Newspaper Page Text
DAILY DTATE 'CSHTIHEL. ITII, ( rvaa) TCS KG17 SSm'EL 07FICE. OITII X3KZllliA HTIIEET ofTonrm tit rorromca ElDin, l!AnXi:SS BmiXU, Fropritlcrs. Yearlv sWr!n M u. nirtwiLt i Ars: r t r -V ,:r t P.p. a IT, 1 tot e-r t r er a r 4a. J Jo 13 1 1 VOLUME X. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1862. NUMBER 3,793. To OOccro of thb Amy. DA STATE S ENTINE1 aelirereUby the carrier at 13 S ctbUpcr week, payaMe ) emi-morith'y. 5ing I c'te Ave cetita. City tiWrHer will te kli reponitl for paper left t ib-ir hraa tftrr they liavc removed, or when they ih tbera diaeeoUnurd, Ues rotVre U fiveo at tbe of- of publication. 5 paper ant witbt prm pay VNct,or emitinoed longer (ban pal for. Copies of the Dari.v frcwTrvvi can b aad at the ftW each norntnc', and tbe Waaaiv Harn each Mon 4a j morning, neatly veljed, for mailing . 7: SI STATE SENTINEL, PC El JÄH KU STERT MOSDAT AT Jln.n ava mm "Vflvs ravaL iitiiü tn aovavta. IIATflü OF ADVKUTIKIÜU at X 4 1 1 Ik m n 4 9 i K 4 U 4 L H M 1 i I OV 7 14 It. 4-1. 0.Ä0, 1.13 1.50 1. 3.251 3.3, 3.00 3J7 3.7S 1.00 1J10 J 00 J.M 3 00 3.M 4.00 4 .50 5OT 1.25 I.A7 S-tO 3.1 3.75 4.37 5.00 5 62 6.W 1 SO 3 25 S W S.75 4.SO- 5.2V OO .7i T.AO 1.75 Z.62 3JiO 4.37 51-.' 6 13 TOO T.7 .75 3 00 3 00 4.00! 5.00 ) 7.00' H.OO 9.00 10.00 VI... lw. lOd lw. Sw. lm. Ira. Im. 4m. 7 M 3.7S S.OtV .25 7 SO H.TSIOOO 11.25 13.6 i joo 4fo e.oo; 750 t m lo.ßo 12.00 l.v.&o 15.00 4 00 6.00 .00! 10.00 12.CK) 14 00 16.00 11.00 20.00 5 00 7.50 10.00 12.ÜO l.VOr 17.&0 30 00 23 50 23.00 7 OO 10.25 13.50 18 75 20.00 33.25 2.Ä 39.75 33.0O H.50 .TS 19 00 U.V ?.M 31.75 40 00 45.00 50.00 9 25 15 0O 11.25 27 33.00 40 00 45.00 50.00 55.00 11 00 1 V0O 23 00 30.50 37.60 45.50 52.50 57 JW 3 50 tm .:noo 30.50 n.yrv.StO 43.5 so w 57.50 5 0070 00 Urn 15.00 25 00 35.00' 45.00 55.00 65 00 75 00 5.00 95.00 ADVERTISING IS THE WEEKLY. Oi niuar. one fnerlon tO 75 two " 1 " 2 00 For eab auWquent lii;rtlon, arwl for eacb lner- liu of each ad(liUnl wjuare 33X A4vertletnetif ptiMUhed In l.olb tl: Daily and tbe K-ky StnTi!.l. will 1 charj-ertlbe full Lily raten, with ofif-half lb Wr-k!T rite ,..!ed. Huine Notier pil.lihel in tbe Lical column, of ten r.nenor nnler, will tw chr7el f..r eatb Insertion fl; if ver ten !ine, ten certu per line. Charge will le maie fr lnertlm? tbe notice of the follow in C)Tler, Si-tiea ami Av"'1""1 l tU ratea nanieil, to te paid in alrarn-e: Military Compar.le, OrtJer of Od.l Fellown, Mm.iuc Ordrr. IV-tieToI-fr1 S.ietie nd iniflnir Societire. For each notire not excee.lim S line 25 cenM for eacb ln.ertion; ovf r rk'M Ur.e at '.Lis ralf . AriTKWinHna; iaib with fnral notice attache., fl; without notice free Marrlaire Sotlcea 60 cent. Notice of FextlvaU, Ticnica mtd K.ctiriior, (rotten upt-y lD.!ivHaal or auor1atin or I y cburche, at the rt-gular Advertl-etnei.ta leaded and plcd under tbe head of ?pedal !rtlce, if ten line or orer, will be charged double the uua! rate. Adrerti-emenUmakijax lew than three line, lnc rtcd once In the Iaily, will be charired flfty cent. Yearly aderti-er to pay quarterly. Announcin candidate Tor ofilceof every description to charred at the rate of 1 50 for each n ime in the Daily, and 2 la tbe Daily and .Vreklr, the muw to be, In all ca-e, paid in advance. Leal advertisement inserted at the expend or tbe at torney orderin?, ami not delayable for tbe lenal proceed In, bat collectable at r usual time. Publisher not accountable for tbe accuracy cf lral advertiement be yond the amonnt cbarired for their publication. KIJ'KK, HAKKNESSt BINGlIASf, l'roprietor Indiana State Sentinel. J. it. TII.KORÜ, rrexident Indianaptdi. Journal Company. