OCR Interpretation

Daily State sentinel. [volume] (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1861-1865, December 05, 1862, Image 2

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

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The .flewage.
Er tbU, majority of lb peop! har read tb
n.;tiI mei of Mr. LtjrroLX nJ formed
their cjiicloV;otj upon hi rej-remttjoTn of th
Ute of the Union, d 1 the rnefnurf he recom
men J to th consideration of Conjrre anl the
country as rece-irjr and upcdieut. H I an ex
tranrJinary document, anl throughout it i emi
nently chracteiintic of ih nan. It conUins but
little informttion of the fw nf the Uun, tiut it
"erotel attmst entirely with presenting the
fchcBie of c(tijX.1rj tm .nc'jut'ort neTO
colonic itxjn which li uzge'ste-l to Congress at
Iii Ut evsion. We pre credit to tlie I're-ideat
f.r alriccne an 1 e.meUies in the plan he pro
pne for tlie u regression ol the rebellion and fur
retrinjt pc:en l the nation il authority, bat it
14 th iiH-eritjr o( laiia'cisrn. Who, after b
ruiu toe mevif of Mr. Lixcol, will be ablo
t'. comprehend! tUe condition of public afTtinatiJ
the pre-etit Mtmtion of the count-)? Such in
formitioti from the I'reiJent - wh.u the people
mo. !e'red at the resent time. li'it the toea
age of i he Pre-skletil i impracticable ami as
unUteaoi4ii1ike b.ti Ucn his adminiitratttin
oftue Oe-vernmenl. If he hd applied the dg
rru, the etile! principles, of the quiet pa-t in
ute conduct of public affair, from the beginuing,
he would Iure found thctn full adcju.tte tu the
settlement of the iblbVultie which hare encom
ptaaeit the nation since hi advent into power.
The 1'restde'it ubnJuiate. ali considerations
of public policy U the one iJe. which lias po
es-ed him compensatory eauncijullun and the
caluiiiz itiou of free Americans of African
de-cent." Tint he pre:it.i, with great gravity
it t!ie mir policy which will restore the Union
and permanent petce. If Tlver j, a he as-ert
14 the cu-e of tlie rebellion, what hope that his
chi'me of eiiMiiciMtion will uMne it? 1( the
reh' are hihihi;; for tlie i-crpettiation of slavery,
and if lliey h ive deemed th.il oljcct a riiflicieut
cue to secure ep true ititionhty bj an ex
Uauatin and de ! itinjj w tr, U it prob b th.it
ther wiil accept an oppFlte pilic a4 urini of
peace and an ample inducement to return io
their ailepiince to the Krderat (oveinnie;it?
What good cm be accomplished b thrulin
un the people an iinpiactic ible .4theiuc of
eiu incip.ition to Kiiil further wdi t the emh.tr
ra.tMiienu of the n.uion? It ii a proporition
which the pfp!e iil iit accept. The public
eipre".ioti in the recent e.eclions wa.4 dei iJedly
aiiutt it, and it will be overwhelmingly m the
next chuice the people have to make their voice
heard and felt. Tl.ej will never consent to the
creation of a rift public debt, which will prove a
ore burden to thenielve und to their cirldren,
lor the punhae ot negroe-t. It is idle to pup
poe they aie imbued with the one ideiim atid
thericklr venti mental it v which induces Mr. Lin
colx to refer to the nero " the Ire Ameri
can, of African descent."
We are engaged in a war for the suppres.ion o
the rebellion- to compel revolted State to re
turn to the authority of the Federal Government
upon one ide; upon the other it u a struggle lor
an independent nationality. The no called Con
federate State have as yet ruimkMed no di.-po
t.ition t4 yield the erntest They liave ubmitted
no term of peace have offered no conditions, at
Ie.i"t r-o far a the country is advised, upon which
they will be willing to return to the old Union.
Either the independence of the South must be
recognized, t er him of r-elllement offered which will
induce the relel State- to return to their former
allegiance, or ehe the war must go on until
armed rebellion i overcome, utiles exhautiou
or foreign inteivention forces a separation. Cer
tainly there ii no wisdom, no fortnight, no states
manship, in proposing emancipation by constitu
tional amendment which will lequirelhc consent
of States which are now successfully resisting the
authority of the Federal Government.
The question of em mcipation, and all that
affect the tuture of the negro race in our coun
try, should be deferred until the Union is
restored, and they can be calmly considered by
all who will be affected bv them. Until that
pern! arrives, it is u-eless to discus them. The
whole energy of the people should first be
directed to accomp!ih the objects fur which
Congress declared the war liould be waged, the
restoration ol the National authority, without
interfering with the institutions of the States
recognized and protected by tho Constitution.
If we hue nut the power to do that, it is
u-eiei t prop.!Le pi in fur ch.nif; n c, the insti
tution. ot Stales over which we can exercise nu
control. Stich, we think, will be the judgment
of the cuuntry upon Mr. Lincoln's compensated
aitiiripalion and "free American, of African
decent,' colonization policy.
It will be noticed thu Mr. Lincoln expends his
whole sympathy and thought and care u;mii the
negro. The condition of the white Americans,
who are utfering the toils and ri atioiis of the
oldier; the necessities of their families and the
deprivations of the wives and children who by
war have beeu bereft of their natural protectors'
bare no consideration with our very philan
thropic President. The negro alone absorbs all
bis head and all his heart.
There are other poii.ts in the message to which
we will hereafter refx.
Special CorrejtpoDtlebce of the Chicago Tim.
from WuOilngton
raorrxaa tuk Altkbs ativx or Ilia Own ltu
1GNATIUX oa (ilMKll MllW DiSMlvSVL
Cuvriiti Vindicatio.'', or McClllla.v 11.
or Ho. KoitfcT E. iscorr Simon Cam ikon a
Candidate roa Sematir.
Waiiim.tox. Xovemltcr !).
The delay in the movement of the army iny
be easily explained. The ame causes which in
terveneil to prevent 1 1 en era 1 MeCiellan crossing
the Upper Totoui-.c htve preentel tf.eme!ve. as ;
insurmountable bairiers tor a uionth past t (.ten.
liurnide ou the Lower i'otoniic. lliisevtre ex- ,
erieic prove tin truly how hi- pi e-iei e--ir w.14
hampered iu Wa.-hiiii.ton, and on whoe hl
der justly fxlla the responsibility of :ill the.-e de ;
lata The l.e-.Jet.l, et:tulngly not .ii.-.fied
wiüi Gen. Durnside's excu-es, vi.Mte! him as he
did (General jKCleüan. and hts ceen tor himelt
that the authorities at Witshington and their in- -erhcieut
uUrd.oate4 are alone respmib!e On
Tri lay flight Uen. Uumside came to this ctty and '
had a lor.; interview wlthGen. HaKev k, the lVes
ident and Gen Meigs.
