TUm Tim lmp f Tax llillt
4 lael jr Cow-jre, Jufft 23d,
ICO Tb Dull an lneatnet, Insu
aaraae Caaanl-. Hal lral Cam
pacie, Tb Taxes on Dlitillrd
Pplrll, Ha fact Olio, taprf
Ctii Candle, 7fccc)f aurr,
Car, Irwni Reap, ret., riotht
ttir.Clae, t3rit-.iTaal. Ac TITa
an Calf an The l.lreaoe Tax Ac, Ac.
Th Ta V.l Jt paed brik IIooe of ConreM on
the 234 of Jan. W rive below a table of th Uni ini
poed. Tb pami of th"e arlkle and cla.r of jnon
taxed, ar arranged In a.'paLticl fei, rtxWrirf tb
table ?alafcl for twn'Mit and it ady refrw.ce:
The t lmooed arc of tb following difrVrentclaasea,
firtk ta on per-on an-i corporation fig! in
cian tr I-, f--r Uri-.
iVwmi-A laa m tanofactiir! ankle, prndoct, Ac ,
to by miii.friiirtr or producr Leu b
aeito aur k an Tie nr pf I ik t
Iiri date ow iM(m4 of IndirtrinaW, railroad arxl topiii!, pul.!" oR'cer and other.
rfA Dutie Ui be paid for stamp, wtira lb bill
renale I he atSxed to certain papers, medicine, doc a
Tl Ia Bill I to f hita effect on the f.r.t of Aajrnst.
A Last porn of lb people of ih JiortlWrn J-fstea will
be r'l1 on far th income ta, concernins; f he payment
tf bk aft erroKon lmpre-on I pre valent. It N nt
I be pM immediately, the Income an! profits of th
Jear already j'ef. hot III become, -u on lb" l$nf
la, lMid, atl Into Le cn Ihe income for the year
prrrcdinif. A ll-lt 1 pjacedto the lima lu wLxh the tax
'! be In operation, the date filed for It to era belm
toe President mjr divide the 1-tate Into district, u -t
cedina; tb wmWr of cunifrewtiunal ditrict, and ap
to(i.t an ri or tiid roSIrrtor (to 1 cor.nrmr't by the
Renate) fvr ach JMilct. Farh aeMr may divide bin
ditrtrt Into convenient tib-iiirict, and ap(xtnt an aa
Maat In each IlvlioD. I acL Collector mar I poiM u
Bianr 4. putie a he may detu Ttft.! are re
onirrd. L'oJ lectors to pa tid U rerpooaitle f r acta of
their depart..
A!! petvn, partnc rbfp, firm, corporation, or a
!af1ns r re4ti!r.J to make li-t of all tbeir rojertjr
w4n'ci taxrl by tbi law, wi the lt of Au;ut, 162,
and 1-t of Uy tberrartrr, and deliver uch list or ta)e
it to the a-iant coll-ct"r of tbe district. A Bne of
.VW U linp"eed fr inrir reel lilt.
Irnn refu-inz ti furul b a lit of their taxable effect
and Irwome t le fined fOO, arxi tbe awor will make
tt an then J fifty ter rent, to It, and tbe ae.r
are i(hrrix-d to enfer dwelling' and place, to ascertain
be value of prierly.
Tbe aeaor may bear appea!, but hall not Increase
aarnent without tlrt gilui( notice to tbe eised
Tbe e-12dor ha!l jrirt. notice by ailrertluir-ntj or
pt l.ill f lb time when are du, and if
they are nt paid m h bin Un tar oftbat time, tn prr
cent nm ball be added to tbe amount aMned; andtli'
eHeior or adepnty ball, witbut twenty daya thereafter,
call tinon the wrwni refuinz to pay, drmaodinit the
amount due, with ten per cei t addition ; and, if nt paid
then, the collector may eil mouth of tbe pnpertv
amard to rata the taaea. t-n per cent ad-fed, and the ex
pne, not '- of rale to be put Ik Ijr adveriiel. To.N
ir Implementa of a trsde cr profeion, tne c oar, ami,
and provision, atxl bouehoid furniture kept for ne, and
apparel nece-ery fra famiU ball teexetnpt Irom auch
a. !r";eny that cnnot be dtrided, to be nM enMre,
and the urplu paH bjcW to the If property
taxed cannot he td for the amount of the taxe. It hall
be hid In by the collector fr tbe United Matt , and then
old for wba'rrcr imm it may brinjr.
Fine for otxtrtKtinsc or h'nderiun a collector or deputy,
Tbf compensation rf coUtrtfr i foir pt-r centum cn
tbe firt hundred tboiMand dollars coll.-cteil. and one prr
centum on all otrr that um, and a rper amount of
latiorary, etc , in iNo allowed. Out of the CummisMoria
tbe Col!ectr mi't par their d puti
If the laxe cannot be collected In any Stute, at tbe
time ftpeciflrd In the act, t?ie Irei lent i dn-cted to col
lect them a khu a p!iible, adding hix per cnt interest
for the delay.
Tlx collector may jrrant licence for ditillinji; the cd
lecton tn appoint iifjK-ctor of ditillel liquors. 1 he dis
tillers may etec fc awii ain-bvu, nn1cr certain re
ttrictioni. Tbe provlhn in reetd to beer and diiti!!fd
ll'l'ior arc lengthy arwl in detail.
The penalties for enrryin on any l.uinea for which a
licence it required, without a licence, are evere.
Ki lroad i.rl rerrics to pay 3 per cent on the !r frr?
recetf I for hvhijti. If not u-if'C ktram, percent.
Toll I rUlicr t pay 3 per cent, of th'ir rerripts. Kadrnad
coropunlea nhl pny 3 per ctiit. on the amount of tht ir
dirt lernl-i and Interest on bond, and deduct the ame
front their payment to bare and txmdholdTi. Iiank
and Inr4nce diviletiiU are also taxed 3 je- cent.
A MX of 3 erreiit I levied wt aü ailverti-in receipt
of newspaper, perVxli -al, fl" leave. Ac. 1,000 annu
ally In-tin exempt, and newp4jr not raio 'i.OOU cir
culation lelm a'o exempt
It la understood thai a eparate bill will be pas-ed tax
ing ira atock ami real etate.
Adrertiement inrted in newypaper, m.ta
xine, reTl'w, or any other publication, on
receipt for.
IK., all receipt for, to tbe amont of f 1,0th)....
Do., do,, by r.wpaper denied the ue of the
Do., do., by pajer whose cirruIatiHi does not
exceed 2,000 copie
AjrrcemeTiU, for each h et or piece of paper on
which written, atamn duty
Agreement, for the hire, ue or rent of any
land, tenentetit, or portion thereof, if for a
period of time not exceeding three year,
tamp duty. .....
Do., do.. If for a period of time exceeding tbrea
year, stamp duty
Aichohol. made or manufactured of pirit or
nat) r al Bon w bh-b the duties impoed by
tiii act shall have been paid, H uot to be
eti.oiderrd a manuractare.
Ale, er barrel of ihirty-oi e callon, fractional
part ot a harrel to pay projrt:otitttely. . ...
Alterative, each package or, the retail price
or value of which doe not exceed '5 ccuta,
tamp duty. -
Do., each package of, the retail price or value
of whb h exceed 't crjit. and dH-a not ex
cept f0 cent, tatnp duty.
IV.. each packace of, the retad price or value
of which exceed . cent and doe-i not exceed
75 cent., stamp duty
Do, each package of. the value of hieb ex
ceed Cent anl doe iiot exceed 41 ...... .
Do , each package of, the retail price or value
of whifh exceeil 1, for euch and every 50
rem, or fractional part thereof, over and
above f 1, an additional stamp duty of
Animal oil, per gallon
Arid ne. each iMckajre of. tb retail price or
value of which do. iiot exceed 'iö cents,
atamp duty.
Do., each pnekasv of. tbe retail prioe or value
of wli.cli exceed 25 cent, and does not ex
ceed TO ernt. rmp duty ... .
Do., each packaace f, the retail pricp t r value
of wliicli exce,-l io cent", and doe not ex
ceed 75 cent, stamp duly.
Do..dA., exceeding 75 cent, "d "ot eCv!u;tftl
Do , each pjekae of, the retail price or ralu
of which exceed 1, for each and every fiO
cent, or fractU-nal part thereof, over and
above 1, an a.hi tlonal atamp duty of
Apothecaric. w hen a l.cense a wholcale or re
tail dealer ha not l-een taken out, fi r licence
AppraiM-ment f valuv or damage, on each, a
stamp duty of-...
Arom.Hic tu IT, on each parka;; of. the retail
price or value of which doe not exceed 20
cents, a stamvduty of.
Do., do , on each pjcdagr of, the retail price or
value of which exceed 2Jcent. ainl dors not
exceed SO cent, a stamp duty of
Do., U. on each package of, the retvil price or
tal'ie of which exceed 50 cent, and joes tut
exceed 75 cent, a atamp duty of
Do. do., exceeding 70 cent, and not exceed
ing $1
Do., do., on each packace of, tie retail price or
value of which exceed 1, for each and every
50 cent, or fractional part thereof, over and
above ft, an additional stamp duty of
Auctioneer, under which term i. include! every
per.on wuoe rnioine it to otTrr property
for sale to the htfthet and best bidder, for
Auction alea of (not!, mercbanilie, articles and
things Including all sale of stocks, bond,
and other securities, on groa amount of
a!e MO of 1
Bader'a end Uver oil, on each packag of, the
retad ptxe or vaiue ot wtm u doeanot excee-l
23 cent., a stamp duty of
Do., on each package of. the retwil price or valuo
of which exceed f centsj and doe not ex
ceed 50 cent, a stamp dut- of. ......... ....
