Newspaper Page Text
t - DAILY STATE SENTINEL. ! printed asi ifuciisi TC2 KEW S3M1XEL OFFICE. no, t oijtij jaßniiiAri nrnKCTt wmw Tic roerutrica, lroprUtor. Yearly uocr1t-r 4 00. no au a tit is Auvssca; ot delivered fey the carrier M 11). ceius per week, payable erao-monthly. Sina'.e roye ne crulfc. Clijr tbcriber will be beU rejtilde fur paper. I ft at their hoaaea after tUey hate reunited, or bm they wtU then Lcni.iitt'.-d. unlets rutic is given t the. of- fcVe4.f publicaU-. 5 paper Mrut wiiaout pre pa yum l. f continued I on get I bat paai (nr. of tU Usus Sirtiau caa be bad at Ue oMc each, and the Wttut .nwn eaeb Mon day avwrung, 6aUy et loped, f making h 71 I ' H 1 ' P. G. CirJT, d it t : o J Jo CO tZf CAS? narTr? CTZ" VOLUME X. LVDIASAPOUS, IXD SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 76 18G2. NUMBER 3,798. To OfUccra cf tto Amy. DA STAT 7EEHLY STATE SENTINEL, j PUKLISIIKD EVERT MONDAT AT One Dollar and Fifty ClM.a IVnr, fa aauc lavAaitaLr m aDVAara. it a t i: of a i i: it t i si I ! a . 4 s 5 S f t L, -7 S Hi Li 7 e- I as I DU 1.00 lis 1.75 a do l.V) J.00 4W 5 00 7 no !.M 35 Jl ro 13 no 1.13 IZO 17 J.K 2C2 3 00 3.7S 4 50 0- TW 1025 10, urn'. 3 OO1 o; 14 t.50 3.13 3.75 4 27 5 00 3.00 4.00 5 00 a oo 7 00 H 00 3 37 3 7 4 50 5.0 5 2 i 75 7-5 3 OO 375 4 50 s.ri t no 7 W oo 12. If. CO 20. PO 2!..Vl 33 0 37.50 43X0 55 OO 3.AO 4 37 5.25' e.12 7.00 1.J vi M.. lw., 101 Jw.. Sw., lm. Jru. 3m.. 4 TO. Sti. 77 .75 i on 1 oo ! 11 .5 12.50 i 13.50 15 no H.OO J 23.50 ?Vft 29.75 !. 45 00 50.00 ! 50 00 55 oo I 5(K' .2' n 75 low ;o.5o 11.00 tl on 18 ) 7.M 20.00 21 ri 28 5o 31 75 40.00 40 OO 45.00 45 JO 52.50 5o oo 57.50 l 75 (0 6 oo! 7 w H.Oo I0.'0 10.00, 1.1.5'V 175 10.1 2 25 31.25 27.00 25 0'' SO ro 2V. Vi XS.50 35V.4V0 n.75 IScm 1. 00 20. SO 57.50 62 .50 g.VOO 70 PO 13m.lS.ftQ 25 oo V.. Oft 9, (K) ADTF.kTlSlNG IS TIIK WEEKLY. Ore Uret on tnwri ti. . . " two to 75 . 1 () . 2 10 " four " ftt evS l'iorii ln--rtlon. an.! fr cb Irvxrr Lii vi ach -jure 33' AUntrtnTi piMi'.l In tnh iMily an1 br YvkW Fwrt. will rhr'lib full 1'iiljr rt, .... ... .. . fit ill. m.c -r.:i Iii! ft-kir rai- l äfi Bnin Not t)tir- fniMi-l 1 in c column, "f w i r, will cb.r"t U.t eacU liwrUuii fl; if . r rrr ti Im trn f ril! lr lili. Charge will 1 tna-lf fT ll'ftStiS tit - of th I folkMritt OftT. Hi u A-Ulivii at lb? r nm-l, to l''il In n lif. M.litarr'. Or Vr tf 0! 1 fl!wN Motile, IVntXilri.l S.-i-tw- and SlLK'ny S.ieti-. Fr each notice n-l rxcelnm t IS1 15 cnta f-jr tatb nf rtim; nvr rijrhi lit.- at tli rule. AtUKut.r;iia: rf-atb wi'h fnral notice attache!, fl; Wllhoqt iMitire fr- Marrlajf' N..tfrM 6ocrit. Not irr i.f FeDval. IJrnic mid F.TirUjti,K'it-n nply IdlvVlnitl. or or by ctaurclir. at th rrRiil ir AlvrT!rmriif lra.fp.l an! Jnr.1 iitnlf r tb li ! f prrUI, If tmljM-BiTOfi.wlll ochrK'J double tb" uaal ra'rm. AiIvrrtiM-niPt.tii maHnrf l-lhri Ihr- linos, inrt-! oner Iii tbe I-ily, will b cbarse.1 Pfty ernt. T arly a.lvrrti-rr to pa quarterly. Atinouncii CAiMlH-ttrn fr tR!(v. of evrry d-M-dpf in t ! chart'"! at the rate of 1 5o for ecb inm in the IaUy. aii'l 1 in tbe liHy and Weekly, the wme to be, tn all caa. rai 1 in alrancc. 1KI aifvertlnett inet1fl at tie f xpr ne ftTi t If.rDy .rterinf. atl not rt. Uyable f..r tbe l-al (.rci-el- lna;, t'iit col lift able at our üual time. IuMifhfra ni arro-intable for tbe accuracy cf leiraj alverticiin tit be yorKt tb amonnf harrel for tbrlr pnbttrflin. KLCKR. HAKKNKJ" A r.lNtlHAM, lT'meliir tiliana Stute Sentinel. J. M. TII.FOKI. Tre'lent ln1ianapoli Journal Company. OUSINESS DIRECTORY. IIWKI.US. f W AK1USOXÄ' HANK. No. 1 Kal Washington tre tl 1 ft opjxite tbe Sentinel t;nce. uuy4 i.iviiitv staiili:s. LLKN A HIN3LET. Uvcrj and Sale Stable, tn tbe rear of tbe Falmer ..ue. Junc5-.ily 4i ,i)ir n;s. I DAVIS k CO., Union Foundry, Delaware atreet.op- poit L"nin Irjxt. ASSFLMAN VI5TnX. Mrbirrton Foundry btm H Machine IToTli, eat en-l l mon iH-not. I FRANCIS 5M1TII, formerly Ivlwll 4 Smith. U-al K-tate Agent and Tas Tay er, 37 Kast Wa-bifgtoii :rrrt. Il viet rent. Jan25-dly 'f2 cKEKNAN PIERCE. Real Krtat Agent and Broker, 10 Fit Vbir.