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DAILY SENTINEL ' . SATURDAY MORNING. JUNK 3. ' fFrwta ew Tora Wort J Ablitlnll and Traitor. A. eorreapooJent who the aeeia of the resolution hieb Je J. undertook tu lead, were ton bj the Abolition;.', ks Davi i bung, the Abolitionists should cot be laug also. As d-jcuaeouf j eriJeccc ot the;r Irenaon tt quotti from Mf Horace Grre!j' "i'oiitca! Teat-Book," published in 1-60, the following, which fortci ore ol ?erie. of ti onioc rwoluüoca drawn by W. Lloyd Garrison, tci paa.eJ by an Abolition Con rat ion, at Abacj, ia February, lrVJ: ReaolreJ. That in a J? ocatisg the dissolution of the L'oiou.tba AUliliouiaOa are justified by errrj pecet of tte go pel. bj Terj principle cf morality, by eterj clalra of humanity ; tLat auch a Union ia a covenant with death, which o-jfcM to te annulled, ilJ n agreemed with hell, which jatt God cannot permit to tr.l; ul that it ia the imperative asd ptratnoubt lity of all who would keep their kiuli from blood fcuilti oea, to deliver the oppressed out of the h&d of the f poller, tod caber in the day of j iSilte; to eek it immediate OTerthrow by ail rihteou iaatrumeotalitiea " We fear that our correpoudeLt ban, ia pi: of himself, become deeply tinctured with the illib eral and despotic idea. prerale&t during tha last four years. We rajt, therefore, remuid him that co opinion, or asj public eiprciun of opinion, iijitatlr paaLdiable Freedom of speech, of th pre, and of public meetiuga is jjiarauteed bj the Cdtaiitutiori, and ii amoa oat mo-t on questionable right. Ktery did in the commu nity is just at free to express the opinion that the Union ought to be dk-wlved, as he is to ex pre any opinion whatever. It ia a eulheient antidote to ab-urJ and Uingeroui oioioua that all men are at free U tefui au all other fleu are to propound them. The difference between Jeff. Diriaaad Lloyd Garrisoa. waich render the .fort er puuubnble and the Utter not, coi.ii in the fact that Dtvis took up arm agaUt the Uuiou, whilo Garrison did not. Nolhicg it ire von uder our (iovern merit but an orert act ol levjin; war aiust the United State a crime which ha com mitted, and which, by a Uw passed bj the r.t Congress under our f of ernrnent, i made puni-h-able b? death. Whether consideration of policy do not require a reaiHiioa of the penalty It I ahould be confided, is a question which ehould be well pondered br the Government; but that he baa re&Jered biui-If luble we puppo-e there is &o room to doubt. ' Gaaaisox advocated ditanioa for years, but hating committed do orert act, he maj be re g arded as not guilty of actual, but moral trea son , lie endearured to de troy the Union be caue the Constitutiou rec igriizc J African sla very. He was permitted to expre hi opUior: with Impunity, no matter bow perninou were hie tetebngs, ae lüDg as h did not attempt by force, as did Joux Üaon'.t, to cirry them out practically. If ho bid leviel war against tlie United ütte?,he would havebecu raitor.but only inculcating, teAchiu, tra-onable enliments he wm retfirded by It: ympathier; and theo retically bf the Gj eminent ms a pbiisnthro phist. He pronounced the Constitution, to which every citizeu owe allegi w.ce and which tie.trly all bare aworu to buppott. aa an "arertuent with death and a covenant with hill." Morally, what iliflereuco bewwet-n the treason of Jirni hos Davis and W.u. Lloyd Gaiuson? Nouo whatever. GaaaisoM taught t!it the Union o jht to bo diiK)Ivf i 40 1 Dati attempted to carry ot Gaaaiaon'a idea by 8ep.iraiin the free from the plate äute. üao Lai bocu arreitei and confined aa a criminal; the other i fete I by the Ootrrnmeut, and wji pent to CliuI(.-ton, at the public eipenc, to taku part in the ceremonies at tending the rVming of the flag of the I'nwn over Fort Sumter. He U now loyal beciuse hii idem prevail if thej did not, ho would now bo ad vocating the dissolution, of the Union. When his case Is fairly considered, the inference mut be inevitable to cterj pemiSle per.-on tint the di- vidier line between uetsju od loyalty i ex ceedingly ntrrow brJlt discernible. OitKito.t, tKrlierinff (ht the abolition of negro aliTerj if jjfiictiC!! accompiisnl, ii williu? to aubsdle and let the Union aurvive, as, in Lis view it is oo longer " a roteumt wit'j d(ath aiid an agreement with hell;" but his co;ijutitor. W'enpju. l'mLLir, is di.spvaed to continue the war until the negro is placed upon an absolute jual.ty and level with the white man. lu that individual's opinion the nero i not a frccdman until he the right to vote no ui ttter whether he is qualified to duchare the elective franchise or not. At the lat I'reidc!itinl elec tion, a population of over twenty millions only cast about four miliums vote White women, mi nor t, and allen are debarred from the right of toting, yet this restriction does not deprive them of their personal liberty and other civil rights. They are none the less free thn those who vote. I'liiLLirJ, ia a soeech in Ronton a lew day no, referring to the President's Proclamation for the reconstruction of North Carolina, remarked: " it was an absolute surrender ot the helm of affiir into the tuud of Alexander ll. Stephen and h a c workers. Kecocstt uctioa on that hsis was a practical fraud noon the North. Kvery life and every dollar that bad been spent bad been utolcu from them. There was but oue way in which the people could tili hold iht Lelm of aüiir. and that was a declara tion of Ibe repudiatiou ot the ent'ie ir debts. Such a party would have fcis voice and vote-' Even our neighbor, the Journal, cannot stand thi kind of Unionism, ane it makes the follow- io5 comruenU upon rniLLirs i Co: The problem of Negro suffrage in the Souili any seem & Terr simple oae to Mr. Fhillip and bis fojlower, but if the millions of slaves who have teen emancipated by the will and ;ocr of the Nation had depended oa.puch impracticable zeilots as he for libertv, they would have re mained