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OPTICIAN. "St ft " TUB iW SGNTiNBL ÖPP1CB (ccas. er fxaax rrttrr.) ? viaicin,Mfiiss a cisaAti,."' I l . . : .'J rVeWJr.' ! I -! ! .. ILL INDIANAPOLIS, , IXD., TUESDAY MORNING, APHIL 4,-185. VOLUME XIV. XUMBEK 4,500. U3KRII aUL'OTJIESESTIfiEL Ö 1 A 1 jDj 1 ' ) A -I j I 1 i J x iL S r 7. . )bvutj,aet'Ar.U;. On. copy, i.......,... Ur.e cctv,tkre ravaihs ... 4 60 ..IM ... (0 Qc tojy, ct. wf !h.,i... Delivered ly Ike carrier, wük'.n tie cltj, 20 ceuts per Ml, )yttV W U enVr. -v ,jei!w?ntr'.r?,te4 t i5ttM weet. J dj4T V. t ar risk by Espre. pre- p.Ml, r to Kenr4 Le'.'er by wiaU; .-.aerwi- w;il Ci'.; taUtiWrt U IriJ (!i.r.V (or )4ri Itft a th..r after nava vrac-re!, tr wha tiev . So ppr er.t wiibot r.-rsy.t,'rc3tin-:e!lc.nger . ,1, fT. ... ol UatUat Btxrtxai t- t had it tk cf.ce rb raori:r;, atd Um Wrif Scarursi. r. X' lay ofT.'-. eeatly Iri. fwf BB'.l!r . iVIi. 3 t It b t I b , t it 9 2i t 1.13 JUs IJ 110 100! 1.50 17 .12 I.w JOO S.75 rn J-60, 4J7 1.0 4.0O, 5.00 2.75 5 Oo. 15 2.2.V S.T&i 4.50. t.U COO 1C2 J.50 4J7i 12 3.00 4Ä; 5.00, 1.00 7.00 8.00, 2.37 4.50 .75 77 8.00 11.25 13.50 IS DO 22X0 29.75 45.00 50.00 67.50 C5.00 85.00 : 3.75 ! 5.00 ! 30 ! 7.50; ' 8.75, lO.OOl 12 50 I 15.00 I 23.00 j 25.00 3.1.00 50 00 ' 55 00 ; C2.50 i 70. 0C I 95 Wi ; 1. 00 11 1.7& 7 50 S ;a iuuv 4 AO, .901X0 6 1.00 10.00 9.0 I IX 12.00 ..: 4.00 12.00 14.CO. l 0O 15.00- 17Ü0 20.00 20.00 2X25 24.50 23 XA 34.75; 40.00 33 00 40.00 45.00 27X0 450 -i 50 43.50 50.00 57.50 5.00, 7.50 10.00 13.50 10.25 13.50 .7S 10.T5 lJo 745 15.00 Jl.j: 27-00 IS DO 25 00 20.50 20.50 M JO 25.50 25 C 25 00 45.00 11.00, I m. 13.00 Ilm 15.00 - &nii Sotkfi MblWbtd n tb elnisn( of ten tar andr, will i chmT4 T'-r cli iartlon fl; if f r tn Rkm, tn ctrt pr V.r.. ADDoanclr Jih witk fanrl nt!c tirbi!, fl; Ittrat oU. fr. ll4rr1Kt Notlcfx 5 enti. 5otk ef FeUU, Picnic nJ Kicjr)oe, ir tten cpVy .4lWa! r otfatlon, r fcy chirrhm, at tb. ru'r pric. AdTrt!mnti l1 p!ci under tb hnl u! Ipd a! 5otlc, If tn lir r vrt will be ckjjed ioutl tb u04l ritn. Trly aiTertiirt lo py CjUarfrJj. Aanufidsc eo!HtMfoT oHcm of Tery dscrlpt'on Ubdirrtfit tb rat tf$l 50 forcack tuunainth Daily, and S3 la tb Daily and Wkly,tb tni tt.l.lo all cui, paid In aJvaix. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, FUBUSHID KVKRT H05DAT AT Two Dollars and Fifty Cts. a War. To Clnba of ten and orer at SI 60 a year. raTAiL iiTAaiaxtf u ajtaci. .V. a. v Tw-H ImI mm t . Earh aqnar, Cr.t lnrtion ..SI M Rarb nbsqoent Insertion, fr each qnare. LO A reaonblo dedictio- ma le la yearly advertl ;. !(tl a Jrertlietnents 1 '0 per iKiuar for tL f.r.t BertioB, and fl per ;uar for each pubeqoent inf r tloo. Affdarit wt!l b mid without additional charge. If tb a1rertir faroiih tbe'rtarap required bj Gorrii rsent. Legal ad Teniennu iur4 at the eipn oftha at. .orneTl rdf rief, ad not !eUjble for tb lfal proceJ tof.bnt collectabl at onr Biual time. Publisher not acoantabU for tb acrrary of leal advertls-wrf; f be wnM charged for tbelr pabllcation. ILBF.K, HARKSKSS A BINGUAM, Proprietor Indiana Rtat Sentinel. J. M. T1LFORD, Pre:4ent Indianapolis Jonrral Company. IMDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TltfE TABLE. a Mao Ait.a Trains Leave. Tra:u Arri7e. -:- A.if JUI1 1MSA.K. X0O P.M ?:15 r. M. FrrraviTii r aiiboad. TralcaLtaT. Trais ArriT. Morulae KxpreM. .00 A. M. !j;bt Express, 3;50 A. M Cblcag Express, Cbicix Kipre:, Xljtbt Jtxpre, 1(V00 P. M. Kvnlnj Sxpre m S.15 ?. M iapaiiaroua, runv ar cmcaoo kailboad. a!nIaT. Tra?n Arrlr. 12:4 r.M Mail rt5 A. 31, '10-.3O P. U. Chicago Eapreao, 1... 4 25 P.M. !.ArÄTKTTt tAükdlP TralBLav. IraUt Arrive .. 3 50.A. M. . 10:43 A.M. . 5 30 r.M. 11 40 r. u ' 730 P.M iftisrM Train Lear 805 A M 12:40 P.M. 10:40 f. M Train. -Vrri?. ...10.35 A. ...7:3P. M. tlA3ATOIJS4I 0IIC1XITATI EAILkOAD. . Tr Alna Lea re. Trains AJrtva. 