Newspaper Page Text
DAILY STATE SEIITIIIEL. PKINTKI AM rt'RUIHIl ozrrn373. ci nn p. g. c. i;u;jt. THE HV SENTINKL OFF.CE. mi:tii .ni:c:iDiA tui:lt Li Jo omcx ajtd ttaissycz, HO. Ut CAiT SSAntXST D7QSS7 trrtANApcua rtr. CP3C7AC1.GQ. CiO. To Ofiicers of the Amy. rat i-orrumcx.. VOLUME X. LVDIAXArOLIS, IXD., WEDNESDAY MORXIXG, OCTOBER 22. 18G2, XUMBER 3,761 DA hi AT SENT ITTi EIDER, HAHXF.ESS & BINGHAM, Proprietors ierty mibacriWr t4 ist. iVAaiSL i tixwri, j;tvM by tie carrier at Xi cent, per we. payabi. semi-nxmihly . Stn; I c Uz ret.ti. Ct'y u!cribT w.'l b held re.pon.Ode for papers left t their too aT-er they removed, or when tbe? wda thttn iimtitaH, uuU rxc la jlrea at tbe of fice of publiCAUoa. i-T nt W.tboat pro payTrert.oe eowttnoedloncor ban paid fct. , Cf4 of tba Hails SaTwai can be bad at the offV esh morwttt, and the Wntu f-iTuti ewe Hau lay ro?nit.a neatly eveloped. ff roa '.im WTEKLY STATE SENTINEL, PUftUiUKD EVERY WEDNESDAY AT Srsi - ! K A T f : or A D V K H T I ! n I alii: "i 4 4 ? I ? s -!( 4 m m ? i : 5 4 u 2 a 7 1 - et r d.. -t.. IT. tel.. VI.. w. tM 1. 3. Ira. 2m. Jrn. 4m so l.ou 1 25 IM 1.75 I 00 J. SO riio 4 00 6.011 7.oo 4.AU 111 II OO 1.1.00 1 OO 1.12 l.fto 17 2.25 2 1 3 00 3.75 r 00 7& 10.2. 1.1.7S 15 no 1h o 20 fiO 35 I 150; 1.0, 250 325 Sou 3. .5 4.50 5.25 .oo 7 50 9 OO ll.oo 15.0O 20.00 29..V XI 00 37 50 4.1.54 55. OO 2 2 3-54 4.37 5.25 12 7 4VJ .7 I0.5O 1 4.00 23 25 U4.7S to 00 4..50 r,o.4o 415 Hl 3.00 4.00 5 00 .00 7-O0 HI) 10.04 13.00 I .00 20l0 2 50 44V OO 45 00 52. SO 5750 75.0 337 4.50 5 62 73 7.7 9.4M II 25 13.50 m oo i i . im : 29 75 : 45. IM I 5o .oo ; 57 50 i 5 OO ' H5 04 ' 2 AO 3.12 375 4 37 5 00 25 7 5o 4 00 5.00 oo J H.Oll, 10.00 io.uh njo 13.501 75 . 14.2A 21.25' 27.00 25 . .10 0 2.50 .V.T.O .V Ol 45 0 Im.. in.. Ilm AlVKkT!MNI IN TIIK WKKKLT. Cht OHar, 0ti lni-fifi.. 0 75 tw,. 1 00 f,4ir " X f .r rb uliw4iim1 l!i-Ttntj. an-1 for f ch ln4r. ol racb l.!it)iil jurp 3-1 Aivrr'lMm4niii In .b th Ii!jr ! Hi Werkl .rTim. will t charjr-l full Mailjr rat4-!, with iH4-liaH t h WrrVlv rr. nt i-i. Kiiii4i4 Nct.r ri lili4sl in 1.4- local r.!uinn, t trn irt"tr urM'T, will hf rh rifl f'r r-vtL 1; if fr tf It lilir. Irn C Tit Jr I T.". ('l-a'rf will Tnart'- f"' liwrtit'K Ihn Tiotic 4.f the foil. .w inn OtiIt. Srtt aid A"C'ti"n at tt. ratf ntmr!, to ail in a lsai r-: Jl.l.fary IVitnpiRK lrlr t.f C-!'l fllw. Masonic 0r1r, IWii4T.l rt tcrvr nl !i! (tini; Scirti". F.r rarh ii'iu" not exr4-l'.:iif H l,n- 25 criti fr rch Inarrtit'ti; over eiM lin at thi rat-. Atin'uiiritig (1'atl with funeral notice attache.l, 1; With4Ut tl'tl' fft 4 MarhKr ticri tOcrnt. Notk- 4.f K4tia!. I'lrt. ir n l Kcupl4t, ttotw-n up y iitdivfctuaU or aKHociafi.m-., r l-y cburcbe, at tli rpilar price. AiT4rt4Tnrtit lra-le.1 anl pi c 1 unief the bea! T Upecial Ntt cf, if tpnliitraorovfi.will be charge.! double the nul rate. Advertisement-makinif le t'ian three line. In-ertel otK-e iti the Ii4ily, will t-e charce.J fifty cenH. Yearly a.lerti-er tpav quarterly. Atirounrit c can'iidatea for f.fllre of every lein-riiiti- U rharire.t at the rate fl 54 f..r enrh limn- in the r,ly, at l 12 In the Daily ant Weekly, the imc to be. In all pai! in aivaitre. Leiral .fverf i--tnent inertel attbeexn of the at torney oT-irrlnif, an-i not iMayable f.r the leral proree-i-inir, but collect I at our uual time. Publi-ber not n-nntitable fr the aeeurary f t legal a'1ertiM-ment be y ort.1 the amount cha'ire! for their publication. KIXFU. H AkKNKSS ä IU Nil HAM, I'rnprietorH Iti'liana Stte Sentinel. J. M. TII.KORI. PreM.'ent ln1ianapoli Journal (Company. " BUSINESS DIRECTORY. II AKKl.MtNS' PANK. No. 18 Eat Wa-bint4.n treet opposite tie Sentinel OtT'.c". mav i,ivi:uv sT.iii-i. VLI.F.N 4 H1SSLET, IJery and Sale Stable-, in the rear of the I'alirter Hv'.f. June5-tly l'C)L'NDHII. I DAVIS h CO., Uuiou Foun.lry, Ie!ware street, 4p . pohite Uni4 n l)epot. 1 ASSKLMA A VINTHN. WBhinirton Foundry an.l B . . . or. I 1 Machine wor., eat enu tnion iwpoi. no 2 itr.Ai. r.M ATI. A;i:vrs. rIKANCIS SMITH, formerly Ilell A Smith, Heal Ktate A(t-nt an i Tai P-iyer, 37 Fast Wa-hinrton treet. Houe to rer.t. Jan25-lly 'i rKKUNAN A PIF.RCE. Real Estate A(ji.ts an.l lyl Broker, 10 V, Fa-t Wa.