Newspaper Page Text
DAILY SENT1NKL SATURDAY MORNING MAY 07 JOB PRINTING, Books, Pamphlets. j Cards, Checks, Circulars. Blanks, Bill Heads, Bills Lading, Cane procaptlr at ttiU Office In the C2et rMyle, on flrwt qunllty l'aper, and at l.mvr Inre IJIve tin m Call. CITY ITEMS. l?TCp!. Arthur 1. Halting., of t!ir Sixtt Kifib Iodiina, btt had Li retention accepted oo accuuot or phyacal disability. G7Tboo intereatecl In tit erection of the Horn for DieaLtlatd Saldier od Sailor will meet tu day lor the purpose of formirig n auxiliary aociety aa provided in the plao of organization. KnorAt Cniacii The Apostolic rite of confirmation will be admmiatere 1 on Sunday morning ttj the Venerible I shop Kemper, of Sertlces At half put ten A. M. Keening er ice lo at half pat eeven. t"3P Work men are encased in laying down a curve of the Citizen' Street Railway at the corLer of Washington and Penn-tlTani i tretta So toon if it U eumplrte I the rar will be put upon the track. Iff "Profenaor OrofTa Collegiate Academy, in eoDoectioo with McLeanV rVraile C Hege, leae the city thia morning by rant!, from the North treet croaeinsr, at H o'clock, to pp-end the da? in a pic nie, in th beautiful grove on the U!ue farm. The oung men who intend participating eipect to hare a pleasant time of it fST"" The Fourth I'reibvterican Church will pre a Strawberry Supper on Tuesday evening, in the bttemeLt of their church, to which the public generally are iovited I'roteH-or ami Mr.j. Oeen, and Miea Croft hate kiudly cemented to OLplt the muYic for the occaaioii. free. Tu Race To day the race over the Suf,r (Jrore Course will take place Thestoriu caused a temporary cewation ot the costevta, which wi;l be renewed with a two mile beat and repeat to day for a premium of $!U0. It ia eipected to be th."..tiost exciting coctfet of the !ciion, and will t ft great crowd. The horpenenterod are the fastet orjca that hate yet been put ou the trink LlT Dat in Ixi'lASAroLt Maaonic Hall w at crowd tj yeMterdaj, both in the afternoon and evening. Ten thouaand persona luve visited it during tLe eeveia day hibition here Ki liiVit. thi atternoori and m.'iinj; at 3 and Ö o'clock, fur tLe la.l time here. The Hall ia made adrk de-ircd and the perfoiuiance i lit up in the iltfiLucii ju-t the atme ai in the vebiiig. Tnr Metropolitan The Metropolitan waa crowded laet libf, anl Yankee L-cke ehoubi be ttißcd with bid bent tit. The actirg wa pai-ble. what we aaw of it To night, Mr. Leighton take her frewll benefit. She U a vivacious comedienne and ht the harpy faculty of bringing down the houne at ber pleasure The bill presented ia good one, the plaji lein; Pride of the Maiket," ai.d "Yankee iu Cuba," anil tbo-e wbo love to ii.dul- in mirth, will urdoubtcdly be present. KiTva or tue India." Regiments T he following telegram ha been handed u. whin vre publish, a.a it contain matter of information io wbich all are interested: Waui.ngtox, May 26. To Oovcroor Morton: Juat retorned from General Grant's lie ftaya all m inter oat roIU will be raid here, but no discharge papers will be given to the men, wh will be taken in a body to luJUoapoli anl paid there All veteran will remain in service here, unlea Kirby lmilh haa surrendered, in which case they alio will be mutered out at once Wettern troop are to be sent home firt. imme diately after Crat ot June. 11. Stibvi. FoMOTiO!a. The foliowini; promotions were ma le at the oiBce of the Adjutant General yes terday: Thirtieth Kohert McKachron, Second lieu t3nt. S-lty-Fifth A. It. Itrwn, Ctptain: Janice Marley, Firnt Lieutentnt; John lUrner, St-cot d Lieutenant. Une Uuadred and Fifty Fir t Reuben Ii. Chase, Second Lieuiennnt. Fifty Fuat John H. Moore. Captain : Willis T. Moore, First Lieutenant; Wm. McKiiiley, Second Lieutenant; Lewis l Ilolmsn, Second Lieutenant. A wr Ming. The atjleof awninpf haa much improved duritJ the p.i?t two ye im. Instead ot thw unsightly woden pots which heretofore obstructed the sidewalk?, by tLeiua of iron rods attached to the buildint, awning uie pro jec ted over the door and windows to an to ni-e or fall a they may be needed, and they are made of tnped gooda, which give them a nett appeiraDce We noticed yesterday a very b.i't ttful awnitif, which cotcm the entire siilewalk in frout of the Exchange lluilding ou Illinois a'.reet, pome twenty five yard in length and about ail in width Thi i the neatest job in the citv, and there ia no better one in anv other. Pedestrians, io un?hine or rain, will find th'n wning a great relief and protection as they pm under it. The ttste displayed by the mtnuttc turer ia only equalled by the kill exercised in djuating It to make it secure and retain its posi tion. Mr. W.H. Gorbam, who hn put up the awnings referred to, makes a sperUlitv of. the tuines-; and he haa brought it t lmo-1. if uot quite, perfection We commend him to the patronage ol the public Hi office t N. I6'a Kast Washington street, up ft.iir- Ta!rKas vr IUal Estate. The following are the transfers made in real estate at th Countv Auditor' office, on yesterdav: Coffin, Wright k Morton to W. C. Whitehoe. lots No. 5 and C, in Coffin. Wrifiht JL Morton's subdivision, of out ht Xo. 14? Price, .r75 S II. Hentou to G. A. l.uci:!g. lot No 11" in Butler's Addition to Indiarapolis 1'ruc. $-.2.011. J M Mversto Wm. Ducksot, lot N'o. in out lot No. 170, io Indiaaapolis. Trice. $f.; Eden Copeland to llattie A. Frank, lot N'o. 19. in out-lot No. 151. in Iudiauapolia. Frice, $1.000. J. D Viouedte to HaUle A. Frank, lot No. '20. in out lot No. 151, ia ladituipjli Püce, $i35. J H. V-jen to ( . Scber.btier, lot No l.. m Vajen'e Addition to Indianapolis. Frioe, $47b David Gregory to Wm Itoatright. part ot lot No. 'i. in Drake's Additi on to Udianapolia F.