Newspaper Page Text
DAILY STATE SEHTINEL. f II HO V '" TUE NEHT SKNTIXl'L OFFiCE. 01 tu .m:iiiiA xritF.r.T rrowT tw rowroenc. ELDER, HARKNESS & BIHGHAM, lropritlor&. DGfJYIOTO. i n7i et t rrr IS p. g. c. i:u;jt. DDNTIOT. II ! r J omcx ajtd txzivzxcx, HO, 32 CAST .TIAnnET STRCSr 1TOA5AP0IJJ ryp. CPGCTACLGO. aC, To Ofuccro of tho Array. VOLUME X. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3, 18G2. NUMBER 3,795. M A i 3 f Q 1 t: Yearly uUTin fS W, rTaiuti.i is Abvaacn; of delivered by tb carrier at 12', cet;t per week, payaH J ami-ia:itL!y. Sint eip' E- ct "lty i.b wrtber will b held rpr.ible fur paters l-fi i at their ho- after tny bat removed, or when tbT wwh tbem li-oT,Ui)Ui, uriW ioke I girn at tie of- Br of po Miration. N paper wet witb'Hit pr pa ynr't, r cot.tI:rje.51cnr lien paid fr. Cpva of tb Dan. .-n.i ran b had at the oft'c each tnn4ua. and lb Hiiin hsansas rack Mon day morning, neatly avelupetl. 1 ,t tuaLna. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, PURLISHKD EVERT MONDAY T riTAiiJt taeaaissLS ii - hati:h ur aTTviiutikisu. 4 ; I a C r. 3 I a ! M I ( a- a? r. ; m t m i O..VJ l.ia l..'4: l.n J2V J'.l 3.00 3 37 3.75 j 1 DO ).(Ki; 2 .V 3.W 10 4 00 ihQ 5 X l.2i 1 .7 J .Vr 3 !2 a 7.'. J 27 5 0 5 62 6.20 ! 1 '.A J.n 3 ' 3 75 4.f.O 5.15 00 .75 7.ÄO ' 1.75 2 3.V! 4.37 5 2 5 12' T-W 77 H 75 j SM 3 00 iWi 5.00 C0' 700 100 9.M 10.00! i m : 5 go: 7 r .7rio oo ii2.'.i2 to' 3 00 4 w 8 no 750 9 (Mi 10..V) !2 00 13 ro 15.00 j 401 00 .on!l0.n 12.IW' 14.00 16.' H.WHO.W! 5 OO 7 SO 10 W 15 fxi 170 20 0 ii T.O 25.00 J 7 m 10 2.', 13 50 H 75 2 ."0 21 25 :i T,0 23.75 33.00 J H... VI... 4i... &... u.. .. lrr.. 2'n.. In..1 ..V) 13.75. 19 .00 24.25 2J f.O 34 75 40. OO 45 no .vi oo 4.i ft 25 15.M 21 25 S7 OO 0" 40.00 45 M 50 OO f5 t0 Cm . 11 frf) IS 00 25.00 S0.60 37.r 45 5.) 52 50 57 50 ! m 13 ru 20 f.0 2H io..15 50 41 .V 5V0rt 57.50 5 fKI "0 (.0 1 3m 15 00 25 Oil 35. tu 45 00 5.VOO 65.00 75 CO H5.0O 05 OO j AIVKKTl.INtf IS T1IF WKKKLT. j Üi 'iOn . coe inrti-ii .....fO 75 ! to " 1 I r,ur " 2 00 ( TT f rt ul.'fi'irt.t in-TtioTi, n l fur f 3tb !ner- , l"ti of It ! tifi'.ii! MjUrr 31' , A'itrrffnirni pi !lh-l 1 1 tb- !aily afl it J rm. Im? e hariM 1 full !lj rt, ! with uw-hulf tli WIt ra- ' Fi.Mn Ntrr r". !i-l -l in tbf Jol r.ntnn, if trn t i tt or tin'W, will ( rhtrr"l f"r Acn lnxrtot, 1 1; 11 j fliarf- will in1 fT lirtitK h notice, cf the ; . .. ... . . .; ... . 1 f V A .11.. t 1 pil In a Uat: 1 Ünlrr. w t(fv.h 1.1 .Hirti- anl Mrin S'ii'f. . l'ur .te b n tkr n"t rxrec.'.um M 1itc 25 rrnt fr -ach lnTtif n; orr ri(fl li'' at thi rat-. Ann'U!rHifr rtcafh itb funeral notice attache1, l; without rtlor fr- ! Marria-N'"ti--. .'41 r"it. j Nt irr .f F"MvK II ' "l Kxcnrioii, tcf.ttro uply t lnliMl r aMwUtlii, or y cbrrhr, at lb rsciUr j rirr. ' Alvrrl. nrtii l-.l"J bim! j.Uo.I iiikI r th ba I f I PpH! '..tjr, If tPnlin-orfvi,will b filarial df.ubtc ; tb itul Tt. ! A-lrrrtlwM makltirf l tfcan tbr lin, lnrtt ( dir In th Pf v. will cbarifM fifty c-nt. ! Yrirl avrtr topav onartrtly. I can ll Utf f r " .f vfry rt-rrtptioit toi. charp-l at tb rat fl M ("t rb nmr Iti tb Daily. aM 2 In tb Hilly an.l Wrkly, tb am to br. In all ca-r, pal'l In a lrsnc. Iffal ailTfiil-MTn'tt Inrt"! at lb rxnv .rtb at tnmryn Hrti, a.t not iUyabl fr tb Ual pr.- 1 It., but roUTta l at nr unal tim. ItiMiMiera nt ax-finla. for tb aTr.xy f Irk'al a.lvrrtif rm-nH bo yorxl lb amn'int rbareil fur th lr publirlin. KIXKK, IIARKSFJ! A I'.IXtillAM. lrpr1tora In-Uaua Stat Hmtincl. J M. TU FOKH, Pr.lHnt lndianapoli.4 Journal Company. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. u AUKISONÄ' HANK. No. 19 Ka-t iraLiiilm "'reel th ?Tiltil 4r?.r. maT4 j i.ivi itv staiii.i: I.I;N A IIINSI.ET, Uvery iJ Male Stable, In the rr-.r of tfce I'llmr r Houe. J11"1'5. - r 4) v x gl l , t:H 1DAVI.4 k CO.. Union Foundry, Ivlatvar street, op , pottr L'nlon Ihot. nASSKLMAN i VINTON, W-.-tliurton foundry l Macbin Work, eat etit L'moii UHt. W)23 kiVaIj r.viA'rr. asi:ktn. Jir. CIS SMITH, fornirIy lrt.