-ton treet. JU. T. WILEY, Ral Estate Agent and Stock P.r... r, 10', F.t Wai-hirgton street. may 14 root ami mioi; di:.i.i:h. 1 C. MAYHF.W A CO., Wh. Ieal dealer In IWN J. .hoe, and Kubbt-r. No. 4 K-bert' Block, opposite I the I ition lept, lt)lin.p !i. Ind. sef.4 ADAM KNOIiI.K A SOX, msnufacturem and deIer in all kind of Hoot, and Sh, No. 32 Kat Wa-h-DH'ion street. apriT hooks am sr riM:itv. BOKN. STEWART A CO., whWale and rstjil deul er U Book arnl Stationery, and Printer Matt-rial. Ho. IS Wet Washington street. aprV I)UI'i4 M Mi:i)K'IM. m mILET M. LOW KT. Milta.lST. leabr in Pruif, Chem'cal. Pin?-, Oil, le:nfT.. ltai:c, Prttei.t an i other MedU in, Notion ami P rfunirrj No. 43 Ma aebuaett avenne, (ndiaiapoli. tii.10-ly . FIOMUNStiN A COX. dealer in lrug. Medicine. I Paints. V.1, (ils, Perf jmery. Fancy Oood. Ac, Ni. 1& Eat Washington tre t. lndiana(oli. mavis " CROWNINtJ, liruggM, and dealer In Taint. Oil. Varnibe, K-e-tu!T. Ola-slilaow are, IVrfiirncry. Ac., No. tJ. Wet Wa-hiinrt' ti street. apr.'7 DUY iMlS. WA II. til.FNN A CO. New Tork Store, Iry . ( wholesale and Retail, Glenn' HI.', ?Tbiructoi Mreet. ma5 MOVES .lDTH WAItr.. I i C 111 ARLES OIX. lealer in Stoxe. Tin Ware, Ac. No. i 11 fi Wa.hoton tr-et. aprt7 ! isoou iii.Mii:us. CAMPBELL A U)YLFS.IUMk Binder and Blank Rook ! Manufacturer. No. 37 Eat W a.binton t., et of ' Giena'a ho-k, i;p uir, liv!Uiia;x!i. fel 25-dtf J DOlViLAS A PALVF.R, K.-oW Bindern anl Blank Bo( k j Manufarturer, N. 3tlt Fat Wa-hirton tre-t, ( vrr Alford, Milla A Co'a Grocery. mayi? C lilt , 4 J I. A SN AMI (Jl i;iSVAIU.. HAWTHORN A BfCHANAN. Importer of China, Gl and Jaeen.ware, No. 83 East Wabington t.,, Indiana. dlj 7IF.II4 H AN I XAII.4HCK. I A RE DE RICK tHEPPFR, Merchant Tailor, and dealer ' in ready made clothing and good-.. No. 21 Wet Wabi: ct. n Mrret. ppite S. aUiiel office. mj2 ITTOICMAN. KILBV FKluil'MIN, Attorney a'.d Couurir at PaC ili for approved Judgment and m..rt-.- ai-- necotia'ea b au, not. Ac. 03'ce, 24 FatW.h- Ir.gton tr-et, ui-ia.r, vcoivl dvwr to the right harnl. .;- p.te lenii nio a. octt rfüL "m 1 C I)N U.l. ROACH E A LEW l. J.ebo F. Mr IV.n- V ft. aid, AMion I Kacb. Joeprt . Lrwi,l At- UortM-yt and Coun! at Ijl. .CtuAUuraoce .n- ; ftar.y HutiJinfc, mooimI fl.r, Vnnj Waid irert. jeXJly MACHINISTS. 2 BLiVliSJllTll SHOP. n A TING E NTT E FLY REFTTTED THE SHOP FORM ERLY occupteU by John Cooper, tn tKcool, b A Co'. ltM ant Hub Factory, I am preparvd to do all kind of work in the machinery tr b!acl:nit hing lire. Ilavirg tad twelve year. eijxrloiice in the bet tiacbjsbcp. in tbe country, I Cattrr m wlf that I can gtTe enure Mtisfaction to thoe Lo tiav' favor me with their work. I tare In my err ploy .t,e of tie b-t black Diitb. In the Sta'e. artd pay particular attntknto hore ffcoetngand machine forgtr.e. Kepainng of ail kits! promptly attended to VtvvleU of all au-d fur tbe (aleot oti. Ken eniVr tie plare, one anare oulh uf tie Ut.icn Depot, III tK.i treet V T. N. tutylo-dl 'CI i i NOTICE. YV 7 y. ba. Ihl day 4J our Bakery lm Meter. Nick- urn A Parrott. Tbackii.a: tbe public ia ire&eral for lU'tr liberal patron, age. wewwuid re-firctfuliy ak tbe coi.tti uarce f tue na. toour ucce..r. A. A J. MtTZFR. l1uaju!n July f. Ui Jyll -lit DRY COODS. 2 T Im C DRUCS. NEW FIRM. Til AVK anociated with tue In buine Mr. G. W. ' Moan, who ba been an a-Mtai:t in iLe store for a j tminber of year ;;t. Hereafter the business will be j continued at (be '.M atand under tbe tirm of IIKOUMMi A SLOI.'V. ! I feel grati f il for the p.vroninc wh'th we hare vrr 'ec-ive.! tru-t by trict attenii iii to bu:r. s and the n ait of our cu-toiner to merit and rt tf n the a-ne. K. BLOW XING. Vl.l. peror. Knowing thetn'-elrr in '.-bted to me w ill plec c.ill at their ear!it convenieiice and make etileruentof Mliif, and oblige It. BKOWXIMi. I (LATE R. BROWXINt;.) HC nj lai fai 22 Wet Wahinti Street. Iudiatiaj-oli, llae in store a I rge and afllseleited stock of Prags, Meditinr. Cbeniical, Pain t. Oil ,Va--nihe,ye. atutf-, 1 1 l..sw are. indow t ;la,Brushf , Ciar, Tu!aiCo, Sj.ict . Pt rf.tmery, Fanc.v and loilet Article, Coal till and lnip. I'ateM M .-.l;ciiic, and a!l urticl- to complete the st--k of a Druggist. A we oiicbae pnncipilly for c.ib, d;r-ct frort the import er and tiij:nifiturrr, and bin diroii to retain the rrp-itatn-n which our b.ue ba- ever enjoed of M-Uing j.o-, ftrK ti-tiilf, grt-at care I taken in the sebciion of lr :c in r fcrence t their ; t.!u. Our favilit are such lhaf we feel ii.ti.leai we can oVr, in urn and un adulterated articles, as strong induceuo nts as any other We-tern bue. All order will re-eive the peisonal attention of one of !h firm tireat care taken in thedten-in? of phvsl cia I' prescriptions and fannly reeip- f i oru trictly i ure artH-le, and we f.