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DAILY SENTINEL. TaiC5I05-IT MCSTBI PRIHRTID. Uaciaoa TUESDAY MORMNO. MARCH 2-3. Xli lllrtneni of the t:onlrorrrf . VC ran not flht forev cr " the tritt re rc irk of Mr LtxcoLX in hU r: inaugural. And after much Cjbtiog, co nutter what mij be its molt the lsua in controversy cuit b settled byitatcwshlpaLdtegouon. rotto.Sn 1 . . r . t. . rL i . Lis recent s.oJreto tn rrcr.a iamo-cra gic expresaion to tbU Wca in the following forcibl Uayaage: "The sword often ot queiiioni without saitlic- tbem. and the only des:rable peace ii the satUfactioa given bj the agreements of sovereigns to the true intercut of nation." TK. anrii rrohihli terminate the fearful as the Trench emperor expre-ei it, that agencj w;ll cot eitle tho questions at um. This will hare to be douebj statesmanship ar.d ncotia tioo, and there will bo no permanent or enduring settlement of our sectional trouble unlei the true inUreti of the poit; erici are suited. Says a republican contemporary: No goTernment can be administered io spirit of pasjion. A catir n that permiti 1UCII to be swept by a wM frenzy of utgoTernea leei - . ... J ltl mg U cerUin to be betrayed into errors ior wmca it must make gnerou atonement, .to mama- nal etencan aQonl to t n?jnt. iniceiot; mn K mn Tniif hi fiuts Hh ica will sure- 1. U J ., 1it it,:. r.w?all. Unm nf a rat;on. ani as u nai ro exisieace ojuuj . a , iV . 1 eirth, and as im career ia measured rather bj I a.. P.r..rationa " '"'7 must atone icr tue muaee 01 int-.r ul.u, iftLey tbcmelrea do cot puffer the consequences, Th Pi.i.!nt of tiia United Stale care utttr- " I jural whea he announced that this fearful itrife was but the legitimate Iruil or our n moni mis-1 iWnrt? and r.nw that e aie tearici? the ei d OI oar Stroegie, loe grina irje-uun . tented whether wc can atljrd, in tnaiiy adjuiting our ditTererice. to be i;nerrieil bv anght el-e thao I .V,. Lim. r in.tSra 'it vitti v i The tnawee of the outh bare beta mitled. They wercprepated for the war by the mo:,t tla- et ant falsehood. Thev bcean it under a di?- .nrniment: tbev hive' foucbt it out with a bit- rt . ... ... , .. ter yet unlouno! to:ui:y, an i w:m a iourike orthy of a betttr caue iiul they liave icirnei nmethinr (A the true niturc ot the ik-lamou I ... I under which they were -MucpI into reNellionl u 7 I It i not to be ?'jppocd, thou-h.thi! however williotr thev mv te to submit to h tovrunient I that tbey find they cnuot rei?t, thatthcr wiil exhibit that willinnr? in ways which will be entirelv ratifactory to an ardent unionism They cannot measure up to uor standard of loyalty Shall we, therefore, quarrel witb tbem? Shall e expect of them that they rhtH -udilcr.Wtura Iroru an attitude of ho-ti'itv to the joveruracr: to oce of hearty fup;iyrU Shall wt feek U dc- moraliie them by requiring of them hypocritical profc?!ions of a dev.ticri '.hey V not feci? The fctllr.g of hostility to the north will not die out for a long time. Hut tow that the gov ernment ha conquered it foe. - f r their ability to u-tain rhemel vci by the word i concerned, it ill haref )r its object the toncilia tion of the people of tbe pouth by kind acd peaceful meaL. Serctc and terrible aa it bis been in war, it will, now that it triumph Is al most entirely secure, exhaust the resources of atateamauahip ti restore that Irattrnal spirit be tween the two ection that ic r.cccary 0 the happiness and prosperity of the f eople." Tbee utimeuu, we quote tbem frura Tbe Trrre Haute Expreß, aro alike ju: and sensible, ar.d" if the ppirit they inculcate prevails in the settlement of our national troubles, wc may hope for a restoration of the uriou in more than its former glory and strength. The Time liua C ome. The New York Tribune of the Ü2d, id an elaborate article, expresses the opinion that "the time bad come" when it U the duty of the ad ministration "to set lucidly and briefly before the rebels the terms on which we would have tbem lay down their arm and eubmit to the na tional authority.' We copy the article in full, and it mast Dot be forgotten tbxt the sentiment it expresses are those of the leading republican organ, bigb in the conbdeuce of tbe president and tbe party in power. Says Tho Tribune, under the caption of "the time h come:" There are those pretty high iti authority who say, "There Is no use in offering terms to the rebels, for their leader will never submit to the authority of the union, and they only negotiate tst gain "time " We do not believe this; but. if we did, it would not at all weaken our filth that the president should promptly and f rankly appeal to the insurgents ia deprecation of the further prosecution of their hopeless struggle, givirg them substantial redoes for desisting forthwith. Whatever maybe the malignity or desperation of the leader, it i clear that the oiww do not share it. Davis' persistent effort, and more em phatically bis recent elaborate endeavor to prove our government implacably arerse to negotia tion, and immovably resolved on universal con fiscation and devastation, indicate beyond mid take the drift of opioion in Dixie toward submis sion and peace. What use in ahowiug, t ) a peo ple inflexibly resolved on independence, th: our government would grant no conditions? What motive for the recent attempt to open negotia tions with Gen. Grant, if it wre not deemed necesry at least to nuke a feint of negotiating on a lower plane than that of 161? W fully credit our recent information from Richmond that Lee has confi lentially apprised Daria that be caunot bold out agvnt the bot now gathering for hi overthrow. We believe what ia left of Ibe ubcHiun cai and will be crushed anyhow; but we are utterly averse to the needles shedding of one drop of human blood. So long as war is essential to tbe life of the republic, let war rage, though it whelm cities lr. blood and cover the land with ruins ar.deshcs; but let peace be secured at the very first moment compiUble wiiu