Newspaper Page Text
V DAILY STATE SENTINEL r rrrxwnxD tnxi vowrnto at TOÜ iW STOBL OPPICB 13 ICUTK MERIDIAN STREET, (ooajra s psarl TtirT.) ' ROER, HAMÜSS h DIMGRAU, Iropritor. VATCriEC. nn a nn Amorican uTatchoß. J VOLUME XIV. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAT 3, 18C5. XDMHER 4,533. DA S E N T a Afe on copy, ywat ...... ....tOO Or.a copy, Ii months 4 SO Ofi cory.thr. rtfc s so Od ropy, m nattt "" tittrMtytatarrW.w'.t!ntttltj, IQ entipef h, payable ta the carrier. goe will tx euppttd at 13 crt week. irT'SCo! inf t' tt at t at fi-k by Eipress, pre. i!d, er in fLr'.nT"i Itiers hy tnait; etherle e Bot repnlba f'f ety I" taet mjr occur. City ut rlber will L LSd repyTiMll for papers Uft their b.oea after tt.ey have removed, or tta tby Wo theta diacunUucad.n niete notw- ta given at the f-3-e cf p?ibiUr at'oa. 5 p'pr eertt wltbont pre.pynet,reec:UoaadIoe;er Ihaa paid for. Ccyies cf tltPiut Strrtsaieaa t k ad at ths off. e each moruüig, a ad lh Hniii Sams-si each Hon lay,Deatiy eveloped, fr nailing KATi.n t a d v i: Ii i i n i ; o . i 4 ! a ai m m & f S 3 a at 4 4 Ii i 9 I ( 0 M... d... ... 1... 1.. jCd. ew.. ,W.. im i l. 1n o.:s 1.00, IM ITS 00 2 tO S.QO, 5 00 f T 00 I&6 15 1t M 7 U 3 00 74 50 CO 1 tO IM ILO Sil 3 75 437 100 25 TW 10.00 1.251 sW J.75 4 60 5 25 00 7 50 00 1200 IS OO1 10.00 J 63 3.50 4 37 I 25 3.00 4.00 500 00 7.00 00 10 00 13.00 3 37 3 75 50! 5.00 a-vj 3.00: 400 ft 00 coo; 00, ft 2 6 20 75 7 50 7 87 8.75 9 00 10.00 11.25 13 50 13.50 .Ob 1 00 20.00 22 50 25.00 29.71 33.00 45 00 50 00 50 CK) &5 .0 57 50 rj 50 65 00 70 00 h5 00 Oft 00 .13 700 75 10.50 14 00 17 50 23.25 34.75 40 OO 45 50 SO 00. 1 00 20.00 J60 40.00 4S.0O 52 50 57.50 7500 eo i 00' u m TS 1I.0O 24.25 00 11.35 37.00 00 35 00 30 50 0 tt &O'ü& tO 00 35 00 15 00 20 SO 13 OO 37. W 4350, 55 uo 1109 UM Bu!ni Hotlcei pullUhed 1u tie lucal Colnrnti, of tf n tnor obJrr, will b cbtrl for ch larttui 11; If vr tu l!nrn, trg emit pr liiir. AaraiK-1tig lath with fimril ovtlc tacb!, 1; ttlct lkllr fr. Marrt( Notier 5D erbt. If otlf of FetllK, rim!ca n.l XtcoMlon, Kttrti np hj dlTtJuU or aKKUUDi, or by ebureb , at tt rruUr pdcfi. AdTrtlnri.t Icavled od plcd nu!r tb tJ f I lpctal Hotlc, If tMl!ne rovr,wtll beebarg'd lout ! tb staal rate. ; Ttarly aJfrUrr to pay quarterly. j AbdooocIdit cand!Jt for ofic of Tery decr1ptlou U b cbariced at tb rat of 91 ftO for each oaui tn tb i Dally, and $3 In th Dally aud am to U , in j all caa, paid to advance. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, j PUBUSnKD KVXRT MOIfDAT AT Two Dollars and Fifty C.s. a War. , To Ciuk f ten and orr at tl OO y-ar. raiAiLa-la-raauBLi in ADVaact. Kcb aqnare, flrat Ibarrtiun. At Kach aubirqaent Inwtlon, for each aqaar. t' A reiotiabl drd'icUo iaal to yearly a.lve rt.-e if . IK' ad vrtlr tarnt tl 10 prr Rooir for tbr flrt nartioD, and 91 rr quarr for ach BaMrqtient luer Ilea. A01daritaHl b inido without additional charge. If tbr advrrtirr furul'b tbtamp required b; Govern witt. Legal ad vertiiemetiU Inserted at the expeina cftha ai .mrya rderlDK, and not delayabl for tb lgal proceed feg, bat collectable at our til time. Publibrr not aocovatabU for tho accuracy ef leg! adTcrtirnent b ;rd tb aojonut charged for their publication. RLCKUr UARK2iK8S At BINGHAM, Proprietors Indiana State Sentinel J. M. T1LFORD, President Indianapoll Journal Company. INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIMETABLE. MaDiaOR BlII-aOAt) Traina Leava. A.U 3:00 P. M TraiDH Arrive. .Mail 11 15 A.M. 8:15 V. M. jirrmftoxmu aiii.aon. Traina Loava. Tralcs Arrive. KornlLo; Kiprea. M.00 A.M. Nlbt Kipreax, 3:.Vi A. U Chlcana Expre., L'bicas Kijresa, Night Kapreaa, 10 00 P. If. Kveuing Kxprea8.15 P. M l h pi a Ar out, raatT aan cmrAoo aAiLaoAb. ains Leave. Trams Arrive. 12:40 P. X .....Mail 9-.25A.M. 10-.I3 r. M....ClikaRoEiprt9, No. 1... HI P.M. Larai tt aaiLaean. Traina Laavt. Train Arrive 11 40 P. M 5 30 A. M. 730 P.M 10.45 A.M. 1015 PM... 530 P.M. raaaa bactb aAiLtOAt Traina Leave Train Arrive. ..3 45 A.M. . 10.35 A. U ..735P. M. 8.05 A.U 12 40 P.M 10-40 P. M laDIAJUr.-l 18 Alt 0IT4CJMRATI AILkOAP. Traina Leave Traina Arrlv. 