Do-, on each package vf, the retail price or value
of which exceed 2 cents d-.e not ex
ceed Ti cent, a Mamp duty of
Do. Ja, exceeding 75 ceuu. not exceeding
Do., do., on each pockatre of, the retaj price or
value of which exc rt 9 1, f..r e.M h and every
5 cent, or fracti'Mul p.rt thereof, over and
atve fl an aMuiotial stamp duty of
Balm of a Tkousand r lowers each p tckazeef
the ft3 price or value of w hich ioe not ex
ceed 25 cent, a stauip duty of
D".. each pAtkace of, the retail price or value
of which exceed 25 cent, and does n ex
ceed .r4cents a stamp duty of
!., racb packafre of, the rrtsil price or alue
of which exceeds 50 cent, and doen not ex.
ceed 75 cent-, a atamp duty of....
Do., each pa kage of, tbe jra'lue of which hall
exceed ,5 centa, and hall not exceed ft....
Do., eaca package of. tbe retail price or value
of which exceed ft, for each and every
centa or fractional part thereof, over and
above 1 1, an addittobal atainp duty of
Balm of Lite, am aa "Balm of a Thousand
IUUiaof liverwort tame aa "Balm tfaTr.oo-
ajk1 How-era."
lWUani of Wild Cherry aud treibt J, aame
a (Ulm f a l Uouaattd r low era."
Raii.1 trou ("( - rcn.")
Bank. On all dividend.
lUhkenu under which term U iticlu-t every
perwi who k a place of bu-.i t whet
creaUta are opened m favor of any peron,
Una mt cor)Mratow. by the oVpnu or collie.
Inm of Difry or turrraey, and the am or
any part thereof, thai! lie akl or remitted
pan the draft, check or order, t.f ach credi
tor, bnt wh'ch Hoc r.ot tnclodo Inrorrwirated
Untl or MWr kMM ka letrany authorUe! to
laeao bMM ctmvlatk'O, for Houe.
Bar I row (e Iron.")
Baryte, Mttpbate ef, pot 109 pnunda.
Beer. r barrrl of 31 ftaüun, fractl 4a1 pan
. m t,.pf1 lift . . v r.nitMirf üirk.'.trl V. . .
w" t' r " (
Bend featlier, per potiikl ct. and 5 nJHa. ,
Benzin, wer gallon-......... ........... .- 10 cetita.
n-carrxia'e or awa, pr pouna. ......... ....
Billiard tables t'f 'ca tat le
fallurd rxviawa, fr tnetwe, fr each table......
Kill, of amcUati(v (tulauJ) fur tb payment of
acy am of money not exceeding flou, oo
41 f deaMbd, warap daly of.
3 P ct.
io r ct.
5 cents.
RO cents.
1 00
1 CO
1 cent.
2 cents.
3 cent.
4 cent.
2 cent.
2 cent.
1 cent.
2 cent.
3 cent.
4 cent.
2 cents.
10 00
5 cent.
I cent.
2 cent..
3 cent.
4 cents.
2 cents.
10 00
r ct.
1 cent.
2 cents
3 cents
4 cents.
1 cent, i
I cvut.
2 cent.
3 cent.
4 cent.
2 ce at.
3 per ct.
100 J j
1ft cent. ;
I 00
& mill.
19 00
& 00 I
fc aoaa. j
CO centa.
3 cents
5 cent.
Hi cent.
15 ct ms.
2 cuit
30 crnta.
50 cent.
1 00
30 cenn.
10 centa.
& cents.
Do , d., exeeed.r .g !0rt aM n' t exceeling toO 10 cent.
1.,, d., .'. and not exceedif. f.Vrfi l. cent.
! d , evcre. Im -.Vian I rnii xceedinc 2 rents,
Il , d'..e-i.lf f.'lanl IKt exteednirf 47 3H cent.
Ii.,i40.,rr"lii.i. 1 70 and uot x fl.iMl 44 exota.
I.. ti ticvtdnj 9I,0"0 at4 bot xc4:t4'
!.. do., exceed. ng 1,500 ai! not exceeding
Io., Co lJ end not exceeding
. 4C.0U)
Do., do., for every f 2.500 or part of f 2-00, la
eiceM of 95.000
Ml of exchange (foreim) drawn in, but pays
Lie oul of the United States, If drawn inly,
or tf drawn otorwie than in seta of mora
than (4e according to I ha cu.ttq of tner
ebant and banker, same aa bill of exchange
Ihj., rio.. if drawn in seta of three or more, it
every bill of each set, where the um made
ayahe ball not exceed f 1, or the e-jiiiva-ent
thereof In a:,y f'ireign currency.
lo.. At , a! f l.'iO a.'fl not alove f :.V
Ivt. do., aho and oot alore .Vo.......
do , i'xtve f.v-o ni rot a?.ovr f l.i.....
Io , do., alove 8 0J and not auove 91.500...
Im , do., I,.Vh atil not !v t2.'J.'0 . .
!., do., above J.i." and nd above 10...
li t t f f.'Kj and n4 alove ...
Io , do., ahme &,mmi atfl not above 7.500...
I.. do. fi everv $1jAi or part t bereut i:i ex
te of W&.
lulu of lading for any irood, mercLanlie or
eftVct, to t ejiporfrd trum m port or place in
tie t'niud Mate, to any foreign port or
place, a stamp duty of
!o., fir anj- (rood, tneicLatwli or effect to be
carried from one port or plce inte t'niied
Maie to any otbrr port or place in tbe Uni
ted State, r.ther by land or water, except
wbew earrted toy any express company or car
rier, a duty of
Bitter, same a "lialm of albotiand Howere
IWi ;rd are hot to Le coiiMlcr 1 a turr .
Ilond, auction ae of, on gro amou'it of
sale 1-11 of 1 percent.
Do., for lixieuinif) lug any person w ho haJi have
become bounl or enifaiel a surety f-r the
payment of any sum of money, or br the due
execution or performance of thedntiesof any
nice, and to account for umhey rtxcivni by
virtue thereof, a stamp duty of 50 cent.
Io.. of any dexrif'tion oi her than such a are
required In leal proceedings not otherwi.-
charged, a tamp duty of 25 ce nt.
Hone, manufacture of, wboll or in part, if -
otherw ie specdied, ad valorem 3 per ct.
Hooks are not to It- regarded a a manufacture,
or sulrtnitted lo a rate of duty as a manufac
ture. Hottle, containing med. Hue. Ac , the retail
price or value of which, content included,
doe not exceed 15 cent, a stamp duty of. ... 1 cent.
Io.. cor.taininr; medicine, Ac, the retail price
or value of which contents included, exceeds
2") cents, an doe not exceed 00 cent, a tamp
duty of 2 cent.
IK., containing medic. rie. Ac, the retail price
or value of which, content included, exceed
BO cent, t ut does not exceed 75 cents 3 cent.
!., contaimng medicine?. Ac, tbe vslue of
hieb, contents included, shall eiet-cJ Ti
cents, and lull not exceed $ ........ 4 cent
Io , containing medicine-, Ac, the value of
which, conteuU included, exceeds $1, fr ech
and every 5o cent-, or fractional part tliert-of,
over and above I, an additional stamp duly of 2 cent.
Ikw -ling alle, for each alli y, duty f r licence 5 00
roxc. Curtaining ineuicine, etc., fame a.
IVittle,' which ee.
Bratidreth's pill-, same a "Italm of a Thousand
I lowers," winch see.
I'ra, manufacture of. if tod otherwise speci-
tled 3perct.
Brick are not to be conhWed a niunuf.u lure.
lUidgo, toll, on gros receipt 3 per ct.
Brewers under which term i included every
perstm who manufacture fermented liquor
of any name or doenption for sale Irom mult,
wholly or in part, for lueti c
Ik., w ho nnnutacture less than 5ICJ b.vrrcl. per
year, for license.
r.ritle, niannf icturr of, not otherwise speci
fied l'.rititi oil. ini:ie as "Ikilm of a 1liouant
Khmer. M
.V 00
25 00
of good.
Brokers, auction snles
liiercloiii'lise, ariicle or thing, on gros
amount of a'e 1-10 of
Broker, under vv bith term is included every per
son wio:-c Lu-iiiesi. it is to piircha.-e or sell
fctixk.i, coin, money bank noies drafts, proiii-
iasory notes, or oilier securities for the pay
nient of money, for thcniM'ive tir others, or
who tleul in exchanges rt -latins ' money, for
Broker, commercial, under w hk'b term is in
cluded every pcr.-on who purchae or sells
good or produce, or eck order therefor, in
original or unhrokrn packae, or manage
business mailers for the owners of vom 1-, or
the shipjier or cotiinor of freight carried
by verel, or purcha.-e, or sell real estate
f r other for lieene
lookers lai'l warrants (see land warrant bro
ker) Bull's sarapariila, same as "Balm of a Thous
and Hower," which see.
Bullion, iu the manufacture of silver-ware, is
not to be considered a manufacture.
Burnett' t'oco.iine, same a "lUlni of a Thou
sand Mowers," wli.di see.
Burning iluid i not lo be considered a manu
facture. Calf-.-kins tanned, each
IK., American patent
Candles, of whatever material made
Card, playing, per pack of whatever number,
when the price er pack doe not exceed 1
Do., do., over H and not over .'5 cents per pack
Do , over 25 and not over 30 cent er pack....
Do., over 30 and not over ott cents
Im., over 20 cent
Calve slaughtered, j er bead
Corriace. Ac, valued at $75 or over, drawn by
one horse
lK., draw n by two bor.-es, valued at 975 and not
exceeding j.OO
Do., excet diiiß in value ?00 ana not exceeding
D., exceeding fitK). ............ .............
