Newspaper Page Text
DAILY SENTINEL. ; - MONDAY MOIiNlNo7 MARCH 13 CITY ITEMS. GTA few exchioce uper. done 7 In pc. St of 100, cmo b had t thia Ece tf G7Todny Warren. Dtur and Ways, tonh'p, Jlrion county, re required to re;art tt the provost marshal "cCc. Bjaa a t7 Yeterday bttful aprinfr day, a,ni ih street, were crowdel with jcraoua ei jot Ug the? pleasant wither. 37 We icdrrsuiid that orders will be iueil to Inj for tt.e draft to cvramet ce immeJi ately in all the disttlct in Ic5ir:a eicr jt this JT Ladiea drop in auN-, 17 Wet Wanhioz too a'reet ai,l look t those fine gloie kiJ 1 J lace coogre-a aiier. 13 3 """""aaawawajawaaBaaaaa MMMMWMW KT The irna'eur prturmnre at the T'er cade thia eTtn$, w.ll conit of the play of tba Conscript Return and the Spectre Britvom with onga by tht Cmer Sieter. IU Ever? lowrtsbip iu thi conpetaion&l dis irict, ocuid of Marion countj, h repotted, ard their etitire quota under the nrefent call In been filled, either by drf e-J men or volunteer Mrion countj tnd thi city are to report tbi. eck, when they will be. filled in like maa&cr. Notice -If the proo that took photograph al Sum from Dr. A J Mulleu'a fiice. on Illinois street, will return me the picture through the V. I rf-fc a a . v. ne tt welcome to the album. ClIA. J MlLLE!, tWf Call at CUrk, Johufon L Co . ?uccc?M.r to Vinnedge li Jones, N'i. 17 Wes: Washington Street for all kinds of Udie' ai.d mi--e-' weir. They have the largest tok in the city to make selections from at fir fibres. 13 3 DSAFTKO AltSS ri'ND LMIETAISMENT AT ! the TABta!fACLC Tho Atinifur CiiHiiitMe Asaociatiou wid pive au eriteitainaitnt at the! Tabernacle ou Mondy evening, Mtnh I3;h. All drifted men ar.d their fiiend.4 are exrecteil to be present. A II. Beoits, Msnajer fjiy The IHino? street line of railro 1 is now j ruoDzon five minutes time, that U they p ; tnt a;.Vfn noint rert fire minute Anting the oay 1 um nmoer lor ir.e wMcnuiciw j line i now on the street, and soon be commence!. the woik willl l-T iMitwn reirimcnt, uoi. ein, un :or t a T 1 . f a i a l t a tbe front on Ssturdty afternoon. 11 ey were bored with a rpeech from Loz;er. on ot Oovernor Morton. Th. regiment h compel of a fine set cf men. and will gi-a 00.I report of themehej. IsDiAXaroLi k CiMCi.t.TATi Ii K A Greer.s bur? accommoilitiou trii'i hisji.s. been plced on tL.t-4 road Le.ives Orcensbui dnilv at 7.l'5 a. m. ai:d arrives at Indin.ipolt t 1)35 a m returning leaves Union depot, Indim.ipolis at 5 0J p. ru. arid arrives at (Jreci sburg nt 7 3 I p m. See It It. time taMe. t2T" Just reeeivtd at CUrk, John..n L Co. ucceaeor to Vii.nedee and Joues. No. 17 W?l Washington etrect Btinghtci'i ceWbuttd cus tom maOe men's, boy and south' blm'rala and coigress gaiters, h'gh lace hoes and hio gansat fiir prices 13 3 Medical If you hive Urne or weak back ftndpii in the left fide, cm -u!t Dr Setti.., No. 3'1 llli LIou-c. The-ie inürni itie ttre associstcd with maiiv tuiporf.intli-e-ts D. S treats them on acietititio t.d commoi. -sense prin-ciple-. Cll from U t. 10 a. m., and fiom I to2a' p. m 13 C. " Yesterday afternoon quite an rxci'ement w cretted along Induni Avenue, Illinois. Wash ing'on and Meridi .n stfi-ta hor.e ruonoii. fl" with a bujigy. No peraori w iu Hie ti 4 anu lue titmice w not very ret. 1 ne n r- ; . 1 . 1 . . . 1. 1 . .1 l.i.. i Sullivan, on lVrl a reci, where the Ii ran alm- peJ, after ovtrntttiu tin buy ticc. fT I ,,e fCtu c,,r'' n ,r'I'''fr ltd umu, ih it the Fourth Naiit ii tl t.i;,k ol Iudim , aooltH lommtuf t uine to dav at tf-e :d ! bi.kii room o! Fletcher, V j n k C" . Nor h ; MetiuUri street. The to kbouer ot thü bir.k ! are t' e sjlid meu ol li e city eil knon c ti zeua rerpoii'toit lor all ltev tuiiiut to an un limited ix ei.t. ihile the runMiit; men, Me-sr- i Fletcher and H uh, Hre eil known as thorough qualidtd niid reliable banker-. vey. 31 1 Maoson.Col. Fied Lieut. Col D r nelli- now la the city and e'eriou rtgimenr recruiting lor bn old't. Kss ha' been i three 3 ears and Uhi tnjrths in the mvre. and . 1 propoe- to continue his p .tnotic dutica. PaorosT MaasitAL's Orncc There was mua j tered in and sent to cimp e-teidv. by the; provost mu.-hal of thi; district. 41 men, ol which 52 ere recruits and U substitutes 0l J the recruits, one credited to Uie wir), ; two to the secoud, tne to the 3 I, to to the 1 h, i three to the 5:h. rhree to the C'.h. four to the 7th, tw. to the 9ih and fire to tht 0 h wnrd, and oneaubsiitute wss creditetj to the 1st i, rnak- j leg 21 men creditei t tlie city e-terday. J VBTur.rrii itiv TmATEt To nicht will he; pre.-eiitctl for the first time in thre years at thi ' thette, the beautitul aud touchini; dorue-ti.- dr- j int. entitieJ "L'ttle Binf ot D.s !Urfue-sil. ' wh:th was oriinlly traiUted'l r .Mi.s Thurau on and ire-ented for the rst time hi Amciica, ! tn this theatre, three cais mice; iu ad.oiion to the ihitru4i:g Mi Thompson a L'tt!e!oot. wehaseMrt W. Hiley in her ori:itinl pirt t l Roel Mr. V. II. Riley iu his original pirtt.l Johtiiie- and Mr F H'gNt in his original ptrt of Fried, quite 1 r.oveltv to witness lonr actor." ia original parts f:er so long an eUpe of time. fWe underrtatd the Fenian of this city are mtkins (?rnd preparations to celebrate the 17th of March. They invite all Irishmeo lni love Ireland and the restoration of her natiorali tv to join with them In the celtbration. They will meet at their hall on Wa-hinRton street at 2 o'clock p a nd form a rsrade and mar h through the principal strecrs of tbe city. 1 I e proceedings of the day iil cio-e with a cr itid supper, toa.