Newspaper Page Text
DAILY STATE SEIJTHIEL. Tlkt MlM.llt ,MU lein) TOE SE7 SEXTINEb OFFICE, no. cjica ncniDia?i üTitrxr DCNTI0T0. 71 nn aw -v n n p ftriT H H r u w - , Jo no. zu n&or nAcnc? rrcczrj c CPCC7AC2.CO, CO. VOLUME X. LVDIAXAPOLIS. IND., TCESDAT MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 15G2. NUMBER 3,765. To Ouiccra of tho Arzsy. DA LY STAT r Proprietor. nrfiCAa.tflMt .. . . tii'MibHf!f A4 tv i ALiABui la anbaue; or derlee? Kjr t M 12 m. w.a. payaSsU i aerm-mctithlj. S.Bg 'e cope b cent. ; City subscriber w 11 be beli respon-ih', for paper ; at their heu after tbj have rnol. of bn they j wtb them discontinued, rode to itven at lb. j teef pubica, loo. i N pf r.i without pre -payment, or eonüncedloriajer j tb.a pa.d fT. ' j C"tne fcf tbe Da t 8inai caa be lad at the mc wb wn. d tbe Wtau StTU.J. rf B on 4y i.rtm. f.tty "Sop-. forBtailin. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, ITPXI3HKD EVERT WEDNESDAY AT rf ABL UrTAH41 f IX aTTAMT. . It A T f: Of ADV K It T I I 7i V. . 4 i i k 4 . J ST 0 4 d... H... i... d.-; 5d... lw.. 1V. 1.12 1X0 17 2 a 3 (K) 3.T5 4-r0 00 7S0 102' 13.7S 15 00 Ivoo 20 AO 25 m ix; 3.0o! 3X" j 4.(Kt 50O! 0O n.wi; 10 0 LUW 19 00' 11.2.; M.crv 2H.ÄO XV on 14 IS.) 3.12 3.75 4.37 7. 10 10.00 12.0 17 24.2S :7.oo to 4.1 oo 282 3X0 4J7 5.2S 12 7.00 7S J.liO 4.00 t.uO 4.00 7.00 A.IK) l.Ml 3.37 4X0 LCI C.75 7.7 9 on 11.23 13X0 H.W) 22..h) 23 : 45M :o 00 57.5i . 00 Coo 3.73 I 5 0; 7X0 j H.75 10 m 12XA 15 00 j 2o.o : l.M I. IS JA 1 T5 2 00 2..V 3.0O 4.00 5 00 3.00 7i 4Xo' 525; 6.00 TÄ0 9.0O 12.00 l.VOO !i)0() 19 sr 3:1 0) 4.1 ..'.0 lw.. 10 50 12.00 14. 14.00 17X0 23.00 31.23 24X0 34.75 ." 40.00 45.00 41X0 f.2 XO .Vt.oo 57 ' JLVOO "5.00 Jw. lm 2V0O 3J 00 50.00 M IK 2Xt 70 00 5 00 Jm..i 7.o Jm.J 4m .1 9 2 au 11.00 11m 15.00 AbVEimsiNCS IS THE WEEKLY. to 75 1 00 f or - ' 2 00 fot d u!-qrnt lBrtUn, ml for ecti iirr 33X A'lvtrtl-rtn pnl li-'ueJ in th- l''jr ami t'.i WrVlv .timu Ül t clursr-'l ? (u'.l rate, with .i.e.lialfl Wfli1v rtP. Huni Notlre ii.-h-l in c rolnnin of Irn i;r.--r uri'lrr, wi;i V- chirar-! fr fatl i-jrti !; 51; if vr tri tru c iit vr '1,,r- r.'gm f..r inTtii th tu.ti- of tl. fulU'frir OriT, Scirni n.l Astlm- t tLe riite lm- I. ! p.l 10 flvii'x ". M.l tary OmpaH-, lh-1rr f Oil Ftli, Mnic 0r-1-r, S.-!-ti-i Sirmfns S'iciftn". f'i-r r acli r.otir xrrMitur H lin iT crn! fr rcb lnrt!i-ri: over rg,i Iii'- hl- r. . Annit,riHnr la'b wiib fuiwrl rn.iic ttaclil, f 1; without !iti-e frf- Not irr ,.( .ttviiN. IVt n.l Exfuriot , gotten upt-y In.tiTi.i'inU or oUti.-ii-, r y churiUeo, aC tLe rrK'ilur Alvrt!-rmrr lf.!l i 4 j Ucl uti.W-r th h"1 ' T XpTUl N-fre, if trn1iii-rovn,wUI tetlmrgfJ lullo th liual rutra. AtvrrtiiTiT,t muMnir l-.thin thr- Hti, InrteO cnre tu tb iMity, wiU rUrk'-t i!fy cen. Yrrlv mUrriw r t..iv ;n:rifrlv. At.r...i;rrit. ct,li.!t f..r onv- of vry dMTiti"ti torbürtf1 at th fat .ffl 5f rcaii nn,plnllif Dally, at i.1 J in th Daily ami Wet-Wiy, tl.e i-ame t- r, in '.I Caf . P.ll'i 111 a'lValiCf . !iral a ivertlmrnt-li..rtl attlif rxp"" 'f tbf .t torTi'V ftt-Vrinir, m1 not iWlyll" f-r the l-al procwl lii(r.Vut c I!rcta.!e at our unal ttmr. Iuiili-lir r nl cconntaM fi r tU ccuracy cf .lvfrtiMnH'titi wfid lh amount rharn-d tr thfir publicarion. KIXF.K. HAUKNF.SS A HlNCiM AXf. lTonrictora lni:ana Stut-Sentinel. J. M. TU.IOKD, rri.lcnt ln'liarifti.'.li' JounmJ Company. " BUSINESS DIRECTORY. nur.itN. II AUUISONS HANK. So. 19 EatWa.bins:ton treH opposite tb Jvrntinel Oltice. ria4 i.ivi:itv taiii-i:.. A LI-EN A III5SLET, Liry and Sal StaMp, In the 4 riar of tli raimrr Houe. junfft-'lly ioi imi!.N. TDAU A CO., UniMi ?wrtlry, Iivlaware rtrret, op , prv-lti Union lt wAssKl-MAN A VISTOS, Wa-bini?:oti Fouwlry and B Machine norM,fl tm nnoti ijmu. iii:al imati: ajjemts. m2V J IK A MM.1? SMITH, foruierly IVImH A Smith, K-al Ktatr Aumt an.l Tax Payer, 37 Kal W.!iiiviHi tit. House to rent. J'"-'". 'C2 AfrKKRNAN A HKIU'E. Kal K,Ut AKnit. and If I'-roker. 10,. KatVaUiiit.u treeU 7"M. Y. WILEY, Keal F.Mate Act-nt and Stock Rro. kr, lOS r.aM WiuirpiiniriTV. noor aw Mini; nr.Ai.i:li. rl C. MATilKW A CO.. Wbo!e1e 1aler in Botn, J Sbt and, o. Kotiert' Block, vpp.