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4 DAILY SENTINEL FRIDAY MOKNiaÖ. JANUARY 20. vtumt Gctrf D. rrenuct aya m leit ! tllcutnond r- WKb!l otreffJrt cooTfintioc not IßUßc'ed i lo he repofiw. v t met pvjiic men la Rib raonJ cot aa public men, but as yentlemea. e did not obtrude our opinions. We pfDntllt cboe lo be I'llcct, but o necr ft.ratrk, hw cuesüoo wer put to us that we Lvl in nM to mwer; we. referred to our pre. We felt t Rjohray&J, tsi, tinJer 'lfiliBTite ftr'.i' -ti. alkWae biv felt od talked I Loce MTe bae uot baJ two voice, cue for the north ard the ctLer for U.e south. The chw:,"f of eectiona wrought in of do change of heart r eoul. W ht fcai ? rjiel to us true and ju: under a western tk7.Wnot lo'ia. f! a-d ubjai ucJer a south trirecei We rrjofcrUn the t riüiint u!rrr of our cbuntrj'a arms a fervently thereto we bar erfr rejoiced in then here. Probiblj we rejoiced with eren the greater ferfor from know Io that ocr rejoicing ehould, for decorum' ucpckeu.' While la.ll loatkern confeiericy we rpoke, upon all occaaions, courteously, a became a Euet, but, m we bare said, we compromised no principle-and modified no opinion. If we hid done olkrrwiae we could not IA to conmtnd ih respect of tboae around w, but rather to be deapine) frr aycopbancj, recreancy, adjeetne, mean j,tritedne- cowardice. We pke of &e bra-very, tie geofrvity,the chivalry uf the people of lb south in r ti r, ted term ., but ebowld here teorned to admit that, in either of these qutliilei, they urpi the men of the fed 9 ll elate. ' , , We talk-l freely and a i boldly in Richmond s we em talked here. We nerer laid a word re that we wer not wiliin to say there. We aaid UiAl the .aeceti'.on of the aoulhern f Ute was without, excuse, that it was the great crime or error of all the age. We eaid this to all we talked with, and a&id It Jo the atrongeat language we coald command. In erery conversation we Mid. to thoee we talked with, that we and they keew that the old United Sfate could nerer lite jn peace si diriJcd Ute; that, if division abould cooae- to be an essential fact, the federal täte weald at once subdivide, every one repudiating the pnblie debt; that the people of the federal States were Cglting for national existence, na tional life,' just as much aa tha people of the ttb think that they are; and that the noutb, if nominal peace should be mad upon the basis of separation, could never live in peace except as a monarchy. The bet men in Richmond will bear witness to the truth of what we eay. A for our saying the people of Kentucky would welcome the ad rent of '"flood's army, is simply and absolutely absurd. : We volunteered once to defend Loui ville, an hour after midnight, when ouly sixty , one other in n could be rallied by the ringing of the bell and tLfl firing of cannon, and we will volunteer again we swear we will if the city iovaded and if a defence ball be offer cd. i f neltlonable Life In l'arl. 4tichatty letter, date! Paris, December 23d, IhCi, contains the following, which will be eagerly devoured by the iadic?: The leturn of the Court from CüUipiegLe was delayed a few dajs longer than had been an nounced, but the imperial firnily have now taken up their winter residence at the Palace of the Tuilleries, where the uual reception of New Year's day will take place Much vexatioQ and disappointment U felt among the werld of millin ers and minUumikers at the announcement jut iüued, that the empress will not receive, as usual, on the -1 of January. On that day all U lies who had previously teen presented at court, the wives of official, Sic, Lave been in the habit of paying their devoirs to imperial tnajexty, and as this wai the pole occasion on which court trains were held as a m :tter of i tijucltt, it is a eeriou Io5 to all part of tho community who have the privilege of furnishing those cut otT this jeür. In proportion. to' Iiieso. regretful feelinss the joy ol mny ladies is grent at being delivered f;om such an uuTiecess iry source of outlay and expense, so that the old proverb U once more verified. qutlque chose malhurr ett ben" Auglicey ""Til an evil wind that blows nobody ood." Whether this be a caprice of the Em press Rugcue or the Eoiperur's desire to retard gaieties at the pilace as long as penible is not juite ascertained. The feaon