-ll A Sndtb, Real Kftat Ajtnt and Ta Payer, 37 K.vt Wabirirton ' tiett. Ilou t renU J!l?".l,jr6jL MrKKRNAN A F1KKCK. Real Ftate Age..t and troken, 10 V, Fan W'arbinjton treet. j j:A. T. WII.F.T, K. a1 Estate Afrnit nJ Stock j kr, lov, Ka-t Waj.Linti trt. ma14 . nmiT n siioi: dka ixms. 1 C. MATHF.W A CO.. Wholesale dealer In Boot., Shoe, nl Kulibfr. No. 4 Uolierts Uofk, opjoMte th Lnloti iVpot, Iitdianapoli-. lil. DIM KXODI.K A 5t)!I, matmfacttirera ami da1er In 11 kinas of T- vt and Shoe?, No. 32 Kat Wa-b-non atreet. apr27 YlOO RS A S 1 VI'A'I-1 (I . i: It V . I BOW EX, STF.WA.tT A CO., wholesale and retail deal- j er in rok and Stationery, and Printer' Material. , No. We-t VVabinRtoti treet. pr2G I I1C A.M .Mlilllf'li:. j VVTII.KT M. Ii)WkT, DlX(i;iT. iM-aler In Ini?s W Cheroical. Palnti, this, ltvestufTs, IV..tmic. Patent and other MMine.., Notion and Perfumery N. 49 Mas- j a. hu.-ett. avenue, Indiana; Ii. r .v30-l v. FIV'MIJXStiN A COI, daler In Druc Medicine.! p ra'titsOiNjiU, Perfutoerr, Fancy hood:", Ac. No. i Is Wah.nct.n tret, Inliana(Mla. ma) 19 I Bl;OWXINl, Urutritist. and dealer In Paitit, Oil, j I V . Viruihe, Ie-Mußsola.GiasHwarf.rirfunn'ry, j Ac., No. 22. West Wasbirton treU apr27 , iiiiv ;oons. T A II. OLKNN A CO., New Tor Stor. liry m firtols wholesale ai. Ketad, tilenus Block, K1 Wasuuuon street. niay5 vrovi ami Tiy waui:. d lfXKf.FS COX. dealt r in Stove, Tin Ware, Ac. o. 11 Wesi Wa.dtin(tttii street. apr27 HOOK UIMI ltS. -- - C1AMnKI.LA R)TLI.r"a B-nders and lUar.k V Manufacturer. No. 37 Fat Washington sf., eat i f iiier.n' I'.I.jck, up statr. Indianapolis. fet.23-dtf ' " .. . . "... . . , . . jOl'tiLAS A PALMFK, IW B.nder and F.Imk Book ' Manufacturers, X. 36, Kat Washington stret, over A '.for!, MdU A Co tirocery. may27 vf t Vrm i;rt.a, CÄrtuketi in thedi-pen-in? of physi - . r : .r. -r r. , " . : cian' prescription! ad family recipes from strictly pure CIII!A CJIAVS Ail lIIII3!tVAIlIl ' arlk les, and we feel confident we can rftider satisfaction . ... . -- - - i in the ; rice an I n t f pwxi. HAWTHORN A BUCHANAN. Importer of China. HKOWNINlt A SLOAN, tilas are! Oeetiswar. No sJ Fat Wsbinj?tm st., j 22 Wet W ashington street. ln.iiai.apoli, ItuSuna. dly TIKItrilAMX T.III.OIIK. f 'KFIKKICK MFPPEK. Merchant Tailor, art dealer in ready made clvthinR ant furnishing jro, X . SI et Watni'.ti street, pj-osite St ntir.el o!tlc. ml? ATTOIt.M:VS. KILRT FERGUSON, Attorney and C-uiiselor at !.aw. l'a.vch for approverl ju-lments aivi mortrfaje; aiu rego;a'e ioan, nc tes, Ac. Oflice, 21 l't WL- Uifft : sirrct, up-tairscor.'ldiortotherULtLAn'i,4.p- poiwt GIuu'JU.:k. oclS HfC DON AU. ROACH E A LEWI fJ tP lVi- . IT I aM, A.MIon l- litch. Josefa . UwsAt- 1 and Coun!or at Law, .Etna Iuuranc Cm- ttorners par.y Building, second fioor, Pennsylvania treet. Jel lly MACHINISTS. A.r -ar w AX ING ENTIRELY kKFrrTCD THE SHOP FORM I I EKLT wrcupwd b? Jha Cooper, ia Ogood, j rnuin m C L--t ant liuo raciory, 1 ana prepares iuc j a'd kiMa of work in th machinery or blakmi:hing j line. Hanna k.d twehe year' ei pent-rice tn tb bet marhlDe Khvpa in tb country, I fatter myiflf that 1 can j give entire au.lact.on to those wLo biay favor me with ; their work. I hac in my employ on of the best black- etniiL tn the Sta e, aiwt ay particular attentx-u to horse f .rgin. Repasnna- cd all k.nd pn mpOy attetvled to M.Klels of all f r Remmlr tbe place, on 4'r sooth of the Union Ivpot. on ta.uvi street. w T. emms. luly 10-dl '1 NOTICE. "7E bae tUs day oM our Bakery to Mers. Nick- m A TLankiPf the pub! r la -tral for thir liberal patron- . w wwuld regretfully at k tb conttr.uarire tf the ace t. our sucre..r. A . A J. M ET7a-ER. l-1iar.aai July 9. 16? Jyll dJt dry coops. Q U J j loj CO I C 5 Ja 3 -A3 ' LJ ' ' ' C c v. O j A y. u: 'gl a-ai . - w mm o O DRUGS. NEW FIRM. t tho-sf prrisi'cntinpr, as much ns the palpa I JZtTZL6?; Lie i"lr.K-li,M of ooa-titulional risl,t and numovr of years n.i-t. Ilerfafter tb tiuin? will be tnntiuiM'd at the 'dd staud under the firm of ItltUWMX. A SI.4A!V. I feel jjMteful for th lil p.tfron tc which we have ever reteived trust by Mrict attention to busiiH-h and the want of our customer to merit and ret in tl.eaine. K. r.LOWNlNG. L1. person nowin? themselves indebted to me will please call at their arlie.-t convenience and make aetilemriitof anie, and oblige It. BUOWXlNti. Hl.OWMNG SLOAN, (I.ATK K. P.KOWNlMi.) 