in boudje to the cud of their lives. The reonle an 1th Administration will c that th emancipated blacks ot the South arc not rc-eu- slaved, and if it should prove necearv to give them toe ngut or uflrag to protect their lib- irty, mcia will bo ljuni Id do it; lut iu the ab of such a necenity, the policy of mnking voters of a half million of men who Lave been reareJ in utter ignorance, and uho are totallv unacquainted with political affairs, may admit ot que-tion. The courts of the United States will be lullt competent to preserve the freedom of tho black., and will UoublIea do so. We havw given the boon of l.bertt to tnn not. W e will rrotect b m n the oriotmfnt f i a .... that liberty, which IsLmtel Fhillip w'ould not, unie-ss) he could at the arae time cive him a!iJi- i tional privileges. The brilliant imagination of the New Kug- land impracticable i lace Norlu Carol. na at the mercy of A. H Stephens, who was a d that Slate, cuL&aed withiasight of the p jt n Ltre ' this diatribe .f slaEe w uttered. ! The prorositiou of ilr. Failiip to repudiate tie public dei:, is etniaectly wouhy ! L;m. He : ia a man of wealth, but baa takeu gvod care to ! loan none of it t the Governtneut. He weg a i d.sua:onit in lr-bl. acd bis spent his breath in j denouncing Mr." Lincoln and the Unioa cause ever suice. and if the ballot was given to the j negro io day. be would fiercely oppose the Gov- f trnmetit, 0 ioat oiLer fcroui:ds, to morrow. j If - . . . ... . . I it wetadaaii such bra things abou. these) . . . , pa..a.t..ror t.the Journal would have charged that they wr luaUatlsl by sy cipathy wiih the j rebellion, but ia th a in.uuce, as iu maLy oth- era. is make, a great d.fT,. enc w bo-e ol is rored ' W ara hn ir. . r .l. . . , . ! We are b.,py to nt ce t-xt ,be Jourcal u tA- I leg a pracüeal view cf t; BeKr problem, and tne pos.tioa oi iLe new i (f. co Houbt - moves. We thai! soon expect to Jo..f. , , . t. v Jo-f 1 Sta;e K.gbts , n : - -7 . . ; nf The War Department has decided that tie comcuUtioo prie of rations while on furlouah shall be twentv tve cents t-er dav ' Dramatic ensatlon Frneirated. fTaf'Joarcal of Tfiterday contaiaj the follow fir r;enl Hovey rcrtirrd tho dipatch ao-tiniT,-ig the commutation cf Bowles and ilil lanV e: ' to imprisonment for life on Weda'-tJay mornir. bnt with strict icjut-ctio;. H atoulJ onlf b coaini'-iLitatfd to the pub ic at '.he c'.Po" cn Friday, ar ! thcr were de prived cf a wholesome hock, an 1 the puv!icof a drainS'.tc rti-tiod by tbepryicg iurioitj rf oce Jer-nii In Washington, who vratd the f .ets, Pi.d telegrsr hei them to V.r He n lrick s ,u Weii"Say afternoon. Mr. II. beinff tinder co oUI Alices t ) Af cxcy, caJc thenj pu'o'.ic." RfCtxliuai Ca tae b-jve aeut'cuL-nt. If Hue, are uL?icccssrj, s they will tvMj pugrrt themslvpi to every rt r!tVird Immtoe mind. 1 r-ere htve I ccn rainy ir.'.ir:" of reprieves rta' hi 2 the ( c :.d' CiLtd a. t'oe r! u.e f exc( u t.uu. t-'it we hive Lever herd of such .ccr.e lt.ü t fcmel.Ulei 'b create "Dramatic 4.-cauti 1 for ll Sritifil J A 11 lie I.l' 'lvs from ?inalilllr oiitli raidi 'uviLLi, Tjis.t., Jane 1, IrCZ. EMfOE SmtisrL: At this time, more thtn any other, a trip through Secessia peems to be of reculiir interest; at lea,!, i: has proven iwelf to the writer, and. bein somewhat pirliai to your i per, he has notion to give you his irn- rresri(us. It is a Urne wncu the armies o rcixmun are returning home, and meo who at tbe outlet linked their fates with the Confederate caue, are. afier four jeirä of absence and bloody war. fin lm' their way bnct to the circle of cheriehcd -ocitioii, ao kug tuioii-d. It is loucb in pighr, wheu on a train loidi with them, leadlcc tuuthwarJ. to ee them, at eich plow motion and HoJiu ot the cars alo: the roaJ. cUmberir.otTtotakethe nercut ahome from which many of them have no: receive 1 line or henrd u wor'I fjr two, three, and lour year. There is a look, upon tv.h trow, of sad nes rather thm of joy t returning. Kth cou itenitA e it JiiU aul C4ieorn, eI hibitel only in the face bv hope and tnd cheer Iudi; dc-erted. It is jui e, out true, that this expression of lon ufTeritiK is fo plainly deline a ted that even when in the attiia of a citizeu, with no other tank of thtir put vocitioa upon thern, but this one of the face, a discriminating eye cannot fail to detect the C jnfcler ite toldicr Wherever you cc him, whether artii h! coai panions in arms, or iui'nUii with thocC who hate fought so nobly aeainst him; whether at the railroad station, phaLiog hands with olJ neighljrs and irieuds; cr embracic tho-e more dear his wile and sisters every look and action peems to pay, " rtturn con'iutrrd, not a con iutror" God forbid tint such men should be trc ited harshly bv uijuat letfi'Ution. Let the forgiving hand of Executive clemency endeavor to heal rather than augment their wounds, burely they are punished enough. Without clothing, with out money, their Hvck gone, and farms in ruins, dejected ia spirit?, they return to homes that have been rudely handle! an1 in. ice desolate by "grim v isased war." The hand of art will find many ycrs of busy engagement, and mnny a bright pprinj and sum mer will brin ts foliage and ilowers ai:d ver dant lawns err the tear this war has made upon the land of the South wiil bein to prow invisi ble. Science and agriculture will find a loner and diQicull tak in btooothiog over tho ruif of this fair land, winch i erring people h ive caused to te made. . Tho les-on Ls been a terrible one and one that will inxtal ii principles for a cen tury to come. The Southern peopt areuatUfied witli the experiment ot rebellion, anO! it is not likely tint we or our children will ever luve even a shadow of anothtr. The Confederate soldiers turn with honor from the thought. They arc not deötnt or disorderly as many cor- responieutt of the Northern pre.i would have youbeliere. They d- not bout of what they will yet do to pervert Federal authority. They