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i i i a . m k 'J DAILY gEiWINEL TUESDAY MOKMMJ. JANUARY 31. UliTALl 4TIO.X on ncuiiL. ritno.i- peeets f lion. Thoroaa A. IIen4 rlena, In tb cnale n lti ?tti Janva rj Upon th c:onlderAtln of the Joint lleolniion .Ufltlng lietatll. atlon for the rrnrl Treatment f Prlawner by (lie Insurgents. Mr. ll 15 Dticii Mr. rrcidfot: At I lisiene! t tie epes-ch of the renaler from ilirhigsn Mr Howard I was truck with the fact how much easier it is to float " with the pasfVn of th hoar Uin to rtsnrt Crmlr wierwa mo thick i; UHM I knot tb At thi is a nut ject of extrem interest io the country. Errry neighborhood baa its representatives in tbe southern prisons, anJ whatever if it id la the Senate is listened to la every neighborhood with extreme interest. But, ir, whaterer may be the ps-ica of th i hour, I feel that thfl tight will jit.fy a man in the future. During the times of the Fienrh resolution the cratort in the conren ticn wire inspired by the frenij of passion, and Called fur blood, blood, joA, were the gode ot the hour, and nere ton e upon the ahuuta of the sovb Io the etreeU. and the applauses io the club bouse, but history ha assigned tbem their right piscr; ar c I an tot afraid upon this quei tii.n to aay what I Leliere I-4 r'gli I do nut he liefe that mt as xcan, or the booor of xnj country ia to be promoted by adopting a tneaii?e which h ben so forcibls deeribed by the sei a'or from Masaacbusett Mr. Sumner .Ibil mciLiLa: ai hrtsiots ard cruel The eertatcr from Ohio Sir. Wade yester day. In reply to a remark ol mine, asid that war Was cl.rist'uLilj, and that the u.-agci of Batiot.a engaged in war bad not beta influenced ' by the er.tin.eiili of our religion. 1 do not ;rre with Lira. Do? tie faster ist that ite , usage -f th1 day. iJ the betiigo influences ot i , Christianity a rr ore nation at war, are suche jretailrd in the mote hirhnrcLs tri J darker age? ot the world's Livory ? Why i It that no longer " oDj civilized t.atkiu dares to trike tta toe with a poisons d attowt Why i it that an invading army dare t o longer to poison the springs and th wells m an et;ttay'a couLtrjT Uecuc tte iL Sat bees of chrUtianity and the citilii ton ot . theeeutury Iibi it. Mark where Christianity f itfi:d upon the eirth'a arfre, and rce the J !iflTc-rerjce. Wheteter chiiatiatiiy now control. the judgment of tne world, we have a eirilin tion t ome Client even a mid the borrora ol war; but fo bejord thai; go into China, where otr hri-tion reliuion ia not regarded, they flit the captive alie today; ro into Tartiry, arid into all the imt on wbeie any v:r ru of religiou except our own control the judmer.tcf the country, and jou find yet baibamiea tint masked wrs in the etil er ape of the woildV blciory. tut, ii , 1 am not toin? to tiUcuj the que' 'tion whether war is ribt or wronp, or whether it . I aicortiing to chritiaoi'y. We have war, ami as civilized mtn it i our duty to mitigate the " ciueltiea' and ftfiVrlrp attendant upon war to the greatest extent iu our power, not to add to thitu; not to brfrg tcr f5r Tame and goodnarai; as a civthzd and tLru;i(in people down, hut r . ther to bold K up 1 nave adtcca'ed an exchange of prisoner?. ta d I am pUd to hear the ihairmtn of the mili tary comuiittee ure that as a p-oj-ib'e and prac- - ticable o ode of relievin; the country ot ita prei- cut ibiiiir ia rev neit t iour priolier0. Tw! atot Irom Ohio concutrtd in the views that I ex pieced f.u th-it poir.t, in very strong ljnsuage. Ii ea d luvt if the witr dep.irtoicnt could Lave cxclsrgfd cur prior.CT!, U wa3 the duty of the department to luve done fo; and il they hid neglected to Co fo, thy oulit to Ue efverch triiouirj. l'crhapa thc-e ie tot the oidaucd by the?ntor, but tlm ;.a it e n-titiinent 4Mr. Johnson.-Culpable" w tb word. Mr. Heinlritka " Uulpab't '," I believe. w the word .eue1!; a rtrt per word than I en plvjved II Bjid tint the udruici-tration w!.s cul pable if it w.swathin it- power tor these iconihj p?t to have brought our brothers and fiiendj home agtin and it relumed to do o. Hut the aenatr Jrufn Iowa Mr. Harlan J and eren with ' the h'i;h rajpect 1 entertain for that seaitor, lam ,f cud that no other aerator ban adopted bia enti turn' on this aulject baa aid to the Senate in the course of thii deb-'e.tlkat it wis tihtfor the admioitrdtion thus for months to have refused to exchange pri-oner?, when it roiht !.ve bee: done n tiv t . rr tne reason tntt we can better afford to le-ive men in pri-on thin they ; that we have inure men ; that we may brir ad dilional hundreds ol thouainds into the held and cot feel the burden Tery much, because our pop ulation i no lircc, wh:le the souh i exhausted in it fighting lrce. That i the argutneut of the senator. Mr. Harlm. I, the renator professing to quote from my remaiks ? 