-ice. fl.UKI. litrdin Farrih to Judon K. Osgood, lot No 2 and 3. in Parrih'su k1:vi;o-i, o! wjaire No. 4, in ludiauapoli. Frice. $4.l0tl. About 11 o'clock yesterday morning a most cunou an I wonderful idienoroeu apar 4 io the heavens, and wtich was w:tne-d by numbers, who were enchanted with the beautv of the view as weil as puziled for a a:i-f ai tor j solution of the usus naturr The phenomena consisted of two circUs. having the pristustic cojors.the first represcT.tirr, them root beautfulh and the other, a larger circle. teing jn-t tinr-d with the hues They were not concentric, but the two segement each o'her. tlie siter edge ot the larger touchu g tbe nier:Jin The whole was a mot etTecuae and bnliiat.i taeteoeologieal airplay, cd rivaPmr iu beaut otneol the exhi'jilioi. of the Northern L i.his that we bad a few vests ago Many were the olutiona given (vr the appearance o! the c.rrle, and bot a lew associating item wih some c!a oiity, ai d others readiig u ll em ptegt.otu-a tiooo of eold weather, or as the 'orerunners a-i some terrible catastrophe All luvh have the element of superstition largely develop.! in their composition, ami are always ready wiih a "Uper tiiious explaoatioii ol the t ccurrer ce of ai y re mac kable event not in the established order of thing. The eatuai eaue that Jutra the variged Lues of tb raiLbow ffrctel the circles of e terday, aLl is of fieque-to'-curretice iu SoutLern climate. Srrinir Covit The following deci'on io the J"Mipcme 0urt wre rei.dered veaterday: J-ho Ker ova W.H Tyon. admara'or f Arr hia4 i Oidhira, 11 p!ey CorotnOQ Pleas; re- ver ei. Ir.d ai d C,n'i FUMroai Co , va. Thomar Ileatf-n, IVettcr C P : d!mi-ed Oliver F. Morton. Governor, va Djtiel D. Dikeman. Mtrion C. P ; dumped. Mt K&ight. et. al.. vt Kirnley, et. ai ; con tinned. Kt.i.eM v William. Fiotd C C; continned Fie der Cornelius Flovd. C C ; ubonite1 Jom H McMehan vs O W. Stewart, Floyd C U ; reversed huuioio va S'a'e. Mar-on C C; reereJ Kenb -rt vi. S ate, Marion C C; af fIirBie.1 in four c FmMip F rbac k. va State. Marion C C; af fjrrced in to case. Charles Dttke vs. State; alTirm iu three case Jarnca M jore, et. al., v. Kl j h Worley, Htt. drlrka C P.; affirmed. John 15 Meikcl, et. al , vt German Stviug' Fut;d Society, Marion C. C ; af peal dimied at plaii.tifT co-t Kule against It. S. Walpole, Kq , ordered en terel John W. Michael vs. Horace D. Tboma, Fountaiu C F.; reverse! and remanded. Objectid A preacher livine in the vicinity of the oil well of Mr. Uutch, in Jennings county, objected to the linking of a well, and the ob taining of oil, on the ground that the Creator bad re-erved all combustible material for the detruc tion of the world, and that it wi an attempt to defeat the decrees of the Almighty, to draw from Hm depo)! of fuel This is decidedly an orig inal idet of lha individual referred to, and hi solicitude that the fiat of God would be defeated by the exhaustion of all material of combustion, displays an interest in the destruction of the orU and the lulhllmentol prophecy that M relre-Lirj to be met with ia this modern dtv, wlie: there is disposition to pay little regard to the dc-ires(,l the Higher Fower. Undecidedly a tue cae ol co:iciet)ce, that ruauy are not troubled with, and we venture that that man has hid aw.iy s m where hi apcension robes ready, u;oti the firt note of ahrm, to put on and be prepired for the big Cre, foretold In the r;t, th at i to take pi ice How our ciusistlcal friend j?.trndi the deposits to be n-cd in the coidligri lion, we know not, mtuttrd m tney are so lar betieith "-urfice inilcitioii" but undoubtedly hs (tome expedient ready an earthquake or an irmneriFe eruption that will upheave all nature. wp -uppo.-'e. He prepared for theconvul-ioii.arid petroleum men, ceae your boring tn'o Mother J h'irth. i our desire to become owners of wei s llowing olenginou ubafanre, i contrary to the t a . k - t 1 a.l win ol lol no know rut mat on may oe (ub-tituteil for brimstone in that placo ' where the worm revtr dieth V Fosible lUtuiUM Only three persons were before Iiis Honor, M )or Caven, yesterday, and they to an wer to the commonplace charge of beiug drunk. A reformation is abroad, and behold its Crrt trui:a What a diminution in crime Sonio powerful agency is at wotk, and its fruitions are lull of prorairc. Yesterday was an anomaly in the history of our municipality. Hut three drunk in one day. For this great moral refor mation we have but one explanation we can at tribute It to but one cause and that is the publi cation in tbia city of a journal devoted exclusive ly to " moral reform regime " The Sunday journal ha. done the work. The vigorous phillip ics of the profound dieciple ol the new dispells tion has worked the revolution. His denut. cita tion of crime has cusd the monsrer to hide it hideous and repuUive form, and white robed in noceiice find a smctuiry where, a few djs s n e, vice rioted in high carnival OllVnder have shrunk fiom the virtuou in tIii.tiatton l the Home. Vi-i'or aa virtue quail from a i oi.t.ict with vice S lently and imper- oriMbly ha the ood woik progressed at times buillt-tl, hs wbeu t.atih of tweuty tlemiiepa would be be lore the Mitor but steaoily and undautita lit , until the victory over the cv.l pro penitie ot Irail n-tuie whs con-ummated jfs terdity mort.uig. Tti benvn.s prognosticate. We congratulate the moral reforui M D Fro greis, bland, a thou art, we nay progress; elevate the moral standard of thi community, di..'ipite vice, inculcate virtue; "let all the end thou aime-t at" be the elevation of moral-; bring the people to embrace the hycienic diet the absti nence of all that any cicito their evil jiopt ii-i t ift , and vours will be the virtuous resi ird. The Home Visitor i on the teloini track, and we hope it will pursue it. Soon policemen will ei claim with the Mack Moor, "My occupation' gone " Jrorthe Sei.tinrl.J low le, .vt. I.f und III Donation Col . to I tie Ciittiollc . Iiurrli. Dr. William A. Bowie, now under sentence of death, has coticlmjed to donate, lor a leinaie academy, eightv (SO; acres of iat'd, within ot.i -eighth of it mile from the Kreuch Lick Springs(but not the Spritigs,as reHrted by the newspapers). lie -Uttd to mc, iu of Lieut ätieiht, in command of the Military Fiis.ou.hi reasons for giii:g that 1 and for a school, and also tor givii it to the Catholic Chnrch. His belief is that ia large number of nup ls in all board ing pchooU, for wiutol sußiciciit play grounds, cannot take exercise enough, and contract di eases thitt bring them to an untimely grave. To remedy thi, he oflVrs eighty acre ot land, in a healthy location, and near the far-lamed French Lick Strings He donaie it to the Catholic Church because he believe.'1, Mid ju.stly so. that their school lor females, kept by the Sisters, are superior to all others. Thete is a clause in the donation by which the land revert to his heirs if the school i not iti operation after a fixed period of t'me The Dictor ha alwa treated me with a great deal of courtesy , (the laleruent of the .Tourual to Iii contrary notwithstanding,) and so also have Messrs. Milligsn and Horsey, who stated to me. ai well a Dr Bowles, that "I was the first cltr gyman who hid favored them with a visit since their confinement." At ray second visit. Horsey having expressed to me a desire to see a mini ter of the ll.ptit Church, I sent him the Hev. Mr Day Iitspectfullv, M ay "26, 1?G5 Alt Uv?