Newspaper Page Text
t DAILY S FAT I M X. WEDNESDAY MORNING SETT EMBER 6 DEMOCRATIC 0! NTT TICKET. Foe gut Reaatwr, JAM Kl R RR A SRM. For Representative. AHN KR R HTDE, EOBKKT G RAY 10 T P r SbriS, STKPHEB McBABB For Treasurer, OZEO BATES Far Coanty CoTamlaaioner, first District EMS LET WRi-.HT Tblr District JAMES WEBB. For nrreyor. bates hosbmooe For Corsmer, CHRISTI N V Ka EE. Fur Ammmt of Caw ft TmMb JACOB H M L" I.I. UnbrmalarlMl ( aifiu Oorcroor Morton and Hon ' E McDonald will apeak a follow. New Castle, Henry county, on Frida?, 8ep 'ember 9th. at 1 o'clock, IV M Ltwevty, Union county, on Saturday, Septem ber HHh. at 1 o'clock, P. M Denerrallr Yleetlnfje Hon P A Bl -ia, of New York, will ad the citizen of Indian., on the momentoua of the country, at the following place: Wednesday, September 8th, Lafayette. Thumday, September ith. (ireencastle Friday, September 10th, Terre Haute. Saturday. September 11th, Manchester CITY ITEMS ttPTbe fencing of the State Fair Orounds is arly completed. 'The work of the rtreet railway actively progresses. 'The Ute moist weather bas bad a m-.-t beneficial affect upon cropa yet to com in. It m said that desert er frorn the South ern armies ar daily arriving in this city. "Loyal" citizena had better look out for them 'Kreh ovter are to be obtained (Uilv at llc-z Roth' No 13. Illinois treet. ormnsite the Bates Houe Call nt Hezekiab's for everything good. M tsoxtr Norinc A special meeting of (Jen tre Lodge No. B. for work, will be held this ( Wednesday) evening at T1. o'clock. Chah Fimiik, Secret. iry -we 4aa s l-y The Lest boots and shoe in this city or State are made at Lim. -, No If Wc-t W .i - n -ington street. Try a pair. 1 lw Shell Oysters Fresh hell are now on hand, at the Exchange, on Illinois street, and will be received every day, Iterh ti.itu the beds. Call and trv them. 2 Kit A young gentleman, well acquainted in in trie city and throughout the State, who is ca pable in every way for a clerkship in any estab lishment, desires a sMsaUOS) Apfkiy at this of fice The best of recommendations iven Rebels are continually arriving in this city. They prole to he deserters from the Southern army. VYe notice that they are wel corned by the Abolitionists. A fellow feeling makes them woundrous kind , . JpT" Messrs Harrison and Dodd. charged with be M membera of an organization calltd the Sons of Liberty, and ! bwHag implicated with the seiz ure of pistol in this city a week or two ago, have been removed to the prisons of the (overnment building, on the southeast corner of Market and Pennsylvania streets ssgMpsStw Foa lint Wheat warehouse, on Pearl street, Between Meridian und Illinois, good sub stantial brick, with 11 necewaary fixtures. It is an old established stand and one of the best in the city. Rent moderate. Apply to Spamn A Smith. sept 4 dlf Real Estate A genu -sn- Stole. From a hitching post, at 132, North Tennesaee street, about 9J4 o'clock laat evening, a horse and roc ka way Hore of a dark bay color, black mane and tail, round built. Rock a way newly painted and Tarnished Whoever will recover them or give information that will lead to their recovery shall be suitably rewarded J. D. Carmichakl. Another Draet It is understood to be the intention o( Lincoln, in case he is re-elected in November, to -sue another call for a draft of 500.000 men. which will be rigorously enforced. All who do not want to be forced into the army against their consent, and have their lives sacn ficed. will rote against Lincoln f Cm Enq The Cincinnati Exgriaca Morehouse, th well known newsdealer. No North IVnri sylvauia street, has daily for sale this Sterine newspaper Subscriptions are taken for it by him, and it is at all times for sale at his counter Mr Morehouse can also furnish Is all who de aire every newspaper or standard publication in the Union Tu Mktropouta Last night the Huneh back was enacted in a manner in which it was never enacted heretofore any place The old ami the new additions to the company are rap idly gaining upon popular approval, sometimes not judiciously manifested Tonight there are additional attritions posted Mr Riley. Mr Hutch. and theirtasitatit, will, we assure the patrons of the drama, do their very best. The draft in this county, by townships, it is stated, will be as follow. Center Township 6X Franklin 9. Perrv M . Washington 61 Wayne 97 Warren 66 Lawrence 43 Decatur 53 Total IJM We cannot vouch for the correctness of '. M) figure. We are informed at military quarters that substitutes, volunteers, and credits for ue gro enlistments have been allowed ever since the irl; was ordered by the i'residrut Yet. it ai jears that the figure set down for this township, and every other township in this county, are rast the me as et down in the beginning. We have no doubt the patriotic people of Marion county would furnish a sufficiency of men to ti l iher quota it they could only ascertain from the authorities what is requisite to bedoue. Tm 3apIn:AjA Cavalry Our old frietiJ, re (.'hartes N White, of this corpe. has ar rived iu the city, along with his comrades