Newspaper Page Text
DAILY SENTINEL ihowH considerable -talent and I ! for the most rUirc Cio in (If courrdl of jute. This vear h replied to X. Thier with great violence. Tbe newspaper discovered bis circular io wben be wu a etndidate for election, which wer M violent in favor cf Republic at be ia cow io ftror of an Empire. This publication hat com ptttely discredited Lim Io ted oat of the Ifgitlt live body. " ......... WATCH CC. MEDICAL. INSURANCE. ony GOODS. pcTnoLcur.i. American Watches. Losses Paid in 46 Years . . I i ; i SATUBDAT UORNINÖ. JUNE 3 - - OVER n H CD K p; o Com in töw 711gsatCalna Deep. mi ni kb ha or sarxira. Com Is tb Bigbt-ealsa deepf 1 - Dar Ii a g, wy l'ngeresi? 0aa hat ta io to rest, C! asa tb world's eye pr1 'Rob ort aa aü ll bat Leve ew sleep. Darllrf. wby tareren? '. tun Mr ar learning bliebt; , afi gü4e le la I gat; w,t,o, hw ;ft her E.ghU Partlrg-my darling, theo fly to my brest' G9n ku tb ran to rest! Wilt thea Lot trut the tVam That throwgk tb Bowersdoth stream? 1 me 1 tb fair moon's bearol Fearet thoa, darling, cd Lot' breast? CIom ar tb world's jh prest? lüvtoa and blooming tre Slumber w dreamily, Brtatbiess earth eema to be Only Lot Jeoki n tb loved ooe ret AIS, e.1 tit Lov aw aleep! ... Tb acila everywhere Hark to tb night-bird the:, . Hafk to i Voka'a prayr Da'Lng, O, com to tb rjight-ea!m deep DR. JOHN BULL'S THE FIRST NATIONAL . REAL EOT ATE DROKERO. ÄTNA BUILDING, INDIAHAPOLIS. k. : e. , T COTIPOIJD a- it - w mnm 0 5 e-H 7 T .I GH FIAT rUEtlI OUATUUS. 71. 71. Tblert Jnlei S!are and .Yf Kmile Ollivier. Paria Correspondence 5ew Orleans P.cayuce.J Deadacsona wm right when she looked for Othello in bit mind rather thin in bis body. The body im the least part of us It ia frail in early youth, decrip id lu ige, ofteo ailing, a Eicted with many wasts, lull I weaknesses, "Thou trem- blcat. kaate," aid Ileory IV. to bis body, "what will tbou do present 1 j when I carr? thee into danger!" Frederick the Great co2Vd at the eravo mast with eimilar scorn. Time has little effect oo tbe atad which contemplates dangers unmoved, which coort perils, which depie Detb a it gates on Eternity. The body is as coihiog. It ii the worthiest cktt which. appearances be what they may. bold a diamond. ot a pearl, or a pebble, or only cobwebs. Tbe French Legislativ e Chamber illustrate this truth by striking example. It orator are z'ntlemen appareutly uc. fitted in every way to fill tbe ora tor' part Mjüi. Thiers h physically not one aiogle attribute of the orator. iii voice m wretched; it ia more like a caterwaul thau an crator'a ÜLSttumeLt. lie has cot commanding stature; be i hört, thick, and is infelicitooly like Punch, and he wear spectacles; in other word, he bu ce'ther voice nor ecj Yet be is the moat efficient orator in the Chamber. The audience hang upon hitn as they hang upon no one ehe, the OoTernment orator not excepted Hi body fails him, bat his mind prore all in all. Second to hira is M. Jules Favre, and never did the genius of elixj'ience lodge in so uu proaijing an edifice. ilubeu wax ugly, but be was ao uaj'y to b dramatic. M Favra is vul ' g ar io hi ujlines. In oM timex bew.isctri catured by being represented as a c ibriolet' top, for the strange dt prtitj of hi lace in the cen tre gives bit profile tbe odd appearance of a cabriolet silhouette. His he id iatiotalirge one, and it aeeiu puiIler than it is by the beard he wear under hi tbiu. lie is not a u old mn. fifty at the vuishJ. Hm hir is iron titty, far few men hive labored as htrd as be basdotie. The expre-fiou ot hi fce is not attractive; his wbol life peems to pis away within; he i re erved, eel! concentrated. A Fienchman speak ing of hij face, lid e da tent Urenferme. Add tbe green goggles he commonly wears, and a Yoicenot only s unmusical na M. Thier-', but rendered disagreeable by a nervous hem hem hem. which periodically retires iu hi speech Such is the external man; nevertheless he it) a great orator, and bis history is an instance of the truth of the old brovecb: I'oets are born, ora tors are made." . He made that rebellious clay yield and bear tbe orator. It is tid that lor years be would Ubor to acquire perlect command d word, that bij thoughts, even in their most deli cate shade, might be conveyed tu the hrartr clearly and full ot ptscion.if thj occaioo re quired it. To prevent deep from oppreding hioi while purtoing this object, he would walk bare footed iu cid winter, m the brick fl.ior of hi chambar b uul wealthy;. At lh i:um- mencemeut ol i i- career ft hii atirocite, he would write out in extenso all of bis petvües -ix orseveuur eiglil lime; but he would not comtn t theui tu mernorv. It i- ?