Newspaper Page Text
DAILY SENTINEL. TUESUA.T MORNING. APRIL 19 C I T Y IT EMS. Gome Ladt Book Bowto. Stewart. & Co tTt receives uxiey " for May, wfcich jewel of a 2(o. Et er j ort sbouM have U. ETJoLd LjdcL and Jobo Crty er Uth feed four dollar ar.J costs fr getting druck co Saudey. Tie "better tbe day lb better tbe deed," it to adage that won't do io this rae Mttruo i.i tbk Tntao Waid Tie auL-crU en to tbe botes luLd" io tbe 3d ward ere re quested to meet at tbe school boue, this (Tues day) eve&Inr;, to make mui 1;:jo:iIon rt aaUJ food. fOoerDor Morton left lor Washington last everncr;, to be fretei-.t at tbe funeral ceremonies in that city on to morrow, In honor of the Ute president. EST Dr. J oaeall. WoodbafD, late sasorinteu de&t ol the It dia&a IIo'pul fur the Innce, wh' recently rest ted that position, hst resumeJ the practice of aedicic to thia city, in partnership ita Dr. W. C. Thompson. See adv ertisetneut. G7 Taatas-ACie - A lare crowd filled th;s popular resort last night, rrrie attracted by the reduction of f rice;, perhaps, but many more by the growing interest in the very interestiDg per formance, do t-eight aud r-ee for yowelt. GfC-tptain A. P. OtSlsgher. of tbe 4 b cat airy, baa been disrated the ertice on account ot absence without leave. Alao. Capt P. Brown, of the 'Jib cavalry, bn tftn dis;nueed oo account of "tendering his resignation in tbe face of an active campaign." t?T OodeV I.tdt IJjoi for May U fur stle by Jdrs. Tbonapeon A Sen. " Tbe first of My," a beautiful steel euqravicg, illustrates ibis nuts bcr, and the fashion platt give tbe aptinj styles for ld' apparel. Io addifiuu tu there attrac tions the Lidy'g Book contain a large ataooot of intereiio2 reading matter. l7 We bave iust received from Bonton, a full line of ee fish of tbe best quality salmon, hal ibut, herring, mackerel aud codfi.h. Al-o. a fresh lot of sardines, at lower prices. Flitch ia k Davip&k. 15 dtf- Central Grocery. tdOf Benjamin Boyd, for carrying a pistol toa cealed was mulcted in tbe aum of four dollar an! costs, yesterday. While Benjamin rasy, with propriety, hide other posseaViuDs, Le rxu: know that to conceal a deadly weapon, even if no dire intent lurks within bis brei-t, i a trar. greiion of the liw md is puia-hable. GJMry J. Bennett was before tbe mcr yesterday, charged with prostitution Mary Jaoa. has, io id to eil hour, stryeJ from that path 'wbo.'e ways are wajE of p!ca?autnc??, and all its paths are peace," nJ, m a penalty for her erring, the mtfor aent her to the couotv jiil in default of $10.40. t5 Peter Sander, a man living about five milei tantb of the citj, wm run over br a train on the Madieon railroad, about three miles south of town, on Thursday lust, sctl mof horribly mangled. He was adJicted to taking freely of liquor. tiJ vn under tl.e in&uctce it at the time. Fair Lcxcu Messrs. Mills A Green, pi oprie tors of llycr's office, corner of Mcrid'uu ai.d Maryland streets, will set a rnacnificent free lunch to night. Their tables will be spread wiih all tbe del icacics of the season. Billy slJ Ste phen Burke, well known caterer., wiM bo on hand to wait upon ihcir friend. t59A portrait of J. Wilkes Hooth, the a?as tin. has been placed at the hevl qmrtcrs of the police. Booth i perorlly known to u.jny peraors of ibis city, he b 4vng, some few vrtrtt aco. filled an enggetnrt tt the Metropolit:), lie i a young mm of fir.e appearance, with a remarkably handsome and intellectual cnt of featurts. and aged about twenty seven years. . am Xä3 A. Behr, an unsophisticated individual, who evidently is utnciaiiited with revenue re quirements, was before Wr vcr Caven on je-ter-day, charged with traftici' C in wares without a paper having attacked to i the ret seal of the city of Indianapolis The ; iJJUr invested $17 tO in knowledge that may be u?elul to him here after Ignorance was not eaurtlv düm with Mr. Behr in this case. GT"Ncm. O.Mt The No. 1 Sloon, on Pearl ftreet, is the place to procure good and pure liquor of all kind. ' The proprietor. C.iptiin J. B Fay. eparea no ptua to plca.-e all who may call, and fu h is tbe texiimony of the numerous patron of tbe establiahment. The No. I is ope i from 4 o'clock in the morning until 12 o'clock at night Give the capUin a call and ses for jourielve ßyDy a proclamation issued by Governor Mortis, and published to this mornirg'i p.per, it will be seen that ir s'ead of tbe SUh bein a day of national that kciving and praise for the success of our arms it has been changed to tbe inat . ( Wednfd4i ) and will be obervel ! a a day cf mourning, humilhtion, and rraver. hv the a.a?ination of Pna'dent Lin j coin The governor requests tbe suspension of j bumes throughout tne state, ana tne oo-rv ance of tbeoccoim. MiTaoronTASt TatATai Tbe theatre wss crowded ! night to Florence's rendition of Handy Andy. The performance was well re csived by the large audience, who were kept in a continual demonstrative mood. Mr Florence is one of mot celebrated actors in the wet,an 1 I Mr Jiley is most fortunate in securing bis ap J pea ranee io this city. To night the Irish Em'erant will be proJuccd j with Mr. Florence ss O'Brien. Mrs. Florence ! 1 t . a W etwA kta A v A x si I We wedlet that Metronolltsn will be crowded to-! iitRh:. to wi;n the unrqutlled ier!ou!