OCR Interpretation

Daily State sentinel. [volume] (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1861-1865, December 02, 1862, Image 3

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015683/1862-12-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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TCKSDAY "m"(iKXIN(7." PIX. 2.
The Weekly Sentinel.
In eoci'enene of the rreat adf-ince f:i tte price of
bit. paj-er, r cxnp!'l to tj. (U prcerfibc
Weekly Sentinel Trow and after ImUt ., lsC2, tbe
pric of tbe Weekly Sentinel win t aa fvllow !
f copy, ihre montb f 1 SO
OntopT,m fr .................... J to I
leren coj let, tne jnr U 0.1 j
Twenty two ccpta. oo year SO 00
All letters eontaln tar ribcrlpt!on. mailed before Im
faVf a, w.H t reeefved at ta old rat .all tubvrip
tiowa received after III- date wi'.l b craLted at the new
A Vnlunble Ilocumout.
MT fr"po t rbh-b. In n-i.bvt form, tb ahl
lraM? of JaJge Ci btis on FiicfrivB Poeb, tb m't
Cwnrbei aod tare U wUich b j et bo wrliuo
cn tbit oJf:tt wiiii tb aMrt of tb Stat Central
Ommllt- ott tbf cju wbicb pro!uc-d tbe rrcit jo
lltkU rv'!ation In Iifliaua. lV-tl will m- pm
j.Lbt cf 18 pa?r, wbkrh w- wttl fcn:Jh at tl fr k11
drM. TL: dorur.ti i bouM U reaJ by rrcry clt.it n of
lu liati. A iMrriM or.lrt t
Job rriii1iii?
V are iruw reaij to du nil kinds of plain and
faucjr Job Printiu, in tle bet 'le. cn lirt no- j
tice.nd W t.anyuther ßee. We luve
coropttcut hands, pood pre-.-e, a fine a?ortment
of papet and c.irdrf.and we on do good and cheap
0:k. All kind of IhtA. brief, catalogue',
ic, priiitexl in the be.t tile and on short notice.
We ak the patromge of IVmocrat, and all oth
ers that want printin; done. tf.
To ahiai. Aiti.kti-.i hi K ite of advertiing
in the local column will heienftfr be a. follow:
l'or ten line or !e-. J.1 Over ten line, ten
cent a Iin No notice will I? incitei until piiJ
2Tüt to see the Cnrter Zuaes to n'pht.
tTff Jerry m r t iji krio e-i ' incre i-inc to
in ahirmtris extent. Ktn the money tairktt
1 a
geta tiht err often.
Kiflj Cii'C- ul the most f.iliioh;il'c hats
and rar. jti.t ret-c-ircl y lluker k. ilcfver (Jw
aiiil rec thetn. 2 1
WaNTri Ten pmn1, fre.-b miirli cow, with
calve I nun ore to lour weeks old, for which a
gxl price will be paid in -:i.h. Inqu'ie at thi
ofiire. 27 diwtf
57Train oi the I'ellcfont line ro-id will hcir
attt r run follow: De.rtiie.- Mail, C;0O A
11 : nijfht fxrrf!.b:) 1 M. Anival Mail,
bi) 1. M ; i.;l.l ex; rc-. V. M
tfjTGo ?ec the Chine-e Dmce tu night. 2-üt
Jfylikcr A Mclvrr have the fine-t lot of
boya'dre.' hat and in the Wct. 2 1
Mamjsic Notice. Theie will I t a ppecial
meeting of Marion I.le. No. 2j. this (Tues
day) evening, at 7 o'clock, for woik. runrtual
attendance it refue?lel.
Kkancis Kijio. Secretary.
Iff Lieut. Marlin Igt e, Qu iiterm-tster of the
3..h IimImiii Iri.-h) Kegiuient, start for
N.hrtl!e to niht. He will i;ikr i-hitrjre T nod
tleiitrr letter for the member of his teiinent,
and (or con v nitoce tley mat be left at tliii ofike
lor that purpo-e.
Di-Mocratic Mkkti.no To-night The Demo
critic lwb nitct. tö richt at Milit.irv 1111. A
full attendance of all cotterrntive citizens re
fUted Hon. Thoni;i A. Ilcndiivk will ad
dre the Club on ihe injei t that re now up
permost in the thoughts ol eeiy p.itriot. Come
out i nd be r him.
77" Hiker k Mclver keep the best pood.
hae the largest toooritnent, and can e!l the
cl.eit, becau-e they buy all of their good of
the m.inuijcturer. 2 4
GyOoto the Tn Pit ker's Dmce to night
2,"" WanieiJ.it the General Iiitclliet.ceO.lice.
N. 37 North Pentnj Irani rteet. tillecn girla
for general bou.ewotk, a ma'l irl to io light
oi k, ten ood girl for sewing, a situation lor
twn ;ool (Scrnian girl in one tannly; alo, a Ml
U it ion for u
nun to d-j blil woik a grocery
ZtT Captain Cockefair, of the 31 Indian
Dattery. i iiow in the city for the purpo-eof re
ettiting to till the r laces of men killed n.d
wounded in action. Ttme tleirou of getting
into n Got rate bittery. one wit! a reputation
well e?t.ibl.hetl br gallantry and dicipline,
wouSJ do well to call on C-ipt. CK-kefair ut hi
olll e, iu the Spencer ilou Block, ou Illinois
Z3f The cae of "he attempt upon the life of
Cij tiin M.koii, v. ill come op lor hearing in tl.e
i!aorH Court today. Smii A. Colley, Esq,
appeu for the !eft-nlant.
Mr. Collet i retainer! by Theopilu Ii
Geoige. nil i w :itte:cl by Depot Marslial lb,
b'utg. eb irge! w itb bemg engage. in a heavy r;b
bery in lVnnj Ivania.
ri'CJo pee the Zouave drill to night. 2-.U
Tnr Zcravr Sistii The performance at
M i.-onic H ill of the Zouave Sister, last night,
mirpiised many, it was so much superirto any
thin they expected. It i really a chaste and
entetlainii g s-how. The ?ircis are Mise. the
eldest of them ju-t )udling into woniaidiooJ.
a prettier lilllc Ihn k of ppiing chickens it would
beh.nl to find. Ther singing and acting is not
auperior. but their dancing ami their drill i
Their Zouive exercise t. wondeiful, nd we will
venture the assertion that no seven soldiers in
the entire Kederil army can drill with the pre
cision that the aeren little Mis-e do. The feats
of ruiic and tbe warbling were also very good.
m '
r.TiTK or Tilt Cirr Hoshtal for Novkm
bkk. Wf2. The Steward of the Cu Hospital
ha kindly furnished us the following statistics
for the month of November. I ?t!2. Itillle
aeen lh.it lare nu in tier l"case htsbeen treatei.
For the lit of death, in another paragraph, we
are ai-o ii de'ited to the Stews.nl;
S'n rem:iin'u.' in Ilost.iul Ovt. 51 l"l
No received during November 72f
V ..i 11 il i
1 oiai -
No. disch rge I fntn II-pitil in Nov.. bj;
No. of leiih in Novemlier 5'
No. icmaining in Hosjiiul, Nov. 30.. . .
Tout... ...
Dialogic on thi Word "Ssk-r ddle. A
circle ol fashionable were getting ery warinou
the oiii:iu of this tainul ir word, a lew davs since.
in fiont of ihe Bite House, when one of the j
party, a member of Conres, asked to be heMrJ
Ho Mr. . I will pve.-i satifactory eh-
nition. . .
