Newspaper Page Text
RAILROADS ATUtfflC A MO GREAT WESTERN NKW BROAD HUCK Pawnsjer. Freight, .nail. I rrs nntf TltrAftfrli Kaule, tke r!e Ra : ru N T 2 '. i Mi Fwt Trfc i I. On n4 after Monday May 1. 1. TV.g h Pa rrHkt Train ) niiBiMiyi'.'fti ri-i:i':i.ri s -run- r,K. wKP IFirHT.4NT P I X.I li KOtJTC PARK AS LOW AS BY ANY olHhfl ROUTE. BA33AGE CHECKED THROUGH. l'.-r(rr by tkl Line have choic d'fTereiit mim h w. B'w Terk Mi SVoalew, IIIICOI4.II II Kl 1 Can W rfHreed at any MPS af tb Erie Railway, .Ml alt TVket I Wire of wrM, iIm. al the ( TVkt IIW under the Wed deFl Hoc. Cleveland. I .4i4fr 7 iraVHriai th Atlant and V r V'f er an1 ! Railway PtMM-tiffrr Train atop at Meedvtlle thirty oiinutea, glr taa paetgr anrpl- time to dine al the Tar he.t Railway Hotel ia the cwitry and I mIIIiou Frriuhl I. in, V I I IC VII v.pmeti of fniClit ttweaii rk an-i - ' rot. or Clrrelarxl Hrrrharn. in tba Wrt and t- utbaa.t will f nd It to than- adratw t order tb r.l U b- forwarded via the F.rle and Atlanta- reat .ifm Railway-, tbn. ; aa1na; trnhle and eiprnaa. RiUt mi t'rnqkt at Low 6a any miner all Äan MMiR Kapacial atUnt.i will l givan to the edy trajn pwrtellon of Frelicbt of all kind. Kat or Wet. Tb- K.nwli, Car. and other equipment. if tbi Cn pa4i are entirely iw, and of tba nto.t impruted nja1 ern -l) la, rh only olrect route t the wonderful OIL REGIONS 09 rKNNVl.VA.NlA. Via Meadtllla or Corry. Kr..m laitit.nrit, the Mabotwiiit Rraiirb runa to VwURCttoai. a 1 '; t M, TCkaVaad I hem twB.l'-d, arvl m ill aooa b (n worn, plete rarniiiiK order to t.alion L'raana, lt .u and Cln ctn.Mll, without break of Raow- J FARSSWOKTH, Oeneral Freight Aent T H mIMa!, General T.ckai Aent. H. F. MWKKTDKR. upt. Meadllle, P., 5ov. I, l4fl. myU Wj I MH1EN IKKANGEHBXT CIlVClNf ATI, SOUTHERN OHIO. orlh BailfH ki iiliM L. lodia!iuoll and Hik inn ill ihort-Llaic O, AND A TER MONDAY. MAY ltb. TRAINS wiU ran a fU--wv lave IndUnapolla Morninff Fpreaa Mail Ni(?ht Kipraaa Arrive at Indtaiiapali. Monilnir. Mail.... 8.15 A M lo '.o A M - . p w ..'.0 M ....5 0U F M Ii V M NiKut K.prea apeed7. Iüi.m: jr.-Karr th- ame an by any otb.r Keut. the I. aafety and comr rt of train, equal to me or. Itn the roimtn HyAk for ttckt-t. via "Indianapoli. au.l Cincinnati Railroa.1 " Nr lal "49llrr The dw rack Into Cincinnati "onipUfe. and pa.i-eiiar. by thi- line are now lauld at th "NfW Pearl Street Urpof," n-ar tba Birnet oaae, abnqt one mile nearer lh- bulne.. centra of the city i bar. any other ileput KOKK KT NK'K, Soj.-rlntetid.-Tit W H L. Nnai.a, Hatieral Ticket Aet A. S. Bcr,Traei!ir, a-j. rt my 1-.1tf I d i:i 11:1. fMk iw and l..ihon . 18 I. 1864. r Irrnngemrnl toCemmenrf lon- d(l, l:i) IC, isct fVaO paaaeiajar train daily (unday - axcapled) be I twaai. fcwliaaMipMll and Madlaaaa. Leave the Union lpt Indianapolis, at g.on . M and 3 )'. M . arriving at Madi.on at M 5) A M an1 YJI r m laWM tbe Drpot at Madiauu at g A M and '1 V IV M , artiitig at Indianapolis at 11 A M. ami 7.4 F M Tra r leave ( .luinu for Kn-hville at I r M . arriv laaMl-H'r M Ret ur tun leave Ku-hville at 7 A M . 1 arr vile at tk-Iiaba. At 1 1 I.'