-ite Ibe LniuB IVpol. In.lianapli. lud. fp4 VAU KSODLE A ROS, n. a nu facta rem and dualen In all kind cf Boot, aitd Shoei., No. 31 Wa-b-nrton triet. apr27 BOWKS, STEWART A CO.. wholesale retail leai rr in l'x-ok and Stationery, and lTlntfrV Mati-ri!-, No. 1H We-t WahlnRton utr-et. aprJ8 n it v a s a i u ?i i: i v i x v.. "f171LKT M. LOW KT, DHUHiIST. Iealer in lni)cN W Cberntral', liuts t;U, IhetutK Botanic, latent rid other Medirinei, Notii-tm and Verftimery N. 49 Ma arhuett avrnue, Iiitiiatiapoti. noT.TQ-ly. 10MUSON A aX, d. a!en in lUniits Meticir.eN rainf. Oil. C,th. Parfuna-ry, Fancy (iouls Ac, N. l Kawt Wa-hinton lrr-t. liMiana jm.I.k. m 13 Rl?oWNlsn. nnnrritit. ainl dealer In Painr-s Oils .. Van.fhe, Ihe-tufT, (ila-.rtla.Hswre, Perfuiwrv, j So. Ul. Vt w'a-binKton tret. aprJ7 imv ;ooi)s. WA II. filJ-ISS A CO.. Sew Tork, lrj , 0.iVwbtiksa!e and Kea!l, tinn Wock, Eat Wabiotin ktreel. tnayS yrovr.s ai i) rn v.iu;. riH AKI-K.! COX. dealer in Stoves, Tin Ware, Ac. So. L II Wet Wa-binirioM Mn-eU aprt7 cook hinim:. CAMPBELL A I'OTLES.IW ninderand P.Iunk Ku Ma'iufnernrer. N. 37 Kt Washington eat of Gieua" K.lock. np utair, l.tianapoli. feii25 l;f DOUGLAS A r .1 LMKU, BHk Hiiider-und P.'.ank IVaok MaJiUfcturer. So. 3d1, East Washington street, over At ford. Mill A Co Gris-ery. m27 CHINA CaLASX A!VI UrCI'AKWAIIC. 1 AWTH0KS A r.UCUANA5. Imrr'ers of China, I Glass and yueensware. 2'o. e3 Ka-st Washington t.. In lianajs.l:, Indiana. dly TCEItCIIAVr TAILOltS. 1"K:DKK:CK KEPPEL Merchant Tal:r. atel dealer ' In reivly cia-le cIotLir an.l furnisLjni; ko.1.s, ".. 21 est Washrmn treet,opp.!te Sn?jiiel oCic. mv2l ATT4ll.i:VJ. KILBY FKIUU SON, Att.mey and C-iu--ir at Iiw. Pacaii tor approred JudjfTtier.U and turts'ases; a. so neet:atea I- an. nte, Ac. OtT'.ce, 24, East vVasU- laglon treet, up-sta;rs seoot-d door to the right baad, op sl ..iuCilenn a r.Jotk. . . . . MCDONALD. kOACHK A LF.Wli.Joebp F.Mclv.n al!, Addison L. K-a-h. Joseph . Iwtn. At tiorney aM Counselor at Law, .Etna lasnrance Com pany Raiidintf.eecorid flKr, Pennsylvania treet. jeldly MACHINISTS. sc Axn- UZiCKSliiTll SMMOI XT AH Nil KNTIKFLT KKrTTTF.D THF SHOP FORM t I KLT occupied by John Co:r, Sn ri, ; Airh A Co' Last ant Hab Facti rr, I am prepared todo all knd of work in the machinery or b!acksni:tbin j Lne. Ilannfrba twelve year' etfenence in the lt ! riavifne fcnpa la the t oat try, I flitter myself that I can re entire ari f acri to tboe aba B.av favor ae weh thetr werk. 1 have in my employ one of the best Mack mitfc in the Sta'e, and pay particular attention to horse ' fheing ar d machine forpma. L-pa:rinr t ail kia la promptly attende! to j MoJeU tf all kitsl fvir the patent etlce. Remen.l-er the place, one qpre .mi of tbe lf.!.-n , IVp-.t. on nt'rcia treet. V T. FWJi. ! li.lylO.Jlv l t NOTICE. t "l7E have tht day acid our Pkery to Mear. Nick. um A rr tt- 11-ankii.R the ut!.c !a rn ral for their liberal patron- ire. ot rnlil rJectteiiy ak O. ctr.'U.i-arx r f t?, anie loosr .üCrvssor. A. A J. MkTZKR. InOiauapUi Jfcly . Jyil dC DRY COODG. 5 73 DRUGS. NEW FIRM. rllAVK aioci.ited with me In tu-inia Mr. O. W. Mojn, who lu tet ii an MtjUit In the htore for a numiwr f year- nt. Heri-afier the .buMne will be continued at the old atnnd imder the firm of meowM; A: sloan. I fel grateful for the lil.en! patrnnaf which we have ever received tni-t hy strict aitentloti ti t.u-im .mil th waul of our cutu?nra to merit and retain the ame. U. LKUW.MNÜ. VLLpern" tnowln? thcnteve n!ehted to me will j r.i!! st theii earliest convenience and make etiieuietitof atne, aid oblijff K. BiiUWMNii. IJKOW 1 Sc SLOAN,! (LATE Pw RU0WXIXC.) am. 22 West Washington Street. Indianapolis, Have In store a large and well selected stofk of Drug, iled:ci!iesf('ln.nit.