ßcaions i -f Mr. K mm Rksicsations The following resicsticc in 1 Irdisna regimerts have been accepted by the Adjutant General: lib cavalry Captain W S Hubbard, Co K Dih cavalry Adjutant W. P. Payne, cause disability 4"th regimeut Cap: A H. Green. 23 h regiment Lieut. O C. Sabin. 32 I regiment lt Lieut Beij Hutbs v 142i regiment lit Lieutenant W Co C P. Watrcn,' t 1SH1 reginaeiit Chap!ain Smud Sbortrivlge. ! OO account vi uifaonny iroru wuuj. 33J refimer! 2d Lifut W. H Boine. " for good of the service ;" 2d Lieut. Lloyd T Dun Can, on account of wounds; Is! Lieut. Jrhn P Spratt on account of wounds 5PBj-iLe resumed ycicju.v nu i.;k and the old appracreot thiug w re once m-rs lobe met with The eablemsof ?adi pm 'ii! remsin. however, .and tbe s i rue nje!irc-? o! v . nr rowfat countenance mark the people biJre was never more tuer.iJ, more heartfelt m Jeep than on the present occar:ar.J s.!tV.r.f;,. or.f of our characteristics as a people, i to hum with itdeceat haste from the hou-tf cf rr.t urala to the l,oue of joy; ard t::e etr.bie:;.- thjt w raeni'.rate tbe demise of -?tr.e desr or., sre furijoueD and set apide, jet. on this ouCM' -n, an are so deeply im?re-el wiih the prett ns!:i sÖi.Uon. that a return to the daily aiot-auoua o' lif- is reluctantly made. Ur il, A t04m be'i4'Dig to iL g-vi-rt.-taett became frihien. near the Tabcasrie, ye-terday morcire. and rushed up v ashinetoa ' street at a furious rate, followed by a larr ! crowd. Near the crossing of MeriJ.aa street the learn came in contact with a carriage, nrere moniously emptying its two cccupsnts .ntle round, hut not iijurio theoi to any tel ex lent. Two other teams were affected with the oe ep'rit. and made attemp ts to join in the rare, but wr uasucce-aful. An itditidual at j tempted to stop them by clubbing the bridles, arid wa understand receive-i a serious irjury. Thl is rather a dcgerous eipnimert. and in stances are not tars tu whicU pror.s Lave lst their lives in thia way The best p dky is 1 let a leans run ar.Uas i.T rn . rhcrked withoat dargtr. snJ they jecerally bric OD of their own aecttd. It cauU an eacltement. If notbhag more. Mitna or m Csaxtn of Covxttcz. A Urge number of tbt nercbaoli and buIoes men of this city convened at the Chamber of Com merce, oo Saturday, the li b lest , cot for tbe purpose of hearin j retd the uaaal oarket reports for by com moo consent, ail tbe ordinary bus! nesof tbe city was suspended but tn give tome form of exprc!on to tie deep greif and great aadaess wbirh w-ijbed down every betrt and was depicted In ia every countenstce. Eicb one felt tbt the sad dettb of c ur beloved president Abraham L'ncola wn inleed a personal aE:ct:03. And yet so fudleo wn the shock occasiored by this terrible event, that none could fully rettiae tbtt the Savior of our Country is no more. The bait wa properly draped in mourning, and rainy shed leri of sorrow as they looked upon the benign ict face of him they loved so well. Tie president of the chamber. T. B. Elliott. eq , rnvlouie very fecUag and timely remarks; alter hieb, the followicg action was taken : Wbiicas, Br a fearful ennspiracy and crime unknown to civilized times, onr beloved and honored president haa been taken from us, and our peop!e become a cation of mourners; Therefore, Resolved, That in the desth of Abrsbsm Lincoln we lament a chief magistrate who. in all the elements that constitute a ruler, wal one of the greatest of tratkicd. Resolved, That by this calamity our cnuctry loses an hocet, stgicious, merciful andpitriot iu president, whose wisdom was conummtte aod whoe Crmners snd resistance to feeble or cor rupt menures wai beyond all praise Resolved. That the h!l of tbe chamber of commerce be draped in mourning for thirty dys, ard thtt a committee of five be appointed to confer with the governor and citizens' com mittee with a view to the proper ob-errance of formal ceremooits. The following committee was asooinied: Thos. Kiogard, S. V. B Noel, F. P. Rush, R C Meldrum and Uriah Oreeorv, a&d instructed to make a report on Monday, tbe 17th ioetnt Tue. B. r.Li.ioTT, riea t. J. BaavAan, Scc'y. PaK0Tio.vs. Ad unusually large number of promotions in Indiana regiment were made ml the adjutant general's office on "aturdsy and je-terday : 3i;h Robert W. Odborn, captain company B. 4-ih John II. Leib, cipiain companp O; Hen ry Kutiiuhek. 1st lieateuint company G. WJ W. H. Robbins, 1st lieu:enant cosioany B. 13i)ih LIi;atn D. Rotter, captain company C; John D Patten. 1st lieutenant companv C. 33d James II Browo, captain company E; Henry Buckhtrt, l?t lieutenant company H; John W, Tailor. 1-t lieutenant companv A; William NxlrufT, 1st lieuier.t company K; Her.rv L Tris ler, lrt lieuteiiaiitcampany I; Samuel D Ilelaan, 1st lieutenant com pan j G. 22! CJcorge D. Toff, lt lieuteuaui compa ny D. 3ih James A. Donaldson, captain compin? D; Harvey Martin, lt lieutenant company D; Henry Mu2rove, Lt liesteutnt compibj Ü; Lewis H Webb. 1st lieutenant company A. 7 lib Jereraiih Kuder, captain torn piny A, Solom&n L Miller, 1st lieutenant comply A, Chrfrle. E. Thompson, cap:in company 1- 120th Jorejb C. Dickey, ciptiiu comrany D; L M Rilchey, 1st lieutenant comrany I); A. E. Thomm. 