--ai i (hit he retairta th 9 practice even to tlie pre?tnt day It u by this ioce4ant I.tbr by thi rcatiedsne of pertVcliou thai he, bis attained the consummate skill r e po"4es?ea of titfing- everything, even thinH which it ia crtotiual to cay, by u-iug lanuae more moderate than the eaergctK ideas coiiVej cd; of beiiij fall and not verbose, elegant and not affected, finished but not rhetorical He almost always wears a rust? bid black coat with ehad bellied tails lie never wear gloves. Iiis ap pearance is not tidy ; his hair is uncombed, ex cept by bis finger; his clothes do rot fit well; he wears them badly, and bis whole appearance i alouching. He rarely wears green goggles now ia the Chamber of Deputies. When he rises he thrust a hand Into hi breeches pocket, and iu the most phlegmatic mauner he looks around bim without faying a word. He seems at a los how to begin. Speaking seems a ptinful labor. Tbe words come slowly. There are more hem hem hem than words. Those who know M. Fane boat say that all this effort is intentional. lam not so aure of it. By and by tbe vis inertia is overcome Theuern Arm are rarer The fluency is greater. Oj tne chariot roll with it weight of argument", nud now the axles cease to creak. They grow red hot with tbe rapid motion. The roice ceases to be disagreeable. The man un dergoes a transSgnraiiou, such as the staiued glas" Untern exhibits when the inner lamp is light; what was uniformly black now shine with a thousand colors. The rulgar plebun has be come a great orator. Another orator ia M. Emile O'.livier. All eyes are directed to him now, for he is in the air. and nobody know where or how be wilj fall. He. too, wear rpecucles. Inu't it a lit tle strange that tbe three ihiefe.-t orators of France at this moment should wear that in-aru ment which puses for ote ol oratory's chief ene miea? M. Ollivier is from Marseille. He looks vary inch a lawyer, a he is, lor he had no pat rimony, and all hi income be draws from the bir. unles be retains MO portion of the dowry be received with hia wife, who wa Lilt's daugh ter, and who died before the firt year of ber married life expired Her dowry must bve been considerable. He is careless iu bis attire, but nat; it i the dr of a man too bu-v to give thought to hi appearance after he has sati6ed himaelf that it is clem and not threadbare. Hi. forehead i not high, although evidently he baa a teodeocy to baldueas; he is tall and thin, but without that mark of blood which characterize the de-cendant of ancient family; his ejes are dull, even under the ulasses, by protracted vi il over bock; hi eye brow are knit by the babit of thought; his lips are thic k and m bile; his complexion is olive; his nose is thick; his voice h the Kouthern acevnt; he make few ges tures; he was at one time ardent, vehement, brimming with pas-ion; be is now tbe mister, not tbe slave, of speech; 1 has ewvo lesa of u orator and more of a logician; he ha le pas sion and more reason in bis service Our politi cal tMthaeT are buy ea-iing bin horoscope There are many per-ots who believe that he will end au adherent to tbe empire. There are others who think be wilt retaiu an independent rofitiou accupjirg the place which used to be called the centre, that i Ie cou.-ervlive than tbe riut centre, ar.d more conservative than tbe left cen tre Other apain predict tint t.e will, another prodigal son. return to the Democratic party; this event they j, redid a? liktlv to occur on tbe ve of the next ceneril electkoi. Hd the Duke de Morr.v lived 2 have littV doabt that M Oilir er would have occupied the ceutre. and formed the tt: t; Uadar of patty which woa'd, in tbe rourre of time, have rown into gret po'itl- Ctl iapcrtaLce. The Duke de üorej, tbe Dakc Je Fer.i:ny. M. Emil de Girardin l- .uerroraiere were actively engaged organiz ing this party when tbe fir-t named gentleman died. It 14 ui,JeT:o,d tha Kmperor looks favor ably upon it. The f arty setai to want some head pmsea;ns tbe phi0n at.d experiecce of de Morny, and for lark of thia leader, able to dicipliue the