Newspaper Page Text
DAILY SEXTIN KL. T tftUMlOoT IT rT lI AT MOKMNÜ. DECEMBER 2 Tkf irlorf mt Thons Tb telegraphic report of the ena-ag ement be iffw the armies of Tannas aod HOoD will bc read this moraia with ibe dawpeet ioterett The bettle was the harden foogbt aod the mo-t san gumary which hu occurred daring the war, and rictort it correepondinily brilliant All to OeatraJ Thomas and hat gallant army for this great achieeemeot. 1 be Dens r.tic Suu Central Cumoiit- n :u i.t yaaterday, and after a full iuter cbaoge of aeotiment a poo tb preaeut coodi tioo of pablic affaira. appointed a ab codi mit. UM to prepar an address embodying tbe views thoa i i Ii ml Tb address will resubmitted to to adjourned meeting of tbe Committee to be held io io tins city on Wedneaday. tb 4th da of January oei Juat Sentiwaente. it is so seldom that ce find liberal senti ments in the Kepahlican journals toward thair political opponents, that it is refreshing not ouiy to read, but a gratification to reproduce them Tbw New York Tribune, of a recent dale, m commenting upon tbe result of the presidential election and its bearing, remark- "The result being ascertained and announced, the acquiescence of the minority throughout the loyal istalea waa instant, perfect, aud ( we doubt not; sincere. Of cour-c, ttjere are secret traitor in tbe loyal as there sre open traitor in tbe re volted State, but we are greatly deceived it these can again attempt, with any prospect of success, to control the action or tbe Democratic oerty The public condemnation of their : i-t plotting4 is too decided, their ruinons influence over tbe fortunes and prospect of hit party too ici, al and manifest. Tbe Democratic leader know perfectly, tho' i he truth is si ill withheld fenm th mi-'-. r their unexpected sod terrible rout iu Indian and Illinois is doe. not to illegal voting, nor to any thing else Uan a popular uprising against the se rret ermsptraries known as "Order of American K - ii- of Liberty.' &e.. which sought to inaugurate a Northern revolt in the intere-t ol and in secret affiliation with the slaveholders' re bei I ion. In cqiMcing to generally and heartilv in the elewtion of Mr Lincoln, the opposition do not render their distinctive ? iews oi the manner in wbv-b the w ir o tight to have beao conducted. ne retract their affir. nation t h t it might nave been, might still be, kappllf cl'Hed. They ai ta pir sit , 'The People hoe de ided against us; let those to whom they have again intruttd power use it as tbey shall deem bet We defer to the popular rerdict.aud await the teirii nr. t event And i his -cure a great gain ot moral power to the national cause. The opposition will not aa i ;,iry. liid C ram.'tel to i hearty upport ol the wir, hat neither will tbey. a a party, ob Cruet aud emnarrase it m thev d;d during the year proceeding the election.' Tbe Triuune is mistaken in one declaration. "The Detwocratic leaders kuow perfectly well " ih.r -h f , .; .u i nd Illinois is due to the mtsiepreaenutions, illegal voting Ht feat and justified by tin - ol thw liapuo .can prty. If there had brvu :m hone t rote in thii S ate, and if Democratic sotdteea had been pemiittoil to return home to rote, a were thue on the other si'le. there is no que lion bat oar State and electoral tickets would have been elected by a dt i ided majority Neither Mobtow or LeaooLM csrriel tni- State ry an ii nesf, biüot There were n t enough Re pablicui rote put in the tnll.'t l.x to orercome Um Mt: kuodrexl und thirty thousand hones'. mocrtic vote ct t er h ele tiou Bat ahile styin th:s. it is idlo to deny tint the ex " poaateoC tbe aeoeat cowepi racier of i its men to inaoghrste it tevolutio! in the North, made with a nice p rtisaa calculation just a sufficient length of time before- th '.ion tj prevent them Irutn btins; counter. tcted or overcome, .lided msleri l!y the Republican ucce-w This I n ; jtdmtttwd by Um Republican leaders themselves And it waa a card tbey nlaycJ most adroitly. Whether it waa intended or not. there can he no question but Use pafiratoca performed ju-i'. the role that the managers of the Republican party desired The ;! -'. iiik'" " t!i" " :s;ii'it-r, wen !niinie-. and that such was the caae the authorities con cad by not nipping then in the bud. r.vcrr movement in the con-niracv was known by them, and if they tea Un apprehended that a Northern revolt or revolution would have beeu inaugurated thereby, certainly they would not have been M criminal as to let the conspirator tun at large when they had bath Um opportunity and the power la hare ar rested them and tho hive p.t in end to the wicked scheme M M tuc h M thtt the ex posure. the ui.juit charge thvt the Derne cratic party, or its prominent leiders, aympa thiaed with the conspiracy or the conspirators, .ilar reed a crest mmv fund ml c.n-ertatir men who had heretotir i.een i lent fiil with t'ne Republican party and wouM have Toted with us Hut it is useleea in dtseu this question now The lime will come when the "sober, eeond thought ol the peiple" will place the responsi bibty of the conpiiacr nd the ue nude of it. where it belongs The Tribune ia eorrel in stating that the IV- ixtii'v will make no fnrtmus opposition to the A'iiniintr ii ..mi We .leitv that it I. doi r o in th past, as that print intimates Kvery riulntul measure of the psrty in power to prawerv the (Vtverument will have the hearty aequieaence of Its political opponent They will. In fact they do defer Io the popuUi verdict, but Hjee wil pAtieutlv await the leveh k ol evruts Tbry have no las a duty now in maintaining their principle, although defeated at the poll. thn at any time prevfou to the election; and the ,.u I.I I. I i 1 1' " ' r m i Im "I n .il Li Ideas of rieht, if thev .uirendared their iImoic tlve ntviititvUM lb pop ular vrolu t. and it ia orlv 4 mal I m. ritt of tbe agnregate rnle.hsp trt- K mralni them M. I ii i 1 1 lcllt(r Ian Haya a cotenq-'r u v Im v r ait i i a and t'alta Ci aia both ot Massachusetts, were loading tMtit- in tbe cabal which broke up the Charit loa Convenii n, s d - divided ttie lb n vi. i irt . ne ' . lion ol Mt l.i v, m Roth thewe men iMoleaaed to . Dem ocrat- In faot, l. M w.t,' rtttrmiia in the ojoat radical wmg ol ike Democracy Now Hi raaa It a üapet et -itT-u.'e o dtr hand- ef the ahoUltooUto. and - t r p l .1 the New Klig ! t I I iiisti. . I i i i i. -i. e ! o Miin-lrr n! Hot la ihe new Cabinet an