4 A. M Ma'.l 12: P.M. 100 A. M Accommodation .50 P. M. 7: 50P. M.,... Kxpreo 9:53 P. M. 3:00 F.M. GrfTubur)t Acccn raoilation, .3T A. M. COLTKICS AID I WDf AS APOU'CKMTaAL Ati.WAT. Train Lea. Trains Arrlv. :00 A. M Day Expre ..I'il5 Soon. 2:15 P. M Mail. 1:45 P. M 715 P. M, 2?!fbt Kspren 10.22 P. M. att croxTAtsa naioiP Train Lea. Tralni Arrive. 7.00 A. M 1:45 P.M. 4 00 P. M . ..1115 Noon. 3.20 P. kt ..Mail 1253 P. M. LOCIFTILI.a, IIW A L A BT Ajr CH1CAOO XArUOAI CX1ÜOI Of TT. Kxprevi flreenc tstle Junction going nnrtb 5.50 P V SoiD aoutb 1.10 PM OOOIC AND JOB PR1NTINC. AND -AT TUK- SENTINEL OFFICE: DONK IN THE ST"5T LTC. BEST BOOKS, PAMPHLET s. CARDS, BILLS, HILLS LADING, ClfECKS, CIRCULARS. PILL UEAD. RLANXS. iC. VC. Of k da CAfa he litr acvcajib iited kere iLtn at any fletn tt et J .Orders from a dUiancr lll aural v. ith prompt and careful atien- lioaa ELDER ÄABKHES3 ö BfflQHAM JOBPJMHT . DRUGS, MED1C1NE3, &C. DAILY. KEEPER & RUSH. Meridian St., cas r km' C!c:c3 tiroT. I ri D I A N APOL I Sr IND., WHOLESALE DEALERS ZXCLC8IVKI.Y1 1 23) HS, TSJ C3-S, E3EDICIHE PAINTS, OILS. i 1 Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, GLASS WARE, i : PEBFTJMBBY 2?a.ncy S-oods7 -4M'- PURE VINES AND LIQUORS. STK WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF DUUÜ W GISTS to tb aboT establibmeEt, and inrite tbf m, wbfO ia the city, to look tbroutjh our stock. Oar groin wer boubt when gold w at tl 3S. aud "befor the additional 64 per cent increaa la Tariff Dnty, wblcb.wa ar Confldent, will enable ns to ell Rood in our lin very low and yet reallx a profit. W will du. p.icate ary Cincinnati Mil flnctnaticn in price coa- rdered. Order are aolkUw! Jel'Ct dly NATIONAL BANK. TOE r FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or I1VÜIANAPOLIH S TAR .2cll deryfItor7 r.d financial agent of the United States and will furtLb, on tb rnoatfaTora b; terms. All kinds of United 'States Bonds and Eevenue Stamps, And will buy aM U Gold, Silver. Excbang. Oovern ment Voucher, Orders on Washington, Stat Sjocts and Public Securities of every description. Collections will be promptly made, ard erery kind of boaineo nttended to tbat belongs to legitimate banking. Regular customers are ocly charged t per cent, upon L'jsns obtained at tbis Bank, and the most ample pro isions are made for tbe safe-koep!c; f Deposits and for the accommodation of Depositors. In addition to tbe responsib lity of the United States for tbe liAtMiiiies of the Back, the Stockholders are iudi sidoaür responsible to tbe extent of tbelr rtock. In addi tion to'the amoTint los-ested In socb share, thus affording the mo.t ample security to tbe public. Tb following are th present Stockholder of tb in-Htltuti&n- Wm. H. English, W. R.Ji of singer, Iwi Jordon, Uelos Koot. Jer. McLene, J. F. D Lanier, cf 5. V-, fioT. O P. Morton Hon. John J. Morrison, (Jen. Lax. Noble, Hon.Ocr B. llord, Hon.T. A. Itir.drick. Flor.. r-4-l KJfore, Hon. Jmc A. Craren, Hon. John C. New, Hon. T. X. Sulhraik, ker. VTm. A. Holiday, Frof.C. N.TuJv14 J. Geortre SUz, George Ritr. Robert Crowning, VT. J. Holliday, W. R. Molloway. i. M. Maxwell, Wm. H. Fry, A. J. liar. K. U Parker. J. L. Holten, Wirsh-w. Lanier A C., 3. A. Ro-. Wm. Hraden, BenJ. F. Txttle, John W. Sfurpby, Jadge F.2t. Finch Wm. WillarJ. A. RaMsHn, 1. W. Noble, VT. O. Kockwid, Daniel Hennessey. James Power, J. L. Slaughter. Lc1an Hills, W. S. T. Mortor, Barnabas CoCn, Jvhn C. Hereth Pr. J. M. Ga.-toa, II. E. rxeb. Dr. J. H. Wooibu. Jnc. C. Wright John Hendricks, A.J. Dauforth, Jarce Greene, A.D. Bi:ibf-!y. W. f . leathers. Jane Win low jaljrll LIQUORS. T' "D " J. 'ai-aaa. Recti fter ar.! Whe-a1 Dealer la FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, iioov.Aiir.LA, un a icd r.orxsox ta.xx TTia: js: fa a. Tk' sö ror.T, ükpkitia, ar$CAT. halah a WINES, CIGARS, 28 South Illinois Street, INDIANAPOLIS. I.VT AO F.ST? FOK OLD STOCK, PALE AND AMBER A -A5D .o.rjo.u von Ti:n. All klais of Ale D1 Porter for tta..'