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DAILY SENTIXKI - it um Bi rMnin - jr THURDA MoKMNii DF.CKMBEK SI Aa t.tlra aMrateai Probable. Toeadiior of too 1 LUo.. rest M. Meredith. Kq., bo i a mftsjoar .,: t.. fl frees Vifo coaaety, ia Um e-it I eorrawpoQ dance to bis psptr, fron tnin lt. und data of tie Hb. mmm " It i quite certeia that Oorernor Morton of. I etil a special nmm of the Legislature, to nt on the lees Mowoj of o"t srenth. which will bO emrf tat AM Mwtf tfct imlv totOQ ' a The Uebolllon from st Mepstoltran wtianaS-Betms. Tbe If on York TrfbstM, fai amMMailing a the re ent swcceeeee of the federal arm, re ark M I 'low eavftlry raid from tbe Tenoeatoe to Batoa Rodpe. pron.unred th Jonfeacacy "a shell, with : :') ing m it " Sherman'a parade Irom Atlanta to bavatioab gives emphasis to that character. ia tion If nearly two years sgo an intelligent officer, after making a cavalry raid throagh a large por iiio of the Confederacy, regarded it as "a shell with nothing in A." and if tbe admimatrstion at oeptao thai view of its aoodiiHio, why aa not; Itw hoiiow bell long since broken and itseropii nea detnonatrated ? Immene land and naval force, commanded by akilllul.ofBcera.havo teen 'peggtag asray at this "she'l with eoth ing in it" for oTer three yenr, yet that "aefl" hat eihibited a capacity for J resialanrc and endurance most remarkable, e- peciall? when the comparative trength, re avrureea and cotiiHtioii of the opposing forces are Uken into conderat'ion Either the peculiar evpporter of the aduiotstratloti. represented by iti at the Tribune, fail to appreciate the irees of an enemy fighting, aa all must ad salt, at great disadvantage, or else by the repre senrat.op they now make of the weiknf-s ol the Con federacy, "a shell with nothinc; in it," they not only underestimate t e power ot our; own rovern merit, hot di-paroge the abWitT of' the reproaentatiroa ef ake party in power to cope . a i , with a weak enemv. and also the coorftge and gallantry of our armies, and the kill of those' ah) if'ireci them If the (onjederacv ia .k.ii .ok .ki. , i, " -h-t - - - - f..r .n r ' ' I increase of the immene forces we have m the beld ? Can there be any upolygj under the: viow diat is thus presentei for Airther- drnii.s! . , ., a ti t l unrn the resource of the n itio:! 1 he Tribune. ' ist summing up the view of the present condition of the rebellion, aar?: On the whole, it seems plain that the rebel are deciriedlr over matched, and are point; rapid ly to the wall If more soldiers are needed to mtke a neetlv end of the war, we tru-t the Inc ident will not hesitate o eall for thetn proini t! and frankly With 'JOO.OOII mure men in our armies, the 4'h of March nell -fiotild see Mr Lmcoln inaugurated President of a nation reunit ed and at peace." If the I'rc-ident -'n it in hi reiXMit, m to decide she oputroversj, hu manity and policy alike demand, that " if more soldiers are needed to luaUc a .speedy end t t ti e war," the Pre-sident should " not hesitate to call for them frankly and promptly " Rut why the necessity, it the TfvbsMM properly represents the condition of the Confederacy? I( the rOwftJl are decidedly over m itched and are going rapidly the wall." and If the Confeder icy is only "a shell, with nothing in it," why the oeeasism for "2011 .000 more men in onr nrmia" to suppress tbia eih mated rebellion T In fact, what MOl I for the employment of the irnmense land and naral forces which have been iu service fur urn three veir-i if the rebellion was only a shell1 which require. 1 bot a vigOff I OS '-low to break it into fragments? The Tribone places its party in an unenviable diiemma Its statement is a gotCMMOt that I with a!! the resources of a mighty nation at it9 command, promptly and freely contributed, it b ta not had the administrative ability to suppress an insurrection, which it compares to "a shell with nothing in it." When such a party control t .'eatinlol ot a truly gre' a:; ! ;..)wer,n' ftatiOD whit hope for reunion and pevee for the resto , ration of that beneüccui polity wh h made o s ' resllhy and powerful :)tt:on Krmarkabh' arm Ii- from ItS Itlrti tnond t nqulrrr-lavt r)' to be l.i eu sip ta eeure I ssrwpeari kid. The following is esir ictad from a lcad i g ar tide in the Richmond Enquirer of the Ifch in.-;. WbeneTer we are rejuced so low tb it we can not maintain the contest then we can secure l.b erty and na' uiality by the .-aenfice of slavery Hut until we are prepared to make thi- SOCrigce it is no OM to look to Europe for help either bv rccogn.tiou or iuteiv et.tion. All tbe tuiiiu. tithorirlea. tho-e who enmunnd the armies and those entrusted with tbe Administration of tbc conscript b ireau, are preptred to say thit the potml-tton of the country wilt mil:' tin a force i the Sold that shall bear to that of the enemy Vie proo retioa thai the armie oft' e two natUna nave borne to each other in lwl3, then no necei .t tlfsw (or either arming the Hgpuw or appoalnq to Kurone for protection. But if th e authorities shall answer differ tie. then we snhmit that a er;öa is open i S dem mil tbe atfel nails e of sitbios with slaves or independence by arining the ntgrofj Pherr- ! eveey prospect for four veiro m 'e bf war, i. I a . . Hi u w r oo the defensive, the etiemr cn carrv on ihe war without ihr rtk pi defeit If thev know we neer follow :(. our repulse, but must always rem tin on the de ifofttve, they know tint though loof saay not tlw to tletrat ar sraoes pet, e til ncvr de feat theire. and