Newspaper Page Text
BÄILY SERITINEL nCDICAL. noTiorjQ, CiC. MCDICAL. PnOFCCCIOMAL. DRY COODS. IMOURArJCE. THURSDAY UOKJUNO. FEBRUARY IC An Ancient Taatt. It wit a p-tni da;. In the oU cbiraln line, tbe iü circling arou&4 iLo boari Io a ocb!e ball, iud the Kulptorcd ball rarg witb vectifccM and aonj. Tbt lad of each küi$htly letrt wm F!ejgeJ by ciof, an J msny a jl'able nirißcnt of loTe linei had born ctterel. tiotil it catr.e to S:. Leoa'a luro, Ken, lirticjr the e;arki in cup CO Lr I diiz.k ta , te seid. Wbo Im; r.Tr mar depart, rwp ajravea on a arratcftl bran. TUI tuetnory Ii dead. Te co whoaa 1 for tn ahall last, Wbo HtUr paaiMe la hare pkJ, So Loly 'tl end trae; To od bo Icv bath lorsrer dwelt, !cvr deeply f.sed, mere keenly feit. Than aisy pledged to yoo." Xacb rneat ;aarted on tb word, And laid a hand npon bis iword, With fary flaabiojr eye; A ixl Stanley aaid: "Wo erav the cam. Frood, kDiajht, cf tbia mot peerleaa daiae, WboM lote jca c"utt so blfrh." ?U Leon paaed, aa if he would Hot treaiLe ter taue In carele tnood Tha lightly to another; Thea beat hla noble bead as thonk To Rie tbat word the rererence loe, AadgfEtlyJd,"iIf MoTHia:" FROMVASHIMGTON. 71 Jeff Ii Gf. February at llatcher'i t Run Another Attempt to Reach the Lynchburg Railroad Unexpected Strength of iht Confed träte Force The Second and Fifth Corps Forced to Retreat 'Another Failure of General Grant to Extend his Is ft Wing General Meade Commands in Person 'Significance oj the Movement and of its Result. Cctth pond e act of The Jffew Tork Sew. VTAsnixoTox, Fb. 9. Tbe battle oa the C:b instant, cear Petersburg, turns out to bare been an action of great lercr ity and of considerable ioipoitance, both as re gard the tiu rubers engaged in it, the facta tbat were dcTeloped bv tbe fighting, and tbe results that may flow from it. The affair baa caused more interest and excitement lute tban any etent icce the fall of Fort Fisher. As tbe re ult of the action ia act regarded as a triumph of our arm, it will doubtless, at herald ed as a reconnoisaatice. A pretty full accouat of the affair reached here this afternoon from ptr tie who were et'ged in it, the substance of wbih ia as follows: Tbe confederate wotks defending all the ap proaches to tbe Lynchburg or Southside railrotd from the south were known to be of great strength and exteut, particularly tboe in the neighborhood of Hatcher's Run, al a poiut where the BoTdton Plank Road crosses tbat s;retm, which is fourteen miles southwest of Petersburg. General Grant made several attempts to curry there works la.t fall, tbe last being on the 27t!i of October, and all of them resulting iu failure. The present attack was made with the si me ob ject in view, and has terminated in the same re mit. It was another attenif t by General Grant to extend bia left wing further arounJ to tbe weitof Petenbujg, and it failed almost in the s me manner a le battle of October 27, and owing to the same re.on. There were, how eter. Kome new letturg ia this affair. The forces engaged oa our side were tie 2d corps. Gen Hancock's old corp, now rorr. mtuded by Gen Humphries; the 5th corps, Gen. Warren; two dir'uioni fr m ther corf g and a lirge leurhment of rav.tlry, in all considerably oter 60,01)0 men. Wheu it i- remembered tht the 2i corpj is by far the bet in tbe army, and thu tbe 5:b is not Lr behind thera either in nu merical atreiigth or discipline, the inference i irresistible, either that Gen. Lcc'n army U stronger than is generally upp-)ed, or c!i.o lb it the works on tint pirticular put of the coofrd erate defenses are such as c-maot be easily car ried. It will be remembered tint, sttiting at three o'clock in tbe morning, on Sunday, our troops, after a long and d ftuull march on the Vaughao road, reached