-jMr.s U1THI1NKSS NOTICES. t Kemember the auction sale of lots, by McKernan i Frack, in Drake & Mavhew's addi tio:i. on nxt Wednesday, the 31st,attwo o'clock P. M These lots are situated on the Michigan ILoad. rear the corporation line, and on Drake. Mavhew, Brooks and Torbet streets. The size of these lot is 4lhl2( feet, aud in a healthy part of the city, ainl building are going up rapidly in thit localitv Thoe persons rent ing Can how hive a chance to purchase a lot for a small amount and builJ for themselves a pleas ant home Also, several lots in Brooks' adJitiou, Irom 1 three to seven acres each, will be sold at the same time Term: Oae half cah; balance in rix and twelve month Ft r further particulars, inquire of McKernan A Frank. No M1.,, West Whiugton street,! near the l'.t!nirr House, or McKernan 1 F erce, HUke'i Kj "26 6 DoVr M:as It At Sugar Grove Trotttrg Fa rk $500 Ftclnnce Premium, three mile ana rerest Closed wnh the tidlowirg enirys: K M. Pratt Name Young Üjnny Sc tlatd, 4 years old. by H nny S.iliid; Dam Youni: Fashion bv Monarch C.-lor w hite and orange J C. Kel'ey. Lite String, 4 a ear old. by l.ei tgt. i,; Dam by GSencoe Colors t'l at a a:t1 while. H. I'aylor Names Bay FiOy, Prairie B'.ri. t Vfrs t:.J, i.t Sorere'n. Dam by Boston. Colors red nn blue 1 I e trick is tine cond tion since the rain. A go.Hi rce is ex pet ted, a the horses re first cia-s. The ran ill be continued lor Mot-dv ard A Tkfklt or L.OHTMU. 0:i the 1Mb of Mvy, at Cjrwiu Sutivti. Oaio. on lbs Llt'e M.iUi. Kailioad. duriLg a siorui. oue ftro'ae of I ghtniLg killed one man, wouitied another, nd then killed to yoke ot oxen at d three eoa. Ha-: Mason's lihtnirg reds been placed uj-on the buiMii g it would luve averted the tioke aral carried the e!e"lric Ö lid harmles to the earth They iiny be bad at No 6i? Kat Washington street. Iri liacapol . east o OJd Fellows' Hall fThe Indiana. lis Insurance Company is trepatrd to iuuie f n pery a;ain?t ! bj fire Th s is a firs' ca- Con-piny, managed by our not i ;oii.b!e Lu.-ii.a man Their etüce is in the Sinking Fund buildirg. on South Fer.n svlvania strtet Wm. IIcLderson, President, and Älet. C. Jameson, Secretary. 25 1m Tifi5rt Tic Nie Tbere will be a Urge Temperance Pic nie oo Wednesday cext. f3Ist.) at Mionewa Spring The friends of Ttope and the public in general are cordially ln viteu to participate wiih us in the enjoyment ol a day ramble io the woods. Aside from the plea-ure of the ride anJ a daj'i stroll amid the be-ioile of i ature, the rxpa!arity of these Sprirga should prove a sufficient inducement to pay them a viait. The Swings, In themselves, are a curiosity while the surrounding scecery is such as will attract the attet.tioo cd every lover ol nature The excursion train will leave the Union Depot at b o'clock A.M. and return io the afternoon at C o'clock Fill jour baket and go wi'h ua l icaetsfor the trip 75, cento; ( h l Iren, 40 cents. Professor Grtse: Band will aecompany the excursion. By order of the Committee of Arrange ments i Sratraa.! Iajx at Auction Atout fifteen acres ol the grounds ou Michigan Koad, tear Crown Hill, remain unsold. We will ell tre same this (Saturday) afrernoon, at 4 o'clock, in front of our office, on Washington street. Six Iota contain acres each, and one lot contains 4l acres, fronting on the Michigan Road. Only one fifth of the purchase money is riquired cash. 214 Wiliy & Marti.", Ileal Estate Brokers. t5T"A rich growth of hair produced, the natu ral color restored, (not dyed), and all diseases of the fcalp, falling off, 4c , cured by u'ug"Eu reka," the infallible hair restorative. Price $1 00 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. J. II. Sicsovr, Druggist, Dates House Block, Agent. eod-if Will be Closld Olt The remaining lots of the grounds near Crown Hill, on west side of Michigau roal, will be so'd to the highest bid der, at 4 o'clock this ( Saturday ) afternoon, in runt of Wiley & M irtin . Real Estate Office There areseven lots, containing each Irom 14 to 4 acres. Don't mis the chanceto kecure a fine fite for a country home. SG 2 t?T Heztkiah 4 Co , at the Geranium, have just received a large lot of the fitieal brands of imported wine that has ever beeu brought to thi ( Oy. I hf y are the pure article an J embrace the lollowine hmmls: Chaino iiriie. Ginrer. Sherrv Maraschines, Curocoi and Maderia, in bottles. Lovers of the pure article can Cud it at the Ge ranium, (live them a call. S7-I I5y"Has snybodf neeri our "tile?" We mean the elegant black Punch ftlt we '.ort, for which we gave our thick, nt.d tlnreby kept an eHy conscience. Those who have not seen it, or do not so beautiful a head covering, can be as nicely decorated, by calling on Baker k Mclver, avd act'iii.' the part we did. 1 he Irlna The mo! delicious Ice cream to be obtained iu thi city i to be found at the Ge raruium or rather at the Irena all, however, i i one building, and under the sunervi-ion of the prince ol Saloon men, Hezekiah Go to the Iren I, if you want nie and delicious, coolirg and invigorating Ice cream. f We h ave iust received from Boston, full line of sea fish of the bestqudity salmon, hal ibut, herring, mackerel and codfish, AIm, a Iresh lot of sardine, at lower prices Fletchir k Davipge, l.dtf. Central Grocery. Moki Savid Boots and rhoes positively at cost. Call and see for vourself t e have sold our lease and must close sfo k out by July. Call at Oj. 34 West NYainiMon street. Stout k Hovi. tSTAt four o'clock thin afternoon, in front of Wiley k Marlin' fllce, the few remaining lots of that choice gn und on Michigan Koad, near Crown Hill, will be clo.-eo out at auction. i ZW A fine fresh lot of oranges, lemons, dates, figs, cocoauuts, prunes and raifir.s. st Central Gnacery. Fletciikr k Davidoc. 