Newspaper Page Text
i t - DAILY: jENTIML SATURDAi yOKMNO. Ai'IUlT C I T V IT EMC. CojcTijrttD The fte of the itttc v. Ettin gtr baa been contlcuM until Mot-day, April 10 , . CTTfctl gloHooi cociedj. "The Rival-," iti "Ireland it Was." lor the benefit cf Mrs. More, on Monday bight, April 3J. ZT For cho;ce dreg, pur toilet aoap-, brabre,, 4c , at.d for ibebotqakk yes-t, go to SeLOur'e drug store. Este IIoue block. B7Th Cincinnati traio was not ia ye-tcrJay evening ol 6 o'clock, in consequence of dane done bj tr.t rain EflHAn anubtotype car near th Un'.oa Dct-ot was. bfown ot "er bj the i!e. on Mrht, to ths gret demvg of r.-c'ure tkin mi-erial. Tbe proprietor, if enterprising-, will ai.dcuhtcdi be II right ia a few dij. HlLictoia Notice Quarterly meeting at Wesley Chapel to day and to morrow. IW. Dr Heid, of Ciocinntti, elitor of The Western Christian Advocste. wiJI preach on Sabbath at 10; a. m.. aud At 7 p. ca Ibe public re invited to attend. 57"The fwot crossing over I'oueV Rua, r.etr the Union depot, w carried away bv the bi-jh water; but this accident will cot necessarily im pede tbe travel of pedestrian, who frrqient Ntw Jersey street, as another bridge is c!o?e by. Riligioi Notice Iter. B. F Fo-ter will prth iu College II til to-ruorrow morning, a Wi o'clock. Almoin the evening at 7 o'ch'tk. Subject for cvenim;, by rrqueot "Like of Iir and "Second Death" Ten KevLti.ii ni. k SPTbe fiood is doii g a reat deal of datavte along the lice of F4II creek All the bottom laud are ovei Cowed, and the bridge were ii great danger of being carrieJ away ye-terJi) iftCtLCCD. ?T"Mrs. More, a Mrs. Malaprop, and July J 1 rot, with the full strength of the ur com pany, for Mr. Alore'a benefit on Mndy b'ijht, April 3d. Munt About Davh Ia consideration ol tht small decline in htt-, from nni alter ihU day, 1 will Mil all staple good at 10 per ecnt lcs-t thtn the plain Sgare tank, which w ja-t the decline in goods aiace thej were marked. Ijaac Davis, No. iiS Tenrvylvania street 1 3t t5T"Senour keep one of the bet dru store io tbe city, and iu additiou to medicines of all oris and the best kind, be lit everything in the line of toilet article, for ldic- and g-ntlerccri Iii place ta No. 5, Hues Home IMock t5yThe work of boidderinj; W a-hin;;toii street on the track of the city railway, ht? been commenced. Thia ia a work we hope to eee vij: orouIy prosecuted to it4 end, as it will add much to its tppejrance m well as to the benefit of the treet. Do x a Lfcso.n 's Combixatio! This Company, after a 0uccea.ful run of m niglits, give awuv to a panoramic exhibition. We untierstand they go from here to Terre lltute, and probably my return to our citj in the course of a week or two Tbeir entertain ineutd here luve been will iec'iv ed by the community. Ulowx Dow.x. A Ure wareroom. belonging to the firm of hi.iker k Cotupinv, itt:d ueJ lor tbe purpose of stowing michiotry, Lc, was blown down Tturly niht, thereby duitging, to the amount of $1.000, engine, corn .heller-, ai.d thrashers, which we:e in the building at the time The structure wan a Urce frame one 50x100 feet, situated on South renn-jlvxiiii street. - m . , . BcxTEXCio In the Mit ion Circuit Court e terday Dennis Hardee wa sentenced to two years cotfinemeiit at bird lbor iu the peniteott ary tor stealing clothiDg. Dennis hd secured to himself a place where, for the tutare he will be furbished with suitable covering at the cxpen-e of the commonwealth, as well a ample leisure to reflect upon the biblical ad.ige tht the waj of the tran.-gresor is hird. " t2T" Attention is called to the ad reitie merit of the New York and Liverpool Petroleum Com pany. The pro-pectus, which will be sent to an address on application, gives a full account of ii operations, with charier hq! by 'aw A limited number of ttbire are otlViel at the t-u'jsorijjtion price of five dollars per share, without further tax or assessment, ciu be had tv alJrt-saiiig the company, 71 Broad ay Ne York, or oti appli cation to any of its tnu. t5TMesrs. Todd 3i Cttmich.icl, No. t?, North IVnitdy Ivauia, street, book sellers and Lationers, have a i.ett store Ld wtll hllel with aUtioi.ry ot all kli;ds, wh'uh they fell at the lowest New York quotations, school Mi.d bltt.k . bKk!, pni books, diaries, Jko., books intruciii:t: both lor the old and voun', sibbath school b ok aid librarits. rwward cards, question books on all parts of the bible, fitles and testaments at the Bible Society prices. Dou't fail to call ou them or anvthing in their line. l55T Yter Jay wa in marked contrast to tYe oi pretend iu it, and our street presented thtir uul bt:lf afd animsted appearance. Tfie chaDge, gulden n it was, was nererlhele tht mot acceptable, and no doubt many a poor in valid aud convalescent welcomed it with dt-üght. as wrl! as tbe more fortunate The ladies evi dentlv were determined to tifce alvtntce ot the fair kv. as we noticed a gooJlj number on all the principal street, and the light step and cheery cour tecance only tetrsyed thethsbklul ce-s tbt must have filled the rmtedelutri rs bid they csctjeJ the flood. tSPThe street commissioner has under his employ a large force engaged in removing the dirt which has been piled up along Washington street for the past lew days Thee tnonuuir.t of Hiberniiu faithfulness we euppose have ie mained locg enough to perpetuate the gratitude of ail who frequent the great thoroughfare of tbe citv, as thej ctruinW have hot escaped the notice of the most ind fferent, and row the com misaioner, satisfied, no dor, thit the grtti tuJe of tbe public will be perpetual, a.