7 init- m rw? M , 22 West Wa.shinq'on Street, In l.anapolia, H.v in store a larjce and well !tsrted stock of I'rtig, Medicine, t'bemical-. Paint, Oils, Vamihes,Ije siufT. fii.isware. Window (ilass.liru.she, t'tirs, Tobsi-co, Spices, Perfumery, Fancy and To;let Articles, Coal and l.atup, I'atoM Medicines, and all article to comnlete th .tck of a Druearist. A we purchase principally fur cash, direct from the import- I ers an ? manufacturer, and hmi: desirous to retain the , reputation which our house has ever rmoje house lias ever enjoyed of celling i , trtK Wo, care Is taken in the hebet ion ,.f Oruc in reference to their ; u '.';. Our facilities are , vi, h that we feel ronfldeitt we can oiler, in r and un- j adul'i rated articles, a t rone; inducements a any other Western hou. nrii.M J.,15 Trv th ti oral attention of on S)KT Aliirri ii oI Kit-neb XVindow lilacs; 500 boe Window assntt, from lu to o'Jx'Wi, in store ail for.i!e at low est figure bv BUOWX1XG A SLOAN. . , . J Al.Nlo- OILS ! VA UXISUKS ! ! ; ; f-nrx KF.f.S Itare X Lite Lead. O JU 2QQ HEOS Pur White Zinc; JQ RVRRElJs Lind Oil; JfJ CASKS Yellow Ocbre; Q CASKS Verit. Red j Hi?h a larre .k cf Varnishes, Pait.ts nd Colors of I all kind ground In oil and drv. For sale at tbe lowest figure. BROWNING & SLOAN, 22 XTcl XXahington strert. Brushes! Brushes! . ,,,r- .. . t - , v . n OH. I lM,Zf N ,int";1 Vrni;b Bnishes, Wall j -U IF Bnishe. Sah To... Blender. Scrub, Shoe, j H--T. Ha.r, Hat. and Cloth Brushes of ,n kin !s at kwes j figwrea at BUOXXNLNG A SLOAN'S. Jel4-1eodwrf.w3ia SCHOOL BOOKS. All Kindt OF SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER. &C..&C, IX SMALL OR LASGEQCANTITI ES. AtbOWrX. STEWART A C-C DAITiY SKiTLTEL INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIKE TABLE. tiXBroTAijtKiaujtoap. Train La. Train Amve. .25 A.M.' ... Ma!! 725 A.M. 1Ü50 P. M 11:45 A V. 8 40 r. If 30 P.M. tXDtaJIAPvU AXD CUttMtCI TIA CYIOX. Trains La. Train ArriT 5:2fA. M Expr IDS P. M. 8: tO r. M Accommodation 1045 X.U. IIDIAXA CtXTtAL KAU.WAT. Train Ia. Train Arrlv. 5.00 A. M 9 55 A. X. ll.'5A. M ....Mail... .. 2 15 p SI. 7:10 P. U -35 P. 31. ixi'iax&roua aho ctLira kmoht uk, via datto. Train Lrar. Train Arrire. 11-55 A. it 2:15 P. M. 7.10 P. M 35 P. M. iaitAiArous tD civcixkati kajleoad. Traint Leav. Traitia Arrive. 515 A. M l.p A.M. 1 !. A . & 15 I. M 7:05 P.M 10:10 P. H rcaac siAtrTV kajmoao. Trails Lav. Tra!n ArrlTri 1(V20 A.M 4 55 A.M. 150 P.M... .1125 A.M. 1015 P. M ..7 to p. M. KfW AIIAST ASD CBICACO MAD JErCAIT1.K itSCTlojl G:n North. South, R O(i p. M Eprs 11:25 A. M. 11:03 A. M Freight, Daily 2:00 P. il. LAFATcrra aruaAD. Train Iiiv. Trifn Arrlr. 1130 A. M 500 A.M. 6 40 P. M 1115 A. M. 1045 P. M 5:45 P. M. raau aaoiaoiAjtArousKAtuiOAn. Train Leave Train Arrive. 11:20 A.M. ln.20 p. II. 1 00 P. M. ..Mail. Chicago F.xpre 4:30 P. M I"I1A. ATOLia AKD MADIxOB KAlLkOan. Train Iav. Train Arrive. 12 :w P. JI Mail 10:50 A. M. 60 A. M....fFrotn Friirbt tVpot.... 6:00 P. M JKrrcaMOftvuj.E mmluoad. Train Iav. Trin Arrive. 7 45 A.M Mall 5:10A. M. 8 00 P. M 8:40 P.M. Arrival and Departure or 'lolmf Of .TIlAll. AKRIVAIA. Maiiiontnail 11:00 a. m. CitK'iniiati and w ay mail .......1020 a. m. Jt- fT rsoiivill ami Louixville M 45 r. m. Ti-rm Haute way mail. 1140 A. . Pru mail- 11 40 a. m. CVnttal way mail r. m. Trr Haute tbrntiRh mail 7:20 i. m. vette ai.d Chicago 6 H) r. m. i !!.:f. ntain way nnil M30r. m. lU-lli-fotitain throuRb mall Central through mail . . .. 7:35 a. m. .... 7 30 A. M. riuoiiiibtttbrougb mail 10-") r. m. Sj.nuijritM.tlllnol 10:15 a. m. nrraTta. Jrflr!iiviH and l.oui-vilIe mail 7.:0 r. m. Terrt- Hitutr lirough mail, St. Lou!, Cairo... I):20 a. . Lafayt-tt and Chit . 10: 311 A. . IifayetteCitv and SprlnRflfM, Illinois 7 :!0 r. n. Ma li-on ilia;". 11:- a.m. C-M ral way mall. . .10:55 a. m. (Viitral through mall and VjblngtonCity. . .. 6.00 r . Cincinnati and way mail 10:30 a. . Through nnil C00 r. . T rr- Unite way, Evainville Viticettni....l2:rui r. . ivru la com. Hpllffontaiii wav und tbraugb. 7:30 r. Bt MtAT MAILS. IVIli'f"M.iin- n mail Ln .iUv.Mc and Jt'l't r -onville .. T ' r- 'aut Mr o'i h 5 00 P. M. l: 0 t: x. i:W v m. int. noitiovN ici:ii.y t tiii: lNi)i.N.roi.i5, Nov. 10. 1802. Ki. Joi'UXAi. : 1 w:- MMiifwluit ,urriM-l on looking tivtT vtmr Daily Journal ot' Nov. 8li, in-t., to fml the liit (tihniui of editorial devotetl en- t'tielv to a verv lame jx rvertion of the tarts rt iatinjr to my arn-t and imprison- nunt. It i- ?till more surjri.-iii to on: ntt jKteil iij in the wire-working conspiracy formed tor my h'.t ruction, that hi much mental etlbit and .pacc. .hoiiM he given in a ca-e, thf importanee of which con-pit- aloiu' in the evidence disclosed hov iii2 the dennivitv of nature in lii crtv, nv inoo st'ieciea to aammi.