-el coi,ti-.t-nt we can rentier satifaction in the nVe and r.7y of rood. BKOWNING A SLOAN, 22 West Washington itreet. 1 EST American and French Window G!a.: JOoboiea I WiihlcT av.rtd. from sxli) to rCx60, in ture and Windol av.rtd, fron b-rs le at lowot ture I t BROWNING A SLOAN. pALNTS! OILS! VAKXISHES! ;nn KFG$ rurf wtlte Lead; WW 5Q BAKREIA UcseelOt'.; Jfj CASKS Yellow Ochre; Q CASKS Venn. Ucd. With a large stock of Vami-he. Paint, and Color of all kind, ground In oil and drT. Forsyte at tbe lowe.f Cfcurea. BROWNING 1 SLOAN, -3 Wet Wa-hisgtoo treet. I Brushes! Brushes! ,)nn ImZEN Part and Varnih Bncf, Wall '? Bruhe. Sah Te-d. r.l-?ler. Soru. Shoe. li-re, riair, Ilt, and Cloth Bnih-- .f all in d at low et rure ( BROWNING SLOAN'S. Jel4-deodAeem3tn SCHOOL BOOKS. OF SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER. &C..&2., IX SMALL OR LA KG F.Q CAN TIT! CS. A l BO tV IN. KTItWAKT A Cw'a J DAILY SEiTIIVKL IIJDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. gUatro taib B AiLaoA. Tram Lear. Train Arrive. 125 A.M Mall 735 A.M. 13 P. M 11:45 A M. 940 P. M h30 P.M. iKniAiAruua ai cotratita tia rio. Train Iave. Traina Arrire 5:20 A. M FipreM 1:35 P. M. 8:40 P. M Accommodation 10:45 A. M. IIMAIACtmil AAiAW AT. Traina leaee. Train ArriT. A mm 9 A il ll.'S A. M Mall M5 P M. T-'IO P. M - 95 P. M. UHII trout AVU COLt'UBCS H0UT LI I, VIA lATTtX. Train Leave. Train Arrive. 8:i0 A. M tr5 A. M. 1U55 A. M 2:15 P. M. 710 P.M -35 P. M. ISD4AJI ArOUB A rtaClMATt KAIUOAD. Train Leave. Traina Arrire. 515 A.M A.M. 11:75 A. M 15 P. M 7:05 P. M 10:10 P. M TERBK IACTI kAJiaOAO. Traina Iave. Train Arrive. 10:70 A.M 4 55 A.M. V5i P. M 11-25 A. M. 10:15 P. M r. ..7 00 P. M. II AI BART AKD CHICAGO ROAD JVXCTol Ooimr North. Golrur South, 5 00 P. M ExrreM 11:25 A. M. 11:05 A. M Freight. Dally 1:00 P.M. LA'ATtTTK RAftaAAD. Train lear. Ii 30 A. M 6 40 P. M 10:45 P. M Trafna Arrive. .. fd A. M. ..11:15 A. M. ,. 5.45 P. M. rtr Asoi.DiAXAroi.SRAn.OAP. Trafn !eare. Train Arrive. in.20 M ..Moil 11:20 A.M. 1:00 P. M ChlcagoExpre 4 30 P.M ima troma An maii.o aaii-aoar. Train f-ave. Train Arrive. 12 m P. M Mail lf.'0 A. M. . 6:00 P. M 6 30 A.M... .Frm Freisrbt LVpotJ. aarritKaOiKvii.i.r raiijcoad. Triti lave. Train Arrive. 7 45 A.M Mail 5:10A.M. 00 P. M 8: 40 P.M. Arrival and Iloi;iriurf or :inlng of .Huilw. AKRIVAUI. Madisoti mail t'inciniiati and way mail JelJersotiviile and Louisville .11:00 a. .10:20 A. . 8 45 r. .11 10 i. .11 40 A. . 2 3 P. . 7:'J0 r. . 6 IK) e. . . . . Term Haute w ay mail Peru mail Central way mail . . . . Tme Haute through mail Lafayette and Chicago .... IVilefuiitaiiie way B'lli-fbtaine through mail Central tbrouuh miiil.. .. Cincmiiaiitbroub mail.... . H 3 P. M . 7:5 A. M . 7 30 a. m , . Hh't r. m .1U:15 A. at Springfield,! Uinnls, OtlAITI tri. JeffermnvUlf and Li)iiiville mail. Terre Iljute through mail, St. Loui, Cairo. Lafaj-eite and C-iKik;o. . . . . I-iUyrtteCity and 4riugtlfll, Illinois .... Mad:on Central wnv mail Central th fmi Rh nmll and WaLiiigUuCit). Cincinnati and way mail Through mail Terre Haute kij, Evan.vll!e and Vincenne Perti Bellefontaine way and through srxntr MAIL. B l'.f n'.nin w a v mad .... l.O i Ue Irl Jel'ei -otiville T'l-r an-e tb toi b J.t'jt t'lonf. ... 730 v. m. .. . 'j:2ii a. m. ..H-aM a. j. . . 7 "0 p. m. ...ll-",0 A.M. . . 10:55 A. M. ,.. ecu r m. . . ln:::o a. m. . . . 6 P. w. ...12-30 P. M. . . 121 0 w. . .. 7:30 p. ... 5:01 p. m. ... 5: 0 p. M. ... . f-M'O e m. LAW BOOKS. STATUTES OF INDIANA. ;VI V HlllllIN It I. VISION. Tbe eecn! volume of Messro.Gavin A Hord's compila tion of Indiana Sta utt a ha Jnt appeared. Thi volume completes their work. Its mechanical execution is ver c edita' le; and the skill, learning, and labor which the editor have Letowed on it, merit tbe hih' t praige. None but leaned, dilitut la-vyers could have produced auch a w rk. The secon-l volume embrac- all the public statnte of Indiana now in force upon the subjects to which it relates, a-jd the first ail excepting tbe act. of the last regular and evtra seVion of the l-e-ji-Uturc. It is a great excel