He told item plainly that the Quartermaster
Department and Kcxmw Coria had been greatly
at fault, and had prevented his movement acne's
the Kaprvabanock until the tet-el army had be
miu fortitieil on its opposite bank for a deter-'
mined re-L-ta m e If this i-tate of things could ;
not be retredied immediately, he intin.atel that I
either bit) resignation could be accepted, or that !
of the Qurttroiater General demanded. The?e
two branches cf the ervice have been a deficient
now. ted lor a month past, as at the time uc :
cweJing the Maryland bttlrs. But it is fortunate
for the truth of history, tlut lhee ui.auwerab!e i
facta appear jtrr the removal of Geu McCielUn i
aa liey uid before it; mud Itb what if reitl! ,
etitleme. then, is the IindtT hurled back at the '
radicals that A waa reponAi'de tor the deliv in i
Octotjer. Who is mpiiitle, let rue ask, tor the ;
delay in all of November? j
Whm Gen. Uumside commenced his move-
nr-nt Irum Warrerit.m t iwn! Frr lrrn kVmrjr,
lie vm fotru-e-1 laiihfu.ly Hut he foii!-n
brne !MiMI there; fmrn Wa.-hingtot an .m.
a he arr.ve-l, in order th it a crinx l ri r .
lie) tr.f ixTurniifT oi me nucr vi.t hi'kui it , . . . , ,
" ' , . . 1 . .... . ,"tc- i bu;r t', pre 1 1 r,ot . sid picture ol !eou ;
effectel without .i-lr I nis m unlulfiiieJ. ai.-J i ,; , . , . ... . ' . . . . .
, ' , . . . .- t . . . , 1 1". a?i., tl it I .', no? tllu'r-te Int nught be
coopetJ.lw.tn.el.y In the tr4..jiititi o4 . , ( SiU,Urn t( 01J. (f tl(. Uim.m,. it .
.uP;.hes. A mcnM, ,M p.,.,c) newly . t..e-e 1 d )jW ( ,t . 0t U H r,u .,, t
fault have jut btn reoie.l.e.1. In ti e i.,.tJ .... i... i , i . i
time the re!' hate jrot their army tn-el le
hind forti6 lion, and are determined ou atout
reitanre there, to r4y rioth'ng of their resolu
tion to contest tie :o ihch by inch from ti e
ßrf httie-ground nthe Rapf ahtno:k to tlie
rebel capital. But iiitolof th -titeof frirs,
lid rnide hoped to move ficht on toward. Kkh-
mmd, reaching the important and strategic p:nt
.."e. i w:'?rrw,, " " i
. ..r i ... ...... ... i. .i u l.i. imty.il ml rn
t - .1 t . 1.1 .
... ... ...r, .wuiy.or u-c ...r
rotd- at th.t point, .io- ne enemy h.s se
c-urr-1 U.th of iheae adr-nti.e. wh.,1. eve ,e
battle and h defe.i cw.t,,t 'erturn. 1 he cut-
t.Ptf or toe l.oruonsvjs.e ra, ro.i.i x u . jnu ;
would have been ruo-l dam .gur bru to t,.e i
unoer pre.-..e.y s.mwsr crcumauces.
Congre-. meet to m.,rn. A m-re g.oomy .
etof Senitoraand KeproeM, ,ves i m J i.cver
cor.sreirateil here. M u.y of lite former v iit
a ' I t .
Washington for the Uat time, lor the verdict i-f
toe people desires them in titurel touie. Aride
from this, they look gloomily :i the aspect of
affairs, and are talking louder alout. and de
t ..
iiounciii? b.nler than any one el-e would dare to.
the iml.Cfi.tj tint h,s brought tins partau ,r j
crista ac the door of the nation Some
cl amorrd ftr em mcipation ce that tw months j
of trial have prolu-td nothiu. 1 th t, if .iny-'
thing could be gained by it either way. the reSe's
hare only become more determined and united,
while the North has become moie divided, and
ihe Atlministration les active. I5ut. t.otwith
Maniling this, a slight consolation is affor led by
lepeated promises that something will noon be
accompli -heil by the army.
The release of the politic il jirisoners from the
forts and the Old Ctpitol has been lorccl on the
Administration by long outrage! j'tihlio opinion
Some of the arrc-ts have been nude on tlie mo-t
trivial :ii ! ritiiculous lnre-, involving neither
crime nor disloyalty. During the pst week
thirty out of filtv cases eximined here weie tli.s
charge.1, dimply for the reason that there were no
chirges againt tliem! And yet the Admini-tra
lion journ ls drawl out the piteous try that "Ae
party bw suffered from the-o arre.u." How long
will it have to do enanre lor the who h ivexit'
ferel in dungeon without evidence and without
Theamrderof Hon. Robert K. Scott, of Vir
ginia, last spring, by t company d' Hlenkcr'a
men while under MclViwell. is now undergo ng
investigation here in the court of inquiry, ai tl nt
traciH iiiich in'eie-t. Mr Scott was well known
in Washington, and in fiel throughout the cotin
try, as a ripe ciiol r, line orator, and a decided
Union man, having opjwjse.1 teesioii belore aul
after it was accompli-hed. His former jsditics
were of the Whig p ity. He was the only South
em null who was o Met et!, but tle-!ii:etl, n seat iu
thepicseut Cabinet, and your correspondent was
tre-eiit at it public reception here at which Mr.
Lincoln m.d Mr. Scott titst met The latter was
a most accomplished gentli tu in, ami was quite
mirprised when the President eleet entereil im
metliately into a discussion on their rejective
hights, ami iiisistetl on ine t-ui ing be.'ote the com -piny
of hnlies and gem leinen pre-ent. Ever
afterwanl no one couid ever prevail on him to
give an opinion of the 1 evident.
Simon Cameron has inf. i med his ft iemls here
thit he is a canlidate lor the U. S Senate from
Pennsylvania, and that he has little or no doubt,
of hi.s "election The situation is precisely simi
lar V that when Cameron was elected to the
Senate over Forney in Ifü. and rumor is rife
thu the same 'appliances' will be u-ed now
as then. He has not resigned us Minister to
Kllasi a.
The 'aiic of llac orrevt.'
It appears that the article in the Ledger upon
which Geu. Uosecrans based his request to Gen.
Wright lor the nrre.-t of the editor of the New
Alb my Ledger was one published on the 2lkh
ult , giving the numbers of the brigades and di
vision to which the various Iudi-m t regiments in
(Jen. Rosecrans' army were attached. It was not
oiigin illy published in the Ledger, having rrevi
ouslv appeared in another paper, the form only
being changed in transferring it to the columns
of the Ledger. We ptesume it was lurnished
to the paper from which we copied by the
Indiana Military Agency at Louisville, with
the benevolent aiid praiseworthy object of
inlorming the families and friends of the
soldiers in Gen. Ro?ecrans army as to the proper
direction they houli give the'r letters Most
certainly we never dreamed of such information
being considered contraband, nor, we believe, did
those who, before us, prepared it and gave il
publicity. Nor can we s-ee ol what advantage
such inlormation would he to the enemy. It did
not proless to give a lull list of brigades or di
visions, but only named such as had Indiana
regiments iu them, with the only object, as we
have sa'd, of informing the friends of the sol
diers as to the rn inner ol directing their let
ters. We will venture to siy that not a single
reader ot the Ledger imagined, when reading
it, that it was improper.
