Tl. ITI x-T WC-T BK IM;j-:K!.VKi. Jr .
tiksjay y i ok n i n ( 1T:
nemurillc Irelln '-"ligta..
Tl Dj.ii crati UaUn A-M-i .ii. cite or
pn'ii t dwld it rejultf weekly foeetinjr, t
Irtirr II.II, thU fn!n;. H; rcve.l or the
Aocii!vn the lloo. Two.?-. A. HrxDfcrcKi
will J!iver to addrew upon tit condition of
py'iVN! afTitr. A full al.e&danc is rerjuetftl, a
th A-citioo will complete iu organization at
tb coming to bight.
Aialllaf;r Cna;re Th .trmft.
(wore met fe-terdar, ami a rjnirum ti
prtwit in both brvriHiet Htrtn no orjjuntiv
lion to perfect, the batne.i of the etaion and
th coiilertiof of lh condition of public affairs
at once occupied the alttuti'm rf tl-.e rrernberr.
Th I'rvvJeut delivered hi annual roe;e,
ab tract of which, imteid of a complete report,
a wii protoel. apirr in th telegraphic col
umn Ttm will aff.rd the renler the drift of
lh position and argument of the President upon
the etil! ol the country nnd the rerrtftliet he pro
poea for oar National Double, but it will 1h tn
lair to crTtTc?-'niI pftrntmnce upon them until
the m-flige complete U poVi-br-d, o that It cm
be intelligent! considered and adjoCg .. From
this Congre-i. we can expect nothing but Abo
lilioo legiilaliia.
Aarahant Jaineal to In Idol.
Tb tejT ipher peid the news that Lixcol
1 re&l vftl to adhere to hia proeUnnHtion und
ticp'o p1K-y. th.tt "he would sooner die" than
derrt tia Abolition friendi in New KnIjrxl. It
i jupt like him. Htrin sworn th.it the old
hon wa r ixteen y"rf biIi it would be letting
down the Presidential dlpiity to til that he onlj
meint sixteen ham J Old Aaz raut have
"hick lair. c veu if the country froc to perdi
tion. The recent e'ettinn would hate taught any
mm !e- tubtxrn thun Mr. Liscol the fuy i(
periting in his mad and michievous policy
about t' tiero in conducting thi.-i wr. When
the freemen of the prett SJtttea of Ohio, Tetin
arlranij, Indium, New Yotk, New Jersey and
Illinois, citing million of suflripe and or.e
hundre and twenty electoral Tote, come out at
the pt IN and rrind hi Addition parti.tr.s inlo
piler. and coilemn hin insine measures for
de-rrojinjj the Union, a msii le under th do
minion of hia p.i?on would halt in the career
of follr which otltcr hid mirkcl out for him.
Hal he h i chosen hi friend, and thoe friend
and hime'f will topple into the same politicnl
grate. New Entibnd, tlnnk Heaven, can no
longer role the n iin.
Mr Lmcolx refu-'C' to hear the voice of the
people of the North western and Centrtl State.,
and tret.i with contempt the pr )flerel support of
conservative men. He place binclf above the
pen')!e, as he htn alreidy done Vve constitu
tions and hi w., nnd nurture in hi Ixxoni the
ripers who lure stung tli nation almost uno
dath! He spurn the Union sentiment of tlie
country, and takes to his con!ide;ice the Gaaai
o. the Oar.r.LKTs. the Oidpinosi., the J ilia,
the Wads and the Ciianpurs
Mr Licolm lim made his choice, nnd spiti
uj on the people's verdict. He refuses nil aid to
re-lore the Union hü it wm. The people demand
that Union, and trill hare nn other! Let coiierv
ativ rio'zen everywhere or-iuize for that grnnd
and h dy purpo-e, and, in I fC I, let them hurl
from power the la.t te-tieof the AlMdition fac
tion in the free bttie. There will never be quiet
iu the land while that preteutiou.-, pelf sufficier.t
and liyacritia b;nd of agitators h.i e polito al
power in the nation. The late elections cut them
Jowu in Cjiijtres. The j.p!e have done ;Iori-
ou!y in 1S6-2. In bCl let them exjnd the hsl ot
theo Tariuius from t'ie Cipitd.
Wlille Homrn In floston.
The Doitiu Herald, of u recent djfe, thu
pc-iks of the wae-i allowed to the working
white women of Uodton:
We 4re iiiforuied that a lirjre imtnber of wo
men hi tili city nd vicinity are h.red to nnko
woolen rthiris tar aoldiers at the piti b!e pittance
ot üve cents .t piece! They are hiioil bv con
tractiM . who j;et zto-l pi ices out of the Govern
incut, a lid are growing rich out of the business.
We are lurther inlorme.1 th it it Stuart woman can
mike two of the shirts in diy, thereby eini
iu tlm ci.tis It he m ikes nuue than two, -he
uiu-l flight her work, and then the sold.crs Miller
put id' the iwiiiille Tiie women wlio are b-rccd
by teru nceMili to tlo uch woik at nnth a j lite,
or tirve, miy b the wive, d iiilner or sifters
ol' ü.l.lif., w"li hive fiilen iu bitile. or hotill
tan 1 widi i be tl of the Uoi u with the Army
of t he KeuMic.
As the Herald in aitong Abolition ptper. we
presume it don't slander lhitn utidocrvedly.
Ten cent a day is very tmill w ape form h.ji.e--t
and iiidulrious white womiu to earn, and es
pecially if she U the mother, wile or .-iter of
iue ."oldier who h.i fallen in battle, or ho
stiil etands br the tia of the Union." It U a
Iiaiue to chioii'cle Mich ipafr.on of while
women, but a still dttj cr disrate fur Govtin
tueut roitiractorti to wt utii pite wliielhej
arc irri wiu rich out of the busuie.-s No doubt
there rascAliy contractor are fcieat love.- ot the
nero race, and deeply mpathize with the op
preyed African, but a oor w bite rum and worn tu
ouf,ht to live on ten tents a day, .tcordii'g to
Yuukee conscience nr.d liberality!
While these grand evidence of New Knlai.d
generosity are being plated off in lus!on, the
people of the United State are euppoitin 2t,000
Contraband tunawaj or lulcn negroes ind
giviug then ration and lodius coitmr -4t centa
d iv each, or nearly three miliiotis of dollars per
aunum! If they would ju-t let tlx negroes ktay
where they l e'ot , and aj jnpti.iie tlie time
tDuliou of dollant to the !up(irt of the s-li;ei i
wives, mihers, ?i.-ters and tluih'ers, tln-se con
tractors and Yai.kie t.euro Iovt-ts would h:ie;
fome claim on the gratitude of their country, j
Sf i
i cu cents a uay lor a wi.ti woman a
That'a tta disgraceful, e en for Dos ion.
r ,
t'liargr Againtl iifftcrraof the Arm !
The lollowing extract frooj a letter datel ut j
Cairo. Illii.oi. has teeu furnished u by a trcutle
man residing in a rieighloriu countv. The
cenntry has been lull of tumors of the sm.echar
arter. and correspondents o(ewspi cr with tl e i
h nted at uncry l unagts in the wav i
of plubdrr ol private eii.zens. ic. We could
never lAlily ctctbt them, fur it lockrd sj unlike
men et.gaed in the high und holy cause of put
ting down this rebellion. The upen.ion horn
com um nd of General Ctari ni jf have ine
relfrrnreto this system of dishonest gain, and j
if we shall be ftUd to know ihe truth of the
charge so long aflout in the country. If they!
ate untrue, tl e ooui.try should know it. If tn:e. !
the rcr Ua houM 1 no lunger disgraced by uivli
who aought a oaimisaion lor ihe vile purpose of
of rolbery and plunder. We trust ute honest '
fcet.t of the GovetntLet.t will tleir up these!
charge, or let the truth b known. It wiuld I i
a harne to have cur giotioutiig disgraced by!
cotviuct which would dishonor a pagan people:
Eitct of m leter dated
Caibo. November Sh). IsCJ
If all tint the oMiei report be true. ihre is '
greit ti. wkle ;aeddeunraliziionti the Union
Army of th Misiyi. As thev tiilirie,
Jck nd emweiat!, lb wtoriew whicli the? teU wrw
heut m-llng in r r Vreme. Tfcewrvr fello Ilotr the , hall Hon Policy Help the
v iht I' ir i -T- Imi N 1 but little' y mp4-, Itrbclw "nuilirin Opinion of .rll
thV for them, nr i t". tbw men were let; io the rrn lludlcMt. j
tr 'ercy t f c reie- .Mr-es. and i:unm Cent pht i From h" f.:t-hnv.t,d rxtmlnr, 5t. 21.
