Newspaper Page Text
- I DAILY STATE SENTINEL PUELUHED AT TUB NEW SEXTI f OFFICE 13 SOUTH MEK "U 3TREET. fcca.vai or rcAK& b; rty ' . UDER, RARXNESS & BINGHAM, Proprietor. WATCHED. n Iff j I 1 ' ! . l! American Watches INDIANAPOLIS, IND., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 26, 1865. VOLUME XIV. NUMBER 4,451. Thl ... q... I One cory.orejear jjrx) Ob cop , ii nth 4 to -. coyy.three souths S 60 Oat copy, on Bsonlh Tv:tTereJbjthcarr1eT. wi'hi thecitj, 50 cents p-r payable to the carrier. wee. "Hobt may t sett a: or r!w ly Kir, re. pre fab, vr in K'jrteter'-d Letlera by tn!I; thrri will m"t be rmj (vf om ebj occur. C4t j ut'fn wUI b teM responsible for par-er left a hooeg after they have removal, or when tev tb them discontinued, an! reUce 1 given at tee ff 5c of publication. 5 paper sent without pre payment, ote entlnaedlorig-r than pl4 for. Copies of IL liAiii EisTTviLccn t bad attb; eCce ffh mrt,!Lf( aad the VTaasLr Eaa-rraBi. each Mod Jay ntomirit, at?y evelpd, for naaillrg. IC A T F. OF ADvrimsno. a i m 4 2 t 2 or y r j a 0. 75 1.13 1X0; 1. 00 .bO l.OOl l.7 350' 1. U 2.25 3.00 1.75 ICt t&O 200 SCO 4XXY i m j is, a n 3.00 J.T5,' 4.3J 1.75 4 W 1.35 4 37 8.35, 6.12 00 .W TOO 3.00 400 5 00, 8.00 700 8.00 3.37 3.73 4.50 5.00 S61 8.20 VJ. Xw.J 8.75 7.M! 77 .75 j 9 00 10 00 Id. 1".. w.. IT. I' 2 in 2 71 S CO 25 7 tO 8 75 10 00 11.25 12.50! 3 00 4.50 C OO 7 50 00 10.50:11.00 13.50 15.00 j 4.00 COO t.OO 10.00 13.00 14.00, 18.00 18.00 30.00 100 7.M 29.00' 15 00-17.50 20.00 22 50 25 00 ! T 00, 10.25 n.tO 18 75 20.0 23.25 28.60 29.75 33.00 j t.50 13.75 18.00 34.35 39.5A 14.7540 OO 45.00 50.00 I 23 13.00 31.25'27.00 S3 00 0.0C 15.00 50.00 55.00 .;ii.6o;uoo 25.00 30.50 37x0 45x0 52.50 57x0 ec.50 im..!13.00 23 50 23X0 35.50 43.50 50.00 57.50 85.00 73 00 12 bi 15.00 35 00 S.V0O 45.0O M Oft 5 00' 75.00 S3 00 95.00 Kat1c 5oÜcm publlabwl In tb lvI ctlamm, t.f tn ne or c rider, will cbar4 for ' iortioa $1; If r (fa Une, ten Cent per line. , I It- Ancorncic; dfAth fonerl zmt tUchd, $1; 1tbat not'.r free. , Wrr; Sutlers 50 cent. IToticef of FetlT!, riculct tad Fxcnnlcti, jjotten n p by .fii!Tklailr tocimtion., or by cbnrcttrt, t tb r'niUr prire. i Advertfftmecta letted and plcd rtdr tbe beil of J pedl 5ct!cet, If ttnllDei or ever, will cb&rg 1 dub! he osa&l rates. Terlj drertiser top quarterly. AbnoaBclDg candidates for offices of every dewript!A'i to be charged at the rat effl 59 for each name In lb Daily, ar.d $3 la tho Dally an4 Weeily, tbo t ? be, Id all cases, pal l la airaoco. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, PUBLISHED EVERT MO I DAT AT Two Dollars tnnd Fifty Cts. a Year. To Club cf tn and over at S2 00 a year. rarABia iraaiaai.r i Arritrt. ADTERTlSrWG 15 THE WXKKLT. uu so aare, d insertion.. f0 75 two " ' 1 CO foar 00 for ta-b mbiwaent ln'rt!co, and ftr each Inver- tlo f eatb additiowJ qr.are 12 H Lgal aleertinieota Inserted at tbe eipens of tbo at-.rn-yo orderin;, aaJ nut JeIayablo for tbo l"ftal prcx-eed-hf , lMl collecteblo at oar Ufual time. Fublisber r.ot ccontab!o for tbo accuracy of lejjal alTert!eniecr b rwtii tVe asaonat ckarire4 for their pab'.kation. ELDKK, HAr.K.'UUÜfOHAM, Prurrietori hnltan State Serti tel. J.". : TlI.rORD, rtesMent Indianapolis J iraal Company, j INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TlrfE TABLE. SlMinx SAILaOAl' Traroj Lnare. Trains Arrlr.. . 11:13 A. U. .. 15P. . Tralo ArrSse. -: A.M 3:0 P.M .Mail... jrafvii.i. aaiiaoAr- Train Leave. jforninff Einresc. 00 A. V. Nicht Kxpres. 3.5 A. ! Chicago Kipret-s, ( Lnif Kxpress, Night EipreM, 10 00 T. 11. Kvenirg Kxpres fi.l P. M tDiAArour, rucunriKioo railboad. Ids Leave. Trams Arrive. 12:46 P.M Mail 9 t5 A. M. JI0 30 P. If ....Chicago Kxpres, 5o. 1... 4:25 P.M. LArariTTB laiLaean Train 1140 P. M 750 P.M laasrM riiiMtmii'uoi fraiasLoavo ir!n Arrir ..5 30 A. M. . 10.45 A. M. . 5:30 P. M. Tratn Arrive. Sf5 A.M 545 A.M. 13 40 P. M W-.35 A. M 1M0 P. M ..7.35P.M. iBDiaiaroua asi cxvcimnati an hoad. Trains Ioave. Trains Arrlva. 