.j ee. in Vo:;!e rr ottrrw.e, hrpt corant!j n hanl and lrliTere m ; ary part cf tbe city. JaalJ J;f PIANOS. Graad, Square, CoiUge Tprtgtt, tr rar fohtkm, 5o. t?0 ErwaJwar, Jfew Tork. F.afh ir.strcment . arranted tva jeart. At iitlea? aad retail, 13 per cat. lea thai th ws clstt f.tiO (UvUr. L1 d wU to xabUb our l&trmaaAss. IS'Uzi for catalcju jaaSl-dJia Telegraphic Dispatches. a 1 rearm iirarmr vca t saht itits limit. MOHTOG REPORT. GENERAL NEWS, IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE CAPTURE OF RICHMOND. a'JrdJ cut OlST FIRE; ! EVACUATION OF PETERSBURG. The Rebel Army in Full Retreat. ! grant in close pursuit. I XTEItESTIMiS I'ARTIlIl'LAHs. At. Arc, At., & 1 Ufllclnl Uar Itullelia. ' New York, April 3 At 0:30 this moriiio President Lincolo report.' that IVter?burg is evacuated, aod Grant thioki llicbmotid i Uo. Oram 1 dashiDg on to cut off ibe rebel re treat Washington, Aj iil 3 10:4 j a. m. To Maj'.'f Gon. Dix: It ppeus, from a cip.itcb ol (tea. Weitzel, just received by this department, that our forces uudcr hiscommauJ are in Richmond, hnvint: t-k-n it f :15 thia (Siiirl) E M. Siantos, Secretirv of War. War DtfASTMrxT, ) Adjutant GktaAL8 Otricr. l Wa.ihi.ngton, A i r ; 1 3, 1'2:3! r 0 ) To Msj. Genl. D x: The followip ofliei&l cor.tiraittion of the c.4j. tare of Richnrmd, nr.d the announcement that the city is on ßre, ha been receive J: .'Siried; E. M. Stanton Sec'rj of War Citt I'oiNr. April 3, 11 a. a. t K 31. ötaLton: Gtn. Wtinel teleiphi s Jwliuws: W took liichruorxl at ":15 mornitij, atid rnptuie-.i trutoj guc?. The tutmj left in .'reit histc. The ciu is oa re in otit j..!ncc. but tivnte n: k -ing eviTj cfl'-jrt to put it our. The- people re cite n with enthusiastic cxprr5'ior. of joj. Geo. Grant anl his army j'arud early thia rtorning towar'l the I) thville roaJ to cut c ff Leo's rftre;ilio army. I -jlut Luuo v. his goue to the front. (SigUC'i) i Signed) T. iv BowrB?, A. A. Ü. K. 31 . Staktox, ."Secret iry of War. Frwtaa er fork. "ew Yoek, April 3. The Tribune's special! has the furlowuig accnuiit cf Fridaj a DhliLg: At dsjbreak a tnoteoient was tuade to secure 11 pvsii'u u to advance upon tbe etiecuT covering sS hiteU-tk road, the o'jeet t.eing to the road which iiitersifcts the C'irlKrrt rsd Iradirjr totheS-juth Side Raiiroud. At 8 o'clock Aver'a purported by Crawford's r.d Griffith'.s diviior.!, adracced and iramediatclT tuet resistance from the rebel kir rairhcra, who wetc pushed Lack to ilhir a mile of White Oak road. At this juiicture the enemy massed, and with their r.5ual jell churced our column, which for a time ive w.ij, retiring slowly towards Dojdtou road hakicg aiuwlj wherj (.uppotted by General GriflitbV division which bad tome up, they took shelter behind breastworks. The enemy made several inetTectutl attempts to dislodge them, when a fierce fight took place with artille ry and musketry pouring detth into the rbel rar.ks At 1 o'clock Miles' divi-iou was ordered to strike the enemy on the left flick, while the 5 h corps again essayed to get po5?eiion of the White Oak road by advancing t-iraultaneou?ly. The h corps tooted upon the enemy who stub bornly held bU ground for eoao time, when tbe rapid volleys ar.d loud cheer; 0! the successful i??ue of Milei' attnek on the rebel rliiik. A9 he rode up tr.e enemj'c line wj broken and routed, and they fell back followed by Warren's 5tb : corr .s. who were soon iu rjossessioa of the coveted j White Oak real. I he field showed un evcrv hnd traces of sanguinary coLilic? Huge pinen cut down by the phot, and the ground over which Jlilea swept down upon the enemy' dank wa corered with rebel deid. While this was Koing oa. heary .kirm;hiDg as taking place on our line as ftr a.s Hatcher's Run, and our troops in th it direction vrere ad vanced feveral hundred yrd3 and eutrti.ched, while the sharpshooters were ecgagf d in silencicg the rebel batterit a. Among the killed is Mills, iJjutant to Gen Humihreve of the civnlry. Fight or Ff.:iat. The Times' special says: At o:;e p rn , Smith's brigade tf Crofk division t rested on Soucy creek, was west of Dinwiddie court h;)Ue, ecppoited by