Newspaper Page Text
DAILY STATE SENTIT EL TÖB NEW 8BXT1NBL OFFICE k 13 lOUTH l-tTHJDIAN THEET. (oo&SK or rsitL trtxrr.) WATCIIEO; SEN American Watches. ELDER, , RARKHESS & BINGHAM, INDIANAPOLIS, IND., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1865. Proprietors. VOLUME XIV. NUMBER 4,4G4. STATE .Li -E j o .00 4 &" 3 10 Ot. cr;y, three months Od mit. ntA. ........ Delivered byth carrier. withn the city, 19 c als per "eek. payable ta ta. carrier. eeata Ul ba avpplied at IS c als a week. XT7"M'"rv msy be mb at oirrik by Eipre, fr p d. er In IjlUf4 Letters ty Rial'.; lat! w will it p repriMe TTf ny lose test rvctf. i C.ty sut-rrtbers HI t teil responsible fr paper, left I the.r houes after they hev rtmove!, or when they wtah them c:rocUn&e4. unless otlc. . given at tkc er- i Sra.f puMk-a!o. I Xo pr at without er paycenr ,t? -ntimedlocfr thaa pawl for. Opte. frf tb. Uiat 8tirTiaKLC4Q be bed attb.ßce vi corninx aa4 ti. Waxixv tirrml eecli Moi fay atomln, atiy velepeU, fee mailing. 3 42 3 SO 437 23 3.J7; 4.60; e.75 T.7. S U C.12 00, 7-M 00 10 CO II 23 12 SO ! 70 t.7S 10 00 00 tC.60t2.00 13 SO Ii 00 j HM 13 00 U.CO I 00 13 00 20 00 12.60 M W 17J0 20.00 22X0 2S.00 U.7S 20.00 23.25 24.60 29 75 33 OO 13.75 If.fJO 24.25 29 SO 3175,40.00 45.00 SO.OO 15.00 21.25 27 00 33.00 40. OD, 45. 00 50 00 SS 00 1100 25 C 30 SO 37.50 45.50 52.50 57.50 2.50 ..111.00. 20 tO 23.60i.15X0 43 SO 50.00 57.50 G5 00 70 00 l)m 15 00 25 0 35.U) 4.00 bZ.QH ö.0O TS.00 HÖ.OO ?j.00 j Basin Voiic p jblih4 la tfc Iol colcmn, of ta , fu r ürxlr, wi:i b cbtr4 for cb tnrtloB 1: if! r ten lin, ln cnt pr line. ABDoandtiK )etba with fancra) ootic ttacbed, f 1; 1 iibt otk fr. MrrUC Notice &H Cent. NotUre f FeitlTAls, PcW nJ Eicr:r!t., Kotten sp by bHtMoU r aüocttlon, r Hy eharrbe, i tb rT'iUr prlee. Adverliftementa eel an4 plci uDi!rr tie h-l of iperfal 5otic, If ten lrnes r or, will bcbrced doubl tb nal rate. . Tetrlj '1fenir4 topay qurtr''j Acnoaoclcg candidates for ofTce of every dencr'ption to be cb artred at tfce rate offl 60 for eacb name in the Daily, and 1 3 in the Daily and Weekly, th tame to be, Id all ci, pa!d In air axe a. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, tTJTiLLBHKD XTRKT MO!f DAT AT Two Dollars and Fill) Cls. aTrar. To Cluba of ten and oer at 32 00 a jear. PATAU.! IITAKIAILT l aDTABCI. Färb qaare, flmt insertion 1 (0 Earh ut q'jent Insertion, for eich q'aare. tO A reaonattle ddirtio made ioyerly adTertiet. Leal advartj.ement 41 to per qaare for lb first Inserilen, and 4)1 fer bU are fur each araeqtient in-er tion. ACJarit 111 be m il without additional chart. If the advertiser furwih tbe stamp required b , (Jovtm ment. Ln4 alTertiTOntlnerted atth eipenna ofl'bo at .nyi ordf rina;, anJ not dtlayabl for tbt lena! procred kcajA.but collectable at eur axoal time. Fubliber owt aocoau table for tbe accuracy f lefr,al advertiiement b jtA tbe awonut charged for beir publication. F.LDKR, IIARKNKSS A RINGHAM, Proprietor Indiana Htata Sentinel. J. M. T1LFORH, rreideBt Indianapolis Journal Company. INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. MADtaOX aAILBOAT. Train Lear. Train Arrive A. If Mall 11 15 A.M. ICQ P.U 8:15 1. M. jirrstaonrtui iailroad. Train Leave. Traia Arrive. Morning Kxpres. H.00 A.M. Night Espres. 3.50 A. 34 Chicago Kxprf !, Chicago KxprefS, Kigbt Exprexa, 10:00 P. If. KveniDg Eipreaa.15 T. M laniaaaroLia, niSAia caicaoo bailboad. ainaleaTf. Tram Arrive. 12:4 P.M Mai! 9:25 A.M. J1O30 P. M.. ..Chicago Xxpreaa, Ko. 1... 4.25 P.M. UrATITTIIAILKlK Train Laav. Träte Arrive 13 40 P. M R30 A.M. 730 P.M 10:45 A.M. 10-.15PM 5:30 T.M. Train Uava Train Arrive. 8f A.M 5 45 A.M. 12 40 P.M 10 35 A.M 10:40 P.M ...735P.M. UMAIAPOUi ABO CIKCm AT! BAltJlOAD. Train lave. Train Arrlva. W A.M ...;...JHan 110 P.M. 10:50 A.M Accommodation 8 50 P.M. 7 50 P. M Kxprei . 55 P. M. cvLvaaca abb ivoiABAPouaoia-TaaL aAM.wat. TramaUave. Traint Arrive OU A.M Day Kxpreaa 12:'5 Noon. 1:15 P.M MaiL 13 P. M P. M Night Kipresa 10:22 P. M. aaixaroiiTAiaa aaoaoad Train Mava. Train Arrive. 