Newspaper Page Text
DAILY STATE SENTINEL I C&UiOXD KTItT If&XlXrsC. AT TIIRNEW SENTINEL OFFICE h iJ iOUTIl MERIDIAN STR2ET. fcoi or nutx rrrT.; ELDER, RARKNESS & BINGHAM, tropritor. : copy, er- J r 30O (cpy, ail moctfc..., 4 60 (K, eopy.tbr month J &0 Ol cory, on woatb fo N 17A7C::Z2. n-nn 4 Amorican 17 VOLUME XIV. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY (5, I860. NUMBER 4,-134. DAI LY ATE SEK nn De liTered by the carrier, wuhin thr,!y, 29 (tu per I gLt wl.1t ir:jp'. at I3cH a tree . lL"foT city 1- nt at our rlk by Exrr. jre. j paid. r ia Kea-itrr4 Letir ly maü; thrrw;i r Ct n t re.potsjbl for r.y lo toat tray oecsr. City TjbcTifeT mill t held re.por.jiMe for papers 1?! tb.r boa arVr tby bav ruaorM, or wbn tiy ' wi-ta tbeta dlacontlriiied, title, rttc It tfveti tt th of- J 5f of ptMleaUcil. ? paper sest wlthoat pre-pyuest,or cootlrediang'T j lb aa paid frr. Copiea of th Diar Stmmcm b , each ttprT.lnjr, and th Wimr Sirmnt ca lion- : lay BBomlcf.Drm'Jy Te!;pd, fsr taaüisc. ti A T I. H OF A D V i: II T I I . 3 t 3 l m - 2 to I u 1 1 .- s: o ! 2 2Sl 9 y I 0 M 1.00 IT I.CO J.W J 00 4.00 1. 00 :o A.50 1.11 1&0( l.M lO 3 00 3 60 i n iso 5 3.00 1.78 3 61 3.&ft 4-37 100 4 00 4.00 3 76 5.00 e :i 4.50 00 7 SO 00 8.00 10.00 7. SO lo.oO IJ. SO 10.23 1 TS 13. 1 00 24.3S 15 00 31.25 27.00 H 00 55.0 MM 20 50 W 50 J5.S0 55 OO 35 90 O.00 2 02' S CO 3.37 4.50 5 2 75 7.7 .1.75 5.00 20 7.50 8.75 4... 3.00 3 to 4.00 3.75: 4 37 S OO 4 50 5 25 00 6 25 13 7.r 00 7.00 SOO 7 50 75 10 00 00 10.50 12.00 13.00 14.00 14.00 15.00 17-V 20.00 2.1.00 23 23 23.50 2 50 34.75 40 00 33.00 40.00 45.00 17 50 45.50 52.50 43.50 50 00 57.50 55. CO 5.00 75.00 td U. ' 3.00 10.00 11.25 11.50 13.50 15.00 1S.00 20.00 22 50 25.00 53.75 33.CC 45.00 50 OO 50.00 55 00 57.50 VI 60 5.00 70 00 "5 00 95.00 104 Jw. 1B3 al.J t.25, l...1I.M I.. 1.1 00 tin 15 00 P.j!rv 5ot;.c published In th local cn'axci, often tte r tinder, mill b chred tor fh lartion 1; If re r tn line , ten ce nU pr Lc. Aaaourcirii dith w'.ts fan-! atif :t f.f-l. 1; l!hct tot!r fre. KrTlc Soticep IM ceEt. So Ire f FeUl, Pknlc r i Etcnr,e, jt !tn np 1 .adtHo' it iKciUf.fifc, r j churche, i ü4 reiUr prlef . lJTertieuer.' leaded an l p!acd tn.t.r tie bea.1 t,f Ipedal Ifotic, If tenüsei roTr,wlll becAigel CoübU the s$al rte. Tearly aJTertler to pay quarterly. Aanmncinn candidate for oCSceiiftf erery de-crlptlun to b cbareed at th rite cffl 50 fr each came in tL Daily, and 2ln tb Dally and Weekly, tie ami to e, l-i II caaea, paid In a lvanc. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, V rCBLiBUKD KVRRT H0M)T AT Two Dollars and Filly ( Is. a Year. T Ciula of tea anJ ever at 2 CO year. MTMU DTT1U1ILT n IVTlVn. ADTFIlTI8i:JfJ TDK WF.KKLT. I K Juare, on IcertJ.U f 0 75 l two ltO 2 00 9 r each Tjbeqoei t Insertion, and fr each Irier- tlon ef ear.b a-IJttioaal qnare 23 1, Leal adrtlirmer.U Inverted at the eipti of the .raeyi orlerlnr, and not delayabl for tb leiral proceed, feft.bat collectable t ur uua1 time. Publisher! net aocu(.tabl for tb accuracy ef leal adrertitnenta be f 1.,4 tk womit charged for their publication. KLEKR, DAUKSKSS4 EIJOHAM, Prcpiietori Indiana State Sentinel. J. M. T1LFORD, Prek'.Je&t IndlAoapcl! Journal Conipaiij. INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD Tlr7ETABLE. BISON kill (gD Tr'.: Ieai. A.M... S O P. M... Irauia Arrive .... 11.15 A.M. .... 15 P. M. .1111.. I jirr ..''(. in Trains Leate. Train Arrive. naming Expr.?.0o A.M. N.ght Fipre,, 3.5 A. M Cbkan Kxprei, Chscaa; Fxpr-s, 5lht Kxprs 10.00 T. if. F.enirg tpr S.15 V. M lamasaroLia, rrtc riüriw naioi.i. ainLa. Trarr.n Arrive. 12:4 r.M Mail 9:25 A.M. J1030 P.M....CL!ca(oExpreM, So. 1... 4 23 P.M. laraiarra Bn.aai .Train Leave. Tral-a Arrive " It-AO P. 5:30 A.M. 7 30 P.M 14. A.. I0:1S V.. .................. .... &:30 P.M. raaat aarrB latLBOA. rr.lii Leave Train. Arrirr. A OS A.M.M...............,.i,.i...t..S:45 A. V . 