Newspaper Page Text
at w i untkd asd I'Ukushki .,I.T IX ;ti.t llflrn THE NEW SENTINEL OFFICE. no. o i;t Ii 721:111 dia ntiu:i:t rim a (Ti nn t- p. g. c. i::7. H J 1. Jo ..... HO. 22 CABT OACac? CZZil , irruji atcui tm. ormm tb romrnc. CPCCTiaCLCIOe CO ELDER, IIAf.XI.ESS 6 ßl.'GHAM, Proprietor. VOLUME X. LDIANAPOLIS, IND., SATÜRDAI MORNING, OCTOBER 25, 18G2. NUMBER 3J6d. To OEiccro of ibo Arny, DAILY .CTAffi GCIITIIIEL. ! DA SEN II A l'ry tBbTlbr ff 00, tVAMtSt.T I AITVaSCt: f deiner el by ihe eorrter at US per week, pay aU ern-mct bly. Imi Ve ccpiVa tue renta. City subscriber will b UIJ rpot.iM for papers left et their hie. after they have removed, or Im tbev wib Iben dlacoiamiied, übt? rutlce U &rtu at th I sW of publication. Xa pp sent without pr paymaM, continued longer than fvii fr. ps cf .heDan-t ftcnivBi can bt bed at the each tttorrrine;, awd iL Wsaatf Harriaaa earl Mon day nomine, lue ally .loped. for snailing. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, ITBUÜIIKD EVERT WF.DNE5DAT AT jxna --, P4TAS1 llVAAtttlT la AfcVASCl. ItATf'.M Of A DV Kill' I I 2 at 1 1 l 1.13 l.lo 17 2.25 2 62 3 .0 S 7& 4X0 00 4 ai i M m .j :r S! 3 7 i VI... 6.50 !. 1.25, 1 .'0 1.75, J 00 JJiO J.W) 4.00 ft.OO T.fMl 11.04 11 oo 1300 1.50 J.OO! S.iW! 3 W" 3 60 4! e ; H Of' 10.' mo l.cH 2.50 Hi 3 75 437 5 f-0 v 7 S 10.00 I1.V 16.75 2.25 3.0.) 3.75 4..V 5.25 f. N 7 .V V (0 12 00 I.V 14. 00 2. 5 33 0.) .17..'. 4.1. 5 I 5 no 2 62 2JAt t.xr 5.2. 11.12: 7.00 3.00 4 00 .VOO 00 7.O0 00 3.37 iZO 5 6 J .75 3.75 ! 5.00 20 7 50 M.75 t.. 1 H.. 1. lod 77 9 IM !o 00 a.7.v in (hi lo r.o :;.oo 14.00 1S.00 17.5U 241 Ml 2.25 26 50 14 75 40.00 40.00 45 00 45.54) 52 50 50 00 57.54 00 75 00 11.25 12.M 1.1.54 15 00 H.W 2') 00 22 ö4 25.4N 2. 7. 33 iO 4 "..00 ro.oo 50 OO 55 00 lw.. Sw.. In, tm. Jro. 4m. em. TM 10.23 11.75 15.00 11.04 io.'.o 2 . 00 13 CO UV. 21.2.'.; 27.00 2, 04 .10.50 24 .V;.Vi.50 X", 00.45 00 57.54 62 50 i m.. Urr, H5 00 8'. 00 ADVKUTISING I.N T1IK WEKKLT. On Mtiirf, en lnrtioti ta & two 1 00 . . fnr 2 00 for rich nlwitint !inrtin, n1 fr ech lnxT- tlori of cb Mitlt'timl iur 33.' puMI-lifl In 1 tin I !'y 1 tie Wrki ZrwML will chriff 1 tlie full Ii! rtf with oi-b'.t tl. WfeV'r rtr :U. Until Notice put H-'it-il In tl! ll col min, I ton rr.!rr, wilt hi ct.--! f t curb lnrtion 11; If Tr trii liii, trn cM 'T !ir.. Cir(rt 111 b wa.le f..r lirrtin ih notice cr u.f f.-lh.winf rfT. P,rktir nl AiAÜ'ii t tbe rtf BAni.l, : lpail in IvAir-: M.try Companies r-!er of IVll Fellows Montc Orders lier.!n,f S. .-tie nd Sii.tjtn S-:eti. . For each notir. not excee-lin '.ine 25 crul f'.r each la.MTtion; over eirfl.f lit.e at IliU rle. Annooiwlne; leatb with funeral liOtice attacbe!, f 1; Without noltre free Mrriar Notier W cents Solle .f Festivals I'lrt M ami Excursions ("ottn 0P''y Indivtituala or amciaU.ns .-r by cLunbes at lh regular rk-e. . . AdvetiUemen! tea-Jn! an.l plxrrl under the Lea l i.f Ppefil Sotkes If teuli:eorovet,w;ll becljaretl louble tbe nttl rate. .... Advlrti-ertier.tmsVin.r le than three lines, nert! enre hi the will 1 chsrk'"l cet.t.s Yearly a.tverti-er to par quarterly. Annourx-lix rari.i;tate f..r t.flVe of every dewriptloti t'jbecLark-e.1 at the rute ofjl 50 for ra-rli nun. in the Daily. an.l 2 in the Ha'.'y an.l Weekly, the anie to he, In all cwi, pal-t In atlvatK-ff. Legal afertl!meiit lrertet at the f xpen- tithe at tornej orJerin i, n.l nl U-Uyal . f-r tbe leu si t)rocee.l. InrsVut collect ! at our uual time. Pul.l.-ber not acoantat.le f..r the acewmey cf l,ril a.1ertiM-innit he tonl Ihe amount rhnrKl fr their p'lMimtlon. KLLKlt. HAUKSES! A AM. froi.rieiora InOiaiia State S-rHineI. J. M. T1I.10U1, "VW.t Imliantpoll Journil Coinpony. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. iiKi:itv. II AKUISOS HANK.-N. 19 Kat Whli:RHn Mrrft opposite tbe Sentinel U2Ice. mav4 L1JCN A IIINSLET, IJrery and Sal Stables In tbe rear of tbe Talnier llouw. .J"nr?itAJ.- FOI.'