-:!ed thtse testimonials in a vi.rou ui-iuurr your day morning, aud which promises a ppeedv rc moval of the unsightly pi!e- of accurauinteJ 51th and d:rt. !T" W 5i call the attentiou of our teau aftw to tbe Urge lot of unredeemed pleJces t Solomon' Pawn Broking establishment. No. lb East Washington street, consisting of tine to'd j and silver watches, gold and silter ring. -erond- 1 hand clothing, ladies' and gents ('almost new.) pistols, revolvers, sewing machines. lade?' cloaks, shawf, boots and shoes, hats and ca; and many other articles of value to nume:oas to meulioo. We will guarantee to our reaitr if tbey will call on tbe Solomon, Pros tev will get cheap go)ds and be waited upon by gentlemen. Stcx We learn that brigadier Ueneral Car lirgtoa is at present confined to his room from a pulmonary attack. We saw it statrd the other day that the general was about bei; g assigoe I to aetire duty in the field, but we suppose he will not leave 1L4 city until bis complete recovery, a his service are too importsr.t to the government to permit him to reckle-sly endarcr h life r-tiher by expo-ing hi-cseif to bui't :. or encounterirg the dareeroua malaria so I at a 1 to consumptives, aid hi-;h lurks in aouthirn ItVilltle where our armies are generally fjur.J May the general prove as bld in the field as he h at tbe trenchent Uard NoTICa The ladin it Iid rapo are invit ed to raeet on Monday rext at 3 o'clock p ra , in the basement of Roberts Chacel. to l,er a Utement eor.cerning the coa.diiioo of tie hi'e reluiteea row in our citv. The refugee cm:n -ion is endeavoricg to provide fr then, but it frequently bappeta that ome suffer extremely, arxl even d before tbe facts of their s tuition re reported It is propose!, therefore, to organ ize a committee of ladies, as has been done in other ciliea, who eilt vo!umrr toii-it hu t g tnee poor peo; le, tje.ily allot whom aie wo tnen and cbddren, and c-operate with tbe com mis -.loo Io aiTrding tbe needed relief N. A Hinx. Hec. Secretary. To the Pufclle Tt Cttf r rensurrr. Mt Ecrro: In t free government good faitb an J fsir dealing are tbe ociy sere foundations on wbicb public trshictioti eta silely be pliceJ. Fraud sod treachery soon destroy confidence among roea, and without cotfiJence free govern txect is impofklble. Especially is this tbe ca in oor public lection, whether primsrT or final. I fay tb'.s with direct reference to tbe late primary election forUy officer? The frauds reported to on thit occasion were such as to destroy all con fiieace la the result a an expres-ion of popular will Tboe were nomiaated who made the lent scruple of resortiujr. to double and repeated Toting by tie sitae persons, wlil: ihoc wLo re lied upoa a f ir eireKn of the jjpular will wte defeted. It was to ULCommna thing for m.u to vote twice and from that to twenty timea The 1 esult of Mch a course of proceed ing was simply to cniWe those who leiot t.cru p!ed to commit fracd to carry their point. These rcsnarks are particularly applicable to the r.oroiuition of the city treasurer. Il ws a el by the federal candidates for that elSce Hull the oames of all persona voting at tbat poll sfmalibe fairlv registered, and that the majority of Itwfo' votes should determine the result. Ae cordiiigly, when the poll opened, clerks begaL in du form to record the names of the voters. It w soon discovered, however, that it mch a coure wns continued frand would beimposa ble, and witliout fraud it wa? equally appareLt that ertain a-pirai.t? could rot succeed. Hence, io my ab-ence, without my consent, and ga nt my will, theclerks were removed, and all restraint upoD fraudulent voteis aid votiüg re moved al-o. The election after that was simply a farce, nbd, si that election wi then sdcro-ed to be decision of the final elec . . .1 1 sou, it place J the cmce at me mercy 01 inose who did not scruple to trample under foot all the principles of fairness, while the men of principle and property the tax payers of the City bad iio s ty in determining who is to be the custodian of iheir fut.d. . It is high lime that buch protretditg? were de nounced, and stopped. Good men of ail parties mu-t unite to put an end to them, or the city will soon become a prey to the wort men in it. I ask the people to reconsider saclj even's, and correct them while they still have the power Let them take the matter to heut whi!e tbey may still act. au J it is not yet too late to imprtss upjii such proceedings the .ap;.ropriite designa tion and brand, and prevent their recurrence ia the future. I hate written this csrd in no spirit of disap pointment over the result of that contest; but because I htve yet left the pride of character which every honorable and fair man should rherish for himself and his fellow citizeus; and I would not pee it lost by such reckless rascality. Olivlr W. Johnson. Tin: Damage rv tuk Stobm The damage resultiug from the etorm on Thursday was tot so great as was apprehended. It had mined al most ince-sautly for thirty-six hours and the amount of water that felt was immense, causing letrsto be eatertaine 1 for the safety of property s t'HteJ on water courses. ; I'ogue's, Kun, forgetting her niturl bounda ries broke through her accustomed restraint and run will orer the lowlands along her courso This unusual frek of cl isical Pogue's however, di 1 not result is the ui iterial d tm go of a gre it amount The damage sustained bv the seteral railroads centering in the city was comparatively trivial, and resulted only in the detention of the night iraina some few hours their published time Ou the Indianapolis and Ptru railroad a culvert waa wahed oat, near Noblesville. but no further damage was reported. The trestle work on the Indianapolis and Cincinnati to id near K izabeth town, wa.s damaged to some extent, but not suf ficient to delay trains over a few hours. The Jftrerponville road run no regular traius until ye?terdty afternoon, when things again resumed their old order. The telegraph lines were, as a general thing, down, an I cnnpquntly there was received no reports at the various office?, which mikes our in telligence necessarily roeacre, but as the storm extended universally we infer tht the d m ige, especially a!on the lire streams, will amount to considerable an 1 may expect to heir of