7:00 A.M 1:45 P.M. AI P.M 11 Noon A.3i P.M Mall 12 Ä P.M. Lociaviua, ww albabt a icaoo bah-boao ciamoi or TIME. KipreuGreeuctle Junction going north 6.50 P M Seing eoata . I. to PM MERCHANT TAILORING. m:vis sc hoi17, PROPRIETOR OF TDK & I I T CLASS MERCHANT TAILORING ESTAULISIIMK IS rX, N0R7 PENNSYLVANIA STREET, Two Doors Sotitli of !'4t Ollirc INDIANAPOLIS octl-dtf f()TNlL)iANrMlLlTÄTr(r Executive Department or Ixpiana IkaiAf or Fi.NANCg. iMDtartAroLi. June J4, l64 M N DIANA OP F1CK1U. bo bTe teen or are rrr'i 1 the army, are inforvl that their irdnae Rrtunis wulbe made up and ptiwuted to the prptfr Iw-artw-nt and certiScates of acqnV.tarct ebt:!!, rrr- o ' .- V i by applying to Mr. C. F. Reoker. Chiel Cleik State ird nance Urpartmeni. otücr no ta:r mrr Vajrn hard ware store. No. .1 VTet Washington treet. Lid acapoi:. By mailr.g retnrns a boxe direvte!, offoer aiilr t only ave all fee, but tbey will be aMe to ettle wish the Government and draw tbrir pay from one to tfcre mouth earlier than if the buMne 1 entrusted to Cla m Aceat. By order of Governor Mobto. W. 11. H. TF.RRF.l.I 2S-dtf Firarelal Seretrr MEANST0 SECURE GOOD HOMES " WJK ARK OFFERING CFKRIÜR INDCf'F-UENTS W to peroc with a litl. ready means to eecure homes. W. w'.:i sell Lot- Hiilircl)' on Time aad erect comfortable dweL'irgs. buflt y go worirren ; and m goid tyle. on tbe paymentof ta la n-ncb a the improvement will ct the remair.a. to be pa.i! -n eay payments not much more than a fair 'rot on the pr-m. Hivlt.g lots In near!y all part of tte city. e an accommodate all wikLlng t secure a home; arl Lav Pg a laree amount of lamber on hand, and workmen j rrady employed, v. can erect buildings on short aotice. j M'KKIiNAN PIF.KCF. ; ap-tf sj,4i r.fte 4ce PIANOS. c UMMI5C.S A JRXSTT MAXUf ACTt HFkS OF l,ran, .-jaar, j, jr jöl W. Tfl BroaJway, 3Tew Tork. Fach trtrument warra-.trd Cv jears. At wbofe.ale and retail. 13 per cent. If, than the n r! VI no elwbere. Dealer will do well to eiamin. cur lrstrnrr.ents. irr4 er eataloeue. .' tin UK. A. . M-alflAa, PHYSICIAN AND SÜRGF.0N FTCE I0. 10 VIW15IA AVEXUF-. JCaUDKSCX, 9 t Oimi ALABAMA ST. aa U i i Oivc copy, ae yer.... fn copy, Mi metrths. . K A X S-. OF ADVF.HTIIIINO I M H 0 f M l M M 2 5 I - I " !" - ! 3 b i s s t i t u ; o JJ 5 j Ii i i i j i i i !d.J .7s: 1.1J IJo 1 J.J 1.00 1Ü0 2 00' 2X0' 3.00! V!! lül IJVt 1.W; 3.12 3.7i 4.J 1 So! 2.24 3 00 S.TS 40 H.j iij; au ,. J,w.. 3 ftO 3.0O 4 00 . HJ 3(f) 3.7S s .oo: iwn 3.oo 4.&0 e.oo T to a satae am MBt A . jw.. 4.00 .00 8 00 1J I 00 7 50 10 00 im I T 00 10.2. IVAö 3 K 4av. S-2o ..U.eo MEDICINES. &C. a s w -s DAILY, REEFER & RUSH, SoiTtli Ieridian St HIST U5i05 PirOT. INDIANAPOLIS, IND WHOLESALE DEALEBS (KXCLCS1TFM) 1." 3D IHL TU" CS- S , EDIGIHES, PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, GLASS WARE, PERFUMERY AITD- Fancy (E-oods, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. WÜ WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF DRTJQ GISTS to the above establishment, nd intite them, when in the city, to look through our tock Our gMi were boupht when gold win at ft 5S. anfl before the additional 50 per cent increase in Tariff umy, which, wa are confident, will enable n to tell good in onr line very low and jt t realize a profit. We wi.l du plicate any Cincinnati bill fluctuation inpricea con sidered. , .... Order are solicited J? -4-dly NATIONAL BANK. THE FIRST XTIOXAL BÄNF OIT INDIAIVAPOLTM THK official depository and financial agent of tbe Un ted States, and will furnUb, on Iba njot favora ble term, A.11 kinds of United States Bonds and Revenue Stamps, And will buy and eil Gold, Silver, Exchange, Govern meat Vouchers Orier on Wasbingtoa, State Stock and Public Srcuniie of every eVsoription. Collection will be pr unptly made, and every kind of buffets attfnded to that belong to leid'imate baukirg. keguiar cutoraeri are only charired 6 jr cent, upon L-u obtained