5;50 A.M.. Mail UO P. M. 10 50 A.M. .Jkccutnmodatlon 6.50 P. M. 7: 60P. M Xxprea :55 P. M. 3:00 P.M. Greenaburg Accotumodatkn, :35 A.M. cir wira ad 7oiAaAnLiioiTiTaAL sailwai. Traisa lav. Train Arrlv im A.M.... Day Xxpre ..Iii 5 Noon. 115 P. 11 MaiL 1:45 P.M 7 55 V.U.. !lbt Kxpres 10:23 1. M. SLLBroMTAiaa AiLkoab. Train Leave. Traina Arr'.re. T:00 A. 31 . 1: 45 P. M 4 DO P.M . 115 Soon. S:10 P,M s ... .MaU 13 W P.M. AOOISTItl B, BW ALBAJtT AND CillCAUO AAILAO AO CBAVQC . or tun. Bxprra Greencaatle Jouction going north...... ftO P M Soiug aouth 1.10 P M COOK AND JOB PRINTING. -AND AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE; DON E IN TUE BEST STYLE, BOOKS, PAMFHLETS. CARDS, BILLS, BILLS LADING. CHECKS, CIRCULAItS. DILL HEADS, BLANKS. C. AC. Of all kinds caa b better accoKwodated kerr thAn kt any oc Is tb city. .U'dera f rm as dlaisaacr tue v. His praoiptand ras r I til aaiteia- tlOB 9 - ELDER HABKNESS& BINGHAM k LIQUORS. J. aTaAMAAA. FOREIGN ÄND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, U 05U5QAIIKLA, HTK AKD BOCEBO POIiT. V AI'EIRA, MUSCAT, MALAGA WX1STES, JJSTID CIOABS, 28 South Illinois Street, INDIANAPOLIS. IND AÜESTS FOM DETROIT ALE, OLD STOCK, PALE AND AMBER A -A5U IAKYIMKY V ORT IUI. Alikln.Nof AI- koJ Tortf r for family , In bottl fr othtrwl, kept constantly ta bd tMivercilti by prt of ttk city. Jnl3-dtf JpRJMf JWEDICINES, DAILY, RKÜlfßR & UUS11. 7S South Meridian St. .AST KNli CMOS l'ItrO INDIANAPOLIS, IND,, WHOLKSALE DEALERS 'CXCLUSITCLY) 13 SLflX G S , ElEDIOIIlfE PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, w GLASS WARE. PEEF ü MERY AJTD-- IPancy Goods, -ASI- PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. WÜ WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF DRUG GISTS to the above establishment, and Invite tbeiu, when la the city, to look through oartock. Our goods wert bouuM when gwld was at II am? before tha additional 60 per cent Increase in Tariff Duty, which, we are confident, will enable us to aril goods in our line very low and yrt realize a profit. W will du plicate any Cincinnati bill fluctuations In prices con idered. OruVra are aolidled. J7'4-dly NATIONAL BANK. THE FIRST NATIONAL 1)AM ! or iivri.vifvi?OLiH IS TUR official depository and financial agent of the United States, and will fnruUh, on the most fa tot a : LI term, ! All kinds of United States Bonds and Rovenue Stamps, And will buy and ell Gold, Sihtr, F.xchanfe, Govern ment Vouchers, Order oa Washington, Sute Stocka aud Public Secuhtieaof eTery description. Collection will be promptly made, and every kind of buidneM attended to that belong to legitimate banking. Kegular easterners are only charged 6 per cent, upon Loaca obtained at this Back, and the mott ample pre visions are made for the safe-keep'.r.g of liepoMt and fr tie accommodation ef Depositors. In addition" to the responslVTlty or th Tailed Slates for the habilitie of the Bank, the Stockholders are isdi tldaally reponil!e to th extent cf tLeir U, la addl t on to the amount Invested in ach shares, lhas affordiiig the n:ot ample ecurity to ke public. Tb fo'.lowii g are the present Stockholders of tbe In stilnticn Win. H. Kngtihk, W. IO chiller, Lewis Jurdoc, Deloa Root, Jer. McLeiie, J. P. Ü Lauie., of S.T.. tror. O. P. Morten iloo. John J.Morrivn, lien. Ii. JioUe, lUo.icsr R. Uord, Hon. T. A. Hrndrick. Hon. David Kilgor. Hon. James A. Craven . Hon. John C. New, Hon. T. M. Suüivau. Kev. Win. A. Holl: lay, Prof.C.X.To.!d, J. Geonre Stils, George w- Rlgg. Robert Browuaig, W.J. Holliday. W. K. Hlray, J U. IfaxweU. Wra. II. Kry, A. J.Hay. K. R Parker, J. L Holton, Wlr.Uw.Ir.!er A Co , J. A. Uj. Wm. Braden, BenJ. P. Tuttle, John W. Vtarphy, Judge P.M. Finch Wm. WllUrd. A. Baldwin, D. W. Soble, VT.O. Kockwvl, Daniel Het.ue.sey. James Powers, J. L. Slaurbter, Luctan U:ll W. . T. Mortoti, Rarnabaa Coffin, John C Hertb, tlr. J. M.fliMon, II. li. rtich. 