is spoken of as not likely to be very gay or brilliant, but puch surmises are an' Continually atloat every year as the flight of wild, jjecse, and the prediction. of severe winters in eonsequence,' and arc tery r.early as much to be depended upon. Tbe Kmress bts qaite settlel the qaestioa of the material which is to be in vogue this winter for eveuin; an 1 diuner toilettes by wearing her self, on several occasions, drcsees composed of tatin, nometimea &i tunics overano'.ncr, but ottener as a rcbe made of tat handsome ma terial, too locg neglected. Pink, blue and gray colored satins were all in turn worn by her maj esty. The latter color was made up as a first -kirt, over which was worn a tunic of garnet or ruby-colored velvet, looped up at the sides with magnificent diamond ornaments; the heid-drtss consisted of velvet leives of the s.ime Luc, fringed with -iirooads pUced io front of the bead, froui which the hair was drawn up, falliug in small ringlets . in frout and long one at the back, where a diamond corcb and chainlets were mixed with velvet leives. Nothict; can be more varied and UnUstic thin the style of dressing the hair at this moment. Some ladies have adopted that of the empire, wearing small tlit curl in front, almost entirely coveting the forehead, with bands of velvet or gold, or jewels, biuding the hair, as we see it done m antique camels. Few faces, however, Mill Kp tli4 trvinc tv! ():'ir him tViA hair drawn up, and then a mass of loos narrow ring- lets falling forward, while larger ones How down at the bsck of the head. Chilians arc still worn, but have a tenJeacy to become common, unless worn very narrow, and with their hair a la Marie Antointite, when apart!! bunch of flow ers is placed at the side of the hetd, anl a knot of ribbons at the other s';Je. Tbe strangest of all these fashions is the rage for sold colored hair, which bis made such in roads that it threatens to put all Lrunti out of fs?!reb7 For the "purpose of producing tbi tinge, which is. only admirable with the fair complexion and light eyes, which are its usual accompvuments, powders and whej are sold, and. 1 am. sorry, to adJ, rtofueelj u-?cJ. to the detriment of many-a pretty fiee So wo are brought once more to the dy.s of glorious Queen Besj, who brought carroty Iclcs into such re pute that ladies sheared their own bright locks, if dark, to wear wigs of tbe royal hue. Very bright, or, as they are cillcd. loud colors, are worn thi winter, and scarlet, of the bright poppy hue. is adorted for waistcoat, Garibahli shirts. Zouave jackets and opera cloaks. Of the latter, some very handsome and oriental looking ouev, -embroidered in gold, with gold and black fringes, have iat maJe their acce in preparation fwt New Year gifts. They are in the form of circulars or burnoux, and are terminated with a lace bood, and many have a deep yak fringe. Gold embroidery is ued on jacket, the la.t shape of which is a regimental one, buttoned to trie throit with a small stand up collar, braided with white or old, and ornament ed with fros the very fac eini'ic, iu fact, of a soldier's 'jacket. I forgot to enmine whether the bands denoting the rank ot tbe sleeve. , sTeit.t were on For out doer garments tbe half Gtting paletots are still worn, much rnamentei with guimps and jet trimmings; bu; there is . aa attempt rnaJe to revive tne otJ fshiore.I pe sse. a most com loruble garaicu: luu; out ot wear, which has shows iujf trimmed with baLuS of chinchilla, sable and ermine, and is worn drawn in at the trSTst with a band, and frogs at the back. These pelisses, art to be. made cot only of the same cxlor as the walking dre, but'also in velvet, grci graioed HW.tJ sslks, in black Muffi are also frequently miJe of s.iti:. and velvets with band of narrow fur at each cikJ. These are called Pol'.sh or Leckzinka mu2"s, from the royal lady who Introduced them PRINTING, &C. raas. W. BALL. HALL c. r. crcazaaoa. aV iii:tc!ii ? , ' TLAI5 AND 0R5AXFNTAL STEAM-BOOK A WD- JOB PRINTERS, nterwtypcr ana llookhlnder, Kb; 16 1-2 East .Washington Street, UDLUtATÜLIJ. 1SUA.NA. Zltank Beaks at evry Jctpm ,n &ad to vrder. MEDICAL. pa J 4 Y fvl fajTC ALL FOB A ClCULaK sTiroMS.