Mr. II , (a dislingeishcdljw er.) Ii i im-
Hon. Mr. . Will von make a wager?
The Crowd. Ye; will urn nuke wnget?
Mr. H . (distinctly.)' I will.
lion. Mr. . What will it be?
f IT V l.jf .J tl.- ) .u.i ruulitr from
Bamerger p. in th-old-'Sent.ne Buudmg
Hon. Mr
lion air, n nv inrur im Dunrr pi uv-
Whv favor Imbetger e- de
Mr II.
ia the State.
Hon Mr -The
Hon. Mr -
Because he sells the best article
- IMiiw! That can't I!
That's . Judge; II i sound.
Verv well.
The oke i that Mr. II lost the bet; but the
Hoo Mr was fully conv inced that the plate
ment of bis friends, about the quality of the hats
old by U. Batuberer. No. 16 Kast Wa-h ngton
atieet, waa Correc t, 2i-lw
pyA roaring farce to nifcht,
Tnr. Treat Another st-lenüd bill !s op -t
'or re. re-euutioii to nht. coin; tui:, a the
' ri rw-! t f ilnra. 1 I L .1 f .... A ,l..a.... - ... I . .
j mtntic o'ram of t'-e Ji, e (dtrl.witti the u iter
I lvortlc, iJi Slide St. Cliir.a CiMo". ilie
Znuira, a tnrt in winch sh ha won in ah lame
ei-ewlerc. Mia Mirioti Maratihy wiM r J
Starlight 15.-, Mini it etrral appro; ri ite J
IhIIjJi The dram a of ll (iiifcHrv i oi.e which i
"c-e- a prater amount of variety atel neru- j
lir interest tt..n almost ny other Iran in the
I'nui-e. hence the mainten n.t of iureitj
poiHiUritr ou tho stii.e. ! rendering to nihi
bv u h an artite mm Mi Si. Clair, .uplifted liy
ln ! -earthy, J!r. K.ley and the full company,
Iii inure a treat uratn.tical treat. A favorite
f rr isnirluilM the e etili.tr. ntntiiiirLvnt
j t2TGo to 3ld?onic lla'.l to n:f lit.
MATok'a CotkT An examination waa hal
jeierthj lfore MTnr Mtwe'l of tle circum
aUnCCT atfendiii the rrcoiery of a -ortiori of the
property Molen irtjm the procery of ilr Kemker,
itoticed in the city pr of lt week. It ap
pe-m thut i!r Chuich, who kfe; mIoc u u1
an euin houe on Iliiooi :ret -t epirte
euMiliiiieni on opjwite aidea of theatieet
came in po9eaion of a lre quntitr of the
stolen toUirco. HftvTj i that two men callel
at Im n4l(N.n ou Tu.v.t, iu the afiemooii, with
simple: of toiMcco, oflerin to aell it low, as
thMr Iml r-cently clfel up buiie-j in a neih
lrii q town, hii Wiititeü ntoiiey fr it. lie
filially tr:i!el with thtm at nii'j cenU per punl,
aixl p:id ttietn $.2ul aiKi come cent lr a lot
:! Kunc twenty or thirty jxmiimI of coffee.
Ater port li.ii:riir the t-iJtco, Mr. Church
heulol the rolilnrry at KeuikerV, and thought
there w foethtnz wrm, 'Ml 1m1 oh Silnni iy
J f peak lo 3Ir. ll'MMer. one of the city police force.
about It
Coo-er :im1 Heeven an) Aino- cil.e!
V" ,,rn ,Jl ,,e 'ht"V;hemI l,,e Profrt.V
liiHer t(Hk clttrire of it. Church wa unri'tw,
and gave sectnity for hi appearance. The leti
mniy of the Policcmeu w.m, in fuh.si.tr.ee, att
ptattl nbove. Mr. Kemker identified hi prop
city. Mr. Church proved by two w';ine-te the
purchase of the tobacco mid the paymeut of the
money for it.
The witneie wete exunined closely by the
lwei, Sim A. Colley, K., for the tiefende,
and N. 1 TaUor, H-q , and the Circuit lVoecu
tor, lr the State.
The case will be argued this morning at 1(1
o'clock, in the Mayor'. Court.
D at us in Hospital The follow ing i the
li-tof deaths in the mihi uy ho-pitl. in thi city,
dining ihe month of November. They all be
loiigcsl to Indiana regiment:
Johu t Fultx. private in Captain Hmta'a Com
pnny, IWih regiment.
Allen W. Ihlliiiau. private in Company D.
i fiuif nt.
Alien I)aid, private in Cutnpniiy I, lODih
I hoiii is J
Turner, drafted militia of Yiiio
COlint V, Itidlalit
Keu'K'ii M athew, dr illed militia of Madison
Colli' tv, Indian i .
Pick:iey II. White, private in Company D.
llith regiment.
Alexander Ib'cnier. priva'e in 2Uh bit'ery.
Henry Suiw, reciu t lor llKii leiment.
Willinn May, rec ruit for l7ili legirnetit
Lewis Keiitch, private in Company K, 9ilt
iVmcia W. Uupc, privatein Companv F, 12. li
Jo?fpiai- Faneswnrth. private in Comp my II,
Ifidi le-imeut
D it id Sbjcwhou-e. private iu Cotniny F, bth
J icoh Hereon, private in Company II, 631
Ahiord iMmer, private in Company C, H'Ji
John Hillings
private iu Cmpiny I, U'Jth
John H. W. Piatt, private in Company G.
54 h regtmei't.
Wll'aiil I vi, ret-ruit for Comprtiiy I, in the
3 W: regin.en.
J.ime Wihh-idre, private in Company C, CT I
J aiiie Ktiiiitr, private in Coin j any F, G3d
Stephen Casuht, private in Company H, G3l
John Owing, private in Company F, 100th
Andrew Yetts, private in Comp.inv K, 74: h
Willi un Craven, priva e in Company F, CGth
Simpson II. Martin, private in Company I.
lOtlth regtnieiit.
Jesse Coler, private in Coiniuiny F, 16th
reu i merit.
Simiicl Lonresh, private in Company 0, CGth
Henry McFut ridge, private in Company F,
6-th legimeut.
Henry Ciuk, private in Company K. Gth
Eli is G Quickel, private in Company I), flhh
Ciodious Standi ford, private in Company F,
5(li h legiment.
Hubert M. ltlweil, recn.it J r the 431 reg.
The SolilierO .41(1 .flovriurnl
A county meeting !! be hehl in Wesley
Ch a !.e!, n Fril iv. Dec. 5. at 2 o'clock P. M.
At the cloe of the annual meeting of the Indi-
inipoli Ib-nevolent Society, all clergymen of the
cdy ptesenf- were reiiesfeil lo meet lor the pur-
:ie id setung on loot this caue. tovernor 1)
I. Morton being invited lo preside, took the
Chair, and st.ited the urgent need ol this move
meut. ai d su.'ge-tel that i.n address should be
prepmed to the Slate, particularly to the County
Commissioners Town-hip TrusUes. and all per
son who ire willing lo engage in this good work.
A committee of three was np;Minte) to draft
the address and rejxrt to a subsequent meeting
to le called by the committee
On Stturdiy morning the ministers ol the city,
of all denomination, wete called to meet at
Robert Cli.it.el at !) o'cloi k
I io!esor II T. Brown w i cilled to the Chair
and G.l Tindall apj ointetl Secietaty.