tbe woitv f the nation asd the freedom of all her people. As we have hown the old world bow a free people lavi-h their money and their blood when the existence of their country is at stake. o let us give her ruler a lesion in magnanimity and clemency to van quished insurgents. Lrt to: the victory of the republic be stained by a ngle art of vengeance by one wanton iijtiiciion ot rV.u. Dlood his tljwcd ia river let it tljw on if the nceeitv phall be found still to exist; bu: !t not the na tional easign be stained by oi.e drop hed to pur. th rather lhau to save. What we would have li evident Litcoin dj is simpi y to set lucidly acd brieäv before tbe rebels the terms cn which be would have them lay down their arm? and a .bruit to the national au thority. Thee teriü should convey his ultma tum oa tbe folio ir. ro'.nti. I. Union P.yuuiou II. Amnesty Treou III. Confiscation Property IV. Kmarcipti)n Slavery V. Reconstruct'ou State fubwraia VI. Kepreentatiou la Cougrr-.. It may be urged thtt some ot these topics lie without the sphere of tbe executive, but this is rather specious ai.d techr.ical than practical ac J vital, lu latHtfi uf wr and pace the preii dent stands for the peorje. and uity count wi:h eotifiJecce on their rt,ßcat!ou of h:.a acts. Jef ferson knew u.i jfl thivha exceeded his constitutional j-ower il turvhacg Liuisiana. but be was eraiueutly ja.tiL-.! in taicg tb i pou5.biiity. So let the pre idret prtfTer such terms as be thinks proper, 1 i.eer doubt that be will be sustained in so dein. Th country sighs for an bosorablo and lasting peace, aud sucb seems now within reach. Woe to the bes itaacy or perrer?e counsel trllcb hall prevent lu retüiatioc' "Bat cppo the reM ct'efi are atlll cb durateT" Wc answer, they no dtotge tabidy bat tbcraatlvev Let VflU Lincoln cow makes ifec.2:, c.rcutn?n:ia!, ns?tniaoi public overture, and tbe jjrmt body of h pouthern a bite will ir.Mon it acceptance. Thj have Lng cr.oazh ctplttel to firc'rc. Mlicdne?, rniery and death, at the bck of uncbastercd amUtico. Proffer thetn u alternative, arid they will be dragged cr p-'J 09 furilfr in thi rirkMl rrtune. Oclv rive them "a rlarc wtereo3 lo fund," and ibey will peed'.ly con pel the leaders to submit or maintain the s H!f ih jrrserJi wouM . over it nee: V! -vvA t ret n wi strug- come itbout tbera! Once niore we eihort the r resident lo c.t ter ccs to the irivjrfcent? without delay. Vedo not mean to foggrt or hint at any ba-.e of pvci fication, incc we desire that ibe conditions prof fered ball be eraphaticllj tb pre-ident a own n e know that hi heart is nebt, and we are con fident that the term it will prompt him to oCer t no- ta;tber jy 0f carrnge anticipate proffer which is morally eerttin to parelyze the rm of treason and quench the torch of rapine Let thi long deraatated land ppcedily rejoice in the unspeakable ble.'sirgi of ice! Tlif tilraalnga" of t reed 0111." 1 hee are well i'.IuMratcd and set forth by a journal called The National Kreedmcn, which is m4kicg ao appeal for roatributiona to h-!p alle . th puecricei of te ro wLo hive re ccnlj bcCR torQ from tjcif hom aIl,j tl:f 0ij pDtat:on, bf the bard nece.-itie of war w I'incrtte s Irxrt f HorfaN f New Or n(1!1!; "1 have low unJtr my charge Xierlj eight I ii 11 r i , . i . -J f riUKJfW C4iorea persons oi uou e auu ut jf;iljlute Unrg KepJrt. cwberrie. . C "There is extreme destitution. Gen. Sixtofi'ii Circular. Beaufort. S. C. Th., K. .rrivp.1 ,.n th aft.r b.r,- marches and severe prirations, weary, famiihed, eick and almo.t naked. Seven hundred of these rir.K m a tif nf mitirv wrnfh trniil'1 hive ffi TcJ tQ u a hcarl of 6Le aüd lbese e tbo advance ot a Lost no less ueiuuie. " T be etores of the gOTCrrjintnt i.rei-Jj over fh-ir V.nta an I nnl iL cbintT of the nt)rlij comcg speedily to the reacae, tbey most die bj hundred from eipasure aad Ci-e4e. JieniCS 8 IvCL Jll, T'liCa, r M. . Iii 1.1 D:cturcd than lnef,. w5lh ,hc5r plantation racs 1Cl jjSre feet It was hard to Iura any away, bot we could do no better than do so, with a word ot hope, which reoeivel with a poor praceby thosotowhorn it, unaccompaced by nn ul Wbcn (t,e u hunjrry or n,k(,j n p;. bie or bTnDn book don t exactly fati?fy.' Loionei taton 8 report. cnnesee: if aTin afTtria r An rsrtKtrnr fVtr f) M- ri. rA a , u'i , , ,i ; " Z V i ' hri!vi tneMhff in in j. when foniiii- ed on ny Ctpcc:a:oa that they would help themselre. oftfn faHeJ: they had become so completely brhen down in pirit, through euf fcririg, tht it wa ahnfrt impossible to arou-e them. Tbe cmp at Young' point, during the Rümmer of 10.1, bad been a Taiitcbarnal houe thou?anis of the people dying, withont well ones enough to b'ry tbe dead." Ilcportof Kxccutive Committee: "The iucrcaed sullerirg among the fieedmen, resulting from the expeditions of Oen. Sherman and others, hare brought within our reach rnul titudca of wretched men, women and children, w hose needs nanst be met by large shipment and by the most speedy n.o.i!H nf coDTeyance.'' Iter. T. VV . Lewis' Letter, Beaufort: "Two thousand of them (freedmen) have r-j rived at Teatifort, and arc encamped in bough houea in the wood in this vicinity. They can ern their own living od tbe plantations as soon as spring opens. Government givc3 them one ratiou per py for the present, but tbey arc very destitute of beldini. c!otbf3, cookin j; ctenoils, everything." Mrs. Ycung'd letter, D.sjton plantation: " We have ben importuned by newly arrived contrabands for wearing apparel as well as food, until wo have given everything we could ppsre, and have alio purchased new for tbem; but the demand increases with every new arrival from Savannih I have had two packages and one box from the north, sent for them, which waa immediately dispoed of, but that was only a drop in the bucket. They come to the ladies 'in de big house,' and their cry i: Do, for God'a pake, misses ji we a warm cott; we can't stan' dip; we perish; we hunger; we tosa about dis way cn' dat, till we pick. ard