Cassia, ground, and all imitation of, per pound
Castile soap, see Soap."
Catarrh Snuir, each package of, the retail price
or value of doe not exceed 25 cent, a
tamp duty of
I., each prtt kae of. the retail price or value
of which exceed -.5 cent, and does not ex
ceed 50 tent, a stamp duty of
Ih., each pnekuce of, tin retail price or value
of which exceed 50 cent and does not ex
ceed 7. cents a stamp d.ity of
!o., each package of, the value of which ex
ceed 75 cents, and d. e not exceed 1 DO.....
Io. each package of, the retail j-nce or value
of w hich exceed 1 00, for each and every ad
ditional 0 cent, or fractional part thereof,
over and alnne 1 oo, an additional stamp duty
of. ...
Cathartic IMN, same a "Catarrh Snuff."
Catt!e horned, exceeding cixbtccn nioittli old,
slaughtered fi r sale, each
IV)., under H mouths old, per bead
h , slaughtered ly any person lor hi own con
sumption Cattle Broker, including every per-on whoe
huine.-s it i to buy and sell and deal iu cat-
3 per ct.
1 per ct.
50 00
50 00
25 00
6 cents.
5 i-rct.
3 per ct.
I cent.
2 cents
3 cent.
4 cent.
5 cents.
5 cents.
1 00
2 00
5 00
10 00
1 cent
I cent.
2 cents.
3 cent.
4 cent.
2 cent.
30 cent.
5 cent.
tie, hot; or sheep, for licence
more than 30
Cavendish tobacco, valued lit
cent per p und, per pound
Do., do., valued at any um not exceeding
cent per poii:i l, p,r pound 4
Cement, made wholly or in part of glue, to be
sold in a li')iiit state, jht gallon
Certiilcate of stock in uny incorporated com
pany, stamp duty on each
Certificate of proTit, or any certificate or mem
orandum, showing an interest in the proper
ty or accumulations of any incorporated com
pany, if for not lo than 10 00, and not ex
ceeding 50 0t. stamp duty
I., for a sum exceeding 50 !
Certitk-ate Any certB-cate of damage, and all
other certificate or document issued by any
port ward n, marine surveyor, or other per
son actiug as such, a stamp duty
Certificate of deposit of any sura of money iu
any bank or trust company, or with any bank
er or eron acting a such, if for a sura not
exceeding loo 00. a stamp duty. ...........
IV) , if for a um exceeding ion uo, stamp duty
Certificates of any other description than thoe
specified, a stamp duty of
Charcoal i not to le cmisidered a manufacture.
Charter Tarty Contract or airrevncnt, or the
charter of any ship or ve.el, or steamer, or
any letter, memorandum, or other w ritiug be
tween the capta.n, master or owner, or per
son acting a acnt of any ship or vessel, or
steamer, and any other person or persons, for
or relating lo the freight or charter of such
ship, or vec!, or teamer, i! the registered
tonag of uch h'p, or vesel, or steamer
doe n-t exceed 3t"j ton, stamp duty
IV). .o., exceeding 30O ton, and not exceeding
6K) tuus, a lampdiity..... ..
IK., do., exceeding 600 tons, tati:p duty
Check drawn Uf on any bunk, trust company,
or any person or pcr-on. compame or cr
. or at ion, for the ptymeul of mooe, exceed
ing .ti at siht or on demand
Cheese i n-'t to he ccnsidcred a inaimf.icturv .
Chemical pn'par.itioii same a "Catarrh Snuff."
ChocoUu, prcpai-e-l, per .uim1
Circus's, under w h ch term i included building,
tent, space, or acre, w here feats of horscmau
ship or acrot-aiic sport are exhibited, hr li
cense CU:m agent, under wh;ch term i included
every per-on wkose i f prtecute
cla:n' In any of the executive department of
the r cücrl government, Ur each yearly li
cene Clearace, stamp duty......
Clk moveuietit. made to ntn wie day, each..
Do., do., made to run over one day, each......
Cloth, before it ha Wen dyed, printed, bleached,
or prepared in auy o;lcr manner....
Coal, all mineral, except pea coal and dust coil,
per ton
Coal ga, see 'Uas.'
Coal oil, refine.!, per gallon
Coal cd distillers, under hich term U i:ic!u led
any p-ron who hail re:in, prluoe or distil
cruvie jh iroh um or rxk oil, or erud cal oil,
or er ade oil made of a-phal;u:i!, shale ieat,
r o.Ler bituminou substances, for eacii li-c-nc
Coal ur, prMuccd ia the manufacture of .. .
t oe a, piepared, petp.nnl
Coffee, ground, p. r pou..
Cofler All prej-arth-n of forms
a part, or Inch i- prepared for sale a a sub
stitute far co!7-r, per pound
Cotmnercis.1 Broker, see r.rokcr.'
CoiK-rt.trated milk i not to L crttsdered a man
utacture. Confectlouers. under which terra is ncladed
every person who sell at retail confectionery,
wi rtioeat, ct-mftts or other cotifects in any
buiMing (cinfccti'iirr who bare taken out a
1 ense a w bolesale or retail dealer are r.ot
rrvjmrrd i0 take a separate license) for eah
Im i use
CotdYctiooery. snade wholly or in part of sugar,
rr pouist. ........ .......
resumption entrj . it any custom hous not ex
ceeding IUI OO in value, stamp duty
Ito do., exceeding loo OO, and not axceedlnr
tftfl OO
10 00
'5 cents.
10 cent.
25 cents.
25 cent.
10 cent.
25 cent.
25 cent.
2 cent.
5 cent
10 cent.
C 00
5 00
10 00
2 cent.
1 cent.
50 00
10 00
25 cent.
10 cent.
3 per ct.
S.Sj cents
10 cents.
50 00
1 cut.
3 mills.
3 mills
10 00 I
1 cent. I
Io , d.i., esreedjig 5oX 00 in value
Cmitraei. for erl she, wr piece of apr on
t.i h wntirn. i:imp duty
l-w. I' t the b, re, u -r rerit 4 any laixl, U-ne
nnt, or jortin tLern-f, tf f r a vr. i of
time nut exceeding three year, staiupdaty..
lodo., for a period of t.rne exceeding 3 )ear
Contract, brokers' notes, or memorandum of
la of any goods ? merchandise, stocks
bonds, exchange, notes of Land, real estate
or projrty of any kin i, or description Issued
by brokers or persona acting a such, tamp
Conveyance, deed, instrument of writing, where
by any land, teuemeuts or other realty sold
shall be crsnted, leased, assigned, trmnsferred
or otherwise conveyed to, or vested in the pur
c baer or purchaser, or to any person or per
oti by L., her or tbeir dinction, when the
vslue exceed 100 00, and doe n t exceed
l.ntw 00, stamp duty
Ijo., do., when the value exceed oo, and
d'es not exceed 2.5O0 oo
Is.. 2JM 00. ad Dot exceeding
5,ioo tra
Io, e.cvet!:ng 5,f00 00, and tot exceeding
I . exceed, ng 10.IMIO O0, a ltd lol exceeding
Do., fore very a 11 tit.a! lO.O-m oo, or fractional
part in exee. of SO.tKKI tVI .
Copper, manufactures of, not otherwise provi
ded fur. ad valorrtn
Cordial--, medic lial. same a ''Catarrh Snuff.
Co-met ic. same a lient.frke."
Cotton, r iw, T II)
Cotton, niamiiacttire of, wholly or in artt not
oihi re provWSed for
Cotton miihrellas
Couli inip, same a Catarrh SnurT." railroad. .....
Croup remedy, same a "Catarrh Snuff."
Croup irup. same a "Catanh Snuff."
Iieeds, wberehy any land, tenement, or other
things sold, shall be grained, leased, assigned,
transferred, or otherw jse conveyed to or vested
in the purrha.-er or purcha.-er, or to any Jer
son or jer-in by his b'r or their directiona,
stampduty suie a Conveyance."
Deerskin, dreed an 1 smoked, r pound. ...
Dentifrice, eat Ii package of, the retad price or
v.Vue cf which does not eicecd 25 cents, a
stamp duty of
Do., exceeding V5 cents, but not exceeding 50
cent., stampduty
Do., exceeding 50 cent, but not exceeding 75
D)., each package of, the value of which shall
e.xceed 75 c nis, ond hall not exceed 1 00....
Io., exceeding 1 00, for each and e.ery 50 cent.
or fractional part thereof, over arid above
I (XI. an ndditional stampduty of..... fur license
In-puich. telegraphic, w hen the charge for the
Iir-t ten word does not exceed 20 cent.
i tan-p duty.
1 00
5 cents.
54 cents
1 00
10 cents.
1 00
2 00
5 00
10 00
20 00
20 OO
3 per ct.
Ü cent.
3 per ct.
5 -r ct.
3 per ct.
25 cent.
Io., w lien it exceed 20 eetit
I)i.'il!ed spirit. firM proof, per gallon
Distilled spirit The duties on spirituous li
quors and all other pitiinou tevera(r,e
enumerated in the ta bill, is to be collected
at no lower rate than the Ims of f.r-t proof,
and shall be increased in proportion for any
greater strength than the strength of proof.
Ihstiüed Sp'rit lie term lind proof is de
clared to mean that proof of a Jnjuor which
corresponds to tifty degree of Traile' centes
inial hydrometer, at the temjerature of six
ty degree Fahrenheit thermometer : and in
reducing the temperature to the standard of
sixty, and in levying dutie on liquors above
and below proof, the table of commercial
value contained in the Manual for lti-ectors
of Spirit, prepared by Prof. VicCtillocil, un
der I he siijM-iiiiteiidci.ct) of Prof. Bache, and
adopted by the Treasury Iiepartment, i to be
used and taken a giving the proportions of
ab-olute alcohol in the Buid gauged and
Moved, according to which duties shall be
Distillers under w hich term is Included every
person or ro-Mirt!ier.hip who distill or man
ufacture spirituous liquor for sale, lar li
cense ................... .................