-;ls, Pa;tit.,til,V.irni.she,I)e Mu!ts(il.iw arc W nuluw tlaj-.r.rii.b-s, Cigars, TobacTo, Spices, ivrfumery, Kancv atid 'loilvt Articles, Coal thl ami l-anip, 1'atent Medicines, and all article to complete the stock of a Drucpiid. A we puri he princijitlly for ch, direct from ibe import ers and manufacturer-, and being desirous to retain the'n which our house h;s ever enjojed of selling y.Hhl, fr,mh itulr, great care is taWen in tlie sei ctioii vt Di'utr i.i rrfereixt- to their uritt. Our f.iohres are aticl th.ii we f el ronrldet we can .!Ter, in j-Hr and un adulterated articles, as tdrotis inducem nt as any other Westrrtl house. AH rder will receive the peisona! attention of one of the firm Great csrea-en in tfcedi-;ening of bl cia ' prescriptions a'nl family recipf 'rom strictly pure article, and we feel confident we can render eatisfctin In the i.rU and an ility cf roods. BKOttXING A SLOKN, 22 Went Washington street. RFT American ani French Window tiia; 500 boxe Window aone1. from MxlO to 3ift0, in store and for al at ljwet C(ture by BROWNING A SLOAN. PAKTS! OILS! VAI1NISIIKS! 500 KKGS rurr vr!La,Ii 200 FC' rar vriil: lu,ci 5Q r.AKREI-S linseed O-.'.; CSKS Tfllw Ocbre; Q CASKS Tenet. Red. With a larjre txk cf TarrNhe, Talrt, an1 Color, cf a'lVir.d ground la oil and drv. For sale at te lowest Efcurca. PaOWNING A SLOAN, CI Wet Wah:r.tcn treet. i Brushes! Brushes! i Ofafi ZFN Pa'r.t and Varnish I?, Wall f F B-Tihe. a-h To-U, IJIetulee, Sorub. Sho. ! H r-e, Hx.t, Hit, and Cloth Pmhe of ail iin d ar h es ' fiirej a! BROWN I Nil A SLOAN'S, j je!4-ieo!l ifowJri i SCHOOL BOOKS. (Si All ICinclK OF SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER, &C..&C., IN SMALL OP. LABCr. QTANTITirS. At B0W7 N. STEWART A CD'S VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. To Destroy To DrJlrni Ilat, Roache-, &c. Mice. IMolcs, and Ants. To Dt4troy- m r-- Bi d Bai:?. j o is?troy- To Deslroy To Destroy To Dn'ro'j To Destroy- Mo'. hs in Furs, Clothes, &c. Mo-'quitCK'sJ and Fleas. Insects on Plants and Fowls. Itvects on Anima!., kc. Every form and epecies of Vermin. THE "ONLY IXEALLIICLC REMEDIES .KXOWX.w I)etrojr lntunilr EVERY F0UM AND SrECIES OF Those P.-cparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poi.-on.', "No: d.inv:e.T)U- to the Human Familv. O ar "Ktti do not lie on the prennses.' "Tliey tome out of their holes to die.' "They are the only infallible remedie known." "12 yt-ars and more established in New Yoik Citv." Une,l t,tj the City Pint Office. I'ted by the City Prisons and Station Houses. lrtd hy the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Ustlbi the Citv IlDipitals, Ahns-IIouses, &e. Uwl by the City Hotels 4 Astor, 'St. Nieliolas, &e. rW by the Boarding Houses, &c. Uff I b' more than 30,000 private families. tJjT See one or two Specimens of ic'tnt is j everywhere sail by the Ptople Editor? ; Deiters, efr. HOUSEKEEPERS tronbk-d with ver min lu'i-d be so no longer, if thev ue "Co tar's "Exterminators. We have ued it to our j sitis'action. and if a box cot $5 we would j have it. We had tried poisons, but they cf-; feeted no! hing; but " Costa nV article knocks i the breath out ot Uits, .Alice, Roat-hcs and Bed-Bugs, qtiit-kcr than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country. Mlln t TO." Civile. MOKE GRAIN and provisions arc de stroyed antitully in Grant Co:m'y by vermin than would pay for totnof this It it and Insect Killer. hincwficr 117.. Ihntld. HENRY R. COSTAR We are selling vour preparations rapidly. Wherever they nave bocn used, Rits, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. & SrOUFFF-K, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "CostarV Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. "Co tarV "CotarV Bed-Bug Exterminator. "CostarV "CostarV Elec tric Powder, for Insects' &c. In 25c. 50c. and St Boxe, Bottles and Flasks, $3 and $3 S;zi;s fok Plaxta Tios,'Snirs, Boats, Hotels, See. CAUTIOX! To prevent the public from being imposed ujon by Spurious and Highly J'ernicwu Imitation., n new label has been prepared, bearing a ßtc-simile of the Pro prit'torN signature. Examine, each box, bot tle or flask carctullv be'bre purchasing, and take nothing but "COSTAR'S." 15" So'd everywhere by All Wholesale Druggists in the large ekic?. Some of the WHOLESALE AGEVTS IN N. Y. CITY. SliielTelin B:0.& Co. B. A. F.ihnes!o.