Thoseofourpolitic.il enemies (lor the ake
of human nature we hope they arc few in num
ber) who were gloating over our supposed ane-t
mih! prooahle incarceration, u ill be perhaps some
what mortified to learn that the teal offender, if
any offense has been committed, is a leading; edi
tor of their own party. That editor, however,
is an honorable man, and would scorn to wreak a
petty vengeance on another on account of j)lit
ical diffeiences. Like ourselves, he believed he
was doing a r-ervice to our gillant soldiers by in
forming their Iriends as to the manner of com
municiting w it It them, never dieaming that he
was doing something which would render him
liable to a trial bv court maitial for a high of
fense. Published tn the bonier, and hiving thousands
of readers with friend in the army, the public
nattir illv look to the Ledger for the latest army
news. We hare endeavored to guard our col
umns against contraband information, but it is
possible some things may have slipped in which
ouht not to have been published. If so. we re
gret it.
We feel deeply grateful for the sympathy of
that vast majority who condemned as uncalled
lor and unjust this attempt to single out the edi
tor of the Ledger as an object of military ven
geance. To the few narrow minded partisans
who tejoiced at our supfosed misfortune, we en
tertain no feelings but tho-e of pity and con
tempt. New Albany Ledger.
''lie District JmlgeaJiip.
The W .Islington correspon lent oi the Cin
cinnati (azrttf writes:
I. ....... .... l .... . ..i. . . . . . 1 , t. . ,
c ,, . ii'i i l .in
Srnilh his hi.illv on leivim' the I .1.1.
inet i-.hout the 1st ot January, with the dis-;
tinct ui.deisi.tiitlu g that he shall receive the '
vacant Judgeship in Indiana. It is weil under-1
!mk! '.bat the Preideut would ipp.int Schuy ler j
Colfax, if he desirl it. but he -will not accent
It is not bebe el uo that anv In banian will
get Smith pi ie. and Holt, of Kentucky, s ems
to h ive the inide track.
eiv foil I flank.
We understand that an investigation is now
going on. under the auspices of Me-ss. Kimes.
experienced, scieiil.tic and practical men, Htuh
pr.m es the niot tiittetitJi: re-ults n the dis
co; erv of coal at the bie t t "Bu'iker Hill," the
southern suburbs ,f the cltv, on the lami of Rer.
Ih-hop St Palais Ahe idy, at the thre-hhold of
the "piospecting." fine specimens ot bituminous
an ! canr.el coal hae been found, with mdicitioiis
of a three loot vein of the burner, and a lour foot
e:n of the latter. S me of the coal discovered !
ha teü usel by Messrs. E.i mes, at the gas works, j
with entire satisfaction mcenre- bun.
enemy, prevennn- me rrir ,i,.;-..i..i;.. o, n.s fi H 4,rrjv
r-upp hes Irom (ionlonv,l e and 2eyriw,.,? h of teiI . lis,lt. .,,1,! ßr.t , ,j,e Cor.imerc, .1.
thel, 1 crops m theahey of Wg,,a I.ut. J Wce wwe (f cJjM ,,,,,
though the country is rn ,de to suffer the b ame j 0(jt o, ; lsr m.
.a place! j.u.t wnere .t belong, and Oen Iiurn- ,uillllure aiM, r , c e,nil
,.Je.tnjimpHnt..i;.l.c.t,ui. of ., 'r-j t.ining only the charges of its lormer e!f .,u
aiftu fi:ilur purov.il of. that of Geo McCelUti vl(Ull. ... .. if .. , ....
McClelian is a snug built little-fellow, weigh- ;
ing about 15d pounds. But compare this w ith
the folio win rectird ot the weight of the ofh.ers !
of the Revolutionary army, ai weighed at West j
Point in f
Gen. Washington. pounds; Gen. L'ncoln,
224: Gen Knox. 2.J; Gen. Huntingdon, 195;
Gen Grr.ton.lG9; Co! Swilt, 219; Col Michael
Jackson. I'2, C'ol. Henry J ickwii. Lieut.
Cohuiel Cobb, and Lieuteiunt Colonel
Humphrey, 1211.
tSf Mr. Lincoln sijs if tKe td"g;ers run away
fn.in the ott. n fields of the South, white men '
will have the privilege or taking the yacant sit
uations. hat a Hinsiderate Pres deiit we have
Our Army forrmponttrii tF rom Trn
Nash villi. November 4J9
ti ;. . , . , . . i . .
T a ,.- tt-- " ".o k -v ' ki 17 ai MiiMwi I
cie J allegiance to the UuiteJ . Sute. are yet
unti:i!-he1, while, lr but ore or two unimportant
in-tuiccs, Hre to be found evidences of late im
prove men Is. Not the toie and ehops only, but
every tiling Low the ravages of war, and noth
in- more itnpre-ively to this ind vi'lml than the
hotel. S.uthern hoteli never compared favora-
lly with the s i nie cht in the North, but now
when tea carrot U lud at anv price, and coffee
. - '
toilIv large fiznre. and ererr article of food is
,rce; and -erv.nt, takina to tUm.-el res leand
aw lhcv are ,eIow ,!lt.ir average .t ind
-ri The c,,uJ f h itaution
; ,h u ,,ue bj. it th,r.e, Urir do!!.ir4 a tJ., be
MifM H a. thne t,, ,t r,Jhnry-nie,
(!. 1JV this time it w as getting towards that !
iu(ir Hi ,.hljil ul,;11.l;r,a;u,Ml J
A - w , c.nme, cial. 1 as- 1
,., i i ,., . . , )
- vaiVi.ail,4lI'Jl4l.(L a VtviUlli 1. KT R H I
Valine ot tlie stay law, atiyimw. ami sl'.ep on j
the fl'or in my own blinket He surrendered,
and I retiieil. Watching my ch nice, I luve'
l . I . . ' -.: t t - '
in ivz iteriu u u lounge in u j
, ,,ol ,et a cornr.lote victorrtnr und,-,.utr,l
iiseiuii of the Led room
Ko-eviaiis' entire itrmv is in this Ticiniiv, ex-
eept those detailed along the lailroad hem e to
Louisville as gu irls, and twelve or thirteen piy
masters ar? with them, distributing a million ot
dollars, yet this pays only to the .'list of August.
letvii.g already three months due the men, with1.
the prospect ol no further ptymetils until alter
the lt of January. A want ot money is the diffi
culty. It is needles to grumble toboul the mat
ter, I siipjm-C.
There are .-ome items of war news, obtainable
at heidquaiters, which it will not do to publish,
le-t the editor of the Sent. cel. and probably this
individual, should be threatens! with an arrest
allot which, anl p.titiciil nlv the latter, I am de
cidediy opposed to, ujon principle. I may say,
however, without much ri-k, that the operation
hereabouts have, chiefly at pteseiit, an eye to
tup;ltes. The railio 1 1 his been navigable mil v
a few days, and its utmo-t capacity is not snfii
tietit to meet the demands. The naughty sc esh
own the river above, town, and they will riot let
coal comedown; and that "Hide in j trticui.tr is
he co min;.' scarce. 1 he citizens feel this chiefly,
as the soldiers use nils, ami such like. Ilut a
foraging expedition is a grand nfi'airheie There
ate note el regiments in the immediate vicinity,
but ibe ubitpiitous Morgan is h ir-t by, and if any
thing le-s than a brigade goes out with the teams,
..i i . . i ,i i i
.someoouy geis. nun. .nu every nay nearly,
fcoine enterprising lora-jer, venturing beyond the
foraging lines lor a little mutton or other deli
cacy on private account, tails to return on time
Sometimes he (.els back in a day or two. minus
everything hut a parol; but sometimes lie is
done for iu such a way us to preclude any further
incuiS'on into tlie enemy's lines.