in arms to be mustered ot of service Mi White erel one year m the Mexican War. in the Bti 1:. tana, under Col. Jim Lane Ue served in the three month's service in the present war. in tbetkn Indiana, under Col. Crittenden. noa Brigadier, retired. He re ea listed m the 1 1 In dii. cavalry, and has served thre years in the Armv of the PoUtmac. under Col . now Briga dier Cietieral (ieorge H Chapman, of this city Mr "A ht ts proud uf his recent commander, t.eneral Chapman. at.l speaks, of h:m as the brave-t . ' the bre Mr. Walto 1 probablv e alMM d s.y private Whits Mi all the wars ia which hi countrv hs been engaged since he was old enough to take part ia them, has distin guished r.imeelf He is aeoMier and a patriot He poxe ol the sentiment ai the Armv of the Potomac with reference to the Presidential Ca um VWmMM saying whicii f them tie is fr m-4t, be declaras that three t. fib of the sol i ra no. like himself, have seen active servise larrl the enemy in the field are tor Ueneral tievie B McClellan Private Whito, who RftSMI l peaer, will alioit.y take lh alUcBi, In ai hi v.cwa rsgarUUig MM numtLiuui cr-ia. T ALIUD TIAMTU Th clnck pes'. oat. tb santet fall; Rf.flrxl rotltb dreaded 1av, Sb, like tbatraia Whin tke pall. We young ao ball be marched away How M.ftlT d ur weetbeart grow Eaeb Bt'abt oar attter klw u. rtnr father rocnt tbe minute ao tby will so much mis T tbe 11 chamber see tbetn ual, And pray wHh wall ao awaine. Tbat Ood will torn tb cruel wbaH, And apar tbelr dear nns In tbe drawing . Forgive, rreat Patriot, oar weakness, We ar ik rowntfy'a only. Sttll xouat we feel wttb pauuful meekness Bow the.e ball wait so grieved and lonely. What ball tbe TteAory b to tbera. And all the Srate' -mwiQti(oo, If psls our aolesnn reqoim With tb- Uu.l no at. of tbe Union? If, wban tbv bind tbe States again. And tb flajr proudly flasbea. We are h'.rn boir.e by anhomt men Wbon bot tears plab npon our ;ab And, fllinE through th cool dark ball, Tbey Uke np the ataira And lay tbe smlre tver and pall Whr w bav learnd our earlieit prayera. 0'. if a voice tbe poll (ruest (VaM wake ber tbriek'so fearfnl, Blnt with ibe low soba of tbe rest Who gather round ua txiwed and tearful The resurrection would enforce Ere tbe archangel Rather; And :be boy conacrlpt hrivled corpse Hlart up toki bit mother : Thouif U all wro! die, the sage maintain, Tbe young give no reply intr; These old folk' blood flow tn our rein. And makes tkera cneerfal Id tbe dying. But we have drawn life" sweetest hr'-ath, And barn to learn its story; We fl tbat war t only death. And doubt tbat deah is always glory. !Sot now tb flrrt gun' booming day. . When our hot hearts were tinders, The battle flame bas burnt away, We only see the soldiers' cinder. ( od save tbe land ! We are her tout. And hop- to rale upon her; Itut four long years of funeral Run May well make fear without dish" r Come peace again! with Union conic, And pride come without treason; I. : throngh tbe thander of the dmm Breaks the loud clariou'of reason. And we young men, while prays old age. Taunt not with "who ba done it?" Tin tfreat land i our heritage. And we will live, not die upon it! Hxni l HrsKRTi.RS Two hundred aud forty -three deserter from the rebel aron yesterday took the oath of atnnestv, and were ent iurth of the Ohio river to remsiri during the war. They ate representatives of nearly every State in the Southern Confederacy, and de-erted Hood's army at Atlanta. Indiana is the favored spot chosen by them for a futuie home Loui ville Journal. ScicioB. A sad ease of suicide occurred just after 12 o'clock yesterday Oti McCiinton. a freight conductor on the Terre Haute railrool. shot himself with a pistol while lying in bed lie came in ou the '.J o'clock train, looking, as usuil He lived ou the south side of Mar lai.d street just east uf the canal. The deceased bore a good character on the railroad, w.m a sober and stedy mm, and there is no assignable cause f-r the deed, but prob bly mental aberration. The ball made tnhiful wound in the skull, caus inir instant death. aws sgAa - A iSi PEnioK ReHEMI We can conscientiously recommend to those sufleri"p from a distres-ir.L' OOWgh, Dr Siri kland's Mellitluou Cough Hal sun It give relief n1moat instantaneous, and is withal not dis (M ' t' lhie to the taste There is no doubt but the Mellifluous Cough BaUam is one of the best preparations in use. and is all that iU propnett.i.s claim for it. We have tried it during the past week, and found relief from a most distressing cough. It is prepared by Dr. Strickland, No b, East Fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati National Union. tf The Progress off Indlanapslli. From the recent report of the Secretary of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, we extract the following interesting statistics, show ing something about the factories and mills, manufacturing and commercial intere-ts of the city. We h ive two Woolen Puctories which make into H uinels, satinets, jeans, blankets and yarns 100,000 !bs of wool Total amount tnanufac tured. 