cl". i. I 'f e-nt'ie L.fl w.iled. .1 hry fhil. niT ukeil f tetf.t xftf tT1l
thtt. fr-. hi .!. Cnrt.-. d -wi. tithe irt-mMlM eJ.., .,;, m j, , .,. eM.c. ura..i. ? to ihe S.uth. !
oitfS. $pciUfi in cotton a: pc' l 1 tl e ai , T I... r , iir , p rtT thete I n e pur-ned . p-dctj
m!,h- n.ii.e ..f J er- Tlicic lu. , ,, , h cMn..;.d ited .Southern -eiilimei.t and'
ldtie.m. Ivliti.u )! e by thee hi i:i.. Mid ; M,,;teki ..r ..,!,.. , ol;r ,n In j .Up,4,rt 1 the
rillt. tthiS alwiy tleeiitTalcI into c plutini'
lirtt$,iuulei, kloutlnl kor$e$,tA other valuib'e-"
whicy hat been atiprcj,iia;ed to the private u-e
of thj olScers in commtnd of regimeuls. Thou
saiids of bales of tu'.lou h ive bt-eu hipLcJ up
the M-N-ip't. or around bv water from Nc
OrUur.s. to private accoont, of bas teeo jo!d by
thee officers to cotton broker, who follow the
army to pick up the plunder of the catnp. I met
an intelligent luddier to dv, who iya tht manv
of the Indiana U!ore!s have nude fortunes out
of this system, and he declares thit an Ironeat
court-martial wonl 1 corslet S'Xires of olTiterof
the ni'Hl bare faced plunder of rit'iers. lie says
that On. Curti ha tnde tniiliona out of ihu
syteni. and tint every little Colonel is linins hi-
pure with what beh-n toother He tnink
that Curlia baa teen enrereded in hi coiii'nand
lor tili re-isoti.' and that the Adniln'itratioii hi
only jat bund out wht his been going on. For
six or eiht montha tins pime h been in lull
practice, and it i a pity that it was not found out
aooner. We hive heard ( it in Cairo for
moi.thi", and the eviilrt.ee h is been before u
nearly all the timv I heard of a Colonel from
Indiitt wh sent home d rove of rnu'e- four
month ago. but I am too far (T from you to
leirn if they arrived a(e at hia firm.
Thee oflicers will go home when the war is
over, and claim wonderful credit for their -er-vice.
I hope there will be ome way found out
toleduct from tl.eir pay the v.tlue of the article
appropriated to their own use, ard which uevr
belonged to them. The poor piivate are nun
i.hed for taking even a chicken. The dli. cr
gobble down cotton, mule, hordes, Ac. It thrre
no way of rrachiny thme chap ?
Cerrtpporidnice of the Cincinnati Commercial.
from .MIasUlppl.
SoiiiiiBN Stkatjct and Norihikm Tools
Tin Klbllliom Aiulo by N biiii.hn Srin
LATohs The KrA$' otR NouriiiBM Kadi-
Davis' Mills, Mississippi,
November 4. iTbJ j
Of 11 the expedients which the rebel leaders
have resorted to for the pure of Mcomnlih
tii their ends, the mot succes.-ful has been tlie
systematic deceit which they have practiced u;xn
the North. They know too well that they, with
tl.eir eight million, are no match for the twenty
million of the North, protidt-d tint the full
strength of the twenty inil'ion hould be put
foith The problem lor them lo ndve, therefore,
in the outlet of the war, wa how to repte-s the
aidorofthe Ninth; how t prevent 'the North
from putting lotlh its w lnle tit-njtli. The ex
pedient which they final! v adopted, nnd to which
thev have Me.:dilv alheird. w;ts to cau.-e the
North to believe that they had no military
strength; that the people were divided in -enti-inciit;
tii 1 1 there was a strong Union party i the
South; tint ihey had not the iiien. of arming,
clothing und fu'o-i-i:nL' an army, und that for
the-e reason a war could not be proecuted by
them with a vigor which their rebellion would re
(juiic. They rcisoi.ed, and leasuned conectlv,
that if they could j;et the Notth to believe the-e
tiling, it v.ould r.m-o them to be so uuderr:ttei
that tl.e North would not put forth suiScieut
ttr.Mts to Milalue them.
Fortunately lor them, but unfortunately foru.
there were not wanting at the Noith men weak
enough to be led into the snare ol advancing this
object, without being aware that iu so doing they
aided the cauye of the rebellion. It was, how
ever, the Radicals nnd the Abolitionists of the
North, who fell into this trap.
They denied thil the South h id the ability to
raise any army at all. because, they said, thtt as
foon a the white men went ofl to the warn, the
negroes would rie ami nnssacre the women and
children. When the Southern armies were raised,
they said they could not fiht; that one Northern
üoldier could whip three Southern rebels. When
the Utile of Uull Run. Kill' KlutT, WilW
Creek and Williainlurg had demonstrated that
they could fight, thoe Northern prophets then
aid that the Southern Foldieia had no clothes,
except tatteied rag, no shoes, no blanket, no
cannon, no tnu-kets.no nudicine.no fowl. Now,
however, after I 'ope defeat by thee he!ej
Mganiufliits, alter they had expelled the Union
Jinnies Irom Virginia and Tennessee, and tr.uis
1 er ted the e. ot war to the Ohio and 1'otoinac,
these self same prophets si-y that the Southern
troops are discoii'etiicd and mutinous, and that
ihey ate no longer under the control of their
1'erhaps it was while in i state of Snui.ra;.iU
lion thit Iheir inuiiiiou," 'hill-fed rebels
r:orme I the position oi" the Union tioops at Co
limh, on tiie 4:h ol October, under the mot ter
ririo and muroerous tire of artillery which was
ecr witnesetl on this Continent!
S- it is. when the fabity of one statement is
in itle manifest, iooie other oiie is invented. The
object of this studied misrepresentation on tiie
part of our Northern fain tic, is the same n that
of the Seiesjionid. numeh: to ptevent the war
J nun being terminated. The motile, hoaeier, is
ibtlVreiit. I hey dc-ite to prnli.ut tl.e wa:- in or
der th it they nny i;r w rii h u:.n fit contracts
iitid Go eminent agencies When it is re
incinbvied how in my thousand of contracts the
ntent. of tl.e tb ei nmei.t uitit in tke tor shi: -,
br hirts, fr muirdion of war, for clothing, for
the material f.r -lothing. lor all kinds of pro
vivniH for men and unwu als, for w:.gon. tor the
m mul icture of raj er iiii.ey, anl lor the thou
rand and one other nece.-? it ies to canyon ,m ex
pen"ewsr; when it is rctneinlu rcl w hat a s w arm
of agents the Go erntneut h i to keep in pav, iu
every posib'e cajucity, all over the land, it will
bereiddy percencd that these agents und con
tractor lii.d the war tube a very profitable afl'iir,
and Ii ae not the s!i;;hteft c-iie lo see it ended.
Whi'c it list their g.!'leu harvest list also.
hcti it fiid.s iheir cis.ii ol pros pet ity is oer.
Thtfe aie the men wb make it a j.rt of a
pjrttm.ttic J l.tit to ut.ticrr.ile tl.e .-tret pth and le-
sonrce.s ol the South. Their motite i tjuite ap
patent. They hive the unlimited control of
inotit-y, and money cm do almost anything;
among other thing, it can control a en.il ire-',
and subsidize otfici i's who are a digrace lo their
cntittiet.ts. These harp es are fojitii.u ill v sing
ing the .siren song that the rebels never h tt more
tli Ii liOi .t K Uoo; at any time, and h ive not
now 15:i,liiU in the field.
The etVect of the-e tales i to produce
throughout the North n relaxation of effort To
person who believe them, it seem of course the
bight ot folly to put a million of men into the
tieM in oul'er to whip .'liMI.Od;) .dmed hilf
n.tked, and "mutinous rebels. The consequence
is, tint we send out our troop b- ctibb'in to
fi.ht the i'ici;iined legi-.n of the S uth. and
when they aie ued up. we .-end a few iuie. to
j:o through tlie .nne prHCss and thus, 't our
"-t:iten e:i" s iv, "the w ir stilJ I ir:gui-hes."
It the teople North could on e core. tchen 1
tl.e true issue in legird to the rebeihoi,, they
would very soon tike s-iih .eps as would bring
it to a pce.lv termination.
