Newspaper Page Text
OA ILY SENT IN EL. ! ' ' L C I T V I T EMS. mVwy v Mn led An actf-, attentive, indottrior.s hot, from 13 to 15 ?er of age. i wanted thi office, to fold papart, run eft a ode. sweep the office, and, make himself generally aaeful 7 it QTbe price of g as is now agitating the con: muitv. , A few hnndred exrhange nap-era ran he tf i. ,rl nX rhi office ' Wo. . . : s untoaJed io oir tn.xrket Yettenity il retailed at $7 per ctmi ' We cali the attention .! our reader to o'ir hrat aemr.d t i:r 1 inn f.n.ith raaoea 'The electoral college f'r Indiana ct, vtoas te day. in the hall of the Hooe of fiept ttartaüvtt. "Thirty to en hundred bjs were veater- dty slaughtered in thi vicinity . The pr ire ntr , hundred. pHftj M ,10 ! I l.c Urn and pUwaant room., in t!.e and third stories of the Sentinel building are for rent !'..ea-ion ( an lie given im med . ate'.v Kol n Uli tf x. One hundred well inipruvcd fan For tt-irticulax. applv to PaasTox & lino. HuUoitsille, Crawford Co. Illinois. I .Hit rMadame Kujlish. at her museum, t. Washington treet, has recent I j added the rarest of corioaiUea. The great Bsjaasjswsw la-s Mower ia rtlwars on haid 'Stolworth?, North Meridian -:rrt. i- the autocrat of fashion hi th metropolis (entlc men deainn; elegant gnrir.enta -honld rill on tolworth? tTTo ruurrow a newapaper pnbliÄher' nstr: iDf will lie held at the Council Chamber in thi -it The attendance willjirobabW le l-rjf , T:d it is waiemted that somwthifig will be done MaaSMm N iir A apecia.1 meeting of t'er. ue I.-Mlpe No. -ZW, for work, will be held ibis ' Wedneda' ea-eninj at 71., o'clock. Cnaa JriJ-iiir, Secieiaijr. Mr IMMtttaj TltATKa. MwaMawWl the laat niht but three of Mr A1hiii pit? ol Klw.t. llie Druukartl In llic ter ot Mxidlcton Mi Adtma is without a iv.rsii.iNT'n VmAwi We itai! ti pmpmA U furnish extras of the 1're-ident'- tne-'-ace. on a half abeet of the Daily Nentinel, ;s etrlv as ,t ' can he received in this cilv. I i 111 jll ijf j ! , j liai copir. 'To dav thr elector:! .u ÜB coin lt;d JiduiMtn . -et in Ifidiana. will I. ..,t.. . ! out in the Imll ol the House of Hepreaentative The pnblir are invited to attend wirhont further y We wou' i tan tetlv urge upon the Sireet Conimi..ii'tier t to work on liie public tliiu- oughfares or otherwife. frequently. prcviou.-Pf, or herealter, the indefati:;ahlc mud wiil be froren and he can't scrape it Ctowds .)! tinfortunale rtt-.ti- ,-it Dra. .1 L W. Thomson's otBotlitilj, MM ire relieved of their pain and permit. nti v uretl o! their ntnl adiea, in the hortest po.--ihle tin.o See cud under old (alens' Nüd CH, ol the third page ol thia paper "-2 tf iJf'L .omi- h ageut lor the Guardian Lite ! i. -ut -ance Co . and Continental Fire Insurance Oorjn,ny, both reliable companies of the city ol New York. OHice, Hubbard s Block, corner of Washington and Meridian street, no tairs dec3 d tt "Officers and sJiers who have lost horses or other property in tbe service, should apply lor wmmmmmm throuch V. S. Parka, claim aßent. No. b Kast Washington street. Mr. rtrKs baa iiad three year it crience in the V . S. Pt? De part merit. HFOi.e of the most elegant places of report is Paradise Garden, in the north-eastern part of the city, of which our well known and respected towntman, Adam Ikttz, is the proprietor Mr Deitz sa always happy tu sec bis friends tJjThe authorities of this eit? are already preparing for another draff It behooves every c titen to report himtelt. in order that the en rollment may be in all respects correct. We. the preat American people ut tlic heroic, grand and immortal commonwealth ol Indiana, are in tor this war. and we mut see it out 'To ladies and centlenten we would re ptctfully sav that ai the establishment ot A. Lintz, next 4 m ' Ü4t Calmer House, they will find every article M- I.intx - line just suited to their purijse. Mr l.iutx uses the best ma terial and employs the m'.st capable workmen Cail on him. He sells at tbe lowest prices, and you nre certain of getting your money back. fl.adies' winter cloaks at auction, large stock latest at vie eatiucs. basiues, circles. kc, at No- T- and ""-i Kast WaahioKton street, at 9 ' . A M.. Thursday and Friday. Deccm'er Mb a; u Irth This -fock is all of good cloths and well made, and the latest stylet. This is a rare chance to et such goods at your own prices, 0 come and get bargains. Sale positive, terms ; cash. Wat. K Fi vrHtRSToN. 