300.000 jlloy SO hau ls Three Paper Mills Manufacture b o.k. news and wrapping 'paper. to the nmount of $1(10,000 per annum employ 6r hands One Saw Manufactory Circular Saws made principally to the amount of $60,000 employ 8 hands One Hub, Spoke, Felloe, and Last Factory Manufacture to the amount of $75,000 per an num eui!'ltv bö tiauds. Two establishments employ 45 hands in mak ing acalsa, wagons, drag saws, ploughs, and other agricultural implements. Total amount of busi ne,s $-.1,000. Seven Flouring Mills make 2M ,00 btrrel of Hour per annum Total fßJtnjÜi Seventy bands are employed in three Pluniug Mills, manufacturing window blinds, aash. door ing. mouldings, scroll-sawing and Gothic work to the amount of $10'. LMM One large Planfalg Mill, lust finished tod in operation, ii not in cluded In the above Six Iron foundries and machine shops gire em ployment to 303 hand, and make portable en I . s, sawmill- ind all kinds of machinery to the amount of $735,000 The business of two saddlery and harness manufactoi es amount to $7d,000 per annum. K o Rf turneries manuUcture leather to the MMOwMt Of $125. t ). ji.u gae emplo ment to 17 hinds Confectionaries are made to the amount of $rJ.U0ti, in four establishments Bakeries manufacture bread aud cake to the amount of $100.000 Cooperage -9.000 tiht barrels aud 10.000 pork boxes are made hj 40 hand, at an aggre irate cost of $73.000. In tour coojer ?.hojs 50 meu are employed, who turn out 100,000 flour barrels per annum value $10,000. Furniture 110 men .re employed in making ! furniture Total amount manufactured. $115,- j 000 The Indianapolis Rolling Mill Company em ploy '-iOO hands, und manufacture 10.000 ton of railioad iron, amounting to$35o,000 Three railroad machiie shops employ 266 hands The amount ot work done figures up $50Q DM Pro isions put up from Jarnnry to July 1 4 600 barrels mess pork; M42.000 pounds shoul der-. 1 ,858.000 pounds hams. I .146 tierce- lard, making 1,603,800 pounds ltal amount put up e Jannarv 1. 1864. $776,3J4 utc spiti LATios or uoons sulp, mo Agricultural implement Bo ts and Ste I .inl Matsooary Clothing, 1 bue lrv (toods Drug. Paint aid . I- . KUrtiltOte llrwreHes Mat- ami t'aps Hard are. including vdery Hardware IkM and i eather Iron Bar Iron .. Lumber. T.4-.WO( feet tjueensware M PK IILKE $ OIK' IM l.-il5.lSiO --io.taa .ooii S.oeo.ofst .IS INK) 3M ."i7.",((0 3i,s,iaa ISO.OOn lis. 011 JOU.SX) psorcct soLr is arx h ths. FJNMI jam ary yo J l LY I, 164. Corn. 1X.IS bwatoa.. ....... fl3ü0i) rUur,rVi.UU l.rrri 57. 40 Flaxseed, ,0ubuhrl ISE.3Q0 sy.lM t m ijs.Htt Qaa .t .iajo toMM m.vuQ Wheat. '."5.'s0 -11.300 tl .s- RK, aETTt LATtoa cr kods mam a rt a.i Afrivnltaral IrarUuients f aaj ooo Rakrnr. IU0.UM C H'perafe 123.0t t' tf. :- ... i5.iaaj Mounnc Mill ?.i".o runularo U.S. 0O0 FeaawMas Ttf.tuo Mub and n Kartory 75.UOO Paper MilU. ... lv .isto Plamnff M lis. . 1 jl.iasj h .hue Mil 31U.U00 Kadrowil MaekWM Sbosw .'aW.uuu saw Pactory 6U.' I asMwa al Harar Tw.MAI T af . l 0 Woolen Govds TOU.UuU 96.09.90 AwmmrI of gootta soM isi.ssluso produce sohl tn six month i t.M3. pioeialüfl TT 524 Ajgrtfste airtvawt uf bnme dona f (yjc,(r34 Geaeral Order. !. 10 HaaporsRecaw Isawsw RewRssv.i . (lw n lMlV4 V . of War. kjl a i a w a v--" InntAMaPOLis. Aug 29, 164. I'ur.iur i , ,,nUr ,,f the Secretarv o w iiu w- f r m a - ' - - j I herehe assume command of the Draft Rendea vous, State of Indisna The following members of staff are announced as far as appointed: Capt. Morgan H Bailbache. Assistant Adju tant General, to whom all official communica lions will he addressed Lieut Charles! Flower. A D C Lieut. K Chard U Hsrgrave. A D C Lieut. Jacob Roth in charge of recruits and drafted men at Camp Carrington Hemet B Carrimstoe, Brigadier General U. S. Vola. Headquarters have been removed to the cor ner of W-hington and New Jersey streets, near Little's Hotel, where officers with detachmeuts will report. Telegraphic Dispatches. aaroartn H For Mornlnff Itsparl See Flrat Fag- NIS FROM ILL QUARTERS FROM SHERIDAN'S ARMY. Particulars of the Recent Fight, FROM GEN. GRANT'S ARMY jon.y JVOJi7aT num II im in in . i ml UiperMfl. FI'RTHKR FROM Wlfcl LKR SRAID It i Pronounred a ph ic Failure. LATERNEWS FROM EUROPE. M E X C A N N I : W JS . Ar.. Ar.. Ac . sC Ar. I ro hi r York. Niw York. September :. The Heralds Butiker Hills i orres:.ocidei;t of the 4th 9ay: Gen. Crooks was attacked, l ist night, by the enemy, but repulsed him, ind took une, hundred prisoners. The Herald's cTwpopdal with Averil, on the 4th. writes: Yesterd our operations on SiiOridan's right, and in the directjou o Wincbeotei, weie evi dent It -ucce-sful. About 1 G : '10 A M , LI s division of rebel cavalry, then reinforcel to five tiriyitles, attack el our line, one mile north of Iirksville. on the Winchester pike, seven miles south of Martins burg. The attack of the enemy Ras made with gal lantry.butas gallantly repulsed, although we had onlv er)geeo a portion of the rnmmsnd The offensive party had three to our one in the action Hsvlwa for a short time niniu tained the deoMi sive in order to allow them to develop their