1T. J. II. Wmwthiii Jqc C. Wright. John Henilnrk A. J. lantOTth, Janie Greens, A.U. Kjlfcngsjy, W. W. Leathers, Jsoms Winalow. Jtlyll NOTICE. rHK HIGHEST T&ICK WIIXhK PAID FOR LADiK' 1 aud Gent's ca.t tff clotbtog and all k-nd of h-:ehoU goods, at ISi Fast WahiLcion street. Ho tela aad privat residences cailed en hnd-ired. A Bote directed te P. O. BaC2J will be promptly at adedto. . . - J. A Ai. SOLOMON, fafclly " Telegraphic Dispatches. acroKTxo tirunn poa rw pailt tat umiiL. MOIliNIINO Itiai'OltT. GENERAL NEWS. The Armits of Tenneieand Geor gia to be Disbanded. ASSASSINATION CONSPIKAOY. THE TRIAL OF HARROLD. SOUTH AMERICAN NEWS. ciii.rst:s i.r Tin: mi.yi:t Iitto li'oin Him irriin?lJO. At:., -.. Ac. a. I'roiu yew Vorl. Ni.w York, May 2 The IlerAlii'. t-oire--f)oniei)t has the loliowi:: Dtvi.i reiuaiul at I)tiiillc tlx Jiva ui.Jtr the .'lei'est surfiise, failing io hear liom Lee who was expected to rcncli that Uce m,A make the Suutiton river his liue of defeiifc. The news of the currciiJtr finally cimc, brought iu by scout., but whs disbelieveil. It waa kept secret, how erer, as long as was possible, and wheu it bo came known there was a ptnic. The next morn ing there was a general t-xudu. Stonemtn's men weie between Danville and (irtcn.'boro. and tired on the train tint c irried Davis and hid cabiuet away. The Herald's correspondent says the raiie. of Otoru and the Tenne-see, coinmtnded respec tively by (Jen't Slocuuj and Howard, were under orders on the Mi ult , to move mirth vi Kkh mon l to ANxindrU, where they will be di-bii;d-ed or sent to mere important actire fields f th ter ellion, if any cm he siM to exist The Time' Washington pv-cial siys: In the further progress of the preiiaiiuary exiiuiuutioris .is to the AsäAPisinAtion conspiracy, arrests urc continually being made, and thus fir the whole number taker into custody is r.e.irlf liOO. The trial of these will be coinojeoci'd, how ever, before military comruhnion, and, if upon tbi hearing, the earn facts are brjug'.t out that have been diseed in .e preliminary examinations, the magnitude f the 'lot will astonish the whole country. It is not true, us teported, that Hitrold has been tried. Hid trial h t-et for to morrow. Lieut. Doherty, who commanded the detjch mcnt of the lCih N. Y. C that .s-ted in the capture of Booth, has been promoted to tt cap taincy Lv commiMoii from the governor of New York. The Herald's Buenof Aytr correspondence of the 11th of March reports very fully the conclud ing scenes of tbs war between Urz'd and Uru guay, and also furnishes a copy ol the peace con vention couclu led at Montevideo, by viitue of which General Flores whs inaugurated provision al president of Uraguiy. Flores new cabinet was made up of men ol experience at.d talent, and met with very approval. IJjeuo? A)Crt still maintained her course in the ptth of social proj;refi and improvement. The Herald's Washington special sss: Chief Justice Chaee has goije south to ieurgaiiiz? the U. S. courts The Times' Charleston correspondent aj: Ex-(overnor Aiken was anetttd by order of President Johnson. The airest was bied upon bi.s refusal to take the oath of allegiance. The Washington sfet-i il 8iy.: It is undcr-jtood th'tt Mc?sr. Seward, Stanton and Welle? have indicated tt de.-ire to be relieved ol their respec tive portfolios on the 1st ot July. The two for mer will probably be succeeded hy Me-r?. Unas. Francis Adams anil Preston King, and the latter by J. W. Fort:ey. The World's Washiugtoo special n-iyt: Wade Hampton was the nly General who refused to be included in Johnston's; surrender. Johnston promptly relieved him, putting General Baker in command of all his cavalr?. Hamptou went off wi'.U Davis and Breckii.iide, endeavoring to reach Mexico it is thought. The steamer Scotia, with two d t) a later Euro pean new?, is coming up the bay. from st. Louis. fc'T. Lolis, May 2 The Democrat' Caiio special dispatch save: The Memphis Bulletin learns that on Sunday lift, probably the 23J, negotiations were progres sing' a few miles below the Bed river, between Colonel Sprapue, chief ol the staff of Major Gen. Pope, and the authoiilies of the Trans Mia pissippi department, for the surrender ofKirby Sniith'a forces The Republican's Cairo special sty.: UenerAl Chalmers was murdered bv some unknown per sons. More reliable inloi uiation st tcs that tbe