."MIIlI DAVIS A CO., Union Foundry, Delaware Mrrtt.op- polite Union lep.t. I II ASSKUMAN A VINTON, Wahlrt..n Founirj ami Machine Work, eat nul I'tilou Ivpot. noi'l ic r.A iT i:m at i: A4, i.n i n. nii'l SMITH. f.mierl Delell A Smith. Peal K.Mate AK't't Tai l'ayer, 37 Ft W ahti eton treet. llollea to rent. Jati25-dly '6 J fKFUNAN A riF.KCF.. ial F.t.ite Apent anl hroWers 1' Wab!nnton trert. "M.T. WILr.T, Real F-taM Ac-t;t an.l Stock I'.ro. ker, I1 Fat waMiinKtoti atreei. miyn ikiot and siw.i: C. MATIIF.W A CO, Wholesale dealer In IWts J, ?hoe, and Rubber, No. 4 Koherta Ülock, opponit lb Union Ifrpot, lnluna lis Ind. r.M KNODI.F. A HUN, manufacinrera and dealera In all klnda of Vota and Shoea, No. 1J Ka-t Wah nt4m atreet. apr27 HOOKX AN I STA I lOM.KV. fOWEX. STKWAKT A CO., whoU-.ate and retail p er in Hook and Stationery, and ITii'er Materials iio. 1H Wf.t Washington irret. apr'JB iur;s a.m .ii:ni it r. JIl.KT M. IXIWKT, rRrtV.IST. Iw-aler la In:rs i fhemical. Taints Oils I've .tuffs l'"taiiio. nt ati4 otbrr Mediciurs Notlona and Perfumery No. 4 Ma- ajihafetta avenue, Indianapolis. nov3).ly. filOMUNSON A COX. dealtra In Dm?a, Medicinea, J Faints OtU, Has rrfumerr, Fancy liood, Ac, No. 1H Kar 1 a.hirirton afreet, l?i.tianaoli. niavl9 PKOWNINd, DnnsiM. and dealer in Taints OÜ4, I ., Vaniihes le-aniHstila.Ia.aare, IVrfumry, Ac., No. 22, Wet W a-Hhlixtton atret. apr27 i!tv caxuis. WA II. ( i I.F NN A CO. New TrW Store, Dry . Godawbol.aU and K. ta:i, tilrniit' Uick, F.a.t Wabttuton etrret. mav5 'rivi: an ii tin waiii:. IH AKLFS COX. dea'er In Stove, Tin Ware, Ac. No. Vjj 11 Wet W ati'tiifton aireet. apr27 IIOOU ItlMll.ItS. CAMI'UFf.L A niTI.KS. Nook Müder and Mauk Hook Manufacturers No. 37 KaM Wahimtoti at., eat of Cirnn'a Kltvk, tip at a lr, lii.t.atiaiM.hs. fet'J5-dtf D Oft 1 LAS A PAI.VE!:. R.Hjk and IMank Pock M .mf4turers No. 3t', Fat Wa-binton atreet, r AiiWvt,3luli A LVa Grocery. maj27 ciiin. -i.A and n XV A H i:. "I AWTllilRN A KUCHA NAN. Importer of Cb'na, ( l Ola ai d tareuaware. No. 83 tat VaLinton t.t j lui.auajH'lilr.'lii:.. dljr I r . inirilANT TA1I.OIC. ' IRKDF.RICK tfCF.ri'F.R, Merchant T.ulor, and dealer I ' tri ready inade clothing and fiimiabin ith1s No. 21 ' Weat Wa-hingten atrett,oppta!te Sentinel oil'ce. myu9 att4uni:ys. KILRT FFRfirS4.)N, Attorney and Counaelor at law. raya cb f.-r approved Ju.lgrmerits anal nortcjea; nepotlatea lan, notes Ac. 0:!Ve, 24 EvtWi.b. Isjjtott atreet, tiP-Ma:r econ.i door to the r'.glit bm!, op posite C.lenn'a r.bwk. oct 7 f C DON A LD. ROACH R A LF.W is . r Josehr E. McDon 11. el, Addbxtn U koawL. Joepb k. LewU, At and Coonae'ora at Law, .Etaa lvaurance t .-m-pany p.uildirir. aaormd fl vr. Pecnylvan'a treet. Jel lly MACHINISTS. BC "XaV 11 CJ be ST CkT Ar BLaciisjiiTit shop. AVlNt; ENTIKTLT RFFITTTD TflE SHOP FORM Fl. LT occuMed br J. bn Cooer. in (Krood. fn-.ith A Co'a Lat and Hub r actorv. 1 am prepared to do all kln.1a of ork in tb machinery or r b.rn ha, liaviuf lad twtUa yar eignet e iu iht beat nacilre bi pa fci the eotu try. I flatter tr pelf tb a' I can IT've ercre aatffactlon to tb.e bo mar fa r ne with their work. I have in my emplot one of the let Mack emitbatn the Ste. and pay particular attention to bora nd nact:;r.e f.iry.nx. Per-a-rrrr of ail promptly attended to 3Mo1l of all kin-N bmlt for the patent ReujetJit'er tbe flacv, oue e'jere a-tiih of tbe Union Pepot, t-a Iii D itrrt R T. PWiWJ(. tulyio-dlv '1 I NOTICE. AY 7C Lav tbia !ar auld Mir flLrv la Unarm. !(k. i out rarrot:. ThaukiUiT iL j wbl In iroeral L-r I heir l.leral patron ape, we wotitd reat-ec'fully ak tb rvntttinaf.ea ttf th aarxt tv our a jcre-ora. A. A J. ilfcTZO Ii. IciU'-ipU'A Jnlyl.UC Jy H J3t DRUCS. NEW FIRM. TIIAVE aawl.ttivl wlh me In hiine. Mr. C. W Sloan, who hat hoi'tt an Av.ii.tant iu the ttore fr a Mimlx-r of year pt. llereafiar the buineaa will be Sontinued at the old atand utnler the llrui vf IIItOWNHC A. S 1.4 AN. 1 feel grateful for the Klenl pa!ronst;e wblch w Luve ever revived frnt by atrict attention to bu-ine.. und tb wanta of our cu-loiuera to merit unt retain ihr atne. K. lilunVMMi. VL1. prr"ona anowjnst tLemelvea in '.ebtfd to me w-iH ple call at their earliest convenience and make atilement of same, and oblige K. HKÜWNINU. 1JHOW (LATK R. r.UOWNrNO.) . B( KT ) Ä W W M , ti Weat Vaab'niron Street, Indiannpotis, Ü4ve In tore a larjfe and well aeWted Mock ef Druj, Med icinca.Cl.eniica!, Paints t ils Va'iii.