strength, we took the offensive sad drove Lo mux's whole division at a very r:piJrttc through the woods and past their riHe pits and rudely C m structed breastworks, a distance of nearly five mile Arriving at this point, the enemy attemnte 1 to make a .stand, opening from artillery, and using their whole cavalry force, to prevent us from crossing Mills creek, a small stream which crosses the pike and emptie- into the Operjtian The engagement in this locality was of s(;ott duration, but unusually severe We ebarged the enemy with a portion of Pow ell's and Shoemaker's brigades .md would hare taken his artillery had our men been able to get across the creek in the manner thev advanced As it waa, the enemy partly escaped capture by the merest accident. In the action the 1st Ohio cavalry made a charge of great gallantry, under Lieutenant Col Chaae Hoppart, and drov the enemy, who was charging at the time Having come upon the enemy's main force, we skirmished during the rest of the day. hile preparing for another movement yes terday, when we were fighting Lomix's div'tsi n. Rhodes moved down to the attack with 18 pie ces of artillery, but fell back during the night. The enemy left on the field quite a number of wounded and many de id horses. Having passed over the road, the rebels re treated. We touiid that the af uf lite etiemv was large compared with our own. The Herald's City Point correipondeuce of the 4th say: Richmond papers effect to ridicule tbe idea of a single line of railroad being vital to their occupation of Petersburg and Richmond; but a general despondency betrays itself iu the une issue, and a corresponded writes from Ream s Station battle ground, several days after the withdrawal of our forces, aud speiks eorrowfullv of th thorough destruction of nine mile- ot railroad track and iron by Hancock's corps, and fir moRDOwl fts re possession br the rebels fm;e Cad He says tbe crops adjacent to the road on both sides are utterly destroyed by u-ing it to fire the timber of the track, and houses and barns are generally reduced to smoulderi g arhes. The Tribune's Washington hpetiai says: Major General Hunter has eeii relieved. l hir own request . from ( 'nimm 1 m W est irgmia and Gen. Georee Crook assigned to command in 1 4 place, i rum Cincinnati. Cincinnati, September 6. During the storm oftSaturday night and Sunday morning about tivj niches of rain fell. pearly all the railroads centering here were damaged bv washing away of tracks and bridges The damages have been repaired and the trains will run on lime to dny. he outstandine cropa iu this neighborhood ar J considerably injured. The storm at Dayton was very severe pros tratmg trees aud fence. The Commercial publishes tbe following dis pa'ch. dated Knoxville. September 5: The following is the official dispatch from General ti.llen, received early this morning, daüed Bull's Gap, Tenn , September 4: To Gen Tillison. I surprised, defeated and killed John Morgan at Greenville this morning The killed are scattered for miles but have aotj vE been counted will probably number 50 10 tdU and aPout 70 prisoners. Among those captured were Morgan s staff, win MM piece of artillery and a caisson. The enemy's force outnumbered mine, but the surprise was complete. : Signed) Alvin C ( i l i. k n j I'rom ashvl liasHvitLE. September 6 ( telsgraph from Spring Hill tin tortile General Rouleau that lwt nn Silnr. day! W fierier 's force was across Duck river, and had joined Roddy They were retreating toward Florence Rousseau pronounces the raid a complete failure General Kelly, who was reported mortally wo a tided. 4 teil at Franklin lesterdav. Cen Haskeil i refnrted kille! in a skirmish Considerable damage was done to the rati rosfl A large force is employed who will soon have it in running order again 1 he damage doue by tbe rebels to the Chatta M '' I .; r ad ia being rapidly repaired. Em bridge on!? has been destroye!; that . ver Stuart - i reek, over 5' feet long Col Sp uloing was hot captured, as reported and is safe with bis command t i t Price, ot the 10th Tnne.see. was killed on Frida Newa from Shermaus army, received to dm rep-. rts the enemy's loss 3.000 killed and wounded. a We cipturel two thouasno' proi ers am ug iheiu one Brigadier General: name not given A large atsoact e4 material was eaptured. Tb armv is in full possession of AUsnta fraat fa. Grant a ray Ht txj' aTrasi Abwt Potoeuc September 4. The rebel picket refire to believ that At lanu ba fallen. Thev are ver? friendlv lately, but have tfieir t 0 T pockets full of Jeff Dt"' ;n.. Umation offering) protection anu sare conouct to deserters. I hey hope to largely reduce our ranks by this dodge Tbey buy all the eatable they can get from our men. giving greenbacks and tobacco in ex change Spteoiler 5 Last night our batteries along the entire line opened and saluted the enemy for an hour in honor of the occupation of Atlanta by our troops Gen Gibbons has k.een temporarily assigned to command the 18th corps eilrua ewi. Naw Yoee, Sentember 6 The Matamora papers declare that the French troop were lately