tako'tho oilb eagerly and are anxious to return to the dntit j of American citizens, and live quietly once more in a peaceful lilc. It is quite pleasicg to observe the poldicrs of the oppou g armies nrnglmg togethtras thouch they had never stood face to face in battle On the streets they are often together in friendly in tercourse re.Jpectiug battle-tit Ids in which they have met. Arm in arm they can be seen euler ing tbe saloons for a social drink (oldiers will drink,) to bury the animosities of the past in the sparkling tlui J ot tha"rJowin; bowl." Oa thesame peat ia the cars a Federal and Confederate mat be often seen; and more than once I have known them to occupy the oaie bed at a hotel. The universality cl this courtoy is what is most nur priiing and pleainj. Remember. I ain not epetking exclusively of Nafhville; the same is true of soldiers at Columbia, Chattanooga, Tut I ihoma. Kuoxville. Tennessee, Huntsville and Stevenco:, Alabama, and other places. If the contrary occurs, it is the exception aud not the rule. The Southern States are doing their utmost to raie something for 6ubistcuce. Their crops are & large as they could plant, though many fields are not in cultivation lor the want of suffi cient help. The Confederate doldiers have nearly all gotie to work ia earnest, though it is lamentable the crops planted arc not as much us can be cultivated, and it is now getting too late to plant more. The peaon has been very backward, but the corn and cotton are up and doing finely. Tbe former in many places has received its first and even second plow ing, and many fields of the cot ton have been cleaned and thini ed. Considerable apprehension is felt by the South ern people about the liability of the negro to become a permanent nuisance. Elated with his newly acquired frcedota, he pcema little inclined to follow the law of nature by eating his bread in the sct of hi- brow. In some communities the citizens have btcn compelled by necessity to form Vijilince'Committees'for protection against theft aud robbery. However, there are some instances where the negroes have taken pos.cs-t-'ion of their former mister's plantation, who is abject, and are making an effort to rate a crop, though the old And experienced planters in the commuuiiy indulge iu many a hearty laugh at their ideas of agricultural management and economy. In ma.Dy caaea they are yet with their old masters, s-ouae woiking for wnges, but, as I have of en been credibly ir.Iorned, generally as a mat ter of charity. The citizens manifests disposi tion to mob all guoh nuisances, acd, unless the negroes change their programme, some trouble may be looked for ia this direction. The almost universal entiment is to have them leave the country for some other land, where tl.ey will n,crpr disturb our political tab ric-. ' . There .iri now two bi before the Tenr.e-eee Legislature urnler debate tor the dis!ranch:e ment of the divloval citizens and toldiera ot the State. Oae provides for the disfranchisement of the Uadfti, and the oilier for all irho hare Ixm disloH-il during the retel!ion. Tbe H use is niore-co-ervative than wouM nt fir.-t be up- poed. but candor compeis me to pay that its ! talent is not to b? envied bv rüt Iecilature in the Union. The military here are actively ergaeed in pre pinrg to muner out an troops wnoetcrm or rryice expires before the 311 of October Re cruits to old regiment are to be formed into new one. The sMdiers are in great glee at the thought of returucghoaie Convalescents have al! been discharged and the hospitals heie are neiitlv all broken un. Your. tr'uW. W L 1 The Cbarle.-toa Courier, of the JJd say: Lat week the C!Tirer ot Fernandma. Florida, cteJ üf. Mo't Matrof that place The 'uon aa partiripated ir. by both whites and blacks. Chief Justice Chase formally performed iu dutT of weani g the Mayor into otlice. m Two pucili-i.. Trs.t at d Do mein, lately fought in Canada for $j.(Ja side, six hours the first dav. when Te-ot rot the best of it. and . : . . . i went at tt agrn the rext day, and after twentt- ti4;bt rounds. Te.sot won the pur.-e. Dome'iu burst a blood vessel and died. T, iaterfst on ?' national debt of te 1 '-'ted SUtcs is tu aal to three djllirs fvr each of tbe inh.b.taot. The intere-t of tbe debt of England is eqoaf to four dollars for every sub- fCt ul t!i crown. ."TJV.-'er4 wa?fJ"ncf the graJ re- t ä hmgtr.n. if marshaled ttirtv abreist in co!umi) W(V1,j fjft? ,iJ lhi of our army. , 1 A Mia IahxiT hs recovered $10.000 from , e -'hioago and Mdwaukee Railroad company, fvr the lo-. of a limb by a car wheel. The Txplealon nt lobl Ie-Partlcu-lart f the Disaster. A letter published in tbe New Orleans Ilea- yune, of the i'C.b, conttiai the followicg: EiToa FicaTCvr The terrible disaster at Mobile was caused by tbe explosion (probably arci iestal) ol p?rcuion shells, which were beinz ur.I fiei from crs f.t the depot and stored in the Marshall warehac?e. Five white erarloye of tl e Orl.Mnce Depart mer.t. and tt irtr colored soldiers wete in the wareho.e t t1.:-1 tiue with a comaiisjiotjed officer. As thej were all k lle 1 it will probably baler b aacxtiiued bow iL accident occurred. The New Orleans Tines tin the followlrg items of infnrmttiot. : An artillery oCicer, who artivtd froia Mbüe last ni?:U:, ?:.cs that there were bet eta two and thrw thaunand boxes of !i xei ammunicion .tored in the buiUirg. Tl amrownitioa wt 1 rouht t'.rr. fo n A'.j'i-tt, Gw jrgU, f;rr c surrei J r. :: I wa to ii ive btcn remove 1 yester day or, b4.