Newspaper Page Text
DAILY STATE SENTINEL. MUSIK AND ITU! inn rtcn) T1IE .NEW SENTINEL OFFICE. ftotrru .nriuuiAX xtkckt ELDER, HARKNESS & BINGHAM, Proprietor. DENTICTO. rrn p. g. c. i:j:jt i D X3 2T T X O T . J Jo 0nX2 afD tZZTZZZZl. -no. bast nAoncT arrcxes iirrxaurirous ltd. cpcctaclco, ac. VOLUME X. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1862. NUMBER 3,796. To Officers of tho Axxay. DA AT k3 3 Yearly Mbvrtttn M OO, iviunt is aJ "; t I aktivere.', by the earner at U', nt pr weei, payable I oenv.-niuctLly. 8.t,glcp;e bvecei.ta. i Oty ulertt'r will be held repotib! fr paper left J tl l.r boow after tiwy ba- ffmofwl, wfcn tbev J Uo tinea dtcotitinued, unW rotice U pvra at the of-1 tonnt publication, j N p. per M-tit without pre paymer.t.or citinudJonger j ibn pJ lr- I Copt f tbDo.t mtt can be had attheotrire j earb morning, and tb WRaatf SaRnaai. each Mtn- j lay OM4 b. eatly W.pel. for in. Iii. j WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, j rTP.LISHED KTr.RT MUX HAT AT J aVALB lVABIBlt I areTAWR. IC A X I f A I V i: UTIJtlM. H M at i Q C a 3 i ' ?! A : 225 3 OO 37 V 4.50 5.25 wt 7 f- 9 ' 12 oo 15 0) 20.0O 23 .V 3a oo 37. .V i.l.'O 55 O 1 i y i. rt m Ö..V) inn l.M IM 1.75 IWl 1..V 300 4 00 5.v 7.tV SO 9 V. 11 1 1.12 1 in l.7 2 5-" 2fii 3 on 3.73 4. W 00 7 50 1025 13.7.'. IV 00 1 rx) IM .V V. 00 I.5oi 2 oo1 J.fUi' 3.0) 3.5i: 4.H) 5M 00 S.00 10 V 13.50 13 IK) 21.25 2. 0" 2-i.Vi 35 0i 1 M 2.50 3 12 375 4.37 5 oi 25 7 !M 10.00 12.50 1. 75 24 25 27.04 30.5 2 62 3.50 4.27 .25 12 7.00 75 10.50 II oo 17.50 23.25 34.75 4 W 45.5 r,o oo 3.00 4 00 5 oo .00 7.00 A oo 10.00 1200 1.H) 23.00 2..V 40 00 45 oo 52 5 .i .0 75 oo 3..17 4 50 bf.X 75 7.7 9.oo It 25 1350 H.oo 23.50 r75 45.0i SO (Ml 57 50 65.00 H5.fM 375 5 oo 20 750 8.75 lo oo 1250 15.00 20 00 15.0O 33.00 50 00 fcs.oo 250 70 00 95 00 t... d...i lw.. IM. Jw..l Sw.. Int., 5m.. Int.. Art.. ni.. 8m,. U Mi 13 tn 15 25 Oil 35 0 45 00 AlVKkT!MNt IN THE WKF.KLT. On ,1 j". or lnTtiti 1 tw 1 oo r. ur " 00 f.r fth mjli-'fjufi.! irTti'!i, nl f'r f arh In-oT t.n f cb lili'!il "juar.- 53i A-1rtinietii in -'U tli Duly anJ Hi WrrUW Skmtikki. i!1 !- rbrpr1 the full lil ratt-n, with .i.r-hatf tt r Wrfklv rat- iMh. Noti-- i.mMI-1'1 i" tJi lx-l roliimn, of t-ti li;i.r iun! r, t:i ( Inr.'l fr ch Jourti: 1; if ufrr tri Im . CfFil JT lti. Cltg-4 111 1. f--r irrtin(r Ti n.-!c. of tbf f.. 1) . vm Orlrv . Ti-i au t A- UU-m t Ii1 ttt Tnrfr. to b f'4l 1 in 'Jv 'iCp: Wilitjrr (niprl.'. Or.lrr of t'l lilw. Mnle Or.W, IUnrv.lrtil Horc-K" tI Stuinrf Soctrti-. Kor r h lin. m rrr.lit.ic H l.i.o 25 cnit l .r f ac!i lnrti"n; v r rlil t 'b-r!. Ann.iiirlnK 1. tl. with f ilier! notice U 'b0, tl: without n-H . e frir Miirri N"tirr 50f'it. Notirm..f K-tivt. 1-iriom i'i1 K. xctir!"!", K'-tl1" ut.y ln!Ul.!.ifN r KiAi.1, -r by cbi.n bri, t lb? rnc'ilar Jitv.r?li'tii't1t li.l ari'l j Jir.l urn! rth hrn f lpTll Xulice, if t-ulnirorovri,wUt f tlmrgi-4 l'ubl tbf nul rtr. A'lvrrti-mi-Tif r.nVlniC l?t n XUr l!n, iti-rr!rd nrr In ibe Ii1y. will bnru-'l ttHy reut. Irarly IvrrtWr lo.r quarterly. AMtoni! ; fnsi.1. !.!' rr,f evrry i-!H-rijii"n to cbri'r. at lb? raf- i.ffl 5o for facb iimiih in tlif p.nty, nr.. I J In th- Paily an.l We.-kly, tli- nie to !, In all ., pi)ii in a'ianr-. a.ivrrli'wnif'tit.' In-vrti-d atlbr rxpft.M ,fthr at. lornrv ..nlrrliiif, at..l not .b-UvN t- f the ItiiT. but coll. rl O Ir at our uul tltn. I' not cco'ihtaUf fifth accuracy rf lKl a.ivprti-rmrnti br ton.l the anMUM hari;l f.-r tbif puMratint. Kt-I-KU. II A ItK N K " tUNtJIIAM, lTot.rlrtora Ii 11iiiia Stat J-ntiiitl. J. M. Tii.roui. rrl'lpnt In.ilariajHii; Journal Company. DUS INES S DIR E CTO R Y . IIAMi.i:iCN. II AKKltfONS l!.NK. No. 19 V.ti Wliitt.ti ftrfet tb Kriitinrl OÜlc. mav4 i.ivi:i:v nt.iii.i:k. l.l.y.y A HIN?I.KT, Uvrry an.l Sa!e Stable, I the 2 rear f tb Palntpf llm. Juti'5-lly FM'M!t IT.. DAVIS k CO., Union Koin.iry, fvlawar Mrett,op- pfltP l lllotl IVpot. ASSKIJ1AN A VINTON. Wahinifton I Mat btne W..rli, eat fin! rn!i Ih'pot. n2 iu'.ai rr. Afjr. rs. I.IUANCIS 5M1TII, formerly IVIzpII A Smith, Ural ' K-tate ArMH an.l Tax lUyer, 37 Vabiiarton trett. l!.ueat. rt-riL J a itSS -1 1 -V McKFUNAN A PIKKCK, Keal F.tate Agrnt and p.roker, 10, K.t WaUitu:toti treet. t TM. T. Wlt.F.Y, Heal F-tate Ai?ent an.l Stock Rro ' krr. lit, Kat Wabinton ttet. llYlOT AIM I MIOi: 1)1. 