heavy los. es. TmN-FERS or Ueal Estatk On yesterday the following transiers wire rn ide in real estate at the office of the county auditor: Michael (1 Bright, Nathan Powell, and E W. II Ellis, to Thomas .1. Elton, lot No. 35, in Bright. Powell, and Ellis' eubiiviaiou of out lot? i:5 Price $045. Tij m is J Eiton, to Charier- C Williams, lot No o5, iu Bnght. Powell and Ellis' subdivision of out lot 155 Price $:JU0. John to George Cott. ljg acres In n pirt of the west half of the north east quarter, and east h lf of the notth west quirter of section 21 . townshio 15, north of rn.;e2est. Pr.ce i2.i7 M Km an it Pierce, to Wilson Catt, lot No. 3. in XI Kernan Hi d P.erce's sublivision of lots II and 12, block IS in Drake's ad lition to In dian-polis Price Most: Oil Our enterprising fellow citizen, J II Vjen, who owns a tract of land in the oil regions adjoining the city, has proposed that he will give nil the Und necessary, and be one of tortv to bear equil exreuse in sinking a well to b re for nil, or thoroughly test the question aa to whether there is oil in this vicinity. He will tive the land in fee, with all the benefit to accrue from the well, withouttharge. the land to revert iu eise no oil is obtaiurd We hive herd f several gentlemen who will join in the entet prise, and we have no doubt, from the well known en ergv of Mr. Vjen. that he will raise the coin pmy and carry out the pUrj. I bis will thor Muchly test the nutter at small expense to each member of the compmv, and, if successful, the I et u: 11 vill piy well. We hope it miy succeed Metropolitan Theatbc. To night M;s Olive Logan appears, tor the list time, at this popul ir place ot amusement A ereat bill wiil bt presented: the boau'iful and favorite play of Iiigomar." with Mis- Loin as Partbenia, and Mr Riley a Ingorair; also the sparkling come iy of th? " Country Cousin," with Miss Login as Margery . Monday, Ap r il 3J, the universal favorite, Mrs. II More, will tike her first benefit in this city. A t excellent euterltinmnt will be given, and a cro(led h u-e will doubtless be the result. We un Jerstand Waitiug for the Verdict" will be re pr.d'iccd hortly for a night or two. 35 The culvert under the canal at Pogue's run wia washed out bv the recent freshet, which not only destroyed it, but carried away consid ei ible portion of the canal embankment. The datn.geatthis place is the aio-t con-iJerable of any that has tesulted from the Ftorm in the citv. We presume, however, that it will not be ! repiired, as we understand the expense of replsc ing the work would result in a greater expendi ture thin would be derived from the benefit of the water privileges, and s this, i? ail the cacil ia used for, the probabilities are that it will be allowed to remain as it is pKOMono.vs Tbe following prorutiors in In liana regiments were, ou y esterJiy, m le at tlie-Hice of the a'jut int genera!: 12l'h Kfg'l John W. Howard, capwia com psnv D; How.ird Wil.-oti, 1' l:eut ; Alexsnder M Willi-,. 21 lieut. He:j F Morgan, cant liu company E: George K Siuart. 1st lieut ; William Wright. 2J lieut. Üiiev W. Woods, captain comruny F. . C. IleL.uricks, formerly surgeon of tbe 31 t, to be surgeon of the 149:h t LTCom-M all O K n ) were very 1. ippy to shike hati-ts yesterdiy wi'h our enterpri-ini.' trend Geo D E-q . formerly rroprietor of Wa-hirgton 1UM. alter a trip of ix weeks, from the oil regions neir Cinneiton Mr. Dletx bro-:;ht wnh hsra a very nxe lot of coil oil, iron i ore. t mptoras ot :ead, and il siolc. Merchai.ts or pcu'.atitf will f. .d it to their ad J vantage ti cilling upon Mr. e'i to mke fur gin. in oil. or even ti ;f -: i:. th -r-it. Mr Die t's bu:: es hctir are from 6 o'el n k t rri till ll1 o'clock, pm.. Washington Hill FoB utNT A larte rim ia the third story of ihe new Sentinel buildings. No J? .uth M eri :ian street The room is well lighted a:; J the ettrmce good Applv at this cS. 7if. ;?TJ. R Marct. No 233. Eis: Wa.hin. .:n treet. has in store a Ure stock of second hand furniture, retrly all a ginnl as tew, wLich he sells at prices toV::t the times. IfT"Se Lc Wm Th irason's ajverusemect 0". tae toar h pace of to day's paper. jan 25 tf. STA few exchange pipers, done up in pack ages of 100, caa be had at tbli oflce tf Tnt 'ArtAmc Ei-mmsT. TM magnifi cent new restaurant and saloon. 172 South III! nto street, opposite the Ualoa Depot, is one of the most popolar institutions la the city. Tbe proprietors, Mers O'Leary k Stahl, spire no eirene or cffjrt to supply their larder and their bar with the ery bet articles that the market affords. From ten to twelve o'clock la the raomitj:, and it the am time at rJfht, a splen did free lancb la set fr the aceomodatioti of their customer--, gotten up by that famous artiste, L uis Haidj, who Its beta bend cook in the Bäte, the Hcroet. the Astor. and other first class bote!. There is no place to tbe city where a better meil can be procured than at the Atlan tic, and tbe genial host. Captain O'Leary, is ever resdy to welcome the hungry or dry, ard supply their wants. 2-6 Ami'seucn'ts Misi Olive Logsn on lat night took her farewell benefit at the Metropolitan. The pi iy anrouocej wsi the five act tragedy en titled the " Italian Wife's Revenge," with "Love's Cha" as the comedy. Either from want cf appreciation by the theatre-goirg com munity, or the style of acting of Miss Logsn. or both, but a poor audience w present for a bene fit night. Oa MonJay night Mrs. More takes a benefit The old lady " is deservedly popular, and oa this occasion will undoubtedly sustain ber part in that admirable manner peculiar to herself The Donaldson combination closed their series of perf rm mces at tha Tabernacle last evening. Tbey hive been well patronised during their stay. 5T"Heitkam, the merchant tailor. No. 17 North Illinois street, opposite the Bates Houe. has jut returned from the east with a new stock of spring and summer cloths, casairocres, ve;t ir ga, and