-hiiiKton treet. w T'M. T. WII.ET, Ileal Estate Aeetit and St.k Kr- ker, 10 Fast w ahinnton treei. m.ij i hoot a.m Mrtr. ih:ai.i:iih. I- C. MATHEW A CO.. Wholeale dealer in Root,, and Kul'ber, No. 4 Robert' Block, opposite the Lnion lVrxit, Imliananoiii. lnl. "ep DAM KNODLF. A St)N, man fact tire r arxl .lealer in all kind of RvHta aivl Shoe, No. 32 Ea-t Wah ntrton atreet. apr27 HOOKS AI STATIHMIlt V "fcOWK.N, STF. WART A CO., whde-ale and retail deal- er tu frt'k and Stationery, and lrinter' Materi.l-s N. 1H WeM WaLinton -treet. apr2 imi lis a-i mi:h iii;s. UriLF.T M. U)W KT, nRn.;iST.-tValer1n Onj?s CTbemtcaN, Paint. Od, IyetufT(.. Rofanic. P.itenl ii.t other M-dicinen, Notion- and IVrfumery No. 49 Ma--- 4otiuett avenue, hdUnjHili. nov30-ly. f Ji4MI.INS4N A 'OX. dealer- In Irun-. Medicine-, I Paint-, mi, lila-. Perfumery, Fancy i.m1, Ac, No. LH Kt W-hin7ton -treet, Irilinp'U. myl9 my BRlWNIN4i. Dm?!, n.l .lealer in Pint, Oil-, g , Vanilu, Dr-Mu:!',tilaN,tilaare, IVrfuracry, lc. No. 22. Vet Washington -treet. aprt7 imv . !.. UT A II. OI.F.NN k CO., New York Store, Dry I ;.od- wholesale arnl Ketaü. Glenn, K.-t : Wa-'utTU'tott street. maj5 vrovi Atn rn waici:. C 1IIARI.KS COX. dealer in Stove-, Tin Ware, Ac, No. U We-t Aashiniron ;reet. apr27 hook ttini:ns. CAMPRFI L A BOY LES. Roc-k Hinder ar.d Rook Marinfacturer, No. 37 Eat Wash.nRton t., eat of , Gienn'a KUtck, up tair, Ir.d:anapoh. feV25-dtf i "VOUGIIS A PALMER. Bh. Rinder and Blank R.Mk ß Uar.ufocturers, Ji,. W-, Fat Wa-bin!on -treet, ; Ter Alford, Mill k Co Grocery. mayC7 i ( ni , LAN and Qri:r.ASvAiii:. IJAWTHOKN A I'.fCHANAN. Importers of China, II lila-r.l yneeivware, 'o. 43 EaM Wbil.Ktoit t., (c-Ctuapoli, Indiana. dlj Hr.itniAvr TAILOICK. I 71 KKDE RICK imETPER, Merrbant Tatlor. and dealer i tn ready made cletbirfr and fumih;r.a: rood., o. 21 Het Wmb;rjct'ri treet, opposite Sentinel my28 attok.m:vj. KILBY rF.R4USN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Pay cab for approved Judgment a n:M morta?e; iv regwiate loan, tote. Ac. OtT.ce, 24 Ka'tW,b. UiKton treet. up-t air, 4-CKn.l door to the right band. op. p.ite Glenn' rbck. oct9 MC l)NAU. ROACH F. A LFA ;j.ebn K. McDon ald, Addi-o. L. K-acb. Jose;U V Lewi, At uorner and CaneIor at Law, Etna I iararce ti. par.y fUiM-.r s. econJ floor, Fenn.ylvs.riia tret. jel ily MACHITJISTS. K ! aI AYING ENTIRELY REFITTED THE SUOPFORM- j ERLT occupied br John Cxper, In 0.-gol, ' m:ib A Co' La-t an! Hab Factorv, I am prepared to do '.1 k:rd. if work ta tbe machti.err or blackm:tb'.r: ' brie. Having bad twelve rears renerce in the best ! machine skop tn the country, I fatter mjrelf that I c-an (Te entire ansfacv.t.rj to be bo mar'faTor me wi'h fhe'.rwcrk. I Laxe in rrv err rdov ( r.e of the l-et black- enuth- In the Ma'e, ard pay particular attention to hore I hoeirg ar.d macbir.e f..rgitiij. ' Kepanng cf all kitvta promptly attende-l to Wi-1l vf all kiri for the patent off.ce. Kemen;ter tbe place, one jnr outb of th felon tVp t. n ri:noi treet T. "WX. i uIt14VI1t'1 i NOTICE. A E bae ibi dr dd bur Ba'ery to atr. Nick- . If um A Parfott ' ILar.k'.t c tbe j ubl.e in fwt f. r fbeir liberal patron- ' ate. we wcvlvl re-prcttuiir k the continuance t f tba i aarr-e toour .cre.. r. A. A J. METZFR. J l.kdUuanJi Ju'y. JU7 Jyll d3t DHY COODS. o .e in O 2 E al : g IN 1 Ö rs 'A DRUGS. NEW FIRM III WE asoci.ite! with me in bn-ines Mr. CJ. W. J sl.ian. who ha been an ai.'ttlt in the "tore f-r ai nunil-er of yearn iHt. Hereafter the buiineia will be Continued at the '!d Und under the tirni of IIKOWMX; A: M OAN. I feel erteful for the liberal paironace which we hare ever received tru-t ry Mrict attention to buine and tde watit oi our customer to merit and reUin the unif. U. BKtW.M.NU. VLt. peron innwinc tliemetve- irt'lehtej to me will plea-e call at then earliest c'nvetiience ar.d m ike Het;leni4'iitof ame, au'l oblige li. HKUWMMi. j HKOWMNG Ac SLOAN, (LATE R. BROWNING,) h sax. .r w ti jc -jo 2i West WasbingtfHi Street. Indianapoli, IIae in -tore a larjre and well selected Mock of Drnga, Medxiues Chemical, Paints, riK