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DAILY SENT1N KL. TrHüAY h. KMN NOVEMBER W CITY ITPMfi few nnrdrw' et. -ener bal l t' frlee t! fW Tb 4tiin Indiana . 160 atii . n . h.m to be abuatereü oul ol tet vice fToMier of lb 7th Im. batter? art '.rmng honte lo he rtiutrel oul of aertaoe Boa Henry Nelaon w i Oi.l tester it to order. n-l callH the S'iprenit C tag with 'Ignity aa Sheriff 'Silt? tuen ol an Illinois eurpa, unlet harge ol Lieut Slick, peaeetl through the -yeeierday honewar i the front. VPinoM indent . IN pleate tod rttl with '.Mr ; ook keeper. T K Holbr -21 Im J AMuot A Fi inorac. a Marmore lit ax I kltu Tonight ia tl.e aocond appearance I Mr. Wiki (J UV. AaW 00 Rover ; to r- ! .'lowol thi fl ..f Poor ajJjfj aja 4aV - Mnjic Notice A special meeting Ni non Lodge. Nn 15.! -1 jaittv , eetitf. at 7 o' lo'k Fr' ia Kim., Secretary From this dailt tolunteer". ftr er.u'letl to tin leiving each H utxtitufe and r front The are- nnmtet ia 7 30. The Uuhterm ! ' line i in purstiaiice of OeeaMÜ. wna vet th uhont thi munifiDal a reeent order of the Col terday reaumed by the in MwtlgpMc police QTIhe 3U(h Wk.-oii-ui. ikMi S60lttOif, are at the Soldiera' Howe, artim! Irom Idaho, wbrra they hnte been fighting Itdi:i i :K)ih ii under ronmand of Lieut Col. Mil is tiouud lor tlie front. 'Our attention vae etile! jejuni v pi numi elrar.tlf manufactured pair of boot ar frer saw, hieb a fen'lero in hn 1 just purcl. si the famot. e-tablishaient of Lintf . W. Vah!ngton treetT etat fd" th Plnir Qona l'Kfni.vr"a Mt hhaoi W ah ill be prep m 1 to furni-h ettrasof the Fr-id'; a ball nheel ul the D lily Sentit d, as early a it s.n os reccij m iiih i-itv i i. " a. n 1' copies. 1 1 V woul.i atlvia vou I mt uiiloi tunat as to he afflicted with a bad eouph, lo purrliase s bottle of Omul's Rovsi Cough MiNm. It aw eaeellent remetlv aud gives immediate Ilk. . 4 ! "!. afl ' I iie teachers and voting Udies Itelongii lo t hri-l Church Snbbuth Schoo! a ill ivc n;i oatr uer a' .otiic Hull, on 1 hursd. eeii:tig. $'lie proceeds will he gffta lOferdl finishing the re of heir burrh dmision tent- H It TWe repeit what wc have hum limes -i : beeoee th!t fceeccomp!ilml propueirsa tit the Indiana Sure Museum. Mtdme Knglish, mikiut the aio-'t eiteriive prepsr iti , i r tbe i;ratificatii-n, .imu-emcnl ilil iJ.'li'.t of the nt' lie during the approaching hol lsv. The of fiisliion i .1:.- u.ct.oivilix 1 1 Betlwotthy, N rt h Meridian street. His n tiatic cutter is pos'e.1 tri weeklv direct irom I an, -t l NToiworr ?iy impi.tiit'ons or loreigi fabric-, and hia domesti- gai-. tr" t :he m r I. gtilal beautiful style and elegant lei eili'i i- .IfTh Mt7oi, yetct!. i tonn- j;aT, i:ievit.hle .ii-l rit"i.'i i peion ige, ujon he aMegtatiic nc ! fi getting drunk Hi honor is an honest roan the noblest work of Cod No further luineH was trans acted ie-We uud lu.if im id to h d ! i.ihiful reputation within tlie - ornia Raj it, our unimpeachable police are preawrieg to haanaM more active and rclro.tctive ihau ev r Kvery goml cd ten will encourage them in their .t work Tiuy Shall Cs w a Fill " This comi cal recitation given for two nights past at 51 -sonic Hill, by the inviucihle and iuimilähl Alf Harnett, ibe mo-.: i omical of ill 1 afture provok ing lunuv fellows, was. Maeuaea, written by our ; .l..t.f:ti:.hel .i: WiÜiam Hpi.rv 1 lfm. Baq., and published iu the Cleveland, Ohio, Her i','. e 1 -a . . i. (9 i he l S c' )rnmH-ioo, aVfiag Stato prison i- heie. which adjourned on Friduv last t. convene yesteniay at o'clock I' 31 , took another recess, on account of the nbetfe ot Major llurnctt. the Jude Advocate, until this afternoon at the same honr, in the court room of the lederst bu'hliog oo the - uthes t corner Pennsylvania at d Msrket street- aaea --aa.- i OP A new !ok hv Barard I lylot I beeu received st R wen. S aart L C '. John flodfrey'a Fortunes ia its title The Albany! Kvening Journal sty "Il ia worthy of the genu.- of Üe i::nr The tory is fuil ol character. Its deni. ii.di ol ide is graph. c nod truthlul il.inuah Timr-Mi will he eagerly read V 3JL'iohcen! trh. ;-. tie-;, tuackerwl halttuit, salmon, cod. ov:er-. lot'-'eis, i-t U. md everv deluvcy ever yielded Irom 1'resli or -i!t waiet in i te ohtaioed to day Inoi our enter prising Maad Thoaapeoa, at Hoshire V Co's re nownd lamily pro,-erv. We i M t- l ;i stieet. south aiOr , eart of tlte i'.iimt r liu-e Call opoa Thorni s.n tor h-h Ho. Ye-terday there were een ihou-iud hog- in il.e !ets at ihr poik ho. .