Gregg, Pivi?, arjd Fitzhuh'i brigfJe; the litter 1jc:d west and covering a place near ötouey creek wbere five roads come together, koown as the fire fDrks, held by the enemy, which we trifd to take the da.v before cd faileJ. Stacg'a Michigan brigade was in poi'ion in Gravelly branch, -tn i a portion of Gibes' brigade was rn reserve. ! At six p. m , the er.etny attacked Smith in t considerable force, bet unsuccessfully. An hour j later Mjor Rabbin, of Dtvia' brigade, holding j tee bnd; over bioney creek, with a battiuon of the ew Jersey 1st, wis aUicked and driven slowly back lo their brigade. At thia juncture, the enemy moved tbrte colucu.a across the creek at three joint', .md at ence with superior nun berä, as cjbled to Ümk D.tvL" brigade. After a tubborn fight with the column aivaacing in front, other totamands at once chasged their re?f.ectlre positions to meet the change of mC tirs. The fight coritinuexl cntil about five o'clock, p. u., at hieb time the enemy had cut cfT Devine with FuzhugU and Sueg' brigade, and forced them tack in a northet?terly direction to tbe Bjsdtown plank rosd, a litt'e eist of north from PlnwM'iie court howe, on hkh tb:a portion of the coRirxaLd, during the evr uir.g, core-l to t!.t place. Gitbs. trigsdef ir a long time held its position and ciJc two suceeslui cbargcs.ia or.e of which the lei New Yrk ani H:b Pencfvlvan; drove tUecaem' iirOD-,' isnt- of irifaMrr, anr! capturetl i about ILO rucD. During this rbarce fcveral hur.drod of tho ft'-U threw duwa their arms and attempted to ru?u into uur Cnfortunately ftr.e movemer.t wi tot generauv oo?erreJ in 1 L . t . si sea -on to prevent voller bvnc thrown intoi them This ca'.;-J hc.-;t-tlon long enough for i their ouScers to oer them wib a bre from the ; j rcr. I At T p ru G'.lb - !ul flti hick to wltbic a mi'e ol DmwiJiiie U. H , au-J was bere reiievei bv CrJvrt' Lr ,;ide of C-J-:r diviioD, which wa xa atrft.r.c.if J bx tbe arriral of Col. recnicttM. wi;h x prt cf his br.pije. From ttia time until after dark Cutar hid tbe Sjht. and tha ectnx not adranct a finale rod to iioli tLe grounl af:r trikiug his front. Wheu Cutsr eamc '.0 the trort a s?ec. of niWe.t exctfemect prevailed. Cpebirt bJ his brljaJe cu the left and Pec niajjton on thqriQt. aiiJ belore anj thing to fibt tecini cju!J b put op, tbe enemy csrne swarm ine oat of tbe woo Ja in the front, at if cot." Jeot of Jemoüihicg etcrjtbicg tefsrc them. . Ccttax and hia rum were received with cheers. He iu sunt!? feet CNpehart's bind to pliyinr "Hail Cj Iuttbi"an l other pxtriofi? piece Th: reri rrd the spirit cf al! treicrt, and the thcmc brocb; fcirih cher? trotn tousoJ of wpariel ffien as the enemT opecel upx: the lices Mi'es. Cuittruui St.rT:3ic. Ith tteir ?taJ oSctr?, rode alone tb lice with 'heir respective rotors displijeJ. Th'.t derxocstration !:cit(-l ler.nttd vLtbiaiu along the whole line, and by th;ä tim a teavy artillery Sre hd or.enH. ccompjn'fl by T.irJV and WoodruiTii tons 'The csctny charged eversl tin'- nl :r repn!sei with great !auzbter. Ctpebtrt siw onet f b:i regiiet.t the 't V. dishir,; off", hi cot having ciTen the '..Tier, he follosird And foun i 0?3. Merritt, Cil. Kor ytb of Sheridan' staff and others at the bead of the reimtr.:. The eernr fell bsf'c hmilj before thece troops t)d did not attempt apiin to force our line. The result ot Friday's figbtiug The Times' conepotiderit wiT: We iwung the left arourd three ruilca north d Bjyd'oan pUnk toad leav ing btweeo it and the t'outh Side railroad but a iogle line of breAstwork, thrown up sinre WeJneday night. . . We captured obouf. 1 thousand prisoners, and oar owa lo wai r ot over two tho-i.-vind in the gETegate. 