"Shoulder trsps
were in the acendant
l ist Iiil.t in tVi citv. Fie Maior General
W illace. Uutli. lue. Wr:i:ht ;nl Or 1 and nu-
irigaii.ers: wl.ne Colonel Moor Cm
it. . ." , ji j r. . v 1 1
I tto.'s.inl LieuTenit.L'. were innurr.er.bV. The
mission of tl.e star rank b atretdv .fen defined -
. . . .. , ,, , . .
to'.t ti e etg:c. snver ail g.d.j leaf .h. 1 iiir
. ' .. ,r
weie oi loiiii'ellv tn re numerous th m iitH-ess.irv.
A citizen, in lud civ i-dre. w ,-t rurtoiiv . and
, . . . .
to a stranger üisr irrivmir in Uincinnifi the rut
ur il imptession wtoild he that we were indeed a
mil-tary leople Cincir.mti Enquirer, Satur
day. McClhi an s S;lic: If General McClellm
perit in hi silence, as he doubtless will, err
t on j resse w ill soon be in the condition of the
fish womm wl. was pouring out her bi21ingsrite
on Dr .Thi r-oti.of Alerdee:i Her togne w is on
the mmve. tojt the d'X-tor con?rl;eI him-e!f
j ertrt tiv ai d sil not a word. Sae could not,
w,th all her efforts, get a -ingle ei; re-si, n in the
way ot reply oi etH .nation Finally, i;t her des
peration, d.e excli med. with the credent vehe.
mence. "Speak, you dovil. or I'll burt!" S.
Y. World.
Sm 'Miv CoTBACTots am Siwixo ( i b LS (
Ttierr i-. a shoddy contractor's e-tat!ishment in
Liwtetu e. .M s udiu-ett. w here se in? girls are
employ boe cointrii.itiori i. only ninait .it?
lent per week. For sh true, v e hi po-rites! wl o
Bilvocte 'free 1 dHU, nd pluiMivr vour G ern
Uifül. while ywu vpprv. the wiii 'uU Haxl
ford Timw
w never gieat. I he measure of eceioti w .i
at I ist tolerated rather lh:i crrdldly -eorbrare-l
by the tuajoritt .' IVm a after ü war hd beun.
the hoje of re':ontructin a latent sentiment
in the bosom ol the Southern community. More i
than any oth-r fp!e in the world thoe of the
South are con-evvauve. It is the feeling of all
airiicultur.il communities; it was peculiarly the
feelinjr of Southern planters and alaveholJera
(ie u the Constitution as it i.- -had teen their
incle demand in all the long controversy they
hd hid wi;h the fanatics. Let us and our insti
tutions alone wa the Ali'ha and Omega of their
pilitioal philosophy.
Therofof Ihe controlling prelomnance of
this conservative sentiment was fTjrileil by their
patient endurat ceof the eomuietcial policy of the
Federal tJovernment, which ha1, by taritTs and
notgition law, for moie than fifty vears, nn
linueJ tonaddle all the public expenditure utsn
the planting Slates, le-ides imponng burdens
upon cotiimerre which constantly accumulated
wealth ir the North, and extracted it from the
Smth. Not only diil the Southern people sub
mit to this policy of the Government, but they
econdel the policy in their own private eipendi
lure; buying always a Yankee manufacture, at
double pi ice, in preference to any other, and buv
ing of these more than prudence or economy
would allow.
Nothing hut the trucu'ent and brutal policy of
the radical partr at the North could have eradi
catel the deep eiied sentiment fntn the South
ern Imisoiii. and unite them as one man iu Mipport
ol the war. If the wi.et meti of the South had
been c tiled upon to surfest a eotitseof io!icy for
the Nrtb. which would mo.-t efTet-tually secute
the Lit il attd in e vocable dissolution ol the Union
teyrnl all oinbiliry of recntriictin, they w ouM
h ue indicated the violent and fiendish course
w bich ha leen pursued by the Government und
armies ot theso-cailed Uni-.e-l States. The radi
cal party , having possession of the (iovetmnetit.
wottld ?eem to have rone to work wit! mnlie-e
aloitihuii;lit to break Uj) the Union, and to reu
derail further connection with it the most ab
horient thouy ht of tl.e Southern people.
This party hive been of eminent service to the
South, iu the nio'le und character of iheir pro
ceeding, not only by cousolid ding public .enti
ment mi combining ihe pnblic'er etpie at Imnte.
tul bv tlmrouihlv di-"ustin the lorei"ti world
with the l ankee cause, nnd enlisting the sy nipt
thies tf the iziMd. the wie and the yieit of all
lands in behalf of the South. The North com
menced this war with 11 the moral ideas of the
foreign world arrayed in their be-hilf. They had
previously .suecteied in impressing the f'reii:n
mind with f.il.-eati I inototn.us i.Jeisof the South
em character. They have since as thoroughly
succeeded, albeit uniiitentionally, in completely
tctnovingthat impression, and in loading them
selves with a degiee of oilium in foreign estitn
tion which 1: is rat ely, it" er before, been brought
iiRn themselves by any people. They have in
Uicled upon us great material dam ige in the
progress of hostilities; but they have far nmre
than compensated our losses in this respect by the
exccllentiesultsof the moral campaign they have
waged in our favor
The recent MiccfK of the conservative senti
ment of the North, (for it is a misnomer to speak
of it as a Democratic or parly triumph,) in ob
taining control of the next Federal Congress, is
probably too p rti tl to bring about a reform in
the mode and spirit of hostilities on the part of
the North Congress may be b!e to exett but a
limited control upon the Executive in thii par
ticular. Kut to tiie extent that wise nnd elevated
measures shall be infused into the management
of the war, the Southern cause w ill puffer from
the accession of conservative men to influence in
the (io eriiment. A vigorous aoeeMitioti of the
war, coupled with a constitutional administration
of the Federal Government, attended by concilia
tory words and appeals for harmony and good
feeling, would demoralize tlie Southern cause
rnoie than all the rant, and incendiarism, and ma
lignant brutality and knavery that have charac
terized the proceedings of the radicals.
Wlio l.iitMe for .Tl Hilary Duty-,
j v j
nd Disbursing )
berlst, lc62 )
bi.iiv.CE, Statk or I
Indianapolis. Decembe
Ma. Dinoham Editor or Sextixkl: By re
quest of Mr. Wlole and others I send vou a
copy of views rul-mitted to lie Court, for publi
cation, if you have room and deem it of sulTicIent
interest to the public. Very truly yours,
Henry H Carringtox,
Col. leth Infantry, U. S A
Mera'Tinduni submitted to I ho Judges of the
Supreme Court, as to the military law bearing
up .IT cases under consideration of the Court, bv
Col. Carrington, U. S. A . upon request:
Fifft. Who are liable for militarv duty
1st. AU citizens (not specially exempt) between
Id and 40 etrs ofaige.
21. AU other c:f;zens, (not specially exempt)
of whatever age. if tit for military duty, icficn '.'m
the exercise of ultimate authority, consc ription
takes place.
The former class alone require present notice.
Tiie Constitution specifies the extremes of ser
vice at IS and 45 ye ns.
The Acts id' Congress, and orders of the War
Department, sub-divide this class, viz: lii.-t, as
mitiOTM, whose service, at common law, is due to
patent, or tu irdian; and second, as adults, w ho
act independently of other restraint. The former
require the consent of patent, or guardian, unless
drafted. Thii cum-eiit, formerly teipiired in
writing, may now be either verbal or derived.
The latter named may be presumed, when tiie
pnent.or guardian, without objection, permits
tiie son, or waid, to enlist; or, being privy to. such
eniiVtineut. pet mi U him to accept ('overntueiit
hoiinty, clothing or pay, without jevtion, tr
prefetment of claim for his discharge.
iy (ieneral Older, the o ith of the reciuit that
he is of ae is held conclusive, though !e tieonly
eighteen Thisath would hold r.Hl whciere
Ctui'a eiceed the age of forty five, tint have
sworn their ae to bo less. Owing service to no
otht-r j erson. ti.ey cannot stultify themselves, und
take -advantage of their own wrong, to escape
horn obligations voluntarily asumed. Whatever
their technical right, they have no representative
to as-eit it.
The status of soldiers who have enlisted, as of
full age. but are iu f-.ct less thai, eighteen, re
mains to be con-ideted
'I he Constitution does not treat $uch as militia.
The Regulation forbid the enlistment of mi
nors, less thn tigh'ceu tears of wze. except in
the case of musicians. If they otTer to enl st.
the consent ol the parent cr guardian, however
strong or urgent, will not absolve the ofluer from
the e-n diy of a false muster, if he permit it.