Do., m iking I than 3H0 lib per year
Io . of apple and peaches, making less than
I .Mi M;l.s per year
Dividend, annual income from, when exceed
ing 600 00 and not exceeding 10,0o0 00, on the
exee. over C00 00
D).. exceeding 10,000 00, and not exceeding
50.0011 l;u, on excess over CtiO 00
Ihvtdcnd. annual income from, when renllzed
by any citizen of the United States residing
abroad, find not in the employ i f the United
States, i.ot otherw i.-e provided for. when ex
ceeding CoO oo, on the execs over 600 00. ...
ltraft, drawn upon any hank, trust company, or
any ei.-on or person, companie or Corpora
tion, lor the pnyment of money at siht or
on demand, same as "Bill of Kxchnnsc."
Draining tiles are not to be considered a manu
lacture. Drops medicinal, same a "Dentifrice."
Kating houses, under which term is included
every place where foot! or refreshment of any
kind are provided lor casual visitor, atid sold
for consumption therein, but the keeper o an
eating house, having taken out a license
therefor, i not r epaired to take out a license
as confectioner, for license
Klectnarics, same as "Dentifrice."
Kmhrocations, same a "Iicntifrice."
Knaruelod leather, per square foot
Kiinmel.-d skirti'ig leather, per Mpuart; ford
Kntry of any gosls w ares or merchandise at
any customhouse, fur consumption, sec "Con
sumption Kntry."
Kntry of any goods, ware and merchandise at
any custom bouse. fr warehousing, see
"Warehouse Kntry."
Kntry for the withdrawal of any goods wares
or merchandise, from bonded warehouse,
Kp.lcp.ic pill, same as "Dentifrice."
Krasive soap, see "Soap."
Ks-ense of Lite," same as "Ik-ntifrice."
Kxpress For every receipt issued by an express
company or earner, or persou whose occupa
tion it is to act a such, for every single box,
bale, psckage or bundle, when the fee for
transportation doc not exceed 25 cent. .....
Do., when it exceeds 25 cents and doe not ex
ceed 1 no
Do., when one or more packages are sent to the
same address, and the compensation exceeds
1 00
Kye w ater, same a "Dent"
l pill, same a "Dentifrice."
Fi male pills, same a "Demifiice."
Ferry boat, propelled by steam or hore-power,
on gros receipts
Pine cut tobacco, see "Tobacco "
Kire insurance companies, ou all dividend. . ...
Fi-h. preserved, ad valorem
Fish oil
Max, manufacturer of. not otherwise pi-citled.
Lki. prepared for textile or feltins purposes, i
1101 to be considered a manufacture until act
ually woven or lelied into fabric tor consump
tion. Flour made from grain, is not to be considered
a manufacture.
Fruits, preserved
Hains annual, of every person, vvlien exceeding
Cot) 00, and do not exceed 10,000 00. on the
excess of gain over G'X) 00
IV)., exceeding 10,000 00, and not exceeding
50,000 (Hi, on excess over 600 00
Gains, on annual, from property of any kind in
the United States, realized by any citizen of
the Uni'ed States residing abroad, and not in
the employ of the United States, not other
wise prov ided for
(.as, coal, when the product shall be in it above
500.000 cul ie leet per month, per l.nod cubic
I., do., when the product shall be above
50 .,0o, and not e.xceeeiinr 5,hh),(ioo cubic
feet per month, per cubic n-et
Do., do., when the product shall le above
5,OOO.HlO, J KT l.OOO cubic feet
tia., all illuminutiinr. same a coal gas.
de latine, of all i!e-cript;oii, in solid state, per
(linger, ground, and all imitations of, per pound
Glass, manufacturers of, not otherwise specified
Glue, in a liquid form, per gallon
Ih., id m solid state, per pound. ...............
tilycerine lotion, same a "Iientiftice."
Iloat skins, curried, manufactured or finished...
(.old, manufacture of, not otherwise provided
Goods, made for the use and consumption of the
I)o., except spiritou and malt liquor, and leaf,
stem, or manufacture! tobacco, w here the an
nual product does no! exceed 6:o Oo, provided
that tlii shall not apply to any business or
transaction where one party furnishes the
material, or part theieof. and employ an
other party to manufacture, make or finish
the goods, wares and merchandise, or articles
but in all such cae tbe prty lurnishing the
material and receiving tiie loikIs, wares and
merchandise, or article.-; p.iv ing or prom-sing
to pay tbeiefor, and receiving the good,
ware and merchandise, or articles; be liable
to any charge with ail accruing dutie th'reon
Gr-. powder, and all expl-Hve substance u -eJ
fir Urning, artillery, or spoting purpose,
when valued at is cents jer pound or less,
fT pound
D. to., when valued above Is cent per pound,
l J Hot exceeding 30 cents peJ pound
IV.. Id , when valued alntve IM cent per pound,
i.e. pound
Gutta pert ha, manufactures of. not otherwise
prov toed lor. ...-.....................
ttypsv.m is not lo le con-tdered a manufacture.
Hair dye, same as "IKntitnce.
Hair restorative, same a DvutiMce."
Ilames leather, per pound
Harness leather, made of hide imported eat of
the Cape of Good Hope, per ouiid
Heading are not ibeeoi'ercl a manufacture.
Hemp, maiiuf ctuie of, wLcu not otherwise
Hog skin, tanned or dressed
IIo.'n exceeding i-ix months and laagbtered,
when the number tliu Jau.Ltered exceed
twenty in any year, for sale
Do., slaughtered by any person for hi own con-
Hollow ware, iron, per ton ot 2,000 pounds....
U-x p iron (see iron)
Ibxn, manufactures cf, not o:herwie provided
IIorMi d eaule, exceeding ei $hteen m'nths old,
slaughtered for sale, each
IX., jnd-r IS month old, per head ....
Ilors skms, tanned and dressed
Horse dealer, under w hich term i included er
ery roti whoe business it is to buy and sell
hor-cs and mules, for each l.ccn
iXx. when they have taken out a license a liv
ery table keeper, are not reojired to take
out an anditional one.
n gutter's B,Ucrs, same a 'Deuiifhce."
II 4V-, conducting
Hotels under which term i included every
place where fo. 1 and l!irnir are provided
for and furnished lo traveler and ss'j.Kirners
in view f paineot therefor, where toe rent
or valuation of the yearly rental of the
house and property r.vnp:ed,"hall Be lO.tKO 00
or more, for each yearly Bcenae. ............
lV.., do., where the rent or the valuation of the
farly rental shall be 3.0oO 00, ami le' than
1A.M ). far ah jearly k-io.
2 cents.
1 cent
2 cents.
3 cents.
4 cents.
2 cent.
10 00
I cent.
3 cent.
3 per ct.
20 cent.
oO 00
25 00
12 50
3 per ct.
5 per ct.
5 per ct.
10 00
3 per ct.
5 mill
1 M ct.
50 cents.
1 cent.
2 cents.
5 cents.
3 per ct.
5 per ct.
exempt .J
3 ierct
5 perct.
3 jer ct.
5 per ct.
5 per cU
5 cents
10 cents
15 cents.
5 mill..
1 cent
3 per ct.
25 cents,
." mill.
4 per ct.
3 per ct.
5 mills.
1 cent.
0 cent.
3 P cent.
7 mills.
5 mills.
P cent.
t5 cent.
10 cent.
1 59
3 f cent.
30 cent.
5 eentjv.
4 perct.
10 00
3 perct.
too 00
1 9
75 00
SO 00
25 00
15 00
10 00
ft 00
25 00
3 per ct.
5 per ct.
S per ct.
3 ier cf
3 tier ct.
1 perrt.
3 per ct.
25 cents.
3 per ct.
& per ct.
5 per ct.
3 j erct.
1 50
2 00
50 cent.
3 per ct.
3 perct.
3 per ct.
20 00
10 00
5 per ct.
1 00
25 00
2 cents.
Do-, do., where tbe rent or tre valuation of the
yearly rrrita! bs!l he 2.'v) r. and b thvn
5.01 "0 00, fir esch yearly license.. ...........
IK) ,d . where the ret.l or tio valuation of the
rental shall be ou. ai less IJJoO Oo.
for each yearly license
Do., do., where the rent or the v!aitlon of the
yearly rental hall be 500 00, and less than
l.OtH 00. for each yearly Ilcenae
D., do., where the ret or tbe taluatian of the
yearly rental shall bo 300 00, and less than
500 00, for each jearlc lcene
Do., do., where the rent or tbe valuation of the
yearly rental hall I löo 11 and le Uiaa
300 00 for each yearlv license
Do., do., where the rent or the vslusrlon of tbe
yearly rental hall L es than loo 00, for
each yearly license
M'itnr am! vessel upon waters of the Uni
ted States in board of which pa-vn-u-ers or
traveler are provided with fml or lodging,
shall be required to Uke out a ir-e of the
Cfth cia. viz., at
Hyjierion fluid, same a ' IV mi 'rice."
Income, annual, of every person, when exceed -
ir &oisj.aixl not exceeding lo.ou) 00, 03
the execs. over 600 ou..............
Do., 1 0,000 00, arid not exceeding
50,000 00, on excess over COO 00
Do., animal, from property of any kind in the
Coiled .Mates, realised by any cilixen e tb
United States abroad, and 1 K iu ti e
employ of the Unite d State (ioven ment, not
otherw i provided for ....