3Ir lieudricks. No, eir; I am not. I um at tempting to give the argument of the.cnttor. If he prefers that I rhould fetd hi- wordi. of course I can do fo. His argument went further. He p-tid tht we were now fihtiug the entmy within work; and thtt one mtn to I lie enemy wa worth three or tour to u 1 l irk I pive the argnmenv f the ciMr corrrcUy I hr whole ul it amounts tu just thi; that we can af ford, io a mihttry point of view, to Ire our soldier fluttering iu nouthern pri-ous, dying un Uer lh iLdiiencw of a ajutlru climate. sod un- -der eniVit-ru dT-eitfa; well as (if I 'my Admit the fact by Ptarvatin ; that we can afford to do thi.andmkc in a ciditury point of view, and therefore we will do it. Again, the enatcr paid that the term of ser vice of the pieater portion ol thc.-e pr?onerf of our in southern privn ha now expired, and th I if w e bring them home again we timp!y lone ttivt number -t men, and send to tUe south men who are yet bound to do military service to the outhem govern metit. and therefore thej would unke la iheswap. Thee corslderatlons I could undrrstat d iu the exchange of property between mm and mm. but when the appeil ceme to u? i.i the name of hummity o:i behalf of o.r sufiYr lag frietida in the outh, I cumot appreciate the aentiment of the etitto fom Iowa. ' We ate not bound to exih nC'p priouer We are not bound by tin lawmr l usages ot w ar to parole prUoacrs . It is not a question beta een u and the belligerent s opposed to cs whether we hall ichag prisoner. The routh. as a brl I'gexcnt, cannot dem tt;d it of u a x riht. The qowt'un ia between . the "government of the Un'tel Stat;s and it? oljier?; and now what i the tiw ppoa that lahject? I rjur.te from Hal leca'c International Law: t Fat whHe bo tat is eb!;i. by tlje poi:iT rnla f iiitit.A4Mil law, o tntrr iu'o a ranrl for tLe t ct r of j-Tforir o war, taer i astruti nwrI iaiyrl p-n tbe 'Tcrun ei:t f fry m :c to rsvUJa it tit rel of ach of i: c;zn ai.d all.e abrf lUa ltio tb- han : of . he-emj. Ibrjrkave t..!ut to lb; r i-'ottLiit oi.)) hj arting tn its srrtic " In it upirt cfj'acauf. 'Thu,' aaja Vatttl. i a rar wh'co 'be n' e, t 1 1 1.CM- h hive rz;orvl ' 1bulrv in fcr ifrL "-UiWk' iQterr.atiifial Law. page 4.2. The rjuei-tion is betwten m and the men who hve fought tor the gvotni3ei;t arid who h.itc fallen into tul ruUfcrtufje tecue they wireeo- Rard iu th public scr ire; an t tr e set:tor from j Io aa we 4-h.til not ivrtidtr thi ob'igatioti J which we owe toU.e .o!dir who h.n lallen into I thi miajojtofe; t.eue f ein make a ruiiituv 1 a k t . . I T - a . ' frta; v um io c n a tutrern pr'oa. ttn'tlsl tint .-ertftrrnt Via fW.r. J iw rc?ro:)--e i from axi otl. er eniter In thi b-uiy. 1 a4 a p;u cht, vine iumt;a'. a i;;;.e ur- itcr ftuos.Tow that tbe term Is t!i t a:i arfun:ii t w!;v wo sLi'j r - bs.a cxctreJ 4T tüern in frcnir.err. 7"eo- ai m ir.c enn clcio!M'f the er; t r; bwt t J ut ut'.icratas d.i.: - i . .a. w i . it ia an loine. arurnrt.t wly c'iot.M Lrinj; them 1 l.eir tf try l a cxr:rel, the reiia'tsr taya. Ti en wbai is the r ricLt? It ii not a cuestii)?! .hit lorticer f rrt'ir 1 1 t h'icstion ; but wliit it thc:r ticl.t in lt (i Jer tl'f la tr r? ssKl il.ev woul 1 ecre lor lern r :Lr-e e u, a sat thst tero Iks x ired. II iL were iu-tl.j rJika, the wostnl W d pT. en, ir.e r ent is atrery:tbet:ed. Iff these fr-ni of nurs in soatLern pn-ons no lors- j ee owe rmtitsry Itv 1. the coremrnent, and the ; In it in its pwer to trlng themj hooc.iLce solJler hsre tbt r;ht toLet rourht ' Lome, ana in their name I demni that these ex ! eb.tipe be m!e Mr. rreryJcnt, 1 wieh to ca'.l lit:! motaluC? I ttfct.