-cot Fer:ti-.: M -nr. on Whde river. nd lit re hotjtlf sir rivmg. The sutt weither h nl put na entire -top to slaughtering Wh t it tated lit regard to th eeaaajkbnietit uf Mc--r- Fergo-on M in ur. is true d eet other like hoiie in t lie ÄJ rrecittvs and vicinity Si n ns the thcr roometer it: iu itc the nieh ol time, then aiatal taniV'Oslr will the munier-; A.-rk heg o X h .ure-. )csict in im kaga at any prion, oniwg to the triogencv of the mot ey anerkei well aa ther causes A tiTnrfcaa frWanrirTTi Yaweiday, ni ne ol the cemeteiiee in ihia vicinitv. the m te mama ut a brave sohiier Irom the Inotf. be 'ell lortou-dv iu tbe cause ot hit country, ai rived, atiendeil ty th se a ho sincerely mourned hi h.-a Solemn at the 'Toce-sion ol sorrow .nir lrte:;.is that Attended to par the last d rile o 1 - n.c:n-rv L'ntottunat i. f.u er. W ien ibe rel preciucls ot the act rt ached, it wat found that no crave had btjaaa dwg ,(l,d t.0 : .' .1- nude for :he m nirnful i cueaoaj. i'bere i--:i a dispute aroe hetwevt. the -en c and Ir.etil. which resulted ... i - . d a gent'en-an seriuualv in the thigh Dr J latet i.d C i khou-er dr-e.f to o i:. i rtWMHiriMi imiiviim ii.s rtrvM.satiJ WITH VOil STEERS, SUBSTITUTES, OR N AVAL CREDITS, HT n r E It 1 A 1 aV r o . , ... 30 . U r nr ta aalniiglon M Paalaaawi i.te. H 1 ITJDl V NA TIM 13. n r .S llw mm aa.w w flnjo Rawaan The above rewai. gm-.. .o najj peraun alio can furt ieii a will Le reorip- lali ! Mt . : . I'-ui-ii BiNaui 1 ! will . ure tlie Uie t :n. 1 1 tnl . ! aphtha" af ataM u.ttie . noret eaae U'.cH-i and l.ighl -wcat. 1 tttfgtgtjgnt for naj una t Jttr nit 1 :,e .r-sr.,,,1. ex.njrh. aat.n uptitje eougb nod j re eaead b Dr Haleai It eaa f liif! rent ttwiu pi iui ti t eataaa 'tiuaapttuo Ikl 1 kl .. d Me.nliu- '-s Ca bgb be had a, aar druatai' It aar cywi eaedietpe bave aq thia cwuarjj an if A l'odK mag I- tb flfTt. Obl. Örer. eflc ; ! tb tallowing marriage r nlH'r S h. 14. '!"'." T Ue'aaaa r. Wim Ii hurend, of Henrietta. Ohio, to Mjat Hai.nh Ufk.r.f V."' ttew.oBlU, Ohio. Mwceida. TbC.t r.e.d Herald, conaanlag o 't- "poftl"'' nuf'r,!'- tlMl awrbap. ta- pare: rhywi' r aa tb bm P r Wl mirrM I " W"" ,n' Um IWkvitf fa bum auottat. Tb wr man wilt thou ha. Andcbertah bar for Uta; V t.t t.. luw aixi owfort har. tud aeg na ot!ier w-. Tu la..- I at n.e ; I ' n 4 ber a. -ti' bare no th --. A t for your haabary! will Teu lair tbt tuce yunc ":.) bli afAglahMl wib. And brJ b.tu all yJ ca: t.: I i. lot bin aii l ti, Oby btan all 1 cbooa. If '.r I ak f rfnnda T a. AtHl ir yeara IT f' - niiii uii tiri ol Imli.iM. M BKR TKR i, I i- 6 4 4 M K. net Jus Midro ti. and Hons ktU--! Oari'lcoi and Jauiea I. Vor: ata i :i.f No '.iö'iJ Stinue! 1'itUr-o: lud .re vs. William Mi-tin -t hI Delaware (' C No SaiNI Indiana tVntral panv ra ThoeAa Moore M Reversed. Railway, Com Nr 35. Toledo and WahKish Raitroait Coanfiii'vv Kmanuel Lorch Cu C C Re vrr-e l Efe 3759 -Win Kent et a! . I (intet Warren C I. AfP.rme.1 rille and Ci-i lU Ito nl .4 Allre! r. Dene, -n lerhurj? C. I'. Alhrtn. l out-nurr ot I pet t '1 mi No .'Ib'.H John 1' Mu.eliii in .niitel M I' kN betmi Mum; c. 0 MMnmmi S Ii.' liiue A Hutifvs Kt itik'.n II Manl Poltaaae C H Reverse;! V0 T. ! ' II urn th Clitic vs Wi- .- Rutholotttfi 0. V. Kcvcici m m -w ia i in wm am m aa mr a waa a m HiU Mlii N OK OIMUIH U . ,;If v ..; W IV V0L1 STEERS, SUBSTITUTES, OR NAVAL CREDITS, i ?l K SO It A A .. IH, gfj l nah i tag ion !., Mil door lo I'll I ill r Jloiiwe, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. . . J ill a Hum 1 lire I vvilii lr Vusur A eorree lathe He fort Olnei rer tbe followtag interesting adviee on tbla -uh je't: ThetiKU niu-i I t oe allowed to freeze afn ucr any ntrfomlnr on frfleaiaig dejaUojing tbe properly of Ihn juices, which prerent any appl: catioi. of riUcrnr, ni"i.i"jiC'. .r .It from uaiflliaj With them and forming the cl.cmic i! QOanfjInttioil arnieli keeps tliem Irom rotir'n; Separate the riht atul let' h mi-. ired them on a tljor, shelf or box, the thick .part .1 cn li hifn oenrlnnping the thick part, with the hatt elevated three incbe- more ihm ihe sbatiks, hearing in mini through the whole process th i the retentintof the iuice by placing the hams m a proper poelrJoti and freo from any kit .1 ot r..