The committee rejnirtel the ad-Ire, which
was un minion! y adopted and s:gnel, and or
dertsl to be printed.
It is now prepared in circular form. And all
who will aid iu thi movement are invito! to call
at the Journal office, wheie the circular will be
furnished tiee of charge, put tin in stamped en
veloj-. and ready f"-r circulation, puticuliriy to
s.u h jrson in the seven I counties of the State
a w ill engage in a .Miiil r movement in their
counties. U. T. BKOWN, Chairman.
(t. P. Tindall, Secretary.
Ilrrtvion' of the Supreme Cour.t
Stvt.MH DAY.
David Mac y et al. vs. Daniel Titeomb. Marion
C C. Keerel.
Je-Me T. Matlock vs.-Henry G.Todd. Hen
dricks C P. Atliimed.
Win P.ittetson ttal. vs Benj. Reynolds. Tip
pecane C. C hevcrsed.
Tho. D. Barker vs Wm S. T. Morton
rion C. P Atiinnel.
Williamson Wright et al. vs State ex rel. Jane
V.irty. Pulaski C. C. Allitmel, wiih 5 ter
cei t I imau.e.
Lewi Kv.rhartet al. vs. Joseph HHingworlii.
Gr int C C Atlirme-1.
A.i.li-ou Diggy v. Daniel II. Cox. Mjiitgom
erv C C Keet-ed.
Botrt J.'luipon v. Frederick Saani et al.
n-vd C. 0. Atfirmed.
In the ca-e ot Patterson vs. Revi.oldsit was
deviJei in the Court below that a sinking fund
s lie w;. not valid bee .use of it not being made
at the Court Ht'Ue d-x r at Indianapoli. Tt e
Supreme Couit ievtrsel this .evisioii, and l.vld
ihatl.esiie w.s virlus'lv mole at the Curt
Hue d.-or; the lact being that the Commi
sioi.er ar.iiouiitcd tl. time of p!e al tl.e lictit
door f the Court House, nd then, owiuu: to the
I inclement weither, pro ceded to the Judges
s:.md t.l c-M.t t.uol the sile there
la the cae l Birker vs. Motion it was held
that tl.e lien ui-n ttTsonal ptojeitv for taxes
i does not att tcli lict'oie the duplicate i de.ivered
to the coüet u r.
CoruiAri: (Rull) Momt We will fend.
J .r H-ldie. .... rece.pt .f 5.. cents
- ., aw. i
currtücv or siatu, a in, o o, ,
and I l)i;ls; also, a oo., Hc , 1 , ac mm
5 c. shinpIaMers. sis?cinieii, tii.el v eaecuted
otib.ink note pijer, and i perl'tvt that they
cannot be detected from the nei.uii.e
d iies R JoJi & Co ,
Box 1261. P. 0., Si. Loui. Mo.
not I diw Im
by LulJ I bay a box .
lr.Me iLey cure CoagU ud CIJ., f-r 2SrM.
'aer D (truMii r. m rut tat aamrku
mii flrporl.
y Tin0
KflTIP lH 1V3.1SS 01111
FOR E I G .If 4 E XV S
Congressional Proccedhifjs.
rrotn 'etr York.
Ntw Yobx, Nor. iO The special to the
Herald from the headquarters of the Army ol the
Potomac, pays:
Considerable excifemet.t wa occasioned bv
the circul itionof a re-rt iieie that a pr-poition
hail leen made by the reb l for un armi-fi.-e of
thirty days, and that Lee was already in Wadi
Ington arranging term ol tl.e agneiutut. No
cretlence i put In this rumor, however.
The ret-el are workingwith redoubled vigor
on their foitißcation, atid their cavalry of late
hive leen very active and bve captured a num
ber of our picket along the ford of the river,
beidr- the two cmnpinie of the 3d Pennsylva
nia cavalry at Howard Ch-irch.
Loii-ireei commands the right and Hill the
left of ihe ielel force confroiitiiisr us.
De-erter coming within our lines iejort th.it
a la rue lodr of their fon e hive leen deUchei
and sent off, either to Rich moid or lo rein tone
Stonewall Jackson. The-e teport must be re
ceive,j with great cmtioti however.
Our cavulry h iv e c iptuieJ a number of tebels
along the river below thi place.
co ci it rv i "Sa i
Wasiuxgto.v, December 1.
Hoi sr. The Chaplain teturneil tiianks for the
brightening prospects tor liberty to the slave for
emancipation Iroiti a sy-teiu which h.td involved
in. s-irrow, shame.
The roll was cilled bv States; a qmrrum present.
A message was received lro:n the Senate,
that a (pioiuui hid asemh'ed, re idy for business.
The Hou-e sent a similar mess ige to the Senate.
A committee ciuii;seil of members of b ith
Houses wa appoinle-l lo wr.it upon the President
and iidoiin him that Coiigies.s was ready to re
ceive communication.
Mr. Conkling, of Nev York. oTrel a resolu
tion, which wan Miloj.ic.1, instructing the Com
missioner id' Naval AlVtit to inijuire into and re
port iu -on the l-e-t m-Mie of pl.tcinu; vessels of war
on L-ke Oiitaiio wiien an exigencv nnv arise.
iiliJ establishing water commuiiicati.-n with oluer
waii-rs ami llie Liken.
foreign e..
Cart; Ract., Noveinier 2. Tne ateuner Hi
berni mi. from L verjupil 2hhand L mdondern
2lst, pi --cd this evening.
It is rep .ried i hat a steamer similar lo the Ala
bam t hid left Liverpool, and that another would
soon follow.
I roiil Mionrl.
SpRisoriKLn, Nov. 2'J. tteneral Blunt, wir'i
5,tMi Federals, attn-ke-l and route I about 9.)!)!
rel. els under (General M arm idiike, il Cave lliil.
ou the 2 Mi, kid ug iixty atid driv ing the b dunce
some twelve mile.
(tet.eral Blunt leleiai-hs that the enemy is
badly whipped, and will nt ptob.ibly venture
north tit' Boston Mouidaius ugain this winter, a
they have consi.mctl ail the subsistence in the
valley of Aik uis.is. They must aoou retreat into
ight Carport.
UM 13
WasniNorox, December I.
HOUSE. Mr. V;.i mdigh am. of Ohio, offered
the lodowii'g, whicli v as ;id-ptcl :
littlteti, tl'U it tiie Co mm .'.tee on the Judiciary
be instructed to iinjuiie and report to the House,
at au e uh d iy, by w h it anthoiiry of the C nti
tutioii nr law. it any, the Post in ister Gei.cial
undertakes to decide whit newspaper may, and
hat new spairs may tiot.be transmitted through
ihe tu ai's.
Mr C.x. of Oiiio.ofteied the following:
Whlklss. Many ci i.ens of the Uniteil Slaves
have been sei.i"! by pci-oiis acting, or pretending
t'i be acting, under the authority of the United
States, ail. i hve heel! crried out of the j Ul i-dic
lion of the State of their tesidence ai d impris
otie-l iu t!ie tuilifary pris-iis smd camp ol the
United State-, without any ; ubliu charge being
prcl'et red agaiu-t them, and without anvoppoi tu
laity (eilig all.iwe! them to le ten or disprov e the
charges made, or alleged to be mide, against
them; and,
W Htat.vs. Such arrest have been mide in the
State wheie theie i n- insurrection or rebellion,
or pietense there (, or any oilier obstruction to
the authority ol the G ivernmeut; and,
WiituiAs, It i the sacred right of every citi
zen of the United Siafe that he shall not be de
prive l ol hi li'-erty without due proces of law,
a'd when aiiostcd shall h.ue a ppcely and pub
lic trial bv an irnp.irtid Jury; therefore.