1 he enemy have uflered much ruore Letvily and their force were beco min demoralized Tery rapidly in tbe evtr.ii:p, atd he could not be in duced 1 ru.ike aniher charge on the 3th 's corps front, although ther had fought dcspcratelv early in the dy. N'kw Voax, April 3 The Hearld'a airar of the Jamci corresrDderit a) Troops were eelecied for etiil service from both corps and Bent across the James river un der the command ol Gen. Ord. At eunset on the 2"3ib, they occupied a pojitiou vacated by the 2d corps, and moved to the. left amidst a heavy rain storm. Gen. Turner rn red ba division of the '21th ccrp?, just after dij bre-ik, down Vaughn's rod cro;3ed Hatcher' iuu snd pJlled forward to mike a connection svith theriht of the 2J corp9 which wag done without any fighting. 0:hcr command were a!r moved so h to make a continuous line. Turner captured a lire of rifle pits, with all the rebels iu them. Ocn Potter pnshed forward pirt ot his division materially aiding Turner' success. The ad vance of both of these divi?ion was inside the reel picket lins ai,d wi'hin (K0 ynrd of their min work Hiruey'i divi-ion is on t'ie ri.cht of Foster threatening the lifer's lint-. Throchout th niht of the 30il our uien were hu;j 5trfi:th;nj their woiks and now have & line that will cmM.- them to hoi J their praund np"r;?t any force f tbe enemj. The Herald's Wjshington special uys: It is expected thst the president, immediitely on the occupation of Richmord, ill ine a new proclamation of amnesty. f rom Iluf ruin. April n. D;p:t'che from erlern Ulf I Alf. cities liow irrest cxoterr.ent and rejoicing orer the tall ot I'c.crsburg ai.d Kichmood. A dispatch from Prenident Lincoln to tha war Jtp.irtment, d;el at :30 a. m. reports Pe tersburg evacuated. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. in i.i. & :o.xi:ift. REAL ESTATE AriD CLAIM AGENTS, Mu.SUcii Tnblngton street, KIDIAJtAPpUS, 15U. TKRT variety of buciness appertainio 10 a Military 'j (.'!im Agency transacted in a lusnner to warrant kaittf-tlon. Tbe attetitioti of thoe wirbin, to purchase, eil, lea or rect real etae la JirecieJ to t bis firm. fei9-M CROCERIES. a. r. r'JTcaia. c. r. bavidok. a- dwidgl. OIOISfXlIA-L GUOCKKT, DVALKR9 15 STAPLH AND FINE OR0CF.UIE3, Foreign act I-on:etlc Wines acd Cigars, Game, Vegetables. Fruit. Worden and Willow War. . 41 Mcnb rennjlvan.a Street, eppostte tbe Post OCl-e, lndiaaapoli. i&ari-dtf TOYS, &C, 6tC. STIMSBURGEIt V IMJHIY, 65 Maiden Lano, Now York, IMPORTERS OF China. Fancy Goods, Beads Slate Pencils, &c., Invites the attention of buyers, offering tht!: tb larirert assorttneat at tbe most reasonable prices. MEANS TO SECURE GOOD HOMES, j T ARE OFFERING SUPKRIOR 1NDCCKJF.NT& j I f t- persons with a hill reaJy means tofoenrej horn's. We will eil j Lots Entirely on Time ! art 1 erect comfortable dwellings, bnUt y go workrpen j and in pood btyie, on the pajnientof h fas much as the 1 imrroveruents will cost the remalna to be paid on easy payments not tnncb taore than a fair rnt n the prrmies. Having lots in nearly all parts of the city, we can accommodate all wishing to aecore a borne; and bT- ni a larce aaennt of lumber on hand, and workmen ready employed, w ea eret buildings on short notke. M'XF.RNAN FIERCE, ap9-dtf Real Fstate Ag MERCHANT TAILORING. SOFKIFTOR OF THE FIRST CLASS MERCHANT TAILORING IJ T V I -4 II TS1 1 IV T9 N0RT PENNSYLVANIA STREET, Two Ooor otttli of Vost OGco INDIANAPOLIS ißCt I -lt MEDICAL. if A ta n 1.- J' 1Ä lr"Fir.een"a !ar letter rrs r ' 1 rect stauir Youii .Tleia's .fl2ical Adviser. GHATCfTOCS aivvc givea la diseases of tie er vooi seminal, urina'y and sexual organs, in the reports of th vTetern Medical Association, which ar sent by rr.iil ia e!ed eaveljjes, free of charge. Tb rrar.iiatien n fonaH to dispense tew atd re- l'.abU tratmBt, and ia conipoced of th well known phvsKiaua,to tra all Ittur must b directed, hWi. JACalSÜN, 11KR8JT RT k CO., x3 J3 Bat 4.13 Cincinnati. O. t.ivmtv sr.irt.i:. fT INET ALLEN, Sew Trk Llvery'nd SaleSt-'v ie Km. It at 14 last Perl --et, m b r notions, &c. L. LUDOEFF & CO., ICCCT..iOkS TO MiOLKSALC LRiLKKi 15 iXOTTONS, TAILOKS' rritI3I3IIlVGS Cents' Furnishing Coods, -AJTD N I K UATI RFMOTKD TO No. 32 South Meridian Street, JfJwai rreelvcd, a very large at. bortinent of Roodk, wtalcit vrlll b aolrt at h