ti.e ir is merely f xh lusf.oi a question ol Shvü e peotawag the war for the sike of thi negroes? Shall we sacrifice our i Inhlrt u to pre serve our j-:.veO Sh '. weeah tus' our country, desftrov nur noble defenders and eudanger eer lustltotmi) rfttber than test id experiment that may give us She mean- of recruiting our armies of assuming the tifTen-ive and of conquering h spOftdy peaeo? Keither rheforir DOT argument or authority can determine whether the negroes will m ike f u i faith fu - er Ktperiment muat test and this qucition Oeo. Lee ska that tins eaperiment ne made Hut Oc h te. detect and despise the enemy far more thir slavery . ai it by the sat mke that ben ' es la er an ! tr ee are pre. I urge ih it enr3( We would no! rr ' upn Mir r-mn.'rvmen eOV: ;:.u U,e Union if everv slave cou'd be returned to hi-, mister, .and every guartntre that hum in ingenuity cou'd devte r the prtitecion or the i:iiitu t on e pre'er liberty umo:. up n the sei-ure-t a lab (reft so it ty to re of gJaeero Suet. we t.e!:eve t.e the o.,t ftaool V rg D i Bat we kt.ow tl hi ... .'prte of m nv doubts beset this question of arming ti e neroe-. and yet the e.;riinent OOgbl to be tetel. ai i the fa-t ascertained whether ite negroes wTTt make a. Utters A. W sah ;.ton of a C ucinn tt . paper BWaftSJI asfts question the authorship of por iiH)sif eert-'M ! -inie-'.a which bear the n vtue of the Pre-i lent He says: The original man uacript o: the inaugural, fairly covered with m terlineatioi) in tbe band ritii.g ot Mr Seward, hs still in e listener in Washington Tbe con eluding sentence of the emancipation peoci,UA. tioo ia kaooo to have been Mr OboOOs Tnr pairs1 v depart men la I parts of one or snore late meaaages were ongirai'y wnite:. by other handa." Ha also autre that the Präsident arot me to sossioatioo prxKlasaaliou on stiff ah oats ot a son of card board, which he could l.v upon hi. knee sod write upon as be a.t wi:b bis feet ou tbe table and hl tboiff Itlafg Uaek la u "Aasr.ssi ait. frees tbi fht f weeeSt i.orermniiit Plnnin t rn i L . NaOemher iO, 1 Sff I hundred plsntstious ssjre lesael la iLi beg district tor tb Mtftoo A Mas ueen . i th'. Laie panber, bat about twentv are Iis mg crops gttbgred ooe to five Tb eight have been broken up by guerrillas My last let ier give you no id of the prces Tbe Macks out to work noon into he been dri.e back to Ueerr . Of. (a ttMrmble numbers slJ with everv circumstance of brutalilv . killed, or Sre escapou the ould by fWlit and re turned to points from which ibey were Uken Oo orot l lüeue deeerrd p.aoes, uoeerer, tbe rebel here alloeed numbs of blacks to re oaaia on conditiea that Uty woul J uot worn or gather rotum Tbe; unke ft lirttig from the ) . . a at a a I a a. ; corn a du poiAioeH ana aruens wmca iitu i-ecu pUntnl by the loeoee lor tbemaelftos. previous to the breaking up of the pUntstio-i 1 he twenty pianUtioc now orcapie! are all srtthll a aemi circle of about seven mile., de cnbed from Vidilia as a center A amall force at Bullct bayou, with another between the fo ot the lake and tbe bend of tbe river below V. . . Ä k ' & L I L , UI a. make those tar ma comparatively safe. twelve of them very comfortahly so. Of the , the York and mre place, eene ol the atrocities meotionej in my lat, sre too Four others of the twcniy are anhje-t to the cootai:t visittiuu of guerril ia'. and "e their crops to the fact that the old hand and oTerseers remain upon them, or to other and l' l.'U.orsoie arrangements 0( these torsive, one firm has part or full con HSjl ui nine. At the head of tbia firm atood ; Bun. et, the treasury agent who hsd the loftoiog of plautationa, and witli him waa Judge field. who waa the commiMtoner tor the lewttig last jear The military authorities have once tried and cOOrlttlM Tield. and Burnet ihhow unler r rest. Of the plantations ou which crop are be ; ,ng gathered, which are outside ot this safe twelve, JuJg FhM haa at least three In how mam spore be had ft covert interest it is awfoMi ble to say. The outlving eights firms wro ; toaooi by aucti persons as could lo allured, in their ignorance of the indefensible position --f their land, to the poritoOJ undertaking, either Ot ttc prom -e .t enormous prorit, r bv the hu msne purpose ol si.lii, in tbe eleratiou ol ilie black, or the patriotic motive of lighteuin-' th . burdeii ot the government in tiic care ot these , ' frecdmefi 'I her have been broken up, mativ live- lost, a vast amount of property not only loot, but thrown directly into rebel hands, very many blacks re sold into slavery, rery maiiv thrown back into the hind of the government for support The disaMera to thc.- niii. v nrt IKwriT rrt.:opcuJitpd lir I'lO ;iatiil HOCfT-s tf the tortuti ite few who were atle to locate I um aelves withm -i,i Tbe relief winch these plantations hve fur M tbe gJftrnMt gkt i,ju.- n t Fi T- Importance Five ol thorn 'of the safe I n-.e 1 o furnished labor to relutree TbOJ have pM the gOSSraOIOnt in rent-. pOSWl blv mamt wolle tbe derensea of tbe tract ol , ift,n thry were imUtfooa eoat . regiment or two of soldiers un 1 a quarter ot million of mogoq Th;-. to sty nothu.e of the iWM of liberty, the loss of property and the . . - ,,' ' . ' t.- gain to ic'.el resources of the eighty pUnta lumg whxth hsve been broken up. line f iiic Ptctsirato. A Correspondent nf the OMeftfO Journal re late the follosring interview of a Federtl forag ing party with a Teno aft I ' n iner: At another ; 1 ice e ciiied u;ion the owner, n man of over -i at v years, sell sved, yet cT detitly mnh cftil down snd disheartened He w polue, and niiHWcred all quesiion tediously On botog asked what he had to -pare, he exclaim " ed ' Not much indeed, nothing." Uis wile and tour children si mu.i.g by him. .