-ier nie troeniincnt. I trtioe now to unveil to the com- iniuiitv the atrocious and soulless character of tin- plot against me; ami here permit the remark, that I do not with pleasure enter upon this task, it is only in strict accordance with the requirements of jus tice, and duty to myself and family, that I engage in it. The prime mover and conductor of the conspiracy is John L. Wilson, of HlulTton, Wells county. I have a suit pending in our court for near ly two years, against him for libel. His fears a to the result of this suit have forced him, thus far. to resist the cause of justice, and up to this time I am unable to secure a trial. It is this ease, with the j circumstances surrounding it, that impels him to prosecute me. At home his pres ence is a loathsome pest, a foul festering blotch upon society. The records of the county show that a jury of twelve true men. his neighbors, acting under the sol emn obligation of an oath, found a bill of a . a wittktuitt t t l - t h I ill 4)jv iiawa ' ' 1"J""J. n third rat liettiftnr,lrer. he is notorious . , , ... , , ... . . tor tue 1 : 1 vi 1 11 lie nas ui oet itimng a vol untary witness in the trial of his cases. As a scribbler he has been found guiltv of stealing editorial from his cotemporaries to cover up the barren character of a mind depraxed and debased. In the character of a military man, he brought dishonor to himself, the 34th regiment and the country, bv being cashiered and discharged lor ins dent acts of insnbor- dination ami dMovahv. At home he is) known by the appellation of llugrrx Wil son. trom a mystcnoiH connection he had j xvith a xrhiclt taken from the custody of, a ctiustaMc in Ohio, and hid under a straw oih. and linallx started from there and brought to BlutTton bctxvecn txxo davs. ) H'''an I nod ay nothing of him; the pan be is taking in mv case tullv dis closes his character. I may venture, bowexer, to sar of him. in mv case at Ieat, that he is opposed lo the constitu tional rijrhts of free speech, free press, nnd habeas corpus. This contemptible crea ture, to gratify his fiendish propensities and malice, found a congenial spirit and subservient tool in John Phipps, an irre sponsible, person, to tile an affidavit against me, falsely declaring that I had discour aged enlistments. Wilson then came im mediately to Indianapolis, filed the affida vit with the Marshal, and requested nix immediate arrest. He told the officer sent to arrest me that I xvas a mot des perate character, and enjoined ujhmi them to prepare for resistance. He returned xvith the officers and assisted by his ad vice in arresting me, and then the coxv ardly whelp went home, no doubt elated xvith the success of his gnare, and filled xvith fiendish delight over the trouble and distress he had prepared for me and my little family. I have been in custody now over tour xvfek. and with nianv thanks for the kindness and humanity of Col. D. i G. Rose, have been furnished with every ; comfort compatible with my situation;1 still I find the fiend Wilson following up1 the advantage gained, endeavoring now! to forestall public opinion, and cover up i the slimy trail he has made. Last week 1 the street of this city were polluted with j his presence. He visited the officers who j arrested me and endeavored to obtain a ; certificate from them declaring that he I had nothing to tlo with my arrest. It nj- jw-ars that the indignation of an outraged! public sentiment at home is getting too strong for him, and already h is trying j to escape the retributive wrath about to ; overtake him. lie has aKo endeavored, to create a prejudice against me by attack- j ing public prints which have presented an j impartial view of my ca.