5. VI A.M Mail...?1..... . ... IVO P. M. 10 50 k.M.. AcroramodatU-u :50 P. M. 7 5 p. jf. .Rtpreos 0 55 P.M. rouKICI AMQ XLIARArvLIICPKTBAL BAILWAT. Tratr l-av. Trains Arrive C Uu A.M Day F.xi-rt ..12:15 Noon. 1. P. M Mail 1 45 T. M 7 5 P. a! Miht Ktpreis 10:22 P. M. LLSVOa-TAIBB BAILAOAD. Trains I ears. Train Arrive. 7:00 A. M I 45 P.M. 4 00 P. M 12:15 Noon 8,20 P.M Mail 12 W P.M. l OCirviLIB, X w At B AXT ASD CIICAOO AILBOAD CM AB01 omit. KiprevaQreeocaitle Jasdioo going nerth...... 60 P M 3trg sooth LI P M BHWawMHBBaawBBwawMWwnMnawiBBai MERC HAN TT A I LO rTiNT C . " LEWIS SCHOLTZ, PROPRIETOR OF TBK 1" IRST CLASS MERCHANT TAILORING Jß üi rXV I J I II 31 Iii JX rX 19 HORT' PENNSYLVANIA STREET, Two floor South of Vost Otlice. INDIANAPOLIS. ocll-4if TO INDIANA MILITARY OFFilERS. Exrrrmt Dftahtmut or J'Tajia, ilfjiEAC or Fisa -IxriANAroi.i, Jur.e I. ,fcC4. I NU AN A OrUCF.KS, who have been or are servit g In tbe army, are Infonr" that their Ordnance Keturns will be Buade Lp aal pt wuted to the proper Iepartment aaJ certicates of acquittance obu.LeU, frt ctrj't by pplyirg to Mr C. P. fceoker. Chief Clerk State Ord Biaac Itepartment, o"'.ce up tairs over Vajeaa' hard wire store, No. SI vet W"hiriro?i street, hxi atatvli.-. Bt raskiug rtturu., a bve J;rectol, o5:cer wnl nt My save, all fee, but they will le able to settl? with the ovemraeit ami draw their pay froa one to three i months earlier than if the buines is rnuxsted to Claim Agents. By order cf 4crnoT MoaTosj. W. H. K. TKRRKUh eS-dtf Pitiarial Searetary. MEANS TO SECURE GOOD HOMES. tt nv nrnrwxii stpkriok iwnrrFMF.XTS la persons ui a bula re.'y means to jre a -jTirs. We will eell l.otH Entirely-on T4nic aad erec comfortable lvelUr, buiU y a works-ten ar,1 in cooi tyleon tbe parn entaf h ninch a the Ins x rov emen ts v.7.1 c trie remair'? o be pait n ay parmente ot mach than a fa r rent en the pr-an.e. lU'.icft in nearly all pans of the c'.r v. we .-so srirnm.a'e all wKblrfto ware a hw; ar.l Ht ts; a larsre amour.t of lansteron bar!, ar4 worknen r'iilj Oipli-jf, ot c sb e-ect t 'i !.1; - on hört r.etice. M'KKKNA-; A I U'RCE, epA-dlf I i ra! fe LOAN OFTICE. MAX aV!L 'PTOi, IO-YIV OFFICE, Antlierirrd by (loternmenl -maroNET apvacfd ox WATi nr.a. DivkONrs. If I Jewelry, Piste, liun, I;' .Is. fry r.r-vrfs a-.d all kiaMMf lrai Properly, r tahl. and aoUl, at HS, ' '- h til no,i sit eel, .Ni4f oi' a. ai sa:r. rr'Uff.ce .pen at all amra. noT23 64-dly IK. A. J. MKI.TIA.X, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON mCat SO. 10 VlkoINU ATKXUX- kxaTDxxci. 9u aoxra axaiaxa it. .13 DRUGS, MEDICINES. &C. DAILY, KEEPER & RUSH, ontli Meridian St., KA8T DXKrV. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.,i WHOLESALE DEALERS fKXCLTJMYELT) IS ED IRL & S , 9 PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, GLASS WARE, PERFUMERY -JL7TD Fancy S-oods, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. WE WOULD CALL TI1E ATTENTION OF DRUG. GISTS to the above establishment, and invite them, when in the city, to look through our stock. Our grods were boueht when gold was at fl 5R. ami before tbe additional 5 per cent increae in Tariff Duty, which, w are confldent, will enable us to eil goods in our line very low and Tet realize a profit. We will du plicate any'Cincinnatl"lill fuctust'rtD in prices con aidered. Ord-rs are solicited JeT'U dly NATIONAL BANK. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF INDIANAPOHM IS TT1K official depnitory and financial ag?ntofthe Umted States, and will furnish, on the most favor a f bio terms. All kinds of United States Bond3 and Revenue Stamps, And will buy and sell Gold, Silver, Exchange, Govern ment Vouchers, Orders on Washington, State gtocks an! Public Securities of every description. Collection will be promptly made, and every kind of buVnesm attended to that belongs to leiritimate banking: Regular customers are only charged tJ per cent, upon Lsns obtained at this Bank, aid the mott ample pro visions ere made for the safe-keepiug f Deposits aa4 for the accommodation of Depositors. In addition to the responsibility of the United States for the liabilities of the Bank, tbe Stockholders are icdi v ldually reponsible to the extent of their stock, in addi tion to the amount invested in such shares, thus affording the mo-d amp'e security to the public. The following are tke present Stockholders of te la-stitutlou- Wn. n. Knghfh, W. R.Nofsingr, Wm. Craden, BenJ. F. Tuttle, John W. Murphy, Judge P.M. Finch Wm. Willard, A. Baldwin, I). W. Nobl, W.O. Rockwod, Daniel Hennessey, James Powers, J. L. Slaughter, Lucian Hills, W.8. T. Mortob, Bamabas Coffin, Joh C. Hereth. Dr. J. M. Gaston, II. B. Pirch. Dr. J. H. Woodb. Jnc. C. Wright, John Hendricks, A.J. Danforth, Jame Greene, A.D. Billingsly, W. W. Leathers, James Winslow. ) liewjs Jordon, DeJoes Koct, Jer. McLene, J. F. U Lauiei, of N. Tn finy. O P. Morton Hon John J. Morrison, I Uen. Lax. Noble, uon.Otcar R. Hord, Hon.T. A. Hendricks, Hon. Psvid Kilgore. Hon. James A. Cravens, Hon. John C. New, Hon. T.M. Sullivan, Rev. Wm A. Holliday, Prof C. N.To.ld, J. Cieortre Suli, (Jeorge w. lüg;. Robert Browning, W.J. Holliday. W. K. Molloway, J. M. Maxwe!:. Wai. II. Fry, A.J. Hay. R. K Tarker, J. L. Holtoa. Winsliw, Lasier A Co., J. A. Rom. jnlyll PLANING & FLOORING MILL. South New Jersioy Street. DOOR, PLIND. AÜD SASH FACTORY, PL4NI5G a:i.i Flooring Mill. Having completed my Factory, I am prepared to fur ' r :h IKxr!, Sh, Dlinds, IVcr ami Window Frames, J ilol.'ir, Comlce, Fracketx, Dresel I.uwber, Weatber-boar-linx, a:.l other niannfactorett larrber tertainiit to ' a bo-l lirt-. at a. reasonable rates as aiy eiher raaoufac. j tirer i n the city. Hsvirs oa ban4 a'.afrfe s'.ock of t'ur.rorfhly seon! : "Kiver" fine Lumber, 1 am enaMel to warrant r-y man ; uf.vrnre. Orrfer- for worker, for:-;. ilrv;r; ani planing ltrier prKtap'.lj att'u lej X.n. 1 cm-i4 rfr.m WASRF.5 TATF. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. rtillnetPlptitn, X'm. I ntsKAsF or rnc M-Rvnrt. l kis M AM SK1UAL SYSTFMS ar.d rcli-tie treatment in K? pons cf the Howard Aor;.tico Sect Sj maJ in sealed letter envelop-"., free of charge. Ad dre.Ir. J.SKIU.IN HOIMKTDN, Hewa-d Association, k.1 Svoih Xinth street, Pn:late'nt. f eo7 M ly GSt AY aV WII.LIATIS, Wiihsliiiistoit, City. 13. C. A lTl'l TTUKSF.T. AT LAW AND aOUClTOE OF Cdce No. 433 reni.sjlranis avenae, a few ;.-ors eat vf the Nation! Hctel. Will proe-re cla ms tf re the fnirrd States Ceart tf Claims and Ccreress. Bu ne.s with all the kaevnUv lepartmf-:s. isrlnd ii Clajm. of every description connected wit ;b. Mili tary an ! Nars ice, ait erd-l to with promptness and energy. oct2-dSic JOII. K. NIXLIVAN. LIVERY, SALE AND BOARDING STABLE, Ti: 10 Esaftt Pearl Street, In rear of MUnl XlnllAtlnaj. tth-ctr HEDI0IHE8 Telegraphic Dispatches. nfvmn Rir&xsLT roa tri aar itatx um?ii. XOItlVIlN'Gr REPORT. Latest War Ne ws. EXPEDITION I TCAPEFEAR RIVER ! WOUNDED OF FORT FISHER. j Particulars of the Blair Mission MOBILE TO BE AGAIN ATTACKED. Rrliel Tirntc Sheiinncloali. Destruction to American Commerce. FIBE IIST BUFFALO. A-., Ac, Ac Ac. Ar. From New l'ork. Nkw Yoke, January 23 Tbe hospital tteaci er, S. K. Spaulding arrived at tbis port last even ing from fort Fisher, bring 413 wouoded sol- ! diers. I A number of uaion gurjboata Lad soae UP Cape Fear river, and were bellin the wood in : order to diilodge the ecetnv. The renjAioi of one of the heroic dead of Fort j ' Fisher hive a!?o reached here Gen. Louis Holl. ; He was killed in the assault of the tbe 15tl. ! His retnaica were in charge of Lieut. Sandford, ! of tbe Umented Getjeral's ?taff. The body ot ; (Jen. Bell ia to te carried to New Hampbire. Tbe Richmond Whig thus atatea the result of the south making war upon the r.Mi .'n, irri ih-ut- in the horror? to the Yaukeea: j Our outraged Homtn, our horrmicse Uibi?, : our so. ui.tiniflv Uiu. our blackened homes, our leagues cf desö'utcd lmd, our bettered