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HAMtl UN. HARRISONS' HANK. No. 19 EaH rVblnton street opposite the Sentinel OSice. may4 att A H1XSI.F.T- IJverv and Sale Stable. In the rear of tbe Palmer Ilou.e. Jun5" " tor .M uii:s. I DAVIS A CO., Union Foundry, Delaware street, op . poite Union Depot. W B ASÜKL.MAN A VINTON, Wablii(fton Foundry and Machine Work, et end Union Depot. m23 ltr.AI ESTATE A4 E.N TS. w-mvri SMITH, fonnerlv Iehell A Smith, Real J1 Etate A Rent and Ta t I'ayer, 37 treet. lline to rent. Ea-t Wasbirtou Jan25-dly '63 M cKERNAN A TIERÜE, Real Estate Agent and ItI Broker, 10 S Wahlntf on treet TXTM. T.WILEY, Real Etete ART.t I i ker, 10; Ea--t Wabin(fton treet. and Stock I'.ro. myl4 HOOT AND SZIOE DEAEEItM. C. MAYHF.W A CO., Wholesale dealer In Bo.4, S Shoe, and Rubben, No. 4 Robert Wock, opposite thelnlon iVpot, Indianapolis Ind. ffr A DAM KNODIJS A SON, manufactnrer and dealer in all klmls of Hoot and Shoes No, 32 Kat aH& aprt7 Dgton treet. " HOOKM AN STATIO.NEUV. BOW EN. STEWAIO" A CO., wholesale and retail deal er" In Kook and Stationery, and Printers' Materials So. IS Wet W-hi!iKton treet. ajr26 DHl fiH AM .MElliriNES. TIIJ'IY M. 1X)WKY, DRUOGIST. Dealer in lrujr,s W Chemical, Paint. OU, Dj-et'ifft, Patent at: 1 other Medicine. Notion and Perfumery No. 43 SIa- chUMtt avenue, Indianapolis. nov30-ly. fffTOMUNSON A COX. dealer in Dru. Medicines, I paint. Oil. Ill-', Prfuniery, Fancy UimkLs Ac, No. 1H Kat Watinjft.n treet, ItHliaiiapoli. BK0WN1N. Druff?ist, and d.-aler in Paint. 0:1s 1., VarnUhe. Iye-tufts CilnsOlaware, Permery, Ac, N.. 23, Wet W a.-hiaton treet. aprt7 IIC V 4iOODS. T OLE NN A CO., New York Store, Dry f . tloo.1 wholesale and Retail, Olenn' PJock, East A a-shtiiKton treet. ma 5 TtVF.H AND TIN WAIIK. c "i HARLES COX, dealer ia Stove, Tin Ware, Ac, No. 11 Wet nsblntct.n Mreet. apr7 uook niMi:its. C AMITF.IX A I)TLF.S.P4,.k Hinder and Blank B.k Manufacturer. No. 37 Fast W asbington st., ea-t of Gienti'a Hi ck, up t;r. l!id;aniKlis. felU5-!tf DOUtiLAS A FALXIF.R. KK)k Kinder and Blank Book Kanufarturer, No. Washington street, over Alford, Mill A IV Grocery. mayU7 CHINA, CilltNH AND tl EENSWAUE. UAWTHORN A BUCHANAN. Importer r Cbina, Ola. at-l Jurenware, No. .3 East Washington st., iLKlianapolis, lu.liAna. 11 .'ll'.IH'IlANT TA1I.4IIIS. lKKPF.UICK itO'.m R, Merchant Tailor, and dealer in realj mal clothing an.l fumishiuir. No. 21 i Vv et Whinctn tr-t,opiotte SiTtinel pce. ro yV9 J ATTOltNl'.YS. i KILBV I;i"'0N, Attorr.ey an 1 Counselor at Ijiw. Tay c.vb for aj -proved, judgment "4 m-rt?.u 'S Uo uenoiijies li.-U-s. Ac. OC'.oe, 24 Injrtoa treet, wi-jla!r, ecoud door to the right hand, op roi:e filenn' Block. t f C IH!S ALU. ROACIIK t.KWH. Jo,t,p K. Mf Iton- j IT I. m. L ,n , n" ''vrrn . " ' 'J, tton.ev and Co;ir:se!or It, .tina iüuraiicr L""i - panj Buildirjr. ecotid Cor, rennsylvania treet. Jeldly MACHIN,STS ar nwM:i.siiiTii snot. TT A VINO 1 I KLY riuih k Co'i ' AVINO F.NT1EKLT UF.ITTTED THK SHOr FORM- KLY ccopietl by John Cooper, tn iNcoou, Last ar. 1 H ab Factory, 1 am t.rejarM to do all k;rwi of wwrk in the marhir.ery or;lh:n line. lU'r,tad twelve year in the S-t achine hoj. in the country, I Cotter myv-lf that I can a1e entire Mi-.faeuon to ihose who may favor me with their wt.ra. I hae in my employ we of the best t lack tulths In the Sta'e, and pay particular attention to hor boeiu and macha.e forc.i.. Kej!r:na of all kint pronii-ily atteinlrd to XI .wlel c-t aM klit built for lh patett krttienJ-er the place, one qutr jth of the ftdon Depot, fi lIlUKM .ireet. I T. I""WS. lulrlo -dl 1 NOTICE. AV JT. be thi day Id oar Bakery to Mer. !" wk- bta A Tarrott. Thar kir.jr the puM ) r--rl f. r their liberal patron age, e would rectluiljr a-k the c-uitiiuai-e t.f the aarne to our uccei.r. A. 4 I. JtfLTZLR. lieiiaaapoJl .l'c- JjU J3t onv coops. S3 erxl C3 DRUGS. NEW FIRM. TII.VVE associated with me in bnsine Mr. G. W. Sloan, who ha leeii an a-Mstant in the store for a Mimlier of years past. Hereafter the business will be continued at tbe old stand under the firm of I1IIOWNIN; A: SLOAN. I feel grateful for the liberal patrone;e which we have ever received trust by strict attention to bu -iues and the want of our customer to merit 1 and retain tue name. U. BKOWMNC. VLL peron knowing themselves indebted to me will please call at their earliest convenience and make settlement of ame, and oblige R. BROW NINO. (LATE K. BROWNING,) M OC "J Jt 25 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Have In store a large and wt 11 selected tock of Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Paints, Oil. Varnihes,Iye tu(l's, 1 1 lassware. W indow ( ; I a.s,rru.he.s Cij;r, Tobacct, Spices, Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Article, Coal