and Hatcher' run and took popseion of ?ome Outwork of the ene my, on the oulhweüt ide of the stream, and about a mile disttut from it. Here tbey en trenched and bivouacked that night. Ou tbe morning of tbe 6ih, the whole force being a erobled, and (cn. Meide bimelf being in tbe field in person, an advance was made in a west ern, or northwestern direction, along the Dtbney Mills roid, hieb runs tcarlj parallel with tbe run This adrani-e. at rt, ws not seriously contested. The confederate, who did not ap pear to be in much force, fei! b tck. and abandon ed several poiüous, which -'were occupied by our troops. The Bojdton plank road, which runs to Pe tersburg, croaea. iltcher's run about three or four miles above tbe Vaughn rood On reach ing the Boyd ton road it was foui;d by our troops that the confederated were in strong force beyond it, nd were holding the bridge by which it Crosse the run. It was found, in the battle of Oct. 27, that the enemv's strongest works were on tbe bill just beyond this bridge, on tbe north west aide of tbe run. On that occasion the bride e was carried by Gen Egan's division of the 2d corps, and tbey were just forming to charge tbe works upon the hill when our whole force was withdrawn and the attempt abandoned. Our troop, therefore, were familiar with tbe ground. - On this occasion it was evident that the con federates bad fallen back, only to concentrate their forces at their positions near the Boydton road, where the main body was posted. For, on arriving at this road, and before a line of battle could be formed, the enemy charged, and drove hack our advanced division upon the raiin boiy. What followed immediately 1 do not feel at lib erty to relate. It is raid that two of the divisions were out of ammunition; but why should thev have been sent into action in that condtiion? All accounts agree that considerable disorder pre railed, and that eome of the troop (not tho.e in the advance) became disorgtnixed. It would seem that when the retreat began, all attempts to form a line ef battle on tbo outbwet ide of Hatcher's Run were unsuccessful. Tbe confederates, too, charged from two di rections at once, and in force that proved to be overwhelming ; for although the retreat was checked once, at the place where the fccond corp had intrenched, yet it was re-umed, and continued unti! all of our force, had re crossed to the northeast side of Hatcher's Kuo. The confederate followed in pursuit, and even had the audacity to attack our troops ceir the Arm ftroog House ,on the Duncan road, a mile enst of Hatcher's Run, The retreat, however, by this time, had been stopped. A line of btttle was formed, and the charge was handsomely repuls ed. The confederates then crossed the Run, and retired to their position on the southeast side thereof, and near the Boydton Road, an ! our forces resumed their ftnroer po-it ons. Five ammunition wapn-s. with their content., are said to have been abandoned during the re treat, and to have fallen iuto the hau ls of the confederates , The only reault that seems to have been ac complished i, that it has teen acertmeJ that the enemv w in very strong force at that part of their line, and tht they hT continuous lce of Tery fron? wurk at all avail ib!e points be tween the Bjydtown plank road and the Lynch burg railroad The reider will mturiÜT it u!re why it was that no attempt was on the 7ih to a train march to. charge upon, an i tke the pesitn-n tear the Boydton road, in which the enemy btd been fou;d pxated cn the 6ih? That q.etion must recuain unanswered, vt et the intelligent reader ctn find an answer for hiu:elf. M ALCOLM. LECTURES. Philosoph) of Marriage. fpHR TI:OrRlKTCR..aCFTHr. SEW TokK SIl'SKUX af Amter ha ! et named, tea-araieva f ri jen, to lce free, (for tfc rqBt f umring Lu isaBity. aad aappreioa id qackry,) four f ti e r mot la'OTttrc and in-truct.Te Urctorra en Marr mtma4 lia daaJ.