party, to check th ambitiou of these atid to reatrain tbe icipiticnce of those, i: seems likely to break up be ore it ia tormrd. We have seeo ooe government speaker rained aioce the es!ou began. Lat year AI. Tbudler. a councillor of sute. rose suddeolr Into h'srh favor bj the cerit of the reply he nude to M j Thiers. Indeed, kbroughout the ioo ha I 2k fcs Jaly?7-dly A CARD TO THE LADIES DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS, FUR rKM AI.ES. Infjilliblc In Correct I tiff Irrcun luritle, Kcmo vi ng Obstruct Ion or the Itlonthly Turns, from Whatever Cituc. tutd Always Succefiil as a rrcventatlvr. And tb"onlr anre" and CERTAIN REMEDY for all tho afflict r complaints o peculiar to tbe sex, wheth er "raarrted or sing a." Tbe Pills ars nothing acw, tat hav bectt jaeed by tb llc-ctor for maoj Jarn, both la r-ratice and Amer ica, with unparalleled voccen !b every case; and be is orged by man j thousand Ia4ies wbo have used them to mak tb Pills pnbhe, for the alleviation of those auf feting from axiv trreguiarllira whatever, aa well aa to prevent aa Increase of family where health will net fermlt it. r males peculiarly situated, or tbose gujpo Dg tbenaelvea so, ar cantiooed againRt Boina tbe !lll wbiltn that comtitibo.aa tk proprietor aaaames ao responiibility artar tbe above admonition, altbouh tbtlr mildness wonld preventaoy kiolKbtof to health. ütberwi tb i ills arerecorumebdecl. Full and ?plicit dlrectioas accompany each box. 60O0 0, BOXES HAVE BEEN SOLD IN TWO TEARS Ten thousand boxes sent by tetter, both by myself and ateat. to ail parts f tbe world, to wbich answers have been returned. Id which ladies say nothing like tb above rtl'i bare been knwo sine the sCiKNCK OF MKDI CINR DAWNEÜLH1N THE WORLD IN REMOVING OB TRCCTiONS AND hKSTOkQ NATUhKlO ITS PROPER CHANNEL, qnletlnic tbe nerves and reform? tbe "rosy color of health" to tbe cheek of tbe most dell Cat. PRICE 9 lOO PER BOX. f!X COXES for IS 00. Sold by all DraiUtj, and by the following Jobbing and limn Hoaxes, Agents for Indianapolis, Indiana: (l.adie, by sending f I, can procure the nils, sent con fldentUllj by mit, and without observation, to any part oMb citv or coun'ry,) and for sale by TOMLiNSON A COX, No. li, Ea-t WashinKtan street 8 TEW AKT A MORGAN. No. 40, East Wa.-hlnirtoii street. W. I. 11 AS KITT k CO., No. 11, West Washington treet. H. H.LEE. Noa IS and 20, Bat s Block. J. t. MKNOCR, No. 6, Bates lioase Llock, and by DAILY, KI.EFI.ll V KI SII, Wholesa DruRsists, No. 73, Sooth Meridian street. G. S. LACET.GeneralTraveling Agent for the Western State, 16, Dearborn street, tbicsso, Illinois. N. B. None Genuine unlehs tbe box is timed "A. D HOWE." jau31-dlyeod MEDICAL. EElkW T.IQUff tJCCALL FOU A CIKCCLR DESCRIBING ALL STMfTOMS.-J SYMPTOMS: The syroptoms of Catarrh, as tbey generally appear, are at first very altgbu Persons End tbey have a cold, that tbey bare frequent attacks, and are more sensitiv to tbe changes of temperature. In this condition, the nwt may be dry, or a kliftht discbarge, tl.ln and acrid, aflerwarda becoming thick and adheiTe. As tbe disease becomes chronic, thr discharges are Increased in quantity and changed in quality; they are now thick and heavy, and are bawked or cvug bed off. Tb secretions are of fensive, causing a bad breath; tbe voice is thick and na sal; the eyes are weak; the sense of the smell is lessened or destroyed; deafness frequently takes place. Another common and important symptom of Catarrh is, tbat the persoa is obliged to clear bis throat in the morning of a thick or slimy mucus, which has fallen down from the bead during tbe nicht. When this takes place tbe per eon may t sure tbat bis dtvase ia on it way to th lungs, and should lose ao time in arresting It. Tbe above are but few of tbe many Catarrh sympUms. A Single llottls will Inat n .Tlontli-to be uaeat three times a day. TESTIMONIAL From Hn. Themas J. Turner, Ex-Member of Congress rom Itlioios, late Speaker of tb Illinois House of Rep resentatives, and Graad Master of A. F., and A. M., of the Slate ef Illinois. FaiaroaT, October 21 1863. Pa. D H. SatLia Dear Sir In reply to your notice of tbe li'tb in., I would ssy that I was severely afflicted with Catarrh for years, when I becsme acquaieted with you and bought two bottles of your liquid Catarrh Rem edy. Before I had used on bottle I was seoil ly im proved, and before tbe