all articles, iu the gentlemen's oulfiting line, turehssed since the heavy decline, which he will sell at the lowe-t gold rates. Any person wanting a sprine suit should call on Mr Hei'kam before purchasing. i Jr A rich gtowth of hair produced, the natural color restored, (not dyed), and all disea nes of tbe scalp, falling off. ic, cured by u-ing "Eureka," the infallible hair restorative. Price $1,00 per bottle. Sold by all druggists J. It Se.noir, Druggist, Bates Block, Agent. eod tt. A mau weil known in Detroit, who a short time since was unfortunate enough to have bis wile taken away from him by the return from the w ir of her first husband,. hs -succeeded iti recon ciling the matter and bringine his wife back again. Humor says he paid $500 for her. It appears from an official return that there ate at present 2 3?2 religious houses in Italy, which 1 ,I06are for men, and b7C for women. The number ot religious is 2$ .991, of whom 14,c07 are men and 14 1 S 1 are vromeu. The mendi cant order includes 8.229 persons comprised in the above-mentioned total. Telegraphic Dispatches, srosTKi aircsMLr roaiaa axta stavr ssitifil. fror Mornine; itcpori see riret Pare. MIDNIGHT KEPORT. Latest War Hews. From the Array of the Potomac THE ADVANCE ON RICIDIOND. THE CONDITION OF AFFAIRS. i,ti;u from mh:i:tia UNION FEELING IN NORTH CAROLINA. INTERESTING HEBEL NEWS. FROM CAIRO AND BELOW. A.c. Ac., &: Ac. Ac From .ev tnrk. Ntw York, March 31. The Co aim ere is IV Wa-hingtvjii Special says: Geu. Graut'-v recent predictions that within k few weeks Richmond would be rendered un tenable, is about being verified. Much of the news is contraband, but it does no harm to state that the combinations are of a clurucfer et in to assure success. The present move will cut eft all communica tion between Lee and Johnston. Citn. Thomas is moving uf on Richmond from th4 southwest with u hevy force. The ei.emv will be pressed so as to compel Lim to give in stead ol receiving battle. Ut liable dvices from the army represent that Grant's movement L certain to secure possession of the South Side railroad. is the key to Petersburg and Uichmoud. Major General Batiks leaves to mono for New Orleius via Cairo and the Mississippi river. A complimentary dinner is to be given him this evening by his friends in this city. The K earner Colorado, for Uio Janeiro, Pa natna and S n Fiancisco, with Prot. Agn-s'z and suite on board, has anchoied at quarantine, and will go to ea aa soon as the weather clears. The Post Wa-fcington special siys that the gold and gcnertl assets of the Merchants ad Me chamc's Dink of that city have been sent from Richmond. Two percussion cap manufactories have also teen removed, it is snppo-od to Dtnviile or L iK-l.burc. Lee's uitnt has .supplies ten days ahead. The special to The Post say?: There is no truth iu the peace rumors Nothing but vigor ous war against the rebe's is thought of in offi cial circles The Expre. savs there was renewed dei-res- sion in the produce market, and still lower pri ces were made trenerallv, while busines was lim ited From .Neu bent. NkWBEBX. March -w. The armies in North Carolina are taking a brief repose. Sherman's forces were much in need ot shoes, clothing anJ other necessaries prior to striking the ficishir.g blow to the rebel confederacy. All ia quiet at the front. The enemy show no signs of lite. Where thev sre. or what they are about, spprars a matter of inditfererce jut at present Sherman's headquarters are to be removed from Savannah to Newbcrn. Gen Howard's heidquarters are also to be re moved from Beiufort, S C to this point. Five hundred and fourteen bags of mail ar rived on Sunday and Monday for Sherman's army. The eocpratulations of the loval citiiens of this sector of N orth Carolina over the appoint mentof Hon Hugh McCu'loch. of Indiana, and Senator Harlan, of Iowa, in the cabinet, which were recently i'irwsrded to Wahiagton. con clude by saiing: " These selections by our es teemed president, which .re 0 satisfactory to us, repre.-ict the purity, ski. 1 and nobler.ers of our ister M ites of the grettwe.-t. Another bitch f W!( rebel pruor.ers arrived here from Gcldh-orc on Sunday. Tbey left es ttrday fr the i.orlh More half of them deirc ly t tke tbe oath d i'egiai.ce A ceneral p lyrtent o!" ali troops i;i this uiri t ri a ter Hist been or lere 1 0 be nude up i'ecerc trout Fttilailrlplil-. PntntrLrnra. Msrch 31 Two faüures are reported today; rice of them for very large amount. A private ciipi'ch from Gen Meade state thu M j M . Ewen. of the It'-vh Pennst I vania. Union League regiment, fell iu the engagement yester dat morning. Jv Co-ke report that the subscript 'on a to the 7 30 loan to-day am ouuted to $-2.136.900. one from Cleveland of $3 ,000 from the larget firm in the west, and ot e from Philadelphia for $100.000. wh-ch was the largest from the eist. There also 1,510 aubscriptki2 &f $30 and $100 each. rrtn t7ßaö!offton. Wiaan'oTO'v, - Msrcb 31. Icforraation from tbe advance ol the Army of tbe Potomac, Jt'?d Httcher'i Raa, Tbcrad sj morning, shows tbst tbe locality of our army under Grant at that time was 00 a parallel with, and eist of Boyd town plank mad. ard weit cf HVtcher'a Run. Three fmpcrtaot poUioc bavo br-n gained without resistance from tbe enemy. The 5th corps had a short encounter with the enemv on the Q-iaker road, oa Wednesday, but h il 31U nen in the affair, and drote tbe rebels nearly a mile, wiih serere lo to them, and cap tured a oumberof prisoners. Richmond papers of Wednesday report that Gen Sherldaa passed Diowidcle Court House on Wedae-dsy morning, and tbey thit.k b'n destiaa tion Is South SiJe road. The Star says tbe tegro canal tain, who? bo it wn smashed by Gen. Sberklin In bii late raid, and who was lionized by tbe Rich mood pa pers as having joined the colored recruits ia a fever of indignation against tbe Yankees, has deserted to our lines, and brings with him twenty new