-tre is es-.cuii.ti locurea nam ; ßlieeu pound weight re quires oue o-i..üd ot od briwi. augai , two ounces tefined ami ground -altpetrc, half a pound ground sea salt. Fust application saltpelro, and cover the fem of ihe ham with sugar a ajani tcr of an inc'o thick . an the fifih day rub the skin side with sugr Second aooltcaaMMi sait ltr 4 onxture ,1 ihtae jnrts augur and one I' ,rl ,," '" '' 1 I'UO a-lClore t aro appiieaiioo nan augar ana nail salt; in seven days rub hs before Fourth application-- sjtnr as last ; in seven daya rub with hall sugar ead aalt ; eleaa the fieah aide of the haae. Fifth pplica'i..n rargaad anelaenii not aargham long the moat will absorb it. Saturate the bam with ugar us vou would la ptestrving Iruii. MM aalt m only to tl ivor it ; for hamd intended a a i . t M- a i . tor ooiiiug, ami vi, rti r quire more salt, you mar ti r tu' -alt. vou ni v iie salt according' t your iudgtncnt, am! give more time The ham ia i on cwrod, and, for put paaaof trculitir. ii trill le fmtjad daHeioua Him-should alway be dried wi'hout moke. hanging them in domeetic sacks, abonk down. If oti prefer smoke, ha:ig I r two mouths, an : theu commence smoking obee. vin to h-tveywur roeit elevated as m:i'. Icet t'tnm your fires ns practicable, bundle boueea should oe coustru-i ed B that the -n.oke i sdmitfed at the top of the building; the tneit being uear a dry rloor. the smoke settles on the meal k'ter being tooie!. Mot aenaka f-hould never touch meat Smoke ry ..'owly. u.-in green hickory smothered with preen saw dust from white or burr oak tim'oer, il you can get it. I hare never uaed anything else. a;io thereloic .: t ot speak Ol the merits ol crn eohe 01 oaaafru.; btitnd 1 ndr use umber that iiiufct - r--l. : ' l-ln k. .i.irii. llic ia.-t six ioiits atiiokin' throw red pe:jHr.; on the Hr it mv tat the "skipper hag. Vou may want to mmt wha. ire ibe adeau tage aitiel by curhtg hem bv tbil eipenüire proce- Well, they arc weijjlr. ind aunerior .sMty ; h 1 to iheii heearni I never had a chance to it. h im- rtire 1 in :!iia way being g'.i.tiiol un ioamediatdty when piaeeJ iu mar ket. their keepin-; qualities don't get a chance to le tested Ooeapared .th e sweet pickled batSB, there la jnat the .'otme auper'oritv iu quality as ih re is between the sweet piekled and tlt?i. 1 rv a lew One won! more about the special advauuj- ofcurisi;; itli-t:aa: Fat cured with salt is tc ii!-ive 10 weak tonmeho, eanaaneaele a large portion le rimticvl rfT haati rnteataad for the Aaiericnu aaerkct ? it m ti.-l ma is alwavs re taioed, lot two lanaoaa, noonaaay ani preserving aha jaieaa Staatacha that reje-t them suited find them ra!atab!e and dehctout when cured with ?ugir J T D irt!ifi !.!, Ill . October 3. S64 TOYS. NOTIONS. AC. To the Trade! I sTliRK KiH i M E HOI iDvYTRAin .t awtawtid el T.y. aotkma, ry, -. ew-War, Ftrt crarVer, To lr he ajMiuaaj .- chal'etie. arv V -i or ln et"-nrtc and a ,-ry lara- ar Vi.- I.. .1. ped r .hrew rx- ih v. e..-ial to DISSOLUTION mM ittfffliflgm rja 01 t wpm rlM tftiUp UHltl U na : 1 fi K KZIST1Ü! :ati t Hi:', ic..a; Ketate ar.d t'Uint I atl tj tins dy da J .,?tC. Hill id I er lb Bn uaow ol M.I! A Ou- J j The Uutibeita w VMaan v . f tier " ii 1 ; N an, CI S NgJI aial r. In.: Na. I " COMM. S;ON MERCHANT COMMISSION AtiU dealer H... ' MEKCHAM Ha-ei Ii, V, aad Wfm ' I'aiavr.- ) tlitce ruerai:y. '. lva. ?-fba 14 wtju-4- Telegraphic Dispatches r t, i cai i f tu na riuniltrni I r lornini Kapari rf rirt Paf MIIJ NK.II I UKPOH T. GENERAL NEWS. IHK KKH VORh INfENMUHLK A NEW ARMY CORPS TO BE RAISED. Destruction of a Government Steamer . j . Narrow Escape of Gen. Butler. i'annoitadinK ni Ptttrthnrg. THE BRAZILIAN DIFFICULTY. 4.t .. At A. A, If ffaletj ll ion .