Varuishe ,Dye--tutTs.GI -wäre. Window Glas, Bruges, Cigars, Tobacco, ptce. Perfiiraery, Fancy and Toilet Article., Coal Oil and Lamps, Patent Medicines, ar.d all article to complete the tock of a Druggist. A we purchase prtriciplly for csh, direct from the importer- and manufacturer, and beinp de-iroua to retain the reputation which our boue bas ever enjojedof selling gsl, f-eh t-t u U, preat care tit taken in the selection of Drei; in reference to their untu. (ur f.ici'it'e are -uch th' we feel confident we can offer, in urt and nu adulterated article, a-trong inducement a any other Wetrrn hou-e. All order will receive the pei-oral atterdlon of or. of the firm Great care taken in tbedi-pen-ins of physician- prescription a-id fjmily recipe from strictly pure articles, and we feel confident we can render satisfaction in the jtricf and qu-ility 4f trod. BKtlWNINO A SLOAN, 32 West Washington meet. EST American and French Window Gla; 500 boxe I Window a-sorted. from xlO to S560, in tore and j f. ra!e at lowest figure by BROWNING A SLOAN. PAINTS! OILS ! VAILMSIIES!; 500 KKGS r,:r d; 200 KEr,s r" w Zir. 5Q BARRELS Lieeda.l; 111 CASKS Yellow Ochre; g CASKS Venet. Rei. I W;h a larpe ttock of Vam:b, ralcta, and Color of ! ail kind jfrour.d In oil and dt. Foral? at te lowe j flre. BROWNING A SLOAN, 1'S Weal Washington treet. i Brushes! Brushes! On A ItfZE '!r-t vam:b Brbe., Will Jf Brushes, Sa-n Tol, Ulerder, Scrub, Stioe, ' Horse, Hair, Hat. and Clotb Fruhe of all kinds at lowe j flTsre at BROWNING A SLOAN'S. I tel4-dedlweow3ni SCHOOL BOOKS. OF SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER, &C..&2.. IN SM ALL OR LA KG F QUANTITIFS, At hO WEN. STKWART CO'S VERMIfi EXTERMINATOR. To Destroy Rata, lynche, ice. To D-iftroy Mic IMoles, and Ant. To Dvtiroy B'd Bu. To DvHro'j Moths in Furs, Clothes, &c. To Detroy Mcnquitcx ami Flea. To D't'roy Insects on Plants and Fowls. To Dtsfroy Insects on Animal's, &c- To Destroy Every form and species of Vermin. THE "ONLY INFALLI1BLE REMEDIES KXOWX." Ietro) inoinnilf EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF Tliose Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poison-. Not dan rerom to the Unman Family." Hits do not die on the prvniis. "Tlu-y come out of thi'ir holes to die." They an. tin only infallible remedies lin'mr). 12 vears and more established in New Yoik Citv." I7,lhj the City Po-t Olliee. Ccl by the City Prisons and Station Ilottcs. fVe by the City Steamers, Ship?. &c. Csed by the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, &c. Used by the City Hotels 4Ai.tor,' St. Xieliolas, &e. Used by the IJoardinp: Houses, &v, &c. Us'd by more tlian 50,000 private fdmilies. See one or two Spic'imcm of what in everywhere soil by the People Editors Dealers, etc. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with ver min need b so no longer, if they use "Cos tar's "Exterminators. We have u-ed it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost $5 we would have it. We had tried oisons but they ef fected nothing but ''Costa it's?" article knoeks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Bcd-Bus, quicker than we can write it. It is in preat demand all over the country. Medina 0. Gavtte. MORE GRAIN and provisions are de stroyed annually in ('rant County by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer. Lancaster 117.. Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR We arc selling your preparations rapidlv. Wherever they have been used, Rats, Slice, Roaches anil Vermin disappear rapidly. & Stouffeu, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "CostarV Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. "Co-star's" "Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator. "Co-tar's" "CostarV Electric Powder, for Insects' &c. In 25c. 50c. and Si Boxes, Bottles and Flasks, S3 and S5 Sizls for Planta tions, Ships, Boats, Hotels, &c. CAimOX! To prevent the public from beinj imposed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bearing a facsimile of the Pro prietor's signature. Examine, each box, bot tle or flask carefullv before purchasing, and take nothing but "COSTAR'S." t$T Sy?d everywhere by All Wholesale Druggists in the large cities. Some of the WHOLESALE AGENTS IN N. Y. CITY. Shicirdin Bros. & Co. B. A. Fahnestock, Hull Co. A. B. & D. Sands Co. Wheeler & Hart. Jame S. Aspinwall Morgan & Allen. Hall, Ruekcl & Co. Thomas & Fuller P. D. Orvis. IIurraI,Rblev & Kitch en. Bush, Gale & Robinson M. Ward, C!oe & Co. McKion & Robbing. D. S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Laz4-lle, Marsh & Gard ner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox. AND OTIIERi PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, T. W. Dvott & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co. French,Richards.& Co. B. A. Fahnestock & Co. AND OTHERS. BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. Geo. C. Goodwin & Co. M. S. Burr & Co. Weekes & Potter. Jno. Wilson, Jr. AND OTHERS. Abo, all Wholesale Druggists at ciiii A;, in., t. L.ii;i, .11 0., IH T1IOIT, vllcli., L H hviu i;, Kj Iln ATI, Ohio, PI TTMtl i;ii, lu., lU'tr FALO, . V. AND BY Druggists, Grocers, Storekeepers and Retailers generally in all Country Towns and Villages In the UNITED STATES AT IXDÜX1P0LIS, INDIANA. Robert Browning AND illiam nannaman, Wholesale Agents. AND BY- TO.IILIXSOX V COX, W. B. VICKERS, And by the Druggists, Storekeepers and Retailers penerally. Country Dealer- can ordr as above, Oraddresorders direct orif Prices. Terms, &c, is desired, end for 1862 Circular, giving reduced Pricr. to IIi:.RY 11. COSTAR. Principal Depot Xo. 512 Broadway (Opposite ihe Si. Nicholas Hotel,) New York. : s' ? v, .j. ,s. ... , . .-s DAILY SKftTliVISL INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. XLxrprrari auso. Trat Laar. Train Anr4. &?0 A. M Mail :2 p. M. Mm P. M 5:40 A V. 8 40 P. M 11 34 A. M. o-tM an Aroui ab rouuiri tu tio. Train leave. Traina ArriTt &. A. M Ezpreaa 1.31 P. M. H.4U P. M Accommodation lu-,45 A.M taiMaaa ciitul BAiiwat. Train Arrive. 7:15A.M. .. . Ttf ail. ... :Ii4 P II. .......... . .... 7 &5 P. M. Train- leav. 15 A. M. 1110 P. M 7 00 P. M IXT IAX iPOUa AD roiTMl l J4044T UI. VIA PATTOM. Train Leave. Train- Arrive. & A. M ... ....,,.. 71A. M. ll'.O P. M 1A4 P. M. 7:00 P. M 7 5 P. M. I.-IHAJArOLI AKtt CIKCIJtM ATt All KOAO. Train Ieare. Train Arrive. &20 A.M I.i4 A. M. 10:40 A. M 4:33 P. M 135 P. U P. M TKaac hactk aAiuinA. Trarna Leave. Train Arrive. Trio A.M Ml A. M. 1 45 P. lt.. -JA A. M. 8 40 P. M ..6 30 p. M. W AI BAUT AI CHICAGO OAD Olf IC AFTUC JXTSCTl" Goitiit North. Goii- South, &:00 P. U F XT' res MJJ, AM. 11 Üj A. M Frei(hf, Daily p. M. LAVA1KT1C a-AILUwAU. Train !eave. Trafn Arrive. 10-tS A. .M 5 10 A. M. 4 45 P. M 1(H5 A. M. llr.3!J P. M 6:00 P. J. rtBC AaUIPlA5ArXI.IKAILBOAt. Train Leave. Trafn ArriTe. 11.10 A.M ..Mail... ÖS A.M. 6 30 P. M Chicago Enpreaa 4:i0 P M I ?4 Dl A 14 A Ptl.1 8 AM HAJ'IlWtlt aAII.aOAD. Train leave. Train. Arrive. 12: P. M.. 6 30 A. M Train- Leave, no a. M... :3il P. M... Mall ..fFrotn Freubt l-potJ.. iKrraiuoKv iui kaii.koad. Mall ..Kh'O M. . 6:00 P. M Train rrive. . p m. . Mhia. M. ArrUtal iiml lf n it re, or CIooIiik of .HaiU. ARRIVALS MadUoii tnail. . ..... ... Cincinnati and way niail JelTersonville and Louisville Terr Haute way mail Peru mail Central way mail. .. Terre Havtetbroujrh mail Lafayette and Chicago Hellefotitaine way mail Bellefontaine through Central through mail Cincinnatithroiurb mail SpriniffieM, Illinois. .. .11:15 .11:15 K:2i) .1115 10:15 . i 0 . 7:HI 6.IHI 7:0 6:30 M. ! m. i M.! M. I M. j 6 ?.o A 8:45 P :3o a DIPARTVMB. Jefler-onville and Louisville mau. Terre Haute through mail, St. L4'tii-, Cvro. Lafayette HtnlCbi' hro Lafayette City and Sprinneld. Illinoi .... Madison mall .. Central way mail h! throUK'u mailatul WashinKtonCity. . Cincinnati ami way mail. Thronen mnil Terre Haute way, F.vansville and Vlncennea. Peru R Uefontaine wav and through Hit ilt Ve. 7.:io r. ,. . 7:30 p. m .. lr.40 A. . . fi On p. ..11:30 a ..1 !:.- a. .. f.:.'i4 p . 9:40 a . f.:.r.O r. ...1U:4 e 10-C5 A . 7:30 p MEDICAL. Who lias not eem the WOXDKKFl L G'tAMI.F.S. It A X I) E S TU S S ILAGO, For Couthn, C Id, Sore Throat-. Ac. B RA X I) E'.S T U S S I L A G O la food for PuMic Speakers and Sitiger, TO CLKAU THF. VOICK. Whit should I take for Athnia? B It ANDK'S TUSSI LAG O, They give immediate relief. 