murder was committed by a rebel soldier. A refugee from Tomfkinsville brings tLe re port that the rebel General Maury, late comman der at Mobile, has been su;:sdod by Gibs n, who commanded a biig-ide at Spaimh tort He says the demoralizaticn among the rebels in that vicinity i very great. The rebel Kuittots Morjitn and Na-liville, t that point, were almost entirely de?erted by olS cer and men i-'rom snn l-'runcitco. San FitANCiftCoM.iy 1. Oiegon pi;ers men tion the hanging of 15 horethieves atid high waymen, in Wall Walla and Boise counties, by Sinchaw, within short time. The vigilance committee had a litt of 150 rangers, who will be driven out of the country or punished Arizona advices to the 12th of April mention another right with the Apaches, in which 12 In dians were killed, and one soliier killed and one wounded. The Indian fled. Gilbert W. Hopkins, a tueraber of the Arizj na legislature, Charles Smiih. OLe of the olh cers of that body, and several other whites, had lately been murdered by the Indian Mining and business is prosperous The ciota i" (Jalilori.ii look well t rout leiuplil Misiriiis, 30, TIA Cairo, May I The Bulle tin has the following: It is reported that the rebel Geu. Dick Taylor sent Gen. Hodge to notify Gen Dana ol the sur render of Johnstou to She: mm, and information ot the terms of Eutreuier. Gen. Dana imme diately gave lull credence to D'.ck Taylor's state ments, and arranged on armistice with Hodge. The terms were that all hostilities should cea.-e. each retaining the right to puni.-h guerrilla, trade regulators and intercourse continuing. This armistice conteaicUte an arrangement on the atme plau as those proposed by Sherman, un!es repudiated by Gcc DacVs superior ofli cers The armistice commenced on the 29 h of Ariil, a:d can be terminated by 4? hours ir tice CrtaUit Soivl fircilar rat-E-sW! letter Ji'S f r two 3 cent flAaij. Von iiK Men Melieal Adviser. GRATUITOUS advice, tfttn In di"eae cf the ner voti arul-ial. arina-y and aexnal organs, ta the rrprta of tbe Wetern Medical Aa.ociatton, which are ent by mail in ealed envelopes, free of charge. The trganization was forrted to d'.spec new and re liable treatment, and Is composed of the well known pay s.clama, to whom all letten mn.t be directed, LEA. JACKS05, HERBERT CO., iJ dly . - Dx43l Ciaclsaatl,0. SPECIAL NOTICES. T!ie Ilrldal Clistnaber an Faay of Warn. tng and In fraction fr loarg Men. AUo, new and re liable treatment for lHeae of the Urinary and rxcsl Sjimi rr,t free, la staled envelopes. AdJrea Dr. J. XrflLUX I1UUGUTU5, Howard AociaUn, Philadel phia, pa. apri-dlsly THEÖREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY. SIR JAMES CLABKE'S Cclobratcd Fcmalo Pills. PROTECTED BY ROYAL Ovw tt? LETTERS ÄadhX Frj-4irtd frau a i rttcrijiion of Sir J. (7ri, J. ) ryk'ia Katrixordimaty to t Queen. This Invaluable medklna nofalllng In tbs care of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the fe male constltatioi Is subject. It moderates obstruction, and a speedy core may te relief on. to .11 a ins i i:d la Dins It 1s peculiarly suited. It will In a short time bring on the monthly period Ith regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Qovruturat sttmp forest Britain, to prevent counterfeit!. Th I'Ut Kol fl tu b4Uiktn by iw.'4 during (A4 rRS7 THREE MO ST US of Prtgia m y, .1 Vlty art Ihr l' dl uid not It t iktnly Funaltu dntlng t FIK.STTIUlEEXuXlDSof Pttgnancyat thty art t'nt t, bringen Mitcarrlage, lut ny other tim thry art s. lu all cae 'A Nnum and p'ual Aflt filous, Pains In the Ilsck and Umb, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpita tion of tbe Heart, Hysteric t and Whites, tbee 1111 will efTect a curs when all other means have failed; aud, al though a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or anything har'.ful to tbe constitution. Pull directions In the paupblet around ach package, which hhooid be carefully preserved. SOLD YALL DRUG G Lin soie Agent for th C tilted States aud Canada, JOH MOS KS, V7, Cortlandt St.. New Turk. N. B. $ Ofl and I postage ftanips enclosed to any an tburiid Agnt will IriHure bottle, containing