cities, ! our alave.4 m arms a3;n?t ua.our prisoners mur J dered in cold blood, or pining year after year in J northern dungeon?, all tell ui what the Yankee I h at heart. I (Jold has raised in Richmond to 3000 premium. ! The Mobile Register of the 19th pays the pec j r!e absolutely" decline to bet with the odds of j forty to one on the success of our cause and tbe honesty of our government and people. The Charlegton Courier discuses the guerrilla J warfare with the purpose of showing tho efficiency of that style ot hostilities, to which the rebel i cn- may foon l.e brought. I The Richmond papers" represent Ho.)d'a army i a suffering intensely until they reached more , wealthy d'.rtrict, when they fared better. It is thonght he n ty l-e oblige! to fill hack beyond Cjrinth, u: til the rna;a sie repaired to that j place 1 he 'I ribune'a aihington rcjial ajs when ) i : r returned from Richmond he exhibited a ictttrlrom JelT. Dari-., aying that whenever j the presided of iT:eLrnitel butes would receive ! ctMutiiieaioners from the governuitrit of the (.Con federate State to negotiite for peace, he would appoint tbent. He Jiccomranied the assurance with a declaration of hia own d?eire for a speedy j termination of hostilities. Mr. Lincoln permitted .Mr. Rlair to return, carrying with him a letter writlcu to himself bv a member of the cabinet, which repeals in sub pfance the aurante contained iu the president's letter "to whom it may concern." This is all Mr. Illair takes to Richmond. The government hold1 precisely the position it has always held, and believes it ran conquer a peice in a reason able time. The Times' Washington special ssy i: is now generally uuderttood that Blair did nut go in anv sense as a representative of the government to Richmond, and he i- no; authorized toe:icoursge the hope, that any overture? for peace will be made or accepted, which look however roniote ly towards a division of the union, nor is it be lieved the rebels are yet prepared to tieat on any other terms. A popular sentiment averted the desire of the rebel government for peace. When their arrnie are destroyed they will probably nuke peace. Mr Blair has not yet returned The government has been assured the Can adian authorities bave determined to remove all causes of diaatiafaction on the part of Lhi coun try, growing out of the recent occurrences. Judge CoursoJ will be removed. This will pro bably lead to a ppeedy abrogation of the pass port syetein. Ry'the Atlantic, from is reported that a formidable expedition had left Forts Mor gan and Gair.e, up the eaat Faseagoula river, to take position in rear cf Mobile, placing the citv partly at the mercy of onr troops. The rirer was found navigable, and its occu pation cannot fail to render tbe city an easy cap ture. Deserters report thjt there is much disatiafao tion with tbe rebel government in Mobile. The Richmond Sentinel calls for a new out burst of enthusiasm and patriotism. It says it would be delightful and inspiring. A citizen writes to '. that he had a moderate supply of bacon in the houe and be akei hin wife shall tbe meat go. She responded, yes, let It go, and It went. Ferhsps It was the kind fed to our poor prisoner. ' I roiti Huf fulo. Hcr alo, January 25. The American Hotel is in ruins and the Cro still continues to rage. One building on Main etrcet. was blowu tip by Mayor Fargo, which partly arrested tbe fire, but it is feared it will extend to Pearl street. It it snowing, with a furious gale blowing, aud the thermometer ö above zero. Loss by the Ameri can Hotel fire, $7D,0X) All railroad trains are detained bv tbe storm. from fortress yionroe. FoaTKU-i Mosaok, Jauutry 23. Tbe bark Ciilton. Capt. Gavitt. arrivs heie yesterday from I'ernarubuoo. The captain reports that the rebel privateer Shenandoah hid destroyed sev eral American merchantmen nlong the coast of Eraxil, in consequence ol which ve?els bound to the t'nited States were obtaining British regis ters, so s enable them tu ssil '.ruler TViti-h e.lor. Itrprnl of Ihr Illinois Itlurk Ia. Ntv Youe, January 25 A ciepauh rcceir Ly Ü. O Tiila:;, from SpriclieM. Ill-aoia mjs that tli-Ilhtioin Senate hsa if?ea!ci the black lawi rv fovr majority, an-l t!o House is certain to cor.cur. MARRIED LADIES W F f . C . 