4 1. II C. MATI1F.W A CO., Who!eate da!r in Hoot, Shoe, an.l Kiiblier, N. 4 Hort l'.Uk, opp0e Itie L nl n Ik-pot, ltiJlAali, In.!. ,l D.M KNODI.F. A SON, matmfart nrer an1 balr in ail klii.l of lb.tan.l Shoe, N. 32 Kat wh nation atreet. apr. HO O A' II STATION lilt V P kj r. , r. i .i ... - P er In ltk anl Statbieryt anl lYiuter Materials 1H Wet Vahirnj;toti tre-t. apr2 mir. ami ni:int'iM:s. mflI.KT M. IWUY, DKLT.r.IST. laler itt Vri, V f iliemical, P.ltit. Oil. lyetu!T. H-tatiic. Patent ai..l other MrttU-ine. S itlonn an.l ivrfuim-ry No. 4a Ma aacbusett a'tiue, Iii.'.ianapo'.iv novHO-ly. riJ()Ml.lNsN A COX. Wirr in Iru, MeMcine, ß Paint, O.S.. Ci!af, Perfumery, Fancy l.ools Ac, No. I 1 rat Wahtniit'ti treet, In.tiariapoli. niavl BKOM NINt;. DniKirKt, an.t .lealer In Paints 'K Vfirnuli.. tv.tnfl. I : IVrf nvii.TV Ac, X. 22, !.t Waihir.i;t.m treet. a;.r27 dicy ;oons. lir A II. r.I.FNN A CO., Nvw York Store, I-y . lsHbf leAl an.l K. tail, teniis Hl.k, Kat vVa.'lii'!iftri .tpfl. cia)5 vrovi a.mi ti waih:. c IHAKI.F.S H).Y.deaWr in Stoves, Tin Ware, Ac, So. 11 w et WaOot.pton treet. apr27 HOOK III.MIIIICS. C1AMPPKI.I. A ImH.FS.r-.ok and Pdank T-.ok Mai-ufacturer. No. 37 Fa-t Ha.hiin;ton t . eat of (inn, up lair, Indunapoli. feb23-!tf Dnn;LAS A PALMKK. r-H.kJt.n.1erand P.Iank IUok Manufacturer. N.. 3 Kat Wahinton treet, ov7 AlfoM, i.I!. A IV tJr"-ry. n;a27 in , i.i.ass AM iiri:ov.iti:. ' I 1 AWTHOUN A Fl'CHANAN. IrarHrter of China, I I. (i !.. a::d (jueeu.-w are. No. 3 Kat Wfcir.gton t., Iii t.4r,3po!:, I:ni.A!.a. dly .iir.icciiAvr taii.ous. I7KFIFK1CK tKPPFR. Mercbar.i Tailor, and .te.!er ' n rea.ty mate aixl fum'h-n . 21 et TAsb.r.tti .treet, opposite Scntii.el o2;ce. ray2 a n ou.M'.vs. KILI'.Y KFKC.rSi)X, attorney an I Counselor at Uv Pav cb f.T pproeJ judgment an4 niortca-e; a,-, nesrot.a'es 1..rii, note, Ac Orice, 24 Ka-tWah-Ir.ion tret f, u;-tair, ecnd door to the ruht hand, up. jk st lilrnn' r'..k. IS MC DONALD. KOACHK A LKW l.J.ebn K. McD-.n-a!d, Ad.'.:on L. K- ach. Josep.i V. Ixwis.j At ttori.eys and CounseSors at Law, .tti.a Iuirance Com pary Baildirs. aecond floor, Pennylrania treet. jel lly MACHINISTS. K ,V' -" J. C IK 1 Ar. n r. i en ssiiTii su o i HAV1NV. F.NT1KFLT RKHTTKD THK SHOPF0KM FKLY cupd by J-Ln C.;r, m 0;, frcmh A Co' Lat an'! Üub 1 i-t.-.rv. I am prepared to do a'.l ksn.t- of work in the raach ncry or b!ackm-th:r.g hue. Harh-ig bjd twelve jer experience in the bet matbir-e fio; m the country, flatter myself that I can pY ei.tire ati:ac!.' ii to tt who nur faTorrr.ew tb tfcetr ,Tk I have :n my y cf the beVUvk. rrrltt. in t;.e U"e. ar.d i part.cular attention to h re fc'e.: a" ai.4 macl.i'ie f rjf it. . Kepa-r-t.c f a'.l k,r.'. prom ptly attended to Wnt'.rl i f a'i kind bu it f. T the ; o-M t.. h'twclr t:.e place, one ;rre ..i;t t-f'tbe Ti.ion Im.t. or. 1.1. not treet u T. PfoWN 'otjlo-!l fiOTICE. "1 "1 T. I ae t! . i'it ! 1 our Bakery to Meer. Nick- f urn A Pa-r-.u Tliai iv tie i uMa in iwal f. r iLeir 1 beral patr..n H?t - . u i! re-jcr.!.' k tie c.f .fuitance of tit aau.e t uur ucressor. " A. A J. MKTZl-'EK. Ivd:a-.K4. Jtiy . 1 JU dit DRY COODS. 1521 . in ?. o o Ft c u i e I : 1 Q O DRUGS. NEW FIRM. Ill.VVK as.ocUtp.l with nie in busincoa Mr. (I. W. M n, who ba. b'-n an a-Mtant m Hie lore .r a tmtnber of year pat. Hereafter the buMi.e will be ?otitlnurd at the ol.I atan t uilir thr tirui of ni:iv.Mr. v m. .(. I fel for the p.vron.ii;e whicli we have ever rec'iv.t trut by Mrict attention to ImMin- mi.1 the wants of utir culumer to merit ami P-ttin the name. II. UhOWNlNJi. VI. I. peron anowinit tlieniM-ive in.lebtd to me will ( iiiM call at thHr earliest convonirnce an.l make eulrnieiitof ssine, and oblige K. p.:;owMN(i. HKOWMNG SLOAN, (LATK K. p.UOWNlNli.) aT J li läV .KM m? M 22 Wet Wahinstiii Street. Indianapoli, Have in tore a l.rpe and well elected tock of Dru;;, Melicii.e,t "bem iraU, Paiiit,Oil,,lye' lutT,l.lare. W mdow,lrubet Ciar, ToiM. co, . in s. Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Artirle, Coal Oil and Iwiiiip, PateMt MedlCltiC, and all art;cle to complete the stock of a Dru?c;it. A wi pniu-ip illy for c-ih, tlirect from the import er aril manuf icturer, and l eitu deiriu to retain the rep nation which our house h.v ever enjojed of M'liiir ( ., rrA ii'tiilr, great care i taken in the election of Inm in reference t their j'Hriti. ( iur f.icilit ie are such we feel confident we can oiTcr, in j urm and mi adulterated article, a tnii indneetu nt as any other Vet rn houe. All trder "ill receive the peioiial attention of one of the firm (.real care taken in the tipenin of phyi cia i precript ions ar.