7 -it Auctioneer Kimovai 1 haf removed from Circle street to No 1" North l'ctinaylvani- street. Wiley's Hlock, aoiotning the bok store of Todd and Garnv.chael. and tMOoHi Odd Fellows Hall. With increased faculties for conducting business, and large additions to my stock of lad e- . mutes' and children's shoes. I aolicit t fair pro portion, of patronage. K r Mat. 1 ö KtviAtp Stolen from my stabic. on Friday aliernoon. De ember u hiack and tan slut pup, about three moid ha old; had on a ItMh er collar wtth a ring attached to il; sboi . tail, and ears trimmed, answers to the name of w". I will pay $. for ihe pup. and $o for the puo and thiel J. 15. BCIXITaVi, i. vers Stahle, M No Ii BtOt l'earl treet A RrmV rot PILE It is t bletsin; to the - a- a.,- Kr an efT-tiiil .-ore tiering to know that we have an eneetuai t ure r thia truly troublesome d:seae Ur. J . r. suffer tor Maztrdc. ol lh4 Second treet. Cincinnati, wtiio, takes great pleaaurt in informing all who are autVenng with pile that he used a sm üi qaaotity of Dr Strickland's Tile Remedy, and it effected a permanent cure I'his seems to be the care with all who make use of t'os -rltndid prerwra tion It is manutactuml .it No 0 East Fourth atreet. Cineiiinat;. Oh;-. and .4.d t.v all di - - aaw 'i'-i.'i S M' late of McKert, iti Hill, and James Frank, late anh Me freer r len. have er teres! into eo-pirt nenihip to rarrv on UM Real K-tite and Claim botinet, under the style McKcmau Frank, t No MW V,,? Waahington -'rett. next door east of the IV;. n. 1 House, up statt?. All aho have propertv in sou !d do well to ieive it :lh them, and wt'htnc to nujoha-e will find Urce list ! dtsurable property to choose from They will give the collection of all kirds of c ..m- i.i.-t the governtnent special attention Call and see there 1 fit $0ot KtWAiD Taken by mh-te cr sden from the cars. 00 the Reilefontaine tailrotd. on Saturday. December 3d. 164. on the trip from ! Creatltne to Indianarxdis. in tbe vicinity of 1 j uey. Ohio, a larc Rtttia leather tali, eoa ! ' ng a 1 itft amount ol 31 . k. rcveiiUtr -' 1 11 -and liuaole papers, belonging to the under- tigued The stocks and papers rs.n .! 1.0 1 use to auy one. as proper t.otice baa been given tu i.i er,: - Ai y ot.i rft.r u tiar the saint M me at the ofHre of the C'tiietV Street Rvtway Co , in lodianaiMjlis. will receive the alxee re ward tod notjue - s-nM K B. CATBtawoon Indianapolis, lud , December otb . l?t4 dec!-d6i u military commission Thiri,.i,h Day's Promdinirs. The Tetiiuom ronrludrd. ARGUMENT COMMENCED. YeierdaT. Hon Jonathan W. Gordon opened the argument for the deferiM potrerfollr. The learned attorney qaotel Lrd Coke, and all pre vious and Htoquent Jawten and ititernfn it , guinjr nv'iin'i the jurisdiction of the court. fie- fore the honorable? gentleman got through the : adjourned nnt I1 o'clock to dw ITr.n .1. R. CotTroth will follow Major Orrlon . aw - i-yiVrs": inMtei to u mill please call and -eule with our mk keeper. T L Holbrook 2l Im .1 nr'Oj A' Fi xkhoi i a. AMUSEMENTS. METROPOLITAN TBE1TRE. Cmrnrrnf Yahtnjto "Slwnsigrr and Ten newt St net a Mr. W . II. liH. . We.RPsday Evening, December 7th, lr. RIWI! VDAMS. I II I II H 1 k A U II a i'mCKS r AttaiMMoi. lr-- C irr Irr ml faruuet le, 5 ! . Private Ikxes, for persons, f U0; Orcbeatra ' K. at. 7 c t.; oa'.lery an ! Family Circle, V cent; Childreti in srni... 1.; all reerel eat 75c. loor opeti ft' a quarter t 7 o'clock. Performance ; ffamencea at o'clock precUelv. PAHTICt L R SOTICK. Tne Hre Car leave the j Theater every evening at the clua of the performance . People livlQ a' a dtntance cau rely ou tu; . EDUCATIONAL. ST. AGNES HALL, TERRE HAUTE, INO., Protealanl Ei4'0til Srliool ti- Votinc Liulif s. T ill. ll iir tF fT. Ai.XtS 1I.VI.I. W1U. BK r. Miii alter Christmas vacation, 'ii Thurlay, January tli, Isa.. and the Corporation de-ire to call t attention f reTil end ianlinx to the -t:j.-rltT facili ties for a rwmph-ie and thorough education jMe .d.ted by thi chocl. Tli- lijrain::i i !uit laeaJliirnl. ml tt- -i.- f iU (lit!, iu tlie mldat of ornamental round, ciyl.t and a hSaf acre- iu nJent, met beautiful ami attractive. The building are bandaoru and commodious heated through out by -team, and combining all tke feature reui-nr for the health aud cumfert the pupil. Hi- ttttrac lion i- practical und thorough, and, fonrte- n in immler. li-tmno ,-b. l Ur ability and experience The l'hilo--- phical and Ckeinlcal apparatus t varied awd evten-i hJcotiipri-e Miotig others i. alutble'-cope, Tr- eaeopi and ElevHcaf Machine. The aaoet etenant ä Jlibmeiita ..r Jfii-ic, I'aintinK, Drawing, KmbrT-tr v. Ac. r.-eeire especial attrttl'm 1h itl-arlpllne U Mm. arid paremd. It heing the prin- - 1 ..ik.. than 1 . . 1 1 ) t r 1 1 . 1. r ' C" - wrens. Ttrios '.h per y ir for huardmjaiid Itllk; st- tra for muir, payable half yearly in advance. For circulars ami ir '.n mation dtrea UKOMQF HKKbK h I , li. A.. decT-dWH;.j Ussier ol the Hall FAIR AND FESTIVAL. HK 1UTH Pi;K.sYTKRIAN CHl'RCH tt.EK.MAN . 1 1 l. il - f.: I L. . ' w.u uw.u a ran 1111 rr.