defeated in four pitched battles in Mexico The dates of these conflicts are not given They occurred at Bera in tbe State of Guer rero The Mexicans were led on by Gen. Alvarea. and in accordance with the terms of battle no quarter was given. The prisoners were put to death Col Sdacio officially rep orts tbat lie claim to have won. on the 5th rf July, at Settee wer vtj, in Mexico, a victory over 2.000 imperialists, putting them to flight I lino u from IKlchnaontt Paper Washington, September 6 The Richmond Sentinel of Saturday says: Official advices from Gen Forrest to the l'Uh int have been received here H says the ene my evacuated the Memphis and Charleston Railroad up to Memphis, and tbat the Yankees are moving op the MiRiaippi river to route for Yirgiuia and Missouri Gov Yance, of North Carolina, bas issued a proclamation offering free pardon to the many deserters lurking in the wopds and mountains, and threatening the extreme penalty of the law to thoe who are caught, as well as those who ar aiders and bettor Tbey are hunted like guilty felons. The Sentinel, commenting on the Chicago nominations, says: McClellae, who was formerly a decided war man. is represented to have greatly modified, if not indeed abandoned his belligerent seatiments The support given him by so many peace men tends strong confirmation to the report, and nothing would be easier than for McClellan to reconcile abolition for peace men. in the present state of the question, due, as he may suppose, to Lincoln's mi-mn.agemtiit of the war Of Mr Pendleton'- rosit1l there is no eer tainty. He is an ardent peace man, and the facl that such a mon was nominated is strong proof that McClellan's jiositioit can not be widely dif tei -iit. The contest which now commences will be hriet bat violent Peril ape there are no two men in the I'nited States separated by n gree.'er ani Otitj than exists bei ween Lincoln and McClel lan and their respective partisans. There is M j one probably by whom Mr Lincoln would not prefer to be heuten than by McClellan. This will add renown to the contest In another ar tiele the Sentinel says ot teace, we may conquer it if we perform our duties at this juncture as we h or lletter to let us not ce.ise our exertions bscsaa the enemy seems exhausted and the prospect of peace seems improving. That ex hau-tion will speedily disappear, and he well pre pared for new and mightier efforts of zeal, and diminished numbers on our part give lorn room tostdl hope for con'i'iest. The prospects of t e ice i-j l in lep ,, now so hi ight, will fade twa RBd ERnhth if the ranks of our armies be twinned by de-errion-, by the indifTer'Miee or neg lect of our brave people, or by the areless di? CI irge of their duties l.v the enrolling officers. r i om i c.uisv hp . Lot isviLi.t, September 6 Three thousand rebel cavalry Bader command of William and Robertson, with three pieces of artillery, near Mm free-boro, were attacked on Salurday morn ing by Gen. Milroy There was brisk fighting all day on Sunday when the rebels retreated followed by Milroy' force The Federals lo-t ten killed and wounded The rebel less is thought to be much larger than ours Milroy, having exhausted his ammunition, joined Roussfiu's forr-e near Franklin Wheeler's main force wis. on Sunday, six miles southwest of Columbia William's de tachment is sail to have joined him Rousseau is closely following The damsge done to the railroad is very light No bridges or tre-tles have been de stroved. A I yter dispatch from M lroy reports 11 rebels captqid snd i20 killed and wounded. Th Nashville Times says a dispatch received his morning reporf Rousseau pursuing the reb els soulh of Duck river In a charge upon the rebels who had dismount ed to tik'ht, we captured 500 horses. Official dispatches received at Nashville an Dounefl that in the late fight before Atlanta the rebels lost3,üob kdled and wounded, 2.IMHI pris oners, inclediog a Brigadier General, 10 guns and a large amount of camp equipage Our rOSf was ttifliag. The rebels are reported tobe retreating in great haste Offidial information from the front, dated Sun day, 'J? miles below Atlanta, reports that Sher iimi is pursuing the rebels rapidly southward of Atlanta. Brigadier General Hugh Ewing, cnaimandiiig the D.'tr.ct of Wertern Kentucky, issued mi or der on the ÄUh of August requiring the Judge of the Q lurterly Court in each county to call to gether the Justices comp sing the county court and direct them to Ictv uron taxpayers a snfti cient sum to arm, mount and pay fifty men, raised within such county, and maintain them until l irther orders, whre'ipon Gov. Hramlette tester day i-s-ie a prmlamation denying that Kwmg has any civil authority lor his order, de claring said order to be in derogation of the laws of Kentucky and in conflict with the rights and liberties of a loval people. He therefore for bids the Je.lU1 from mik-ng any such levy of taxes, and call upon all officers who favor the execution of Ewing' order to resign. From S) rueuse. Ste sct'SE, N Y.. September C Nearly all the delecvtes to the Union State Convention, h h meets fiere to morrow, have alreok ar rived, but the nun; her of outside attendants is not so great as usual. Several names are mentioned for the nomina tion of (t'everiior; R. K Fenton, Gen. Dix, Preston King and Lymtn. Tremaine being the most prominent Fenton seems the ntffOOgest, being well backed from most sections of tlx 3l te. Gen pix has m.ny adherents but some of these are changing, their action being htsed up on a rumor that a telegram was received from him to day positiyely refusing to permit the use of his name A letter, said to have been written by him to Isaac Shernnii. of New Tort, pending the Ba! timore nomination, is also eiug made use ol by friend of other candidate It is alledged that in this letter declining the i.