-d !f m iu front of tbe c:iy. lie thirili th it the expto'ioti ocrurrM while prepira- lions were taking place for the trr.fer. r?pcial Iiptch LyT ?Tpb to Iba S.O. T.:i.s.; MoBILt. May 'J Küract from the Mobile Morning and Lveing News, May i : 1 ie main OrdaaLCo Depot of tlie UniteJ State force, ptifior.ed here, tin Mown op abo:T filteoti miiiutcs pirt two o'clock this afternoon, niikukg a treraead us report, and spreiding the wildot consternation thrO'igbout the city. The magazine was located in Marshall's warehouse, on tie corner of Lipscomb an 1 Comtxerce treet. The present of the city in th it neigh borhood, beggars description. Major General Grander, accompanied by Colo nel Shipley, wer;t to the scene of destruction almott before the tiring hells had ceael to explode, and immediately took steps for the relief of the pufTerers, and for the safetv of the city. The following order from him will cxpliin the course to be pursu I : HcAigt-AaTaJts UxiTro SrAiaa Forces, May 53 F. M A sad calamity ha overtaken us at an ur.ex pectei moment, resulting in the logs of many raluable liven and a great destruction of prop erty, from tbe explosion of the main ordnance depot, in this city, at Marshall's warehouse. Whether' this fcarlul calamity was the work of foul II. Cl .jdiaries. or the reult of carelessness. is to determine. Stringent measures w ill at i taken t fix the rc.-Dor.sibili' v umu the " . i - a - j - j ishnient. IJrigadier Oencral will tTiuiedifttely place guards to inuro safety to both citizens and soldier?, ind all persons are ordered to remain quietly nt horn till co further d riger is appre hended. (. Gaa.xtiKR, Major Genem! Commind;u It is iojpr-inie at prc-ent to arrive at any definite information of the enmber of lost We think, h ever, tint two red will arrcly cover the nunncr, exclusive of woundeJ. Men wrro thrown down and seriou-ly injured at the distance ot half a mile from the explosiou. Many persons nru known to be buried beneath the ruins, ana the commanding (leneral hasetn ployed ril !iv.ii!.ble labor to rescue those still alive. All the ptomii.ent huiMing', from St. Louis street up, including; Water, Commerce, and Krönt sticks, ur about completely demo! ihed. The steamer Kate Dale was lyiu at the wli rf. opposito Shippers' Tress, and, with an other steamer, was torn to pieces, and it i re ported every sou! on board of them was lo?t. The shuck made the city trtmble like an u pen, hatD every buildius u its founJation. The crash of broken gla?s was heard iu every direction, and falling walls made the earth re- souixl like the rumbling of aaeirtLqujaC. Geu. Omutr and Co! Shipley were on tbe ground immediately after the explosion took place Col. Shipley is of the opinion that there are at least f ur entire tqaires of buildings blown down. l un much pia:?e cannot be given to the oSiceta and soldiers for their promptness in being on the ground, and the aitance tbey tendered iu rc- moving tuuiy sutlerers. Y viaitrd the burning luina tbortly ntt r the explosion, in cotnptny with Colonel Shipley, and witiicsed a scene which no tongue or pea can describe, or imagination conceive. Four or five blocks, entire, were one conglomerated mass of ruins, two thirds of which were on fire, while every two or three seconds f-hells exploded, and fragments and bullets whi.-tied through the air, which prevented the bravest of men from colon too rear. Still all men did nobly. Added to the dames of demolished buildings, were burning stcimers along the levee, and from 8 0U(J to IU. bales of cotton, which rendered the scene Ptill more grand Not a warehouse ia that portion of the city waa left stiindine, aud thousands of men worked hour nfter hour amom; the debris, brinzin; forth one alter Hnothct of tbe writhing and de id vic tims. We a&w the bodies of Mr McM ihou, in ! charge of the carpenters' woiL; of the Cpuiu, Asxiftant Quartermaster, and the Purser of the steamer Lnur a, which veir-el was lyin on the maiine ways, opposite the city, who was killed while siuins at his de-k by a piece of shell cr brick. A number of bodies recovered are so burned and mutilated th at recognition is Impossible It is etim ited that the number killed will reach three hunJred. When it is takeu into consider ation that nearlv all the work ?hops, tounderies, cotton-presses, kc .which covered the vast area destroyed, were employing a large numter of j men, and from whom, so far, no accounts have I been recci veil, it will be seen that our estimate of two hundred will be below proper figures. The bell on the guard house ranj all the time of the fire. A great amount of damage is done to the city iu a pecuniary point of view. We have heard it variously estimated at from live to ten million dollars. Eij:ht squares of lare and costly buildings are completely demolished. The windows of the Cuioui Uou.-e, on Noith and lvi-t Front streets, are completely demol ished. There is not a whole pine remaining. This was ail the dimaje sustained by this building. The News office s'.iared the fate of all buildings on Koyil street, from Cot.ti to the Mobile and Ohio Ktilroid Depot, hiving its j windows knocked out, glass strewn in minute particles all over, and various pulsions blown j down. i The Tribuue building wis made a complete J wreck of inside by the entrance of a shell weih-j in about sixty pounds through the roof, which j fell ninonz the material of the office, -itu4hiii; ' things generally. ' Cab', carriage?, &c.,on Royal street were' capsized, and horse in instances fell as if shot ' dead. The ahoi'k seemed to affect the horses a great deal more than human beings. Those that were not knocked down instantly seemed etunr.ed aa 1 J paralvzed; and did not recover tor orne minutes j The force of the vhock maybe im teined, when ' it is known that a man named John Kavanausb,, a paroled Confederate soldier, was killed instut- ' tly on loird the Kate LUle by concussion. Not) a mam wa Ti9toie upon nid noiv wnen taten up a few minutes after. On Wales streit, tj.e h;s in property is im mense, llelow Si Michael street, the doors and windows suffered most continued wreck meets the eve, looking up this street, trowing more confused, and 1o:d semblance of buildings entirely as tLmod r,en. Siuarei ctaret where ! stood the magazine. Commere street, the ware ' houses and cotton sheds w hich lined the upper' portion, are