la ie, r ,tem i Wash ii;oii cttj MaWp ui"! mm I'liit Ci an i as an appropriate 0000011 I o 'wdga Uatia in tbe Attestier leneraUh Phese Ma HH puUlletaas sre i range Ab, no uiat'e bat pH lOOJ i 'uieaa Ul belong Wll. itl t o p i It it tl ia papar. raerrlomr to ih luievra l iu He Navj Vaid at Hula ut wlorweoaetlafl to apeak of ktgk tor mi aeetliea amotg O Loyal league ;rraaHt t and disiingauhed a. embers .j of Ph'laaeiuhia have breu Otoaliwf ewOpaw at the One of them waa ap. Their pito wtt to cart the metal oat of the r trd.tnd b!p It to New Tor i Their peculation are im mo Tbey were ripoeed by a carter, to whoa tbey refused to nay bin demands for haaiine Thea eery thieve, who arc now in Um botjb proc4a of Pert Miffl.n. at the late election atifo real all Dem o"rtt as traitor and copperheads Tbutiagoea. another page added to the large volume of fraud committed ander the garb of patriotism. If oar patriotic Abolition friends, who occupy position in which there are thiering facilities, do not take better care to "cot er up their tracks." they will bring discredit upon that eminently en lightened, refined and respectable class of Aater- known as the Lincoln Ari'trxnarc Mrrt,on Hcfnrna Off trial. onto IIOMI. VTK Lincoln MeOhan ..Roll L'.nr ti.n.aj.rity .197 M Clilllaii vote is about 11.000 gre-wr than the Democratic vote for Governor lat y i , and there is a much larger proportionate increase is McClrllaro army rote orer Wax 'I'tUAii s army tom. m ILLIKOiB I. r 1-'. 4TT 1.3S MJM McClelian Msjortfy for Lincoln COJIXICTtCtT Lincoln .ft fitJH McOllaa 42HT. Mojurity foa Lincoln 2.4 xxw nvMPMiiai. The vote .f New Hampshire for President is rendered oflSc al and complete, as follows, com oared with l-60. that designated "Dem " in the latter year includine the strength of Dot glas. Bkn IlMRUKJk and lir.LL. Dem. Rp IM4 im 4 9! 3:19 .2-.404 V 3,9 "ft-j It will thu- be een that in lour yc;ir- the. Dem ocrats have Kanel 3,15, while the RenuM c ms hare lost 2.9 KHOtK INLAND The official home rot Df Rhode Island at the election of Presidential electors is as lol low?: Fur Lincoln For Mct'lt-Uaa Lincolu' majority . Mc publican Conalatencjr . Horace Greeley, in tbe Tribune of Saturd v last, in an article headed "Kxperience Teac hes," quotes, with commendation, the following from a war jdwfcial iu thta itj 'Iu order that a Republic may eland, it needs a strot.g central government, tint the part m i he well b':und together; and this is not nt a! aej rerse to freedom " And eommeuting upon it say: "Mate sovereignty uug tne grave ot lream I libertv and greatneaa. And in closing the article continues: "Our fathers meant to guard again-; this peri! in the formation, or a- Washington more cor rectly phrased it. the consolidation of our Union In making the Federal Constitution in cxoraai terms the supreme law of the land, and pre-crib nir that no State shall enter into any treatv, al lianee or confederation: coin monev: emit bilU of c-edit: lav anv import- or duties: keep troops - - 0 4 w 9 a or ships of war in time of peace; enter into any : agreement or compact with another btate. or : ith a foreign Power, etc , etc , thev reasonably supposed 'hit they had provided against any po eilnlity al sucb an outbreak as the slaveholder,' rebellion being jnntiaen i- only a legitimate as sertiot' of Slate rights It is not their fault thai the nre-ent troubles are upon ut; it will be iurj if ttiey revisit our country during the life time of our children's children, even to the third or fourth generation." In tho Tribune of December 17. lbü. thii same Horace Greelev. in an ar'icle over bit own signature, said: " It it (the Declaration of Independence jus ' r .1 the secession Irom the Hriti-h Kmpire of three millions ot colonist- in 177G. we do not Mi why it would not justify the seeeion of tie 1:1 on- ot Southron- Irom the Federal I'niot in 1 1 I It we are mi-taken on this point, why doea net some one attempt to show wherein and wfcyi For our ownp..rt. while we deny therigl; o r! ivcholUeis to own Slav ' t tllA the will of the -itter, we cannot see how twentrnillions of people can hold ten or even five in a dete- tad ULion with them by militaiy force " AJ it is perteetlv clear Horace Greedy was mis tiken December 17. 1 rG'. it he be right Novem tier '26. Ifb4, it is to be presumed that some one has answered hi- question ami shown him when in he was mi-taken, anil why Now. we a-k Horace (ireelew to give us thfe benefit of thU new light, and show us the "wherein and In of hit mistake than The language of the Con stitution quoted in tbe article of las' S iturdn v it ihe same that was in it December 17, l-bll Hadn't he read it, or didn't he understand its torcef Did he not know what he wag writing about then, or, occupying at the present time the paltry po-ition of pre-ideutial elector, has he -ejBNiime!f for a tne-s of pottage? "Do you take me for a knave ot a foall" once l iimed an irascable country magistrate to a waggish lawyer arguing a point off law in :i taj tice court. "I pray your Lotior will not ob lice me to tell which." was the quick reply N Y New. IKU I lie. MX TH I aaaaMM to be Urmriubri i . Frum the K:. uue :. t I". Nuv. &t. Let us not forget the lepaona of the first Anier icau Revolution In the last year of thai trug gle. the British columns penetrated the country n many directions marcheil clear through vet gamed not one valualde result tin the contra ry, the war w brought to a conclu-iou ly Iboot i It ntical successes in apt earan. e. Iailure in tact lie country ro-e behind them, the Ami loives petmauetitly sevel the commui i of army with army; and the event of the tti laaphal procession ot the Hrittah generals thro' Georgia. South Carolina and Jiotth Carolina, was itie surrendtr of tbe armies whit h had 08 unplitlied almost without re- t mcc tho-i did tewt ft Shermin -howl, I eoatloae to meet with little opposition or attack as tie has done tor a hundred miles, through another hundred ntllea, hia own real danger i oiilv increarl Ov what aeems to ttethe accomplishment of hi- (dan He ly- to deal with a toe which ban lif tied the beat of generals and tne most powerlul f artnies mil area ol territory tot creat lor 04 I'Upallon. and a hostile population too numerous to be controlled by ant tingle column I'. ut are ther the mmv aoveeaeriea with winch Satrinan uiuat roiiiend 1 We know nothing ol the radii n dlspoaitiooa (a meet