Newspaper Page Text
iL TJI CÄIOÜ - IT MCiT BE PEBSIBYED Umarm WEDNESDAY MORNIN. OCTOBER 12 National Democratic Ticket. roa j urn id l-M CEN. CEO. B. McCLELLAN. OF JtltW JtBSKT FOR TICI PEjrr.vr, H. PENDLETON, or OHTO. rhe trgawrnt In n ut 'hell t Tra ru ti at mr on tm f:lect eleci X I N C 0 L N McCLELLAN aUD THl Blmrk Rrpmhltemm Ttrkel ANI THE WBOir v . w -1 e - Mrr.Bo You anil defeat üf.gbo o as - - aa I tOlAIJTT. re DK BT, KQCALIT V H KIk.k TlMRM, anocaer perttj. re tatl.h 'be . i nn I w " m a I i I w lBlreral anarrby, an4 oi 0 I mi'' Ii an Honorable, Pent a pent aiitl H'py RUIN! PEACE I a I It ia reportei br telegraph that eight thouaand ot vir .oldiera after eiiduriaj eightecr month of cioaa confinement Uare taken the Mil of allegiance to the Confederate government If tbia be true, wbo baa the counlry it lhauk for thia great loa ? Who Lut Arimh I. in i . who becawe tbe rebels refuaed u gire up one or two hundred ne-ro aoldier. Im prolonged tbe captivity of filtv thousand t ur brave boys in , .w : - ' w ....I ..) i. r w. 1 lilt ll'JTl I'll- 111 llMi.79 tl'J .! Hit i South The people, aa well the army, will hold btui reapouainle for thia untortuuate catas tropbe Hi attempt to convert the wr for the Union into a negro crinade, ia the cu- t r bia a'amitjr. "Gen Naolei s famooi letter to Conrc ta in Kkllit on tbe iuaije hlwtory of a certain period of the war. ia creating the m t iremen doa aenaation in all quartern and iu all cm en-H-iillv in array .tnd Adminiitr t'.i juaitera. Copies of p?er witb it in comaitnd hieb M TU infamous attempt of the Ltm ifj part H -to decry Gen MwClkllaxh ahara in tbe Pi aular ctampairn are calling forth tbe f icti of its biatory. which lay bare to the anblte gaze the wicked intrigues and interference of Lim i s StAXTOn, and the whole crew at Wa-b iugton Truth ia mighty and umt prcv ill In anwer t tbe quertion if it i-t true lltut Fraaident Lin in aaked Marahal LaVOn to ItBg him a vulgar ong while vi-itir. the field of An tietam just after the hiitle, The New i ork World saja: We have made the charge repeatedly, are paa of tbe proof of it, and defy cootradx I on from at v aourc whatever Wu-tn ,i t . i e pubheau citixen or journ ! of atauding veiitwfwl I to den? fhe chirjra, it will ha time to prod:. e wiiiie-es Mr SewarJ aaya that "very rvr conse iieir,ea rrjav follow the e'eftion of r. Ici.ocr a t i -president tbi- fall." ia true; tt, coi e oiencea to him and I.ili' ofii ni v l- ;rre ii' i altj Por ike State Set.t.utl urd Coderat ,n linn that - '. .-' n hi Icci! uiüir to -meot my eraoml fi ie-uU that f'ie m-e of that Mtieinpta to iu'b tui U the poll, yt.fer hv. w i tbe tii-iiioiiliou by me o k' an i other like inaiouationa, derogatory - u ' i uih ami lo my character. I feel called upon ; erty to .täte the facti. U h;ed in pteaaaul ana liientllj M vat awl a with two gentlemen of tba oppuidte party. I wa appr. che-1 bv a crowil. 1,- . !! by DAILY SI ATI M one abom I tboajiht Irom his appeir a..:c lo Iwjarenmled :u t!l ti S-J and that if be will aJ- drunk. ani I bleah when I aay that several of those laamllrag lo me reie dressed in tiif uniiorro 1 liav myself worn hi mmy vearu with tide ) who demanded the toien.ier ol tiif 11 k t i'i ti.v 1 oe9ioti 1 told them they coutsj siv cna each if they would vote it, hut no more. N01 did they jfet more. Seeing a guard of the cteran tarpa, I rl timed the protection I knew I would receive Alter the guard waa marched fiofj the grouod, tnd having oo security of protection fiom turtber insult and violence, I left the ground ai d d:d not return No one w,.o know ne. iiieve- me cupeMa ot an? diareputafile artifice i would aay tiiat. as tbe Democratic cand. data for C.nres, 1 waa on ihe groui i for M o'! rr purp we than to atternp' to !uw ray fi iendi tl at they could vote with aifety. and hoping by mv pre-ence. with tbe ti.-Uet of mv pirfy fairlj head ol, aiih M name n it br. those ol ;. .u!arly n rninate! nnJ l.'st of the parte. : assure them tliat any appreheu-iou aa 10 Uw!ea iuiei lrence waa unfoundeil Whilst acknowleJmg the aymp.chy and aa aurance of protection of many peraotial frienJa of trie opposite party, who deprecated thi? law !- conduct. 