-
Russia salve, same a ''Dentifrice "
ulanes, ui.iiual incoine lrom, w ben exceeding
six hundred do. lar, on Ihe exte- over $to. 3 per Ct-
Do., all, of jiersoti in emp oy of the tinted .
Mate, w neu exceeding the rate of six hun
dred doliar jt year, on the excess above
six hundred 3 per et.
Suleraius, per pound 5 mills.
ales, auction of good, etc., on gros amount of
bale- 1-10 of 1 perct.
Do., ol sucks, etc 1-lOof 1 perct.
Sales made by public olbcers, etc. ..... . ...... exempt.
ialr, per hundred oui;i 4 ceula
salve., sau.e a. "Dentifrice."
Jsar.-aparitia. lSull'a same aa "IN-ntifrice."
lk . '1 ow iiM ti is. same us "Dentifrice."
Saving iusti uiiobs, on all dividend. 3 per cL
Sche.dalii Mrhtiapp, same as "lajiuif rice."
IScTeWs, Call d wcxsl sc.ews, pound .. 1J, ceut.
Segars, aiued at Hot over live dollar tT thou
sand, per one thousand 150
Do., valued at over tive dollar cr thousand,
and hot over ten dollars, jkt one thousand.. S 00
Do., valued at ten and noi o.er twenty do.lars,
p. r one ihou-and 2 50
Do., valued al over twenty doilar. per thousand 3 50
Mieil ti-h, in can or air-tight packages - 5 per ct.
Sheep, slaughtered lor sale, j r Lead Scents.
Mice p. slauhteretl by any per-ou li.r hi own
C"humptioii Free.
Sheepskin, lanned, curried, or lini-bed 4 per ct.
Sin et iron, see "iron."
Mu rry wuie bitters, same ay'Ikmtifrice."
SLiiigies are not to be considered us a manufac
ture. Silk parasol & O cent.
Silk umbrella .... 5 jkt cent.
Silk, niajiulaciures of, when not otherw i.-e spec-
i lied ..... 3 per ct.
Silver, manufactures of, when not otherwise
speci'.;d - - - - 3 per ct.
Skin., calf, tann.il, each ... cent
Do., Am r.cn p tent 5 per ct.
Skin, gnat, curried, manufactured or Implied,
kid, uo. morocco, do., sheep, tanned, curried,
or lint-bed - - - 4 per ct.
Do., deer, dressed and smoked, per pound 2 cent.
Do., bog, tanned and dressed - - 4 per Ct-
Imi., horse, lo., - 4 per cl.
Mate are not to be considered a manufacture.
Slaaghlered cattle, see 'Cattle."
1j. Oogs, see "lio,;." '
lk. sheep, see "M.'cp."
Samkiiiji lohacco, see " rola-reo.
snult, ar.-matic, sume a "D-Mil rice."
1n., caturrn, same as "I eiitilric'."
Snutl, ja.r pound 20 cent.
Sjp, castile, valued not above 3, cent per
Jn.ui.il, per pound - - - - 1 mill.
Io., ca-i.l", valued above 3Ja cent per pound, ,
j'trpoubd .... 5 mill-.
In., cre..tu, jK-r iM.und ... 2cenu.
iKi., erasive, valued Hot above 3, rent per
pound, per pound 1 mill.
Do., ciu-ivc, valued above 3;,' cents ner pound,
per pound - - 5 mill.
Do., laiicy, per pound 2 cents.
Do., honey, per pound 2 cent.
lk., palm od, valued not above 3J cents per
pound, per itouud -1 mill.
Do., palm oil, valued above 3,'a cents per pouuJ,
p. r pound ... 5 mill.
In.., seen ed, per pound - 2 cent.
Do , shav ing per pound 2 cenu.
lk., loiiei, ol all ue ripLohs, per pound 2 cent;
Do., iran -parent, er pound - - 2 centa.
Im., oi all olher descitplioii, white or Colored,
except oit soap unu soap o.herwi-e provided
for, vului-d not above a; ce.il per pound,
per pound - - - - 1 mill.
Do., uo., valued abve 3Ji ceuts jer pound, per
pound - - - 5 mills.
Soap maker, under which term is included ev
fry per-on w ho.e huines. it i to make or
maiiui.iclure soap, lor each licctis - - 10 00
So-ia, bl-caroollal.- ol, per Jiound 5 lUills.
xjie leatoer. sec "la-alher."
sp ke,, per ton - - - 2 00
Spirits, distiihd, ier gallon - 20 cent.