-ta deschie:5G all SYMPTOMS: Tbe iymptomi tf Ctarrh. a thy generally apper, are at flr-t very libt. PfWM find thej hare a cold, that thjr Lare "fr'r,fTjt attack, and are more nsitia to tL change cf temperature. In tkia coul.tion, lU flwwab dry, or a tVh dlvrarjje, thin and acrid, afterward betomlrr tbrk and adheJve. At the d.ase tfcomn chronic, tbe discharges are locreajed lo quantity an4 rhard Ja quality; tby are row thick and heavy, and are hawked vT roughed e-rr. The secretions are of fenste, c atisirr a bad treath; tt voice is tb'.ck and na- at: th eyen are weak; the of the arael! la leasened ordrtroyed; deafnas freqarjt!y take place. Another common aDd iraportant aymtoni cf Catarrh 1, tfcat the rr'm in oMiirM to clear hit throat in the tnoriiln of a thick tr limy taucui, which has fallen down from tbe Lead during tbe nibt. Vheu this takl placa tbe per on may nure that hl diane is on Its way to tbe lung, and boM loe no time In arresting It. Th lUrt are tot few of the many Catarrh ymptoms. A Mnffle llottlw asrlll last n mentIi--to be used three times n day TESTIMONIAL From Hon. Thomas J. Tnrner, Ex-Member of Congjec vorn Illinioa, late Speaker of the Illinois Iloune of Kep rentatiYe, and Grand Master of A. F., and A. J!., of tbe State of Illinois. FaitFotT, October 21, 1SÖ3. Da. D. II. SatLTX Dear Sr. In reply to your notice of tbe l'ith uit., I woulJ iy that I waa aeverely afflicted with Catarrh for years, when I became acquainted w ith you and bought two bottlea of your liquid Catarrh Rem edy. Before I bad ucd od bottl 1 waa aetikiUy im proved, and before tha aecond bot'J was finiihed, was completely cured. I can recommeijd tbe med cina to all afflicted with Catarrh, itespecttully yours, TnOMAS J. 1UKNEK. Ilr. Ii. II. SEE LYE At CO. Sols raoraicToas, Chicago, liluicu. AT WHOLESALE BY JOTITf T). PARR..'. WM. JOHNSON D V1LT. KKKFEK & LCS1I.... UKOWMNi; k SIXJAN JfvjyAnd for sale by all Druggist. ..Cincinnati, O. . .iMriot, Mich. . .Indianapolis. . Indianapolis. dccl3-dlyeod MERCHANT TAILORING. HEW MERCHANT TAILORING . ESTABLISHMENT! HIB liilDB . HON 155 i RESPECTFULLT CAIJ. IHK ATTENTION CTF THE citizens of Indianapolin to tlie fact, that they have opci.ed at No. 19 Virginia AToniH', A Slcgiilur Icrcliunt TailoriiiB: i:slal!ihieicnt. And solicita hhsre cf tie patronage of the community THEIR STOCK OF GOODS1 Is complete, and being in cbarije of a gentleman whose ability a a Cutter rank a No. 1. they are prepared to fill orders which in every respect they will WARRANT equal in quality, style and workmanahfp te anyminjr found in any siciiUr Ubli bment in tha city. JTT'Reinember tbe place, ... Äo. 19 Virginia Avennc. BOURBON WHISKY. J. fc D. ILTACAi, No. 77 South Meridian Street, I odlnuapolls, lud. WIIOLEiALSDVALIkS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC riHK attention of the trade Is callea to our complete assortment cf all articles in our line of business, both as to quality and price. Our stock of BOURBON wniSKT is unsurpassed by any establishment in the State, and dealers wishing to purchase Copper Distilled Pourbon Whisky are inTited to call before purchasing. JTirWe have removed frora 153 East Washington street to 7? t nth Meridian street. J. A D. DUNCAX, J 1 .... TT Sooth Meridian Street, Jar.9'65-dly Indianapolis, Ind. R. WIER & CO., HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. No. 201-2 North Illinois Street Iiiliiiiifioli, T1. ytS'Csdly CARPETS, WALL-PAPER, &c. NEW CARPET STORE No. SI East Washington St., Solum 1 I'm Old Htund, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE. WK HATK A LARGS STOCK OF CARPETS, 01X-CLOTHS, MATTINGS, SATIN DELAINES, REPS PEK1N CLOTHS, Damaik, Lace, tTiualln fc ftottiiifjtiara All of tbe Goods having been purchased before tbe late advance io tbaKast, wa will sell them lower than rw T;rkw hoIesa!e prices. AI.o Jnst received 100,000 Piece Wall rap X and Window Shades. KRAUSS & CALL. le.'a-l-dly J. T JACKSOIV. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ATLAW, o TFIOE X. W. CORXXR MKRJDIA5 AÜD WA5U- INfiTOS Streets, (Telegraph Busldln?.) Ind:ana- po!isi, lniiana. . . S;.ecial aXtttHa riven t tkeCofWtlwi af Account Bd the eecennr etieerntaeut Clatn. - Satisfactory refereoeea given when required. ray31-dtf ' RENO VATERS. CLEANING AND DYEING ESTABLISHMENT r til I C5ITKD8TATF.3DTE-H0C3a3O.SS0CTH 1 IIÜboU street, Indianapolis Indiana, - At this ld t4 wetl-k uomn eat ak4isjeat. tbe ladiea eaa have aUks ad m1s Roods dyed la permanent aad baatifnl colors; and gents Raraietits tbcrocgbly renova ted and repaired. ' ' Sew and second -hand elotklsff beaght andsok'.sjso, a patlrular brmoch la tha bcktzieaa danerainatadflnedraw tsr bOiiat altAb led oLkvr tear ta any raxnaet cm b m wrought tuat it caa net be Tialbas to tbe naked eye. aaaBbrUe wlaee,2fe.SS otk Illlnats street..