-k, Hull & Co. A. B. & I). Sands & Ca Wheeler & Hit t. James S. Ap:nvra!I Morgan & Allen. Hall, Ruekel & Co. Thomas & Fuller P. I). Orvis. HurraUiisley & Kitch en. B il?! i , G al e & Robi n k n M. Ward, Close & Co. McKisr-on & Bobbins. I). S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Lazelle,Marh& Gard ner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Con ral Fox. AND OTHERS PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. T. Y. Dvott sSi Co. Kobert Shoemaker & Co. French, Richards,& Co. B. A. Falmestock & Co. AND O TIIEHS. BOSTON MASSACHUSEHS. Geo. C. Goodtnn & Co. M. S. Burr & Co. Weckes k Potter. Jno. Wilson, Jr. AND OTIIF.r.S. Aho, all Wholes a Lr- Druggists at C llli AO, III., M . LOID, tlo.. i ilfll T, -lieh., LH DVIbl i;, lij.. t IM lAT, liin. Il TTMII llfill Pa., III FA 1-41, .. V. AND BY Dr.uGGisTs, Grocers. Storekeepers and Retailers ene rally in all Couxti; Towns and Villages In the UNITED STATES AT IXDÜX1P0LIS, INDIANA. ST Sol-lbs Robert Browning AND William fiannaman J Wholesale Agents. AND BY TOHLIXSOIV & COX, XV. 15. TICKERS, And by the Druggists, Storekeepers and Retailers jjenerally. Country Dealers can onW as above, OraJdrcorders direct orif Prices. Terms, kc., is desiretl, end for 1862 Circular, giving reduced Pricti to iii:auy R. COSTAR. Principal Depot No. 512 Broadway (Oppojite ire St. Nicholas Hotel,) " New York. BtbH-4edAwwa la JC V.J DAILY SENTINEL INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD HME TABLE. CLurorraiat aaiL&oaD. Trir. Leave. Train Anie. b '.n a. M lfafl r2u p.M. 2 ix P. M 5:40 A M. 40 P. M 1150 A.M. umiAXAroua a conami via rix. Tra!n Iave . Traina ArriTt fc:'.'0 A. M Fxpre 1:3 P. M. 8:40 P. 31 Acconunulation liM5 A. it. ixMAaa caaraAL kailwai. Trains lave. Traina Arrive. -1C A. M i 7:15 A. M. 12 lop. M Vail 1::u P M. 7-00 P. il IW P, Jl. IXI IAS K.U IVO COLTXBLS MIGHT UXK, TIA PATnjt. Traiin. l-eave. Train Arrive. ft W A. M 715 A. M. 12:10 P. M 1JJ4 P. M. 7.00 P. IX 7:WP. A4. tanuaaroua ad ci iXkiTt aaiuioab. Tralti lave. Trains Arrive. f20 A.M.. ........... ..lii:t A M. 10:40 A. M 4-15 r. U 6:05 P. M 105 P. M TiaaK BACTK BAI1JIOAP. Train Arrive. Train Ieave. 7:20 A.M.. 1-43 P. M.. 8 40 P. M .. ' 6:10 A.M. a 15 & A. XI ..6 30 P. . KKW At BAST AID CBICAOO B0AD T.RCC.CATLK JtrxCTtoK Goin Xorth. ttjii; S uth, 6:W) p. M F.xrre U:'i5 A. M. 11:06 A. M FreiKht, Daily 2:00 P. iL LArAVBTIK BA1LKOAD. Tra!n Iave. Trafna Arrive. 10 05 A. M 6 10 A. M. 4 45 P. M l(rl)5 A. M. 1O.30 P. M 6.00 P. M. riki' AaiiNiiASAroi.i(iaAiuiiAn. Train Iave. Tra'n Arrive. 11.10 A. M Wail 8:5 A.M. 6?t) P. M Chlcaa-o F.xpreM 4:10 P M I. tu a aaroua axi mahiuok bailkoad. Train lave. Train Arrive. 12 W P. M Mail l(r.M) M. 630 A. M....f Kr-m Fnluht lVprfJ.... f:U0 P. M ;irrtkiU)NUiJK haiuioao. Traiti l-rave. Trains Arrive. 6 00 A. M Mail . K45 P M. 6.30 Y. M 5:00 A. M. Arrival iiml l'lit rt ii ry or :iotnfr j Ol .Till II. AKR1VAI. Madison mail. CiTiciniiati and wav mail I I M. M. i M. j .11:15 . .11:15'. JelTersonville ami Louisville r. Term Haute way mail Peru mail Central way mail Terre Hautethroujrh mail .... Lafayette and Chicago Pelit-fontHine way mail ... r.ellefmii.e throtiuU mail .. Central thror.ith mnil Cincintmtitlirouch mail SprinKtiel.l.llliii'.ii. ..11:15 . 1:15 k. A. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. W. M. a ...2 OK .. 7:tO e. r. .. 6 IX .. 7:'0 r. p. .. 6 30 A. i .. 6 30 A. ... :45 r. .. :30 a i nKPAKTL K i. 2l.iil i Jeffersonville and Louisville mail 7:30 Terre Haute tlnniKb mail, St. lmif, Cairo.... 7:30 Lafayette and Cbi' iijjo. .. . !:4Cl lf.iyette Cit v and Springt'ield. Illinois 5 tm Madi-onmal -. 11-1U Cor.tral way nrvl 1 !:'" Central through tn.iil anl WasLingtonClty.. .. f:5t Cinciniiati antl wav mail &"4i '"nr. r. m. r. m. 1. M. e. m. a. m. A. M. p. at. A. M r. m r. m A. M Tl.nii.Khtn.iU :f-0 Terre Haute way, Evansville and Vlncennea.... 12:45 1-eru l-5 RdWontaine wav anl through 7:.' P. M MEDICAL. Who has riot seen the WOXDKhTt L OHAM'I.FS, r R A N I) E ' S TUSSILAGO, For Couj;ha, Cold.s, Sore Thront. Ac. B It AN I) E'S TUSSILAGO I gooI for Put l'.c Speakers and Singers, TO CLP. A II THF YOXH. bat bould I take for Asthma? BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO, They nive Immediate relief. 