.Spir.t, rc-etiiied and mixed, per gallon - lo ceuls.
Sp.r.i., no diciiial, .aiue aa "1 ntiir-ce."
split pea- ure not lo be considered a manufacture.
Siarcli, made of corn, per joui.d 1J,' mill.
Do , luade of polatoec, per pound I Uli it.
Do., made oi ra-e, per pound - - 4 nuiU.
Do., made ol wtb a , perpounJ 1, m.ll.
Do., made : any otiier niaur.al, jer pound - ti null.
Move are not to be cii-ueied a uiauulacture.
Meahiboat, except let ry boüts, on gros receipts 3 per Ct.
Steel, maiiutacture ol, w ben not o herwise s-
ciiicd - - - 3 per ct.
Steei, in ingot, bar, sheets or w ire, not ies t bait
oue quarter fl aii ii.ch iu tlixahcs, talui-d at
7 cents per pound or le, pc-r ton - 4 00
Do., do., valued above 7ceuu, aznl not abov II
tents jier pouuii, per ton - - 8 00
Do., vaiued above 1 1 cent per pound, per Ion, 10 0d
Mill-, U-nl 111 dl.Iill.g spnlluou l.quor., lor
each yearly license - - 50 00
Do., u-ed uiUi-t.l.iiig'pir.tuous liquors, for each
hall-yearly la-eii-e - - 25 00
Do , u.-ed by distiller of apple aad peaches,
may be hcened ior .he space of lh.ee months,
upoti pay uieht U T e''h hcene tor such time, 12 50
Sioca iii-urice companie. see "in.ur.tice."
Move.-, per lou of i.oao puuds - - 31 50
sugar, i town, or Muscovado, not advanced above
No. lg, Dutch standard, productrd lrom cane, ex
cept. ng sorebum and iinpher cane, er pound 1 cent.
Do., granulated, lout, lump, pulverized, reuned,
or made Iroui Hiolu.se-, sirup of mo.asne,
Hn iaduor concern rated me i ado, jr pound. 2 mill.
Sugar taudy, made w holly or lu pari of uar,
per pound - 1 cent.
8uar coated pills, same, as Dentifrice."
Sulphate of bary te. per loO pound 10 cents.
urtoiJs, fot each lcenae .. 10 UO
Tallow cuanUicr, unuer which term Is included
every person whoe bu-ioesj. it is to make or
Luuidioct ure caii'lles, lor each Ixen.-s - 10 00
Tar, coal produced iu the nianuiaciur; of gaa, txempu
'lavern, mqi a "hotel."
'lelegrapbic dispatches, see "Dispatches."
1 heat re, under which term 1 included every
place or ediuce errcted 1T the purpube of
oratnatic or oieraiic rep-res-LU;iou, play or
larrlorxuatice, aiid not Uicluding bail rented
or used occasionally tor conceru, or Uieatr-J
representations, lor each license - 100 00
Tcxet, poage, by any veel from a port ia
toe L U. Led Matea, to a toie.U port, if lea
tbaa thirtv dollar - - 60 eeota.
bo., exceod.ug thirty dollar 1 Oo
TiUiber u not 10 be con.! red a maaufactura.
Tin, "aaxulacture of, when no ouoaxwiast pe
cihed - - J par ct.
Tdiciures, satae ai ''Dettifric."
lobaoconiaU, under when lei m U incdozled every
peron wto .hail oder lor ale, at retail. Be
gar, nuj,or tobacco in anv fona (wholal
or retail dealer, keeptr of hotel. lun and
tavern baring takeu out a uoeitr art not re
quired to take out a liceo a tobaccocial,)
lor each lxeu. - - 10 00
Tobacco, cavendish, valued at mora tbaa 30
oenu per pound ... 13 centa.
Do. ao., valued ax any sura not exceed tag 30
cent per pound - - 10 oe&ia.
Do., n..e cut, valued at more than 30 centa per
pound 15 centa.
Do., uo., valued at any um not exceeding 30
cent per pound 10 cent.
Ik., ground, dry or damp of all deciiptine,
(except arotuauc or medicinal null la phlais
pot, boxe or packet, per pound I ceata.
Du., manufactured, of ail kuai, bot lnclkvding
au3 or egr, or toliavcco prepared with
tcm in, valued at over 30 ceuta per pound, IS centa.