Oil and Lumps, Patent Medicines, and all article to complete the tnck of a Dru(rjrt. A we purchase principally for cah, direct from the import er and manuf.icturers. and hein desirous to retain the reputation hieb our house ha ever enjoyed of sellir.K tf.nt,frtK tittUlf, preat care i taken in the selection of Drucs in refereiK-e to their purity. Our f.icilitie are Mich th.M we feel confident e can otTer, in wr tndtin a!ulterated articles, as strong inducerot-nt as any other Western house. All order will receive the peisonal atler.tion of ore of th firm tJreat care taken In tbe dispensing of physi cian' prescriptions ard family recipe from trictly pure articles, and we feel confident we can render satisfaction In the ir jtva an ! ou-ilily of eood. BROWNING A SLOAN, 22 West Washington street. HFST American an I French Window fil.iss; 500 boxes Window assorts!, from S.10 to 3660, in store and rr.l at lowest figure by BROWNING k SLOAN. PAINTS'. OILS! VAUXISHES! ! enrt KFtiS Pure White Uad; , jJJ 200 White Zinc; 5Q BARKELS Lliü'ffi Uli; CA5KS Tel'.ow (Vbre; ß CASKS Veret. Ued. With a lartre t.k of Vn;ihe, Paints, and Colors of all ki:-ds ground in oil and dry. For sale at the lowet figures. r.i:oWNiN; k suits, 22 West Washington street. Brushes! Brushes! 7WW raZF.N l"'nt and Varnih Bri'hes, Wall J f Hruobea, Sh Tool, tuender. Scrub, Shoe, how, rlair, II t, and Cloth Bruhei cf all kin d atloe fire. t BROWNING k SLOAN'S. je!4-deodA weowSm SCHOOL BOOKS. OF SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER. &C.,&C, IN SMALL OR LAROEQÜ ANTITIES, AtBOWEN. STEWART k CO'i DAILY SENTINEL Arrival Qnd Departure r Cloalng f Tttal U. aauvaxa. Madl.onmal! 11:W a Cincinnati and war mail.. .......... . .1(1:20 a H. M. JeOerw'tiville andLottbrrÜl &45 r. Terr Haute way mail ..........11.40 A. a Pern mail 11:40 a. Central way mail fc30 r. m Terre Haute thron Rh mail 7:20 r. Lafayette and Chicaro 4k00 r. m Bellefontaine way mall 8:30 r. at Bellefontaine through mall 7:35 A. a Central through mail 7:30 a. a dnciiinatlthrorjghmaJl ....Kh'O r. a SpringrjehJ.llliooi 10:15 A. a DirarrikBa. JfciiZa CTom. JeffersorjTilleandLouinTillemalL 70 r. a. Terr Haute through mail, SL Louis, Cairo.... 9:20 a. a. Lafayette and Chicago 100 A. m. Lafayette City and Springfield, Illinoia 70 r. a. Madiscnra 1U0 A.. Central way mall 1&S5 A. a. Central tbrouah mail and Washington City.... 6 OO p. m. Cincinnati and way mail IOJOa. m. Through mail ... 6.00 r. a. Terre Haute way, EvansTille and Vincenoe....lX:30 r. - teru . iz:im a. Bellefontaine way nd th.ough. 7:30 r. am DAT WAIL. BellefotiUine ? mail Louisville and JeffersonvilU T- fre Haute throut h 5:IK) r. a. SO r. h. 5:0U p a. LAW BOOKS. STATUTES OF INDIANA. (SAVIN 6c IlOICirS UE VISION. The second volume of llessru-Gavin A Hord' compila tion of Indiana Statute ha just appeared. Tbl volume complete their work. Its mechanical execution Is ver creditable; and the kill, learning, and labor which the editor Lave bestowed on It, merit the highft praise. None but learned, diligent lawyers could have produced such a work. The cecotid volume embraces all the public statute of Indiana now ia force upon the tubjecta to which It relates, and the first all excepting the act of the last regular and extra ws.ions of tie Legislature. It Is a great excel lence of the compilation that all existing statutes on eacb ut'Ject are collected t'getber in the fame place hi thcte volumes; o that tt e reader can ee at a glance all tbe legislation in force ou any given subject. Take, for ex ample, the act of 152, organizing Court of Common Plea. the editor publish the act at large, and they also print, in the form of notes on the same page. containing this fctatute, all the act amendatory to it which have been passed up to this time. And so they have done of all the other act contained in the revision of 1S52. The editors have added much to the value of these vol ume especially the last by the copious and learned note with which the volumes abound. These note Indi cate much labor and legal acumen. They furnish u, in a concise aud accurate form, with all the adjudication of our Supreme Court