. V l ; Tki. Hnad f.m-a line with th !. kets at Ma l. m for the transportation of freii.t iwtri Cincinnati and In- d. anap.. I - a . ft i int- Wet Tariff of Freight - a-low a by any tflMrrroQtf Iklpper. and wjrrrbant. TTr.t will rind it t. ikeitl nter e,t t. hij hv tb; Un Harm D (' BK'NH'M. apa'intrnd-ni 1862 g 1862 A I.I PFKSoNM PI KCHASlNii TlCkkT FOB SI t J t.HKi'H ate! uthe' p ilnta in SlavtBara HkaaaairL the Stale of Kansas, or the Territorie., abould BaMkM en hav u ticket- that read by the OKTH mMH HI U III.KU ID, The only ra.l route fr.m S Iti's : J y . It i tbe ahorte.t and quirke.t liae, by ibirteen bourn, to tbe re tudtaat HtBt reax bed bv rati, ml 1 a'aay a cheap m any nfber Ray your T ckr to Kana.. and all tvm , ir Hortberti BBaaaaarlkf tbe North M:.sotirt Railroad II A AC H HTl'ROKfN . Pree't aiid Hen' 1 Norta Mts ar K I. URNRY H RIMHOKI ara rvalinpag eptK-dly MEANS TO SECURE GOOD HOMES. Uk ARK OH-KRINt. l PFRIok iN I 'C'KMK N 1 1 . to pi laaan r BB a little ready mea a to retire b l ! s ve will -ell l.oi. I Iii n i vis on lime aud ere. i ceii i ln able .lwelliiKs, built . km w.-rkineu and in goaf -tyle, on i he pavn ent f b i a- much a the improveinrtii will c the reaianxt. t be paid on eavy pav av nts n4 mucl. more than a fa r r ut on tke paaaataea. Ha In I : - in nearly a'.i part- i f tbe city, we can aocomm.alate all w -bi: g to ,.cure a home; and hav ng a larare amownt of luinler on hand, and workmen r.-adjr ewaploytw, ww rat' erect haildings on abort awtice. R'KKhN AN PIKKCff, . Real F-ta'e Ae MONEY ADVANCED N WAIX'HKS. DIA ION IM, JRWRI.RY, FI.ATR, W Dea 0 ni and otbt aaronal property , or bou(ht and .old at MO. 18i WORTH ll.l.lNOU ThK K'l . NOfctariH H.-.s Bl.n K IT .STAIKS act18-'Uy PRINTINC. CM AS w MxlA. C. P HI TCHINSON N i: P I it? Mo HA 1,1. tV III II IIIho, H.tV;N l i RCHVSKI'THK RNT1KF Printing. Stereotypine and Book binding Establishment Oy H H DOM I Co Kk N.'W PRr-PARFD Tl do 11 k tort'- of work m their Itoa, an fßmßmi agple auiai aa io price a auj c-u: . -ru R Haefng aeven Mean praaara In owr ataMt.bmet.t . they ana' I. tut 4 wv' a ia the aeli um ti-le tioae OWE XJS A CALL. IffsV lei l-i ahini;loii M.. I MM AN Ali'I.I. IM II l I A III I 1 II IN VON. Arn- U- TO INDIAN, 1ILN H mii VM EiEitTiv, DraiMNT ImmaXsJ Hi tKsr or PtMAMCB. I luniax srraia. June '41 l"h4 ) B NDlASA OFF'M"FR, vko bave ... r are -erit,g n tbe army, are BwhSSjaMl that t:.e-trd' arne Ret ir. will be an.le up aasl peeaaated to the pr,.pr' Iiepanmat.i and cenitVrate of araitlae I talas-t f . by applying to Mr. C W Reoaer. 1 r t State Oed ssaaaae DwpertaaetH. oSkae aft Mn- over Vajeaa' kard aaOe.r. No 1 NTe-l vTawMaagtoM atree . ap. 'i B aakui MlJHak a atx-se at reeled. oSA.-er will mi wfv aaa a all fee., bat tbey will be able to eitle with tke floMn v.i I fc a .. mb Wr f tntn r.a I . W aSMtfc trBMl IhsS .! tke knaineea 1 eimted oCIa R7 oni. ae Mtavrea W. M M 1KHIUIJ F'tSae.-ia1 e-Tet'. NATIONAL BANK. TUB FIRST RITHXIL BIN! of iM)i a,a roi.w IS THE official pt.ey are I ftnarwAal aaeot of tb. CaiUd State, and will fornWh. on tb ut favora ble tertn. All kinds of United 8Ute Bonds and Revenue Stamps, And '.II twty ad Gold, i i ant Yosvher, rder .n W PnhlV- Seewrltte of every dear I ..liect ioi will he pr .mptl o e- at 'riwttj ,, 'iiM;. Reirnlar cutiner ere onb I. . obtained at thl Batik tuion. ara ma-'e for th . the eceotBmodat n of v.k i In addition t. 'Ml ; f' r h' ; at.lit.aa ef the Bank. id'iallf rp h1'4e tu lb tot ' - rti arwe-avat a leg ta f achat n. Stat. Ht-k and very kind f at banki r cant, upon t ample or, .-it. aii'l fi.r the owe.! ami Tbe following a Htutmn: Itv lo i ha put.l r. Iir p'in.! torkhol'W- f tb In- Marrrra.. W m Hradrn. Brr.J K Tuttla. W II Knfh.h. W. K Nof-f ir'r. ywl Jord'Mi, Ivlw. Root, Jr M La . Jake W. Marphy. Jan-- M Lfltch. j. r LMter, Hn. T. A HeiKlr ck. Hon David Kilfore. 1' Jai v. Craveua. Ii u. Jhi. r . vi m Wlllard, A Haldw.n. D, V? If. CJ Kocka i Daniel Hemaes-y. Jam-- Power, J L MaoKbter. Luclan Hill-. W H T. Morton, Barnabas Coffin, John C. Haratk, Dr. J. M iia. n. II K. Fh b. Dr. J H. W..dbi:rn. Jut. C WriRht Jnlyll Ron T M S-i ivn. k,, wd a h-,ii . Fr..f N T.