1 must aay. aa I did to them, lhat I e.unot coneu: to enjoy my rights a a citizen oa ana other MrMa thin tho-e afX-rded me bv'tl.a loo. . John I.ote. Caors in Wi.onin Now tj.i the threshing well aioü.: we ate abWJ toaav th it w!ieu vields trurn njth eg, up lo eighteen busbeia par acre Probably of ahmt eijh' l.uaheia lo the acre Xt r.etv s..e 1 in v I; : c m; 1 - v . i .: th rty buabela liirley veiy njanj Kailf' e c,.rn ia good; fate n!arel 1 Mima PvHatoes aa far aa we can learn are a light en1 r ia but little pork pioduced in laia -tfe ver wli.i farmer- ee.1 I - Jnvroe - . option V'erv tear Urmera hae ore: one or two hoga to a pare. S ihe pt ve-r Its Ihnm. .;! .ff pte'v cl-e hi acrouut ,. tbe h ,;h incea and ctrciiv f fe,-.; Seepbuvi from Minnesota fiavepicke l an l! the abeer thea eould fi I r -i'e W 'i sn Paper A uer.. was anes'.eJ at C.i ngo aa a charge of stealing $:i,tiiii let from John I Bvrreti If ar ;-.. e i on tatniin ti:i tiiat t.M nnjaa nnj Ina ecapei sLu 1 ai Banaatt, .nd baviug committed OOajaawSsSe Kavioat ihe laws ol wa ,!i.-h irei'd A slave who. m Kentuckv, ?ea:s his master's piopaitj is not ieerae! ga.ltv ol larceny. The repeal of the Kng't v e .ae law preven'el bis return to hia matt r der M provisions, and a re:uis: Iroai Gov Bra mleue coohi not reach him for tVo t Oen. Lew Wallace i. it aeaoae. in ardei.t La vol es of tbe Jortt.i.e of mis ;.:. ttior Tl.e Kaprews oi ia-t e-i. . ; iM ti-n ne dnanj I CM' rv.M.ktore in Hslinn re lor ellinr a rer.le to i pamphlet fivorm that dwnaVhnj A ntcrrrttf I i.v lien Wallace, tneie: -e m.e, . a a t . a . acreu a aviri:ie or inea tni ;. u n 'a 'ei ' m us it can WorlJ not even fie .r. ..--: 1 ttcraels 1 ba eeevented by aailiun rule. M Y Although the weather U begt.iidng to grow a lr.tle eold. we are bapny lo - . ', , earn in the county is auScieutly t je 10 bear ü e trust, come as soon as it mav Tbe corn . n bcra is better than I was generally aupoaed it w jo Id be tome time b .k fere liau'e Jonrnal Tr' b Wa.hlniftnn !Ca'ial IntelBajaixe' Nfirllnc n rid lmprtnil inn 'ii - e MM A- the m-i significant part of ft letter aSSOane ; roe funn! postacript, so It is eajfjain that the important anl rnUi anbtg part atf the pee h made at New Tork on TuanOny test by H :. Montgomery Blair, the lata Postrnvater (lei.eval. va thrwwi nto parenthesis Tht Isarei 'he- untaine! th following piece of novel inlurtoii.n : .Kiluahag to Iba lact that Sir w allandif nana, after having oppoaexl the nomination of Iteneral Mrt'ielltii, when he founl Inrnel. outvoted, ai - --lal with the leader .f the m'n fn TfcY ' Bod es, bad naosed tUat the uunuxiatujii o( üen llrl'le.Tan .inld he made mant0 M' Hlair Bel I : "On ha tatntioo, m iiMtt had baau ra.esd to fui J 'aV- nominative il Mt 1 ' 1 lan silenced, aod tee vetr In bt ! i'.or ru tie unaf.iataoi. n.eia la ml -jseli iu h.- voke that made a cetaatiouol hostilities, a con vention of the State.-, of course equala and I a t a i I r f i C 1 ilioepectient, ana a ii'm-loui cmei oi me reu etil ai my 'one whom to the last I believed to be true to the caoM in wntvh hia counlrv to irarked, and, 1 may add, whom the I'resideL? held to be patriotic, and had concerted with en Qaaai t-i bring again into the field aa hia adjunct, it he turned hi bark on toe piopoaal.a of the peace junto at Chicago, to tead the last aaeault pn -i-i bj the Southern conspirators, counte a m - ! . '. nai.reU tv loieign power, bjjiii me iujumi tions of the eonntre From tlib e atraoidw m t st met r that Ü I Pres .'tit had arranged (.rant to bring (ten Mcutlian again into the new a hi "adjunct," provided the latter should deciins- the nomination of tue Cbcac Convention We the whole American people to pot der tili itatement ami mirk ita diirnificarrc Tbev will learn from thia public announcement, maoe OV a sreilliemail wno, Dirmorr ji n Lincoln's Cabinet, Imm shared hia confidence to ( J an unauruaed legree, that both the I'reaidert 1 and Cten Orant have full confidence in McClel ! hn'a military capacity, inaomuch that it had I been "concerteF' between Mr Lincoln and the , Lieutenant General that Gen McClellan ahouM ; be the "adjunct" of the latter. Thev will fur thcr learn trom thia extraordinarv announcemetit tNat t he i'reaident haa no ohjecliona to General McClellan aaveuch priug from tbe poaition of pdiiical rivalry rata which the latter haa been brouirht hv the Chicaro Convention If