1 he in sie iCscnt aioii of the minor u. iv relieve
theolbcet , but cannot .ilfecl the claim of parent
or gurdi n to tlie services of the cliild or ward.
A muster, impos-ible and illegal in itelf. may
iiotbecuiel and legaliied by the plea of fait ac
cotrifi'tt, a thing tlttne.
The prtMutnplton of the Constitution, and such
acts or orders :;s are genu:::: to this o,uest on. i.
that minors under e;ghteet! are ttdit ft..-militarv
duty of cot.tinu.il duration, .ind expei ience ou-
finn li.is conclusion. A c n-crMti.-n of.il! age
assumes thit an emergency extts reuirir.g' a
lrce greater than the muiiia, and oi persons onlr
st.trjecl to do dutv in such an emergeucv, and
.i , -i . i i
then t!e exeniMMin cou.d not be flatmeil
t. .i... ..i .. ....- .
I pi fl:e oi-c...uge of a tnirif.r, owever, by
' i -. - i . . .1 Ä r
i c: ii ..H.M-ts. u is but jui lo tbe .,-
I . - i , .i . .
which lias pud lor the service o a sail
i ... i i : . i a.
feen tfeceivi d in te-tet tf h tit lies,
' i i tt : i . i -i
i ei cli Iii o(0 r to be ic!uiioc.l d the
$Aaiert and
tint the
ie Injuntv,
j and place the put.es, as fur as jHissib'.e, in statu
Seeon. I. As to soldier, who. pending final dis
jclnrge, hue received furloughs
j Tne case is nude upon ihe iue of a writ of
j habeas c.-r; us. coiitemphitit.g the ihcl arge o! a
: sold.er in.m mint arv custody, on the giound th t
iiaiit.g a Inriongh, r leicd Mience. he could ;
not beordeie-l upon dutv. or nrretel a a desert-!
er. It i claiiiied,
1-t, Thai sucii a ruper is v irtu l!y
a d.
tri irge
Hi. That auch
V oca tie
a leave once given i irre
r loscnirg'e is tuime naie aua unit, it i ,
jredicaied upon the titictne of the o'die for
i continue! er vice Hut. il the Surgeon give a
fa!-e cer iticate; it it te jaocuted ly bnberi ; il
the nature of the disease be misconeei ve-d ; if tlie
soldier himself temislken, and, bvf re actu il
di'chirge. is really til lor duty, so ai to be ab'e
' fulfcl I h' coniract wi;li ihe t jvcrnment, the
coiitract mu-t lie d.-emed of iull lotce and vit tue.
The Government propse to re'eise him if lie
cn not luif.ll hi. p.rt. Piojf. that Le cam iu'.
Sil. rei're tb- Umtut t tbe p.rli.
Möreorer, a leave of abence. pendinsr a di
chrge. is f rol.ii.it-i by army teguUt-.-us Order
have l-e-co i-ptirJ wniiuiing all furloughs and
leives of 'ii-cnre b w h rooever grati'el Tl.
furlough i Iii sun ruder, b-r a perl.!. 0 the
soli er.of tin.egiven to ihe public it e Itis
a voluutary tree a t. Cert t-nly it is reversible al
w i!l ot the ('o ernment lii ing it. An emp.ytr
who jjite his strtai. t i holiday rny tecall him to
dw'v-jf be-ple-e. . When tiven by a subordiuaie
ef.n er. e-.ti.er w ah or wiih-mt s tnct.otj of ti.e 'ti
perior, it i given by dericitite nuihority, nr Hie
?Hf. Iu eitler case tlie n pet ior authoMty,
which is entitle! tj theofiicer's obedience as wed
js the oldicrs, may revoke the grant.
Further, the soldier 6till draw pay, clothing
and -urVis.er.ee. If he can not render full er
vice he rau-t tender so much as he can. ilct.ee
it isthat fuch soldiers perform hght duty in hos
pitals or elsewhere
Their obligation, to the extent of their ability, j
is reciprocal with ihit of the Government to feed
and pay, and equally binding.
A o,ueiii n of jurisdiction arisei in this case
which seem. e-a-ilv retried.
It is partly a military one. The soldier has a
amli. I ..i' th. . . .... i- I
he may apjdy directl to the next superior -fiber
forieihe'S. The tribunal of rebel is adenuate.
immeiii-ite and legiumate. II civil courts tetu-e
to heir apj licilKins lor exemption fpun draft,
btCauttA mMle of relief is other vise prot'ulrd, how
cn they enter the interior lane of military Uw
at.d ex iniine questions th.it luve no analogies or
ptecedents outside of military l.iw? They mut
inquire as to the relative rank id miiitarv olfi-
culs, extmine oideia aihl ie-imental reonds; !
ii a xcord, must enter a. foreimi provitice as dis
tinct hihI i-id ited ad can possibly be conceii ed
They must be prepared to review and overrule I
even the orders of the Commmder in Chief, the
Pre-ident himself not un a case legitimately
made, iiiolin cousin ulioual l.iw but upon
m Itters not of civil tecord, but wholly extraneous
to it.
While pece is our norm tl c-ouh'tion, and s'nee
military lon e exists at all onla tKcause other j
police is in idetiuato to rroieet the Suteatainst j
metl opposition to its iiiandates.it i just as
true th it the ohe liehce ol the tdlicer aiid srl.l'er !
to his pui-crior must le alt-dute nnd complete, j
as wei" lor tue iutete-ts ot the btate as the lis
tiplii.e and t Ihciency of the army itself. Ah un-
d.scinlinetl :trrny i the most Uangerous f. e to :i
weil onlcrttl State
T heieis no necessity for collision, nor for either
jiulhoiitv to leave its ieit'u.iate sphcte ol .tc'.in.
The civil utithoiity, supitme iu the abstract, atnl
siiteme eveniutheu.se of the inibtaiy jwer
itseit. as its riht rm of power, must be re
s', cited; hut. in enlotcenicnl of the authority of
the military superior, the fiieer must be true to
hi military duty, knowing thit therein iie is
hervitif the civil wer itself while imnlicitly
obevin those vvho place the public pence in hi
char-ie. It grow. out of the ;diormal natuie of
war itsel!, especially a civil vv ar, that new con
ditions of civil life atbich to the workings of the
body ilitic.
The only prrfct remedy i restoration of per
fect peace Je;iinu.y between the civil and imli
tary turn is natural, and eetniu cl.irhin is at
linie inevitable; but ;ood sense und sound pa
triotism will alwavs en.-uie a rational i.-tiie nut of
nil dilfet ences, und a wise harmony in public en
deavor will impart new jecwify to society, while
it gives additional elTiciency to the aiiny it.-e'.f.
.Meeting or Mrorrii evvpnprr Inb.
In response to an informal invintion, ;i meet
in of Western new-smjer publishers was held at
Indianapolis, Nov.iJöth, lvGii.
The meeting converieil iu the Council Cham
ber, und was or ini.etl by the ;tppoint meut of
td. M uivpennv, ot ColumbiH, Ch.iirm m. nnd
Kictnrd Smith, of Cincinnati. S-cret.-iry:
The daily press was rej.re-cntcd us follows:
Chicago Tribune, Times, Journal, Staat Zei
tun, and Tost by proxy. M Ltiuis Democrat,
Ueptiblicim and Kveniri News. Cincinnati
Commercial, Times, Enquirer and G izette. De
troit Tiee Press and Tribune. Cleveland
Herald, Le oler ii d 11 dndcaler. Iii-iini ;li-.
Journal, Sentinel and Amer'can Loui-ville
Journal and Democrat. New A!biu Ledger.
L if nette Courier. Toledo IMade and Com
mercial. ColtimbtH Journal and Statesman.
Dayton Empire and Journal, by ptoxv. Pitts
bur Gazette, Dispatch ami Cluonicle.by proxy.
Joseph Medill, of the Chicairo Tribune, ex
phiinrnl the origin of the movement and the pen
eral object of the meeting It was tleemctl itn
pot tint to consult as to the ndiarn e in the price
of printing paper sunt other mute: ia!. useil in tbe
tiewsp ipcr pubüsliii; buMiess, ami to devi-e a
plan to meet ther-e heavy ex f-iidifures; Iso. to
adopt ineisine' with leieicnce to telegraph ie
p uts for the pns. Alter a general inteieh di'i
of iew. and without definite :iction,the meeting
took a recess until 2 o'clock V. M
Upon leissemhlin il was lesolved that theftd
Iovini niiestion tie acted opn:
1st. The increase in the price of subscription
to cover the advance in the cost id materials.
21. The provt-iou of substitutes for inj;, in
the manufacture of p iper.