-M. J. ifoTitr StlJl, t.eorr w Kiüv Kotrt ttrownfij. W . J. Hji.lllriav. w K. Holloway. J M. Maiweil. Win H. Fry, CROCERIES. G-roceries, Sec, 8cc, aja BAtU CwKMCI BIO WPI B, IN LMaTI af Uwaa Q BAG J AT A COTrTB. Iijw M xiSHKAfMI R.O. and I.SLAM D BUG ABM. i a RR1JI Batrmt) SI . AR -100 HWJI N Mul Asrs m half rbus. and rkos syki i . n MM F t 'HF.ST8 A5D C ADDI K S TK.A 250 KM.? Bvauni soda. a ()()Q KKGi SAl,-M .k llklk PACK AG B8 MACKBBBL, WMITK FISH VaOUU mü nm .. 000 W,,l"n ",HAU:() ANIiClllAHS. H00 ,lf ,J " 1 WHlf,KY BBUf, oi.D Pima KoUKUON And all kind, of HKA.NDIKS and WINKS for .ale at Kat.-rn Price kwj A. A II. SCHPJUIala, WHDI.KSALR (iRiK'KRS, Bohnmll'ai Now i:i.-iv, apr-dly INDIAlf A l'( M.IS, IND. MEDICAL. 1 l . r r x .J-: & E i ft CXS W I TMH BEST REMEDY KNOWN rut ill Billious Complaints, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Indigestion, Heart- Burn, Sour Stomach, Sea Sickness, (fee, &c. Dr JAMRS K, CHILTON, the I, re at ChennM. aMC 'I know it. composition, an.' have nodoubt it will Mori aot t'eiM'fV ial in tbor e'm(.!aint for w.dob it I re commended Dr. THoVh Kovn aay- "1 A ronfly commfnd it to the notice o I he public.'' Dr BOW ARD t. UJBt4M tayi "I car, with confl .leine ret omni end it lh- OFO T. DFXTF.R sy "In Fla ul. ncv. Heart- nurn. Utivene-B. Met Meaflicne. tc the HbTiU PKBJK5T la my kBa ha-prov.-.l !imc..(1 a Talual'l." remedy. I tttlirr l'eallnianiiil. ,- nm llilfi mill HCl Kol fir. r Acrrarn usi.i av I A K IC I I A G O . tflGi-ppiiu ieh treel, !ke Vork. JTT'FOR BAU BY ALL DRUGGISTS marlf-dly HATS AND CAPS. I S A A ( I) AVIS JÜ Wholesale & Retail i'K.Al.Kk IN Hats, Caps. ! uibrellas, Gloves aLd ktkau (.oons tins received hi spring Stock . kF (JOODS. N BjBCl FROM THF. MaNUF ACTUBKR " " In the Ki-t, which he will se'l as low as the lowe-t All the i-atkiit .this kept at No. 15 Peun.syka traet.four toor .ontb of the PostOfflce, Indian? polls. Ind niv.'7-.1Aw n REAL ESTATE BROKERS. V. rvi y i e. 'A X ulytf7 dly . J. IMVLLESI. PHYSICIAN IND SURGEON, Olli. I.) 111 11 .1 hi 11 111 Ktllldlns. I nrn. r nrritllnn nnl narj liiml INDIANAPOLIS. IND my 14 dtf I'KIV ITE DISEASES. u COI K. MBJMCA1. (lHt .' No :;u sol in I " i - -eel. fo-fetts h fe- if lie fa in any ca.- tliaf bit come under bi care, no matter Mew obatisate or standing. He warrants you a cure ypkili, in the primary stage, he Iped In IBsMaV aia. cared 11 Jl i.let tU SO year atanding cnre.1 by pr C OffW hour. T to H) P M mari.'. Or. t. it. 11 rvi:y. OFFICE: o 07 orlh ilalMiimi HimI 'elT-AAm PROFESSIONAL. JOTII U I.OltOOV ATTOIOFIV 4t LUAW I v.N. oFFXFD .1 LABT "FFICK I3tMF.l: vTF'T 1 over HrSTFR i SflOK STRI. No 19 Ra-t vfa.brrgt. atreat, l.ailanapol's. Indiana trneVra b.-a ; -eVsoBalaervtce a We pajkjBai marjM aly TarbANT t t3f MEDICAL. hmto&tf PRACTICAL ACCOUCHER C UP ir if. i.nRMii p i- di: I III. No. 24 1-2 E. Washington St. SICK AND AFFLICTED IHK CITIZKN.l Oh INDlANAFoLls AND VICINITY are r-pectfully informed that the jutlv celfhratc.l Dr. I'endery ba- arrived and rn be cinultrd at hi office. No. MM Fa.' Wahirirtti ret. where bia nafe and efl. acion. roedintie will be administered t thtwe who are -uffriiK from any tuAlady known tu 'he human .yMeni, -uch m jit'aiMi of Hie l.uii.. Heart, l liioat, l sp?pvia, Liver, Dropsy, kidiiF)!, Ncrof- Ub, r.ryHiplaaf vr- oiis Ii nda lt . 4'anci'r, Aud ever? form of Di.