Gen . .... McC' ellan bad been willing to reuounce the nomination conferred bj that body, be would have been immediately thereuoon a good enough General to be the "adjunct" of Gen Gran in hia difficult Hiid i ponbible duties Altei ibis statement we hall hope to hear no reflection on the -military capacity of General McClellan from anv friend of President Lin coin, for any such leflections can only imply that tbe President, in his satisfaction at getting quit of a tti aided political rival, would have bee:, willing to put an incompetent officer in eaWMM of tlie lives of our soldiers nnd of tbe military fortunes of the Republic. When the statement ia looked at in all the aspect it opens to the ctndid and patriotic mind, we greatly mistake the character of the American people if it doe not produce a profoand iiaprcsion on the Cona kry, It is as significant as it kt aurprisiug The friends of truth and of ju-tico, equally with the ftieada of General McClellan. ought to he crate ful to Mr Mlnir for the aid be has Irrought lo them, by .cattcung at a single whiff of his bieatb tbe cloud of detraction witb which, for political purposes, it has been nought to obecure the O'li tary reputation of General McClellan We should not omit to add that we had seve ral weeks ago an intimation of the proposition made by tbe 1'reaidenl to Gen. McClellan under tMa heid. und which Mr Montgomery Hlair I. uow published to the world and confirmed by the authority of hia ti ;rne Wo had no doubt at the time of the authenticity -f the ta'ement- which then cune to our knowledge, bui we were un illini to give tbeui curie, cy until they bad a MattaW a j-hajH' ailtiralv trwatvortbl I he inti nation to which e refer, confirme! M it wa by ; ome inner oi kinmicicf on rue uioject. appeared in a New York journal under date of last Anciu-t 4ib, hiving been communicated lo : that journal by in rorre(ioudeiit in (his city. He wrii " as folliiwp; ' You buve altca iv a4l i.-ed your icader tkal Frank Pdair, iot. In I bean in New Turk, bail j that nothing haa ttWMptftai IÜ a It his mission. , That ecret I now bvie. fr aj.jcai lhat hia mis'.on mm lor iiie anfpoaa of seeiug General McClaHaa, und the tejau tint he biings lack ia i not Ja1 whit be dealred Mr HIir found, on , hi- Htirai n, Xen Voik.'hat McClellan a d Hack, w'eatchaatet t'ounty He immeiiatelv paalad oW to taa h'm; but on hia arrival there lin N Mr- M t.'lellnn, who inform him that tbe Genu 1 a i- iu the cit tint dnj. Alter asci-i t v 5 1 1 r . ' wberw be cowM jret u n.e ol bim be re Uace - p and -iu ceda iu oataiaiug an in t.iv n Kctfe Mi- . i t P If., in m nie private osl ealana 'own A ft i eicfiatiaTing fhe n-ual eoanpliwtenta ul thed iv. Mr lil.ur se:,',r. pneeed- to businesa, aud informs (cuei 1! Mi t'lell in "thatt his) assrsrissssa dre-s a noti to either Ihe I're-ideiit, oi bimaeif. ng (bat he Ina uo political aapirations, and th 1 be will not alio hia name to he used at tbe C ir Convention, be 1 the President.) will give hin. Mi t ie. hi' in iapoftant command at once " I btp may not have been the praaiaa Mtdiag of Mr. Hiair's statement in every pajtic ular, but it ia the precise .u'. stance and puiport of hia -t teenier t- Oeneral McClellan a reply waa just uoh as an indignant man of hia ability would give to auch a proposition. Aa a matter of c- i.i he repudiated making any bargaina and rafaaad to Wtiti anyui;h let'ar; but it ia said that he intimated that he. aa a military officer, waa uudei tbe orders of tbe President, and if tbe Utter order cd m to take the field ha would iiave to or resign The result ot all thi ia that Mr Blair return J in dacidadlj had atalt of m.nd lie declares that it won't do to give McClellan a command unless he agrees no: to allow bis name to be uaed; for tint will be equivalent to the adraini trition tafclag everuhing back that thev have done agai;it him. and acknowledging to the world they were all wrong iu removing him and Iraalinf him a they have; which will be fjuiritleil to giving "Little Mac" one half of the Republican vote in November. Tins, nf course, won't it, AU say that et en if McClellm should agree to it he could M expec't any thing but ten time worse tie lime: 1 ihan he has ever had before just aa soon aa the tic ti n ia ver. 01 perhaps im me diatelv