dc col' wedder hj bard we perish; and when de Yankee took we, be no let me take anyting n'y jet whit we hib on we, an' we bab no place to go.' " These pcor creatures have been torn ftom home4, auch aa tbey were, where they bad at least euch comfort as they were bred to. But appeal for helping them, we fear, come upou us at a very inopportune moment, when the liberal ity of the humane will be taxed to tbe utmost to allevittethe sufferings which must be entailed upon thousands of poor white families here at home, by the enforcement of the conscription. A Fenlnn Lecture. Ou St. Patrick's day, at Toronto, a Mr. Jas McDermott, of New YoA, said tobe a "ceu t e" of the St Lawrence ection of the Fenian organization, delivered a lecture before the Hi bernhn Society, in which the'plan for giving lib erty to Ireiaud wa atated without reserve. He said: Tht'y were determined to act ia an indepen dent, straightforward, fearless rcancer. (Cheers.) The organization had greatly increased during the past year. (Hear, bear.) Man? new lodges bad been organized and a large number of oth era are about to be formed. As union was htreugth, a united brotherhood would be the mean"' of giving aiaistanre to the people of Ire land. (Applause ) And when their friends iu the old land should see that they were to be aided by their kinsmen in America fhey would take courage. There could bono orgjniz ition (or the benefit ot Ireland uulc one that should be formed for arhievirg the liberty of Ireland. ( Loud cheers .) On a former occasion he bad been foolish enough to state that he . believed Canada would furnish 20.00'! mec 0 a?jjt ia re gaining the liberty cf Ireland (crie-g of "an bun rfred thousand."), und he now paid that Canada could raise or 4U.IKX) men for that pur ple (Loud eheer.s.) He proceeded to ttate: The Fenians bave been organized for tbe ex rres purpose cf achieving the independence of Ireland, and they were as coafiieat of being able to do so a they were that the tun would ri?e tomorrow. (Loud cheers) They were deter mined to break the chains of the oppreeor; and that would be done shortly end most effectually. They were also aa certain that a war would take r lace before very lof.g between the United States and Enjland as they were that the un was shining over them. (Cheer?.) Then thay would strike lor the freedom cf Ireland. KrUr l'? difficulty would be their opportunity. Arbilriari' .trrrtls. Arxcr the last wcrd. in the Senate, of Joni 1'. II etE, lately appointed minister to Spain, were the followirj. upo' t'ie ".. jc.-t tf arbitrsrv t-ret.- " If tnal by jury nvt:iron ii. this coan try . take the ie:. I would t o lift my ha::d cor cpen my tr.v.nth. r.'.r i:u:.? 1 my ccntitucnt to ahei a drop of biood, h pay 4 dollar vt treasure, :f t':e i'odm uiion i- to be preserved ercacult vl of a.!.". ?afeua:d of I berti. In Lzict, wten somuth i iiruscdeJ. r 1 mu 'li i at . . that trie Cvrr-.n may l ;us:et.ded. and tt:a; eitra r i.iiarj tr iv. miy be erected acd lnstit-tt-d for tb tr' I of t-r.ybjdy that volun tarily coir e forwir 1 a" i corctfj himaelf with ibe puMio service. U ; , r, it you are v:r,p to throw a drz ct or at tic land; if yeu are poiL t brinjc in itii whole ro'!e at:J ulject them to the rerivlriea tnat may be itäicted by military trib-ir.als and thee court! inirtial, then the lat step iu the humiliation and degradation cf the country U taken. And tc ihall be lef; Li iu-:ru-ruer:ta fur aa deäpotiin that the bold acd law. It my ee rroper to establish over u? ' WHaX Asr Jcaxsos Caitrii LX H.I Hat. Tfce Adbacy Journal ayi: "Acdr Jobosaa car Ha h's teruperane edg la hi bat .'" take, witu a Ltcrrn ecr.f: I wruld jivej "I am eli informed that many per?r under lo the admiuietratio:. i!mo-t everything that they I preten of furnishing the inhabitants of Ger waat. I wjold cot.sctt. aiyj 1 i.e consented, ! rnantowt and teir the eccmy'i lints, affjrd im Til Landon Times forecasting Pa alble VT r betTxeen flnlnnd and I ho l'nited State. The Timei (a the coune ot dibonte ex amination of tie fall of consol below the pclat which tbey held when ercrvtbirg abroad acd at Lorrefcraed much Ui rrcperoi'' for Ecc!icd than cow. ?jts: Dnt ha- tbt "cloud" ia the wet anything to do with i'.? It i ju4t pible that people liolJ hack, froaa intestina in coa?ols at S'J. beca-e tbey fanet the dy i rtot very Jitan when tbey will te able to buy m.llion et 5? It i 4 not a fleaaatt subject, but when it i dieuMed so free y scl trenlj there we may be excuse J a word or two bre. Is there a certain rsigivirg, and tn almot uncon-clous prrgentirxent, of ome thiag in that quarter, which will at ouce chns the whole apert c.f our commerce and our finance? Something like it was cocfeed last year a a reion for not ru-hir, into a gratuit ous cru-a'3c for trie rescue of Denmark. 5mce that there has been a little raor; plain fp'aking. and the veil ha been o fr lilttd up trora the future that wc know the ouiy terms on which the Utiited State wjil ever arce One of their ora tor mid the other day that the mm alio wis afraid was already ball whipped, and if we bear ia silence the- contiuual meiaec of the uplifted lash our courage aut gradually oze out. The etock exchange, poafibly, feebj the threat po far a? to anticipate the probibiiity of our having to resist. No doubt it would be a costly war, for we should have to resume our old part a$ pay master, &ubsid'zsr, acd purveyor of all thing ncedlcl for the war. Whit fice'j, whit trans port, what crdaacce, what ammunition, what stores would have to tun the gauntlet of Amer ican cruisers between our own port? ntd our American colouie' No doubt wc could raie a hundred miliioni for this purpose as eisily as we raii-ed them for the defen.-e cf Turkey. We t-houl J do it, pih ip.