the. nMngen.v til Ina adopt i ii the prc-etit c ni, 'iign . und we would not i mr kuoeleilgi' in news;, even it we bad il II ia dilhculi to beliwTe ti-.a for Hoi n in t eineut -i irotuble. i long threatened, and so suggestiv of a counter nl m as i bat of Mier man, should nol have lewn luily caleulair! tnd rroTiife! against bv the Conldb i ate Ooun. il .Neyer. since the time thai Corn OjUeOMM enir iel m ' irgmia. baa an arm i grnetsl enlute I on uch mimical danger as Siieemsn baa done We ahall br truly surprised and morn tied il he rcape frun it. and re ojens Cornau. nitMlion Willi In. (iovei nmenl a Mir at ii.' irmom r AuiNra. The Rvlemh ConlOilerate has the following hit We learn that the gtVetUBiMh' agetda are im apple brandy, and thai .1 ia tne liavnuun I the authorities to lake all there la in ihe OOOn in br tbe ute nl the government W u ihort er a government as dry as nur? ever oi,r Hiet iisju red so much brandy an I winay7 Men sir Irtnled to sell il, imprewt it, ami we u; pose no i ii .let iilcl t drino It If taken lor oei'i' U purveea, we probet thai BOOt of tbe attitOOai will be among ihe oMeera ami their clerks, al tei.danta and farorite, aud that tbe a aether U iim iil.bert will get but rerious llltte We honestly believe tint if the iruHruiiou ol I .;uoia was (.irubitiilasl s.iort htr. it would be all tbe :.ri er for our cause, for drutikennees among gotrrument umoals haa be. -ii common that it haa ceased to eactte tbe wonder ol airy one -One I ouse N . ot haa packed bundled bog To ruling price It $10 groat Kitteeo huodred head ot beef have alio hr. I packed m that eily lor account t i .vernment eootractort. and it ia shipped to the army aa fail tt eared TATE ITFlia The price f tobstltntew at Tcrre Hante range fron $C"" to B0i) Deer afe til to be abaadant in the great re-ervoir barren' twer 'v . r oaore mi!e southeast Of Terre Haute Five hundred new patients were received at the Madison Uopital on Sunday and Monday The Hospital now contains about twelve tioodred patients. Fatal Accident A man whose name we could not ascertain, was killed at Patoka Tue dav, under the following circuroatsnre : tie was tending a - iw mill, and was in the act of throw ins aiwed loj off the erriaj;e, when, mooing his crowbar too far under the log, the saw frame esusht the end of it, throwing it op, and striking him on the neck . breaking it, and causing immediate dem') Evan-ville Journal The Provost M rshal of the Fifth Congre ajonal District hat received orders to complete tbe draft, which means that the quota of all the town-hip muct he filled by the arrest of taota who I: iv faile! t. report, br br new draft It w appears that some of the townships are delin quent under former quotas, according to a new quota table, which requ.res more men than were originally drafted. It teems that the draft for the quotas and the one hundred per cent have no furnished men enough to fill the quotas of all the townships in tbe District A protracted religious meeting was held at the new echool Presbyterian church iu Bloom ingtou for two weeks, and during the progress several acceaafoos haveaeen mide tj The Kockport Demo rat In U-en suspended for the nre-ent for want of a .suitable room in which to print the paper The packers at Evanville are paving $li nctt for average bogs. The citizen- in one town -hin of Ca.-.1- county raided $U,9fK) to procure sub-:itute f ir tweutv eight drnfted men The substitute cost $425 apiece. The Hepubli'Aria contribute! $4 lfr2 50 and the Democrat- $7,437 JWV Tbe Pharos re marks: One fa-t hns been ciearlr demon-tr.ited to hon--t aud candid men ol all partie-, viz: that Republicans h tve no mere desire to be dratted even to custnin Lincoln' i.e-i o-lreeinjr polity. than Detnocrui - I n- w r -ncaKa were "cheek bv jowl" with the "peace ?neaks" iu ef forti to remin quietly t home to do their tight- it c with ballots and leave to others the danger .-.nd glory of coing to the front. The Condon Democrat remarks of the Re puhlican otbee j-eekers in Indi in i: It is estimated that il the Hapwbrtcaa oandi dates for olhee in the gill of the next Legi-I a ture. were marched in pmecf-ion, like aaWBly Jaaaj,. tf woald occupr six bouts at hv- I in pi-ing a whisky shop The citizens of Greene. istle are making vig orous efforts to see-ure the location in their town of the female college to be bui't and endowed by the Indiana M. E. Conference There wiii be no pork packed at Greencastle .. The high price of aap has deterred operators at tnnt point. Thc fine female college building at Rork- port has beeu completed, and the debt hanging over it liquidated. This his been done mainly through the energy of Prof. Win Hooper, it- ex , cellcut piincipil, w'no now ha- one of the be.-t ; ach oU in the State. The edinor of the Terrr Haute Express, a UiPmber elect of the Lagialatara, thus refers to the "consultation meeting," in which he takes occasion to give a dig in the ribs mental ol Ho ratius Cm lius: The "consultation" of members ol our Legis latute. hebt al Indiaiiapoli- ye-terdav. a mount et 1 to nothing worthy of notice It was a foolish thing throughout, and rellected uo credit upon those who susr-'e-ted the "consultation." The la JoaroaJ ihosM not have allowed the Call to appear in its columns at !.n it- purp -es urn not met the approval of any considerable num tier ot the members ot either nouc, snu was entirely uncalled for. to say the leust of it. Notwithstanding all this the editor of the Kx-pre-s would not object to $6 a day. The Lafayette Journal -ay - the (iiand Juiy , returneil an iodMwMOt of murder in the first de gtaaagaioal Kd Fabn-tock, and says the case i will be tried at thi- term of the Court, a prece dent having been set in the case of Rice, IMa ' coll and Mo; king, who were indicted and tried before Judge Petit or a similar crime, commit td while the court was in session. SOUTH r PtltAGK tPHJI. Moravia is a nice place for widow- they I allow them to pay taxes and vote China crass ins received the approval of the Rom u Chamber ot Commerce as a substitute for cottou. Abmr (160,000 have been paid in'ns the re ceipts tkn dartag the hMding of the Boston i Sailors' Fair. The sie working a coal mine within three I and i h.ili tniles of Ptoridetice, R I . and sell e eoal nt the mine- t u $ti a ton. Truly great men never get vaJgattj ultimate ! with each other. They sit apart a.