&catkoa. rou ad I bvAl Iwb.iitj, fT9. ma ore decl-re if Uar.hood. Inwft.or, W,ttnr,( of rpr. . Iapoetey. ! f Tutrry and ct er; tb arrat Auril aod tbo Wala-.- tub result from youthful Ml e, eicee of c.araruy, or If i.ornr of Ptyuloy ami law et Sata'e. Tbea iovalaatt Lectcre ba been tbe neaca of eoHabterJa and alDa; 'boanda, aod will f- rward 4 fre, on receipt wf far ai asp. ly m tdrealf S re- , tary . 5w 1 ort Uaaausi of Anatomy ajJ ydldae. Sit Broadway, 5awTork. , Jaaait-dlj I a u bra si WILL CTIiE CATARRH. WILL CURE COLD 15 TOS HEAD. WILL CTRF. A5 0FFr.5SITE BREATH. WII.LCURKPAIX 15 THE tlKAD. WILL CURE VLCERATI05 15 THE T0?E. WILL RF.STORE THE E5SE OK HEARING. WILL RESTORE THE E5SE OF SMELL. WILL RESTORE THE SF.XSF. OF SIGHT. WILL RrsrOIiE THE 5E5SK OP TASTE. WILL RESTORE TJJE VOICE. WWW C1USBDBY CATARRH. Catarrh Snuff an Injury, As M now admitted by all Informed, can.-lng irritation and inflammation of tbo hiicodi membrane, wblle the Liquid Catarrh Remedy Gently and gradually remorea all unnatural Incrusta tions and depotlt, restoring tba deceaied membraoe to Its normal condition. A single tlAttle will last ft .Tlonth to be uied three times ft day. 1ST CVIl E IF VI I IlI.YTEI) IF DIRECTT05S ARE FOLLOWED. GyCaZ ft a Circular describing all Symptoms Dr. D. II. fsEEIVE A CO., Sol raoraiiTOE, ChIca5o,UHro!s. Jlj "Laboratory at Freeport, Illinois. AT WHOLESALE BT J0n5 D. FARK Cincinnati. O. WM. JOnSSON Detroit. Mich. DAILY, KREFEK k RCSII Indianapolis. PKOVVNLSHi ft SLOAN Indianapolis. JOAnd for aal by all Dru?fiat. decU-dlreod A CARD TO THE MPJES. DIL DUPÖNCO'S GOLDEN PBRIODICAL PILLS, TOR FEMALES. liifalliblL' in Correcting I r resit -laritie. Iteinovinp Obstructions or the .ilouthly Turn, from Whatever l'aiie. nnl Always .Successful xs Preventative, And tbe"onIj anre and CKKTAI5 RKMKDT for all lboe afflict n complaints so peculiar to tbe tex, wheth er "niarriei or iug " IheeFiilji are not hin jf new, but hare beeu Bd bj the Doctors for many yearn, both in France and Amer ica, wi.h naparaliclrd ucce in every case; and be 'a crtred by many thousand ladies who have nsed them to make the IMls public, f' r tbe alleviation of those suf fering from any irregularities whatever, a well aa to prevent an Increase of family whre health will not permit it. F miles peculiarly intuited, or tho&e suppos ing them-elve so, aro cautioned againct usin tLoe HU while in that condition, as tbe proprietor asonmes no responsibility a'ter the above aJnunit'on, althoush their m.Mneii would prevent any inischiof to health. Otherwise the i ilia are recommended. Full and plicit directions accompany each box. 50.000 IIOXFS nVE BEEN SOLD in two tears. Ten tboutsnd boxe aent by letter, both by myself and arent, to ail prts ef the world, to which answers have been returned, i.i w hich ladies aay nothing like the above Pil a hav been an wn ainre tbe SCIENCE OF MKDI CINE DAWNEDUPON THE WORLD IN RKMOVlNG. OB THUJTIoNS AND KKSTOKINO NATUhElO ITS FKOFEKCIIANNFU quletinir the nerves and restoring tbe "rosy color of health ' to the tbeek of the most deli cate. PRICE 31 00 PER BOX. SIX BOXES for 35 00. Sold by all DrugUts, and by the following Jobbing and I'ruff Houses, Agents for Indianapolis, Indiana: (Indies, by sending fl, can prcuie the Till, sent con fidrniUIIy by and without observation, to any part of the city or country,) atd for sale by T0MLiN0N t COX, Nu 1?. East Washington street. StEWAhT 4 MOKUAN, No. 40, East Washington street. W. I. HASEITT k CO., No. H, West Washington street. H. H.LKR. Noa 13 aod 20, Bat a Block. J. F. SKN0UR, No. 5, Bates House Block, and by DAILY KCCFIld aV