-e of his name in crne tion with the nomina liotl for Vice Presidebt, he takes the positk n that while, a a military ffi -er of the Goeernmrnt, he can support ibe Alnnni?tration, there is much of Its political policy with wh'ch he differs. New York again appears with a double dele gation It is anticipated that there vil be a hart can tet between the Weed and the radical branches of part?, to secure majority of the new Statt C lunettes. There is a likelihood of greater strife on this point than u;sin candidates. Among the notable present are Thurlow Wee. j. Horic Greelev. tleorge Ordvke. D. 0 Littlejohn, R T. Andrews, Lyman Tremane and others. porelgn ewa. UmW YoBk. Sepleniler 6 The Scotia, from Liverj-oiM on tbe 27th of Asgust and Queens M the 2-th. arrived here at 5 o'clock this afieruuoo. The D News an 1 Heraen Poet both bare editorial- di. wing 'hot the seizure of the Georgia w -i- legal and the Br tish Gut eminent cannot in terfere as a Confedeiale war vesel coold not lerally be sold m a Bnt-sh port. I be Liverpoi)! Cour r eUitor ally states that Mr Bate did not porcba-e the Georgia till tbe tnnsta m autboriied and islormed him she should te 'egi-:red as a Brili-h veasei. and she was ac cording y o registered It 4a publi-bea evidence that her chwrtei for rervice to ib Portuguese Government was bena fid The Army and Nv? Gaxattc admits that tbe Federal mioceae at Mobile area in present proportion i considerable, and a regarde peace, it declares it belief thai tb ei ateucs of a petce party ia mythical, and that aa lone a there is a ray of hope tbe North will march onward to its end The Time also editorially queetioas whether ibe Repubbcios are any more inclined for recog nition or reconciliation than thev were a yar go The weekly rwfnrma of tbe Bank of France -h aej an increaae in cash of four and a half mil lion francs. Arrests continued in Tyrol, owing to an al leged conspiracy to detach Italian Tyrol from Austria. Political news of to day is meagre and unim portent. Signor Frazie. Represent alt re Emperor of Mex co, had arrived in Spain, a bearer of dis patches announcing to the Queen of Soain tb accession of Emperor Maximillian to the Men can throne. Official Wat rtulietin Washington. September 6. 8:10 p. . To Major General Dix: A dispatch from Gen Grant has just been re ceived which gives a from the Rich mond Examiner of this morning that John Mor gan was surprised and killed, and his staff cap tured, at Greenville. Term , yesterday. An unofficial dispatch was received by this De partment this morning, from Lexington, stating that Gen Giller, had offiically reported the sur : r -e and defeat of Morgan at Greenville; that Morgan was killed and bis staff captured, from io to 1ni rebjls killed, 90 prisoner taken. nd one tuu cap tared. Thie report heing confirmed by the Richmond Examiner, there is no room to doubt its truth. In honor of the capture of Atlanta Gen Grant TOfterdsy ordered tobe fired, with shotted guus. from every battery bearing upon the enemy. N tbing on- been received by tbe Depart ment from Atlanta since the 4th inst . nor any i hi hl' south of Nashville, on account of the de rangement of the telegraph lines by prevailing storms. No movements of importauci have taken place in the Shenandoah Yallev. (Signed) E M. Staeto. Secretary of War. I i om Springfield. SpntNoriEin, III . August6 The Democrat io3tate convention to-day was largely attended and perfectly harmonious. Hon Jas C. Robinson was nominated for Governor, and J Coming Judd for Lieut Gov ernor. Tbe resolutions reaffirm and indorse the Chi cago platform, and declare it the intention of the Democrats to give their unanimous support to McClellan and Pendleton, and to the State nom inees. An immense ratification meeting i being held at the State House, and great enthusiasm is manifested. f'ram anttington . Wa-hinoto. Sept. 6. Fifteen rebel deserters brought here from the Army of rhe Potomac, were released upon taking the oath, aud fur ni.shed with transportation as far north as Phila delphia. Thee deserters represent Alabama, Florida and North Carolina regiments, aud several of them .aid they had either to enlist in the rebel service or starve. In the effort to fill the quotas of towns, an un due proportion of landsmen have been enlisted iu the navy, and to remedy the evil an