'M. Tl.e correction ol the National tax on the
products ol printing establishments, or an .-uljust
nient v.yt a mere equitable basis than that now
e-t ihlUhed.
4th. The orcan'zition of an u.-ociation to pro
vide telcLTtph news.
The f .ilowiris resolution wa then offered and
uii u.iinoiidy adopfel:
Renolred, That for purposes of self protect! on
ami niufu tl pood, th- newspaper establishment
heie lepresemetl. and such others as rnav hetc
tifter be admirted, shil! oe oi inize-l im. an i
sociatioti, kuown as The WtsTta.v Associatii
l'aiss: tint h H'inrd of Doctors shall te elected,
ctinistin' of seven members; aj.d. th a the 11 .ard
thus eJeced shall choose a President, Secretary
and Treasurer from it own niember.-
Ti e meeting then proceeded to tlie election of
Ditectors. with the following result: Illinois,
Joeph Metiill; Mi-souri. Georpe Knapp; Ken
tucky. J D O-bt rn; Ind: ma, J. II. Eider; Ohio,
liichard Smiih; Mtchi-au. Henry il. Walker;
rennsylv ani a, S Ki-!d!e.
On tu -ii ti, the publishets of all il til v pipers
in the 7e-t. receivinir telegraph news, "were in
v tte i to join the Association.
'i he 1! .laid of Directors. thrcii-;h tlic'r oflircrs.
w ei e Hiititoi izil .md it. .strode! to open negotia
tion und mike arrangements with the New
ork Ass.K-iate l Pnvs for tele'r iph news.
Wiib rereter ce to the advance iu the price of
subscription, it wms uninTmoudy restdved tint in
con-enuent e d' the it.cretsel cost .f printing pa
per and other innierial, :n increise in the net in
mnie from subsci -ii-ers wa dietned nece-si'v;
but the manner of I rinpinj about this result was
referred to the p.bri-b-i of the several cities.
An advance in the rates of ndrcrtisin was also
Or. motion, J. Mclill, Kit-hard Smith and H.
Sulprtive. ere Mpj-oiiited a committee to make
ineU.r:es. r-latie to Puo.-;i;iite br rj
The question v roetrmrializ ti- Congress in te
tr I fo taxes, w as referred to the B nrd of Di
rectors. On motion, a recess was taken until 8 o'clock
Upon reiseuihlinjr il w.ia re-olve-l that C.
Wa-oner, of Toledo, be r.tlded to the Hoard of
1 he As K-i ition then ij'aurr.e! ;ne lie.
G RO W. M a N V TEN N V. Ch tirni an
ItictiABn Sairn, Secretary.
At a meeting of the Directors, all the mem
bers bein present except S. Iii 1 lie. of Pennsyl
var.i i. Iiich ml Suiith.of Ohio, wascli-isen Tre-i
dent. si: l Joseph Medill, of Illinois, Se.itUry
nnd Treasurer.
DF.VFLtN At Jefferton City. Jli-souri. on tbe even njf
ef the v'ith Nov . Lit-uten iut J. S. Develm ef tbe 3t n
siia a lottery, from the tfitct of woi.nds n reived in the
action at Lone Jack, Missouri. .-uu-t 16. ISSi.
Tl e rmiA.na o' U-uien-fit Devel.n wer taker, to LU
home, at Camhrit'e City, for ii.Urmeiit, w hen ihey were ;
followed to the grave by circle of sorrowing I
frieti Is
TLe action tn whiciihe receiv. dtha wounds that
teulted in LI death, wa- one of the baldest fcubt of tbe
war. Two puDstd the 3dlitiiaoa Ratiery, Mipperted ly
about y bialr.-d tr.en, fought over f-ur thotiaFi of ihe
enemy, nimar.iitd by J lantrel anJ other noted guer ill
ctief. Ifce caunofseer were literally hacted to piects
at their f an. Twica thee drei back the orerwh-liaing
tide, at:d tbe goiL wrre only taken wb'O men and t're
were ah disabled. He enetry left the wonnded on tbe
field, and that. loVutettan lar.eim aoti hia bleedn g tom-
rad? wereer.allei to reach tbeir frieTjis. He l.Lgered
fr- m Augi-t J6;h u;itil N oveLibcr 2llb, w hen tLe Kalhilat
ywua -sjUi.r ur.k V- bi dual reU
4.I.O. IV. ILKH,
ÜENEKAL CO luctic n AM) la N d a g ENT,
Larnet?, AwleMm tnuntr, Kana.
T'Xt-apaid for Lon-r-idetiti, and adbui;)es entrusted I
t -a earner e av I raws .it' ah I.FWtmV.f at l.nti..i. I
ae 1 v s aa ' w i v v a v 9 1 j .' u -M.
hirskkstk CUrk. timber A Co, Ranker, lir n-
wuriB. iBuwuiuMr ., jaeribaoia, . l
. WilrT.to-
a ar.apoc. .ia. fi is , ir,tnn-iui.
- - r
Se.v nd r.'gbt iM prrit! mere cf th l-eut t-1 al ;
Miss Sallie St. Glair,
Whose r tifrc ni-M Is f r fx r.i ilit s my.
iTil te pre.-eU.ed the UrUlu aid rou-Aouc trituacf,
rni; ;irsi;Y ,
To corc!a witlt the Comedietta ef
Dre Circle and Pirquet tf SO cent.
" Laity an.l Grrrc-nan...... . T3 '
" Kacb ad-litionalla'' .....Oi "
Codery 2, "
Privr uxs K CO
CiArn:ii4t;o'ciw:k IVrturuaner coüjiu. uce
' T'.
bT 7V r
of Fine I'ianos.
No. 4 IUt"s lb-use.
Hou-su and Lot Wanlnl.
ArtlLIS worth from jRhOO t. ln.l'(45. f.r which I,
I r. ." pKyinzc iM farm hi IVdtur c- tint y, (2iO acre-) I
G.lKHi. latai" in ca.-b.
I wouM rect ivc proposals requlrinc: 'ess rioncy. Ter
sons h. it n u h p-i'pcr:v to di-p " of. can address tue
at tireepsburi, Indiana. j;iv:n location, r rire, Ac.
(lecl-itit ' HAS. SIKWAKT.
1,800 Horses Wanted
A fVtv .Tlssrctw will In T.'ikcii.
$ t-2
J .1- M
. Larz Sloe Ii
S fi
A 0
A - 0
h 0 2 B
0 a
Wholesale Grocrrs.
J0 anil " Vine Irret between Nccontl
mitt I'eiarl Strret.
CilKMIlli.lt Oliio.
our i;i:t' iint well a soricd tH: T iiicenei.
Cr' ao, Wf-J"n-w-iire, Ac, which w-e o'ler m doe
rates tu cash I ui rs. novSt-dw
MIX lilZZi Ii?9 V SfOE:2,
TTO"R.TSrE-5TS -AT - A.W ,
lliTir" .TItna llui'dine. d. 1
lII'JjlAS U.
Prm-lin. Iti'b
One or bo h of tLein w i!l aJ nys be foui.d at ti- ir cflice
I No-, lo and 11 New Tail ottS t 'lii'lin', south of I'ost-
no-. l-c!:im
$151 j
nt.". iron i
$15 J.
VTF.lT eren-octave riatu'S, in rosewood ense. iron
j i V fram-s. an 1 oer-tH'lihas for $lfs; With mouH- j
itK, so': w-iin motn.'i1 J,-, ean ei let's. ,11 innu.i nam"- .
ha:d, .73. $lv.r. ?"."Mt. and upwards; the anr, with '
l-arl keys. -J2."i jf-J.V. M:e ahove l'ian, tlion-jh I
cheap, ure excelh tit. eco::d-hand l iain s it 2.", 410,
'0. tj(i, i'ö, atid flÜO. New Sich duns Irom $.A up- :
w.r.N. j
We 1 uHisli handn-ds of difT-rcnt pi-re t.f Mi.-jr, a !
lnr.'e piüiiVi hcifiL' hy the r-t nuster in the nui-ical
world. Alo Insi ruction lxolti for n ariv all in!i-U al 111- j
MnimM.t -l"-t I'.aii't Musje, t lie Ilay Si I1001 lleii, Sui. j
d.ay Sol -d IJl. N s. 1 at.d 2, Patr -tic Svt p lUmk. Harp j
of rie loiii. Ac, Ac. nur t iaijm.lk, kULi.mk
xisiki tk : as ant to all w !io sei.il for i:. ' or.t.iiris ijf
of ad oi.r ari(t;i-s f niu-ic, ith trice-ettatl.ed. o
la.'y in tl.e country b'-iild 1 without i. Order ly mail j
r.r e.vpie-s prn p.lv filled. d f.iithfn ly es ut-d an j
though th" ersoii orh rn-x we e j reserit. Remit mot;ej
ir. a rejris'.eml letter or l-r etir tess. I
ro-don Nr.. p.'nadwav. N. T.
o. w.