second bottle was finished, ws completely cured. I can recommend the med ein to all afflicted with Catarrh. Kespectmliy verra, THOMAS J. 1 URSER. Dr. 1. i. si:clvc aV CO. Sols Paoemirroaa, Chicago, lllinola. AT WHOLESALE BT JOHN U. PA RR Cincinnati, O. WM. JOHNSON..... Detriot,M ch. DAILY. K FER A RUSH Indianapolis. BKOWMNO 4 SLOAN Indianapolis. JaaJfAnd for sale by all Druggist. dec 13-d Ijeod Voting JleuS letliral Atvier. C"a 1ATTITOC3 advice gien ia diseases of tbe ner JT voos semlnsl.'y and reical organs, ia the reports of the Western Medical Association, which art ent by mail in seale.1 of chare. Tbe rganliatton was formed to dispense new andre liaMe treatment, and it compoed of the well known phictans,te wama all letter mast be directed. DR3. JACKSON, HERBERT A CO., 3-tly Bx at CinclouatLO DOCTOR BIGELOW, . Ofiee 179 South Clark Street, Xrar of Mooroe, cTfr.lfff, roet OSea Box. 1M. All Oimoic an i Sexu al DeaeM t f a Privat and Delk-at Natur, treated miU anraraj teld sacceaa. Dr.Bir L'Ws Ouid t5 H.aUh, rr la. iiea and gentle men, it publiahed m -nthly. Feudlritif y. thi&k the wTitinct of a physiciaa wno rt pntttlon xtenla tbruugkoot Lb nur West should t worth teadiDg. It it sent in plaia sealed snvel f es, free of charge. Almost vary case caa b treat ed by mail. sent to any a 1 Jres. Ladiea, aend Sw deecri- tiTt ;rcular cf tritarxt Kewudt, tha latest aed t"it prvntat.'v ef cvatrapiioa kauvn. Rooms Separata foe Ladies and Genüsrrtn. CONSULTATION AT OrTXCJS, T XXL Omca II ocas -Frxa 9 a. au t . at . peratorTkora cr NerVvaos DelHIty, a cura warranted. l'HIVATK DINKASDi. DR. COLT OCR, MEDICAL OFFICE NO. C3 SOCTH Meridian Street, forfeits t s fee if he fails in cur lt aay caa that asay coti wader bis car, c matter bow bsuaat r Uag atandicg. II warrant yea a cars. Syphilis, la tha primary stags, helped la 3 Bio ta. cured to 14 bears. Qlet ef 0 years Unding rd by Dr. C. 'S"c Knr T to 1 P. kf. -rV 111 I JM a ww .sav n BUY A GESCTNE WALTIIAM WATCU if yc v a durall aud reliable time-Leper. BUT A GENUINE WALTIIAM WATCn it ccaU H-a. and it worth double tbe price f the worthless ng!I and Swiss watches. GENUINE WALTIIAM WATCfIE3, raad yr for BaOroad Emy'ew and CnJirtjri. GENUINE WALTIIAM WATCHES, mad express' fir Mi er henry huotin? -case, accurst Urae-keepcrv We gr t tir Watche iirrt from tb manufactory, an kep not but th jenuine. to INGLE WATCn ES S ENT TO SOLDIERS or otkei la wLt cf a time-keeper, at tbe lüwct joatibh) rate". The tiad supplntd at fax tory prices. Svbd tor a ci.'.ar. ' &U hav a laxga varir-ty of low prKsl Sws Watcbe. Pin Jewelry and Solid fiilv.r are W. P. BINGHAM Ä CO.. 50 East Washington Street, Near Odd Tellowe lall. PROFESSIONAL. jz m o v a. . Doctor Will. THOMSON, HAS REMOVED IIIS OFFICX FROM VIRGINIA AVENUE TO No. 29 South Delaware Street, WnKUK UK WILL CONTINCK to treat and cure Private Diseases, in all their species, tage., ramiCcaiions and phases. Dr. Wm. Thomson will give to each patient a written instrument, binding himself to eflect a radical and permanent enre, or make no charge. Ir. Wm. has made tbe treatment tf Private Dbeacs a specialty since tbe year ISSI three yearn in tbe city ot Buffalo, N. Y . , eifcbl years iu Chicago, 111., and twuyear iu Peoria, 111. During eight years practice In Chicago, III., be cured ever thirteen thouaiid cases. Dr. Wm. Thumnon, in bis practice fur Scrofula, Rheu matic and general diseases of tbe blood, a Fumiga ting Vapor Bath of the most ingenious kind, in conjur.c tiou w ith Internal treatment. SEMINAL EMISSION'S, the consequence This i-olitary vice, or depraved sexual indulgence, is practiced by the youth of both rexes to aa almost un limited extent, producing with unerring certainty tbe fallowing train of morbid symptoms utiless combated by scientific madkal measures, viz: Sallow countenance, dark spots under tbe eyes, pain iu tbe head, ringing in the eirs. and uoUes hi.e the rust!in of leaves and rat tling of chariots, uneasiness about tbe loins, weakness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted intellect, loss of con fidence, diffidence in approaching ttrangtr, a dislike t form new acquaintances, a di.