IIUSII, Wholesale Drutcs1ät5, No. 73, South Meridian street. G. S. LACET.GeneralTraveling Agent for the Western State, 167, Dearborn sreet, Cbicaro, Illinois. N. B. Nena Genuine tsnlesa tbe lex Is rimed "S. D. HOWE." Jau3l-dlyeod MEDICAL. MANHOOD, A ND THE VIG03 OF TOCTH RESTORED IN FOUR j weeks by DR. KlCORD'S ESSENCE OF LIFE. Dr. Kivord, (ot Paris.) after j ears of earnest solicitation, baa at length acceeded to tba urgent request of the American public, and appointed an agent in New Tork, for the sale of his valued and highly priied Essence of Life. This wondenul agent will restore If aLhood to the no t shattered constitutions in four weeks, and, if ued acco'ding to printed instructions, failure ia impos sible This life-restoring remedy should be taken by all about to uairy, as its effects are permanent. Suc cess, in every case, ia certain. Dr. Kicord a Essence ef Life is sold in cases, with fall instruction for use, at 33, or four quantities la one foi 13, and will ba sent to any part, carefully packed, on receipt of remittance to bis accredited agent. Circular aent free on receipt of four stamps. PÜ1LIP ROLAND, 447 Broome street, Ja-21-dly One door wet of Broadway, N. T. DOORS, SASH, BL KDS.&c. DOOK, SASH AND BLIND FACTORY. Fancy scroll awint7 IoMing of all Patterns I'nnneUi Italcd and Tenoning-. Fati.-alar attention given to all kinds of Carpenter Work. Or 'ers solicited and promptly filled at short notice. BATCHEL0R & FEARNLEY. IMDIA.IAI'OLI", 11 II. Jan?3-lm. OFFICE. 10 Circle Street. NOTICE. JZAYINii SOLD UT INTFRFST IN THE LATE FIRM OF Is. C. TlAYIIEWaVCOa, I de'.re to state tkat I am in no war connected with, or interested In, tbo tew concern tf Tuj, Majbew k Co.," as m!ht te inferred from tbe title. I wonl.l alo tat tbat I bavo leased a fine set of rorru in the new buildir.g on Meridian Street, jusl North of the Fitzgibbon Block, And but a few steps from tbe old tand, wher-I Inteod to epen, about tie Uth of February, a prime Hock cf BOOTS & SHOES, All fresh from th. manufacturers, of the latest and beat styles, ad which ray past success enables me to bur for Cash. Hn:r bren In tie badness In this city for tea jeart, dtringtah ch tiaie 1 have mad the eLtir. purchase, for tbe cid frm nj maniftM all it aairs. I feel conf.Jrnt of ray ability to suit uy former cutors ard frieid, and pant" rs of oar 1:3 ef gods generally, illif whom w.M niwt c -rt!iallv welcomed at my sew and aoie co.ratie Kcatlwn. E. C. .1IAYIIEW. jacl9-d3 REMOVAL. T" A. BOHLKf. A rCHITf CT. HAS REMOVED HIS t-r j -st rrwm the JJtua Bü ding te Lis residence . c' Mt, btw Jtertdlaa ad XUiaeta. jaaif-tfJca MM L. LUD0RFF & CO., SUCCESSORS TO TIIOKSSC. Ä I.AIIEY, WHOLESALE DEALERS 15 NOTIONS, TAILORS' TRIDIINGS Cents' Furnishing Coodo, AND HAVE REMOVED TO No. 32 South Meridian Street. JO"Jnsjt received a Tery large ta aortment of CaOodat which will be Id at a small advance on IN'ew Tork prices. apr2Q-dly MERCHANT TAILORING. NEW MERCHANT TAILORING EST ABL IS HUE ITT! "TI LADIES' IIMON 5 ESPECTFCLLT CALL THE ATTESTION OF THE XV citizens of Indianapolis to the fact, that they have opened at No. 19 Virginia Avenue, A llcgulur Merchant Tailoring Establishment. And solicit a share of tbe patronage of the community THEIR STOCK OF GOODS Is complete, and being in charge of a gentleman whose ability as a Cutter rank a So. 1, tbey are prepatedto fill orders which in every respect they will WARRANT equal in quality, style and workmanship to anything round In any simiUr eatabuahment in tbe city. JTf'Bemember the place, No. 10 Virginia Avenue. CARPETS, WALL-PAPER, &c. NEW CARPET STORE No. 81 Cast Washington St., Hcluiuirw O 1 1 Stand, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE. WE IIAVE A LARGS STOCK OF CARPETS, 01X-CL0THS, MATTINGS, SATIN