25 ceots a box. Why should I buy a hox of B R A X HE'S T U SSI L A G O TIIK WOSUKKITL GIJANLLKS? Btcaue they ctire Uoar-4 tie-s. Sore Throat, Ac. ho ha- not h-arl of the Ti'hm!d I taUe for a sore Throat? What houl! I take for a Colli? What is Life Without Health ? A Cold i annoy it r. A Cough i oubltsome. .loareiiess prevents speech. ore Throats are jninfn BRANDFS TUS&ILAGO Is pleasant to take, and ioti eflVtt- a core. 2" cents a to.x, at all the Drug Store .What staouM I take for a Cousch? THE W0NHKK1TL GIJANt'LKS. They ?ive immediate rt lief. -5 cents a box. Why should 1 buy a box o B R A X D K S TUSSILAGO, TIIK WONHEKl'UL OKAM'LKS Because they cure Cough and Colds, for 25 cent. WANTED. G00,000 xM.ilc or F, m.Jc Asrrnts f 10 sell Lloyd' New .cteel Plate County Cob red ilap J ot tLe L'Lite I State-, Canada-, anil New lrun-ick; from recent surveys, com letel Au. Id, 1-m2; com io, 001) to e tirave it and one yt ar'- time. Superior to any 10 map ever ma1e h C lton or 51itch ell, and sell at the low pi ice f Wt evtl-; 37,M"0 names are enpraved on tlii map. Iti not onlv a Count Map, but it i-a!-o a COL'XTY AND KILKO D MAP of the L'rit.d Sia es an.l Canada on.binedin one, riving KVKKY KAILKOAI STA . ION and distances between. Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $5 per day, and will take back all map that cannot be acid and refund the money. Send for f 1 wortb to try. Printed instruction bow to canvasa well furnl.-hed all our agent. Wanted K mart man a Wholesale Apert for oar Map- in every state. Canada, Fnadand. and Cal fomia. A fortune tn.y be ade with a iniall capital. J T. LLOYD, No, 16 Broadway, N. Y. The War Department uses our Map of Virginia and Maryland, on which i marked Th-rou hfare Gap. Bull Iiun'jloun'ains, Fad'o Church, all the ford- on the Pcto mac, acd every other place in Maryland and Virzin:, or money refunded. Price 25c. tep8-13Aw3t NEW BOOKS. NEW PUBLICATIONS LF.S Mi'erablea. by Victor Huro; Love'a Ijibor Won, by Mr. Soutbwortb; U en-hoe. by Kinsley: Why I'aul Ferr.ll K:IW hi Wjfe; I Nine Month- in the Qurtermater' Department; Par-on BrowrbwV lUxk; j stolen Mask, by Wdkie Coilin, author if Woman ! in "hi'e; Flower of the Prairie; Tha Flirt; A Lsfe'fc Secret; Recreatici: of a Ccntry Parage; Leiur Hour in Tcc; A Book About Doctor; City cf tb Saisu; AT BOirE. STEUiRT if COSS. Jj4-d2w LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY STABLE, TO. 10 Pearl treet, half a quare toutb of Wah 1 ir-cton street, between Mendiaa and PenntylvaLia treet, in rear of Glenn Bloc , Inliatapcl:. ap5-dtf WJrf. WILK1SON, Proprle'or O. W. JOHNSTON, Livery and Sale Stables NOS.ll AND13 WEST PK.ARLSTRKLT, irriAJArftj.triAA. fQf" Hor-e. Euf re. Camare and Saddle Hora 1 i ia reaJ'new. Ctiar; xlera.. dc3-tf STATUTES OF INDIANA. GAVH HUH ITS iiEvmio.t. Tha o3d Tolcma of McMra.Garta A Bord'a comp'U ron of Isdiata S?a ut. baa Just appeared. Tt'.t eolutna complete-their work. Ita mecbaciral executioti t r cedltalde; and the akill, leaniinr, nd labor which tbe editor have be -towed on it, merit tie h!cb at praiaa. None rut learn d, diligent lawyers cou.d have produced auch a work. Tbe Kecoi d r- lume embrace II tbe public atatute of Indiana now in force upon the uJect to which It relate. 3d tbe first all excepting the acta of tbe lat regular and ettra e-tlona cf tbe l)rllaiure. It la great excel lence of the compilation that all existing rtatutea on each mjeet are collected together in tbe ame j lace in tbeee volume; othatt reader can ee at a f'ance 11 tbe legislation in force n any given utject. Take, for ei mple, the act of oranliin Court- of Cotimon Tlea the editors puhli-L the act at larite, and they lo print. In the form of note- on the -ame pa?e containing this ta'ute, all the acts amendatnry to it which bare been pa-sej up to thl tlm. And o ibey bare done of all the other acta contained in the revision of 1"CJ. The editor have added much to the value f these vol urne especially the 1 t-t by the copiou and learned note With hi-h tbe vol.imes abound. Thee note Indi cte much labraud leal acumen. They fumi-h u. In a cnci.