-e, and it remains ! a question which Mr. Sulgrovecan settle, or determine, how much the visit of Wil-j son hist week at the Journal oflice had i to do with the uncalled for attack made : upon me in that paper. I am reluctant j to believe that the editor of the Journal , would lend himself to become the eats- j paw of as vile a scoundrel as Wilson, or; that he would knowmlv debase his col-! umns advocating and defending a most infamous outrage uxn loyalty and consti tutional liberie, until I am convinced of the contrary. I shall believe the editor is actuated by pure and honest motives,! and simply laboring under a misapprehen-1 sion of the facts in the case. J The reason assigned for this attack is j that my "friends assailed Gov. Morton, j and endeavored to turn sympathy into malignity " airainst a man who had nolle ! ing to tlo with my arrest. I cannot be-j lievc the reason assigned U the true one,; as in my know-ledge no attack has been ! made upon Gov. Morton connected with ! my case; consequently, against my will, I susp.cion that uou had much to tlo with it is strengthened. If this suspicion is false, how did the editor of the Journal barn that Crosbv, Williamson and Jet more had made allidavils against me? No such affidavits were filed with the Mar shal against me; they were brought here bv Wilson, if they have existence, and were got up by him. This fact adds an other link to the chain of evidence show ing conclusively the malieiom and diabol- ical m heme concocted to destroy my char- v v acter and business, fasten crime ami un merited punishment upon me. Will the editor of the Journnh or th" ndminNtra- tors of law and justice, become willing' parties (o this malice? 1 cannot, I will j not, believe it. As to the merits of the j affidavit filed against me, as well as those mentioned bv the JourimU they are fale in tie.; language attributed to me, and groundless as to the true inference to be drawn front my remarks. - This I can prove bv at leart thirty of an audience of thirty-five persons who were present and listened attentively to all I said on the oc- casion. These nun mentioned as having filed affidavits against me are bitter par tisans office seekers or ollice holders, and politically my enemie and uncompromis ing opponents. Judging the men by the principles they advocate, I am not sur prised at the moral depravity of their con sciences. In determining the merits of the charge against mo, I desire. I court, the most rigid investigation. I urge the most free ventilation, and. let it be done speedily, whether before the liar of public opinion, or in the courts of justice. Go to the county where I reside, and where for fifteen years I have served in a public j capacity, a. a practicing physician; find a constituency xvhich has honored me xxith a seat in both houses of your Legislature. You will find men there who do "know that there is such a man (as I am) liv ing." They also know something about mv character and lox-altv. Take public w r A opinion there upon my record, and com pare it xvith that of John L. Wilson or j Iiis cringing lickspittles who debase them-i selves in his service, and I have no fears as to the result. Theo. Horton. I hereby certify that this is the iden tical paper and certificate presented to me and given into my hands by John L. Wil son, of Blutfton, for my signature thereto, and xvhich I refused to siim for the reason that the facts as set forth in the certificate in reference to my requesting to ride to IJlutfton in Wilson's conveyance. That V Wilson represented Horton to be a des perate character, and that Wilson repre sented that all caution must be used to succeed in the arrest, are true. And I further certify that the arrest of Horton would not have been made in the manner it was. had it not been for the representa tion of said John L. Wil-on. W. H. Fitch. Indianapolis, Nov. I t. IbfiJ. " lMHAX.rtLis. Xoy. 0. 1802. j The urulersijrntMl liax in maile tli?? ar- i !rst of Theo. Horton, of Wells county, jnA lWon the Oth day of October, ult., i lu(,n a warrant issued bv the U. S. Pro-1 upon vost Marshal for Indiana, and my atten- tion having been called to an article in i the Fort Wayne Times in relation to said arrest, stating that " the officer expected a seat in Wilson's conveyance from Hun tington to Bluflton' &c; that he (Wil-. son) told the officer that Horton was a desperate man, and that he must i therefore decov the doctor out of town, &C &c I hereby certify that said state ment, and all others to the above effect, Li relation to said Wilson, in connection xvJth the arrest of said Horton, are untrue, us! xvell as all statements to the effect that said John L. Wilson had anything to do xvith advising or planning the mode or manner of arresting said Horton, are xv holly false and xvithout foundation." MEDICAL. What is Life Without Health ? A Cold is annoyii g. A Cough I troublesome. Hoarsces pretent speech. Sore Throats are painfu BRANDE'S TUSSILAG0 Is pleaaant to tak. and mod effects a csare. 