rebel uniforms. Richmond paper? of the 29 ib have the follow ing: Advices Irom Mobile of tbe 2Ctb say prepara tions for defense are very complete, ar.d rrovis iocs to l?t six months are in the city. From the South . ActLsia, Ga., March 2G A force reported to be uuder Griersou one day last week made a demoLsfraticn on Tupelo, Miss , but were driven off. The Richmond Sentinel has the following from East Tennessee : Gen. Thomm, having transferred a portion of his army to Kooxville. and united it with Gilleto, is said to be moving in the direction of Virginia line. At last accounts his command had reach ed the vicinity of Greensville, a little over half wav from Knoxville to Bristol. The expedition ia accompanied by an engineer corps ol 2.000 men, who are engaged in rebuild ing the railroad as fast as the enemy marches communications with the base at Knoxville will thn-be kept up. The object of the expedition is no doubt to pos-ess and hold southwestern Virginia, and if practicable to move on and capture Lynchburg, thus co-operating with Grant in compelling the evacuation of Richmond. The scheme is well conceived, but it will be apt to miscarry in the execution, just as others have. from Cairo. CatRO. March 31. Seventy-five bales of cot ton for St Louis, and b23 bales for Cincinnati, passed here Gen Waabburu offers from 1300 to $1,000 for the capture and conviction of guerrillas within 20 miles of Memphis. Rtbel deserters in the vicinity of Meridian. Miss , defy the authorities, and threaten to an nihilate the militia and burn their houses if they attempt to oppose them. On the other hand, Forrest declares that if the militia fail to arrest deserter he will niake a campaign in their locality. from Ilultitnore. HaLTiMOKE, March 31 The western train from here to Wheeling yesterday was tu red by guerrillas and a'the cars except were burned. All the passengers were dered. mail plun- The Very Latest. THREE O'CLOCK A. M New Yonx, March 31. There has been some excitement here to day over the passage of the bill providing for a paid fire department. Some firemen say tbey will not turu out in ca;e of fire, and will preveu oth ers frum doing so The mayor has issued a proclamation recommending good order and cbe dience to the laws, and oiling upon the firemen to protect public propeity as usual. The society for procuring cmplojmeut for disabled ar.d discharged soldiers publishes a let ter fiom the rresident promising such soldiers whatever offices they can fill in the various de partments. and his heattv co operation in the new movement. The Times' armj of the Potomac correspon dent of the Ifckh gays: Yesterday orders were received at the various field hospitals to remove the sick and wounded to City Point, and keep the boepitals in readi ness for any emerf-ency that may arise. The Times' Washington special has the fol lowing: Tbc discharge of the St. Albans raiders has created a bad feeling, and though the govern ment is inclined to reciprocate the friendly sen timentsof many leading Canadians, sought tobe carried out by acts of legislation, yet it is not to be pre-umed that a repetition of such farces can be taken as good faith or good intentions on the part of Cmada. The Herald's Newbcrn special gives some particulars regtrding Gen. Sherman's recent quiet but hasty trip from Go!dboroto City Point and visit to Gen Grant. Gen. Sherman ou his way retnirked to a friend that a t lk of five minutes with Gen Grant would be sufficieut for a mutual arrangement of their plans. While Sherman wss in Newberu a rumor was circulating that a proposal for a cessation of ho tilities h id been submitted to him by Gen. John ston, and that his visit to City Point was for the purpose of laying them belore Gen. Grant and Geu Lee. A F-rtics Monioe corzespoudent fays the ex ch cs is progressing 9 itisfactorily . The Richmond Enqu;rer of tbe 27tb says the 'ituition in North Carolina becomes ruore and more interesting. With bis array scarcely half organized, Gen Johus'oa has been able to reHt the advance of the enemy from the time he left Ca"pc Fear river Ou three occasioc? he his iiiven Sherman a severe le?on in the art of war, w hile at Kinston he was no less eevcrely punish-i.-bed by Bragg. The "battle of Dentonville was a triumph to our aims oa the 20ih. Tbe enemy was entrench ed, and co fighting occurred on the 21st. There was he ivv skirmish ng and eome severe fighting, in which the enemy were badly handled. That night he moved off. Gen. Johnston maintains his position, ad will be readv to meet the enemy at all points. The Caroliuiaa of the 23d siys: Oo the 21at Gea Johustou a.iin attacked Sherman in the front and on the flank, and after a severe battle, drove him iu contusion iico tbe field, capturing a large number of prisoum. and utterly demor aüxinc the federal army. The sime paper states authoritatively that the comratLdiLti of prisons in North Carolina have been ordered to prepir to receive 5,000 prison ers In tbe battle of ot the 1 Gib , our lor ia set down mi 3D0, while that of the Vackees is 2,c00. Waa:5urox, March 31. It is currently reported in this city to day. but not authentically, that the rebels, durir.g Wed resday nig3t, made teveril attempts to break through our liües in the tcighborhood of Fort Steadman, but our fort? nd artillery opened oa them with a terrible fire, which as often drove thep back in confusion until they abmdoned the contest. During March 2r?ih sixty deserters from LeeV army were received in this city, to all of whom the oith of allegiance was administered. During February only 1,239 were received. The president hu cot returned from Virginia It is said that ou Wcdt.edy he tode out to the front w;ih a number of distinguished offi cers Tits? finding and sentence in the cases of Dev e'.ia aLd Cahill. the New York bounty brokers, tried before Gen rraeg's military commission, of which Col. P. Chipman, "of the wsr de- pirtment