at this Bank, and tbe tuÄ ample pro riion! are ciAde for the afe-kreplrg of Deposit and for tbe accommodation of lepositor. In addition to the responsib lity of the United Slate for 'he iM:tiei of the Bank, the Stockholder are indl- Idually reponibl to tbe extent of their clock. In addi tion to tbe amount inverted in ucb bare, tha affording the idmi ample ecurity to the public. The following are the present Stockholders of the Institution- VTm. 11. F.nglmh, W. ILNoMnger, 1ewi Jordon, DeUM Uiot, Jer. Mclene. J F l Ijiniev. of N.T., Gov. O P. Morton Hon John J Morrison, en. Ii. Not'le, Hon. (car B. Herd, Hon. T. A. Hendricks. Hon. David Ktlgore, lion. Jame A. Cravens, Hon. John C. New, Hon. T M. SuMivan. Kev Wn A. Holliday, r-r.-t C. N.Tmid, J. Georte S'ilt. 5e.rf? w. K:. Uolert Browning, W.J. Holliday. W. 'ri. -lolloway, J M. Maxwell. Wm. 11 Fry, A J. Hay. K. K Parker, J. L. H I'tun. Wlr.slow.Unler A Co., J A. Koj-. Wm. Braden, BonJ. F. Tnttle, John W. Murphy, Judge F.M. Finch Wm. Willard, A. Baldwin, U. W. Noble, W. O Rockwoed, Daniel Henne.ej, James Powers, J. L. Slaauhter, Lucian Hill, W. 8. T. Morton, Barnahas Coffin, John C. IWetb, Dr. J. M Gaton, H.B Filch. Dr. J. H. Woodbm Jtic. C. Wright, John Hendricks, A. J. Danr-irth, Jame Greece, A.D. Rillingsly, W. W. leathers, James Win.low. July 11 PROFESSIONAL. MILITARY ATTORNEY, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, 11 & 12 Up-Stairs, Blackford's Block, Corner of Wa-hirgtoa ar l iter, l a treet, .Sn14-!3f howardassociationT" I'tilladelptiln, I'm. I) ISEASFS OF THE SF.RVOUS. SF.MIJ? At URI5 A KT AM SCH AL TSrkwf and re!iMe treatment m Kenorrs or tr.e H"rd Assignation at r.A.l U se sled letter er.e'ope, r.-e tf charg. Ad dress lr. J SKILLIN HOlVrHTlN, Hewa-a As.-eristion. V 1 b Mttb street. VblA.4-''. 9 nov y jaux b. sin.LiVAit. LIVERY, SALE AND BOARDING STABLE, o. io rait lcrl .streets In rear of sentinel Ittil Idlna. .srtS-flr J. T JAC'KKOX ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ATLAY, OFHCK X. "W. C0R5fcR M.IUD1A5 AUD WASH INGTON &Uet , CTalegrayh Building.) ludiasa poll. Ir.u'.saa. fjc'.al atletlloa given to tke Collectioo of Arc suets Dd the securin of Government Claims. SatMactory rafarawacM gtvaa when raautrwl. myAl-dvr I Telegraphic Dispatches. acpoarro imiwu roa thi dajlt itatx uimti. 3XOK1VIING REPORT. Latest War News. From the Army of the Potomac Particulars of the Late Fight. BEWILDERING TACTICS OF GEN. GRANT. Southern Version of the Late Peace Conference. RICHMOND TO BE EVACUATED. The Constitutional Amendment. Delaware Initiates the Negative. C. &42,. AC.. A'C From rnew York. Nw Yukk, February 9 The Herald. Citv Point dispatch says: The enemy abandoned the ground io front 'of the 21 corps, that he hid previously attempted to occupy and drive us from, and left bid ded to fall into onr hinds. Iiiriüt parties were busy all d.ty in giving them the lat rites of humanity. We are etill"boldiog and intend to hold u!l Ibe eronod in the direction of Hatcher'sj Run. The lo8M ol yesterday and tbe day before are in killed and wounded between 260 and 300 in the 4-1 cor;?, and trubibly not far from 500 in the 5th oorp Tbe lo.9 of the latter h estimt- ted at much higher by ni-tny, but I think it will not grearly exceed thene figures. Brigadier (eueral II. E Davies, cocimmding a brigade of cavalry, i "lightly woun lel. Mejor Tremaine, of General Oregg's etHft', ia reported wounded. It was reported tast erenins at the front that the cavalry which has advanced to Dinwiddle Court Hou-e, beyond the Iloydtown plank road, bare captured twenty of the enemy's wagon?, and about u hundred hordes, said to belong to Hrad'ey Johnson' command. It is generally observed by our officers that the eneaty do not fight ho well as formerly, and it is to a great eitent owing to tbe bewildering tactics of Oen. Grant, which keeps them in con joint motion, marching from one threatened point to another only to return agaio, until thej are disheartened