-u and ovg. at the Plmcr Hou?e Ve lotk for a happy tirue with l he Ferdans t n that das. lUdj;fs will be furni-hed In ail ho take part iu . the proteiou. by applyii g st tf.e ball before the parade t.lfs place ArroiNTKENTs. The loliowin,; apooir.trxent' were made in the new regiments e: at-1 urdav : 146ih (Jeorpe W. Red. contain; Cbri-ti 4n J. j Henry, 1st lieutenant; John W. Moore, 2 1 l: u- tenant, of company A, in pl tce of the torn erl OÜlcer. protxoted j 147th Theodore F. Colore, lieutr e-d , otiel; Wil!im F King. ureoi': (eorce W. j Tbomrj-on, chrl"io. ' Compn G.Peter Cirdwell. csptsir : Th-'-. j C. UeiKler.Jti. l-t üeuteitot; Shcrro.1 Pect e 21 Iie'itci. i.t t w . i.. i .. u- ' i' it i i o i . ' C ta(ii I. Mwv'eiiui D. MvW M -uj'.io, lt!.: t; li? u'.er. -ni. Dickey, enpt s.i ; j D.:-ierF..; tt. 2l Rr8tiTtc Ofrifits. I he lo'.loair r ru '. -ofb- trs have Lern apr ':'d Lr the fur : reci wcW' at t no: uci o e r. -c.J tin- el. the "fcreUry of wr: 11 h icin.nt. h cot-wrre-t'onsl d;tiirt Cttiei recruit inj: offi -er. J a;rs Prk, Lt! te t 155 h le.imeti, C h di-trici Cb'el recru n? 1 öS. er, J nie It ircjs. Dtnvd'e C A, Mr I I O.r. Ct R. Cht iir W H M rtit)vil! C- C. brnith K-ntf. Dn ill. Co D U'i'litm K Uiari. lodioaiStli- 15C h reimer.', Trh diri-t C"ef recruit :j p ore-r. R .r-rrt N H-t i.x.!t.. Tcne II .u'e 151 ie;imfit, Uib o.etii.-r Cniet re-rnit In fcer. Tlmino .N . siiil..!. An.lerson. C . A O Ter H. P BrnLalum.Hso'ltou county. Cj. B, Besjtain R. Norman. Kokoao. r-Csptii!i J. W. R... of Crrtwfordsville.i (JU 31 12 irihe?',,1,ft end of lot Ii, in quare oneot ihe clUi.l ccnai.ndera ol the llih In ' ! o-u . ji..-.!,,.!,..!. ti.i i..j n.rri.,1 i.u D ? B-mTv, AdtDiiiistrat r, to McKetRHti, 1 Daart Minuta Meetloof the drafted nea bell ca Saturday tt tte coon tou-t, Ueorf-e L-weE"3 In the cta!r, Geor e Ceizcr, Sxrewry. The M) or reported thatth fo.ioTirg cms had been ta'.d ver to him a the recruitice funr1: ltwrd $1.033 OU $bward $271.00 2 id I.OlGW 7ih 333 CO 3 1 7tSi0'8:h fcTUO) 4h 12 O'J 9;h 920 00 Alo the sura of $Wi 00 proceeds of the beteSt t the Tbrosc! of TLnrsday evenlrj last, II uf winch with the exception of about two hun dred doiUrsrud beetmppt.eJ to the psjnent of aliino.iai burty f-r voluntrer. lie urged up o i the dJTrreut w.rl committees to continue col Icrtii g he twebty-fie dollars from every drafted mr. He f re-etiteil a itatemctjt ol the credits thue far oManied howtnz bt quite a runter of cet! are set WBtited to fi'l the quota aud to do trm 1 ioulJ ueoeiry that every drifted m ti ak to ircure volun'eertat Ufr. ii& rz L e 1 d Mr. Dell-ys were aopointtd a c rara tt i-i wit 'upon Muer Riley of the M-tioplitnn 1 l tueMLd try to bccureal en- Ö' t an rrly ly. J j.-rph W. "DTis r ff-re-l the foUowicg, which r - miiifife'.'!' Kwleed, Thii M iyor CaTen, Wm. Wallace at.d I U. Krie t a committee to wait upou thepruron mar-hil of tbi district and ifpossi Ole pocure an eüenyiuii of tira? fur oluntterirjf: in h hr e the quota. O W Oeig'-r olfrri the follow ir.g re-oi'iticn which 1 uuiiiirnonly adopte!: Ke-olfel. Thit thf thu ktol thedrafud men re j'i-tly due t Mr. Link acd his the.4tr'iC4l lui!ju reteil ferTlce- on the eve as ion of the late j buithrat the Tabermcle. We hll ever re tnernber thtir liUrnliry, nr d trut to be able at i uie rime ro jrive tnetn a i-tner inuureoi our 1.. - - . . - Mr. Jcrdn reported thit the arrangements wre nil XTlcctfd for the er:tertAir.mcrit at the Tlernatie on r.iht. Ticket.' were di.trihutid for aale arnon those preeiit. 0;i motion Mr Jordau w appointed treasurer of II fui'd reiiz'd by it. . Mr I'luiner was authorized to recriit for tLe credit of the city. The d fTeient rccruitinr comnntues will meet 1 ... .1 .:ii..i...i;.m,.,,i S,.',',.,!, ! an 1 II t)i- dratted ted men on Tuc.y niorLing at h.cb t:rr.e the adjourned. , 6 o'clock, to w I'tTROLi axa The petroleum mania has final lr broken out in Indianapolis. Some of our mtt pdi.-tcions, et;tcrt riiric: and wealth r cit:ze:i? have j Ho'sier Fctrolcum Oil and Mining Compa- The r4pitl U .50.0U0. in .hrea of ioW, ,iU(i ejCh Hot kLo-der ha taken jut what he cn I iffjrd htid i willing to !oe It U not intended lor recu'tt re purposes I ne company tias lfts I or lU.OOtJ acres of Und in Jennings, , p..-,-r.,.,,; .,i ih.-. havn j (,(.rC M ichif,,t wb;ch u expected iu a l.ort , ( m ,orx,crjro, (,a ,Leir Jand.. The fir" ; b tltl oe rMr Vernon, where it is expected ; l: .tJ(l( hll4 beerr found. n J -h de, e.r oil be.irin stone, on adjoining I tti.!-. .od it hi HSlron priit-ll ol oe'roleum, end wheri t, 4 ,vril ;. 4lir'-?11,n f Koi.t ftn,.. third of it aeitht In Orfht Briia-n ntsf . acitht In Orfht yi tiitities of m;ntril -il are dirtiiied frrun ?h-ic ' nd wit!i pret prolit Amoio: the stockholder arc the well knoan natntscf Vi'tiitine Bu!;l:. Frederick Bush, J tmts Dixon, J. K. Mooney. Mes-rs. Miller and IM.l!e of the Union Dt pot.Ju i-e Rsy. O'csrB ll.rd.K. 0. Mel dium, H. H. Stouemau, Mike DoUiherly, A. S. , Mount, John W ineberer ar.d Col D tiler. The f.illoairif; are the ofticera of the eompiny: Frfei de:it. Vrtlcntine B itrh; Vice-IVe.-ideut. Fre i : ltu-h; Tre.urer, Fred ilitz ti-'er; Sctrc'arr, tJeo. : B. Kner; Ms!n?er. J K Moonev. Mr. Pri.i ; He, J Udo D X'jn, Fred Itu.-h and V. Butsih ; We auuld hint ii anxious inquirers that there '11 i none of litis -tock in mwket,but it Jus .btn cj .erlv Mju:hl after at Imrnirrd per c ent. udv:nje, but h? e-thof tho s'ockli'jldtifc, like m c of D che us' c lehr ito litiruters. expects tOrxe- , rl.iry ii rurn up from the invc-tmerit, they nre i d to el to e l at ?o sranll n advance. Wei h -uld not be 6urpri-eil if, bforo mint month", we fhould h nterpdeum nfocrcy iti our. ;ooilj(itr. We re n iik 'TCO k ltisicn thit thi.s ! j...i. e ttitiietv voiun'try, airnouyn we snouia j Iu)t rt.f.e H p.ij ,ip ire in IIooier corn pn. aid we ttke the r k ol its tuium- out a j tx.d thig TuANsnn iy Heal Estatk -Tho following loli' oi tent tdtitte vvtrc utpoi'td iu the Audi tor'- ollice ye-Ttids for tr-tnv-cr t) 11 l' 'R t ml A Fien her, e't h ill of n ne of -re 21 . tn 15. nnee- 1 c is' , t o;t.iiring j .o rev riirj5lH Iii Ii in poli -tri'l Cm innnii nilroad company to. I L.AM K Faioa: hit 15 1G. 17. IS. 19. 