2J iicuternnt coccptuy I). fc:b Gcorgo W. Tatklesyn, 1st lifiter.s: t companv E. 1Mb Eljih M. White. lt lieutenaut E; li. S Fiaher, lit lieutenant company K. 3i:h Jhn Phipps, captain company A; A. (?. Fulton, 1-t lieutenant campnny A. IC-.h El'jih J. Waddle, captaia cornpüif II; John EIÜ-, 1st Ifeuienant company H. 1st artillery R II Crit, captain company L; Levi G. Benson, 1st licutenint L; Mark Joseph. '21 l'euten-int compiny L 33ib TbadJeus lluke, captaia company B: Charles Liodon, Ht lieutenant companv B. 35ih P. W. Kennedy, captain company (J; Bjrnard McCabe, l?t lieutenant company (. f'oinicll ProceedlUff. Modat Etemso, April 17, ItCi. Council cit tbi eveuine. Present, His Honor, Mayor Caveu, Allen. Boiz. Brown, Cobnrn. DjujIus, Emerson. Gla zier, Lafcver, McNabb, Sl-tub, Fletcher, Jmi to i, Haughey. rETlTlOJti. Mr. Brown eAVted one from property holdcii ou rorth Illinois street, asking that the culvert on Illinois rtrect, at the crossing cf Louisiana street. rier the t-nior railroad, be enlarged, so as to carrv off all the water. Laid on tbe table Mr. Broft'u. offered another from property hold ers of out lot 160, that an alley be opened cn siid out lot, commencing on Pitt street. Car ried Mr Et'iro:j rffere-l iic for the ownerofa pi iiiiug mill ut Eiwig, Roberts A Co , asking permi?ion to drive on the side walks in order to unload aud load lumber. Referred to the coo miuccon streets and allevs. , One from 0. W Rhoditn, askirg permission to erect a Ump po&t to be lighted at his own ex perse Granted. Mr. Stubb ptejeuttd one asking permission to relay and renew pavements on Alabama and DeUwate sttceti by F.J. Rapp and J.Lanbien. Granted. One from property bolders on W abash street, berween West tid Ohio, a.-kintbat said street from Noble to Est, be graveled. Grinted. BO A ED OF rt'BLIC I WPEOVKiltNTS Mr. Driwn moved tba the citv railway be era- plot el to construct cutters on the streets where ltlcjr üct tiv, provided it be done fir $376 per Kutitr. C-rriel A lemor strance against tbe improvement on Georgia i-trctt was liid upou the table. A petition from Skillen and others. aking the bcultieriiig of Washiiigton rtirrt, from tbe firat alley we.-r of Wct itreet to While river bridge Carried. rtXASCE The follow icg error coustaxe were refunded: J. S Wiugaie. $.5"; Sarah Cburn, S25 33; E. S. Palmer, $101 20; T M. Sievet.s, $13. ACCOl.M. To Wm C msirs. fir cleanip; council cb.nj Ux- ic 00- Allowed. A rc-solutiou was passed ordering the city clerk to psy Mr Coliey, ti'i-tre, the sum of $10 for build v.z a fe: ce iriun i Ucircrsity Squire. Car- tietj CIsriR.W It was moved that the civil engineer be di rected to advertise for proposals to build the eis urn reported to the council at the lait mcetitg. Carried. sairos. It waj ordered thit the foot brijge ovtr the western arm of, r.sar OieeudortT 's fc- tory be repairel. AND ALLEYS A petition cf Mnthew Aibtckcr, aking to an Lex a piece of ground to bis lot was not concur red in. A petition from Gcorce Lor.g, eskicg for an tiNratiea of the culvert at the crossing of New Jr.-ifv r.l !arkc! 're? ss rrcon. mended lor AiVption It w aiovti thit the street commissioners widen and rairo tbe culTerta ou the following nn e l aueti croiucs: MrUt ani New Jere, Wjihintor: ar.d lllh.o:, I!!i: i srd Georgia, i Meridian and South Carried. It w moved that the city rsar?L! be direct ed to ratify all pi:ics who have obsUucttd an aller rupiins: est sr. J we-t througb out lot No. 13?!outh of MirtUnd street, wiih thaLtics or ot-er obtructi."t . to remove e ssme imme- di ctTiL ivtiNtra It 3 uidertd th it a chain ork torlesn out the debris garg be put to ur.der the culvert cro-siu: Washington ilrecloTer rogue's Run. A ::!tiiMi rtn the oer akii) an ppro pr;a ti"n J- f r ad iiii-.m! rerrices, was al- rd oaM.xANCis ox rMian atsriNw. The following ordinance! were taken up cn the third readir.g and passed: To provide for the grad!c, bou'derinjj and curbing f tbe iiv'eralks of the National rotd atd Wnhinf;ioa suect, letween the Srt alley wes: ot Wet s;rcet covraacrs. Aaardicp to Mr. Snider the contract of the work 00 Fletcher avenue Mr. Drown Introduced an ordinance for tbe protection of Unitrersit? Squre, which was read, urder surpenaion of the rules, a third time, and adopt ed Mr. Brown introduced ao ordiaacce refulatloe the grade of ihe aiJw.lka and arbatooaa of Ia dlaa spoils Laid orer. Mr. Brown Introduced an ordinance abo!Ii!cg the cQce of street commissJcner. and requiring the marshal to perform bis duties Adopted. Mr. Browo Introduced an ordinance providing for tbe erection cf lamp posts, lamp and fixtures on Delaware atreet, between South and McCarty streets; also one of the same character oo Me ridian street, between Pogue'a Ruaaod McCarty street, aod lLat the expense be assessed and col lected from property holders on aasd etxet's. Read a second time. Oa motion that tbe city ecgioeer be di rected to set the grade on tbe west aide of Mir ket square ia order that tbe ground be levelled, C P. Randall was appointed assistant assessor. Mr. Coburn moved that the city council and officers and police force take part in tbe obsequies of President Lincoln oo Wednesday. Carried. Mr Brown submitted the following resolution upon the of President Lincoln: Reolved, That in tbe death of our beloved president, ore of tbe great and good men of the worlJ hn fallen, ard the nation is called upon to mourn tbe departure of our second Wshing ton. Reolred, That our heartfelt sympathies are tendered to the fsmily of