-poit on to shun society, loss of memory, hectic tiufbes, pimples and various erup tions about tbe face, furred tongue, ulgLt sweats, fetid breath, cough s,conumpt ion, monomania, aud frequent ly insanity. The aölicted, ou the first ap pearance of any of the above symptoms, tdiouM immediately apply to Dr. Wm. Thomson for relief. Hjjr0i?ce ad Consultation Rom No. 2H South Del ware street, Indianapolis, Ind. P. O Box 16.V;. Jau2-dly MEDICAL. MAN H! OOD! How Destroyed, How Itestorcd. Or. i. . IKiOKKV, Physician and Surgeon, No. 24 1-2 E. Washington St. IN CONNECTION WITH THE GENERAL PRACTICE of Medicine, I treat by a new and reliable medium, and with the happiest results, all forms of diseases of the Nervous, Seminal arid Urinary and Sexual systems. Young men with hollow cheeka and pallid countenance, telling in fearful language the silent working cf some formidaVe disease undermining your constitution, mem ory and reason, hurrying you to a premature death, re flect wbiie reason holds away and avail yourself of a treatment that diaMpates the slightest disease, and cures the harrassing weakness and other causes of seri ous difflcnlty and perpetual annoyance. Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Notturnal Emis sions, geical lability, impotency, Kfiecti of Self-Abuse, and their results Inability to Consummate the Marriage Contract, Mental and Physical Prostration, Epilepsy, Insanity and Consumption. "The foe. Like a tanncb murderer, steaoy to bis pnrpoee. Presses bins close through every lane of life, Nor misses once the track, but presses on, Till forced at last to tbe tremendous verge. And at once be ink." Likew se, I will guarantee a radical cure cf Syphilis, Gonorrhoea and Gleet, in all their stages entirely re moving from the blood tbe last spark of these terrible diseases that sa gradually burn up the fountain of life. Diseases and Conditions Peculiar to Females. The beauty and extreme delicacy of th femal organ ization, to say nothing of its physiological characteris tics, are tufficient indications that it is ub ect to forms of d:eae and modifications peculiar to Itself. Tbe physician of the present day does net encounter any more foin of ut-rine diaes thau did th ah v.iciaa ef fifty J ear- ao; but owia to th present eocial condition of woman, her disease are increased to frequency . and to tbe trmh of this acsertioD tbe melancholy deaths by consumption bear tuple witnesa. At the American Dispensary we treat by a new method, aud with the happie.t reulu. Prolap aus Uten, (falliug of th womn,) Eruptions of tb Saia, Chlorofis, or Green Sickness cbaracteiiied by yellowish, dirty green pallor of the surface; Kmansio Meimu. tr absent Menstruation; Amenorrhea, or Ke tetition of the kne; Dysmenorrhea, a paiuful and diffi cult Cow of the Mrne-; Menorrhagia, or profuse Men struation: Leuchorrbea, or excessive and altered secre tion of the mucus generally white, or nearly coloress and traneparent. Header, I bare given yoa a class of diseases that ar met with in Female of all ages, whether married or un married; and to married Females would say that there are many othi r forms of diseases peculiar to your sex diseases of Pregnancy, Parturition, and Lactation, of which pac will cot admit ao elucidation. I omit It for the council chamber, adding but ene more disease to this list, and tbat is a formidable one L'lcers lioo ot the body cf the Uterus. V you are aS.cted with organic weakness, or atv as semblage of murb:d phenomena cf this cha acterj you have no time to spare, but at once apply for md cat a d. If !' late to arrest the disease, it is at least possi ble to palliate the symptoms, add thus smooth th path way to an untimely grave. lu a majority of intances these diseases have mads considerable progress the pai er.t becomes alarm e!. la some cases an emaciation 1 the first lndKaiior that attracts the attention of the patient's frisnds. Alc" here, reader, let me call yonr earnest attention to tha fearful "lynificance of the word "wasting. " It not only constitutes the leading featcre, but the earliest and mt cmiaccs symptor uf Conts:p:ion, exanp'.es cf which are invariatly met wiih in yoacg ladiea who a- ar.fted with high lateKectuat endewmeats, reflne.5 ac- cs-np'ihrafcts, ar.d eyes Ctfhing with cncatural bril liancy not regirJiLg (h iodk-tins at being those f incipiei.t disease, bat those ot ptrscual charms. Trr.e, al! tbe poet sics 'X'ocsurxpt'ons' cheek ne'er locks mere pure. And lovely, than when pat all cere, Aal yet that biowm, so freh so still, II aa lent its fleeting aid te kill. And speaks, to those who wttch Its hue, (f a ckness, dea'b and suffering too; Thoach who, jast viewing errtt so fair, Cocld dream deatb was tkere" Address P. O.Eeilttt. TCpOSce htMirs from S A. M. t 4 P. M. Room No. 21s East Washington Street, India ca polls, Indiana. fetltj-dly maaiiiamwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaai awawawsi saw awawi aw ai mm aa amw awaasa awawa ami aw awaawai taw aaaammmmmai bbs bs awl aw, aa m Or. A. O. GAIilj, No 65 North New Jersey Street ctS'ea diy CEDKON BITTERS, The Latest and Jl oh l Im portant Oincovery OF TBI NIXETEENTfl CENTURY ! ! ! 