2 iii-i 21, in ti i. re 9 Price SI Stil M A TiMihey to M lvni.ij, IVrce and Yn-j li-. 4 o-eandl hundicd'h' of uut-!ot 100.' a.i.eiiuo John McK ffiev to Mi Kernan, Pierre ami Yan J M. Kninht to N inev Ktdcht.lot Gi:irquire 2- in Di ce's adilition ' P. ice 4"0. Jos Long to Miles J'dinson, 32 leet o( lot 91, in Uutler - a d tio P. cSGdO. P.. In- Doerr to George I) err, lot 225 in OJt lo 5, N 1' i iiv;s o;. P. ice to $2.700. Jrfine Urfen to James II let il . lot 4; in ? j mre 2 in D. keV loltluion. Price fl ,5". M'ke Diuhetiv fo John S Cru.-e, lot , in our I . 105 Pi ice ?!.H0 McKernao & Pien e to Eli t Wt rden, lot 2 in M Ken an & Pi-rce'- sub i'. vi-ion of p rt ot outlot 121. Price $5110. CtTT DriciT There aas a deficiency in tho quota of thi ti'T on Sntinilij nihr, lei the lecruits ifcfivcd th.t thv were entered. of two run dud and fort-: ii e n en The fol!owirt; ta l ha the q'io'a t'r c ith rd. the iiutiibcr luitiishcd, tnd the number stil! requrnd, . a keu ;rcm the tmoks ot l. mavor: Quotas. ... ?3... . . . tG. . . . . H . . ... G4... turri.-hrd. . . . .. . . . . , w ' , .... i 2G . .. :i: ; 1st TVird... ! 2.1 " ... :i u " ... 4il, ' ... 5 h ... I bt:i ... ! Tth ... h - ... i yni ... a ).. . . . 41 52 4 5'J i)V ,w 61 "jo i-0 5J 31 .11 1 41. CD) A the city has beer. 441 2W at work ever pit.ctf the j ctll mtde. and bis obtained but 111 men.j i tl cre i- n prob.tbility th it the of 2 ID J CHi! be uide up. fis but two days jet remain be- ' , e t! e wird- wdl hp railed i lie .doe li-t docs not include the sub-t;t.ite- , j I ut in, iiun.berir between twenty and th:rtv, ; ' w;:ch will rtducc the deßltncv thtt rumbor. I A WriL MtaiTtp Promotion Col A A. S eU", t f the 5ib veiermi reere torp, his eett promoted to brevet brii; dier tencrul. V. S V.. und thetromotion has been coi.Sruted by the Set. ite. Gen. S evens Is r.n aoconij li-iird c:a- j ! cer, a br.ive snd altarit soidicr, a certle ' j nii?i. m.d is in every way worthy of the distir.c- j ! tva widch his conferred n:vn him He h.s 1 I t.rcn ;n commvrd of Ctrnp Morton f. r the pt-t j eikhtren month', and sH l.o are ac4u tio led ' with li administration of thtt responsible &t.d : ! e:t.btirr-ii.ip p tion will bear te-timony to, ' t'.e ti ict di-cip!ir.e arse the uihari'ty which hss' ; ch r utcr i tie iti-th ite of hi du tit. The.e i ie iiiil'i't'fr vi.c:;li;.r.! -ohiiers thtn tho ri- I . . . i. . - i : l urn - na MV i n rcfecorr a:;ii"i noi, i . i . . . . . , , I otc.i .a .o:iru at in... I ai.U riCt IUI llu V i i at: i CuUr:roi)'..v hte t' e d.; h reeo the o u!ifi.ti.t tiuiu rs coi n ted r tlvn;. The tten j pro- ni ' on i I (ttP Steve arrrei iitcl by his 1 a e coni-.'in e:;, and when the . t t w i a-c rt ir.ed t 11 v.T'.r'v il.((,',i 1t.1l fMit. e or Lie ieititnl miiiiried their re ud 1 lor 1 ! nr t-'U- a:.. coaruar.tJ:i j; t lhter by a ha:tv ctem :. r .toa ü xt entln-i- It ill bi .:oni I be C t .r bet ttii i-t t'"t -t d lidnctt) Hor e in tl.e ti tt N 3. P tinier H--ue, by Juhn A He- ihnccr. I 1) m ii.tet.'iitn to ctrry on the U iucco bui 1 e-? it, ail it brjahes at d it ill only be reces--ir 'o it vi?e evert one t Cill or. n.e l r Ci4rs. Kirie-u' Chewii f. Pitj;. SfTok'-rip 1 olmcco and Si. 1. if ai wind. si or re'. id It ai!l be ray vrn t k rp .t !y the e-l t rt '' of ds sr.d to e'l il.e:n l 'If verv lje-t price. n -akinr i' L'r the ofrte-t ot enrv ire to buy of me Hi vi. k lud h'f: xp-i ;et e m hi bu-u ex, I uar,iute the bci ptlfa. tioL tokiI Jous A. nnrt;cri. 7-6 No. 3 Palmer Hocse I I'll. Tixt to RtyoiT At it ia of icterwt to the drafted oea tLd the:r frleods to ktow when they will have to report at the cSSe of the pro Tot't marsbal, ste repubüsh the time tor the city: First acd 2! wards, Wednesday March 15 Third and 4 b ward., Thursday, Mtrch 1C. Fifth ad 6:h wsrds. Friday. March 17. 3renth ward, Stturdar, March 13. Eighth and 3th wards, Monday. March 20. t 11dT t3Hcitkam, merchact tailor No. 17, North Illinois atreet, ccarly opposite the Bites Houee, das jast received a large a toe k of Lew and de cani fprinp cooda for gentlemen' wear, consist is? of cloih, caskimeres, veatioca, a&d every thirjj required by gentlemen. Heitkam being a plendid cutter, and hsvicg the best of workmen in his employ, cm t any gentleman wanting a cew f price auit. Ctll and look at hi a took if you want to get a auit. 7-dGr, Twt.iTT-rivi: DoLtaas Rewabd This sota will be pid to any p trty who will inform the ad vertiser of a good house to rent, from five to seven rcora. centrally located, not over four OjUnres from the corner of MarjUnd and Meri dian etreets ; the houe to be acceptable to the adverser. Address : B. B., Ixck box 246, Fost cßice. 3 t f. "Rhodius. of the Circle, the fashionable place of resort for all that love good liquors, it in receipt of the best of ale, both on draught and .1 bottle, a superior article of o!d copper dia uiled whUky, apple brandy, ami other fine li His rc-tUuract is urr iel with all kinds r t u: 1. :. ; - U.tiox TABtaxACLK The abose building will comfortablyeat three thousird people, is well lighted and heated The n-ime 'h for rent for concerts. Apply to W. II Loomis. OfSe corner We.Khington and Meridian ptreets, Indi anapolis, I nd. 13 lm ßPSenour, at the Bates Houe Dru store, on Washington street, has a Urge stock of pair.f, oils, varnishe. and all Articles reqriired by painters, thit he is ellio; is low as any other houe. Foe Rt.T.--A large room iu the third ?tory I of rhe new Sentinel building;, io 27 bouth j, ptrCft The TQOm 5, ; . Apply at thi well lisbted and good Apply at ihi office. 