n these statute. These adjudica tions being now very numerous, the references to them In the volume under consideration, will be of great value to the lawyer, and indeed to all person concerned in the administration of Justice. Tbe editor have also referred. In their uote, to numerous decisions in other States, made on statute similar to ours. An excellence of these volume, not to be overlooked s the full and accurate index appended to eacb. In Indi ana, there De ver ha beeu a good Index to any volume of statute published by authority. This provoking defect La been completely remedied in the volume under re view; and the indexes will greatly lighten the labor of 11 who have occasion to look into our rtalutes. This i the first time tht private enteeprize ha at tempted the publication of Indiana statutes. The at' tempt, I do not doubt, will be successful, and will duly reward the learned editors and enterprizing publish-. erv Every lawyer will, of course, purchase these volumes; and e.very clerk, sheriff, and Justice of the peace of the State, will find it to hi advantage to own them. DAVID M'DONALD. . Indianapolis, June 5, 1SC2 The foregoing notice by Judge McDosau, of Gavin A 1Iordb Compilation of the Statutes of Indiana, i not de- i-igned a a puff of the work, but is an unsolicited com ion of the ability, accuracy, and completeness with which these volume have been prepared. The second volume, which has Just been issued from the press, i heing delivered to subscriber a rapidly a possible. This edition of the statutes will be found a ne cessity to every lawyer, Justice of the peace, and county officer in the State. The publication of the work Is a private enterprize, aud the publishers' only hope for re muneration i. in its sale to those for whose convenience it was nreuared. Tbe two volumes contain about 1600 pates of nutter, uearly double the quantity embraced the tevislon of 1S52. The price of the work is H 50 per volume, or 43 00 for the two volun-es. Order addressed to the FUbscriber wil receive prompt attention. J.J. BINGHAM, Junt 7th, 162. Indianapolis, Ind. FOR THE WAR. COLT'S rVTTISTXIV SELF - ACTING REVOLVERS ! NAVY AND BELT REVOLVERS, A full upply New rattern. swords at Cost Prices, Howie. Tocket. atiJ TaMe Knives; Fruit Can; Nail; Belting Kot, an J P.uiMinf? Hardware. At No. 21 West VTashinfTton St. Je23 J. 11. YAJrX. BARBERS. T1 SIMTKAFT HAS oI'KNF.I) A BARKER SHOr IN tbe new block of John C. New, two door o"th of the I'ostoR'.re. on the second floor. Room No. 8 and 9, uStrf he will b ileaed to see all hi old cu.tomera. Is in full blast with mx chairs. octlO-dly SHIRTS. Shirts! Shirts!! Well .Made AUD AT LOW PRICES; ALSO, FURNISHING (t 0 0 D S , AT 30 WK.ST WAIMGTO STIIEFT. Order from the country promptly filled. I10Vl-dlj.'62 LIVERY STABLE. Exchange Stables, i l l i n i H K t; r- o o t Opposite Ratet nousetlnt!iar;ipo!is,Il. au$-d1y IS Indiana legislature SLXATE. fcirrBLICANS HOLDIXO OTLft. Delaware and Black frJ Walter March. FajettcanJ Cnion Benjtmiu F. Clarpool. Fount-tin Henrv Campbell. Hamilton and Tipton Geo. B. Grubb. HeiMlrk-k mod Buone Solomon Blair. Heury Joshu II. Maiiett. Laporte and Starke Abram Teegarden. Miami and Fulton D;iniel R. Beam. Montgomery Michael O.White. rtoule, DeKalb and oteuben 1 imothj Ii. Dickinson. Randolph Thomas R. Brown, (contested.) Rush Edward H. M. Berry. Decatur J. D. Pleak 13. BLTCBLICANS ELECT! D. Jefferson John L. Mansfield. Wayrit Othnel Beesoa. Benton, Warren and White Alfred Reed. Tippecanoe Moses C. Culver. Jasper, Lake, Newton and Porter Fra Right. Kosciusko and v abash I'iirke and Vermillion O. P. Davis. Marion John C. New (contest). 