5o cian's name Is taors Intimately connected with tbe history of MATERIA MEDIC A of tb United States, or more favorably known aa a pioneer In Medical Discovery than that of Dr. John Bull, ol'LouiMvillr, Kentucky. His lnJmitabl preparation ef SAltSiAPAII IjA has long stood at tbe head of the various com pounds of tbat valuable drag. His Compound of WILD CHERRY has bocome a household word throughout the West and South. His Worm Loxeu ges, in le8 a year alter their introduction, attained a reputation As wide spread as the continent of North America. Rut the crowning glory of his life remains to be attained in bis discovery, or ratber combination, for be does cot claim to have been the discoverer of fF.UICU.'N which is tbe basis of tbe Bitters now offered to the pub lic. Tbat honor beionirs to tbe native inhabitant of Central America, to whom its virtues have been anovm for more than two hundred years. Armed with it, the Indian bids defiance to tb most deadly malaria and bandies without fear the most venomous serpents, ltls a belief with them, tbat while there Is breath in the bod the Cedron is potent to cure, no matter what tbe Isea may be. While Dr. Bull ii not prepared to endorse this estravn gatit pretension, he is nevertheless satisfied frcm a thorough examination of the evidence relating to its virtues, that as a remedy an I preventative of all dis eases arising from expo.ore, either to change of weather or climate, or to miasmatic influences. It stands WITHOUT A RIVAL! Au'i jiiKtly deserves th repntation it has so long enjoyed in Central America and the West Indies. IN DYSPKPHIA And its attendant train of eymptoms, it acts more LIKE A CHARM than a medicine. There Is nothing In tbe whtde range of Materia Medlca that can for a moment tear a comparison with it in thi disease. A full account of this w onderful plant may be found in the 1 Ith edition of the U. S. Dispensatory, page and 1338. A series of experiment In which Dr. Ball has been for years engaged, has Just been brought to a successful termination, and be is now enabled to offer to the public a combination of CEDRON with other approved tonics, the whole preserved In the best quality of copper dis tilled Bourbon Whisky, wbicb be is confident has n equal in tbe world. Be might furnish a volume of certificates, bnf ab lie have long since learned to estimate 6Ucht.-.o their true value. The safest plan is for every one to te for himself th virtues of a new medicine. tiivR -rni OEDRON BITTERS ONK TRIAL, AND TOU WIJ L NEVER USX AN OTHERS. It is not necessary to publish a long list of diseases for which tbe CEDRON BITTERS are a specific In all dis eases of the Bowels, Liver or Kidney. Iu all affactloBS of tb BKAIN. depending upon derange ment OF THE STOMACH OR BOWELS; LN GOUT, RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA, AND IN FEVER AND AGUE. It is destiued to upercd all other remedies. It not only cures these di.eaes, but it prevents them. A wine glas of tbe Ritters, taken an hour rere each meal, will obviate the ill effects of the most unhealthy climate, cd screen the person taking it against disease ualer the most trying expo.sure. Sold br Druggists aud (irocers ien. eralljr. Dr. JOHN HULL, Principal Oifce, Fifth Street, Ixmiirrl ., Ky. SOLD WHOLESALE BY DAILY, KEEPER & RUSH, 73 outu .Tlcrldlan Irrel INDIANAPOLIS. Who also sell BULL'S SARSAPARILLA. BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, SMITH'S TOKIO SYRUP. Kenember DAILY , KEI'.r LU A HVU 4 clt'-d 1 r w liteea. Erected 1859 Owned by the Co. NUT JSSETS JANUARY. 1865, $3,677,362,71. avic;atioi uiks Aeencies in all the principal Cities and Towns ia tha United States. JTT" Applications for Insurance will be promptly at tCLded to. ABROMET & BRADSHAW. mchlS-tii-dly INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. Has no ookxectio wrm ajtt ctht.k. mmin atENT of tha same name, in or out of Imli-xnapolii W. & H. QLEOT. Prcprieton DRY GOODS. 