7tf. ia SB 1 ISTJ. li. Mirot, No 233, Eift WaLin, strtt, h u in store a 1 iree -tock of second hand irniture. ceirly nil as good as new, which he ?cl!s at prices to suit the time 3" Tl.e to kceo out of the dralt is to pet jour boon ai;d hoe of tlie Pulrcer Houe boot and thoe store, where thtre an as--ortmcut t uit nil Hs fj. f"Sit" Dr Wm Thorn-if-n's id vi-rti-ctnent the thirl T!i'jof to o'T- j an?r iir. 2." tf. ANNOUNCEMENTS. V!'.. KD'.TOK-I'LÜAM' ANMUNO" THS 2tSK of .vlayor JOHN CAVF.X. a-i a rar.Ji Ut:; or re-tie t:..n to tLe .TT.c of Mayor, ar.d W;eJ KVfMFODY. MB. F.DITOIt IOU M T AXSOUXOK THAT COL. A. V. K'.'SK, is a cnn.iiJaf for the oTic. of t';ty 1 r(d- ur- r. ihjct tb dei. in tf the UnC'-n!iti.)aal Uclon Tut ta at tLe n.-,n.iimtii:g -!-ctiTi . C?. Roi? rvt-d Lis fvuetry faitbfullj fcr three jtar in d.-.- fr.ct, n 1 Is no wllüng to srv tb'ta it hoiue. MANY VOIKK?. Telegraphic Dispatches. :.TXI XWaLVroFTKI AM. rtTJtlr SXatlHt. fTr loriiiiiK depart ief rir( I'ttgje.) MIDNIGHT REPORT. Latest War Hews. i INTERESTING HEBEL ITEMS. 1 HÖH XOK T II CA ROM X A Till: It AT TL. E Or KiJTSTfKV. FEDERAL APPOINTMENTS. Letter from General Jsiierman. FROM CAIRO AND BELOW. 31 10 X I C A. IV IV K W H Ar.. Ac. Ac. A-. trout Wualiittstnii VrAnixr.T o.v. Mrcti 12. I'ne Rn-i.ri.ion I Dis j pitch t Fi idty conttins the tollow it p d-pat U j trom Geu Lee citi.- g the pr iculsrs of n bittle ! i eir Kii'.stc-ii bet-een Geo JU mnl the ia ion j :rtp?: i y.Mih !). 105 I Geo Urt ckuiiidge, Sr reury ! War: i Gm. Urij:;; reports that he u?t r ke-l the e:.e- J my ye.'terdy lout mile from K ti-ton, and droe j them from l i position. He disputed the ground I obtiii.sSeiy tnd took up a rew lit e three icün i from the firj. We captuf.-d three p:rce cd' artillery ted 1.- ' 500 prtitiCr. j The number of the tuerav'a do i and und j f.l let: on tne ro-u i- very uu' tr -rc i- com pitntive'v ni-ili M j Gen'N Hil and H-ke exhibited thtir iiil ze.l arut entruv S. ! -.!, R K I.hi ' i KliitOl;. i'tTAi ti'.cli pKtc thu liLt look I'.nt'e, U :tmeJ vu ho route from Oo!Jsboro fo New a v 1 1 1 , as'Ti.- v a v- i a aj a ii jim Newbtrn This f- rce of the enemy csrne from Neabern pir!it Gold-lKro to cut the railroad, lt is not probable afur ths repu!e that the enemy will advance, and it ia likely we Rbal! hear cf their falling htck on Newbern. This move of the enemy was evidently d'iin eJ to be in co operation with Sherrasn, and in thi liht and at thia juncture it may be of pre.t vilueta ui in embtrras-ing the cioveaif t :s ol hermr.. John (i. Nicday. priva'e -ecretary of Presidt ct j Lincoln. wa nominated yestndy lor the po-t id ' cui.m:! to lri., t- fill the meaner created by , the priuotiou of John Ritljw, the Ute incura ! bent, to the post ol chirge d'uft'tira at the French j court. ( he nomiiition UuJi.iuiou?ty cou- . firmcnl Mr. Nicot t.y is a fine .-vLoSar, ?poaks Fien!i, ard iii be able to brin to his p)iiigr. a tbor iuj;h kn 'jwleJire of American politics and a full tu j;ht into the workings of the a daiiui tration g'oce the bretkir out of the rebellion He will p.ot proceed irumeditteiy to Pari.', but aill con tinue for hjme time 'n the d --; hsre uf his duties as private secretary The Str. t'e cnr.hrui d the n ru" cr Malrnurx, c f Minr.eso: , rot: ati-T.? Of O ol at I tl.'Z 1: H H F tiu ley, of hwt. at Q.i;v; Alex C. Ä1i, K.. ti, msr.-nii ot tt: e scuthern dixtrict ot Ohi; Geo D H:':. of M" h'5sn, urtevor treLcra! ftr ttiri'. iy ; Lnim E 51ursun, cf Cou nevticut. a Ax.wc ate juti-e cf the supreme court of the t?rri'orv of Msrv s; h iH. .1 res rjir.-l.l for the ncttheio Oliir ct i f Ii' The f'!iiir wtre : ftrintü a- jud itl t-'Jb i cers ot 1 he L'if.!l atc I r tbe dtatri t Cftrt o: evTa: A ltM:n. "Me; K"ttt M ! Oirt. atun ev; Elwiu Irwi.j. mt.-ntl. 1 - . 1 r.e coruuo.-xi .n a s i'a L-:ri't 01 i'xitrti t.3iccrs aho tre a' i-.'.ed fui 4 e.Ti, n lrCl, will tar. 're in ..a it !, whi. they will be re newed. O.i the other appoitmv t mtde iT place of the incumbents the Ser t'c ail! set at lt text meeting The t' r todty savsVi.-e Pre-ijcn; JoliD'Oi) a trJ ;n the S"'ae ye-trdy. H' healtli is ci-'irels resiorcJ. D :rir.- 1 rtj in the vice prcs'ie: t's r;a s. lare cuD'ier of jen atcra ci!d tj py their respect From notion. Rostov. larch 12 -Oor. Andrews publisheaj a tpecial appeal to deserter, la which he mvi: I trail mflf of tht earliest opportunity after the proclamation ofthePrealdent, In this nanaer to advise all persons liable t tbe charge of de sertion to accert at crce the present effer of par don and report immediately to tha nearest pro rest marshal to return to duty and obedience, re giin the'r re;n'ation, protect themselves;' here after and lave from cerra'n forfeiture their prec ious rights as American citizens. I appeal to the neighbors acd friends of ail iuch deserters and especially to tbe mothers and wives who nave heretofore moved theo, so often by advice and interposition, eircetly counsell ing them both as a magistrate and as a man, to force and persuade the absent to return such shelter, pardon, honor and hapriress which low awaits them under the union flag. Fraoi .lew York. Ntw York, Marce 12 The following is Gen Sherman's letter to Hampton: HCAtQ'tS 1 THI FltLD? " ) Februxry 24, 1&65. j To Lt. Qe;i. Wade Hampton, commanding car airy forces: GsWkal: It is officially reported to me that our longing ptrties are murdered after cscture, and labelled "Death to all Foragers." Oite in ttmceisof a lieutenant and sevea men near Chester, and another of twenty men rear a rar ine &0 rods from the road. 1 hvo ordered a aimil tr number of prisoner in our hands to be disposed ot in a similar inner. I boll about lO.lK'U captured prisoners, a&d cad stand it as long as you; but I hardly think these isurders are committed with your consent, and fugge?t that you give notice to the people at large that every lile taken by them irbply rfäuHa in tbe death of one of yaur aoldiers Of course you cinoot question my right to forace It is a wir right as old 3 history. The m inner ot exercis inj it comcä with circumstances, and if the mili ttr authoiitieü will supply mo and request it I will forbid all furafcic; but I ai noue who can respond, and tberelore must collect directly off tbe peop'e. I hive no doubt there is occasion of misbe hsvior on the pirt of our men, but cannot per mit the enemy to judge or puni-ib them mth murder. Personally, I re2rt' the bitterjfeeliogs engen dered by this war, but they were to be ex pected. I simply allege tht: tho-e who etruck the firt blow ought not to reproach for natural conse quenccs. I increl? a-.