Oo Tills, by return niaii. dec5 Jeudlwly J30TLKT TIIOSL WHO 11 AVE DOUliTED tue virtues cf liLLL's Cmuog CiTTiau, if any such there be. lead the following certificate frem gentlemen well known in thli co i.muuii j, undduubt no mure. Its general Introduction into tbe army will lave the livet. of thoKsnds of our soldierk: Locis tills, June 3d, 16.1. We, the underpinned, hat e seen the good efTectsof lr. Jouh I'.cll'i CinaoH BiTTKii In case of gvnera! debility and prostration of the sytiten, and believe its gueral u.e would prevent diae aud relieve much aud' ring. Among our suMiers particularly would this be tbe case, especially those who are exposed to the tiiUsiuatlc In fluences in the Southern climate. MAJ. PHILIP STEEL, Collector Int. Kev. 3d U,s. hy CflAS. B. COTTON, Collector of the port of LouisYilK Ky. COL. H. DKNT, l'rovot Marshal General of Kentucky RFV. I. r. HENDERSON, Vice President "f Sn!'a-y CvrnuiUniou II A itNKT, UUdU KS A CO., Publlt-hers Dt mj crat. ffKO. T. D'ERN, Proprietor Louisville Ate)gr HUGHES A PAUK HI IL, Wbolet-a! Dry GoodsDealers, Ma'n stree', I.onis ille, Ky. DAVIS, GKtKN A CO., Wholesale hhoe l)ealer. Main atreet, l.outsv.lle. HAKT 4 MA Pul Ii FR, Lilhoirraphers, cornet Market and Third streets, Loui-tvill, Ky JCLtUS WIMER, Clothing Merchant, corner Thir l and Market at., Louisville, Ky. CAl'l. Ä. P. IllLDRKTH, Of the kUanter Major Andersou MAJ. L. T. THUKSTOS. Paymaster U. S. Aroj. C. M. METCALF, Nations! H.nei, LouI.,!lU,Ky. COL. JESSE RATLES, 1th Kentucky Cavalry gkokgf. d. rnicyiiCE, liuisvIle Journal. OLD WHOLESALE HI IM1I.Y, KKCrEU A' UtMI, 7:? So'tth Meridian St., IndianapolU. decl6'64-dly&wl2toani ties: INDIANAPOLIS NATIONAL BANK, Financial A Kent and Dcsignatctl Depository oftlic United States. AUTHURIZKL CAPITAL. CASU CAPITAL PAID IN. .11,00(1,000 . 000,000 WILL receive ubscrii't!o:it, as fluancial aeut of the Government, for all of its popular loans Will collect gold Interest on registered and coupof bond on the moot liberal terms. Currency bonis :ath. on presentation when due. Always on hand a full supply of U. S. revenue tAaap, for sale at tbe regn'.ar discount. Will buy and sell all goverrmect securities, nrders or Washington, coin arid extbacjre in all the principal cit-j Wiil mke collet lions throjgl.'ut tba West aud East at very reasonable rates. Will receive deposits, and lon money at H per cent., on good aecurlty. Having unlimited facilitlee, will transact all kinds of hankit g In.-ines? on fa'.r terms aiid with tLa utmobt promptness. THKO. P. HAUGHKT. rr'sM. INGRAM FLETCHER, Cashier. Indianapolis, Lecember 3, 1M4. dec4-dly TOBACCO. TOBACCO. a. S. MYTHS. j. a. pr.ciivkn. MYEIM A Dltl MI?IO.M. 3lauuf;icturors aud Wholsalcrs, Nos. 22aiil 21 Second Street, ALTON, ILLINOIS UTS. IIAVK CPKVKD A ER.NCHnOU5K at no. ? South Meridian street, Ii.dianapolia. It1.. where w will keep constantly on hand all styie of TPX.XJG TOBACCO. We re-pectfully Invite the trade to call and examine j our stock. We will eil as low, if not lower, than tL same stock ran be bon:ht in this or any other mtrVet. I marti-dtf MYERS t DRCJI5ICND. ' AGENCY. . V. EMilOTT, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMPLOY MENT AGENT, m flLL ATTFD TO rnOCCRIG HELP OF XVF.HT f kind, either in tlie city cr onrt-y. He will pay particular attention to renting tlepirg rooma and pro curing boarUvra. Perrons looking for siiuatk ns i'.l do eil to call at his nice, yo. 57 Virginia avenue, ne-na.r sqaare ri Wa.-blngton treet, est e;Me, oraidre Box 1005 ai iria RENO VATERS. CLEANING AND DYEING ESTABLISHMENT riIHE C KITED STATES DTK-HOCSE, 30. S3 SOTJTB J. Illinois st reel, led! an spoils, Indiana, At this old and well-known eitablUhmeat, th ladles caa have silks arid woolen goods dyed la permanent and beaetifal color; and genta' garment tborotgbly renova ted and repaired. New and second-hand clothing bought and sold, also," a paücular branch la ths buaisess denominated fine draw, tng billia '.able doth, or tear tn any garment can be so wrought li. at it caa not be visible ta tho naked eye. SeauBiber th plac, 5e. IS South ilUsola itrtaL . . JaäIO JOSEPH HAJtlIB,Preprttr. INSURANCE. Losses Paid in 46 Tears OVKK sSay,,' ETNA BUILDING, IBDIAflAFOUS. ' -A . - !' J 1 V : i. wa'ii'iir Erected 1859 Owned bythoCo. NET ASSETS JANUiRY. 