lence of the compilation thai all exiting statutes on each mbjeet are cdleeted together in the same place In these jltitne; eothuttle reader can sce atag'ance all the lcgKltin in force n any piven subject. Take, for ea aaiple, the act of 1Ö2, or;iiizin?r Court of Common Tlea the ed.tor publish the act at Urge, and they also print. In the form of note on the ame pape- containing tlii statute, all the acts amendatory to it which have t een passed up to this time. And o they have done of all the other net contained In the revision of l-52. Tbe editor have added much to the value of these vol umes especially the last by the copiou and learned note with which the volume abound. Thee note Indi cate nunh l.ihoraud lenal acumen. They furidb u, in a c incie and accurate form, with all the ad udications of our Supreme Court on the statutes. Thee adjudica tions behi,? now very numerous ibe references to them i i the volumes uti'er c 'U-ideration, willbc of great value t- tbe lawyer, and indeed to all persons concerned in the aduiii.i-tra lon o' Jutice. The edit-T have bo referred, in the r note-, to numerous declfiotis In othei States, ma le on statute similar to our. An excellence of tbee volume, not to be overlooked the full and accurate indea appended to ech. lu Indi ana, there never has been a good index to any volumes of statutes published by authority. This provoking defect la bveu completely remedied in tbe volume under re ie; and these indexes will greatly lighten the labor of all who have occasion to look into our tatnte. TU i the firt time that private enteTriie has at tecii'ted the publication of Indiana statutes. The at tempt, I do not doubt, will be successful, and will duly reward the learned editor and eiiterpriiing publish er. Every lawyer w ill, of course, purchase these volumes; and every clerk, sherif, and justice of the peace of the Maie, w ill find it to hi. advantage to own them. DAVID M'DONALD. Indianapolis, June 5, 1S62 The -oretjoing notice by Judo McDosalp, cf (Javis & Horp's Compilation cf the Statutes of Indiana, Is not de ijcned a a pu.T of the work, but is an unolicited com inendation ot tbe ability, accuracy, and omplelenes vtith which thee volumes have been prepared. The second volume, which has just been issued from the prea, i bein,; delivered to subscriber a rapidly a poible. Tbi edition of the statutes will be found a ne reity to every lawyer, Justices of the peace, and county ofl'.cer in tbe State. The publication of tbe work Is a private ei.terprie, and the pullihers only hope for re muneration i in it sale to those for whose convenience itw prepovd. The two volumes contain aNut 16iH) pat of inatrer, nearly d -ubl the quantity embraced i he te vision f l-52. The prce of the w ork Is 4 50 per volume, or i3 OO for tbe two velun e. Order addressed to the subscriber wil receive prompt attention. J.J. BINGHAM, JuDt 7th, lv2. Indianapolis Ind. BARBERS. .VüJir B AIM ER su or. SnrCRAFT HA orKNEP A BARBFR SnOP IN the new block cf John C. New, two dor oith of tte roto(Sce, on the secoi d Coor, Hocta No. S and 9, where he will be pleased to alt Li old cu'iemer I In full blal with ehalr. octl0-tly LIVERY STABLE. 4X7. 1Tavr . Bam.i.ij cjC? Exchange Stables, n Illinois .Street, Oppoite P.ate House. lEdianapob, Ind. ate5-dly MEDICAL. What is Life Without Health ? A Coid is annoyii g. A Cougb I rout desome. Hoarene prevent peeeb. re Throat are piinfr BRANDE'S TUSS1XAG0 I peasant tn take, and oon efrct a cure. IS eeai. a Vei. at all the htg Store Indluua a.rrtltttar. axXATk.. RrrtkLiCA.N. uoLOixo orta. Delaware anl BUckfurJ Wtlter March. Fayette a r Unioti Uenj tiuin F. C!arptxl. Fountaii Hetirjr CanipJ-!!. 11 miiltoii a;il Titon(Jeo. B. Grutb. Heti-lru k atxl Uttone Silo own HUir. Heiirj Jushn.i II. Mallttt. LK.'ite and St;irkeALrtm Tef:irJen. Mtaniintul Fultme D miel li. UewrM. Montgumer ilklncl G. While. Ntble, DKu!t and Steubei. Timothj 11. Dii-kin-ton. Ii Ii Jol h Thomas K. Krown, (contested.) Hu-li Edward H. M. lierrj. Decatur J. D FleiU 13. RIPIBLICANS Fl.tCTED. Jcflr4rn--Juliii L. M.tii.