DELAINES, REPS PEK1N CLOTHS, Damask, Lace, rtuftlln & Nottingham All of these Goods having been purchased before the late advance in the Eat-t, we will sell them lower than New York wholeaale pricea. Also just received 100,000 Piece Wall Pap r and Window Shades KRAUSS & CALL. teiM'a-dly AGENCY. TAR SPRING PETROLEUM COMPANY, OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. Capital Stock... G000O0 DIVIDED INTO 3O.C00 SHARES AT 9 '0 EACH. Incorporated under the Laws cf Obis, Dee. 30, l?6t. GEN. S. F. CART, President, . A. D. BREED, Vice President, O. E. MOORE, Secretary and Treasurer, E. KINNEY k CO.. Bankers. ADVISORY BOARD. MaJ WM.CCMBACK, MILKS GRKKNWOOD.Esq. ADAM PUE. I. D., Metho- dit Bok Concern, JOIIND CALDWKLL,Eq. .ec. Sanitary Fair, LRN. HARRIS, Major of Cincinnati. JO UN W. PHILLIPS, PKTKR GIBSON. Esq., HAMILTON LYON. Indianapolis Agency at No. 39 1-2 West Washington Street. ED W Alti II AI IC i:. Jaii2 dim At iE NT. BOURBON WHISKY. J. cV D. DluCA., No. 77 South Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Ind., WEOLF.SALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC XI-sTX aTJUCTZD CCS riYIIK attetitioa of tbe trade is ca.led to our complete ! assottment of all articles in our line of bcices, both as to quality and price Our sock of BOUKHON WEISET is unsurpassed by any establishment in tbe tat, and dealer wthmg to purchase Copper Distilled Hourbon Whisky are invited to call before purchasing. l We have removed from 153 East Wahinton street to 7? ath stn ft. J. A D. ECNCAK, 77 South Mriian Street, Jat9'&5-dly Indianapolis. Ind. PRINTINC, &C. caai. w. iaix. c. r. arrcs:xsox. j HALL. ULTCIIIItSOX. j TLAIN AND ORNAVENTAL STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, j tervtrpers un4 llookbindrrs, No. 16 1-2 East Winston Street, i WDlAifATOLia, I5DIASA. jL. f'Klank Boots of every d ascription made to order. DR. JOHN BULL'S CO!IOUiI GEDROK BITTERS. The Latent .nid Jlost Im porlaut Discovery OF TUX NINETEENTH CENTURY ! ! ! No man's name is more intimately connected with the bItory of MATERIA MEDIO A of the United States, or more favorably known as a pioneer In Medical Discovery than that of Dr. John null, oi roiiivillc, Kenliiekv. (lis Inimitable preparation of S A ICS A FA It 1 1, LA has long stood at the head of the various com pound of that valuable drag. Uis Compound of WILD CHERRY has become a household word throughout the West and South. Iliü Worm Lozen ges, io leM than a year after their introduction, attained a reputation As wide spread as the continent of North America. L'ut the crowning glory of his life remains to be attained in bis cixovery. or rather combination, for he does not claim to have been the discoverer of Ci:iUO., wtich 's the basis of tbe liitteis now offered to the pub lic. That honor belong to the native inhabitants cf Central America, to whom Its virtue have been Known for more than two hundred jears. Armed with it, th Iudian bids defiance- to tha most deadly malaria and handles itbout fear the most venomous tcrpenta. Iti a belief with them, that while there Is breath in thebod.i the Cedron is potent to cure, no matter what the isea may be. While Dr. Bull is net prepared to endorse this extrava gant pretension, he is nevertheless satisfied from a thorough examination of the evidence relating to its virtues, that as a remedy and preventative of all dis eases arising from exposure, either to change of weather or cliaiate, or to miasmatic influences, it stands WITHOUT A RIVAL! And Justly deserves the reputation it has so long enjoyed in antral America ana tD West Indies. I3V DYSPEPSIA And its attendant train of symptoms, it acts more LIKE A CU AKM than a medicine. Tt-ere is nothing in the wneie range oi Materia Medica that can lor a moment