A council of war was heid a few days ago,
consisting ot ino-t of the staff officers, of the
army, and a plan of the campiign was agreed
upon concerning guerrillas especially, which,
when developed, will m ike its rank. 1 am posi
lively foi bidden to give publicity to it, yet, at the
risk of your going to Fort Lafaiette. I will u.y
that those who know how i-eu 'Rosecrans cured
the guenid i disease in Western Virginia a year
ago, can guess near enough.
The army is waiting for its winter outfit of
clothing, tents, &c., and will be re idy to move
1'orwi.rd in a week or ten days. Some thousands
of pack mules are being bought for use along
loads not travclable by wagons; and the advance
is t be, in put, to Eisteru Tennessee.
T. A. G.
Secrecy of Kenned)-'a Seizures.
One of the most surprising circumstance in
connection wilh the Hrinsmodc ca-e has been the
fact that iu New Yoik city, in the year lbfi2, a
young lady could remain iu the hands of two or
more men, who had captured her, for forty days,
and nothing be known to the public about it.
Here is the shocking; fact that the ilice force,
whoeduty is solely to protect the liberty and
rights of the citizen or traveler in New York,
and to make it safe for such persons as this holy,
not onlv failed to protect the voum; lady against
infamous outrage, but actually knew of the crime
for weeks whi:e it was in progress, and con
cealed the fact ! Scores of notice officers, proba
bly hundreds of them, knew that Kennedy had a
young lady in a 47ih stieet house for more than
a month that she was held by illegal force
airainsi her will but not a mm of them did his)
duty as a police officer and tescued her f rom the
outrage. Does nut one fay that Kennedy was
their superior? What has that to do with ilTf
1 1 a police officer catches the Superintendent
picking a pocket or committing a burglary, is he
not to arrest him? Is he to keep the secret, and
let him rob or murder with impunity? Is Ken
nedy, or whoever happens to be Chief of Police,
above law of all kinds?
We find a curious explanation of the secrecy
of the jsilicea we review the history of this busi
ness oi arbitrary arrests. We already shudder at
the verge on which our Übet ties had been placed j
bv the commitment ot this power of arrest to
Kennedy xnil Hakera a round the country, and
the clioru.s of radical papers approving all that
they might do.
The following order is one of the steps which
was taken in the process of destroying the free
don of the citizen. It is a circular of Mr. Ken
nedy", by order ol the Board of Police Commis
siotiers. mote than a vear ago, under which p.
lit -einen are still suppose! to be acting It ni ide
station-houses in all resjects equal to Venetian
oubliettes. It enabled Kennedy and Hiker to
keep . young lady in their power for more than
a month, insult her in the most infamous m inner
treat her very mudh as the Sultan tieafs an öf
fentlich worn iu. and it would have enable! them
to plunge her into the Eist river, if these sub-!
servient guardian of the public t-eace am! tights
had pieserved the discipline to which it seems j
they are subject for ju-t such purMises Read
this specimen of an American order:
Centhal Offick. Nt. 413 Hroonie Street.)
Corner of Elm,
Ntw York, September 16, lGl. )
Captain , Precinct: Tlie following-
resolution hav ing passed the Board, you will re id
it to the members of your command, and see that
it is strictly con formet to:
lifsolcfd. That inasmuch as the publication of
arret and the attend mt circumst mces h is
cause! serious emh .rrassrncnt to the Department,
ami has f rustrate i t be? attempts to an est persons
guild of .flViies against the Government, all in
foiin.t'on of arrest by members ot the force, ex
i eept such as is entered in the t'ai v returns, be
'. .... - '
strictly bubiddeii, and tint anv violation of this
rule will be deemed a cause for diinisal.
Damll Cakpkntiu. Inspector.
From the moment ol the is-ue of th-t order.
the police cells have been as secret as the grave.
No one knows who has entere! them, who re
mains in them. No warrant was reijiire-I from
magistrate, no com;d lint from citizen. Enough
jthtt the Provo-t Marshal tusprctut a man or
VV i . in i ti nf ( i .1. ix i l .r w-r i 1 1 1 Ii wr i r.. I r. I . . f
u.a,,...,,.. f,, 'mH w ,.;,, .i
.p N know of host of uch seizures.,i. .i4-
picion or on anonvmous im rm iti n; we have
hem! of grossly in-ulting tieatnient to citizens so j
sezel; but we do not know nr ov uv one!
know uf hundretfs, terhap thous mils, of ca-es
w n:cn v is
el under the operation of Order No
275. which l.nxld hencetoith be clas-e! with the
pr.lings of the Council of Ten or the Spanish
Inquisition N. Y Jouni.il of Commerce
As an indication of how the soldiers feel
in tegvrd to the late elections, we give the result
of the vote taken in necommnv from Clav and
this county, to express their sentiments. "The
company is -tationed at Henderstn, Kv. When
the news reached the bovs that Din. Wirhees
was electel, a number of them shoutel for jay.
which provoke! their Captain, who said thit'a
majority of his company were oppxisel to him
This was disputed A vote was then taken,
which resulted in 71 f. r Dm, and 19 fur Scott.
Tlii nisJe the Captain quite ancry, mid liewre
that there were more secessionists in InJimi
than in Kentucky. He thus slandered his own
men. Terre Haute Journal.
t3f That latoiel literary production of Mr.
Lincoln's, c.dlel a Pie-i dent's Me.-vige. dtes rot
seem to pl-a-e anvUtdy in this vicinity. We
have yet to heir a man speak well of it.
Tin; f 7inr. i r.M;i,t.