-. Juiie 'J041LTU HA&U1S, Preprifter. MEDICAL. DR. JOHN BULL'S COliPOU.'VD l!liD110i! HITTERS. The Latest and .Tlot Im portant Discovery OK THS NINETEENTH CENTURY ! ! ! q tn&n'. bamo la that intlmkt1v runnMfii1 with the bUtory of MATKRIA.MED1CA of tbe United Rate, or more favorably known at a pioneer in Medical Discovery than that of Dr.Johci Hull, oriiOiiisville, Keiituekv. oni inimitable preparation of 9S AltNAPAIlIl. LtA haa long stood at the head of the various com pounds of that valuable drug. His Compound of WILD CHERRY has become a household word throughout the West and South. His Worm Lozen ges, in less than a year after their Introduction, attained a reputation As wide spread as tbe continent cf 2Torth America. But the crowning, glory of hi life remains to be attained in bis discovery, or rather combination, for be doe not claim to have been the dicovrer of t'HDItU.( which s the bai of the Litten now offered to tbe pub lic. That honor belongs to the native inhabitants of Central America, to whom lta virtue have been known for more than two hundred yeara. Armed with it, the Indian bid denance tr the most deadly malaria and handles without fear tbe mo?t venomous terpents. lti a belief with them, that while there la breath in the bod r tbe Cedron is potent to cure, no matter what tbe He a.' may be. While Dr. Cull is not prepared to endorce this extrava gant pretension, he i nevertheless atis9ed from a thorough examination of the evidence relating to its virtues, that as a remedy and preventttive of all Ji eaaes arising from exposure, either to change of weather or climate, or to miasmatic influences, it stand WITHOUT A RIVAL! And Justly deaervea tha reputation it haa so long enjoyed in Central America and the West Indies. Ilvj DYHPEPSIA And its attendant train of symptoms, it acts more LIKE A CHAHil than a medicine. There Is nothing In tbe whele range of Materia Medica that can for a moment bear a comparison with it in tbia dieae. A full account of this wonderful plant may be found in tbe 11th edition of tbe V. S. Dispensatory, pages 1347 and 13SS. A series of experiments In which Dr. Bull has been for years engaged, has Jut been brought to a successful termination, and be now enabled to otTer to the public a combination of CEDRON with other approved tonics, tbe whole preserved in the bet quality f copper dis tilled Bourbon WbitJcy, which ha is confideut has n equal in the world. He might furnish a volume of certificates, be' ab lie have long siace learned to estimate Bucht.-.. their true value. Tha aafest plan la for every on to te for himself the virtnes of a new medicine. UIVE Tin: CEDRON BITTERS ONE TRIAL, AND YOU VL" NKVKR C.IC AS OTIIEK3. It Is not ne.eary to publish a lng list of dlceanes for which the CEDEON RITTERS are a specific. In all dis eases of tbe Uowcls, Liver or Kidneys, In all affections of tha BltAlX, DEPENDING (jrON DERANGE MENT OF THE STOMACH OR BOWELS; IN GOUT. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA, AND IN FEVER AND AGUE. It is destined to supersede all other remedies. It not enly cures tbee diseases bl prevents tbem. A wine glas of tbe Bitters, taken aubour befire each meal, will obviate the ill ejects of the most unhealthy climate, and screen tbe eroa takirg tt against diteai under tbe most trying tipoure. Sold by Druggltts and (iroceri Gtn eralljr. Dr. JOIIX 11 ULI,, Principal OSce, Faith Street, Loulsvi.'le, Ky. SOLD WHOLESALE BT DAILY, KEEFER & RUSH, ?3 Hon I la Meridian Street, - - INDIANAPOLIS. Wao aUo aril HULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, SMITH'S TONIC SYRU1 Eemccber DAILY. IXEKFElt A: flCSIl dcl0&4-JtTAwUlatn. medical; AMERICAN DISPIBAPii'. No. 24 1-2 E. Washington St. A T THE AMERICAS DISPENSAET TTE TEE AT ET a new method, a-.J with tbe tsjpiest eolts all ca.ra of Diean ard conditions peculiar to females. ProlapMJi Uteri, (failing of tbe womb,) Eruptions cf the Skia, Chlorous, or Greeu