15 d tf. STrSe5 Dr. Wm Thomson's advertisement on the fourth page of to dy's p-oer. jan 25 tf. IlT'Fresh butter is null telling lor 25c at Horn k Anderson's 24-4 Telegraphic Dispatches . hc roan airaaLV tea ras pabli htats itaTiirtL. I l or ''torn in ir, Uiri tee Flrat Pa;c. 31 1 JL IN X O HT KPOKT. WKW Ii Ii SHERMAN'S DEPARTURE FOR THE WEST Lynchburg Cut Off from the World Attempt to Assassinate Gen. Duval. It A I LUGA D DISASTER IN VIRGINIA True Hill Again. Hrtrkiiiridc. A.c.. Ac. Ac, At. I'rHe mil .teamat lvl and llrrck llaridge. Ntw York, Mny 'JG. The Commercial's WH-hmgtou Mjecial rays: The Grand Jury for the D.strict ol Coluaibid jesterda? found three bill- of indictment against JtlT. Davis and John C. Breckinridge. The bills will be presented in the Court to day. The offences speci tied are tiding and abetting hostilities in this District li-t summer. The capture of Ineckinride Is co:ifideutlj an ticipated by the authorities Iuformation ot his whereabouts h is been received, aiid an effective pursuit hit? been organized. Sherm.tu expects to leave for the Wet in a few days. He will lead his Si'.d'ers to their home. He re-in. through General Grant, the command of the Department of the Mississippi, and will at once ie-unie his duties uutil the civil authorities have been restored. Fred. Reward h as ome hat recovered from hia relapse. attempt to Anft!nte Gen. Dnval. Nt.w York. May 26 An attempt was made, four night since, to ass-assinate (Jen Duval, commandiLg Tn-ted S ates forces at Suunton, ircinia. The General escaped irjury. Ou Sunday uight last, the railroad bridge over a :rf.tru netr Fe'.er-burg, gave way, prtcititat:ng a train the chastn Two tnea were killed, tour njis-iijg nnd fourteen woun.ird. Tbev were all peisoni counectod with the toad. The gunboit Ma?tah-ett, and United States steamer-. Wyandotte. Comuiodore Hull. Governor HucaingLam aLd Tacoov arrived here thi morniLg The Font's Washington specia.1 says Governcr Fierpont arrived in KchmjuJ yesterday, and assumed Liteuve control ot the St ate A netiral ele tio:i wa alo held throughout V.rgiaia y ester Jay . l iar l'r ran) 1 Mtilta 1 reapi- lUaaisaiko. Ia , Mav .6 Governor Curtin hau urcidrU. beloii li.e IV nr.-y I ai.iav troops are m:a'erid out, io h I uf the acar.c.ea in all the Cv'ii.ptints, xg inrnts aud tr,aniz itins by te ul-r prouioiion lie i boa iu Wajihiiigton t u d i g to this duty, ard ex amitin the claicns of ir. sf wuhiu the bread promotion Fy this atrai n.riit u;i trae mtn bo rr deü-rrrd irom proaiotiou bv tr.e ruid ft: force rnent of the orJer ii si-ting on maximum number in com iLiWid-. ill receive honors and the muter out with the commis-ions which they hive turtle i Mriainrr .'letror WaHit.ioi. May C6 Ou enquiry at the de partnivnt, it ia ascertained that the steamer Meteor, recently wreckei. was cot the United spacer cf that name attacte-l to tie Werl Gulf SsJ'Jadr&D. 1 THE LATEST IMELLHIEXCE Tri! er itae Cwnti-liatasra. WasancTOJ, May 26 At te epening of the Court Mr. Auen, counsel for Mr Surratt, akeO for a ret all of the witnessVao Steinaker, as. he thought hi testimony could be contradicted Judite Advocate Holt said that, as the wnne hai betadiecbargel ithoat ohjectiuc, be could not be recalUd for the prosecution. Ta-'TIXOXT OF B T GI.H.X. D. F. Gwyr.o, reexmice1 by Mr. Aiken, identified the letter written by Mr'Siratt to Mr Nothpyer.on the ll'ho? Aprd last, rot.cerning a sect.etnent of the price of laud and threatening to brir g suit. tistijont or raTHta Lax ah a.x. Father Linahan tetitiel that VIrs S rai a tod christian omao, but knew nothin of her seutitsenta. t ist i no nt or raTuta tooo. Father Young gave similar testimony to of Father Lanahau. thai t TISTJM JNT Of O II CALVfJtT. a 11. Utlvrrt identinnl the letter written bv him to Mrs. S , dated April 12. b, b'jtifjing ber that Mr. iothper was willing to fettle, ai d urg log a aettlemriit of bis (Calvert ) claim of his late father's estate, however unpleutnt. The whnea was not at Surrattiville on the 1 Ith of April. TLSTIMONT OF W. L. UOTLK W. L. Hoyle testified that be was acquainted with Mrs. Surratt; had never heard bereist a . her sentiments; knew John 11. hurratt by eight; saw nini in this city the latter part of r ebruary o March; he is tall, of rather light complexion, delicate looking, between twenty and tuet.ty three years of age and about six feet hi,;h; my impresdon is tritt he did not wear a goiteeor moustache. In the cross examination be testified be did not know positively that he was over five fee: r.ine inches in height. TESTIMONY OK K. It. U A I' Ls B T R. II. MauUby teatifiml that be resided in Hai ti more, and was a brother-in law of Michael O'Liughliu. He came from the South in Auu-d, 15-64. He was wiih hia brother in the produce and feci business in Washington till the fall of 163. His brother then removed from Washing ton, leaving Michael in charge of the busine there; Michael had the collection and receiving of orders Irora customers, the goods being sup plied from Baltimore. He was litre on and ufT from the time his brother gave up business until the 14'b April. Witness knew Hjoth intimately; Mrs. Hooth owns property opposite my house; Michael and William were schoolmates of Booth; Michael's intimacy with him has been for about V2 years, from the Itkh March until he came to Washington; on the 13th of April Michael was with me; am positive he wa at homo from the 1st of April to the 13th. Question. State the circumstances of fie a ir render or arrest of himself. Answer. He arrived home after the a-SH-siru-tion; Stturd.iy evening I saw him about? o'clock; the otlk-er had then ben in search of him; I in formed hira of the fact, when he told me Mr. Hirmham You need not state what he said to you; declarations of the prisoner cannot be adduced in the defence Mr. Cox st ated that evidence had been adduced tv he .rot-ecution to prove that the prisoner waa fleeing from arrest, and it ws Ie-itimte to meet such evidence, on the part of the df show ing that he voluntarily surrendered. Judge Holt rem irked that the witneg was cautioned uot to repeat the declarations of the prisoner. Ho might Hate facts relative to the r quest. Question. D.d theprianer protest his inno cei ce? Or.jected to by B:ngham, and objection pus- tainrd. Question by Mr. Cox Stat whether or not the deteidant asked yon to procure an officer to take him into custody. Atier. He did Mr. Bmghm I object to that, but as