ün of the feLttor t the propuaitioo . before the tody It ii done ao fully and with such srr.t rxwr Lr the rer.ator from I Mia,cLisett..Ur. SumterJ that I CeJ It ACCttearj to dd but a (w wcnls to what r ta!J. What I here pro ycej? Tbr rtto!t:t!cs declirc .tUt la erirffj t. ila?. ! pry are tn ...uern rnon, ' r-cemmena n.' t'.e misf.riut.'e of 'war. Whst ia their rL-ht? ! , T- aay -la F!a-ry. neart- j i . . . -i v ! burn. CoUvr.esa S ca HeaUach. A., tbe bKLTZKR Tier tib' i to e.y to ws: - Oar term bna ex- ArKKrC!tT 1 my hands has pr.vd Indeed a valuafcl, Tj iei si w r drtii4twt t a Kan K-fht hnrr 1 I Mmaw. i tb opinio 1 cfewrjrretftch retaliation btJgtt to Ia ißfi:cte4 tpot the Icsarteot o5cer now ia cur i-snJs. cr l:erefterto fall Into oar ha od, as trivters : that auch cheers ought to b subjected to like trcatmeLt practiced toward our oficera or soldiers ia the l.xoda cf the insurgent, ia respect nqtirJty rd qsil'tyof food, clothing, fuel, me!ici'3e, me-iical attendance, personal expo lire, or other mode of dealöi with theo." It is a rery general resolution. My. eol ieajjw I think is under the itcprr!oQ that it dees cot include the soldiers as well as the o3 cers whom we hold as prisoners. I wish to call his attention, then, to the reidia of the resolu tion: "Tbat.wttk taa atar tad, ti tnnrx&tt aiww Hi vt liawa, oat t be ptacrfi -toSr tb control ard kef plrr. tfoSrers at5 men who hav ther -lra bao prlMnrr ia ite bandt of tb i:.iorjrttU, and ka U. a"TJlred a knowltir;c o f tbeir rao'e ef trratitiK Blon prisoner; tbat implicit intructla vazhl to b ciro to lix !vxci bain( iLacaara f vcu J ;uirr.: rioter.r qtirts j tbrra to carry oat tnrt'iy mui prctopttf vaa nncfpW cf the rfcfuüon Io ery ca. I am aorry that the committee reporting this, resolution his dignified a policy r-uch as this with, the term "principle" a principle to starve men to death! Bat I wih my colleague to ob serve the language of the resolution. It applie not alone to efiicers who city hare been in fault in aome time past, bat it applies to the conscript of the oouth, who has fallen under a mitlortune even heavier than our ownfoldiera; the conscript who against lij will has been compelled to go into the southern army, and has been taken pris oner and bronchi up here; constrained to serve agairit bi- will, against Lis wish, against the aectimenta of Lis heart toward tbia government; and now we propose to starve him to death! That w th ill tret then ts they hate trf ite 1 our prisoners la claimed to be the right. How r!oi the senator from Michigan in the preamble ay our loldier hive beeh treated by the south ern efficera and arm? I.'t u ee. We are to do to them as tbey have done to us, for that is the Ijcguajeof the rc9olcti0D; "or other mode of dealing with them," i the general phrM. I ill revd the whotr preamble: ... VShfreas, it has come to the know'edrc ef Csnrev tbat Kreat iomjr A our oldtmwbo bavc fallrn a ortaobera ol wr iolo lb baoda of tb lnornpntf bav h en subjects 1 to treatmajt are xstppled lor eruelty iu lb bbtory ol cifiiuea war, aud bodnif it pralilouIjr iu tb cobduct ftt rj(9 txibeo Now, I tk the Atteution of senttors to tte fal lowing a 'rtmj,t reaaltine la th dath of muttl'tidea hj the Mow but designed proees of starvation, and by mor tal diaaes orraioncJ hj In-uCcifUt and unhealthy food, by wanton xpour of thr person to tb inclean- cy ct tb weather, and by deliberate aaasination of innocent snd unoffmdlnf men, and the murder In coli blood of pri toners after sorrer. Thi io the chirge which the renator from Michigan, in the preamble, brings agninst the southern officers and aolJiera irj their conduct to wards our soldiers and efiicers. He lays, then, in the resolution, that wejnut do likewise. Do what? Aasarainate a captive after he has surren dered? After he has laid down hi arms at your fee, aAsrtiipinate him in cold blood? That i ore ol the charges brought in the preamble; and we rotiM do likewie, must we? Deliberate asa- ) k a m hintu'ii: rot omy tnat, nut we mut expose them to the iuclemency of the weathet! Not only tbat, but we must give them unhealthy food that dipee mav come upon them and they m iy die with horrible disease! Not only that, but we wbnll den to them food, that they mir die by etrvtfon! I it possible that, urcordipg Io the mage, of civilizetl pociety in thi century, we mT retaliate In ktod when these chnre are brought agtinst the tn?urgenf?, that we in like mmner shtll treat their prisoners in our hsnds ? I deny the right. I am not ure but that the senator from Massa chusetts Mr. Sumner, in his exhau? ive argu ment on thi ant jct, quoted the authority to which I am now ging to refer. When he was reading from H.vlleck ray attention was ctlled wy, and it i very likely that he read the very section to which 1 now wih to call the attention of the Sen.tte : Concluded cn d ptgt IRONWORKS. IRON WORK, WROUGHT AND CAST IRON RAILING, VF.RANDAHS, BaNR VAULTS, IRON DOORS, SlirjTTSRS, BOLTS, I'LAIX AND ORXA ' MENTAL' IRON STAIfcS AND : i: r.i: a i. no use sHiriiixa. ' Brri-PEits or K. 3Ia.v'H I'ntcnt .Tail. B. F. HATGH k CO., No. Jl North Delaware Street, Indianapolis fari? dm ' PIANOS. t1UMMiGS k jr.NNY-', M A N U FACT UBERS OF rand, aqnare, Cotta? Cprght, No. 7-ft Rroadway, JTew Tork. Each instrument warranted Cre ear. At wholesale sad ret a. 1, 25 per cent. Ics thaa th tonecIas Pino eine bcre. thaler w 11 do well to eiamiue oar Instrument. JfT'etid for catalogue. , ,. Jat21 d3m STRAYED. STR TED from tbe subscribers on Tueaday, Jaoaary 16th, a BLACK tiORK.with a white star In the fo;ehead. both hi:. d lega curbed, about 5 years old and aboat 15 hands hi. Any one retarrinir said borne, or giving information of him, will be auUablv rewarded. ii ILDE BRAND I 11 ENSCH F.N, Jan20-dt No J Merrill Street. PRINTINC. &C. osa. w. ball. o. p. acrcaixaoH. HALL. & HUTCHINSON. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL STEAM BOOK ANOL JOB PRINTERS, Merotrpers and IXookbinders No. 161-2 East Washington Street, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. 2FJai.k Boobs of ery doacriptioo aoad t ardor. nov?l-.1ra w, . Denn, u. o. P. CLABfc, . . I) HS. DUZAN & CLARK OFFICE o. 182 aVorth Illinois, St., Iiiclinn.ipoliM, I nil. decS-dlro MEDICAL. liß;ö?ÄvESCENT ts t - BEST RELIED Y KN OWN BilHous CompLiints. Sick Headache, r il a TT a vjcsnYecess, inaigesuon, nean Burn, Sour Stomach, Sea- Sickness; txCif tXC. Dr. JMRS R. CHILTON, tb Ureal Cbera st. sava: I kc w it comtovtK'n. a no bare nodrnibt It will rrove ' t ee-ier.Hsi in the ew'airts fr a a aa ich it is re- Dr. THOMAS TOTD ssya; -I strcn ?!y ccrasea J It to th notice of th public." Pr. KDWAKD O. LCDLOVT ssrr I can w-rh t!. rr Other Tesllinonlalsi tee phlet wltti each Dottle. J'ratn- 1 . aurcTacmxo oeir tt TAU KAM & C O . ; U7H Green ulcli Street, Aew. Vorlc 7r0B SALE BT ALL DXUCrGISTl. asaHflty Livt;ity arAULE. tSET lUjy, Saw Yrk Urmry aukl.aUIa t-v saw IS a&4 14 Xatt Pari atTMt. tn. the t . Ft ai ) MEDICAL. DR. JOHN BULL'S CO.UPOUD CEDRON BITTERS. The Lnlct and Jlont Im porlant Discovery NINETEENTH CENTURY ! ! ! No mao's asm la tuor intimately connected with tb bUtery of MAT RIA MKDICA of lb United States, er more fsvorab'y known a a phner ia Medical DiKOrtry thaa that of Dr. lohn Bull, of Louivillc? Ken lue k v. ' Bis lnimhaVe preparation f SAItNAI'Alll I. LA has long stood at the had of th vsiioos roni pounds oftbat ralaabl drsg. HU Compound of WILD CHERRY has become a household word throughout tbe West and Sooth. Ha Worm Lozen ges, in Ies than a year after their introduction, atuined a reputation Aa wida spread a. th continent of North America. Bat th crowuing glory of bis life remains to be attained In bis discovery, or rather combination, for he dees not claim to bar been the discoverer of CttDItO wbicb la th basis of the Bitters row offered to the pub Lc. That honor belongs to tbe native inhabitants of Central America, to whom its virtues have teenanewn for more than two hundred year. Armed with it, the Indian bids defiance to tb mot deadly malaria and bandies without fear th most Tencmou serpents. It 1 w a belief with them, tbat while there is breath iu thebodr tbe Cedron ia potent to cure, no matter what the isea raay be. While Dr. Bull is not prepared toendor this extrava gant pretention, he is nevertheless t-atbfied from a th or ouch examination of the evidence relating to its virtu's, that as a remedy and preventative uf all dis eases arNirr from eaponre, either to change of weather or cli Jiat, or to rrrlasmatlc InJof ncs, It studa WITHOUT A RIVAL! And Jastly de.rre th repntation it baa so long enjoyed In Central America and th West Indies. UV DYSPEPSIA And its attendant train of symptoms, tt acts mora LIKK A CUAKU than a medicine. Tnere is nothing in the wbel ranje of Vlateria Hedica tbat can for a moment bear a comparison with it in tbia disease. A foil account of this wonderful pl.nt may be found in tb lltb edition of th U. S. Dispensatory, pages 13-tf and I3cfci. A series of experiment, in which Dr. Ball has been for years engaged, has lust been brouabt to a successful termination, and b Is now enaMeo to offer to tbe public a combination of CKDKUN rth other approved lot ilea, tbe whole prerervd in tb best quality of copper ds tilll Baurbun WbUky, which h U contitlrut ha n eqaal in tbe world. lie might fQrnltth. a volume of certificates, he ab lie hsv long sine learned to estimaje suchi.