A (luurter of u .Tl.llioit f I'rople
We copy the following item from the I ite f'r
ein pcr: ;
The returns from the lizards f (Ju inb ins i
fhow that for the e'gbt weeks lnm November 6, j
the ocreae 1m been at the rate of from e.l!H) to j
9,"1 per week, and the figures of the Relief;
Committees, if they were complete, would give;
even a more startling proof of tle rapid spread of ,
destitution. The effects, too, ot the long con- j
tinueJ stoppace of employment are mi king them- j
fel ves visible in many new qi. trte's Each w eek'a
destitution mtkes nrne rapid stri'les among those '
various cla-ses of tnidesrnen wtio, though not
co'intctl in the number nt m il h ttuts. Ii e emire'r ;
ofi their wages, atd to whom the witlnliaa.il of
JL"l..G.tMl from weekly circulation me.ns l.ttle
less th to total ruin. Tailors, shoemakers. Inkers.
milliners, teeihoue keepers, ami allsuch p-rsoii4
whose customers mainlv l-ehng to the working !
cl t--es, are iw miking their ap;e t an e in large
numbeis on the books both of the Guard: ins a. d
the Relief Committee
The situation oT ousiness in Manchester, toi,
is ieiiig lelt in vinous ways. In ni tiiy ot the i
warehouses.; every op;xirtu lily is laktn ot kee
ing down expenditures. Some have telucel their
stiff of packers, pol lers, .md nil employes of a
similar class; in others they h ne been put on half
time, and it is leued that, rhouhl there be no
speeijy improvement ol trade, there will be many
of a higher class, Mich as cleiks, Imok keepers
il bd warehousemen, thrown out of employment.
and already many have had to Mibmit to a re j
ductton of salary" It is a rare thing now to see
any of the great warehouses lit up at night, for. I
where theie ia nothing to do, it is belter to lock j
up at d irk and Mve the expense of gas. j
Oil October llölll there wete U(I8. G"21 persons
receiving parochial relief, beini; iibove tour times :
the nnmtier of ihoe re lieve! last vear, and more I
, r. .... . ' . - !r
by b"s,4.b tlun the rtttlrti for the la-t week m j
Auu-t last. We are further told that 14-1,7(1 j
persons not in receipt of rtirorhial relief , wete
-Ky , ( 1 -""'V: of sc..; I
lives in the twenty lour Linons ux.i( which the
pi ensure is grea'est, but a?.ti. aic woikifi fui
time. llD.Tlri aie "short timers," und lf J.-l U
rc thrown out of eiuplownent The weeklv
hiss of wages is e-tim itel at 1' 6 O'J I. ami JLEifi.
I UM i week is more than JÜT.OOJ.t) It) a year
Nor d es this prodigious sum re.iie-eut the whole
loss incurred bv these districts, for the ordinary
receipt id' a manufacturer must be such as to
cover not only wages, but the expenses of ma
chinery, und the intet es' of eapital sunk iu build
ings an I I md, besitles u hamlsume profit.
Now. to supply the lenful delist of 135.01)1
in weeklv wages, the lloirds of (tuanhaiis pro
vide a sum which cannof. be put higher than
JLlll.bOO, since out of their total expenditure of
JDI'J.9.? in out door m tl in ooor re iei. mtist be
taken the normal cost of pon en-ni in average
sei-ons Tlie Central Relief Cointn ttee at
Manchester dispen-ed about JCHQld (i..(H)!
per month,) and the Mansion House Commit
tee sent JL'(),.'I;) last week Ail the grants,
theieiore. Iim these sourees, sctreely iimouiil
to mote than a sixth of what these work -people
hive bteii in the habit of earning, ami it is
impossible to supio-e tint private charity and
local funds, alien!) exhausted, contiibute nnue
than a traction to ie.Iie.-s this btlanee Alto
geihet, th? sublet iptions heieb loie i ubli.-!,ed
approximate to the sum of 4 'l),()():i, but ol this
a verv large protortion is a.ieniy expended.
The (ieneral Relief Committee, in their lejtort
for the last week in O 'lober, s iy lint the number
of persons iu receipt of parochial relief in 21
Unions of the district, h ul r.sen to 2 I.T'J.'I, an
addition of 4." J-'5 du'ing the month of October;
and further, 14J.k7i1 persons, not in receipt ot
ptrochiil relief, weie aidetj ly local committees.
The number of operatives in the same oNtrict iu
full work is now telucel to 5,0 i$, while the
number working short time is increased to liy.
1)12. and lr?2,4lU are thrown entirely out of em
p'ovmcnt. Tiie loss o' wages is estim itni at
jCl.'iii.O'Jl per week, and there is no doubt that
the savings of the woiking classes are almost
exhausted. Ry the clo-e of the fir-l week l
September, the reports sh.w thu th.e number of
operatives entirely unemployed had ri-en to about
The calamity which has overt tuen the opera
lives is in no way due to any tleti -ieucy in their
own industrial character, and they know that it is
not. At the same time they hive not been im
provident in the past, ami yet they have not
grudged to spend the last farthing accumulate!
oy their providence before they would ask tor
aid They hive fought against the pie-sure
with their own ftrenth belore they would
trust to any one el-e's strength. Even now
they bear their misery, not as men stupefied,
but as men who thoroughly understand the
causes of theii suffering w h be ieve, peihaps
erroneously, but still believe, that England might
extract the immediate evil by its roMis, if she
wouai but venture an unwise and unju-t inter
vention in American affairs. And they elect to
It is for this class that there is most to be
feared. Admitting lint the example and iuHu
ence of their elders will keep them patient to the
end, their habits of industry mast lie destroyed
by this long idleness, ami a lasting deterioration
mut be brought about iu the whole cla-s There
are now hundicJsnf young men iu Ahtou and
other towns sauntering about the streets with
their hands in the r pockets, congregating at the
street corners, or propping up the lamp riost..s; and
whoeer ill devise s one scheme for occupying
their idle hinds and minds will do a great service
to Lmci-hiie.
Lord Svimy Gonoi.rmx Osborxe writes to
the Times concerning the physical processes of
When famine destroys life, it may do so under
two diffetent conditions. Stoppage of all food,
such as that we hive read of in the ease of the
ship wrcckel, brings on in a short time a train ol
symptoms which quickly end in the most horrible
of le iths. The other condition is that, when
fuod sulhVient. if not in abuud nice, gradually
becomes diminished in qutntity, then in qu tlity,
pis-ing to siiJi another etage, where it not oniv
is altogether deficient in qu intity, but also in the
qualities nece'sarv eac day to rebuild Nature's
waste, and thus provide for next day 's lite. On
this s'inting of physic il susten nice supervenes
mental depression c lusing loss of appetite; thus
there is indisposition to part ike even of that
meisureof food which, itself insufficient, is still
necessary to keep up some existence
Strange to say. at this st ie of depression in
mind and of gradual waste of hotly, the sufferer
complains but little, ifat all; there is tendency
to sleep, re-t. anvhow, any where, yet little evi
t'eti- e of ptin. There is. however, to the skilled
eye. a east of countentnee uutnist ik.ible; the J
children lookel aged beiond their tens; adults
move an I speak with a gait and utterance which
seemed to shun all effort.
FiiiMnj fever, famine, goes on to run its own
well m irked course. I wtite from what I and
many others saw, watched ami note!. With no
red complaint develojed, with little re il pain.
there w an increase of 1 is-iiude in the adu't, a
w.ttif of al! cliüd'-ii energy i:i the yotini:; a spe
cies of iticit, sullen. ho;less de-poi.dency m is
t.Ts the who!e man. You hive a truphv now)
showing it-e!f iu miny ways; the !;.ir quits the j
lie id in pat. hes, the eye sunken; at this stage,
f. ! f.ils. nie.hcii.e fails; c ire cannot rescue It j
is a iure matter of time: few, if any, recover- !
few seem to wish it. !
Grocers, Druggists and Bakers,
d.-c3-v!2- I
r.t it f ; ?ri; i t. it t: . v ; r t t :
AJf D t.ASr NICHT t.UT DM:, of the t-Vntrd al
rr ii'ilt? ctre.