muH advance ob .Mr York prl' ai.rÄ-d!y MERCHANT TAILORINC. KEW MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT! "Till; LW III, RKSFKCTPCLLT CALL THK ATTKNTION OP THK citixens of (nt!rjaprli.s t th fact, that tbyhav cpeDrd at No. 19 Virginia Avenue, A lleixular Jlcrctiaut Tailoring: Ylsfiiblishmciil. Ai.d Mjllclt a Khar ef tbe patrr.a wf tbe ccirss:lty THEIR STOCK OF COODS " 1 couiplctr.aiij LeiuK in charge of a geiitlemau whoaa ability a a Cutter rank a 2o. 1, they are prepared to fil! orders which In every respect tbey will WARRANT equal in qnality, atyle and workmanship t anythirg foood in any eiruiUr esUbliiLment In the city. r.7lb3xnta!er the place, o. 19 Virginia Avenue. MEDICAL. MAN-H OOD! IIow Destroyed, How Restored. Or. tli. . PEIVDEKY, Physician and Surgeon, No. 24 1-2 E. Washington St. I 3 CONNECTION WITH THK GSNEKAL PRACTICE of Mediciue, I treat by a new and reliable medium, and witk tbe happiest results, all forms of diseases of th Nervous, Seminal aod Urinary and 8eioal system a. Toucg men with hollow cLeeki and pallid countenance, tellinc In fearful language the silent working of aom formidable disease undermining your constitution, mem orj and reason, harrying you to a premature death, re fect while reason holds sway and avail yourself ef a treatment tbat dissipates the slightest disease, and cures the barraKFlng weaknesi and other cce of prN ous difdculty and perpetual annoyance. Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weahneaa, Nocturnal Kmia i-ions. Sexual Debility, Ira potency, Efiects of Self-Abuse, and their results Inability to Consummat the Ifarriag Contract, Mental and Fhjiicel Prostration, Kpllepay, I insanity an l consumption. ! 'Thfoe, Like a staunch murderer, teaoy to Lis pcrpoe, j Presses hira close through every laae cf lif, I Nor misses one the track, but prees en, j Till forced at la.t to the tremendous verge, j Ai.d at once be sink?." t Likewe, I will guarantee a radical car of Syphilis, j Gononhcra a-id dleet, ia all tieir nages, eatirelj re j morirj from tie blood the Iat spark of these terrible j d:eep that sraduslly burn up tba fountain of I'fe. j Diseases and Conditions Peculiar to , Females. The benty u4 extreme delicacy of the feana! organ ization, to say tothing of its physiological characteris tics, are Kitlkient inrlici'Jocs tbat it is nb'ect to forms of disease and toxiiEcalions peculiar to itelf. Th physician of tbe present day does tit encounter asy mre hrns of uterine Iieas tbaa did tb ph jsielaa of 2fty year ago; but cwlag to the present social condition of woman, her d:seases are ir:c;eased to frequncy, aad tothetruibof this asenion the raelaacbolv deaths ty eoruuiaption tear ample witaess. At the American Di5persary we treat by a new method. ad with the happiest re.oits. Prolap sus Uteri, (fallir.j cf tbe wctrib.j Ernjtlcss of tha Skit, CbioroMs, r r Green Sickr.e baracterited by yellowieh, tiirty green pallor of th surface; Kaansio Me.vsium, or aoent kftostruation; Anecorrhea, or Re tention of tbe Messes; DjiEeaorrbea, a paisfal axd difS cult Sow ut tbe Uense,; Menorrhagia, or profuse Men struation; Lencborrbea, or excessire and altered secre tion cf tLe Quer. KesrallT white, or resrly col:res9 and transparent. Header, l have Riven yon a clavs of cM&eee that ar aet with in Females of all ae?f whether rrarrfei or ua married: and to married Females would say that ther ar many othr forms g-t dLaees peculiar to your aex dia.