8 21. DEMOCRATS HOLDING OVL.R. Clark and Scott Charles P. Ferjruson. Clay and Putnam Archibald Johnston. Gibson, Dubois and Pike Thotnus Shoulders. Johnson and Morgan Franklin Landers. Shelby and Hancock Martin M. Kay. Vico and Sullivan Henrv K. Wilson. Washington and Harrison Simeon K. Wolf. Jennings and Jackson Medea YY . Shields DEMOCRAT? iXECTE-D. Flovd Augustus Brndley. Marshall aud St. JoaeL-h Horace Corbin. Grant and Madison John D. Marshall. Posey and Vanderburgh George W. Finch. Perry, Spencer and Warrick B. L. Fuller. D.ivid and Knox James D. Williams. Greene and Owen George N. Moore. Lawrence and Martin -Thomas 11. Cobb. Craw lord and Orange Henrv Jenkins. Brown and Mouroe Paris C. Dunuing. Bartholomew Francis T. Hord. Dearborn James W. Gaff. Franklin Thomas Gifford. Adams, Jay and Wells George S. Urowa. Allen rimy Holland. Huntington and Whitley A. J. Douglas. Carroll and Clinton Leander McClurg. Cass, Howard and Pulaski John Davis. Ripley William L. Hartley 13 27. INDLrtXDENT. Ohio and Switzerland Alexander C. Downey. Kociupko and W abash W ilham U. Graves. Republicans holdiug over 13 " elected o 21 Democrats holding over Ö elected 13 Independents. REPRESENTATIVES. DEM. AM. Adams P. N. Collins 1 Allen Ochmig Bird, John P. Shoail.. .2 Bartholomew O. H. P. Abbott 1 Boone Sherman Hostetter Boone and Hendricks Thos. J. Cason. Brown Stephen V. Cook 1 Carroll John B. Milroy 1 Cass Charles B. Lasselle 1 Clark Jonas G. Howard 1 Clinton Cornelius J. Miller 1 Clay Adam C. Veach 1 Crawford Thomas Ryan .. . . .1 Daviess O S. Given 1 Dearborn 0. F. Roberts, Alf. Bregan.2 Decatur David H. Van Buskirk Delaware Alfred Kilore.r DeKalb Miles Waterman 1 Dubois B. R. Kemp. . . ." 1 Elkhart Matthew Rippey 1 Elkhars and Lagrang? Amos Divis.. Fayette and Union Russell B. Perry. . Fountain Samuel Hatfield Floyd Geo. V. Howk... Franklin Redin 0?born... Fulton N. G. Shaffer Gibson Silas M. Holcomb. Grant Henley J a tnes Greene John Humphreys 1 Harrison John Ltmmoti 1 Hancock Geo. Y. Atkinson Hancock aud Shelby James L. Mason 1 Hamilton and Tipton James O'Brien. Henrv Charles I). Morgan Hendricks James M. Gregg Howard J. M. Leeds Huntington and Whitley Samuel McGauchey 1 Jackson Jason B. Brown 1 Jasper and Pulaski John Darroch. . . .1 Hutchmgs Jefferson David C. Branham and J. L. Roe Johnson A. V. Pendleton 1 Jay Samuel A. ShoafF. 1 Johnson and Morgan Thomas W. Woolen .1 Kosciusko Henry J. Byerly Kosciusko and Wabash Jos. Marshal Knox William E. Niblick 1 Lagrange Francis P. Grifhth Lake Laporte James Forester and W. W. Higgnis Lawrence Nathaniel Williams I Madison Richard Lake 1 Marion John C. Tarkington and W. H. Kendrick (contested) Marshall v Starke M. A. O. Packard. 1 Montoe Samuel H. Buskirk 1 US .Martin jonn li. V. irien.... ...1 ...1 Miami R. F. Donaldson Noble -Timothy Baker Ohio and Switzerland R. N. Lamb Orange George H. Hon ..1 ..1 Owen Jacob V. Wolfe Park C;irH.T Burt Pike William II. De Druler ..i ..i Perry James Hardin Porter L A. Cisü Poe E. M. Silencer Putnam Austin H. Puett and George W. Priest 2 Ilipley Edwin P. Ferris 1 Randolph John 11. .Moorman Rush William S. Hall 1 Scott Daniel Blocher 1 Spencer James W. Lemrnon 1 Sullivan Stephen 0. Burton 1 Shelby Jacob Mutr 1 Steuben Enos B. Xoyes St. Jo?eph Andrew Anderson, Jr Tippecanoe Joseph II. Her-hey, Samuel Mustard ." Vanderburg ami Po?ey John A.Keitz.l Vanderbur Thomas E. Garvin 1 Vermillion Irad Abdill Vigo Bayless V'. llanna, Jno. Kemp. .2 Wabish sjohn L. Stone Warren Benjamin F. Gregory Washington Jamison Lec 1 Washington and Harrison Aaron L. Harden 1 Wayne Israel Woodruff, Oliver T. Jones, E. B. Newman Wells and Blackford Geo. S. Howell. 1 White and Benton John T. Ricbard- n?i 1 Warrick Chambers 1 40 60 TOBACCO AND CICARS. 8 O O OOO CIGARS Just Recti ted. JOIINA. IIEIDL.INGEU Just returBeJ from Orineetiait, U THERE HE HA ENGAGED 4.00.tsjO FINE DO MESTIC Ciirars. All arood wiU be warranted of tue very best quality, and will eil 25 Per Cent. Lower Than any other but will furnish the tame quality ETery one who sellscirar, waaleale or retail dealer come soon and examine the ock.. JOHN A. HEIDU5GEE, nor ! No. S Palmer Hons. RAILROADS. INDIANAPOLIS AND CINCINNATI t J X Xj IRi O .IM . I W sH1 . hortest Honte by Thirty .Tille! NO CHANGE OF CAR TO CINCINNATI! Three trains leave Indianapolis Daily, (Saodayi excepted.) 1IRSTTRA1N.-S:15A.M, (CINCINNATI EXPRESS 1 arrlrea at Cincinnati at lft40A Mn and Lcxinftton Second Train 11:25 A. JT Cincinnati Mail, arrive at Cincinnati 4:45 P. M., making cloe connctiona with the Little Miami Railroad fT Loveland, Morrow, Columbia, Newark. Zaneavtlle, and Wheeliug. Third Train 7.05 P. M, Cincinnati Exprr, arrlrea at CiccinnaU 12:20 P. M. Fare aame a by any other roote. Call for your ticket via tb lodiaAapolia and Cincinnati Railroad. Bags;a;c checked throngL. 