-aid not a word, but the counteuaucu ol the whole croup showed th it the old man told the truth. "In deed. I hive nothing." said he. "what, with one armv or another, campaigning ttrrough this nan ot Tennessee, thev have stripped me of all I i couli pire, ant more too" "Have sou no ! horses or muleftt" asked the oflicer. "Yes. an rwered the man, "1 h.ive one more muie, srhicn is eutirely brokcu down; it was left me by a trooper, who took my last horse in its etead." "No beef ti'-tlc?" ass the next question. "Not one." was the s?swer. "Any hogs?" "Yes, sir, I hare four pigs which I had intended for the winter 'a supply of meat " "Any negroe-V" asked the ( fli'.-cr. "No. not one;- my 8erv;n!; all left ine some two or three months ago. I have not one on the place I h ive to chop all rnv wood und do all the out door work, and my wife and daughters do the iti-doors, what they can." "Any corn or wheat?" "No wheat. and only two or three boahois of corn." was the reply "Le:'- see your mule V said the officer. It was brought up. und was as the old nun In I said Show me thooe pigs was the next demand. When he heard this the old ratn could in. . speak his hiqes were almost at an end. He showed the pig. however, they were no more t un such a t.imilj would need, nor as much, in fact. The officer then kindly said: "You rnnv keep all these things, they will help you out, and can be of but littlogood to us," and gave the old man a "sals gweJrf? which might save bis prop erty Itom all tuture muleitatiop from our troop-. i hre years ago, this man owned a large, well storked plantation, and a fine stud of horses had cattle and BOO n tdentv. with servants to ' come at his call, and corn to sell and to keep. ! New he aas sincerely thankful and much moved. ; that we pured him his four little sh oats, bis pit tance of corn and oil old m ire mule, with which j he hoped to make a small crop next opting. The , war haa been at his very door, he bad seen it in all its re! it on, and kuew that it was rigorously proäecu'ed Mlnajulitr History- i Kiiflalonlnn Pariloiuil from I'rlaon itnd li h gJ lllotiH I ra. From the New Y rk Herald. In the year 1?36 the city of Buffalo, New ork, eeOUhUtop ifn'm? its popuiatton s citizen oi iudefantribie industry and untirliiL' enterprie Whole tdorks ot cvi afliotts wareliou-es were ertfciexl bv him. new atreets were I iid out, t i ! ed, paved md iibtfd uH)ii his recommrud .tim atul with Iii Hiuui'e. aui no putil:c undertak ing was cotiei.lered eure ot tafcOBftOJ without the ttCtkM slid lid of this public sirited citizen l'he evwah of lc36 came, and it caused hiui to totttr. To sustain his credit for a few dim in a;i er il hour Le cuiutniited a lcel wm& HM finned him to t!ie Strte Pii-on Pardoued out. and no ineradicable stimmt sate that i'l-epanuit' trom atisfurtune aftvacOSOf to tin name. rtwca::.o lo New York citv and started the hotel uusioen? it Um corner of Brotd ) md C. atrttU. Failinff fn thia. he went to Lon Island's sea tri rt shore" and took the B ith House, i sumnur etablish merit. Soon diaftiiUd with hi ill luck there, he left thi. region of ci viiixatirtn altogether, and sought the solitudes of Wet Virginia na a ice of quiet and rest for the rema;iider of his 'lays. He ettled in what has proved to he the heart of the We: Virginia oil reci 'tiand now this unfortunate yet larky, thi untiring and irr preset tle man. conrlurles hi- s'range, eventful history bv leaving to his he rs a fortune value. 1 at three millions of dollars He BOM the well known uatneot Kalhbun. I lie I'ri-vldi nfs la.l Juki A few days sgo Bishop Ames called to pay t.ia respects to the l'reident. and arrived about : t'li' tune lor the tlirowiag open the doors for tbe j arowd in the atite room, he stood an interested spectator of tbe patience with which the Chiet M v-. -trite neard complaint-- which never ahou'd l ave becu brought to him. and listened to all hnuul nniH.f.-.i.e leiiiioii- Ai lat the ei.hop some rebuke should bo given, and looked m tor a HiMe At that mooaent the fe't thai rresident espied him, and coming forward, creete'i him warmly Slid Bishop A.: '"But. Mr Pre-. dent. 1 have something against you 1 bud no B.bie in that room, and i wi-hed io read what the lar . r in law ol M.-c- told ! loj when he was doii g what you are Hearing whit shou'd go lo suNordiuaies. you know, be sdvi-ed him to choose out good men. who should betr i d uevide all tbe cases thai were too . trd !. r them, which alone thev uld re-ort to him 1 L'et to vou. Mr Preiideot. to follow the ad co " "iTsok JH, B sbop," sail the Presi dent "The suggestion is good And it re minds me. Rishop, that I was reading the other day how Moses ws up in tbe mountain pray ing for Israel, and providing for Aaron the best place in tbe system, at the same time Aaron was :own with thepocp-e at the f too mountain ! making a A-Jeu cs'-f to supersede Mjsc.'" As it was before tbe Sib of November, tke aoptica was easy Förth A esterr, O.rf-t'a:; Advo ate Every .hsase of happiness mutt needs bt s erfeat thst doos not embrace tbe taree ine Vets ef wife tease, and ekildraa TÄTE ITF.1 VtaJtf'i.r enemy pit a goreratssete Ui of $4 J TW SubetUuies are ortJj from RW to $90C It ! Trf Haute Tbe Ureencestle ;ile of that place to Ml er rc urgiog the peo r '.e $40 .000 io order to eurc tbe ljaUin there of the Female College be fnÄ?H Hk,,f ,wM b, lh If,.1 Conference of tbe M"1 ..