25 cents a box. Why should I buy a box of B R AN D E'S T U S S I L A G O T1IK WOXUF.KI IL GKAM'LKS! Because they cure Hoar-mess, Sore Throat, Ac. h not L-ard of the What should I ta'.e for a .sore Throat? What should 1 take for a Cold? What is Lifo Without Health ? A Cold 1. annoyit r. A Cough 1 'finhlesome. r tloarseners prevents speech. üre Throats are painfu BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO 1 pleasant to take, and soon effects a cure. 2 cents a box, at all the Drug Store What shouM I tnke for a Ccnb? THE WoSDKKFUL GKANCI.ES. They ((ive immediate relief. 25 cents a box. Why should I a tox o. BKANDirS TUSSILAGO, THE WONDERFUL GRANULES. Ilecane they cure Cou;h acd Colds, for 25 eint. WANTED. G005000 JIj.Ic or Foniülc ..gents rjlO sell Lloyd" New Pteel Plate Connty Colored Mp JL ot tho Cnite 1 Slates, Canadas, atil New Brunswick; Iroiu recent ftiricys, coin 1 td A v. 10, 1.6"J; cost iJO,- 000 to eur.ive it and one yirs time. sup ri'ir to any ?in map ever n aM- byt'"!ton or Mifch- r!l, and sell at the low piicc of Ml ceiits; 370,M0 main are encraved on tli map. It is not only a Cuot v Map, but it Is a!o a CO Ü NTT ND K ULLO ID MAP f the Cniud Sia et. and Caradas c in on-, Riving KVtUY KA1LU0AD STAMON ant distances hrtwren. i.uaratitee any woman or man t.1 to f5 per day, and will lake back all maps that canuot le&olJ and refund the money. Send for fl worth to try. IrintMl instructions hfw to canvasg well furnished all our agents. VVai.ted sm.irt mn as Whl-a!e Acer.t f.r our Map- in every state, nda, En Lind, and California. A fortune may Li tt'le with a snmll capital. J T. LLOYD. No, !C4 Broadway, N.T. The War Department tis-. owr Map of Vlrpinia and MaryUnd, on whib ik marked Th"ru.bfare tiap. Bull Run Moun'aii's, Fai'.'g Church, all the ford on the Poto. mac, and every other place in Maryland and Vircima, or money refunded. lrke rc. sepS-daAw3t NEW BOOKS. NEW PUBLICATIONS FS Miserable., by Victor Hcjro; Love' Ijibcr Won, by Mr. Njutcworth; llavethoe, ty Kinwuv; Why Paul Ferndl Küb-d his Wife; Nine Month in ibe yurtermaier'a De&artiaent; Parou P.rowrilow' hxk; Molen Mask, by WiUie Collins, author of Woman tn Whte; F1iwer of the Praiiic; The FTirt; A Life's Secret; Recreation of a Country Tarsen; I Leisure Hours in Town; j A Book About Dtor; Gty of the Saicu; j IIOirE. STE19MT V CO.'Ä.! Jy4-d2w j LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY STABLE, "JVO. 10 Fat Tearl treet, half a square south of Wash W its-ton street, between Meridian and Pennsylvania street, in rear of Glenn s Block. Irxiiai.srx!:. a;-dtf WM. WlLKlsoN.Proprte'or O- W. JOHNSTON, Livery and Sale Stables N0S.ll AND 13 WEST PEARLSTRKET, i rt a a eon a. irn a a . fcjjT" Horse, Bugre. Carnages and Saddle Hmea Jw aj ,ia rva4L-M. Ckaxge. auotlerau. Uc5-tf STATUTES OF INDIANA. GAVH 5c iiuhdh nrviRio.t. The aecoci volume of 31ert.Grto ft FJord' comp!!. ton of Inliana S:a cte baa jut appearavl. Tbia voluixa complete-their work. I la mechanical execution ta ver creditable; and the ikil!, letruinr, and Utx-r which the editor bave bestowed on it, merit the hifcb at prala. None but learuiil, diligent lawyers could have produced ni b a work. The econd rolnme etnbracea all tb public atatute of Indiana now in force upon the ul jecta to which It n-late, a ad the first all excepting the act. of the lat regular and eitra e-ions of the Legislature. It is a great excel lence of the compilation that all existing statute on each ulji-ct are collected together iti the Mime place la tbe.e volumes; so that t e reader can ee at a g'ancc II the legislation in furce n any ariven auxject. Take, for ex ample, the act of orsanizinic Court of Common I lea the editor publik the act at large, and they a!o print, in the form of note on the same pace containing this statute, all the acts amendatory to it which bave been pa.ed up to tbia time. And o I bey bare done of all the other act contained in tbe revision of li52. The editor have added much to the value f thee ve4. umea especially the last by the eoplnu and learn. d note with which the vd imea abound. These note Indl ctte much lab.