and dispirited, and ready to throw down their arm and yield themselves prisoner. The Times' Washington special has the fol lowing: A telecram has been received from the army of the Potomac reporting th it a message from Jeff Divis to the confederate congress communi cating tho re?ult of the recent peace conference in Hampton. Ya.. states in substance that Presi dent Lincoln had refu?ed an armistice of any la .t and had al?o refused to negotiate either with the confederacy er with any of the states which'compose it. He commnnicated the paasse by congress of the amendment of the constitution abolishing slavery throughout the Uni'ed State?, ond de clared the question of lvry wholly removed from his control and placed beyond his regu lation. It is thought here that this versicta of the con ference will ttrenthen Mr. Lincoln even more than his own history of it, which t) be sent into the Houe probably to morrow. The Herald pays that it was rumored in Wash ington yesterday that the war department had received intelligence tht General Lee had com menced the evacuation of Richmond, and it was suppo-ed that these movements of the army cf the Potomar was designed to cut him off on the fouth side of the railroad. Our dispatches state th it it has has been satis factorily ascertained that Lee has np to thi? time sent very few ot his troops south. The Tribune's special of tbe 7th ssys that the rebel attack on the left of the 5th corps wa gal lantly repulsed by Avers division, with consid erable lo?s to the enemy. The left of tbe 5th corps now rests on the Boydtown plank road, and the entire front of the 5ih and 7th corp. i-t being strongly fortified to the left of the old fortiSed po.sition which ia beld by the 5th corps. Gregg's cavalry is still on a recocnoissance towards the south side of the road. The whole number of rebel prisoners taken up to last evening was 31 '0 A snow storm prevails this morning. The Richmond Enquirer of the 5th says that submission, abolition, and reconstruction were the only terms that could be got out of Lincoln, and Seward by their pece commissioners; hence the south has only to fight. It ssys this result will have the effect tu unite the people more closely and strongly than ever. If defeated and destroyed, tbote who survive will have nothing worse to submit to than is now demanded by the enemy. The Sentinel says that the oulh has been In sulted. It regard the passage of the constitu tional amendment a an outrage, an upturning of the social institutions of . the south, and rohbitg ot it citizen. Mr. Lincoln's propositions were that the south should lay down their arms and oisfose ot their home, and that he would appoint for the Con federate States marshals, district attorneys and ju.tge lor the United State courta; tb.t in the execution of the confiscation law he would do it as leniently as possible; thit he would treat nei ther with the Confederate Jfcates nor separately; that be will listen to nothing short of uncondi tional submisionto the constitution and the law, pss?ed ut.der it; that the slavery question was disposed of, and not now to be discussed Governor Smith of VirciiiU ctlh a meetiug to respond to L'nco'a'. answers to the rr bei corn missioners. The SentineLjoOorscs the ci!l. and sgys: Let u put our heei upon L'ticcln insolent ir.sults, and bid dcSance to his met aces. from lonlfcTl lie. L'TI-villk. February U Governor Bramle'te, in a mes-sce to the Iegi!atuie. relative to the proposed amendment of the f.lertl constitution, yiflJs to the amendment, but thinks the national government should pay Kentucky thirty four mil'nr sof dollars, the estimated value of her slaves in lrC4. as a consideration for Kentucky's assent thereto. I roin Cincinnati. CiNCiMXATi. February 9 The Ohio Iepi ttre has ratifie! tbe constitutional amendment. Governor Rram!ette sent a rxiesae to the Ketitucky legislature vesterJay, with a recom mendation to ratify the con-:i:ufiM)al amend meiit The (li?tte's Narhville correnJcnt says twocorjHof Hoh1's army . Cheatham's an i Ie's have heen c:tt U .South Carolina. rr.m Dover. Doth. Dil, Ffhruiry The Delaware lecilture to day rejected th vropjel amend rcect to the constitution ry thre-fourtLi vote in the lloose atd a tw thirds vote in l'u Sen ate PROFESSIONAL. Üir. A. U. KALL, No 65 North New Jersey Street, wtSTt-stly MEDICAL. ROBACK'S BITTERS- GRIK5BACKS AUT. GOOD, BUT it a noctis in je: better. STOMACH BITTF.E5 Tea thousand bottles sold i& a. month. The most popular itemach bitter In use. EOBACX'S FITTERS. Good for all derangement of the stomach, Bvliousness, Liver CetaplalDtand ge se raldeWIIty. EOBACX'S BITTXRJ. Tbey possess wonderful tonic properties, giving ton. ta th. appetite aad digestiv organs. ROBACK'S B ITTERS. Dabilltated Ladies and seden tary persons will find In them as excellent tonic. ROBACK'S BITTERS. A wine glassful before each meal will remove indigestion and allliv.r diseases. IIOUACK'S UITTEIW. They are better than all Pills. Powder and other naaseons, disagreeable componad. HO HACK'S BITTEKS. Tbey can b. taken regard to diet, As an appetiser they have noeqnal. IIOBACK'S BITTEKS. They ar. prepared by aa Id and skillful physician from well-known veetabl. r.medies. IIOBACK'S UIlTi:U!. Wherever known tbsy bav become a t and ard family trens-tbenlng remedy. KOBACirS BITTEItS. fry one bottle, and you will always use them and re commend tbcm to Ibers. UOBACK'S BITTEKS. C. it. R sole Proprietor, And compounder ef Stomach Bitters, Blood Purifier and Blood Pili, and Distiller and manufacturer of Catawba aud Swedihh Brandies, and all kinds of the finest domes tic liqnor, which are sold wholesale or In any de!red quantity, at Nos.66, Si, CO and 6'J Kast Third street, Cin cinnati, O. For sale br I)rnggi6ts aad Dealers in Medicine every where, and ky Browning A Sloan, J. B. Vickers and W. I Ba&kit A Co. .Indianapolis. may2wlyAdtaw LIQUORS. C. A. Elliott. Jamis K Rtab. ELLIOTT & RYAi, WHOLESALE DA ALA RS 13 ILL RINDS DP LIQUOR? SOLD AT THE Cincinnati Daily Quotations ON B.AKD3 AT ALL TIMES Pure Kentucky Bourbon Whisky, ALSO. BRANDIES AND WINES Ot diJTerent Prand tSF" We invite tho-e wanting Pure Liquor to call and examine for themselves. Corner of MERIDIAN and MARYLAND Sts.. Indianapolis, Ind. Jy-dAw NOTICE. NEV mUUEDMBR HAVING SOLD MT INTEREST IX THE LATE FIRM OF 12. C. n AYHE XV CO., I desire to state that I am in no way connected with, or interested in, the new concern of "Ray, Msybtw A Co.," as might te inferred from tbe title. I would also state that I l.a.d a fine set of rooms in the new building on Meridian Street, jusl North of the Fitzgihbon Block, And but a few steps from tbe oM stand, where I Intend to open, about th. 1Mb of February, a prime stock of BOOTS & SHOES, All fresh from the manufacturers, of the latest and best styles, and which my past success enables me to buy for Cah. Having been In the businen in this city for ten jears. j darin? which time I have raaae ne enure purenase ror the old firm and managed all its affairs, I feel confident of ray ability to suit my former customers and friends, and purchasers of our line cf (roods generally, all f whom will be mot cordially welcome j at my new and mote dcairabielucatljn. E. C. JIAYIIEW. Jsnl9-d3w LIQUORS, r. ainKOsta. J. M'xAHAta. ! i:a:iTioiF a .ticXamaba! i Rct Hers ard Wielessl- Dfaler In FOHKIRN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, MOT05GAHF.LA, RTE A!tD BOURBON J PORT. MADEIRA, MUSCAT. MALAGA -txtustes, jistt) cigars, 23 South Illinois Street, J INDIANAPOLIS. IND. j i AGE5TS FOR i DETROIT ALE, j OLD STOCK, PALE AND AMBER A A5D ! . (KVB tKV FOR TER. All kinds f Ale. and Porter for faxni:y u, in bottles or tterwLe, kept csts ast'y eo tacd asd delivered in any part f tbe cty. JanlJ-dtf WANTED. lETArFD tl25 A 10T!I-Ag.nts every where, to Utrodnc. th. new fl AtJte d Xrk J jfnly$rcinj A' jcAmw. tb. oly low prvc. machine m tbe country which is licenitd by