-utai .i j..ii ni, ui- I n . ... l . I a - . . '. . aii'liCinit on rimay. iH-cmoer i,M, ai uimii, mini in;. citixt-ti can sei all tbe Holiday l'reetit they may ! ! at fair jiru-.. oy- . .c co i, Ht cu--.-. l' a.M ad Crepi At. Ticket- ol a ini-si' ji -j ceut-. Fuiuily lieWt.- cHAki.Kt i v uat. N, na. decTdtd CH4BL1I WEHLlMi, Sec. Tin: INDIANAPOLIS NATIONAL BANK. Fiiasaaa:iaal m taaal PoigawMtlsl Depository of th I ititesl Mal. AUTHOR1ZCD CAPtTAl 'ASH I AIMTAI. PAID IX l.OOO.OvO aonn,nMi IT"!!-!-, receive ul-crip!inr. -, a- financial ac nt of the Government, for all of its popular loans ill collect Rdld interest on retri-fered nnd roupmi bond.- on the most liberal t-rin. Currency h u- i i-i ' ii presentation when due. Always on hand a full upply of h. S. revenue ataoip, for ale at the reirnlar discoiini. - W III boy an! -ell all government M-curitie. orier- oti Wasbiiipton, coin and exchange in all the principal cit ies. Will make collections throughout tbe Weat and Kat -y r'.isinat'le ra:e Will receive deposit, an loa., m rev at I pi i o ut., , , . I ... ...... ; on cood security HavinK utdimited faciliib '. adi tran-act all kinds tf hanking husinea on fair term- and with the utmoit prowiptues. THKO. V HAl UUKY. FW IBG SAH FLFTCIIEU. Cashier Indianapolis, December 3, 1S64. dec4-d'Jm n ImMMimm AND STRICKLAND'S Anti-Cholera Mixture! i S A COMPOSITION Or ASTKINlil NTS, ABSoHh- nta, atimnlents au t rarminauwe, u hieb every ph.. -.iian acknowiedirea ta täte only preparation that win ' tat jermanent cure of TMarrhea and Dy-entery. Thi Anti-Cholera lliture is now in use in -everal of our arm no-pitale where it gives the grcate-t ati -faction It br : eaved the lives of tb uat.ds of our soldiers and ciilen aud we will gtarantee it to be the beat remedy id the worlt for LHarrhea and Dysentery. . Mr. Woods, of Covington, Ky., will be ino-t happy to tify any one of the virtue of Strickland's A nti -Cholera I Miature; iu fact w have a great camber of testimouiala I ' from patients who have been cured sfter heitig pro inrri lucurable by their physicians, aome after tak'i obIt one hottle of Strickland's Anti-Cholera .Vlxtore. If I M suffrr with the lHarrbea or üy-entery try on bottle SOLDIERS ! rjYou ought not to be without such a ratathat metticine. Tbe Cuicinuati National Union, of April S4th, a that tiivnsaDds i f our aoldiera have been sated hy tbt ue of Strickland's TLnli-Cholera Mixture. SoUi y Druggists and prepared only by Dr. A. S nek land.t Ka-t to-mh street, Cincinnati, o. For ala by W. 1. Haskit 4 Co., Browning 4 Sloan, Mtwmn k M, j t tte.onr.Tom:in-or A Cox. Kgnet 4 wacher. Price SO cents per bottle ru a-1 ? - d li" e ttal w 1 j rBICKLA 1'K MELLIFLUOUS CXÜGfl BALSAM Sl Rg? Coughs, Co!, tore Throat, Asthma, and CiNinnuiIni It only necstrr for any t trouble! wttn tbae eomplainta to try ane'ttTle ot - . a a .1 irr. otncKlRiiQ 8 Melhflnoiig Uongn flllfinm fotVJtvttta tteiatbat tt I the beat preparatitn ever aii a tt a-ot eaatyoarea tt above, atWtie. the throat and iunga, hut .t eure Jtigbt Sweat- at.d spitting of ttaVatw t an cwtdeiu itar.e for any kind ef s---e Tt-roat. It la i.ifi-M i.. -a'.- Iat ia(act-k PrkejtctLU perhdUk. far aak erallv. 4rn- Wut aal Vy W. I. Uaka X Ca.. Srvi a ttata ttewart t Marfan, Tew a Cat. J f taajowr and Iftitr 4 W otter tsar dlyfdt.i. Telegraphic Dispatches. :THH t rifn TiT(rnTii f or lornlni Report nee rti it Hi MIDNIGHT RKPORT. GENERAL NEWS. 06Ntt8 ItSSlOlf AX. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR, Tho Port Master General's Report OOLD CLOSED AT 0,3. Mm Ac. Ar . .. Nr i ocK, DtX'emher The report of the Secretare of the X.w sivow. the Cni.e.i Stale Nary, Dec 1, 1S64, to consi-t of 671 resel, h,iin; . ,n,,n. I r.l.1IT rarre.n., IfilO ar w tvuiiav v www-y v.m " . r. . löljo .... 4ifd Ibi jinii-. -.u e lccenjer 1-b.l. I be re- i , , .ii ,l - i j eU constructed lor the ni?r smce March 4,j MM, number SH. carrtinir 1,01 pottat I counting thoee which hare beert conatru-tcd run- I i. ere l.a f ern ait ;:x rea-e vr.-t ,, rithio the tame. pericd aid lost in battle or hy shipwreik. The officers and men now on dutv ' number 51,000 officer , fi.OOO rtmt. 1Ö.00Ö. ; There are in .-quadroti, on duty, in the West (iilf. Admiral Parragut ; Ent Gulf, ätribliu: South Atlantic. Ishltren: North Atlantic. Por ter: Mississippi, I. re; Pacific. Pearson; Potomnc Plotilla, Parket. The Ve-f India juadrou, a an organization, has been discontinued The -onauniption in thentvv lat vetr ri aKnt .V).. MM fite blockade cateuds tlotaj Iba co iat iti hue of 3.54'J mile.-, a greater leneih tinttt the whole roast of Kurope, Irom Cine Trafalgar to Cunt X.-.rth. The iron clad tlee! hai cen iicreaed u "I vteels They carrr -'T." uns II ot heavj marnl The in. tuei ol LH tea 'lut ing the t ear wis 124. r.igniy-eigui t: inwo teio siouiner.