-raud leica acumen. They f-imi-h u, In a and accurate form, w Ith all the ad udication of our Supreme Court on tbie statute. These atjuiica f one being now very nutnerou, ;he reference, to them In the volume un ler C"nsideratlon, will be of great value to the lawyer, and indeed to all person concerned In the adtnlhl-tra ion o" Justice. Tbe edit. r have als referred, it their uotes, la numerous decUlona in othet State, Diade on statutes imilar tc oura. An excellence of these volume, not to be overlooked i the full and accurate ii.dex appeixled tu each. In Indi ana, thre never ba b eu a K'od inlei t any vo umes of at atut- published by authority. This provoking defect ba been completely remedied in the volume undir re view; atid these indexes will greatly lighten the labor of all who have oxsion to look into our statute. Thi Is the tirst time that private eiiteprize has at tempted the publication of Indiana tatute. The at tempt, I do not douM, will be suxe-sful, and will duly reward the learned editors and enterpruinjr publish eiv Ever) lawyer will, of cour-t, purchase the-e volume?; and every clerk, heriir, au! justice f the peace of the State, will iiid it to his advantage to own tnem. DAVID M'DONALD. Indianapolis, June 5, 12 The oreoing notice by Judjre UcThixali, of Gaviji A UoKb'a CompiUiioit cf the Statutes of Indiana, is not de- H'iit d a. a putT of the work, but It an unsolicited com inriiilafioii ot the ability, accuracy, and completeness with which these volume Lave been prepared. Tbe second volume, which ba Just been ismcd from the pr- n, i beinü delivered to ubhcrib r a rapidly a po-si)le. This edition cf the statute will be found a ne cessity to every lawyer, Ju-tices of tbe ce. and county ofT.cer. in the Sute. The publication of the work ha private enterprt.e, and the publisher only hope for re- inunration is In it sale to tlme for whose convenience it wa-i prepared. The two volumes contain aVut 1600 of matter, neatly double the quantity embraced the ievisl n of ls.12. The price ot the work i Il SO per v lume. or f 03 for tbe two volume. Orders addressed to the subscriber il receie prompt attention. J.J. l'lMIIIAM, June 7th, IC2. Imlintiapolis. Ind. RAILROADS. Imliunnpoli ntttl ,lInlaoii 4V. jc t m. ji . 18G2. 13G2. T K r.SKN(JKK TRAIN WILL LEAVE THF Union Depot, lndiauajKhs, at 12:30 P. M. daily, for M.idison. Cincinnati and Louisvillr. This is the shortest railway line to Cincinnati and Lotii. vills niiectii)g bt Madison with the foiled State Mail Line steamer., arriving at Clncinnaii in time to con- ni'Ct with the Express Train on the Little Miami railroad leavitiK at 7 o'clock A. M foe the East, and by the Ken tucky Central Railroad for the South, and at Louisville about 11 P. M. Returning, leave Cincinnati daily at 12 M., by the above steamers, and aUo by the Madison packet. Frst (jueen and Prioress, arriving at Midison in lime t connect with th- Pa-sender Train leaving at 6 A. M-, and arrvinir at Indianapolis at lo:iO A. M., making connctiUs with all rnir.s leaving for th Ea-t. West, and Nir!h. Fr the accommodation ff way pa-eni?er a Car will ran in cnneclin with the Freight 1 rain daily, leaving '.t lianap lis a: 6:."lil A.M which train remains some time at :h station, ilfording pa-sei gers an opportunity for the .r m-actioii ot business, arriving at North Madison at 2:.r0 M. tAre to Cincinnati, or Cincinnati to ItidliiniipolU, 3(Ni; To l.oiiUvillrs.l 50 Xn charire for meals or state-room on the st.araers. Of for haircaife fr omnibu at Madi-on. TanlT of Freights & low as by any other route. Shipjiers and merchants West will rind It to their Inter est t travel over und ship bv this line. ap'-dtf. D.C. RKANHAM, Superintendent. t wl jHc "jl- m. ro.- rjc . 1862 jBCSSESSgg 1862 VLL PERSONS PURCHASING TICKETS FOK ST. JOSEPH and Mher point in Northern Missouri, the State of Kansas, or the Territories, should insist on hav ing tickets that read by the Mill I'll .iinoi:iii It All.ItO I, The only rail rout frrnu St. Louis t St. Joseph. It is the shortest and quickest line, by thirteen hours, to the re riotest point reached by rail, and Is always as cheap a any other. Buy your Tickets to Kan and all point in Northern Missouri by the North Missouri Railroad. ISAAC H. STURtiEON, Pres't andGen'ISupt. Nort. Missouri R. R. HENRY II SIMMONS, General Traveling Aint. el(t7-4tT lEC,JB.Kavmx, JEFFEUSOXVjUE RAILROAD Two Trains Daily, Snnda) s Excepted Train Arrire ( aT. Al 4:45 A. M Train Leave. . ft 45 A. M . 