Miss Sallie St. Clair.
Th perf inncf will emmence with te rrnl roman
tic Indian tr:i.i, f..r the Rr.l time here, entitled
.Mis SAÜie SuCTair.
Toconchii w!ta the drrnevic Fairy Irnmt of the
rAii t v o i io
''" (ai .m-e.)
' 11 nr'
Mi-s Sallie St. Cl r.
l)rrs Circle atxt rarjuette
' I- !v atit (tetitlepian. ....
' ' Kat'h aMitUtialt4.1r
Tn cents.
. t
25 "
t 00
. t!l"i",""
CMju No sirs -le M-at m.M in Private H'e,
CjM toriii.ii t To'clo-k lVrtorniai.ee coiniu. nee
1 TTlVID! 'wentv-flve to fifty c-rJ of irxxl dry
Y to.mi are waiito, to tie u-liverpj an noeU.-.!.
App j it t'.is t.rHre.
. . c MADCUAl C WATIvre
(N. Iv2.) I
MAX.t.SS: j
Wio.lkas, A libel tf information lias lK-en filed In the!
lntrict Court of tlie i iu:el states aiit.irj aixt for
ttm Seventh C.rcuit and I)i-trkt tf Indiana, on the 17th '
'hy of N..ve i Ler. IsCJ, by John llaiinn. F-q.. Attorney j
,"r U" u'a, "7 ,tc" "f A'-;ric. Jr1lb- ,i?itrict r
tliana, nsr.nn' h't ntmiher four (4.) in sture nuiiiber
foriv-f.mr (44.) in th-aty of Indian i(h.I s, Marion ronnty,
Itolia'm. arnt e- cmllv aMin-t one Hurv.y llriwn. for'a '
v'"ll,tU, ,f ,h" f''-r "f n ut of Con-rVs of July 17. i
;.T;2ü;:!.r.:-r i
pp jn-rty of re I-nl for .tier purposes, and prayiint !
process aiTHinst aid property, atid that the ame may bu
cotid uuietl and -i Id a eneni e' projK-rty.
Now, tlien-for', in puru;i!icf of tlie nioi.ition under j
the seal of -aid court, t ne ilirected and delivered, I do .
herrb give puMic notice to all persons claiming said
renlty, or any part tln i-voT, or in miy HMiiiif-r interested
therein, tint tle y Im- nnd ajp r before tlie said IMr;ct i
Court of the I nind Statcs.to I lull at the city of Indian- j
apolis. in and for the I i -t ri t of In-liana. nn the lt Motntay j
of J.nu.ov next, at ten o'clock of the foretioon of that I
day, then and there to itderpttse their claims, and to make j
their allegations in that t hair.
L. 1. HOSK, IT. J. Marshal.
I'er 1. S. Bk.ei.hw, IK-jiuty.
John II. Kka, Clerk decö-dltt
(NO. isä.)
H iiKfiKAs, A libel of infoniiatiori has been f h'l in the
I IM riet Court of the I'tnnd States, within am! for the
Seventh Ciiviit an.t I;triet of Indiana, on tli 25th
day of N'ovoininT, IsfJ'J, bv John II ninn, Ksq., Atlotney '
of tli.. 1'ti'fr.l Si ili for ilu lli.lr.ft ..f liwt i ..i. fiiri.f '
... .. . ...ii . in.. -, .... in- ,-i i.'.,ii-i...i, ti..ii.;rv
1 lunik. 1 biiay. .'to oz ijiiiniiie. 2 !tis. oid'iin, 1 nt.
niorpldi.e, '1 lntt-eK ciiii-tir, llts .7. qu nine, 1 lot piuia,
anil :ts oz. qiiini'ie, sei.' tl at Kv .n-vi h for a violation
of iko laws of the l ited Mates, the mid uoods and titer
eiTeloe beiiijf contraband war. vnd pravin pr-siess
nijnin-t caid co.l, and that the .-anie may te con
ti med .nut ol l a- au t ies contr lmrid of w ar.
Now. therefore, in pur-uaiioe of the monition under the
eal of aid court. t tue d:rrct.'d and ih livered. I do here
by cive public notic to II persons chtiinin aid projierry
r nnv part thereof, or in any manner interested therein.
that they be and appear before the said I list riet Court of i
thet'iiited States, to be held at the city of Indianapolis.
in and for the itrirt of Indiana, on the first Monday of !
Jtntiarv next, at ten oYI.s k of the forenoon of that day, ;
then ami there to intcrpo-e their claims, and to make .
their allegations in that behalf.
D. (1. HOSK. r. s. Marshal.
I'er I. S. lililKlXI'.V, lieputy.
JohxH.Kea. Clerk. decj-dl-it
(NO. Is3.)
Wnr.nr.As, A libel of information has been tiled in the Ihs
tricn'oiirr of Ihe l.'nin-d States, wit hin and for the Seventh
Circuit an I District of Indiu:iaton the I7tb tlay of Nov. Isa3,
bv John llatma, Estp, Attrtiey for :he lifted States
10 . 11 r- I .1-. i 1 ... . .... .mi... , .ki...... i.t: rtit. i-n Ail a 4m ...iv- j
lion T a -hare of the capital stock of tlie Jeilersonville
ami Indianapolis railroad stock, am! especially aainst j
Will. .mi C. I'resiMii, for a violation of the jMiwets of
an act of Congress, affrotl Jt.ly 17, ls6U, einiihd "An I
act to suppress insurrection, p p'iidh treaon and rete- j
lion, t seize and conti -cate the properly f rebels and lor j
otuer pu poses," ami pran,tr proce.s.- a.'iint sanl prop
erty, and t''at the same niay bi; coiidemued and iold aa
enemies' property.
Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition tinder the
seal of said court, to me dire ted und delivered, 1 do here
by irive public notice to all person. chumin said property
or any part thereof, or in any manner interested therein,
that they be and appear before the said District Court of
the I "nited Males, to be held at the city of Indiamtpo'is,
in and for the District of Indiana, on the rir-t Monday of
J.Tiu tv next, at ten o'clock of the forenoon of that
day. then nnil there to interpose their claims and to make
their allegations in that behalf.
I). G. KOSi:. U. S. Marshal.
Ter I. S. HioRUiw, 1 eputy.
Joiix II. itr.A, Clirk. decö-dlt
. n,
(Opposite the State Douse )
Gr R O C E H S
alwa son lund. ihe hiae-t price pai l for rro-
duce. Hides, 1" Its and Ra. det4-'62 dly
w.u. iV m.s5
Wholesale Orocrn,
70 and T Vine sirret. between Second
nnd Pearl Street,
CiiM'immt i, Ohio,
t'Ui l"tC 1 1' I ' i ' -;-' i. ' v ' i ' M H ri irrf
Coroae, Vooiea-wre,
rates to cash loi rs.
dc , which we
otter ai close
I m
i ?
I -
f lAirst StoU of. Fine Mianos.
No. 4 Ptes Houm-,
1,800 Horses Wanted
! m m sb a a ra a
'v 1111 c
vttcl-!J.wlui JüQX II. FUCDIUY k VO.