-tt rbnrg lftt I nnnonadini; lliiriitritf ol the ktriunrr i-1 lion nil a r row eeipr f i.rn Hinter unit Ntalf W ni(.t .. Noenji.t: J- T:io - .ti, : Freninc Star, wh'ch arrivetl hete to daj , report that j-iterUnv morning heavy cannon. i ling i a . y-a aatV at t I nearu ai Vity roint irom tnc airet-iion oi re ' lershurg, but this i of rteiucnt occurrence, and rat occasioned by the usual artillery duelling i a ti a . a . . i at a m vt eonejiav nipri inc reucis maae ü id'len attn' k " i ur pickf's near Broidarnj Ltndinz. on the Appomattoi, tybieli was sneedi I? rept'Iieo DaWitfl rtial and daikncj o! the uiglu ihr !. gohblcd up a coloncf und loity men As the steumet IfebttaW i-ominc: down ihu the .'ame-J riv ci vrsti-idav, when near Hoae I? i the 1. she di neorered ihat the stenmer f.revhoutid. Own Boiler '.. t:rptt:b boat, tu ikbag atgattlt dislrca On Hearing the lircyhound she aus lound to be oo fire. Qeoerali Butler and lebeafc ' AdaeJrnl Porter were ou board the (irey M l" i-;tmcr came ami tooa im m on ten i'it ei in i bl Irieoda were at dinner at t . time. The furnace doois 'iddenl blew ouen. I I mtneing the canl over the Soor, driving the men aad cti.t : - from their rWoeat The it. - J: 1 v. is .tltno : eiituelv enveloped , in Baute. I od, notwithstanding every eftott to tve her. afee wit- hurncd to the water's efje Ten htres belong in.: Cei. Ih-'let m I sintt were burned lo i ttt: Bborili befora tbe Ideni, iiic Oreiboend had itoiired from ll:e stcinier Coaaauk the mu mnil for (Jen Cutler - departai t t , which let! W;i.hin2tt)ti ye, teniae m rnit. -"-l it i- -up i ... .i tQ he lo-i The Webtter keottghl up 5D rebel One or more of lo day 's ejevjog papers ajrag uasiusly attribute to the Washiulon reporter ol the .i--'ciated ire- a telegrnrn aylny the pirate j Florida und crew are to b returi rd to, i snd nurportiiig to gie an act ount .! the action' of tlie govetnmeiit 00 the -uhio t It m -.ufh j cient at present to say, on auihotity, that the itatencnte are without Ibnaditlon trout Uuilnuuion Order Iroiaf ilc war lie pa r t me u t - Pet (orpk lo be Ovejatai . ved liuu m k to t onnunnd WaaWNSTOXi IfoVMahflJ -The following I order bus just been isaued. Wal Dh abimint. Aiu't tux't' OrrcnJ W.nii.t. Novcmler,2 ' ni r N "J-T ()rderedor taiaiuj: i - . imx ' 't'r corpt ! 1 hit .in iimy ftps, iu cotiniit of not lote tiian Jlt.lMni infar, . ,tul enlisted for not lern ihan one year, lo te deeignnted the lit r shall be (.iM.i.iizsdin the Di-ttrict of Co! : umhia. commci.ciio- the nifaia illnil M the la - C7 day of Dccemlici, leo-l, and evotinning until the 1st day of January next, tbt privates to eon aha of able-bodied nten wha bar e.eereed )!u-. ebly not !ei rhn two years. t!.! theceibre eat aahjeef to drafil. The offleets to ha ooeaaaia slot i o from ihoe who haa-e -ervid honor My not leal than two years. 2 Reernit will be furaiahed Uauaportatioo to Waal il Kton. and will bo credited to the Di-nict in which they or they or thi- families are, and ail! belaid i - .i i al hOOOtJ of $300, froat the inhetJtnie fund, on fieiii,' rm;-tered into tbe -er-Fach recruit Who rre-ertc-. bi arm-, to j tbe rad atoM term may retaiu theea at their , own upon being honorably dhiehargad 3 Details ot organieatloa will he pa taunted by tba Adjuteat (laneral. The head? of b..tcau"s , wil detail aainileui aaVeM for the prompt ex j nroinatiou and orceaisatiea), arauag, c.,u;t- lap and aapl 'y ,n tin OOffpe. i Major (e: era! H oicock is ned ;o tin- , with hn :. i.ln-. ?r i? n hltigtOO. Uy onior of hf Meretary of War, fWtgaad E D. 'I on s ... A A (. I Faea ttaihlngion WaaniNurvN, November 2b Judge Betgff1 tcsit.ation us Allertiev Oeoaawl will i ke stieet on Wetines-i iv The tria! oi Ool North and Jone ni Cohen, charged ith acüog coalrarj lo law in the matte; ol Olleining lha New Yor soldiers' votes, wil! not be re.Minic l . n- thr Pth ol iiei cmber. A ?tatenit.t aj-jHra-e I in the report a few days 0, ajrroricDusly attributed to toe Ifeahliiginn ngaaal t the aoettad pre, that Ooaaoiapder C?,bf becn nrdrt(l 10 rctuni 10 zil, with his iua.-i , :.-. 'iicer .-rew it.t p-irnortine l" cive 1 rtsu!t of iheaefbn of the ' gorcrnmeht ou thr inhject, with other a.