the wit ness has nnsaered, Irt it go. Witness rejtr lel O'Liughlin as very amiable; didn't rerneinhfr eaer hating seen him in a p as sion on political question-; he had never been violent; titter heard him express opinions on the issues of the d j, ex-ep: in a moderate manner After recess witness gave an account of the surrender of O'LaughPu to the cfHcera. An artempi h iu by ihe defense to intro dure evidence to .show tint Bjoth was a into of pleasing address, and likely to influence young men with whom he associated, but the Cüur, would not allow it TfcSTIMONT or II E.NRT HXSIiiAV Hetity Finr.egan testified he was iu Montreal io February; knew Sanders, Clay and others of that irc!e, by S'ght; saw them at St Lawrence Hall, and various public places; did not see Jacott Thorr. p on or Tucker, on the evenings of the 14th or 15th or Februirv; heard Clay sij to Sanders, "I suppose they'are getting ready for the inauguration of Lincoln next mouth;" S an ders said, "yes, but it the boys onlv have luck. Lincoln will not trouble them much longer," Cleary ssid, "is everything well?" Sinders re plied, "Oh, ves. Booth is bossing the jot " Wit ness considered it, at the time, a piece of bracga doch; comrnuniciteJ it to the Government a few days since; did not know John Surratt and Charles Dawson; identified the card sent to Fresident Johnson, on the 14th of April, as the signature of Booth. TESTIMONY Or CHAS. SWEENY. Washington, M av 26. Cdsr'ej Sweeny testi fied to the cruel treatment of prisoners by the rtbcls. James Young gave similar te.-timony. At Florence the keepers of the prison threatened to ftarve us because our army had made a raid through the country, and destroyed a quantity of food. The treatment was woe at Florence than at Andersonville. TESTIMONY 0 JOHN YOL'NO John Young testified to the identity of the confeosion made by Kennedy, hung in New York some time ago. The confession was made to Colonel Burke, and has been published. The testimony for the defense was resumed. TESTIMONY 0E JAMES U NATTY. James II Na'ty testified as follows: I bought some land of Mrs Suratl some yeart ago, aud received a letter from her on the 14th of April by Mr. Gwynn I owed her a of the pur chase money, and she wanted it settled; I did not see her that dsy. TESTIMONY Of rK JOHN C THOMAS Dr. John C Thomas, brother of a former w'tn ess, testified to his brother telling him of the arret of Mudd. The first time his brother spoke of the conversation with MuJd, some weeks before, was after the latter's arrest. His brother's mind was not exactly right for a long time, in consequence of pa-alytic attacks Wit- netV impression was that bis brother's mind was not ro found at all tiroes; be is very talkative; tells every thitg he hears, and btlieve all be hears; he has not had an attack lor some time, and his'.h has been better On ero-.-exatnination, witness said that his brother stated that Mudd aaid that the Fret-id en t at d the Cabinet wou!d all be killed in a few weeks, and that he, as well as other Union men in Maryland, would he killed. My brotherthen seemed to be in his right mind, and not at all ex cited. r EST! MONT OK SAMUL m'aLLHTEE. Samuel McAllister, clerk at the Pennsylvania House, Washington, produced the register of that House; found the names of Dr. Mudd and J F Mudd. oo the register, 231 of December last; Mud i's name ia not on the register iu Janua ry. Oa the last examination, witi.e-a was asked if he knew whether Dr. Mudd slept iu the room with A'zeroth the niiht of the assassination; be answered, "No, he was in bed when Atzeroth came " TESTIMONY Or i . W. MfcDO J. F. Mudd testified to being in Washington on the 23d of December, with Dr. Mudd; witness detailed transaction on that visit, wh ch was a purely bunes one. Dr Mudd' character is exemplary ; he i of an amiable di-p union; good c uzen and g )i nH'hbjr, beidei be:ng honeit ai d correct; have lived near h'm all my lifetime, ardheliever.ini hum ai.e and k:c;d Witr e-ssaw B.-oth ;n church, near h;s the Utter pait of November, or th first of December; oi.iv knew Booth's business from what he heard other say. tjue-ii-.n. What wa tne comnij:) t;k? Judte B ngtiam otjected Mr Kaing stid ti.e defense wished to show that Booth was in thecouLtry ostensibly tor the purpose of selecting and ir.vesticg ia lands Thi ws introduced as explanatory to his meeting with Dr. MuJd, whose ftmilies were large land holders, arid were anxious to dispose of their Judge Holt thought that a mere idle rumor wa not adon.sSable The objection was sustained. On cross examination the witness said be bad not heard the prisoner express sentiments of cp poaition to the policy of the government, atxl r-ever knew anv disloval act ef his; tever saw Confederate soldier about hla boose; hive besnl of his shooting some of Lis negroes, and have no doubt of its truth; heard that the slave refused to do something, and the Dr shot him in the ealf of the leg to frighlea Lira; never heard him talk a great desl in opposition to the Administration, except with reference to the emancipation policy. TESTIMONY Of EKANCIS LICA1 Frtncis Lucas tetified to biviog serve! on Chri-troas last to carry some articles purchased by Dr. Mudd from asbiugton to bis home. TESTIMONY Or J . C. THOMPSON J. C. Thompson, residing in Charles county. Maryland, testified that be was introduced to a man named Booth by Dr. Green, at bis house ia October or November last; think he brought a letter to Green from somebody in Montreal named Master. It was simply a letter of intro duction, stating thit Booth wanted to see the country. Witness introduced Booth to Dr. Mudd; Booth's ostensible orject was to purchase lands; he s i stited to me; 1 think I told bim Hecry Mudd. father of the accused, waa a large property holder, and be might purchase land from bim; Booth aked mc in regard 1 1 the rads leading to the Potomac river; I told him 1 knew them as far as Allen's Ford and Newport, but no further; thir: k Booth aked me if there were anv horses in the neighborhood for tile; told him I didn't know that tie Government had taken them to Washington an J sold them; think Booth stal l at Dr. Greco's h ue that night and next day; think I saw bim again about the middle of December, when ho staid at Dr. Green's all night and left early iu the morning; Dr. Greeu ia seventy four yeus of