India rubler, manufacture of, not otherwise
provided for
It.ns "anie as "Hotel.."
Insurance companies, all, on dividend
Insurance companies, inland or marine, npon
gross receipt for premium and aessment.
Insurance Companies, foreign, doing busiuesain
the United State
Insurance (life) policy of Insurance, or other
in-trumctit by whatever name the same shall
be called, whereby any insurance bll be
made or renewed, marine or inland, upon
property of any description, whether against
peril by the sea or by lire, or other peril of
any kind, made by any in-urance company or
its ageuts, or by any other compony or j?r
son..... Interest. Income from, w hen exceeding the um
of CoO on per annum, am! not exceeding
10.0io no, on the exces of income over600 00.
Do., exceeding K,nuo 00, and not exceeding
50,000 00, 41 the exre over6K) 00
Do., ittcome from when realized by any ciiizn
of the United State residing abroad, and not
in the employ of the United .Mate govern
ment, not otherwise provided for...
Iron, manufactured, if not otherwise specified.
lo., cast, used for bridge, buil ling, or other
permanent structures, per ton I Ot
r., railroad. er ton 1 a
Io., re-rolled, kt ton 75 cent
Do., advanced beyond !abs, bloom or hoops,
and not advanced beyond bar or rods, per ton
Do., band, hoop and sheet, riot thinner tlian No.
1. w ire guage, per ton
Do , pi te, not less than one-eighth of an inch
in tl.lckners, per ton
Do., bund, hoop or sheet, thinner than 'o. IS
w ire gu.i;c. per ton
Do., plate le& than one-c-iglith of an inch in
thickness er ton
Do., nails, cut, and spikes, jht Ion
Ix., bars roils, band, hoops sheets plates
nail and spikes, upon which the duty of 1 0
ha been levied and paid, are only subject to
an additional duty of pel ton
Iron, pig, is not to be considered a manufacture.
Ivory, manufacture of, if not otherw ise specified.
Jute, 111.11mf.1c1 ure of, if not otherwise specified.
Jugglers, including every person who performs
by height of hand, for each license
The proprietor or agent of all other public
exhibition or .how for money, not enum r
ated in this section, shall pay for euch license
Kid skins, curried, manufactured or finished...
Lager beer er barrel, containing 31 gallons
(fractional part of a barrel to pay proportion-
Iind w arrant, broker, under which term is in
cluded every orson who make a business of
hiiyini; ami hellins land warrants and furn-
ishing them to settler or other person..' un
der contracts that the land procured by
means of them shall be bound fur the prices
agreed on for the warrant, f'r each license..
Lard oil, per gallon
Lawyers, under which term 1 included every
person w hose business it is, for fee or reward,
to prosecute or defend any cause in any court
of record or other judicial tribunal of I he
United States, or ot any of the States, or give
advice iu relation to any cause or matter
pending therein, (lawyer refusing to pay for
thisl.cense shall not Le allowed lo practice in
any such court or tribunal,) for ouch license.
Lead, manufacture of, if not otherw ise specified
Lead, white, per hundred
Lease, for the hire, use, or rent ot any land, ten
ement, or portion thereof, if for a period of
time not exceeding three years, 'tamp duty. .
Do. do., if fur a period of time exceeding three
ear,tdtup duty
Leather, bend, er jkjuihI..
1., butt, per pound
Do., damaged, per pound
Do., enameled, per square foot
Do., enameled skirting, per square foot
lk , harness, per pound
IXi., harness made 01 hide imported east of the
Cape ol Good Hope, per pound
Do.,, per ikjuuJ
Do., oil dressed, per pound
Do., patent, per square foot
Do., patent japanned splits, used for dasher lea
ther, square foot
Do., patented or enameled skirting per square
Do., rouh, made from hides imported ea.-t of
the Cape ol" Good llope, per pound
Do., rouli, nil other hemlock tanned, per pound
Do., rouli, tanned iu whole or in part w 1111 oak,
per pound
Do., sole, made from hides imported eat of the
Cajie of GihxI Hope, per pound
TK., sole, all other hemlock tanned, per pound.
Do., sole, tanned in whole or in pai l w ith oak,
per pound
Do., tanned calfskins, each
Do., upper finished or cui r.ed, except calf skins
made Irom leather tanned iu the inb re:t of
the parties finishing or currving such leather,
not previously taxed In the rough, per pound
Do., in. u.ufaci urea of, w hen uot otherw i.-e :-pe-cdied
Legjeie Any person or persons having charges
or trust, as adininisirators, executor or trus
tees, ot any legacies or distributive shares
arising from personal property, of any kind
whatsoever, where the whole amount of such
personal property, a aforesaid, shall exceed
the sum of" one thousand doilar In actual
value, passing from any person who may die
alter the passage of this act possessed of such
property, either by will or by the intestate
laws of any Staic or territory, or any part of
sucli property or interest therein, transferred
by deed, grant, bargain, sale or gilt, made or
intended to take elieci in possession or enjoy
ment after the death of ti c grantor or bar
gainer, to any person or persons, or to any
body or bodies, politic or corporate, in trust
or otherwise, are subject to the following
taxes: Where the person or person. entitled
to any l-eueticial interest in uch proerty shall
be the lineal issue or liueal ancestor, brother
or sister, to the person who died possessed of
such property, for each and every hundred
dollar, ol the clear value of such interest in
such proper;y
Do., du., where the person or jiersotis entitled to
any beneficial interest in such properly shall
be a descendant of a brother or a sister of
the jtcrson vv ho died possessed ol such prop
erty, fur each and every hundred dollar. of
the clear value of such interest
Do., do., where the person or persons en'itled
to any beneficial interest in ucli property
shall be a brother or sister of the lather or
mother, or a descendant of a brother or sister
of the lather or mother of the crsoii who
died possessed of such projicrty, for each and
every hundred dollars of clear value cd such
D'., do., w uere the person or per-on entitled
to any Ifiieticial interest in such property
shall be a brother cir sister of the grundtather
or t. ran In 10t her, or u descendant of the bro
ther or sister, or the grandiather or j,tind
uiother of the person who died possessed of
such projH-rty, lor each and every hundred
dollar of ihe clear value of such interest. ...
Do., do., where the person or eroii entitled
to any bencticial interest in such prope.ty
shall ie in any other decree of collateral coii
saiiutuify tin m is stated alxve, or shall be a
stranger in bluod to the erson w La died pos
sessed, a aforesaid, or sii ill be a body politic
or corporate, lor each and ever hundred dol
lars ol the clear value of such iutercst
Do., p.ising by w ill. or by the law of any State
or lernten , to husband or w ile of t ue"peroti
who di d pos-esscd of the property
Legal documents, w rit or other original process
Commenced iu any court of law or equity,
stamp duty
Letters of credit (ce Hill of Exchange, foreign.)
Letter of Administration Where the estate
and effects for or iu of which such
letter of aduiinistraun applied f-r, shall be
stt'orn or declared not to exceed the Value of
2..VHJ 00, stamp duty
Do., do , to exceed 2,500 n), and not exceeding
5,i"a)i 00
Do., do., to exceed 5,(Aia 00, and not exceeding
IX. do., to exceed 20,000 00, and not exceeding
50.0V3 00
Do., do , to exceed 5o (h) 00, and not exi ediu
Do., do., exceeding 100,000 00, and not exceeding
150,000 00
IK)., do., for every additional 50.000 00, or part
Liceiie mu-t 1 taken out each rer by t'ae
fallowing named eroii, for wLxL I hey are
to pay U.c sum placeJ opposite their names
Auctioneer -
Uli lard 1 shies, each .........
Drewer, ce "ireer"
Lroktr alleys, for each alley
tattle brokers.
Claim i.'-nt
Coal oil .ii-t.ilen
Commercial brokers-
Cot .feet ioner
lvntisc... "Ustillers.
Fating house-
10 00
3 per ct.
25 cents.
50 cents.
I 00
1 i cents.
1 i cents.
5 mills.
5 mills.
t cents.
7 mills.
5 mills
5 mill.
2 cents.
5 mills.
4 mills.
5 mills.
8 mill.
1 cent.
7 mil Is.
1 cent.
6 cent
1 cent.
3 per ct.
75 cents.
1 50
3 00
4 00
5 00
50 cents.
50 cent.
1 00
5 00
10 00
20 00
10 00
10 00
20 00
loo 00
5 OO
.25 and 50 o)
50 00
10 00
10 Ot)
50 M
50 00
10 00
5) 00
10 00
Hor-e dealers.. ........ . .
Hotel, see "Hotels"
Lawyer . . .,
lav ery stable keeper.... .
I'eddWr, see -Iddlers".
I'awnOrokei . ..... ......
niv-iciati. .
lletail dealers
Retail dealer 1 Liquor. . .
Ileclihrr, sc "ltifter.
lo 00
lo 00
from 5 to 200 00
20 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
.frta ft to 20 00
, 10 0
' 50 OO
10 00
10 0
20 0
10 00
not exceeding
not exceeding
TooacromV. .
Iheat "es. ..................
1 allow harviler
S,ip trink er
Whole-ale deao-r. .........
Wholesale dealer in bqvH'r-
Llfe Insurance comr.'bles ee (Inurince.
Lime I not to be retarded as a manufacture.
Liniments aroe a lx-nufric."
Linseed oil, per gallon
Livery stable keeper, nndrr which tens U in
cluded every perou whoe occupation I to
keep tor for hire or to bt, for license.....
Lotions same a ,Ivnfrice.,
Lcr.ence. medicinal, same a "Itentrißco."
Lumlcr not to !e considered a manufacture.
Magazine are not lo !e regarded a a manu
f ture of paper, or submitted to a rate of
duly a a manu fact ure.