1865, $3,677,362,71, FIRE JISTJD I2STXaA.3Srr iVAVIttATlOX RIKKM lln(yAgencies In all the principal Cities and T.wna In the Lulted Sta-a. lO'Api'licaticn for Ir.Mirance w ll b promptly at tended to. ABROMET & BRAÜ8HAW. nichl5-'M-dly INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. COMinXSED TATC.11KXT or TH i rv r r v rs a. FIRE INSURANCE CO., I,IAKAlvOLI, lil Office No. 5 Odd Fellows Hall, tUP STAIRS.) CAPITAL $362,912,44. Balance as per atatemtnt July 1, 1"C4 Cash preminras, lu'erest and prcmicm notes received from July 1st, 1804, to January lt, lfr 88,CtK 4$ f 31,432 10 rreniluw Note, canceled t- Jap. l-t, Ht5 3.5C9 4T 8f;si0 63 Ain't f 1 ..- ai 1 ex. -p t Jan. 1st. I-5 .7,540 13 f 3o2.3G0 50 611 H Accrued Interest T"tal Csj ital Jan. 11,10." $2C2,9U 44 ALXTs. Premium Note in force $322, 1HS 01 Fills RicelvaMe hi Cash en hand .122 4" Cash in bands cf Agents 1,902 R5 Personal Proptrly 2,54 25 Accrued Interest fill PI Total Assets, Jan. 1st, 1Ü5 $362,912 44 Ji'No nnpald claims aT'nst tue Compiiij whatever. OFFICERS: J. S. IIARVKY. Pres't. I YV. T. GIBSON. Sc'y. FREI). BAGGS, Trea.-i. C. C. Ol JN, Jen. Ag't. apr8 deodiwlra TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO,, HARTFORD, CONN. Capital OO.OOO. INSURES AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. tirneral Accident Policle 7 OK Five Hundr d I clUm, with S3 per eek com ' pensation, can be had for $3 per annum, or an; ny tner tnra bttweeu t500 acd f 10,10 tt proportion ate rale. '1 en Dollar fremiti' Secates a policy for i2,000, or IÜ per tek Compen sation for all and ev-ry description of accidents travel ing or otherwise uadtr a genra1 accident plicy,at too ordinary rates. Thirty Dollars I'teiuluui Secures a full pjliry for 5,t00, or fi5 ry wetk Cwai-peti-sation, as above, at the special ratei.. . to re I lCIk. Po'icies Lfcucd for Foreign, Wt Ind.a and C.lifornia travel. Kates can be learned by application to the Oft'ice or Agencies. Short I line Tlcketa. Arrsngpfi eEts are !n course of ccmpletiouby which the traveler will be able to purchase, at any Railway Ticket OKce, Insurance Tickets for one or thrty dsys' travel. Tea cents will buy a ticket for one days' travel, insuring 3,04.0, or 1 13 weekly compensation. Ticket Pol.ciea may be had for 3, 6 and 12 months, in tbe came manner. Hazard -us kii-ks taken at Uazar!oTS Rate. Ho Med ical Kxamica'.ion required. Pol cies written by tbe Companies' Arent. Powe es for lo.ot'O, and for i yea, can be Lad by ap plication to tbe State Accent at Icdia; apolls and at the Hrne OfSce. i u I u r. c t o i: 8 . GCSTAVl'S F DAVI, W. H.D. CALLKNDKH, JAS. L. HOWARD, GEO. W. MOOKK, MAKSHALLJKWKLL, F.r.F.XEZiK RORtKTS, THOMAS l.KLKN 4r, Jr , CHAKI.ES W HITE. CORNELIUS B.ERWIJC, HUGH TIARRISOK, liK'l. S. OILMAN, JONATHAN D.BÜXCK. R0D5ET D551S, Sec J. G. BATTKP.SON. Presr O.. DAVIS, VicePre't. HIN KT A. DYF.k, General Agent. iT. C. MARTIN, täte Agent, No.? Temperance Hall, Indianapolis, Ind C B. DAVIS, Local Agent, So. 6 0dl Fellows Hall. JJ. B. Agents and Solicitors wanted In every part of the State. apr!4-d4w TO INDIANA 31ILITARY OFFICERS. Kxrci'Tirx DcpAaTMrxT or Ixpiama Ha&EAtr or Fijtaxci. Inmanapolh, Jur.e 21, 11. INDIANA OFFICERS, who have be or are servtngin the army, are inforir'l that their Ordnance Returns will lx made up and prt-Mdted to the proper Department and certificates of acqnittance obtained, fr of chnrge, ty Pi-Jj'i? to Mr. C. F. Rooker, Chief Clerk Sute Ord. nance Department, olke nu ata.ra over Vajena hard ware at ore, Na.21 Wet Washington atreet. Indianapolis. Br making returns, as above directed, oCtcers will not only save all feea, but they will be able to settle with the Government and draw their pay from on to three mot tbs earlier thaa if the business Is entrastd to Claisa A rents. By order af Governor MotTo. W. H. n. TERRELL, 24-Jtf Fiaandal Secretary. TOLEDO AMR. FINLAT k WILDER '8 CELEBRATED TOLEDO ALE. tn barrels and haiX barrel, tet aal by . , J. D. DU3CA5, Axeau, mart9-dtf 77 Soath MrliUa atrt. laJlaaapa li. all; taj. .o t :vj fttf 4 a f M.S.'