- - Sara the Tcrre Haute Eiprees: "Qui? tb M prlotetM now iohabit our count? jail. One or en ; .tk. another for tealttxga horae, and the auppH murderer of the enroll- ing offircT Frcroaan " TliO editor ol the Terre Hau.e Kcprens. io hi rrrr-; mdence from th;- citT to that point, tuake tbe following auggestioi m re:arJ to the It ia suggested that the jronorty beiongiug to the State, inc-!udiur the Governor 'n residence. be sold . and tbe proceed of the aale applied to the hu Idiiig ol one, such a beeoroe the grat State of Indiana and its gresA Governor The ; ropertr owned br tlie State, aide Irom thecap itol grounds, wouk sell now fit nbout -".KHt, hich -urn ought to be invested, or at least large portion of it. in tbe manner suggested above In this way the State would be at no additional expense in tbe purchase of tbe lot, and thecon-truction :ho holding Other mat ten of considerable imp'jrtance will douh'ic be hmnght ne'oec tho special soseioo, sheald one be called. An effort is being mtde in Adims count t to erect a new court house and nuhhc nffires. Il ia not a question of taste or adorrimen but of ne ce:tT An attempt was m.ide lo rob the Branch BftSk in Vincennes, on Friday eight lat It w- feeble, however The r"-l comtuM ce., operation on i;e of the ride walla, hut before had made more thu a slight impression . hrii.h!, thr w.lfci,,niM ir.-uie w... arou-'d. md the woui I be robbera heit ah-v retre it About lä.OOU h oga hive been packed at Terrs H n.te A Catholic Fair at 1. igan-port lass week' netted il otl. During the last six months the Odd Fellows of this Stale have pud out ovei g90,QOQ tor re lief. The C imno-sioners of Morgan eountv, at the I i-i -essioli, appropriated $5 000 to buy me.t for soldiers families. The r iilr 1 1 trom It IltkOftltHl SO Franklin is to be rebuilt The of the road execute a bond of lw9,0M thi' the work -hall he prompt! done The Con mi --loners ot Fulton county hue appropriated $."0,000 to aid in ; lie construction of s railroad through the coontrv, to he paid in four annual installments, the first to be paid when either end of the line i mulcted to B leooftftsx An interesting ha- been progressing f r SOSM two weeks at the Cum!. M land I'rcaby Church iu Lvun-viile, and, mate id of abating, -eems to be growing in fervor and in tereat . A mm was killed in Allen county on Fri day lvt while eng igcd in a sawlog The chain tiroke and the log rolled over him, crush ng him to death. 1 he pipers of Terre Hau'.e are urging its i-viable location and advantages Är a whole sale trade Says the Kxpross: Terre Haute has au extent oi territory tribu tary to it, nneapialled by any other place ol its site in the west The nearest competing point to us are Indianapolis on the east. Kvansrille on the south. Chicago and Laf i vette on the north, and St I.oui- on the we-t It can be readilv seen, iherelore, that we have an imuv n-e tract, ot country which we cm and ought to supply, both with home manufactured and imported goods. To do tliir, and thus bring here a vasf amount of mot ev wired now oc- eisewhsre. we need more wholesale hous-s and maiiiir.tctories. Five times the amount of goods might be sold here, it we had these two agencies in opOratioS Our mer chants here should give more attention to the jobbing trnnV. In not one ittle branch of hni- les- it is groceries, is the supply equal to tbe deoMMwJ Um so lucrsive ths ret ü; traue tili in our citv thai; wholeilm enn to be almost oveiluukeJ by our capiuliau aud mercliauts. We of Terre Hatto barf s eopsaautling poaiUoo and great advantages, commertiall v -pe iklug, but uiilo-.s wo RMSjdUj wake up tu their imporUu.e and vulae. an.i organne nut-h itistitutiotn as will j emdile us to rei, thp hxrict it will a he IPatCOCll frOffl u- Of oji Mori active mJ cu terpriaing iiei;hbra The Lafayette Courier ot Tuesday, thus eft tails the cIoing scenes in the trial of E J Fahne Ork, at hatayette. for murder: At two o'clock this afternoon a larse ri!wd .enabled at the Court House lo listen to the goal caarsM of the Judeto the prisoner, aajd i witness the last, god etociag scaoo ot the seooDO i act f the bloodv drama Jasteaj Test, after stating the verdict of the jury to the piiaouer. called upon him to saj if he had ai.vthiug to offer whv of dt-itli .1 :. te oasi i upon him A teure 1'kc ttie urave pei vaded the entire SOTillOlblj. when the prisoner, pale and white a. mrble. aroe and atepped forw trd Bts Ct tiieit ftOollBjioo did DOt forseiM . blear st tbV perh'.p-' the most trvinp rei I of h.. whole life. In a voice i lear and distinct, he took exceqtloo 10 the entire conduct of tho trial; I tint he bad not h d a lair trial, that the jury kaftl esjajfl tllowod to (.o and come trom their metis without liuard anJ when thev went thua out of the court rooui. they had overheard remm kr which preju .kit., mem :ifriH..i mtn,tii.ii iuct nu uveii ci- le üa d Ky tin- outeide ir-s.ure. n-,d so were flue,:, eat in tlie-r ver.l.ct. th,t there h . bOea urh prettsoiet existing tfainil h.m üu lo- to; tbat bw bad been a.-.nie.l -evrral tunes Jgaioet CUffMSd ny several parte st different times, md tint much vain .ble testnnoi.v had not i: i.t :.. i .i... .1 l . i . . been rie:. which would rave operaien in nts fawne. lie said he bad b ine no mnUce against Clifford and had therefore avoided him. The an.