12:40 P.M.. 10:3.' A.M ' 10:40 P.M ....7:35P. M. lanusarouaaiD cnciiaaTi aanaoab. rvai iitf. iraim Arn. i: a. ....... .....jtau. ............. i -v . mi. iv a. at , . . .. ...iccouiimnjauwa . ....... o.uv . I JO P. M KxpreM 9 35 P. M. r coLCMara aan imm iirouiciT.L iailwit. TraloaLear. Trains Arrive . 100 A. If Day KxpreM 12:15 Noon. '2:15 P.M HalL. 1:43 P.M " 7.45 P. Kxpresi 20:22 T. V. . . , aaLxaeoitAinB aAaaoAX. Train Leav. Train Arrive. 7.00 A.M ; I:4SP.M. 4 00 P.M.......... 1215 Soon. . &20P.M Mall 12.34 P.M. tUCHTILtr, IW At AXT ASO CaTCAOO ailLBOat TIAM.t or TIME. ICxprew. Oreeacile Junction golns north...... 5.50 P M 9lnK ocü. MO P M MERCHANT TAILORINC. LEWIS NCIIOLTZt pKorKirroR or Tat FIRST CLASS IIEECHANT TAILORING 13 H 'X XJ jl, i s II m iz n a NORT PENNSYLVANIA STREET, Two Door South of Tost Ofllce INDIANAPOLIS. octI-.:f TO INDIANA MILirAIIY OFfifERS. Kxv.ct.mE DrrAiTvicxT or Inmana. UtREAC Of FlXANCK. , I.iDtAXAroLi. JuDe 24, 1.-14. ) 1 SH1ASA OFFICERS, wbo bave Veen or are r1i:j la JL the artLy, are ir.fons'1 that their Ordcaaca Returns will he made up and pttwuted to tV.e proper Department and certificate f ac S.tUur cht ir.M, Tret of;, y applyln to Mr.C. K. k.ker, Cbit Cl.rk State Ord nanc Ivrartaer.t, oSic uo !airs over VaVt.i' har4 wax Ure, No. 31 Tt WatVIugton atreet. lii'dUnapoIis. P.T maktnz rttan., as abo've oirocted. ofEcers will not only save all fee, but tbey will be aide to settle vith tbe i boerr.ment and draw their pay from or.e to tbree month earlier than if the tL4 la crammed toCU-ui Afevtt. By rder f n.veraor Mrani. "A. n. 11. TKRk?U, e?Vdtf " .m. trrsr. . MEANS TO SECURE GOOD KC.Y.ES. W rrrn'' Irttl reaJy rue-! t-.,-tre, Bora-. H will eil LoIh Entire.)' 011 Time rect comfortable dwel'.iB?, tnllt y ro workmen Ci! tn fod tjl. cc tLe payment of h laa mcjch aa the inspTws-etneate will ert tb rea-a!r..u to te psid on easy pay fiwul Cut mach aicr than a fa r rret ob the ptcue. Haic lot in nearly all part cf tbe rltr, we can accommodate all 1hirgto secure a hctr.e; anU hv g a larje aronit of lansberon bant, ant wori'vierj reaJr emplyt. o erect bniHin on bn not'ee. U'KRRNAN I lKRCK. al Ft ate A. LOAN OFFICE. ttXY s lalJPTOX, I i LOAN O FP ICE, Antborlzr br cr?riiurtii. MCSTT APVAJCCKn Cd WATCH IS. DUXÜ.1U-, Jewelry, Ht, r.uus, l1to:, lti'vV iM a l alnusef rrs?nal rreperty, or b3;ht and sold, at I ',' 5ortll lilmoia etxeet, Srwoü iets. up wair. Office epo at an aour. DR. A. G. IaIIA., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON -C 50. 10 VIAÜLVIA ATESCX. sjcfirxarcr. t.t 50rth a i aha st MEDICINES, &C. DAILY, REEFER k HUSH. tSontli Ioiaiclin.ii St., VkKT ISO UN'OM MUDT. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., WHOLESALE DEALERS FICLWIVKLY, 15 3D) KL TU & S , 9 PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, GLASS WAR IS, PERFUMERY AiTD Fancy Goods, ASI- PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. WK WOL'Lli CALL THK ATTEST10SOK MiLC OISTH to tbe abov eütablivbment, and invite them, wben Id tbe city, to look tbroanh our io k. Our jrrvl wer bought wben Ro'd was at 1 5. ami lfor the additiocavWl per cer.t Ine in Tariff I'vty, whicb.we are eoufldeut, will enabl u to sell good la our line very low and yt realize a profit, ewilldj piieat any Clüdovatl b:ü f ntnatr tn prc cn- ered. Orders are !(..!Idte3 Jf7'04-Jly THE PIRST NATIONAL MM OF ITJLXVrVVXOiIM TS THE ottcial depository and HcancUl antofthe I. Uaite-i Statek. aai will fura'h, on tL ui.t favora t'r term. All kinds of ünitei States Bonds and Revenue Stamps, ALd wIU buy and set! i old, Silver, Kxrbaoe, (lovem ment Voucbern, Order on v ashintrton, Stat .SiocA ajid Public Securitieof every description. Collection will t promptly made, and every kind of buvinen attended to tbat belongs to letnumate bankiuf;. R-'tfalar cuntomer are only charged 6 per cent, npon Loan obtained at tbii Bank, and tbe mot ampl pr vi'ion are made for the afe-keepinj of DepoalU and for t'.ie accommodation cf Depoait jr. In addition to tbe re.pou!b:lity of tbe United State f : r tbe liabilities of the Bant, the Stockholders are indi v idüall responsible