1 . L 1 1 - - J . i r family ei a rd stans Tor Di. 5T1 ARTS TKI- VATSClin:LARTO JIARRIFD I.ADIFJ. and cosnai icn wu'. tell on it is 0 IICMBL'li. All cunTne.n!ra tioc iTiitiy ver.f ier.tial. ir. rurLPY fiii-ar.T, Ml.wJir U. Draper .'.I, Chlcao, 111. ACENTS WANTED. tTssy-w TlO.tTII I want Agents eeryw'aere e I " " st tTO a month. exrnes pa'd. tosell nf AriU,l bet se'j'.g "ed. Fu'.' par:5ca!ars ev. Ailress. i)TlA T . lit RF.T, aAt ei.SK R.a.lef..rd. aia.e. J. T JACKSO.V ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ATLAW,j OF PICK 5. W. C0E5SR MKrJDIAH A5D WASH IXUTC5 Streets, (Telegrsph fcjiwiiag.) lod.ana polta. Indiana. SpeclaJ attention riven to the CUectla ef Arcecnia b4 tke aecurlxg of u varsmaLt Claim. UtUrtery raUraacee glvaa ertea realrad. aayU'dtf DRY GOODS. CLOSING 1 OUT SALES -AT THE Trade ' Palace 2 & 28 WEST WASHIIIGTON ST., HUME, LORD & CO. w wortb ISHIXU TO RKTI&K FROM BUSINESS 30W o?or tkelr largo and splaodid stock of (oods I At 5w Tork wholesale pricee, aod taicy puduuch j lets. FeelLDs; ander obligation to tbe public for tbo very i largo patronage w hsvo received, we have concluded to j adoptthis raetbl of closing oat ourprefent stock, there- j by girics; tbem tbe advaotago cf buying their goods as low as tbe same can be bought at net whole. ale prices !n ! Fasterncitlej. Tbis In n flctltous cry, abd we willcon- tinue tbe sales nctil tbe whole stock is closed ont. We! have now in store tbo largest and bei selx-t4 Hark j TerbronghttotLicity,consUt!cgf.f 15,000 X & S , r grada, from the raoi-t castly and VTorti: -f Comprising besutifcl Moire Antiques, T thchepest PLAIN SILKS AND SATINS, WhUe wjlifcs sold rtga:d!es of tha rerpt great ad. vaocet. FX(!V DRESS ROODS, la (real variety. Our tay?r being at tbe head of the market during the spring, has aade extra efforts to pre care the finest and most fashionable 1 th market.rosi prisinxall the late JPariH IVoveltiese MERRLMAC PRINTS, SPR AGUE'S PRINTS, PACIFIC PRINTS, AMERICAN PRINTS, DUNNELLS PRINTS, DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, EM BROIDERIES, SCO., sScO. HUME, LORD & CO, INDI AN a roi.i s. Jon .-dr DISSOLUTION. i)lssolution of Copartnership. rWHR PARTNERSHIP HERKTOFORE EIISHNO BK JL twen Henry Allen a-.d T. W. tewart, in the Liv ery and Sale Stable business, was thU day dissolved by mutual con-snt. Henry Allen haviar bought the eatire interest in tbe stock, notes and book account of the said Ann. is au thorised to collect all debts du tbe firm. He has als assumed the payment of all debts against tbe firm, and wiil pay th same when presetted for payment. HENKT ALLEIC, T. W. STEWART IadianspoÜ, Jar.mary 9, IMS. ITTILL STILL CONTIKÜB THE BUSINESS AT THE old stand on Pearl street, Immediate'y south f Olenn' Black, wher I will b very glad to see all my old customer and friends, and aay new ones who deire to see me. HESKT ALLE2T. Janl-d3w i i FOR SALE. Large Store Room on Meridian Street, j FOH SALE. ! rpHK FlTrGlBP.05 stork uoom o.n tuecouep. i X of Meridian and Looisiaaa streets is for sale. Ihe i Store is 25 by 150 feet, with three lofts 90 fet each con- ( cectei with The Mere. Alse nine good oCces acceible ; by stair cae In front. The Let Is 21T3 feet Ja depth with ' railroad track on tho side the whole length. A very de- 1 Nirsble and productive property boilf In csost me-ierc ! style. Pnee t33,CO0. Mc KERN AS 1 PIE ECK, ' )an3-dsw pj K.tate Af ntj. ' MEDICAL. IS TUM BEST REMEDY KNOWN rea ajx Billious Complaints, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Indigestion, Heart - Bnrn, Sour Stomach, Sea Sickness, ore., &c. 1t. JAkKS K, CHILTON, the Great Chemist, ayv "1 krew lta ctmpof!t:cn. aed have cedoaHt It will trove most beneficial