-9umed lac- 5n the aaeae eonneeCiOB !Toeocfa telegram j originated with ihoagttit nu reporier of fi''" te l pif s, list there la the hett authority for aajing that U : tAeaaeala :o the effect that dif ' ference of opiolon have iriata in the Cabinet eeaMnieaag ihe ca-e f the pirate Florida, or that a decision ha$ becn maiic for or again! I'er r"-ti I tution, are without foundation. No nction of the guvtruuieui i.a been taken in the case, and no discussion of it has been had, uii i'-c " ivy IVn-irtn-ent -ittihattaai he follow ing s'rttetnent The original order tor the Wadiuaelt upon her , arrital .it Hampton K".Js, wat- to procee 1 to I Boston for repairs, taking with her the nriaoabON captured t Florida, tabeconttg ed 10 Pott W arrcn Before tli-1 Older rc.icheJ tr.e vtv-fl the piison er had beet, sent to Foint l.o.i tnd in a day or two wcte ir i -letted by the 'rmy authorities la the 0'! Capitol. Tbey wcrr ianeaediatnly or dered l 1- I I Point Lookout to be returned 1 1 Iba WawdiaeeH which at orte M:,e! Hon in end 1 it rt tu outlint Refiagec-a lie rata tan Kucccat, Ai , A '1 'k. Norember '2? T . . tc ferreting out tLe Imwdiawte ki tl I more were rre-teJ thle m u : itt-nersl Di oritr sku : heeoeca ure docking to i.en Dht'ehoad -i ordct to register 1 ,ac- r iiutu: er tec a - e rc re aeon Con u il ro. -runi a at. !- 'ii ' r in t T;ie rWa vtTaal Richanond paper- ol rteaa iim i'eor.ia. umending ti.e ti ri c of rebate to lMNI -je-iI stale, lli tit -1 v ! . , mai' - A lleet rewdr to o Ht r-vte w-ih -tirrroat a r it t e toik ta. N 1 1 tnl 1 -Aalaaira! I'.tüld. t-rsot -t- t r-lfj roil ' '.n ;!1 e n nthoi la the navt tard, Irina enter it . AH eueli Iüu.i I it wall J end e.?.fi..i 1 V ill uV a P4- The t'oiutoeri lal'e Waahiutcn peciul of 1 i- t aaye: I tiere are r - 4 I diplomatic - "jre ratweert this counir ttl Hragil. (ien. Webb took ttep imaaxiiaielv upou tf.e teiaure of ibe pirate u allav ant ill leaning 00 tbe ;-art ' ttimitUau gorerLtcett and .'t ier J jaetjnaai of tb J;fflccitv c:' - It is belieeed hare that in a few day e hall bare Uittiligtocf dirtet from Ota. Sherman by wat of Charleeton or Saracnt1! The drtadi of Mr Ohee hart gieec ap til . v,'. trrfot to ?b OV .T-tae.. I rout Hotn UtTc, NoTember 2. The capture J offi cer atxi men of the pirate Fl'riia hare beeu test I Fort Warm. Major Cftuarat Ct I a beee trat ferrel tiom 'tie Leartotett ol ihe Suauehnnnili, anl ortleretl t report to Mjr ienera! Tboma He leu to day for Tenoetaaee. -Nearly all the lactone and mills iu Lawrence ha?e aiopped rutsotog. owing to a break iu the canal. Repair are trTtz r vie, ar.d they wil! aooti return COMMERCIAL ar i . . Innnnntl Markn. rt?icitATi, Novembct Flout in firmer And good demand; sales at fy 06 for aunerfine. and $9 rJ Wheavfirm; rel fß ": nnd whe $2 9 Mß m Corn i;. nr"d denaat i. old ahelled $1 3W; rew ear 95c. Oat advanced and in good demand at Hie. Ke ad.need to to $1 45 Beriey dull and little or no demand Whi-bv ex ited and 5 Kc higher; closing at il p5, and Mders asking $1 Ih(gl 95 Frovisions um hänge! Hogs duli and prices nominal; 13c. was the inchest oMtf made for tiH lbs averages. The weather is mild and damp, so that drovers know lag that packer will not buy. did not prets the egfcit b.lK'it head since Saturday I Iroceries firm and in gooJ demand. Oogkji MM5- 2r .'-.r. Mo',,-"-il 2.1 UoM 9m Money la rfie j i Khl- l'i t'age Jul' . v li'e)i;: market - vi tort .ttavrlari N.w ot, Nortmber ! 2" for middling. Flour -Mrt'e v:l Wester" du.l. Hc better, i 15(e) 1Ü 9(1 lot eure State; $11 WQtll JO for common to go( hi (pi n ir htand eitta round : hcot Ohio and $11 il.VdJ'?- for trtde brand, I maiket i-Wong Muiet Whiaki active and Iraner ae $1 &5($1 efc tot ite and $1 ur 9 for weicro Wheal Letter, ainta. icd Wi -leru $2 4i; choice ipriug $2 !3. Rye more uoiire and de iiiodiv hlghtr; ,.' ern $1 75 - Bnrltj $l 90 Im Beat eorn I i i h-tter; $1 '.Cm 1 '. . I i toiled areaaara in at ore aad afloat: $12 tor western and fttwän yellow, and $2 N l'r w'oile wcatcrn. it- firm il Mrfl 04 afloat and In tote. Coffee firm. Moishst'd dull. i'etroleum ery sceroeaod ateadr at 47(j47-i; cru-aile fi":t !; refined in bond 7gW; refined liee. Wool quiet. I'ork decidedl,, iowc, a. $35 U' I..; nv. s; , $115 (K)rd3() 50 for new do .cash and regular wa closing "at $:ifi (Hi eaih. $4 7.i(ut35 IHI for prime, ' -irid $3G 00 foi prime me-s alao 1,000 lbs u:es el $.'17 OO, ind 500 lbs new me.s at $35 00. licet lirm und in good demand at $7(dJ'J :.o couutrv mess; $14(1' for repacked mete, . and f I0' 4 lor tta mesa 1 Beef ham- i: goad reque. inaj 0- 51 Cut anfeli are tathff stcid I i.ouhlers, and 18(221 for ham Lard heuvy at 21,1s(323'.Jc I'titter r?cady with a fair den in nnnet M $V?--1 7 (ft 1 f lor :Ui(3Sc t'..r Ol s. tad 44fijai lor State t v-!