-. J their true value. Tbe aafest plan la for every on to 1 for blm'elf tb virtues of a n medicine. uivc mi: CEDRON BITTERS 05K TRIAL, A2TD T0U TV ICKVER US A! OTHEK3. It ts not accessary to publish a long Ut of disease for which tbe CEDÜ0N SlTTEhS ar a spec Jr. In ail dis eases of th Kowel, Hvcr or Kiducy, In all affection of th UKA1N, DEPENDING UPON DERANGE MENT OF THE STOMACH OU BOWELS; CrOUT, RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA, AND IN FEVER AND AGUE. It Is d.tined to saperjed all other remedies. It not on'.y cures these dUeae, but it prevents ihera. A wine glas of the Bitters, taken an hour Wefor eseh raea!, w ill vbrlats tb ill effects of tbe most nnbaliby climate. nd screen tb person taii-g it agat-it disease vader th Lit trying eiwur. Sold by nrugclit and Grocer Urn eralljr. Dr. JOHN BULL, Principal COce, Flflh Sueet, Louise 1, Ey. OLD im OLE SAUE BY DAILY, KEEPER & RUSH, T3 otttta .tlertdlnn Street. INDIANAPOLIS. TTao alao aeU BCLL'3 SARSAPARILLA, HULL'S WORM DE3TR0TXR, ! SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP. j ataexabee DAILY, HCCFKlt RCIO. , iiiXw-aylwlTUia- ' MEDICAL, Dr. M. . rEjlEUY, AMERiCM DISPlfflRY. No. 24 1-2 R Washington St. VT TTIK AatEUCAN D!)PENART TREAT ET a new method, and with tb tappiert reolu all ca.-ea of D1-eae arl cond'.t on j-rtullar to fetLale. Prolaps Uteri, failicj of tbe wontr-,) KrcpMoa of tbe Saia, CbIorrie, or reen tickne charar terited by ye 21 o wish, dirty rreca pallor of the; Kmanio MeKiKm. r aMeiit Ketmar on; AmenorrLea. or K teotion of tbe Une; Dytii?n.Thea, a paitfui and diC rsit tow -f lie s! tie-; If enoabag.a, t r prfue Men atrvation; Leucborrfca. cr exceit an l altered secre tion cf tte oucua getjeraliy Llie, or ceariy colore ac transparent. Keader, I have firnyou a c!as of diea that are mat with io Female ot all ares, aether B:arrird or cn marrted; and to pvs tried I emalea would ay that ther are many oth. r form of d:eaes peenüsr to jour aex Ciea of Preeiancj, Parturition, and Lactation, of wh cbpace wiii at admit ao tiacidation. 1 ocrt it for th cnundl chamber, addine nt ooe more diea to this hat, and tbat is a formidaUe cce Ulceration of the body of th Clems. TOost Important to Young IHcn. Wbe hollow cheel and paltd coantenatiees tell in feariat lanjrvaa- 3d xilenl workia; of KHn trrible dis ease, BDdermicing the ecttstiUttioa memory aud reason; harr) !d them to a premature death. lU-Sect w bile rea son holds sway, and avail your-elf of tb ervice of Dr. Pendery, wbon treatment dissipates th sligbtet disease and cures the most harrassing weakness, or other cta f serious d.JEculty or perpctoal annoy asca. VEXEIIEAL DISEASES. At the American Di:penary we also treat, wrrBocr aacra, and with rever falling mrcsa, Vererel. or what the quacks call privat or secret diseases jphy lia ia all iu stages, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, eperm aiurrhopa. Sem.nal Kr.kboi. Nnrturnal F.mlx-ioc, fsual Iebi.lty, Tropo-enry, and Fffects of Stf-Abue. The last ix re trested lna-Prlvate Letter," which will be sent free, on receipt of stamp. Siy treatment X cVeta it aunecessary to enlarg epou. TLe remarkal le and a-tund.tiK cures performed through the ancy of th MhDlCATKD VAP()K BATHS, d1 the metiical application f ELV CTKO-MAfiNRTISU. By th alternate use ( taese two metlic.l a?nia w ret a tbree f d effect. By elimit.ation. morbid matter is forced out of the ytem. and by the absorb. tuts, medicine is imme diately bronirLt In c'ttsi-t with dl-eise. Kx tbe sP ica- tlon of KLKcThO-M A iN KTISM, nrrvons enervauou is restored, and pvwer added to the xaacular eyles. j 1 will gaaraetee a cur of I Eavarr wat arm Cnk.s And alio all InflaHiatorj diea-. For farthsr tijfor mation call and Jndge for youtel IC! challen;; tbe public to bring me a ca I caur.t t cure, II brought before the t olden thread la broken. JO"Offc honxs trom 8 A. M. to P. U. P Ü. liox 1264. n3U'C-dleo-i XV i ITEK A U II AIVC.E3I EXT. O N C I N NAT, SOUTHERN OHIO, Indianapolis and Cincinnati Sliort-LIiio ÜX EISL 331. O H AND AFTER 1I03DAT, NOV. 14 b, TEAIs will ran as f.unws: Leave ladianapolls. Morning Express Mail. Night Express , Arrive at Indianapolis". Morning Express Mail Kilt Express 4 10 A M 10.58 A 31 7.20 P M . 1.P0 P il TW I' 1 13115 T M JI-?-Fare the tm as by any other Rente, t'i peed, safety and cmf. rt of tra'na erjual to tb best U:is in the country. rT7Asi for ticket vis "IndUsapci; and Clsciiitat! BaÜroad " Special ."Mot Ice. Tbe nw track into Ctncincat: h complete, and pae risers by this line, are now landed the "New Pearl Street Lpit," near the Burnet Bou?e, about one mile nearer th business centre of th citv than any other Depot. KÜHK.RT 1IF.KK, SaperlnteDdect. W. H. L. Noslis, General Ticket Ageni. A. S.BLKT, Traveling Agent. r.ovli-ritr j j 1864. 