-ea-c f the Skin, and all DiaeÄe. kri.ttiK from lmpuritie of the bliwid . Al-o all other complicated t'h'oruc Cmplalnt. which hvr Itaffled the cv nee an 'I k f ' t..:-. I r DT8KMTRBY, DIARRHF.a. FI.I X, CHol.FRA MORRCS or SC M M K Ii COMFL AINTS ol Children try bia Neutr.iliniK Syrup. MOST IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN, Who hollow cheek-and pal l coiinleiiatic- tell in fearful laniri.age and silent working of wme terrihle dis ease, nndertniriiiiK the constitution, memory ami rctMHi; hurry In them t a premature deatb. Reflect while re. aon bold sway, and avail your .elf al the service of Dr. Fendery, whose treatment dis-ipaie iLe sichtest disea.-e ami corca Ihe most barrassitig wenknes, or other ratise of aerloti. dirTlctilty or perpetual annoyance. His Remedies for Venereal Diseases Are far superior to anything ever introduced into tbn I' intcl States, challenging the public to bring him a c.i-e be oannot cure. To FeMAtat, Old or omm. Tlarriril or in ;!'! If you are sufTeiin from any IHeae peculiar to your e, your slioul'l , no time in obtainin : BMJBMl aid where you will -urelv flinl it. The eerlence arid anc-i-r-- wMnk th- Dec tue ba. had in Feaaala Dawaaaaa hin tlueneed ptfMM to send him that c is-i' pati-Mits for bBBdfttl of mile,. Srti free, on receipt of stamp, a copy of ..iir Private Letter to BairMd aalra n Health Tbe I ctuc will guarantee a cure of And al-w all inflamatory tftaaaaaa mall.'ti etil an.) ju!ge Fm JOUftld 1'or further lufor- I Villi IIA I IIM. Ihe ant.- ot Indiaiiapoli anA viblnity are also infornieii that Dr. Fendery- ha.- opened a spacious aud commodious Hath Room, oflkc So. '.U' Kt Washington street, to enable tbe mcW and att'.vt. to t"st tbe efficacy of the Medicated Vapor Kaths. It is not deemed neceaTv to dilate or in any way en I r on ilse r.-'nirkable at.d a.'oumii'.g cures j..- formed through the agency of the-e l..i'h-; the Wonderful eftect of Fumigation, of redming nntial avapor at d briniritig tbe heated vaj r to the surface of tbe body, ha a' ti ac I. d the attention and challenged ihe admira tion of thetno-t di-titifTuished ineilical men of the age. Tbe Vapor Baths have been introduced bv tbe Court Surge, ris, with t very royal fan.ily in Europe, and have very generally received the plau.iit- of all clase of pa tients in humide as well a In the hierher waii.s af life. The Vapor BalaM are precisely adapt d to every clai- of disea-e-. In Chronic Skin Dbease-, Khe .m.iti-m, Dyapenala, Neivou- Headache, Pal -r. Lung IHsease, r any affection to which the human -y-tem i- liable, tbe Bath- neer fail to atlord relief. Sulphur Vap- r, for inMance, is conceded ly the moat prejudictd physician, or the most -tupidly ignorant pre tender, to be the very le.f remedy ever u-e! tor Chrome Rhetimali-tn, all cla-se and kirxl- of BkiB lb-ease and the numerous form- bf Catarrh. loidine Vap.T, with Kxtract of Wild Cherry, for all form of Lung or Bronchial Diseases, with the thou aaud vegetable extracts, when reduced to a vapor and brought in contact with tbe skin, or any diseased mirface, prodace the mo-t flattering ainl .ati-fwciory re-ults, which no other tonn of medic itioti can possil ly attain A trial I f tbe-e Batus never fails to convince the mo-t skeptical ... tue wiiderlul curative poerat extract- re MM to a vapvr and applied exactly to tbe spot of dia Vapon penetrate with gTeat rapidity , and soothe irritation and relieve pain, which t. medicine tekeu in ubstance can reach. l'be -ick and infirm from disease, no matter how long rtanding, or what the disease m.iy be, are cordially in vite.l to give our Katli a trial Tbe-e Bath-accelerate the effect-of alteraiive