-hf a, Dye tuiTs'il'tware. W md"W tiU.i.Urulie, CUara, Tobacco, Spleen, Perfumery, Fancy and toilet Artic!a, Cal Oil and Larupa, 1'ateait Jleiiclucs and 11 article to complete the tick of a DrorpM. A wi purchase prin.fp illy for cah, direct from the import er ai'd manufacturers and beinj de.irou lo retain the reputation which our hoijae La ever erjojel of aellins V trH ti'tuL, great care I taken in the aelct-n of Drtica In reference to their j witu. (ur f.icibt ea are itch tha we feel cnf-deit we ran olfer. In pur and un adulterated articles, aa strong inducement aaatiy other WeMcrn hue. All 4rder will receive the peiaonal attention cf one cf the firm (Treat care taken in thedv-pen-in of phval-eia- prejvrlptioTia aod ramiljr recip from ftrictlv i-ure articlea, and we fel conüdet,t we can render atMacUon In tbe j rictt anJ outiu if r o-N. I - a a a I X I L a? a ft . 23 Weat WahüiKtou atreet. tT" FT ImnHr.. n.t Frenrh Window lila: fPO boxea 13 w hdow at'ortM, frm SxlO to 50x60, in tore and i fra!e at kweit feures br i PROW'NING A SLOAN, j PAINTS! 01 LS!VA IRISHES! 500 lur ILeaii 200 LGi vrt!l ZrCi 5Q BARRELS LinneedOtl; CASES Tellow Ochre; ß CASKS Venat. Red. With a laree atock cf Vam:hf , TaJnta, and Colora of a'l k1r.i ground tn oil and Jnr. Tot ale at tbe leweat Ca-urea. Rl.OW.NINti A SLOAN, 23 Weit Wa.htnton atreet. Brushes! Brushes! ''t and Varalah Hrrahe, Wall aalf Prhea. Sa-h To-ls I;?erKlera. Scrub. St', Hör, Hair, llat, and Cloth I:r'ibea of all V In d at lowea Ba-'Jt'a at bUOWMNli A SLOAN'S. Jfll!rovllwf..w3rn SCHOOL BOOKS. All ICtlKlH OF SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER. &C..&C, IN SMALL OU LARGC CJUANT1TIFS, AtfcüWEV. mtWART A CD'i VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. To Destroy To Dttiroh lUti, IVnchcs. kc. Mice, 3Io!cs, and Ants. To Destroy Bed Bujr. To D'Xroj Moths in Furs, Clothes, &c. To D?trot Mo4imtoes and Floas. To D'.ttro Tnsects on Plants and Fowls. To Dutroy Injects on Anima!, &c. To Dtslroy Ever form and species of Vermin. the "only infalliidlc remedies known." Icjtro) aj instantly EVERY F0UM AND SPECIES OF Those Preparations (unlike ail others) are "Free from Pci-on. 4,Xot danerom to the Human Family.' Hits do not tlie on the prviniH'S." w "They come out of their holes to die.' "They are the only infallible rcinedic known. "12 vea and more established iu New York "City." Used by the City Post Office. Vied by the City Prisons and Station I louses. -the City Steamers, Ships, &e. -the City Hospitals Alms-Houses, &e. the City Hotels Astor St. Nicholas, &c. -the Bo.utlinjr Houses, &c, &c. -more than 50,000 private families. Vsed by- Used by Usert by- Lstd bj- tir &:e one or two Specimen of tchnl is everywhere .said by (he PcopU Editors Denars, etc. II O US EKE EPE US troubled, with vor min need be .o no longer, if they use "Cos tar'- "Exterminators. Wu have ued it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost we would have it. We had tried poisons, but they ef fected nothing; but 44 Costa it's article knocks the breath out of Kit, Mice, loaches and Bed-IJu, quieker than wo can write it. It is in great demand all over the country. Mrdin i 0. (Inzrtte. ' MORE GUA1N anil provisions arc tle- ctroyed annually in Grant County by vermin than would pay for ton of tlii.s Rat and Insect Killer. hmenster 11 7s Heruld, HENRY R. COSTAR-We arc fellin vour preparations rapilly. "Wherever they liave been used, Rits, Mice, Kaiclip" ... I Vermin disappear rapidly. Ecke it Srorirrj;, ... .Druju; , Winder, .Md. "Cost'ar'o Rat, Road, &c. Extinais itor. "CotarV "Costar Bed-Bug Exterminator. CostarV "CoftarV Electric Powder, for Insects &c. Iu 25c. 50l and SI Boxes, Bottles and Flasks $.1 and S3 Sizes kok Planta tions, Sin I'm. Boats, Hotels, &e. CA UTK) X! To prevent the public from beinj; imposed upon by Spurioui and Highly l'f miaous Imitations, a new label has leen prepared, bearing a facsimile of the Pro prietor! signature. Examine, each box, bot tle or lbk carcfullv bcfcre purchasing, and take nothing but "CÖSTAR'S." Xf Sold enry where bv All WnoLKSALn IJruggists in the large cilies. Some of the WHOLESALE AGENTS IH N. Y. CITY. Shit ilVlin Bi o. & Co. Hurral,Pii.ley & Kitch B. A. I'alinestoi-k, on. Hull & Co. Bush, Gale & Robinson A. B. & I). Sands & M. Ward, (Mose & Co. Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Apinwall Morgan iv. Alien. Hall, Ruckcl & Co. Thema & Fuller P. I). Orvis. Mi'Kiftsnn & Robbing. I). S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Well & Co. Ea7.fllc,Mar.u& Gard ner. Hall, Dixon k Co. Conrad Fox. AND OTHERS PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, T. W. Dvott & Co, Robert Shoemaker & Co. French, Richards,&: Co. B. A. Fahnesiock & Co. AND OTHERS. BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. Geo. C. (loolwin & Co. I Weeke. Sc Potter. M. S. Burr & Co. Jno. Wilson, Jr. AND OTHERS. Also, all Wholesale Druggists at riiir.M.o, III., nt. i.oinv, .Vlo., lir.YICOIT, tfirli., I.nrisvil.i.l'.t liy.. ( IN('IAT, )hio, I r i mii uciii, iM.f Ill' I 1 A 1.4. . V. AND BY Druggists, Grocf.ks, STORr.icnrrrns and Ketailehs generally in all Country Towns and Villages In the UNITED STATES AT INDIANAPOLIS, IXDIAXl. Robert Browning A'D v William Hannaman5 Wholesale Agents. AND BY T07ILn.S04 Ac COX, XV. II. TICKERS. And by the Druggists. Stobekeeit.e and Rftai"lf.R! penerally. Cocntuy Dealers can ordr as above, Or addre orders direct orif Prices, Terms, &c., is deairvtl, end for 1862 Circular, pirin reduced Pric- to IIKXRT R. CO.HTAR. Principal Depot No. 512 Broadway (Opjiosite the St. Nicholas Hotel.) New York. BxMl -deUt ww--n ! mm. DAILY SENTINEL INDIANAPOLIS RAILf.OAQJIME TABLE. a li-i ytKTAXk a ajuiaoa &. TraicaLea. , Traina ArrlTa. 6:20 A.U ilall &20 T.M. 21)0 P.M. fc0 A.M. S40 P.U ...-1 -1130 A.M. UDtAiaroua aap colcmbci tu rviox. Trains Lare. Traina ArriT 6 20 A. M Ei;ri US F. M. K40 1. At Accoramodatio 10.45 A.&L iVDLajra CKjrr&AL rauwaT. Tra!n Leave. Traina Arrira, 1C A. 11. 7:15 A. M. 12:10p. M . ....Mail luH Y M. 7 00 P. 3tt 7 65 P. iL im u.i irous ad cot.rxBi i saorr ut, ru pattos. Train Leave. Train Arrivt. &15 A. M 7:15 A. M. 12:10 P. M V2A P.M. 7:00 P. M. ........-... ........ i :6 P. II i viAAioua aao ciact-ati aJI-boad. Traisa Ieave. " " Traina Arrive. 6:20 A.M litte A. ii. 1 0:40 A.M 4.3 P. M 6JÖ P.M 10:66 P. M TEtKE BAVTK KAIIJtOAO. Traina Arrive. 6:10 A. M. 6R A. M. .. ..S0 P. M. Traina Leave. 7:VO A.M.... 1-45 P. M... 8 40 P. M ... nrw ai aaar akd cutcaoo boad ftKj?caaTi.! twert'-m Golnjt North. lioinp Scuth, 6:04) p. M Firre 1 1:23 A. M. 11:05 A. M Krelgl.t, Dat j 00 P. M. LA AI KT! K aAILA-U. Train Leave. f TTna Arrive. lO'D. A. M..... ............... .... 6.10 A. M. 4 i6 P. M 10:03 A. M. lO.UOP. M 6.00 P.M. rtkl' A01"IlAJIArOURAlLKOAr. Train I-eave. Train Arrive. 11.10 A. M Mail 9.60 A.M. 00 P. M Chicago Kxprcua 4:10 P. M IXMAÜArOLIS AJOI MAlllitON KAII.K0AP. Train I ave. Traina Arrive. 12 W p. M Mail 10:."0 A. M. C30 A. M....fFroni Freight Ivpotj.... 6.00 P. M jtcrrKRSOXiu.a aiukiao Train Leave, ft 00 A.M Mall Traina Arrive. .. H:4i P M. .. 6:00 A. M. 6.30 P.M Arrival Hint Departure, or Clotting of JCulU. ARRIVAL. Madison mail Cincinnati and way mail Je'TcronviIle and Louisville Terra Haute nay mail Peru mail Central way mail Terre Haute through mail. LafjyeUc and Chicago BHlrfntitaii.e way mail iV'llcfontaine throtiRh mall Central throueh mill Cincimiatitbroueh mail .. .... ..11:1.1 ..11:1.1 .. 8:20 ..11:13 ..10:13 2 0; .. 7:4'0 . . 6 00 .. 7:00 .. C 30 .. can ... K43 .. ?:D0 A. . A. M. r. m. A. M. A. M. r. M. r. m. r. u. r. m. a. at. A. M. r. m. A. M. a SpriiiKtitU. Illinois DRPAKTlKf B. JefTeraonville and IiOiiiaville mail Terre Haute through mail, St. lui, Cairo. Iafvettc andChu'iiKo J,r C7.e .. 7.r.o r. at. ... 7:H.) r. m. .. 0-.4U A. t. Lifnyrttf City and pringf.elvl, lllinoia Madison ma .. (I0!i r. it. ...Il:.'t0 a. m. ..ll'r) A. M. Central wav mail Central through mail and Washington City .. 6:60 r. at. Cint innati and way mail Through mnil Terre Haute way, Kvansville and Vincennea Peru Hellffotitaine wav and through , .. t:40 A. M. , . . r.:.r.O r. m ...12 43 P. M .. 10 05 A. M . . . 