President Lincoln in this terrib'e affi'ction. Resolved, That we humbly and devotedly pray the Father cf all mercies to me tbe life of Secretary Seward to this already deeply afflicted nation. Resolved. Thit thocgh tbe greatest, widest and best men may fall in eur country's cause, our onßdence that Divine Providence will save the life of the nation, snd ye: make it tbe light of the world, is lull and undiminished ReoNeJ, Tht confiding to the fullest extent in the ability, patriotism aid integrity of Andrew Johnson, upon whom the presidential office now devolves, we, wih all the loyal men of the coun try, will rally round h'm and give bis administra tion of tie government tbe sme cordial and generous support which was accorded to that of bis l pre!eee3or. JjjyThe followicg lots have been sold in the Crowu Hill Cemetery since the last publication: Hecry Kettenbacb $80 John Kiiier 3. W. Drew D iniel Yande. fr E Folhunter Riley Foster Them! P Evans John W Rhixlcs James N. M ivbew , Joseph S Richmond A. A II Schnull , Dr. Witislow S Pierce Wm. Bralen Oliver Touey C. II . Marshall . b . 173 .S20 II 1 10j 3d 523 3 370 175 240 600 125 trT" Furniture Auction at No 7C South Meri dian street, Wfdcday, April 19. ltC5, at 9 a. m. Good furniture, viz: Hair-seat eola chairs ai;d bsir-aeat mf, tro mirble topbu reiß?, lao marble-top wa?b stands, cak dining mini other cb tirs, k eaeri&:oii table, mahopo- tiT i other ts.bVi, fiand, Bru?-e's three ply Carpet-, oilcloth?, tugs. Vei-etim blind, g'lt traoje locking glasses, buflT windo- curtains, bat rack, cooking stove and fixtures, ibectirun cve, water cooler, water filteret, bedsLca is and mat tresses, milk box. ii.c. Go and get barcains. Wif. E. FSaTHELsTON, 19 r Auctioneer. Boarding. Messrs. Heiekiab k Co., thank ful for tbe very liberal patronage extended to them since tbe opening of their new Geranium saloon, No?. 31 and 33 Kentucky avenue, take this method of informing the public that, having in their employ one of tbe finest culinary artits in the state, (reulatly educated to the business in France.) they are prepared to take a few table boarders by the mesl, day or treck, on tbe usne! terms. With the aid of this a- compli-hed cook, and with their own experience as caterers, they have every confidence in being able b tive entire sat isfaction to their patrons. 17-3 Eureka! Thb Infallible II ai& Rutoratitc. Decidedly the best article for restoring grey htir to its natural color, (not dying.) curirg all diseases of the scalp, preventing the hair from fall ing off, giving it n softness and g!o?s that noth ing ele can produce. I'rit-e $1 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. J. F. Sexocr. druggist. Hutes Hoih Block, af!it. eod-tf rSiT'Scuoui keeps on !" the be-tdiu stores io the city, sro in addition to medicines of all dort aud the btt kind, he b.".e everjthir.g in the line of toilet articles, for idies atui gentlemen. His place is No. 5, Bites IIou.e Bloik. For Rent. A large room in the third story of the new Seutir.el buildings. No 7 South Meri ii;j f.frert. The room is well lighted and the cr.r uico good Apply t t'ti-i office. 7tf. tjf A tine fresh lot of oranges, lemons, dates, fig?, cocoaruts, pninM and rairiLS. at Central Grocery Fletcoi.r k Daviior. 15 dtf. , mm Waxth Cm War Flxd Oiozrs We are buvitig citr wr fund scrip at full mat ket rates. WlLET A MaRTIIT, 12 t Brokers. For choice drug-?, pure toilet toari, brushes, combs, Ac , tr.d br tbe bet quick yea.t, go to Senour's diug slore, Eite Uou:e block. ßfSee Dr. Wm Tbouion'.s dvcr.iseaenl on the fourth pae of to day's piper. jan 25 tf. - 1 ! - A fpw exchange papers, dote up in pack ages of 1UU, cau be bad at this office tf BOSTON L7I1 i Uli NEW VORK. NO INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY. A Limited Number of Shares for Sale at Three Dollars per Share. lou.uoo DOLLARS WORKING CAPITAL. SUBSCRIPTION LIST FILLING UP. Off ACKKS Ü THE REST OIL TKRK1T0RT, )UU aJ)oiiirK the C QCKTTF. MAFLK f H ALE, JKsSEY and D L7.r Lb WKLUS. Also on the Pacbnn Krm nJ ClA-iou hirer, wtirti romlsn to rjril Oil Crsk. Room for 3,000 Wölls. Before &Tei tu, 'l prt;es bon!.i rail at tbe Cce of tbiiCjrapac, j. Iii BROADWAY, Nw Tck. ei.m- ln f.r them:., and M R I 1ST CF MaNAUKK.S. WHICH O I" ARAMTFKJ O'Mrf.KTK PI'VKl.OPiST OF IHK PH'TKHTT. T u U a T E CHA. L. HARDZXft. Btett. L SIMON. w Tork. WM. SI.!hMAS. New Tc. J VCOB IHrHFIMFP., New Toik. aDWAKn j. wilsov, woTm. 1SAC Bi:rUF.tMKn Nw Tork. fKiMTNn JtETTHKlMK-K, RuchnVr. liKMiT CübN, hew Vcrk. ST VTAF.f Nh.nF.LL, 5w T. rk. aprlO--" trod PROFESSIONAL. MILITARY ATTORNEY, NOTARY PUBLIC, 11 & 12 Up-Stairs, Blackford's Block Ccrer ef Waatrgtoa art1 Mer.i r ftrsta. Jan. 1 Cnncrr Can br Cured. DC. nrBTKX. Cancer xzi CdCiiaptloc Cbatsplct, ba. Iöctr4 la ik tij ct Qu!nry, ll.izcia, 10 Wa'.n irset, tfctrrl !fer tbe Qitrey Hom, erer J R. Dayton' B00 ciw.. Us ucce.ftl7 all), and extracts Cancers witaoat para er kr.fe, ra frm fr t twenty fear r. AIm, cmrea all k!