- uuhanged. l.VJ.! Mom c.t-v -;t nvi pei eeni !9terlieg quiet ".j haa baan itt i i diiriag lot faorning wm no i;e r iwt upeeuUtive eioreaicni u"-' nti mo am u mho . Xert- Y-rk, Novembet 2r QaU ttttted and firmer, opening at 229, ad van irrg to -.'.Ti-'j, decKwing f SrS1-., and clos ing at 331 '4. A: IMPERIAL CROWN - a antra )ab!?, butih erewn f litatt, tot. fm.i on fiM ban! which rarar. baa 'tfWtsd t eojbrliish, or 'm' ha- r..bb1 ItanaiJrp hu, by 41 avl . HOliO' II All &VW lUCTaOhl its PARK LCam TOTHE CLOSE OF LIFE. IWBUSSS laWNC nOUaUMM t't ; r-; U . - 1 a pr.m t i. r afiJ prifcrtn neth ! e. rawda J -....i-.-k ii,.i uH,...H.,n,i.,. a valueLU sdjun.-t to th I. to esaiag atM promoting tbe growth t,ü perfect httlth of 'ne hlr, nd of iteelf, when Bd ! ne, a safsaruard thaf protect tht fibre feaaa -lerey atul-r aUcir-'Mi)tn--e-! and uudvr allrlitre". Mantt'e-tared i.y J. CRISTA rxBO. . 6 A r House, New York. tppL'ri i-y all Hair Drera. !! y all Dri 4 Ut s draiMwtta W IIOIU a. STATUTES l I IN 4 . Edition. REVISED Of I Wocoud IHK SECOND EDITION OF OA VI jw Hord's Kevied 8t:ntea of Indiana is I -w retdy for d.-live-T. hoth Tolnro hive been carefully IWVttV and all error- cwrrecte. There i- added to tht firZ rornaa aa eeaaadhi f over two taaltai ptfes, coe ' lalnlng tht artsnaaae.1 at th regular and called e?sJons , of the utgltlatm e uf lots , '-A a tiie regular -e..jon of I IM3, with full index. Th's adtttan will ineret-e the value of the Week, at it will contain all i all t.a lawa of tbeitiite bow in lurce. Th sf-on4 r ag all the acta upon the snbject to which a 1 Uta of laaU. afc th amendment mas.- iha- -e, .'.n are aou -i In the rurKin of that volurrtt. Im anieaded act- Ke fu-id ir. 'ho slt.jtplonent. Tht pric im tht pre seilt edition, piitiieu ujiou cier, white paper, ar.d welibosr-1. 1- Tt for tha two ."hitti"!. or Fivr Ilijib lor 'ber T'r.e S eet.eatasT, ccuia.iunt the a-f ' the "egjaj arid c tiled aetsic-Ba f tht Ltgiulatort l 1141, ami' regaiar ts!n of 143. with a cotapicte Inder. ' tzriaar voi cat, bound ir leather, in tht tarne- tht cth : FllwaMV, ta a - e-ed ft - le Fri" DouAta Order ftr -::h'- to1i:i it t'ent'. le ef tht H-einea. m aaa I. I. KSM.II I, Ina Iran polt -n ,A : TO STOCKHOLDERS. BLLBF9NT1INB R. R. fl), ottf e tfl Slr-t'Lltoldcr I Ot with 'be tern. -f a coLlra; i t r cf'.. a--x- 1 ' .i " .. . .a..a ! tu Ih: uj rg and t let eland hsilftd C mpante., th.. ' and foirmed ly tti- Rtockh-.: -. -eetn f tbe Sockbfd.-t of the '1 lt:rd Com;-ny will ! r.-td, .hi 1 - .pia' bt :vew -be bear- f e , for the pup.e of eject .1. v, .1, . - a tra-i I at lakautr, ..' . !iTf iMN-eanber 'ck h A St. ud A .t'ciorh :i,T dr.-ctor lr a-.i test. M '.the '.in th' F. hM5ii. ier -ary. i4. aotSn-alltgwai 41 !' .. LECAL. otn g ppliruiion for I etten titiiiinittrwtlwti. . 1 ' Oi K.S . hereby given thjt I aaebma h. FeteT, a I rettdeat tf Hoo rwar.ty, aa State ef lnd:aoa, - tc '-n veartorBrore lat pt absented htwaelf frraja - place of re Je tv-r it m t r unry ar.d baa rone te parti , and a be-:, baenl ever iaee it a trtnt. lra-.1og lataii c ii'.t 'b e .-itate wbieb is - a wa-:e with aw ore to take care of r pay the n, . !ib ! prwiaaM far the aasage ' -he Mittie V tier-f re app!rftk..'. will la Ktde at the next ra of the Bov a Cvmn.-:i Fteaa Cotjri lr lette a ul arsaia- tum on ai estate, aa prueMed by aclof the L I -is-e .' -a. Itate, approstd March f.b, J4l LATiüA LLK0I Mother SPECIAL NOTICES NATURE'S SECRET AI'PLIED -to- t i Rr WATtJHir nrrF4T Tar Sartaax Mcak bjr waJek tbt Anlo I -hm.;rt of tbt ayrtem prda C4-r m ttw Ua kt bta eta tovrd Id fKlvi tOOKON IIAIH DYE. It etratrff!ta tk xU' blacaa aral ra, pro- daclnjt an Ir tacta-sKmt end eodnrlug ch aar free any vboxina evlor, wlthsMt ataltaafta aktn or Iit-jm rtr.g Uir vitality of a atrjla fjhrt. rriiRloro' tt.n i Frescrt live. A valuable adjaaci to ÜM Dje. in dmiug a rat j-r.-ttMtr the gr wtb trJ tierfect health of ibe bair. at.t of i:lf, warn uaed alou a tafrtjnan! that p-. oleeta the Heael from decay unaVr aM clt tm-iiue and nmier all climea. Maraftetared Vy . I'hlsfAlORO, Ho.e.. I llocve, Itew York . fruld byall Diatfc "" n ' lr-r. nevaeofiawaea LYON S KATHAIR0N. Kathalroo ii frw th i'-mi -- J ' Ktihro," or "Kathtir ," slgaifji&g to cluab-r, rejuviaalt an! re-j lor. Thl-article i wha it- aari- .ig-a:fla. terring, rtstornig and Vaatifying th human ha: i it ta tbt moa remarkaM preparation in tbt world. Il ia agar. i owned and put op by tb' ui igiuai pn prietur, and is now made with the aoaan care, hkafi tad attention whic ga.k it a ai of v -t wu aruilva Uotilaape' annual ftta a n' -t ile!;Rht'''J Ha r Dreraleg. It eradicate M-nrf and dauitru". 