upon the Clivto CV.nvni'ion nomina ting their Candida c. I be ii terets of tbe coun try, to say nothing of hi own. mtke tbe ac ceplance of anv ao-h !rnroiti.n a Mr Blair's, absurd. repo-:erous . and, I might sav, crimi nal. Tbe abaai bell ul the woiking of m.atets behind the scents you uui luily rciv upon. The riit Mr Biair. wtxl hi niferview witb Mv ClelUn. I hive apotl as good authority aa Inaagh Mr. Wadt had written tbeui out or in formf 1 nie in perron." - .aw - A rarw Ql utios nt ApoLinov UaVTatJn I ft Baa the Tnited States Couxl jrudiclion over the i-'ic- involved : the ehargaa against Dedal, at Indianapolis f Sd Is tlie military a.jr.stior o the t v i I tower of tbe countrt 7 all answer is re'e'ft.ftv solicited. Terra Hmte Journal. i& l'ue , - ieterio-.Js Con- I nect:cut wa- run at a Sundry in Hartford las: weck. li wa- a c laanej ..are for ana ot tbe iare fr'ate eugines now building for tbe gov ernmcnt look twenty ail tor of melted iron, fourteen woikme:i five .1as to prepare the mold. 1 rnaas la a 1 laut C c 1 k 1 ;!. O 11 K rt re-- v ed from l::!'an.t bow tr, lTnin gain- over 6ii P b A v Morton will t J1' ("i mn -'. .!r gair w l1 :i C j -a- jorii rae:i tioal Badini, who ceased sa h ia ca re in IM-55. at the time whe. tit AmerK-a. baa larelv died Ml Home iU .1 -. lone! an:e E M ava, : M cur!, tbe e , ' - t'!eve a'i 1 ilmtMhA 1 Fretu t. is out for McClellan teT Colorado . igani A small in V i $11.000. cM.t gold ptoiuselv jam receive,! Zf A laiv who siuga iu a cbo.r. says she will marry a stcall man because ebnet metre bims are the ea;.t to get slot g witb (II Ii ial Vale fair vernar In iHilif. rorvnn j a I 1 9 t a 11T7 a.i 421 . 1-20 331 u. '--4 lit 113 Ota tv? I:". 1131 ft-j .56 lls- 1U4 .VI . ! 1-34 221 1-14 1543 91 1UC7 SM 114 1461 24 1166 1045 157R 1341 I'.'ia KC5 13hi, 14U 545 1067 1 103 241.' 1413 1145 9U 144 1351 1103 246.' 1154 411 121 1550 130 4-44 mi isn 1604 7 45 611 78 f-33 595 1259 lS3t 1363 1S31 14SH 1563 574 IP. , loos 707 13S2 167 mt 315 .V3 711 1616 940 :4. v.m 1177 m 1010 1096 UM li-r.s'i a .i-D Allaw. Benton Blackford... &Vxn BartLoioinew Browa. rarndf. Oawa. Clinton Oar lav- TrawlnfJ DaaVto Delaware Rai leaa tarnrn. - ..,.. Dera'ar Dorwi,. Klkbart Kou'.tain Fultoa I reu Pl''l ... . Fraoilln Grant Oibaoa. i'"D. Uarr1an Hamilt''-. Hancock . Hendrkk H'i.rjr Howard Huntibtftoo Ji-,- Jy j . . - Jeffarx J- r.n!ag. J'dintnn. .. . Kna. a .... Mas l sal 21XT' S4" tan lare 1.193 -t 137a : 14WO in;,! m - JIT3 1124 KV. 1701 UM wa ias :.Ct isn: l? 1117 13... 1--' 1331 Vi' Mil 1!1 1141 l-l" 1SI4 13S 1 VJO laal U' 717 2, os 1353 1P 201' 1613 leal ma 134 2"v- 1234 ISC'. I pi I3el 1169 1073 63 2116 isn 146 1740 79Ö i23-; liaai 1970 1060 300 440 lt79 237 830 67 2012 76 -12 iia 69T J: 1140 l-j':- Ml 127777 Ik ! loactuake. j Upor? Lawrenca..- rtin Mooroo. Morgan Madir. Mar, n Marshall Miami .Montnomarv.. Soble 5ewf.a Ohio Orange Owen Perry 'Pike Posev Parke Tarter Pulaski Putnam Randolph Kiplcy Rub Scott Shelby Spencer Sullivan Switzerland Starke. Steuben St. Joseph Tippecanoe. Tipton , Ja n Van lcrburg . . . V. million V'K Wadali . WmiTbIi Waywsj w.ii White Whitley Warrick Willing Total JfiJorWca IfflciHl Vole for .tleiiiber ol arrens . rik-ST niaTRK r Counties. Itovsj-s Dubofa Olf-Rön .... Knox Mar'iu Pike Posey Spencer .... VanlerhurK Wairi k Total. ... Law. Jvhu- n. . . 1247 9i7 . . 1035 50. ! ..1775 b1 .iä7 tasa .. 73 41 .. 391 IIP . 1344 132. .113. lo.'- ..1971 1701 .144 Uli Niblack. Alien. .11,963 O.jvI Slalontv rr John Uw, 2,3). m d MBjtncT Ci.nties. C rave ,. Mav. Kerr. Curry. Clarke 19" 100 j Ciawfati 815 547 Klnvd .15 1 17 I arrnni..., i.5n hai . . i Oranire MM ti"9 '. Perrv 1117 Ml Saael sou 57:1 ' WaMnagiea iie W63 j fetal 10.911 6,11 ; .Majority Raf Jame A Craven i.ri -tii) received a atnwbei 1 f . 4.7iai vvli,r V awa in s-.rue ,f th- ecu: TMIKI. Plsil.lCf. Coaatira. iu- Rjftn Daaa. Har'gton. Hfil. BaeUaalaasaw i l."4ö Brt.w a . S-i& -ja Jackson 1HW 1103 '. Jetfman laci 241 Jennings ....1193 1407 Inweaaje IS13 11' Ifearee 13M W 1 Swiz,-iland . .. 106M l.-l .... Total ..11,684 10,744 najarfly for Hanry W. Ilarrington, lJtSO. rot kih 1116TRH r Couiuiea. Holman. Gavin. I'.-rry. I rnuhar Desrborn ...2735 1309 Decatar 1673 l8fS Franklin 2397 1127 Ohio 4SJ 4J Ripley 1ST 1491 Bush 17S3 13.'4 Toul 10.928 7.V92 Majesty 'or WflUan i. Holman, rtmi pistsict Counties. Johnsos. Julian. Brown. Julian. Iielaware... 