1864. Kew Arrangement to Commence Mon dar yiny 10 1SGI. rjlw0 pa5enger trains dally (Sundays excepted) b- I tween Indianapolis and Madlsen. Leave th Union Depot Indianapolis, at 6.00 A. M and 3 f . M., arriving at Madison at 100 A. M. and 7.50 P. M. Leave the Depot at adjf on at 6 A. If. ar.d 2:1!) p. )f arriving at Indianapolis at 11 A. M. and 7.4 P. M. Tra'.ns leave Columbus for ltnshville at 1 P. M., arriv ing at 5:10 P M I'.eturnintr leav Kabville at 7 A.M., arriving at Columbu at 11:15 A.M. This Road form a line with the Packets at Uadisen for tbe transportation of freigLt between Cincinnati aeü In dianapolis and points Went. Tariff of f reight an low aaby any ther route. Shipper and merchants West will 2nd lltothelrinter. est to h!p by tfc!sl!ne. marlä D.C. RRANHAM. Superintend:.!. TB! i: INDIANAPOLIS NATIONAL B1NK, Fiiiaurial .1 petit mit I lestnatel Depositoi j'ortliclTiiitcel State?. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL CA. Sil CAPITAL PAID IN .$l,onfo WILL reciv aubscrlptlom, as financial agent i the Goveniraect, for all of Its popular Io&ls Will collect gold interest on refrtered and coupon bonds on th most liberal terms. Currency bonds cached on presentation when due. Always on band a full tupply of C. S. rcveuue sUrups, for sat at the regular discount. Will buy and eil all jrovrrnment securitie, orders cn WashlnrtoD, coin aud exchange In all ih principal cit ies. Will make collections throughout the Wet and at vtt reasonable rates. Will receive deposits, and loan money at 6 per cent., on Kotxi security Having auliwited frl!iii, wiU transact aU kinds of banking; bu.ine oa terms and with the utmost prvsiptres. r THFO.P.HArr.IIRT, Pres't. INGRAat FLETCOKR, Cashier. Indianapolis, December 3, 1W. rVct-d3o FOUNDRIES. HOOSIER STATE FOUNDRY AND STOVE WORKS. COX, I.OStD a- VTA ll, Hacufacturev -.nd Wboleaal Dealer Ä TO I 'aL'Ä, ii OLl.O IJ- E, Vc. 4 LL 0CH JfTGYKS AuX OF THE L.1TKST AX caostiffipr ved pati?r..s. Uur other work will embrace Iron Fror.ta, Columaa, t Railway. Mill and Uoa Cartinrs, Ac, Ac. Orders by mail cr therwis solicited, anl prcaits- ter-tiou given. Our prices will be found as low as any. 03ce. Sales-rocci and ronadty t South Ie - street, two .nare d.recüy eat of th CnU. Depot. ocl23 SALOON. BATES HOUSE SALOON.!5 Ha-tf r Koltf, Pay Uvl tQutrierxttit r as4 Subsist- PTri asrAS"! Ta !. M e.rt t ar t h P A a S . mrA W rCSDER RATFS U0USE F.XTRANCIf.l h vl ss a: ii n . : mzrzc , A. ?1YES, I'roprielor. TITHE Bar is applied with par- liqior, wines, and the I best brands of cigars and tobacco; aiso th choicest oWEcmrbon and Wheat Wbiky. The stabtisbraent baa been renovated throcf bovt. aar-1if -4 A. J. !flUIJjl.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,; Olfice-Ciy tuuaalum Hullding, Corner .'Meridian and .tlarylund St . ,., . LS DI AX AT0US. Lf P., DRY GOODS. CO (5 O O 'S tn. u G u e. o la o tm Tj CO H c- 2 S a im w Q e s Bkv.aaBs. CO 23 ana) äs a as O 5C s ml waw w I. sc - rt I 5 o t2 3D o o w 0 c ' to CLOAKS. SHAWLS, &C. M b H - 1-4 M -3 Pa o -s a. o 3 CO W in CO M - 5 w s. u 3 s is ja a j o 3 l?v ft) fi-s WINES, LIQUORS, exc, cVC. o o CO W n a si 5 Mb e S w fl te t v T. Q 55 H o o CO a c 81 0 CQ p Q 8 K o S r3 H P5 an Is, o w o to 3 e 5 . 0 at O l REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 4 ÄU.t X 6 s . julyi-7-dly AGENCY .TIcCUl DY- fc CO.'S - CLAIM AGENCY, No. 4 YOHN'S BLOCK, t ( orner .Irridlnnund WusbtnrtonSts, , .t , . . INDI A AP0LIS, INDIANA. -nrFncr.p.s and' claiks fromptlt w a. made out and collected cn th most reasonable jan d3tn PROFESSIONAL. fciiTix m. aar. JOJIATWAir w. oxc. 5c GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - LXDtAJTArOU, I5DIAKA. j OSc. Nos. 10 aad 11 5ew AiTalbctf Kaildiag. South of the To-tiCc. dec-dm . .D"' 'wS PHYSICIAW AND SURGEON, , .. v ,aa J0 Ltat Waaaüsaosi w- (a. stairs i IT7C Sevsa to 10 A. X, I U I ajiz ui f. L a. H---3 DEAFNESS, CATARRH And all DIeasa of the EAR. THROAT, AND A III-PASS AG ES. TtSSTI BT DIL LIGHTHILL, SUR'EON-Ar!U.T CF TIT F. CSLF.tR AT EI iM;xiTit!M, nNTiTcrr., o. 3 Htm Tlark' lIncef ?rv Tork, DR. LIGHTHILL W1U. MARK RI THIRL) VISIT TO INDIANAPOLIS Tuesday, January 31st, Atd will be at the BATES HOUSE! i FOR ONE WEEK, 1 From TUESDAY, January 3Ut, Uli SATUR DAY EVENING, February 4tL. Wbere be can be consulted uu tLe atove DI caej onlv. T EST I .TI OMA ES. LxtAXaroua, Decenibr C, lJ'Oa. La. Ijhthux: As I have bf en under your treatment j fvr a taenth p-st, and have improved so grrally, 1 write j tr tnanz yo-j tor tee reneiu I nv iier.vea irm yenr treatment. I bad ifTrtd a lorg time with rstarrh ia a disagreeable and offeniv form. Jiy ;ene of raeli wa entirely