D.. for all advertisement on cross receipts... .
Mir lanimetit, same a "iVniifnce."
Malt i not to I considered a ma-.ufjcture.
Manifest of ti e cargo of auy h p, ee or
steamer, for a foreign port, if the rriri-tered
tonae d-e not exceed tho hundred tons,
Ix.. do , exceeding three hundred tons and not
exceeding six huitdred ton
I do., exceeding six hundred ton
Manufacturers, for Ik-cn-e
Manufacture, lu-t otherwise specified, of bone,
bra., bristle . copper, cotton. t!ax, fcl.vsgoLt,
gtitfa iverrba. Letup, horn, In!ia ruMer, iron,
ivory. Jute, lead, leather, pajner pottery, silk,
silver, steel, tin, willow, wood, wool, worsted,
an ) other material
Map are not to I? touidered a manufacture.
Marine insurance companies see "Insurance."
Marine protest
Meat, preserved ...
Medicated herb, same a I et! if nee."
Medicated water, same a "IVig.frice."
Medicilte, see "Ientifrice."
Merchandise, see "Good."
M neral coal, except pea coal, per ion
Morocco, skin, curried, manufart'd or finished.
Mortgage n land, estate or property, real or
personal, heritable or movable, whatsoever,
whe'e the fame hall le made as a security
for the payment of any definite and certain
utn of money, lent at the time or previously
due and owing or forboru 10 le paid, Wing
payable; also any conveyance of any land,
estate or projerty whatsoever. In trust to be
sold or otherwise converted into money,
which shall be intended only a ecurity, and
hall be redeemable before the sale or other
disposal thereof, either by express stipulation
or oiherwi-e, or any personal bondmen a
security for the payment of any definite or
certain uni of money exceeding loo 00, and
not exceeding 5 hi 00
Do., exceed in 500 00, and not exceeding 1,000 00
lh., exceeding 1,000 00 and not exceeding
2,500 00
Do., exceeding 2.500 00, and
5 00; 1 00 ,
Do., exceeding 5,000 00, and
10,ooo 00
Do., exceeding 10,000 00, and not exceeding
20,000 00
IK)., for every additional lO.OiKI 00, or fractional
part thereof, in excess of 20,000 00
Movements, clock, made to run one; day, each..
!o., do., made to run over one day, each
Mtista'd, ground, per pound........
Mutard seed oil, per gallon
Mutual insurance companies fee "Insurance."
iis, cut. per ton
Naphtha, per gallon
Sewspspcrs are not to Le regarded a a manu
facture, or submitted to a rate of duty as a
Newspapers for all advertisements on gros re
ceipts, see "Advertisements"
Notarial ,xt. see -Tretest."
Oiticinal preparation, same as "iH-ntifrice."
Oil, annual, all. pure or adulterated, if not oth
erw ise provided for. per gallon
Do., illuminating, refined, produced by the dis
tillation of coal, asphaltum, shale, leat, petro
leum or rock oil, and all other hi uiiiinou
substances Used for like purposes, per gallon
LK , lard, pure or unadulterated, If not other
wise provided for, per gallon
Do., hiisccd, do., )er gailn
LH., mu-tard seed, do., per gallon.-...........
Do., all vegetable, per gallon
Oils, medicinal, same as "Dentifrice."
Chi, relined, produced by distillation of coal
e.xclu-ively iter gallon
Oh-ic acid, produced in the manufacture of cm
dies, und Used in the manufacture of soap....
Oxide of zinc, per llH) pounds. ................
Oxygen.irrd bitter, sani-.' a "Dentifrice."
Landers' colors, do
Order for the payment of any sum of money
drawn upon any bank, trut company, or any
ptTMn or persons companies or corporation,
at siht or 011 demand, stamp dutv same a
"Hill or Kxcluinge."
Packet, containing ined.cino, Ac. same a bot
tle contain the same, see "Lottie1."
Tain kilier, tee "lientilrice,"
Paints, cry or ground in oil r paste, with water,
not o;herwie provided lor
l'alm oil, see "Soap."
LaiiipLlcis are in t to Le regarded a a mannfac
tute or submitted to a rate of duty as a nianu
tnre. Ho., on gross receipts for advertiseuieuts......
Panacea, same a "Dentifrice."
I'aper, manufacturer of, if not otherwise spe
cilicd. oi account book, br.nk note, binders'
board, card, hanging, letter, map, note,
prnMig, sized und colored, printing unsized,
pasteboard, plate, uncolored calendered,
vv -rapping, made of Manilla hemp, or imitation
thereoi, w riting and all other descriptions of.. oi!
Parasols ol any material ....
Passports, on each issued from the office of the
Secretary f Mate
Do., on each issued by any mildster or consul of
the United States .
Passage ticket, by any vessel from a port in the
United Stales to a loreign port, ol l.-s than
30 00
Do., exceeding .10 00
l'astcboard, made of junk, straw, or other ma
teria! Patent leather (see "Leather,") per square foot.
Pawnbrokers, under which term is included ev
ery person w hose business or occupation is to
take or receive, by way of pledge, pa a cr
exchange, uny goods, wares, or Uiercliandise,
or any kind of iicr.somil property what-oever,
for the repayment r security of money lent
thereon, tor licen-e
Pearl barley is not to be considered a manufac
ture. Pect oral balsam, same as '"Dea Lr ce."
Pedlers, under which term i included every
person who sells or oilers to sell, at retail,
Hotids, wares or other couuuodi'.ie.s, traveling
Irom place to place, iu Hie street, or through
d.fl'creiit parts of the country, w hen traveling
with more than two horses, lor e ch license..
Do., uo.. when traveling w ith two horse.-, for each
Is., do., when traveling wi.h one horse fur each
Do., do., when traveling on foot, for each licen.-e
I h., who seil newspapers, liihles or religious
Do., w ho sell, or oiler to sell, dry goods, foreign
or domestic, by one or more original packages
or pieces at one time to the same ihtsoti, for
each license
Ds.. w ho piddle jew elrv. br each licene.... .
Popper, gi ouiid, and alt linitut ion of, per poutid
I'erlumery, same as ' th tititriee."
Petroleum, ret. lied, per Kalion
Phial, cotitaiuiug 111. d.cine, Ac, same as 'Txt
lie," which see.
Photographers, under which term is included
every pi rson who make- tor sal.-? photographs,
ambrotype, it piciur-s 011 cl.os, metal or
paper, by the action of ligut, for each license,
when the receipt do not exceed ;0d 0.1
IM , do., when the receipts are overöoo 00, and
under I.oo'j no, for l.cen-e
D.. do., wneii receipts are over 1,0K 0J, for
Physicians under which term i included every
person (except apothecaries) whose business
it is to, for fee or reward, pre-cril medicine
or perlorin any surgical eperation lor tue
cure of any disease or ailing, dentist
it cluded, lor each lice tr-e
Pi iron is not to be con-idered a manufacture.
Piils, same a "iHMitilrice "
Pimento, ground, and all imitation. of, per pound
11 lis, solid head, or oth-r
Do., !:d head or other, in boxes, packets, bun
dles or other lorui
Plaster is Hot to he considered a manufacture.
Pia ter, same a ' lHntiirice "
Plate of gold, kept for u-e, jer oz. troy
Plate of silver, do., jxir oz. troy
Plate, silver, as above, to the extent of 40 ox..
Plate iron, see "Iron."
Playing cards, see "Cards."
1'lu.j tobacco, see "Tobacco."
Policy oi nisurauce, (life,) see "Insurance."
tx., (marine or inland.) see "Insurance."
Do., (tire.) see "Insurance."
Pomades, same as "iH-ntifrice." .
Porter, per barrel of 31 g tllons fractional parts
in proponioii
Pot, con taming niedicme, ic.same a"Bvtiles."
Potion-, same a.s lieir.ifrice."
Pottery ware, if not otherwise specified
PuwdcT, med.cinal, same as '-Dentifrice "
Power of attorney, for the sale of transfer of
any stock, bond or scrip, or for the collection
of any dividends, or interest thereon, stamp
Tower of attorney, or 1 ro.xy for voting at any
election for olticer of any incorporated com
pany or society, except charitable, religious,
literary aud cemetery s'ieue-, stamp duty..
Powtrof attorney to sell and convey realesUte,
or to rent or lo lea-? the same, or to perform
any and all other net not speciueci, stamp
10 no
! 00
lo ro
19 00
50 oo
loo 00
It 0
3 r et.
1 00
10 00
3 per cL
23 cent.
5 per ct.
3 si cent
5 lr ct.
50 cents.
1 00
2 00
5 00
10 00
15 00
10 (10
5 cent.
10 cents.
1 Cent.
2 cent
2 00
10 cents.
3 per ct.
2 cents.
10 cents.
2 cent.
2 cents.
2 cents.
2 cents.
8 Cents.
25 cents.
5 per Ct.
5 per ti.
3 per ct.
3 per ct.
5 per cL
3 00
3 00
50 cent.
1 00
3 per ct.
5 mills.
50 00
20 00
15 00
10 00
5 00
50 00
25 00
1 ceiit.
10 cent.
10 00
15 00
25 00
10 00
5 per ct.
1 cent.
5 per ct.
5 per ct.
50 cents.
3 cents.
Preparations medical, same a "Dentifrice.
Preparations, of which coffee form a part, or
which iiT-?piepared for sale as a substitute for
coffee, per pound
Power of aitoruey to receive or collect reut,
Itescived ti h
Preserved fruit
Preserved meats....