bear a comparison with it in tbia disease. A full account of this wonderful plant may be found in the 1 Ith edition of the U. S. Dispensatory, paget 1&7 and 1383. A series of experiment, in which Dr. Bull has been for years engaged, bas lost been brought te a successful termination, and he Is now enaMeo to offer to the public a combination or tKUKU ut otber approved tonics tbe whole preserved In tbe best quality of copper di tilled Bourbon Whisky, which he is confident has n equal ia the world. He might furnitb a volume of certificates, be ab lie have long since learned to estimate sacht. ,..,4 their true value. The safest plan is for every one to te for himself tbe virtues of a new medicine. G1VC THE CEDRON BITTERS ONE TRIAL, AND TOU WIT ! NEVER USE AN OTHERS. It ia not necessary to publish a long list of diseases for which the CEDRON E UTK LS are a specific, in all dis eases of the Howe Is Liver or Kidneys, la all alfectioaa of the BRAIN, DEPENDING UPON DERANGE MENT OF THE STOMACH OR BOWELS; IN GOUT, RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA, AND IN FEVER AND AGUE. It is deatined to suoerae.te all other remediea. It not only cures these disease, but It prevents them. A wine glass of the Bitters. taVec an hour before each meal, will obviat the ill rffects of tbe most onhealthy climate, .nd screen the person taking It against disease under the most trjicg eipo.-ure. Sola by Driiftglftt and Grocers Gen erallf. Dr. JOUX BULL, Frlncipal CCce. Fifth Street, Louiv 1, Ky. SOLD WHOLESALE BT DAILY, KEEPER & RUSH, 73 South .lerlllnn street INDIANAPOLIS. Who a!o aril BULL'S SARSAPARILLA. BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP Semacxber DAILY. KEEFElt Sc CSU. dec1S4-22yArt2:aaa. " ' REMOVAL Doctor WM. Tno.TlSOIV, HAS REXOTED HIS OFFICE rROX VIRGINIA AVENUE TO No. 29 South Delaware Street, TnrrriERE iiewillcoxtixce Vi I tr-at and cure frirate Dl.eae. in all thetr a nwiea. itir tS and phases. - -" If Dr. Wm. Thornton w;ll (rlre to rl each patient a written Instrument, J J' binding himself to effect a radical J and permanent cure, er make cL charge. Dr. Wm. Tbcmse-n has made tbe&V treatment cf Frivaie Di?eaes 3 specialty siace the year 15s5I three years la the city ot buffalo, 5. Y . , eiaht years In Chkrag , III., and twoyear in Peoria, I1L During eight years practice In Chics co. I1L, he cared over thirteen thousand ca-ea. Dr. Wra.Ihcnson, ia ku practica f r Scrofula, Fhea matic and general dl.easea cf the blood. es a Fumiga ting Vapor Path of the uot Ingenious kind, la conjunc tion with internal treatment. iEitlS AL EMISSIONS, the consequence ofself abe. This solitary vice, or depraved sexual indu'g.ace, 1 practiced by the youth of both sexes to an almost an limited enect, producing with unerriag certainty the fallowing train of morbid symptoms inless eomt ated by sciei'.iific medical measures, viz: Sallow couateaance, dark pts nnder tha eyes, pain in the bead, riaging In the ears, and noises like the rustling of leaves and rat tline of chariots, aneaMness aboat the loins, weaknesa of tbe limbs, confused vision, blunted intellect, Iosa of con fidence, diffidence in approaching atrargers, a dilike to form tew acquaintances, a dispoait on to shun a-ciety, loss of memcrv, hectic flushes, pimples and various erup tion aboot the face, fuirtd tongue, night sweats, fetid breath, coughs, coir amption, monetnacia, and frequent ly inanity. Tbe afflicted, on the first appearance of any of the above symptoms, should immediately apply to Dr. Wm. 1bomon tor relief. tCOce ad Coaptation B;-rc5o. 29 South Del -ware street, Indianapolis, Ind. P. O Box Itif. Jan4-dly WiWTEIt A Ult ANGEHEXT. C N C I N NAT , SOTJTHEIUT OHIO, INortli -Eastern KentucIaV. Indianapolis and Cincinnati Short-Lino O !f AND