&!. of aorss a&4 all Cbrt t ajaaaaa aadpt. jl cars alwayi gaaraTeaa or ao pay. aayg-wCa PI OLE ! CO P, i TelegrapWc Dispatches fror rtwrnlng- Itepwrt See Flrar Pane. MIDNIGHT REPORT, Latest War Hews. Further Particulars of the As sassination, Numerous Arrests BeiDg Made. VIGTTi AJNTOE 03E AUTHORITIES. The AEsassin Still at Large. Confident Hopo Capture. of His JOHNSTON SURRENDERED General Lee Ea Route to Confer With Jeff. Davis. Ac, fir,, lc , Är.. Ar. root W aelilniton. Washisotom, April 17. A meeting or Keo tuckiatii was held Uat night, and suitable action was taken in tefaence to the death of the presi dent. J. B Stewart and Clouls Shaffer and Duncan were appointed a committee to carry ar ranen:trits isto effect. 1 he ii3Tj deptttmeut has issued orders for the closing of all business at the navj jards and na? al departments on Wednesday, and for ob serving the dar oa board of all national re-iels in the United States. The report rtill prevails that Booth has been Hrrested, a&d is on board of e gunboat cn the Potomac. 'I be origin ol the ptory ws in this wise: A prominent military officer come into the nary de partment on Saturday, and said that be badjuat le trued thttt Booth was overtaken some miles out on the road leading from Seventh street, ar J aeke l whether the department would consent that he should be placed cn board a gunboat. The reply wa In the affirmative. Unfortunately tbe same officer hst late information th it tbe re port wa? no; true. The militmy aulbrit:e had received uo iu form.stior. of his arrest up to ha!f-pnt one o'clock to dij. Secretary Seward wn represented 10 bo im proving, although Le rested rather uncomfortably last (.ight li&m medal excitement, caused by couvei nation with Iiis fiieuJaiu re1. a? ion to recent events. Hh son, Fredrick Sewsrd, has partially re covered consoiuusuess, and b:s symptoms are fav orable. Mr. 11111, the messenger ot tbe state depart ment, who was stabbed in the back at th same time, i? a great cuffcrer, tut it considered out of danger. Numerous tieet of iudiscreet rr susfected persons luve ttken place to-day. They cause much excitement. Reports picvail thai Sunilt is amon the enmber, but this is not true Yesterday a crey coat, stained with blood, and which bsd evidently ben used as an overcoat, was found rear Fott Bunker Hill, just back of Glenwood cemetery. In tbe pocket was a fake raoui'achc, a pair of riding gloves, and a slip of x per, upon which wa written Mary E. Gardner, 413. This co it is supposed to have been worn bv the man who stacked Secretary Seward, al though the weight of evidence indicate that the conspirators all took the sarn ro;te tbit of the navy yard bridf e. This morniug defective Kelly aLd a detail of policemen ol the 2d ward, by order of Judge Olin, proceeded to tbe house of Mollie Turner, on 're corner 01 1 nirteentn atreet ana Ubio are- cue, and arrested all the inmates, from the mis tress to the cock, ciht in alt. and carried them to ti e police beidquarters, to be held as wit ntsse?. This is the houte where Booth spent much ol his time, Klla Turner, the woman who attempted puieide, beinj his kept mistress. Information his been received by the govern ment, from Gen. Sbernan, that he was in com munication with Gen. Johnston, with a riew to the surrender of the latter. Gen. Sherman would ofTer the ssme terms that Gen. Grant did to Lee, and it was supposed tbey would be accepted. Th diplomatic body yesterday belJ a meeting at the Russian legation, and haro decided to join in all the outward demonstrations of sorrow which have been determined upon by the author ities and citizens. - -- -m4&m- ja From rteasr York Naw Yea. April 17. Tbe Herald's Wash ington correspondent stys Booth asked the clerk al the Xationil it he was going to Ford's Thea tre that night, telling him he ought to as there was to Le i jue splendid acting there thit night The ncit heard of Booth wm a little after 7 o'clock, when I.e. in company with five others, entered the saloon of George Harrv adjoinirg, and all of them drank together. The emphasis nf rhir manners in taking tbe drink attracted attention. Alter driakirg they formally shook hands with each other, tiJ-liug one another good-bye. Upon leaving the bar ruom two of the par;y rode off ou horsebtck. Alter the tia.sedy . ccurred, an ofik-er, com mtnding the fonificttious cse: of the city, was hurrjing tr his command, accompanied bv aa or derly, between Lincoln hospital and camp Rimey. They ctme upon two oen riding desperately. Tbee two turned down a lane ia wLicb were four otbsrs, all mounted. TLe ufiicer and ordetly gave chae, and were fired upon. The orderly wai wounded, and the party pursued rc-iie rapidly away ar.d e:carcd with thoe who were evidently v.aitiGi for t-ieir comicjr The Herald's Potomac Army cut respondent details thi work of paroling the rebel rrionf-r It appears that Lee surrendered about 16,00. in cluding officers, privates and teamsters. The artillery cumbered 170 pieces, and the wagons 700. A Richmond ccnespoadent tsys Lee has poi.e to Danville to endeavor to prevail on Jeff Davis to desijt frjrn further pro: -rit a hopele? rtrusgle. The Herald's Wii.chetei correspondei.t aura: Tbe soldiers are ereitlv ;ne'ei at the ation.butare coun-f'cd to calci'jeir. A tiijr of truce cauie in ftcai ImWJeu ou Sat urday, th? object teirg urdtrs ocd to be the sur render of his force? as a part c- Lee's arny. Gen. Rosier, however, refused to comply with tbe tcrrrs of Lee's urrender, but his troopi de terte 1 him et; mse, and wer.t join Jebn pton. Many of Lee's men hte rec!ud their heme in the rst'ey. The Pest's Washin-ton speciil sits s)reral r.rlditioial arrrf. hue ten nise to dsy. of Marjlar.