25 eiit Wx. at all tbe lrat Stwr RAILROADS. Bellefontaine Line. CHANGE OF XI3I: OX AND AFTER MOXDAT, DFCF.MBklt 1, TRAINS wiy leave Indianapolis: Mail Tiu.vAt 6.00 o'clock A. M. Xi-iirr Fx nuts At SulO P. M. Traina will arre at Indianaidi Maii.Tbajk Xt&20 P. M. Kxea s. At 7:30 A. M. Other train a heretofore advertised. J0JJN l.Lol'till, General Superintendent, decl-dlw INDllNil"TNafLTflT. Nla ar t-ll Jtas K A I L R O A D I a Miortcwt I&otiic bf Thlrtjr Allies! XO CHAXUK OP CARS TO C1XCIXXAT1! Three trair.sltave ladunapoli.- lai!y, (Sunday exceptfl.) fTUkSTTRAlX. 5:15 A.M , (CtXClXXATl EXPRESS 1 arrive at CiociuuaU at I0-.40A M., and Leaiugtou Ky., 730 P.M. . . Second Train 115 A. M. Cincinnati Mall, am-e at Cincinnati 4 45 P. M., makln? close, connectluiis wiihlho Little Miami P.ailroad lor I-vidand, Morrow, Coluuibua, Newatk, Zaneovtile, and Wheeling. Third Train 7.05 P. M, Ciusiunatl Exprea, arrive! at Cincinnati 12 20 P. M. hare ame a by any other route. Call for your ticket rli the Indianapolis and Cinciuuatt Railroad. lUKi;age checked tbroupb. SrkctAL NoTtcK. H cure you iret In the rlqht train at Indi.niapt)ii. The Citiciunatl tralu, stands on the ffth track, being the farthest track iouth in the Ut.kD Depot, at IndlanapoHs. V. Ii. L. NOBLE, 0tiral Ticket Agent. P. M. Lnii..ov, Traveling A cent i-ovl" 'fiijjly iraRlT AND INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD. 1802. SäSS m NEW ARRANGEMENT. yvw Itotito to Cliicago via Koltomu. X2 M1LF.S SHOUTEU THAN OTHER ROUTE. ON AND AFTER NOV. 15, 1SS2, trains will be run as '.low : A Mail Train will letve tndianspoli at 1:00 P. M., t,p at all nations and make cloe connection at Kokoino with train on th Cincinnati and Chicago Air Line Rail road tor litcansport, X'altaraNo and Chicago, and arrive at iVru at f.:t P. M., in linieto make coim ctiori witb trains on the Td l- and Wabash Railway, Sointf East and West. Retuniing, tb same train will l.-ave Pern at 7 25 A. M.. f'-r Hie arrival of the trim on the T. t XV. It. W. from the Fa-1, arid arrive at Indianapolia at 11.2 A. M. in time to make counectiona for ail pointa tat, South and XVest. An Kxpr..traln w ill leave Iitdianapoli at 10 20 P. M., connect at Kokotno with train for Chicago, and arrive at Peru at 2. ill) A. M., intime to ni.ikeconuectioii with trainf goin Fast and West o-i the Tob-do and Wabash Kail way. Retuniing the iani train wil! leave Peru at 12-2.1 M , making rlo.e connection at with the train (.11 th.- cinrlnnnt! and Chicago Rtilway from Cbicapo X'alpris.) atnl Loga. ; .rt, and r.rrve at Indiannpolis at 4 .'ii P. M.. in time to Conned withth evemtig trains f'i Ci"eitnoe, L-.l!s;lie and otner point-. Special attention given to tie transportation of live Mock, pro!'!c tvl merchandise get-erally. liXX'M) M ACY, Jen ral A?ent and Superintendent. X". T. MauiTT, Oeneral Ticket Aifrt. novlH. '62-dl Mm mm mm m, o" "af & m mm . J KFFKIISOX VILLE KA1LU0A1) Two Trains Daily,Sundas KxccpU'd Train ArriTe r:4'i P. M ........ Trin I-ave. . 7:45 A . M 51(1 A.M. 9:00 T. M. 1 IUIXT. TRAINS STOP FOR THF. AtX:OMMOIATION i f passenger at Soutbport, tireenwoo.1, Franklin, Edinburgh, Colutiilm, making connections at Seymour with trains 011 th Ohio h Mis-tsdppi Road, and at lxul ville wi:h trains on the Ijoulsvill. Frankfort A Ixlngton and lA'tii-viil and Nabille Roads. KMht trains leave daily. Freight promptly forwarded. OtHce, M.v!ioii Depot, We.-t side. A. S. CAROTIILRS, .Superintendent. J. (. Whitcomb, Freight Agent. apl'C2-dly Iiiili:in:i4ili :inl .ll:uli-4)ii 7- I nii.. fltlH PASSKSGKR TRAIN WILL LEAVE TIIK J Union Ij.ot, Indianapolis, at 12:301. M. daily, for Jl.ulbon, Cincinnati and Louisville. This is the shortet-t railway line to Cincinnati and Ixiuis ville connecting at Madjsoa w ith the United State Mail Line tn'rs, arriving at Cinrinnati in time to con nect with the Express Train on the Little Miami railroad leaving at 7 o'clock A. M., for the East, and by the Ken tucky Central Railroad forth South, and at Louisville about 11 p. M. Returning, leave Cincinnati daily at 12 M., by the above steamers, and also by the Madison packets. Fore.