9 CO O O O to G .1-4 u p o si Si Oj o 3 o o o a. C A O 8 5 C 5e o S. L. h 5 c 1 y aw C 0 m Ö a o to o o o m CO O O O m 00 a o 41 3C J. -5 t UsS -ID: 4 a a e Ü a r a o P to ei aw -3 I 03 it Ü a H 0 M CS s as sw Z 0 i a H 03 Ä ai o . -Z a. z es t. s. e s o 9 CO -a o o O CO to o 00 O t l C - r -"S?a. Z 3 sC is P II O S RENOVATERS. CLEANING AND DYEING ESTABLISHMENT riinX CNITEDiTATEU DTE-HOCiE, N0.S8S0CTB J Illinois street, Indianapolis. Indiana. At this old and well-known establishment, the tadlea can have allka ad woolen good dyed ia permanent and beautiful colors; and gents' garment tkorocebly renova ted and repaired. New and second-hand clotklLg bought and sold, also, a patkular branch In the business denominated fine draw, lag biUia arable clotk. or tear ia any garment caab a wrecgbtttatltcaa notk viaib'.t to tha caked eye. Remember th place, No. ft. Sooth HUcote htmU Jaaie JOSEPH HAKJtl8,Ptpr1tcr iffliftHiiS -aWJrMLMte Pi sja, H to H 0 P H CO 0 3 H H p K 5 e-t J W w ? b H 23 Q 0 (9 61 IÜ 6 3. I mk W 0 VERMIN EXTEhMINATOR. 1865. 1865. lRISt "F.iehteen yars etab'i.-l ed in N. Y. Citv." "Only infallible remedy krovn." "Free trm Poisons." "Net dsngerons to the Ilnnun Fsmly." "Est- come out of their bole, to riie. "Costai's" Rat, Roach &c, Exters1 I a pate "sod foe if. Mice, HiViche, Litte k and Jled Ant$,mc , Ac, Ac, A.c. "OostaTs" Bed-Bug Exterminator, Is a I'.r.uld tr wash. ued to destroy, std alo as a pre ventive Tr lU?d-Btigs, Ac. "008138" Electric Powder for Insects Is for .V, yi"qiitt. Hen, Led-Il'itH, Inwts on VjTif, tfnrl, An hn ith, fc. JPT'Sold by all DrjgrVts and retailers everywhere ! ! ! BawAM I f i of all worthies Imitations. lFf8ee tbat "Jortar's" name is on each P.ex, Bottle and Fla. terore yon buy. IIL.MtV It. (VI AIL 1Pkin( iksi. DrroT, BauAiwav, Nrw Yeaa. ajjSold by all Druggist snd Dealers In IndianspO' lis, lud. 1 8 5 . FARMERS AND HOUSEKEEPERS Should recollect that hundiedaof dollars worth of Grain, Piovisiocs, &c , are annually destrovea by Rat, Mice, Ants, and other insecta and Termin all of wbicb can be prevented by a few dollar? worth of "CostarV Rat, Roacb, Ant, &c, Ex terminator, bought and ued freely. ESPSee "CostarV adrertitiemstit in this paper. 5" So Id in Indianapolis, Indiana, by all Druggists and Dealers. myll-dAwEm MEDICAL. Galen's Head Dispensary Katabllahed In 1850 and Chartere by the) Leffialature off Kentucky, for the treatment of And all Affections of the Urinary and Gea of both Sexes. JCST PTBLISHID, A Hill VAT K TILDICAL TKLATIM ON TENEKF.AL DISEAES, Inclndinjt Gonorh a. Gleet, Syphilis, Ktrtctnre, Gravel, gtone. Ruptures, Piles, Fistula, Urinary Deposits, and all Diseases of th Kidneys.Eladder.Prortrate Gland, and Seminal Vesicles, and their treatment, includirjf a chapter on FEMALE DISEASES, with ob servations on marriag and tbe prevention of conception. Con ta'.aing a Treat! on Self Abuse, Spermatorrhea, Sexual and Ner vousDtbibty, Barreunets and Im potence in both sexes; the effects of these dieaas ea tb body and mind, and tb Author's New Treatment of all these ca.e in full, tbe only successful method of cure, with an etposition of Quackery. Tb'.awora ts not a qnack advertisement, bat a warning and a a;uide for married and single. It is the only book that tfves the treatment of all tb above diseases is plaia English, with full directions for self-treatment, and con tains mneb vain able information not proper to mention in a pabl.c notice. The work contains X50 pares, and I0t platen and engraving of the abv diseases. Sent to any address in a sealed wrapper, oa receipt of onadcllai Tbose aCictd with aar cf the eboTe disease, before placing themselves under the treatment cf any. one, should first read tbi work. OFFICE 314 Fifth street, between Market and Jffr eon, west side. To lnure sifety to all letters, direct to GALVN'S HEAD DISPENSARY rrwerSa?, LeviavUl. Ky. ct4-W-dl MAN HOOD, AND THE VIGOR OF YOUTH RESTORED IN FOCB w.eas by DR. klCOkD'd ESSENCE DP LIFE. Dr. hicord, (of Paris. after )ers of earnest solicitation, has at length acceeded to tbe urgent request of the American public, and appointed an agent In New York, for tb aal of bis Talaed and highly prized Essence ef