-. with mere pleasure. But we suspect we hou!d have to double the figure before wc had ait iiucd to that self satisfaction of victory sufficient to make us hold our hjrJs. Perhaps it ig ome euch second fight that forces? itself on the meutil vi?ion of our fellow-citizens in their moet prorbe!ie m'vjd, and keep' consols down below 90. , i.i:r ri;it tico.M ?i.m oi.?: KemarkubU Swvifiranee of Mr. Lincoln Latl Sptech .1 AVir Rtrtlalion of the Rtfotiont lie ttceen tht Xrqroes and the Republican Party The Sejroe$ May be Sita if They H'ifÄ Wrath i f the AbolitiohiitsTh' Corntr Stone of Ihtir Ttmvle Demolished The President Kicking Awnj the l.n lderon irhich he Mounted to Voxrrr. ; Corrrp-tc-'TK of Tkc New York "w Washington, March 22. Tbu ii.coheteut utterances of an illiterate f rei ident arc perhaps scarcely more worthy of note thin tbe incoherent u.ttrances.f drunken vice cresidtnt. Yet tbia much his been found to be true of 11 of TrCriident Lincoln's pec-ebfs that they ccntuitiau expreioti ol vht is uppermost in his mind at the time, ad arc a f aithful indtx of bis view? ai;d inteutioni, and of the rtate of nicd to wbicb be ha bctn broub: duriL: tbe preceding days by the eoun-e's nnd per-u.iour of tbe men who surround biai. Cor.-i-tocv is cot to be looked for in bis j. tcc!iei. ll:s policy is the policy of expe-dieuev , which chinge from day to-day witb tbe fluctuations of tbe war. What be advocated in 1?G1 he abandoned iu lbC'J, and what he urged iu l?C3he opposed with all the power of his executive intlueuce iu IbG-l. The last rpHcli which he made in public ha? excited an unusual decree of interest here, be cause it relates to the topic which, more than any other, ii of v It al importance to tho eon federates just now; ikoic! v, that of the ariuinp: ;nd m ik irg eolditm of their negro aves. What Mr. Lincoln ays on this poiLt now ia very different fiODi his deliberately formed opinion expiesed four monthri ago, which was tint the eluvcs would, beyond all doubt, make good, faithful, and eliicient soldiers. But what he sfivs now is what h believed nov: by the leaders, of the re publican party, ?nd i. therefore, entitled to great consideration. It U for this reason that bis bipt speech has excited eo much comment here. It is fell to be an authoritative expoiüu of the relations which now exict, and which will exist in future, between the republican party and tho black race in America. The Hub?tauce of Mr. Lincoln's argument i, that negroes ought to be allowed the right to choose whether .they will live aa slave to Lind roaster or as free laborers; that if the slaves re ally do fight for their masters tho tact of itself will constitute a powerful argument in favor of slavery, and that all white men who are in faror of negro slavery ought themselves to bs slaves. That (except the fallacy th.n the rebe's hue now drawn cpon their last resource, and that he can see the end of the war) h the pith and mar row, the 5Utri at:d cuVtance of Mr. Lincol.i'o speeeh. It will be aeen that the rankest New England Turitsiii-jm constitutes one-third of it. All men must believe as he believes. If they do not, they d serve tobe slaves them-elvcs. Washington, accordir g to thi logic, deserved to bo a slave, for ho was strongly in favor of negro slavery. Nay, according to hi mott illogical reasouing, Mr. Lincoln him?elf deserves to be a slave, for he says that in a certain contingency he himself is in favcr of keeping the negroes: as slave , nameiy, if they tl e.xsclves wish to be bo kept, and it is notorious that ninety nine &lave out of a hundred would, if the alternative whs fairly presented to them, choose to remiin in their cheerful, comfortable, happy home3 at the south, watched over and taken care of by their kiud master, rather than to embrace the cold and uncertain freedom of the fujjitive slaves at tl e north, dying of ftarvtiion and cold by teiu tf thousand as tbey do. It ia a etartling and significant fact, however, that it is now stated for the firs! time, and au thoritatively stated, that o long s the republi cans remain the dominant power in the state the negroes are to bo allowed to chjo?e their con ii tion. The boon of freedom is not to be forced upon them. They may choose for themselves whether they will have'it or not. Sctiously, this is the kindet thing Mr. Lincoln ercr proMed to do for the blacks. If he rulhercs to this dc-l r ation be will indeed bo their benefactor. Tbe results of his nd mission that " if the slaves fight for their nnter. that they will de serve to remain in slavery, fur that fact will ccn stitute a powerful argument in favor of the in stitution.' knocks away tho last props sus tain aboiitionisas. Tbe war i? not yet near it? cud; the negro slaves will yet take a part in it as soldier; ani they will fiht well and faithful ly; therefore they deserve to rcanin slave?, and therefore tin war. waged to exterminate tlavcry, is wrong, and ought to be stopped. Such ia the logical deduction from Mr. Liucohr arguments and he. cannot crie it Malcoi w Our .Iriuic lu tbe Southern Country. One would suppose, to rcid the republican newspapers, thi? there bad never before bem waged a war iu this country in which an old authority wai etruelipg to mairt iin itfolf, and a new one to establish itself. It would scarcely do for any OLf to deny that tbe cause fur which WaaMncton fought was sacred; buteven a acred oue-e finds in numbers i even of its well withers very mmv who are anxiou thnt their rr;hHor houhl give, and that they should keep. IVnusylvahia was a ute lull of the fire of freedom; but her farmer were by no means ic?er.s:.h!e to tho aperier alue of gu'iLeie to coatiftitjl curreucr, and while Washing ton trop-s starved and -hiverei at Valley Fore, the HHih m trage! o re', urplie- in abund nee. The lottere of Wasblactou to Oen. Luev, di.-olor-o the fcX th..t human bitnre is :;Dt ma ie of urb very tcrc tu!T generally a3 prefer the "empty praise" ;f the future io the -rdid Duddinc"üf tbe i re.