7:.50 r. at MEDICAL. Who ha not aeenthe WONDEHU'L fiUANCLrS, K It A N D i: S TUSSI L AGO, For Cough., Colda, Sore Throat. Ac. "UAaXDFS TUSSI Ii ago ti .rood for : SpraUera ar.d Singera, TO f'.EAH THE V0.CE. Wbv.ahiU lta'.e'ot A'jxA? - - - Ti A X D V. 'ST ü S i? T. L AGO, They give immediate relief. 26 cent a box. Why should 1 buy a box of H I! A N I) E ' S TUSSI L A G O THE YYONHEKITL GRANULES? Cecaure thev cure lloar-rtiefa, Sore Throat, Ac. W Lo has not hranl of the What hould I take for a Sore Throat? W hat hould 1 take for a Cold? What is Lifo Without Health ? A Cold 1 aniioyn 5. A Cough ii troublesome. Uoarenfh preventi. apeerli. ore Throuta are painfu BRANDE'S TUSSILAG0 Is pli'SMiM to take, and Mon ert a ftire. 2" retita a box, at all the Drutj Store What should I take for a C.nRbt THE WOXUELFUL C.UANCLK. They fjive imniediate relief. 25 centi a box. Why rhould 1 buy a box of IMIANDK'S TUSSILAG0, THE WONDERFUL OltANULES. Because they enre Cougha and Col)a, for 25 cents. WANTED. 600,000 Male or Female Agents f J10 sell Lloyd's New Stiel Tlafe County Cob-red Map X ottLeL'iotel Mote, Canada, and New llrun-w iek; from n-iont aurveys.con l. t-l Au'. lu, lM'2; co.t f JO,. 000 to engrave It and one yrar'. titne. iupi-ri -r to .ny J10 mapevtr nad byddton or Mitch ell, and m-1. at the low price of 50 c-n; 37U.MNI name are engraved on thitnap. ItNt'ot only a County Map, but it i alo a COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP of the Cnlud Sia es and Canada combined in oti-. giving hVEUY RAILROAD STA" ION and Lataiwe between. Ciuaraiiti-e any wuman or $.1 to $3 per lay, and will take back all maps that cannot be sold and refund the money. Send for ?1 worth to try. frintrd lu'tructioni how to canva well furnished all our a?en:. Wanted A imart mm a Wholesale Aprnt fjrour Map in ererr State, Canada, England, ard Cal fornia. A furtune may b tt a!e m--th a wall capital. J T. LLOYD, No, 151 Rroalway, N.T. Tlie War Department t;e our Map of Virginia and Slaryland. on hu b I marked Tboruubfare ap. P.ull Run Mountains, l a Pa Chu'ch. ail the fo-iU on the Poto mac, ar.1 f very other p!.tce Q Maryland and Virdnia. or money refunded. I"rice 2ie. aep8-d3Aw3t NEW BOOKS. NEW PUBLICATIONS F.S Mi-eraMea. by Victor Hno- . a mw i-aoor on, ry Mrs. Southworth; JUvvoU-e. ly Kli,c.ey: a - . a . . - vioyraat rern.ii Killed hla Wire; Nine Month In tbe uartrmaater'a Departmeet; Paraort Hrowxlow's Look: Stolen Mask, by Wilkia Coilina. author it Woman tn White; Hewer f tha Prairie: TL Hirt: A Life' Secret; Recrea;loc of a Country Paraoa: Lelaxre Honra in Town; A Book About boctori; City of the Salcu; AT noirzuv, sTi:ninT Jyi-t2w aV CO.'S. LIVERY STABLE. MTERY STABLE, trv tn rtar of Cla'. rik i.?;:.111' 1 pi-lt, H.wriLKJSoi,Propriator o. w. Joixtsrsxoisr, Livery and Sale Stables SOS.UAXDLIITESTPEARLSTKKET, - t .. "W,,,wl.MiitA. STATUTES OF INDIANA. uAVi.t & nouns IICVI9IOX. Tbt second Totama of il'uri. Carla 4 Hord' consptla tlon of Indiana Stai ates has Just appeared. TbJa Toluma complete their work. In mechanical execution I Ter ereditatle; and the skill, learning, and labor which the editors have beatowed on It, merit the hlgh'St praiae. ' one but learacd, dill jntlawjer could tart prodoced sich a work. Tbe second roluroe embtaces all the pabllo statutes of liidiana now in force upon the subjects to which It relates, and the first all excepting the acts of tbe lat regular and ettra aeaions of the LegMatnre. It Is a great excel lence of tbe compilation that a'l existing statutes on each su ject are collected together In the aarne place In tbese volumes; so that tie reader can tee at a g'ance all the l-;Mation in force n any given sulject. Take, for ex ample, the act of IS52, organizing Courts of Common Plea the editors publM the act at large, and they alo print, in tbe form of notes on the same pae- containing tili statute, all the acts amendatory to it which have teen panned up to this time. And so they have done of all the other acta contained In the revision of 1352. The editors have aUU'd much to the value of thee rel umes especially the U-t by the copioua and learned notea with