-crt our right to fotape, and my reolve i to protect ray foragers to the extent of life for lile. 1 am, with respect, your, W. T. Suluman, M-j Üen. U. S. A A rebfl d:.ploh di'el Mobile, February 2ih s-tys: Twcoty-to ate-tmer and Misijsirpi river tr&u.-port are iu the lower bay, and a Ure number of troops are on Dtuphin 1-land and at Pcn-acols., indicitir. n attack in theci'v an Cdrly d ty A Ne Oilu aer of the 27tb in Loutres the ,irrivl there of 1 ,2'ld exchiiieJ prisoners from Tca. uiclu Ji:sf a ncn.berof ii Vdl oHkers Rebel pipcis Lnro.'.icie the 1. i.-.-ige ot ths ntro eniistmei.t act, and it in a met-uri- ol ; 'te- itr, :. of ch -ice Wir'fi!I, during th dtb ''e, denonriceJ 'Iu- lt :-i-tAture of Virginia, h,.-; 5 th re si jni ti)?. ol Jtir. Tho i CO! of S; H unter in V.m lebtl Senate ia printed He voted for the bill to arm and cniLcipate negroes under instrnctiou from tha Virgin", i 'cijlalcrt, but entered Lis protect aga'nnt it as to ahAndontutnt of the cont-t d t'ne grounds upon wh chjthe o;th seceded. Ho al?o ahonrei from H.'.i3iicj that no oonsijti-ible body of ncro tjjop could be r-i.-el in the s-utes over which the ßofernmeat bid coutrol nithcut stripping the country of the libor absolutely cece?Hry to produce food, ftud ftated that the command nt of conscription, itb authority to impresa 2UO.0OO tijves. had. fince las'. Septem ber, been ab!e to et but 4,000, of whom 3,5t'0 were from Viri.ju aud Norm Ciroliaa and the Alabama lie argued that neroe would not volunteer, and those ahu they did ci would de pert to the or.emy, who cjc '-ff. p theni better price. Seven hundred bruatj jumpetF and 17 6ubsti tute brokers" were rrres-ted yesterday at Hoboken alter haviug en lifted at a bogtis reciuirin ollice They were all u i r irons and t-ent toGovcmora Island. Tbe Herald jr'n' a letter from Shermtn to Wnde Hiijip'on, stafnj; that in conscqennce of foratjii'g parties bein murdered by reoe;i alttr beinp captured and labels ituched to their bod ies of, dea'h i all forßirtg ptrlie, tint he has ordere-1 a similir ncmr ol prisoners ir our hands to be deposed ol in like manner, that he holds 1500 pris'siier- :id üi htnil it : long ? Hampton. The pel Gen t e?t onds tht he kn roiihin of the muiVcta and that for every i ricoutr execu ted by, he wili exccu.e. 2 federal-, pick in out lher as finr victims. Makes h lotij siory about birbaritics alleged to be practiced by Sherman's army and concludes bv fitating that he shall hold 6 prisoners as ho-aages for thoe or dered to be executed by Shermia. From Cairo. Caieu, March 12 Five bundled aud forty five bales of cotton t-sed here for St. Louis an 1 one hundred and twenty bales for Evansviile Over to million dollars worth of government rroperty is a tid to hire been destroyed at East port by rhe fl jod in the Tennesse river Ti e ret.cls h'dd po-sM-ion cf Hicktnsu. j New Or lean pspt-rs contain no r.ews. j The -termer Pwf IJoy burs'e.l her boilers and I was tot jlly destroyed. No lirti lest. sulc t v. . Ilona. ' Philahflpuia, M tte'ti 10. Jay Co ke k :it r a niei ol 7:iO'- on S.tiirdav ar "$1.1)41 ODO, in-, cludni Sl.OüO.MHi rom N." Y.; i200.0(iO irom i C neiuoiti $lu!) OJO from Csriie. Pa. ! Also 13d individual .uvrcriptiort of $51) -.r,il $100 The lot-tT -ubsrription for the week is $21 U92.1 Ml fron rtrt' .'Imir. f FofiTKLN- Vio.NKA, March 10. "Ihe teamrr : Mtrv Wfhintoa airitti htre lrou Varir.a j wiih 51 0 i'!H-ev! pri.'ontie at n:c i"re:y tor Anapid ? i.! ItaVe 1Q1- The Very Itatöst. I HR EE O'CLOCK A. M New Ycbk, March 12. 1 The Utra'td'a Washington 'peritl pays thepres-; idrtit to day releafeu the 1.1M natch of civilian prisotiers tthj were hell f r trial by the miiiury cou;mi-'ou, of iiieh Ger. DoubleJay is presi dent, ai.i which fu e-tab-hed f'r the trial of civili ins chirped r. ..h vtfe:.-v- a;iinxt the gov ernment . rhisreictre kj1 um!-: acoord.r.ce with the Act of contiis-e proh.otüuj the cuüiuiy aulh:ri- ties oj put :n judiimtct on uth ca-es. The llerjlvie Nev Oilcans letter ?-jyx: Jan rez is reported to be ;i ovlnjj on Mstsmoras with 30,000 inen. There rre but 1,000 n.ea to p ;c?e tbern. at.d it is feared they will hate to ?':r rcrJcr. Cvitinas seat out eo oppose hi in but surreridered l.ix coniiu-nd. Jjurez arcrinc to psy him Lif a toiiliou ol dollars. rt.. T . . . , , I . m jm i.Asn-n rcf lltffnAl o t tVa I I lie 1 iiJf-'tx cir .... 'uii.i. 1 1 s. 'j w 1., in:rc5-cd for:e and trcicucry of the Mexuan. Siaughter commar.dici tie rebel forces at Browr.-Tole on the Rio Glinde is s-iid to have received reir.k-rcemei.ts nurr.beric,; 1100 men. The rebel- rear that tut uubu torce at Rnios Sinti t.n, Tei3 are makit J riepsratior ,' to ad vncc um : the towu and !l the VAlutble- ia the town havo been temoted to Corpus Christi, j The T.ibur.c - army letter 0 tbe Mb, notes j tiie arrival ot l'.c detrteis front armv in one rich'. Thev s iv tro are beinc -ent to LtncLburi ; t hol i i: at ali h-jarJx j The 1 riur.e Wilmington le.? of the 7th.; ; -.15 s advice, d emi soi, have been received J Irom Gen hermA: ctmörtnit g the repjr's which 1 r.