to tbe extent of their atock, in addi tion to tbe amount inve'.el In aucb bare,tbu afTording tb mst ample security to tba public. Tbe fol'owirg are tbe preeat Stockholder of tb In atltctlon Wra. H. En(rlii.h, W. R.NoNir.?er. Iewts Jordoa, lVloes Root, Jer. McLene. J. F. I). Linie. , cf N. T., tlov. O. P. Morton Hon. John J. Morrison, tien. lai. Noble, Hon. 0r B. Hord. Hon. T. A.Hendricks, Hon. Pv!J Kilgore. Hon. James A. Craver.. Hon. John C. New, Hon. T. M. Sullivan, Rev. Wm. A. Hclliday, Irof. C. N.Todd. J. George 8tilx, tleors w. Kijrsrs. Hubert Brownir:, . W.J. UelliJiT, W. R. Holloway. J. M. Maxwell, H b. H. Fry, A.J. Hay. R. It Parker, J. L. Holten, tvipslow, Iiuif r A Co., J. A. Ra-s. Wm. Bradec, BetJ. V. Tnttle. John W. Murphy, Judge F.M.Fircb. Wm. Wlllard, A. Baldwin, D. W. Noble, W. O. Eockwood, Daniel Hennessey, James Powers, J. Ia Slaughter, Luraan llilU, W. S.T. Morton, Earo&bss CoSn, John C. Heretb, lr. J. M. Gawton, H.B. FiLcb. Dr. J. n. Woodbci Jnc. C. Wrlgbt, John Hendrickv A.J. Dar.fortb, James Green, A.D. Billingsly, W. W. Leatber, James Winslow. Jc'.yll PLANING & FLOORING MILL. South New Jersey Street. nVMUt. F.LINU, AND .HASH PACTOK, PHXIM. an.1 Mo.-rir Mill. Having completed Diy Factory, I am prepared to fur rih lKKr. iah. Blind. l)or at d s iik-Vw frames, Mol.lirc. Cornice, Bractet. Ire-e.l ..nailer. WeatbT boantlnir. and other manufactured tiTer p's'r.!:!? to a hniWinz, at as rea"naMe ra't- a aey .b. r riivfc. tnrer I n tl e city. Ht!rjM hntl lock lLv.T;fhly 'erd 'Kiver" Pi!e I.mtcT, I n ersM'd o "arrsrt ry rr.:. c.'Kture. imer ivr :r.t tr.i'T na r;". !nruNr preiuptly attended to. xt'.'S dJtn. WARKK5 TATr. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, IMitlustrlpIilH, I'n. ntSKASES OF TUP NEKVOI'J.SKMINAI, VKIJCA h AM KK1UAL STSTKM. w an t rel. able irt.tiseni !n E'tH.r- t f tbIIart A.-."-!at)oii Nrt t mail la eaiedietter eaveiopes, Ire of cb?e. Ad dress lr. J. KimS liOtT.IITON. lL-wa-d A-e -ritton, Vvvl J3th N i.tb street, FhilaoVi- V r.T'Ci y KAV sV W-ff.IAlIS. ViiKi&iiirtii. Cit-, i. c VTlt'LXLTS AT LAW AN l) MUJCIT0U Or CUii 02'f No. ill rfcr.'.ania avetue.i few d jot. eat of the N ti-nal H-'tel. A ill prox-cuie claitn be.'cr tbf lt;-.ed 5tat e Cotirt f Claims a:d Cx:fre. L.i.uM with ail th Executive Leraitiaf r.ts Ir.r lu.'-l-jr C'sirns ef e.ery r,ecrlpti. n connected with the Mili tary aiiU Nv .1 Serrl.-, atr4e.t t wit h pr-mptre aod oct2-d3m DRUCS, MEDICINES JOII ILM LLIV.U, LIVERY. SALE AND BOARDING STABLE Xo. 10 Lat 1'cnrl Mrcet, tu n r of nttr Rnlldln arfWlT Telegraphic Dispatches. atroTt airarseLT io tsc Dint ititx irntL. lOHISirVO REPORT. GENERAL NEWS. HOUTII 11 1 tIS' IV K W W . Tili: IIUTCII AI CAXAIi ITS SIZE AND IMPORTANCE. LATER FROM SAVANNAH. HEAVY RAILROAD ROBBERY Jlovt'iiien! of Publisher THE LATE RAID IN WEST VIRGINIA. Ac. A, Ac , At.. Vc from Hew York. N.w Yclk, January 3 The Herald ire 4 complete history of the Dutch Gad cans. It wns comuieucel in August liat. ariU up to the dij of the explosion of the bulkhead three rcgi taenU of white aud colored tro:n were dettiled for the special work, vera?ricg I'roui 120 to 140 men ecgaged daily. The canal U feet Ioli; ar:d the rtatfst width of excavatioti is 122 feet, and the depth 4o leet. The width of the canal proper is CG feet at the to; and 45 feet at the bottom. At high wa ter there will I. a depth of 1G feet. Fiora these facts some klct intr be formed of the imrr.rrwtv ' ofthowork. I Supp.jsig that the cakaI, in couequeiice of 1 the heavy bittftie- bcirin upon it. cannot be comp'eteJ at present, the work, as far as it has been carried, 1 to much gained in an enterprise which, when it frhall be completed, will always be of incalculable importance to the commercial interests of Kichmoud. f The explosion of the of the caail 0:1 ! the 1-t imstatt was vitDe;-?e.l by a 1 irge u umber j of officers and a strong body or troops under T?0 KMTA5CE, .if HK ha tm HK CAN BHLD ..-.k 1- I. a houe worth tCOO, and liberal payments will b arms to be re vir for emergencies th. Iot aljd tb. ;ema!lider on tk koua . 