-wer and . harge of Judge l est to the con leitll e l was such a? to bring a tear to the eye of many a alaiwart mau in Uta court room Kven the prisoner himself who had throughout the en tire trial bei'n a. cool a:.d el: po-- 1 s : s;.ect iter, feit ti e power of tue awful moment. and standing unsteadily upon ins leet, be wipeo j the crest drops of prepiration from his fare I He -aid the trial had been a fair o: e. that it it had erred it hid beeo on the side ol mercy. He p iid a tribute to the bi-h ability of the prMtmere eounset, ta navmg uiDtaye marken ability in ewr. Iu ' nit an t i-e. He warned him not to look tor execuiive clemency, mr ; lace tii es upon a reversal lv the Supieme Oourt He would to God be had the power to set him free and -end him home to his heart-stricken I flber- Lut "e aa tboro to eiodicato the itw of ' tD ,rt, n' B,ut do bw dulf 'n OMosastpn , h.e mrr-l-vret the pr- - to prepare him-eU to meet bit ti.d. and pronouueed sentence that "you. E Iward Kahneio k. be remaudei to tue county j.ii. and there kept, property secired. until the th day ot M ircn. IStt when, ttween the hours of 5 o clock in the morning an J 4 rck in the afternoon, you be taken bv the proper officer, and privately hauged by the neck unt:l you are dead; and may God hare merry on vour soul While the sentence was being pronounced. Boon's hearts boat like the ticking of a clock There wa- no eipressior.s of sympathv, for all felt that justice and humtnity alike called for the life ot tiie pri-oner At the -omm md ot the sher.ff, the prisorer bavood, aod walking to bis chair, sat down Not a ruu-e'e of his face moved, tu' cold and indif ferent as Parian marble, he remarked, "Well, suppose 1 must die, bsM I will die 1 ao a man." The Delaoaro Gazette says that the beat farms in that Stale are now sold for less tuonev in paper than they would bare broflght ten or years sgwi. farmari fear tbs ir w.:: . earr:X.e,' - Assisi M sSSl KLt. OtlTft Or P.tKAGRAPIH. Vfueu iftft ladf tiki spoon ? When ate a There it a ceutltaMfcl m B;ievo who haw an idcoo of 365. 160, erfl.ü per pay, wUh a 'lute pocket-monet ritra The ladie. of Buffalo wear tbe M Buffalo " skirt, make f. that market It is loaded with -l.eet lead Each belle in that drew must he a Mrioflg burdfe to a mil a i . i .eTerai oi toe mos. ipectabie rouud Sadie? iu 2t'orl0affit i , M L ed in tbe streets in the er rceutlj beeii scia . and kissed It i recorded ae a fart ef great that Urt Urant, ;Generl Orootji wile) arrived at Wsshitigtou ou Thurdsj from Citj Toint, where -he left Ulse io good health and spirits. Meionirr' "Retrest from Moscow" a pk-ture nine by twelve inchew, or thereabout was sold recetitl? sold in Para for RJR frtnc. I'J11 in greenback, with gol l at 200, to An Eoglishman has taken the psina to weigh i clothe ro hy s lady of eighteen, of arerage?! ze, ind nysthe r weight is 14) pounds. He thinka there ia no doiiht tbsyt by continually , carrying thin burden aboit them, ladies Waste their physical strength A retiel officer Lmprisooed on Johnsons 1 afhnd fare hirtti to a bov a few days since It is naruiy necessary ro say mat ine orncer wns a woman. The Saaduaky Regi.ter is responsible lor the ",ory. the truth of which it nflirms Some of the eir ot New York are making , an effort to reform the custom of late hours at ovi ug ! t rt !, oh lest thep consider lujuriouo to be .!!. st.'l bc.taty. A new modo of invititlon ha h cn let riew HVt ti- -so, . M'-y aiclicate bio t of ti c Mr-. !mith will be iflad to re ceive her tncnj- hetwecn the hours of eight and eleten." The Federal and S ate tue m Ohi now amount to too omiortthle little um of $65.000 000 a year Tht k i tai o SQ uponev. rv voter, or head ot a family, in the State. It ia rather OSpOneive to i uu iiie - t.' -t ovt rnmcnt Oil earth " - - I !ic I'll ! i'!c';,;,. i ! I- d ' i m n that cttf , who lenorated iron his wile, ptckeri up his thine, started to leave tow u. cot drunk. and was l tken up by the police and returned lo . his home. Qo getting sober, betook a secon 1 , thtoigbt 'the - -I -r econd and concluded to j Btftnd by the od flag to the last. The Hwtford (Conn ) Times says it is 'e I graphed from Washington that tbe treasury de partment decides that, in a--essmg a special war ; tax on ineoojos of lH', i, there shall be deducted from the full amount of income not oulv the b00 allowed by law, but hImj such Mim us w is ' paid for bouse rcn' Person - who ha ve paid a! apooial tax un ler a different conaiructioii of the law by SOtofttOffft, will be entitled to draw back Mesrs. Ross and Thomas Winans coiilinue i the building of a ship in the port ol L lo4wfJ ftf ter the style ot the igarstCtntOT which they con 1 structed at ftpring Qardoo, Balüsaotsx At the, last account, work had been Mopped 09 her uiaiporarily on ftccoBOt ol the fftilore of Mr K urburn to deliver the irn plates tor the hull, as the contract called lor. Her length on deck Ml over seven hundred leet, and she is txpectei to j run twenty -five miles per hour, and cross the ot em iu from six to seven days The report of London inner that the iron i clad Warrior fi a failure, ems to have been In correct On being put outoi coinuii.s-iou alter a j long craise, she thdroUgbTy examined and I tbe account -av: " Vothing couös lie more sat isfactory, eonsMerlog t e wtrk the builer- have d n.edurtng the tlirt?e years and lour month- i the ship's commis-ion.. Too mo-t minute in j spectiou co.uot discover a lault in any part ot 1 the .ship's hull; the trainu and plating is as riid as ever, and not a sinirle bjstauce exi-- 'tween