-tr.t: irr - me:i?e aapplit to tbe Iiil Jelhit mrke, a eoctiuct highly prejudicial to ns and contrary to to every order." VVaih:r:gt:n to Gen Lacey. "Amicj i I approached wirliia tighter ten railea of the et emv 't line, tbe mhaoiutt bir :r:j: their bor e; eercealetl n by-pNce. mour.t-e-J thetr, ai.J, nVic; te'r way tbruub tbe fe!J and private paths, rc, ;:r J reclly to the c'ty with the ir.felbeiice thit the rebel are iu the reih borho)J. Not one word of intei.icence can we procure from tbera rot even the direction of the road a " Gea Licey to tbe Council. Now the?e tL'Lga occurred ia 177$, within tbe st two yeara of the war. Any nan reading of theru ic L:.!;:.! would hire been pretty well Justified in supposing that Pennsylvania u kept Oily from resorairg bee allej-'aoce to Klsg George by a merciless ss'.iiery ut4er izh rr-Jcri ai an extract wiil exesplifj: If your partiea should meet with any fop' gi.;ng to ntrket, or any person wüsterer going to the city, and tbey endciroring to make their escape, you will order jour men to fire wpen the vii:it. You will leave sucb on tberoiJ, their bodies and their rouketing lying together Gen. Lieey's order to bisccuticg parties. The eice-e of Wheeler's cavalrj are spoken of How i strict, real pitrioL, bchave-J under the of wtt, may be seen from the cool ted cotrdcrate Wabincton: "Military coercion ia no longer of ny arail, as nothing furiLer can be collected of the coun try in which w are obliged to tike a p-itlon, without deprivicg the iubabitar.: of the last mor.-cl. This mode of sub-isiii.g, fuppo-irg the desired end culd be answered by it. be-idesbe-icg in the highest degree dictreicg to iodivid Uil.. U attended with ruin to the moral and dis cipline of the army. During the few days in which we hive been obliged to sei.d out mall partic to procure provision for themselves, the naot tnrrmou cxce5ea Lave been com mitted." We have had a re a deal too much of the op cratic cs of war not to know what it mein.. We do cot believe there has ever been to grett a war with k little cruelty to person, nor with to lit tle destruction of property; but there might have been much Iea svilTcriug, and much Ic-s spolia tion, if there haJ been a-ither more head or mire heart in thi admisistraton New York World. Froui lie tntfllige&ccr. Abstract of I lie ISeport of Itac Srcrr. tar jr of t nr. The interest with which the report of Sccre- iary aiacion nas i,eCn acizcipjxcu na?oeen very materia. !y augmented by tnc lengtn or time mrougu w men ma: Hiuicipa;:.n uis uccn aiiowea io increase. nie sivie m wnieu iie report is compiled h most precise and retrenched, only the merest allusion being made to those themes the details ot wb;ch are mtrutei t; tue ranou dc i rar mer.ts The cimpaign of the army of the eternitv, he confe-ceil bis guilt. Tho plot wa Totoroac. the operations on Jame? river and j covered bv the efficers of the 45th Indiana, around Richmond and rcter.-burg,.the progress , The regiment is camped by itself with the poti or" the army through Georgu, and the capture ol , toon train about three quarters of a mile from Atlanta ani Savannah, the reduction of the forts la Mobile harbor, the rout of the rebel army t in Tennessee, tho victoriou career of tbe army) of the Shenandoah, the storming of Fort Fisher, I and the capture of Wilmington Charleston und Lieut. Gen. Grant. ---r iiissiaica.nowevcr, ma u.e mooimy oiour ' v ' -r . : an array could cot be oainUiccJ except iti:u j A Ii. u . ...Xf, , Af Ol- , .. 1 reacn 01 a naviir'oie river or ruuruau in. ueeu u spiuit-i uy um maiviiV5 aa im t ui ouriuiai: , from Vickshurg, eit of Meridian and btcklo! Vickburg, from Memphis to Knoxville, and I bick to Decatur, and from Atlanta toward the J coat; of Ilurride from Cincinnati arid Loui I ville through Southeast Kentucky to Ktioxvillv. j and of Grant from Wa-hiuUin to lVlcrs-burg Tbe two dopof for the collection of recruits for tue army at lare eonMt of one for infantry at Fott Columbus, N. Y., and one for ra un'ed service at Carlisle, Perm. Mention is likei-r made of fourteen depots for different regiment; twenty-crie depot estabiisheJ in the d.uat-M ttates for collectinc and forwardiiiir to teimeiit volunteers, tub-titute.-, and drafted men; J , sii pecial depots for recruit enlisted in the rebel j etite by agents from loyal ttate- The locali ties where supplies of ub?is:cn(e s'ore havej been mo-t!y purch i.ud are lio-tcti, New York, j ' Philadelphia. Ualtimore, Washington, Cincinnati, 4 Louiaville, Chicago, and t. L )ui-. 1 he entire j army ia paid up to Augu-t 31, lt'G-i, or in proce-- of pay as rapi-Jly hs tbe treiury can supply! funds. j The report furnKlic some utis:ic witb re- lerenee to the supplies produced during tbe p-t ; b?cal ycir. Tbt?c include l.TiU pieits of ord i nance. ,3(il artillery caissons and carriages, ; '2,r)'2ö fcmall arm, 7'J3.('3G sets of ac coutre- I meuts and h;irre?s, 1,(171 211 projectiles for can -' non, 12,7 l'l. 14b pound. of bullets at.d lead, s.- 4uy.lOU pounds of gunteiwdcr, and lCJ,lüd,(ik2J cimidge. " Suppli'.i," pay t!e rep'r:t " ruauutactured at the ar.-e;uls, uie of better lUilitv and le-s cost tluin ?imil tr artifloH obtain- ----- eu oy cotitract or purchase.' Accordingly, in pursuance of an act of congress, prep iration are J being made for the erection of a new arsenal at j Kock Island, Illinois Tbe eelectiun of a site. for a ceiieril depository of gunpowder, the erec tion of uitabl naagazine.", the construction of a government powor-mill of tMifficient capacity to : in ike standard and proof p wder and pun cotton, ' the procurement of a suitable rouud for the proot and experimental firing of ordnance and'' unall arms, and the intioduction of breech-Iod- ' ing arms for the military .-ctvice, are all recorc 1 mended. : ilcanwhile, the special etTorts oX the bureau ! ol the chief eugineer for the last year have bten j directed to the preparation of the coast deience I to receive the heavier and mo.n suitable artillery ! for combating iron clad vci.