S;ckcescharacteried by yelluwUli, d.rty greta pallor cf tla mrface; Emanaio Mesium, r abei.t Jentruation; Ameiiorrbea, or Re ter.tioti of tbe Mne; Dysmenorrhea, a r a'.nful and diffi cult flow ft tbe Mertse; Menorrhagia, or profuse aten atruaUoc; Leucborrbra, or eacessive anl altered secre tion of the muc3 geuerally white, or nearly colore and L'arparetit. Reader, I have given you a cla of diseases that are met with, in Females of all ages, whether married or no married; and to married Females would aay that tber are many cthr fcras cf disca-scs peculiar to your sex diseases of rregnancy, Tarturitiea, and Lactation, of which space will not admit an elucidation. I omit It for tbe couecil chamber, adding but ene more disease to this lift, and that is a formidable ine Ulceration of the body of tbe Uterus. most Important to Youns: ?lcn. Whose hollow cheeks and paled countenances tell in fearful langtage and s-.lent working of m terrible dis ease, undermining tbe constitution, memory and reason; hunting tbem to a premature death. Reflect while rea aun bolls away, and avail yourself of tbe services of Dr. I'endery, whot treatment dissipates tbe slightest disease and cures the most barraing weakness, or other cau-e f erionj diSlcuIty or perpetual annoyance. VCVCUCAL DISISES. At the American Dispensary w e also treat, wnuocr McacraT, and w ith never failing success, Venerea!, or what tbe quacks call private or si-cret diseases Syphy lia in all its stages, Gonorrhö? a. Gleet, Stricture, hpenn atorrbura, 8em:nal Weakneas, Noeturual Kmik-sions, Sexual Lebility, Impotency, and Eflects of Self-Abuse. Tbe last six are treated in a "Private Letter," which will be sent free, on receipt of stamp. My treatment I deem it unnecessary to enlarge upon, rbe remarkable and atsundingcures performed through the agency of the MEDICATED VAPOR BATHS, and the medical application of ELFCTllO-MAGNETISM. Py ths alternate use of these two medical agents we get a three fold effect. By elimination, morbid matter U forced out of tbe system, and by tbe absorbants, medicine is Imme diately brought in cuntact with disease. Bjr tbe applica tion of F.LKCTKO-MAONrmSM, nervous enervation is restored, and pow er added to tbe muscular system. I will guaraatee a cure of And also all hiflamatory diüeasf. For further infor mation call and Judge for yonrtlf. jryi challenge tbe public to bring m a eaa I cannot cure. If brought before tbe polden thread Is broken. lO'OiHce hours from 8 A. II. to 8 P. M. P. l. Box 12G. nov30'C4-dlyeod WINTER AKKAXGEMENT. C NCIN NAT , SOUTHERN OHIO, North -aRaslcrii Etcnttii'itv. Indianapolis and Cincinnati sSlioi't-IL.ino CLC Ä. TJI BL-a SSvL CO) 15E. ON AND AFTER HONDA T, NOV. 14th, TRAINS will run as fallows: Leave Indianapolis. Morning Express 4.10 Mail 10.50 A A Night Express -20 Arrive atlndi&napati. P Morning Express Mail Night Kxpress . 1.00 .10.05 r p p JITr-fare the same as by any other Route, and tbe hpved, safety ami comfort of trains equal to tbe best lines in the country. "Atk for tickets via "Indianapolis aad Cincinnati Railroad." Special NoticeThe new track into Cincinnati is complete, and passengers by thia line are now landed the "Sew Tearl Street Depot," near tbe Unmet Donse, about one mile nearer the business centre of tbe city than any other Dpot. ROBKKT MEEK, Superintendent. W. n. L. JJobije, General Ticket ARcnt. A. S. Bcrt, Traveling Agent. novH-dtf Iiiriinnapoii aind Tlailison 1S64. raOZHSTTB 1864. Kerr Arrangement to Commence .on- dajr, Jlnr I ISG1. ywWO pas!enger trains daily (Sundays excepted) be J tween Indianapolis and Mdion. leave the Union Depot Indianapolis at 6.00 A. M and 3 P. M., arriving at Madison at 10.50 A. M. and 7.'8 P. M. - Leave tbe Depot at Madison at 8 A. M. and 2:40 P. M. arriving at Indianapolis at 11 A. M. and 7.40 P. M. Trains leave Clumhus for rtut-hville at 1 P. M., arriv ing at 5:10 P. M. Returning leave Rushville at 7 A.M. arriving at Columbus at 11:15 A. M. This Koad forms a line with the Packet at Madigen for tbe transportation of freight between Cincinnati and In dianap"lit and points West. Tarilf of Freights as low as by any other route. 8 lippera and merchants West will And it to thelrintar est to ship by this line. narlS D. C. BRAJTHAM, Superintendent. the INDIANAPOLIS NATIONAL BANK. Fltmticial AkcmxI sind Designated Irosttory of l!l l!ni(l PihIc. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL CASH CAPITAL PAID IN .$ 1,000,000 , $500,000 "W-TfT'ILL receive subscription, as financial agent of W the Government, for all of its popular loans Will collect gold Interest on registered and coupon bauds on tbe most liberal terms. Currency boiids cahed on presentation when due. Always on hand a full supply of U. S. revenue statnp, for sale at tbe regular discount. Will buy and sell ail government securities, orders on Washington, coin and exchange in all the principal cit ies. Will make collections throughout the West and East at very reasonable rates. Will receive deposits, and loan money at 6 per cent.. On good security. Having unlimited facilities, will transact all kinds of banking business on fair terms and with the otmost promptness. THEO. P. HAUCHET, Frea'C I5GRAM FLETCHER, Ca.shier. Indianapolis, December 3, 1&G4- dec4-d3m FOUNDRIES. IIOOS1ER STATE FOUNDRY AND STOVE WORKS, cox, s.oi:d aV iTcii. Manufacturers i Wtclesale' Talers la STORES, HOLLO jr-JflIlE,Xc. VLL OUR STOVES AT.SC OF THE LATEST AN mot-t improved patterns, uur other work wül embrace Iron Fronts, Ci!, Railway, Mill and Bous CasUügs Ac, Ac. Orders by mail or otherwise Klicited, anI prompt at tention given. Our prices will be found as low as ary. Office, Sales-room and Foundry Isi Soutn De.wara Street, two squares directly eat cf tbe Unioa Depot. oct23 SALOON. BATES HOUSE SALOON, (UMFR BAT KS HOUE ENTRATCE ,) m si mr a m sw'v? jkbc-jc, A. J, 7XYE11S. Tropriclor. f JHK Kar la supplied with pire liquors, wines, and the 1 test brands of cicars aci tobacco; also lie choice.t old BourtK-n and Wheat Whi'ky. The establishment has been renovated throughout, aagft-dtf A. J. .TITJF.IiEX. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Of f ice üy tunaainm Ilullding Corner .TXerltllain and Maryland St.9 INDIANAPOLIS. IND., DRY GOODS. i Im OQ O 8 O Ö I o xn a " 33 S K. J P S I e $ E r IN h Til I H VO CO H m KM o 0 CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &C. O P-i o H ! W WINES, LIQUORS, oxc, 6(C. CO W b e tA a CO o- Bl If s h Is i I i a - a - oar ? : cs sas G s mm Urn yja a ic Zu w O 8- 9i - 6 C c r. s J o d 85 tn W o P e s a a B O r 5 W o e REAL ESTATE BROKERS. is aw V V Vi Iulj27-dly ACENCY. TIcCUKDY Sc CO.'S CLA im AGENCY, No. 4 YOHN'S BLOCK, Corner .TJcrldlan and Waahtngtonsita INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS' CLAIMS PROMPTLT made out and collected en the mat reawonabla terms. Certificates of non-iudebtednese obtained from tb Departments at Wabington. Master Rolls, Pay Roll. Quartermaster end Subsist ence accounts made cut wi:h nestneas and dispatch. jan-d3m PROFESSIONAL. man m. aar. joaanaa w. ooaxoa. lAY Sc GORDON, ATTORNEYS' AT LAW, INDIANA rOU, INDIANA. 02ce. Nos. 10 and 11 New iTaltott's Building, South of the Po-toT.ce. dec -45 m nu. J. A. IIILXSIIALL, Practicing asd Consulting PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, No. 10 at Wahlagtao Street, (ap aUira.) - JCPOr Beers 9 io 10 A. 1 te ami 7 tot P. X. dacIS-dJni J DEAFNESS, CATARRH Ao4 all Dueasea of the EAR. THROAT, AND AIR-PASSAGES, TB.EATK.Ii BT DR. LIGHTHILL, SUF.r.EON-AUTUST OF TliK CP.LlLrRATFD i.ttiii rini.i. nsTiTtTE, 7io. 31 I. Mark s IMace, leu York DR. LIGHTHILL WILL MA UK ni THIRD "VI Sin1 TO INDIABTAPOLIS Tuesday, January 31st, And will be at the BATES HOUSE t FOR ONE WEEK. From TUESDAY, January 31it, till SATUR DAY EVENING, February 4t?i. Wherti he cau be consulted oa lie above Di eases only. TESTIMONIALS. Ixdian Aeous, Ihsrember C, 1HJ4. Da. Li.iHTHiia As 1 have been under yur treatment for a incmiu pat, and have improved o greatly, I write to thank yon f.-r tie benefit I Lave derived from your treatment. I bad suffered a lorg time with catarrh in a disagreeable and offensive form, ily t.en-e of smell w as entirely destroyei, and my face at ttm- diitortd by tbe welling ia my nose. 1 al bad a very alarming and painful attack of deafness. I in.w report to you that I am aimtt entirely cured. My deafness you completely cared in less thai two weeks. " My face la now natural my K-n-e of mell returned to me, and, in fact, I feel betur in every way than I have been iu months pa.