-' tebI; but 1 o p-fni.ner.t cne ha tjtn caught Another cabinet meet;" was he'd to day. Gen. Gram was pree:.t. At Augur's he.dqaartera this loos, there was a confident hpe tb P-vith wmi'd be ertefd before trn:orrow. The Commercial's pedal says it ii feared tbe a?sasins have ecsped aid user. r.fa in tbe Mountains scro?s the Potocfi' Freh de ve'opmTi'i p-.vnt t- tertsin p.srtlei iu New York. Lee turned 01 er in rond nun l e s 30.000 ires. O-ir loss will nn? eirerd lü.0JO or 11M0. Jce Johnston baa surrendered Jis entire army to Sherman, thus partiallr cloiti; the war. The rebel geserala express their d re to subnvt t- the Un.te-i States authorities. By the steamer. Havana dates of the 12.h The rtearaer Eale broRbt in the news of the fall of Richmond, with her color rlyin ard her machinery decorated As she raanieJ by Moro Cas'le she red thirteen guts. Uüon teen rejoiceJ ei ec-linfcly, acd tbe rebt'a leaked gloom v. A ieceson:it tatted Lonor bad been sentetc ei to ten years in the perectitry. for drawiof a pistol on a eoachmtu Yellow fever and small j 1 lave appeared in JIavana. There Ls no truth la the rcpert that Captain IToZtt has teen IcpritoncJ b Moro Catt!e, Tre Little Rattle, without clearance papers. tried to run oat, oa the fifth, but bad to return. Tfce Commercial's special lays the came of the assa.s'n who entere! the tons of Mr. Sew. ard. b Thompson. Tbe Post's Washington special aayi there bad been no fighting between tne forces of Sherman and Johnston. It wt believed at Sherman's bet J quarters that tbe surreoder of Joloon's army would take place last Friday. Tbe Peat's Washington sperii a'ates that Booth ha bca traced to Pott Tobacco, Charles Co ,Md. Pasäecgers from Richmond state that the as rassination of the president created the greatest consternation there. The people expressed lleir lesrs of tbe coasequeccen A man was thrown from a Btocklyn ferryboat Into the river for disloyal language. Hie lite was saved by a passing boat. Both this city and Brooklyn are enveloped in mourning, and the streets have been crowded with promenaders all day viewisg tbe decora tions. George Welis, John Gallagher, Wm. Finning, and Peter Britton were to-day aentenced te aiz months in the penitentiary for treasonable sectl ments. La.t evening a squad of patriotic young men eisited the boue of Mrs. John Tyler, widow of Ex-President Tyler, on Siateo Island, and de manded and obtained a rebel fla; which had been barging in her parlor. Ex-Mayor Lewis, cf Sa vannah, a violent rebel, was present, but kept quiet. Tbe parlor of Mrs. Tyler is where seces sionists have often met during tbe war, and was the headquarters of a rebel sewing society. To the People of Illinois). WasHisaTOX, April 17. To the People of the State o! Illinois: Tbe funeral ceremonies of tbe lamented chief magistrate are to take place io this city, at the executive mansion, at 12 M. on Wednesday tbe 19th instant. The tclics; eecrcürj of state has inrited the various religious denominations throughout tbe country to meet within their respective places of worship at that hour for the purpose of solemniz ing the occasion with appropriate ceremonies. Reaei Jicg to the spirit of this announcement, I call on the people of Illinois, the home of her martyred son, to meet ia their respective churches acd places cf worship on that day, to observe in such manner aa the painful cccssion shall sug gest, the solemn hour. (Signed) J. Oölxsbt, Gov. rrora Sit. Louts. St. Louis, April 17. Sorrow at the deeili of Mr. Lincoln is fctill unabated, and tbe bouses drapedio moumirgis constantly on the increase. Several persons were arrested for exulting over the assassination, and utteringtdis!oyal language, and two have been shot nd two wounded foj the same cause. Business was äuspenuedon 'charge to-day, and the time occupied in making epcecbes by aeveral prominent gentlexea, acd the parage of a series of resolutions expressing great sorrow at the loss of late chief magistrate, condoling with his family, and pledging tteir inpport to Andrew Johnsen, and offering to unite with the civil and military authorise in attending tbe funersl at SpriiiRfifli. f rom noiton. Boston, April 17.Oovernor Andrew deliver ed a rpecial message to tbe legislature this p. ta. on the national bereavement. Appropriate resolution were adopted by the lcgudatute. The governor, accompmied by a special com mittee appointed by the legislature, will attend the funeral at Washington. A special meeting of the city government to dajailopted resolutions and appointed a eomtn't tco to be present at the funeral. The public meeting in Fanenil Hall was pre sided over by Mayor Lincoln. 