-e-ls, tbe construction o' field works and lines with the armie? in th ' titvJ, the preparation and service cf pontoon bridge erjuiprtge, ib 1 the reduction of the cue j my 'a wurki on Aiurri I-l tnd, at Forts Murgan i ani Oainc-? bv a seiiei of iiee onerationj. i j i The statement, however, which are made with respect to the health of the army are among tbe most gratifying. During the vear no de- ! tructke epidemics prevailed in any section, and ! the number of pick and wounded was small in! comparison to the proportion it bore to the entire j army. The severest test9 possible h ive been ap-1 etl. and with fuccc?, to the etablibmeiit of i medical depots within teicb of the armies in the i field, and their prompt tupply unoa the field of! battle, the transportation of fick and wounded 1 by ambulance, railroad, and hospital transport?, the sufficiency and successful administration of: the bes: system of penenl hospital?, acd the san-! it -try precaution?, as well us all the minor details ' of the medical depirtmeut, tending to the great- r cm m fort of the f-ick and wounded, as well as i to the health and efficiency of the troops. ; At the date uf the previous annual report, 1 hospitaln, aceoEi mod fing beds, were in i operation During the ummer campaign, eight ' adlitional hospitals were eaUli.-bf-d, und ; the cap icily a9 increaseil by the provision! ot 36,(J4'J addiiiuual beda. Throughout ' the entire year, however, the health of the whole i armv, we are told, waa better than i usual with troops engaged so constaLtly oo active duty and in arduous campaign?. Ycrv interesting mention i ma le of colored men. The labor connected wi:h the quirter mister general's bureau have extensive!? en gaged the labors of these persons, etchons po ' employed reiea-in-; a white toldier from labor,! and restoring him to his, place in line of bittie. i Tt.c qK irtermaier ce-nrral endeavored to pro- j cure colored men from the department of the Atlantic and It ulfcoa-ifa in orJer to provide re gro Iat)or ai:h the arn;ie- bt-(ore nirhmond, He j was unsuccessful, however, in procuring labor1 from e:ther of the-t? dentrtmeuts, aud the com-; j m iLder of one of them i-ured him that all the j colored men were needed for labor nece-auy to j the rucces-; tif military operatiops. or oilier public j service. T T 1 1 t 1 . ! t ne rep-r: aoes not cioe witnout tne asur i arce that tlie f-.eial exchr.ce of prisoners ef- feoted bv 1. !' iant tterierai trani "is in tecution," and that a fur-j COur-e c.f di!i a 4 thirt y c extencea to all as goon ; as thev re reru-r.e f to cimr at Ar.n-p.'.!. The remarks with rtieienre to the provost ir.arrh-! general's department contain tne f'How!ri en re ersli'tment rf veteran with reect t volunteers "Over a hundred ar-d thirty fix ;bou?aLd tried ; soldiera, who would otLerwii.e ere this have t.een tiichr-;ed, aere ac-cu:cd for throe VtUi io.ier. i OrganiZitioLi which would hue bten 1 ft to the service were pre-erved an j recruited, ai.d cita ble aLd experienced i ihers erc reUiLeoir. conv j m nd The foree tha- orir -d ac J retaine 1 baa , performed an essential I'irl in the "reit crcra:Q ot iroi, ard its icportanee . t.c conctrv c :r - rot be our crtimiteJ " In these ? cf the rr-v -t mir pcneral. Secret, rv !::: in exrrP-?ei hi e: hal tire C(-Lcurrer.ce We are further ir.for:n?d thit the result of the recrui'rn?:it iiuier trie? act of Juiv i, 164. f.r rterui:i:ip in the rebel state, re re ported unfa vor ab'e; th it n-tr'y forty thou-anJ strgclera and desfttera bar? been arre-ied be tween October 1,1 c6.), 'and October l.l!Gl. and over sixty thousnnd ince tbe cstab'ihment of j the burem up to the 1st day cf last October.' At that ri re, also, the ve feran rf::ve curr lz- j ei:ei of 7C1 t tlieera and 2S.7?- men Its til c;p'ineai.J ita:ruc;ion are üecriVd as po.d witl the further rernik that the errire cor i d ixq duty wMch woalJ other wi?-e hve to be rKfrform ed by a equal nnaaher of able-bodied troops de tatbed froci the arrciea in the field, although yet icideq;ate in DUCiber t ßH the -leuaad male un it Tbe Indian? in Wisconsin who have just re ceived their annuities, called the fractioaal cur rency "pa poae money " TATK 'Itr Tbe oil eicitemect N io a bijb pitch at prefect. We bear that three ronnpiDics baTe been orean-xed for the purpose cf boring and propectictr for petroleum, coal, &c.,on the farms in this vicinity. There ire many indications of oil ar.dcj!, and the people will cot rejt ati5e-i till a fair trial made fur the developoicLt of whatever riches may be hid den beLeith the soil of DeKilb county. Con siderable rneriment is caused at the expense of thoe who are said to be afii cted with "oil cn the brain." Experiments about tj be rodc, bow- ever, may the i ok era result ia dico veric that wiil make liush out o! the wrong Ida of their moutba. Waurloo Citr Ftesa. MuTir ix the 35ts Inmana A recent letter from It C Lne. of the 4')tb. to Colonel Btake, mentions a serious mutiny ia the ratks cf the 3iih (1st Irish.) and the discovery of a dot to surrender tbe regiment to the rebels. This command has been recently fiüed up to the max imum stsndard. bv detail cf drafted Iriilmec. Mr Lace says of the conspiracy : There was a considerable excitement yester day, over the arrest of a large number of con spirators, who are members of the 30kh Indiana. It hcems that it was the intention of the con spirators, that as soon a everything wa resdv. to overpower, by the aid of the rebel guerrillas to the country, the regiment, and gurrender it to the rebels. It ia said that there some "00 of tbfe villi ins in he regiment, all drafted men. Ever eince they came here tbey have been making preparations. They have stolen an im mene amount of government prooerty, such as soiuier tiijici, norses, guns, accoutrements aromur.iticn, ke , and stored it swavatsome ciliren a boue.a few miles out in the countrv. The post wagon master here wa the principal leader, and when all arrangements wfre made, r,e W3S t0 be co!.inel of the concern. I ara informed that wheu they cau-ht this fel l0w, be waa placed in a position to be hanged, ,ul to rr.