Grover A Eaker, Wheeler di Wi!on, How., Stager k Co., ajd Bacbelder. Salary and expenses er large cimm.sinone al'owed. A3 otLer Macbinea now .old for teas lbs a forty dal lax ach ar iifrnj"mU, and th. seller and user Lias traiod circulars sent Ve. Address A&AW h.aBE. BlaUfard. XaiM. aovjl 4JWlia J i - - pllf GROCERIES. LAFAYETTE ClND.1- PORK AND LARD 500 BBLSMESS pBx 500 BBLS PÄIMI MXSS w 2QQ TCS- LKAF LARD. QQQ DO. PICKLED HAMS. FOR SALE BT CAUL A IIATCIIEK, " LAFATETTE, I5D. SUGAR. JQQ HDDS. P. R. SUGAR. -QQ BBLS. REFINED DO. FOR SALS BT EAKL IIATCIIEK, Jnl3 LAFATETTE, 1SU I COFFEE, fJQQ BAGS RIO COFFKK. OQQ POCKETS JAVA LO. JQ BALES MOCHA DO. 100 BAGS LAGUTRA DO. FOR SALE BT EARL aV 1IATCI1CK, Janl8.dl LAFAYETTE, I5D. CROCERIES. K.B. ALV0ET J.M. CALDWELL E. B. ALVORD & CO., SUCCESSORS TO ALVORD, CADDWELL A ALVORD, Wlioloaalo TJoalora Ixx AXD Sa E 0 TLT O 2HL S ! EAST WASHINGTON STREET. Ar In DAILT recefptof fresh goods Constantly on hand aad far sat. atth. Uw.t, a large ar. 1 ..crd stock -r Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Rice, Tea, Nails, Glass, Woodenware, Soap, Candles, Starch, Raisins, Cigars, Tobacco, Mackerel, White Fish, Cordage, Twine, Dye-Stuffs, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines, Whisky, Notions of all kinds & IIOSTETTERS AM W1K00 68 East Washington Street CtD'AJU VOli. !St deel dlw MARRIED LADIES firHOSIt health w.U Cut a-tmit of an tacrsase family md4 a ri stamp fjr DR. STUARTS TRI 7 ATE CIRCULAR TO MARRIFD LADIES, aad corns sen will tall you It Is NO BUMEUQ. All eon mi nice ttens strictly cesAdeUiaL DR. DUDLET STUART, S-d3n CJ. Draw.T SB31. Chlcaga.l REMOVAL. TV A. R0HLE5. ACHirECT, HAS REMOVED III 9 . Sc from tha JKtna Bui'dlng ta hla raatdesc KoTlS Ohio set, between MerldMS s4 fiiaacU. jani-43 SPECIAL NOTICES. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. PROTECTED lETTERS BY ROYAL PATENT! Frtparrd fru a srernj j,nt f &r J. Ctart, M. Z rXticia Firira ordinary ta f 1 Qim. Tal. Invalaabl med Ida. la unfailing la th. cur. of all taosa painful auddaagerou. diseases U which th. f. mal constitution Is .abject. It moderst? obstrucUoos, and a speedy c?r may b. relied on. TO 5IAKKIED LADIES It 1 peculiarly salted. It will la bort Uta bring ta the monthly period with regularity. Each, bottle, price On. Dollar, bears tb G.vennot tamp .f Great Brits!n, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTIOrV. Tkt ri!U AoW sw4 oa LliH by Jemaitt during l riRSI TURKS XOXTUSof Trtgnancy, at they are re to bring on AfUcarri-j., but at oaggofc.r. tAcy art it. la all case f 5crvma and Spinal Affectls, Palas ia tb. Back and Limbs, Fatigu. oa slight exertion, Palplta ilonaf th. Heart, Hysterics and Wblt.s, Ib.. Pill will ffe.t a car. when all oth.r mean. bav. failed; and, al though a pwerfcl remedy, do net contain Iren, e.lomel, antlm.ny, or anything hurtful to tb. constitute. Full direction, la th. pamphlet ar.nnd ach packsge, wblch should b. carefully preserved. SOLD B TALL LXCGGteTä fle Agent f.r tl. United States au! Canst!, JOB MOSES. 27, Cortiandt St., 3ew Tork. 5. B. f 1 OU aad poftsj. stamps enclosed to any aa thorited Agent will insure a bottle, conumlng S3 Fills, by return mail. decS deo-lAwly CBr LET THOSE WIIO HAVE DOUBTED th. virtues of Bru-'s Canaosr Birruaa, If any such there be, read th. following certificate fr.ra gvatlemea well known in this cea manuy, and doubt no more. Ita general lntrswtuctioa into th. smny will ssvp r u live, of thoasards 1 oar S'-lliera: LocisTnxx.June 3d, 1-63. We, the uoderrigned, have seen th. food effects of I'r. Joaa Bill's Cidsok Brrrxjs lu esse cf general debility and prostration ef the system, and believe its geueral use would prevent direase and relieve mnch suffering. Among our soldier, particularly would this be the eae, especially tho. who are ei posed to th. roiamaic la Sueoces in the Southern cliruau. MAJ. PHILir SPEEL. Collector Int. R.v. 31 D;.. Ky CHAS. B. C0TT05, Collector of tb. Tort of