AVrei, That the Hou-enf Representative
do lieieby cnnicmn ;dl s-i-!t arrei mid practice
as uuw arr it-ted by the Constitution and laws ol
ihe Uni'e I St ites, as an usurpation ol power
never given up by ihe peopie lo their rulers. i nd
do hcieb' demand that ul such arrests shall here
alter cease, and that all person so arrested and
vet in airest, sh ill have t prompt and public trial.
according to the provision of the Constitution
and laws ot the United State.
On motion ol Mr. Coif.ix the preamble ard
resolution wete laid on the table- HI against 41
Mr. Richardson, of Illinois, ofierei the fol
ly wing:
llitoltrd. That the President be requested to
inloi in the H'-iise of Repreventatires what citi
zen of Illinois are now confined in any lorts or
pl ice of confinement, and utoi! wh it charges
surh citizens weie uriested, and that the I'resi
dent also inf irm the Hoti-eof Representative ol
the name of the i-cron ancstet! in the Sute ot
Illinois and confined iu prisons outside of the
limits of said Siate. what the ch ifge me against
them, by horn the charges are mide, and by
whose orders all such an est weie in ide.
Mr. Iovej-iy moved to hy the resolti(n on
the table Adopted vens74.nay 4!.
The H'ju-e then to--k a reie-s to await the
message o President L ncoln.
After the le.oling of the Piesident'p Mess.are.
Mr Monili in ived that it and iiroimii-mt ina
il'N-nineiits be teieired to the Committee of the
Who e. and I inteii.
Mr Vail indicium tiesireil to siva few word,
but was prevented by the previous question.
Tl.e Il-Mi-e adj. on ncl
Senate proceed:!. g unimportant.
I rmti I lie Aruif of Hie l'oinmnc.
ChaMILLa, Va , Nov. 3'!. Brig olier General
Sudd lias ju-t retun.ed. He attackl theenemv
at Snickers Ferrv, and followed thetn with o0!l
cavalrv into their camos on the other side of ih
river and near Berryville. Our men charged
splendidly whenever they met the enemy.
hue civnlry was driven in all direction,
nearly ail tl-eir dHcer captured and their color
tken. viy mte himselt QeJ and hid in a hou.-e in
Beirt vi'.le
Tbe 3-J. 7ih and 12th Virginia cavalry were
tttckevl ati-l roii'e.1 and 41 men i:nd hor-e can
tared Fitt? d the eiemv weie killed and
wounded und two color taken. One w.-tgon !o!
of tito! and caibii.es was pii ked upon therotd,
thrown aw iy bv the uving enemv.
tihty horses and eighty cattle were alo
brcuht in
Our los in killed and wounded is about fifteen
(eo. Staid icj.ics lint there il a l.rijjade under
Gen. Jone at Winchester, but tint Jck-or's
main fore was at Nni4ikft List Wedue.-dxT,
aa repor'e't previously.
S nel F. SiciL.
M ijor General Coiominding.
I rotu U MsiUinaTton.
Waminotoi. Decendier 1. Colonel A V.
Colburu. of General McCeMin's ptfT. ho leen
a.-iM ed to duty as Aojutint i!eoeral of the De
pirtment of the Missouri lieoeril M Clellaii in
dores the Colonel as one of the ruot efficient
oracer. in the army.
ritr.inrxT mssten.
Wahim.ioN, Dccemlx-r 1 The President,
s iv a the coiieandeuce toi;t!cng foreign afTiirs ;
whih Ii4 t.len ploe during the litvcari'
Jleiewjth pubn.itleil in rorjip'ia'cc wjt!i ih; ie .
que-t to that efTev.1. If the coi.-oi.in. of our tela- ,
t ons with other nation I le- tratif v ing than '
loimerly. it i eeMamly more Mti-factory tb.in a '
nation so unhippdj d:s!rictel miglit hive rt i .
otiiii'y pr rebelled. A b!.K-ka-le of tloee thou- ,
and five bun hed mile of set co.t could not be
established m-d vigorons'y en h irel in a e ioti
ol gieit commercial nth:t I.ke the present!
without cmmoiing occaioiol rai-tkes and in-j
fi.cting unintentional iijtrie upon foteicn n-I
lions and put ject. In clear case of this kiud I '
have, s fir as pf'.b'e, rcdresi.d tbe ioa:p!aii.ti
miie by friendly poweis.
Iheic i, Lnwever, a larje and augfuenth: .
f. umber of douM'.ful caei upon which the Gor j
ert.tnctit is nn it'e to .igree with the Governments i
who-e protection is clem ualt-d by the cliimnt. t
There ue m re cae in w h ch the United Stttes, i
or their cil zetis, sutler wrongs from the i.av.1 or '
military aiithoriue ol fore-n nations, which the
Government ot these States are not at once pre
pared to rediess. 1 hive prooosed to some of
the freign State inteie-ded raderially, a con
vention to exvmine and adjust such complaint
i hat have been made, especially to Great Britain,
France, Sp tin and Rusii. In ech case it ha
been favorably received, but not yet formally
Application lure been me!e to me by many
free American of Al'ricm descent to favor their
emigration with a view to such colonizitiou as
was content nlaied in the recent ho a of Congress.
Other parties, al home and abroad some Irom
interested and other motives have suggested
similar mei-uie-; wh.te on the other hmdpev
eral ol the Spmisli American Republics li.ive pro-teste-1
against sending such colonies to their re
spective lei ritorie. Under these circu;u-tance
I have declined to move any such colony to
any Stat with jut first obtiining the ct)ii-ei t ol
its (tovcrnmetit, with an agreement, on its part, I
to receive and protect s-ich etutgrant in all ihe r !
right as fret men; and I have, at the same tune,
offered to the serer.il countries iiuattd in the
tiopics, rr having colonic there, tj negotiate
with them on the sii'.ject, with the advice and
consent of the Senate, to favor the voluntary
emigration of portions of that c!a to their re
spective teiritorie u;ron conditions which shall
be equal, ju-t and humane.
Liiieri.i aiiI Ilivti aic yet the only countries to
w Inch c hniie of African descent from here couhl
go with ce: t lint! v of being reeive I n 1 adopted
as citizens, ami I regiet to say that such persons
contemplating colonizition do not seem so willing
to emigrate to the-a countries a to some others,
nor as willing s I think their intetc-t demands
I believe, however, tliat the opinion is improving,
und that ere Ion j: there will be an augmented and
considerable emigration to bot'i the-e countries.