-e cf i'TeguAcy, Fartintion, anl Lac tat. on, cf which ?paca will not aiait aa elucidation. I catit it for the council ch&?aber, adding but n wore disease to this Uat, and that is a forir.i-labi ore UkrMeo cf the bodycf tbe Cterrs. If yea are afSict i with crganic weaknes?, or try a emb!jr of in orb rd phenomena of this cka-eter, joq have nj time to apare, Out at enc apply fev m-d cal aid. If to" late to arrest the disease, it is at Iat pc?si ble to palliate th oes, and tbs r"otb tb path war to an untiraely grar. In a majority of instances these diseases have mad coüAiitrit'.e progress befor tbe patient beconesalana ed. In some caes aa eaac:atln is tbe first tndtcatior ttat attra-ts the attention of the patient's fried. Au4 here, reader, let rn call your earnest attention to tb fearful significarce cf the word "wast!r.j. " It tot only constitute the leading feature, but th earliest aad rat ominous symptur s of Consumption, examples of wb?cb are invariably net with in yourr ladies sib a- (rifted with hi?h icteiJertnal endwmeat, refined ae comp ibmenta, ar.d eyes fa hing with nnatural brll liaacj tot regarding tkee Udxatlotu as beitgtBOe f Indp'ent dieane, bat thce ' personal charms. Tn, ala! the poet sings 'Ccni'smpti'Tji cbek te'er locks icor prrs. Aol lovely, than wbea past ali care. And yet that bloom, so rreh atü!. Has lent its fee ting aid to kill. And speaks, to tho who watch itahn, Of s cknessxiO'ii and suffering too; Though who. Just viewing arght so fatr. Could dreaa tbat death waj the Adliess P.O.IOX1W4. TTTTOatc tours from 8 A. V. ta 4 T. X. &osa . It. East Vaabärioa ltrsl2dUaapoCs,IMlaM. rlIDiCAL. in nE Lij XöVCALi. ron a cteci-laR rKsn::r,::c; ai.t. SYMPTOMS: Tt ijortcmi r.f Catarrh, tsey yrera"? appear, r at f rM Tery iügbt. Persers töd they htr a coIJ, tbat thy bare frequent attacks, aa4 ar rnre sessitir to tb changes of tecperature. In tb.t conIiiicn, tb n. may b dry, or a s'.ijbt dlscbare, thia al acr'.l, afterwar-li becra.1cj tbick aaJ adbe;. As th iea becmei chronic, tbe diacbarges are !tHread in .nar.tity anl cbcffed in nalitr; tbey are cow thick end hearj, and ar hawked or coughed 7. Tbe tecretioc ar cif ferjsl?e, caa-ing a bad bretlb: tie voice !s ;V:ci and r;a- al: tbe eyes are weak; th Msse cf th ttartl lessened or destroyed; deafness frequency take p'.ace. Acetker cemrcon ar.d iraport.ct jm ptorn ef Catarrh i?, tbat the person ii obliged to clfr la throat Ir: tie uon.a of a thicker lirny raucc, wtlrh ha fallen down from tbe bead during the r!bt. Vtn tbl take place tb per acn may be ur tbat h'l diiae i on it wjy to tb längs, and bould los co t'c ia arrestlrsg it. Tb bore arr hz few cf tbe sr. :ry Cistk tt"; tr!. A Mingle ftoitle will last a .tlontli- lo b iird three lime a day. TESTIMONIAL Fr"ra Hen. Thocai J. Tnrnr, F.x-enber of Conresa rota llliaios, late Sreaker cf th H'.tiols !Ione cf fiep, mentative, zi OvtvA Vaster of A. F., nd A. of tb State cf Illinois. Fatproar, October 21, 1SC3. Da.D. If. Sims-Pear Sir la reply to yourtotlr vt tie lth ist-, 1 woc'.i mj tbrt I was fceTert!y aSicted with Catarrh for years when I tecum acqaiiBteJ with yra aid boutjht two tott!es of your liquid Catarrh Rem edy. Before 1 had used on bottle 1 was aensibiy im proved, aud before th second bottle was Cnished, was coraple?e!y curtd. I can recr-r-mesd tb niMicIn to all afflicted w'tb Ca'srrh. RprctfullT your, THOMAS J. ITRSKR. Ir. Ii. II. SECLVE A CO. Solz raorviicTcaa, Chlcags, Ilhaois. AT WHOLESALE BT JOnS I). PATiH ." Clacinnat!, O. VTM. JOHNSON Detriot, Mich. DA l LT. KEKFFR RUSH Ir.iianapoli. BROWNING SLOAN Indianapolis. Jvjy And for aale by all Preexists. dec 13-d lye od Galen's Head Dispensary la tl talicd In 50 and Chartere bjr tlie i.eslalature of Kentucky for tiie treatment of SEJlljrais Jt'ElliJTESS, And all A5Aettrs f tbe Urinary and O f both Sezea. JU8T FTJBLISHID, A I'll IVA II' CTEDICAI. TUriATIKl gX TENKkSAL DISK ASKS, Vr iiicluding Gsorha, Gleet, Syphilis, 8trScrT, Of arel. gtcne, Ruptnrea, Pile, Metnla, Urinary Deposit, and all Diseases of tiis KidDeys.Bladder.Prostrat Glaod. and Seminal Vcslclei, aci their -1 i . . " Srrraatorrhea. Sexual and Ner- vv v3 -1 TOcsDcbllity, rarreanesa nd Im- potenc ia bcth aexes; tbe effect of thes difass o& tb tolyacd mind, and tb Author's New Treatment of all these cases in fall, the only fcacco??