deckt or below, of a bit ol iron h ving given the hundredth pari of an inrh." A New Orleans cot e-pondent of the t'hica go Times s iy: I liave boMi credibly informed that General ' Lee' forcee, during his 1 ite raid into Mississippi, ! applied the torch to large 'ci.ule seminary iu the vicinity of Liberty The budding. I have been informed, coal $iö,0(0. There was in it, at the lioje lit was burned, louiteen piano Tbe i pretett lor this wantou deaUtstOjtioa of private! property was that (Jol. Hodgo had made h's head i quar.'cts in the building. A Paris correspondent thus describe the1 mode ol coloring the hair red. Would that dresaing and undressing were the only follies of our womeul The mide now is : for them to imitate the color of the empress' hair. Wo laugh ( the courtiers who had operations for imaginary fistulas perl oi med beeatso Louis XIV. j ai so afflicted, an 1 here nil the wom-'ti are imi tating the eftipress SpOSjieh and color of j biir. I don'l wonder that so many people are I dailv crried off to the mad boose the wonder is 1 lhal 5on,e 'ntrr r-irnnii.ioti hnahco jsjftN 1 rtnil wf not fued out against at all aad result in ! l ol ü-,nP i Cbareutoo whore the 1 a !,f'd; ,ni H WouH jroi know the process by which jet black hair is transtoraaod Kuldeii luir? F.,r our fair Jiitucs ol c,,urt atlU ail OUT lorettc (thej rather began it, I .&j!e.. L.f. t . . . a . e a s a a & wnnce tneir neaiiti iui oiaea nur a- treeiT a- S I re-1 head with you sanifices m'h carrut. Too i wish to hear how the metamorphose is ob ': taitieiT At tbe nppoiuied bor tie candidate i for goloftB honors enters her dressing 100m j attired in a l ing white dressing gowu. Her mir floats looselv over her shoulders, unsecured ! Of rotnl or pin the "artist is there He te pins by seeing thai the hair i thoroui 1 ly aer i .;ed. then he by decrees Hirs over the h phut Of'waler' 'win-h probablv rnlla in d a tion rorro.-ive uliiimate ur ome equally deadly j poisoo), and he takes hair by hair and sAturat. 1 ! L. I. .. . a . . I . I i T I 1 ; takes too hours. He all j tit teen . - aim it.- w.utu utiu; one i'i i : le ouier üu l Ii. m nu es rt elapse, find then he souk- the whole h itf in ice ; water, next he pui - aeocbor poial of his wacer' j upon the hair, and kneaU4 iLe hair with his hand. Another repife of quarter of .n hour ' i t:ive:i, wbteh is lotion ed bv -oiliitij; ti:e hetd ' ii ice aier, wh.oh ia sueceeirii by a uew phial ol aatei Tntst pmceH take tao hours iiir 6lteeti mil. iitt- Baase Tlo- 'swvJsa then tartMh tea tsilogs1 'gioosca.' boated to a high degree of 'inpeTitnre Thr t hirtiberciai i holda the ei d j oJ her mi.-tre" nair, and the ;irtist' rave: Oack- WhTiI Mtui t.irtrxni rht '' BritKin . ( c ut , inch of hitir uwi, lhe hair b(.rom Md I Thia end., tlie operation, which has listed five! I hoQpjI( an(J leaTe. lb.1:(,v wj(h rH h . ftQ f tolrnkbU h-aaebo. lawcted nerv, andhtv! , ()()1((rs je9M jn k.t I see ergbtv dollar, not ei?1)t? hunjfed fm - rhffl , ...,; : I w "iikiii it" .,,1,,., m,,r m,,... rh u. ever ai.,1 t.ef.,r hr - . v . i an VJ S a. T.-v wm i . r t.aaaaa v-' . m- ' Lß . i uu , a.. resorted to this method he was money, bo e terallv coininc ( harlfvlon anil Us Harbor. "II J W ," The New York Times" corres pondeut with Co' MtLroRp's exchange fleet in Charleston II tftx write- . Oti TueMiav Iji t e ve--e.3 of Col Mulfonl's Meet erosse! Char!eton bar and anchored within ftesy mu-ket shot of the ruins of Fort Snmter ruins, by tbe way, ajbicb are said to be staXttsger in their present tau a a defensive work, that, tbe tort was before its hape was marred by the heavy artillery ot the ilorti- Ul.ind baiterie- . r Ui ine !m..i,i w:..-i.' m e .f hi alu-itor w. j- an aacelleotj view oi the city, wbuh is trt so dtatit that those of ns who have visited the : .? belo e the war. are unable to name streets aid loeaKtiOP. ftkjfd in our COOcluiioOi by the -; res jf St. Michael's and St Phillip's, sr. i the -'! -t it.dir.c tower f the burnt Cttholic C the- dral l he harbor is lined with batterle?, which j are a plainly risible to the garr s n of our torts ! to Vorria Islaod MttMrjftre to us. and. there tore, 1 o not vfoiote the anet tv of the Hag of truce ' by soaking the fact public, - , I'lun to Prolong: Lifo M. Rubin, an eminent Frer.i h chemist, m a mem r recently presented to the Kre:;oh Acad emy ex; : .-(.- a bel:ef that the human life mv oe gayoftftlj prolonel. and enters info Ait argu ment to siww that his opinion is based upon sound reasoning. He eires the result of his per sontl oheerValHtt - or. th a. i tnd ; ropo-e- ! ' 1 demonstrate ine truthlulnes of his po-i;iuu by rtusi exoeriraenta upon animals stm lives are f -I t do rat on His .r'umei.: ttüt tbe aratral matter, which cou-titutcs an ingredient ia mckst ot our food, after Um ca,t&nusüun( is in j our arve-ns to incTuwt and stiffen the different ! - of the bdy, and IQ reader impeileet mataj of the vita! rtroctpsts. Lie ( ' i IT! rw linma,. Kaihit fit lumnei wii.