1091 ;is4 Kavette 13 r.s:i Henry 143 I7l Randolph 1J?3 ST7 tTasew - 693 ä .0 Wayne 1940 MBJ To-al 7,41 ! '..V Jlsjoriiy far l.ex.rge W. Jnliati. I.s.'.s. sixrn aavraM r. Coonliea. Cswduitt. Durrs.n I. ve. Dasasal Hancock.. KM 134? Hendricks . liO 1972 Johnson MM 145 Marios. ...3772 494J Morgan 14--9 1571 Mietby r.'OT 153S T.tai 1I.6T.4. 12.52-, Majst ' v f . r Eaaraesas Datsaowt aTl SETBVm PISTSUT. V.K.r- Wash- Cowntles. Voorhees. Scott, heea. num. Clay 1360 703 Qfwene 1456 1162 Owen . 1500 WH Parke 116) 177 httnan 113 MIS aVattrvaa ?; 70 Ven:i!lli"ti 764 937 Vig.v 2111 206S Total IMi3 1S.U3S Majority f r Daniel W. Vorbe-. 2,41. 1 Kanal aaantsi t. Conutiea. Pwtttt. Orth, llamev Orth sens.... 1536 ls69 ' C'arroll 1J0 1913 C DtoO 1J45 1234 Fountain 16sr? 1541 Montgomery .... 2112 202." I . IV canoe "2X17 2&&3 Wsrren 6i3 116s Total 11. 1S1 12.905 Majority for Go.ll. e ? Orth. S24. Mrn n-TRicr C' Ul, iea. Tnrpie. . -264 1-72 . . IO-I . -2e Colfaa. 337 1.-.73 -70 :.: 10"6 243 1156 UM 4-7 1357 ?n Törpla, Colfax. Ku'.'rtn. ... J aspe r lake lrsorte Mar-V Miami Renn 1 . Pulaski. . . i mn Starke. . . . .St j-swph Whi'e.... Total Majority 1!. , 1-4S KM 97S .-14.S4S II"'. nyler Colfaa, !Z3. TENTH PITSICT. Um ' e t Mltfhetl. Allen 3S93 la13 IVKalb US 11TH F.lkhart ..l!44 1H13 Kawenaafea . . laci I.arranga 738 isal 5obla in un - en 441 1ÜT .ay LÖ3 1001 Tta; 11.3 DJal ton. le:res Ms tj ssn K- lilninas 43. LtraMH naTKi-j a !- a. ell. t.oaotx . AlaiE Blackford rant Hamilton, m Howard .... Huntington II. 117 . 313 1311 ilea ... 36 . 12 Wrll. 117 1350 I5v 137 mn 101 I39 51 1 -I i Jay 1154 Madiaoa Ttploo HI Wabash 131 WelU 117 Total 13.142 71 .'219 li. uel'. nty f. r Jame f. M i:irlioii KpluriiM. Below we give the leurn- received by tele ilt- up to the time of going to press Our j frienda uud rememfier that ihi fir-i return re ! ceived are alwav favor.cble to tbe abolitiooieta. , ... I , Ki'i.m .no Wayne v. Mp--Morton, lb"J; McDonald, j'J9. Gaiu over Lane a vote.OO. Ceutreville Number of vote polled Morton majority 2ä. IMaintiehi Morton, :r6; McDonald. 7. Danville Morton 400 majority Liberty Morton aSB majority. Coaisville Morton 2H) majority. Increase it. Franklin Morton 65 majority. Increase hr KeeUviile Morton 160 to 25 Dublin Murton 2b5. McD muld none Knightatown Morton äöJ. McDonald 7G. Cambridge Morton' majority in Jackson township is 3.17, again over Lane - vote of 17. Wayne county, Kcotiomy townahip Morton 1Ö5 McDonald Iff. Warren townahip, Marion county 103 ma jority for McDonald. Democratic majority in Clark t'ounty lf) to Five township ::. I u'rmm county beird from give 111 Union niijoiity Reelavihe anJ tawnship McDonald I'M Loogootee, Perry township. Martin county McDonald 191; Morton 123; Niblack 100. Shoala, Hulbert town-hip, went 34 Union mid 41 Democratic Columbus, lud . Majority fat Morton MB this County about 600 Caiterburg, Hendrh-k county. Morton's iiij jority 16'M) certain Four Watm, October 1 1 The election bjmmsm) oflf quietly. Democratic majority 3. KM Jonx Colerick. Lvkavi.tte. October 11. TLi- township ive an average majoriry of 7.r for the Democrats. Mkk-i Zioiisv i 1 1 Moiion 2l ahead; t eain 00. Law rencebut b dftii il t'entrc 'on-pshin 99 m ij tor Morton. Fatquat , Jackson township, W yne COUIitJ 337 nnj for Morton Winciiester Morton's ajaj. 396; gain GO. Noble countv 6I0 li i ubiican mnj. Wayne county Kepuh'.ictn nnj 3,000. The ;Vh District, as far s bear!, indicates 7,000. Randolph county Hatliatad at 1 . 1 fW Re; ub- 1 lican maj. OwTKlMTTIIXK, October I 1 Et. SaamnL: Five town-hips iu Shelby ood for six hundred and Hfty foi Mi Donald. M. Rat. 1'orter PaiMtf Uobail townahip M majority for Oolfial d .in ol l." M ir: hi Tik" towaalnp g've- l" ma jority for McDjnald.and 16 majoiitv on the Suie ticket The fvlkiwiai n thi rrrtei McDattaM 5-J- VI........ ois Howard Cowoty Betweei 7mi gliO major ity foi Moiton JeWatioga Owinty Motion öt'i) m (jaetty ; ba api e of the th-ket 4:' APIati C.-jn .M. ) m laM'a aaajoeity fjBOO Wli;:.. y. !'.). lir.ce Township Colfax IS Bawjoritj . Morton i,"i Mtchfgttli tit. Michigan Townabr Demo t BUJOtftJ "I, eicept GotfaS aajg I W aabsfiarbaa roavawaVip 31 .1 ton 6: aaajtriley j Orth ."1 Baajoiit) H enlri unit, I'I .11 tioi'l T-.w -..