-tield. Wvne Oihtiel IJce-nn. Denton. Warren and White Alfred Keed. TippeiMntie -Mues C CuNer. Jatr, Luke, Newton and Porter Ezra Right. Kosciusko niii Wabash W.C. (rrave. Ptke und Vermillion 0. I'. Daris. Mitriuii Jtilui C. New (content) S 21, DEMOCRAT. HOLDIM) tlVkK. Clurk and Sctt Clmrles F. Feriru-ou. Cluy mid I'ultum Arcliibnld Jolumtun. (iitoc, Dabjis and Pike Thooi9 Shoulders. Johnen und Mortn Franklin Lmders. Sfielbr and Ilmcuck Martin M. Riy. Vigo nnd Solliran Henry K. Wilson. Wnshinoton tid Harrison S'tnetjii K. Wolf. Jennings and J;ckon MetJeW. Shields 9 DIM0CKAT ILLCTED. Fluvd Auu-tus Hr.ijlev. M.usiiall and St. JoJt-pIi Horace Corbin. (r;ibt and Madison Juhu D. M4rhdll. Pisev and V.iiiderLurgli George W. Finch. IVtiv, Sj-encer und V,,rio k B. L. Fuller. Divisniid Kirn James I) Willi; res. (Jree.-ieand Owen CJenroe N. Muure. Lawrence und M ti tin I'Lonnta It Cobb. Criwhdd iind Orange Henry Jcnkiiij. (iiown Mini M'Hirje P.iri C Lunniti;. D trtlio'oinew Francis T. Ilurd. De.uboin Janas W. Gaff. Fruiiklin Thoina Oitlurd. Adiim.', Ja)- and Well George S. Drown. Allen Pliny Hoaol.uid. lluntitiotoii Mini Whitley A. J. Douglas. Carroll .md Cliniun Leander McC'ur. I'as. Howard and Pulaski John DvLj. Riplej William L HaitkM 1U 27. Oliio and S il.ei i;tnU AlfXander C Djw ney. Xo.-ciiisko and Waba?li William U. Gracs. Republicans holdiii"; over 13 elected 21 Deuiocrati lioldtii"; over e eleeietl l'J Independent;?. EU'REsfcMTATlVES. DFM. P. X. Collins 1 Allen Ochmif: UiM, John P. 6hoatl'.. .2 ll iitlioloniew O II. P. Abbilt 1 Jloone silit i man Hostetier lloone iind Heioiiieks Thu. J. CaMjn. Hrown biephen V. Cook 1 Catroll John It. Mihov 1 Cae Clmtle-s 11. Lissel'le 1 Cl.ii u Jona (.!. llou.ttd 1 Clinton Cornelius J . Milier 1 Clat Adam 0. Veuth 1 Craw tuid;is Rhii 1 Diviess 0 S Givpi I Deal born 0. F. Robert, All. Rreui .2 Decatur Dav id II. Van Du.-kii k. . . . . . Delaware Allied Kiiijoie DeKuib Miles Waterman 1 Duboi B R. Kemp 1 Elkhait Matthew Riiu,ey 1 El k. an. 1 L. i i: in,e Auios Itvi.. Faette and Union liuseil li. Ptrrj. . Founlai SuiiuoJ Haltield 1 Fund Ceo V. Hunk 1 Fmnklin Kedin U-boru 1 Fultmi 2C. G. Sli dl'er 1 (iilvii Silas M. lloleumb.. 1 Giant James llenliy (iieene John Huniphie 1 Harrison John Leu; mon 1 II incock Goo. Y. Atkinson H tneovk and Shelby James L. Mason 1 Ham lion and Tipton J unes O'Brien. Henry Charles D Morgan Hendricks James M. Grej:g Howard J. M. Leeils lluiitinotoii and Whiiiev Samuel Me(.,ucliey 1 Jackson J.ion li Ihown I Jasper and Pulaski John Darroch. . . .1 Jenniii! Hulchins Jefferson David C. Dranhaiu and J. L R..e Johnson A V. Pendleton 1 Jay Samuel A. SIhmIV .....1 Johnson und Morgan Tholnns W. Woolen 1 Kosciusko Henry J Ryerlc Kociu.ko Miid Wnbajh Jos. Marshal Mol. Knox William E. IN'ihUck L;ior.iiij:e Francis P. Grieth. Lake L-Mrte Ja me Forester and W. .1 W. lliuins. Li w i ei ice Nathaniel William? I M idison Richard Luke,.. 1 Matimi J.hnC. Tarkuiton kih! W.H. K eu 1 rick (contested) Marshall Sinke M A O Packard. 1 Mcmue Smiuel H. Bukirk. ...... . 1 Moiitoomery James F. Harney 1 Morgan J. J. Johnon M it tin John R O'Drien 1 Miami R. F. Dnildson 1 Noble Timothy Raker Ohio and Switzerland R. N. Limb... Orange (Jeorire H. Hon 1 0e. J ic- b V Wolle 1 Paike C-tsper Hurt William H. Df Duller Perry Ja me II ardin. pitei L A. C isj. ... Pose E. M. S;encer Putnam Austin H. Puett and George W. IWt . .2 Ripley Flwin P. Ferris 1 Rindoipli John H. Moorman Rush William S. Hall 1 Scott Daniel Riocher 1 Sencer James W. Lemmon 1 Sullivan Siethen ü. Durton I Shelby Jacob Mutz 1 Steuben En R. Noy e St. Joreph Andrew AnderMn, Jr Tippecanoe Joseph II Ilershey, Samuel MusUnl Viinderlmi atid Posey John A.Reitz.l Vandeibur: Thomas E. Garvin 1 Vermillion Ird Ataiiil Vise B.tvles W. HiRiit, Juo. Kemp. .2 WAbsh -John L. Stone Warren Benjimin F. Grejorj Washington Jamison Lee 1 Washington and Harrison Aaron L. Harden 1 Wayne Israel Woodruff, Oliver T. Jones, E. R. Newman Wellsaud DUckford Geo. S. ilowell.l White and Denton John T. Richard- on 1 Warrick Chambers i 1 1 1 CO TOBACCO AND CICARS. 300,000 ( i ; a i: s Just Elect Irtd. .TOUTS' .V. IIKIDLINGKU ! Just returned ftm C-neerte it. m7BFRK MF. HA 4 E.V. AG ED 4.000 flSR DO- f XKSTiCCifirt. All ro vi LTbe rarraute4 cf ue very be-t quality, and will tell 25 Per Cent. Lower Tnaaani other bon e wid rumi-h tbe same quality Every one wr eil e aar, waol-ale or r-tall dealer ! com soon and caanUM the a ock. i JOHN A. HflHUNGER. novit Ne. Palaaer Hone RAILROADS. Bellefontaine Line. CHANGE O TI3IE. O N AND AFTKR IfONDAT, DFCEMBER 1, TRAINS will leave Indianapolis MilTi At 6:00 o'clock A. 51. Night Kxearss At 8:30 P. M. Trains w-ll arrive at Indianapoliic Mtt.TAi Atr:o P. M. NlRT r XetKSfc At 7-10 A. M. Other train aa heretofore advertised. JOHN bUol'uIl, General Superintendent, decl-dlw ÄXAP0L1S AND CINCINNATI am JL. A m aa t Slioriewt ltoute by Tllrljr ?llles! NO CHANGE OF CARS TO CINCINNATI 1 Three trainleave Indianapolis Daily, (Sundays excepted.) 