Oar icl ition with rviropeui S:iteremiin un
dJ-tiirlied. and with Slates ol oilier count ries li t ve
improved, especitily Mexico, C sta Rica, oic
The President sjieik of the favored project of
the Atlantic Telegraph, and of extending it to
the Pitilic, lo coiii.ect with tint being extended
across ihe Rus-im Empire. He thinks the mm
eral resource of the 'IVtritorie ouv;ht to be de
veiope i a rapid' y as possible; eveiy step in lint
i!utciiou would hi ve a tendency to improve the
revenue, tt i worthy ot sermu consalerati n
whether some extrmrdirnry iueiuie.4 to promote
tliat end e ouiot be adopted. Tlie means w'-iich
sugs.e-1 itstii as most hkelv to be tU'ective, i a
scientific exp'.nr ition The va-t ex;endif ures in
cident to the militiry and nivil op.cr itions ie
quiiel lor the suppies-ion of the i ebeilioii luve
hitherto been met with a promptitude ami cer
tainty ii ii it ii 1 1 in -.in.tKir cii'"titiisr.aiH-es, and ttie
public credit h i been f litlil'nlly n liutained.
The continuance of the war, however, and the
increased ili.-bur-emeuts, demand vour i llecti-.u
as to the bt mode of providing tlie tiece,try
revenue The su-peiision of Secie piyment bv
the b ink made large is-ues of Uoi;cl State-
note unavoidable. In no other way could the
pn ment of the troop and the . itis'action of
other demand. be so economically or ve!l pto
vitled. Iti extremely doubtful whether the ci:cu
l.ition of United State leiten, payable i;i coin
and sullicientl v large nr the wants ol the pe p!e.
em be jeiiuihenily, usefully and safely main
tained. A uuderate re-erv ition from the interest on
the bond would c )in eii de the United State
lorthepiepiraiiori nod distribution of the notes
and a general supervision of the system, and
would lighten pirt ol the public debt, employed
assecuiitv for the public credit- moieover wtmld
ticgreitly iiijjM-ve-l, und the negotiation of new
loan gre.tly facilitated by the steady uiarkel de
maud for good ixinds which the adoption ot tlie
proposed systoui would ciede. is an iiddiiional
recommeu-httiou ol il.e measure of -on:-leiab!e
weight, in my j-idgtnent, that would tecoiiciie,
as I ir as p ssi'!e. all exi-tmg interest, by the
oppoitunity dlered to existing institutions to re
orginize under the act substituting only the pe
cured ui.'iforni national lircuiation for the local
and various c'u -illation now is-ue-l.
Is there any titlier tn ie in whicli the i ece.-s.in
pnivislon for the public wants can be mide. and
ihe greit a'l vantaoe ol' a safe and utiilci m 'ur
rciiey secured? I know f none which promise
so certain result-, and at the s.une time so unob
jection able, as the organization of banking as-o
ciatioii utider a gencnl act of Coiigrc., well
guodel in its provision. T such as-ociations
the Govetninent might fmiiish circulating n te.
on the M'curity of the United S" ate liond- de
posited in theTreisiirv. Note prepned under
the supervision of proper officers, being unifoim
in appe trance and se-. uriti , and convertible j 1 -ways
into coin, at on e protects 1 ibor against the
evil of a vicious currency, and facilitate wm
merce bv che id ar.d saTe exchanges.
The President then give a summary from the
Sect et a ry of the Treasury's report. Ileiele:' to
the repot t of the Secietai ieof the Navy nd War,
and say, though lengthy, they aie only brief ab
tracts. He say there i a decided improvement
in the tin in- i d condition ol the Postofiice De
pirtment compared with the preceding veais
Tl.e Secretary -f the Interior rt ports that public
I iiids have cea-el to be a source of levenue.
Speaking ot Indian tViirs and the recent trouble
he say: I submit for vour special conider.r.nn
whether our Indian system shall Jl0t be re
He suggests the euhe-t completion of the Pa
eifie Railroad: also, f tvonble action of C ingress
on the projects for widening the great canals of
New Yoik, Illinois and Michigan.
The President refers to hi confiscation and
emancipation proclamation of September 22 1.
and say that jriioii of the earth occupied by the
people of the United St ites is well adapted to be
the hoiueol one national f imilv, but not lor two
or more. In tne Inaugural Address I orienv
ioitde-l out the total inadequacy of disunion as a
lemedv for ciilierem es between the people of the
two sections. I did so in langvige which I Cah-
ii"t improve. Physically speaking, we cannot
sep irate we cannot renounce our respective sec
tions from etch other, tor build an impasab!e
wall between them. He then remarks at lergth
on tl.a ibiiii-ultv of making anv National b(ui
i i- - " I
uary i.ue.
The President then suggests amendments to
the Con dilution Congress concurring to be
proposed io ihe Legilitures or conventions et
the several State; whicli, if ratified by three
loutts ol s.i d Legisd.iiutes, to be noted as parts
of said Coh-tUtrii't).
The fir.-t ailicle proposes that all States nbol
ishing si av ei v belote Jauu irv 1, I'J'M, shall te
eiv e com; cnsatioii I'tom the United Sctcs.
Second. All .-l ives "ree l by chances of war any
time beiore the end of the rebellion, shall be for
ever fiee; but all owners who had not been di
loyal, shall be compensated.
Third. Congress may appropriate money and
othei wise piovide for colonizing free colored per
son with their con-ent at any place without the
United States.
The Preidenl discusses these article at some
length and asks if then, for a common object,
slave propeity i to be sacrificed, i it not jut that
it be th-i.e at a common charge; and if with less
money or money more e siiy piid,wecu pre
serve ihe benefit ol the Union by this me-rt
than we can by the war alone, i it not ecom mi
cdtoiloit? The propo-fl emancipation would
horten this war. rerpttual peace ensue, and in-
cieae iu populatittii and proportionately tne
J wealth of the country
The President says the plan consisting of these
atticle. is recommetaled not but that a testora
tion of the national authority would be accepted
without its adoption, nor will the war or the pro
ceeding under ihe proclamation of September
V!2d lepMjied lxcau,-e of ihe reciminen l ii;i of
thi plan ; it adoption. I doul.l not, would r
restoratior and theiely tay Uith, and notwi It
atataiiiijf ihr plan, the recommetidatiou that Con
ire- provi-le by Isw for conuenliii any
State which may adopt the em tncipation lieftre
this plan sh ill have been acted ufu, is hereby
erneliy renew evl. Thi plan is recommended
a itieu a. not in conclusion of. but additional
I to all other lor restoring and weserrinr the
I nvional authority throughout the union.
The sobjert is preened exclusively in iu eco
nomical ;.-ct The plan is proposed as per
maneut, cn stiiution.il law.
I a cotnlusicn. tl.e Pie-idcnt says: Tledogmis
of the qu-et past ie oai,Uate to ll estoimy
present. Tbe occasion is ed hii;h with etüü
eulty , ai.d we n;u-t vf with the occasion. The
Cery trial throu.l wiiith we pass will band u
down in honor or !i-lu nor lo the latest genera
tion. In giving freedom to the sine, weact ln.n
orable alike in w li tt ve give ard what we pre
serve. We shall i.obly p i e or me mly lose the
last le-t hoje ol the earth. O-'uer mem may
not succeed; thi eou'd not tail The way is
plaiu, peaceful, f.,eious, j-t a y which, if
loliowed. tlie world would Jorcver applaud aod
God must forever hie..
yOCCK W. F. rititojf, of Knox county, as a can 'Mate
f r PrssiJ. nt of the Bosrd of Commicsiocer rftLc ink
Inf Purti, su'J et to the decision rth Ixgl la'lve Caucus
ofue l-mocr-t1c member vf the lri-Uiurr.