- the go.l- do. talking from peak to peik ol OKmpus An Indian juggler ia coming from Cilcutta to Mtiliiiid, to show h;melt along side ol tti Davenp. rta and prove them the veriest Ounglers. The minimum -!ai lud ol the hight for re cruit for the volunteer ei vire. h i- been fixed bv tbe Se. re'aiv ol W it a' five lect three niche-, as heretofore eatabliahed Great Pritain ha paid in iu'erest on lor debt ovei ten thoUand million- ol dollars, whu h ia loa and a ball times a much the debt il sell C. S Mu-hal Krvei has p. id $0,000,000 to At Uoltfd 8latü l ie-i-mr U the pucieds of -.ta in en ii cKaue ruunrrs Riijuuic'in u u i" on within Ihe U-t litt en months The New York Herald aays that some pee sons, who were in straightened cir iiiii: nu t te fotetl e got then ti rat i- m'o matter in" t 0O Wiib "Sol. liV irs.1" im keep their rarti ages and h e in "stvle ' . lr- tho. .' biMI worth, st UM to a !. fiel ihr price ol Inch n lo" is t.!.. have i h" ' ght tln eystm wo tot laaaü shore at ihe t l .wren. e oUhltl wtM I of eight milra ' Neil year there will be bor eebpaes, two of m I te d the I he t the sun .... i.i on ihe V.-'h -i .1 and ine 10th nl Ocl her, those ol the moon on the 11th t t Apri, .mi ihe I 1. 1 i lolier Oeorge D Prentice, of the Louisville .tour lial. h ii gone to Richmond to look into Ihe caae ol Ins ..u He i provided with pases ft un our own as well as ihe rebel officials. . lirn Sheiman Ins wiib hi at. In his Deorf . campaign, one of the tet an I im-i r a 1 1 t f "aeouts' or "guiles" ill the oulhwel n old "Ml a Dative iirorgi.n and a wealth v (.1 mt n and v f. .IU' . lot iner'.v !n : i.evi M on A Wasiiington letter as the President, m i. s toriiK omnig mr-agw. wi.i rrs oinmvm an ao I raeeo o( na grade iu .be navy, similar to that given the army lal session, in the revival of ihe Lieuleuaut tieutraUbip 1 he new grade will he thai ol Viee Admiral: and uumaiutel on iu t evt thi N tv v Departme will retommend ai.. I i ' . I'rr-! i ut w .: i un i'e to the Vice Ail mir.ltv. the Silsoutidrr of the navy, Re.r Ad ' miral F.trt tgul. I All the 8ut in the I'mou are luvitad to furnish Statute iu marble or brouae, uoi eteeed Dg tWO Hit nunilMr ol uavaaaed ciiiteos ihustri ou for their Inst i .' re . or lor Jcivff n--- r: eitil or ailitary eenrlee to he pi u-rd m the N tfotial StatuAy Hi oirmerlv oecu ted as the U nite of KevS'esrutstirea A correapufnie: a Boston paper recummends that the statute- ol joba Q' Adama aud Colonel Shaw be aeot from Maeaacbosetu DRUID'S LETTERS. Rrbrl ike. y of Skmmmn' Csrwraaiw Faeweaf Bwmtmaimn a AtUnUWky Macew waa waf CmptureATkr Force tkmt vdi -m' Skummm Wkmt Brrekmruiiff it About Injuriant AVart from Etrly'i ArmvRetuforrrment rnt t9 lt, iff Special com of tU Xrw Twk WorW. BatTiwotr, Xovernbtr 27. a aTaaTL! xa bkbel theoet a bol t anuiiA5 It is reported here to day that the advanced guard of General Sherman's army had reached Macon, but that the place wa ioaod to be very strongly forti6ed and well tlefeoded A recor. nois-ance of ihe works wv m nie. it is aald. alter which General hernnn's arm v left that place on hi right, and continued his march towards Au gotta. This rumor it miat important, for, if it should prove to be true, it will give ao air of probability to what I nw under-t tnd to be the ''!. federate view of Sherman a campaign as a whole. This will be startling to northern read era, who bare been aecu-tomed to regard Geo Sherman as the ableat general in theeereiee. and who have accustomed themelve to regard hit pre-ent nurcb as one which must certainlv end in a great Tictory. The truth is ibe truth, how ever, even if we learn it irom oar enemies And no reflecting miud can fail to perceive tn-tt Sher man's campaigu must have formed a part of 'he general plan of the campaign of 1H4; that it must have held a certain relation to Grant's cimpaiu against Richmond; and that, as the I ttter IjÄresuited in ?o c -tnr'.e'e and acknowl edged aTiilure, it is uot to be expected that the plans laid out lor Sherman could be otherwise than seriomdv di-arraoi-cd cojrstQfBNcr-s or or.vht's kmlirk to take RICHMONP It is said that the Confederate leaden regard the present movement f (iei.eral Sherman as one which tie was forced to mike, iu consequence ot tbe movements winch tbey made aub-equent to tbe fill of AMaata It i no secret now, th a if Grant's campaign against Richmond had come to a successful termination by the first ot Sep temher. a.-, i' wis reonibIc to suppo-eit would, we would have !nd fifteen thousand troops to send to Sherm in by the 1 5th of th it month, who would luve garri- ncl A: mt i .aid kept open Sherrann's WlfliCalioOJ lur him while he went on with hi- whole arm v. seventy -five thou and strong in one body, and fini-hed ;tnd secure! the capture of Georgia. That would haTe been an appropriate continuation ol his great cun paign from Chattanooga to Atlanta Our loa biiity to do thi- forced upon the aiter native which tic has adopted. th v. 0Xf UEaVaTH rkü arp milem an as bk treating to the sea These facts were plainly evident to the Con federate leaders Ot course they draw their own in.erence from them They m ty be mistaken, but thev are impresso! with the conviction that the operations of Reauregard and Hood in Sher m-i.'.'s rear, during, the raou:!i of O.'tobjr, forced Sherman to abandon A'lantt. because Atlanta, uuten .bleas a Oase for him, and forced him to seek to e'o-.nge his base Thev re: .r , him virtually ha relreiting by the only route open for bisretiett T LT THLY PREAP TU K roNsriif KNCI S OF A St C-CKK-.FLL CUA.NOE Or HIS BAhL. With this lindtation, however, that if he sue ceedp in reaching Sivmriah with his rmy in an enective condition ne win iiive Micceetiei in ni k in" his movement Itteoeasfal ch uige ot bu-e, and will be ready then to reMime his cam piign against the Slate of Georgia from a much more favorable base than he bad at Atlanta The more cVoaeil this view is examined the mme rOaiOaaOlt and forcible it will bo eeen ty bo; ::nd it is confirmed, indeed, in ;i rem u k ili- decree by the very icrms of Go;;cr il Sherman's otder to his troops, to which the World ulludcd edito rially on the 'iäih inaiaot CONCKXTRATIOX OF TKOOR TO OPPOSE -HERMAN r aavcei. Holding tlic-e views, ilierc is but one thins for the Confederate leaders to do, and there Ls uhun d iut evidence to abow that thev arc wOiog that mot Jrigorotisly; and that is, to concentrate troop? at M icon or Augusta ufBient to over whelm and defeat SoorOMUl l .iruiy belorc bt . c. I '." 