8.50 P. M. VBOVE TRAINS STOP FOR TIIE ACCOMMODATION of pas'ntrer at Southp'.rt, GreenwoNl, franklin, Kd.nburgh, Colunibi;, making contiection at Seymour with train on the Ohio A Mississippi Road, and at Ixu.--vil.e with train on the Louisville, Frankfort A Lexington and Louisville and Nashville Roads. Freight trainleave daily. Freight promptly forwarded. Office, Madison liepot. West side. A. 8.CAROT1IERS, Sapenntendfcnt. J. O. WErrcojfi, Freight Agent. apl'62-dly MUSIC, riAOS! PIAlOS! OnEArEP. AND BETTER IN- j STRUM KNTS than were ever , ofiered in thi market. My ar-v rangement with Fa-tern Piano manufacturer are such that I can m . i ... j n r . luruisn All orurr. per itui. - j cheaper than any dealer in the West, and I warrant them luperor instrument. Onlvtorca3. Call and see at Mer W II. Talbott A Co'a Jewelry Store, No. 24 Washington street. FIANOS. MELODF.ONS.OROANS, GUTTARS, VIOLINS, ACCOKDEONS, Ac.TUJED AND KEI'AIHED. Uavtyg had over twenty yeirs' experience the public can be atured that they now have a better opportunity than they cecerally meet with to hae their instreinent put in perfect oeder. H. SCHON ACKER. JulySl-dly'! PIANOS. Piano-F ort es. ANOTHER INVOICE OF JSTX CHICKERING & SON'S & vtstj ST,NWAY & SON'S PIANOS. Jct received at No. i Batet Doue. WII LARD k STCWELL. N. B. PUo os tuned to order and BT THE TEAR ! W. A ft. .jT s 9 LAV DOOtt AND JOD PRINTING. INDIANA STATE SENTINEL STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT! TT. ARE PREPARED TO F.IFCUTF. AI.L0RLF.RS for Ikxik and Job Printing, with dispatch and In tbe best Mtyle of the art. Particular attention paid to Mercantile and Railroad arrH BIIJJS OF LADING, BUSINESS CARDS, BILLHEADS, BLANKS, DEEDS, LETTER HEADINGS. REGISTERS, CIRCULARS, RFCFIITS.Ai Show Cards and Bills ! CHr.CKS, SuTtS r.ONDS, ENVF.IX)PKS, STOCK CERTIFICATES, DEEDS, Ac, Ac POSTING BILLS COCKTBT MKBC'H AKTI. Miou Hill, Hotel Illllaj of Fare, Hand Hill, Pottcrsund Prorumnic, Cftbel, Invitation), (I'ar tieaimd llall.) nvr.BT Dcarrurnon. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CATALOGUES, MISCELLANKOUS PAMFHLETS, CONSTITUTIONS, REPORTS, RRI7 PS, Ac. We have one of tbe most complete Printing Establish ments in tbe country. Our facilities for doing all kind of Work, Book, Plain or Ornamental, are Crt class. We have introduced the latest and fastest rreses, and bave added to our Type all tbe nvdern style, and we employ the best werkmen. We are thus enabled to furnish Jobs promptly, to guarantee satisfaction, and to accept low prices. We bave connected with our Job Department Adam I Superior Presses, and are prepared to execute Stereotype Prettswork, together with tbe Presework for outside paper, atlcwCgnret. ?Icrcbanu, Itunker, Railroad ?Ian agert, lnanrunce Afirent, Jlanu facturer, Arc, I respectfully directed to nr EtbChmBt, If ttej denire first-claaa work at lew rata. JßsjOrden froa. abroad will recetva pranpt attectioa. fjyWork fsrnUhad In all case at tha time protniaed. CJ" Strangers tram a dlitAnce, and bun ness men of the citr and country, are cordial lv innted to rislc our ofSce, and examine our facilities for executing every description ot Frinting in the neatest style, and on the most reasonable terms. tT Office on Meridian Street, South of Wash ington Street, opposite th Potofice. Ad :t tu, ELDER HABKNESS & BINOHAM. BOOK mm, jrrr aitctrrxD a trtXToa aasssnairr C7 SI.TOLE .0.90 tiOÜDZC CPV amasses. Tot field, prttbttitj tnd power thty rcpcrtcij 11 cttrier. For nie bj SEM MÖNS. Optici. SPECTACLES, EYEGLASSES, CC.. Of the preiten trnrrent power, cf new in- prot emriit prv-ly IjustesJ to th cai9. OnicT from tbe coujitrj, with parti.u!rt prtiRiptW attrrnleil to. Repniririj netlj done) wltli di-rsatch. SEMMONS.Orxknto. oct29 N.i. 2-. tiuh Illinoi mtrett. COMMISSION MERCIIArJTO. JESSE JOHNSON, General Commission Ilercbant, Ar Ilralrr In Flour, Ciraln, and all kind of Country Traduce, U'lnei aad I. Iquor, CliT. rt Tobacco, Ac. OFFICE AND vTAUEUOCSC, 7 SOUTH SECOND IT, 1 IIILADr.LPIIIA. Advances taado on Conklarnnieai. augKdly WANTED. ---r'MSX&r -zlr 200 Recruits Wanted FOR THF ji c m. rar jc - m v x OF The 1. 