now but a ma9 of ruins. j The buildicc on the corners seemed to tulTer i most, pome of them bein rszed within a few fee: j of the ground. Various crT.ce and commission houses on Frort street sutained compirativcl v i littie darnice. On the river, facials, doors ar.d windows were all smished and broiten in; but, beyond this, the irjjrv done them was tlitht. The anuuut of cotton destrovei is eti- maced at fr..m p.imM to 10.000 bales. Xearlv ' all that wa detroyei belonged to private! citizens S Jir.c Govtrnmer.t cotton was alo ' burned f The Metmers Colonel Co wie and Kate Diie i were entirely destroyed Theie were about two hundred tons of am munition, consisting of musket cartridges, cannon- pow dor. and a large number of blank mus ket cartriJct's. and a qu tnliiv of loaded shells, crape, canister aril solid shot, principally for bld at.d siege guns The acoutit of powder, reaching fully thirty ton, was contair.ed in the warehouse. It w4 brought froc: Gainesviiie, and is about ore-third of the ammLn:ti)n surrendered by the rebel Genrral Tavlor. The t. Louis Democrat sij: The da;!? ic Üu of men frona the Southern armies i ens ot the mjst conspicuous Urta ofthediv. Tbe next three months will pruhatiy witr-fH tbe retura uf froai ten to twenty tho-isnl of thea. Durinp the review m Washington the Sani tirj LVORiirOQ male their memory tragrant ty employini: about 100 rcen to Oiatribute Ire water aic-c the lit. c of carch. 1TATr. lTMl The Jorcstü of Clav couotv are literally leaded with rast Small pox h raaJe it tppearacee neir Iloyal Centre, Ca-s county. Appre her.ions arc felt of its spread. tg, i many jcrsots visltc-d the cte before tha diia-e known TL Laporta Union ttys: Tn tl's loealitr, and we believe la all the counties north of the Wbih. fruit of every kir.d. except peache-. will be abaodant, !f tbe westtrr ccrtlnues fa rorab!e. Tua Caora Daring thepat wcet the farrij ers have beea very acutely engaged ic p'owirg hii nirti rlr.ltnr VL'n l.jtn frnni rl.Vn. quarter, and f o own ob.sti th,t the h ' r "'. i was cij 11. .luiiinu iCu- ocrat. 1 he fiuit crop wilt pn b.tbly be an average, one, if it meets with r.n farther tBtfhap. The neveie frost a tew weeita irre destroyed the apples on the top branches of many trees and played havoc with the crapes generally. There will be a null crop of cherries. Shelbyvslle Volunteer. IlATnxa Heavy Mr. Wilson, the City Col lect r, informs us that the duplicate of the city tax for this year foots up between $3o.0iX)snd $30,000. or one oa each one hun Jred some two-thirds larger than hereto-fore owing as we learn, to large bounties voted by the city. Richmond Republican Thk We ath ta Caors. The weither thus far Las been very ualatcrable for getim in spring crop, in consequence of the almost in cessant rains, which has kept a ood portion of the earths' pnrface under water. There are very few farmers who have their entire crop of corn planted, and many are tot yet ukcr half through bieakinc up. but they arc horeful of a favorable pcion and latefrrts, which Would yet secure them a goo 1 crop. There are many who be lieve the reports concerning the wheat crop to be mere croaking, but there is rc.l!y go-.'d grjuad to fear that considerable less than half a ctop will br secured, many fields beiu- nearly or oute ruined, and t eurU hi pxtor t that flip 1 stoc k In vc been turned in There are mmv ; bieds that promise a .ol )itld, but they i fe at.d far between, nt !;i-; f.-.r as our .,b- AaiuTA&T Auar.-T. 0.t HAM'tn OrTUAcrs tiut or Tnr. mojv has OaiBEin DfRIN. THE ViA&. 1 I Stys the JclTcr'ijnviile Ijaiicrut: , We learn th -at on the 9;h day of May, at about : the hour of ten o'clock at night, Louis Bidder, J son of the Auditor of this county, had occid'ou to go on: into the garden at his father's rcsiJccne, i Charlestown, Itiiiara, and was halted by two j men who ii quirad the way to tta Lord. Anx ious to accommodate them.youi: 15 idger i;v: over the fence to hoiv tl cm the wa , wheu they ; prcstnted pistols to his head nd told him to make tio noi-ic. cr tli"y wnuid blow his truina out. Younj; ;d:cr H'-ktnl them what ti:ey wanted? They said he was a deserter nr 1 thev Lad come to arre.-t him. He tuld them th it ho 1 had a piss in his pocket. They taid d n tin pass they were j:oiri to take him to Louisville Your Iitdger was theu in his shirt sleeve, arid requested them to let him ;ct his coat, and let his parents know of hi rrest, as would bo uneaay.but ihev p '-iiivtlv rcfu-e l;it;dcoriiprllO'I him to walk alons with 'them to where they had hiu bed their, soru two iniie mile out cf town.iLd thru compiled him to walk neuly the whole wuy, although a-? :ire 1 Ly joung Ii .dger that he was lame, and fullering from a won1 I received iu battle. Thus in their power, thf y forced him to accom- p.iuy them to Lou : viile, where they turned him over to p ime ol the military authorities, w ho would nut take time to read his nasJi or exaoj'.r.e into the ciusc ol Ina .trreit, but crJcrei him to ' prison, without cvt-n t kin g his name. Louis H idger htdonge 1 to Com pan? D, Fourth Indiana C.ivtlrj.arjJ rejets to ihe(iet.cial Iios T . l 1 nr -. a a sr puai ai .jcnersonviuc, himi nsu a p-s irom ; Goldsmith, the Surgeon irj chr::e, to rem tin et home twenty days. After being confined over tweuty-lour hours in the Military 1'risoa in Ljuisville youn led ger was brought beforo the military authorities, and asked why be was titeie. He told them of his airtst, anil of the circumstances attending it of his having a pass wh'u li they would not : read, and of their forciug him to walk nearly the . whole way, notwithstanding hi lameness, and it raining very bird. Tu9 military authorities, after examiuin his p iss, told him lie could leave but could not inform him who the parties wne : who had arretted hiui. j 1 uken thus from his home at the dead hour ol j niphr, without the knowledge of his parents, or ' any one to communicate his where