(fXt 1-Tiil Üi.zta I-ate Ilou'e, North.)
pa rnaze ince bi 1 atSoa fa thi- c ty. lie I c w
aocited wiih Dr lUslrnan. a phyic-.an of long ex
perience in ail the depa tment ef th prf-sion,
nov21 d3ni
l.YV seren-c-rtave Piano, Jn roewo-J C-s.
frames, an I over-stn5r:ts fvr $ib; v .th nrul l
ltns. f !Jt; with rn'ul!l' g. carved leps, and mliid nme
boirti. Mi, K, f J.. ml upward-; the Mne, with
pearl key. 4-T. tO. Ac. The atove riai., tlxoiih
cheay. äre excellent. s-ecoml-hiTvl llanos at
I'M. t, tT3, and fiOO. w MtUdron trotn up
We pudi-h Ljn.lre!s of different piece of üusie, a
lre eumt-i beiim ty the tir-t masters in the musical
world. Al-s lntrection hok for nearly all musical in
MriUtietd aelect IUn-1 IuiC. the Iay Khooi Ileil, Sun
day Seh-l rell. X 1 and 2, Tatrioiic SfH-ftT lUi.k. Harp
of Fre -dorn, c. Ac. Huf C TAL-x.CK, hu b is rt
KHtnrur as Ait to all wi o s-nl 1t It, rot. tains li-t
of all our earietie ol music, ith prices attached.
lady in the etintry should Le without I'. Orders t y mail
orexpre-s promptly tilled, -nd as thfu ly executed aa
th-tuitii the per-nn enli'rir.if wee present. K mit nunc y
in a registered letter tirl'V exj-rc-s.
HOHACl. VVATKKS, .tpent.
It7-dim Xo. 41 Ihol Iwav. X. Y
ip j y y y y
Worth ef
Fir -ale by
Earl 8l Hatcher,
Lafajeite, Indiana.
Bat: a Tri me
For sale by
Earl 8l Hatcher,
Lnfjyet'.e, Iu liana.
mühe ,üi i,inni;iMi;.!
Ruger k Caldwell,
IHIIILDIL!; Iil!llir,!l.
Ao.OS i;:it Wahiiifoii St.
7re tr K-tt of (hbl ttlbfiri UiU MU
apUTTKR. Cheese, and !rted Beef;
HOGSHEADS New Orleam Sugar;
HOUSHKADS Island Susan
4 tt BACK At; KS IIcniti2, Coinh, Halibut, and
4;JJ Mackerel;
50 0 BAI:IiKLS 1''fin,?, Su!-an
300 BAKr:E,'SS'nip udMolash;
500 BAGS Kio Coff";
QQQ BAGS Ja a Co.Tee;
7QQ BAGS Roasted Coffee;
CHESTS and Half Chtl Imi.eri vl.Gunpow-
rsar Vf V7 der, Your.a- Hys.n, Hyson kin, and Oolong j
VLSI'ICE, Cassia, Cleve, Cinnamon, and a general
assortment of Spice suitable for retail tra-le;
-fiOl:DAHE, Cigars, Fruits. IJr.uors; all kind- of Nuts,
J Kice, Soa, Tobacco, and vv oeslen Ware, besjde a I
general asrtm nt of Groceries, iu store arnl f. r raleby j
itt ;i:!t Jk ( Ai.nu iiiii., '
61 East Waahie street
II. cV II.,
o. -r, tel Valilii:lnnM.,
supplie of Fam.ly Grocerie-, which they offer to
the trade at the lowest ca-h prices. Farfcular attention
is invited to our large stock f
Sasars. Teas,
CotTeea, So?r-cnred Hams,
Dried Fef, Mackerel.
Flour. Corn Meal,
Buckwheat. Bilimorf Oyter
Msh, ic.
and fnits and vegetable In sean.all of which is oSer
ered at the cheapest rate for et,a ne articles.
sept27-dr.ra HOGSHIKK A HUNTER.
800 BKLS Su
100 ,,HI)S !Cew Or'a Sus-ar;
200 BRLS Clklie', Powdered Sugar,
For a!e by
Earl Gl Hatcher,
oD-d2oi , Lafayette, Indian.
Klinrtiiahrr Wanted.
In VTKl.V.t i' k l and p fr.t( Vf U is
at tli- "Mlnirr II otoe- lior lrr.
Wrst M a-hin;t. i titt. (Vn.tan' rrj Jo- k,-i t irl Ve
h' het w 2t I e i:i f n to RfHl w. r. ni'n.
INU. 175.)
AN 1-S:
Wherea, a 1. el i f 1:.' raittton tr.a t eerj ri -linth
iH-trict Court tf th-I'nited State, wjtil atM t. (
Seven h Circuit a:el I 'js.-.-i. t ft Xt.imum, on tl. I2ta Aj ,f
o rmler. ls2, lyj lu Ham.a, I sip, Att-mey . tJ
Un.teJ Mite f.ir thtf 1 strict of litduiu, artin-t iL .'..l
o in üe-ribt-d pr -ot ai e-tae in Ihe count ..f H.niil.
ten iu C Mate ! In i.ana. l- it: A ceria.i. Ja.1k-tnriit
fur the .U!. Ol 1l.S'.;I . le-S tLe !im I f C 4.U ii, (fit
a.:a;nst lieortre W . t.ect. r, f.r the vi.,!a;..ri t ihe p.,rr
tif an act ( l'iu'rf, appivxed Jul 17. -Q, ret fir4
an act to tipprr .n-urrec. ia. to i-uni.sU tr. -., lr.
t vl'ooit to seile and c..:!?..a:e lhepr.p, Mj .re'.x , ,r,,i
f.. r other p'ir,.se-," and prj.tig j rcr aa:ni
Irortr, atsd th t I L. e -atue may le cn 1 mi.ed at, 1 . pi
a nenne pn j- rtj .
Now, therefore, rn pnr-uanre af the m-n ifirn under tat
real 4 m Ceurt r ?re !jeeeted arel deiivf ,., ,j tere
by (in public i-vli. e t aü p rsn cU.mn.c i t prop
erty, i r any part '!iet..,.f. or in any mar:' r m rrrsrrd.
therein, that it y l e r.rv! a p!tr l fre the a 1, tl
Ihstrict Court fll.e rn t..' Mr.te. t t e 1. I 1 i ll.ec.t
tl ltHtijtijpd.s, in i.lf.rthe Di-fnct i f irdi.-t., on ihe
r.rt Mo!i '.a f Ik.vm'r :.e xt. at ten !.rk f t!.e f re.
n.n of hat day. th. n oi l there lo Inlerpooe their clalBia
and make Itirir adegatlon. In tt.at l lilf.
D. :. I.lh. I S.Jar-la!,
i'.y J. S. Ilrt.kiow, lieputy.