- rlie gross proceeds from - ,ic-01 concfemned pit asm 04,393 ,j0, and the asptseea l.--:tT.i.":t were Tlie balance af $i:i.r.h,-ll & tiiv:del eijuilly tweett tic captors prix: nioncv mid the yov einmeiit at a naval pension fund. The 'rv .j ktrtaMnt ii cost '330.647.lil in four year Ol too i:ic; tie, 4'.133.29"J were expended last year. The jv tittblf resor.rres ir m th m cal year ending Juuo .'!. lJt. me y39JH9,w37. The lialauce in hand :t the Ucjinning ol the ti- cnl uv.r w;ts jMjwnjt M: Willes eologi ' t,-, ,mj( iq yf the navv . . . . . ., ,. '. ml c.r w:ts 30j8S334, es noon the aauslactor. at d i oiuuit'ud.s itei oUcSWiS I h.i sustaining t l.-tiijlihe and ofliciency, an adverts with emphssi- t the eitraordtnary growth ol tne service since tho uit year at Hie w,tr He coiiieinl- tint tue hlockadf ol the pun t W ilminboi is more rlirTicult thsn any other ut the i oa-i of ihe I'nitel St ites. in I the navv is ready to attack Wilmington a a soon a 'l.ptc is t lau! force to co operate Tiic withdr ia'al of lare portion ol our l ind forces ft oin the island in Charleston haib r had necessarily put sop to serious denion.-tr.itions against Charleston, and threw upon the inm t lad fleet i he burilgfe ol ItJjaruhj um safety of the -r und tetitn the lutixir Rear Admit ii I);lb.'reti ha- kept theo; vessels where dmiral Dnpotit and others -aid fhe OOwl I not e kepi for seventeen mouth The destructiou of the ivr.itc Alihimi is I ludcd to at length . but no cxplm .lion of the caottre ni the Florida is "iven. I e rom eia York . 'r.w Vcadt, Pvrewstier 6. Tbe ttrsttfr Cot t Rica, from Aspinw I! the 6th hlsaitifid. Nothinj further transpired with rafard to the rebel cootpirtcv to r:ipture the Central Ameii can and Califoriii:i t-e:miers. The prisoners nrcstiil on board UM fitaWathrr. ibe goitriiuicni ol llie uu ot lauanri hattioi refuel to ps-s litem over the Isthmus. The t'tpt. of the Lancaster and a crew 01 1 1 men lelt ou ihe (iustamala M the r2jt Ii foe Ceti tral American ports with the expectation of cap turing some of the escaped pirates known to he on the e04 The report of the Secretary of ihe Trea-ury i vorv lengthy, and has leeu icceived. by tt!" graph this tf ening III great length has pie eluded in eorly wyaopsta being ni .de One arill ' be sent a.- soon as Bade Thejsteamer Cartfoftiit, irom Hilton Head via I Follv l?Und reports a side wheel biockadt run ner was run into Charlestnti Harbor on tbe nigid , f il i a e a a. of the 1st b on? of our gunboats. The captain and pilot ct t-ed ihe crew were es pin ret . The iet of i'o -1 in ! i (irneral'k Urpurl. Nkw ToKSi DtewaWbtt C The Postmaster t ieneralV report is a COMjpf tbetlft !ocumeii:. containing numerous tatitics ol iniere-t to the : .M.iet Tbe (Hi-tai f ".:' t-!,'-v foribevear ending . tlie.Hhh ol Jur-e i,t we.e $l?-l,:iS-?..ri:i7 sr,d t!ie expenditures of thi- depattnu-t : during ilie same period were .i 1'2G 47. t'-jO, -h' wing an .x cess tftSMftH M (Jen (irant exprestet brawStJf tttitHtw with ti e workitig ofthe pottoffiee tirtwKtateota ta the ta- rious armies I r win t .iii inn ion . Washington. December Ü. The Staate dav eoritirmed the iiorain ttion A Sildinn ii r. Chase as Chief Justice of the Cr.iteii States. Iu the Sxiprcme Court the nominations of Jas. Sjietil as Attorney General ai, l Wm Qtaniton aa I'ostraister Oenem! were rc' iivfd hut r.vt uctetl upon.' WWII! C0M,RKSS---1 SKSSION, SEKATE WaMiir.oTo.s , Decemliei li Ihe Stinte uict .it the regular hour, Mr Clark, President pro teni , in the chair. Mr. Foote, in behalf of the committee apooint ed yestcrtlay to wait on the I'rerider.t. reported that the committee had pcrlormed it- duty, and that the President would sen I it. his message to both houses at 1 o'clock. Bills being called for. tad none heitig oflSaTCal, the Senate, on motion of Mr Sumner. to.k .t recess till 1 o'clock The Senate rcs-enil!e i i' 1 o'c! W this af ternoon The me-.-;i0e il the i'l ciea:.: a is id i iv Mr. .lohn V Forney. Secretary of the Senate. On motion of Mr Sherman it vl ordered tha' the usual number of copies of the BMtMgt bt printed. Report Com ihe Secroktry 01 he Trct-;.r and Niv ac.e received ami laid upon the table M' Sumner, by nuanimous consent, ititr. iiu td the fallow law, which was adopted Resolved, Thai the President of the United I it he re;uestei. il iu bis opinion not incon siatcnt with the public irtercf, to furnish the Senate with auv i itormition in posseesioa of the DtpafMMtii ol Sute concerioiig tnv proposi'io;: or overture recently node by rttih snbjec's ,n aid of the rebei'ion Ti;e Senate ilien went into tSCCtatite se--i" , aher wltich it adjourned. H0UÜE Mr Wa-hbume, of Illinois, irorn the commit tec appointed to wait on the PjMtMtttt, rtpoiie that the Utter would send in hi- meswige at 1 , o'clock. Comiuittte wert callel for report, but bom ware made Mr "--f iei;-. . 