--tc hed u x rai dat - -ir.e 1 hi njx-.i; arm v 1 j tad pis.-'d Mf J Nor.r Ctr 'tu at lea-r f.. .rdtva -go I His rute ltya throu'j 5atr,i rebel torce of Htrdeo ? army, reported lyi- on bo:h ides ' of t' o Petslee. which r.vrr hcrmnhis i-jccees-f.Iiv t-ro-xfl, ptc;r,i h aj-t-if i'fvt'c Hsrdte .vnd r.i.refird : The direction taktu by tl? ui ion army eince : e:.'-r!: J Nortr. Caridim it would be coutraNar.d i to r:c:.!;..n Whit nuy have h its occuned in the las', d -y or. t.'., I ere they have been, srd ! whether there has teit at.y meeiing of the V. S armies, is cot positively known, though, it is cot expected any general bm cn occur for tome time to comt SPECIAL fJOTICEO. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT! Vninrtd fro u f'Ttnrrifticn Sir J. &arl X'. I' ryicfan Ejirnerdinjrytn IX ThL ICTa'aaXle ntelidna I o&failir.c ltta eare cf all tto-t palr.fal and dAERfrous di eau to which tbe f EiileccT.tJtatioB Is nlect. It irrate obtrcctlina, aod a pee1j care may he relied t.iu TO JIAUKIIU) LADIIIS It 1 j-ecx'Iarly itltett. It will la a friert time t-rtr. on tbe monthly period with recUr'ty. Fach bottle, price One Oullar, heirstb Gevennttat tamp afGrrat Britain, to prevett cotuterMt. Tk 'i?a tloiud not J-ejJ-ea Ay nwtai during (ia URS 7 TIUtES llOXTllSof Trw " HV 1ht nili tKouli ntfb4t tlnly FrmÜM durinj tt FinSTTlir.EEXOS'lUSof I'rfvnancyat thty art $ure to bring nn i!ikcirrias, lut jt any ether iim iKy art it. In all cif rt ICerroa and Spinal Affct!itf, Pains In the Bjlo. ütid Lliibs, Fatigue co bliebt exertion, TalptU- ticn of the Heart, Dysterica and irb:tes,thM' Ptlls will effect a care when a.l other mean bava tailed; and, I tboah a powerful remedy, ! not eoctalu iron, r&letnel, antiramy, or anything hurtful to th constitution. Full direction in tbe pamphlet aroind each pack iure, which ahoüid be carefstly preserved. iOLD UV ALL LRVGüIzTa Är.le Ar.ent for the United ?tat and Canada, JOB HOSES, 27, Cortlandt 3i !Cew Tcrk. 9- X. B. II 00 acd 6 postage ftamps enclosed to any au horfd Ageat will a bottle, coutatn'.nj 50 Fills, by return txail. Jec5 deodlwly r-LET THOSE WHO HAVE DOLTRTED the virtues of trtL's Cccaos Birrtas, if any such there be. read the following certificate tram gentlemen well known in th: co j muni: j, uJ doubt do more. Its general Intrtwicction Into th army will save th lives ol thousands c! oar soldiers: LocLsrrujt, Jane Sd, 1563. We, the underdosed, have seen the good effect of Dr. Joh Bcll's CkDWjM I'ittcss In cas of ffenoral debility and provtrtion of the system, and believe l;a general would prevent di.ese and relieve ir.ucb iuiTerinn. Ataocq onr stldier particulirly would tbls he the ca-e, especially those wbo are expt-ed to th rtiiayraatlr !a fluerce. In the Southern clrüate. mj. i niLip srF.n., Collcctcr let. Lev. 31 L!i. Ky CUJLS. E. COTTON, Cc'lrctcrcf th Port rf J.o'iiriU, Ky. COL. H. IKXT, Irovo.vt MAr.'bjl Ont-r1! f Ker.'ckj. RKV. D. P. HK5'EKS03. Vice Fro5d?nt f t'aoita-y C- ia n.- m naKNKY, ULGUKS i CO., IuViI.Nhcrt Ih-viycat. ' (JFO. I". I) KI !.. rr-"prit t'-r I-"ii;!- vo.t !.. r HL"i.Hr. ri:ui:i !. '.V.)'.V,!.j lry ' villv, kj. ?r?, jlO". ) Tr' , lAMi'.a- DAVl:, GF.ilKK L Co., Whole -ale Jhctj Dtttl!rs, Miin Mreet, Loaivil!e. Ii KT A MArOffiZR, Tjtloi-rapLort, cor'j r Ma-bet a I Thirl -trect., L. j;.ville. Ky jnji v.-isii:r, C!it'.i't.j .Mcit h.Dt, corurr TL rd aad parket ts., Louisville, Ky. C.Kl'l. &. e. lltLLRKTII, tf the teawer Major Ar.iert?i. MAJ. L. T. THURSTON. raymasttr U. S. Army. C. M. I ETC ALK, National IloUl, Louisville, K. COL. JF.SSE h4TI.ES. 4tB Kentucky Cav&lry. oFOHGi: D. PRETICF, Louisville Journal. SOLD WliULF.SALF HY imilv, ui:i:fi: a uu f 1.1 South Mc-riiian Sr., I V.ianapoIJi. doc16e4-dlylwl2tora i:o i i n i: i) ! False libta are extingui. hod wh'.n a OataTTatmr ehinei l-rth, ari l ihe JncontctlMe f.tct that iLe ta'r turn., from gray red or ncy to n glorlonn l-lak tr brown, QUICK Eli THAN THE CHAMELION change1- it hnr, uudr ;h- opeiatiou of iUrvrAiouo& uui uci Is now Vt.oan tbrougitor.t ii.- Ariierkin contir.eut. It It harpi'e,, coritalris no chaotic, Improve tbe fibres, pru d'v a r-li, ujiiural and l-.tii co.t r of acy hbaJe from a wann brown to a gisy ble, and in endorsed ir tbe Tto'. etniiimt analytic cb"ui!.r in the United States. .Vlanuta. lured is J. CRISTA DORO, ?f j. 6 JLMor HUf.e,Sc w York. otd by 11 Dru1.-4i.xt. Av pd by all Hair rTeira. Jan2-de.di;weow trT D ISEASESOF i ti K N ERVOUS Familial, Urinary and cxtal 8yutria riw and reliable treaticiH In Report of tbe FIOWARI) AHSOCIAT10K. ept ty rc;l !u -)eald letter eirelipt. fre f charge. ArlJrea 0. J rfKlLL.N HOUOnrOS, Doward Ao-ocl. tion. No. 3 somh Nimb Srre t PalladeliebU Pa. nnrS0-d4wly CTNEKVOUS DEBILITY, SEMINAL WekiJf. e!r , 'un If cre,-t .y".ne vbo has rta'dj ctired nimxelf and hui dps f n'berx, ;li eil yon not Mr. if t ut tnerri-iA. Ad-iress witb t-tkcp. VIv4.rtf) H. ThiTKIt, tvb-ri-dletj !wt pi,E".tcTi,M A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DüPOKCO'S GOLDIft PBRIQDICiL P1LIA. -.'H IK MAI.Es. . I tit si II itkter in t'orrrrtin Irrou'ti laritiow. ICciiioviiit: !.! r net io 11 of lite .lontlily Turn., from W hatever auc. :a 11 1 Alwajs Mieeeswfsil a l,rvonttivc. And th"ur .y nri"ni CFKTAlS 7MUY 1 U tboe afSict r.corjp'.a!r.t o peciüar tr the w tietb er "narried or ine'a " Tbexc Pills are nothing tew, but have been utrd by the Doctors for aiaiiT years l-t a in France at.d Ame' lca, wi'h unparalleled ucce? in evry cae; 5 1 be b ur?fd by ctrytbec'and ladies who have ned tbrci tc mka the PuU public, f.r the lievitiori of those uf ferir.jr from rry trrcfcalarltiea whatever as weil at tt prevent aa lucrtaa of family wh re health will not permit it. Ft m ti peculiarly aituated. or these rappo in tbeia'leea so, are cautioned agaiLit Uiiu? tLeie IMI while in that coalition, as tbe proprietor iicbm 0 re;por.xibil'.'y a'ir tbe dmrüi-on, alibotsgh tbe ir n: lJr.ea would prtTeut any ccbiof 10 health. Otherwise the ills a-e reottceded. Fall aud op'ic',t directions acconpai. t;.b L.i 50,0! FOXES FIAVr". BF.ES 5 OLD 1 TWO TEAK. Ten tbcuir boxes rt by le'tr, both by Kyself f.i a:ectx, to a I pari ef lie world, to wbicb ant wets have been returaec, Iu which Iai!e aay uothii.jLke tho above P'l'n have heen kmwtt tbe SCIEXCK OF MEDI- C1NK riAWNKDLPON THL VTOIXD 15 REM0VI50. OB'TKUCTiONS A5D kEST0HIQ IVAiTkE 10 ITS PROPEK CHANNEL, qcletin? tbe nerves aud re;orir? the'ro.