AFTER MOKDAT. NOT. 14th. TRAIXS will run aa follows: Leave Indianapolis. Morning Express 4.10 Mttil 10.50 Night Express 7.20 Arrive at Indianapolis. Morning Express 1.00 Mall 7.00 P M P M Night Express 10.5 P M ',Z rFare the same as by any other Route, aad the speed, safety and comfort of trains equal to the best lines in the country. JO3 Ask for tickets via ''Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad." Special Notice. The, new track into Cincinnati U complete, and passengers by this lice are now landed the New pearl Street Depot," near the Burnet Bouse, about one mile nearer the business centre of the city than aay other Depot. ROBERT MEEK, Superintendent. W. 11. L. Noble, General Ticket Agent. A. S. Brut, Traveling Agent. novU-dtf Indianapolis and ITIadison -c -tlx. jl jl. :k wk. ja . 1864. r3XJ.:ü:iw 1S64. ei- Arranreuicnt to Commence .Tien -day, .tlay tn IS1. flV O pashengrer trains daily (Sundays excepted) be tween Indianapolis and Madison. Leave tbe Union Depot Indianapolis, at 6.00 A. M and 3 P. If., arriving at Madison at 10.50 A. M. and 7.50 P. M. Leave the Depot at Madison at 8 A. V. and 2:tf) P. M., arriving at Indianapolis at II A. M. and 7.40 P. M. Trains leave Columbus for Roshville at 1 P. M., arriv ing at 5:10 P M. Returning leave Rufcville at 7 A. M arriving at Columbus at 11:15 A. It. This Road forms a line with the Packets at Madison for the transportation of freight between Cincinnati and Ia- d:anapolis and points West. Tariff of Freights as low as by any other route. Shippers and merchants West will find ittothelrinter est to ship by this line. maris D.C.BRANHAM. Superintendent. Tin: INDIANAPOLIS NATIONAL BANK, Financial Afcent anal Designated Depository of t lie Unites.! states." ACTnORIZED CAPITAL CASH CAPITAL PAID IN f 1,000,000 600,000 "YTYTILL receive subscriptions, as financial agent of V w me uovernmeui, ior au oi us popular luana Will collect gold interest on registered and coupon bonda on the mont liberal terms. Currency bonds cashed on presentation when due. Always on hand a full supply of U. S. revenue stamps, for sale at tbe regular discount. Will buy and sell all government securities, orders on Washington, coin and exchange In all the principal cit ies. Will make collections throughout the West and East at verv reasonable ratea. Will receive deposits, and loan money at 6 per cent., on good security Ilaving unlimited facilities will transact all kinds of banking business on fair terms and with the utmost promptness. THEO. P. HACGJ1ET, Prea't. INGRAM FLETCHER. Cashier. Indianapolis, December 3, 1664. dec4-d3m FOUNDRIES. HOOSIER STATE FOUNDRY AND STOVE WORKS. COX, LOUD V I' ECK. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers to ALL OCR 8TOTES ARE OF THE LATEST AN most impr ed patterna. Our other work will embrace Iron Fronts, Columns, Railway, Mill and Douse Castings Ac, Ac. Orders by mail or otherwise solicited, and prompt at tention given. Our pricea will be found as low as any. Office, Sales-room and Foundiy 183 South De war street, two squares directly eat of the Union Depot. oct23 SALOON. BATES HOUSE SALOON JCNDER BATFS UUCSE ENTRANCE.) A. J, 75 Y GItS, I'roprietor. FflHE Bar is supplied with pure liquors, wines, and the 1 best brand of cigars and tobacco; also the eboeet oid Bourbon and Wheat Wki?ky. The estabiUhmeiit has been renovated throbgbocL ra-dt A. J. JIIILLEV PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office-tiy mnailum llulldlng Corner .TIerldlan and -Maryland Me INDIANAPOLIS. INI) rorM-c-if TELEGRAPHIC. 