medi cines, drawing disease out of the sv-tem, changing the täte of the body in constitutional disease, al increas ing the action of the absorbent vessels. The speciflfc effects are: To equalize the circulation ef the Maoo. To promote .respiration. To remove the erlecC- of mercury fr. in the systetu. To promote absorption of dn p cal eflu-ion. To relieve difficulty of breathing ai.d to cure A-tiima and other diseases of the Chest mm! Lungs. To strengthen th-stomach uaj ;uipart a tone to the digestive afwawa, at J to cure dvepsja and it conse quent disorders. To promote the h-aiirur. of SmaaMlaava and Chronic t'l cer, and remove tioury and Rheumatic Pains and Swell ings from the Join's, and to enre Lumbago, Sciatica, Sc.. Ac For luinsey tbe Baths never, fail to relieve it. For Croup it may b regarded as a specific. For V hooping Cough it gives relief For Mea-les a certain auilflc. To cure discharges of Bio-si from the Lor gs and other internal organs of the body it may be relied on. F".t Cholera it is an effectual remedy, a. tbe prespira tioti is almost instantaneous To cwe Acute au'! Chronic InfiamniaT'on, tbe Ratb, Jn diciouslj medicated, i a certain specific The Bttli-h : eer failed t- cure Cholera Morbus. The use ol iLe KatU. iib the aid of anti-Bilio'i Cor- dial, ma.te for the express purpose.' is a valuable renie ly for tbe cure of Fever of every kRML They relieve ehatistioti, languor and fatigue, rn-e th .pint.. tran.n-l:re ntr.'nu- Irritations. asi.-t digestion and increase tbe appetite. TLe Sulphur Vapor Bath- a-e warratited to cura and rem. e any and all Calice. from the JoitUs. These Bat!:- ma v be taken at all time- and seasons w ifhont ri-k of tskviL' . '.Id." fOtfici' hour 'torn 7 A. M I 9 P. U I Private ro..m an.! Ra.hs f- 1 La iaaa, w;tl. eapr t.ei--'1 ur-es n , ::eai c- rnrriysiciahs rr Incited free mi charge to te-t thir treatment. for rfce 1 1 . fre-li rrawa :). D usery. price $1. Sent by mail fyThe Iwt..r challernres the public to bring him a ca-e be canri 9 cure, it brwowkt before the golden thread i.troken. auglü CARPETS, WALL-PAPER, &c NEW CARPET STORE o. kl BbmN uliiiitflon SI., Soh 11 it 1 1 Olil Stand, OPPOSITE THF. COI RT HOUSE. Ar. iUVK A I.RC.F STOCK OP CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, mattings, satin delaines. , I hi t-. lualln A ot tint !:: in Ham 11 R Al of these C.ooda having been purchased before tke late advance . the East, we will aell them lower than New York whole ale price. Also Jat received IOO.G4FO Piece nll Pui4r and Window Mia de KRAUSS Sl CALL. etfV 11. Av vaav, w.,,awa r . (llLi)ir IV i)ispi:siiti nil i HOOP SKIRTS. . f L T it ec K I V KD -t Tmr- Union Store, no. 66 west wasnington street, e af.! C wpll' --n;nr.t of lA and Mi' - HOOF SKIRTS, IrtclMd nf tlia Qr VKFR. tiKSI. L'KIOrF. and othar LATK STY 1. KS jrMdW wjl 4 well to all and ax a mine anr .!.k before purrLa n eDewherc. J. J. LYK1II, A'o 'i W'rtt Wußiiin jtnn ttrrtt. eptJti ttf .MERCHANT TAILORING. NEW MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT! I LADIES' UNION, my RgPRl m i I CALL THF ATTENTION of tiik cftlaen of IndlanapoHa to tka fact, that they have opened ut No. II irinia lfMMS1 A K -,ii. ii l i: Iimiii Tiilloriii; I . s;i Itl (s.!iiu ii(. And solicit a -bare a the patronaf the community THEIR STOCK OF COODS 11 N complete, and I emg ut charge of a geiitlrtnati whosa al.ilitv a- a Cutter rank . No. 1, they are prepaiedto till orders wb ch in every r. -pect they will WARRANT equal in quality, style and workmanship to nvthltig found in any similar establlahment in tbe city. Jlj 'Remember the place, fto. 19 ii urn 1:1 Avenue. OYSTERS, CAME, &C. Oyster and Game Depot I HAVK CONSTANTLY ON HANP AT WHOI.K- SALF and retail i.:iiiic Oyttcrti, VriiiMiii. Iriuks, (tt:iil. I'lUt'Oiis, l'i ;n it lii kenn, Ar., Ar. Also n choice and well selet-ied htock of Fitmily ilrorerien $ Provisions, Remember I am le Ag-nt for Mahoney's Celebrated Oysters, Tbe best Oyster- in the market. They are large, free from ii.