-l family reeipe from trictly pure article, and we feel confident we cm rctnlcr atifaction in tlie yrice and 'f fvi. liKO NINO A SLOAN. 22 West Wan:iignn treet. RKST American an.l French Win tow ila: fiOO boxen Window ort.-.!, fr. m lo to 3ö60. in .t.-re aiid for.ile at lowest tigu.-e br BROWN INC, A SLOAN. PAINTS! OILS! VARNISHES! 500 Krcs VuTt WLit 200 KEG5 Wbitf ZiTlc; jQ BAKREI.S Linseed Oil; 1 2Q CASKS Tellow Octre; j ß CASKS Venet. lied i With a lare f.vk t.f Varnishe. Pair.ta. and Color of ; ;i k, it-is ground tit oil ant d-y. K'" a i! tbloet I figure. r.Ki.W.NINr, A SLOAN. Tl W"et Wahi::jton street. ! Brushes! Brushes! )IA l"1ZFN I'aii.t am! Varnl'h Bmbe, Walj . IMI'he. ah Ti.l. p.? d.r. Scrub, SL.sf., Hair, Hat, and Cloth F.r;;he of ', 'i:fl, t I, es j figure at bliOWNlNii M-ÜAN'S. Je 1 A-deod k weOW Sni SCHOOL BOOKS. All IvIimIk OF SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER. &C..&2., IN SMALL OR LAKGFqUANTI TI FS. AtCüWKS. STIWAKT A CQ'i r DAILY SEi TIIYEL INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. acu.KrrrrAi aaiutoab. Train Leav. Train Arrive. 6.25 A . M. .. Mail ... A.M. 13 p. V 11:45 A. 31. &40 P 'S.-0 J it lDTAVA-OUa AJTD COLrMBVI TI4 CKIOM. Train Leave. Train Arrive &20 A. Expre U5 p. M. 8:40 I'. 31 Acc omni relation 10:45 A.M. IJDUIA CESTIAL KAILWAT. Trairi leave. Train Arrive. 5 0 A. M 55 A. M. 11 f5A. M Mail 2 15 P 31. 710 P. Jl 35 p. JL i.i r ipoua ajtd rou ra acht ue, tia pattox. Train lraTe. Train Arrire. 5:00 A. M 9:.'5 A. M. 1155 A. M 2.13 P. M. 7:10 P. M :35 P. M. IKIIAS4roU AI CIXCIXATI Alt KOAK. Train Iave. Tratna Arrive. M5 A.M 10:10 A.M. 1 A. M 6. IS I. M 7 05 P.M 10:10 P. M, Terrs ractk raiijioad. Train Ieav. Tratn Arrive. lO'.'O A.M 4 55 A. M. 150 P. M 1125 A. M. 10:15 P. M ..7 UI P. M. II AI RAST AJTO CHICAGO ROAD C.REUCAHTI T. Jt SCTlOJI fioin r North. (Joitia; South, 5:00 p. M Fxpre 11.25 A. M. 11:05 A. M Freight. Daily 2:00 P. M. LAPAT'TTK RAJ LR' At. Trains lave. Trafti Arrive. It .10 A.M f.:t0 A. M. 40 P. M 11:15 A. M. 1 0:15 P. M 5.15 P.M. FKRC AOXMAKAr)I.llKAII.R0AI. Train !ave. Train Arrive. 10.2 p. M ..Mail 11:20 A.M. 1:00 P. M Chicago Kxpros 4.30 P. M I.VniAXArOLI ANO MADtmiN RAII.ROAP. Train Ieave. Train Arrive. 12 .".0 p. M Mail l():.Vl A. M. 65 A. M.. ..From Freivbt DpotJ.... tVOO P. M jcrrrRHONv ili.i RAii.aoAn. Tra'n lave. Trsin Arrive. 7 45 A. M Mail 5:10 A. M. 9 OJ P. M 8: 40 P.M. Arrival mid iKpaHure. or Cloning of .Mail. AUMVAL8 Mdiion Til avil Cincinnati ami way mail JeitToiiville an.i luiville ...11.00 A. ...10:20 A. ... K-45 r. ...1140 A. .. 11:40 a. , ... 2 30 e. at M M. I IV rr Haute way mail IV ru n:.til M. M. M. at. M. M. M. M. M. Central way mail- Tt rre lliiatr throub mail'tte anil Cli.i rtH" H-li-.iliti!i-way njrtil iviW'foiiia'n.' throiifto mttll Otttrül thron irb CiiiciiiiiatitbrotiKh mail . . , . . :. r. ... IH r. . . . :to r. t 7:'l5 A. ... 7.'t"A. ....Iiihi r. .. .10:15 A. 8piiiiKtielil,IIituoi4 nRPANTCRr. J..7 'In. JefVrsonv ille ain! lMii-villi-mail 7 30 p. m. Ttrre ll.iutetbfn.irh iin.l, St. Lcui, Cairo.... D.-jo a. m. I.rtf.iyrt t In! CllK Hiro. . . . . 10:IM' A. M. Iifjvrttc Cltv an-t fNprin;nM,lllinoi 30 e. . M di'oti nui: 11 :to a.m. Cctilrl wnv mnil. 10:55 A. M. tVntra! t!iroiib tnntl aint Vasbiii(?toiiCity. . . . C mi r. m. Clni'innati ami w ay mail ItM.'iOA. i. Thro'iKb miil Cio p.m. Terr Haute way, Kvatville anl Vinci-Iiiie.. ..Vi:.' e. at. prr-i " 1- "n . HeMefoiitaitie wa rimI through 7:3 r. Ht' PAT M AIM. U-H f iiUiTi.' wav nmil f:00 r.M. I,o ivi!le an I jHi!TM.nilltf 5: o r. m. J.-'T M.i'ii- th-t-H I '' ' e M. LAW BOOKS. STATUTES "OH XI) ilNÄT .A l A. IIOltiS ICI.i'lSlO.i. Tlie second volume of Messr.fiavin A Hold's compila tion of Indiana Staiute has Just appeared. ThU volume complete tbeir work. It mrrkahiral execution i tor credit' le; and the kill, learniu, and labor which tlie editor be bestowed on W, ment the biU t praie. "ui but "earti t, mtr m u.jf wm ! 144 auch a wo"k. Tlie se.nd volume embrace all the public atatutea of ' if, t.