1:iIR$TTKAlN.-5:15 A.M , (CINCINNATI EXPRESS i arrive at Cincinnati at IO-.40A M., aui Lexiugtoa Ky., 7:30 P.M. ecjnd Train 11:25 A. M. Cincinnati Mail, arrive at Cincinnati : P. M., making close connection with tha Little Miami Railroad lor Loveland, Morrow, Columbus, Newark. ZaneviHe. and Leelin. Tl.ird Train 7 05 P. M, Cincinnati Express, arrives at Cincinnati 12.20 P. M. fare same a by any other route. Call for your tickets r ii the Indianapolis and Ciorit.nati Railroad. Ik.'.iKf checked thronpb. SrtvCtAU NoTira. 1 sure you get in tht riht train at Indianapolis. The rily Circinnatl train, stands u the Cf;b track, beiiiif the farthest track south in the Cuion Depot, at Indianapolis. W. H. L. N0DLF. General Ticket Agent. r. XI. Lnuf.ow, Tj-avelhigAitetit hosVl '.LJL PERU AND INDJJUa'APOLIS RAILROAD. 1802. RPggSgS 1S62. NEW ARRANGEMENT. yew ltoute to Chicago via Kokomo. 32 MILES SHtpRTKK THAN OTHER R0CTK. ON AND AFTER NOV. 15, 1SG2, train will be run a follow s: A Ma l Train will leave Indianapolis at 1:00 P.M., stop at all station and make close connect ion at Kokomo itb train on tne Cincinnati and Chieaito Air Line Rail road for Lo?aaport, Valparaiso and C'hicasjo, and arrive at Peru at 5:00 I. M., in time to make connections witb train on the Toledo and Wabah Railway, going East and Yest. Ueturniinr, the ame train will leave Peru at 7-25 A. M.. after the arrival of tbe trin on the T. A W. R. VV. from the East, and arrive at Indianapolis at ll:2o A. M. in time to make connections for all points Eat, South and Wet. An Expresstrain will leave Indianapolis at 10:20 P. M., connect at Kokomo wi'h traiu far t.'iiic o. arid arrive ai l'eru at. 230 A. M., intime to tn.ikecoiim ction with trains poinj; East and West on the Toledo and Waba.-di Kail way. Returning the same train w ill leave Pern at 12:25 M , making tlo-c connection at Kokomo with the trains on the Cincinnati aid Chicago Riilway from Chicazo Valparaiso and Loga, port, and arrive at Indianapolis at 4 30 I'. M.. In time to connect with the evening train fot Cincinnati. Louisville and other point-:. Special aitentioti givt-u to the tranKrtatIoii of live stock, pr-s'.uie and mertbatidise irenrraüy. DAVID MACY.deneral Agent and Superintendent. V. T. Maixitt, General Ticket Agent. novl. '6--dly (?P.arBa fT T ia f- . JEFFERSON VILLE RAILROAD Two Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted Train Arrive 5:45 P. M... 5:10 A. M... Trains Leave. :o ... .ti 9:'HD P. U. VROVE TRAINS STOP FOR THE ACCOMMODATION of passengers at Southport, Greenwood, Franklin, Edinburgh, Columbus, making coniections at Seymour with trains on tbe Ohio A Missisijji Koad, and at Iuis vi'ie with train on the !uisville, Frankfort A Lexington and Louisville and Nashville Roud... Frs-icht wain-leave daily. Freight promptly forwarded. 08ice, 3IalioH Depot, Ve.t side. A. S. CAROTHERS, Sujerintendent. J. G. WniTroMi. Fr-lght Agent. apl'62-dly Iiiiliaiinpoli asnl II ail Ik on BC.XsT 1862. 1862. rilHF. PASSENGER TR.VIN WILL LEAVE THE 1 Union Depot, Indianapolis, at 12:30 p. M. daily, for Madison, Cincinnati and Loubville. This ii. the shorU-st railway line to Cincinnati and loui ville connecting at Madison with the United States Mail Line steamers, arriving at Cincinnati In time to con nect vitb the Express Train on tbe Little Miami railroad leaving at 7 o'clock A. L, for the Eat, and by the Ken tucky Central Rti!roid for the South, and at Louisville about 11 I. Jl. Returning, leave Cincinnati daily at 12 M., by the above steamers, and al by the Madison packets. Forest Queen and Iriores8, arriving ai Madison in time to connect with the I'asenrer Train leaving at G A. M., and arriving at Indiatiapoli at K 50 A. M., n akirp connections with all train leavine for the Eat, West, and North. For the accommodation of way pasengers a Car will run in connection w ith the Freight Train daily, leaving '.i lianapois at 6:.10 A.M wnicb train remains Konieiirue at : t:h station, iftording parser Kers an opportunity for tbe rmactkn rd business, arriving at North Madison at 2:50 M. tare to Cincinnati, or Cincinnati to Indianapolis, 3.3 OO ; To Louiavillc J 3 50. No charge for meals or state-rooms on the steamers, or for baggage or omnibus at Madison. TarLlf -f Freights a low a by any other route. Shipper and mertbant? West will find it to their inter est to travel oer and ship by this line. ap26-lf. D. C. I1UANHAM. Superintendent. 