-t Q?ieen and Prioress, arriving at Madison in time to connect with the Passenger Train leaving at 6 A. M., and arriving nt Indianapolis at 10:50 A. M., making connection with all train leaving forth Eat, West, and North. For th accommodation of way pasenger a Car will run in connection with the Freight Train daily, leaving .n tianapolis at 6:30 A.M which train remain some tim at n:h station, aRordirg passengers an opportunity for th rtn.-ajli .n o business, arriving at North Madisou at 2:50 M. rar to Cincinnati or Cincinnati to Imliiinapoli, ftoo; To f.oul Kville S3 SO. Nocharpe lor meal .r .state-roorn on the kamer?, or for bac-aep or omnibus at Madison. Tariff ot Freights as low as by any other rout. Shij per and merchant West will find it to their inter est to travel over and .ship by this Li;e. ap2-dtf. D. C. RItAXIIAM, Superintendent. rso k zur 1862 g 1862 A LL TF.RSONS PURCHASING TICKETS FOR ST. f JOSEPH and other point in X"Tthm Missouri, the State of Kansas or the Territories, should Insist on ha ing ticket that read by the MOH I'll ,tll0(;itl ItAILHOAD, The only rail route from St. Louis to St. Joph. It Is the horte.-t and quickest liae, by thirteen hours, to the re motest point reached by rail, and is alwaya as cheap as any other. Buy yoar ticket to Kansas and all points in Northern Missouri by the North Miouri Railroad. ISAAC H. STUiiOKON, Pres't and tlenM Supt. Nona Missouri R. R HENRY II SIMMONS. General Traveling Airnt. lt!7-dW MUSIC. PI A1STO FORTES A-LLXVHO XVISH TO GET ELEtr ANT Roswo1 Piano, superior tone and til:ih are invited to examine the Piano of Chas ! M. Stieff, of iU It, more, now on exhibition at Mr. SufTern's Mci; Room, in the tna Building. Rooms op;n frm 7 A. M. till 9. P. M. Jy.t-dlv J. WILLIAM SI.FTERX Hv m C ! Tl VIT TTI cf BAJ3S PIRTJJwTg- BOY'S OS JA. Lr:JLM. !Nr. 4 Bäte lloiiae. TL .c No-jv-sd-s. tjotIS GROCERIES. Groceries ! Groceries!! f 1 1HE NFW ADDITIONS- TO ÜY STOCK OF GEO X CERIES make It complete, comprising everything to be found in a well regulated Carrocerv Ktahlilmiciit. I ata prepared to erre my friends and the public gen erally, with ail articles needed for family ue. Particular a:tiition i riven to the purcha of produce. Prices low asthe lowest. J.BARNARn, ocilfi-Cm-is 5. 1 South Meridian street. PATENTS. PATENTS OBTA15ED FOR NEW INTENTION OF KVBT description. Fe contiogent on rucreis. No pat ent no pay. Send for Circular, rivinc terms, directions, Ac. Address AMOS BROaDNAX, ol-dly Patt-r.t ,ttotTy.raingtB.t. C BOOK AND JOD PRIMTITiC. INDIA i A ? 11 STEAM PRINTING- ESTABLISHMENT! WE ARP PREPARED TO EIF.CUTE AIX ORDERS for Hook and Job Printing, with dispatch and in the lekt tyle of the art. Particular attention paid to Mercantile and Railroad CM A miXS OF LADING, RUblXESS CARDS, RILL HEADS, RLANKS, DEEDS, LF.TTF.R HEADINGS. REGISTERS, CIRCULARS, RECEIPTS, Ar Show Cards and Bills ! CHECKS. NOTES HON D.s. ENVELOPES, STUCK CF.KTIHCATKS, DEKtS, Ac, Ac POSTING BILLS coL-rrav witacnAr Mio ItllU.lIotf I IIIIU of tarr, llanl Hill I'oMcri nnd l'rorainnir, .nbcl Invitation) (I'nr ties nnd Uctll. S WORK tVKiT aarairno. SCHOOL AXD COLLEGE CATALOGUES, MISCELLANEOUS PAMPHLETS, C058TllTmONS, BEP0RT8, BRIEFS. Ac We have ore of tbe most complete Printing Eatabliah- m.nts In the country. Our facilitie. for doirt all kind. 0 Work, Look, Plain r Ornamental,- are tint claaa. We have introduced the latest and fastest Preae, and have added to our Type ail the modern atylea, and we employ the best werkmen. Wear tbn. enabled to foroitb Job promptly, to guarantee satisfaction and to accept low prices. j We have connected with our Job Department Adams Superior Presses, and are prepared to execute Stereotype Prewrwork, together with the Prswork for outside papers, at le w ngura. R-.nU.era, IKasllroad f san- ! agert Insurance AgeoUt Iann ffaacturer. ce. la respes-'uIly dirtl lo our EibUbm-t they desire trst-clas work at low rata Fy Orders fron, abroad will tca!-e prompt atttir!c. Work furaixbed la all cases at th tim promised. GT Strängen trom & distance, and busi ness men of the city and country, are cordial ly invited to visit our office, and examine our m facilines for executing every description of Printinz in the neatest ftvle, and on the moat O reasonable terms. ST Ollice on Meridian Street, South of Wh-1 ington Street, opposite tbe Poitofice. ELDER HARKNESS & BINGHAM. QT A T I SEjSTIaEL U L IX xJ BOO just -EcxrvED a HTXNWD AMorrxrxT Of ä.vclc no voce spit a hisses. For fieU, porubility and power thej pemex! all other.. For alc bj S EMMONS, Optkiaa. SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, fcC, Of the pjentet trarjiprfnt power, ef bew im- proTemcr.t pro per It a.lj anted to the caie. Onler from the couij, with prtivxi!ri, promptly attends to. Repairing neatly done v'.tti dispatch. SEMMONS.OptkiAa. ocv29 o. 25. South Illinoia street. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. XJjSS1 aJOIIIVHO-V. General Commission Ilerchant, Dealer Ih I lour, Graltiand all kind of Country- Predurel Wine stnst f.lquor,rigar, Tobacco, Ac. OFFICE AXD WAREnorSE,137 SÜUTU JLC0JSD IT- iiil.adi:lpiiia. Advance made an Centlgumtiili, augtsdly WANTED. 200 Recruits Wanted -l OR THE OF The Eleven I It In fan try, WHICH MAJOR J. W. GORDON Is authorised to rat tn Indiana. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. JJtAT FROM 13 TO t PER MOM II. WITH RA TIONS, quarter, mcilcal atteietaoce, Ac, com plete. All whJ etUist will at once t clftbd, ulitd andprorlded with eer thing essential to their rotufort by the Goertiniett. Theterm of eil.tmntlTIrre Year. Pay t commence from date f enlistmrct. Neu lut ahle-tMKÜfd ingle men, between the age of IS and year. nel apply. Keiitrswu m Metxrer's f.w buildinr, Na. &SKast Wa.shiti4;ton street, a'U"minff tMd Fellows' Hall. I. K. CX)IT. Flrt lJtiltiant Eleventh Infantry, Recrailit gUCx r. MEDICAL. Ulli: TO (IXUI IU I L GUAM LIA. Cvtuhs ai d C4d will jr. away, hotnetirres in a sinple day. If to the Iruz ttore you will so Aixt frl uppltfit wilt, Tullo; ton can o- It lre-!y a yon plea. It uver fails to rtve you ease. Tti" Granule. winMerful are, I'm sure, For thy pdily JTet a laUir roro. jjT 25 Cfnl per box, at 11 Drug tfloiea. liUANDE'S lHtANDK'S TUSSILAiaO CI RFS C01CIIS. TUSSILA(;() O RES COI.tM. HRANDK'S TUaSSILAGO Cl'I.E nonsr.NKss. RKANDG'sS TU8SILAG0 CURES SORE THROAT. ODl" TO llirIii: Tl'MI,Afl.O. WO.VDFRH'L C RA NULLS. Oh w hr can Cu4 tbt-rn. To die Drui( More go tuirk, I will spedily try them; I have a tad Ciujrh, An1 I w b to h sure To ba- tbe bt remedy That ill rery soon curf. Ji 'f 25 ti per hx, at a'l the Drn Str. dka nrs TUS8ILAG0 CCRCS ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. fff Suld by all 25 renta a txu. BRAXDK'S TUSSILAGO Is Pleaatit to tb Ta-t Child rn cry fr It. BRAXDK'S T U S SILAGO CURES HOOPING OOCtiH AND C1U)LP. Soi l by all Druggists. 25 cents a boi. BUANDirS TUSSILAGO CURES Com IIS AND COLDS. JTf ,y a Imggisu. 25 rents a bos. RENO VATERS. .t- it 1 f fHE UNITED STATES DYE-HOCSE. NO. SI SOUTH 1 Illinois tre-t, Indianapolis, Indiana, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At Ojis old aril well-known establlhmi:t, th ladle can have silks and w xleri ro" l dyd I i persnanect and bautiful colurs; and gecta' carmenta thorouf hly r oova td and repaired, as good as when new, at lower pric than ever. New and crd-harHl clothing bought ad l.l. alsi, a patin:!ar bratih In tb' Lu.ine denorolnated f ndraw. ln billiard uble clutb. or tear in any garmeLt can b 0 weoupht thst it can not be rit.hle to tb raked eye. Country order-1 punctually attended to. No ction wih aiiy other boat tn this city. Remember the place, No. 3d Aooih Illinois srt. feb4 JOSEPH HARRIS. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company. Antii UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. Of ICE ON THE CORNER o WASHLSGTOX AJTD Ueridiin streets, Indiaapfilia. Three Eiprew. to New York; Two daily Expr to Cinc'.snatL, and Two daily Kipre- to Ctaraco and SuLoals; The abore Cornpaas arc the onjy priUe4Cipria tb foIln1r.a: rfsul. rlz: INDIANA CENTRAL; LAFAYETTF. 4 CHICAGO; U5TÜANAPOLTS A PERU: TERKK HAUTE A IUCiXVO?TT, EZLLE FONTAINE A INDIANAPOLIS. Money, paakaes, a!nabla and freight earrtod rCl a fety aod UapauA, Ad ta cbav rg of spwdavl oa4 Ocessst Bs-rjr. 5ota, Bin aal DraJi V r prweptlv eoCerted aol eoady return aoaao i. BCTTbUIFTXLXa. Acwart. pnuccisTQ. SCHIEFFELIM BROTHERS s 0)., WOOXSALZ D&rG3ISTt. And DcaaMra in rasoey Oooata. Per fancrft Ac Also, AirenU f'T th aale of Refined Petrcletna, Ktxma tinf Oil. superior acy CoaJ 0- fumtbe4 la aary cnantttieaat the 1wert market rata. it and m wiluam rn .saw dry coops. NOTic::ot &C. XVebb. Kennedy & Co., WBOLXSALS DEALXRS rS" FOREIGN AS 1X mcstk Dry Goods, Notion, and Certs' rarr HV mg uoods. Old Post OS Bk!taf , iv U.rVWaw elr-t.lAlajl ; Tr jty - '