1 he special correspondent of the Herald give j ,Q CIJ cf tonvn- to th purchar, we ni b a lull account of the recent Mid thrOUjh La-t 1 willing to take the rents of th property for tb balance Tenne-i-ce and Southwestern Viryir.ia, of Oens. of the purchase rcouey nr.til it h all paid, and tLu r Stoneman. Burbrd-e and Gil'.em. The inier ,ilv b!m fröra nJ rW tateter. effected br it to the rebel was itnmt.i., arid it ! th.vjrht irtenar-ble j TlTe'lead mines and rait wurk.i, 50 toun hlic- , ., , j ütKl lurniCC?. fv PUlCt l raiiroa-l, 10 M'oaio- t ii.ts, mis jiiiu a 1 - aiu.Mini. ,i unici f t'" ! estv of the rebel? wrte detroveJ, and 2'J pieces ' ( artillery RnJ msny rn-oncrs were cartured Iioin them. The RichnioiidF.xamimr sijs th tt The Scr.ti-. titl's proposition t claim the protection of V.i. land or France originated with JeiT. Di!", n 1 ; hai ii.s birth in a runickv mind. J 'The Sarati3ih cur ic-pot, dent of The World; Hays Sl'.crm in ni'l m .tcii firt on Atigutn. and , then to the rear of Charleston, when, wish Iihl pren in front, he will 1v .jece to the rcheNtr. r- : hold. ; A dispatch captured on 1 tebel -oldir divnl- 1 tho intention to t t dthe rebel tsuis net ot Uhsrictni htrb'r on.e, thsis tik;n: .iv in tije of the .ib-cnre of oir iron -cuds. Thi !1 to piouiptly rending to TJlijilctnn l.4rhor hI! of , ot:r iron cl ids, where they now .ue The Richmond Sentit. tl hi- a ic-jt!, which it 1 di.scieditP, however, that Price is dead. The Ktchmond Sfntincl of the 2Tth sys .1 load ::f hhiikets bvcn rt ce've ! at a , tutis lor the pi:oiiets. The Tr'Lur.r's arnjv nt the Ja rues re: ill savs: " Dutch (iip Canal i- legaried - a complete; eurccd, the rtsult of the i-xploion ia the bulk- heid Leing all t!at w:is expect el. A dredging , machine will now finish the work. Sixteen feet J of water has Leen in the can! einer the tlh o? j last month. The Herald.- Sjv.tiiu.ih cuiic-p tvicct : vs: . 1 Many of the citizen.- hive taken the o-itl. id al ' legiHnce. The 3d division "f the Uth corps leoioved acio-s the Savannah into South Caro : Jin., met and drove a regiment 01 heeler cavalrv awiv. Xo other rebel force found. The Adams Express Company have already ; received and forw trded crib $r00,(,W, and the '. tuh continues. t In addition to military leviews, the entire tie ! department had passed in review before General ; Sherman, with the exception of the officers and ; companies con-itirg of negroes. The World ha.s a rumor fiora Washington ! that Senator Morgan is to be made secretary of the treasury, and that Seward will be andescu ator in place of Morgan Mr. Adams i? to sue- ceed Mr. Seward in the cabinet. It is net said : who will euccced Jlr. Adam. ' The same correspondent savs: Mr. Diaper's j nomination for collector of New York will not! be sent to the senate, but that Triton King will ; . 1 1 1 .t. -T j , . . The Petersburg Kxprcsa i h.i-atucd that the 1 cotton found by Shermm in Savannah is owned j 1 by (ireat Hritaic, some by priv-st individualt i and soaie by the government. It appears that only 1,000 lilauketf wem scut to our prisoners, and The Express ay?. as there , are 3,000 Yankee pmoner., their supply falls, : hort two-thirds. I'rom ( Ciminsati, Janusry i. A carpet bsf 'd 1 tainin $13,f0U, wns ritIM of it contents ou Sit f urdiy, on the tmin between It:dicpoÜ3 anJ 1 Lsfavette isocluntotne robter. I An anti -'avert conTfntioi, w.m held at Frank- i I fort. Kt.. jestfrdny, bo1 resolutions were dopt- j . ' . , ' tJ adht-HiTT to the 1'utimore rl'form. ana re ! f jutii! their ttpre-entHtive- i:i Cunre to ! vote lot tLe contitGtional amndnifnt abolishing ' laTery, ard iuriting tbe legil,Ture t infrucf 1 tj hi' eueci; rcpeaimg tne b.ave roje oi rven- I tmkv; endorirjr General Iiurhridje. and pprv . . , . : ,. , ,- . 1 1 1 . . .1. . . rt" I . I 1 1 C T ...'.-Hvv.a.iiury v,Hr; ;rv i;un . . hs fire tt i :rm i:t rrrvatlcd Letter from all ' prt.