8rcciAL Nonce. 1 aure yoo aret tn tbe rt;ht train at Indianapolis. Tbe only Cincinnati train, atands on the fifth track, being the farthef t track acuta ia the Union Depot, at Indianapolis. W. H. L. NOBLK, General Ticket AirenL. P. M. Ltthgow, Traveling Agent novl7 6i-flly PERU AND INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD. 1862. UTlzCTizl'J-Zy 1S62. NEW ARRANGEMENT. !ew Koute to Chicago via Kokomo. 32 MILES SHORTER THAN OTHER ROUTE. O N AND AFTER NOV. 15, 1S62, trainx will be run as follow s: A Mail Train will leave Indianapolis at LOO V. 31., top at all stations and make elexse connection at Kokomo with train on the Cincinnati and Chicago Air Line Rail road for Lotraiisport, Valparaiso and CMcao, at.d arrive at Pern at 5:00 I M-, in time to make connections with trains on the Toledo aud Wabash Railway, going East and West. Returning, the same train will leave Tern at 7:25 A. M.. after the arrival of the trtin on the T. & W. R. W. from the Kast, and arrive at Indianapolis at 11:20 A. M. in time to make connections for all points Kant, SouU and West. An Exprefstrain will leave InJienapolis at 10:20 P. M.f connect at Kokomo with train for Chicatro. and arrive at Peru at 2:."M A. M.. tntime tomkfconncction with trains poing Eist tcl West on the Toledo and Wabash Kail way. Ketaruing the same train will leave Tern at 12:25 M., making close connection at Kokomo with the train on the Cincinnati and Chicago Railway from Chicago Valparaiso and Loga .ort, and arrive at Indianapolis at 4:30 P. M., in time to connect with the evening trains for Cincinnati, Louisville and other point. Special atteution given to the transportation of live stock, produce and merchandise generally. DAVID MACY, General Airent and Superintendent. V. T. Malott, General Ticket Agent. novlH. '62-dly Bellefontaine Railroad Line. Winter Arrangement. kX AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, TRAINS on this line will run as fo lows: EASTWARD. 6 23 A. M. Mail Train Arriving at Crestline at 4:00 P. M., making close connections via Cleveland and I"ittsburg lor all Eastern points. 4:40 P. M. Night Express Arriving at Crestline at 6:00 A. M.. making connections as above. 1:30 P. M. Accommodation Arriving at Uniou at 9:30 r. m. Connections are made at Union for Dayton, Columbus Zansville and Wheeling; at Sidney forTolHo and Detroit; and at Belief out aine for Sandusky. WESTWARD. Trains arrive at Indianapolis as follows Nislit Express, 7:35 A. M.; Accommodation, 12, noon; Mail Train, 8:30 p. M. JOHN BR0U0H, General Superintendent. im-15-d2w&w3w ; Kama lv ti' 1M?XLaavo. JEFFEUSOXVILLE RAILROAD Two Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted Trains Arrive Trains Leave. 5:45 T. M 7:45 A. M 5:10 A. M 9:00 P. M A BOVE TRAINS STOP FOR THE ACCOMMODATION l. f passengers at Southport, Greenwood, Franklin, Edinburgh, Columbus, making connections at Seymonr with trains on the Ohio A Mississippi Road, and at Louis ville with trains on the Iwisville, Frankfort A Lexington and Louisville and Nashville Roads. Froight trainsleave daily. Freight promptly forwarded Office, Madison Depot, Wet side. A. S. CAliOTHERS, Superintendent. J. G. Whttcomp, Freight Agent. apl'62-dly Incli:in.i and lladion 1S62. 1862. T HIE PASSENGER TRAIN WILL LEAVE THE Union Drpot, Indianapolis, at 12:30 P. M. daily, for Madison, Cincinnati and Louisville. This is the tdiortest railway line to Cincinnati and Louis vil'.e connecting at Madison with the United States Mail Line steamers, arriving at Cincinnati in time to con nect with the Express Train on the Little Miami railroad leaving at 7 o clock A. M., for the Last, ana by tue Ken tucky Central Railroad for the South, and at Louisville about 11 P. M. Returning, leave Cincinnati daily at 12 M., by the above steamers, and also by the Madison packet, l-orest yueen and Prioress, arrivinc at Madison in time to connect with the PassenRer Train leaving at 6 A. M., and arriving t Indiananol.s at 10:50 A. M.. makinjr connections with all trains leaving for tbe East. Wct, and North. For the