order has been is-ued restricting proportions to 15 per cent, of the whole number of enlistments. This course is rendered necessary to prevent the accumulation of a large surplus of unser vicable recruits Ordinary seamen, firemen Sir , are still wanted. The free Military Academy for the instruction of npfMicaat for command of colored troops instituted in Philadelphia will be closed on the 15th inst. During the last ten days men mustered into the army have been discharged at the rate of 3.000 a day. On the 2d inst. 4,1'16 were mustered in, and on the 3d 6,160. These are the latest reports tbat have been re ccived. The number mustered Sri on the 3d instant ia probably greater than has been mustered during any other one day for nearlv two years. The subscription to the 7-30 loan reported to the Treasury Department fo day was $326,000, and to the 10 40 loan. $140 000 f- Inunriat. New Yobk, September 6 Gold dull and pri ces iHtained with difficulty, opening at $2 42 At noon it was $2 40 H arid at 2 P M , $2 41 The Commercial's Washington special says: Ftve of tire officer of the Kearsage have ar rived there to give evidence respecting the con duct ol the English vacht Grayhound. Conscripted North Carolinians now ber say the condition of that State is terrible. The conscripting guard and citizens shoot each other daily. Thev think the rebel Home Guard will b bushwhacked out of existence soon. rom I'll i lud lk ia. Philaoklpaia, September G. A special dis patch to the Rulletin from Memphis, dated tb 5th, says: An ambulance train of 35 wagons, after leav ing the wounded, was captured by Mosby, the train being without an escort ipt. Mlazer pursued the rebels and recaptured 50 horses and five prisoners. Mjor Kellogg, of the 123d Ohio, and Dr. Shelling, of tl I Kth Ohio, aro among tbe pris oner. There was no fighting at Berryville on Sun dav , and t here is no news from there to-day (Mon day ) COMMERCIAL? I by Tw.Beaarn.1 "lew York market. New York, September 6. ""Flour State and Western opened dull and ch.ed heavy, and 102Oc lower; $10 lOfälO SS lor extra S ite; tl 20 for extra round hoop Ohio, and $11 h'(c$n "Jö for trade brands. Whisky steadv; $1 79 for Stat, and $1 b0 1 bl for Western V heat opened dull, closed heavy, and l(22c lower; $2 36rdC2 .'ill for winter red Western; $2 42(32 45 for 7m ber micbigan; $2 50(92 55 for white Western. Corn dull and drooping: $1 bOföl 60 12 for mixed Western, chiefly at insid pr ces; $1 1)0 for inferior. Coffee quiet at 4?ict49 for Laguavra; 4'f350c tor Rio; 5Grf5- for Java, and 46c for Domingo. Groceries dull. Sugar dull at212134c. Molasses quiet and unchanged. Pork firmer and in demand at $31140 for mess ; $11 .'" t 12 tor new do., closing at latter pr:ce: $42 I0($42 2." fordo, check to morrow; $3rt 50(39 for prime, $40(240 50 for prime mess, and 1 .-000 br!- new mess, all in September at buyers option, at $ l.'t; 1 .000 brta do. delivera ble on or before the loth of Boa , same option, at eqnal to $42 37 (842 ftV and 1.500 brla do, for all October, same option, at $44 Ünme ms beef quiet and unchanged. Cut meats firm. M N active and firm at 7c. Sterling steady ft $1 fJ4(dtW 09i4 gold. Gopl without decided chance; opening at $'2 42. tiecliim to $2 4034. and cloing at $2 4 1 8 Government stcks steady ü. S. Us "SI coupoQs$l 07-. C S. 5 20 coupons $1 0W Treasury notes, 7 30, $1 oj.3 6 U. S. 6's one ver certificates 9396. ( Inrlnnatl Harket. Ciscjj(!ati, September I Flour in rather better demand; sales of 1,500 br!- supeifine at $9 75 WLen dull at $ 0fc(g2 08 for red, with but little demand. Corn steadv at $1 23(21 35 for ear. and $1 26 r 1 27 for ahellod 1 1 its rather firmer at 7i(279e. Heef ery quiet ; prime mess beef dull and un chanced. rbtlk nseata firmer Shoulder ltc. Me 11 ii'.'V Bacon shoulders 19 19c. taiwi 2lc N -thing done in me-s pork Niithine cioiie in lard. Gold $2 35(22 17. Exchange doll CLAIM AGENCY! A . F. NOBLE rOR SRTKRAL TRSRS PAST AUDtTlKG Ct. IRK OF CLAIM Of 151)1 AS A SOLDICkS, 19 TBI OPTTCR r af tbt Second A 1 It or af ta Trrasary LwpartaMDt, at Waakingtaa, D C , nee ismii 4K)VRRMIKKT CL4IM AGKKCT at NO. 5 YOHN'S BLOCK, MORTII MIKIIU4 feTKEET, INDIANA PO LIS. INDIANA. Pension, Bark Pay and Bounty, Pris) RUacj. Comtnutattor of Raima. Peel aaW Qwartara. aaavaatans awrvtaa. Claims far less ef Horas and othr property, Pay of Priaooer of War. Oarterwaaater' Ckeck en Taecniri. and all other Claim af Bfaw. tb Goreranvrnt. cached or mllecti oa riaaalili terwaa. ORm'i Retr.rn nad oat, and Certificate of Hoa-lndrbtednea obtain from tar Departayanto, an nRwt n ttee and all papers in relation to och Claims. 