1 r cniijiylvania, 01 pursuance ot notice, introduced aThil to pr. id t iheetporta- tiun of itohl an I til raw coin. Mr Sttvtot auto iiunnlucesl a hi!! to net vent in-j paid .t accepted I '" 1 greater vaiue than tbwir real or current . aalrM, and fm rim than : - ec tied Refened to itti ootumittce of ttN aud means. Ou Djoiioi. ut Mi. opauldin, ut Ohio, i; n.i-re-oived that the committee on the conduct i the war inquire into the losses iu the Red river eipedit'ou under Oeo. Banks, and io report at their earliest rmr venience Mr. Julian, ut Indiana, introduced a bill pro- viaiipf th oath ol Loyalty to all ptftpp pratiting law io tnv of tjit declared to he in r h-Hion SÄ ,ÄIÄ?;TMÖREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. w a - rere the H i'.c The meage and aerompany.:-- korniRen i. were referred to Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed. Mr Steten moved that 4,000 extra copies of nid menage he printed for the rise of mem ber, of the HoiMr Referred to Tormnittee on ll.t i:r ike; . oj COUaCLi, iu id be lore the Iione the annual report ot the becretary of the Tres-urr. of the täte of the finances of Ibe countrv. which a -as referred to the Committee of Wt and Means, ar.d ordered to be printed. The House then, at '2 P.M., ndjonrr.ed COMMERCIAL. tuti tr. iiK innali 'l.trt,. I, Cixoisati, Deceuthcr ti Klour .h.'l und in liirht demind sunerior .W. ' " - "O , " ( 1 $:-:.. ale were made at $9 IW : extrs. Whe,' Iran: rcl fr 0t(gi 0."; au i white $2 ' (t'2'.W. Corn MsJssBSlfed -t fl for ne nr. md old .. : I au firmer at esse. 1 A I . ' , , . i -r t J du,j J f"r n i, ' i ... lV.ODI (Ulft; little done; ICf MSJSSMJ j toe- prk IMhir.'i: (M: prime mes 34 00; buik mrtt. favorahly cured, tor ahoul- . , n-iai-. f . ' , ,r der and lb417c ir le: trreen hams lb , . .. ,. JSSsT? 1 Hml JLK Miu, 1 1 (MMi tor th. Hu. unchanged : lectipu 11,000; lor the week :T.0(rli; 0NI Ilm ror.ige. Sgl held at, ii i ou. (Jo'.d U'i. Sac; J15V Ki' htnge dull at 's discotrut and par. aw Vark Market Ntw Yoaa, Decent oci G Cotton heavy, il JT,1 iivt middliiij Plour State and Vetem 5(tlte belter ; D röy j fur ctra Sute; $11 00(0)11 SJ tor common to good shipping brands extra round hoop Ohio and l".' for trade bratait, market cloing quiet. Whiskj irregular aim uu-ctilcd at $1 !IJ 1 !." for western, and clo.-ing at $1 IM). Wheat opened l2r better and closed dull ; Chicago Spring $! 349 95; N'. slo rfiV; atabci Michitran, $"2 . e Uhrley dulUt 41 1)3(3 1 ÜU Corn dull ;uri nominal : mixei nc -tcrn i , ..I st$i 1MJ in voir m-1 if deliveretl, the latter :! outsiiio price. Oat- dcccleillv more at-fite and linnet, and t hxed dull with improvement partially !-t ; oiiufyrfc ; 41 0001 M for -nte aid i 09e 1 lij for westfrn Cofftt very firm. Sujiar lirm; Muscovado 1SA90; Porto Bioo, 4i25c ; Cuba lbl.a(.a00c; Htvan t 'Xk. Moi.i-.ts lirm : Muscovado, t"Sc. PctevteWaW Crude easier nt 48049c; tetincd in bond, lit rn, (iUc ; refinetl free, (jnoted tt i "rtllKIc. ool uiet Pork firmer ; yi'2, lor'J year oM uie. 75(uri4 ."d for one year old cash and tegular way; tJetttg rather heavy at 1Ü14 ;"0. regular, $.12 SO foi r t:ine. an i 'M UOfd.'lC TiU tor new piimo me-. Ieef rather steady, with moJeiaie demand ; lU(d;l"2c for rness ; '2ltf23 for new plain mess ; 23 (a vi. for new mess. P.eef hams steady. )re--e 1 hogs in moderate demand at I lii'gC for western. City Lud latbet linnet 1 il K,(u23c. flutter steady with a lair demand at .'i"0Mvc t )i Ohio, and 44041 for State. Cbeosc more active nt 1 lr?'.Va Im common to oriae :W VOttK MONF.Y MARKEf. Nv.w VoKii, December ti. Money tat at Gy7 per cent., ciiierly at bji si'le figure hr call iosi s, Stet ling dull .! 1IMJ. OwU litmer, opening at '11HJ, advancing to m, deoMojOf to Bt, MtroiiclBg to ,W.j,wd rlosing at 2.12M (jold to night opened at iliH), and Min e quoted at 'Si'J. I heieis irte.u cxeiieiueiu at the Bve ning Fxcbange. MEDICAL. A SURE CURE! r ( I TtVRR1 - daw eart of this dutres't p s -a hj i te n i : DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. liead wlial a -uflerer says: Mr. J. V. Maaarde, 164 Second street, Cinctenati. O. as be lias been a dreadful sufferer with IMlei. for a l.t , tin.e, ai.d tia tried tiearly evenrtklM, and conld ohtalu no rt ilef. He ued about one-fonrtb of a pot of D Strickland'a Pile Ointaient, anffit made a complete cur Eh" tielatl every one aufferi&g to try it. Hold ty all Druggi-ts at 0 rente per pet. Manufaciare jit No. t Ka.-t Fourth street. Cincinnati. O. Akfr Strickland' nit Remedy. For nie hy W. I. Flaskit 4 Co., Rrownii.? 4 Sioai Stewart 4 21organ, J. f. i ikUtVaaMatttwta 4 Cox anrt Fgner t TTtieher. mar?