1 .1 . reiCite- tvanu tn i hei i- notiiitu to pre vet.' i General lie tu: il; . i J : tu l.r'iu at SI aeon bv ttie 'ime Sherman's urmy reaches that place, with nt lai tr lur. H Hi-., tl ii. . J ,' It-, l'' inn that would still leave tweutv thousaod" with Hood My information is to the effect that Gen. Lee has aire id v seilt fifteen or twenty thouaand troops trom Richmond. A' least len thousand, and perhips twenty thousand, could be sent from Ch-irleston and Siv.innah, and five thousand I' ä t r i Ti . l J. a a . a - ft irom riotiua. i nere waa tire my a txiov ot ten Utoosaod Georgia militia assembled at Mcori, .tili eartaiolt twenty thooaaod more could be raised in Georgia ind Sou h Carolin i. Uere, then, is a body of fr im -lö '100 to 6ö. (((! reijul ir troops, apd .'JU.fMHI rail Pia, making Nö.üiHitu y.a.tlMO rnen in all, wliom S'ierm in will have to Loulront him between M icon and the set. Is the number io lare? Cut il down; Hay there will be only 40,IUk) OOiwJ troops, and 15, U00 militia; and there tl still 5Ö.IKH) men. TbOOti fighting behiud their work (gsting on their own soil, aud wiib leelings that will actuate tbota breasts may not be able to defeat Shertii lOj l.ut they cm hold him at buy until more troops come up; and more will come up. Delay to - - iraan, in this movement, ii i self the precur tor of defeat l'.r.l K.NBIDOE TO TUB I VTKN KINTIC'KT, ASA HI V ' I. RS I ON I here is a theory prevailing here in regird lo Hreckinridge's movements in K ist Tennessee, which it may he well o pl ice u:sou record It i- fiat llreckinridg. 'a forces amount to fiiteen thousind men. ind that his des'in ai -n i- Louis v 1 1 1 o or Cincinnati, and that he etoeets to lc j.iinel l.y ten thousand rei rui s. läa-iitucki i . -like liimseif, en route The theory is not an mi probablo one la view of what must te the objt t of such a movement Tbe Ida of tbe capture ol ci ill T the cities named cannot b- en'ertaun 1 f.n i moment Th- Contedei ite leadeta arw aat Iba nan to or.'.er -i. Ii absard enterprises Hut thev i m be thre ileni'.l, ilh obv ious advantage to i lie it bei cause The even's ol the war follow ach Otoif oHh tOwk rapidity that few ol our read er e pOrOaOa, reOMwAOt tbe terror, the abso lute terror, that prevMÜed in Louiaville beu it wi- threatened with i .nil ir .1 uiger in 1 ht2 If a i rmtOable rabfl column i threaten either Lottiavitlt or Clttcionatl now 'and it is laid that even i pari o Hood's .'l.'i IMNI troop- h i-been de taehod to mareb through Tenne-see aud join BfoekioHdgi in Kentucky lor the turjo-e.) it will Pe seen iu a momtait tint it will peees u j dittrael ihe attention ol mir tinlit.rv aOthawHUet PO 01 the two points where all our troops ought to be concentrated, namely, at Richmond aud Augusta MM HAS AN VI ON RNo . i, If HreckiiiridtfO haa anything like tn ade . pi ite loree. Iiowt-ver, he will te rnueli mirr likely lo attempt the capture of Knotvillr If the i !in uisiraii. de(.ofi Is on i Idiom to defend that place, ah'.. :b lollem i a in m afrr Mt Lincoln' own I n o may enact to hear of its eipturo at tiv dv Ita Capture would se cure the pei urn., ui icposi.i..u ol Kist Tonnes see by the Ooo föderalen, aod ihe latter would e '.rely tieiltr iliae er 1 1 Sl,ri man s attempt to . ui the Cotifed- i i' v in two by ruarrhlng on Sa it nah. IM PORT NT rROM k.vatr'a AfcMY I have a few item ol late i,ea i. mm tho Bhenaodoah Vallev to -lav. which are ot coiisld arable ioiportan.-e. lo view of wh it is going on lo oiiiei part ol the Conlrioraey Vour rradort will see that lbre lietaeive ihem I tie koi lo the v irious tumors a'mut the nln'l On Kirly and hit frireoa, which have hern elreaUtad ubo ; r k I cii . ( i i !.ililv,mh atbillie h.dhcen rin lon e I to the otiotit ol .'ki.iHMI man; that he waa ni trcb tit; on I. let htiurg, and lb it he w i unit h lug to inten ept tloiieral SheroMO, I ii v aho w . ,.o. i he v .st . omereho. ov . . .r t n üonlederscy, and le.w idle it i to swp.o iti.i tha uidiiai -troogih ol i be rebel ..ywhtro near the f Inf of eihitistinn. luvr'in ynti roa ivai v arrivi. at Ri. ii MoM' Fiom ll.e 1st to tbe I.Vh of O .'-er, a vety large nunitier ol new revrul's arrire! tt Ii moud. Thsv were chiefly OJOO who bad never tteen in the armv In ant npacitv Hut here were am ng ihaa man? ytiun. men who . 1 I.e. n emi t oel .r som m oitba past iu in teilenden t .onij ;e-, iu gusrllug railroads and iridges. iu doi ig gsrr aon dulv ai d in other ca icitiao. in wh -b iter bad Lecomo profic et. n tho sehool of tho soldier All the men were of ibe pre per mdiury age. and all wore stron aid healthy. There were in all some twenty -fle or lOirtv thousand of ihoni. aod thov came from flraortil dlfTeren!: Statoi Eight thoosaad f' them were teat to General Early about the S"ib or 30th of October: tbe balance were ter.t to Lee at PetcitOatrf,. SCiVtlirrr.v nt w'm .ww. Thy was a treat beip to Gen Eeriv after the revetae that be had suffered on tbe 13th of Oc r It gave bit! the means at ooce ot filline ,m .11 ..i i.; m : r . ,i r..ft . r complement, and this he did Arms wore tV I plied to such of tbe soldiers as needed them Bis artillery was reorgansed by the addition of about a doseu new uecea. ao that be haa now eight batteries of tlx gont ia each New shoes, and iu ome cases new clothing, and some blank eta were aeot to Ute men. Tbe tthcteet dttcip line wis enforced; and bv the 12th of the present month Ktrly'a army was in a highly eftcient fonmtion, and it embraced sboat twenty eielit thonwtpd men of all areas; although ibis locJuded some iudeoeudent regimental Organisation which previously had not been under Larly a command. DISPATCUKS FROM B LA l REU ARL ABOtT SHERMAN IfOTEME.VTS. For tome d vs nreviouslr. disnatches had been . received at Ki -bmond from General Beiurev'ard. at Corinth, in regard to the initial movements of General Sherman's preeent cxpeoitioo, which were theo in profress and which were closely watched by the former. Some of thee dl patche were of such importance that tbey were rus'ed to the telegraph, but were brought by aides de ramp direct to Richmond. Thus it was th&t when Sherman bejan his ma.