-J rortVod cf cure,wltb aa exposition of Quackery. Tbibwork Is cot a qcack adverti-jeraect, bnt a wartiag and a guide for married atd single. It is the only book tbat (rires th treatment of ail th above diseases la plat Englirh, with full directions fr stlf-treatment, arjd con tair.s nrnch Talaat-Io lr.formaticn not prorr to mention in a pablic cotice. Tbe work eonta'nsä&O pages, and 100 plates and engraving of th above diseases. Rent to anj address in a sei led wrapper, en receipt of or.eicllai TboM aSUcted with any of th above dWeases, before placing themelves under th treatment of ar.y o. should first read this work. " OFFICE 314 Fifth street, between Market and Jtftr on, west tide. To ir.ura tuffj to all letters, i'.reci to OALFN'S H1AD DISP?SAJiT Drawer 247, l.o)ville. Ky 0Ct4C4-dAl CARPETS, WALL-PAPER, &c. NEW CÄRPST STORE .No. SI lUivi V:ivhiition St.. HoImiuII'n Old Stund, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE. fC& HAYK A LAEaf 3T0CK OF CARPETS, oil-cloths, mattings, satin delaines, reps pekin cloths, DHiuftahf Ince, .luallti A; fot tin chain All cf tbes Goods having been purchased before the late advance, in the East, w w'l tnll tbe?n lewer than Fw Terkwholestl prices. Also Jast received lOO.OOO 1'icccs Willi rap r uinl Window Shades KRAUSS U CALL. ja'4.dly BOURDON WHISKY. J. Sc D. DUIYCAX, No. 77 South Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Ind., I i t TV ROLE 5 ALE DE ALF.ES IX rOSElCS A5D rX)MF.STlC ', jxhoiu crones f IHr: attCLtion of t. tra Je !s called to our complete I aseertTEent ef a'.l article 3 our Hae of brsiae, both a& to quality and price. Our ick of BOCRHON Vf HI5KT is asMirpaesed by ar.y e.vabl:8kmrnt ia the Suu, an 1 dealers wiahing to p-j-ciase Opper Distilled Kovrt-in Xihj xt lavited 1 1 before pcrcbssing. 're bave retooved from 153 K t WatlsgrTi ' j. t d. DcsciTT. 77 South lleridlaa 5trt, jrJ-iily tivdianapoU.. nA. PROFESSIONAL. IIFsaVEAGR K. FIIVCII, MILITARY ATTORNEY, A5D NOTARY PUBLIC, 11 & 12 Up-Stairs, Blackford's Block Corner of ff!. Merldl.a .tret.. HSrjDXJLXT APOLIS, IND. PROFESSIONAL. DM. TCDO k FAÄE. bsvin tenr.'.tated tbelr coo tracts wit tk Govtrrneut as A. A Sargeens at Caan Merto. ar Bwrepared 1 dota tkstr wkol 1 s treatmeriL trtemf'ini a chanter ot) FEMALE D1XKASF.S. with ob- V,) !Z ii vV V servations on narriaat and tii C'rs'')fiS.K prevention of conception. Con- L'' ' y'. ,! -'AJ tainlnga Treati? on Self, V yj'r j I r!y apoa taj c?ti rexat lU oCm, 5a. n Trjlaia sreo . asrfii I . MAN UFA CT CUE U OF T1IK IMTROVED TAinCSCCriO SFECTACL TIIL BKST IN USE. .MOSES' improved Panto5cop. Sprctaclt5 combine advantares mo chanical and philosophical to be found in no other Spectacles oflerrd in the West. Moses improved Spectacles not only give clear and distinct xision, do not weary or fatigue the eye, but tend to strengthen and preserve the Moses Spectacles arc made of thr finest material, anil best workmar, shipT fairly represented, and sold at their fair value OaiditnXo Aynit or PtiVart t n;Vojret. Dj'Seii'l for a circniar rontainrnj fall tie eription, price, &.c, and how to ensure a perfext fit nnl have thcxa Mnt by mail. AdJirsa L. W. MOSES, Optkiam. 50 Eat Wa,shir.on ft., Indianapolis, Ind. GROCERIES. X. . AI.TORI. J. V . CA LI) WELL E. B. ALVORD & CO., .niCESMO iO I VOKP. CADDTVRIX. ALVOKD, Wliolownlo Uoalora In EEC -A3L- ÄS y Eis EAST WASHINCTON STREET, Ar a I)AILTrc!).tf fre.k. 1. Constantly oa hand anifor saieat tielt aru. larg. ani a-i-ortei Ta-vf Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Rice, Tea, Nails, Glass, Woodenware, Soap, Candles, Starch, Raisins, Cigars, -Tobacco, Uackercl, White Fish, Cordage, Trsrine, Dye-Stufia, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines, Whisky, Notions of all kinds & IIOSTBTTERS INI) WAHOO 68 East WMhington Street IITMAJIiFOIil, IRL de LIQUORS, c. a. y.txjoTT. Jaaaa B. Evas. ELLIOTT c It YAK, Yf B0LE5 ALE ÜAALAkJ L3 ALL RINDS OP LIQUORS SOLD AT THE Cincinnati Daily Quotation rf CS OA VDA AT ALI. J IUI Pare fientuckj Bourbon YtÜjf j ALSO, BRANDIES' AKD YIKES Qf BranJf KT Wt iüTit thj wanticj rare Liquor to cnll and examine tot tbca:.clvM. Csrtc of MERIDIAN d MARVLAND 1 Bta., HaianapoJt. I ad f