-h are alwavi kindled !ifa ex its onlv ia cosobue Oos btt tk seashnsslen wfee weears is est bodies, like that which takea place la our shim ; oejs. leaves detritus or fftiWum vkich 1 feu! to We To remove tbis. he woold administer litSjc i I with ordiosrr food. This add it kfümti to possess the power of romoviog oe4is solving the iocraatatioua which form ou tboor teHos. cartilages rd ralves of the heart. A buttermilk abound io this acid, and is. more ever, md agreeable kiod of food, its habitual use. it is urged, will free the tern from the cause-, srhieh ioeeitably cause death b: ween the eeveo it fir h at)d ope hundredth esr. AMUSEMENTS. MRTBOPOLITAN THE..TRG. Corner of Waihinyttn and Trnneuer Sirtrt. nnnagrr 'lr. . SI. ft I Icy. Thursday Evening, December 22d. AMBITION, TOMB, THRONE, SCAFFOLD. Ditncr liaa, Fanny Merrills Pate Sf aaiiaioa. Ursa Olrcls and Parquatta, 5t' ' ce:it-; Prlrate B ae, for iix pT'"ni, ft6 Orchestra Vii, if, iaoftS (tallery and Family Circls, II osotsft CSildrrD h srma, all reaerved aeata "ic. tssors open at a qasrtsr to cl k. Porfortaance commence at ? o'clock preclaels. PAarnOtTLAB NiXTICK. Tbo Hor.e Car- leave the Theater ne. j e . -:;iu at tUe clgae of lb. pcrfwnaaoco. f septa k vtnr. at a distance can rely aa tola TAKEN UP. fWAK93S CFb criters, on Tueiday, Dec 30, I r t a . v ! .a ark at. inu ati.r.. ine owner can aave taom ny prj iiqc and payiug ( I arae - Apply at ttis Ublea of OAT R ft PRAT, deiSi-dllt Indian spot is, lad I FAIR AND FESTIVAL. rilllK l.Hl!'SBYTKRlAN ( IHM M OttMAII I. will bM it Fair tm3 Fchtival at Manooic Uall, ora siei.c.nif on Siiituy nit aiitiiritin, '.. .';; and i, Whm any ..f cwucun art all tbe Hi 1 s"av Pre- '": 1 ' 'air pncei, )y,teri. Ice t'ream, Hot TonVe, Pr arbe and Cream, Ac. Tickris '.nn--ivn SS cett". Family ticksts fOcent. CBAJtLtl l.tSHalAN, Pr. , dseU tU CHalil.KS H FMLING, Sec. AlfSÜAL FESTfTAl Or TUF I NIVFRS ! UST 1 Catrcfe an4 Sat)tath Petiool. at College Hall. Fri- I U evening, lieceruher -t. ls Tua annual Chriataa ' -lial ol ;Le Lmv. -ht Church sod Sabbath School bi h Id in CoUece Hall, so K iJay evening, Decrni her xa. i-4 In addlt.on to other attraction, thrrs will he a beautiful Chrioma Iror,'ri! n ,th BTesrofi fsf the chllsren of th ihsol The Usual d.-llrsries si a ii v aa. . iries (tvarir seaaon will t.r herved i.p on tli ooca-ien. f Adruisi.:i fee, 10 cent. w .'udft-tuatb FOR iMX J" KBH0L1 FIRMTITtK! AT -t.V Thursday Moniiug, December 22d, 4t IO o cloi K. nl ff Vl Xorth M'rih$n St., comer of I'ralt St U NSHiJNii IN J'AhT OK Hall, Stuir, Parlor and oth-r Carj.tU. oetable, I'arUrsnd other Chairs. Caftl, Wnud and Cooking 8tov Bedstead. Kxtenaioti Table and Coal Oil fampa. Window Shade-., thi Paintings, Ac. Ar. Al-o about pal busbela of cosl and f crd of aawe.1 wood. VVU. I r-KATUKKSTON, dec2ldit AnctUnrrr. EDUCATIONAL. 1NII1N1 STATE IMVEKSITV rililP: RUT ISMMHI I 'F THI PWIflHtl BK 1 anna on Monday, tbo 2d Day of January, 1865 Au, rTiDkXTs of tbia l uiveraity are admitted run or 'UAK'IK rOH TV ITIOM. The Term now c'osir.s ha barn a very proaperouts one. J. D. MAIWKLL, President of the Board of Tru;-tee. &loutuinton, Ind., L)ec. 17, dec31-dtAwlt PROSPECTUS. I PK TORA L DOI BLK M MBER. fyi:i phbi ifOLOOrCAl J u i;n ai .ajtoLutI ilits- I TSAYkDu for Jaiiuary, ppr.r- Witt quarto patrea, and a a-aut.iful illustrated cover. It aWSOftOM NrtraHs i fletiKybon.Silhtuau, Sheridan, Cobb, Phillip. Susanna Wcsleya niother of an Indian Chiet, b ranz Muller, MisNrlunnins, M is Fury, the frtBOSSS of Wales, Fioreace Wtfhftnf ale, a i ir up of Warriors Han nibal. Juliu.1 eJeaar, 1'iaarro, Cromwell, Charles All.. Kre.irlt k th. lireat, Scott. Wellington aud Napoleon, with PHVsiodKOMT, KTmruux.r.PHaaMOLoav, PaTiaoLoor, etc. tto. t. Vol. 1st. Pnblished at 20 cents a number, or S2 a r v M-,m,. KOWLKK T WKLLS, Brnaal WSW, 5W Yo. daswl-ditAviaw MEDICAL. R0BACK S BITTERS lihKKNBACKO iU 8001 HUT ana. ii ks Ann bhtteh. STO MAX" U H ITT BBS. lea thousand bottler, sold In ae month. Tte most popular stomacb biltsra in are. ROTlAt'K'.- BITTERS. (iwod for aliueranarnitntol tbe Stomach, BUionsne. I.irer i CoaaelatPtsnd s;enraldebtuty. ROBACK'S ElTTEKg. They poaaesswonderful tonic propertie, riving tone ts thv appe'ite an i digestive orgaate. HUBACK'S BITTERS. Debilitated Kadleand seden tary person will find In their absxrsllent tonic. HOHACK's bittkrs. A wine glaaafnl before each meal will remove IndtKeation ar.d all liver diseases. ICO It 4 BITTER. Tfaey are better than all Pills. Powrfer and other nauaeou, disagTeeahle compouada ItOBtt K'K It I 1 I I. IC . y can b taken without regard to diet. As an appetizer they have equal. ItOBMIi RITT EltS. They ara prepared bj an oil and skillfal physician from well-known veetahts resaedie. ItOlttrK' BITlilO. WfaereTer known they ose become a seSerd faastly -. reseller..:. remedy. UOB4 uVM BITTKKi. Try one bottle, and yoo w. 11 always ass thesa aa l e Tamend them to others. KOB.K K' BITirBV U . KOBtt K Siele trearletor. And conponnder or Stomach Bitters, Blood Partner and : tod iftW, and rHuilWr and Trauafactarer of Catawba and Swedisb, an? all kind of theOneat don.e - li-por, which are soM whcl"a'e or in any de re-' quantity, st No 56, 5, Oft and 63 Fast Third street, Cia, 0 For fale by Drarsr!'. aLd Pear ir. tfedk-ine every where, and hy Browning A SI as.J B. Vi-keraDd W. L BaKit A Da , in di an a pea it mi-J wiyftd-aw NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MM CONC ERN. UprtCl Or CtTT CLKRIL I :.sDAreLta. !.. December 14:h, ISOS.) aOCM Ii HF.KKPY GirgS THAT THE RKSOLC tion now needing before the Common Cococil of i CiS of Iadianapcil-, to ästend the corporation lia-iuofsiidc-ty oastviaka m St. Clair' addition and j oe al .:ity of lodaaaapolia, waa, at tbe ms'titi of the Ceomsa Council or said c.ty, ha.d so tbs l'ita of iiecenaber, 14, taken up aad amended u aa t.-.n lud-"al' the lots and tbs sasdivisfos thereof of Wtti t H!r.' addiUvn t ;hs Citv of d.aali;, wb! h -aid resolution, aa amended, ts new pending be Its Cauooo Council of saidctiy. By iLrsetlo sf the Cetamoa CeaacU. 