. ;" "; . i ail, - ' "... --N-e-. MEDICAL. yVV ttiyCAf.r. roit a ciitcri.Att describing all STMPTOMS: The ymptoms cf Catarrh, as they generslly appear, are at firat very libt. Ierwn find they have a cold, that they hare Hvquent attacks and ar tur sensitiv to th changes of temperature. Io this coud.tiwn, the iiose may be dry, or a alight divhsrge, thin and acrid, afterwards becoming thick arid adhesive. As the diseav becomes chronic, the discharges are Increased lo quantity and Changed In quality; they are tu thxk end heavy, and are hawked or cwughed off. The aecretkMia are of fensive, causing a bad breath; the voice la tlick and na sal; the eyes are weak; the sense rf the srrell leened or destroyed; deafu frequently take, place. Another common and important symptom of Catarrh Is, that the person Iii obliged to clear hi throat lu the tnorrtng r.f a thicker slimy raueu, which has fallen down from tbe Lead daring tbe niifht. When thl takes place the per son may be ure that his dlsea.e la on It. way to te lung, and ohould lone no Uwt la arresting It. The shove are Vat few of tbe tniny Cstarrh srntptems. A Mttcle Hot! Ie Will llttt n 5l0litl. be iianl three time . tluj . to TESTIMONIAL From Hen. Thomas J. Tamer, Ki-Meml er af Corjrret rorr. Ulinios, late Speaker of th Illinois House of lp respTitatlve, and Orand Master -f A. P., ai.d A. M., of the Stat of Illinois. FaatroaT, October 21, l!v6J. Da. D. II. I-ar Sir In reply to yoor notlr of the l"th im-t., 1 would aay that 1 was severely afilicted with Cat jrrh for years, when I became, acquainted mtb yon and bouuht two bottle of your liquid Catarrh lu-m-edy. Before 1 Lad u.ed one bottle 1 was ens!b!y Im proved, and before th second bottle wi finished, wss Completely cured. I can recommend the nr-d cine to all afilicted with Catanh. Knpectfully vourn, THOMAS J. 1UUNF.R. nr. it. ii. suui.yi; sV co. Sojm PacraiiToaa, Chicago, Illinois, AT WHOLKSALK ET JOHN I. PARR WM. JOHNSON DAILY. KKKFKK A RUSH BUOWNINU A KLOAN jpaJTAnd ft,r sale by all Druptfsts ..Cincinnati, O. ..Iitriot,Alicb. . . .Indianapolis. . . .Indianapolis, dec 13-d lyeod Galen's Head Dispensary llatabllatird In 30 and Chnriere b)- tun l.rsiklattiro of Kentuckrs for the treatment of jr-w mm. M JXka ewwi And all AT.'it!oTis of the Urinary and Oer of both Rxt s. i UFT rCKLIHBZD, i'itivATi: Tirmr.ti. tudaiii kS VKNERKAL diseasf.s. V including Gonorbora, Gleet, Syphilis, Stricture, Grave!, Rtone, Kuptnres, Pilea, KUtula, Urinary Ipositn, and ail Dicasei of the Kidneys,BIadder,Protrat Gland, and Seminal Vesicles, aud their treatment, Including a chapter on FEMALE DI3KA:S. with ob servations on marriage and the prevention of conception. Con taining a Treatise on Self Abuse, Spermatorrhea, Sesnal and Nr TonsDebflity, Barrenness ar.d Im at t :-t; ' i Th potence in th s-xe; the efTects of thes diases Ob the Ixnly and mind, and the Author's New Treatment f all User cases la lull, the only successful method el cere, with an exposition of Qaackery. This work is not a qusck advertUenifnt, but a warnir andaRnide for warried and single. It I the only book that gives the treatment of all the above dieases la plai English, with full directions for aelf-treatment, and con taius mach valuaMo InfonnatloB not proper to mention In a psblic notice. The work contain X60 pagea, and 100 plates and engravings of th above diseases. Sent to ai) address In a seaM wrapper, on receipt of onedcllar Thoae affiict-d with aej cf the above di-afs, before placing themselves under the treatment of any one, should first read this work. OFFICE 3H Fifth street, Letween Market anJ Jeffe--eon, west side To Insure tafety to all letters, direct to GALEN'S PKAH I)IP.NSAtT nraw?r24T, Loo'erilV, 1 i . oct4-a4-!.rw. DOCTOR BIGEIaOW. Office 179 Eouth Clark Street, .'Orner of Monroe, CXTTCj. r O , X, Poet Offle Box. 154. All Chronic an ! Sexu al Dlra4cs f a Private and Delicate Nature, treated witl cnparal- IcII success. Dr. B ige Uyft Gold to He.ilth, fsr ladies and gentle men, it published