- of t,e tat? wore rc-id. urtn tbo wrrn. : i:.n t- tske -.trcrk atiti--l.tvpry ground i Tiie i;ews-ar,rr rovveiition ' ern!.--. i t'un.'i-iH sper-iav, r,.i a ecra- . miltee wt- arpointed It' tite 'ei-U i Lire at, 1 contrc--. almost prohiMtirs; the tarifl on i paper It was relred torsi1, the price of i ! weekly rnpers to 2 50 per year, and increase1 ! !re rte of advertisia. A fnte ruhli.'hers a-.'ciaiion was torme-l. ) The Kentucky LeUture a-xembled ye-ter-; h. No quorum pre.-ent in the lloue l b" ! S"nf- .r iiiijci n-i r!" tt-I .V B ; pfnkrr, pro tern, in h-t i c M (;..y. ' errior s--S Mill inn Nv VoaiK. Jtr.ury et . ' Ti r .tetiiit r EA-!e, I rota 11 s ' : ' f. i-te sj . . , arrirei. Ith tlut t e-ct r.;:iri: ; if parted havirrj tbe (Cn two ree'.. b :r:.iri ja-t .u-.c'it. i. 1 t .turn er? 5iipro-cd t i tc ti e ptir I'.wt li;t!e cre-iit wh atUchr'l to the re; n:. n it w as tw'J hj an Lc'i-hinta ho diJ n.t tell the -.tcry tviice al:ke. At'fr the lt of Jai.uut h!! f..reii. rea paper &r te . .Vertel to a v!.-rtu- nor- I'rom St. I.oul. St. Loru. January 5 Jobu ThorajHoo, a tntmbe. of lbs lower boose of tbe Missouri Lc Itlatcre, wa expelled yctex!aj for dftloyalty w from Cnlro. Ca&io, JaDUtrj It. The etcaiafr Fautiie O ltu. from Little Hock, Ark., Im arrircl. ihe trcuht out 100 bila of cotton, biks belor.ciug to tLe goTcruacnt were left it the rooata oi v c:;c rn cr, ujj ivr ie utn All quiet fcloa? Atkia- rirer. Oce hundred bile of wt'or. fr.m lltru Its atriTc ' t Memphis. I roiu wnttlilncion WAi-uiNwro.v, Jsouity 5. The c;cs Luwfbe fore the Supreme Court of the Unite-I Sutes te the followicg: "The people .' tic i'!? ?t N"e York ex rel." The ot the ConiiiiuaeaUh mil the Iunk of Commerce, pIiatiS- in crrnr, v. the Comtnis-iioner!1 of Tax." from notion. Uo.-To, Jisuiry 5. Major General KJward Johnson, and Brigadier Geiierali II. I. Jackson and Thomas B. Smith, of the rebel array, paucd through tbe cif jestenlsy en route to fort Warren. Tbe 10-lO Loan. W.uixctjx, Januarj 5.- Subscriptions to the 1U 40 lon TeerdT amounted to $137.000. only ft FOR SALE. GREAT BARQ-AINS -is- SLOTS Gltf. AT OPPORTUNITY KOK.THK POOR M J N ! Ttis K'eat an opportuclty a h-s eer bees oler-1 ed a poor man in a (rowing city 1 ke IndiarapMI. ; , 'f 1 anew bus totb ur-derned f.r we j hate been er.ktaged in it for teti yr. arid w refer to th 1 oM sutlers and bn.lnes men of th. city, and to bun- ! jiriivn w one "Uiti w liiiiway cronqn as. Yiraii:it.A. v in:iec:i:. ;l(rC M aviiiiiglou irret Our fior l.itt i'almsr lfv. tc tl 4 -cl.lrii CLOAKS. CLOAKS! CLOAKS Headquarters for Cloaks ! LARGEST CLOAK HOUSE IN THE WEST! for Ii Varleriee aai St) If of Cl'.ai. call at IVU.ä sV CO'S, South Meridian Street, No. 1 Old Post Office. CtiiltlreuU l lonks all Mylrs. ami 1 Kdr 'h'll pnrcLaer moil do well to jrlve ua a I calbforpurcbasicg. octlS-dtf GROCERIES. FISH. HALF It ARB ELS WHITE HiH HOPS. baus sncur Eors. 1 flflfl 0IUl PUSH. PRIM Y. TVH1TR MKAXS. ALSO Hi: aa TIMOTHY, FLAX AND CLOVER SEEDS, KOR SALK LT I C7 Olli lift t MM toil 31 . lift lit M, MILW AUKET, WlSCOJfSIX. RENOVATERS. PI CÄWfWf: ÄWn nYCIWf: CQTAPI IQUMCIIT ULunitniu nitu wikiiiuk.winukiwiiiiii.iii 1 IHK UX;TKDSfATKiLYE-UOlJK, .-10 Saa-JlTH Illings it(vet, Ir.dianapi.lii, lad.aca. ! At this old and well-kaiiva eitablibrufLl. the Unie. ; I caa bave silk and oe!c Roods dyed !r permanent acd ; teaatifnl colorf; and sects' ;ant thcr'.mrbly recora-' . J ! J lei-ana rep;reu. , "'w -'cond-bDd clothirg bozi aad vl.t aleo, : a patiCTi'.ar branch in tbe bu.icese dynjmlaa lei are draw- ; . i:aM. doth, or tear ia ar.T canaent can t 1 KmeTTiber the pice, No. Sovi'Ij IllicrU rtre-t. i jtnio JOSKPH HAERIS.rreprietor. MAKRIED LADIES w -e:i4 a rl itimp for Dk. STUART I'HI- i v-r i- i U i 1 1 a.' . V Ii U AAA i A.I 1 ; I rr-? Vt VATK. CIKCULAK TO MAKRIfr D LAMES, al common .tiyÄliu..;0 "rMnuo- 4,1 i1 I I I:. LCl'LKT TU A LT. Sj-Xn f). Draper 5931, ChicaK-o, i'l AGENTS WANTED. yt O !' I 1 1 I .ct Ajrr,U -Mryvb-re TO a rr ejt-etj. paid, to sell I V. u he -1 l ' V'.'