age, aud bed ridden; ou cross exroiiniiion, the witness said Booth never bought any land there to his knowledge The Court adjourned till to morrow. l.ynctiburK ut off from ttic World. New Yoaa, May 26 A recent letter from Lynchburg says: We are cut off from every section of the world, and it is impossible to bear from friend abroad. The Or.mge and Alexmdtia trains are only tunning to Amherst Court House, a dis tance of fifteen mibs; those on the Virginia and Teunespee Kailroad go to Liberty, twenty-five miles west; the South Side is In operation be tween there and the Junction. The chief dam age done to the roads is the destruction of bridges. This is, howcm, fard being repaired by the companies. The Virginian newspaper bis resumed publi cation. A terrible rain storm -ccurred iu Richmond on Sunday. A portiou of the city was com pletely inundated, and it was rumored that a number of persons wtrc drowned. The damage done to property by the flood is said to be incal culable. Tbousinds of sheep, cattle, horses, Ac , were drowned. The injury to the Central Kailroad is thought to be heavy. u tcHption to Government Loan. Philadelphia, Mhv 26 The subscriptions to day to the ? 3U loan, in all parts of the Union, as telegraj bed to Jay Cooke, amount to $2.207, 3j(J. The largest subscriptions were $2U0.000 frooi O. F. Hutz, Cshier at St. Louis, and $61,- ouo from the Third National Bmk. Thelargen Eastern subscriptions were $250.000 from the National Bank of the Republic at Boston, $200.- U00 from the First National Hank, Philadelphia. The First National Bank of Lexington, Ken tucky, subscribed $?0,000. The number of in dividual subscriptions were 1,544 llebel liMtn Surrendered. Washington, Ma 26 The following eemi official statement is ra ide in connection with the authorized announcemetij of the fact that th in surgent ram Stonewall unconditionally surren dered to the Spanish authorities at Havana. The rTonductof those authorities uton the occasion was judicious, dignified, and in entire conformity with the amity towards us. The following n imed general cfljeers hare re signed their commissions iu the service: Maior Generals Bumside, Sburz, Sigel, Otto, and Brig adier General lUutn. Gov. &ierponl at rortrese .tlonroe. Foetbis Monroe, M.ay 2:V Gov. Fierpont, accompanied by a party of lJie-s and gentle men, artired fmai Washington this afternoon on the steamer Diunond, eu route for Richmond. The Governor aud party landed at this place and spent a few moments in viewing the works, and left at 5 o'clock for Richmond to establish his seat of government. vy Agent Henderson Acquitted. New York. May 26 The trial of Isaac Hen derson, late Navy Agent, broke down tbia room ing for want of evidence to sustain the charges. The District Attorney desired to enter a nolle prosequi, but this could not be done. Judge Nel son then stated the position of the case, and the jury, without leaving their seats, rendered a ver dict of not guilty. Itllllaral Toiirnsmrnt. BirAL0, M iy 26. The billiard tournament closed here last evening. The firf-t ptize, a gold mounted cue, was won by Frank Martin; the second prize, a silver mounted cue, was won by J. C. Stuart. The Very Latest. THREE O'CLOCK A. M iMtnririx; .mjws items. ARMY OK THE TENNESSEE TO I ET A IN t Ot- GAMZATlOX. New York, M.y 2C The Herald's Wash- lngton special says: The army which has been commanded by Mjor General Logan will retain its organization, and be recruited to its old strength by the assignment of veteran troops from di? binde J corps and armies. It is believed this army will bo sent to the Trans-Mississippi Department. f&EIDULX COMMISSION. A commission has been appointed on General Howard's recommendation, to look after the in terests cf the freedmen of the States lately in re bellion It met to day and discussed plans for the parcelling out and cultivatir g of lands, and the organization of schools, but adjourned without resolving upon any definite procedure. S0LDIE13 TO RETAIN THEIR MUSKETS The Tribune's special says: Senator Wilson of Massachusetts, has urged the Secretary of War to issue orders permitting every Union soldier to bear to his home, as an heir-loom to bis family, the musket he bore through the confl.ct for the salvation of the Republic The suggestion meets with universal approval. NEGRO LS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Letter from Raleigh from persons conversant with the t-en'-iaients of the slaveholders in North and South Carolina, state thai the negroes in these States are being driven away from their old homes by their misters, who refu-e to hire them as free laborers, and the consequence ia the blacks ire in a pitiable condition. THE fcEAND RETir.w. The Tribune's Washington correspondent, speaking of the review, says: Naturally a com parison was made between the Eastern and Wea tern troops The Wes'ern men were taller, with fewer boys and scarcely any foreigners among them. The marching step vai several inches longer, and yellow and red berd and light hair predominated. The otTicers of the Army of the Potomac conceded that ther marched better. They moved with an elastic spring and swinging step that does not belong to the Eastern boys, and the:r faces were mcre'in'elüjeLt.self reliant and determined. One could not distinguish the officers from the men except by their uniform Theprivates and othcers seemed equal in intelli gence and manly-bearing. Oa the other hand, tbt Eastern troops showed more pure disciplince, and there was a tntrkeJ distinction between the cfüctrs and meu in point of culture. .HcCEa-f IL LXf ELdTlON IT RJANjKE RIVER. Acting Rear Auiuinl Wdford. commaLdicg the Norih Atlantic Blockading Squadron, baa forwarded t'o the Navy Department a copy of a letter from Commander Macomb, giving detail of a tjccessful expedition up the Roanoke river bv picket boat No. 5, urdr command of Lieut. Com Thornton The expedition jceedeJ as far up the Roan oke f the rebel naval station Halifax, and suc ceeded in carturirg the eteamers Cotton Plant, Fi-her and Dolly, and the engines of Cusling'a torpdiboat atd auuthtr craft of the same kind budding bv the rebels. The vessels were laden with staves, corn, thirty bales of cotton, three cases of goods and six barrels of brandy. The expedition also found twenty three bales of fottoo on the back of the river which were