ia jude advoca'e. have been confirmed by the secretary of war. Jctr.i üevena was ?en tet ced to ten tesrs in the pe; '.ten'.iary, and fined $3.0io- James Dcrel.n. seven yetrs in prison ani filled $3,00d; John Cihill, five yeirs in prison Thy are to b? er.t to the Ciinton privn. This i just an it s'.anee of a Ure batch of Mailar cases, and which brings to light immense frauds practiced oa tne so verc merit Steps are being taken to bring to justice these oüVr.ders in other prts ef the country, and pre vent the of frauJs. The commission er is going fort ard rapidly i:h tbe exsmina tier. Baltimoie, March 31. The i f trure brat Manhattan arrived at An napolis this p 11. with r-eren hundred and filty released prisoners. Tbe Manhattan brinrs a rum.T that Peter abarz his been evcBitS j The World' trtay of the Totomsc fpecial hau tbe follnwirft Tfre grand, corement'of ttla arm? Is oot yet fcllr developex!. It bid it origin this morning Several daft of unusual activity have prevailed io tbe everal departments. The speedy opeclrg of the spring emp!-rn ia anticipated. Orders were Uiued yesterday to tbe troops et peeling to participate in the movement to bold themselves io readiness to move to-day tt C o'clock ptecisely. As freah troops arrived thej were placed ia the works vacated by tbe 2J corps, ted threw op others extending atill further to tbe left than the old line. This time there has been 00 swinging around to protect flicks or tausiog of troop to the left, but the line baa been strengthened towards Roydstown and the south tide of the railroad Coi. McNair, first brigade, Ji division, seat out a smsll party toward Dibnev Mills to rccos noitre One shot was fired at the party, causing the onlj casualty to the regiment for the day. The 5:b corp met with more stubborn opposi tion. It moved from its po&itiou near Hatcher's run along tbe narrow wood roads until tbey ar rived at the thoroughfare know as Quaker, run ning northerly into the Doydtown road, when they suddenly came on the rebels io considerable force lodged in a piece of timber tear tbe run. Previous to crossing tbe stream Gea. Ayera division, which held the right. Lad four columns detached and placed at tbe crossing of tbe Qua ker and Vaagban roads to guard against an at tick from the extreme leftoa the lice of tbe lat ter road, as Griffin's division was io the center. The fkirmishcrs hid been thrown well to the d ink, and did not discover tbe enemy until re ceiving a sharp fire from him. They fell back to the main body, and Griffio sent the 1st brigade to their suaoort. They met with a bad fire, which sent them bark Another brigade moved to their assistance Thev succeeced in rushing very clo.-e to the enemy's positiou, where thev pelted him until be left tbe position and fell back to tbe supposed main line Very little artillery was used. Mtanwbile tbe cavalry corps of Sheridan swung around still further south and moved rapidly forward toward the eaemy'a communica tions Our los does not reach 300; that of the en emy much les. We captured 70 prisoners. The troops opposing us were Rushrod John eon's. The World's Washington pecial says persons supposed to be well ioformed respecting the plans of Grant are confident that bis movement against the Soutbaide railroad, with a view to compel tbe evacuation of Petersburg by Lee has already taken place. COMMERCIAL. I ar TaUttSant. . Vorn Ifarbei. Naw Yoaa, March 31. Cotton less active and lower, at 434Gc for middling. Flour dull, heavy: 15ot40c lower, at $S 03 6 10 for extra state $9 35(39 50 extra round hoop Ohio, and $9 510 50 for trade brands, markets clo;ing heavy, with no buyers at out ride quotations. Waisky scarcely so firm, at $2 152 1C for western. Wheat dull, nominal and. if? 5c lower. Rye dull at$l 251 30. II it ley milt nominal. Corn quiet and 34c lower; for uew white $1 151 49; new yellow $1 4$1 52 afloat and delivered. Oata quiet and decidedly lower at 99 for western. Wool dull. Petroleum dull; 33tc for crude; 51c for re fined bond; 72c do free. Rice dull. Sugar firmer; Cuba MtHrnrado 13?. Coffee quiet and firm. Molasses inactive. Pork opened heavy and decidedly lower at $23 00(327 00 for new mesa, and closing at $23 5024 50 for 'C3- C4;do cash and regular way, closing at $24 for cash, $23 5021 for prime and $2G(22g 25 for prime mess Beef steady and more ac tive at $13(317 for mess and $16 50(221 for extra mess Beef bams unchanged at $23(24 50. Cut me its quiet at 14,L(cr15ic for s houldero and 15316 for bams. Bacon quiet at 1415)c for Cumberland cut, lGlli?c for long ribbed and 16t4'c for short nbhed. Lirdin fair demind at 16 Butter io demand at 122l for Ohio and 20 (3 23c for state. Cbeese quiet atl423c. Monev moderatelv active at J(ä;7 per cent. Sterling dull at $1 09(21 l'9 for first clsss bills Gold more activeopening at $1 51, advanc ing to $1 52., declining to $1 51 and closed at SI 51,'. Government stocks firm. nv TOSC MONKT MARKST. New Yoar, March 31. Gold Las ihowo rather more firmness this morning, pirtly from the supposition that the rain etorm may defeat Grant's important move ments. The quotations fluctuated between $1 51 (1 51 closing at the lat:er fizu-es. Laim Gold closed at Gallagher's exchange last nicht at $1 olf. NEW YORK CITY CATTLE MARKET. ilaawti Dar, Ttksdat, March :8,lfeC5. total arcairrs or cam or all kixds, roa tub Sheep and Beeves. Cows. Veals. Lambs. Swine. Total 3.6TO IT 1,312 7,723 4.031 La.twefk 2,3?. 154 75 5,361 1.&03 CorKpn'fc week la.-t -r.... 3,"9. lül 714 li.OW 8.M1 AT'r'geNo.per Wk in I8S4.. 5,167 US 1,511 15.31. U.G90 BFKVBS raOM DirriBIBT STATES. 5ewTork l',3 Maine Pennsylvania 261 Iowa 27 Illinnis 1,147 Canada 263 Kentucky 94 Missouri Nw Jery 9 Connecticut ?3 Terlese M asachu.tts Ii2 Wisconsin .. 3w Hampshire Vinrinia Mich'girj 1?3 Ohio 173 Indiana .... 