which tbe vopjmea aboiuwl. Tbeae notea Indi cate much labor and legal acumen. They furt.ib n, in a canciae and accurate form, with all the ad adicatlons of our Supreme Court on thae statutes. Theie ailjudica t!on being now very numerou, ihe referencra to them in the volumes under consideration, w ill be of great value tJ the lawyer, and Indeed to all persons eoncenn-d in tl a lniinl-tra ioii of Justice. The ediW have alo referred, ii their note, to numerous deciaioua in othet Mates, made on statutes similar to ours. An excellence of tbeae volumes not to be overlooked is the full and accurate index appended to each. In Indi ana, there never La. Weu a good index to any volumes of statutes published by authority. Thia provoking defect ta bt-en complttely remedied in the volumes under re view; and thes-e. iudexes will prca'ly light, n the labor of all who have wca.-ion to look into our htatute. Thi is the tirt lim that private eute'prize Las at tempted the publication of Iinliana statute. The at tempt, I do not duuU, will be aucceeful, and will tluly reward the learned editors and enterprising publish eis. Kery lawyer w ill, of course, purchase these volutin a; and every cUrk, aht riff, and Juiico of the t-ace of the State, will lind it to hi advautae to own iLi in. DAVID M DONALD. Indiariapoli, June S, 1S62 The foregoing notice by Judire aIcDoJAt.D, of Gatim A HoHP'a Conijiilation of tbe Statutes of Indiana, i not de- itied as a puff of the work, but 1 an unsolicited com mendation ol the ability, accuracy, and coinpietenesa v. ith which these volumes have lern prepared. The aecon 1 volume, which hasjut been issued from the pr is, i hein delivered f ulacribers as rapidly as possible. This edition of the statutes will be found a ne cessity to every lawyer, Justice. of the peace, and county officers in the State. The public. ition of tbe work I a private enterprise, and tb! r'jh!ilirs' only hope for re- mutu-ratinu i In Its sale to those for bn convenience it w prewired. The two volumes contain ahout 1C00 pi-te of matter, nearly doublo the quantity embraced the ievisii .f 1S52. Tue vrlce of tbe work 1 $4 50 pf r mlum. or 9 00 for the two volun-ea. Ordera addreased to the aubacriber wit receive prompt attention. J.J. P.INGI1AM, .fun- "th. HC2. Indl.wupolis. Ind. RAILROADS. Incli.ini.'ipoli am! .lladison 18G2. Z3T7l 1802. rHlilK PAKNGER TRAIN WILL LEAVE THE X Union Depot, Indianapoli., at 12:30 P. M. daily, for Madison, Cincinnati and Louisville. This is the shortest railway line to Cincinnati and Louis ville connecting at Mudlaun w ith Ibo United State Mall Ijtie steamer, arriving at Cincinnati in time to con nect with the Expresa Train on the Little Miami railroad savln at 7 o'clock A. M., for tbe Eaf , and by the Ken tucky Central Railroad for the South, and at Louisville about 11 P. M. Returning, leave Cincinnati daily at 12 M., by the above steamt-ra, and also by tbe Madison packets. Forest Queen and lYioress, arriving At M td:on in time to connect with the Tawnier Train leaving at 8 A. M., and arriving at Indianapolis at M.CO A. M , making connections with all train leaving for the Eat, West, and North. For the accommodation of way paaenKera a Car will run in Connection with the Freight Train dally, leaving '.t lianapoli at Q:.'t0 A.M which train remain some lime at it:h station, affording pasengers an opportunity for tbe .rmsaction ot buaine-a, arriving at North Ma lison at2:.r0 M. tare to Cincinnati, or C lnclnnail to Indianapolis, f3 OO To J.oiilftvillc, S3 No charge for meals or state-rooms on the at.amers, or for ba'irae or omnibus at Madisou. Tati.T of height as low as by any other route. Shipper; and merrhanl West will find it to their inter et to travel over an.l ahip t-y thin line. ap'JO-dtf. I). C. RRAN HAM, Superintendent. V -,TA, 1862 f.rd?mzZ?. 18G2 VLL PERSONS PURCHASING TICKETS FOR ST. JOSKPH and other points in Northern Misonr1. the Ma'e of Kana, or the Territories, should lnsit on hav ing ticket that read by the xncru Misvorm iiaimioa, The only rail route from St. Loui to St. Joseph. It Is the shortest and quickest line, by thirteen hour, to there motet po:nt reached by rail, and I always as che.ip as any other. Buy your Tickets to Kansas and all points in Northern J;s.ourt iy the North Mionri Ra-lroad. NllC II TI'l:i'llV Pres't and (Sen I Supt. North Missouti R. Ii. HENRY II SIMMONS, General Traveling Agent. s,tl7-dl.V "JTftaiam. JEFFEUSOaXVILLE railroad Two Trains Daily, Sunday as Excepted Trains Arrive ms r. M.... 4:45 A. M... Train Leave. . 