taken possession of and brought tfT The communication of Commander Thorr. ton disclosed the fact that tbt Roaookt haa Uro cleared of oba'rtjrtiocr aud ce ruber of gece suck by the rebels raised. A Urge quantity of Confederate cottoo stored away along the backs of the river will be cap tared. The rebel naval station has been takeo posses aion of by oar forces and will be held until farther orders. nii b tLLa rowso. The GranJ Jury of the District, to-dat, found bills of Indictment agabat Jeff. Davis and John C. Breckinridge, for high treason. Davis and Breckiuridge are indicte I eptr !?. The overt act was the raid, in July Uat, within the District f Columbia and the jurisdiction of this Court; the killing of cit:z?ns and destroying of pre pert? ; Breckinridge heinj present in person, and Davie constructively. District Attorney Carrington announced tbt fact in Court, and askd for a bench warrant in thecteof Breckinridge, who is still at large He also asked that such steps m.y be taken as will bring Davis before the Court for trial. SALE Or GOVERNMENT MILES. Many thousands of mules are beinr disnosed or at public sue in this city by the C-rtermas ter Department. The sale will continue until the number of animals is reduced io rroportion to the reduction of the armies. There are in the Armies of the Potomac. Tennessee and Georgia prouauiy a.uwoi tne Dnest six mule teams io the world, many of them being bought at the be I. tv 1 j mm rv a . . . . . ginning of the war as young mules. The South is stripped of farming stock, and the North baa also auSered from the drain of animals to aus ply the armies. The animals ait sold at public auction, but do not bring anything like their true value. Latest from Georgia. New York. Mar 26 Tha steamer Case from Savannah on the 23d. arrived to-day. ILe steamer Jeff Dtvis had arrived from Augusta, with 20 bales ofrotton. the first ahio- ment received there. The rebel General Btuce had delivered an ad dres to the Kentucky troops, advising them to return to their homes, as there was no hope of prosecuting the war to a different conclusion, either here or in the Trans Mississippi Depart ment. There are 3:0 ,000 bales, of cotton in Macon and 300,000 in Georgia. The August and Atlaula papers urre the people to consider emancipation r a fiied fad, nd to receive and abide by their lot. The telegraph is about to remme working be tween Savannah and Charleston. The Sixth Regulars bad arrive.! from Xew York. Four hundred paroled prisoner of Lee and Johnston's armies, iucludiag Gen. 11. Henderson. Rv a . . diq arrived at Savannah from Augusta Fire cur Carlisle, ra. -hot of (Life. Carlisle. Pa., May 20 A fire occurred Iat night about tire miles west of Carliale. Seven children, the oldest fifteen yesii and the young est six months, were burned to death. Mr. and Mrs. May berry, the parents, wereseverely burned. The fire was accidental. COMMERCIAL. sv TtLasiars. Cincinnati CiKCiKXAti.May 26. Flour dull; Superfine $5 35(315 75: extra $6 006 50, and family $6 U06 50. W heat, red $1 38; white $1 45(31 75. Oats. 51c Corn 1 35a. Rye bOc. Clover seed 14. Barley $1 101 20. W hisky dull; small sales at $2 00. Mesa pork 22 50(323 ?5c. Bulk, meats --4-2bC for shoulders enJ sides. Bulk hams FJU. Lard 17c. Exchange firm. Groceries quiet aud unchanged. Sugar 13(3l7c. Coffee 23(231c. Molasses $1 2U1 23. Butter 230e. Silver $1 ?b Oold $1 3U. Money plentv at 610 per cent Not much business done on change, as Maior ien. öd er loan came in toward the close and pro duced such excitement that businc?s was sus tended . He remained about half an hour, con versing with the merchants. !lsw vara IttarRel. New York, May 2G. Cotton 50c lor middliccr. Flour SraiOc lewter; at $C 60(3 7 00 for extra state; 6 75(o;7 40 for extra round hoop Ohio, and -loyj iu lor trade brands. Whisky $2 00. TT 1 . 1 1 l - . .. . ueai unter reo western XI b?; prime 91 o,';2 uyeauii. uoru t'i(a lor new mixed western, rOc for r.ew mixed, toe for choice, and "J2tf for inferior to prime western velloi Oats5456c. Wool dull. CoGee active. Sugar, 10(212 Molasses 50c. Hops 1030c. Petroleum firm; J5-c for crude, 49ß.f0e for refinedin bond, and C'JßiOc for free -New mess pork $22 50(323 00; $20 00(321 00 for 63- cash and regular way, closing at $I U0 for cash, $IH 50 for prime, and $17 00Q1Ö 00 prime mess. Plaiu mess beef $10 00 (314 00; extra mess, $12 00lö 00; beef hams, 262S00c. Cut meat; 11I2,; for shoulders, and 13l7c for bams. Bacon; 13-Cc ior tvumoerian i cut; M,J4c for long ribbed, and l4?43-5c for 6hort ribbed Lard Lilc Butter. 25 33c for Ohio, and (ijdbo for State. Cheese 1017c. Rice dull. Mouej, 5(36 per cert. Sterling 1097'(ail0 for firat cLss bills. Gold opened at $1 3. clo-mg at J.1 3b.4. Government stocks without oiridcd change. MEW TORK M0XET MaERET Nrw York, May 2b. (iold has taken a sharp downw ard turn. The demand for export is let-a active, and owing to the withdrawal for considerable amounts for shipment, the price is dtri Vl y weak. There is indications that the rise of the last four days was very much the re-odt of a feigned export movement intended for speculative turnoes outside the gold room It now appears that the snipment ior the market will tot exceed $20, 000,000. After touching last night at $1 3' the price this morning receded to $1 36. Later. Gold closed at Gallagher's exchanze to-night at $1 3(?g COLLARS. THE LARGEST COLLAR MANUFACTORY 1 THE ."lOKTII-YR EST. BIGELOW'S S ATI N-EN M ELED BYRON A HEW article cf '.cvention This Collar excels all comfort, neatneaa and l, other Taper Collars for economy. Also a large aoritnnt of aTIS-ESXMELF.D gaueotts. li5es fa per bt. KONS, A5D LISK5 PAPIR GARROTES. Lad es 5atio Enameled Collars and Cu!T; a new and r uircimt article. Tie trade applied at the lowest Pia tei pricaa. BIUKLOW A CO., Manufacturer. ojS d3m 11 La Sil! Street. Chicago. PROFESSIONAL. Drs. TODD & PARR, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Office No. 31 Virginia Avenue. rear Sl-dlrcoa O FFICE OYER STAR GROCrlT. 50 G5 R4tTH lHitoS atreet. Keild.cca 5. 4 87 5"h IHiteia trt, IntUoplta, led. tar30-st3a SECOND HAND STORE. SECOND HAND STORE, .233 K.l ehlngt Street, nign off ttim nig Hanel. ItntKITUBK and Staaa. T.nwira aad Plaaea la pieta variety. At all ki4a bf Boaa ParsULUf Gada. J. R. MA LOT. U. S. LOAN. ' UNITED STATES jr.30 LOAM! )V II I K 1) H i: It I K Ht I $230,000,000. Fj awtlior'.Tj cf tie retrtarv cf tbe Treaaarj, 0 t Aracted. tie General Sabscrlpti.