Life. This wonderful agent will restore Mat. boo a" to the mo-t shattered constitutions in foar weeks, and. If used according; to printed instructions, faflur is impos sible. This life-re:tor1ng remedy should be taken by all about to mat ry, as its effects are permanent. Sac cess, in every case. Is certain. Dr. kicord a Kssei.ce ef Life ia sold in casea, with fall instructions for ce, at $3, or four quantitieMa one for 19, and will be seat to a?y part, carefally packed, receipt of remittance to bis accredited agent. Circular ent fre en receipt of four atampe. PHILIP ROLAND, 447 Broome street, Ja21-dly One door wet of Broadway, 5. T. Philosophj of 3Iarriagc. rpiIE PkOrRIETORÄOPTHE NEW YORKMCSICM 1. f Anatomy have dermlned. regarlea ef et pene, to if ue free, (for tbe beneSt ef sofferiBg ha manity, and suppression ef qaackery,) four of tfcetr nest interesting and iastmctlv Lecurea oa Mamagan4 lu disquall cations. Narrows arjd Pnyaicei Deb.Uty, Pre mi'sr decline cf Manhood, Indigestion, Weakness or Depression, Impotency, Loss af Knerry and Manly Pow er; the arrest Sodsl Evtl, a od thost Maladies which revolt frora youthful fulliea, excesses of maturity, er Iguerioce of Pbysiwlogy aad laws of Nature. These invaluable Lectures have been tbe means of enlightening and saving thousands, and will bo forward ed free, oo receipt af four at asps, by addreaaiii Secre tary, Nv York Maaeum af Anatomy and Medicine, CIS Breadway, New York JanSl-dly 2 Iß g vy i o p COMPANY. Organized under tie lawi of I'ennsjlvaDia, Xo vtmber, If4 CaPITAL STOCK, tjl,000,000. I'ar Value of jliurefj5 ach. A Limited Amocxt or Stock foe alk at THE LOWMT CA?H ll BrCEIPTIOX PEJCE Of $3 00 rat n Ant . No Liability to Stockholdri. Tbe lauds of this Company, embracing ortx 17,500 acres in fee simple sod leasehold, art fituited in tbe VERY HEART OF THE OIL REGION! TLe 123 acres wbich tbey own on the Alle ebany, two mile above President and only five mile from the new 2.i0 barrel well on Pitthole Creek, and the Ieae of 132 acres of the cele brated "Wilkin Tract" alone, are ample baaia for any Companyand are worth more than the entire Capital Stock of the Company. There are SEVEN WELLS now in successful opera tion, yielding largely, from which regular monthly dividend ol two Pit cent, are beleg paid to all stockholders, and there is ktcst as kiiance that this Company will goon be able to pay from SIX TO TEN PER CENT. DIVI DENDS. The First National Petroleum Co. Ranka among the first class Companies, and ia justly said to be the most lucccseful of anj jet organized. Its reputation baa now become ao thoroughly established, that do mere Deed be said on tbat point. There are greater Induce menta and better opportunities to make money on the?e Stocks than my other Io existence , while at tbe same time tbey are good raorraTT for any and all persons io hold. From the New York Herald. "News has been received tod abundantly con firmed from eeveral eources, of the etriking of a new 200 barrel Well on Cherry Run, above the Reed Well, a raw xom raoM tbe raorttTT or THE FiaST NATIOJVat, PaTsVOLKCM COMPaT." From the New York Evening Expreae "Our telegraphic dispatches received today from the Oil Regions, inform oa of th tri king of a 200 barrel flowing well oo Cherry Run, viae thk FiaiT National PrrnoLtCM Compact's raortmTT. Cherry Run Stocka will be ia de mand to morrow." From the New York World. "The FitiT National Piteolicm Compavy ia a firet-claaa organization, bo ofScere are of the highest etanding. and we cheerfully recom mend it to all partiea desirous of, purchasing re liable stocks. Tb General Superior ex.deot ia a pioneer in the Oil business, snd well known as s mot efficient manager." From the New York Tribune J "Tbc FtasT Nstiosal ia the name of the Pe tro'eum Company wboe proapectoa and nap are before u. The namea which we ee amon tbe Directors are ample rxtmmetdatoo fee this Company, and a euficiecl guarantee of it future management." tUTAiL oacrrs t Mail ot othmvise will ac raoatrTtT atisjipidto cxtxl the Stoce i ALL SOLD. gSFOood respooaibU Agebta and Lachang Brokers wanted in every city tad town la tit United States and Br!tin Prorinces, with whom liberal amnremente will be aaada. tSTAll orders and application, whether by letter or otherwise, must be addxefsetl to II. . ROWE&CO,, CtiMMISStOX MzXCEATTB, msrlt dtf 43 Liberty St.. Hew Teek.