.. l ull pruUrs OTl- T OAR e.V. Ma'ue. j stamps! ALL K151WS OFRKVESUK STAMl'S Ft) It f ALK AT the uua'. distal. Ief.aa: cjntie upplid promptly. Cstl at No. 1 New A T.'.botf t:.k, rnrf(npll. W14-dln 1. WILLIAM LRADIUAW. HOUSES un. j. a. n i:3iiai.l. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 5a. 10 Z. Waa'&lsrQ Jtrvr (o itAln.) ECI A, Ms 1 U 3 r3 T W 8 P. U. GROCERIES. K. P. ALVUK.U i M.CAlXiKKLt. H. B. ALTO ED ALVORD, CALDWELL, & ALVORD, Wliolounlo Doa1oi' GROß AND East washincton street, Ar la DAlLTrcljt&f frakg4. Coneuntiy 00 band aefor a1atUlwr(priCM, a larae and tvsaorted iek? Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Rice, Tea, Nails, Glass, Voodenware, Soap, Caudles, Starch, Raisins, Cigars, Tobacco, Mackerel, White Fish, Cordage, Twine, Dye-Stuffs, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines, Whisky, Notions of all kinds & IIOSTETTBRS AND WAHOO 68 East Washington Street. !cI9-dAw BUSINESS CQLLECE. Bryant, Stratton & Spencer's ix r 1 is" apoiis III'SIXK.S COLLEGE, S ONKOP TP.E PRÜM15ENT INSTITUTI05s TOJ. atitotinir ;he "Cbaia cf International Ea!ne Col- located in twer ty-three of tte lareent cities cf the Tnited States aid Canaias. Life Scholarship isaed at the Indisrapol! College good throuchoat tb "Chain " Tbl lntitation oflers cce.;t:alrd alvantares to Youc Men and Ladies desiring a Duises Kdocaticn. The va rious departmett of P.ook-Keepirr. Onroercial 1, Calculation, are under tbe cbarit cf able acd ei Prlenced teachers. Pennaant-hip taus;Lt by ooe cf tbe authors of the gpeuceiian Sjteaj. Telegraphier tasght ty a practical Operator. Frr further iaformativr. end rmps fr CWije MirtblT and of F:Ii-s Wr"!nsc, r call at ! SO1. Vet Wa-bi-jton trret. BRYANT, ST I. A1TUS &. SPK.NCKIi. 4rtl0-dtm jat9-wlin lfj.ü:.r.;Hliv lid. PRINTING. . . c. r. wrTTgisfc...1!. 1II'T;iII'M!V. II v I'LAlX ANT 0E5AVKNTAI. STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, H ruly p r nnsl IfK binders, No. 16 1-2 East Washington Street, INDIASAI-UU. IXI1ANA. "7Wank K- k cov?a-dXj f sery d;r'pv n trs-Je lo irl WANTED. UJ TLD-fJ 5 A llONTll-Ar-r.t er.ry wbere, :o ia-.rxl jc tt nw 16 ' t r 6 ?.. i ,i'v'y .v-if it .Vtx fiii. the onfy low prlre n:ch;T)e th country whW-b i f vni by 'er A likr, Wrer cV Wiin, How. Jx;er A Co.. al Fch;ur. Salary a'1 es fae. or lr coro?t.i.ifn ai'oe4. AU Iber Machine d.w old for le.s tbu"T.rty dcüar ach are v:friig'virt4, and tie i.!ier asrt ver ;;-tV. I" is. tr:-1 crcv;la r.t fr. Adr . Hw A CLARK. Hvirfs, rf fioIO-dAvln ERES n. TI. SPICER aV CO., REAL EST1TB AGENTS. AND NOTARIES PUDLIC, No, 20 1-2 North Illinois, Street Indianapolis, IntL. SPECIAL NOTICES. LET THOSE WHO HAVE D0ÜÜTED tk vlrtae of P.- Cento B.-ttc. if aty nch thre le, red th r:!olzc:en;Scat frJi tlcnje e.;l Anvnj in ta's coanstl'T. and Cout bo nre. Its general lrtroitrtion itt tb tray v!!l t.e JYM of tbon-ar:d of oar ol4:era; We, the nn iervmej. bare eeea the good '5ct ef Dr. Joia Diu. P.mrsa tn rase of general debility ana prostration of tb eytem, aad beiiev iu general c ween prevent cl-eas tzd rellere Trues Amt? wr aoHrt partxalarly wosild tfci b tb case. eapeciany tbs wbo ar eipoeet to la in Jisat!j It Ccencf!. la the Soeben: c;ixa'e. MkJ. PHILIP STEEL. Collector Int. Lt. W T Vy. CHAS. B. COTTON, Collect -r cT tha Tr-rt Iouir;;, Kv. COL. II. DENT. Provort Marshal General of KeutBcXy RKV. P. T. nF.!STERS05. Vice PreaiJent of Snlta-T Com&2& 3KNrT, ErGHKsi t CO.. PublLthen DeTayerat. EO. T. DOER. Proprietor Lcuivil! AtiMjr TJlViDKS A PARKHILL, Wboleaale Dry Gccis Dealer, Uila atret. Lou la - Tille, Ky. DAVIS. GREK5 A CO., Wholesale Shoe Dealers, Ttf ain street, tWIT.. HART A MArCTHER. Ijttojrapher, coraer Karket k-A Te!rJ nreeis, LOCUTii'e, Ky JCUL'S TVIMER, Cicthint Merchart. comer TVr Ji Markst U. Ixu'.sriUe, Ky. CAIT. 8. F. HILDKETH, Of the ittamer Major Aoersoa. KAJ. L. T. THCEST05. Payaater C. S. Amy. C. if. METCALF, Xatlonal Hotel, IOtUvUIe, Kjr. COL. JESSE BATLES, 4th Kentucky Cavalry. fiKOKT.E D. PRENTICE, lAuiiTll!e Journal. SOLD WHOLESALE EI daily, Ki:i:n:u a klsii, TS Soath Merillaa St., IndlaapoIU. 