-. - now In force upon the ubjecta to which it relate, and the tlrst nil eseeptin the act of the last regular and etra eion of the LenMature. It I a jrreat excel lence of th compilation that all existing statute on each miljcct are collected together In the aine place In these volumes; ii.t that tie reader can ee at a p'anre ail the legislation In force m any given ulject. Take.fnrex ample, the act of orua'iiiiing Court of Common riea the editor publish the act at large, and they also print, in the form of note on the ame page containing thi statute, all the acta amendatory to it which have been passM up to tula time. And ao they have done of all the other act contained In the revision of 1!52. The editor have added much to the value of these vol ume eserU!!y the last by the and learned note with which the volume abound. These note indi c i4e nint h labor and legal acumen. They furnish u., in a concise and accurate form, with all the adjudication of Supreme Court on thJse statute. These adjudica tions being now very numerous, the reference to them 1 1 the volumes tin 'er consideration, w ill le of gn at value to the lawyer, and indeed 'to all persons concerned in the a Imiiiistrs'ioii of justice. The editors have also refcrreJ, in the.r note-1, to numerous decisiona in otbei .State, nude on stviit,. siuvlar to ours. An excellence of tuee volume, not to be overlooked the full and accurate index appended to each. In Indi ana, there never ha been a good index t any volume of tatutes puMi-died by authority. Tbi provoking defect r,a been completely remedied in the volume under re tlew; and these indexes will greatly lighten the labor of all who have occasion t look into or.r statutes. This is the first time that private entefprize ha at tempted the publication of Indiana statutes. Tlie at tempt, I do not doiit.t, will be successful, and will duly reward the learned editors and enterprizing publish er. F.very lawyer will, of course, purchase these volumes: and every clerk, sheriff, atid justice of the peace of the State, will find it to his advantage to own them. DAVID M'DOXALD. Indianapolis, June 5, 162 The foregoing notice by Judge McImixalp, T Oavi.i A HoKn'ti Compilation of the Statute of Indiana, is not de signed a a puff of the work, but i an uno'.icite I com mendation ot the ability, accuracy, and cot p'etenes with which these volumes have been prepared. The secon 1 volume, which bss just been Kued from the prei, i bein delivered to subscriber a rapidly a possible. This edition of the statute will be found a ne cessity to every lawyer, justice of the peace, and county officers in the State. The publication of the ork is a eili.ri rf .rrr WA tit nnl.Ti.liAr.. nnlv V iti ft,T rm - mnr.eration i in it ale to those for whose convenience j It was prepared. The two volume contain about 1600 j pase of mitter, nearly double the quantity embraced ihr levMun of 12. Th prie of the ork i 4 50 per volume, or 9 00 for the two 1. Jun es. Orders addreed to the subscriber wil receive prompt attention. J.J. I'.lNlIHAM, Jun- 7th, lt"2. Indianapolis, Ir.d. BARBERS. VaKir lLinitKii snoi. SSHfCRAFTn.VS oPF.NF.D A BARRF.R SHOP IN m, tLe tiew bl-k of John C New, two door onth of the Vtoffe. on the ccoihI ßoor. Room No. 8 and 9, where he will be pleae.i to ee all bi old custrrtier. 1 in full blaut wi:h i cbair. octlO-dly LIVERY STABLE. Exchange Stables, ä o Illinois Street, OppcHkJte Bate House. Ir.di ar.apoli, Ind. a-irl-tly MEDICAL. What is Life Without Health 1 A Cold is anroyir p. A Couh i prevent spercb. Throat are painfv BRANDE'S TUSSILAG0 It to take, and woa eüect a cure. i'j cent a boi. at all the Dru Store Indiana I.egiaUtare. SENATE. KLPIBLICANÜ HOLDING 0V1.R. Delaware ariJ Blackfonl Walter March. Fajette and Union ßenjiruiu F. Clavpool. FouiiUiiii Henry Campbtll. -Hamilton ai.U Tipton Geo. Ii. Grubt. Ilemiricks and Uoone Salomon Ulair. etir;.JüsT)ut II. Mallett. Lsiporte and Stacke Ab ram Teeardn. Minmi and Fulton Daniel K. Be.ira. ilontgoracrv Michael 0. White. Noble, DKalb and Steuben Timothy K. DitLin.on. IUndolph Thoma H. Uro wn, (contested.) Itush Edward H. M. Berry. Dtcatur-J. D FIe.ak-13. KLPIBLICASS rLECTED. Jffl'r?oti Johu L. MaitsbcTd, Wayne Othnel Ueesoti. Benton, Warren and White Alfred Heed. , Tipanoc Moses C. Cul er., Like, Newton and Porter Ezra Bight. Kosciusko and Vabab W. C. Graves. luke and Vermillion 0. P. Davis. Marion John C. New (contest). d 21. IilMOCB-ATS HOLDI.NU OVLR. Clark and Scott Charles P. Feruon. Clay and Putnam Archibald Jutitiston. Gibon, Dubois