26 BEEVES. The nitrlft fr Wef ca'.tl fcai a-jaia t-een very juiet ttls wesit. ..y. Tbe government, ou Monday, took 79 head of very good cattle, a rortion of which cost t&e contractor over 2-M4c at AiDany. TLe average price this wek Ii bisher tb an ever be fore, and li partly tbe con?equcnce of a better quality. Quotatious are a follows: Premium qnalitie,per ct t-?5.00g26.00 Prime, do 27,Ki4,00 MertiQui to good qua!itie,percwt 19,(021.00 Poor do do 12.0014.00 General .Mir-s; price" do 20,JOw3,00 Aversge do 21,00 ... MiLca COW. The raarktt tbis week La continued quits dell, eaased part'v by the high price ef beef ca'tle, which has in duced mar;y owners to-ei! their rows for beef, and partly by tke unprepitiou täte of tLe butter trade, which ha dri.en many buyers frcn tte market; but at the cloe ta re m a more done. Quotaii n are nom'na'ly as fo'low: ordinary to good c w, ir.clid t-: calf, ?W?tii5; eitra to f-cy, s0 VBAIX. hrime veals have continued scarce and in deatr.4. bnt prices have somewhat declined on a'l bat the rxst grade, at tLere have been larg arrivals by the river. Tbe market for skins ts aIo much lower, which car.cot tail to depress live stock, while the Urge arrivals cf "hobs ' a d the drpreaMin a ill more. Th bet veal command cniy 13&16c per lb, and ordinary to fair vealJ tll at lOfflic. wbil. inlnor cannot placed at a-cT 7il0c mur. Tbc receipts :h:s week a ?grjs'e 7.73 b.i. agslcst 3Cllan week, and I ,92 la the saroa week of lr4. Alihoaah the arrivals excd la r.oniber tbo of laat wt-ek, ti 1 the qaAü'y J not better, nor have tbey leea I suScler.tlv large ta dtre the market mot than half a cent per pour:i against !s-t week, noiwi'.hitAaJir.g a far ther decline in pelt. Tbe prospect, however, i cot very f.itterlrg for the holder of heep, av the larg op rlies lta'uned ou th railrosds are sure to come m this wrfk, whea a lare d-ciine U Inevitable. He t.aote as f jIIows: g A t Drirae beep, per lb, 13 14; medium to fair, 1!;,13, con-son to median, lWle. The total receipts aasont to bot 4.01 bgt, a nunber which, though lower than lat week, it tili rarely sufi eient to supply tbe wants cf the tr2e; kat tha quantity Is n"t so good s ureal, and this mornicg there was a mh h;ch depres-eJ the market. Tre'e4 hers ar Bomi-si. We q-v-te: Uvehcgs. ser ewt. Pr.m heavy rTe.t'r.cornfed. 13013,63 Prt-neltiht de do 13.-3130 Kew York do do Sull fed 13,10313,33 Dressed, per lb. Small pig, stua, lot retaU t:beri yiiW IDTEIrTlSSilEliT. THE UPWIOIV il OF INDIANAP0LIG. IS NOW READY TO ISSUE POLICIE3. OcimIi Capital, OiiOO.OOO Capital Co und for the Payment of Lone, 0100,000. No Safer Company wascrer Organ ized in tbe United States. Assets all Invested in U. S. Bonds. THE STOCKHOLDERS ARE THE VERY BEST CAPITALISTS IM THE STATE. WHEJf T0C CAS H1TI EQUALLY S.KLI1BLK Insuranca at oms, why send yeor money sbrsa!! Aarnt in every coanty In the State. jHr rOL.ClKS 1SSUKÜ BT MArn5DALK k (iEUBBM, ia ths trt boildicg south of tha Fost 0Sr. "to. 4, cp-sts!rs (Talbott k Jew's Block.) JAMVS M. KAY, Presideat. F. M. MumviLV, T. Pres. and Treassrvr. D. VT. ORCBM, 8crtary. 23 ireotora. James if. Ray, Caehler of State Bank: Thosnas H. ihsrpe. cf Flttcher A f karpe's Bank, ladi anspeli; Alfred Harrison, of Harrison's Bank. Indianapolis; Wm. H. English, President of First 5ational Bank, Indi anapolis; TT m. 8. Hubbard, of Citltea's Stational Pank, Indiana polis; J. H Baldwin, of J. H. Baldwin k C-, ludianapells; Geo. Uerritt, of Merrill k Coughlia, Ind.; Charles H. Kaymond, of Morris, Goolman k Co., Indi anapolis; E. B. alartiadal, Indianapolis; L William, Banker. Fort Wayne, Ind Geo. W. Kathbone, president of Branch of Bar k ef State, F.vansville, lod ; L. G. Warren, Banker, Terra flaute , Ind. Jeba W. HnrMn, Cashier of Branch Back, Moocie, Ind. too Is. holder Calvin Flchr, Sr.. James If. Kay, Thos. H. Sharpe, Alfred Harrisoa, Wm. 11. Knglish, Wm. S. Hubbard, J. H. Baldwin, Geo. Merritt, G. W. Kathbone, W. J. HalliJay, Was. A. Bradhhaw, I. Browning k Co., Jos li. PattiMsc, Kingan k Co., J. B. Xix on, Wra. Bell, Pllney Hoaglscd, M. Jf . LandK, Geo. M. rTllliams, W. W. Leathers, Dr. P. H Jamesoa, T. B. Elliott, hi hep Ames, 8. W. Watson. James K. Too eg, Geo. B. Tandes, Wm. T. Wiley, A.G Pettibone, R. E Bicker, J.R.Howard, Wm. Wallace, Wm. Baxter, MaJerM. L. Bandy, E. R. Ames, Jr., A. A H. Schnall. J.Y.Fsrrin, Ingram Fletcher, W. D Allen, B. F. Witt. L. G. Warren, Jesse L. William, J. W. Burtton, I. B. Martlndale, Chas. H. Raymond. Ii. obie, Wm Coaahlin, Luciaa Hills, J. C. 8. Harrison, Nicholas McCarty. Aquilla Jones, Jr., Bergen Appier at, Jer afcLene, Wra. Braden, Mark K. Keeves. John W. Grubbs, s. U. Hammon D. W. Grubbs, lxois Jordon. F.Iisha J. Howlsn l. J. W. Murphy, marlS-dttt DRUGS AND MEDICINES. BI10WK & MM ca U AOSD. NO. 22, West Washington Irret, Indianapolis, Ind., Are la receipt f a larg and complete steck el Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints. Oils of All Kinds, Varnishes, Dje Stuffs. Window Glass Glassware, Brushes, Cigars, Spices, Perfumery, Coal Oil and Lamps, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS For medicinal parpoees, and all articles necessary to complete the stock of a dragaist. From cir experience and knowledge of tho wants of tha physician and the trade, wo aro enabled to preseat a stock uassrpasd in its completeness and detail. All the new a&d various CDEXHCIL PREPARTIONS and extracts cecstaa'Jy oa ksad, with a largo and well selected stock of SURGICAL ABD r.K5TAL IXSTRUMXXTf, iLAmc (rrocEDfCi. TBÜSSK8, A., . Onr acualntaiKO la tko markst r.d faellitioe aro sack as to enable as to et er. ta PURE AMD UNADULTERATED ARTICLES, 4 ro4 iDdnevcaeaU ae any tker WF.TEEH HOL'.