destroyed, and inr la at liuies distorted hy tl.a swellinjr in my ne I s!o had a vvry alarmirf; and painful attack cf deafce--?. I n w- report tyou ihat I an ahnot ntirely cured. My deafne.ayou coinpletety cared in less thaa two weeks. My face is now nstural my sense of cc:-ll returneJ to me, and, io frt, I feel 6-tt-r to every way than I hav been in mt cths pa-t. I bad tried several niean to gl cured before 1 rjw you. bur they all failed. If you have occasion t do ", yon may refrr to m prsonslly, l1 I ba!l cheerfully recoaitnend your skill as it deserves. Ywurs,trully, LFtVLT HILL, Bates lloose, tn!lana;-olia. IxoiaMAroLii, DecemWr C, IsCt. This may ceruf that I was very dsf, thstlbsdaro- pious andraj't oScnsve dibare of railt. r from my ear, and with It Interne pa?n. I wa-"everih and MtepV.s my appetit Rone and bj health Rm-ral'y much leranffd. Wbile thus suffering. I placed mys-l? nndr Ir. Llcbtbiil's treatment about a muntb a go, and now I am entirely cured in every respect. Kef n Ur. LiKhtbilUcccpud ruy cae 1 bad tried "ther trctnienf, which otily tiuide ntv worso. Put now tbat that Lr. I.;ghtbill has cured m I 1 have co words to thank him tu3icier.tly for his t-kiil'.ul treatment cf my case, wh cb was a djs,u-ting to ihe aro'.rd reo a if was aUrmiu to rjelf. JOIIX DOrJSFT. jJaiTbvjLLi, Ixp., Dec. -J, 1sJ4j Da. Lir;HiHiix Dsaa Sia: Your favor .f recent date came duly to Laad. ice placing mpe'f utnier y-ur treatment for Catarrh I hav iirprcved very fat- iit rs bad been of ome years Ktat.ditiK, and I w mocb d.s cour.Kd by its obstinacy. I have rec Ived very K'vat re lief aince you began to treat me. aal tbe loatbsornt-din-ere is rapidly disappearing, thanks tn your kill. Gratefully yours, T. It. .slItlPt'AltD. From George TesrK, Member or Rysl Co'lee of Veteri nary hurgeons, Loudon, KBglsnd. IlocHitsTea, N. T., Dr. J, lia. Dr. Liohthjul Dear Sin Allow meto expres m Rrat itnde t you tor th cure of deafness you edected In my rijht ear, whica has troubled ne very much fur feveral years, and was almost entirely deaf for a tew wee as pa-t but more particularly gratitntl lor your excellent uc tw upon my deaf ear, wbi:b has be-n iiwln t m lor the past twenty years; the noises snd t.DCoaf.-it.iHe r- aring in my ears, which at tim- made me very ner vous, has disappeared. Ton msy pnb:ih ttis acknowledge raeut should i W-f any service to you. Gratefully jours, OKORGK TKÜG, .No. V0 ita strett. Fron tbe Kv. B. T. TfeUh. D. D.. formerly of the IVarl Strfet Dapt iit Church, Albny.X. Y. ALaar. N. T., Apiil 15, ISCi. Da. LiuTiiJLL Iear Sin Allow m to express my grat fkl ihaiik fir it kill aud kiuJ atieuti a frnuer-d to my rtsubirr. wbu-e ear have re?n biJ-y mflctt-d fr many ears, and tor s.m moTib pa-t has been nearly deprived of ber tu arit a;. 1 he Irtt ear. front her infancy, has been bad'y dieed, at times dicarg.n o.T.-n-i. matter. Tb r ght ear )9 now well, a:.d from pre-ent in dications I ar.ticij ae the restoration of the left ear alwv I am, dear sir, gralef liy yours. H. T wtuca. Ü. D., Ncittonville, A.baoy county, T. R.jcHtsTTa, llarch 13. leCA. Ds.'LtoarBiLi. Dear Sir: 1 brra months ago I placed my son, Fuller, tnder your treatnun for a d -aloe tbat was every day growing worse, accompanied j a very offensive and diasrreealle dlwlarK of matter from tbe ears. I m rjort to you bis entire care. iLe actual treatment was bat two month, yet the discharge i. entirely well, and Lis bearurg restored, his zfr tr' health U as good as I couiJ desire, and bis riis buo ant and lively. In fact he seems a Aiferem child. W ah the grateful thanka of a mother, I ts, sir, Uespectfully yours, C. C. FILLER, Gene co. 3. Y. Frcmtba Rev. Joseph M. Clarke, Rector of St. Jakes' Church. fcraacvac, IS. Y., Feb. iO, 1P4. 1 have been deaf ia on ear ever sine I was io College, some twenty years ago. Ly jhe kill or Dr. LiphtLill f;s hea'ng was entirely restored, ro tbat now 1 bear alike with both ear, and 1 find tbat I cjb nso my voice wliL mach more eas and coaifwrt than befor. JOSti'il ii. CLAR. From Ho. D. H. C. Senator from th 20th District, ricw ior. iuut, Jan. Cö, -f.i. Mr Dsaa Da. Ltoamiu. It is with grat satwtactin tbat I communicate to yoa the euct of tbe med:cir; yon gav m on ray application in yoa for detect!. hearing 1 followed yocrdirecii"ns, and an happy t stat tbat 1 am so far recovered, afier th first few application, as t feel quite confident that I am well, ai d stall not ued to Ljrx"ea runter. Be aurei,äear sir. ir nee;ty thouid magic hand. Tours, with refect, I). Ii. COLn, Alt U n, Orkan Co. Frm P. YeTemy. F-j., of IVtrott I do hereby certify tbat for lit pat fifteen moc-h ray hearing has ben anVcted to a e eat-u, and that by an operation et I r. Lighth:U I havs i-eu r"tor eAto my full harir g. A I ;e i-le m Jin.;', an.1 iu'etid leaving lor bn ck'), toot da- rors cf knowir.g tt.e ve racttyof this msy tocire hlr. T. J. ale.nbur, 5.. 