-y calor cf beaitb" to the tb?rk cf themotdsI. cate. PlilCZ ft 00 PEH LOX V.l. POXES f r ?5 00. .'l. by all Drui;i.-t, and hy tbe foüowinf JwbbiLfj and I rujc Hohm, Aqeat far Ibiiauabs, lr i n: (I-al.fV by k'nlirii fl.caa pr.xcara tba .!!, sect Cjd fideMlüüy by rnil. ar.d uhoU ob ervsti .n, t aty part of the city or Cfnrrrj,) and fcr a!e by TOMLiNSON k COX. No. I-. F.t Wablr.f(ti treet. A 1 CW AKT A. jdOkUAV. Xo. 40. til Wa'bitg'oo treet. W. I. JUSSITT Oi . Sc. U. Wert Wa-hlcrow trt. H. II. LEE. .V, IS aLi 20,rats' I ick. J. F. SESOUH, Ko 5. Bates a-e E'ock. and Ky ri i.V. KEnrrR v kiiii. WtclW Prwa-uta, Nc.73, S.uth SleridUo atreet. 0. S.'rslTravel Afttfor It Waters States, 1T, Lerbrn sreet, Ctteaso, Ilt'.nois. . D one rii-r.ine stli lb tc 1 cirrvd . D. HOWE." Jtr.3l-dJyeol REMOVAL. DA. Pa)HLyN,AFCn:TTCT.U.S SEMOTKD fii oüVce fri-Ta the .ttss B-ii'i..- ta bis rexidtuca N j. 15 W-t Ob tr-t, twea AVa and T.:ta-da. Jard'-e? WAMFIWA tew Psplts to Instructor th Qatar, and will vMt their res deocw If deaUed. For ln fjnaaUna apply at J. F. SnoBVa Drcf itoea. 5 S Ba-es Hcms KocV X &a. MART A. CAX50S. febl-tUni ft WATCH EG. American Watches V--- (7 y 1 y BIT A GEN-nNE tTALTITAM WATCH if jo e' a durable add reliable tici? kerer. BIT A GENUINE WAl.TII AM WATCn-lt rotsl and is worth double tb rire of the srvrthlea Erf 111 a&d.xtl9a wstcbvs. GENUINE TALTHAM V. ATniK.s, nad j apr -.. for tt7ro4 FnjumTt tl.iJ CcmJ-Ctur. GCNUINK WAl.TII AM WATCIIti, nada eipr-'t far MJimbnry ht.tjtiu7-eajt, aecarata tie beep. r. Tt pet ov.r Wtti li't dirct front tbe maanf4ctnrr, a. bi-p u.rie but tb ."cu'ria. ISOLE WATrnESSENT TO SOLPIKHS orothera in trat tl a tor.-li-rp;r, at tbe l-.wr-T p-it.i rx.ts. 1 b" ttj je k; j pi.d stt j ri'. s al f'r a c" rut ir. Ve a's-t bve a lre varbty rf - pr'- I atas Wsti'bs. Fine Jewelry ar.d txilil Sir? rc W. P. BINGHAM L CO.. 50 Eaat Washington Street, Near Old Tellowa tlalL MEDICAL. muni fiÖfCALL rOH . CIRCULAR DKFCSIBINC ALL ST.V1T0MS."J SYMPTOMS: Ilia MBptonii rf C'atarrh, aj they generally appear, ire at ßrt very fcliht. Ptreous find tl?y have a ccH, that thy have frt-rieut attacks, and are more sensitive to tbe chaoftt cf iiafrature. In this condition, th nmc ruay b- dry, t ra biiLt tli.-cbare, tbia aud acrid, afterwards hecrmipp: thick ind adhesive. A the disease becomes chronic, the discharge are iacrehed in qoautitj and changed ia qaaUtj; thy are row thick and beavy, and are hawked tr ct.ughed cff. The secretions are of fpnwve, csnsin? a bad breath; tbe voce Is tbkk and na aal; the eyes are weak; the of tho smell ia les&entt or destroyed; deafneas frequently takes plsce. Another enmmou and important symptom cf Catarrh is, that the person is obliged to clear bis throat in the morr.ln z of a thick or slimy nucos, which ha fallen down frra tbe bead during "the LlRbt. When thi takes place tbe per son may be t-ure that his di-ease is on iu way to thi längs and abould 1 jso to tiae ia arre?tl?g it. Tbt hbeve art- but ft w cf tbe mny Csttrru syriiptama. A Mittle Iloltlr avlll Inat n yionih-to ttaetl tfirec tiniest a day. TESTIMONIAL Fnru lion, nioit-.a1 J. Tu-nr, Ex-MenVr rf CorjfTf rfra Illicios, late Speaker of the Illir.H H.u-e of P.ep rfsentafhes, and liraid M-tr of A. F., an I A. !., ul tb State of üiirois. Farrpoav. (ktover 21, ll3. Da. I) H. SrrLK li.-ar .".r: lartplyto 3 tur notice tl tbe lh Int., I would iiytbtlwas severely Slkte-4 with Catarrh for year, when I becaae ac.,'t;Btt-.l with you and bought two b"tjes cf your liquid Cat crib Rem edy. Before 1 bad uei oce bottle I was arus-iUy 1 r proved, and before th second bottle was Cnibhett. w corppletely cured. I csn recrr niei.d tbe mid ci- to a.i a2icted witb Catar.h. R-pcttully yours, THOMAS J. TUKEL. nr. u. 11. si:ki.yi: v co. 801.K PaorfciETO&je, Chicago, iilii t. AT WDOLK.sALK RY JOHN I. PARR WM. JOHNSON... DAILY. KKhr El! 4 KL5H BR0WN1N0 4 SLOAN ßaJT-Arid frr aie Iv a!l D:ujT'.-tv ..C'nciiinai', O . .Drtriot, M.f h . .Iu4;auar'i4. . Ind!rr,ol.v docn-dlve'J DOCTOR BIGELOW, OSce 179 Scith Qark Street, sorner or Monroe, C0XC4OO, Post Offlea Box, 1M. AH Chronic and Sexa al Disease of a Privat and Dtlicat Nature, treated with onparal Uled surcesa. Dr. Bigo hW Oaido to ll"ltb, fr ladittt and gentla meo, ia published monthly. Setjd Cr It if yon think tha writings of a physician whose reputation extend thronskont th antira West should ba worth reading. It is sent ia plain sealed envelopes, free of Charge. Alnwsrt every case can ba treat ad by mail. Medicines sent to any address. Ladiea, send for deacrir tiva Circular of Itstari nciwit, a taiesi ana f beat prevtntativa oft Roornt Sepirata for Ladiea and Gintlemei. consultation at orricE.rszx. Ornca TJocxa : Prem 0 a. m. to 9 r. u. pennatorTbora or Nervont Debility, a ecra warrantad. PROFESSIONAL. iSlsIVEAUK 15. FItII, MILITARY ATTORNEY, AND NOTARY PTJBLIC, 11 &. 