-ch from At- : 1 nt to Macon on the 12' h and 13th inst , tbe Coofederate military leaders were fully prepare! for the movement, and had made what thev sup-po-ed to be adequate preparations to bafHe and ! defeat it These preparations included of course : tie concentration, at HacoO and Augusta, of whatever bodies of troop could be spared from 1 other bid .he .Ut woatd b, brouCh. iinuiLT oy uencrai ncaurearu Anmug incbe bodie-i ot tro.iiw were -ome trom Charleston 1 S.vuntiah, -.;ne from Plorida, aad tOBfl from Richmond and Petersburg CONSEQUENT!: Of LIN'COLX's OtTKEMINATlOX TO BK RE-ELECTED. Thce iroops were accordingly sent; and as Macon is easily accessible by railroad from all parts of the Confederacy, they were pent without any difficult) . There was .at this time no ground of apprehen-ioa that General Grant would make pi I demonstration against the lines of l'eter burg tid Richmond. The repul-e which our ar m rud me: with on the of Octooee was of too recent occurrence, aud had been too decisive in its nature to expect a renewal of anvthing ofv u.e kind very soon' Beides, a considerable por- por tioti of Genenl Grant's armv was abent. How I irge a portion this was, w is pretty acv-urately known to General Lec from the usual means at hM command; and the OPPOraaw of his iutorma tion wits confirmed by tbe intensely loyal news r W- a.. law 1 a r:inpt- or n.ntimorp h'h: M'w ,iri ann in . formed him that 17.(Kli) of General Grunt's sol- diers tnd passed over tbe r iilro:td- between Wuth- lOKtoB and Philadelphia to vote in Peuraylrauia and New York; and that -tveral regiments Irom tfie Ilhh and 1 ;li corps, under General Butler, had arrived m New York, ry et. Finallv, wlifitlier correct or not, the impression prevailed at the rtbt l beadtju rters that the efficiency of v m. er a i urain s army w:is rwitiy innj.airrti u the iSsenr-e, on acrotmt of severe wounds, of Oof ol the ablest officers, :n almost every corps and divi-aoi. TWO OK EAD.LV s DIVJSIO.NÜ JOIN I.EE S AitMY Relieved from mir apprehension of immediate! attack, therefore, or indeed of nttack tor some time to come. Oooaroi Lee saw that he could j vi : well spire the fifteen thousand or twenty j thousand troops which he hid sent to Georgia, j Hut ns the deleiise of the liuvs of Richmond and j Pe-ersburg was after air, of paramount import- . ,:i 1,1(1 ,s ,!'e ab-entef from General Grant's ! :inv uiilit be expected hick in a few davs, he dee ti;; 1 it p;U lOBl 10 tec 11 from General Kir!y bis division.-, tleneral Kerabawa ..nd one two o! i other, and this be did " - li.i Ker-h .a s division loll , J -. ?Trh ' " ,UTV,0 ,CU IdiO, Itnh and instants; Early a artai on tlie the t.itiir division (ollowei on tbe lrili, l'Jrh ai d Shh A 0 I.i ONNOI.--Xi I ITS Bf-fLTS. Sorne inkling of whnt was goiug on probtb'v IwaCwOd OooOräl Sheridan. At all event, on the 2lt and 221 instant, a reeonnoi-siicc in force was tnnile bv the whole of Sheridan cav alrv to ascertain whether or not Barll Bad rein l H red Lee, or had gone to Lynchburg, f leave the det tüs ol this interest !!" expedition to be re lated by the moie eoaiDeCeot pen of your able ; correspondent there Hut the result of the en gagcrnent that ensued, i.nd that lasted with se verity f ir several b urs, w is tint our cavalry rc treated, pursued by the Confederates, the latter brinir into action a forcp of 15,0fK) splendidly bandied infantry and a division of caralrv. The inference drawn frsm t'.ie result of this rceorpiois sance is, as I am informed, that Early had not reinforced Lee al that time, but that be has done so sirire! VICaWaiTI FOB ANOTHER KKCO.VNOIs-A.V I N vv . I have the facts in mr possession whicl i convince me that that inference is entirely incor rect; yet the knowledge Irom which it was de rivet! was dearly booajwtj for we suffered some Ions in the action. The troops sent from Batty to Lot lud ill re tched R chra nd before the re G e Wat m ide; and Earlv has riot -cnt i smgle mm awav -i:i.-c the 21st instunt. Let aiiotber rteonnoitsanee he made, and the cor reetness of mv information will be apparent Druid DIED. Departed this life, on the l?th Inst., Mi Maht Lc cisna Gbki zaan. nn'-d is years, ? months, and 11 days iK't'h, a we often ee, I careful to treasure up his ' ' i x- : gowert ere the storm of pride and paMon bear 1 it balmy leaves away. We will n.t recall her to earth any more. Uer journey ii ended. She i safe on the shore hero angel beauty and virtue shall know. So m ' tlj eiled In her rlwelllng, her dwelling below. Then n-t gentle child. In the bfo i of bliss. Thy home 1 now high, In a land ahor this; Where v trains behold Ihe weet Ltrub that wai slain, a ml -inn the proud amhem, Thri holy Hi" name AMUSEMENTS. IRTIONblTlN TIIKITRB. f'.rM r o IV iHit iton ami 1 1 nnrttrr !strrlt i nine. , nr. w . ii. ttii) . Friday Evening, December 2, 1864. HKNKFIT Of Mv. DDWI.N ADA.MM. DEAD HEART! PAIflCI Ual N'DTICK-Tbs H.-r-e t at- leave tl.t Tlitaler every ei enliiR at ihe rl.Hi of lh i f. rnisii.a P. opls Hi Int tl a distance an rely nt. thi. I'airaa or a.iiai" - ire fir, le and l'a'iiie I, an coiita, Prp in ii e. fat i oarasaa, iA oaj ONoastM H a'-. 7 . . lery an. I family Clrtla, i Slldren In sriii, tili all reserved seal 4c l..or. open al a .piartaf I ? o'eloe. Performsvire II . ' U i! Iv. NEWC0MBS MINSTRELS! wa ao xa. a i on i uo lt. II i a o i.i . Y.tunlay and Monday Dec. 3d dc 5th. I tiMh s iiiiEtr Al.UANCE-TWi IN ONE. TbU stwpowdon orsanlaaii..n. fcele.1 i,y tl.e IV. i,. . Muiatri'l.y, I Is r ..pen at Admiain i . iY ISI iii!iittco at I4 to a a't'lock aot'eoti. I' A. n t.KV. Age' WANTED TEACHER WANTED. OB'. Ml i I her In Utstrtet No 4. Noaa bat 1 "f fto4 aood apply Addresa JoSn Heuff oB or If Ihu herty. Indig' ap.'ii. tnd. ie.-fl aOt FOR SALE. Eon a. a. Vol ION 4AI.K-HWRLUNO H C8I AXUOFflCS. a wisRio to anrebaso piaato call at nay vWls. Hon soots uiuiois strati dscl drf DE. B. BOWABP U. 8. MARSHAL'S NOTICES. Xe. United States Marshal's Notice. L'ntftd Stamtf Amnitm, Dmtnrt of imdutmm, tt ""h t'a J&t J ? watta Ulm ea fw tk Bleat b Orrwtt anO IM UMl JF ISFDUNATION feAJ n tha lath day of i. Jeka Hanaa, attoreey of the iT-rt of Indians, aaataet 40 Owl lows, tha. t. iv il a- a! -i i bale marke! Stou," Hostgn. -Mxe fee a vvttetlim ef the act e prwrl. ad .f tbe TU, .-(raiatiawa ot laatKin of the Prr-idrat ef the fibf li..i State, and th- rulf anU rega t .'tamiasiourr of Internal Rr-rnoa. air prat AicaiBst sii 4U bale of eutOjt), ' thai Its eorniu tl and M Now, therefore. In parua ce of the seal f said Court, t ar tet Ihe Mv i 1. 