4eclCC4-lIyAwl2toam THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills, PROTECTED ä LEITERS BY ROYAL PATENT! t'rristrtd Yom a xreyrijticm f Sir J. Gart, Jf. D Phjiclai ISeiniordiiusrytotXf Quiu Thit lnvalcttle mbdlcin cnfaillc la th cur of all those painful and daxeroas dUeaaea to mbkb tb f. scA'.e cocaütaüoa Ii sbject. It moderfcl orurr:i. aiid a speedy cure may 1 rld ocu to ma it in i:d ladies It L peculiarly suited. It 111 la abort Uir Wm cat the mor.tbiy period with regularity. Kach b.'tt, pric Ot.e IMIar, tear the Oavertaisftt ttao.p rO-eat Britain, to prevent cour tArfelu. 7?,e I'ilt ttJuJ n4 Ittilen. 5y JenuiU during (, riP.Sl THREE ( OKTlLy of Frt$nany, ot tty art turt tolrit j ir Mixrrriirft t ut at my i.t.nlw thry cure k.iff, In al! cases ?f Neprou and Spinal AffecMor.s, Pairjs in the Pck and IJmbs, Pafgü on alight eAertifri, r!p'.U :in 'A the Heart, Hysterics acd White, the Pillj wiH e5ect arr-e wba otb(rtn hare faiVd; and, al-th-JUf:!. a powe;l re Tey, d not Cttt.sio ircc, ealorr.el. aarins-ijy, er tTiytLi! hr.rtfal to the constitution.. Fu;l directic-a in tbe pamphlet around ecli peciK, vtkw-h Aoiid be carefully preserved. SOLD 21 YALL LRtGGLsTs e A peat for the Tciied States ao-t Cacaia, .'OP, MOSKS, Cortlandt St.. Sew Tor. X. H. I OU and po4tjre tanip enclose.! to any a-i-tberited Agent wfl iiw.-e . battle, CM-.tairdr j 10 Pills, by return all. dec5 de odlwly r.Npj.i:sFttNTj'BÜ: mm Are tn a njorr.; t-autifie-t by tb operation of CUISTADOKO'5 HAIH DYE. Which, without ibe liebte, trouble, lnrparU to the hair of the LeaJ, the whiiker, beard, or taountaxhe, aty ab ad ot brown or the raoat perfect black. Iad can us it without soiling their firmer. It Is th Bit ex peditious hair dye la th world, acd th only oce free frwra vry p"ion'U lugre Jient, and that contain, a tTJr;sbhg ard eTjjoilisr.t Tegtab!e principle. CristadoroS Hair rrecrvatlvc, a ralualIe adjunct to tbe Dye, ia dressing aad promoting the growth a-d ptrftct LealJi of its ha-, and of itwlf, wben ued alroie, a safeguard that prciecta th fibre freau decay under all cirurc.raae a&d ander all climea. Matcfactured J. CRISTADORO, So. C Astor House, 5ew York. Söld by all Vmzfri. K-i'.t l hy aU Ha'r TTeeeert. SP THK CONFESSION AND EXPERI- euc t f as Invalid. Published for th beneft, aad as a warsirg aad CAUTION TO wh aeffe from 2"ervoa Iftllity, Prruture EVcay of Mauhood, etc., rupplylr-- at th same time, THE UEAÜ5 OF SKLF-CCKJC. Uy or. who has cured himaelf, after beicg petto great eipene aid Jr-jory through medical hem bug aud quacVery. liyeuclosicg a post-paid addresd esTelope, 'JI cpiiaay V bad cf tb author. SATTIAMKL MATFAIK, Ksq.. doi-t-dAwIta BrcKlyn, KTnjs coaoty, X. T. t5T" SOLDIER STE THINK DR Stjicklacd it quite right in yon la his adreTtia rant in cur eelamna cf t )-dy' paper , tali a hottl. of hish!gh!y rwommervied Acti-Cholera U'.ure la your Vnapkacks. It nay ave the live of Busty cf our bei tot':er. others, se that year eon do oot aeg Sect T u can get it at the Irug at iO cent per botti It U tb bet r.aedy ttr arrboa aud Dysentery. archl-dlyeteliwly 1) ISKASKs OK TIIE NERVOUS Sr-ultikl, L'riiiary and Sesrjal Syn, tew and reliable treatment Id Report ot tu HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Sect by nail in taied letter euvelop. tr cf charge. AdJre. V. j. (kllUJX HOUGUTO Howard A Mocla ton, So.3Soth Hlw.S tst, PbiUdeipb. Pa. ierr.O-dAvi ly ijTNEUVOUS DEBILITY. SEMINAL Äakre, etc., f,m A -sei Vy er V em really eired BirrIf ar.d ktrdre. ef ber, aad 11 t!l yeu toth rjt tit thret. Adreaa with pump. KDWALD H. TEATKR, Vj.Wiel; lck Bx, Beton, Ma. UNDERTAKING. HMBALMIXO TIIE DEAD ! v(TTUF.W I)r., ONK CF OCK WJ.LL ovf-j Uaiertaker cf this cf.y. hat p'ocurssl the tec. iy i; iatii, and apraraiot w bereby tie cia be enbalrrjed ard th Loly tr!2ta::i s Lateral p- getrance f 3r tz idSr,ite tire. Tb greit ctrajber i-f ec!dicr dy'.rz aay frro lore aad fneoda, has rendered tbe iatrodi-er and perf--tor f tfce rt of etabalmiBg a pol.i'.c benefactor. Kr. Locg has eoggd the errice of f.r.e of vjr diMitrs hd physiclajis, genllemas b scientific attarcet ae ackrowled by the faculty, to condac lfce brancb f tLe ha '.. a4 w.rraa'. th most saris la-neey rei.':a. decle-dlm. w. ji. pria, . o. i. run, w. i. DRS. DIIZAN& CLAM, OFFICE o. 180, .ortb Illinois, Dt., Intllanaprlla, Iba. , ' - - - - r. BUT A JCNTiXE WALTHAM TTÄTtli r " a . adaraM ani rClb' t!avs-kerMr - i BCT ACrxriXK Ts ALTHAM WATtn-i. ..t ' aod ft STOrtH d--vnM tS pr srrtth a&d SUi watcbau - . " OnnSt TTALTHAH W ATlTIK rVii . J-t.'