-ii. ol ntliai I deliciou- flavor, and always war ranted fresh and the cans well tilled. Send orders, accompauied by c 'sh, to C. C. WILLIAMS. ..v-dly l No. I North Illinois street, Indianapolis. WINES, LIQUORS, &c.f &C. P it CO ba s ai Q H CO 9 o p o I i S 0 P 0 s 3 e. Y. H r- m F J H fj, M e r. b W S o r e COFFEE, tfc- mm hv KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE fBIHK MOST FCOHOMKAl . HF. Ä ITU 1 VNH Dl I licioi;- beverage in use, p .ssessjria; the rich flavor of the Java Coffee, without any of its injurious effects on the -rtem. I t sale by all retail grocers throughout the State, ami at wholesale by IAWTBB A STARRFTT, Wholesale Groo-rs, No. 13 Sv hth Meridian street, and ole agents for Inciana. myi-att HOTELS. PLANTERS' HOTEL, ACTON YOUNO. Proprietor. F0RJJF.R1.Y OF SA8HVILI.F., TF.NNF.5SF.B. Sixth St., between Main and Market, PROFESSIONAL. j. T 1 ICKMH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ATLAW, VKK; I N W OORNFK MFRIDIVN AND WASH f CCOTOS Btraeta, TelejTapb Ruildlng.) Indlana- p -. Indiana. gpirlal attentioa ariven to the Collection of Ace.ajrat ni the securing of Government Claim. Sati-fictorr reference- giren when requird. my-31 dtf HOTELS. BATES HOUSE, .1. la. IIOl.TO, FRoI'RIKTOR. INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA nylO-dtf SALOON. B iTKS HOHE SALOON, I'NDF K MAT k S BJ 'L Jfc F BTBANCB. ll.LI!lIM - a A J. .T1VEKS, I'roprii-lor. ffflHE Bar ia tapp! led with pare lJQnora, wine, and tk kraaaSa aß cigar ard tolsaeco; alae the choicest 'Tr -." c. an.'. BflMafli BJh -ky The eataMrshmeiid haa bswc reovate tkrotvgkoot aagff-dit NOTIONS, AC. L. LUD0RFF &C0., SLVCFSSORS TO I HOSi: a UHEV. W1MI.KSAI.K DBALKRB IN NOTIONS, Cents' Furnishing Goods, -AND at at m a m ' M M F Wä.7 aw m m w . wm w. 9 n.WK RF.M0VFD TO No. 32 South Meridian Street. ' Jnl rerelvad, -ry larga at -or cm tii of faoorfa, whir Ii Ulli br aold at titlall Rdraiire on rw Vork prlrr., tnB9aJlj LAW BOOKS. DAVIS' INDIANA MOOT. ADBBBBT OF THK DBCISMWil OF THF. SI PRKMK Court of the State of Indiana, comprising tbe caaea reported in the eight volumes of Blackford aud tbe flrat sixteen volumes of Indiana Report; together with the Revised Statutes of the State, as enibotttad in the edition of flavin A Hord. R Fdwin A. Davis, L. I.. B. 1vol. Hvo. 6 00. The tirst edition of this valuable work was completely exhausted In less than three .months from the time of publication. A new edition, printed on fine white paper, is now ready. This is one of the most complete aud best arranged digests ever published, and has received the bighe-t commeiKlations of the legal profession. The Hon. M. M. Kay -av : 1 "The Digest i as rare In its plan and execution as it 1 useful to the profe-sion. Tbi is no abridgement of the Reports but a geiinine digest of them." The Hon. I)avii McIonaij ray - "It is no small commendation of tbe work that it is a Digest not only of all our Supreme Court decisions which hae bet n publi-hed. but alo of all the modern statutes now in force. EDWIN A. DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND U. S. COMMISSIONER, Office Man, 3 a Hi bolt A. Nwaaj Kill Id