Newspaper Page Text
DAILY CTA-T3 : CI2I7TZIIEL. PK15TKD AND tllUS'dlb Tilt imiii (iriwii acsrt) TC3 KE7 E2&TLNEL OFFICE. no. ccrrn hiuudia orneET Ce - ,trrs EN PeG.Ce CU, H Jo errors aTd e CTPAAFeua ira. C?CCTACL0. COT To Officers of tfc3 Amy. tu ranmrt. ELDin, msxssi & boham, SroprUtori VOLUME X. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., FRIDAT MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 1862. NUMBER 3,763. DA m a rw 1Ä1 Tearly raWntwf CA W, wvaaiAax, u abvajscs; of liver4 ty lb carrier at 12, cnii pr weea. payable sw-tatot,tbly. Siairt cup fcv. cu. C4ty ibwriber. wt!t b. held responsible for papers left at their hon, after they have removed, or when thev wUta then tiaconuaued. unl- roue, ia given at to of fice of publication. No paper sent wlthotlt pre parmert,ot eantinuedlonger than pJl for. C f tbtDaai Stmni can b bad at the SIce arh toommjr, and tit Wxactr SsmMfc esta Mou flay morning, eatly eveloped. far niacin. VKKKLY STATE SENTINEL, PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNEADAT AT rATARTJe IVAJB1.T II ADVAKf. IUTCK OF ADV I'HTINI If i . ? I St 5 i 5 I s M M m t 9 a it i t J ? i - 0. 50 l.oo 1.25 1. M ITS 1 oo' 2..V) 3.00 4.0O a.w' 7.f 112 l.7 5.25 2 3 oo J.75 40 e oo 70 10.2.', 1.J0 1.M 2X0 3 li 3.75 4.37 s.oo 25 1.6l 3X0 4.37 6.25 ci: T.oo 8.75 3.00 4.00 5 00 .00 7.00 SJ.OO low 12.00 14.00 moo 2550 40.00 4.VOO f)2 50 57X0 75.00 3.37 4.50 5.C2 75 7.7 9. DO 11.25 13.50 14.00 22X0 ?a.75 45.0O SO. Ol 57.50 65 00 WVOO 3.75 5. on 20 750 H.75 10 oo 1250 15.00 20K 25.00 33.00 50.00 Rft.OO 2 50 7000 95 oo vi.. V-, 4d... 84... lw. 10i lw. 3. Im. 2m. 3m. m. s.oo; 2.5"! 3.(HI 4.00 6.00i l.oo; 3. 3.75 4 50 5.2.',! oo; 7W 9.00 12.CO 15.00 20.00 U9.50 33 no 37 -VI 7t0 10.50 14 oo 17X0 34.75 411 IM 15.50 50C0 S.OO: 10.OO 10.ÖO 13X0 13.fAls.75 19 ihm 4.25 21.23 27 Ort 25 00 30.60 SO 13.75 25 l.voo Co.. 11 W m..l.1 no ia.M M.&; 11m 15.' 25 OO 35.00 4.S OO 4.1.5ft ADVERTISING IN THE WEEK LT. On tfiaare, ot tnarrtivn.. .... 0 75 " two 1 O0 four " J 00 for earh ob)unt lnrtion. arxl for each Inser tion of acn atldiUunal nqOMr. . ... . 33 X A1verfl-Tnnt pu.lihl ! both the Daily an-1 th !Vk!y SrjrTiÄiti. will t charsrM the full Iiljr rate, with .i(e-balf the Weekly rate a UW. liu.ine Notice puMMied in the local columns often linfor nnW, will b cUrw"i f-r ech In.-rtioD fl; If orer ten ten cent pT line. Cliare will Ix mad f..r Inertin th notice of the followinn Order, Societl. at4 AKciation at the rate nameil. lpald In advance: Mil. tare Companies. Order of Old Fellow, Masonic Onler, IvncToleut 5jcief.e and Sintf mt Societies. For each notice not exceeding H lines 25 cent for each Insertion; over itrht lit e at thi rate. AnoouTK-in? rteatha with funeral notice attached, fl; Without notice free. Maj-riage Notice 50 cent. Not!' .f Festival. IVmcn and F.xcurniotw, (fot'en up by Individual or aicociation, or by charcbea, at the refrular price. AdvertLemeiit leaded and placed tinder the head of special Notice, If ten linea or over, will be charged dout le the t;ul rate. Advertlmetd.maklr(f lewthan three lines, Inserted once In the DaÜy, will be chsrired fifty centa. Tearly advertier to pa rinarterly. Announcin candidates Tor ofHceof every description to be charged at the rate of $1 50 for each name in the Daily, and 12 In the Daily and Weekly, the name to be, in all ce. paid in advance. Legal advertisement lnerted at tie expense of the at torney ordering, and not detayaMe for the lejral proceed In, but collectable at our nial time. Iullifber not accountable for the accuracy cf legal advertiaient be yond the amount charged for their publication. ELLEK IIAUKNKSS A BINGHAM, Proprietora Indiana State Sentinel. J. M. TILFOKli. Treident Indianapolis Journal Company. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. itAKi:ics. II ARRISONS' BANK. No. 19 Eat Washington treet opposite the Sentinel Office. may4 livi:iky mtaiim:. LLEN A HINSLET, Livery and Sale Stables In the rear of the I'almer House. June5-dly I D AVIS A CO, Unloa Foundry, Delaware street, op . posit Union Depot. II AS3ELMAX A VINTON, Washington Foundry and Machine Works, eat et:d Ir.ion Depot. niy.'3 ICCAL. ESTATE A 41 E!M I.1RANC13 SMITH, formerly Ivlzell A Smith, Real ' Ftate Agent and Tax Tayer, 37 Fast Washington street. House to rent. Jan25-dly '63 cKERNAN A PIERCE, Real Ectate Agents and Iirokers, 10,' Eat Washington street. 