Pr .med books are not to be regarded as a tuauu
faciure, or sulniitted to a rate of duty as a
!., on all advertisements on gross receipts for
Printers' iuk i not to be c u;dcred a manufac
ture. Probate of will, w here the e-tate and effect for
or in repect of which -ucli probate applied
for shall be worn or declared D l to exceed
the value of two thousaod hve hundred dol
lars, starnp duty
IX)., do., to exceed tw o thousand five hundred,
and not exceeding five thousand
IX) , dsi , to exceed hve thouaii and bot ex
ceeding twenty thousand
Do., do., to exceed twenty thousand, and not
exceeding fifty thousand. ...
Ik)., do , to exceed tlty thousand and uot ex
ceeeUng one Luudred thousand. ....... ......
IX)., do , exceeding one hundred thouand, and
not exceedinz ene hundred and fifty thousand
Io., do., for evrry additional iiLty thousand r
fractional part thereof.
Proioa, oiiiiual, of every person hen exceeding
six Lun-lrcd dollars, and not exceeding ten
thotisa'id, cm tb war six huadrvd....
1 00
3 per ct.
25 cents
10 cents.
1 00
3 mills
25 ceuts.
5 per ct.
5 perct.
5 per ct.
3 per cL
50 centa.
1 00
2 00
S 00
10 00
20 00
10 00
3 par at.
Do.. exeeeYl'ng ten tb'ind, and not exceeding
f fry thi u-a'id.on the rxce over ix hundred
IXk anr.u,!, wt.rn received by any citien id" the
l mied State ridnit abroad, and tod in em
ploy ef tbe United States tt olhrwie pro
vided for..........
Promis-ory notes see Ni-tet,M
Imperty, annual income s"pTGts."
ItOfierty, left by leeacy, sea "Leiracle."
iTotest of every note, bill of exchange, accrp-
tance. check or draft.
Publications nie a "Printed hooks"
Pulmonary bal am, aatne a "Lk-ntifrice."
Pulmonary sirup, same a "Dentifnce."
Pulmor.ic irup, same a Dent. Lice.
Do., water, same a Iw.t.fricr."
Railroad, on eres receipt for carrying pa-
Do.,th nioüve p.wrr of which t not iem, on
lfo receipt t rot, carrying ns iijrers... ...
l., O 1 bolid or other ev nience of iinlebteelnc
upon w hich interest tipalated lo be paid,
0:1 the amount of interest ....
Railroad Iron, per lou
Io., re-rolled, per ton
Railroad pill. anie as "Dentifrke."
Kcady reiief, same a IJen!irrse."
Receipt, warrhou-c, stamp duty. ..............
Receipt lther than charier party) for any g -nsls
merchai disc or effect to lie experted Irom a
port or place in the United Stale1 to any for
eign port or place, stamp dcty
Do., (or any goods, merchandise or effect to be
earned from ot.e port or (dace in the Coiled
Slate to any other jn-rt or place in the Uni led
State, e tb r by laud or water, except when
Carrie! by au express company or carrier,
stamp duty....
Kectd'.ers, under which term t Included every
person who rect.f.e. purities, or refine spl
ntuou liquor or wiue-, by any proce, or
inixe ditilled spirit, hiky, brandy, gin,
or wine, with any other materials for tale
under the name of rum, whisky, brandy, gin,
wine, or any other name or name, fr each
license to rectify any quantity of spirituous
liquora not exceeding MH barrel, containing
not more than forty gsllou to each
Ix.. for each additional 500 barrels or any trac
tion thereof
Red oil, ued a material in the manufacture of
Rent, anuual income from, wbeu exceeding six
hundred Jo'l.irs, on excess over six hundred.
Do., annual ino-me from, w hen realized by a
citizen of the United State residin in a for
eigu country, and not iu the employ of the
United States
Reta.l dealers under which term L included ev
ery person whose business or occupatieiii i to
sell or ofler to sell groceries, or any goods
wares or mere hatidise of fon igu or domestic
production in less quantities than a whole or
original p eco or package at one time to the
ame jier-oa (uot including wines, pintuous
or malt liquors, but not excluding stationery,
drui. medicines cigar, snutf or tobacco J for
each l.cerue
Retail dealers in liipuors, under which term is
included every person who shall sell or offer
for sale distilled spirit, fermented liipuors or
wines of every description, in less quantities
than three gallon at one time, to the same
purchaser (thi- does not authorize any spi
rits, lupMors, wine er malt liquors to be
drunk 011 the premise)- for each license ....
Review, same a "Pamphlet.."
Richardson's bitters, same a "iH niii,..
Rock oil, ri tit.ed, see "Oil,"
Roman ceuu nt is not to be regarded as a man
ufacture. Russia salve, same as "Iviitifrice "
Salaries, annual income from, when exceeding
six hundred doiLir, on the excess over Jtoo.
lx., all, of person in en-p oy of the United
States, ti hen exceeding the rate of rix hun
dred dollars per year, ou the excess above
six hundred
Saleratus, pc pound
Sales, auction of gen!., etc., on gross amount of
sale 1-10 of
Io., ol sticks, etc 1-10 cf
Sales made by public oil ice rs, etc
Salt, per hundred pound.
Salves, same as "Is-ntifrice." ap.mlia, Hull's same as "llentifriee."
l)o , 'low iisi-nds, same as Heiitifrice.
Saving insti.utions, on all dividends
Scheidain Schnapps, same as "Ix-tdifrice."
Screws, Culled Wood sCie'Ws, per pound
Sogar, v alued at imt over five dollars it thou
sand per one thousand
I)o., valued at over five dollars ir thousand,
and not over ten dollars, per one thousand..
Do., valued al ten and imt over nu bty doiLr.,
per Ii" thousand
lo., valued at over twenty dollars per thousand
Mieil li.-h, in eaiis or ajr-tuht p.icka-i s - ....
Sheep, Slaughtered lor sale, per mad
Sheep, slaughtered by an, person for his ow n
Sheepskin, tanned, curried, or hnished
Sheet iron, sec "lrou."
Sherry wme bitters, same a.- iX-iitifriee.'
Shingles aie not to be considered as a manufac
ture. Silk paras.!.
5 per ct.
5 per ct.
25 centa.
3 perct.
1, perct.
3 perct
1 CO
75 ctnts
25 cert.
10 cents.
5 cents.
25 00
25 00
3 per ct.
5 per CL
10 00
20 00
3 per ct.
3 per ct.
5 mills.
1 per ct.
1 per CL
4 cent
3 per ct
1 50
3 00
2 50
3 50
5 per ct.
5 cents.
4 per ct.
5 S cent.
o per cent.
3 per ct.
3 per ct.
6 cents.
5 perct.
20 cent.
1 mill.
5 null.
2 cents.
1 mill.
2 cents.
2 cents.
1 mill.
5 mills.
2 cents.
2 cent.
2 cents;
2 cent.
I tuilL
5 mill.
10 00
5 mills.
2 00
20 cents,
lo cent.
1' mill.
I mill.
4 mills,
li; null.
tf mills.
3 pe r ct.
3 per ct.
Siik uiuhiella -
SiU, manufactures of. when not otherwise snec-
ihed .....
Silver, manufactures of, when not otherwise
specified - - .
Skin, calf, tanned, each ...
Do., A.oei'iCdii putelil ...
Skins,, curried, manufactured or finished.
kid, un.. morocco, do., sheep, tanned, cuiTie!,
or finished - - 4 perct.
I)o.. deer, dressed and -looked, per pound 2 cents.
lo., iio, tanned und dressed - -4 per ct.
Do., hoise, do., - 4 perct.
Slate are not to be considered a manufacture.
Slaughtered cattle, see "Cattle:"
Do. hog, ee "llojs."
Do. sheep, see "sheep'
Smoking tobacco, see "loLacco."
Snult, atoiiutic, same us "Is; ntilriee."
lx., catarrh, same as "Ix-ntitrice."
Miuii, per pound ....
Soap, castile, valued not above 3' centa per
pound, per pound ....
Do., cu-l.l", valued above 3), cents per pound,
jer pound ....
Do., cieuiii, h r pound ...
Do., erasive, valued not above 3,',' cents per
pound, per pound ...
Do., eiasivc, valued above 3;, ceuts uer pound,
ier pound - - -
Do., fancy, per pound - .
IX)., honey, per pound - . -
Do., palm oil, valued not above cents p.u'
pound, pt r pound ...
Do., palm od, valued above 3t cents per pound,
per pound ...
Do., scen ed, per pound
LX) , shaving per pound
lx., toilet, ol all ocstriptioiis, per pouisl
Dj., transparent, per pound
Do., ol all other desci iptiotis, white or colored,
except sott soap and soap oiherwi-o provided
lor, valued not above 3 cents per pound,
per pound - - - -
Iht., ilo., valued above 3,' cents j-er pouud, per
poiiiu! ....
Soap makers, under which term is Included ev
ery iicr.oii w bore busmers it is to make or
niaiiutactuie soap, for each license
Soda, bi-cart oiiatc of, tier pound
Sole lealhei. ree "leather."
Spike, per ton - - .
Spirits, (iistilh d, p r gallon
Spit its, t ectiiiea and mixed, per gallon
Spirits nnd.cinal, same as " De u ill rice.
split are not to be-considered a manufacture.
Staren, made ol corn, per jiound
Io , made of potatoes, er pound
Do., uiaiie of rice, per pound
Lo., made of veh.-a , perpouiid
Do., made of any other material, per pound
Stoves are not to be considered a inaiiutacture.
Steamboat, except ferryboats, 011 gross receipts
Meet, manufactures of, when not o.herwisc spe
tified ....