1 was an im merse jnthfric?. To I'mimaaters. Washington, April 17. To Dtpu'y Postmatet: Busine?s in all the post ofhees of tbe United States will be suspended, and the offices closed from 11 a. u. to 3 p. m cn the lütb inst , (Wed nesday) during the funeral solemnities of Abra ham Lincoln, the lite president -of th United States. (SisnedO w- Dm.s-wojt, P. M. G. t rom lialtlniore B ALTiMoax, April 17. Charles C. Fulton, of steamer 0en, has just arrived from Charleston and Sararjnih. At the latter place he learned that on the 10th iust , Jeff Davis was at Macon, Georgia. At Savannah he learned from a bank officer that Jeff Ditis had $69,000 ir; scold n deposit in orje cf the banks there Prom Cairo. Cairo. April 17. Gen. Washburn issued an order in Memphis officially recognizing tbe fact that the rebellion is ended, and revoking several of the most stringent orders previously in force for the government of affairs in West Tennes see. The Very Latest THREE O'CLOCK A. M. Naw Yoaa, April 17. Boston papers publish a letter from Edwin Booth to tbe manager of the Boston Theatre, re lative to the suspension of hit engagement. Tbe letter c!c!C3 aj follows: While mourning in common with all other loyal hearts the death of tbe president, I am op pressed by prirste woe cot to be expressed in words. But whatever calamity may befal me or mine, my country, one and indivisible hat my warmest derotion. The Post publishes an advertisement which ap peared in Tbe Sei ma, Ala , Dispatch, offer a 5 to take the lives of Pre-ident Lincoln, Vice Presi dent Jobn-on and Secrtary Seward, on tbe pay ment of a million dollar in confederate pone'y. The Tribune says editorially: Tbe lamented bead of the republic was never provoked to an exhibition of ore trace of hate cr erea wrath towr.rJi those gairt whom he was compelled to battle (u the life of the cation. Perpetually represented to th souther a people as a libel cn humanity, and as a tiger ravenous for blood, be not only put forth no speech, no manifesto, no carer, that gate the lent countenance to these calumnies, but be never, in hi mof intimate ar.d cor.&deutisl moments, iutimateJ the hope that er;l should befal one of three encmiei, lave as it should be necesary for th salvation cf tie country. Mr. Lincoln fell a scriSce to hit country's aalvation, aa absolutely aa though be bad beea struck down while leading assault on the ram parts of Petersburg. His death sets the aeal of fate to the decree that dooms alavery speedily to pcris'j, Lot in this counirr only, but in all irt remaining lurking places throughout the world. To the human vision it would seem that Mr. Lir.coli' h?d filien ft in my mocea? when hit o-i .u!d be moat keenly od jutly felt. Tbe soldier h-td done hi? work, the hour of thettates min had fully strucldand the president was ready end eager for tbe task. Had be lived a very few da; a longer, we believe he would have issued a pro-' motion of amnesty which would have dis solved all that remains of the rebellion, leavicc it leaders no choice between fight and uncondi tional s jrreii'icr. We have r o special knowledge of the purposes of bis tucces-ur, but we will tot doubt that tbe good Providence which has brce our country so cobly through her past trials, will continue her guide and guardian through whatever may be still before; and that the terra and jloom of the ptecnt ia.y speedily be cikcel by tbe sun shine of reace, union acd impartial freedom The World .): By lo other tickle ichier meet could death have carried such a feeling of desolstion into every cwellirg, and to have caused tbe land to mourn orer tbe tundetinr, of sotae dear domestic tie. tbe country, previous to Mr. Lincoln' first election, foreseen what was coming, it would not have choen for president a man of Mr. Lin coin's inexperience, bot if bit party wis to eoc ced, we doubt whether fore5jbt and deliberation would have made o zood a choice. Any policy which a republican pre-idert might have adopted with !ecit:ou, iu the spring of lc6l and adhered ta with s'eadiceM during four jests would have exposed the government to be shivered into fragments Shocks cf cbacgine opinion what was made upon the character ol Mr. Lincoln, set himself to tbe performance of acta wLkh commend approval, even cf Ms former opponents, and the day which preceded bis death. 11 paae ed Ia eaployctnU more fall of proc!e thin icy other lo the calendar of this momentous era. To-day'a Herald says oar institutions art for tunately of a character rot depending oa the life of aa yl&dlvldcal for their an ale Usance or pro grew. The progress of tit American government U onward, casilcg flowers aa It paaaea 0 the grave of each man martyr, bet never baiting in Its march of divine acd Irresistible missioa. In Andrew Johnson keceeforth the President of tbe United Ststei, we bin a man cf similar or'fin with Mr. Lincoln, eqaally a child of the people, equally in sympathy wita their interests It is to longer ia tbt power of changing for tune to take away frosu Abraham Lincoln, at might have happened Lad he lived, ont of the most solid, brilliant, asd ttsiolets reputations of which, in the world's annalt. anr record can be found, its only peer exlstipg in tbe memory of j Washircton. - - 0 President Licecln made bit latt speech to the world. Men will re peruse that sole tun addresa with ever Increasing interest acd emotion, as If the shadow of his own tragic fate, and near and unseen dangers to tee country rested encoa scioasly In its words. COMMERCIAL. 