7"M. T. WILET, Real Enate Agent and Stock Bro ker, lO i, East w ahington t-treei. myn IIOOT AMD KIIOE DEAEEICN. r. ViTItVW A- TO . Wholesale dealer In Roots. li. Shoes, and Rnblers, No. 4 Roberta Block, opposite tne Union Depot, Indianapolis, Ind. ep4 ADAM KNODLE A SOX, manufacturer and dealers in all kinds of Boot and Shoes, No. 32 East Wab rvton street. apr2T IIOOKN AI STATION I". It V BOW EN, STEWART A CO., wholesale and retail deal er tn BHk an.1 Stationery, an.l Irinters Materials o. IS West Washington treet. apr28 IfflLKT M. LOWRT, DUrfiOlST. Dealer in Irntgs, ' Chemicals, Taints, 0:1, IHestuffs, Botanic, Patent and other Medicines, Notion and Perfumery N. 49 Mas sachusetts aTenne, Indianapolis. nov.TO-ly. rilOVUNSON A COI. dealers In Druids, Medicines, J Taints, Oils, Glass, Frfumrj, Fancy Good, .tc. No. 1A East Wa-hington street. IndianaKlis. inayll ß BROWNlNti, Druggist, and dealer In Paints, Ods, No. 22. Weet W ahiujfton street. apr2 mi v . i)N. "-T' A II. fiLF.NN A CO.. New Tork Store, Dry , Oool. wholesale anl Retail, Gienns Block, East Washington street. may 5 STOVDS A.D TIM WAKE. C IIARI.ES COX. dealer in Stoves, Tin Ware, Ac. No. 11 He- Washington strt-et. pr?L ItOOIv HIMH.ItN. CAMrBEI.L A EOT LES. Book Rinil rsand ElankRook Marufactnrers, No. 37 East W ashington n., eat of Onn'i block, up stairs, Indianapolis. feb'5-dtf DOUGLAS A PALMER. Book Binders and Blank Book Manufacturers No. 36,',' Eat Washington street, ever Alford, Mills A Co's Grocety. may27 CIII. At CLASS AN D i I' V. EN S W A IUI. j MAWTHORN A BUCHANAN. Importer of China, Class and Qur ensware. No. 83 Eat Wa-shington bt., napolis, Indiana. dly rriEIlCHANT TAILOItS. 1 T FREDERICK IKEPPEK, Merchant Tailor, and dealer . , - - . , ... .,' ready mane clothing and famishing No. 21 , . i a.iur. miM uri-i In realty man ciotnmg ana lanus West Washington street, opposite Senti ina sA mr"tl ATTOIINEYS. KILBT FERGUSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. j Pay cash for approved Judgments and mortgages; j aiso negotiates loans notes, Ac. OffW, 24 Ea-t Wa.h- ington street, up-tairs, econd dior to the riht hand, op- J pv;te Glenn's Block. s"'9 "fC Dt)NALD. ROACH E A LEW l. Josehp E. McDvn- j If I. 1U Addison L. Roach, Joseph . Lewis, At ttornevs and Counselors at Law, .Etna Insurance Com- , pany Building, second floor, reanjlTaiiia street. Jeldly j MACHINISTS. MS AUD ULtCKSJIlTil Sil Or. TTAV1NG F.NTIRELT REFTTTEI) THE SHOP FORM tl ERLT occupied by John Cooper, in Oscood, Snmh A Co' Last an t Hub Factory, I am prepared to do all kind of work In the machinery or blackmithing line. Having Lad twelve year' experience In the bet macbtae shrps In the country, I Batter myelf that I can irive entire satisfaction to the who mir favor me with their work. 1 have In my employ one cf the ben black smith in the Sta'e, and pay particular attention to horse shoeing and machine forging. Ipatrinc of all kind promptly attended to Models of all kiwis for the patent office. Remember the place, one anare south of the Union Depot, on IlllnoU street. T. B"OWN. tuIylO-dlT'41 NOTICE. JZ Lave this day sold our Bakery to Messrs. Nick- um x arror i. iV rt:b!Lc In irener.l for their liberal patron- ge. w. wvQkl reicUully k the conliiiunce of tls aame to our successors. A. A J. METZFR. It.JianapIi Jaly .1M3 Jyll dJt DRY COODQ. s ax IT. a DRUGS. NEW FIRM. T If AVE associated with me in busine Mr. O. W. Sloan, who has lxen aa asitant in the store for a number of years pat. Hereafter the business will be continued at the old stand under the firm of R HOW MSG A SLOAN. I feel grateful for the liberal patronage which wa hare ever received trust by htrict attention to huinecs and the wants of our customer to merit anl retain the name. K. BKOW.MNÜ. LI. persons knowing themselves indebted to too will please call at their earliest convenience and make settlement of tame, and oblige IL BROWNING. (LATE R. BROWNING,) at c lt i wi- jar f rm? w m 22 West Wahingon Street, Indianapolis, Have In store a large and well sebn-ted tock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils arnishe.,Ije stufTs, Glassware. Window Glas-,Brushes, Cigars, Tobacco, Spices. Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Article, Coal Oil and Lamps, Patent Mediciuet., and all articles to complete the stock of a Druggist. As we purchase- principally for cash, direct from the import er and manufacturers, and being desirous to retain the reputation which our house has ever enjoyed of selling o.. trt iitfU It, great care is taken in the selection of Drugs in reference to their jwiii. Our facilities are such that we feel confident we can offer, in ihm and un adulterated articles, as Mrong inducements as any other Western house. All order will receive the peisoral attention of ore of the firm Great car taken in thedispen-ins of physi cians' prescriptions and family reciprs from Mrictly pure articles, and we feel confident we can render Mtifacucn in trie line ana ouauru oi cows. BROWNING A SLOAN. 22 West Washington street. . .... ... . . . . m a rsT American ana r rencn vt it now vi-s: anu iors V"c"7 ? J " M . 3ßiß0. in store and AW IH'"" " v. v. v for sale at lowest figure br BROWNING A SLOAN. PAINTS! OILS! VAHXISIIES!i 5QQ KEGS rure White Lead; 200 1tEr,s Wnit' Zicci DARREIN Linseed Oil; CASKS Tellow Ochre; g CASKS Venet. Red. With a large stock of Varnishes, Paints, and Color of a!lk:n l ground in oil and dr. For sale at the lowest figures. BROWNING A SLOAN, 22 Wet Washington atreet. Brushes! Brushes. rjrkrk DOZEN Paint and Varnih Brushes, Wall "Hf Brnshe, Sash Tools Blender. Scrub, Shoe,, Uair, Hat, and Cloth Brusbe of all kin ds at lowes fibres at BROWNING A SLOAN'S. jeH-deodl weowSm SCHOOL BOOKS. OF SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER, &C..&C,, IN SMALL OB LARGE QUANTITIES, AtEOWEN, STEWART A CO'S VERMIN EKTunnirjATon. To Destroy -KaU, Itoiches, de. To Destroy Mice, Aloles, anil Ants. To Destroy Bed Bugs. To Destroy- Maths in Fan, Clothes, 4re. To Destroy Mosquitoes and Fleas. To Destroy Insects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy Insects on Animals, &c. To Destroy Erefy form and species of ermin. TIIE "ONLY INFALLIIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN." Destrof lnianilr EVERY FOKM AND SrECIES OF ivlo Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons' 'Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Hats do not die on the prvn.ises. They come out of their holes to tile." "They arc the only infallible remedies known. "12 vears and more establisltel in New York City." Used by the City Tost OlGce. Used by Used by Used by Used by Used by- -the City rnsons and Station Houses. -the City Steamers, Ships, &c. -the City Hospitals, Ahns-l louses, &c. -the City Hotels 'Astor 'SL Nicholas -the Boarding Houses, &c, &c. -more than 50,000. private families. Lsed by- HSff" See one or ttco Specimens of what is everywhere said by the People Editors Dealer., etc. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with ver min need be so no longer, if they use "Cos tar's "Exterminators. We have n?ed it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost $5 we would have it. We had triel poisons, but they ef fected nothing; but "CostauV article knocks the breatli out of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Betl-Bus, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country. Medini TO. Gazette. MORE GRAIN and provisions are de stroyed annually in Grant County by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer. Lancaster II w. Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR We are selling vour preparations rapidly. Wherever they nave been used, Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. ECKER & STOUFFER, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "CostarV Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. "CostarV. "Costar's" I3cd-Bug Exterminator. "Costars" "CostarV Electric Powder, for Insects' &c. In 25c. 50c. and SI Boxes, Bottles and Flasks, S3 and S5 Sizes for Planta tions, Ships, Boats, Hotels, &c. CAUTION! To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Spurions and Highly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bearing a facsimile of the Pro prietor's signature. Examine, each box, bot tle or llask carefullv before purchasing, and take nothing but "COSTAIl'S." Ci?" Sold everywhere bv All Wholesale Dr.UGGisTS in the la nre cities. Some of the WHOLESALE AGENTS IM N. Y. CITY. ShielTelin Bros. & Co. B. A. Fahnestock, Hull & Co. A. B! & D. Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall Morgan & Allen. Hall, Ituckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller P. D. Orvis. Hurral,Risley & Kitch en. Bush. Gale cxltobinson M. Ward, Close & Co. MeKison & Robbins. D. S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Lazclle, Marsh & Gard ner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox. AND others. PHILADELPHIA. PENNSYLVANIA, T. W. Dvott & Co. B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co. French,Richards,& Co. AND OTHER; BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. Geo. C. Goodwin & Co. M. S. Burr & Co. Weekcs & Potter. Jno. Wilson, Jr. AND OTHERS. Also, all Wholesale Druggists at CIIK'AC;, III., NT. L,OUI, .Mo., DI TIIOIT, Mich., t,"l ISVIM.I., li., t lX'IMN.ITl, Oliio, ii hmm ih.ii, ia., m i falo, . y. AND BY Druggists, Grocers, Storukeepers and Betailep.s generally in all Country Towns and Villages In the UNITED STATES at INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. ÄW by Robert Browning AND William Bannaman J Wholesale Agents. AND by TOHLIIYSOrV fc COX, XV. B. TICKERS. And by the Druggists, Storekeepers and Retailers generally. Country Dealers can ordr as above, Oraddressonlers direct or if Price?. Terms, &c, is desired, fend for 18C2 Circular, giving reduced Trio!1 to II i:RY K. COSTAR. Principal Depot No. 512 Broadway (Opposite the St. Nicholas IIoteL,) New York. mcbSl-deedlwec i v?.' "... DAILY SENTINEL INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. it LLtroftxis s aauaoA. Trains LeaTe. Trains ArriTt. &.-20 A. M Mail MO p. M. 2:00 P. M &40 A. if. 840 P. M 1130 A.M. IXDtASArOLU AJTD COLCMBCS VIA, CXIO. Trains Leare. Trains Arrive 6:20 A. M Express 133 P. J. &40 P. M ;.. Accommodation 10:45 A.M. I DIA A CimiL BAJLVAI. Train. Ieave. Trains Arrive. 6:11 A.M 7:15 A. M. 12:10 P. M Mail 1.34 P M. TVO P. M I SA P. M. cimai arous ad cotratiui sboht u, ru pattoji. Ttaiii Ieave. Trains ArriT. 6.15 A.M .7:15 A. M. 12:10 P. M 14 P. M. 7:00 P. M 75 P.M. ixMAMArouaaxD clkcisati iajiaoad Train Ieave. 6:20 A.M.... 10:40 A. M.... 635 P.M.... Train Leave. 7:20 A.M.M,. 145 P.M.J. S:40 P. M Trains Arrive. lOie A.M. 45 P. M 10:55 P.M TK1&I Bim RAIUOaÖ. Trains Arrive. 5:10 A. M. 55 A. M. ..30 P. M. I Al tlST AXD CmCAOO sni UMCAITU JrkCTJOSI Goinj North. Going South, 5:00 P. M JUores 11.25 A. M. 11:05 A. M Freight, Daily XOO P. M. ULAYKTTE a.UUIHAU. Trains Leave. Trains Arrive. 10-05 A.M 6:10 A.M. 4 45 P. M 10:03 A. X. 10:30 P. il ROO P.M. rcaO AXUIÜPIAVAPOUaBAlLkOAD. Train. I-avc. Trains Arrive. 11.10 A. M Ma:l. . ........ .. .90 A. M. 630 P. M Chicago Ex press L0 P. M mnumrouK asp MA019OX KAtLBOan. Trains Iysve. Trains Arrive. 12:30 P. M Mail 10.M A. M. 630 A. M....rFrrn Freiclit DepotJ 6:00 P. M jirriiuoxviu.a uaujmad. Trains Lejve. Train Arrive. 6fK) A.M Mail S:45 P. M. 6.30 P. M 6:00 A. M. Arrival and X)ep inure, or Clotlng Of .VI it i 1 H . akrivaij. Madison mail. Cincinnati and way mail .. Jeflersonville and Louisville .....11:15 ....11:1. .... S:2() .....11:15 2:0 7:00 6 00 7:0 ..... 6.14) 6::i A. M. A. M. P. M. A. St. a. at. r. at. p. M. p. at. p. at. A. M. A. M. r. m. A. M. Terra Haute way mail Peru invl Centra! way mail Terre Haute through mail - . . . 1 Lafayette and Chicago Bellefontaine way mail .. Rellefontaine through mail ...... Central through mail Cincinnati through mail . Springfield, Illinois Si4o 7:30 DKPARTVKES. 21d Um Clone. ... 7:30 p. M. Jeffersonville and Louisville mail Terre Haute through mail, St. Louis, Cairo, Lafayette andChicago Lafayette City and Springfield, Illinois M ad i.-en in all ... 7:30 p. .. 9:4d A. ... 6(H) p. ...113) A. ...11:05 A. ... 6:50 p. . .. 9:40 a. . . . 6:50 p. ...12:45 P. Central way mall Central through mail and Washington City. Cincinnati and way mail Through mail Terre Haute way, Evaribville and Vincennes Peru . . 10-O j a. at ... 7:30 p. m Rellefontalne wav and thronen, MEDICAL. Who has not seen the WONDERFUL GRANULES, BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO, For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats. Ac. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO Is good for Public Speakers and Singers, TO CLEAR THE VOICE. What should I take for Asthtaal BRANDE.'S TUSSILAGO, They give immediate r'f. 20c iisab 50X. WLy t-hould I buy a box of BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO THE WONDERFUL GRANULES? Because they cure Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Ac. bo has not heard of the What should I take for a Sore Throat? What chould I take for a Cold? What is Life Without Health 1 ACoIdisannoyirg. A Coutjh is trouMesom. Hoarseness prevents speech. Kore Throats are palnfu BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO Is pleasant to take, and soon effects a cure. 25 cents a box, at all the Drug Store What shoul.i I take for a Cough? THE WONDERFUL GRANULES. They give immediate relief. 25 cents a box. Why should I buy a box ot BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO, THE WONDERFUL GRANULES. Because they cure Coughs and Colds, for 25 cents. WANTED. COO.000 Male or Female Atrents rSO sll Lloyd's New Steel Plate County Colored Map I ottLe Unite 1 States, Canadas, and New Brunswick; front recent urveys,com. loted Au?. 10, ls62; cost f20, C(K) to eiiuravt it and one year's tin.e. Suporijr to any fio map ever trade byCtdton or Mitch ell, and sell' at the low price of W cents; 370,000 names are enpravtd on this map. It U not only a County Map, but it Is al.o a COUNTY AND K ILROAD MAP of the United St es and Canadas combined in one, piving EVERY RAILROAD ST Al ION and distances between. Ouarantee anv woman or man $3 to to per day, and will take back all maps that caauot be bold and refund the money. Send for J 1 worth to try. Printed instructions bow to canvass well furnished all our agents. Wanted A smart man as Wholesale Ajrent for our Maps in every State.Canada, England, and California. A fortune may be trade with a small capital. J.T. LLOYD. No, 164 Broadway, N.T. The War Department ues our Map of Virginia and Maryland, on which i rearked Thoroughfare Gap. Ball Run Mountains, Fail's Church, all the fords on the Poto mac, and every other place in Maryland and Virgin'a. or tnonevrefunde'd. Price 25c. sp-d3Aw3t NEW BOOKS. NEW PUBLICATIONS FS Miserables, bv Victor Hugo; Love's Labor Won, ty iirs. couinwonn; Ravcnshoe. by Kinsley: Wby Paul Ferroll Killed his Wife; Nine Months in the Quartermaster'a Department; Parson Brownlow's Book; Stolen Mask, by Wiliie Collirs, author of Woman in White; Flower of the Prairie; The Flirt; A Life's Secret; Recreation of a Country Parson; Lei.sure Hours in Town; A Book About Doctors; City of the Saint; AT BOirtLV, STEUiRT aV CO.'S. Jy4-d2w LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY STABLE "TO. 10 East Tearl street, half a square south of Wash insron frtreet, between Meridian and Pennsylrania streets, in rear of Glena'a Dlock. Indiarspclis. ap5-d:f WM. W1LKJSON, Proprietor O. W. JOHNSTOIM, Livery and Sale Stables N03.ll AND13 WEST PKARLSTREET, i a piax a roua, I v t a a a . XSSf Horea, Euf piei. Carriage and Saddle Harsea alwaiB reaJiuess. Charge avo-ierata. decA-tf STATUTES OF INDIANA. GAVIX V IIOXIDS IIEVISIO.1. The second volume of Measra. Gavin A Hord'a compfla tlcn of Indiana Sumtes baa Just appeared. This volura eornpletes their work. Its mechanical execution Is ver creditable; and the Mil, learning, and labor which the editors have bestowed on it, merit the highest praise. Hone but learned, diligent lawyers could have produced auch a work. The second volume embraces all the public statutes of litdiana now In force upon the subjects la which It relates, and the first all excepting the acta of the last regular and extra aeiotia of the Legislature. It is a great excel lence of the compilation that all existing statutes on each subject are collected together in the same place In these volumes; so that tie reader can see atag'ance all the legitdation in force en any given subject. Take, for ex ample, the act of 1852, organizing Courts of Common Flea. the editors public the act at large, and they also print. In the form of notes on the same page containing this statute, all the acts amendatory to it which hare teen parsed up to this time. And so they have done of