Steel, in ingot, bar, sheet or wire.t.ot lethan
one quarter ot an inch 111 thickness, valued at
7 cents per pound or less, p r ton - 4 00
Do., do., valued abov e 7 cftil, and r.ot al ore 1 1
cent.-, per pi und. per ton - - 8 00
Do., vaaied above 1 1 ceet per pound, per ton, lo 00
Stills, u-ed in distilling spirituous liquor, 'vir
each yearly license - - 50 00
Do., use-d 111 distilling spirituous liquors, for each
hall-i tally license - - 25 00
Do , Used by distillers of apple aa 1 peaches,
may be liceu-eo lor ihe space of three month.,
upon pay lueiit L r ea h Lceiis lr euch time, 12 50
S:ik k iu.ur.itice compame. see "Insurance."
Stove, per ton of 2,o w pounds - - 31 50
Su'jr, i.row n or Muscovado, not advanced above
No. i, Duicu standard, pretucel Irom cane, ex
cepting soraouui and iwphce cane, per oiuid 1 cent.
Do., granulated, loaf, lump, pulverized, relined,
or made Irom luofasaer, irup of molasses,
m lado or concentrated melado, icr pouud. 2 mills.
ISugar candy, wade wholly or in part of sugar,
per pound - - - - 1 cent.
Suar coated pills same a "Dentifrice."
Sulphate of baryu-., per 100 pounds - 10 cent.
Surgeons, foi each hceiise 10 00
Tallow chandlers under w hich term U included
every person whos busine. it i to make or
mauulacture candle-, for each Ixrense - 10 00
Tar, coal ppsluced in the luoJiufacturcof gas. exempt.
Tavi n.s, same a "Hotel."
leieraphiC dispatches, sc "Dispatches."
Theatre, under which term is included every
place or edifice erected lor the purp of
tlran:atic or oj?ratk: repre ntations, play or
It-rloruiauces, and not includm hails rented
or Used oceasionaily lor concert, or theatrxal
reprcnentati Us, fore h ieen-e
Ticket-, paase, by any ve--el from a port in
the L Oiled Ute, to a foieign port, if kss
than thiriV CihIjS ...
Di., exceed. tig thirty dollar
Tiuiber h not to be considered a manufacture.
Tiu, manufacture of, w ueu ot oUierwite p-
CJLied ....
Tiijciures, same a Tentifrice."
TotiHccemist, muter w ben term iincludd every
persou wuo hall otter tor sale, at rela.1,
ars suuJT.or tobacco in any toru (whole-sal
or reU.1 dealers, keepe rs of hoieL. u.n and
tavtm having taken out a liceme arc not re
quired to take out a licence a tobacconists)
for euch l.cene - - 10 00
Tob-itco, cavrodish, valued at more than 3o
cent per pound - -15 cents.
Do. do., valued at any uia not exceeding 30
cents per pxind " - - - 10 cents.
IX)., fii4 cut, valued at more than 30 ceid per
pouuU tit- 13 ceuu.
Du., do., valued at any sum not exceeliC(t 30
cent per jKuud - - 10 canto.
Ix., irrouiid, iry or damp of all descnptioti,
(except aroraaüc or medicinal tiiiS ut phiais
polo, ooxea or packet,) per pound - 8 cents,
D., luariufactured, of all kinds not irc! Jding
anutf or wefcaiw, or tobacco prepare! with
ums iu, soloed at over 0 OMiia per pouud, 15cei.U.
Do., do., vaued at le lLvau30 ceuts ir kuu1 10 centa.
Do., mok!i.? tobac-co, prepared with stem tn,
per pound - ft cent.
I., plug aud twiat, saxue aa "Tobacco, cavtu-
Tonic mtxture,ame a Mltltifrice.
Tooth jsowder, same aa "1 Jen Ufr ure."
Tra-l cuoipauies. oo div Kleuets Ax. 3 per ct.
I'miircll, . made of cotton Sperct.
lx made of any other malt rial - . & perct.
Umbrella ltmrbeT mr not tw b enwtderw4 a ...
l'nguenu. uim a DfUtlfr1a.
100 00
50 canLc
1 00
3 per ct.
Varni-k. made wkJly or la part wf ram copal.
Ix , ma Je of ther gvima abstauces
VeretaM oils pe !bn " "
Ves-t-'aMe pulmtrary bai-ajn, same a Iirt-.trD
Verrr..fuje, .xr.e a I-yt;fre.
Warthovi-sf entry, at cmtow hotjsrs, cot etcessJ.
Ing one dollar tn ralae, stamp daty -
Do , do., exceeding oie duilar, and otleiceelinf
fir dollar . . .
Iii.. do., exceeding five dt!ar la vala -
W srehou- rece pts, stamp dity
hisky, r g slion ...
I sc. rect itied., ta not to pay aj addithsfisj day.
H bolesale dealers, uti.b r wax b leroi U 11 litdcl
every pern whoe bune or x-npati 41 ia
to sell. offer to sell. rr-erj-"c,r aoy CS
wares or mercbatdie, wf fi-e ca 0 mmtic
production, by mie t h so one orUmal park
WM pM-ce at one t:nw, t the mii por
cuawr, not hh ludti g w Ines pintuous or uiUt
h pjr, for each l.ce-i-e
Lo!ea!e d-ali-r in 1 .jus. of every drr1i
tin. tncladirijr rfis.;Vd spirit. Wwsrnte! 11-
iits aud Wines of all kind (jrron t-ther
tlsn d. tiller, who n II 1 r offer f rss!e any
Kh liquor. in qaai.t.'H e.f murt tbau three
gsilon at one time to the ante purcUaer, are
iiK-Iu.led.) f r each Iki use
M'lllow, tnannfactures f
Wine made of cr)x cailoii . .
Withdrawal entry, atcutoni tcuf, rt imp duty
Wood, manufacture of. if not otherwi p,e-
vid-d for -Wood
screw - . .
Wii, manufactures of, Bt elenii specified.
W orstcd, manufacture -f, not othrw i specifird
W t lorre, same a "Ix-nti.'n-e."
Writ, stamp duty ...
Zinc, manufactures of. not otherwise sfiecttUsd.
IX., oxyde of. per luv i tii..
I per ex.
2 cokta.
25 centa.
50 ret U.
I oo
23 rev to.
20 cecla.
h 00
3 per ct.
& cents.
3 per ct.
1 rt.
3 per ru
3 rr rt,
M cents
23 rent
At 3 West WaeLintton at.
ale c hap. one doi r eit of tie rdrnt r lii-tie
--p30-dly A. UMI.
I Yn Important to the .Harried!
flvllL understued will set.d free by mal tl.e ure
X means of prevrntit c conception. Nodnip-or nedi
cine. CT A lTK BlrCtiVSSV. A ctrru'ar Uli part- ulars
will be sent lo any addres by iiiclsitg nie two 3 cent
stain). A book coiitainin: all the knowledge referred
to. and several priv ate receipt, with rt-ATss will !e sent
to any name or address you may wish, by inclosing tno
one dollar.
Medicine, a Fiench Pill, w ill !e aent for one dollar per
box. It is very sure In its 1 ui ct Addres
Lck l'.ox N.i. 220, Indianapolis
JjlO-dfim A . R IVLCHl-.T.
Drnlrr In Urne!) -ladr riofliittK aud
Orni' I'lirntliinc (iood
(OPPOMTK Tlir CiURT notr,)
$150 mr pianos 810
1 liOVKSTKF.N II ALK h.viug removed lo thetr new
X arerooui-,
Ho. 476 Broadway,
are prepared to offer the public a mri lfkent new seal
7-0ctave Rosewood Piano,
cht known in this 0"t:ntry r
s. Liii(h rrjnd ae'kn, karp
rout itiir.)? all Improvi i:.
Kurope, over-strung L.
pedal, lull tn-u, i..r
XV A li I! A S T K 1) FOK K I V K T K A H S ,
hich moulding' cae,
$173 TO $dOO,
all warranted made of the !et inH rial, ml l stand
Letter than any sol I for $4 0 or f.VKl Lr ihe old method
of manufacture. We invite the lest judifra lo examitie
and try these new itr trumei tg, and we stand rrady at all
lime to test ihem with aov other manufactured in this
country-. .ico v ijvr V II A 1. 1:,
my28-d3m 47 Proadway S Y.
cut or it Toaa.
siynt.i: tumyts 50 ci:it day,
Opposite City Hall.
If I spaciou Uefectorr. There Is a llarters hop and
Ikith-roi m attached to the Hotel.
0V Peware of Kuntjrr and Ilackmen who say wo
are uil. IX. I ICI.M II.
novMi I-lly Proprietor.
sioiiielliiii lor the Time.
Johns k Crosley's
Til tV tfTMnVrt'CT t " t T'a. IV Ttf V ITfMll tt
iiiri piii't.vui.iJi av inr Ik kJ
For Cementing Wood, Leather, i.lan,
Ivor'. Cliinu, .lurhle, Porrrlain,
Alanaftler, ICone, 'oral. Ac.
"Every bouekeeper shouL! I ave a supply f John h
Cros.lera A ierican Cement tlu ."-.'. . Tim.
"It is so convenient lo have lb the boe.' .Vcte urh
"It I alw ay rea!y; thl rummend It to everybody."
A'. 1. litltiiuIeiU
"We Lave tried If, ar.l find it a useful In onr houes a
w iter." IlVia'a Spirit fifth Tit.
Price ct. per dottle.
rw sc oa ion m c; r oa
For sale by all Imr-rit and Klirekeeper (
era);y tLrouitbout the'eountrjr.
(mix MAtrrarn acaa,)
7 W I I I I tt in H t r c
Corner of Lfberty treet, X . T.
JulyS-dly '61
IX A !f
mvcnr 0TADLC0.
ccnooL or:cA::3.
A5EW 1 5 CT KU M L 'T J I" 5T TliE Til 10 TC2
Sabbat k Schools Aeadetuies and Small Cavrcke.