-llyeo1tly Galen's Head Dispensary alaablialifd 111 K.0 wild liarlrn it hy llie l.cginlntu re of Kentucky, for um treatment of f;.V.ffa And at! After or the Crinary an or both Sear. era five Orcai a st rcin.isHF.D. I'lt II Mtl'l' II THE I IM o ,N VKSKItEAl. DISKA.SKS. including Got:orhoa. Gieet. typhilis, stricture, Oravei. Stoat, Ruptures, Piles, Fistula, Urinary Deposit, and all LH-eae- of the Kidnej s,Blsdder,rrosrate Glata, ai.d Scvinai Ve.-iclea, and tliear treatment, including a chapter on nOf ALI DISKA8KS. wrth aervatious on marriage and the preveutin f conception c'. :i taioing a Treatire on Self Aiw-e, permafoTrhea, Sexual atn! r v..uIbility, llarrenness ami im potence In both eves; tU- effects of tbe-e di-ea-e- on the body and mind, and the Author's New Treetment ..f all tlttM caaes in full, the only huccesaful Biet hod of cure, aith an expoaition of Quackery. Tbiswork is not a quack advertisement, buf a warning ard a guide fyr marrird and single. It is the only book that give- the treatment of all the above di--ae it plain with t-ili '. r--. : - - --If-tfatrnt. aul cr.- - m ich viki1 le üif..riaai'.oii not proper to mention It a public notice. The wrk contains awl page a, and 100 plates and r i rra ngs t.f the above di.-ae. Sen; tu auj astdreaa In a aealed wrai per. oa receipt of one dc Mar Tho-e afMcttd with any t f the above diseee. Wfort nlacitag themselves ande- the treatniTt f any otie, ihaatld trat rad thtw work. 0FF1CK 31 fifth treet, U tween Market and Jaffer vn, wet si'le. T 'nsure afe?v :i : ter-. direct to 04UUt'l MFAn 1M8FÄÄSAET e- U", Loo1ville. Kj. o4-4-t4-d4w $10 TO $20 A DAY. Kjm WaVafllll TO F.M. Tfff. IMPIOVEL LITTLK t.lAM sKWIÜti MACHINE The heM cheap Machine m tbe Cuited State. We are giving a (orai-iina by which the above wage caa be made, or we willeaaploy agents at f75 a month and e.Tper-e. j,a;" For particulars md trrm addae. with Utnp, t T. t. PAGK. Geaoral Ageut, Toledo, Olno FOR SALE. OR SALK. -UT bWFLUX; HOl'SE AJaUOlFlCX Persuete arlaaane; to porch a pi rase call at any . C. r . Sott S-cth Urtica itre: Jr-ttf DR I H-IWABn SPECIAL NOTICES U J MF n.AKKE S Celebrated Female Pills. PROTECTED LETTERS pCa PATENT! BY ROYAL MjJaffW? Prtpnre wwrfr mfmrJ ' Piwitt KHr.rfinnnjt ths Thi invaluable ardfc- n Im ammtrtax hi the ear of all those painful and dangerwis dfeettes le hieb the fe wale rocutiiatlra U subject, li eaoderate olw4rrti. anl a peedv rat' mr he rrlvd on. to n iititn:n i. in it K pcalitrlr aaited. It will ia a hon tin.e hrne ' ! the mca:blj period with reactartv wpnw-me .r, ouraafDi Far,. loti ia, pr f ik 11 i . t - . . . . . p w "r"' or,,3,m-,w 4 l TIO. i 7k i'W 1 ,.!. i hiring tl,e FIRS1 THREE M" 'l ', ,- . . ... the; ' " '' ' 'J ' V. ',. . A' .'f ..Xr fw.o- " In all ra-c- f rva and S1(;n .1 AfTvctioi.-, Pawi n thr Bark aial Uuib, Fatiaie on tight extrtn, Palpita- ii-n of the fifa-t. Ilrstric and White. thee Pill ssiH I effect a err Wim a'l iKher m"an- have tailed; and, al- I thouch a powerful rfrurdy, Jo not outaiu in n, calonrl aatinieny. or anvtbiii: knrtful te the coeMt Motion. ItsHtfcrecUona in the pantphlet aroutxl eark pvkae, which shotild oc c.i f . 1 : v p:e.ierM. ar eoi i ar am i. rRn;t; rs SoJt AfjeuL for the Uaiied States aud Canada, JOn MOSS... CortlandiSt.. New York. X. p. 1 ti aiid 6 pi-uo tuain iicl.ed to any ai -thoned A?ent will insure a h..t tie, coutainibr S6 Pille hy return niatl. flec' det.twlr AN IMPERIAL CROWN Is a mere haul le, but the crown of beauty, conferred ou the head which nature bas neglected to embellish, or time has robbed of it native hue, hy KiTi4KO' Him ovi:: IIKrviX.H ITS DARK l-USTRK TO THE CLOSE OF LIFE. PEERLESS A MOM; THOI sTnDS ' ufl'rePa; ! " -A '' I In?, tan"! C riwfai.oro Hair PrMi v:itivr, a valuable adjuuet to the Dye, in !rt--.-:n and pronioting theurowtb 4i:d perfe t health of the hair, and of Itself, whi n urd alone, a afee;aart that protects the tlbrei iroin r'vaj i;im r au n a i a a a . l'.l.ilü'f- am! .iiuli-r all 'maa !aiiuractar-i !j J. CRIST.VDORO, Rtl -tor ItfUti NfwYork. Sold by all IlrtiKi-t. Applied hy all Hair Hrectera. B) CP 8 OLD I 8 R B WE THINK DB Strickland i quitr rit;ht in advising you ia hla adverti-e m t in ourcoliirun of to-day's papei ,tu lake a bottl. of LI highly recomui.