all the other acts contained in the revision of 1S52. The editors have added much to the value of there vol- B tips especially the last by the copious and learned notes with which the volumes abound. The.e notes indi cate much labor and legal acumen. They furnish us in a concise and accurate form, with all the ad udicationa of oar Supreme Court on these statutes. These abdica tions being now very numerous, the references to them in the volumes under consideration will be of great value to the lawyer, and indeed to all persons concerned in the administration of justice. The editors have also referred, it their notes to numerous decision in other States, made on statutes similar to ours. An excellence of these volumes, not to be overlooked U the full and accurate kidx appended to each. In Indi- a nr., there never b&.t been a good index to any volumes of statutes published by authority. This defect ha been completely remedied in the volumes under re view; and these indexes will greatly lighten the labor of all who have occasion to look into our ttatutrs. This Is the first time that private enterize bas at tempted the publication of Indiana statutes. The at tempt, I do not doubt, will be mccessful, and will duly reward the learned editors and enterpriiing publish er. Every lawyer will, of course, purchase these volumes; and every clerk, sheriff, and justice of the peace of the State, will End it to his advantage to own thorn. DAVID M'DONALD. Indianapolis, June 5, 1S62 The foregoing notice by Judge McDonald, of Gavix A Uord'h Compilation of the Statutes of Indiana, is not de signed as a puff of the work, but is an unsolicited com mendation of the ability, accuracy, and completeness with which these volumes have been prepared. The second volume, which has just been issued from the pn ss, is beins delivered to aubscribcrs a rapidly as possible. This edition of the statutes will be found a ne cessity to every lawyer, Justices of the peace, and county officers in the State. The publication of the work is a private enterprize, and the publishers' only bop for re muneration Is in its sale to those for whose convenience it was prepared. The two volumes contain about 1600 pages of matter, nearly double the quantity embraced the tevhdon of 1S53. The price of the w ork is $4 50 per volume, or 9 00 for the two volun'es. Orders addresced to the subscriber wil receive prompt attention. J. J. BINGHAM, Jun 7th, 1H62. Indianapolis, Ind. RAILROADS. Indianapolis and 3Iadi$on 1862. SSIg 1862. rpriE PASSENGER TRAIN WILL LEAY IHK 1 Union Depot, Indianapolis, at 12:30 P. M. daily, for .Madison, Cincinnati .md Louisville. This is the shortest railway line to Cincinnati and Louis ville connecting at Madison with the United States Mail Line steamer, arriving at Cincinnati in time to con nect with the Express Train on the Little Miami railroad leaving at 7 o'clock A. M., for the East, and by the Ken tucky Centra Railroad for the South, and at Louisville about 11 P. M. Returning, leave Cincinnati daily at 12 M., by the above steamers, and also by the Madison packets. Forest Queen and Prioress, arriving at Madison in time to connect with the rassenger Train leaving at 6 A. M., and arriving at Indianapolis at 10:50 A. M., making connections with all trains leaving for the East, West, and North. For the accommodation of w ay passengers a Car will run in connection with the Freight Train daily, leaving li lianapolis at6:.'50 A.M wnich train remains sometime at ii:h station, afTordinfr, passergers an opportunity for the .r insaction ot business, arriving at North Madison at 2:50 M. tare to Cincinnati) or Cincinnati to Indianapolis, :i OO To Loulftville 33 öO No charge for meals or utate-rooms on the steamer, or for l.a?iraee or omnibus at Madison. Tarifl of Freights as low as by any other route. Shippers and merchants West will find it to theirinter est to travel over and ship by this line. ap26-dtf. D. C. BKANHAM, Superintendent. o iva op "flk. 3v op . 