Do., do-, valued at lea than 30 reut per pound 10 cetua.
Do .unking twoactro, prepared with ateiua m,
per iound - - 5 centa.
Ik., plu and tLt, savin aa 'Tobacco, caven.
Touic mixture, same a "Dentifrice."
Tooth, powder, uiur aa Dent.fnce."
Trust companie. oo dividends, Ac 3 per Ct.
L'tuhrvlla. . made of outtota - - ftpercX.
Do., made ot aaiy other matcrtal .ft pet ct.
L'inbrrila treUuer art not I be ctuid:rei a
Ctguauu. Baazat a "Vtuliiiic."
VarTii-h, ma-ie w-hrly or In prt f arum eapaL t prr
Ik , mo .f otuer bum or ataiae fc jf et.
Veftat ie o.", prr raii'vi - - 2 ceut.
Ve.eta'-te pciiMry bim, m "Deitri-
Venu f ie. Mm a "1 v-;t.vr."
v arrb'M-e et try, at custom I. vi -.. r.ot Ksd
Ing -oe d.ülir to value, ta.i.p du'y 15 eri'.
I do , f CCrrdog CS e d dlar, jd Hot excejdir:g
Lv. dctUr ... tdre&ta.
lk.. do., exceed ine five iblar lr value
w rrhoue receipt, tump da: - 23 cecta.
Wkt kj, per gal.oj ... JOctiU.
bo. rwctil.d. i not to pay aa ad !:.:ona! du'y.
Wtole- d".er. urnltrr wtteb trrta U laclaed
tvery perna wbo-t bu&e or carcTtpaticn ta
to anl, or offer to ft 11. v's'r.eor any fls
wre or merc-'i1i-e, of t -re gn or dorre:
I ro.iaCti.-c., by mere tn -e rigtDl park
a.e r piece at one time, ta the n r.e pur.
chaer. uoi Inciudt g ate ,-nr.:ou or nJt
b-iaor. fvr ex b bcrr.-r . . ftO 09
Whoie!e deait r iu l.,;-jnr af every descr1.-
tion, iiar!ulir.g dft 1-1 p'.r.ts ferrwTfd 1:.
qior and wtur f all kiivia (peroa otbr
HiAS di-uiier. ho :; or cfer far sale any
uch I; iUors. ia qua: :.: ef raort thaa tkret
gilon at one time to tbe TXe purcbaer,art
locla Ir-t.) f.f each l cru . . 108 00
Willow, ri4!iaict.TT of . . 3 per ct.
Wme cva-le of rrapesper rallrm & err,!.
Withdrawal entry, at cutr boue. tirp duty ' 54eesta.
Wotai. manufacture of, Ii t H otiierwis pr-
v ded for - j per et.
Wood screw . . . . I . eta.
W ...l, maiiufartares of. ot t hr rar1 v .pasr-fed. 3 per eu
W.r-tM, manufacture if, not otherw t-e pectSed 3 per ct.
Wona lozer., same as "la n'Jnce."
Writ, stamp du'y ... to centa.
Zinc, manufacture of, n-t otberwie spee.f.ed. 3 pe ct.
lk., oxy.lr uf, er lUO pottrid - .25 cent.
Mew ICoutr to Cliira.ro rla Kokorao.
ON AND AFTER MAY 5, lv, trains will U
run a follow s:
A Ma l Trxm will leave Indlanapoll at 1110 A M-,
top at alltatioti and mke cl ronnection at Kokomt
wi;b traiu on ihe Cincinnati and CI.khäo Air Line Rail
road for lacnport. Val,.raio atnt Chicago, aird arrive
at Peru at 3:13 P. M , fit time to make connection. ub
train ou tbe Toledo and Vabab Ua.lway, going Kant and
ketumirg. ibe name train will trave pern at 00
A. 31.. after the arrival of the tr.n on the T. 1 W. R. T.
fn rathe Fast, and arnve al Indianapolis at H.'a) A. M.
in time to make cotinn li. ni for all potci Kt, Swult
and We-t.