1 T viLaaaarw. ctnclBtaattl Harket. CivcxvaaTi, April 17. The tews from New York caused general disappointment, for it waa auppoted that gold and all articles of merchandise would hart advanced materially, but such not being the ease, this mar ket eloaed fiat, though prices showed do impor tant chacgci from thote currtutlait Tburadar. Flour In moderate demand; Superfine f7 25 extra $7 407 75. and family $7 tU)QB 25. Wheat ucchanfd;red 1 SO; white $1 60 1 60. Oata tcarce acd ia demand at 67c. No demand for corn; damiged is being forced off with difficulty at 30(3 10c. Rye held at 95c Barley dull. Whisky dull; email tales at f) 10. Mess pork advanced to $27 50. Bulk meats firmer at 13c for shoulders and Ma for sides loose, and packed )t'c higher. No demand for bacon, prices nominal Nothing done in lard. Clover seed IS and demand moderate. Timothy and Flax unchanged. Groceries quiet. Butter unchanged, prime to choice 30(g32c. Cheese stead v. Eggs 20c. Silver $1 35. Gold eloaed at $1 45 ww varsi naartLwt. 5iw Yoik, April 17. Cotton opened firm and closed dull and lower at 34(335e for middling. Flour dull md 5lUc lower; at $7 7U7 80 for extra state; $3 S5(B 0 for extra round hoop Ohio, and $3 539 90 for trade brands; markets closing heavy. Whiakv firmer with aslea f Western pale, at $2 13. Wheat opened firm acd elosed heavy at $1 3 for Milwaukee club; $1 60(31 65 for winter red. western; $1 bO for amber Michigan, sod $1 65 for Cbicsgo Spring. Rye dull. Btrley and malt cull and nominal. Corn dull and drooping at $1 35. Oats firmer; 90e for western. Wool dull. Coffee firmer. Sugar dull. Molasses dull. Rice dull. Petroleum quiet; 35c for crude, 52c for refined in bond, and 72(373a free. Pork rsther firmer at $27 2T23 DO for new mess, $25 0025 50 for '63-64; $24 50 for regular way; $24 00(324 50 for prime, and $26 37 for prime mess; alao 1,500 barrels new mess May and June at tellers acd buyers option st $27 50(222 00. Beef quiet, at $12 00I6 50 for plain mes, acd $16 50 20 00 for extra mess. Beef bams quiet at $20 00(224 50. Cut meats firmer at 14j;(äl5c for shoulders and lSnyic for hams. Bacon firmer at 1515c for Cumberland cut; 15,'(3 1 6'c for long ribbed, and IGaiG for short ribbed. Lard steady at 15?4'lSc Butter firm at 1425s for Ohio, and 22?25 for State. Cheese quiet at 1422c Clover seed advanced to $13 50, snd good de mand; timothy $4 50. Flax fl 60, and dull. Money easy, large supply at 56 per eent. Sterling quiet at lOcrlOO) for first class bills. GolJ firmer, but not very active, opening at $1 53 and closing at $1 43. GoTernment stocks eteady. .saw toxk xoxxt xiacar. Niw Yoar, April 17. Money moderately easy at 56 per cent, with the bulk ot the' transactions at the Inside rate. Sterling dull at $1 OSfJl 09 for first class bills. Gold firmer, but not rert active, opening at $1 53. and closing at $1 4.' Government stocks more aciire acd firm. B7A rich growth of hair produced, the natural color restored, (not dyed), aod all disea se! of the scalp, falling off. Ac, cured by using "Eureka," the infallible bvr restoratiTe. Price $1,00 per bottle. Sold bv 11 drugguts. J. ii. Sx50ia, l)tujjgit. Hates Block, Agent. eod if. TO INDIANA MILITARY 0FF1ERS. KxacrriYs DxraaTifsxT or IsdiaxaJ Diaxa) I. x Buaaac or Fixasck. Indianapolis, June 24, 1&64. INDIANA OFFICERS, who bars beaa or are am&(!a the array, art lEonr4 that ttelr Ordaancs fcrturas will be mads Bp aud prrasated to tht proper Department and certificates of acqJttatice sbUlaed.rM cf ektvrcr, by apylylaa; te Kr. C. F. Raokar, t'alef Clerk State Ord nance lepartaentt oEca up ata!ra ever Tajens' bard wars store, No. 21 WetTTajkingta street. Indianapolis. Bv naki&g returns, ss afeT directed, Seers will sot oo ly aave all rrea, but tbey will be able to settle wltk tbe GovsTxmeGt and draw tc!r pay from eat to tares taoctta earlier Iba t i Kni'c Is eRtrsd to Clalaa Aa-tata. By ordsr TO'rreraer Mmtt. W. H. fl. TXkJIILL, 4v-tf rtaaaatal Saaraf ry. FIRE INSURANCE. CONDENSED STATEMENT er m INDIA FIRE IITSTJEANCE CO., INDIANAPOLIS, IND., Office No. 5 Odd Fellows' Hall, OT? iTAIEJ.) CAPITAL $362,912,44. RaJar.ce aa per atatement Jzlj 1, 1H4 I) C at a a. i Sflninfna. im aa ffail mnA Vifevfliflvsi tkAlas Tci?f i from Jsly 1st, 1S4, to Janaary l'.iean M.eaeo rrstilani je'.es cancW te Jan. It,'.Wt3 ijcM i Tlue s ia'l (4 lasse aad aa. op ta Jan, Jt, 1 ax3 soo so 11 4 Aecraed Ictrt Total Capital Jan. lat.lUS $33,12 44 AlffTTS. rreautera Not as !a fores 32,32f V. B.1U B-ceivable s-2 Cashonhaad !i?i45 Cash ta haada of KfMU rersooal Praperty A Aceraed InUrast II I Total Aiaets. Jaa. 1st, - 3tt,U 44 rys aapald ciaiasa arVast tke C psay wkaUver. oyyiciiit yxxa. lüaGTrwaa. I C.aCLZ3r,OetVaVt. 03Y C00D3. imiEJSE DECLINE IN PECEl. LARGE ARRIVAL OF B3E OOBS! Or en teat Attraction or ttic Ceacon. XyTTT' HAT1 THE rLXaSTU OF AjrvoUVCOlO ff t ear patrons sod tke paslie tkat wa kava re fitted la spleodlJ atyle oar well kaava asl wopalar store raoir , 3To. SI ODD FELLOITO' GALL, Acd are new recelslaf aaa of Ü.0 Margaat aad elegaot stocks af DRY GOODS Ever tree te Ula soarkat. I Aw4 other tWa a&4 da.traUa DltEOO GOODO, We claim ta eicel all coaspetltors aad preeeat Ue very? latest dealg BBon aeelrable akadea a4 CaaatfaWlaw at prices Mac a te)ow tbe Bark et. Oar CLOAK ROOD Is wtll tiled wltk Ue taoat rses aad beaitfal styles te, Loth Clotk asd S-: Caraiesu. la u C05IBSTI CDBPAQTDBNT, We are aropared te akow a coaipteta) Ui f all fXm popular sa4 staavtarm nskes la prlata. Bleached acd Drotrn I!zlz3t TICK8, DRILLS, DE1II1IS. . AIID OOTT0UADE8, TABLE LITIEIIS, uAPimia AUD DOYLIES, la all tyiea frv lava taait to lk ebsapest makes, TCTl aa pwktk are Lartted to grsw as a e3 aa4 Larveea tkatr greaabacka to feed that are raeUy vary, eery ckeap. JOnE3;I2E:3'C:DAVI0; elM3w