in those coaaola'r.ts for which it is re- i a .a Dr. THUM AS BOTD sayr. ! arcLgly CMnned ! to i il notice of the pahl-.e." Dr. EDWARD G. LUDLOW ssy I can with c-3- ! dence recommend it." j Dr GI.O. T. DXXTKR says: In r.a'.nlfncy. Heart- bam, C-t-vepess, Pirk Headache, Ac the SKLTZF.E , APF.K1F.NT ta y hans has preyed lodee- a va!?she rented v. I or other Tefetlmonlail see otalel a 1th each Uottle. Maasracrraa mt K 11 A TV T & T A C O tl nveenu leh trt flfj ArL i 371UrfUMICU9irrcl,neW OrW. rjTrva iajje bt all csrooivTi. marlfwier CROCERjES K.B.1LV0SÖ. J.M.ClLrw?U. H. B. ALTOBD ALVORD, CALDWELL, & ALVORD, W llOloSAlo loolors in -A3D E,EnU ESS: EAST WASHINGTON STREET, tr I HAII.T raca'piof fresageedt I Constantly on band and for aale at th lowest prices, a large and assorted atcrko Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Rice, Tea, Nails, Glass, Woodenware, Soap, Candles, Starch, Raisins, Cigars, Tobacco, Mackerel, White Fish, Cordage, Twine, Dye-Stuffs, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines, Whisky, Notions of all kinds & IIOSTETTERS MD WAHOO 68 East Washington Street t5DIAXPOLI8, 1KL decl-dAw LIQUORS. C. A. Fmiott. Jahbi It. Rv a. K Ii LI OTT & UVAi, . WHOLES ALK DA ALA Bit IIS ALL RINDS OP LIQUOR SOLD AT THE Cincinnati Daily Quotations ;N HA5D? AT ALL TIMES Purr Kentucky Bourbon Whisky, ALSO, BRANDIES AND WINES Of Tere t Brand I Jf Wtf invite tbofe wanting Pure Liquor to call aud examine for themselves:. C.rr.r nf MERIDIAN and MARYLAND St., InduuMoIi, Ind. iraXw I'XPRESENTABLE FIEADS Are w. a TiM.T.fn: beaatifed iy tke f-rert:on of CltlTA DOUOS 1IVIK DYE, Whirh, v.ithout tbe .;iu'.et troai-ie, insparta to the hair of the haJ, th wh;kr, berd, er raeo.tecbe, aa sbs'.e of brown rr t!;e irt perfect black. ca ose it without jilinsr trer rn;r. It is is raost ex-i pe.itious ha.r &) ia tie world, ar.d the oily ore fre j frwia every po:ouus ifrTf,, and tba corj'a'ns a nonri hlng ard eajo'llerit vegststle j rinciple. CrisladoroS Hair rrecrvallTc a va'.u!.! 'Janet t He Dye, in dressing aad promoting the gT&wth aj.d perfect health of the hair, aad f itaelf, when ned alone, a safeguard that protects the fbrse from dt-cay under all riTtmstsnces aud indr allcliaea. Ma-ufacttiredhy J. CRIST ADO kO, No. Asier Hoase, 5ew Terk. Sold by all Dragins's. app4 7 1' Hsr D-aaars. jaa2.deediwecw V ANTED. , ar-7'ATi:i fl5 A .TlO.tXII-AgeoU everr where, to ictrodece the new lit SXe Jt tTri U-Wy JvetHaj JficA, the n)y low prica sachln is i the country whicfJ ts ewei by Grover Jl Kaker, Wheeler ox WUscn,Hewe,8mgerCe, aad Bactelder. 1 Salary and expenes, or large commisaiona al'owed. MI other Machines bow sold foT leas than forty dellara ah 4r iisWitevUj, and th aller aad aaer si-aA. Llua- trated clrcuiar sent frtt. Adcresa &BATT k CULRI, Blideford, Mateav eev:-Arwl. SPECIAL NOTICES. OTLET THOSE WHO HAVE DOUDTED th virtee cf Fvix's Caaaox Errraat, if ay ac there be. read the foilowlrg certificate frens g&T stell kaovm In. this cen;nni:y, and docbt no more. Its general Introduction Into the rmy will save L tires of thenssndsol ear soUers: Lorirriu.,Jtc 5.1, l-Ct. We, the inderrigne l, kar seen the fxxi effects of fr. Job Bru'i Capao Birrtaa ia eaae of gvaeral debilty ana prot ration er ia aystem, arxi beeve Its general use would pre vect disease ari relieve mach aoffertn. Among otar soldiers particularly wonl l this b the eae, especially these whe are epoa4 to the Wilawattr n Cuences ia the Sun then cL'mate. MU. PHILIP SPEEL. Collector Iat. Rev. 1.1 p.a. Ky CHAS. B. COTTOS, Collector cf th Turt ef Le jin die, Kj. COI n. DXXT, Provost Karihal General of Kentucky. RF.V. D. t Ht!fDZR50!f, Vice President of Sanitary Cemntn HA ay XT, HUQUKS k CO., ! PatlishenDenyrrat. I GF.O. PICFRX, Proprietor LaaJivir.e Aneiger. B CUBES A PARKHILL, Wholesale Dry Oowls Dealers, Mai street. Leua- VII., JJ. DAT15, GRXZS 4 CO., Wholesale Shoe Dealers, Kala street, Levxlsvllle. HAKT A KAPOTIER, Lithgrtpbera, corner lfarket anl Third streets. Louisville, Ky JLMJUS WISTER, Clothing Merchant, corner Thir l anl Market sis., Louiivll!, Ky. CAIT. 8. F. HILDRKTH, Of th steamer Major Aokra. MAJ. L. T. THCBSTOK. Paymaster Ü. 8. Army. C. U. M ETC ALP. Katioial Botel, Ixisv lle,Ky. COL. JESSE BATLES, 4th Kentucky Cavalry. oeoetiE d. rnEirnCE, Loaisviiie jonraal. 