-ii V.;miif from Ur.i.nnAi.t i.t our brigade I " . . , , . I x I-en inn at Sea. 'From Tbe London 7;ne A Djan i0 w a ?iaeugeT by tbe stMtn,hip irilor. on r:indav. Irom !.! vernool. w.ta J brought up yesterday, charged with having a?-- j w . I - PHuhed ,ri0th p.ger. It appeared that a.e altercation bad occurred rc-rjccting t Kenini nrutherbood. in tbe course of" which the r" dtew a revolver, which whs wrested from him On Pf archil. g him. fire ether revolv er, t-ome of the m loaded, were fund in his p:f .ces9ioti. He hid al.-o a six-barrel revolver ri tl c. enveloped in brown paper, and addressed "Col. J. O'Mahoney, Dusi;e ieer. New York " The prisoner stated that he had purchased the arm iu Liverpool to s-ell again. He was reminded. MASONIC. M i Jay ASON'iC NOTICK. A Kp-f ial meeting or Marion LoJe, Nu. 3."), for wora, will be beM th:s (Tue evuini at ? o'clock. JOHN M. BK AM WELL. W.M. AMUSEME NTS . METROPOLITAN THEATRE. Corner nf Washington and Tennessee Stretti. Jlanngrer Mr. W . II. ICtley. Tuesday Evening, March 28, 1865. IIk OXIVK LOGAN, ROMEO AND JULIET. 1'aicr.a t.r ArxrM0j.. I're Circle and Tarqaette, 3D cr-üts; f'rivät? Boxen, for six peror., f 5 W; Orchestra Peate, 75 cent?; Gullery r.d Family Circle; 2i cent; Children In artr.-, ;Mj; all reserved c at. 75c. . mence. t quarter --n o'clock prciteiT. PARTICULAR NOT1CK- Tlte Herne Cam leave the, Theater eery eveninir at :Le close of the performance. Pople living at a can rtlv on thin. T .V 33 15 JZ XACLE. Court Houxe Squirt. Woshington Strert. DONALDSONS COMBINATION TROUPE. LESKE AND MANAGF.R. STAGK MANAG i K f. Donaldson. .FRANK l-fjjAVOkTH. NOTUEK new Star to-n!ht. Jonxthan Jcck, tbe SiX;n Dwarf Twenty taletited artists. Grand rr-cep-ion t'f tbe bea'itirul a d M'-ntH .far fster, M km Knima and Fditö Whitinir. The Child of Air, La Fetlt Ang!o, rtolds the audiei cc in lireatU:e-! '?JpeDse with his daring i..d wonderful tat f f :umpi rco-tratin. or tlyii.'fj tra'?7. Seati niay he cured without extra charge. Tickets f b cm. Children under 12 year 2. cent.-. iKior- opt-n a T. Performance commfDCf at 8. REAL ESTATE SALE. MM FOR A B1R011N! A NEW FRAMF. HOCSK, OF 13 ROIMS. ON A LOT 55 by 130 feet, with a Citern of 80 barrets, new a aoie, Lrlca waiu. 4c. l cated m tee north-eastern prt of the city. The houe i rew and could e ar raKrJ admirably fur a board rig hou e. Pri(e 15 (k0, half cah and tbe La'ance in one and two team. Or r;L exchange for a well mproved farm. LF.LZKLL A JrN?., heal F:-tate Broker. mar23-!2t QUEENbWARE, c5cC. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. C. A. WOODBRIDGE, Ar IMPOUTifR OF QUEBKTSWARB, n o: n GLASSWARE, TABLE CUTLfiRY IND PLATED WARE. Ji5JPrie 't ne of llo d. rr1j""1 ) rrr?'p' nl w1;b the rr'yr.t I No. 16 West Washington Street, Iiitli;tn:ipelis. Intl. i3ra rcar:" FOR SALE. POTATO E. I ta:t,e tej-.t. Parrpl at N". t5 E-t Vark't street. ?r-5--'40t G. G. CM. VAN. ACENCY. -- i .V V. EEMOTT, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMPLOY MENT AGENT, nt.L aTTPNIjTO rKOCUIilNG HTLP OFEVEkY k-i.i. ither in t e c or co:ct y. He wjü py pn calar at enuon to rei.tira aleepir g rocnu ai.d pro CwT.n Lo irir. Per-oa ! jok-r z -t ::jaiii zh i'l du eI o call at Lia erTrce. No. 37 Virjiia avenue. -ne-ha!f enare -r'-in WLiM(?ton tr', wet ide, ra1drt rKi m r:-) l3ra NOTICE. BT rautual e -n.enf u from thi day cy brA-kefpar, Mr. itarlea Hci.feli, ctt cf ray em: loy. j, Qf MCiLLKR. Isdurapcto, Jtarcb 7M, lsa-EJL3-tll MINING STOCKS, TARSnisn SILVERMIMXG 10 CAPITAL, $1,200,000. 12,000 Shares at $100 Each. Sil THOTTsASD F IURIS IS TTIE IT.?. ISfET, Tob eil, a repaired, to rail tie wrx!rg capital. 1L MiBf 1 txlrr prJa.lx wrild, mlih T IVO TZIO lTSt.YI il ES of tk C-cparja f lock, or o mtcli tirecf a ba not alrf a?y ben ohI. an iHtrtd f r to Mie moty f'-r th fmri:t purh f t mri arj-ror ma- PRICE FORTY DOLLARS PER SHARE. Full yaiJ, and nt Mut'jrrt tu a$etmtnt . So mor than tb: esonnt - for b?i Tb tock 1 off'rd in tbe ctiaot conRdetre: par. Thtt 9 Lavf oc of tte richest ru-.nealo TaJa; That rrery bare in tba l'nnipiüj' will t erth :tf fc in geld witt'.a oi r jfar from this titn; Thu we 'ha't b pajini Iarx ruocibly 3iiJnls fa gold tfor? the tni ot the jfr, Th4t ibere m cabin? rCrrire at the prent time a which Cif it! can find a more nafe r prflaM iuet Qeni; at.J That the fnad t b raid will W anipl for iL fcl ie veiopTEpnt gf our ito.atly ine ibut:b mite, cf th eocip'.Y' Mra t.ll io tfca treasury. Ibe inanasrRifnt ef tbe CoTupasy ba been cnisiitte-i to a Entree I Tlte--, cjiup--d of enerei j?, Chri-tiaa ba:nen E, la wham tb public may repo-e the rao.-t inil licit ctrfJerre. All detrcd irfurmation will be turriifhed apn per tecal e r writ en appüca'irn, f Uber by tbe lre:4ent, C. S. Brown, at h' oif.ce, 117 hront street. by tbe Secretary, A A. IW, Ca-Lit-r cf tte Am nein .National BaiA. 7S nd0 Broaiwy, or by Hernia o Ca:ip. at t olce, llf" hre1y. lj'Si'.k lor iale at th An:ericn National Ba- k. CHaKI.KS ?. KKOWN. lrei(ieiit. ALFRKD A. rOT, Secretary ?t.d Trea?crer. irr-2--1."t WINES, LIQUORS, &C. WINE LOUIS L,V O . Sollt-ll Ht riiliail SIlTCl, (SENTINEL BUILDING.) j" MK)HTER OF HHiSK A VD CH AMPAGNE WINK; M. UtarJ and Corjniac Braodiea; H baad Ciiti; Japa c I hum rnJ Cordials. Also deaiT in Catawb Wines, St i" I ' aE i Sparklits', uf th mo t approv J brnd; Ronrbu . Vhi;.ki; IVacli I'ran lt; Caiaw-a Brpdy; Stotk Ale; : Porter and H cr, ai.d Bittrr cf . ariooiktf,d. Tbee ar- tide', are a'! f.T-rfd for al hv tbe bettle or larger ' vjUm'itie. ih.-ly HHnt H'i e r.r tI on ii jh'. i IMfOUTF.