Louisville, Ky . COL. H. DEST, Provost Marshal General of Kentucky. REV. D. P. nE!fDERSOX, Vice President of Sanity Commission BAR5KT, HUGHES 1 CO., Publishers Demyrrst. GEO. P. DCKRX, Proprietor Louisviil. Aateiger. HUGHES de PARKDILL, Wholesale Dry Good? Dealers, Main street, Loan viUe.Ky. DAVIS, GHEES A CO., Wholesale Sao Dealers, Main street, Loc!sviII. HART MAPOTHER, lithographers, corner Mark and Third streets, LouisviU., Ky JULIUS WIXIER, Clthing Merchant, ccnr Third and Msrket st.., Louisviil., Ky. CAFT. S. F. HILDRETH, Of th. steamer Major An4ersa. MAJ. L. T. THUBSTOK. Paymaster U. 8. Army. C. M. METCALF, National Hotel, Leulsvilie, Ky. COL. JESSE BATLES, 4th Kentucky Cavalry. GEORGE D. PRE!mCE, Louisviil. Journal. SOLD WHOLESALE BT DAILY, KEEFEIl A UUSII, 7.1 South Meridian St., Indianapolis. deel6'C4-dlyAwl2toam UNPRESENTABLE BEADS Ar U a moment beaulISed by tke cperstioa of CKISTADOKO'S II A lit DYE, Which, without th. slightest trouble, impart to tbe hair ef th. bead, th. whiskers, beard, .r moustache, aa Mbae8imom crth. most perfect black. Ladies ca Qity cldat oHteg tbelr fingers. It Is tba mottex- j a.u r i ifcc wuriu, iuu iLt omy cue iree rrom .v.ry pouonou. mgreJieot, and that contains nourishing and enolllen! veg.tabl. principle. Cristmloro's Ilnlr Prc?r'atlve?, a valaabl. adjunct to tb. Dy, in drefsltg aad .romtia the growth and perfect h.aitb of thha!r,eo4 ef italf, when used a!oae, a safeguard that prelects th. fibres fr.m decay arder all circumstances and a&der all ciimea. MaaafaetsreA hy J. CRISTADORO. . t Ast.r Ho?s,!rwTork. Sold by all DrugjiiM. Aj.pUed by al Hall DreiMrs. JanS.d.odAweow ECLIPSED! Falas light, ar xtingxiFhed when a GaiarTarra hin, forth, and the incontestibl. fact that tb. bair turns from grsy red or sac Jy to a gTorlo? black r brown, QUICKER THAN THE CHAMEL10N changes its hues, ander tb operatl.a of CKISTADOKO'S IIAIK DYE! Is now known tbroughont tbe American continctt. It !a harmless, coctt'.ss n ciusti, Improves the fifres, pro duces a rich, natural and lasting color of any stai from a warm brown te a glossy sable, and i. endorsed by tbe Eost emlnfDt loa'.ytte rhsTut in lk United SUleiu Maanfacturel by J. CRISTADORO, 3. Aster H52SC, 7t w Tork. Sold by alt Druggists. Applied by all Dalr Dressers. Jaa3-4eodAwew r3PCATAKKII.-WE HAVE KEN Proof Sheets f a work rk 'CatA-Th," lu rt art teadsteles. with symptoms of the dlseate ia all tpe aad Mages, which w u-drrstand is ln'endel frr grain'. tor.s distribution by tb. proprietor. TLis wck w;ll be cf tb. greatest value to these aSlctel with l?t tt;i;ile d.sesse, Catarrh, aad all L.teres'.ed In or.tala'.Lj tiffaci tion as to th. causes .ni STects of tb. disease. Kose. oas testlocaials from very reliable pencr.i hsv. bn gives to oar e'.Uteas of the merit this, an4 a perusal cfTa'.! tbe treatises on tb'.s dieae wul uideubt dJy b. found both interesting and proCtsbl. Cb;go Tritur... Msy :th,l66t. Tiesse address P. 0. drawer Wj. Cbicag. L'-. j tee work wlU be seat c.atm by return f n-a:i. !s-r-Ctdfl!w TD 13KASESOr THE NERVOUS Sjf?irl, rr'.asrj aad S.xaat System aew ai.d reliable trsatment in Beperts of th. HOWARD ASSnC! ATICJ. Sst by walla sa!ed Utter etveloj-es, fre. of charge. Addren D. J. Sk'ILLIH H0U0HT05, Howard Associa t,, forth 5!th Street, PblUd.lpüa Pa. awrSo-dAmly O2TKERV0ÜS DEBILITY. SEMINAL W.akB.fS, etc., cs t j uu whe has really eared himself and hundreds ef ethers, aad will tell yea nothing ht th.frsMA. Ad.resa with stamp. EDWARD H. TEA V EE, feV23-dAwly lk Box, BoaUn, Maas. n. Jl. MFICER & O., Irbal estjib aobsts. AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, No. 201-2 North Illinois Street Xndluia tap olio, Ind. Cr . 