ibouw, caused the grtutest uneasiness soior " his friends, as he was known to he a very steady auJ quiet young man. It is hih time tiat sue'd hiuh har.ded out rages as the one above named, should ho put a stop to. This is only one. doubtless, of tntny 'l I i a y-v rm similar cases woicn nave taken place, uuu-ers, i or others, appointed for the purpose, thould be j very careful to arret only deertrs. All such uricsis as inu one uooe nameu scouiu u.ftliivrmMDiTi'nrvnri tup i m-c m hipctiti with the severest punishment. BILLIARDS. BILLIA I1D DEMONSTRATION OUll TOWNSM.VN, FO Flavin returns! frm his victorima to C'uciunati, ( w'.li entrrtain hii fritmls at the 1 I rjr is i: rs' v c iz . This, Saturday, Evening, June 3d, ALtd ty Mes. I'll PLAN, fiOLU fHWAtT. TiK MAN. DEKKY and ether great rdeliritis, Ccmo-cetc- I im: at i o'clock. irT3' served aeats for I.aiit-h. AbM -SSiüS J3-dlt 50 Cents AUCTION SALE. BY WILEY & MARTIN, Itrnl i:iia: Itrokeri V A nr flnnrers. NINE GARDEN LOTS flach CoHtdiiiing Two icr(s L1TABI.K FOK G AKI'FNS OR Kr.SiDRNCK.', A.T VTJCTIOs On Monday, June 5th, at 2 P. M , ors THl T LOTS ARK -1 1 1" ATK1 tf.V IHK EXTKNSloN fVtrr.nta Avecnr. outheaf of toe citr. and ueir tue tera.uu d u.e Kailroa. Ijlnir en the eat ai le of th Shelby nils C'avt 1 Ju-t br ni Ple- ant Kuu, and ar a Kui- livi- on .f tb irr-in.I htretof r knowu as tU T imer Place. Tu Lots all lie hijh and t-autifu!, an t a-e very ürMe :te. f. r ?ubnrtan Rei et ce or liarJens, beir. tui a fw ininut wa k of ihe Virl:ra A ver.u I ne ot Street Car. Sale po:tive. Traas )n-La;f caL; talatiCe in P. aui I- months, wjih inwTs. Farther partkuUra ai. ha t Tp'-n j-.-tTry at tbe r.filce i f ruj2;:;;id P..I F.ta'.e Afer.t? ACENCY. W. ELLIOTT, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMPLOY MENT AGENT, m t ill attp d to rF.ocrp.nvo wTWrr.yzy.i f a::iJ. either ia tt e e;?y r couafy. Ht w.ii p.y par.icsltr at eutlcuto reutlu? fl;pt? room? tti pro curing boarder. f"eron it-aaina; for aitaatk ea ;U do to call at k'.s eS'.ce, No. 37 iriia avenue, one-half aquaie from Wahrsten treet, wet t ie, oraJren Box IOCS. WANTED. .S7o Z? ?Z x JlONni Ajjar.: ai-ted to ae'I Sewirir ttactute. V e in g'.T Cora i-s:o i M .b t ol J, r esp'j aetts aLo will aork fr the oil a: above ages ai.d al hchi pa'd. AdJre V. Ü. UtRKlNUTO CO, ray9.:lwit Detroit, Mich. AMUSEMENTS. METROPOLITAN THEME. Cornrrcf Wathittfton mnd Ttne$$er StrrefM. nnnaztr .Mr. U . II. tiller. Saturday Evening, June 3d, 1865. THE STAiVCOMPANY "ru'vtlyrorlteLAitTlcelhls Sfjjot. WAITING FOK THE YEKDICT. J eaTte aeriwoln Puim ut A.ira. Paratt axvJ alt vraerv sats75c. Dren Circle Sfc; Private Eoxej, for !x person. 15 Ot); Orchestra iUat, "5 cent; Call rr and Fartu! Circle, 15 fni; Children In arts, CHANGS OF T1MK : Door i epen at. l' o'clock preciaely. OvsrtTJre rem. mencea at S o'clock preclselr. PAHTICULAB NoriCK.Tbe Ucr Car leave tbe Hieater every eveninir at the close of the performance. Peoplt llviog at a distarce can rtiy on this. INDIANA STATE MUSEUM, 79 Lavt Wn.lihigton Street MADAME M. A. ENGLISH PROPRIETRESS. Ojx-n for tbe reception of virltcr from 8 o'clock A.M. nttii io o'clock r. y. Threo Millions of Curiosities! Of tbe in't atnuMng an J Sn.trartiTe character, pathrred from all part of the üloh. ADMISSION 30 Cents. MADAME M. A. KNULISn, apiS-dtf Tror r'.etre!.. PROFESSIONAL. JlJZ. XCtJJ-jll, NO. WKST WASHINGTON STKFFT, rce No. ifc7 North Illinoi KireH. lndin- mar.U) tlSm O"" KUCK poli, Ind. Pit. A. . XiKL.1M., PHYSICIAN AXD SURGEON TICK SO. IO VlIJJIIilA AYKTE. KIDKNUR. tff i NOKTH AfJtRSMA M Drs. TODD & PARE, PnWSICIANS AM) Sl-KGKONs. Office No. 31 Virginia Avenue. iur C'2-tirnio nEAL ESTATE ACENCY. fiiGKernan k. Pierce. HKilj BSTATB il!Rf!V ' ... TlTM DOOT IVlJst 01 FalllU T tlOUSi ' .iti jt i ido V I ill 1 liO.; r K UAVK FOH SALE 1IOU8KS AJ?t Urt IJ8 tbe Cttj t.f indaoapolis, aud 1-aiina aud Farxu- bj nd.- In this State, and will suit oAcr thin cr y.'f j'.arrhaf4 eluwbr : it. .1!. PJCKft A 0., IRff.IL BSTiiB ABBNTS. AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, No. 201-2 North Illinois Street (iMliMllltpoliN, Illil. PETROLEUM. ) Emm ! GOAL MMUMG CO., AT iCOVINGTON. XJSTJD t apilal Slock. $3i.0,000t Divided into 65,000 Shares at $50 Each. OF INDIANA. WILLIAM DALE, rNew York, President, JUSKt'H KIS INK, CoTini?ton, Vice Fretnler.t, W. U. KuKK, cretarj, JaUks y. KlNü,Treasur-r. JT3 ix"ootoxs. JOSKI'II K. McDOVALD, Indiauapoli, Indiana. JOdN K. COrtKO. U, Hüll ii:glun. Indiana. WM. DALK, fw York City. JOSKHI W. NkWLiN, Attica, Ir.liana. JUS. KiSTIa K, Covington, nuiana. K. it McDON ALI, CoviBRton, Indiana. DAVID WMIH, Covington, Indiana. Hon Ornci: South side FuUic Square, Coring ton, Indiana. 1 III K Company holds by lase, and in fee, shout select coal tffcidy thoiiatid acres of Iba nioi-t luds iu Western laJiaua, LorJeriLg b jth aide of tL Waba.-h ri .er. Mans of these lnd tiiiv be sen at the office of the Company, InUovinifton, Ind , al tfee office of Wai. Dalo, .Vo.'Jj I'rt Place, N T.City, at the office of IJon. J. K. Ci3roth, Llutiting'on, Indiana, aud at tbe oil"., of Kicn A McDonald, lndi.r.apclis. A rtrereiico to the report of the Won. iJaviJ Dale Owen, Lie Mate Geologist, will show that taee laud, are sitnale in tte micUt of tlie Cue-t c-al f eld of tbe Slate, aboundinir aNo in salt. Iron anJ other ralumtie ttineral mbta ces. Nearihe rnoutii of Coal Creek, where tbe Company ha large quaLtit.e ol Uudi bait aater hs beu djcorered equil in ijualiy to the Kanawha. Ih.s warer wa tro cured fcome 35 year ago by Lonnj, boon ater, the On oudairi ..It fiud;n its aydoatbe Wabanh and Krie Caiial Mr. Tliotiiaii, tbe propr eu r, Luding him.-elf un -able to con pete with It, abandoned the manufacture. In his bont.fc he encountered that which recently K- . iiuru j'lwc k un; vrri iH'al Uli. 'I Tto?e lands all lie iu close proximity to Lh? WU.