accommodation of way passengers a Car will run l:i connection with the Freight Train daily, leaving .i tianapolis at ButO A. M w hich truin remains some time at n:h station, affording passergprs an opportunity for the .r insaction of busiuess, arriving at North Madison at 2:50 M. tare to Cincinnati or Cincinnati to Indianapolis S3 00 To fjOiiiftville, $3 50. I o charge for meals or fetate-roorns on the steamers, or for basrgacre or omnibus at iladiscn. Tariu" of Freiehts as low as by ary other route Shippers and merchants West will find It to theirloter est to travel over and ship Ly this line. ap26-dtf. D. C. BRANHAM, Superintendent m. sw rwc 1862 li'ii''-'lJU-üi 1862 LL PERSONS PURCHASING TICKETS FOR ST. JOSEPH and other points in Northern Missouri, th State ! of Kansas, or the Territories, should insist on nar log tickets that read by the OHTII .TlISNOl Itl IK A1L.IIO AD. The only rail route from St. Lonis to St. Joseph. It Is the shortest and quickest line, by thirteen hours, to the re motest point reached by rail, and is always as cheap aa any other. Buy your Tickets to Kansas and all points in Northern Missouri by the North Missouri Railroad. ISAAC H. STURGEON, Pres't and Gen'l Supt. North Missouri R. R. HENRT U. SIMMONS. General Traveling Arent. Ttl7-dlv MUSIC. PIANO FORTES ALL WHO WISH TO GET ELEGANT Rosewood Pianos, superior tone and finish are invited to examitie the Piano of Chi M. Stielt, of Baltimore, now on exhibition tu at Mr. Snffern's Musi: Rooms in tbe JStna Building. Rooms open from 7 A. M. till 8,' P. M. Jyl-dly J.WILLIAM SUTFF.Ry Drums! Drums! BAJSS DRUMS, TENOR DRUMS, SNARE DRUMS, BOY'S DRUMS. !'o. 4 Bäte IIone. uovI3 GROCERIES. Groceries ! Groceries!! riVHK NEW AUDITIONS TO MT STOCK OF GBO I CEKIES nake it complete, comprising everytLirij to be found in a ell repalatM Grocery Establishment t am r,rDared to aerre mv friends and the public gen erally, with all articles needed for family use. Particular attention is alrea to the rurchase f produce. Pricea low m tbe Iowet. J- BARHARD, rtl-4l30i-t N.18 tk Miidtaatre4 DOOK AND jod PRirrriHC. INDIANA STATE SENTMEL STEAM PRUTTING- ESTABLISHMENT! lg7E ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS y for Book and Job Printing, with dispatch and in toe best Myie or tbe art. Particular attention paid to Mercantile and Railroad! Brim as BILLS OF LADING, BUSINESS CARDS, BILLHEADS, BLANKS, DEEDS, REGISTERS, LETTER HEADINGS, CIRCULARS, RECEIPTS, Ac Show Cards and Bills ! CHECKS, NOTES BONDS, ENVELOPES, STOCK CERTIFICATES, DEEDS, Ac, Ac POSTING BILLS covrrmv mcrchaitv. Show llillstllotel Rill of Fare. Hand lllll. Ioter and Programme Labels, Invitation. (Far tie and Hall.) 1 VKsr OKScmirno. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CATALOGUES, MISCELLANEOUS PAMTflLETS, CONSTTTUTIONS, REPORTS, BRIEFS, ke. Vfe bave one of the most complete Printing Kitablih- ment In tbe countnr. Our facilities for doing all kinds of Work. Book. Plain or Ornamental, are flrft clan. Wt F have introduced the latest and fastest rreaaea, aud have added to our Type all the modern styles, and we employ the beft w.rkmen. We are thus enabled to furni"h Job promptly, to jrnarsntec aatlRfactlon and to accept low - - pricea. We hare connected with our Job Department Adams Snperior Presses, and are prepared to execute Stereotype Pretework, together with thePrework for outside papers, at low figurea. -eia.i n..ih.Hii. Itankera. Uaallravad ?lan ager Insurance Afentif Manu facturera, &e. Is respectfully dirted t .or KatabU.baa.nt. If th desire first-clasa work at low ratea. rjfOTder frn- abroad wfll receive prompt attention. Jf-Work furnlrhed In all cases at tb. Mm promised. Strangers Irom a distance, and busi ness men of tlie city and country, are cordial ly inrited to visit our office, and examine oar facilities for executing every description ol Printing in the neatest style, and on the xaost reasonable terms. Z3 Office on Meridian Street, South of Wash ington Street, oppoait the PostofEc. ADDacsa, I ELDER HARZNESS St BÜJGHA1I. boos 01 JTST RECnTTD X KlE5DtO AÄ50SR35T C7 For field, portability and tjwer ther wenei all others. For aale by SEUJ40N3. Opttdam. SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, tt, Of the crettert tranraretit power, ef new ia. provement pro perl j adjusted to the eat. Orders from the country, with parucularf. promptlj attended to. Jlep&inQg neatlj done di.patcb. SF.MUONS. Optician. oct?J No 25. South Illinois atxect. conMisGTönTjEncMArjföT JESK JOHNSON, General Commission Ilerchant AM Dealer IIa lionrt rain and all kln f Cuntrf Produce; Tlne aaa Uquvrwt Clears, Tbaecf Ac OmCK AND WAREHOUSE, J37 POrTIl EC0SD iT, IIILADF.LrillA. Advance made an CMltiaaai. WANTED. 