11 S. TELEGRAPH tWANT, Office o. 14 .t. Fennsyltaaia I, opposrrs odd fellows hall, ceouxd flcoil THE at ore named Te!egTpb Coanany'i Llie ara pwtata la tha United Stat .sd Brlttah Prai&saa. i o r c2 to to CO H w as waw) " L- r m 'Jl i rJj - " i O ? o BO O O - 1 w 0 CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &C. 4 W o Ü 1 Cm Cm O M A A W m et o o H c a; a m w z CO tn a. 4 P rH P E 2 tt t. I I5 WINES, LIQUORS, &c.v CO W ta s A CO o p V. v. p H c O w o c REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Va V 4ö 1 j Ja!y27-dly ACENCY. TScCI KMV & CO.'S CLAIM AGENCY, No. 4 YOHN'S BLOCK, Cornrr .Meridian and U aahlnffton ia, INDIAN A POLIS, LVDIAN'A. OFFICE R' AMI SOLLILfcV CLAIMS PKOVITLT made oat and collected on tie mot reasocaile teras. Cert;3catea ef non ladtbtednewi obtained frcrn tbe I)epartmnts at VTahinitn. Master Kolls, p4y K s. Qaartemater and SubsM ence arensots trade cut with tieatne, r,d di.auh. Jan4-d3n ' PROFESSIONAL. aaT.a si. aar. josatbas w. Kianca. KAY aV GORDON, ATTOILXEVS AT LAW, nrDMSArou. isliana. OJ5c. Xos. 10 and U New ATs!V tt' Kulidiac, South of the P(Mofl;?. dr.dom GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. A. V. LAWRENCE, VT West WaLlatoo atreeu ,u Cah paid fora'.l kinds of Coat try Produce tsU-cU oi g 8: is! 13" ö GTNA INSURANCE COMPANY. of iiAitTruiti,ca.. TNA BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS. -vi - i ) i. - f, J Z; 'A U. -.. . . ; . J Erected 1859 Owned by tha Co. Cah Capital ami Surplus, t3,;3,n.-, m. Tb. leevtu. f tt:lCI&tacT dw.W. Ik.lcf t&j.tb.r ,'lrn lll.lirnnc Corr.tinn lath rr.'tSl.t SrEtTAL A CI KNTION GIVES TO THE 15SCRAITCX 1J ot farm property, d Wallings and oat-buJdina:. la sares such buildings or content In a Tery favorable man ner,Tr three er five years. Lok.cs Ilqnttablf Adjtiated and lrruptly Iald In Cash. WM. HENDERSON, Agent, REAL ESTATE ACENCY. McKernan& Pierce, REAL STAETE AfiENCV First Door East of Palmer Donse UP STAIRS.) UTK HATE FOR SALE HOUSES ASD LOTS 121 the Cty af Indianapolis and Karma and Fam ing Lands in tHs State, and will aell loaer than can he pnrrhaed e!ewfcer fb?l-d&wty T!,,cn quarters .v r;vu STATEjjiriDIAN - . . ,0 -. i.aui.i-...7i,- Of -THi'--;viu.: -.?. - ....... t : : ..- i. .-" !-. - ----- fH-TTK STORE ,Vs'0l5CK- II NO COXXJiTlOX WITH AiX OTHER .-TAttLf! ment of the tame in or out of Intl:onaro!i. W. & H. GLEN'N. Pxcnneto.H. . EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company, avoria UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. OFFICE ON TDK CORVEE 0' rASHI5ßTC3 A!fD Meridian streets, Indianapolis. Tbreo dAi'ly F.xprooea to ICew Tork; Two diilj F.xpreoi to Ciccitn:!, and Two dally KxpreKetoChra(3and t.Laia: Tb thoT Coicpahiea are the a!y Cxpraaa the foüowlrr roads, vi: IXLIA5A CKXTRAL; LAFAYKTTlt A CHICAGO; I.NDIASAJ-OUS A FKKC; TÜRK?. HAUT F. RICE1'05I; II Y. LLK FO XT A VST. A IXLLAXAlOLiA. Mr.ey, pakars, alaabl. and freight Caniel w:ta safety and li'pa'xh, and fa cLarre of special a-d e2ct aenena;rs. 5c tea, liillaa'jd Dr.ft rU be prxrptly co!leted ate "1T-H-:ni. w.'" J F'JTTKKHFLD. Aces' ritiVATC dim:am:s. DR. C0LT0UR.XEMCAL 0FT1CK. NO. 59 ?0CTn Meridian Street, forfeits t s fe if be fails to cur lo? any cam: '.bat may coue r Lia care, no satter how oViiiiAte ' )n3 ataud:sg. Ce warraau jo a cere. Sypbil;, in tie prnja'y staye. kelped in 23 wHn ute. enred in 24 hourv (ilet of SO years standlaa; cared by In. C. 4llce or. t to to p. M. martj FURNITURE, &C. m;com) iiam stoke, 233 East Washington St., NEAB UnnrLTE? HOTEL, C100K STOVES, HEAT150 STOTr.a, FURXlTUI:R atd Mattras of all kioda, coad;f.B ar.4 price1 l. ti taa here tisd erythlra: r.ecnwary to Cakeac a. Pte ositlt fr ha ekeepitc. cd at pncea ran'.n from '& to W per cent cheaper than can te had Bew aay. km In tue CUT. 1 a'eo Laie a complete slock ef Sew I Tis ware. Conssjoo Halra, kadstaada atd Latn( Qlaaaes. Call acd s. 3. E. Ji.JLf.OT. f t t'9 T a ii ä M ; ß; R ; fi ' Uc0" 3 1 " u. - -"tsr;v-r.r;fcjwai JaalTTra