1862 SS3S 1862 VLL PERSONS PURCHASING TICKETS I OR ST. JOSEPH and other points in Northern Missouri, the Stale of Kansas, or tlie Territories, should Insist on hav ing ticket that read by the .xmrii tiisno nn icaimcoad. The only rail route from St. Loui to St. Jo-eph. It Is the shortest and quickest line, by thirteen hour, to the re motest point reached by tail, and 1 always as cheap a any other. Buy your Ticket to Kanaa and all point, in Northern Missouri by the North Missouri luilroad. ISAAC H. STURGEON, Pret and Gen'l Supt. Nortw Miouii R. R. HENRT II SIMMONS, General Traveling Agent. i17-dle MUSIC. PIANO PORTES ALL WHO WISH TO GET ELEGANT Rosewood Piano-, superiortoce and fJt-i.-lt : are Invited to examine the Piano of Cha ' 17 j " M. StiefT, of Baltimore, now on exhibition at Mr. Suf ern's Musi: Rooms in the Ktna Room open from 7 A. M. till 8, P. M. JyS-dly J. WILLIAM SI FFFRN Drums! Drums! a .j aai . . r - - . - BASS DRUMS, TENOR DRUMS, SNAKE PRX7TWT3, BOITS DRTJTVT3. . 4 Dtate Heute. tio-lS CROCERIES. Groceries ! Groceries!! rflllK NEW ADDITIONS TO MT STOCK OF GR0 J CEKIES make it complete, comprising- everything to be found in a w ell regulated C-rocery I!.tallilinictit. I am prepared to serve rn friends and the put he pen f rally, w i'h all article need- d for family tue. Particular atteotioa is given to the purchase of produce. Prices low a the lowest. J. BARNARD. etia-iSra-f N.l Sooth Meridian treet. PATENTS. PATENTS OUTAINF.D FOR NEW INVENTION? OP EVXRT description. Fee contingent on sncees. N pat er:t lo pay. Send for ürcelar. c1r1rr tent, dlreetiona. Ac. Address AMOS BK0AD5A X. avlt-4iy Paust Attorr.y. Wkt&rte.D. C DOOIt AND JOD PniNTINC. INDIANA STATE SENTIKEL STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT! WE ARK PREPARED It) EXECUTE ALL ORDERS for Book and Job Printing, with dispatch and In the best style of the art. Particular attention paid to Mercantile and Railroad area as DILLS OF LAD1N0, fcl'SINESS CARDS, BILLHEADS, BLANKS, DEEDS, LKTTF.R HEADINGS. REGISTERS. CIRCULARS, RECF.llT8.Ac Show Cards and Bills ! checks. Notes bonds, knvklopes, 8T(XJK CERTIFICATES, LEEDS, Ac. ,1c POSTING BILLS Cüorar ntkCHAsn. Miow Ulli, Hotel Hill of Fare. Hand Hill Po nie rat and Programme. Labels. Invltntionn (Par tlesnnd IlalU.) s won, avaar ocacfurnoa. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CATALOG UKS, VISCKLLANKOUS PAMPHLETS, coNsnimoNs, REPORTS, BRIEFS. Ac. We have one of the moat compl-ta Printing Establish ments in the country. Our facilities for doing all k'nds of Work, Look, Plain or Ornamental, art first clas. We bavelntrodace4 the latest and fastest Presses, and have aided to our Type ail the modem styles, and we employ the bett workmen. We are that enabled to furnltb Job promptly, to guarantee satisfaction and to accept lw l-ricea. We hava connected with ocr Job Department Adams Superior Presses, and ara prepared to execute Stereotyp Ptw ork, together with ths Prew ork for otitaide paper. atlow flarw. rjBCJba SlcrctiantSf Ranker Hat 1 1 rasas at Tf atn averts insurance Ag ent .Tianu facturerti dec Ii retpvfalTy toct4 to otir E etat haha et itrj drlre fnt-clau werk at lev ritea fyOrdari froa. abroad wCl receipt pr&cpt attetrdoc fgy Work fu rnii bed In all cases at the Urn promial. GT Strangers from a distance, and busi ness men of the city and country, arc cordial ly invited to viait oar office, and examine our facilities for executing every description ol Printing in the neatot ttvle. and oo the most reasonable terms. OtSce on Meridian Street, South of Waah- j ingtou ätreet, oppoeite the PoatofSe. ELDEB HARKNES8 & BDIGHAU. 