In Penn) Ivnnlii M., neu door Houlli of lo toff ire. I N DI A N A PI 1.1 s. J Bj DI A N A PARTICULAR ATTrM'lON OtTtS To CiVlI. AND I Criminal Business in the Cnited States Courts at ln1 anapolis. oct5'S3-dly RESTAURANT. SALOON AND RESTAURANT. Hezekiah's Restaurant, No. 13 North Illinois Street. nrkJJB .111 er-igi.ed would respectfully inform his friendN J. and tbe public g. iterally that he has receutly fitted up bis Saloon, Xo. Ll North Illinois street, opposite tbe Hates Hou-e, in the most elegant manner. He ha.s supplied the bar with the choicest WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. He has entire! v remodeled the Re.staurant, and having engaged the most competent Cooks and the most courte ous of waiter-, can confidently invite all to that, assured tha' they will be well pleased. GAME IN SEASON, FRESH OYSTERS, In fact every delicacy and sub.-tati'ial tbe markets at ! home or abroad furnish may at all times be ordered on his tables served in the most superior style. Hi- aim is to keep a first class boue which g-ntleni't. can vom with fatiiacUoi. He is thankful for the libera! patronaare bitherln be stowed upon him and will do his Bkat to merit a con tinuance of the same. HK7.KRIAU. auglH-dtf CLOAK HOUSE! 4'h?fipest in Iii 'i. Cloaks, Mantillas and Shawls. For li-iO 4. BURROWS & EDWARDS, WBOLFKAI.K AND KKTAI1. 22 South Illinois Street, PIANOS. Knabe & Go's, Bradbury's, ae t t. FIRST CLASS PIANOS, at n. BUBrtBBABI & OSl'S It H t C ri II(IUN( Com T. 'SS-dlv BOOKS, NEW BOOK STORE. e t Xorih l'i mum IihiiIh Mlrecl, opposite I Kid Frlltwi' Hall INDIANAPOLIS, IND rsiODD ACarmh rTAKi.. bohkellf:rs AND STa 1 TIONERJ. are flding their kehre with tke neweet and beat Book from oar -tar. lard literature , acilabl for Sabbath School, and for religioat and general reading Also School Books and Statkmerr in every variety, Ith aa awoMaaent of keaatifa! PL o graph Alban. Di arte, Pvinfvliu, Sc ., Sc PVaae sail and axaanine nr clock chajj. n todo. n. vD dlv J h ARMK Haiti MEDICAL. ARMY AGUE DROPS! ARMY AGUE DROPS; THF KRI'liiN RFMF.DT FOR THF CCRF OF FEVER AND AGUE, A Nil Al. HII.IOIH I)ISKANI. ATTENTION!! .EVER lll WE. if! This wi .st wotidertul reined v for the permanent care of ntTBja AND AUUK, KTC , was discovered some years ago by one of The Mowl iciiuiM :iinl t sfiil CIE1ISTS OF iMKRK ! Out of TJaOCSAMDi 0V CASKS it ha- .,e.i been k nown to fail in effecting a radical cnr. A MM0 LB Rnni.F; of thes.- Drop- ha roreil di-ease. which have i 11 Ilhorn I icis.,, b. lol mii -CCsf I II I .1 I ah hi. It contain tn-thn) that rill injure the run ttuution ! It iiurijirt the hlooii .' It rcmore sBSJ ruction from the lirer .' It promote the dicharje of bile! It effects a radical and permanent cure by re wiorny the came upon xrhich tin tnjur depend .' THK ARMY AGUE DROPS! As Bj name imports, ha- 1-een and ia the great Specific for all RILIOI S DISKASFSin the Army . Ithasno. ual Its popularity in oar nobl Army and elsewh. r- hi i u-. rt r-ttl a- its cares have heeu quick and wonderful. As a - It has proved a great bles-.ii g and saved many a valuable life in tbo-: mia-matic localities where thev would have fallen victim-to BILDiL'S DISKASES. The Chill ill not rrturii if Iht iiniis are isikoii! THK ARMY AGUE DROPS! QgaTiBXI DRIVF.S AWAY I .:i 11 Ü n :tntl Weilli HOn! AND RBUTMIBS 1 ll I HY9TBN To its na iiral RI OTANCT and ANIMATION; IN ORATING the 1. sly and clearing oat I rt t if festive of MPiseas PrHlyced by loatk.