-i.ii Mor ton 506 roten McDonald ft vote-. Canto:. Town-hip Morton 4W m i r 'y Libcriy yonnanip JI arton 34HI mnjoritv. iiilfoid Township Morton ö'i'l njsjoctte, Fianklin Morion 650 mnjoritv Clay Morton 'itlti majority. Misnanaka Morton -Ji m j witi Lagonier Morton "H majui itv Wabash, Wabaah county IC.'iU Cnion in -jority. Montgomery countr, l"nin Township - Mot -ton ft'J majority. Franklin Township. Marion coaatl McDon ald a maionty Si7. Bilunoe of Democratic tick et 17 NSfoaaeaca t.f the New ..rk Ksprc-. Importnnt Irons Washington-How the Lincoln machine is Mnn at lli.idquarlfrs. WawMUMaTOMi Oct. ft, I8fd, The Capitol, where hitherto only i.hi n ii mal tera were discuased ;.'! laws enacted for tlie good of tbe whole country, b is, since Mr. Line tin's nommition. been put entirely to partisan naa. The !TaJ ml Committee have taken Full paaeeasawa at all the Capitol buil-Jings, and the committee rooms oftbf Senate and House ot Represent ttive are filled with clerks, buy in mailing LhsaoM documents all over the bv il States. One hundred of these clerk- there employed, 1 am assured, have been detailed from tbe gov ernment department, und continue to draw their sa'ari-a w hile engaged iu re elee ing Abraham Lincoln. They neglect the business of the coun try , for vhicfl only they ought lo be p .. i. The same committee baa an immense election taring fund, and are expending the sum of $17. 000 per day, and will no doubt double tbe amount before tbe rub ot November There is no lack of greenbicks hare among t'ie Lineolnites the pi in ting pres.-es on tlie side of the avenue being constantly kept busy to keep up the sup ply. In additiou to tbe .-lerks being Mktn. from tbe depart r-e 1 for the purpose of assisting in the re-elec ; n tf Lhaooln, 1 bate it from un doubted am. itythat arrnniremeuts have been made to sand I me all tbe c'.erk-, it the rate of one half cetit par mile Tbe entire mhinerv of the government has been taken ai- stage of by tbe "patriots" to further the elec n of Old Abe. and thus to se cure their own i.ecka The Po-t-uHice Depirt mat, of aotlfiM M attending to the lion's share Of this work Eighty bag- of mail matter, all containing Lincoln documents, are daily aent to Sherni.:. .- armv. Mute anon. ÄÄlt This does not funds in W tahin Journal of Commerce, to dar, has the following A few days ao e pnblisbed a note from H. J. Riv nond. chairman oj tbe Renublican Ni tional Cjmai.ttee. staling thai ihe need of funds ; ia prc.-'inc It now appears that the crisis baa : arrived, for last Wednesdav , wlien a rrsite-te-i I draft for fT.fMj ns p-escred. with a polite re ! uet fur aeventv five ceits, tne iinpov eriabei condition ef their Treasury waa urged aa a rea aon for a few Ujt iefej b lbs pa.vment But tne notrv cju J in-iae :.o .iii.i,cti-M there waa ' onlv ore 'method ol diiinoilan auch matte This ia a sad condition of thing4, that a I. mo '. draft n.t for IOo.immi me:. -Iiould fare ao badl? 1 Either the shoddy ite here are very stingy or the political marhitierv in In hau consume much an ,. PROFESSIONAL. Ltr. A. n. OALI No. 65 Nortii New Jersey Street. v - vra-ei AMUSEMENTS. METROPOLITAN THEATRE. Corner of Wa$-n ton mud TVnaesaee .Seeeft 'l.'iwafr vir. W . H. K i l v Wednesday Evening, October 12th MOTTO OF THE DUKE. XEW SCE5EftT, BT i.l.fcSSUNO. XEW DRESSES. OR Mi IN vi. MUSIC, iwJKn, ac , C. l'aataa or uaiasnoa. -Lr-- CircU and Parq ,et te, t-, I'i Tau IU.'.. f ' i p. r- n.-.a on. trcbMra -at, 75 cent-: l.vli ry and Fam!ly Circle. j cent; tbiklrn iu arm. 15; all reaerved eat- 5c. mxir- ipra . cio:. rcnunniocr cunDi,ncrn n i quarter to 8 o'clock pr.- iv BOOTS AND SHOES. HENDRICKS. EDM I NM iV CO., WHObKCHLV I" .Al.KfcS 15 BOOTS SHOES II AVK VCn IS STORK A COMPLETK ASSORT -merit of heavy Boot and Shoes for FALL AND WINTER WEAR, KMPRC1N; IN TART Children's A Calf, Calf and Goat Lac f - and Bal morals. Misses Kip, Calf and Gott I .ace Boots and Balmo rals. Women'.' Kip, Calf and (.oat Iacf Boot and Balmoral regular and extra sizes. Women's Lasting, half D. S., C ajcres and Balmo rals. Women's Rubbers and Overshoes. Youths' and Boys Boots, with and without t-tal tips. Men's Coarse Boots. Men'. K and Calf Boots all sizes. Mn's French Kip and Cavalry Boots. Men's Ruffiuo Overshoes. All of which have been aalectrd with epeclal cara, ant we are satisfied that we have the GOODS to suit the trade. We incite tbe attention of SHOE DEALERS and General Merchants to our Stork, and will endeavor to give satisfaction. BINDKICKS, EDM USDS CO . 