.' GXSC1NK WALTII Akf t r H lor Sv-s-bavy Ituauavg .. tarytU tl-.! j!.tc . e T t tmr WtvWUe dlret f-s t V u cfacvy . ep fKirj fxt th 08, SINGLE WAT01CS5CNT OLflKti -re-: tu iit r.f a ti-ne k-fr, at tWo Vwet po-".lj I Th tr l eypplW at Jatry prt.ea. L , v raUr. 4 ' ' l . . V a!o Lav , Urr farWty lr fio4 t ' WaAcbsw. ritt W'sa AüU (live ' W. P. BINGHAM L C0. 50 Eait Waihlngton Street, : ' ' 1 nu ood r.ik-v r-.' LIQUOnC, C. A. Kixjon. 1 V ' WBOLSSALJa DAALAKA DI . I - P . all kinds op li::: v SOLD AT THK Cincinnati Daily Quotallrr . 03 HASLvJ AT ALL TIMXI v ,v Pore Kentucky Bourbon 171! . . . ALSO, BRANDIES AfiO Vi;:2S Of dlZitf tti Bratla fy" W invitve tbtKs sraatiug Ivur Li iV cill aiamine for tLeaItf. Corrr of MERIDIAN and MKTClJ!? Sts., Itidianapoli. Ir.4. ' STEAM MACHirJERY. eagle won: MAM'FAC Tt'HIXG C01IPAXT-! :st Y.V U"1KT - . 4 st ; sStcam KnineM v Bel!:: PATENT nREEVArORATORS.PAf; I SUnAR CANE MILLS, PATENT 8Tr COIL EVAPORATORS. j PATENT STAMP Mltv For nie' Peak t SvyrrUr , Seed for Circular, with CuU and Dscr.;'jJ.j K Prices, etc., etc Also, , ,.?; t SAW MILLS, FLOURING ELtC ' , Machinery of all DecriptIo&. ' 1 CHICAGO, ILUXOIS. f P. W. (JATF, ftflCCZlt 5. Aeut wajt4 es-rywisr. ! .r9e4 dAwiy . Galen's Head Dispenu;;; i i:takbllabrt In ift.'.O aud Cbart: by Itat lesrlfttnre off Kmtnc for the treatment of AjbJ all AffrtWji of tb Crirary aM Oere-rat Cr; j f both tea a. ' n JT8T ITBLXAHZX). . $ pitiVATE tka:: ON VF.NKHKAL M&KASE. lrxlading (JoTxrbva, Gleet, fyptili, Strirttire, GrareL sot, kupUre, Pü, Pitc!a, Chnary Ipou. and all 14 of tb Kidreyt,UadderJroUate Gtattd. and 3:1141 Vehicle, and ttelr treatment, incladirf a chapter on yy.U S.LK M.SKAM. tii. nb. rvatiort n marria a'.d the prevettjon of cbceptioa. Con talnirf a Treat! - on Self Ala, pnratorrhea. Sexual aad er-ToOl-b!ilty, Prreniea and Its- poter in both the 5wt .f tb dia -.a c i tb body aid miti, a-d tbe Aotbr'. w Tratact ' all thes cte. la fall, the ct!y sB-cesfal tt' esr. wnh an ipation e.f Quackery. ?j- Tfciework la txH a q ck a4ierus.-t.t. Vet a war 1 ; adaciil for carried a td .!l;!. It tb aly ; that rle. tb treatment ef all th at d Juaae J j ' ; Fca;!ib, with full dlrcticca for eH-treatBt. -., tal& ranrh vataatle lafonsat! do proper ta BC' la a piblic touce. Th wrk cocU;c 5i paf, Al plat. and LrravinaT of th bs di. Anttt 'idre lo eie4 rapp.r. o receipt f i t Thoee aicted wltb any cf th ab- disease, W. plarirf the-nslT ander th trUDtt f aay t v heuld Brst read thW m rk. OfFJCE 31 F.h rtrt, beta V ark et aid J-L. . . on. wet ai?e. T ;trr a'ey to ad k'ter, direct 1 " aALK.t't HRAn DISPC5SAST rrfwer3t:. ui!iv::, r. r ee;-.c i mi. wniirriEn. ElTATi MKMCALADVICX ttJ.X Of CUAT J Ir. W Theory, Symptoss ad Ttmtt- f, Serrosis, Urinary, ail Si&a! ßseaaa-t la a plain al4 letter DeeUjp, for alz ewer a t pc: p;. Iii. ci.r dVllre.Uoo of all tb fVnia.Ha cnodiüoa reaalt t( frotn tb lrJrxiretteBt af li t.' laa s, xese. 1 ad i!;nee, xpor aad Letxir in SBarrted and tl Lf. Krry t.-r ota4e 4reua t tk afik-ted. ad tbaM b ra4 by your praoc, w k-p tbem oi th ahoajj q srt t v n ta Uea T&rekc, to p!m.. AmaAJaeai n44 t b mteer U Jotrt cf ; ie7 and thereby p-erwu latl'j.aüOQ U oo rrrjt - fdlwaae. 5eariy erery c As cf (! c wiUosit ki-ratO bwali.. J(diciM( Hcsw frt eUrratlo. Cbars 4jr tloQ by letur or t tb Äcn fre; e- OSctj ti 8'-Char;a ftrt, ttwer t ' i MHun outb f UndaU Its: Lcda, H. Ckimmltt Luw --c ' v j -. 1 I i -W V A f