-t. 1 bad tried several mean to get cured before 1 saw you, but they all failed. If you have occasion to do so, yon may refer to me personally, and I shall cheerfully recommend your skill aa tt deserves. Yours.trully, LEW LT HILL, Eates Houe, Ird'anapolls. iKDiaxAroUH, I)ecember 6, This may certify that I was very deaf, that I had a co pious and mo.-t ofienrive discharge of matter from my ear, aud with it intense pain. I was feverish and leenle, my appetite gone and my health generally much deranged. While thus sufrerinjr, I placed myself under Dr. IJhthilPa treatment about a month ago, and now I am eutirely cured tn every respect. Uefr lr. l.ighltoill accepted uiy cae 1 had tried other treatment, which only made me worse. Cut now that that Dr. Ightblll haa currd me I I have no words to thank him eufftYiently fur .bis skillful treatment of my case, which was as riwuMing to thee around me a. it . alarming lo myself. JOHN DORSET. MARTi.xsvii.i.r, ID., I-c. r1, 1SC4. Da. I ja (tr nut. Dr. t a Fta: Tour favor of recent date came daly to hand. Since placing ropj-elf under yowr treatment fur Catarrh I have improved very fa.t. iy case bad bfn of some years standing, and I was touch dis couraged by Its obstinacy. 1 have received very great Te ller since yoa began to treat me, and tbe loathsome dU' erse is rapidly disappearing, thanks to your skill. Gratefully yours W. lt. SIIKPPARD. From George Tege, Member of Uoyil College of Veterl nary Surgeons, London, Fngland. Rocnr-.v-rr a, N. T., Dec. h, 13. Da. Lichthill Pear Sin Allow meto express m grat Hude to you for tbe cure of deafness you effected in ray right ear, which haa troubled me very much fur several years, and was almost entirely deaf for a few weeks past nut more tkarticularly gTatitude lor your eicellent uc cess Upon my deaf ear, which has been useless to me for tbe past twenty years the noises and uncoBiijrtable roaring In my ears, at time made uie tery ner vous, na, disappeared. You may publish thia acknowledgement should It be-of any service to you. tiratefully j ours, JK0HGK TKGü, No. SW State street. Krom tbe Kev. B. T. Welsh, D. D.. formerly of the Pearl Street Uaptit-t Church, Albany.N. T. Aumi, N. V., April 15, 1S64. Dk. Liohtuiix Iear Sir: Allow me to expreß my grate lul thanks for tbe tklll and kind aUet;tim rniderrd to my daughter, whose ears have been badly affectd for many years, and for am months pan has been nearly deprived of her hearing. The leit ear, frtui her infancy. nas been badly diseased, at times aischargicg oQensive matter. Th right ear is now well, and fron prernt in dications I anticipate tbe restoration of tbe left ear also. I am, dear tir, gratefully yours, II. T. WELCH, D. I)., Newtonville, Albany county, N. T. RomrsTKt, Msrch 13, 1864. Dk-ILmhtbiix Dear Sir: Three months ago 1 placed my son, Charles Fuller, under your treatment for a deaf ness that was every day growing worse, accompanied by a very effensive and disagreeable dtcharge of matter from tbe ears. 1 now report to you bis entire cure. Tbe actual treatment was but two months, yet the discharge is entirely well, aud his hearing restored. Bis general health is as good as I could deMre, and bis spirits buoy. ant and lively. In fact be seems a different child. With tha gratefal thanks of a mother, I am, air, Respectfully yours, C, C. FL'LLKR, Genesee co., N. T. From the Rev. Joseph M. Clarke, Rector of Bt. Church. Svbaccbb. N. Y- Feb. 20. 1HU. I have been deaf in one ear ever since I was in College, some twenty years ago. By the ekill of Dr. Lighthill its hearing waa entirely restored, so that now I bear alike witn both ears, and I find that I csn use my voice with macn more eae ana eemror tnan berore. JOSEPH M. CLAKZ. From lion. D. II. Cole. Senator from tLe iäth District, New York. Aibanv, Jan. 25. IWi. Mr Deaa Da. Ijairrinix It is with great natfrfactien that I communicate to you tbe eÜcct of the med.cine you gave me on my application to 5bn for defective hearing. 