40 leata Meridian street, (Schnull's Block.) ct4-dlmis Iudianapolifi, Ind. MEDICAL NOTICE. It-N. .T. fc W. TIIOMSOIN . 1 FROM THK EAST.) HAVE OPENED T11K1R 0F FICR on the east aide ot Virginia Avenne, a few doors sou'h of Washington street, Indianapolis, Ind , for the alleviation of human suffering, by offering to unfortunate persons afflicted with Syphilis., or any species of Private Disease, sure and ( methods of eure, founded on the solid basis of science and aeassj pLilo"phy. Spennatorrho-a and Impoteucy, and invetrrate ca-ea of Secondary or Constitutional Syphilis of long standing, that iiu:i4 br cured by any other physician in thie city, cured perfectly and permanently, or no charge. Address Box 1518. :;'64 dry Das. TflOMSON. OPTICIAN MAM FACTTRKR OF THE IMPROVED PANTOSCOPIC SPECTACLES, the best in use. MOSES' improved Pantoscopic Spectacles combine advantages me chanical and philosophical to be found in no other Spectacles offered in the West. Moses' improved Spectacles not only give clear and distinct vision, do not weary or fatigue the eye, but tend to strengthen and preserve the sight. Moses' Spectacles are made of the finest materials, and best workman ship, fairly represented, and sold at their fair value t 'nation aVo Aqents or Pnliars employed. Clp Send for a circular containing full de crij'tioii. prices, i.e., and how to ensure a perfect tit and have them sent bv mail. Address L. W. MSES. f fin' an, 50 East Wa-hinjion st , Indianapolis, Ind. LYON'S KATHAIR0N. Kathainn h from the Greek word "Kathro," or "Kathairo," ifnifying to cleanse, rejavinate and re store. This article is what its namu signities. farpre-ierv-in. f:-rir;fr an-l beautifying the human hair it U the mos remarkable preparation in the world. It la aea.n owt.e-i a'.d put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with tbe same care, skill aad attentioa wbica ga t i: a sale or Snf oua nilMoti kottlt per man. It a mo-r 'b lightfti! Hair Dreeing. It snatknaas curf and dandruff, it ki-ep the head cool aod clean. It in ik - the hair rich soft andgloa-v. Haesarent tb iiair from falling IT and ttirniHg grj I? restore" hair upon bald heads. Anv i'v . etitVraaiJ who values a beautiful head of hair -hou.M or Lyob' Kathairo'i. Il is known atd ned . .1' .Le civilized world. St'li by ail re-pectab" dealers. Ul. u.txa. IMIO t. & ( ü.,.1 V. 4-daa.-eas. HKIMSTREET'S NW HtIR RESTORATIVE. SOI 1 DYE, But rr stree jrray hair to ivt oriarinal cwlor, by "Upplysag th'cpil r) knwaswna natural .aste nance, impaired by "r 'ti-ea-e. All rfjt are composed of 'annr eenanfSt ajaal th viabtjr and beaut j of taa nar, and affo-M ofihemseSves aav drsjaatasj. Balaastraai'a '- it Coloring not owly restres hair te its wattra alar af n prrce bst eiv tbehaira l.,..,rin Reautra P'nnjnnji its grow b. prevent itsfaffinf aff, eradioatea oanalrna. and imp.ri cea!-.h and ploavactnes to th head, it has enwi tl e test cf une, being tbe original ll " Clvrtaa, and is constantly increasing in faor Lsu hy .,v,... . f.. aad 1: is sold by ail re- Jpect le dealer., r .an U procured bj them of tba commercial agamU.b. . BAH2YS8 k CO., SSS Braasafwaj, Xrw Yrk. Two au, 50 cants and $1. febS-dameod FOR RENT. 9 tract room on first floor am Waahtuftu street, luttable for aa office or sleeping apart mast App j a: aa, v est ' ? .- aud Mar " n yBlx. ' SfkA " VHaaaataa .s'.c -: t . ii. a r ki MEDICAL. ARMY AGUE DROPS! ARMY AGUE DROPSJ TUR SOYFREIC RKMtDT FOR TIIK CURE OF FEVER AMD AGUE BILIOUS DISKASE8. ATTENTION!! a a FEVER 11 MB. id Tlrs aoost wonderful remedy for th.- pennaoent cure f f'EVKK AND AGUF, FTC, was di.-iovered some year ago aa oiie of tbe Tlovl S iriililn .iim sslul CHEMISTS OF I1K1K1! tut of THOLSANDaS OF CASKS it baa never been known to fail in efTertinr a radical cure. A SINlil.K MTIU ftaWaa) Irrop- ha cored diseases which hare MuhlrOritly ih'MMid Ihr Mn! SlK--C.rMl Med'c I 1. 