5' keepa th 1 c-! ar1ct.-.o.. It makes the hair rich aofl and gh s-j It prercnta the bn.r from falling rT and twrattaaj gray It restore hair r.poabald heads. Ajijr lady or geutlewaa who alt- a t"antiful iiaad of hair should uc Lyon's Katnar-n. It ! knnwr am) ad fltronghont the clrilired world. SoM by all respectable dealers. DI IA . It 4 KM A 0.,"l. . feb4-d(m-i-od tr SOLDI KK8-WE THINK DR jinckla; i it quite right In advising ym la hie rertle rit i:i oar rolumaa of lo-tlay'a paper ,to take a bottl. of his highly recouimonded Aatl-Chotera Mixtnie ia yoni aaegaaah , M ataa taiea the Mt of many of ux be toldierv HetJher:, that your scau do out u gleet Tor ran get 1 at the Drug Store at M ceuta per bottlt It It th - - aaar-haea and Iysntry marcb7-dlyri1wy STD I S E A 1 1 s OF THE aTlITOiTI Seminal, Urinary aaa4 S'-xual Symema r.ew aia reUaMe baebn ü -i apatta if tht dowaiu) association. Sen i Ly mail lu eealtd Inter euvrlopi, frat of charge. Ad lre-a T .1 SKtr i.lN BOUODTOW, Ho-srur.l Utiela- lion, Jfo.3Suud- HfnU F'bila 1lphta Pa. naarao-.lAwlv 0rBEAVOUa D1BIUT1 IBMIafaJi n-aa-e.a, etc., im ral by dha uo baa really cured u::ti-e!f and hundreds of otl er, an I wit -all y.n nolhit'g btt Uta ' r .Vddrcio with tamp. IBWAltO II. TRATKH. Irb-d&wly Lock Box, boalon, Mao. - al MAM TAI I II, Kli Uli: -MPKOVED rAHTOSCOPIC SPECTACLES. TBI hi:st n i si:. MOSES' improfied Panfostopic 8pectaoie8 oombine avantaflefl uu - chtUlica and philosophical tt be hnind in do other Spectacles ofiered in tbe Wt st. Moses' unproved Spectadea not only give clear and distinct vision, do not weary or fatigue the eye. but tend to strengthen and preserve the sight. Moses' Speetaelt s are made ol Tht finest materials, and best workman ship, fairly represented, and -sold at their fair value 7 Send for a cirt ulur coiitaininjr full tie eriptioa, rivs. Sic, and how to ensure a eatfacl fit nad have them aeaal hv mail. AtUri m L. W. MOSKS. ftiriaw, bo Bnel Wauthaaajnaa at. , lti.iiini...ii . ind. SCALES. -' .m set e ea PATEJVT PLATFORM SCALES n a in r 'TTLI H .4 T . CO A 1 1 A I N WABP.HOr-.' AIUeOAIt, TRACK, 4 1 1 ram k hnabTv . ' a a t t ; t r prlre j,T AI I.rP.Aieat. 74WatWahiagti t. apSl-wl; aal a, laagal i raerr l ;ui hr urnl. ure t, third njt., ii na Caäcer withoi four boar. A dt- ae and pi aaaa1-6n. -r J t: :strac! rure jr . g - . ;eed or no pa v. $10 to $20 a day. i üt.M8 WA5TKÜ TO ELL ITA?. lMP& .VrL a .im " MCHIVf.-lhe bet ch-a M ul:! latr.--. W '; 1 aa aval -, . r above wa e- leaaplcT aeet.- errs a uk .1 iu . t p.T" ' ; - etil. ! t-- - T. ae pi 2-: i-.ree. T.HU mmm, v I' '.dk', !! 'ai Ae loieio, Obti 1 WANTED U' ANTKU by :.-peciabt yoag mjT.rl ac, dteebae aa Beehtatper. laliaaun or Oefk. Beat Jt rtferetxt creen aa t eaaaaary, botxaty, act r.e'y. AW A!t.'-aa B attbitr3e aovaA-Uw OPTICIAN. Bltttt if Xfi ORY COOOt k 5 - (3 am il If a: hi - s e ! - s If) to 00 H oJ s 10 00 H w a O m or o - I S a I im aW tan e s at c - W i a e 0 z a B H T. r S, 5 m a. 0 ac a C a a M CP a im 9 ks - x - cC CC ac O o - a I I i 0 z 5 Wf Z 2 1 .2 tat ,jo w D w ez; DRY GOODS CLOSING OUT SALES AI IHK Trade Palace 26 A 5H WEST WASHINGTON ST.. HUME. LORD (rVi) ' H SG ..i Ufl KR Krl0 '.L'i.'.- NOV ' .be'.r aed aplewd'd of'- af gool $100.000! At Wnw York wuoloatle prices, and inai.j gci. tu. I lee. teeiliiK ui. itr obligation to the public for tht vor) larjta patrona? we have received, we hare concluded to cd.-pt tb! met -ing out ourpreee.t ttock, there- by giving them th advantage of buying tbelrfta at low 11 . tno sanie can le Uongbi at net wbole.ale prlcea 1 Fa-tem cities. 1 m ,.1 betitou cry, atl w will cou ti?iue the ltlea until tbe whale stock i cl-dort. We ha. r new In tore the largest and bent aeWted -fs-k ver'-r. uffhf tr this city, ronaialing A Nlo.(MMl Wurk uf SILKS, Coutpri!i,a hemttral gifte, fr uu tue oio-t catl and Moire Antiques, To theeheapat! PLAIN SILKS AND SATINS, WUichwMlba oid regartlien of :be revest gre- j . vancst. SN GOODS. la ,;r-ai varfe'.y. Out Leyer Leiiig at the bead of U rkot during tbe pri bat made extra effort t to pro car the Bnikt ar.a l o-. 