-a A rent fear tLe sale alf lr.itrd 8'atea Scnrl:, cfT-r to th. fxstlie tbe tkird j rl a.f Trra try N te,bearlDe ereo atd threo-teatRi jj'r cer.t. Interest jer annum, k&vwa at lie ' 7.30 LOA.ISL aTb.w note. ar. Iked Cbd.r dal r Jl li, l"Ci, m4 payable Ihre je art from that da! la curret-ry, er eonvertat.' .t Ii. otMles of tbe bo Wer tat j u.;s. körn 5-20 SIX PER CENT. Tbev. Kw: J are cow worth a Landi-oane Je eiempt, a. ar. 'l tbe Gorcirm.Dt one t- trtt jr ct. ir annum ts Tbe. HotiJ are cow worth a Land-awae premium, at.4 Bood, from vMc a41l tit rtea'r raiw, s.cerJLf to the rate lev:d cpon tLr prprtj. Tk Iff reel psjal le etni-arn-ally ty coupon, attached rjch not., wbirh may t e eat off and .old to any bav&R r tamkrr. The luteraat nt ?.3rt per cent, tfiuounle to iit ritt per ilny on si $.10 Tl'woaM'uls SIOO e note. Bl'II " jt.lOU I'woiity IIOOO Onv Dollar .1000 tSot of a!l tee dmmir.atiuii. named will b prompt I;i furi.NLed up n rct fj't cf aubm rljlU tia. ,TLe Jfotr of tti Third 5'rir are preily Imllar la fifta and rii!ve to tbe Seien TVrtiea alieady Mld, jcej t that the tioverinnebt rfifnfi t Itself iL. option 0; i't) U f lntrret ia rU coin st 6 per ce ct., hutad of T ?t-10th. U currency . Subnet ilifri ill deduct tb. im- treM in lurreiitj t;j to Jaly liih, at tb time when tie kkClile. tt"b delivery of the noiea of tbia third erlea of the Srrn-llitrties will ccaraenre ob tbe In of Jrr f, and will be mi t promptly ant after that data. rie .llirbt chanre made ia tbecvnd;t;n. cf tb'.s THIRD StlCIF.S eSVcta ci.1t the matt.r of totece.t. The pay. tont In Roll, If piade, will be equlTa'ent tothe curreraey Irtere-t of the LfjiLer rate. TLe return of p-ni payment, in He e.ent f whlck oiVy will the option to pay Interest !u gold be availed of, wiold f-a reduce arid equiliz prices that purchases with f per cnit. in gold wculd r fully eqoal to ttC-e male with hwn and three-tecths ercent.lo cvtfrency. This ia j The Only Loan in Market Ntw offrred Vjr Ibe t,v i r..cj-i t, aod It. tiperior ad- Tsatsgriruike It the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, !a than t ,f0".(K) of the loan autborited by tfc la-tCongrew are now on the market. This amount, at th- rate at which ft I being aborted, will all be mb- c'.hr-d or witbin two month., Theo tb. note win no- d;btedljrmniaal a preminw, a In ua'formlj teen thi can on cloicff the U'isrrinllon to otb.r Lim n order that citizen iu eeery town a cd aection ot th eonntrymaj t afforded facilities for taklrj tbe loa th" Rational Bank, State Banka and Privat " thiocbont the country have generally Teed to re- esivs r-ul acriptioi. at par. Subscriber, will select their own gnitf , in whom tbry bate confidence, aad wh ony are to b IepoBible for lb- deliver ef tbe notes for which they rceive orders. JAY COOKE, St isoKirno Ar.tKT, No. 114 South Thind Street, rniLADXLrfiiA. t'IRST NATIOVAI. HVSK, lrVKÄS HAT105AI. BANK, INDIANA1DU8 NATION 11. RANK, FOCKTU NATIONAL BANK, IN lI AN A K4fONALRMr. and MKkcHANT' national, bank, inuianaj-oub, inu. : mja ddtwSm INSURANCE. TRAVELERS' INSUEiANOE CO., h a n T f o K I) 1 O N X ':ipttol Si 00,000. ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. i.enernl Arcidenlal Pollrlr IjlOU Five Hundred Ii .l'ur, with $3 per week cotw ; penat!on, can t had for f 3 p-r antmra. or any oirier ism between tV) at,d lU,0lt at proprrtUnate rates'. Ten lltara I' rem tu in Secure a policy for (2S00t or tipper week coarpen Mtioo for all aud every description o accidetita travel. iDg or otherwise under a grneral acs.dent policy, at th ordinary raten. Xlilrty liollnr rremlntn Recuies a full policy f.r ISMO, or ftt jer week cempeii.'atlon, a atove, at tbe pecU! rates. foreign It I a l.v. rlirlr isued far Foreign, wt ld;a and California travel. Kat ran learL-1 by app catloa to the 02ce or AReucien. W Maori Time Tlrrto. Arrsnremecta are in cour-e cf cr-apletlon ty whkb the traveler will be alie to purrLaf ,at any kaJIway Ticket Oaice, lukurance TickeU tor tf.or Tbirty Day.' Travel. Ten cer.ts will buy a ticket frr One da?V travel, insrir,g IJ.itsi. or f IS weekly c r-pen.ation. Ticket eol cien may b had for Three, 1 Twelve aaoeit b., in th. ,ame mai.ner. a Ilaiardoui hii'ka takeu at liarardof . Ilate. 5 o Med ical KiaoiiLaiion reuirl. IV.lci riit-n ty tL Cotnpanj'a Amenta. 1 I'oiicieafor fie.t-OO, and five y art, can be bad by application to tbe State Ageut at lri: .aj..L, and at th nuia D I it i: C T 0 lis OUST avus r. IJAVI5, W. H. I. CAtXsMiKi:, JAS. I.. HUWAkLl. GfcO. W. MüOkK, MAhSHALL JKWFLL, KLRNKZKK KOHeKIS, THOMAS E ELK NAP, Jr. ( vTiirrr. CuKNf:ll'8 B. liHWlN, HL.a f Akhl.SON, -;K) S (n'LM AN, JONATHAN ! LL5CK. J C f. lTTFli50Jf, IVea't. B0 PN FY LE551S, ?rc. ti. r. I) A V I, Vice Pr.'t. HKNRY A. liTKR. ieneral Ant. U. C. UAkTIN. State Areut, " 7 T'-mprauca lik'.l. Icitianapoli., Ind. C B. I)A VI5, .,.1 A-tit, No.ti DM Fellowi Hall. N. li. A ret'! a a;'l SultcitrB warit-jl in every part of toe Mate. ; mat. i EXPRESS COMPANIE0. American Express Company. Iii ret UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. Omer. ON THX COKNrB OP vrvyHINOTO! A NX MerLaD tUceU, Ludla&apxlU. . Three daily Kxpreaet New crk; Two KipretMe to ClKlntvatl. aod Two daily Kxpretaset to Chicago aod t.Loal; Th above Cotapaaies arc tt only priv'Jef dfirSM .he followlcr road, rt: INDIANA CENTRAL; LAFATETTI 4 CUiCAOU. INDIANAPOLIS A VTKV; TEKKJC HA UTK RICHMOND; RELLXF05TAL5B A LNL'IAX ATOLII. Ko&ey, paakaa., v!uab:a aad freight carried wit aafety and (LUpatch, aM la cbarga of pdal aad 13claS a-vsnfr. Hotea. Bill and Drift will ha prospily cerUctod as4 rd jttb aaad i. BCTTXit LVXO. JktwaO. NOTICE. To Carpenters, Stairbuilders, Cabi netmakers and to tho Public. IUl'l! KOfLII, Plain and OrcamrLial Job Tura er, hoch treet, between rennjl.tuUA nd Merl dian aireeia. Keeps oo Latvd a good atort ment Stair EallUtri and Newtl Puata, and Urn. theaa te order. Alsv. all klnda of torninc iw buikic work do) torder. I reciv. all klUvl. of rder ia mrbing la th. taLuel DialU-K liLe. LedrUad. tl left, Ac. A.l work c: procpily, beal.'y ar.d mt reM&U aprli-aUa UK. A. . SEVMAXi, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON met so. io TitacnA xvum. 1XJIDX5CI. t'l HOtTH A LAB AHA AT. a U