4 4 SlrX fa? BUT A GENTIXS TTALTITAM WATCH If ye a durable and reliabl. time. keeper. BUT A GENUINE VTALTFIAM tVATCH-ft rvstiU and ta worth 4ubU tKe prir ef tbeee worthW Kagtlei and Saie afetee. GEXCIM W ALTHAM WATCH E. saaAe e spread- GENUINE WALTHAM U ATCIIES. mads xprely f-3r Soldm heavy tuet inj--, aoevrate tine kprv. tVe get oir Wab. V dirert front tba maokCrtxy, aai h ! none but tbe rouine. INGI.E '.VATCnCSSES'T TO MiLDIKCS cr tere la ..6 rf a t.'ne k-j-r. at the ..wt ii!e rate. Tie trJe apüed at fwf rry .rs es. - ud tor a cu'ar. M". also have a tar ertte ef l w jeied SUe Walch., Fine Jewelry and 5l4 Sit.r .t W. P. BINGHAM L CO.. 50 East Washington Street, N-nr A-ld Fellowe laJL STEAM MACHINERY. EAGLE WORKS 31ANTFACTCK1X COMl'AW. . A ) vrr v. t r Sleam Engines v Doilersl PATENT FI EE EVAPORATORS, PATENT SUHARCANEMILLS, PATENTSTEAM COIL EVAPORATORS. PATENT STAMP MILLO For Pilf't I'rak r xile Superior SerJ fur Circalara, with Cuts and Decriptio&a rrices,etc.,ctc. Also, SAW MILLS, FLOURING MILLS, Machinery of all Descriptions. BEND FOR CTZRCTDXaAJUgL CHICA GO, ILL! SOls! P. W. : ATI N, Prealalwvt. X. B. Aeent anteU everywhere. mar9'6. dAwly BUSINESS COLLEGE. Bryant, Stratton & Spencer's INDIANAPOLIS BUSINESS COLLEGE, IS OSE OF THK PR0MI5E5T IXSTITUTI05S COX stitutiag :be 'Cbsin cf 'nterrstionsl Eusiness Cel leges, located In twer ty-three of the largest cities of tbe United Ststes and Catidas. Lif Kcbolarsbtp- tsed at tbe Indianapolis College good tbroccbout tbe Chain ' This Institution offers uuecjualed advantage, te loaeg Mo and Ladies deirirg a Ru1&ei Education. Tb va rious departments of rW.k-Keepfrg Commercial law. Calculations, Ac, are under ibe charge of .hi. and ex perienced teacher. Pramas)hip taaebt by one ef the author of tte e-penceriaa lttem. Telegraphing taught by a practical (iperator. rcr further inf'jrrration ed stsmps for CoMege Monthly and spec-nvecs of Buinea Writing, rr caU at 30.1, Wetl Wahintoo street. LKTAXT, bTKATTOX A STE5CER, dKlO-i!3sa Jan9-wlm Indianapolis, ltd. Galen's Head Dispensary Eatabllahrd In m."iO and ritatrter hy the l.rcialnture? of ICrntacky. for Use trentnicnt ml rat? And sT .rcMr rf the Urinary and Generative Org of both Ste. A iMUVA'ri: nrinirAi- TitTih ärV VEXEKF.AL i rFASs, lr.clad:rg onorbFa. G Syphlü, Ktrictre, Grave'. Ktoie, Ruptures, P.)s, Kittu'a, Uriary rposiu. ar,d all LK'ea of tl.. Kidt.eys,Htader,Frtrs:e GU1. ad Schill V!c'.cr, ar.d tLtlr treatmert, t"c!n'.Ee a cbsyter on FEM ALK DIüir.AH. wtb ob. sen stints on marnafre ar d tbe prveLtin of c-j.m i i.r.. Cn tainr g a Treüi-e on irlf ANt, gprnrHorrbea, Soxrsl ard Ner vu Debility, fcsrrennees and Iia- p'-re-.ce In bb re; the eVet of tbeee diseases aa the boiy ard mJ, ad the Actbor'a Xew Treatmret ef aii .see ca-es it full, tbe only sacreatfal method f cu-. with as exposition cf (Juackery. Tbiswcrk ti not a tpa-k adve'tt.-ecient, bot a wareag stid a f?r married ad s rgl. It It tbe only boo that triers be trearn-.ent cf ail the abeve dieeaae. ta plala F.c(;'.i-h, ailh f-i.ll .irectioL for sell -treatment, and coa ts. trurb valval!- 1: formst'en act prtjer to mention Li a pabl c roric. Tbe work contain 350 pages, aad 10a plates and nrrir;v of tbe above di-eaa. Sentt any a-iJress In a se.if'. wrsrper. a rece'pt of on. 4: liar Th' Arnried s;.h au cf Lh above dieeaaea. before plsriLg tben.elvs cr.drr tbe treatment of any one, should fr'treal this wrk. Off "ICE ZU VJJk street, between klark.t and Jeffer son, went e'.e. To iritir. Fs'e y to a!l letter, direct t GALEN'S HEAD DISPEXSAKT Drawer 54?, Lenlsville. Tf. RENO VATERS CLEANING AND DYEJWG ESTABLISH.VEfiT rilUE UX1TED STATES DTE-HOUSE, 50. JSSOmi J I. It&o;. street, Indianapolis, Indiana, At ifcia cid aüd well-known tabüsbxent, tk lad loa eaa lüis a-J woolen goods dyed In permanent and SveaaTtful ecl.jr; end geta garments thoreagkly nsis ted and repaired. 5ew and aecod-bard clothing bo.xkt aaJ sob, aiasv, apaticular branch in ti. tu; ieM deaominaud tne draw Ing biUia alabl cloth, or tear ta any garment can ha se wrought 1l4 t! can cot be visible te tbe naked ya. Rea.mbar tk piece. 5- A ir.iia ret. JbäIO JOAKFH HAF.R.l.PrepHee. WANTED. w ai lb AXTED A vod nsaa te wait upoa a sack o4 sun sal N p4ia s om isns. inaaasa bate mku A1ÄKX