-e and accurate form, with all tie ad udications of our Supreme Court on tb'e tatute. These adjudica tions being Dow very uumerous, :be reference to them In th volume un ier c n-idertion, will be of great value t the lawyer, and in ied o all per concerned In the aJntli l-tra Ion o Justice. The edit-TS bare a!o referred, n their note-, to numerou deciion In otbet States, made n statute imilar tc our. An excellence cf these volume-, not to be overlooked I- the full and accurate ft.ilx appvtiilrd to each. In Indi ana, there never ha- b. ei a g-od index to an vo umes of latu?- publisbtd by authority. Thi provokitig dtfect La- lieen Couij.U tely rt iueHed in tbe volume- unti. r re vie: and the: indexes ill rvatly lighteu tbe labor of ail Hho Luve o.-ca-ioii to look into our statutes. Tin.- is the tir-t time that private eiiteprize bas at trtnpted the pal l.cati.-ti of Indiana statutes. The at tempt, I d tiot d.'U't, will he successful, and will luly reward the learned editors and eiiterprizito ptiMish ei Ker Ijwyer will, if course, purchase these volumes; iA every cU-rk, heriff, and justice of tbe peace of tbe State, will find it to Li advantage to own them. DAVID M' DONALD. Indianapolis, June ß, lS6i The oreifoing notice y Judire McDonald, f Gavix A Homo's Compilation of thi Statute of Indiana, i- not de- igned a- a puff of the worK, but U an unsolicited com meiidatioii ot the ability, accuracy, and couipleteneis ith thiih these volumes have teen prepared. The sconl volume, which ha-just been issued from the pr as. i- bein 'elivered to subscriber a-rapidly as po-siMf. This rdiiion of the statutes i'l be found a ne cessity to everj lawyer, ju-tice- of the peace, and county oflicer- in the State. Tbe pubbcaiun of the work is a private enterprize, and the publishers' only hw for re- inutieratioii s in it- rale to those for whose convenience it t prepired. The two volumes contain about 16O0 pae- of matter, nearly double the quantity embraced ihe lexi-loii of 1-,2. The pric o'" th work is $4 5t per lume. or f 9 M for tbe two volumes. Orderh addrf led to the subscriber wil receive prompt attention. J.J. RINGHAM, June 7tb. l4V.i. Indianapolis Ind. RAILROADS. Iiicli:iii:ioli and .TI.Mli-nii BP. 1862. gyS: IS62. T IHK PASSENGER TRAIN WILL LEAVE THI- Union Dt pot, IndianajKilin, at 11:30 P. M. daily, for In(lion. Cinciiuiati and LoiiiMillr. This is the shortest railwav line to Cincinnati and Louis ville connecting at Madison with the United State Mail Ijne steamer-, arriving at Cincinnati in time to con ned with the Express Train on the Little Miami railroad leaving at 7 o'clock A. M., fo the Ka-t. and by he Ken tucky Central Kailmad for tbe Soutb, and at Louisville about 11 P. M. Hetiimin, leave Cincinnati daily at 12 M., by the above ateamtTs, aiid also by tbf Madisoi; packets. Forest (iiie4n and lYioress, nrrivitig at M id'Von in time to connect with the Passenger Train leaving at 6 A. M., and arriving at (ndiana)Milis at li:.",0 A. M., making connections with all 'rain-leavitiL' for the FaM. West, and North. For the accommodation if way pa-senger- a Car will ruri in coTiin-cMo'i wiih the Freight Train daily, leaving i'ansjM li- at 6:.'?0 A.M which train remains some time at i;h sta'ioii. illoniing pa-sei gern n opportunity for the riis.cii"ii o business, rrivinp at North Madison at 2:50 M. rrf to CinrinnHli, or C'lnrinnali to Indianapolis, i.lfjo; To I. on i 1 1 le, -,3 AO. No chirge for meal- or state-nx'm on the stwamer, or for bacgage 4r omnibus at Madi-on. TarifT f Freiuht a low s by any other route. Shippers nd nn-rcbante West will Had it t theirmter st to travel over and -hip bv this line. ap2-lrt. !.:. RÜANHAM, Superintendent. i BC rJT rr 1862 1 1 LJ.l' 'Jl m 1862 VLL Pl IONS PURCHASING TICKETS FOR ST. J4SKIH and otber ;itits in Northern Mionri. tbe state of Kaiisa-. or the Territories, should insist ou hav ing ticket- that read by the 4IC I II IINM Iti ItAILItOAI), Thr only rail route fron st. Lou!