1 tei! and eliver nil. I do hereby give yablie notice to a'.l persoc da mi&f ai t 4 aale ot cot: on, ar any nart tbrrrof, or in are "V in tested tb bat tbey e a s! appear twfore tbe said tli- Ia-Tnc oart of tbe Unit, d täte, to he held at tb ooli, in and l.r tbr Ditnct of Indiana on ettr of ir4 the flrt Tuesday of May a-at, at 10 o'clock of tbe fore noon of that day. then and there t . lateraooe their 'KleiO :ä. - sl.estiouf : that !!. a If. D. Ü. auSr . L. . Msr.hal. By I. S. Binei.uw , Deputy t,lSC4 dec! DUt Attest. Wan J Iulianapo!i, 5. United States Marshal's Notice. I nittd State of America. Dittrirt of Indiana, at: HKKKAS. A UBRI. (ir HPOUtaTTOS HAS hrea filed ia tbe District Court of the United State, within and for the Kiphth Circntt and District of -whana, the l?t day of November. 1864. by John STLS,!SX'K and property anl money of one K. J ward VT Barton, t at ia to say agaii.t tbe snm of five hnndrel dollar- .Vs in money, now in tbe hands of one William P. r d-on. Clerk of the C- tintr of Tosey, m-tW Diitiict, and acs est all persons lawfull. intervening for their inter t 'bereci, and tnorr e pec:ally aeainut tbe aid Kdward W Banoo. be being guilty of aiding and abetting an armed rebellion against the Government of the P:ii:e! Mtates, and ei ed for a violation of the las of tbe Ur ited Mate- by bim. tbe aid Edward W Barton, tbe said money bei Off ene mies' property, and praying proce- aeaiast said money, and ttat tbe nasjie may lie conderp,; 1 i enemie' prop erty Now, therefore, in pursuance of the Monition under the seal of -aid Court, ti me direct.-d and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to 11 per-ons claiming said money, or ay part thereof, or in any manner inere-ud therein, that ther be and appear before tbe ald, the Dis trict Court of the United Sure- t.. . held in the dtj ' Indianapolis, in and for the District or Indiana, on the Ti " of that day then and there tomterraj. tbeir clt m- ai ! rntke their allegations in that bebalf. 1. m. Iiai, U. S. Mar-hal. By I. 8 Bust tow, iVj.utv. Attr.-f Watt .1 Surrn, Clerk Indianapolis, Si.mlr aast, 1S4. de'.'-dl4t Tftalfaatl Qfifaa MoraViol'a VtiA ( nitnl States of America, DiMtfid of Indian $r. UTnERKAä. A I.IBFL OF INKOKMATIOl HAS been tiled in the Hi-t'ict Court of the United j f;' State., within and for the Kiirbiu Circuit an i Hitr. t on the 1-ih day of Novemi er, 14. by J tin Hanna. K-q., attorney f the United Stales for the trict of Indiana, against the estate, effect end prop, rty oi one Corti'Z ti. Priest, that is to ear, against the Urn of three hundred dollar- O.'H1 INI,; which one Seraphit.a Hutcrn-en owe to the -aid Pne-, and tbe said money beiiiK now in her band- for Lim. and aeain-t all persons lawfully intervening for Ibe'r im real then in, and taore especially a irain.-t the raid being a person gailty oi aiding and abetting an armed rebellion against the (loverumeiit of the United a'e-, and e ?ed for a violation of foe United Stai.' l !nni, tb.- nd Prit -t, and payiiifr proce-- aKain-t said thn-e tinedred dollars, aim! that tbe same my b- ceudemued a etiemie' prt.perlv. Now , therefore, in pursuance of the Monition under tbe seal of said Court to me directed and delreered, I ia hereby irtve publ c notice to all pern- claimine said thtee hundred dollars, or any part there, f, or iu any manner tntr-ir-te.l ther in, thai thev t e and (m it ! f fere- tbe add tbe District t'oart of the United St.ts. to I LeW l nc city of lndianapo i-. m ai.d f..r the District I e 1. .: 1 ai T- f a a . a a a """""u" luc ursl "suay oi May ncii, ai -u o ciacü ! of the forenoon of that day, ihe;. and there to Interpose their claims and mal: their al leg arious in that behalf D. G RUSK, U. S. Marshal. Bv I. 8- Rh.i.low, Depaty. AMe-t: Watt J. Smith, Clerk. lndianntioHs, Not. 1st. 1RC4. decS-dllt NOTICE. LOItsji HERE! npHOSB oai koew thftailiti iowaatedb i"..'.T 4 t-oyd wi l ptaato cull and M-ui. ihoie crf.or.ts of lot.R standing t tbey W1 b- b-it with a meitru:. if laway ataawwag er tbey will b- l.-lt with a mniri-trat i not et(d soon Tho-e holding claim again.t me will please vnd th.m in for settlement. I will be in my office every night (Sabbath excepted) fioni 6 to ' o'clock, to attend to thi matter. decl-dlw J. T. BOYD. 11. D. NOTICE. XjOOk Olft fOf thö Gf6ftt HfVrfi8 Bentl?r Press! , operation daily r BlHrS luv lr f.n, Pr... mill I.. I.. 1 on th. I it immedia'ely south of the Terre Haute, rrwiRht Der-ot, where all who are Interested in the g cttest improvement of thr age are invited to witne its perl. decl-dlw" RAILROADS. rinlnmrina Ar Trirlionnrvnl o Hnntweil vwiiuuvug w i.i 1 (i.iii;vl I O OCUwai Rail Way. 1864. winter 8(;5. -Wa O O at , w, K aV. so t C) N AND APTKK MONDAY, NOV. th. Tit A I N will run as follow, Sundays excepted: heave liidianapoli: usy r.xprens (via rioua at a. no a h NiKht Kxprvss (via Piqua) at 7.3" I' M Cincinnati Kxproaa :lf P. M Train. arrive: Day Express (rla PUjoa) at 1:3. P M Cofnmboa AccorainidatioD (via Pinna, at. 1 15 P. M. NiKht Express (via iHiyton) at 103" A M. Direct connection made at Columbus for all Kadern Cities. The Day Rxpres and Cincinnati Expres train r.mnert dlrer 4t Klchmoiid for llamllt-.n and Ctm Ii al , srrlvln In Cincinnati at 12.441 a M and 4a P M. Through Is.pirnt'araon Mlht train J. M. l.l'NT, SiipTlntendenl. K. raawniaa. General Tlcaet Avent n.ivm 4rew PRINTINC. C. Day Express (via Plqua) at Ml' HALL A III T II I PI. AIR AND OKNAMI VrU. STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, Mrrwtiper und Honk bl Mate r No. 16 1-2 East Washington Street, IMiANA1UO, INK I ',' 'blank Ui ik of eery deerlptiori taaalo to order aoaWOai FOR bALE. " M.K. oJfl.Y hill A IKW I JOB I'M AN TIIR lot 111 1 1 I I.) . I..l , , J t MI Hrr-1. Ma I pile. lUtl l . Mr. '' aa " cntsr TOO tbove will bo aold rln ap Appli . wel ( J K Sharp'. Rh. a... , rs-t Ire. I, f,f JACtli Tl tis 3 .hi aWv aatea CROCERIES itv a in i:i : HORN tit ANDERSON, flaoeoaaors loC.N IOUwM ) No. 31 West Washington Street, ATI JfWT ajtCMv en MU. FALL ARU WIKTs.U APPl Ka. KUaMKia CWRRTMTa HtKKfcUi COANOkKKIRa. 500 oo Tq BtllHKLN XKW J i wa i 1 'Js JNOTICC. HAN IffUsot' avy Flour sad lead Store at Ra M an; at Maeuatc Hall, o 0..r (i.acoey a atr-mi. 1 1. i rie4 all pani.a taaVbted u ae to rail ifr ttatety at avy Waeaaoaao, aaoiO baiawara staoo . '.owere I wu r.'i t nua ik oroia r . i.t a .j Cesaasto ., aad estue taetr ocoous aarMlm p f DR LIGHTHILL Of 34 St. Mark's Place Hew York, Aether ef "al Trrmt'P ew lri CererrA. dye . 