1IVS atw I DRY GOODS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! AT No. 3 ODD FELLOWS' HALL WK ,,S'VITK Ml'mtl. aTrr-TTMN TO Ofg w w iart e arts attractive atork of elegant DRESS GOODS! SHAWLS! RICH LACE GOODS: Aud tnauy other new and beautiful SatUsSs bonbt n Irrsty for the appr.achiuf Haddajf. rw ANIi RLIGAH1 DRESS SILKS, I'.I.ACK AND KA.NCT BKAI "HFI'L KVKNIM, M1KS. MOIRE ANTIQUES. BLACK REPT & FIGURED BLACK SILKS, VERY KINK FOR HOLIDAY I'RKSKNTS Fine Uri w (iood, Fmpnk ( loih. Vcllour, Scotch Plaid. Kobe h Chambers, and French Hettawtff, r uK HOLIDAY PaRSKMTS BCsaBOA.Nnr I-O.Vlls-a. FOR LADIK.. DBtCl AND Cntl.DRFN. F XJ R S , In Sable. Mink , Für. . Soinnel. and all tbs rheae li Having had oar buyer In the F.sU for ome time past Deuting ail the new and desirable style of gesso mita- ole for the Holiday trade, we are to offer our friends and the put, lie one of the most attractive slock of gutd ever esponed NT ?ale in tun city. JONES, HESS & DAVIS, derll.,!2w MEDICAL. saw CAM. FDR A CIRCULAR DKSCRIIIXG ALL SYMI'loM,- The sjmiioics uf Catarrh. ihej k .. r j appea-, are at fir-t very stlght. rersons find tbey ha-e a csld, ihat tbey have freaoant attack-, and ara more sen gs to thr chaner of tempersture. Iu tlis eonditior. the now may t r dry. or liRbt .li-charce, thin ard acrid. arterwarda becosaiaft tun a ami avUiesive. Aa tbe disease becomes rhroDT, toe dPlcbarge- are ir.rreaaed In qaftnti ty and cbang.d in 'juality; they are now thick and beavy. anil are hawked or c--oh.-d of?. Tae :r' loi - are T- fenive,cauaiug a bad breath, tbe voire ts thick and na sal: tbe eyea sre weak: the aenM of the smell 1 lessene '. or d-troyl-. lieaftie- frenatly takf place. An. ibr comsvsi ib1 mp.rtant symft'm of C Starr b Is, that the person li obliged to clear hi throat in the moraiot of a thick or slimy snacus, which hai. fallen down frosn he head during tbe night . When thi tikes place the per son may be sure that b's disease is on ita way to the iung. an l -.botil l lo no timu t.i arresting it. Th at ova are but few j tbe many Catarrh Symptocn single Molt le will last sa. Tlontti be uses! turn' nun dn TKXI3IONIAL. From Han. Thoma J. Turner, Kz-Member of Congres from Ittsanil. late Sp.-aker of Hoa-e of Rej r aems!ive, aad Uraad Master of A . I Rftd A R. ftf the Stat of ill mo is. NoaSJOaO Oet,herl, 13. Iis D. H. Ssklic Iier Sir. Io reply to your notiee of the ISth inst.. 1 would say that 1 wa severely a3t.cte-1 with Catarrh for year-, wbea I became acquainted with you and naagnt two Domes oi your Liqu:J catarrn Hem edy. Before I had a el one bottle I was sSOafMy fte provad. and before tbe second battle ws flnl.-hed, wa completely cured. I can recommend tba meUicias to all " ted with Catarrh ReipertfcHv Tour. THOS. J. Tl Dr. D. H. M lll li: CO.. ftout PaoraiBToas. Cbxago, Illinois. AT WHOLES A LS BT JOHN f PARK. .- CinrtBt1. O. WM JOHNftnV Detroit. Mich IialLT. KrSfKR A hVB Indianapolts. Brttvr5iw.; A m.n Indianapoit a Aivvl (aa aai ay all Ifen.. dacl2-dlyaC PROFESSIONAL. DK. J. A. Ill 3llai l Pr actis, ag and Coasatcng PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, No 10 rs.t WLi:.g-on Rtrrst, fup stairs ) "HTOfVe Hours S to 10 A M . 1 tc 3 stuf T :e S T M IsT W i iloj NOTICE f v VTRD Order fur Fruit Trees. Shads Treaa avsegraans, lira pawl a a. tlawwriag Shrsbs. Roses. Dahlias aad everything in tbe aarsery lias. rsrocuiar atieatlaa paid to tb aalec.ien or ass WA O RIAal n9afca s ss DHY GOODS closing out sales A I THE- Trade Palace 20 dL 2 WEST WASHINGTON ST.. HUMR LORD & CO. IS HIN I., KITIRE r RUM HCMMM SOW sffar tSeo largw aS aptaaabS atark ef aavata $100,000! at !Vw reei holSale j.rlr, and many ganSa S lea Feeling under obligation to tbe public far the very largs patronage we bavs -eceivsal, wa ba caaarlwwsa ta adopt tkU ni f vii mr prwultif t, tawre ky glvlua thorn the advantage of taring their wod s low as tee aasse can be bengal at net wholesale awtasa In K-lemrt!ie Tbl i na flrtltnti rt, au-i we will ron tlnae tbe a!e until tbe wbals t'wft ia c la -oat oat Wa have BOO i, mr tbe lraet sad LmI aolocteS atoek ovorkrosKht lo tkicllv.ruuaitiacor Wortb vf SILKS 9 osUy sad ( BS I I - grade, fvesa gH ' il ful Moire Antiques, T tbscbeapett PLAIN SILKS AND S,TI. R .. hwtllhe aotd regard laa of tha roeoot great ad- vaoaaa. FANCY DRESS (iOODS, la tiraat variety Dur buyer bHng at tho head of the market darin tbe spring, La ssade rxtta effort lo pro cura the ßnekt and motUfatbtonabi ta tbs markst. coa petahnaj all tho lata Iarin !Novtlt iN. MKRHIMAr rKI.MS, 9PRAOÜE S PRINTS, PACIFIC PRINTS, AM KHK 'AN PRINTS. DUNNELLS PRINTS, DOMESTICS. PLANNELÄ, SHEETINGS. HOSIERY. GLOVES. B MBROI DBR I ES. HUME, LORD & CO. I ODlAKAI'OLI h. J aneSS-dtf NOTIONS, 6sC. L. LTJD0RFF &C0., i cnssoi TO TWQWIMpfl oV LAHEY, WHOLESALE DRAXKM IV iOTl8, TAII.O I' THIMMINGN Cents Furnishing Coods, ASTD HATK Rr.MOVr.Ii TO No. 32 South Meridian Street JTTaTaat reeeleesl, at vtrr latrarw OaSw ortmrni of i.ood, wfeHets will ftse U ftt a man advance on e w Work prices, aprJf il HOTELS. PLANTERS' HOTEL, ACTOlf YOÜNO Proprtctajr, FORM R ALT Of RASMViLI.R. TENFRR8RR Sixth St., between Main and Market, FOR RENT. Mammoth Wholesale Grocery Store Boom to Bent WB ftawa haws thtaktag ef ballatiaf a vary la ga) ra ss la aecasaasoaata aa eatanaiva wo.aia f rswaej hsaasiss. sad waa 14 Rfte ta have the epesteoef any paw who might waai to rest sack a assise, ia rater Ifc t U D.s vf mh.,-.i ' awOsa Be im VasTi n 1 J81 '