Livery and Sale Stables !
NOs. 11 .1 Nim WEST I'KAkLSTKEtT, '
IDU4lt.U,fHAl. j
Joay llorsi.s. Hu'.r, CaiTahe and Saddle Hur.ea !
al i -Hi rea-itness. .o rge mierate . dec3-tl
ajXr- JL B..1
Ii S V i: II Y
M ts(B f
I l.Tll IA r.l IVirl li.l V lf a urnti. innili r.t V...
: it. ton street, hetweni Meridian and fenuayltanla
tr""t., in rfarof tüir.n l'.i.c. Indiana pop.
dtt VVVf. WlLKIStiN. Proprle't r
$500 Reward.
p-.ven for the reooverj- of the t-o.i. ! u Irotu n.y :
More n Saturday r:.ftLt, 2d oeiul-rr, ml for the ap- j
rebet sion at d cchv ction t f the party cr parties cj.j.- j
ceme.1. DAN ILL J CaLUNAN.
shocinaLcrw AVantciI.
r 1
I DlATtl.Y.ta maie scne-lard p-KfedCalf l'-ot.
a: the I'nlmcr llouvx- shoe tere N .
Wo! Vsl,'i.Ati.ii treet. Cc neurit 1 -tnplov imM aU tbe
a, .he.' w.s. wrH h given tv yuwlrkatB.
HoTl.d.w lta
15. IT )
J AM-": J
Wbe e-t a h-f f iDH.rmti.n h V-r-i ri-s-J In tl j
Ii strii t Curt f th" I "i UeJ MCm, wit' .'l t.-r h
S--n h I'.fww't .1-4 ls rw-t4 lnstii.a, on th" 12th day ..r t
rn.Vr. 1-CJ. ! y Ji t.n Hir.n, r so, , .?t. n rt ..( t P i
I'MJnt .tief -r ih- l-slrici of In.h4r.j1. agjir.st r)i" f.-l. !
b.Tt "-ri-a r--r-. ai e-ta'e m th" c-.v, of If Am.!
?' ,f VSm U. ?
r . ' J
tti ii t' " stat" i In .idTia, t- wit: A crt
fur tb" rum ot 41. vil .Vi lc tL- urn f fi
. . ... . . . . , .
; ni .r. riT" . r-Tor, inr ia ti.iiaim'B pi fr
of an act -1 loa.".. atarov-4 Jul. il. 1X1. t M..I
n act to u)i;irr .ri-tirrrt: ifn, toe.ti'iib tr -on simI re
tllin to nie rt-l cunr.scarr th" property ef re He's a-id
frwher jMirjv-t" rvl petyirr pr-ees i;i!ntu d
prop"rtr, and that tlie au mj b cuuUe torH-0 and -',-!
a- iwitii"' prjrrj.
Ni.w, therefore, in p;rMiarce of the m.rtt.'tl nnde" tht
seal of sa d Court lo me Ct'ectcd arst dsloerr(.t d. trre
tv Bivr pul.l-c i..ti - t alt rrToii cJaiua ,.1 prop,
etty, or any part thrreof. or tu any tnatur r in eretrd
tLerriu. tb.o; tl:ey t and a-pear before tb- .,!, ti e
Ihstrtct Court 1 tie I'r ted Mates, t le h.ld at tie c:tr
of ndtanaiol1. In and b-r th ln-trkt -T lial'tna. ihe
f rt Morvtav ef Hecemtr next, at ten oY!.ck cf the f..rf.
Booa i f Lit dir. th n and there to w.trro tht lrcl.iu
arid taake their a!Ifratii Itt that b"hlf. -
D. (i. tvY, V .x.y.r-bat.
By 4. &. B.OWLOW, tieput v.
Juna 11. Kia. C!
(NO. ITS.)
Wherea, :h 1 nt Information h lrr n ei.l o he
DMiict Court i f he t railed 'es. w tl.ii and T r tbe
Seventh Cncuit .ni t litstiki of trd t:a, t.n the 2th day
N.-v aitirr. Istr. t y J- In Hanna, Kj , Attorney of the
Utiitrd - täte f. r tbe Iistiict of bi-Hai.a, aairtai'th" f.l
lowir. d"-crit-d ro a e-tat", fn tU- county r llun
tiidton. bi'ltana, 1 wit: A crrtain judf ru--rat and dcre
of f.rechsire In rhr Cnirt otl 'ommtHi l') aln iheo unty
of Huti'trtf-ton. rndiatta, fir 90 IK), iu favor cf JoLn I.
Cüiu;lell and a sra-.ri-t "lho-nm Moor, and esp-etiHy
ptiist w illiam 1.. C onpWIl. who f tke real cwiht. f.r
a violation or th" pow'-r- of an ci of Conyrr, approved
July 17, 16! "H'itJed "Ad ae to uppres iristirr-cti.-n.
to puni-li trees.. n and r"l"llion, to .e and c-nfl-c4t
the pro erfy of r.-'ls and for othe i urp.rs,"aT.d pray
inz procos. aiain-t eaid p operty, and tba! the atu iwiy
M- condemned and mM a n niips' pnpertr.
Now, ttieref.ire. in puruatice of rhe tn..ntti..n urx!er t e
eal of Mid urt t' nie dirrrie-l and deli.ered, I dobrre
hy k'be t ul.Ue ii.fict all p ts(.tis cluimiiii aid prop.
r'y. or any pari thT"of. -r in oy nixiiiir-r int r-st d
thrrein.rliar tLv ie and per lenre llic M,d, the . ts
trit Court f the t't.iletl Stales, to b" held a the city of
ln.tinfi(Klis, jr, .ixt f. r i Ii" lhtrict .f ln1iaiia. on Iii
tit-t Mnixley of Iw-ct-mtx-r tifit l en o'clock of the fre
r'n pftli.it , tfcfti and tlur t iiiteij.ose ih ir claim
and mke thrir al eg.it!H. in that t-ha f.
I li.KOSE. V. S. Marshal.
ly 3. s. bir.i.LoTv, iK puty.
Jomx II. Hka, r: rk. novlö-d 41
(o. 11 )
UM 11 sr m soi v'iriiK t, ins
VVhu.kas, a I l ei nf infoi lnition has I en fiel in the
D strict Court of the Cured Mates, within and tor Ihe
Seventh Circuit and D;-trict of Indiana, .11 tl.e 1-tli dav of
Novemher, l.sG', ly J ha llarn.v. I ., Aft. nn v eI the i'ni
tt-d Vtates r-rt Di-irict or hididi.a, a,-a.n-t th follow
inst dec d rel c -, p to?ed In 10 einnt. Indi
ana, 'owi : lt.Vn C in il T Ihitoii and ilrfl Mait
is il'i snl i'ivi.sj .ii of !h, part of tin w hf of s. c raenty
t ree. tn t twepe, I.) tl of t nine (9. w, lin or'th
of thr n iitt-r of tli Nation I lOa I, p sii,n through aid
oeetinn, contwiTiitnf 31 H" 1(0 jcr -s. nunc or less, aceord
li jr. t the rt-ronted plat of aid sutdivisioii, and against
all pero!i l.iwl"..ll. intervenittif f t h-ir ititerst th. r" ii.
and more ef.ciali.v as.aii.st i.c tU rj: I:, vv ill.. on. for a
violation of ti e power f an Act cf lonrrs approved
Jn'y I7th. Icf2 ei tithd 'An Act t suppre-s irisorrt-ction,
to pn:ii-h ire .on a?i t retit-llion. i t-rim anil e-nin t-a'e
the projieity vf re'-ep, ,(! f r other purposes," pray in
process acinst s-od realty, and tliA the haa.e may be
c iniemtieii an t sold as enemies' pr. pertr.
ow, therefore, in puru.itirp of the Moniiinn underthe
seal of ihe said Court o me Ürecttil and delivered. I do
hi-rehy pive put-Iic no'ice 10 all per-OL. clannjt. mM
realty, or any part tl: r f, or in anv ma;iuT oueresjed
th-f i , that ih- y ! at.d.tppear 1-efore the h.i.1. the Dis
trict taurt of the Ci.iii d MaOs, to I held at il.e t itvof
liidianaiiolis. in otil for ll.e In ri. 1 Indiafia, on the'l-t
Jf.i .iiiy of m-re'i tier ne.t. ht lOo'chak f the f..ren.Hu
of that d ty. and I en at d il.ei t., in". r.o-e tht-ir claims
and nuke their allc.itiotis in t .t l.t hulf
D. Ii. KOSr., U. S. Marshal,
i'y I. J. Uk.ki.ow , ln piuy,
Jons II. La a. Clerk. iiovl'-dltt
(SO. 177.)