ILY MEWING MACUISK, with all the recent Improve
mpnt,isth BEST an.i CHUAfKST and liOST IttLAUTI
FVLdf atUfwir.ar tairhiiif. This macLinr will fw-ij-thing,
from tbp running cf a tuck iu UrK-Un t j the mak
ing tl an uvrrcot an) tiling fruiD julotcr t verck-tL
down t i the s oftest jjauie er p. -sanier tissue. ar.J U evrr
rea ly to do it w-rk to iwrrtcti-.B. Il cu fIl, hT,lio.!,
K&tlt-r, tu.k, quilt, aul Las capacity fr a jrrrat v.rifty
of niui-iitl work. TLis t uot tlie only mvcliinr that
can fell, hrni, tin 1, and so forth, litt it will do so better
thau otlitrr nschiuc. Tbe Letter A Family Strwinjt
MjcL'ti? uiay Le had tn a great variety of cabinet ra-.
The Ki.t-tirp Ca.-e, which Is now Ifco iriR so Hpulr,it
aits uauie inij.ia'S, one that can be folded into a box or
cvv-, which, wh-'ii ojei:et. makes a beautiful, substantial,
and pacioiis table fur the w.jrk t-j ret upun. Tbecaoo
are of evtry imaginable de:n.r. plain the wckhI grew
in it native f.ret, or as elaboratel) finILvd a art can
make them. t. XI. SlNGKlt k CO..
No. 45 Broadway. New York.
JlsyIii'l anapolis 0 aire .No. 3 tM1-f!loh' Hall,
YaLn:ctaiistrve:. apls .Uw tülfell 63
The niirke! i. fdM f imitations, re;reentt d to be the
in tn-t c's jir-Kiuciiveof positive injury. Many dealer
will recommend inferior preparations at:d lower priced
articb ,.ifio '-'ik more pn.ßtto theaisehe Ak forasd
which by l.irn "xperietica have proved th'.'ir value, hivicf
recei'rdtbe -atictioti of ptiysician eneratl3-, and tetl
ni'i'italsfrom enuneiit mt-n throughout the country.
PdlOWN'SbUOXCHlAL TKOCIIKS. when allowed t-
dissolve lnwly in !li raoutti, have a d:rct iiiflunicf t-
the taVcted p.ut:the f(laU aLd soothing effect toth
iiiiicut. lining f l-f windpipe into the Broncb ii .ill 33 f-Pulmonary
: rritxtivii :uul ive relief in CuUitliP, CoP'if, and
he "ari..i;s TliroataTectioioto which ublicspeRkeratld
sinicor:- art I i .ihle . f.'M! -rily
tomi.ixsox .v uruggmiv. .o.
IS buvl i tiliititf tun Mreel
Have tjt-t-n ipMiiited wrnt for the pale of
It U A U IS ' S T V S S I I, A ti O ,
THK .Vt)XlK.:Ft'b i;I:.NI;LI"S, f r hcc.nv .f Connie,
..ii, S.-i- i'iir-'a"., lirii-K'hitis, WLeeiin, rritati.it: d tla
t'vula und T';im1 . iad D-m-hi--!- of ti:o Lino. S"!d i!
tare l"x.-.-. i'..;t" , äl ct..!id I each. !i I -1 , v. 1
rar cd oB-isira t kltch h
Xiynch cc Keane's!
l3i low Ihe rn snit St.uidiird Friers!
Next Dry Good tdore to the Palmer Iloufe.
L A' ?s C IX & It IN ,
A fuii Mipp!y I'ew fatteni.
Bvords at Cost Prices.
Bowie. Pocket, and TaUe Knives; Fruit Cau; NalU;
Belting Koe, and LuilJinj; Hrdw .ire.
At No. 21 West Washington St.
je23 J. n. VA JEN.
Shirts! Shirts!!
UVl! JIadc
.f IP K.S'
V 7! Iii-
Ordersfroa the coLctry promptly filled.
tum: FL011E.YC1:
Sewing Machine.
OS and the am icachioe, and ha tb rt-ihl
fre.1; a'.s.
Family Kniltinz .Taciiiir,
And all kind f finer work.
SALE-ROOM. No. 17 Perns Ivania Mreet, at Loth rep
k Wnichl La'iie Auction Stfe.
Wa. II. 9 HARP. A rent,
x'-dlni nd;anarwlis. Ina.
7KW JIlTtlCB! K "The silver Chord, a coiupan-I.-.T1
l "TIa. I!..n T'-r-le " at
i W av at ' - a -
."Me st rk .Sonef .Tlnrkel, i
v ... v, . r t i
w 1 a, I'cv. l .
Money steady; ptet.r. ichare uneitieJ;
some l.i. ker tern to name the rated tji-.ra-tons;
SI 40,1 4.1!.; lori:.tKhantii d $1 43 '(?
1 4 1 7 lor f .Lcr' bdU.
An.erlr ni to'.d i.net:!e-I and firmer, rpnipp
dull at (dKc. advancing to 3IJ4C and
Clo-ifij: pteaoy at o'Tje.
Wn-klv hink sta'einent:
Dcteaee in loans
Deerepe iu srecie
Iticrxasö in Circulation
ltcre.e iu deposits.
S'vock Oirket active a od bher
ir rstauaam.;
:incinnail 7larkct.
Ciucijisati, December I.
Floor dill; surerfine offered at $5 and rrgriad
ineaf4 bQA 75; extra $4 15(34 25.
Wheat dull and lower; mixed $l(dl 03 and
white $1 Ib'ojjl 1.
Com aol-1 mi lö(tr46c.
Oits sold at 47(ü&Jc.
Whiskey 35c.
Uoga dull and heavy, and 10(3 15c lower;
pickets ate not in the market to any extent;
$4 iZgi i tl.e whole rane.
Messpoik fit) 75(311.
Lard easier; 700 ticices sold at ts'GgC
chictly the former rate.
Gieen me its unchanged ar.d dull; shoulders
VßVr'"te 554c and ham. 5c.
itrot e. ie dull wild heavy.
Gold $1 J-, silver $1 21fTr I ."demand notet
SI 2:.
Exchange par.
; ar ri.aaarit.
le Vork yinrttri.
Niw Yon, December 1.
Flour market continues dull and heavv ; piles
at .f." ;.5(ii5 W toe Mir ei fine State; $5 55oi
5 6d tor t)at fine Veteni; $b" r'(tfi 75 for com
mon to (ood hippiii brands extra rcund Loop
Ohio; tuai ket closing heavy.
Whisky ijuite hrut; sales at .?( 3")e, chieäy
at the latter.
Wheat Maiket without deci-lt-d chance; le
ceipts large but the dVenncs liht; paies of
Chicago pprinp: at $1 H(.fl "21; Milwaukee club
$1 Vjq SW; amber Iuw.i $1 301 33; .imber
Mielo-au $1 -1H(3 1 43; white 5licLian $1 51.
Re quiet hiid steady,
liarley Jea active.
Corn firmer; sale nt "lfTlc for superfine
Western; 72c for mixed We-tein, to arrive.
O.i's more active; siles.it C5CC;.
Pork wiilio-M material ciiaiite; $I25n(?13 32
for mess, .ill 5'J(71l55 tor prime and $13 C5
Cor prime mess.
Dttt du!!, with pmall sties.
lSaco.i si.ie in nio-ier.-tte demand: sales at yjC
f I city tut h-n clear.