4c. . promptly an ewmctry aticatei. XJTreaiurr Certificates an all thr colloctioa prompt It attnöi to $100 Bounty! Id Irrt iscaarfe an seceent af wvandi rtcafvad in 0rhars to W. B. Iafomatioa aad Sv4a (rarbally er by lottar rqalriag uiiwrr. General LA 7. NOBLE. A Slut ant General Stat of Indiana: Col. W. H. H TRRRIIX PUawclal Rorrriary Fa cet. Departmect, India:. . Major DA5IRI. McCLCRK. Chief Paymaster, Distract of lnatana an rtitnof: Ron J. RISTI5. Audittr tf Stit kaj r M L. BOPY. Pajmatr, D S A . Dr. F. t. RIWt OMPR. Mis, Fl.KTCH KR, VAjK!t A CO., Bvnaia Man. AAJ C S. HARRI SOB, Ranker; Mam FLITVHKR, Jr . A ( HI H( llSAX. Bankr; Hon. W. H. RABDALL. M. C. London, Ry.; WM. 8. HCRT1BGTOW, Caehter Fri v. ti.'nal Rank. Watäiitgtna, I). C. ! aawlm BUSINESS COLLECE. NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, INDIANAPOLIS. IND. T 1HE FIRST COLLEGE OF THR WEST WHFRb actual IttsiKi&s practice is conducted with theory in Tk achiko, arid wbt-re a s-ion of a B ard of Trade ta held by one experienced in all tht legitimate trantac tious and uages af ths Wsst. lostrnctioD and Practice. The Instructor and Proprietor of thl College bar en joyed a large experience, both ia practical Teaching and actual Rusiiia, having an experience cf fifteen years in the bu-ine., and for several year, prnwipal Teacher and head ofthe acual RDMnes Department of tbe Poagh K' ie College. To yoang men, who can devote bat two or three, month to tudy, we wonid all their attenon t.. this cysfern of Ru.-insh lntruction and popular Rdu ration, where you can enter upon tbe Mudy and dn:p line of acquiring wealth by lbs mplayment of Labor. Taleut and Capital. Merchant" Kxoliniuff. The Student of thia College anjey the benefit of the regular meeting, of thit novel department, conducted en the plan of the Chicago an Cincinnati board of Trad (wi..-re actual transaction ar baa). Report aro an nounced and such instruction given af will make all com petent gto buy and ell on 'Change at agent or principal Citiaenand tranger are invitil to call or addreaa for further pariiculara, GREGORY ft Ml'MFOKI). eptl-d3m REAL ESTATE BROKERS. a, A, ta Vi Or, rv M 1 t A. 5' as X af Xr . -wir V w MERCHANT TAILORINC. NEW MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT! I. HUES' l V RFSPKCTFCLI.T CALL THI ATTFBTIOB OFTHF citizen of ladinapo!ii ts lbs fact, tbat tbey aav opeued at No. 19 Virginia Avonui. A lttrulnr .Merrhant Tailoring Elablithment. And aolicit a .bare of tb patronag f tha catannalty THEIR STOCK OF GOODS " I complete, and being in charge of a gentlemaa who ; ability as a Cutter rank a No. I, they ar prepaied t fill orders which in every reipect tbey will WARRANT ! equal m quality, styl and worknanblp to aay thing found in any kioiiUr e.tai i abmeai ta ike city. jyReiaember th place, o. 19 v iririnia Avenue. NOTIONS, 6tC. 4HI1IIC S ABS. t-liS, -A5D- U IL LOW w A 6 O 9 , WHOLES A LR A5D RETAIL. F1FTT DIFFERENT STYLES 05 EXHIBITION A5I ale at my talesroom. ep stain Tbey are ae .-cted from the boat manufacturer, and vary in pric, aaa TWO to THIRTY DOLLARS apioc. UoaJora will aa it to tbir miri to inpct tke food CH AKLKS MATKR, fr i-SAwfltrj . JO Wt W hinertoa Strt. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. rtrTH'K IS HEREBY GIYElf THAT THE r5I'F.t. .a been app inted Administrathx of tf t. ,' ivt' Smelsr, late of Manoa coontv, decoaaed 4 't te ts aoppoaed to b solvent. PHFBE If ELSER. nvgf-wH' tdrnia - ACENCY. L ft. JEWELL, Ct EXKRAL Li BRAKY AGEVT AHI ht a i KR IX W s -.1ard Literatur. Agent fur App ton' Hew American Cyclopaedia, oapleo works of Irin, Scotl. Pre cot t. Motley, complete Bn.ik Poet, Ac. Ac Odor by let. er filled with tbe same attenuoa t IS ieterie ef the purchaser a ou personal application. Addres L. S. NF.WEIX, auylft-iOie Iwdiapapwlu P. O WDI NOTICE. r ITITV T f IAS obtain tkrwwgb roe ta r prks. .4 .itsw area ot tSo T.Hiiur arvic the wib. KiLRY fEHOt Msa 5a Soatk Horteia, THE aattl can est tkeir Beaaty iataaediaulj by seasiaf tftsnt A. F NOBLK rfally givaa. Eacloo pottaf taeap fr ail LIQUORS. C. A. KU-IOTT Jiin R Rvaa ELLIOTT RVn, WROLRSALR ' 4 ' US TH ILL KINDS OF LllirORS. SOLD AT THE Cincinnati Daily Quotations. 05 HANDS AT ALL TIME! Purr Kentucky Bourbon Whisk,. ALSO, BRANDIES ANO WINES Of differeut BrauJs. We invite those waoiUag i'ur Liquor ta call and examine for themselves. Corner of MERIDIAN snd MARYLAND Sts . Indianapolis. Ind jy?S-4aw GROCERIES. E. B. ALYORD. J M. CALDWELL H. E. ALYORD II VOIID.i il PMI I I I AI.SOttD "41 i t i I iliil Ml. a I LIQUOR -AMD- COMMISSION M BUCH NTS Ar la DAILY rwcolptaf frawb goo. Canstaatly on baa aa far tale at tb Uwees prices, large an aaserte steck af Cef fee , mg r . Elalaeeee, Ry r n p, Rice, Tea, fai l e Claoe, Wwwelea ware , aas.f aatl.ea, Itar.b, fCalaitaa, : if at re. Taaacce, -Isftrrrl, WUiiflub, I wrSwge Ttwlae, ettem Y rvao, fty e-ttttRf f a totta, fli, Dates, Jellle. Brandy Cin. naa. Wlaea, va faiaky . nWltar m tie re. Particmlar atteatioa given t tbsalof PRODUCE Or wfaf.sC 68 East Wellington Street. IMDIAHPOUi, I9D ip-l'Oi HARDWARE. NEW IRON STORE POTlfKOV. FRY d CO., No. 24 South Meridian Street, l DIA APOM, IslBrtapii Hava ewniaatly oa keavi IE05. STEBL, BAIL. A BY IL. BILLOWS. VMS, AXLRI, SPBI90B, MOLTS. MAtJ.t ABLR CAJTTMOB . VTJTB. WAJHEBJ.BOBaE BMOBS, MOBBR SBOB bail, w bbelb. BCstt; rpob EJ.rBU.ou. Hafts, bcggy abd wagobbows, cb ai ys plow b abd. ac . ac. Th Okie River Salt Cess pi any The Mat toon Pearl Starch Cwa.pvay TfpTTay wUi ll all artcl is tAtr Ust at Uv t ket pnewa 17 ii iiti i .Him if IIWI