-ome miasaaa. BE WISE IN TIME I Jr.Vt pernon renidin-i in a Fever and A:f District snould he without a Itotlle of the ARMY AGUE DROPS' And i: is strongly recommended to per"ons traveling tbr'-ngb place charged witb miaswia. We re-pectfully call attention o our Te-tim-nials. Many of our letters atte-t that hundreds of live, hare been saved in t!ie Army '.y it. mse. Indeed, ao we are its curative oualitiea appreciated in the Array, that tke moat aucce-sful Surtreen. in tbe field and hospital uae it almost exclu-ively in the diseases for which we claim ita infallibility. The' best phyucian always seize the beM m.ars to effect a cure, hence tbe universality of tbe ARMY AGUE DROPS! T E S T I ISO. O 1ST I A L 8! ! We art happT lo refer '1 (Jen McClellan, Gen. Fremont. Gen Ram - ale. Gen. Hancc-'k. Oen. Kilpatrick, Gen. Rice, Oaf. Pve. S.J.. Col vuick. 17'h . C, Col.fwwier.l4ih N.T.S.M. Ma'ot Is. remits A D. O, Ma' Seif.ynder. Fa . Major Wib-ox, A. D. C . Maj'.r hani-.i Rt. Krr. Bi.bop F-.tter. 5 v Ree. Dr Ttiig, Re v. Dr. Taylor, Rev. H. W bVecher. R klyu l'.ev. E. H. Cbapin. Rev Mr Cheeet. v T Rev . Mr. Banff. Hi-Hon. Mav-r W . -i.h kl H .11. at PCaWkl Bon M. F. Odell.' Hot, Mi -r liuntber. M fan. lora e Isreeley. Major Stillweli. Major R.b ock, Ueut Whelan. And bundredt urg.i- ,ti tbe C. S. A'Oij. f other e.uall well known aet.t1einn. for which see rircnlar Price ONE DOLLAR per Bottle WIIM OX A IO. Principal Ofllce, INI aier -I.. V l . N B. Note Renuine unless bearing our ig uature un tbe wrapper. ITT SM your Drtunrtat put yo ..ff ntb any other remedy. If he doe. not Lae it tor eab-. erlos a Bl per mail, and we arBl .end you one bottle ef tbe Army Agne llrop. per mail pre paid. WM.LCOX S CO., 1-1 W ater . N. T ARMY AGUE DROPS! I aprg- INSURANCE i ei 1 1 I iill II I U II i " II 111. or H H J I OH l. ETNA BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS. Erected 1859 Owned by the Co. Cali apital mill Hiu ,hia . i: . ? The inroBte of tk la Coca pan y ta 4.kl that of any etkaw ftffaj Inaiirnnrr C . ration in tbeCaltedSiate. lM'F. IAI. 1 1 NTIONOIVFNTOTHK I'TRASCI I j of farm property, ehrafllraft and wtt -bn IrtMaja. Bi- ur -uch huildln. or a a very fa or a de iter, for Ibree or Ave yer la BB I it 1 1 m D I AtfJuairaJ and frottafdly Haatal In I'atala, WM. HENDERSON, Agent, anchSl 'tf -Uly m i a : id. im: VN A REAL ESTATE ACENCY. McKernan& Pierce, U1L STIETE ySMSf Kirsf Door EaM of Palmrr Riiom UP BT AIM u HM L FI HAVB BOB BALK HorKFS IHD UYT9 IS tbe Cty is, and harms and Farm tng Laiida in tri 9tal wilt aell lower that, ran ebll dAwly S pn rebaed e! wae V e- . V H THE STATE r) NDlAfvj 0- aa I mmmn BaWaaMsl 5 rt II H.n v fONFTiuA wmi amt otmjgm BBBSBBSMI hk t "f th- twtn r. on - in or ut of Iul: m-,-lt W 8 V nr.FNN PnsriPtott. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company, aan rat UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY ' B YaTB ' ORIfKR HIN"0T05 AMD f Mend an atreeu, Mlapotia. Three daily Si pee aaa a to Sew York, Two daily Rxwreaees to Cincinnati, and Two Kipreae to Chicaf 0 and Bt.Lawla; Taa ancree Compa - a'e the only aTtleayed Sif in' I ihiiiw aaa raaaw, vix ih'DlANA CKNTRAL, LAFAVETTE S CHICAGO. IMDIAMAPOLI S PERU TKRRK HAUTE S RICHMOND. RFI.LEF05TA1BB 4 INDIAN AFOLli Money, paAagt, valaabUa and freight aafety and dispatch, and in charge f .pecial earned tU N e-, B H aad Draft wil aw mm ISMJT WaBMoSwS ready 'tarn meW -e. RTTTKK lELD. Agent FOR THE WAR. PATTaQU! SKI.F- ACTIMi &ST0LYKKS! Utl INI BULT RF.lOLVKRs I fall appty N F''erv Swords at Cost Prices rVtn, aaa Table Kaav : Pratt Can. M I?TV1 IUI III VIT IUMPIM in i A Fi -T in p i i 1 i IV, X c M o 11 Waag Wiaklaajliat St J Taj 3 5