1 u vrn Iii I ti tti it fry, -which- MAJOR J. W. GORDON Is autborited total. In Indiana. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. AT FROM flSTO f.1 PFR MONTH, WITH KA TIONS, nuartt-r, ineilical atnniice, Ac. com pirte. All b etilist wt I at one t-e clth-d, sci-td and pro v id Mi wi:h everything essential ta their C-n.fort by the (venirrvt. Tbe tenn of n.iisfnent I Tli rce Vrnr. Tsyt. coninino from at f eiillstnvnt. NoiM- but at l-t.1id sincle uien, between the age of H and XI year, t eed appl. kecruitma; lndeivou in MeitK.r new bmWir.r. N. U Litt WashiUKton strr, adioliKOK (Vld Frlsw.' HalL I. k.'ttMT, first Uemnant Eleventh infantry, kecruitit gOer. MEDICAL. ooi: to omi un i. (.ua.m li:. CouKb atid Cold will g'taway, Snieitne m a sinlfdsy, if to ibe lirua y ri will . And get supplied with Tuilco; To'i can u-r it treely a yiMi plrae, It j-ver tail to give yon ea-e. Tno-e Granules wonderful are, Im ort, For they speMiiIy enVct a lastina: core. 25 cents per boa, at II Drng ltore. 11 RAND E'S BRANDE'S BRANDE'S BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CI RKS COUGHS. TUSSILAGO... CCKE COLDS. TUSSILAGO CURK HOARSENESS. TUSSILAGO CfUKS S0RK THROAT. odi; r ibica- ii:- ti ilauo, WONDKIIU'L CUANUIJIS. Ob where can I find ihrm. To the I rüg Store to quick, I will jeetMly try them; I have a I ad Couch, Ad I wt-b lo tss- ,ur To have the best remedy TL at ill very toon eure. JT7 2S ce. per boa. at all th. Drur Store. BRAN DE'S TUSSILAGO CURES ASTHKA AND BIUNCHITIS. HZT" Sold by all OruKi.i.l. 'ii cents a box. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO Is Pleasant to tbe Tate Children cry fr It. I RA N I) E'S TUSSI LAGO CniFS IK)0PIN(J comii AXI) citorp. Xlgy JvJ i by .Jl lruiit. 2S cent, a box.. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES COt OH 4 AND COLDS. Md ty all Drugi'1.11. 25 cent a bot. REN0VATERS. CLELYLVG eXm DYEI.YC ESTABLISHMENT. T HE UNITED T.TES DTE-H'USE, NO.AI SOCTB Illinois tre:t, Indianapolis, Indian, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At 'hi M and w-1 -known t.btl-hment, tbe tadle can have ,1k a'id w nim k1 dyed I rrniarerjt ud beamiful color; and g-nU' garmi-ut. thoroughly renova ted au l rspairvl, as (oü when ew, at lvr price than ever wand second-hand clothing bought and sol', als, a paticutar branch In tb- ba.ine denominated fine draw tn: billiard table cjotn. or tear In any garment can be ao wrought that it cao Dot be visible ta tbe raked ja. C3ju (krnntry order puttrtually attended to. No ci.mctioQ with any other hot tn this city. Remember the place, No. A4 p-oth llhr"f -t. Uli ' JOMbPU UAtsEII. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company. Ar ixi UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. OmCE ON THE CONNER oF WASHDCGTOV AJTD Mendian streeta, IndianapoU. Three dJy Elpresse to New Tork; Eipresw; to Clacinaatl, aid Tw. dtly Expree to Chicago aüd St. Loci; The above Compaaie, are the otJy prtvliefedf xpreaae tbe follower. roa4, via: INDIANA CENTRAL; LAFAYETTE A CHICAGO; INDIANAPOUS A PERU: TF.RKE HA UTF A RICHMOND; BELLE) ONTAINE A INDLAN APOLIS. Money, pak?e, valuable and freirtt tarrt4 wlta aefoty and di'-paich, aad 1 chart .f apclaJ aad tSciait steenger. Notes Bills aad DrafU win be prompt ry elleetd ax4 ready return male. J. BCTTKBJTXLD. Aawoi. i DnucCIGTG. SCHIEFFEUIl BROTHERS Ci CO., wnozxiiu DtrccifTi. And Dealer la raney Caoda, Per fun it aVc. Ala. Arenta tt tbe sale of Tlred rVtrelewn, nrcs. tirf Oil, opertor to ny OJ O l, rarnj.iel ta as; quantities at tit lowest trarket ratta. 17 AND lTt WILUA T ,5W. -. ra DRY COOPS, NOTION0, CiC. Webb, Kennedy & Co., Wfjolfsue DF.ALtnnr roRnc atd rru OHtk Dry OsWle, oew. .ff Ovrt. Trr xsKi.ooda. l14 Pu4 l'Sc Bolldinf , MiC Mar MaUaaatrt.ln'iiBaab f e