1 followtd your directions, and am happy to state that I ara so far recovered, after the first few applications, as to feel quite confident that 1 am well, and shall not need to proceed further, he assured, dear air, if necessity should require, I should not hesitate to place myself uu'r your magic band. Tours, with respect, Ii. H. COLK, Albion, Orleans Co. Frem P. JfcTerney, Eq, of Detroit. I do hereby certify that for the past fifteen months my bearing has been affected to a con.iderab.e extent, aad that by an operation of Cr. Lightbill I Lavs been rever ed to my full hearing. As I reside ia Ietroit, and intend leaving for home soon, those desirous of knowing the vs racity of this may Inquire of Mr. T. J. SJcArtbur, Na. 454 Broadway. P. McTERNLY. New York, September 2,1364. Kou;eviujt, Orleans County, Jan. 14, l-&4. Da, IjGimnii T send you a statement cf my cae which yon aiay use as yon think proper. I have been adicted with deafuets year, aiid I have tried every prescription, but to bo efftct. I consclud Dr. Lightbill and be operated upn me, and in cc simu I was restered to hearing. I .end joi this staUment for the benefit of others who are labcring under the same disease as niyelf. I would recommend ail that are aSlictea with thia disease to give you a call. Respectfully yours, ISAAC TOUNG. This li tacert:fy that the above is a correct statement. C. D. BLRM5GUAM, Taitor M. K.Cbirch. F.. T. SLATE, MILO HUNT. DcaaoiT, November 3, 154. This is to certify that I w as deaf, accompanied itst a very distgT-eable licgirg sound in my head, which ren dered converat:on dif-cult, except In a lend tote of vfe. Fy the skill of Dr. IJirhtbi'l my hearing has be n fnlly restored, and the nois has ceased. I also know o other cures of Dr. Ligbthiil, which fully sanction me iu In recommending him to tbe aiicted. It Is now over two years since my bearing ti rttotad, audit remafns per fect to thia day. H. P. WYANT. We, tbe undersigned, knowing Mr. W'yant personally, do hereby certify to the correetne of tke above ste nsant. WAITJJJX-'K k CHITTENDEN, C. MANNING BALL, GEO. C. CHANDLER, H. R. HALLOCK, Finn of HaHock k Bon. In avA ÜCK.SX, Albacy, N. T. To Da. Liamiuj. Dear B.r. I take pleasure in certify ing that yoa have ejected a great deal f Improvement in the hearing ef my aoo, Marcus C. Reesale, who baa, pre srioas to your takiag the ease lo baud, been qaJte deaf 'rom the effecU of Scarletica. As I know cf many other cases which you have cured and benefited, I hava no besitancv to recommend yon to tbe public. 1 remain yours, vere truly, THKOrOJLUS L0E8SLE, Proprietor Deleware HSe, Aiba&y, M. T. JCyf et ethar teatataoaaale sea to-wxn ivw' grzl- ecaoe INSURANCE. UM INSURANCE COMPANY, OF IIAIlTl nilu, C fi. ÄTNA BUILDING, IHDIAHAPOLIS. ..'fi-y t U ai j H ; j Erected IS59Owned by Iho Co. Cali Capital ami urplu.i, loe income of this Company Is double that ef acyotLar Flre Insurance Corporation In the Tnrted State' I7 SPKCUL A rTRNTION QITKNTO THK IN8CRANC ;j of farm property, dwellings and ott-btz3Uug. Ia utes tech building! or contests iu a Tery favorable mea ner, for three or five yea. fyoaee Equitably Adjuated and Prstraptlr fald ItaCaali. WM. HENDERSON, Agent, mehJl-'tiS-dly INDIAN APOLLR, INDIANA. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. McKernan & Pierce, RBAL ST1BTB AfiBXCY Finl Door Ea,st of Paliarr Douse (UP STAIRS.) HAVE FOR SALS HOUSKS AND LOTS rN: V tbe Ctty ef Indianapolis, and Parma and Paraa ng Lands In tHa State, ai.4 will aell lower than can b purchased elsewhere febal-dAwly - MM c STATE cj INDIANA .. Mir "a,.-' Um xo cosxutio.- with axv nrnta Lsiatuv urvT of the nitro'? cstiir . ia or out vi Ixk V uiaL W. Är H. GLENN. PYCDr.rte--.. EXPRESS COMPANIEO. American Express Company, Ajrnrma UK1TED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY'. OFFICE ON THE CORNER o WASniNOTON ANr Meridian itreeta, IndiansTolis. Three daily Bzpreaeea to 5ew Tork; Two daily K a presses to C.nrinna;!, ar.d Two daily Expresses to Cbkao aisd St. Louis; The above are tt ei!y prrritegadtiprtaa-esa the following raa.ia,v1x: I INDIANA CENTRAL; LAFAYfcTTK k CHICAGO; INDIANAPOLIS 4 PERU; TKRRK HAUTE k RICHMOND; B ELI K FONTAINE k INDLAJEAPOUft. . Money, pa k ages, valaablea and frega cwrrw-"-w;CS safety and dispatch, and tn chars of fpvai aad e2Vccl meesngers. Notes, Bills and DrafU wlil be prT cr!!ects ad rea.iy returns made J. LTYX SFIXLD Ajrert. T FÖRTHE WAR. " COLTS lvV'XTIIllV SELF - ACTING IlEYOLVEKS ! - NAVY AND. CELT Rd0MEIaS. A f j!1 u?y Pa-'rw . - t Swords at Cost Prices. Bowie, Pot a i, Table r rt Caa..; X BJJjigRope,i BaUagBadware. . .. .. Kt Ke. 11 West WaaaärgH - i - v - ; - m a T i W :r. ... . j . sw.v:xvV'-Sk3;V-'i, 'Ä ja I ii J )J (1 5 (.: '