- . and we feel cotüdent we caa render sa'.isfacdos both i-i prices asd ;titlliy of articles. JIrfAU articles warranted as re; resented. taa 1leod lnis HOTELS. IT. A.. REITZ, coniiEiiciAi One Square North of Union Depot, East Side of Illinois Street, IfDIAIAPOLIS, I-D. rflBIS HOTEL HAS BEE5 RECE5TLT REFTTTXl) aad refuraisaea. lis ireveuag aunue will iu-srnrreryatte-civs-n va saxe i&esa isei at coma. ?J-Wle la CI D AA lliuLIlnlMr, L2jr ri. WIETSZiOW, An Ixporlenced StarM aa4 Feaaale Pbyalciaa, to etieart r asalbera, tor SOOTHING SYRUP, POE CHILDREN TEETHING, Which greatly faciliUtee tke preeeea ef teetbtag. by aoftentnc the gums, redoctag alt infiamsBaticD, will allay ALL PAl!f and spasmodic actios, and is SURETO REGULATE the BOWELS Depend npea it, mothers. It will give rest to yourselves and Relief and Ileal th to Your hianLs. We have put op and sold this article for ever SO years, and CAN SAT IN C05FILENCK ASD TRCTH of it what we have rever been able to say of any other nedlelne NRTFR HAS IT FA1LFO l.w A IGUC 158TA9CK TO F.FFECT A Cl'KR, whea timely tueL svor did wo know aa instaLce of di'watlkfartioa by any one wkq aaed it. On the contrary, all are delighted with It opera tions, and peak In terms ef commendation ef Its magical effects and medical virtues. Wo speak la this matter "WHAT WK DO K SOW," after 30 year expeiiecie. ASD FLF.DGE OL K RF.FCTATIO ICR TBI I VLF1L MEXT OF WHAT WK HERE DlCLAP.D. Ia almost every instance where tbe Indent ia suftertng frosa pa Id and eiheuUon, relief will be found ia Ctteea er twenty myites alter tho syrvp isadmiaistertd. Fall directions for sing will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fee-simile ef CURTIS k PKR KIN8, Krw en tbe outside wrapper. Sell by Dnaggt throughout the world. Prie? only 35 Cents a Dottle. The Florence Nightingale of the Nursery. . TLe fvllewlng I ao extract from a letter written b the Rev. K. Z. Welver, to tho German ReformedMe. eager, at ChambershuTg, Pa.: A DENEFACTntXOO. There Is a woman ia tho public eye wLn same ba4 all along been associated, ia our mind, wlih the 'Tan kee," (,,uack."and-'Humbug., Bat it Is se ao longer, and wo desire to wrest her aamo from all sock su ricioue associations In all other minds. Whatever notions we may have of womanly delicacy and propriety, wo will all admit that woman alono is tho Kurse the good Kur the 6X Nurse. Whither we shall have Female Physicians or not. is a questioa which must be decided by time and principle, and not a matter of taste. Pride, prejudice, caprice and cutca may as well behave them selves, for if there is really a want, tkore will alao bo a supply; If there be a "calling," there will b a coming. Sataro and human society are always sclf-supplytcg. and though Art and FatLien may binder, they cannot prevent. Mrs. Window does not wiih to treat you gentlemen 5ordoes ste prescribe a regimen for your wives; bat he medestly appears as a messenger of health and hap pinetta to your infants in tho cradle, is there anything Improper ia that? A 3art f 4"30 years experience can boldly say what is or is not good fee a babe, and ought te be listened to. God speed ber oa her humble and happy mission. She is tho most successful physi cian and mosi effectual benefactress our little ones ever enjoy dber doting parents not excepted. Just epea the doer for bsr, a od Mrs. WtiJew will prove the Amer Iran Florstce Mghtlcgalo tf tit Scrsery. Of tU are so sure, that we will teach eur -Susy" to say A BleeMng on Mra. Win.lew" for helping her te survive a&d ecepe the griping, coltcking and teething siege. W coüSrm every word set forth ia tko prospectus. It performs precisely what it professes te perforaa, every part of It nothing less-Away with your Xordlal Parogorfc,M,DropM"UtdaBnm," and every 01 her !arcottc,M by which tho babels drugged into stopid.ty, and rendered dull aad idiotic for lite. We have never seen Mrs. Wiiulow-inew ber ewly tlronghthe preparation of ber 8otLlrs fyrup for Children Teething." If we bad the pewer we would make her, as she i, a physical savior to tho infant race. liest. Health and Cora fort to Mother and Child. MRS. WISSLOW'S SOOTHING STRüP f.r chBdrea teething, softens tbe gums, reduces Icflsmmation, al lays all pain, and cures wind chslic. PerWtJy safe in ail cases. We would say to every mother who has BufferiBg child, do not let your prejudice, aer tie preju dices of others, stand between yoa and yeur suffering child and tho rel ef that will be sure yes, absolutely sure t e follow the se of tat med'tne If timely aed. D.)!fT FAIL TO PROCURE MRS. WIMLOW'S SOOTHING UTRCP, for children teething. Ithaabeea aed for 30 years with never failing safety aad success by millions of mothers for their children. It corrects acidity cf the stomach, relieves wlad cholic, rega'ates the bowels, an J gives rest, health and cemftt te mother and ch'.ld. omce 7e. Day street, 5ew T ork. DO OT LET TOUR PREJUDICE 1TA5D RETWEE5 y our luSsrtcg chiH and the relief that win be absclcte Iy suretof'eliowtkoase cf MR. WISSLOW'S FOOTH ISO ST RCP. It corrects acidity ef the stosnacb, relieves wind chelle, regular oa tho bowels, softens tbe (urns. gitei rest to tto mother and health te tie child The following Is aa extract from a letter written by the Rev. J. S. Holm, pastor of tho Plerrepont Itreet Baptist Church, Brooklyn, !T. T- to the Jear&aJ aad Mes-eagvr, Cincinnati. O , aad speaks volumes ta tavov cf that world-renowned asediciae. MRS. WIHILOW'ft SOOTHING STRUT, FOR CHILD EES T1ETH15Q- MWo see an advertisement iu your celcmns of MLS. W15SIOWS SOOTBIJtG STRUP- Jew, we aever said a word ta raver ef a patent Boedtciac before la aar life, but wo feel compelled to say to fear readers that this la no kusnbog wo have tried it. and ktew tt to be all it c Isias. It ia probably eae ef tae most sccessf&i ssedi ctoea ef U day, because It Is oae ef tko beet. Aad these ef year readers wko kavo tables can't do better tkaa lay in a supply." SPECIAL CAUTION. Tko great fpaUF f Mia, Wlaslewi Sea th lag Svraa. fer ckiirea ladaced aaprtactpal ersoas tepatux articles ite be used feT the s. sue pur beee ia advertulaf whkk tbey kave aet only cwpieddi ln. i.jii isarrr'- and aeoeea Zresa ta aseea. aa aaee - wtll 1 esse aad aasaara freaa eiera ehan,arutas stüfsiasiU twwats efaslffilUlora. cent rs taa. U