454 Bri.adway. P. McTr.KN.Y. N"v Y&rk,"Sepuu.Ler i.lSV. Kowijtfcvruit, OrlesnsCour.rr, Jan. H, la. Da, Ijoarniix 1 er d joa a sUieroetit cf my ca which yn; n.ay u as jou ibiuk prir I have been aVled iih Jefners a v a:;i I fcare tried evry prescription, tc to at eff.-ct. i cr.-;d lr. LlghttPI and he ep ra d upon m, .cd !a c:.r vim I restored to hear ng. 1 end you thi statement the benefit of others b areiab n; undr ti e sai di-ea-e as my-elf. I would rrETri1 all tbat a-e aSicted with tbia "disa to glr you a call. Rpect Uily ur, HAAC T0C5G TLls I ts cert.fv tha: :he above is a ccrret sta?em-bt. C. D. RLRMGHAM, Ptator H. K Churtb. E. T. SLATK, MILO KCT. Daaauti, 2ovtaihr 5, This Isto certi'y that I aaYaf,acc mpar.i-d nb a very dii?r eable ilcr'r-g sound rn my head, which ren dered cerver-atiow (cal. escpi in a lend t"i ef vo cf. By skill of Dr. LlbthJU my t-ann b- bet. fnlly restored, ar.d tbe n- ia- tas ceaed. I a! kn w ttrcure ef It. Lijrbtai!!, wh'ch fa ly sanction a. I lu rei ommetidiLr him to tbe aSte t. Ii I now over two yesrs a-acw my hearing ws renored, and It remain rer-f-cttothls d-y. u. p. iw.t We, tte usders s-urd, knu!rg Ur. tvani per-onaVy, do hereby crti'y to tbe eoe-scns if t' e snr. sute- i TJSact. waitökck a chitiilxda::.. C MA.MS BaLL, GLO. C. CHANlilAit, 2. S. HALLUCK, Firta ot L'snork t Son. Dct.ava Docsa, Albary, X. T. jBTsnx Dea- .!-. IU p easare tta certify have efect d a ff-eai dra! ef la proveraLt to To Da. Lgetstix inr that you tb h.riae Of my aor If areas C. Koeae!. who ks rx lus to ynr taking tb cm in hand. Vea c,aAe deaf rom th ejects of Scsrietina. A I know of n.ry other eases whxh yra hav cured and binf ted, 1 htve t. Lesitanrv to rr-mmeid yry to th pub..c i rmaia yours, .re trle. I I I . " TUKO HILCS ROES6I.E, Ptw? rUtor Diewar Duue, Albany, X. Y. rfot othar taatÄoalala awa vvcrnw$ Ee. INSURANCE. OTAJXPINCß .COJIPJXV. or JiAitTi oitu, con.. ÄTNA BUILDING, inDIAfiAPOLIS. C - w - i. .r -äw -rarr-ri rt-tTrmr e- l 1 : i Erected 1859 Owned bythoCo Cnpilal and Surplus, Tb tncotn f th! Company Is deuMe tbat f any b Fire Insurance Corporation tn tb rafted t Tf -w SPKt-IALAfTKXnOS GintwTOTHK IKSCXlXCJt Uj ot I ann property, dwelUrs and out-buUJinrs. la rare, such ttuldirgs or cor.toUin a very favorable taaa n'r,fT tbre oräveyeas. t,oaca Equitably- Adjusted und lrjniptlr lall In Caan. WM. HENDERSON, Agent, x.h21-'63-dly' INDIAXAroU.nrDlA5A. REAL ESTATE ACENCY. McKernanfe Pierce, RBili ST1ETB ifiRXCV First Door East cf Palmer Ilonse 'UY STAIRS.) TK HATTC FOR SALE TJ0CSF.S AlfD LOTS IS W th Cty f Indianapolis, and Kerms and Farm tog Lands Iu tili Ute, and will sell l.w.r tits ca ba purchased elsewber fb51-iwly la . at" ? "1 w P . eaw. , aw , "s. aaav ' &1 I'T-'-''-' w tlui XO COiaii'Jx WflH Oil Cid IK LMAfWi sti nt of U. sauo nDo. in or nt vf Iu I; u s- iL W. H OLE -JR. PtvLneto' EXPRESS COMPANIES American Erprcss Company, ajToraa UKITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. Ofmck on Tarrrr?rr3 or rxsmyGTO!? asu UtrJiaa streela, laCa&apolU. Tif-e dally Expresses to Sew Tork; Twa da:?y Rzpremes t Ctrxr'.inatl, aad To dally ICxprec. t Cblcsfo and IH.Lal; Ih above Caapaaies are tfcs? r('rl'"CdKKpr.w. J:efwlIowtrt; roada, vta 3DIA5A CrTlUU ' " ' LAFAYaTTTE A CHICAGO; 15DIAXAPOL1S A MRU; TERKF. HA UTK 4 RlCUAtOXD; BJlUXyONTAlÄK 4 iyDLAKAFCU. HjVxj, passages, vaLaba s& freight carrd w-.u safety ard di.'patch, and '.n cia't cf tpcia) acl eSctet. teer.rr. iUs, B.l'.aad DraTs will be'.v ceUaclea as 'adf rMtirtui wia.t J. FOT7 K Kf iKLD. Ae DISSOLUTION. iiissolutton of Copartnership. f IHK I AtTNF.IÖII P UKKT0f'PkK IITiO EE X twetii Uerrj A'.len std T. W. ytewsrt, tS tb Lf ry ar.d StiMe b;'rs-, was this day d!'o2ve4 by BDBtoal cn ent. Kerry A Ilea bavin: Loucht th rat.' interest la th stock, rates and bo a & s tt r"s4flm, la thn'ised to colert sll drb'sducth fro. B has als a-n ed th pamM of a!I dVb s atat 'h firja,ard wLI pay th. same wbo pTe.ae4 for rw"- UA'-'iAT AI UC. I. W. tlaVTAKT ,, !fc"aaapolI-, Jateiry , 1X3. , 1W1LL STILL OTiXT SCI Tür C JI!Ä AT TKX UX at mjA a Iarl street, !u,ecUr y th sf Criess' L;ck, wberw I wul Lai vttyaUdtos aUI scy aidcuatcmr saA frtaawa. aa4 aay cw ca. wb desUw ! taw. ttlTAlaXa. ' e -.-4 e JaiAA-dT