m.otL!y. Send-It if you think the writ.'ugs of a pbTirita vliv reputation eitna tbruUhout the satire "West ebsull La worüi reading. It ia sent in plain eeated envflrpo, freeof charge. Almjet every ras can be treat ed by maiL Medicines "nt t- any address. Ladies, send fbr dcr1p- ti ve Circular of lusan Hemcdf, the Utnt aad Lcat preventative of conception kitoati. Rooms Separata for Ladies and Gentlemen. CONSULTATION AT 07PICE, JEtf Crrica Ilorta : Fron 3 a. u. to 8 r. M. permatsrrbfva or Ncrvotra Iebr.ity, a cur warnntea. FEATHER RENOVATINC. CASE & LYNCH, 71 A VING ESTABLISHED THFM5ELVF. fOK A short time in In lianspoli, at No. 247 Indiana Avenue, With one cf Btiley's Patei.t Improved Renovators, by which Feathers ar cleaned of a'l MotL, tilth atd Unhealthy Ircpurl ies. incresair.g their talk from one-fourth to one-calf; a o giving theos all the I qual ties or good new feather. Prke 2 &U per Bed. ' Beds will be tsken and r!e,lvrd free o( charge to j ca-tomers. Address Bex 43J. Inisnanolia. also, order Wt at C. nvn' Grocery, SS3 Llinot street; T. Bra-lo, I--9 Virginia avenue; II. H. Langecbrg & Co., 33f Booth Meridian atreet; John R. Marct. 233 East Wahingron tret. wi'l b promptly attended to. RtncuiCKS. Major Will Ccmback. B. C. r"taw, o the r.ria of Drew k Shaw; William William. City Po lice. Cash paid for eld and lcw feathers. mart2-d3m BOURBON WHISKY. J. Ac U. DUft'CAK, No. 77 South Meridian Street, Indlanapolla, Ind., WfioLK.VALEDKALERSIN FOREIGN AND DOMFJTTiC tr tt ctxj" ccö ans fMl f. euenüon of the trada i called to our complete I. sjrtinent of ail articles ia our li;.e f fccsiDesa, f Loih as to quality and price. : Our tock of BOURhON tTHlKT is unaurpasied by any esUWiahment in the Stau, ai.d dealers ishing to ' purcbaae Copper Ditt'.Iied Boorbon Waiaky ara invited j ta call before purchasing. ' JITfWe have remored frosa 233 Eaat Waahington street to T7 euth MeriIiaei street. i J. 4 D. DUNCAN, j 77 oth Meridian Street. Jar.a-CJxlly lodianapolla, lad. I GROCERIES. a. r. rt-ETcaaa. e. a. avia. j FaLKTCIIEK A OA VI DOE. CENTHAL GUOCEKY,' IPVPALERS IN STAPLE AND FINK GEOCKRIES, latsForeiga and IomaUc Wtoea and Cigars, Came, egeubles, FnHts, Wo4ea aad WUlow War, ' N. 44 North PensjyhazJ Street, eppoatte the Peat OA3a.Ia4iaBUa. aaar4-4tf ACRKTS in v)n .w. M j t DUY ENUINK WALTH AM WATCU If ye 4v durabU an 1 reliable tf ia.-fcMpr. PUT AGCNHNR WA T.TIM M W ATCTI-II cats and Is worth donUeth rl eft wmeihW teglU and Ste watt be. GENUINE -WALTIIAV n-ATCIIE, Baad .t. for uJrJ Tay iaees eai CJcit. GENUINE WALTIIAM W ATCIIF.4, sna4 eirr-'" f r 5.rfrs-LetTy huLliof case, accnraUliuw keei We grt oar Walctw-s direct frota taa aaaaafai-Svry, a4 ktsp not e tut the g hulue. MN.2LC VATCnr.SSENT TO f OLM ERS vtaei Is v..nt t-f a tlme-keeprr, at tUe L -t e:V!e rate Th' fraJa t!i; p!i I at t.lsAj pris. i.4 Ut a -.r. W a'. Lae a Urge vaiUly a lv t 4 alas W'atchae, Flue J.w.lry abd ftvlid . W. P. BINGHAM U CO.. 50 Eait Washington Street, Near Odd relUat IlaJL GROCERIES. K. l. ALVORD J.M. CALDWELL. E. B. ALVOED & CO., SUCCK5KOK to Al.VOKD. OAlDWELI. A ALVUaUX, Wlioloaialo DoAlora lu ASD Ei S Iff (D DSL S j EAGT WASHINGTON STREET, Ar ta DAILT reca.'ptcf frtshgde Ccnatantly a haadaad for aale ai tatwatprUaCa - large aad a rU4 o' Coffee. Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Eice, Tea, Nails, Glass, Woodenware, Soap, Candles, Starch, Raisins, Cigars, Tobacco, Hackerel, White Fifih,, Cordage, Twine, Dye-Stufla, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Brandy, Gin, Rum,- Wines, Whisky, Notions of all kinds & UOSTKTTERS AND WiHOO 'J3J2 nu 68 East Washington Street iinttAJtivoLis, in deiD-di LIQUORS, C. A. Elliot. Jaks B. Rvab. ELLIOTT & UYAX, WHOLESALE DA ALA RS IV ALL KINDS OP LIQUOR)1 SOLD AT THE Cincinnati- Daily Guotation 03 HAIDS AT ALL TIMXJ Pare Kentucky Dcurbca Thkiy, ALSO, BRANDIES AUD VIIJES Of different Bricda fSJ- iulte tLoM w an tine Par? Liqr to call aud cxamic for Lhemsetrtt. Corner of MERIDIAN svai MARTLAND St., Icdianapolla, lod. trtt-datw LIVCRT "TADf r- m I5IT ALL! 5, 3x Tsrk Uwy jrf:ta1t. tat Ha. 11 aaä 1 gait Farl atrMCtw tk - . a Bleak. as.