D1AN 1 s
Whereas, a lihtd of pifoiniath 11 has l e n filed In the
District Court of th- L'ticed Ma-es, w ita:n and f. r the
Seventh Ci-euit un . Ditrict 'f ti'.iiana. 01 ihe 12th e.ay f
Nov. iiilx r, !.sC2. J' hti ll -nn i r s,j.t Attorney f'tlie
Uiiited States tor lb- IH-trictof irn!it'i j, a,Mi ast tl.e fol
low ins real e-t:ite i:i tLe county of Jape Mid State or In
diatoi. to-w.t: The hf of the 11 w or and the e qr t.f .ec
1'., to Hfl.ip 2s. rati-e H, conr aini j: iio at rej, more or
le, nml HL'ain t M.n n SpitUr, for a violation nftL" pow
ers of an :u t t f Colon ess. approved J.ily 17. 1 sßi. rnti Ii d
" In ct t suj-rcs, in-urnc-joii, to punish 'reason and
reho'li-n.t '!Z.' an l onfi.ca;e the prop rl.v f p-lirN
and for oth r purjio-e-,' and priyinp pr.es- ajr.iit.st
xaid real y, mid that the same may" be condemned and
wdd as enemies pr-perty.
Now, therefor, in purmnc of th motiip.on under the
seal oi " kriiI Colirr lo toe ri. reeled and delivered I do h"re
ly nive put. .c noiic- to -ill person, cl liming sai t r-al y,
or any part th r-of, or in any manner i::'t n-s ed tbcreiri.
that they .e 1 n I .tpi ear Im f r - th" id. th" D strict Ci'irt
or 1 lie :iited Mate . t., l.e t.el.l at th" city or lodijii jj.olis,
in and for ih" I i tricl of liidiat .. on the f rd Mon I v of
Deco ml er nex, nt ten ! ek ofrh forenoon ofdiat -"ay,
thou and there to i-iterpose thi Jr elaijus and in&k" Iheir
all gation.s in that l.i h.iif
1. (J. h'SK, I'iii e.l Sra'es Marshal,
By J. S. Hirawn, l-pute.
Joiix II. I rv.CVrk. rovlö-dltt
O 1
For is.ilr Ijou for C;i!i.
4 urrrms hkcle stufet, a lot near tiie
1 iMitid A'Iuoi, and a llon-e ad Ltd near the RUud
Ät lum
Real FfttateAfida.
Or .'-iCK. ?. is .d.7H ILIJMilf Ultl KT.
(N"J.t bt-iiOW, 1 Ps-OX Htt4. ?rth
a.m.-l Ii:, i
Krlt r. THANKS lOk A L'Pr.KiL
rtc Li I .';ni !a th t c ty . .t'w
It '"'rnan. a iyi-an oT ir et
j-r. -i-" :nl tl." d"jitra Dta vf i pr.-r"s:','.
GOV I. It A .11 I i . T C O F F K K ,
! lut up in lia T il Po-i J p;', 44 la
bulk. Our prior ranz froi S li Scwta.
bx.atJ la
We pi wp
the folloWit.
AT.l, .TAItAC.inO. M r. IIIO. UIO
nn it m im:icioh rot 11:1:.
W .!:fr ourCrT e to t-e l-tte than any jeronn!
Coffee now In use. All ord r a ! !r t to o -r t our
Acent, Mesr. pUacK k Torna, Chamber free,
Cornr r Wali!nutoa Mreet. New T rk CVy, eu.1 yr.
roiiAKD4 Doaar, 1-4 A IS1 -vuth Wat marvel, Cticago,
i Illinois, will receive prorcpt attention.
oct"-'3n. TAIII It Jt I-,.CK.
(NO. 176.)
Wher a, hbel of t torratiii ha t-ee n f .-d fn tbe
D ktrKt Coutt cf t e Iti.ied M -, within nlfor'h
Sevr nth Circuit and ttstrfct ct Ind ana, on t!i ll'lday
ol NoverotH r, IsS?, l y John llauna. Kq., All n otthe
t'u ted State, lor the I itnct ol inrtiana, a.-afr. HL. nrt ti
vi 1 d hf of r hf of II W qr.e Lfofaw qr. f qr.w Lli.fnf qf
roulo part t - ht of Ii e ijT, alt In tc .-3,t.M-li. JS. r.rpr.
Dw.ii.J iLewr.d part o ti e n w jr -f rc 1', tuwr.'hip
2s, rw. situate in th-e.:t.tjr of Nrw-ton atnl St.le .f
luiUua; l-o, B trait ot laml cvTitalliitnr I W arrr d rested
hv Jared Vf am n t Minn p.tl-r, Sej tendn-r 3 . tC,
and rcc.it 'J in Jvsprr ct-.Jit'y, tt .dut.. in Ued Ih-corJ
N. 11, pax" -t. aj4 asam-t Manu Mler f.-r t i..fti..tt
of the powers d an aci ot 1'i.iiim, approvrd July 17,
lsCJ, c:iiit!o! ' vn act tu '.pjrcs iiisurrcciioti, tn p'.ni-h
treason alid rehellt"". eitr and col tl scat r tit" pr..j-rrty
ot retiels and f-r tl.er pnrjKei-, and lry1n; ptoces.
a:ii;is M realty, at d that tue ao e r.iay t cuidemr d
and K'U a netnies' projierty.
Now, therefore, iu pur-uai.ce of lh" monilioti ut der lh.
heal ol said Cou.t t med r--cti d and delivered, I djL' re
he toe l.ul I c iioUcc t ail Ii-'"! ctaiminj; sai I realty.
or any part thereof, or ia any maimer tutereted therein,
that thev he an I app ar leor h" aid, the Ihstnet
C'Hirtol tLe t'niti d Mate-, to t hel l at Iheci'y f I11-
diaiiapoli-. in and f-r lie D.-trict cd Indiana, on lie fr-t
JJoiaiay of luteniler lieM, at 1 u o'clock of tie f.-retM-orv
cf lh.il dav, then atid there to interpose tht?rt!a!rb and
make the r al'.eetioiis in that I -Imlf.
D. I:isk. U. S. Mar-hal,
1H J. S. l'.ll..UW , DepUt.
Jon II. Kr, Chrk. nvl3-dUt
N(. 1T.V
rri:nvr ti:mu a.th.uic.i. iiis-
VVmholab, A l.Lel iuiunuatio r has 1-en Clod in that
District Court i f the Unitr l Sta c, w;!hiu atel fr the
sw-venih Circuit and ti.stnct of I:.l:r:a. ou the ih lay
of NovciiiU r, IsC-. hy J .'..ii 11 .ti..a, i:j., .Vtt.iriey Ir
tbe I'tiiti d Stale of Americi, a.-ain-t lot imiat-rr one
hundred and s- iei: (lnT) iniirüy'a a.I '.ti. uto the town
of New'.mrjr, Warr.ik eouotj, Indiana. r a vtolatioo of
the power iT an act of Cru-te-, aj j red Ju!y 17, Is!,
eniiile.l 'Au acI tosupprc-a insurrection, tooutii-li trea
son and rt I llioo, to tr.xf an-l cotiti-cate Ihe property of
reiels, und f.r other piirM-ss," pravinj; pr veis i..i:iit
haid realty, s:ti l th st th" snie raaj l e totidt-mnej 1 sold
as enemies pto;n.
Now, l hen toil, ill pursuance of tlie t.i..itioli under the
seal ot Kan! Court to mc: 'Siret tel and deliepd, 1 do here
hy Rive puhic iioi ice lo j!1 ja-r-o'i c l.i nr.ns aid realty,
r any part thereof, or iu a y m 11. u- r int n--ted therein,
th-t they te and appear Lef.. re the said, the lh tritt Court
of the I' iiitcd Mates, to be hi Id al the city of Ind ai.apo
lis, in and fori l.e District f pntsaiia. on the XI Monday f
November nist.. at 10 o'el..k cf the forenoon of that clay,
then üä there Iu uiu-rj.o-c their cla'm and mke their
nl'.cgaiion iu that t'cb iif.
Ity J. S. Dit..Luw, Ih-pclv.