'a-i ..1. a .'a -a tba market, pri'i-aral! tbe late l:iriw Novidtiv. WERRIMAC PRIMX IVCIFJ( PRINTS. AMERICAN PRINTS. DÜNNELLS PRINTS. DOMESTICS. PLANNELS. SHEETINGS. HOSIERY, (Z LOY KS. I N Ii RO i l K H'ES. AC. datO. HUME, LORD & CO.. I MM 4 l'tll I H RENOVATERS. CLEANING AND DYEING ESTABLISHMENT ... p - ...... 'aaoifB f . iati ".. Ii.!. ar. .. . iadiaaa, thta old ad weij-kaown ai taltjahaaaat, tbt ld Mg. --f wool- gj nod drd ia praiaBxt and iftil col'---, ar K'sr' broghiy reoo-. 4 Mirf, alao, dfliMilraw- ner.t r. u iked rt I'a ! 'b.rr te.r fn luat it tat. ot taviaibrMt rV p'ara, üo.Mlisi'k Ma! n -ri- CLUE. GLUE! GLUE1 glue: ICOIICKT VMi:ii. GLUE MANUFACTURER, . , K I. A A In I U , . . . 1 1 a . - . a - ..- V .e .. Pnntara mmd Ummk ninatea. eatia 3a TAKEN UP. T'XL'lmtZml totwr laat. . hfttHw,i .-il year vlat. Lia a bar.-de blah, an hal n t addi aad brtdl. bat.d high, a 1 ear. hat. bic 7. twttai iag aaJ P7j25 cUaIR;- was. avwuairB, 5 1? fcath LUaw tUWt. PINT V IRK neat erraTC, FARMS, HOUSES it FOR SALC BY I I, I, I n LOTE , Office Talboti & New1! Block A T R M OP 3J acre, re. Shotay ewtmty. with l?i .aarwrea aad aaatcr fd foc- tkai larg Pt-aaa koawa. rranae Ram, fcood Orcaarn, Ac , act of wate The land It a the Flat R fratn Wntawra. arxi cr ty ha-t a r a T; m in iaaa r - - H .... K - - t- .- M.r-.ii W-er - kafae aalech FarmU ranr Ctorerdat. Per A I A R M Of lev arret tu Madiaon Oawaaj, IS miU rata I r:ty; V arret improved and aodar good faajea, levi Log Hotter-, Ba-n. OrrhaH of rhote trait, bsJaas- fa timber A bargn'n. A F A U M Of ni Arret, trttkla i mi - f the eliy, w ih taut. Ban, v , and one of th bt Oreharda to th y; itoaw m: of hedge fear. For tat chotp NKW FKIMi: H01SK Ot a. nhTeaaaaereMeet, wiekgatae lotta Onlat WelLOettvtea.aa. I M W I K4T: Hoi w Ou a ort New Jeraj ureet. w'th Si Kihicb. Cell Well, (.1.!eTt:.Ai . A TWO aTOWV It 14 1 1 K II Ol Bl. Ou Noftb Ka W. ' t: er- , Ac with Eight nea, CUi A 44 k VI L Ol . Worth I iroet. . .10, t a bargnto NKW I KÄME HOUSK On Fore.-. Avenue. Ith rm-, fine large lot lie l&, well e iwl'fc fruit and erbawiented with abmbbery, goad cittern, -table and rarnage-h-nae, w tb rahrrtita po-t-eit-toe, at rear ttle p-e and payment HO! a' A.H OT On k -treet, three loom- ani ataM. lottl ' a. Cowdntatw taytttrory to parr ha r- Hoi SE AM) LOT tin Oteer -treet, tie at Bachanan, S rootaa, wi'h well Terra to mit purhare At A NT KOI ap treet, t d with with gc -eet 4LSO frare, on Hat IM acre of land, two-and-a-half villa eaat . eNp, well improTed. For mif at low ttfurew. JCj"!0 numler of Hn-e. Pnr, Lot-. A Fat BB - wi-hing to p-irrha-e will da well o call F' f aartheiari toy of the iv property apply m WII.M n LOVE Offiop, fmhm 4. kWi Block, i I A je awta I H I liar ratal ffflr. iily1'44 dh NEW CLOAK HOUSE. CLOlii iL) A KS! A ir t v 1 a a. lill,vFl Ä 1 - PORE NT Ii R i LENT'S, No. i7 North Pennsylvania St, earthf latt Office, WILL OPKN ON wr.DNKftiAY. Al'.rT Mra with a new auJ large aa ortmetit 4 CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, &C. OF THF ITYI ft M ilf..v.lj adheTaV HKT.MiL. tage to taaanlnaae aa 31 Ui hSTIiF. tliENTN AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, No. 201-2 North Illinois Street Intliitimp.ilias), I 1 1 a I aajafflHlj MEDICAL NOTICE. DnJ.eY W. THOMSON , fWW THM FAST, WAVE OPtüKD THK1K I g nC K 00 the eaat atae f -7!r a A venae, a few deeea vtL ! cf Waatlactoe. t.t. Ind , for tS Illation d -.T-r.n. nftr.n t pea- at - wit ypllU, or e . . I...e. ur ai-t -'s method of care, fewndeaf t, - eltd ba.:. tl cieoce a anacd philuviphy 4 laaex.terjcy aad laet rate ce ef tutlanaJ Sj-phUli. -.f lud m'mnd'ur. v- rj e . a . . I y any oattr pt tnatftr ..t t, mm ia thla atw. re Je.i4-llT aMtwajHaa I'm TBiiatMOa FOUNDRIES. HOONIKR HT II rOl NhR IND STOIB UORks 4 4. I OKI A I'M la. Manatactaiert mai Waahtaait P. alar ta v. HOLLOW- HMNI.Af a ix OCT ix orn rroTFA tut or thi iJtTKtrr Ann Ire Vrmu. Railway, M an-1 Ax.. Ac. 1 Order, by mail .r pi .t teraU gi van. . r. m ' . m iow aeaaa, oeAc. aaieo-reeaa aad Paaaaan Ub .... & m . let war. treet. two UK. A. U. ELLHAM, PHYSICIAN AND SIRGE0N I OfTTCl g0. 10 TllgaaTU AT1XCI ajgawfaa-at turrw a aw aa i ik-- a - i