1862 EgSIES 1862 VLL PERSONS PURCHASING TICKETS FOR ST. JOSEPH and other point in Northern Missouri, the State of Kansas, or He Territories, should insist cn hav ing tickets that read by the xmrii 71 1 SMITH I ItAII.KOAI, The only rail rout from St. Louis to St. Joseph. It is the shortest and quicke line, by thirteen hours, to the re motest point reached by rail, and Is always as cheap as any other. Buy your ticket to Kansas and all point in Northern Missouri by the North Missouri Railroad. ISAAC H. STURGEON, Pres't and Gen'l Supt. Nona Missouri R. R. HENRY H. SIMMONS, General Traveling Agent. sej.tl7-dty CUnn a aT 'JP JL s atm x . JE FFEHS0NY1LLE RAILROAD Two Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted Trains Arrive Trains Leave. 8:45 P. M 8 45 A. M 4:45 A.M 8:50 P.M. VBOVE TRAINS STOP FOR THE ACCOMMODATION of passengers at Southport, Greenwood, Franklin, Edinburgh, Columbu, making connections at Seymour with trains on the Ohio A Mississippi Road, and at Louis ville with trains on the Louisville, Ftankfort A Lexington and Louisville and Nashville Roads. Freight trains leave daily. Freight promptly forwarded. Office, Madison Depot, West side. A. S. CAROTHERS, Superintendent. J. G. TVhitcomb, Freight Agent. apl'62-dly MUSIC. PIAIVOS ! PIAIVOS! AND BETTER IN i STRUM ENTS than were ever oUered in this market. My ar-Q rangementa with Eastern Piano manufacturers are such that I can fumih all orders 25 per cent. cheaper than any dealer in the Wert, and I warrant them superior instrumenta. Only for ca-h. Call and see at JsVwrs W. FI. Talbott k Co's Jewelry Store, No. 24 Washington street. PIANOS. MELODEONS, ORGANS, GUITARS. VIOLINS, ACCORDEONS, Ac.,TCJED AND REPAIRED. Having had over twenty ye irs experience the public can be assured that they now have a better opportunity than they generally meet with to have their Instrument put tn perfect order. H. SCHON ACKK. July31-dly '61 PIANOS. Piano-Fortes. ANOTHER INVOICE OF ruIK CH1CKERING & SON'S ox PIANOS. STEINVAY & SON'S PIANOS. sc. Just received at No. 4 Bates House. WILLARD A 8 TO WELL. N. B. Pianos tuned to order and BT THE TEAR. WC W.A8. l s -i ill . a DOOK AND JOD PmrJTIUC. INDIANA STATE SENTINEL STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT! WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS for Book and Job Printing, with dispatch and In the best style of the art. Particular attention paid to Mercantile and Railroad stch at BILLS OF LADING, BUSINESS CARDS, BILLHEADS, BLANKS, DEEDS, LETTER HEADINGS, REGISTERS, CIRCULARS, RECEIPTS, Ac Show Cards and Bills ! CHECKS, NOTES BONDS, ENVELOPES, STOCK CERTIFICATES, DEEDS, Ac, Ae POST! Jf 6 BILLS coemi MKRCMAjrra. MIiow Islli., Hotel mils of Fare, Hand Ullis), Posters and Programme, Labels, Invitations, (Par ties and Halls.) BOOK Wffi avxar DEScairnoa. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CATALOGUES, MISCELLANEOUS PAMPHLETS, CONSTITUTIONS, REPORTS, BRIEFS, Ac. We have one of the moat complete Printing Establish ments in the country. Our facilities for doing all kinds of Work, Book, Plain or Ornamental, are first class. W have introduced the latest and fastest Presses, and have added to our Type all the modern styles, and we employ the best workmen. We are thus enabled to furnish Job promptly, to guarantee satisfaction, and to accept low prices. We have connected" with our Job Department Adams Superior Presses, and are prepared to execute Stereotype Preaswork, together with the Presawork for outside papers, at low figure.. "lerchants, Rankers, Ilallroad 7Ian agers, Insurance Agent Manu facturers, ac.i la respectfully direct to our Establishment, If they der! re rst-class work at low rates. J0rders fron, abroad wSl receive prompt a ruction. r)rWork fsrnirhei in all eases at tka time promised. Strangers from a distance, and busi ness men of the city and country, are cordial ly invited to visit our office, and examine our facilities for executing every description ot Printing in the neatest style, and on the most reasonable terms. ST Office on Meridian Street, South of Wash ington Street, opposite the Postoffice. ACDIESA, ELDER HAlimS&BINQHAlI. Printing1 jrrr rlcxtvid a kplxtdtd ixit c? , Tor field, portability and power tby repcrrcij all others. For sale by SUMMONS. Optldaa. SPECTACLES, EYEGLASSES, CC., Of the preatert tranprt?nt power, cf new Im provement pro perl auljutel to the cav. Orders from the country, with particulars, promptly attended to. Repairing neatly done wilii Hptch. SEMM0N3.Ort!eitn. oot29 No. 25. South Illinois) elrect. coniYiissiorj nEncMAtrro. .joiirvsors, General Commiesion Ilcrchant, Dealer In Hour, Grain, and all kinds of Country Pradnce. Wlnwe aassel Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. 