Ü CUJAKS ar;d TOBACCAJ. f the cLo;'M brands. Will te ke pt toustantly on bail. 1 f Ilavimc f. tted up a ii-at -tMiLmen , and offer- r,s f'T cal only pure rt'cl'-s r.d of tre te-t quality, th fubsciber brp" to rveive, a h o'. ci', a bt-eral bare of the putrot.sqe cf tht public I mrl7.1'f'S t.ANU. BOOTS AND SHOES. SPKIXi; STOCK OF BOOTS 8l SHOES! A T V n 0 L K S A L K . w K ARE NOW RECEIVING A LARtiE AND well asrted tock of Ho.t atid Sb-ea for tbe SPRING TRADE J En;bra ii luot f th- ?tyi- . ii'.w wr.rij, sd t t at j Best Nov Enzland Manufacture. ! fttir aisortmert of stit l complete, and we can -Rare tbo-e in want of BOOTS and !HJKi that It will be tn their Interest to call and examine oir flock. We -hall le pleaded to ee oor old friet d, ami all ctta who may favor u rltb a ch',1. Hendricks, Edmunds & Co., ."; south Tleridlun St,. Indiiinnpolta, mar24 dim SHADE TREES ScC. C10LI) TUMBLING Ad persr-L wniinx .bat!e Jt Tree-, hruu Tr";. Kvercreen. or rsytlii- g -n 1 1. N ur-ery liii-, wi.l be so; pl.e1 by earnit tbetr or dert) with the ubcriber at No 77 North lllino; s reet, or at Kitley 4A Oliver's Agricultural VTareio m. No. 75 Wet Wa-Llnton -treet. Tu hnn fJr'ib-d it ie. hir'd. WM. 1 LLLKL. mi dim ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VLL person "Lo know themselves lndebte to Uoe Hunter, dceaed, 111 call opoi Triomai Hicter, at tbe New ork Boot and fhoe Jtore, Glenii's Bl. t a or before th firt of April t ext, and settle na!d Indebted oei. el-e the arcnanta will re put Irto the handu of ac rfflcerfor rol ecfn. JAM KS S. ATHON, Administrator of Moe Hanter, deceased. mar24-det MARKET. DAILY MARKET. riHK nndTstfnd hai opened a Storo ntheCorLT J of !llini- and Ohio Stree', wr,ere he will keep Iaily Market or the sale of Groceries, Provision, all Mndi cf Country Produce, Met., Fih, Bor und Cow Feed, and in fact erery thing required by a family cr for family ne. I infnl to keep everything ase.l by a fam ily in seaon, and will send articles free of charjre to any prt f the city. Give rte a call. mr2i-dlw G. D. WILGL'S. VANTED. aim n k ns n WANTKI At the Indianapol s Ro'Hn(c Mill Fifty Good Laborers, tiood wares paid aid teaiy empioyraer.t th- rear round. Apply at the 11.11. ir.cL2l-dlw FOR SALeT Business House for Sale. I WILL OFFER FOR MLE MT BUSINESS HOUSES, N'. 25 an1 27 N rth lllino street, oppo-U tue l'.a'.s Hou e. Tbe Lot 3-i ftt front by 120 eet to aa alley, and kn Brick Store I;-crp with cp, er tonei a'jd l a' k buildi; ps. For par i:uor inoa rest tie -.o.r.bwest corr-er of Illi nois and Market streets. JOShPH PAlüS'fcTIF. DiarU d2w. FOR SALE. ONRTn H .i Pow-r '-prizl t Fritrine ad hor.iu til Koiler, with p'isiji', all In xl order. For j pirticutara apply to J. W. GRAT, rr.ar23 dtw .'periCfr Hot., ltidianip.!i-, Inl. CROCERIES AND PRODUCE. II. UU1IV. DEALER IN CHOXK F MlLVGP.(Xl;tE. LGUR i at d Feed. Ch trr ProJute Gv: dIred pr(tr.jt:y. j C'.roertf New Jery ai J Vir,, isla aem. J marl-dlin. ATTENTION COOPERS! flVtK Jcir-rt: t;r" Ua on a lod-arup ,U I 1 tr.t- esery F. 1 trying of e ch wck ia tt I M'.ui!e- I l;c:i Ha'l.on S'.'itL ill 'r-e:. ! Ur.iOTi ar IfuC td to v crre.r,-.: d müh il. Tic,f! f r:u,7:i? a . sr.-'-.r aIC""."'"!i J J!. Vy l)NG, p-.-ideut. J. T. SCt'Tf, Sitary. mcfcl 4im BOURBON WHISKY. J. V I. DTACAA, No. 77 South Meridian Street, Itidlnnapvll, Ind. WnCLF'Al.K DK ALF k IN FOHKIGN AND DOMK55TIC FI 1UR atietition af tb trada U ra!4 to our corrplei I 4vaortTBeEt of all aniclei in otir l:r of bsV.üe. Ixxk aa toqaal ty and price. ' ; Oura-nc of ütjUhEoS WHiaSI I ucattrpad by any e-ub! akruert Id tha täte. ai.d dealer- a ib:r.f to paretaaae Coprr DKiHed FV.orboi Wht.kyara invited ( to cal t for pcrchaaii,. i yrWe bae rnaote4 fr-ra li3 Zan WLlortor itreettoTTe.u'h Mikl aauu i J. D. liCXCAK. , TT SotthAttrUi ktnti, , Jarö'Wlly LadiatapoUa, Iii. INSUr?AiCE. Losses Paid in 46 Tears OVEH TNA BUILDING, IHDIAriAPOUS. r ' i" f - ? Erected 1859-Owned by tha Co SET JSSBTS J1KDIRY. 1S65, $3,677,362,71. FrFLE AXsTX XISTIAISTID IVAVIGATIO KISKS XyAspncif s Ic all tbe principal Citi and Twr.i i tbe Lnitad State. yT7pplicatloii for Inurnce w.H b prorrptly"at. tended to. WM. HENDERSON, Agent, ractU-tS-dly IvÜlA5ArOUÄ.tyDIA5A. DRY COODS. GREAT ATTRACTION! GREAT BARGAINS ! -IT TIIE- XI -c era. WOOLEN PiCTORV STORE! WEST WASHINGTON ST., oivi'jl oiwrsiiw CF SPRIHTG- G-OODS, (""lOMPiJIsG IN PA LT, SILK A, LI ACK AXUCOb y ore.l, ljo:tint. CLalL, reuen Chintz, Laroar tium. UeUitie, Amrri"n FriLt, Tall li. Cliert-r, Wl Dtlji p, Freijcö ao 1 Ki j I-b l'bDlin, irena-Üae a 4 Scutch and D' aiMe Ginsham. A SPl KNiD LINK OF PRIX(J f llAVS LI, ILK AND e i-'ih WMtti!, Spring mod Saa.tDr EalmerU. WK IN VIT r. I'AUTICTLAK ATTENTION lü OC1 htu k of Kmbrutdrnea, Hocery, Uluvea, I araaola. Sun tmbrellaa, Pia at ant rebrotdered Jren Hac V-k-rchifi. B LEACH LD AND BROWN LIN FN, TAbLL DA Tsak, Id piece and pauern. Ia!yia, Sapklcn, Vc. o UU STOCK f'F BKOWN AND BLF.ACUF.D COTTON and IJnn Shetit. are cotapte II UCK ANDCRASn TOW ILS AND TOW F.LIN fi. O tR STOCK OFCIXTTO 1SD CASSlMf EES FOX Hen an1 Boy' wear t tb 1 ardent la tba dty . rno COUNTRY MERCHANTS WE OFFER GEL AT 2 Inducement, fur Wfcole! P.octns are la tsa Second acd Ikird f tor.ft. WK RFSPF.CTFULLY ASK AN INSFK.CTION ÖF our nork, aa we Intend tsaklr-jr our Kort tk. Hetiquaners for FaLocalle Gv-i avl Lvw Price C. E. GEISENOORFF &C0.f Hl a ml f. 3 West AVasliIngton St., ocrlC-d2w PROVISIONS. BW PROVISION IIOISE ! HAVING OPFNF.D A WHOLF..ALE AND F: FT A IL FroTijon H&a-e, rat dAr to the i nreal i)Tx, o. ater,d:aa iref, 1 c.?-r 'o aale at rate far teJow preLt retail ptlce. tte CLet and tt Co-ed Mat- U ! ba t in the city; Cboic, Flain and Karar-Curvd lltci. M1 Meat. 5fi.oied and Lici.kel ffcoe'derf. Mew l'rk, aid the fli.e-t qualify ot lard jtit op la t:erc aa4 ket or tn cut or cnxt; alo, iL' SaeM tratdt of Family Hour, by aatk arret Call and e n;. All art:cl. tl:-e fre. CrfTce, No. Z3 Nortl laerid.aL treet. er.K-1m ff). IIAIKK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. rawia e. ttrr. c. c. tcuv. II tri aV TOMLI.SO, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, o. Ij W'f.'i ferl Strert INDIANAPOLIS, DKALF.K9 IN OBklN. FLOUlt, BUTTER, rGOI. Paliry, tXlowa, Pata, E-aaa, c,rea aad Dried rrut'a, it . Ae. Tha tlfheet price paid la Caab for all Unit af Coctry Pr:ac. Liberal Ca ad vicia4a.s a CoBWf&A&u. ' Y"V . .. . 1 I t f I I I ? i