50LD WHOLESALE BT DAILY, KEEFEIt & llLSIl, T.l South Meridian St., Iadianapo!.. decl6' THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills, PROTECTED v O LETTERS BY ROYAL PATENT! Prepartd from a irecrijioH Sir J. Ctark, 2J. I Phytician ZetraorJiiiryt ths Qusen. This invaluable medicine I unfailing In th cure vt all those painful and daegerou duaases to kWh the fe male constitution la subject. It moderate obstructions, and a speedy cur rssy L relied on. TO ITIAltlllED LADIES It Is peculiarly sltcd. It will lag ahorltltaa brfajc rn the monthly p-erlod with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the nevTnmnt tsmp efGrest Dritain, to prevent coimlerfeü. CAUTION. TKe ri-'U holud eW bitiln by Ftnaitt durinj Me flRSI TU R EE JfOXTITS of rrtgn nncy, at tfj are ture to bring rn ifitrrrringt, bnl it any cfWrtint thry art 7e. In all cases cf Kervous and Fpinal Af7ectio:,s, TaJus In the Back arJ Limbs, Fatifti on slight eiertlon, ralplta tloa of th Heart, Hysterica and Whites, these rills wili effect a cure when a!I c-ther means hare failed; and, al though a powerful remedy, do net cntaln Iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Fu!l directions in the pamphlet aresnd each package. which ahecld he carefully preserved. SOLD S TALL DRUGGISTS Sole Agent for the United States aud Canada, JOB MOSES, 27, Cortlandt SL, Kew Tork. - B. 11 00 and C postage stamps enclosed to any a thohsed Agent wiil Irsnre bottle, containing 60 nils. by return ma l. decVdeodlwly i: V la I P S E D ! raise lights are extingxisheH when a CBBarTatTH hine forth, aud the incontestable fact that the hair turns from gray re or ea'idy te a glorloue black er brown, QUICKER THAN THE CilAMELION change iu hues, under the operation of lIlISTADOHOft IIAIIt dye: I now known throuftont the Amerfcau conütsent. Ii I harmless, contaios no csustic, Improves the fibres, pro daces a rich, natural and lasting color of any shade from a warm brown to a glo.-y sable, end is endorsed Yj te ttjest en;ret.t analytic chemist ia tke Unjted Stales. Maaaiactved by J. CklSTADOKO, 5e. 4 Astor Heese, New Tork. SoldbyallDrngg:su. Applied y all Hair Dressers. J atj -a eod A we o w t-D I8EASES0K THE NERVOUS Seminal, Crlnaiy and Eexnal Systems nw and reliable treatment In Reports ef tk HOWARD ASSOCIATIOJf. Sent by mail In sealed letter avelope, fre of charge. Addresi D. J. SKILLIX HOUOnTOX, Howard A eels, tion, 5o. 3 South inth reet PhllsyJelpfc! Pa. mar30-f!Awly rarNEitvous DEBILITY, SEMINAL Weaka, etc., can bt cui kyn wke ha really cured himself and hunHretls ef ethers, aid will tell yen nothing bit tbefr'. Atdress with ettwip. FIlWARD H. TBATEB, Lock Bex, Boston, Maes TELEGRAPHIC. U S. TELEGRAPH 10MP1NY, Offirs? Tim. 14 N. rniisjjr vauisa 1 , 0PPO8ITK PI;! PELLOWS' MILL. JKOUMi MOR. FWHK above named Telegrsph CiPay'a Lines nvw cpea for the tranraisin of Meassges to sii points la tbe Un-teJ Kta'es ar.d Br.tisH Province. janl-dlm GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. A. V. LAWRENCE, fi ROCER AXD PBODL'CK lhAlJtR,StvT 50. H5 VÄ Test 1ahingten street. t r- pa; f.ri.l kinds cf Cocn'ry rrcxiwe. STEAM BOILERS. i: . n . k e c; a , MAICL'r ACTCRJ.R OF Steam Boilers, Sheet Iron, Locomo tire, Portable Stationery and Tubular Boilers- VFTXB long eaperieace aa Feremaa for I cker A Co , aad tn lee employ of the Belief outa! a Railroad Ue., I feel conSdest thai I can render satisfaction. Eepairtrg of U kin 1s ore a' a small advance om rurneyiBea' wages. fteiUi FMry;ania street, aoe 4r eoath f Kevtk Bennett's Feaadry. AdfWss Boa M, ImaespAis,rrd. v6oi - - ... - . . 