7 SOUTH SECOND ST, IIILADrXPlIIA. Advances made on Csnslgnnirnte, aadly WANTED. 200 Recruits Wanted FORTH E 0F- The Elcvcntli Inlantry, WHICH major j. v. mm Is authorized to rai. la Indiana. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. 1AY MiOM f 13 TO t PES MONTH, WITH KA TION?, quarters, medical attendance, Ac , com plete. All who enlist will at once be clothed, and provided with ever j thing essential to their Conafort by the Government. The term of enlistment Is Three Years Iyto commence from date of eiditment. Norte but able-Nxlied sin fie men, between the .f. of 19 and 35 years, need apply. Recni!tir(c Rendeivou in Metifrer's new bnlldinr, !f. MEat Wahinsun street, adjoin 'tis; Odd Fellows' HalL D. R. COIT, First lieutenant Eleventh Infantry, ReniUnf 03er. MEDICAL. ODE TO WODFHFI L CillA VL.T.. Cocshs and Cold, will ft away, Sometimes in a single day. If to the Dru Store you will go And get supplied with Tusilaso; To'i can use ft freely a. you pita.. It aerer fai's to trlve yon eae. Tnoe Granules wonderful are, I'm aura, For they speedily effect a lasting cure, cents per box, at all Drug Stores. BRANDES TUSSILAGO CURES COCCHI. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES COLDS. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CTOE HOARSENESS. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES SORE THROAT. ODL TO niKAXnC'S Tl'SMLAUO. WONDERFUL GRANULES. Oh where can I find them. To the Drug More go quick, I will speedily try them; I have a bad Couh, Add I wish to be ur. To have the best remedy That will very soon cure. JTj 25 ce: per box. at all tb Drag Store.. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES ASTHMA AND LRONCHITIS. jesjjf Sold by all Drupg1ts. 25 cents a box. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO Is FVasant to the Taste Children ery for It. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CUKES IKXPING COUGH AND CROUP, ftjy s.lJ lj i Dnsts. :5ceiUsbox. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. EJT" toid by all Drup gista. 25 cent, a boa. RE NOVATE RS. f flHK CTflTED KT AT K 9 DTF.-IIOCSÜ, XO. XS HOCTB JL Illinois street, iLdianapoli, Indiana, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At this oil and well-known eatablisbrBett, t. ladl. can have ailks .ft'.en god. dyed H permanent and beautiful colors; and (rents garments thoroughly renova ted and repaired, as good as when stv, at lower price than ever. New and second-hand elotL'.r.g boight and sold, also, a paticu!ar branch in the bu.iuek. denominated Cue draw. Ing billiard table iloth. or te.r in any rarmnt can b. so wrought that It can sot be viMM. to the naked eye. trm Conctry orders punctually attended to. No cot-nf ction with any other house In this city. Remember the place. No. S3 South Illinois street. feb4 JOSEPH HARRIS- EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company. UNITED STATES EXPRESS COr.'.PAfJY. OrnCt ON THE CORNER OF WASKT5GT05 ATD Mertd:.u streets, Haxapoli. Three daily Expresses I New Tork; Two daily Expmae. to Onccnaü. and Two daily to Chicago and SlLmIs; The above Compaitie. are the only privileged Xipr... the following roads, vis: INDIANA CENTRAL; LAFATETTK A CHICAGO; INDIANA POLL A Pi.RU: TERRE HAUTE A RICinfONTn EELLZ1F05TAINE k INDIANAPOLIS. Maney, package., valuable, and freight carrVd its safety and düpatch, and tn cbarje of special and eOetesfl memcr. Note., Bills and Draft, trill b protBptJy coHttUA assi ready retonts mad. J. BUTTERJiELD. Agt- PRUCCISTS. SCHlEFFELIli BROTHERS ü CO., WHOLESALE DEUGGISTS, And Dealer 1st raacjr Goods, Per f nmery, Arc. Also, A genta for th. sal. f Revised PetrtdecBi, r.lnsa Ung (XI, .upertor to aay CoaJ Öl. furt;fcd U aaj qaantlUea at th. lowest rsatket raua. it and in wruiAM rr . sew DRY COODQ, nOTIOrO, CiC. IVcbb, Kennedy d Co., T7H0LESALE DEALERS 15 FOREIGN AND DO W mestic Dry Good. 5 at '.ens. and Gent.' Eurr laf Goods. Old Post OTIC. Ealldirrt aegl ASjv M.rVliaa street. IxdlaevxjvHM rf Denim lemiDY lit) 1 .lillJItJllilllJ i a i