1 On I. contain naftinj! tbaf will injure tl.r-.. ttitmtimm ! It purine the LlwtJ .' It remorr nhttrurtinn tmm the Itrer! It ) rnmotrs the discharge of' bile! It t fleet t a radical aud permanent cure in re BSesa esj the wiiiae upon which the uqne deuend! - TIIK ARMY AGUE DROPS ! A it-name imports, hi- keen and is ihe ur.-at Specific for a!! Ull.lois disk, asks in the army, la haw saaansjal. I-- (;! -:-y :. ..-.t t...SU Army und c..w!i r- a- u- i vei -al as ii cures save leen nuick anal wonderful. As a It has prove.1 a grest bleSal gaSad saved many asaaaaMa lite in Inaas nssaaatir kandlUsa where ther would ha.e fal!e:i ,. iinisto BILIOUS IHSKAMCH. W hi Chill Wall nol return if these lirops are taken: THK ARMY AGUE DROPS! QV1CKLY DK1VKS A WAT Lnngruoi- unl Wsf If r T -AU- KiioivB I HK 9THTBM To its na ural KUOTANCT and AMafATTOX; INV; OIIATINf tbe Sw4j and cleantii; out Hvcry l'tstige or Mstase ProJueed bj loatheoma miasma. BE WISE IN TIME! So per ton rr$tdinj in a Fertr and A: H Di-triet should he trith;ut a Bottle of the ARMY AGUE DROPS! And it Is ttrongly recommended to person traveling thrcuKh piaec (-barbed with miasma. We respectfully call attention to our Testimonials. Many of our letters atte-t that hu- dreds of lives have been saved in the Army by it use. Indeed, ao well are its curative qualities appreciated in tbe Army, that the most succeful 8urreens in the field aud hospital use it almost exclusively in tbe diseatas for which we claim its infallibility. The best physicians always seit the best means to effect a cure, hrnc Iba universality of the ARMY AGUE DROPS! t e s rr 1 :ivl o n i We are happy te refer to LS!! oet. McClellan, Gen. Fremont, Qeii Bumside, Gen. Hancock. Gen. Kilpatrick. Gen. Uice, Col Pye.Mtb 5. Y . Col guk-k. 17'h If. Y. C, Col. rowler.l4th N. T. S M Major Doremus, A. 1) C , Maj. Rejf.yr.dar, S5th Pa Major Wllcr.x, A. Ü. C, Rt. Rer. Rihop Potter, S T Rev. Dr Tyns, ' Kev, Dr. Taylor, Hev. H. W Beecher. B'kljn ker. IC. H Cbapin, Rt. Mr Cbeevet, NT Kev. Mr. Rang, Hi-Hou.M ayor Wood.R'klyn Hon. M. Ilon.M. f. Odell. Hon. Mayor Gunther, W T Hon. Horace Ore ley. najor Kaai-ay. Major aUMnsB, I Majir B.b.ock, lanreon in tbe 1'. S. Army, Lieut. Whe I an, J An t hundreds f other etjaaJj wall known gentlemen for which see circular Price ONE DOLLAR per Bottle. wiLMov ft cm., Proaripal OtTce, INI Unter m.. Fä. f N B. None genuine unless bsysrnna our sie oc. tbe wratvoer na re IP'lhJ!J l"wtd Drurt P"1 7 tb aay other remedy. If fee does not nave it for al er close us I 55 per mail. ..! wfl ,u üf(- ef th. Army Bnjnj fsroo per mail re paM wiiaLcox a et)., IsJ Watsv st-, . T. ARMY AGUE DROPS aW iW I inaaaaaaai DRUGS, MEDICINES. C. WWW, KEEPER i RtSH. Eolith Mnitlijtn t.. r t Esii t xtos ncrorr. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., WHOLESALE DEALERS ticirsivrii 1 DRUGS MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, GLASS WARE, PERFUMERY AltD Fancy Goods, -A!trv - I PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. JV. WOULD CAM. THK ATTFICTIONOK DlttTii- tilSTS lo the alnivt estaUlisLitnent, aud ineiis llirtu, a hen iu tlie city, to look through our stock. Hur K"d wer l.utti.t when gold was at tl M, wad the additional !JD per c. i.t inereaso in Tarifl Duty, which, we are e..ntidei.t, will enahl s ta s II goods in our line very lw and yet realise a profit. We will du P'icate any Cincinnati bill flactnatlona ia prices con sidered. Orders are solicit, d JeT'4 dly DRY GOODS. X A4W e O CO A 1 a O o e-5 H 3 e-3 S B V af W U - 03 av M Ü CO H 2 3D - OV A gl f a ft a sT s a. ta o m 1 1 ta CO - af H 9 at V y a a M w S w 3 S i 1 i a 1 Eh 1-3 g i s 1 MERCHANT TAILORING. LEWIS M HOI IZ IKOPRirrOE or THE 1 I It H T CLASS MERCHANT TAILORING fee TAHLiH suck 1 . NORTH PENNSYLVANIA STREET, Two Door South of t'owt Oftlrr IVIMAVAPOLIS oct 1 -dtf SOLDIERS WE THI!" DR trkkland ia gutta right ta advising yaw ia fen sdeartiaa mailt in oar colainae of 1 -day 's paper M taka a batttt. of kis htghlY rsxommamawd AaU-CaaUra Miatarw ta yaau knapaacks. It may save the live. ,f mmvj tf owr wa sobirers. Mothers, see that your eoaa do not t Toa saw get it at taa Drag Stare at 5S cents per aatttte It is tha boat remedy far Dtarrrsar-s aad Dywtntery. hT-dlyootUwIy FOR SALE. OISTE ACRE fX NOKTH 1LU50IJ KT BF. KT. LOT fhawty located far J reabie-va arvsarn saptia-dan Terms aavsy. McUKMaJI a PlaUSLK. Keal E.iata SswaU