An Fxpret.train wMl leave liidia-iarmli at 10:33 P. M.,
cnt.ctt Kokonio with trin for Cbicae,. and arrive at
Peru at 5 ( A. M.. in time to make connection with tra.na
cung Fast and Wrt on the li lrdo atid Wata-h lUiU
w y.
llrtiiniitiK tbe ame tram wttf leave Pem at 12:0
making rle roTiteetion at Koknmo w.th the tr!n
n the rutneinuati atid Chicago Railway from Cbkare,
Valparaiso anl Log, port, atol atr-ve at Ir.dianapoli at
4:10 P. !., in time to cottnr-cf with the evening train" for
Cincinnati, la--uivil!? and otlur iirtt.
StM-eial attention given to the transportation of liv
st ark. pr.ltue a'el mercbt..lie generally.
DAVID MACT, Ctetieral Agent and Super1nter.dept.
Thko. P. Hat chi t. (Jeneral Ticket Agent, apl J-dly
m mm m - Wa ft sm
Miorfeikt ICoiilr br Tlilrljr Tille!
Three train leave Indianapidi Da.ly.i Sunday excepted.)
1 K xpres arrives at Cmcirrt.all at 10 A M , and Lex
itgton, Ky.. ".'Ml P.M.
Second Tram IM A. M. Cinriunati Mail, rrlre- at
Cincinnati llt0 P. t.. maki-iir tbe rniirtim wb Llttlt
Miami Railroad lT laivelai d. Mot row , Columbus, yet.
ark. Zteville. and WLeeling.
Tb hd Train 35 P. M, Cincinnati Ex pre, arrives at
Cincinnati 11:10 P. M.
rare atne a by any other route.
Call for your ticket rii tbe Indianapolis and Cincinnati
Ragg ire checke! thronet,.
Srr.ctsL NoTirr. lie ure you ret In the triebt train at
Indianapolis. The nly Citarinnatl train, stand on tht
fifth track, tiring the 'farthest track south in tlie Union
Depot, at Indianapi.lii,.
W. 11. I NOTU.E. General Ticket Arertt.
W. Powatx, Traveling Agent tn2 'ti
S150 BEST PIANOS. $150
KOVKSTKKN t II ALK h a vhik removed lo their ik
JT warerooms.
No. 478 Broadway.
are prepared to offer lb public a magnificent new caV
7-0ctavc Rosewood Piano,
cnnt-lnir.f all Improvement knwn In this cour.try r
Kuropr, over-st mutt a, Krench (rand action, ' harp
pedal, full iron frame, for
SI 30 CztSH.
kicb niouldiriK case,
817.5 TO $200,
all warranted made of the best material, and to tan4
netter than any sold f.r ItnOor 410 by the eld met hod a
.f mariu'acture. We Invite the bet Judge to eiafiiloe
and fry these new In-triment, and we fand ready at all
lime, to test them w ith anv other manufaciured in tbla
country. CiltO Vltvrili: A. IIAI.I'.y
my'.6-iI3ra 47? Broadway N T.
French's Hotel,
cttt or w tobe.
Mc;i.r iMoTi ,o cr.Ts rr.n dat.
0ppoite City Hall.
If sj.aa.10u Refectory. There la a Karl-er'B hp and
lujti..ro- ni ttacbr1 to tbe Moirl.
JtaJT l-ware of Runner and Ilsrkmen who say wt
arTTi. it. nti:c 11,
novtiai 'tl-dly Ir.piirt.r.
inictliiiis for (he Timra.
Johns & Crosley's
For Cftnftillnf Wood fatl er .!
Ivory China .'ffarble Porrelaln
AlatMtif r Hone C'oral Ac.
"Every ktikeeper boald I art a urn.ly cf Johna ft
CrosUy' AencanCeroer.tGlo.,, .V. J. Tim.
"It i at convenient to have It. tl hoae." Xnt ltork
"It H always ready; tbla commend It to everybody."
.V. )'. JnIj"fJnt.
"We Lave tried It, anl find It a meft ia owr tBowaet a
Wlt-r. aJa-e' .; frit oftk 7ia.
Price ct. per Cotllf.
TT EC 3 ZHL 13 8? O. O
CJ For a.!e by all Dmrriiu an4 Sutptr xao
eraliy tbrousbott tb eonntry.
(aoL BuarraarTruas,)
Tt William Ntraat
Corner ( Liberty treet,5.T.
JttlyS-dly 1
C. W. nALIj & CO.,
cciiooL cr.CAr:3.
2 Sabbath Schcola, AcavdetBUe. a: SBBaUICkmRkea.
willari 4 rruwEU.

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