-tided Anti-Cholera llixtare in youi knapsacks, it may save the lives of many of ur bei oldier. Mothers, -re that your ons do not tiff leet Tor. can eet it at he Tirug Stores at .'0 cent er .ot:U It is ibe be-t remedy for Diarrhtra and Dy&enttry. march7-dlyeo!4wly 0TD I S B A8ES OF THE NKRVors Seminal, Urinary ami Sexual Sy-tm new ami reliable treatment-iu Ucports r.r the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Set t hy jnail in ealed !etter et, elopes free 'fcharge. Ad.lresB Ü. J. SKll.l.'N HOL B 1 1 ON, Hnmn! --oeta-tion, Jto. 3 South Rati Street, Philadelphia Fa. r...uiu-ii4aly ifTMvous naamiYa sicminal Wcalcur c.c, .tu 1 y i.e who baa realty cured uim -elf and hundru . of oih. r, aad will tell y tfthtng Hat the tmtk. Address with tamp. r.HWAKl) II. TKAVKR, feb.i-düwly lck Box. Rosion, Maa. MEDICAL. ROE ACK S BITTERS r.RKF.NBACKS ARK t;roi), BOT Wt&mjäA "HS HKTTKH. STOMACU IlirirhS. Ten thonxa.'xl bottles aold in oue month- The moat papular tniacb bitter-, in ae. ft HOHACK'S BITTKkS. Ö':oi for r II l-rai!jtem' nt or the Stomach, BiUoosnc. Uvea Btttplatatand general debility. HOHACK'S HITTKRS. Tlieyposaes-nonderf-iltn-dc mi i I ii - - . A V. . (.. appeiiteand dlgeatlTe orfjtwa. ItOBCK'S ltlTTFRS. OebilitäTed La4taaa4 edeo tary persons will find in tbers an '..cellenl tonic. ROBACK'S r. ITT KItS. A ine gla.-.-ful before each meal will remove indigeFtton and all liver iliseaaes. ROB AC KU BITTERS. Tber are better than all PUN. H dr- and oth.rr iiaijsi'ou-, di.-agrcf-.ibie coumouLds. W KOKAikS ISIXII.K. They can ha taken aiihotl regard to 4 et. As an appetiier tln-y hav.- aaeqnat. KOISAC K' UTTfittwV Tliey are prepared hy an old aad killfal pby-kian from well-known vegetable n-medies. KOUKK'S BITTi:iCS. Wherever faMatni they StwS beefw .tajidard faaailf j atreuatbewing remedy. ItOlt A4 K ki i 1 1: ks ill always u-e th'-m and rt- KIT H KS. ( Try one and vou a ' commetidrtheia to other KORAIK'S u . MOK ACK . . C sole I'roprii-tor. And compounder of Stomach Bitters, Blood Purifier an! Blood Pills, and Wstlller and manufacturer of Catawba . and Swedi-h Brandies, and all kinds of the finest domes, tic tiqnors, which are sold wholesale or in any desire.1 , quantity, at !Co..66, SO and 82 Kast Third street, Cin cinnati, 0. Fr ale by Iirutrcists a::1 De-!er in Medicine every where, and Vv Hr'wninjt a Sb-aa, .1 . B. Vlckers and VV. . Ha kit A- Fl .Ittllrtaf lafll may2 wly&dtaw " AGENTS WANTED. S- ja A Vlo I II I warn Ageuta eieijwnwee f J at sjTu a tuotiiu, priir. j,.1:.. ?. tell ' T" At '.-, I h be-, -!';-'...-oflered. Full particular- ere. Ahire-, OTle T. ( . AKRT. nnvlO-aarwam TU'Mea'.aw. Maine. SATIN A lioatir REVISED STATUTES! or llillrUs Socoud Edition. IHK SECOND EDITION OF OAVJH ft Rord'- Svi-ed tta!a:ea of Indiana U n w ready fr delivery. Both volumes have been carefully reviawt au.1 ali errors corrected. There ia added to tho j. ' volume an appen'tix of aver two b a mire I page, cn UiLiTn th act-pa--i d a! toe regular audcaiied eaiona fl c LerMatore of 1061 . awd at the regular aeaaiwn af 1313, with a fail battx. This, ediiiaa wiil tncroa-e the value or tha k. aa 1: will contain all til tat UV) of the Slate aow in force. The ern vo na all tho acta upon the subject a to which it ex i tao-e of lata, and the amn1meDts Blue a, that e -.en are aoied in the uarann af tnat volume. Tbe-s amended act, luwntr, wil! 1 foard ia the Supplement. voll Prra Dm f etawet! TL .avT, C! taming the aus of the re-ul - aad caUaal acaaioB- at the LgUUiure af I Ml. aa1 1 ragular -e,iion of I 3. with a complete index, axreaaTa voicatx. b.ud in leather. In the same - the other vainmaw, v aus wuere To- Ordia far either vuiumo of th Itaiuoa, r receive pampt an ami law. Adureai J. J BIM.HA1. tntli dtrwtf Imwlnnnpaii . wl GSM B y- DRY COODS. I m m a o o pq 9 t I o 13 H !! 'm s or o DC a - 5 I Ü eJ S oo ü o - CO c C3 - w- 0 2 e b H & a? a - 5 M s OB as ü ao O o 3 1 H I ! .2 DRY COODS. CLOSING OUT SALES -AT TMK- Trade Palace WEST WASHINGTON ST., HUME. LORD & VO. WUIH1KG TO KXTtll h KOH MDittaKia NOW offer tbrir large aiol i.len.!;.'. at'-k of koomI- worth $100,000! At ta York wholesale price-, and many gawds much less. Keeling under obligation to the public far tbt very large patronage Wt bave received, we have roueluleit to alopt tbis metlio-l f closing out our present stock, there by giving them the advantage of buying their gooda aa low as the same can )e bought at net whole-ale prices io Kastern citie. TUia is ao tictiteus cry, and we will con tinue tbe sales until the wbolt tack is tltati tot. We have new io store tb largest and tttl tfttttti srock everbroae;ht to this city , ronaiating of 141,000 I L K S, r grade, Croat the aat 'itlv and Worth of Comprising : ''eanutul AfXUlA VJ XXllWlUUUO i a I :To therheape! j PLAIN SILKS AM). SATINS, Which will be vtnets. -o'd regardleas wf tbe recept great ad la (leaf variety. Oar buyer being at the head of the ; market during the princ, ha- ava extra effort- to pra- cura the nnent and aio-t ta-hional.le m the market, com prising all tbt late atiii rVc"-?l titp.. MERRIMAC PRINTS, SPRAGUES PiUDTre, PACIFIC PRINTS, AMERICAN PRINTS, I )U.NELI PRINTS, DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, HOSIERY. (JLOVES. E M B R 0 II) E U I ES. HUME, LORD & GO. iMim roi.i il inai Jt-dtf RENOV ATERS. CLEANING ANO DYEING ESTABLISHMENT t :ir UMTKH8TATE I)T Illinois street. Iiatiianap! Hoi'tr. rtti sstot'TH Indiaaa. laoliahmarrt, the iadiea iiia 4l aad wrtl-kiMsam . -ilk- a- a anwlfn g .