12 Üp-Stairs, Blackford's Block C raT rf rTasLlLZ'.an ar.J lie rlan ttret. Jan. 14 -d3v- jour; r. sIji.mva. l?VHY, SALE AND BOARDING STABLE, o. m Pint I'earl Sirefi, in rewr f Mtlie Sttillitiviw. var-il-dly NOTICE. ATTENTION COOPERS ! riltlP. C'Kte' L'a n rf Ir.d na;!is 1 nit eierv Fridav evet-iüe tf ecU etk ia tbe Moulders' Ctiott'llaiJ. on retb LI r.ois street. Uniwo ar rencetVa o corrfpord with ihe slew tf f a iLUrrttloLii Ct; g:t. J M I F.IX'Ni'i. Pre'tif ar. I J. T. FCOrr. Secretary. acLl 4ra TO CONTR ACIIORS. o i? a v 1: l iv o a r : ON ÄATlfcDAT, WALTH Uta. AT 1 O'CLOCK p. )4 , I :t ta ttja lwt Livdt lh ten- anucilun ot f-nr n-i!e cf tte"Pdi3 firatti Koad 'lyitf I wiibin Jibtfon ecatty, tfit t Msra, u. 4erks ol , tw mi'.e eath.or as a whtle, at Ut Uu.t &f Ju'ga I rSLL.a IlilBin. " .1 )Y4...,VI. n it lb road can b foccd. Tha rigbt te reject any or all bids I reserved by tie covpsav. Seated prvpcaalt ara solicited. ' ,. aar dt SAJSILL PA DD ACH, Fr. . V . vrvyii Cs? -7 7 wm 11 ü. 0. loa:j. : ---- By awtlur.ty cf Iba tWrttsry cf tla Tranrr. b aadtrsesed aas a earned tka Ger.efU abaotii, Acescy f-r tbt sab f Calts! States Traasary Notes, bearicf aetrea atd Ü.re-tai.tba atr msx. iaaaresi, pef acaaa. kaaam as tbe SEVEN-TIIIHTF LOAN. Tleo 5ft ara iarued tadtr di?e af Itri't Utk, 1a, and are pay ab'. tbree years frm ütat tla.e, ta ctüTeary, e r ar convartib: at lb cpUaa of tha T4 r Lcta U. S. 5-20 SIX PER CENT. Tba Patd are ccw worth a wresalaa f bUl per eett , Iix'.ai.iw; r-'U Interest from November, wbitb sake th act aal profit 00 tb T 3d lota, at eurrett ratr 1, lic'ndlajf lr.ureft, aboct ten jer cecL per aetnaa, odea its r,- frjrm SUtt dal Maliws ', ulüAafJs frun osi t, tXrre jr eew. saora, acerrür to tk rat Uvied wtker pr.peny. Tb lsteret is payable semi-ataua!ly iy cooptes attacVed tt each aote, wbkh may L cut 3 aaJ xdd t asy baak or tanker. Tb Interest aacaiits t One cent per day on :i $50 uote. Two cents - QIOO Teil 600 . 20 QIOOO 81 05000 Kol of all denominations nam ad will b promptly fund-bed epoTs rece pt of sahacrfptlor.s, Tkla la THE ONLY LOAN IX MARKET cow oOrett by tha Gvrumat, awd tt ts catxfidast'Jy e pectcd tbat Its tnperioral vantages will nutt U Ut GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Les tbaa t:C0,fH0(0 remain ntvlj, wbkk wül prob a'. 'y be dUpotd t-f w lata tha next 0 or 90 day. whru tbe tto'es iL j-rbilly cotaaiaEd a prerciua, as has itc'foriuly b- ea the cae ot, citing tb sabarrlp- tlot; to otltr leaOa. Ia order that citirm in every twn td eectioa f tha eour.try may be affr .e4 faclliiies for takic( t loan, tbe Ka'.iota' Kar b, .taie EatJ. and rVrst Easkrrs tbrv'nrbont tbe country Lave jr.era!Ij a free' t r- c;ve .-c'.wrii tuii at par. Subscriber will aelect thir vw.w50r.t-, if abwoi they bve roi.fJdnce, aril aba oc'y are to be iepc'o!e for ?h delivery of the n' te f r bitj tie; receive cn!rs. JAY COOKE, .?abriptlon Aget, Pbiladelrbia. ub-crlptlt-ca will te received by tb FIRST NATIONAL RANK, iDtlianapolia. INI)IANA1X)L1S CITIZENS . febl5-13tn w3nls PROFESSIONAL. UBMO V A L. Will. TIIO.TlSi, HAS RKMOTED 111 OrPICf! FKOM VlRCINIA AVENUE TO Po. 29 South Delaware Street, WHERK HE WILL COXTISUK ta trat and enr Private Id Jti all thetrspecirs, MaeK, rarrfflraMirs and pha-a. Dr. Vita. Thcrnon '1I ;iva t racb pstient a writt Inmtimeot, rtndirjr b'anelf t ruert a radical ar.d prmarect enre, er make no rt-art. W Dr. wm. Thornftn has n.'l the-X pt ia ty tbe jear three j ears inibclty at Lailsio, J ., eiLt year in Cblcafo, 111 ,ai,4 twayear u Ptor.a, 111. During eibt years prarLce In thicaro, lib. be curtd avrr tbirtrea tboai d taes. Dr. Vin in ki practica f r ikroftla. Phea uauc and reiiCral dieA vf tbe 1 lixvi, ne a rcaica tir. Vapor Pathoftb btwst iufreciocs kind. In cocjsnc t.'vu wf-.ii iiiteriial trvatwitnt. KULNAL EU;Sl05Ä,thecccse(;nebce c,re'f.atae. Luis xolitary vice, or drpraved aescal Indn'f nee, t p-actiteJ bj tbe youtk of b"tb exestaan almost an i::nitd extett, yroducicf with tierrirf certa'cty th '.'cs.iiV train of cyrbaU n ptt u sr'es ctiblated by v:enf;':'C tn l:cal measure, viz: fallow cenctecaDce, lark p-t osdt-r tte ye, pain i-th. h'-a't, r:t-f .ra In ibe ears. a;.d noiae like the tuftlicK f Ware aud 1 at ü'SiA -f cbarifit, aneaxit,exit abott tbe locs, witbnrss f ihr isrch. c .r.faxed f iior., blunted lct'.Iit, ltt-a of ccb ß.in.ce, i ith-Ieiit-e la spproarbii g strar r, a dinl.k t f. mi nf acquaintances, a dl-pot-Ifaii to sbnt accitty, rf ciemcr y, beetle fluht s. p'rnple an J va-t na emp tor, about tbe laie, Iuirt 101. cue, tic Lt meats, fetid lTtr.. cumjo-.i o.. aupUvf, v o n:a.a, a '4 frict !y ii. i.;'y. Tf:- aTii- ' '., .-u tL Sr-t ep.rai te of ary of rL. t3. ve k rr.r '.. ',.1 rpdite!j- a 1 y to Dr. M ru. t&jQ?c a.dC'.' ". R. '.,.f- T5oalbIel wr 'I, li 'I Six. Ird. P. Vox Jar.?,-!!, MONEY ADVANCED. MONEY! MONEY !! ai,v..: ck 1 Watchesj Biamond . JEWELRY, PLATE, PISTOLS, Guti, .TIui:l IutriinirBits, LADIES' A5J GKNTS W E A K I X ii A PI AUE la, BED CLOTHING, ASD llnuaclaoltl Good of fdvery Deacrlp lion A'l articles f va!t.abojjr,bt, sclicr exefcatyed at tie UNION LOAN OFFICE, Vo. ltt.l East Wathlnfton St., (A few doors wet of IdltU's !UtL y. ft All transaction strictly confidectial. XAI1 uarcd-eaj-d pledfs ar ld for tb asaaact iCfVbi:-iy. f - SOLOMOX. MEANS TO SECURE GOOD K0r.!ES. ta persona with a U'J ready maca to secure bores. T. srill sell Lot Entirely 011 Time, at 1 erect cctnfcnah'.e dwelling, btil'.t ft wtrkeo uA to rood I'ylc, as tie paymertof b fa cta as tb ixpr-eeer-ta wi J catah. remaica 1 b paid w s-y psyns'Lt co ti-cb icar tbaa a fa'r rent an U pr- m . liavir.f lt. In tt ar!y all part of tie city, t rat sccniriiratat all w Uci-.a; to secure a baa; and has. iuc larre amooLt of Uaaber 00 aand. ar4 workaae f.a5y erap!ta4, w cat erect bnilJlEf a skrt aattira, M'J.rU A A PIFECT. a.t'Wif 2eaJ Jts's'e A GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. JL V. LAWRENCE, jT RfCE !D PEODrci D KALI It, H Xo. mi t west waahlcctoa atreat. Cab) pail f w all kUWt 1 a14-xttia. . V s ie- a 0'