and Pike Thon is Shoulders. Johnson and Morgan Franklin Landers. Sheiby und Hancock Martin M. Bay. Vim und Sullivan Henry K. Wilson. Washington and H trri-on S'aieou K. Wolf. Jennings and Jackson Meden W. Shields 8 DLMOCBAT tLFCTLD. Floyd Augustus Bradley. Marshall and St. Joseph Horace Corbin. Grant, und M tdi.o:i John D. Marshall. Poney and Vanderburgh George W. Finch. Perry, Spencer and Wunii-k lt. L. Fuller, i ) t v i"h :ind Kn'tx June D. Williams. Greene and Owen George N. Moore. Lawrence and Martin Thomas K. Cobb. Craw lord imd Ur inge Henry Jenkins. Brown and Monroe Paris C. Dunning. Bartholomew Francis T. Hold. De.ti hoi n James W. (jail. Franklin Thomas Gillord. Adams, Jay and Wells George S. Brown. Allen Pliny Htt.iulaii'. Huntington ntitl Whitley A. J. Douglas. Carroll and Clinton Leander McCIur. l?us, Howard and Pulaski John Dtvis. Kipley William L. Haitley 1'J 1,'7. INDFPLMiKNT. Ohio and Switzerland Alexander C D.iwney. Kosciuko and Wabash William C. Graves. Kcpublic ins holding over. elected Democrats liohling over. . . elected. . . . . . 13 H -','1 , 8 1! -27 i Independents UirRISLXrATlVFS. IKM. AM. Adams P. N. Collins 1 Allen Ochmig Binl.John P. Shoall'.. .2 Bartholomew O Ii. 1'. Abbott 1 Boone Sherman 11 istctlcr 1 Boone and Hendricks Thos. J. C.i.son. 1 Brown Stephen V. Cook ....1 Cai roll John H.-Milroy 1 Ca.s Ch it It s B. L isselle ....1 Clatk Jonas G. Howard 1 Clinton Cornelius J. Miller 1 Cla Adam C. Veach 1 Ct aw lord Thomas U).u. 1 Da v less (J S . G i v en 1 Deal born U. F. Hohert, Alt'. Bregun.2 Decatur Da id II. Vau Buskirk 1 Delaware Alfred KiUote. . , . T. . . . . . 1 DeKulh Miles Wwiennau 1 11. lwmp. . . . .....1 Klkliart Matthew Bippey 1 Likhars and L iiriange Amos Davis.. 1 Fa)ette und Union Kuwll B. Perry. . 1 Fountain Samuel Hatfield 1 Floyd Geo V. II.. k 1 Franklin Bed in 0boni 1 Fulton N. G. Shall'er 1 Gibson Silas M. Holcomb. ) Grant James He. ih y , 1 Greene John Humphreys 1 Harrison John Lemtnon 1 Hancock Geo. Y. Atkinson 1 Hancock and Sheiby James L. Mason 1 Hamilton and Tipton James O'Brieu. 1 Henrv Charles D Morgai 1 Hetiiliicks .lame M. Gregg 1 Howard J. M. Leeds 1 Huntington and Whitley Samuel McG auchey 1 Jackson Jason B. Brown 1 Jasper and Pulaski John Darroch. . . .1 Jennings Hutchings 1 Jellerson David C. Branham and J. L. line 2 Johnson A. V. Pendleton 1 Jay Samuel A. Shoaff 1 Johnson and Morgan Thomas W. Woolen 1 Kosciusko Henry J Byerle 1 Kosciusko and Wabash Jos. Marshal 1 Knox V illiatn E. Nibl.tck I Lamange Francis P. Griffith 1 Lake 1 Lapotte J ;imes Foi ester and W. W. lliggin- 2 Lawrence Nathaniel Williams I Madison Richard Lake 1 Mation John C. Tarkington and W. H. Kendrick (conteteil) 2 Marsh til ii. Staike M.A.O. Packard. 1 Montoe Samuel H. Bukiik 1 Montgomery James F. Harnev 1 Morgan J. J. Johnson 1 Martin John R. ('Brien 1 Miami Ii. F. DottahUon 1 Noble Timothy Baker 1 Ohio and Switzerland R. N. Limb. . . 1 Orange Georye H. Hon 1 Owen .Jacob V. Wolle j Paike Casper Burt Pike W illiam II. Do Biuler 1 j Perry .lames Hardin i Porte! L A. Cass l Po.e K.M.Spencer i Putnam Austin H. Puett and George W. Priest .2 Ripley Edwin P. Ferris It iiidolph .John II . Moorman 1 liuh William S. Hall J Scott Daniel Biocher j Spencer James W. Leninion 1 Sullivan Stephen G. Burton l Shelby Jacob Mutz J Steuben tarns R. Notes St. Jo-eph Andrew Anderson, Jr l Tippecatit!' Joseph II. Hershey, Samuel Mutard 2 Vanderbtirg and Bosey John A.lleitz.l Vamlerb'irg Thomas E.Garvin 1 Vermillion Irad Abdill Vigo Bayle-s W. Hanna, Jno. Kemp. .2 Wabash John L. Stone w n ra irren ner.j mm r . itregory j Washington Jamison Lee 1 Washington and Harrison Aaron L. Harden 1 Wayne? Israel Woodruff', Oliver T. Jones, E. B. Newman 3 Wells and Blackford Geo. S. Howell. 1 White and Benton John T. Richard- son 1 Warrick Cbaabers 1 60 40 TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 500,000 C 1 1-1 A K $ JllSt llCCiV((I. JOHN A. HKIDLINGEU Jut returned frora C "neci at, VCH F.P.K ME HAS ENi.AuED 4.0)0.000 FINE DO-' MKSTlOCiirar. All o vl jil be warractetl of tLe very be-t quality, and will eil 25' Per Cent. Lower Than an other hon-. wi I fumi'b the a"e quality , Kry one wh eilcuar, woole-ale or rftil dealer coue toon ud eiaCiie tLe eck. JOHN A. HFIIUNGER, rolt No. 3 Palmer ltou4. i RAILROADS. Bellefontaine Line. CHANGE OF TI3IE. OX AND AFTER MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, TRAINS will leave Indianapolis: Mail TiAix-At 6.00 o'clock A. M. Night Lxrat At 8:30 P. M. Trains will arrive at Indianapolia: Mail Tiais At 8:t0 P.M. NmuT FxeRKi "At 730 A. V. Other train a heretofore advertised. JOHN LKOL'oIl, General Superintendent. decl-dlw ixdiaxaWlisTnd CIXnXXATI Mlaat-Ila-r RAILROADI T3 Miortckt Itoute by Tlilrtf ?Ille! NO CHANGE OF CARS TO CINCINNATI 1 Three traiiialeRve Indianapolis Daily, (Sunday excepted.) I.1IRSTTKAIN'. 