Attest: Jon. 11. Kka, Clerk. Ii6-dl4
(NO. 174.)
Wmikkas. A hhcl of Infcrmation ha Uen Me.t ia the
District Court .r tte t'nited Mate within and tor ll.e
Seventh Circuit and Ihstrn t of I.Ktii.a, on the lt d-y
of November, IsCJ, hy John JUi.i.a, r'p. Attorney
ol the Cnited Mrt, fcr the Di-tiut f Ind ana. ayainst
lots Nos. 72.74, In.!. II, 117 144, and 14. in doi-iot.' 1." ef
the Vincent. c Common.-; al-o, rLlKtivisji-u No. 2 of hi
No. I6in the city of ViiMcnne. ll.e ain( Ik-iiik 51 feel
Ir-'tit on .Mim üvet, and cihuiii' lei 6u l rt and K
inches from the corner of Ms-n and Third et 1 eel p, and
rt!h?iiii7 the same w ,d b2I h et. the nnie tli-tate from
sai I third str. el, th" lull depth ol Katd lot l?; also, otte
li.ut of (trnm 'I Um u o'l Irom auti-divi-ion N. 3 of sad
l-t l.'ii, ljoit iiis toMildivision o. 2 iforrvaid the Mil
o. t ol r round front on Slain stieel and runs the am
width a!jniiiiii(- sulMliv.rion o. 4. the full depth of ad
lot No. 10 ai d together xnake 22 feet front on Main
rt- t. iti lie c ty ol Vfrccnt.e, p lie'tig tl.e ame prop
erty upo.l wh irli i now I rated a two-.tory brick buiid.ii
orcupied as ihe I'ostotllce in said city: all said real etate
i 'ii the rt'y of Vincem.es, in lite county ol Ktmx and iL
Stat. of Indiana, tor th" viol et i n of the power t.f an act
i f C.ii(tTft approve! J ly 17, Is2, f ntitletl, au act to
fMppre tn-nrrcction, to puni-h trea-on ai d n-lx llion, to
se ire and cnri scat" the pr-j erty f rel.e: atxl f.r oth-r
purposes," atel prajinz pn. es araint ad realty, and
that tlie name ruay ie cotj.h tnnel and sold a etiemie'
projiertv .
Now, therefore. In purmance of the monition uivler tha
seal cf said Court, to 10 directed and delivered, DIo Lere,
by jrive public notice 10 a!l pt rviK elaimin, Jid r-atiy,
or ai.y part thereof, or in my manner ititre-ed therein,
that they lie arid appear before Ihe said Distract Court of
Ihe t'nited Mates, l he held at the city of Indi tti.i;nlis,
in and f r th" D.slrict if Indian, on the third Monday
of Novemh-T next, at ten o'clock i-n Ihe forenoon of that
dny, then and lh re to itnerp,,. tlieircUim, and to make
their allegations in that b h-T.f
D.Ii. KOSF.. U. S. Marshal.
I'er J. S. UinrLOw-, Depj'y.
Jon II. r.KA, Clerk. ir- 4-dUt
(NO. 173)
WMfKras. A Iii 1 1 of i.if.,niation ba tr-t-n fled n the
District Cou't fcf the L'li'.icd Mate wiiLm atai (sr
tLe .seventh Circuit and ii-tricl of Indiana, cm the 2Dt
.'.ay of October, IsCi, ,y 2(jlu Jlam a, K-.p, Ato njey
for (he Un ted Mate of America, for ll.e District id" In.
I. ana. avain; the un-nvu'eo one-fucrtb j an of surary
No. 2.'7. Clark'a Oram. Clatk eontity, Indiana, eaad tract
coi.fainmr. U) acre-, more or Ies. for a vimatiMi d"t!ie
power of an act ol Conre-s of July 17. lCi. ft, titled
"An ct to suppress n.huir-ii-.ti, I u" pui.isli t reason and
rihe'l o.'i, t s ie til rctih c'tfe tl.e r"M-r?y i.f r!el
and fvr other purposes, and pra.Ml z prures, aallot satd
land.aod Uiat the saioe mav l-e ciiU'lrniunt and rt Id aa
eiiein e' p. jicrty.
N )W. therefore, in pursuance of the mnti!t;(,i) en.ier
the seal of said court, l me torected arxl dt-lm re"!. I do
Siereb. ?ive public Tto'iee to all (er-on ela min ; said
jMHal, "r any r.art tln reof, or in any inert er it.tere-ted
tLre'.:i. that they la and appear lief.' Ihe ael lii.triet
Curt .f tb" Cnited State., to he ld at theeity ofd.an-api-li-.
in arid b-r the li-trict of Indiana, tin the" 3-1 SD n-lay
ol Noveia!r tie.t, at ten o'clock f the firen.a.ri of that
day. then atal there to itderpo-e tl.eir claiiiis, and to make
their allegations in that t-ehalf.
D H. WE, t. . Manhil,
i'er A. Maiuo Rtrra. Drnciv.
Jon II. l:r. Clerk
(NO. 171.)
VVur.KCA, A bin I cf information ha Urn f.Ud in the
Di-trtit Court of the U ruled State s, within end for the
Seventh Circiit and Di-trict of Indiana, on lie Ctla
day of t"ct..lr, lCi. be John Hanna. Ko,.. Attorirf-y
cf the t'nited Ma'."-, for the IHstrict of Indiana, aifainM
thirty t,,ne sh.in a (4 cental rtot k of the Terre Haure ar 4
KicLmont Railroad C nif ary, ami tjtr.et -eveii (T7) dol
lars arvl f.fy eenla esh dividends accrued t hereon, in the
Land of the Treasurer t f .aid Cotripany, for a vbdatkm
f lh" power "f an act of cot.rre., approved Jnly 17,
I sJ. entitled "Anactlo upfire insurrection, to punish
treason and reta-::i..rj, to aeite and conti-cate Ihe prop
erty of rebels and for other purja-s" i,d prav in fr.e.a
against aid property, and that the ante may be coc
drtned and .d a eneniie' property.
Now. therefore, in pursuance of the laotiiiiun endr tk
seal of said court. 10 ne d rcted aiai delirered. I 4 here
by frire put.!ic notic to a'd .ersot rlsimina aaid property
or ar.y part thereof, or In any manrter tnterested theretu,
that they I arid par liefere the mM Dl'irict Court f
the Un-ted State, to t-e Leid at the effy of Irelianapolia,
In and for the Ifcstnet of Indiana. t.m th third Mno-lay of
November r"Xt. at teno'rSoek ef tie forenoowof thattfay,
then and there to li?erj o their Claim, and to make
their allej-atioti lo that behalf.
IX ii. r. U.R. Marshal.
Ter J. S. EIliELDW, Iieputy.
Jon II. Tea. Oerk. tJ0l-dl4t
(NO. 171.)
W Hr.kB a1, A I.Vtof nf. rrnati.'n Lac been tied la tb Ia
trrt Court of the l"riiiedS:at"s,witha and fr the Seventk
Circuit and Dornet of uj a.o:. tLe 2ith day of Sept. ls2
hyjobn lla' f'a. Eq , Atbn.ey fr tie Lulled Sutt
f.r the IHstrtct of Ir l.ar.a, aaia-t on etat. ton, se'.xed la
Putüarn cotn'y, Indian, for a Tud.t.ou vf the power of
an actrtf Cor.gr, provJ 17, 12, rt r'.rd Aa
act to urrre" in';rr"ct..r:. t put.Ib tra and rebel
lion, to seiae and eM.fi-cie ihe ,.rojrrty of re 01 and for
otter pu-pe-t" a let , rj a.j rm ar aint Mid prop,
rtty. a:. l ti : tb .m cjj l-r fo denied uid m.)4 at
ni-inw' irvperty.
Now, the re lore. Iu pur-uanre t.f t"ie m-nitk:i under lb
seal of said court, to rie d;re tedar! deliverrtl, 1 Jsi here
by -tue public ta.ire to ail er4is claiming a.d property
or aiy part there.f, r in any r.ian.e-r interett-d therein
that lh"tr l-r a let appear before the aal lastrat Court of
the t inted States, lo le held at th ctry of Indianapo'K
in aial for tbe D.ir.ct of Indiana, oti the third Motwlay of
November belt, at leu 'cl..a. of the forrwuut ( that
day, then and there t ititer).-e their rlaiiaa aitd 1 luale
tl.eir alirgali' iia ia that I t half.
D. . KE,t'.R.MartaJ.
Tar J. t. Liwxiw IVputr.
Attet- 1
JiaU.KtA,1aiW. Mtdll