- to St. Josqh. It is tie shortest ai.d quickest line, by thirteen hour-, to the re motest point reached by ril, and i- always a- cheap id any other. Buy your ticket-to Kan-a-and all points in Northern Missouri by the North Mi-ouri ItaÜroad. ISAAC II. STUKGKOS, Prc-'t and Geti'l Supt. Nort. Mi-souti K. R RRNKT H SIMMONS. General Travelini Agert. ejitn-dly "JJfsi: JKFTKISOaNVUE railroad Two Trains .Sundays Excepted Train- Arme 8:45 P. M . 4:45 A. M . Train- Leave. . t 45 A. M 8:50 P. M. VBOVE TRAINS STOP FOR THE ACCOMMODATION ! of pa enters at South port. Greenwood, Franklin, j Edinburgh, Columbu-, making cont;ection at Seymour ) with train- on the Ohio 4 Mi-Mippi Road, and at Loui ' viile with trains on the Louisville, Frankfort k Lexington 1 and lu:svi:ie and Nashville Roads. ' Freight trainsleave daily. Freight promptlyforwtrded. j ornce, Madison Depot, e-t side. A. S. CAROTHERS, Superintendent. J. G. Wbutcomb. Freight Agent. apl'CJ-dly MUSIC. pianos: vixyosi CHEATER AND RF.TT:R IN STKUMKNTS than were ever oflere4 n thi. market. My ar with Fa-tern Piano manufacturer are ucb that I can fumi-h all orders 25 per cent. cheaper than any dealer in tbe West, and I warrant tbem aure ritr instrument. Only for cah. Ca I and see at Messrs W H- Talbott k Co' Jewelry Store, No. 24 W ahinton street. PIANOS. MELODEONS, ORGANS, GUTTARP, VI0UN8, ACCORDEONS, AC..TUJED AND REPAIRED. Basing bad orer twenty yairs' experience, tbo public can be aureo mat tr.ey now Laee a Mtter opporturjty than they Rteröy meet wiib ta havt their ttatromett put In perfect order. H SCU05ACKER. JulySl-dly '1 PIANOS. Piano-Fortes. ANOTHER INVOICE OF CHICKER1NG & SON'S PIANOS. STEINWAY & SON'S PIANOS. Zl)t HtsV CNCf ss Ta,t fw-'' t No. 4 Batet IJOUse. wn LARD A STOWELL. N. R. Ptaoos tuned to order and BT TUE TEAR M W.AS. DOOIC AND JOO PnirJTINC. I IV D I A IV A STATE SENTINEL STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT! VI TR ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS "i for Book and Job Irintir:g, with dispatch and in the be-t tyle of tbe art. Particular attention paid to Mercantile and Railroad RILLS OF LADING, BUSINESS CARDS, RILL HEADS, RLANKS, DEEDS, LETTER HEADINGS. REGISTERS, CIRCULARS, RECEIPTS. Ac Show Cards and Bills ! CHECKS. NOTES BONDS, FNVF.UIPFS, STOCK CERTIFICATES, DEEDS, Ac, Ac COSTING BILLS COCHTBV r TM A KT Miow Hill, Hotel Hill of Fare?, Hand ItilUf Pnstrrsnnd Iror rauiinr I.HlrUi In vi la lion T (Par He and Hall..) avitxT PEÄ'airno . SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CATALOGUES, WISCPLUNFOUS PAMrilLKTS, 'ONRTlTUnONS, RFPORTS, RIr".Ft. Ac. We have one of the Dial complete Printing Etablib ments in tbe country. Our faciliries for doing all kinds of Work, Book, riam or Ornamerjtal, are Cnt cla?i. We baveintnduced tbe latest and fastest Pressen, and have added to our Type all th modern styles, and we employ the best workmen. We are tbu enabled to furnlb Jobs promptly, to guarantee satisfaction, and to accept low prices. We havs connected with our Job Department Adams Superior Presse, and are prepared to execute Stereotyp Presswork, together with tbe Preaawork foront-ide papers, at low figure .Irrchantit Hanker Ilallroad Irtan agerti Insurance Asrent .lanu facturrt AcM Is reapcrru'.ly dlractad to wt Etai!lsbsiant, If they desire Jnt-cla work at low raua. f-Ordsrs frots. abroad will rsxor prompt attACtkc -yWork furnükod ia all cases at tbe tlx a promiao-L C3 Stranjer trom a distance, and bun-1 cess men of the city and country, are cordial-1 Itr invited to riali our office, and examine our at T facilities for executing every description of Printing in the neatest style, and on the most reasonable terms. 23JT Office on Meridian Stre, South of Wath- inton Street, opposite the PostoCSce. ADt-ai, ELDER HABKNESS & BINGHAM. BOOK xmw, V" jriT atrimo a rtxJDiD aviso etxitt cr anrGLE xro oovdlc spt For fib. portability arv! power Üf pers-exle all otbers. " " , For aale by SEMMONS. Optician. SPECTACLES, EYfGLASSES. LZ.t Of the pttet transparent power, cf new im prorement properly adjastesl to the case. Order from the country, with pa.rtirolart, pnmpt1y atteixle! to. Rep-iirinj; neatlr done wit'u 4l'ratch. SEMMONS. Optician . c-u2 N.. 25. South H!iroi trrrt. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. jehsi: .toiinson. General Commission Ilerchant, ASIe Healer In etir, iraln and all klnde sf Country Produce; Wlnrs and l.lqiiorarisrartTs)taccat sic. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. C7 SOUTH SECOND ST iiiLnt.i.iniA. Advance made on Conltiments. ug??dly WANTED. 200 Recruits Wanted RK TIIF B. I )K The i: h veil th In fa n 1 ry , WHICH MAJOR J. V. liORDOX Isautborited toraia. lu Ibdiana. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. I)AT FKOM 13 TO III PEK MONTH, w ITH hA TIONH, quarter-, mtlical attendaire, Ac, com plete. All b enlist will at otic te cl4iie4, uUteJ and pro ided with ever thing eetitial to their C".frt by the Gvertiniett. "The term of eiili-tmeiit is Three Year. Pay to cninnce frm !ate of ei li-tm-Tit. None hut aMe-tMlied single men, betweeu the are. of 11 sod 35 years, need apply. Recruititig "ietideivou- id Metfsrer'a mw hnfldirr, N. &S bat Washington street, adjoin ng I Md Fellow.' Hall. I. K. ( OIT, Flr-t Ueutet art Eleventh kifantry, Kecruitira;02".cer. MEDICAL. onr. to uomii in i l citAM m, Coiisb ai'd Cold will go away. Sometime- in a single day, if to tbe Irug Store o.i :11 go And fet supplied with TiMiUgo; Yo'i ca'' ue it treely a- you pleas.. It a-ver 'alls to give you eae. Tne Granule, wonderful ace, I'm sore, ror tbey -pee-Lly effect a la-titig cor. SS cent, per boi, at II Drug Utores. nUANDE'S HRANDK'S BRANDIS IU.AXDKS TUSSILAGO CURES COUGHS. TUSSILAGO Ct'KFJ COLDS. TUSSILAGO CURE HOARSENESS. TUSSILAGO CURES RORK THROAT. om: tc iiicamii: rrs-ii.Aio. WONDERFUL GRANULES. Oh where can I find them. To tbe Ih-uic Store jro quick, I will .peedilj try thfm; I have a had Oniith. Afcd I i-b to te mre To bare tbe !et remedy That will very mh cure. Jlp 25 ce. er box. at all tbe Dro? Stores. IMIAN HE'S TUSSILAGO CURES ASTHMA AND IiRONCHITlS. f Sold tj all Druggist. 25 cents a box. H K A N I) ES TUSSILAGO Is I'leasatit to tbe Taste Children cry for tt. IUIAXDE'S TUSSILAGO CUKES HOOPING COUGH AND CIUH'P. Sold by alt Druggists. 25 cenu a boi. IJRAaXDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. tjy Suid by all Druglsia. 25 cnt a box. RENOVATERS. lib f rtHK CWtTKT T TiTl DTF-HoCStF. 50. 1 OCTH JL lll.ovl treet, It.diaLapoli, Ind.ana, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At his old and well-known etaMlhroerjt, tbe ladle, can bav. aid wKl.n ool dyd It persnanett at.4 beautiful color; and ftW rarments thoroughly recos-e-ted and repaired, aa grod as when new. at lower pricea than ever New and seoTd-ba4 clotb'.na: boojbt ad aol. lr, a paticular branch in tbe bu.iixs de&omL'iSted Soe draw. Ing bilüard table üoth. or tear In aay srartnect caa bo to wrought that it can not be ntthle to tbe naked eys. Kru Country order punctually attended to. No coLcetlon with asr otber bocse is this city. Remember tbe place. No. && houtb llllnots street. fe4 JOSEPH HARRIS. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company, a wo tax UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. Omer ON THE CORNER OF WASHI5GT0S A5T Mertdiaa atreeta. Indians pr.1. Three daily Expresse to New Tork; -Two daily Fiprekes to Cuxtn&atL and Two Eprew.4.s to Cbtcafo and ftl.Losils; Tbe above Cotnpaaie are tbe otly prlrilegd Exprsasot the fol'.owtn? rrad, vi: INDIANA CFNTILiU LAFAYETTE A CHICAGO; INDIANAPOLIS A PERU: TERRE HAUTE A RICHMOND: EELLF.FONTAINE A INDIANAPOLIS. Mosey, pas tares, ea!tiaVles tsd frtibt carrVd wlta aafety and dpatcb, and ta charge of spwcUl and effVesetst e.saeerers. Nous, E.1.S aad Drafu will b prrg.pOy ocUecta-l aod ready retcrta .1e J. BCTIXRITELD. Aawev DRUCCISTS. SCHIEFFEUM BROTHERS 6 CO., WHOLESALE DRCGGIST1, And Dealer In fancy Geedtt Per fnmerft Ac. A!o,Aicts f-w tbe aale of Reined Petroleaa, nbana'aa Hag 0:1, supervoT to acy Ca1 Ol famibed ta aay qo antltles at tbe loet market rate. IT AND 171 WILLIAM STB .NEW '-' ia DRY COOPS, NOTIONS, CiC. Wrbb. Kennedy & Co., a 117HOLESAI-E DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DO- ibUC Dry Goods, NostoasaM Gents ran lilt .1. tüd 1'o.t trTxe Itaiidi, (IC d3sr at.risU str.t,i4iaaaüa 1