Ml. sV II.,
.o. '2.') Wen Vahiii(rlonf.t
IX pui'plie. ol l-aiiuly tina?rie.', which tl ej otter to
Ui-irde a: the lowest cah prices, l'artaular attention
is iiivueii to our large Mock f
Su-ar, Teae,
Coitves, sjaur-cured liauip,
Dried Tn f, JJackrrrl.
Flour, C'orn Meal,
i.uokwiieat. lul;innrtytert.
an-? fruits H'nl ve;;e! alles in e4oti,all of which Is offer-
ere at th rhrajx-Kt ral fr uei.u-iM arOi-lea.
sept27-dain IKM.XIIKK A IIÜNTKR.
TU C3r 3E2. !
300 B1:LS Susar:
100 1,,I,)S Nw r,,,'n Snsr;
JQQ LUI- "ruhed and Iow.leret Suar;
I or Siile by
Eari & Hatcher,
I.'ajettf, li. lan.
Ruger k Caldwell,
o. C.aI Waliiiistoii St.
für Ihiot Zit of Odd ftfw ffuU. tlh
a'ifiit Indiana,
f UTTER. Chee-e, and Pried lWf;
0QQ I10i;;iF.AI)S New Orleans Sc?ar,
00 i,0GsnEAr,SI,,:jn(1 ?Ufc"r
iAA PVCXVGES Ilerrinj, Codfl.h, IIairi:at, and
HrUU Mackerel;
i f f EVRLELS Erfitied Sujar.
300 BAI:!iFLS nJ c'iii';
0QQ BAGS Java Coffee;
QQQ BAGS Eo4io Co?c;
AO CUESTS and Half Chu Itaoarlal.Guep.
rsJUXf der, Youcg Hyaon, Hyaon Skin, aowJ Ooloaf
a I iriCK, Ca-ia, Cläre, Clnnaaon, and a ceneraJ
aisrtner.t of Apices uiuhle fT reull trade;
COkDAGE.Cia-ir, Fruit. Liquor; !! kind f Xata,
kice, op, Toi a.xa, and w ooden Ware, betide, a
general aArtmeatof urKcrie, la itdre aadfotulety
is Eaat WW. atrest.
I are hen-by r.otifled tbtf AJ-tant A-.i-s-'s
w i.l la. kept r-pen for eiarairntlon at thetr oßc, la
Talbott t New Buildina, until b 2"thday of November
next. All apnea! t.ken from their assessment nnt l
tna,h In writinp a:d left with u, and cn the Jlt and 231
of same roooiii we will bear and determine all appeala
male. I'artiea intere.ted wi'.l plea cdl npoo aa at that
tjia. W. A. BKAlJstllAW,
Awhot Sixth Dt.trWt 4 t4laca.
tr 11 1 1 v
n d n v 1; s? v
nu t u 11
V O 4 I I IP is M 1 A I- .
Ttitrwi .N wio II'TE 15.
JlKrl IIiohmIo h 1. .il t
1 a-., , ii c h lit Lt 1 1 B . r li.- j , ,tt
T-l. , r r 1 1 e liu'y . t;.ir (t.;
al-. wsx-di.'.cefl awl 4a arrv. w k.
Ir.. tl o ll e ef ji .id. r darr rau-, h tl a 4t I i if
In a-'fre t -f the! j ear, lt. ts j 1 ? jf iLrneiv
der he trattTr ( ar) 1. o'd t rt uf, '
1UE KCKT rCl !).
Jfarried Udie-wi I leafs w e. ettirj iti le ;-sru:e
pru:xA- "Tint Sararr Fak."
9cntioayasi4rcaa,lal estlo;, ctmtj f
Tr. Cc&ta.
Li. &IUAET CO. cam ha cosislu-s tr m'.l :rae 4
a pnv: cr corf irrtUl taturt, frta I A. If. tc P It
(f-aa-Uy frvet t 11 A. MO their tOt, . IS FaaS
rtlrii trect,r.--t:T, between Kai cd lreat?r,o
poai: it H.srta Uovmi.
Adlrrv t H.CITAS. A. STCAIT k CO,
a,.. wv....' Owe'ms.CH
Tu!r?uab!e and r.-jni!r Jirilcl: e ua n Mterai:y re
ceirtl the rv' f.vrt le revonmwmat.. t f tL
Medical lYc-'eM-.oii ar i the I-Mj a. tL tu-t
rrtcic.T ai ar.anaaia
It taay be ad witb tbe bet effret In
Udiu-ind rrVriie ISe.e. Ct:enea, fa-k lleadacke,
2auea. cf A( J-rt'te, I :t .rr M HM . Ackt'ty of
tbe .-stftii.L. Torpidity 4 lS-e jrr. Ooui,
Ehei.iiuia- ACe. travel, i iU a.
And all C'LnidaiM white a a:-tjtl ail C!na: Aperiert
r Pir.tue I required.
It N partKulatl) aJittd tlie want .f Travibrs Iy
m ab t ln.a. l.r-i.lei.t in II .t 1 1 mile. r M U fe-d-nt.rjr
llat-ii. lnvalt1 at.tl Or.lerrno; t'.pt.irt vi
Vcsb and P'ut.ten a id Lud it a vaJualle auYuhr, ta
tl.eir JledKii e Clie'.
It i in tbe fv-rm of a TwUer, car full j put up In lt
tlea lo keep Iu any chtuate. aul merely rewjuirr w.ter
I'jre.l up.n ii tu iruduce a delightful efiertcxerl ever
Ntnerou leMni.onU! from prfei...al aid oiber
jfeiitlcmen .f tie I. stf: t.nditic l)jrjcb-i.t tbe f -un
try, aa. l I! teJ. i & re v:n (H.palant j I -r a eerk.tf
) earn, Mf ti'y guarantee I'- eR".c v and valuaHe c' ar
acter, an lrer.ru nd it t j He favwraLU- rwtAe of am Intel
ltr-pt i u' lio.
M ornda ' ur d t.'.y by T A I R NT A C( . X. StU Gt een-wk-li
tTv et. c.n.er f Warreu a reeu New T.ik; artf f.
a t.y In.Kfc-it irei.erall. tvT-dJy
yegfjt .1 SI iR Sit Co.
VtUH'V icüh a simple rxmely,
ifncglczted, often tcrrnviaus ttriiiuij.
Few ar aivare cf the impcrtanc if
stepping a citfji cr filial it
jQcliL in. xts fjrzt cLxt ; uiz
in. tht beginning vculd tt'f.i f: a
mill remedy, if net atiendel to, orv
at tables the lungs.
we first intrzdibcsl eleven, years eg:.
It his been rrcifi that they arc iht
best article before the j-ilUis jfc
(Jciiaii, ßcIiU, OLtcJicliiliz
J&iTuna., ßixiafifli, the ray
Cough in. (?cn&umiitrn, ur.J
numerous afeciicna cf the J&irutit
giving immediaii rcli'f.