515 A.M, (CINCINNATI EXPRESS ' arrive at Cincinnati at 10:4UA M., and Lemngton Kv., 7:30 P.M. Second Train 11:23 A- M. Cincinnati Mail, arrive at Cincinnati 4:43 1. M., making close connection wp.htbe Little Miami Railroad lor Loveland, Morrow, Colutubu, Newark, Zanesville, and U heeling. Tbird Train 7.03 P. M, Cincinnati Kxpre.', arrives at Cincinnati 12:":0 P. M. Fare same a bv any other route. Call for your ticket rij the Indianapoli and Cincinnati Railroad. liairgace cbecked tbrougb. Si rcial Notick. Ia? sure you tret in the riicbt train at Imliatiaptdis. The Cincinnati train, taid on the ttfib track. b-iii the "fartbest track aouth in the Union l'put, at Indianapolis. V. II. L. NOBLE. General Ticket Afrent. P. M. IjniiiOW.Travelimr Awent l ovIT '6'J-dly PERLT AND INDIA RAILROAD. 1862. mmSSS '862. NEW ARRANGEMENT. ;ev ISoufc to C:iiicaj;o via Kokonio, rti MILKS SHORTER THAN OTHER ROUTE. ON AND AFTER NOV. 15, 1C2, trains will be run a follow: A Mail Train will leave Indianapolis at l.l'OP. M., stop at all ftati'.tis and tn.t!.e close connection at Kokonio witb train on tlie Cincinnati and Cbicairn Air Line Kail rad for man-port, Valparaiso and Chicago, and arrive at IVru al P. M., in time to make connections with trains on the Toledo a:td Wabash Railway, Roin,? East and West. Retnrtiinir, th an tra'.n will have Peru at 723 A. M.. afler the arrival of the tr-vn en Hie T. A W. U. W. from tlie r.M,-!, ntid i. rivo it lii.linaoli at 11;'J0 A. M. In time lo make connection for all points East, Soiitb lid West. An Kpreslra!n will leave Indianapoli ft 10:20 P. M., eonin Kokonio with train tor Cbictcft. and arrive at Peru at 2:.'W A. M., Intime to tnakecotiiit-cttiHi witb train poing l ast and Weal on the lulidn uiid Wu'-asli Kail- wav. Kfturtilea; the same train Hill leave IVru al 12:25 M , makiiiif cloe connection at Kok.-mo with the train on the Cincinnati and Chicairn Railway from Chicago Valparaiso and I.okh. port, und arrive at IndiatiaMdi at 4 ."to P. M . In time to connect with tlie evening train for Ctiicintifiti, Louisvilh- and other points. Special attention given to the transixirtation of live tiK k, pr.wluce an.t merchandise cenerull y. DAVID M ACV, ieii. rnl Ag-t:t and Superintender.t. V. T., li.'iieral Ticket Agent. tiovH. 'f.2-dl t? mm mm. mm ir V m?m sakaki-. J EFFEKSOX VTLLK RAILROAD Two Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted Train Arrie Train Ieave. & 45 P. M 7:43 A. M 5:10 A.M 0:00 P.M. R0VE TRAINS STOP FOR THE ACCOMMODATION of pa-.sei.gers at Souihpoti, jreenwot, Franklin, F.d.nburgu, Ctdiimbu, making connection at Seymour with trains on the Ohio & Missisjpp Road, and at Louis ville with train on the Louisville, Frankfort & Lexington and I.iiisville and Nashville K.-ud. Frsiebt trainleave daily. Freight prompt) forwarded. Office, Madison Depot, West side. A. S.CARorilKIiS, Superilitendetit. J. tl. Whitcomr. Frc'irbt Aeiit. apl'02-dly Iiiiliniiapoli and .llnilitoii K.m. kT Ma CO'vV It. auw. WVa Yi--i& 1UU' fpilE PASSENGER TRAIN WILL LEAVE THE .f. Union Depot, Indianapolis, tt 12:30 P. M. daily, for Madison, Cincinnati and Louisville. This 1 the shortest railway line to Cincinnati and loiii ville connecting at Madison with the United States Mail Line steamers, arriving at Ciiicinnat I in time to con nect with the Express Train on the Little Miami railroad leaving at 7 o'clock A. M., for the Eat, and by the Ken tucky Central Railroad for the South, and at Louisville about 11 P. M. Returning leave Cincinnati daily at 12 M., by the above steamers, and also by the Madison packet. Forest Queen and lYioress, arriving at Madison in time to connect with the Passenger Train leaving at 6 A. M., and arrvihg at Indianapolis at 1:50 A. M., making connection with all tnin leaving for the Eat, West, and North. For the accommodation of way passenger a Car will run in connection with the Freiclit Train daily, lea-ing .n tiannpolis at 6:30 ..M wtsich train remains some lime at tri. station, affording j a-sei gers an opportunity for the rinsacti.