4f . v vir rnt SECOND VISIT -TO I II VPOLIN. Tuesday, December 6th, an wili aa at th. BATES HOUSE, mm wKKk. From Dm'nbf r ith till Naiiirdaj. Hi M'mb;T 10th, inrUsivr, Where ho can be consulted on DEAFNESS, CATARRH, Dl CHtRtlES FK0N THE EIR, N ol iu the Head, and all the eari of EAR, THROAT AMD AIR PASSAGES. ,R8 LItH 1HILIÖ Popular work oi i--. ita Cauees and PreTentjon." baa lOavcbed tbe Sitth Eawtioo, aud may be ob titiued pj C irleton. 413 llroadwayl or ao? re speciabf'e Ilotikfic'ler ilirougii.'ut the eoontxy lYMimoniulw of Kinark:ibr ttrt. Among the numeroua teatimonials in his poa session, Dr Lighihill hat teiected a lew only ol those from partlea ot eaubliahed position and weil known throughout the country. rr..m tbe Home Jwurnal , Jf . Y. . Jaar ta, lfcaa j In erery luiineas or protefkaion . indeed in every department ol science or tlitt. there ia always some ackn iwleted head aome one w In. stands out m bold relief among hit fellows, tt a sort of leader In tbe studv aaal treatment of deafneso and catarrh, as ppecial diseases. Dr Lighihill, of ibis city, occupies the position above described He has devoted years of labor to this aperslity. and is oow reaping the reward ol his industry The editorial columns ot the I'ribane of a recent date bear witness to tbe Doctor's success ia tbia depaitment of mediciue We quote ibe para graph: "Crag or a Dgar Mere Louis Loewente n. a lad louneen years of ae, born in (ermauy, came to tbia cit when be waa about iwo veaia old Soon alter bis arrival here be was. taken tick ocd lost h bearing. Bv degrees lie became fir-' deaf and then damb For uearlv ten year be was a mute, unable l bear tbe loudetft voice, or t i articulate a word. About oue year ago he was placed by his pirtMits in tbe bands or Dr Light hill, who has so far eucceeded tu restoring to lum bis lost poweis ,,t ht-ariug Mid u'-lerance, that he Can converse w'tb tnoee w ho speak tu him distinct I v nod deliberatels 1 .ma; il.eo.-t i four or five months be has been under the tu ot Mr Hennecke, and has made caaaid arable . I grees in writing and arithmetic." Having been supplied witu the lad add rear, wc further iuve-tigatod the rustier, and diaeae. ered ttiat, prevtou- to calling on Dr Lvlit.'i'.l, the yoeth's case Wh considered hopelc-, and he was for two i c trs mmite of the Deaf h- d Dunrb Asylum The Kev. Jonn Nott, D. D., 1'rofe.s-or in Uoioo College; Schenectady, iu a published letter, tender- hi- gratitude to Dr. Lighihill, for treating sticeesalully bis oaaa of deatuesa Rev Fred B. Jewell, Professor ol the State Normt! School at Albany, also testi fies to having been cuted of catarrh Dr Light hill po-sesaes other te-timonials aiid tribute- to bis talent Irom some ot our wealthiest and moat l""ai'I,enl WOw reisclexj citizens, which may be seen on ur client ion il wouia lie aim. Uli to apeak in any but terms of praise of bit treat - 1 mer-t. in tbe face ot these man? proolt and facte ! . . , . . . 1 tu.lilt ii.n In lav -tilvii e. to h - lueceos TRFa OF r ATA Kit II. t ram Kev. Fretl. M. Jewrell,aPrwto sr of tti.- Mtattc nrinl H hofll Alban , n. T. Dr. Latkill: Dkar Sir Under datc of March) . 0Qt ou a carotnl -t itrmrnt of my case, its former treatinctit, oi lailuro to obtain relief 10 that di rei ii. ii,, tu resort to your treatment aod tit lieii eSrial results I have been from the winter of the rear MA, subject lo violent periodieal altacko of Catarrh, market) by strong febrile symptoms, vnileat in flammation of the lining membranes of the rati ties ot the heaiJ, accompanied in the firat tage by a watery discharge f rom tier ioe,sutMequar'' j bOOOOiloi acn.l and yellow. ud toWafdCt close of the attachaapuru lent at. I blood) Theae attack- produce.! a rooot distreaamg Ppwcieo of heailache, occurring ieriodu ally each da) tor a petiod rarviog from ooe to three oak o. satsaos times so ...lent aa to incapacitate me for boat nest and at tinea confine ate to toy bed. Ai times tbe attendant inflammation would extend to the lOetli. producing toothache; or to ihe throat, occaai miiig hoaraaoas- and p.rtial.loas of rone; aud twice within the laat few years it has at le ted the left eye a to eoofloe too lor weeks to a darkened roota. I kwd tried mvdu ines aod appliootiona of earl out kinds, souffa and other catarrhal iwpra not. ot some half m dot.-n kinds, applti an :io to Ihr head of camphor. Inger, and h.i t. t.oti-ol different kiuda, aoi ooooe lion with theae the usual emotiv or cathartics emploted lo Induce fHiOIHor at lion Uu none of tMwe bad prttduceil snv permanent improvement . and in ihe )a iuaiUiOt in at, I triUa.ral relief wa. el t .t.led it was at tha eapooa .f ao n.u. ao to leave me greatl 1 t'nder tbOOf it. utl-tatK-na I was let). iboOnh Ith relucUnea. fiom Ihe suppoes iiM urabiliti ..t the disease to make a trial ol your t train, en I (,., I ,t . betond evea mt I.. p.a raa. bin. the disease as it had never ben, teat Led Tu i , , and allovia ng 'niptotos to a i ei rnl of , , , , n.i;-.eiblo At the time I trav .,u n. l..r. i ... : ' r cefnu.ato. ornie -1,1 not If el asoufWal Oi a oet plots cure I had ..l.t..ed a material rebel win. I. nearly repaid me for ay trial ui y..ur 1 1 ea raaot, I mI "-o.fieil me tint that ireaimem was ''WOa " sRawots. redawillii iib-t hi' , a,.,, irnt , mXnrmm ,,, . ' "' ; ioiaj of nearly hall a year, and thaj in apiia of aeeerw ,r.. , illue-a hielt woald h vo loim.rn ei .iree-l soeh an attack inevitable, was, to ate. pro' of at aorital Ooaoaai Uta OOw alt m.snba otejeo I sent eaaj th.t otaiemet.t. and nur t i ut pi.-,.. M to mo to appear Ibu e-rtot .nl v . aMi mid guie, haforr the p.,'. i .-tu to mo a m ' MrT of simple juat ice to v.... i it. ,i.d n. ibosa who mav Im aiiffitin 1 ws o add ha f am IM otllv as fully sWAWBOa !. ..niitt st d efH. ! nr iiieth.Ni of treat ii . .i,ri, , VM all months atn; bat I am oaaj ,t the lie tu r thai . i . . . ii tnereia acO a UiOai aa a tare for -km leaa- larrn. m mr -aa a awgosl cor baa been eno n. l i nur, Albany. N Y . Hep rmm Kr a J tWRtt I IM" J 1 1 1 im a i k ii hl- from the Kev Jit James Church: I un Of f itluraar. Joei't. M Clarke, Rector of traa. eat , Kwb. -Ji I -4 I fare been deaf lo one ear eer tioee waa in College. ome twely voata ago Bv tbe .kill t Dr L a-btbill IU beam a- wa ootireU rettred an that now I bear alike wub both war and r d' Uist 1 i n nw mt r m u Qjuch mure and ioaa betöre oetrtedly Joaara M.