200 Recruits Wanted FOR THE -OF- i:irvi'iit!i Infhntry, WHICH The major j. w. mm Is authorised torai In Indiana. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. 13 AY FROM fia TO $21 TER MONTH", WITH RA TIONS, quarters medical attendance, Ae., com plete. All who erillft will at once be clothed, Mllt4 and provided with everything eu-cntial to tleir eorafort by the Government. The term of enlistment iT tiree Year. Taj to commence from date of enlistment. None but able-bodied rncle men, between the ares of 18 and 35 years, need apply. Itecruitini Rendezvous in Metrcer'a new buildinr. No. &8Eat Washington street, a-yin'ric Odd Fellows UaJL P. K. COIT, Mrt Uentenant Eleventh li.fantry, ßecruiünf OXcer. MEDICAL. ODi: TO HOXDI HI I L GRAHLLI. Coughs and CMs wtll ro awsy, Fometime In a Mnple day. If to the IruK Store you will g Ar.d ft MippiK ith Tuilsco; Ton can ue It freely at you leae. It aerrr fails to irive you eaae. Toow Grasules wonderful are, I'm aure. For they (.eedily eCcct a laslii.a; cure. 25 cents per box, at all Invg Stores. URANDE'S IJRANDE'S BRANDE'S BRANDE'S TUSSTLAGO CrRES COUGHS. TUSSILAGO CURES COLDS. TUSSILACO CURES HOARSENESS. TÜSSILAGO CUKES 0r.E THROAT. ode: to iiiiax ni:N timu(;o. WONDERFUL GRANULES. Oh i ts here can I tiud them. To the Drufr Store go quick, I will ieedily try them; I have a tad Onijrh, And I wit-h to be sura To have the best remedy That wlil very oon cure. JET 25 Pr box, at all the Irua: ftorea. BRANDE'S TÜSSILAGO CURES ASTHMA AND ItlinNClHTlS. r3jJT Sold t-y all Drugjrista. 25 cents a box. BRANDE'S TÜSSILAGO Is Pleaunt to the Taate -Children cry fr It. BRANDE'S TÜSSILAGO CUKES HOOnNO COUGH AND CROUP. aftaJf" 8ld by all Dru(its. 25 cent, a box . BRANDE'S TÜSSILAGO CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. Sold by all Drugicista. 25 cents a box. RENO VATERS. CLE1.YIJa UTE ESTiBLlSnMEXT. T HK UNITED STATES DTE-HOUSE, 50. SI SOUTH Illinois street, Indianapolis, Indiana, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At I hi old and well-known etablihmot, tb ladie. can bare silks Di roolen aroods dyed lo permanent and beautiful colors; and rrnU' ararments thorourhly renova ted and repaired, as good at when new, at lower pricea than erer. wand second -hand clothing bonirbt and n,W, Im, a paücuiar brauch in the buines denominatcl fine draw Inn billiard tal le iloth. or tear In any a-arment can b so wrought that tt can not be vtitle t tbe naked eyt. ffS), Cuuntry orders punctually attended to. No connection with any other Louse In this city. Remember the place, So. SS South ll'.inoia street. feb4 JOSEPH ILA.K&IS. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company, UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. Omer. OS THE CORNER O' WASHTÄOT05 AJTD ilwid an M recta, tfiiaj.a.U. Ttree dally ExprtSKes to Sew York; Two dally Krre.t.CtactanU,aa4 Two Exyresi to Chicago and M-Lotiii; The above Corcpaaiea are tie only prlrUeftf Xxpreeaoa tbe follonrtriaT rotda, vts: I.MjUSA tEMiau LAFAYETTK A CHICAGO; I5DIA5AP0LIS A FERU: TEkkK IUOT. M kiCHUfXm hKLLEfUMALSK A INDIANAPOLIS. Uooey, paakacs Tahiallea aad freUt earrd wtta mufcgiijrera. 5 Pill tüd Drifu will be prwEp? collected aa4 ready retorna mad 1. LLTTER 1ELD. Ajent, DRUCCISTS. SCHIEFFELIM BROTHERS & CO., wn0J:SALB DRTGGIST8. And Deahn In F.nrr Cda, fumeryi Pr aYlao, AjrTiU for ti. aal of l?d PetrolewiB. I3aBfBa tlcg Oil, sufrt -.l furxuahed ta may qaititJes at the Uveal market ratea. 17 XSD ITI WILUAM BTB . XXW PRY COOPS. NOTIOrOf CxC. Webb, liennrdy Cl Co., -7H0LESALE DEALERS TS E0EEIG5 AM) DO VV nttuc Dn Gflol. Joion. w4 Gtrti" fM lei Good. M Toet OT.ce Baitef, lei bood 1 d)w