-n 1 business, arriving at North Madison at 2:30 M. .irr to f'inrimi.-iti, or Tinrlnnnti to lndiunuio!i, .t fH ; To I,ouivillr ;3 50. No charge for meaK or state-rooms on the stwamer, or for ba.'irave t.r omnibus at M adi-on. Tantf of Freight a-. low a by any othT route. Shi4i.ers and intTcharit West wid'rind it to their inter est to travel over and ship bv this line. ap2-dtr P.C. HKANHAM, Superintendent. m t bc rjt? imr rjc . 1862 1862 4 LL PERSONS PURCHASING TICKETS FOR ST. V JOSEPH and other points m Northern Mi-souri, tbe Staie of Kansas, or tbe Territories, should insist on hav ing ticket that read by the MIKTII TIISMU ICI ICAII.KO AI, The only rail route from St. Louis to St. Joeph. It i tbe hortest and quickest line, by thirteen hour, to the re motest point reached by rail, and is always as cheap as any other. Buy your Tickets to Kansas and all point, in Northern Missouri by the North Missouri Railroad. ISAAC H. STURGEON. Pres't and Gen'l Supt. Norta Missouri R. R. HENRY II. SIMMONS, General Traveling Atrent. et.tl7-dtr MUSIC. -A. JLST O FORTES n 1511 Hi tifl l.LMiA.M T..w..-rwvl INaim. iinrAnA,fin mrtA finUli I a ar )-" t pa - - ea fr f rr a ) j Ii m U r lnv','J to examine tbe llano of Chat j y " M. StieJT, of Baltimore, now on exhibition at Mr. Suflem'. Musi; Room, in the .Etna Building. I Boom open from 7 A. M. till 9. P. M. J jy.l-dly i. WILLIAM SITFERN T. .mi.m..- . t " v.--.. . ...v.. . -v..,. ... ........ . Drums! BASS DRUMS, TENOR !DJflXJ3NyIS, SNARE DRUMS, BOY'S DRUMS. !'o. 4 ftate Ilour. t9L Cttr Mm' norl3 CR0CERIES. Groceries ! Groceries!! THE NEW ADDITIONS TO MT STOCK OF GEO CF.klES raak tt complete, comprUirjj everything to be found in a well rernlated Cirocer KtMlililiiiiciit. I ara prepared to ie v rrv '.: end and the public cen erally, wltaa'I articles n-J i f r family ue. Particular attention i give to h? pat; se of produe. Irice low atkf UewefU : J. B IHN ARD, octIC-ä3rR-i Ne. 1 outh Meridian treet. P A T .S NTS OBTAINED FOR NlW INVENTIONS OF EVERT de&cription. Feeaco r'.r t'-.t on ucre. No pat eninopay. Send for Clrc-, rtnar term, directiona, Lc. AddreM H' I U)ADNAI, olR-tlV Patent i'ttrx-j. WaaitrijtoR.l!. C. .1 X D00IC AND JOD PtllNTiriC. INDIANA 4 STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT! WE ARK PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS for Book and Job Printing, with dispatch and Id tbe best style of tbe art. Particular attention paid to Mercantile and Railroad arc a LlLLS OF LADINU, BUSINESS CARDS, BILLHEADS, BLANKS, DEEDS, LETTER HEADINGS, REGISTERS, CIRCULARS, R ECK 1 ITS, Ar Show Cards and Bills ! CHECKS, NOTES BONDS, ENVELOPES, HTOCK CKKTinCATKS. DKKDS, Ac, Ac POSTING BILLS cotarMv milkchast. Miou liilkn, Hotel Hill of l ure, llnnd Hill loter nnd Procrmumet l.tibeU Invitation (Par tie and Hall.) K WÖBS, RVRRT oRacRirno. SCHOOL AND C0LLF.GK CATAIK1UF.S, MISCELLANEOUS PAMPHLETS, CONSTITUTIONS, REPORTS, BRIEFS, Ac, Tl'e have one of tbe most complet Printing K.tabli.h' mant. in the country. Our facilltie for doing all kind of Work, Book, Plain or Ornamental, are first cTAsa. We have introduced the latest and fastest Pree, and have added to our Type ail the modern atyles, and we employ the bet werkmen. We are thu enabled to furnish Joba promptly, to guarantee a'dfaction and to accept low price. We have connected with our Job Department Adam Superior Presse, and are prepared to execute Stereotype PreMw ork, together with the Preairwork for outside paper, at low figure. tAT 51ercliantf Hankers Ilatlroad Ian age r Inturance Affntit Nianu ticturer kc.. Ii reprefal'y ctlrectl to onr EtAbÜhnsent they ! 