-h i aiKl Frie ion!, p-orue of tbem upon its bank. r. jonu icnaoomy, tLe Du:nes asen; ct ice cr:n pa: y. Lai r?tui ned from a toar of observation of the- o, refrioo.of reuiMYiTtDi, cooTiocrd bat ttie land ieaeed ! by ttie company, in Fountain ar d f arke countire, ha-, j safr as the gearal lormithin of tlK' county and tbe j urface i: d:ca:ions proer.t tbem-elTeb, a .Tclst analogy j iu the oil and mineral ubtance a fjiiiiJ on KreLCb . ! Creek, PftLSylvan a, where the greatest quantity and j tae rno-t valuable oil is fuml Mr. McManomy ha pur ' chased for tbe cumpary ll. tut approved machinery, i with all tbe lixtur4 n-ceary for operation, and in pre- t piruv' tb exppr.iT.cei worarrn th speedy develop ! of the bidden trea-cre or Ibe ULd ol tte c rupauy. . j AU tue i:Uice f coal oil, louiid iu Ix;al t;! where u I ii Wea i roctued, are 'rorely marked iu varjoua lo eal t:es of tie Ui.di e: the ccTapay anijrc. njr every rational propect o! ucce.s. Ti e conipany ttlt-ki" it un ncesary to naVe ny tber reference to the charaer r f tbe latjJ-, other than the r-p"Tt at.d map referred to 100,0)0 of tte ftock. beiiii i.Oou .bares. i prop xd by the company to be offered iu the market at '.n--half 1m par vI ;e, Lt.Lg S per Lere, for the purpose of ai'fi: tb' O:opany in peiy development ot iho land. " aprj:-dwtf DOORS, BLINDS, &C. KKDUCKD PRICKS. VAKUi:4 TATE, DOOR, SASH & BLIND -el. azz rnr aa asl No. 38 South New Jersey St., lNMlItArOL!. IND. n AVINii ou band a larjr etock or Door. Bilnüa. Sjb, i ramee, Ac. 1 a tu :i.n the ame at f reat- ly rrx'ucej pneea. Allot taj auarmractare I war;aated btb a to maVrla'a aa4 wjrraaT-h!p. f t-aler ard B:!!-r are 'icitd ta rati anil xam'r.e y ioc aLi r: e tfor pa-raa ir g elarwtere. fa I a oc of F o lag, trei-el Lcnber, VTri'ter P.oa-d!: r. MuMrf Bracket anJ other alabufactored Lu: d.n Mater-a! aiaaj. i n htr.4 Floortsg worked aad Lambr Created and aaw4 to orier. ayl-cl3a AMUSEMENTS. HIPPOOLYMPIAD. WILLIAM LAKE MANAGER. i : ; 'y2 1 .--5 I N 1) I A N A 1 O LIS. FOR TWO DAYS ONLY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. JUNE 2J kit. North of the Terre LltuJe Depot. The lul Complete Jlodern rrarellne i:hiMtion in America. TUEJIO&T SVPElUt OVTFIT. FINEST STl;D OF HORSES! riiu nr.jax i:ii a ri:i m i.LS. Beyond any other F.taMULnept. tb MOS! BRILLIANT STARS. Th (ri'ii t Cavalon d M'ill ti'wn in rand priPeio?, preceded l y the grgeoas DOLPHIINT CHARIOT, TL niOi-t mafTnificeut fjieciajen of art a'.d elaborate worVruaiKf :'p ev-r paraW'd tbe pTibl'.c, , oitai uv itr rtuiTr houses Sj.lendi.'lv caparii.daa!.i ilrixen id c r.troll.-d I y Mnjoi 31iiiv Tie lliiij i-n Lip, and parade to the piece .f exl.i bitim ainid tbe martial and operatic strain of the incomparable SsVLHi fuP.XKT KAM, led by " ar- 41". B . ff a lw .. TWO (;RNl) n:i.F0RMANCKS 4 Kadi AftTTi.ioii and Nv'Jt, c jma.ei.cii;? at Tw afd lialf-pi.-t Jveo o'clock,, I. .M. In tb-- (irud mn i K.Mn ive Combination, roue Mi ted In w hat the I'roprieti.r c'l'.m ti le THE SHOW OF THE AGE, There i no paoe in a 1'rief aiiiicutice xbe'-t to vpr-cify all the Artist.-. Tie following UNEXAMPLED ARRAY OF STARS, Will convey an i.lta f the icre? ,nd ur.equalled whde 3VEAXX.XJE JfK T.TCE, The Triraa Donna of, eqnal'y renowr.ej for ber classical and daring act of Equitation, ia how tbe bright particular star of this colo.l Exhibition. Tae press turoiikhout the roui.try hate recorded the suprem acy ef thl da-Uin Queen f tbe Cirque, who, in both Ueniii-'phen is nrknowle lged ot.apjiroachable. Tu swamp pre'eLti' n oppo'it!on, tbe maoaitement, in good faitli, offer a challenge of $ .0,000, and waiving her un disputed a the only backward female rider of tbe wur'd, we are p-epared to post th? motj'X, 'be result to be de'eruii:i-d by competent judijps.or a misctl laneoUd audience, as tie wwiid-b" competitor cboo.e. MADAME AGISTES, Tbe Queen of the Manage, ij.troduv ingtlie highly trailed, thoro:igh-bred dauc;iis horse "JOHN-STkR," and the magrr.Ccent 'American horse "MIAMI C1I1LF," a fuptrb &pecimtu of llool aal intelligence, in Averte Exerrife, or School for Liylies; also, in tae Par isian Kxerces in tbe Float. t.g Wirr. LA PETITE EMMA, The Fairy of the Areca, aad Terpsicaorean Arti.te. iier clas.-Ic poes on borsebici, aad her wonderful equipie, are equally po;tic and incomparable. MR. JOHN LOWLOW, Tbe Wit, Jeser, Ilumorisl and ClX)WK par excelleiice. A merry oI.-Lot of II ma, "a fellow of InSntte Jet, and a g:iul j, orig.oal t.ptciui'-n of tba SLakspercau LuIT. MR. C. M. CIBDS, Hi motley .v.-.-ciate and QCAlNT AND QUIZZICAL com ,-tKH. THE CELEBRATED SIG. CASTILLO, THK liftKAT 0L0BK EQUILIBRIST AXD M VITEK UU MR. CEORCE SARCENT, Tha celebrated Hi-trione Rider, repreentltg Sautical, Hythol!-r;tcal and Olympian scenes, the m-t finished a'.il grareful erc R.drr the World. THE LAZELLE BEOTHEES, ThM 'Jey DcLncatcri of theiirecian and Kornau .st.xi! r V's-. Art, exemplified in tbeir heaatifcl ili-VlC Civil pilL ifrlaLff. S. ID. BALDWIN, AKHACIAX MASTER OF THK FGYITIAX SClEXfE, ILLUSIONIST AXDTIiKSTlDIilTATKUK F.XTRACKDISAITiK. F. WOODS, J. LARUE, MASTER WILLIE Acruba'. rij:n':t, at.i AmpLitbea'ric! Pefe.-e.r ;f la Laote eco. THE STUD of HORSES Ha le:i cbo.