9 Fill V ATE DISEASES. DR. COLTOCR,IDICAL 0F7IC1 50. M SOUTH Meridian Street, fcrfetu k; f If ha fall ha er tag amy Uat osy cosaa mader kU care, ao aatur how outlast er loag tandlxg. Et warraata yon a rar. yphUla, ta tke primary tag, he! pod Im U Din. alee, ewod ta 14 hears. OWet f te yaara ataadlac oy aar. . owe -ran i tw r a 1 1 BfT A GPSnsn TAI.TnM XT4TCH if ye aditraMeae t re!M lim kere. ' BUT A CtsriSE WALTII.M W ATCII KrqtiU aad is Hirtls d-.ebU tbe prte bm werthVeaa Eag'i.k aod 8 iaa rt K. OEXII.NC WAT.THAM tVATllt'. wade rxr'vw' A?. i Am.! i ( A. lm. it." . CESlI!tE TALTHVM HATCUEi,maa eipr! f.'r &sUt h'vsvy tnn'ior rw, a.--irst. tiae ker. We ret cur av. b-s turret fiir the m.nH.tury, Me, Veen noeis tut the jeuir... inclk wiTnirsf r.ST t oLrtrr.r.rtck.r la v;jnt of a timr-keept-r. at th low peiVIe rstee. Tb rra :e rrplje 1 st f- rirr t ri--e. ft a ciliar. We a1o har a Isrj;e vstv-fv T r '-ed jviee Wat-hea, Tine Jewelry and 5!iJ r V. P. BINGHAM & CO.. 50 Eist Washington Street, NVarXiJi l elluw' lialL STEAM MACHINERY. EAGLE WORKS 5VM FA( Tl COMI'AXV. a. 1-0 T' V ANT Steam Kngines Boilers! PATENT KIKE EVA roUATOUS, TATEN! 5U(J A Ii CANE MILLS, PATENT STEAM COIL EVAPORATORS. PATENT STAMP MILLS For rUSt F,ok r Isile Superior SnJ for Circular', with Cut and Descriptions rriccs.ft.cic. Alio, SAW WLLS, FLOURING MILLS SiarHrriy of all Df" rirt:on. SETSTX3 FOR CXXtCJ U L.ARa. CHIC ACQ, ILLISOIS. I. V. ATt:a, I'rrHdrni. N. F-. Aent sw.i"! everywhere, mart C dl (y BUSINESS COLLECE. Bryant, Stratton & Spencer's I NDIAXAPOLIS nr.SIKSS COIalaEGE, I 05F.CF THK PFOV.INKNT IXSTITITIOS C05 at tating J.e "Chain of Tnlerastiocal P,u;t,eM Col leger," locet. d In twe. ty-three rf the largest cities ef the United S:te an 1 Car.a4. Life Scho ar.M lnel at the Indianapolis (lge rood th'etr bout the "Chain " TLI IhstituMou ,3fr. uhhiIkI a4vsn'.sg a te Young Mr- -si IJ.f de.;ri..g a V.:t"' FJcaM,n. The Va rloh JrrsTtu-er.: tf ... k-'ee ; r. Orrrrerrial Iw Calcnlat:e;.s, e , re c: i-r t'." tf al-le enl et- penencea leacLera. I Trth:p authors f tbe ?;ierita ykVi... Ly a practlcsl liters! or. tsip-l.t ty one of tbe Tt.egra; L i g taught Prr further Irfvrr a'.;n ser-1 iun f t College kfMh)y aid srec:mer-s cf rii-.r.' vr:-.',rr. tt rail x: SO.'i We; Wab nrton tret. l UVANT, M HATTOS A fiVZZCTK Galen's Head Dispensary l.BtJibll!i 1 iu m.-,o and ( hnriere rf the l.rglslaiure of Krntucky for itir trrntmrnl of And alt ATe'or.s of the Urinary ar t Gentev Org ef h peree. JUST rUP.LXSUZD. Pill VAT r THIUllh Ol VKKriO.AL M57ASKr. icludicg i'iüt'riii a. ii.eet ?yphu.s, Strktn.-e, r,raelf K"-t.e, Rnprnres, r.' , Ki-tita. L'r n.r Deport. art ail Iles r.f t! Kileybii!r,Prc-Trte k:A Ve.Mcle, ail tt.r'.r, ',:'.zJ..:.j s .;. ter eervation a riarr.s.-e a:.d t&e prevert;'i ef cvKejiv-w Cori taibir.g a Trs';-e c-i S'tlf A', Sperrus rrrJ,e Se-.l ?Te. voa'ItlV'y, lisrTerr ar-t Tn- " . tit-. l -: 1 po t ire r '"i t.f"; :e e s cf 'e. isie. on th- l-oly anl a,:;!, ar i U, Aatrc r's Xew Treatment f all Ilm cases a fI. tie .y rccfcl methed ef CB'.w;:h an jp'.s tiTi of Qua.-lir. T'j-.-k li r.ot a q-:r.k ae-t: vjt, but a warning tr,der:''f fr irsrrie atj irr. it is the mly booa that g'.tes the of all tLe sWe tfteeaaea 1 plain Fcg'.ih, siiUi full ilirtctions f'-r eell-treatmeat, and coa. Uins much valaatlc iLformt.en act preper to centtoe in a patV.c no"re. The wrk rr,t,ra'r. V-0 pages, aad 10 pia'es and er;ar:-rr, f tbe abore d;eaiea. vent to any e Mrenia a sealed wrarper, on receu t f one Mlet Those aSlicteJ w .th as. vf the aWve !.eaea. before plac:rg tLes.-elf. cr;ier the treatment of any one should rt r'si t'.s rk. ' OFFICK 21s 1th street, b-ween Market and Je?er. son. wt :!e. T a'.'y to a 1 letr, lLrct t G ALEX'S WF.Af DiSP58ALT D-saerS?, Leatsvllle. Ey. eei.4Ale PROFESSIONAL. iii:.m:ac;e n. ficii, MILITARY ATTORNEY, AL NOTARY PUBLIC, 11 & 12 Up-Stairs, Blackford!s Block, Comer f WsNl.cgter at.1 Me rd;aa arreaa, I3nTXDJcVTn7JEOI-XS, X2STT3. Janl4-d3m PROFESSIONAL. Dr. A. I. G AlasL, Ho 65 North New Jersey Street. a 7 ' I'd- 1t 1 .' ( 7 J