1300 JUST tXCXITID A SllXNIXD AtSOHTZZZT C9 Tor ße!i, portabjity and power they to petrel all others. For aal by SEMU0XS. Opticlaa. SPECTACLES, EyTgLASSES, CiC, Of the prentest tranparent power, ef new la proTf meet properly a.ljuted to the ct. OrvJera from the cvuntry, with paxtLu!ari, promptlT attended to. Repairing neatly dort wltii dintch. SUMMONS. Optician. oct2? o. 2j. Siuth Illinois treet. COMMIgSIOrJ MGr.CMAr.TGe JKSSli JOHNSON. General Commission Ilcrchont, A.xrv Dealer lb Hour, Grain and all Kind f Conntry Produce; Wlnv saad. l.lquorfttClgarai Totncco Vc. OmC! AND TTaVatEHOUSE, S3T SOUTH SECOND fT IIILADTLFIIIA. Adrancf made on CanslgnnaBU. atgJly WANTED. 200 Recruits Wanted POKTHE . OF The Eleven. h ItiHintry, VTHlOl MAJOR J. W. liORCOX If aatLorlzed to rait Id Indiana. ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR'S BOUNTY. AT ROM 113 TO li TFU MOS! 11, WITH LA TIONS, qnarter. ru-licl attenlaie. Ae . com plete. All w t enllM will at once be cMhed. u 1te4 and provided with everything essential to their confort ty the Government. Tne tet in of enlMtnent UTIiree Years Payte comnience from date of e;li-tnient. None but able-lMwtietl inrle men, between the ares f lH til X't year. neel apply . Recrui'irr liendexvon In Meti per iw bnildin-, Jf. MEat WaLir.Ktou street, adjoinina (Vld l elio' HalL l. K. t5l)lT, Mm utmtnt Eles-enth Infantry. Itecruftlng Officer. MEDICAL. ODE TO OM)l HU L LUA1I LL, Concha and Cold will a: away, fiometin'e in a strle dy, if to the Itrus Store you will go And get upplted with Tuilco; Tot can u-e ii frerly a Joa pa. It a ver tail to give yoo eae. Tnoe Urämie wonderful are, I'm sort. For tbey peedily eff-ct a lasting care. 5)" cent -er b, at II Dnig Stores. IIUANDE'S BRAXDE'S BRANDE'S BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES CtiLCIIS. TUSSILAGO CUKES COLDS. TUSSILAGO CURE HOARSENESS. TUSSILAGO CURES ORK THROAT. oni: to iiUAni;s tiilaco. vTONDERirL C.RANULES. Oh' where can I Cnd them. To the Drug Stort go quick, I will rpeedily try them; 1 have a tad Conch, And I wi.h to he sura To have the be.t remedy TVat w ill eery soon etire. XTf 35 Cfi U per boa, 4 all the Drag Stores. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CURP.S ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. Xtr Sold by all Drngjriata. 15 cent, a boa. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO It I1fant to tbe Tan Children try for It. B RA N I) ES TUSSILAGO CURES HOOPING COLV.H AND CIUUP. EJCÖT Sld by all Drnggiet. eenU a boa. BRANDE'S TUSSILAGO CURES COUGHS AND COLD. E3t bi If all Druiiu. ti oeuu a boa. RENO VATERS. ESTABLISHMENT. rflHE UNITED STATES DTE-HUSE. NO. SI SOUTH 1 Illinois street, Indianapolis, Indiana, JOSEPH HARRIS, Prop. At this old a&4 well-known establishment, taa lad tea can hav kiSks aid woIen cools Cyel I t permanent and beautiful color; and gents' rmtuu thoroughly renova te! anl repaired, aa gxxd as wben sew, at lower prtoee than ever. New and secnnd-hanl clothing bought and ol-', also, a patirular branch in tbebai:ie denominated floe draw, lr.g billiard table cloth, or tear tn any garment can f ao wenught that It can do be viibl to tbe waked eye. CrA Country order punctaally attended Uv. No cd.m ction with any other bout in this city. Remember the place. No. Si south Illinois street. feM JOSE 111 UAKEXS. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company. asntaa UHITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. OTTICE ON THE CORNER 0" WASHI5GT03I ATD atertdiaa streets, Indianapolis. Three daily Expree ta New York: Iws dal'y Expreeaes to Qncinsutd. and Two Expreaaes to Chicaga and SlLm:i; The above Corrtpaaie are the only prisriiegedEsprassw the fclkwirjg road. rJi: INDIANA CENTRAL; LAFAYETTE A CUiCAJl INIHANAPOU9 A PEkU: TERkX HAUTE A aUCUKOND; CELLTTÜNTA1XE A UTDLAyAPOlZi. Xoeer, paekagea, valuable, and freight rarrksd afaty asd dpauA, and ta ctargt of ipctal a&4 eOolrcl pea i rg er oiea, Bula and urana will o pv,wpcr r iiaeaea a rwadyrttorca nade J. 8U IT LsOlKLD. Agean. DRUCCISTS. SCHIEFFEUN BROTHERS & CO., WHOtSÄLE DRUGGISTS. And Da!rw In raacf Gaada, Pr f unery, Vx. Also, A genu for the aale of S.od Pvtrolevaa. rSmaaasw UrS Oil, superior to at y Ccl 01, ftndted ta as) quaiititie at the lowest market rate. quaiititie at the 17 AND m WILUAM IT? ,5Aw" PRY COOPS, NOTIOnO, ÜC. AVebb, Kennedy & Co., "UTfTBOLESALE DEALERS CI FOREIGN" AND TKS VV oesuc Dry Goods, Nitons, ard Get-U Tan tag tooda. Old Poat U6V. BaxiUrag. . . gl KevUa srr 1. 1 aait naoü f