-eu wiili uo ken care, acd In bkod, beauty, an! tralnlnsr, can defy rivalry. The Trick Horses & Educated Mules Are xnarvtl. oT e-jc'.n ajacity, fa!i.;fyirjr tbe old adaare if Stubin aa a tcble,' i oajpletely bewilder the pectator w;'b bnms-.l ke intellect and cc:nprebniUe fatile pwer. In every particular. tb H.ppoU mpiad caaju-tly c!a m tbe UUe of the IL'ITO AUIXMJ MODe.1. OF THK AGE. The pal qiine aal Mrrl-ectiLe Atiimii tte tfVbr.trl -i.c.:c! aii-h tr.ale DON CARLO, tt prwdiprrf t Dtn cennry, ipotied na leopard, and -jp nr to ail otL-r, i:. blood, yn-metry and inte'.:, iucludr.4 the wooden cf the tau'.e fiCiily, the tri? nl com c mule, IIKEXAX k SATxrJt,;ta:irPlj prr.iuLced th' Ut trai.itd a.ule in th country. At each Kah:'b:t;on, MR. Wn.LIAM laaAJKE WILL IXTIlOOrCK HI OAClorS AXPTkLKXTFD TECK HOawfcS "hKLCkPaKI-ra." AXI "WtI.L:MASTlC.M ADMISSION. r0 CTS.; CHILDREN UNDER TEN. 2i CTS. .i aw , - - r lTT " " m .t,i II BTrs. WüsTSLOW, i;Iiper1ete,l Xarse aal Fanal PbyaidaJ, affrt atteatlon of wfTkera. bee SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, Which greatly facilitate the proreaa ( laetblag. iy oftenioc tha gum, redaeiof alf laflamaBatiaa, will allay ALL fAlN atxl ipaataodic action, and U SÜRET0 REGULATE the BO WELS Pepead npou it. mother., it will Kjvr ret toyccrer and Rolirfand Ilcallh to Your Infants. W uTr up atJ .old thia article for or liOjtarr, and CAN 3 VY IN COX FI I F.NCK AND TKL'TII a'tt what we have t ever Wen able te ay of any other medicine HAS IT VAILKb IN A SINULK IXMTAKCJC TO KKFKCf A CUKK, when timely nwsl. Xter did we know an lnsta: ee of d.sU-factloii t y any one who uaed tt. On the contrary, all ara delighted wlib Ita opera -turn, and epeak in terma of comruei datlon of It magical eft or i and medical virtceh. Me peak In thl matter "WHAT WK IX KXOW," arter 30 yeara eiperienc. AN I'LJ'.IXIK OLK RF.rtTATlOX FUK TDK I ULTIL MKXT OK WHATWK HF.RK IXCLARD. In almost every instance where the fn'atit 1 o"ent.g from pain and exhalation, relief will be foond tn fifteen ertweatfy ml' ut-. after tbe ayrnp i administered. Full direction forming- will accompany each battle. None genuine onlea tbe fae-nimlle of Ct'kTI Jk FRR KINS. Kur York, 1 on th ontelde wrapper. Sold fcf Drngfltathroujhoit the wetld. Price only 35 Cents a Cottlr. The riorence Nightingale of the Nursery. Tie following is an extract from a letter written by the Hev. K. Z., to iba Uerauan Keformed Met enger, at Chambershurg, Fa.: A BENEFACTRESS. There it a womaa in the public eye whoae came haJ all aloLij been aactated. in our mind, with tha 'Tan- kee, yuack." and - tloatbua;." But It ia no longer, and w omire to wrt ber name from all auch cplcioui associations in all other mindi. Whatever notiba wa may bava of womanly aelicacr and propriety, wa will all aJuiit that woman alona U the Xure the good Ntr-4 the bt Nure. Whether we hall have Femala Fh.hician or not. Is a c,netitn which muat be decided by time and priDciple. ffnd not a mat terft ante. Pride, pre,cd:ce, caprice and cn-tJm uiay aa well behave them selve, for if there U really a want, there will aloo be a eupply; if thera be a calllng,, thera will t a coming. Nature and banian aociety are alwaya aelf-i.upplylng, ani thou;h Art and Fashion niy hinder, they cannot prevent. Mr. WinMow doa not wiob to treat you gBt!aaaai Xordoea .te preecrlbe a regimen for your wie; but -be rnodeaily appeara as a mewenger of health and hap. pines to ycur lhfanta in the cradle la there anything imprup r In thatT A Xurae of "SO yeara experience can boldly aay w bat la or la not good for a babe, and ought to be listened to. God a-eed her on her humble and happy mlealon. Kbe lathe tnoataoeeeatnl pbyal. ciau aud raoni effectual bebefactrasa our litüa anea Ter eiijoyd ber doting pareuti not excepted. Jat open the door for Mra. Win.iow will prove tbe Aniar iTan Flor-tct Mgbtit.gale of the Xurery. Of thiae are o aure, that we will teach ear "Suay" to aay A blessing on Mra. Winlow" for helping hertosurriv and escape tbe griping, colickii.g and teething iege. We contlrm every war4 aet forth In the rroepect a. It perforin precisely what It p'ofeoaea to perform, tvery part or it nothing lea Away arltS ywur "Cordial "I,atTic,,"lrop,LaldaIlUm,,, and; every o'her ' Nareotic," by wbKh the babels drugged into atopidity and rendered dull and idiotic for lite. ' We Lae rever md Mr. Wuj1ow Llow bar oaly throna-h tbe preparation of her "Soothing eyrap for Children Teething.0 If we bad the power wa would maae Ler, a she l a physical aavlor to tha Infant race. llff. If : 1 1 la x.nai 'nmfnrt .iloilir and Child. to Mk8. WIXBLOlf'g OOTHiya TIIÜP far ehlUr. teethina;. .often tha ran, relocea Inflamiaatloa, al lajs all pam, and cures wind cholic. I'erfctJj safe In al!cate. We would lay to every mother who baa a naflerit.g child, do not let your prejudice, nor the preju dice" of others, tand betweo you and yoir umring child atid tbe rtl -f that will be aure ye., abv,lita .Be to follow tbe ue of thi. medicine If timely ud. IX)N'T FAIL TO fKOCCRE Mkl. KlNKbUW'd notJTHix.i stkuf, forctildre-itentlrg. Itbule n ed for 3d year, with never falling aalety and cocea by tnilliocB ot rootLera foi their children. It correct, aridity of the stomach, relieves wjt.d ch ilic, regulatea tb' bowel, inj fivei reL hea th andeomf rt to Mother ar d chnd. Ofi.ce 5o. 4 Day .treet, New Tork. L) XOT LF.T TOUR rRKJCDICK STAND kKTWKKN your .u?Terir;, ctil-i aud the relief that will be abaolute- xVJr nU,W,k,BM!('r wl-SLOW.H SOOTH- !2 a&?F- " Cfrrects t the stomach, rebeve. wind cholic, reu .tr. tL howrU, aoftens the aruara fs ret to the aotherad health to thechild Tbe f .l.owjcg 1. a eatract frota a letter written by tte Lev J. a Ho.m., p,.tor cf tha P.errepott etreet Baptist Church, Brooklyn, f. y.. to the Journal aod 3fes- Bgr, Cincinnati. O , and apeak solumea in tavor of that wcrld-reneMd medicine. MK.. W5SUJW5 SOOTHING HTP.LT.FORCHILLRFX TKKTHIXG: "Vte.Mint'lviiiM'iMrt.i iu your colctntit of MkS wlWW1 MiOTIilMi fTBVP. ow,w ctver aid a wrr ia favor if a pa'e'.t lefore ia ocr life bur we feel c. ap-l'.ed to say to oar re.aera tt at th a la n Lava tried a. and kbow it to ba ail tt claims, it is probably ol o' the mot iu.cceirul BaJi. elDes of the day. becau it on of th boat. And tho.a of your reader wfco bave babtea eanM do tetter tba: lay in a supply' SPECIAL CAUTION. The great popalarl'y . f Mr. Window's Soothlac "jrup, for children teetbtg,baa tndacod unprtncpai persons to rut tp artkres tc be cied foT the am pur pe, in aivertuicg which they bate net euly copied our advertisemettta aod not ces from the pre. a, but kaa eoplad cer'tncaiaa aal ieuara ftova ciergyaoeu avt.4 atQera,aima; otbar aaaa U tt ttlolca canlflcattt. feawars of all 1 suits tor a. suarT-laaiA wm-la MEDICAL J