4eire rt-claM work at low rate. fy Orden fron, abroad will recetvft prompt attentlott. t JfgT Work fcreifhtxi ia all oaee at the. th proialad. i C7" Strangers from a distance, and buai ness men of the city and country, are cordial y inTited to rirt our office, and examine our facilities for executing every description ot Printing in the neatest etyle, and on the most reasonable terms. J35f Office on Meridian Street, South of Wah- ingUii Street, opposite tbe I'ostoftjce. Addkus. ELDER HARKNESS & BINGHAM. o rn a a SEXTINEL "X I .1 I I BOO JTST RFCEIVED k flTJT5DTD ATTXTNT 07 ' f.VaO I90VBLE ÄP1T Gt1SSES. For fielJ, porUbilitT an.l power they upereed all others. Fornileby SEMM0NS, CrjiacUa. : SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, 6C. i Of the prent e-t trnnrretit pnwer, of new im provement rcoperly adjusted to th ctu. Orders from the countrywith ruu-ticulars, promptly attended to. Repairing neatly done m'.th dirat.h. SEMM0NS. Optician. oct2J No. Ü5. S.mth lllinoU treet. COMMISSION MERCHANTO. JESSK .TOII"K01N General Commission Ucrchant, Mi Dealer IIa Hour, ;ralnvand all klnt of Country Produce', Wine and Liquor rifarat Tobacco, Vc. OrnCK AND WARFnOUSF., 337 SOLTH SECOND MT IIILAI)i:i.lIA. Adtance made on Conilgninent. augftdly WANTED. tä-- tj 200 Recruits Wanted FtlR THE m.' tra , OF Thr i:itvinlli Inniii1r, WHICH MAJOR J. W. I.0RD0X li authorized to rai lu In.Latia. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. JJAT FROM 13 TO t:i I'FR MONTH, ITil KA TIONS, quarters me.Jical attettnre, Ac , com piete. All hi enllt will atone t clothed, vubaiBte! and provided witb ever tbing eeütial to tbelr Comfort by the (iovernn.eM. TLe term of rii!itmejitU Three Yritrt. I'ajlo rnniiiietiee date of enll-ttnent. None but aide-tMxttiol Uncle men, between tbe area of li and 35 year, need apply. Recruiting Rendezvous lu Metrger'a ne building. No. 6 East Washington atre t, 4Jo,n.g tVta letlow.' Halt. D. R. COlT.rlrM Ueutenant Klerecth Itifautry, RecrtiUitifOSlrer. MEDICAL. Olli: TO U OMII 1111 I, (;ua.m LIS CoUtfh and Cold will bT away, K.meiin In a single tar. If to the 1 rug More you w ill go And gel upt.lied with Tuilk'o: Yo'i can use It freely a you pleae. It l-er laiU to Ktve y..u ras. Tnoe tlra'iulean under ful are, I'm aure, lor tby pee. My Re't a lasUii cur. Xiay SA cents er box, at all Dnig ltore. UKANDK'S lUvANDK'S UHANDK'S HUAXDE'S TrssihA(;o ft RES ColOH. TUSSILAGO CCRES COLDS. TUSSILACO CT'ltr IbURSKNKM. TUSSIEAGO CURES KORR THROAT. ODt: TO ItltAMIIH rtsvii.ACO. WONDERFUL GRANULFH. Oh ' here can I find them. To the I TO Store K r quick, I will try them; I have a bad Coutrh, And 1 wlvh to I ure To have the bet remedy TLat 111 very .oti cur. XCf 2 P"' 0Jl. l all the Irug More. liUAM)ES TUSSILAGO Cl'RI ASTHM A AND RRONCHITIX. fjjf Sfild by all Drurcist. 25 cent a bo.. KKAXDE'S TUSSI LAGO I lleasant to tbe Tint Children rry Tor it. HUAXDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES HOOPING COUGH AND CROUP, flajr Sold by all DrugrKa. Z5 cent a boa. IUtAXDE'S TUSSILAGO CUKES COUGHS AND COLD.H. fg pr Iniggist. 2.1 cent a !. REN0VATERS. ChtU1.Vi.Yii .urn oncwi? miBLISDMEXT.' rpiIE UNITED STATES DTF.-H C5E, NO. SI 80UTB JL Illinois tre?t, Ir. lianapoli, Indiana, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At i hi old and well-known establishment, tb ladiea cao have silk and wooleu good tyed it permanent and beautiful colors; and g etu' gartnenta thoroughly renova ted and repaired, a good aa wbeo nr., at lower price than ever. New and second-hand clothing bought and obt, alo, a patkular branch tn th bu.iuesa denominated draw ing billiard table t.,tb. or tear in any garment can bo ao wrought that it can not b viitl to tbe r aked eye. trk Co intry order punctually tteteded to. No cor-ntctioa with any other b.mse In thi city. KetaemUr the place, No. SS Pkutb llltnoia afreet. feb4 JOSEPH HARRI ft. ' EXPRESS COMPANIES. .American Express Company, a3TXi UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND Meridian treet, Indianapoli. Three daily F.xpree to New Tork; Two daaiy EapreMc. to CinciunAtl. a od Two Expree. to Chicago aod St.Looi; The above Companies are the privileged Kir, rt t the followinr fa.i, vlx: INDIANA CENTRA I LAFAYETTE A CHICAfrO; INDIANAI-OLIS k PERU: TERRE HACTT A RICIfMOND; BE LLEFONTAINE k INDIANAPOLIS. Money, paakare, valuable aod freirht earrted rfta aafety and dipuh, and in charge of apeclaJ a ad c(SeaBt Boeerger. Notes B.1U anil Drafta will be prr trpt!r eWlectel a&4 rcadjretnm oade J. BUTT ERF I ELD. Ara-C onuccisTS. ' SCHIEFFEUN BROTHERS ti CO., WHOtJIlALI DErCGlST. Aad Deafwrs in raancy Gowda fumery, Vc. AIo. A rem. f r the a!e of Pfned PetroWcut, Ehim ttna; Olt, auperior to any Coal O.I, furnished tn as) qaantltie at the low. et market ratea. IT AND 171 WILLIAM STS . NIW e- DRY COOPS, NOTIOaS, CiC. Webb, Kennedy & Co., 'VfTlIOLKflALC DEALER IN F0KKWN AND DO- W ine.t lry Gowl, Netton. and Getta Fan W VK Good. Old Po.t tft- P.uU.l!n, srI Uw aetJt4)MrMt,lKliaMBc4i I