Jons li. Kii.l hrk. novl.".-IUt
(NO. IT? )
Wberean. a l.li 1 of ;n'..r m i ion has treeb C!-d la 11
I ) st net Court of 'he t ton-d tat , within at.d f.r the
Seventh Circuit at 4 Hstml t-f Itidanj, in tt" 17. li dij
Nov- mbrr, lc-,. l y John ll tnt.a, 1. , At? u evof th
f lilted Mates I t ihe Distrut of India!. a, ar..;itst il)r f.J
lomitiit descnlie.l rer.ii- I e-tate, in iLe cot. nit ol Hun
tniKtoti. Itnl ana, lo il: A ceriaitt Jod.-no nt antt .!e re
of f'-evlsore in ihe C.-urt of Con.rie.ii I'lea.ln it ec iiMr
of MutittnKtoii, In.ii.ii.a, tor t Km reo. in fa. or t.f J bn ti.
('mphfll and s vinsl Iho-nai Mor, and rm cully
against Villi in (..fsmphell. who . the real w tier. t.r
a vi.-lalion ot the m . rs of an rt of ('.nirtts., approved
July 17, 1 s5J entiiK-tl "An ac to uppre-s i'fnrr'Tlion,
to pni.i-h tres..i, i d t Ili.m. to m ? an I reiirl-rate
the pro er" -f rel ! . an.l for t lie !ir;- a'ol pray
injr prM-ess jailit sa;d p tn v, aint Hi-t I lie sure may
V-e condemned and nil a. I. IMcs' I ,i p m.
Now, tnt-ref .re, in pur.u.intv ot the r.i.-i.iuoTi nr. 'er the
sal .f said Court t' ii.e dirvc'e.1 at.d deljn I .!. here
by e iat die im?. i c : o all prison-, rlairi.t; ni l p'op
rty, or any part 'h-tc f. .r in any manner it.t rested
therein, tliat tl.ey e !!! app.--r l efore tle -.a .1, the . i
tri t C'ltirt f the I i. i d States, t Im. h Id a' the city f
!ndi.w..ipoli, i-i -i I f. r the District i f Indinna, on the
hrst Monday- ot I VceiuPer next at en o'ctocl -t ll.e f.re
l.oon of that da . , tl.vfi an j her to Inter pe ll.eir claim
nnd tn.ke tte ir 1 i Kt'oi,. pi ihn Ul af
D Ct.MisK. f. S. Mir-hat,
Bv J. f. 14LW, Ieplly.
Jon H. I r v, Cl. tli. n.vlS-d'4t
(No. 1h1 )
Um 1 1: nvrtTi'xir.t.Miiiii r.,
VVnikKAK, A I H-1 ! ;rif..i nut ! n has Wen f.led in t!ie
D-tiict Court of the l'nin- Mate, within and f.-r the
Seventh Circuit a.,d D.strict d In-'.wha, n t!.e l.Mh lav of
XovemU-r, iMi.', h, John liji.n.t. l"so.. Att.,n v of tl e Ini-
I tetl täte for t'.e i-trirt r ln.luni, a., m-t i h- f..l.n .
j imr de-ct iie IS! i sr., f tarte'l 111 V'pi ei.jiM. Jn.tJ.
an I, owr: . t r, M r, l.mt..ii t,d Mv4r, t Mad-
ial's -uI-Iivi-i.mi .f i. t of ihe w l.f of -..-- iw-enty-t
ree, (;:t) in t iwt-ive, ,1) i, ..( r tone w, liiiif orth
t-f the center d the . tt D ti I liM t, pis,,.,j. through said.
ectun, ct.taiiiiuir .'1! ll-O a. r.-s. in-nc -r les, aocrd
Intf to the reror.le.l ptat of sad t..ti ii-ion, a lei HCaili-t
alt p rsoii. ,,utel! interetiiiu' f.-i t. ir interest lh-rein,
ar.tl more e- p nt itwl n e II rrr R. W iis, ji. for a
vhla'i"ii of ti e Ki r if an Acted Concres pj.rovl
July 17th, l-i r i.tl d An Act lomppre it.tirr-ctitr,
to piini h ire. is. j, a:t i rt l llioii, to m ie and c. i 'i ca'e
the property of re I, ! f r other purposes," praj in
proce-s ai!i-t sS!. realty, ai.d tha the n:ir may I
c tidemned d sold enemies' pn jrtj .
ow, then fore, in pursuance of the Monition tindt rtlie
M-al of the sni ! Court nie Oirerle.l a: . I ' livere 1, I do
herehy give putdie no'ice to all pet-son c'a;n.iii; -ail
realty, or any part ther f, or in any mai to r inteiested
thr i-, that ih. y he and apt car Ix-fore the (.aid, the In,
t riet Court of the foiled M ates. lo 1-e li!dtll.e citvof
Indianapoti. In am! for the DistrUt of Indi.uia, on the'lkt
Monday cf Ih-cen-U-r next, ui 10 o'chk of the tot. t.. n
of that 'Utr. and then aim! there lo inierj ns their claim
and make their aMejrntiotis that Ik half.
D. Ü. BOSK, f. S. Marshal.
By I. S. Bk.m.ow. Ietutr.
Attest: ....
Joim II. R:a, Clerk. novl7-d4t
(NO. 176.)
Whereas, l'.h 1 of iiiformation has la-en R ed In the
I) strict t'tiutt ef t e United Ma'es, Mithin and for l h
Seventh Circuit .! Di-tiN t of Indiana, on the J t 1 day
of Novemticr, 1-6J, l y John ll.inna. F.s.p, Attorney olthe
ln ted Slate. hr the i i-irict d Indiana, v,in tthV undl
vid d hfof e l.f of n w ijr.e hf of . w ir, etr.w hf of n e qr
miuIü part of e hf of n e r, all iu ec i'3,tt iish)j,;i, racire
! M-,nd the Mrst p.irt of the n wr cjr of mc Xi, towiish'p
2s, rlw, situate in the county f Newton ami itate ,f
Indiana; al-o, a Irnit of land containing IGO acres deeded
hy Jared Veamen to Manu pitl r, September 3t. 9,
and recorded in Ja-per county. Iretiana. in l e I lu-ct.rd
No. 11, pa;e 3sl, and against iinuu Spitier f.r a violation
of the power of nu act of Congress, approved July 17,
162. entitled ' Vn act to suppress insurrection, to pnni-h
t reason and reh-I!ioti, to wie and confiscate the j r perty
ol rebels and for tl.er purpose," and trayir.g proceaa
aifainst said realty, and that I .e ame may lx- Cundi-tnned
and fold a enemies pr.p rty.
Now, therefore, hi pur.nai ce t f the monition til der Iba
seal ol sai l Coti.t to med-rected and delivered, I do here
by irive puld e not Use t all i-rson clannit.ff naid real'y,
or nny part thereof, or in any manner tnt rested tin-rein,
that the te and a.p r belore th Kaid. the District
Court ot ihe ( nited Mate-. t. e held at the city .,f In
dianapolis, in ami for the D.-trkt of lediana. on tit t.r-t
Montiay of l o mls-r t ext, at ten AI of the f.vu.n
of that t!ay, then .sod thereto interpose their claims and
mke their ahetrtri.m in tha behalf.
D. (J. I.OsF. V. S. Marsha!,
By J. S. Du. now, Deputy.
Joh Ii. Kka, Clerk. norl5-dl4t
T .

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