Public Speakern SC Singers
mill find thcT. effeciiuil fi?r cv, ',j
and ttrcngthening the vcize
Bold by all (Drugffizts and (V
in JSedt-iine . at cent a ;tr
ILAi'i'lvu.bs OK MISERY?
flHK T-r-.jr tors fTtVe -pAniSIAN CAH15 ET OF
I tvOMKlt:, AN ATOM T. and MKMCINF," tava
rleterninedt reirardh-s i f ep tive. to i. ue, free,(f.r tl.e
l..Mift -uJf-rr.ff l:t.ruriir ) tiil'K -f tl. r itx! in
netive etd intf r--irff Irre -n !irriae and tt
lii-oi.ihiiciti-i N rv. u- b' l ili'y, ! tnvtnre I'e b:
of WiV.-1. !d'c--?joti. WrnViM-s or I ej. res lot., li .
f Kii.ti-j- i-l Vi'i' l..wer-. iiirt s.,.;a Kll . fa
tho-e ! tie wliu-h r-i;lt fr m 4 fii tilnl feil e, I
Crs.e, ,f ;.at iri'r, r fcnorr.nte ..f 1'bysl. I ?y and
nre Ljw. Ttese nvr.l.l.le teur r ave iVe
Itieatm nf er.1i-r:teninaT at'd fav1u t l.rt.il, .nd O.l .
f.trwar ted fr.-e en .e receipt cf fnnr ompi, It add.ff.
Ii. SKCR TUiY I'vhii-?i Cxr'yrt r-t ASAV'tir srn
Nervous Debility
Or permtorrWa. I astirstr IVCl.T.APl.F I y AM
tne.n bu" Ih-e I mivnet.. -f..re reT-rr-r"i, r A S 1
treatment, le irn li--w the witter artna'l U1 I I b -ni If,
and ur(tn-ntlv l.tindrr.l of cii-er. i r'oe s j t
psid, up 'r,ri'') envelop to p. 17, riurloi'.a,
M. iU.k '.TA
Tnusscr. &c.
I. S "E3 3 1. 73 T T3 T IUsJ i
ESTAIILLSininNT, K'l - i as s;T rwira, I v.l.
Branch o fl.-e-V. -'o N- a Louk,I
Uli.. T If
trs? f
Pole r.-'v,r l irnil ManraiureT af the Ilar Ilutr
Tr i s, u-i If T'i if k t."lrsar' Patent.
Tlie II ir I It 'rn. i n-i.t'o- 'l a-ii-Tvw a all
ThT r f .;i .int n-se.srt.: Wdl le-ver 1-rvj.k, no
cn-tff . call or U.st.-r ; can tr made MIT or ttulter ; w'U
care Ii rn' i '-f y.-ara' 1i.1.iii; ! tH4 r-r nr n)ur
the -r !, an I U alaava t len ai.l a n-w.
Pn'r uta ran I ai O.ral. lv fitt'sl 1j atatUin; a4a la
Inr1- i-ci.l ly In Mt.t rajeure.
i;rr.'i r. a t wj.ti Hy cner otlrs: Tl f nl-l-m-iri
oti!t are oT--tv1 : P"fs. )l t, t ri-t.an: aivf
Iarker, New-V1: lf. lio'ard aiul A.w, InlbvVd-
h'.a: I).". IL J-Ji-isoti; hurx-eon itenerui pttvu. yl aJw
ifm; Prof. l.rii..e!. Irwr, IV-a, a,ntr-w nd 1
ChVs: Ir. W.U'tt, M'Jwaukee. il.
Ma"iiir;w-tirer are! Ifralrr tr M.ail Vr 1. Al-Vra-tnal
p'i;ptrtT, r.li a:1 r.4t.n i:tale H Llni for
vae'tc. vdr;, Sn.s'na'.rv larla- Ar.. le
fytnred hy C. htaJ"!!, has rwur) a lvantatr-, r alt
:herv, a"-l aa an evllenc f a.u-h It Iu. r.T-Ke.I t
flrst premiam at the United itate Falra. tavWr tta
mln.aion f Iv anrpina bi wir reaintry-. It ma
lion la reveire.1 fnra a nUe? cr (lü-h will rw-er
brenk.) plrtrur II a premt prefcrenoa over tl ia,4ral aisrlof
oed In rtVr limlw.
Send atarnp fur iwmjlH. Post OfBot TWiz 4323.
Dr. fseeley wHl 1 at tbe Kite H-u. for a few dara.
Cad and exarrr.tie for j useTr. c-vl4-if
A .Wrcticnl Report.
O'ft lining 7Ki1v F-" .. ,inn V.y.r. nj-ff tkt
AHsifsry and i' p J"?jr fftk CrA,u in m
tat f IU"'lk and i.ii.
treff.r Veneria! lH-e. lurta.
stieg hjpüiü la ail it M.fea;
0 norrti. a. G'eet. J.'rctcre. arl.
c il. tM HvdrfeU. Iej of
tie Eidny, Lladdrr Aau. wjtk.
oat metoirj! enr talnw r a aj
naMe trratu-ecTt itatw epreJ
taal.dv ef yeaitb, SVannal Veak
ins, N'-Torral Krttafcnn, SjBal
la-Mlity. tl p-'tery, Ar.. tie .
ere ttt-rsir of yonth tA ra.
torty .'tail- frowi t baneful
To wpirb . awxi Ayrwmt ton e
babit ot r '.f- w
Fem Ir.easea, jA otoer istererirr Batter of tk-s ct
moat iniprtanca to ti- tnarrWd and tbte cortefrptartng
taatTiape, wboeotersatn docbt tt tbefr ptyaVal mb-lty ta
tnxt Ctt tau. Sett M any add re j la a aad wrap
per, on mfpt cf an c: U or for atarrpv
We da-vote ocr ettir trx and a"Utt!w ta tit traat.
meet of tbe varioua prrai .eaea treated f ta vor yn.
at teport. Cmr l.rs'tMt7 k eery tsatlruijoB ci tb
-'.r.dtn An. eric a wfcUb ka been tab h bed y a pee!al
ebrr,sa- ttli fact botld fr It a prtierer or tt
varions qaack of docttful cbaracwr t b fou.4 ta all
rj et'lra.
Important to Fetnnlm!
One oep.mient of wr rnpenary I. pecia.Iy .tew4
lwrbetreattr.ec.tot tt. tf Fema ra, auch as 1a.
ch rriea, or 'Wfc:te,M IrrerLlar. I albf-t aod erprt
Xenstrcatiof. NerrMia and inraj I.Ul.ty , X.aaas
be W lyD.b. Harreiineee, Ac.
Css-slti'lom ii tTaEi:na:irfrfe cf tbarrt.
Al o, Maat DK.lEHKLV REGl'LAlok PILLf
For It ructU-D. lrrrjrisUriu Ac Xarrto! la
die. s certain .ttaatlona aLowM box ue U.m, aa litrj
wot:l!Vuse tlAcxit.. FrV II par ox tzA tsaj
art b"4r.::.
DR. AaLEN' paxriNllVL InxaOuatU articl
fr thc wiics to ux&u :t &c&bex of tLlr effprtcf . or
tie barren wko tU'.ire ttllnn; wantud tot to tysrt
tbe bealtb. and wio last tor ahfeUtnc, Mti.t ta acy aAlraaa
oder real, en receipt of tbe price -TWO La.)Llk.S.
PATIENT AT A DISTANCE by aeudltf a trtrf atal.
taentef Ibirytrpuaa,willreceire a Liaek Cbart rentals
but a !.t .fqaektiocia. our term fee Ike ear 4treaf Btewl
Ac. Medic-.iie. ent to any part of Ibe country to nn aaj
cae at hotr.e.free from dtnrer or rurloatty.
All transaction rnnu and e90denual. Rei
tbe cane and number.
.'IH.'.l.a. tr twl.nn Ky.
RtCX FOR Al T Inuireef
dtm XaaK.K A n aw

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