45 A. M . S 50P. M. VR0VE TRAINS STOP FOR TIIK ACCOMMODATION of paeriiers at Southp.rt. Greenwood, franklin. Lu.nburKb, Columt.u. making connections at Sevrr.our with trains on the Oliio A Mislitpl Rrad, and at Louis ville with traim on the Lotiiaville, Frankfort A Lexlngton AOd IuiTllle and Nashville Koa.l. Frairht trainsleave daily. Freight promptly forwarded. OZct, Madjson IX pot, West side. A. 8. CAROTIIERS, Superintendent. J.O. WBrrcoaia, Freight Agent. apl'0J-dy MUSIC. PI A IV OS ! PIAaVOS! CHEAPER AND BETTER IN ors STKUMFNTS than were ever frLJr onered in iu market, jiy ar-vr? rsr.gemeuts with E a.-tern Piano manufacturers are such that I can furnlah a'l orders 25 per cent. cheaper than any desJer la the Wt, and 1 warrant Uem iurenor instruments. trs:y tor can. CaII and see at Mesrrt W. H. Talbott t Co'a Jewelry Store, N.S4 Wahin;tcn street- PIANOS.MELODEOSS.ORfiANS, GUTTATtS, VT0UNS, ACC0RDE0NS, Ac.TUJED AND REPAIRED. Havirg bad over twenty yairi'eiperiecce the public ean t-e assured that they now have a better opportunity than they enerally meet with to har tbetr tr.atmment put la perfect order. H. 8CU0NACXER. JulySl-dlT'Cl PIANOS. Piano-Fortes. AN0TUEII LNVOICE OF CHICKERING& SON'S PIANOH. STE1NWAY & SON'S eN a use. Just received at No. 4 Batet Ilouae. VTILLARD A ST0WELL. N. B. Pianos tajj.d to order and BT THE TEAR ei W.A. v -v . - r . - - DOOK AND JOD PRINTING. INDIANA STATE SENTINEL STEAM PRINTING- ESTABLISHMENT! WT ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL O RLE R5 1 for Book and Job Prtntln, with ilpatcb and la the best style of the art. Particular attention paid to Mercantile and Railroad CCll At RUJ.S OF LADING, BUSINESS CARDS, BILLHEADS, BLANKS, DEEDS, LETTER HEADINT.S, REGISTERS, CIRCULARS, RFXEinS.Ac Show Cards and Bills ! CHECKS, H0TES BONDS, ESVF.IjOIT.S, STOCK CERTIFICATES, DEEDS, Ac., Ac POSTING BILLS cocarar autiiiin. Mliow ISIlVa, Hotel lit a r Isar I Its ski Hille, Pesterannd rr;rntnirs, ' Label lnvlt'tiinn, ;Pnr. tleanntl Italia.) ctkkt DKsrajrrioii. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CATA1XK3UK5, afISCEU.AyF.OUS TAJirilLETS, COSST1TUTIONS, UTS, BRIEFS. Ac. We have one of tbe most complete Printing Establish ment in the ccuntrr. 0-ar faeiütie for doing all kinia of Work, Look, Tlain or Ornamental, are first class. We have introdnccd thelatst and fastest Presses, and have added to our Type all the modern styles, and we employ the best werkmen. We are thus enabled to furnirh Jobs promptly, to guarantee satisfaction, and to accept low prices. We have connected with our Job Department Adams Superior Tresses, and are prepared to execute Stereotyp Preae work, tegf tber with tbe Presswork for onUide papers, at low figures. .flerchanti Ranker Ilallroad Irian aajers. Insurance Apentat Manu facturer fce., la rear-ecrfally Üreeied to m reubSthaent, If tkey desire Urft -das work at low rasa. fr an. abroad wJl rec(ve prompt attatlm. JfjfWork fa roii bed is all eAt et the time promised. Cy Strängen from a distance, tuid btud ness men of the citr an J countrj, are cordial lj invited to rialt our office, and examine our facilities for executing every description ol Printing in tbe neatest itjle, and on the moat reasonable terms. 2T Ofice on Meridian Street, South of TTib- ington Street, opposite the Poatofice. AdDRKsa, ELDER HARKNESS 6 BniOHAIL mm WÖBS, JUST RECriTtD A SPLENDID ASVKTKXNT Of SKVGLE 4..rD noVDLC ßPlT almanacs. Tor Ce!J, portability and power they araparaeds all others. Fotulebj 8EMU0XS, Optlctaa. SPECTACLES, EyTgLASSES, fcC, Of the ere. test tranparent power, ef new im provement proprrl? djasteJ to the cm. Orders frum the couhtrj, with pArtittlft, prtimptlr attend fvl to. Uepniring neatlj Jone wtii t!ptcrt. PKVIMONS.Ortirlari. oetQ y.v 2.'). A.uth lllin atreet. COMMISSION r.iEnCIIAfJTS. jiCHMit: joiison, General Comraicsion Ilcrchant, sr Axr - Dealer Its Mourt firaln and all kind ofCotintrf t'raduee; Ulnct and Liquors, ClffarsaTobacr. Ac. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 137 0UTu SECOND tTn iiii.aiii:miiia. Advance suade on Conslfrnnaente. augt2dly WANTED. 200 Recriüt? Wanted 1 OR THE f OF Thr i:icvciilli Infantry, WHICH MAJOR J. W. GORDON la autborled toraia la Indians. ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR'! BOUNTY. JJAY FRt)U IU TO T1 PER AtOMII, WITH RA TIONS, quarter, medical attendjice, Ac, com plete. All b enlist will at one I clothed, suM'ted atxl provided with everything esaeMUl to their comfort by the Government. "The term of rnlhtmert is Three Years. Pa tt commence from i'ate of etil;fiii nt. None but atde-tKwlted atnrle men, between tbe ages of IS and 35 years need applj. Recruiting Rendezvous in fetrger'a r-ew t'lildlng. No. M East Washington atreet, a1itmra 1 Feltnwa IUIL I. K. tX)IT, trat Lieutenant Klevet th Infantry, Rrcmitlr.f or.cef. MEDICAL. out: to uoini iii i L c;iiAni ir.. Cousbn aisi Cold, will gi away, hnMiine in a inle itav. If to tbe Dm ttore you will go Ahl Krt ui'!ietl a ub Tul!itt Yo'l can tt-r It (rely a ou please. It .irtir I alia to (rive )aa ea. Tnos i. resole -- v ' , . .. , ' -t.j . . i4' cure. f -ym tt jr tx., at f 11 Itvc Htoraa. liltANDKS BRANDE'S BRANDE'S TL'SSILACJJ TUS.SILA(.0 CCKER COLLI. , TUSSILAGO , CURE HOARSENESS. TUSSILAGO CURE SORK THROAT. oii: to ituAMii:s ti smlalo. WONDERFUL C.RANULES. Oh 1 where ran I tnd them. To the Drur, Store aro quick, ' I will apeedily try tfcem; I have a bad Couch, Ad I wlh to be sure T have tbe beat remedy That ill very Kon cure. TT7 25 ce. s jr Inn. at all the Irea; Stores. BRAN DFS TUSSILAGO CrRF.a ASTHMA A NT LRONCIHTIS. rO)f" Jold by all Druzgi'U. ZI cents a box. B R A N I) E S TUSSILAGO Is to the Tste 4L1.ildren rry for It. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES HOt PIN CtJLT.H AND CR' IT. tiQ 9,1,11 "7 Irusui-ta. 25 retita a box. BRANDFS TUSSILAGO CURES COI GHS AND COUM. Jty .Sold by all Druf fc-iu. 25 cents a boi. RENO VATERS. T lit. UNITED STATES DTK-HOUSE. NO. SI SOUTH Illinois street, ludianapoiia, ltd. ana. JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At this old and well.known eetaulUhment, the ladle can have silks ad willen (i dyed I permanent and beauMf J colnr; aid K-'Cta (trtuents ttoroucbly renova ted an I repaired, as good aawhea ew, at lower prieee than ever. New and second-band clothtns; boorht and a4, also, s paticular branch In tbe bu.tne.a denominated Boei'rsw. Inc billiard table cloth, or tear In ar.y rirsu can b weongbt that It can not be viattdo to tbe nakod eye. r?A Country ordera pursrtuaJly attended to. No cor.Mction Ith any ether Louse In this city. kemembar Ihe place. No. Ii boaih IHisinta street. feb J0LVU HARRIS. EXPRE3S COMPANIES. American Express Company. ASDtai UNITED STATES EXPRESS C0:.;?AUY. OFFICE ON' THE CORNER OF WASHINGTON AJfD Wendlan streets, ladt ana polls. Three dally F.ipreae to Hew Tork; Two dai!y Fiprea-es U CUcio&ati, ard Two Fxpreaae to Cbwraf o aad 6ULts; The above Corcpaaie are tb bly prtrUs;l Ezproaa thefollowirr roads, via: INDIANA L EXTRA U LAfAYETTF. A CHICAGO; LNDIANAltiLlS PERU: TERRE IIAUTT. k klCnVONTn BELLFCNTALNI 4 INDIAN APOU1. Xoary, paekslte, valnable aod fret errid wt aafa'y and CapAtcb, aad la cLarje cf ipodai sad sSetssl meaaengers. Note, L::'.s aad Drafts srßl b jjrmrrtlv eoHortd a&d ready rttnres ttale. J. ECTTEEITILI). A ten- onucciSTS. SCHlEFFEllll BnOTiiinS & CO., wnoLxsiLz Ditucaurra, And Dealer la sranejr Ceda Par fnmeryi trc. Also. A l er ta for tbe aale ef Reined rvtroleim, IT?uaiaV U&4 Oil, avrertor to oay CoaJ Ol, rurt.;aie4 la aty c..ttuuri at the lowest mark it rstss. quaiti 17 AND ITS WILLIAM iT Ti cs .NEW DRY COODO, nOTI0::3. CiC. XTrbb, Kennedy & Co., fWruOLEStU. DEALERS IN FOREIGN and EC V ttiestk Vtj Gowd, Notions, ar d CnWi' run V. la a t.onda. ftf If 3w (IJ Vut irr1. Ua"Mlrv lierltUaa itrwt, laaaar jvl t aUillRJliMLUUiU w vn- a