-odi dyed In permanent awd Vatiful colors: aad gerr' garments taoronghly renova- ppi repa rei. 5ew and econd-hand rloth'ng b -nght and M, na... apatmwiar vrancb iu thebdalne- dein.m t.ate.1 fine ilraw ieaag htllla dtnbio cloth, or tear in any garmaat can bo ao wrought ttat it rae not be vialble to I aked eye -"he plate, No 2s twwtfe IBItwtl Btlttl J04KPH HARBJ.Praprietor. CLUE. GLUE! GLUE! GLUE! ItOBEKT S4tlCKa, GLUE MANUFACTURER, I'RBAX A. OHIO, Line for VntM öL' ' " TAKEN UP. TAKKX IT by law aahacrHwr, aboat tao 2Sth of Oc tottr laai. on Blact lems. shoet years old, 15 . aatdo high, aad had ow a saddle aad Dndle. Tha owner can have him try cal Nag and payty cJaaraea. 2 81 - 555 n n inn sa IT tenth Ma a afa atraat REAL ESTATE. FA1M8 HÖTfiSSB o t e FOR SALE BY WILMA ft LOVE Office Tfslhott k Ni Block A F A Ii M KS Ml rr. im ffeetfcr maalr. mUh RS of water. TW laaal la eg taw flaa aastat later, tli it aaQi from WaMerw. awal can he baa at a naiaaf A PAH M with 'mm stafciittl 1Mb Watrt '? f ami 'tear CUverdale. Far aal cheap. A FAR !V1 cf ltt acres in Mad. -eg Uaair, le twlea rest i mm te acre faya and ndr food rwaee. Ire, Hon-, Bam. Orr ha ml of rmtr frail, Valan got tlBihe' a hartaln. A F A R M Of ew Acre, within aii m - of the dty, arilh , au-r. nam, a- , and woe at county ; Um eae ttilt tf ttiftt 1 NKW FR4NE HOI SK On Nortb Tei'-ee tfwet. tVeen Well.fJeatern, Ir Cel. a 4 m:u i ic 'ii. not On North Kew Jersey aireet, with Hit Keatss, Cell Well, Ct-tem.Ac. .4 TWO ITOK1 HUH K HOI 61 On North at atreet, with Klfht R4B, Otftat Well. Clem, 1. A VACIrlT LOT On North Ilt i . i--tret, tT by SIS), at a bargain M AN FRAME HOUSE Ok t ore" A venae, wit h ft rooan. taw larc UW 1SS) by l0, well se twith fruit and rrvaaaenled wtth ahrwbawey. gol ci.teru, siaMe and rarriafflomse, t.tb fiJinediai po-e..ioB, at rea .Me price and payment. HOUSK AND LOT On Hobrtvok treet, three raoeaa aud tal.le, ls.1 0 I., M. Cotditinn Ti-farorr m ptrrhter. HOI SEAN I) IA T On Greor -treet. near Rnehanan. S ni, with well Term- to anil porhaaer . VACANT I A rT 9' by lju, enclosed with with good fence, on ftale treet, jer f'ady street. ALSO ItO a re- ..f lai !. I ao-and -a-half aailea east o. city, well improved. For aale at low BifureN. J , A1m a nnmher of rlr'-e, Farm, laO. tc. fer an wishing to purrliase will do well to call. F'T particular of any f tin a be re preptrtv appl W 1 1, 1, 1 ATI LOVE Office, Talbott k New's Block, ot. I .v lettwalh f the Pwtl Ofllrr. julylft'M dly m CLOAK8. CLOAKS1 (LOA Headquarters for Cloaks ! LARGEST CLOAK HOUSE IN THE WEST! for 11 Variet e and st)he of Cloak call at IYE V ro v South Meridian Street, No. 1 Old Poet Office. i IllhlK ll w 4 loaliw fill ai 1 MHI MmmwVj ffJJibulesaM wore havers would do well ta (ire n call before purcbaMng. ortlS-d'f aaaaaaaia TOYS, NOTIONS, tC. To the Trade! 1 It IVK XW IS STORi II K HOLIDAY TU All M. ery targ and aaU asiM tork off Tay, tltifil. fancv GcsaI, Ciitkry, TV il low -War, Flro cracks ra. Tat pedoea. Fireworka. iic. The aaaortweut cha Tenges at. ilimg vUaI ta it. Eat wr Wr.t. loag mnprU-mr aaal trfct attention to batmeai ione enable ma 1 1 tamg I n geihtr such si; endie variety of goods, which at all Ww.e cumnurvlt the patr.-cag- of the pv I The tratfr i- re-pe'fuliy oiililed to examioe my t price. CIAULEJ MAT IB. awärtl-dlt.. Ha 1 TT aal Wanmlnalaa atian r. Bo invBa a i o. RB IL EST I 'i K lltKMS. AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. No. 201-2 North Illinois Street f uli:i iisi 1 ia, I a i s I mySVtadly MEDICAL NOTICE. list..F.aV W.THOMNON ntnir TBr. rawr.) tja I I ? iVT.SWV THKI8 Ot- m II Virginia Ataaae. a few off Wa-hingtoei street, I cted üb typhii.. or n rtraie thads of tnaia af aaal iBveinrate caa af das off loag vt aad bag, phyMina In thi city, r nocharge. Dm. THO latO te - 4 V i tha eamamt iwrun enrsd perfedlyaad Arf'lre Item I l' el'td-dly FOUNDRIES. HOOttll K T.TI-; FOI MiRV 4SI) STOVE WOkliS. d 0. LORD a rE14. Mann facta re ra aad Wb a 'a Dealer ta LL UUt STOTBt AKJt Of TflE tJtTKWT A5I noat rarpr vrd mvttsfBw Otx other son will embrace iron Prwatt, Ottatana, Railway, Mil! and Bowaa Caetmam. Ac., Aw. Orders hy anal) or otherwise eeanrttad, aad prowant at tsttltt given. Onr pnrws rill awlanmd aa law aa aar. Tili I. tali a rnaw awd PawmSr- tat taath De war. strttt, tww stwneaa siraetiy east off the I'aioa Mnrwt a- mo afemmmmVimml jaMaaaaaawj. h m ptoi am H any tawTBaaiorrb.ea ami maa Btaawmti maeaae. iarr