Newspaper Page Text
DAILY SENTINEL. MONDAY VOKNINO. JULY 10 tob xjii:Nrrix- Books, Pamphlets. Cards, Checks, Circulars Blanks, Bill Heads, Bills Lading, Done prom pi I r nt till Office, In the Heat Style, n lira! quality- Paper and at Low Price. vt Cilre no a Call. CITY ITEMS t?fA heavv ?in fell in thia region !'. vi-n lr- l-iJ'Tbe City Council meet to bight It i. oo place of amuemnt, but yet there ia a rovelty abont it fUHTh dramatic critic cf tbe Journal and Htxigea, the theater man, bare been making fu riou thruts at each other. NoLody hurt. Caicsif The Cricket Club will play afternoon at Ckmp rShank. Tl.e wicket will b pitched at 5 o'clock. Hrretfter the Club will play every Monday a&d FriJiv BT" Seveatv dollar wa tbe amount, icstacd of $170. an 'we tal it. of the hill of tbe Frie I'ree preentrl and elIowel by the City Coun cil for citj printice for the last ei'nrter. BPTLe editor of the Suo-Iay Visitor 1ms heen fe?.tirg on fried chicken and ".ich like " This will never, do doctor. Wbat haa becorcc of your bran bieal regime? Stick to the theory nr.d di-ard the practice. That will rerer do. ESJTIt is not true, as has been stated, tint Jew clothing 1 ouses in this city bite been Je-inate.l by CJoverDtnent aa depositories for the money of retarninz soldier However, a goodly number of our defenders deposit with.the descendants of Ifrael. 37 We were surprised yesterday at liic char acter of a rebus that was contained in the col unuu of the Sunday Home Visitor, ai.d which was written expressly for our literary contempo rary. Undoubtedly the forenvin inserted the rebus without the Doctor's knowledge, a we arecut fident.did the editor of the M. K. V. ui.d.r stand its double meaning, it would carer htve fowl a place in the column of his journal. Sone calawsj; haa run a serious joke on the iJ'jüdi, Vinitor. Wawo Ta.ars. An immense Government wigon train, numbering mre thin two hurihd and C ft t wagen, consumed a Urre r.ortiou of the fwrenoon yesterday, pi..-ini; up Washington and down Delaware street". 1 his a portion cf the traiua of the Armies of Termee and Geor gia, and hate traveled all the way from Wf. sh it cton here. Their immediate dctiniti.ii ia . ... ..... IouiviUc, rwy. f.eth wagon is propeiicvi rv m patient mules an' driven by a cnnUiband. The cumhrousurn mim! extt-nt of this procejioti serves to votive v ome idea of the ma'iitude of the traiua required for a large army during campaign. The Hülman Troi'I'k To night will wittn- the advent of this celebrated troupe, for a hört seanon. of Knclish Oi'cra. It would bo a work of supererogation to make an elaborate presenta tion of the merits of this world renowned troupe. .Suffice it to mj that they are widely and fa vor v bly known wherever a love for the opera hs teen instituted and a correct musical Liste Ins teen e noiursircd. Cominir. as it does, ut tho conclusion of the regular dramatic hea.son, which has just closed at the Metropolitan, it will all'.-rd an agreeable Riems of recreation to the patrons of that institution, who hive rarely been di-up pointed in the quality of its excellent entert tin tnenta. Uy all raeun go and sec the Holnriti to hight. -. -. I'ic -Hu' or r if . Fi xum lKoriHRiuoi) The annual pto nie ol the Fenian i'rotberhood will take place at Greenwood, uu Wedntsd.iy, the I'.'th in-at. Cara will leave the Union De;ot At 7 o'clock A.M. Fare for the round trip 70 cents. Ticket j can be procured ol the Committer t t the J)epot ou the tnoraing of the excuiion Fro feasor Uresh'a himl has heen rnp.-igcd. Kvcry arrarjperoent has lccti rw.ido to mike it n pleas act aUair, and thero are no more dclightlul en tertainments Kiveii thati tho-e gotten up by the Urotherbood. Thrtc M r.o tuuie agreeable way to spend theso hot days than In the woods, in halmj; the pure uir and d slicing iipn the ytei n ward. Ordtr will bo piesorvei, au l tickets will not bo told to oy improper persons, n r will the? be allowed on the premises. Close or ma Du u atu Skasom -Saturday evening'! entertainment closed the diannt c ob of the Metropolitan Theatre, of this city, which will not piin be opened until September 4th. The recent se-on his been in all lespects a moat uccesful one, and to the untiring en ergy and rerson il worth of the popul tr tn inaccr, Mr. W. H Riley, is the aucees mainly attriim ted Under his muinycment the Metropolitan has built up a r.ot surp'tscd, if an proached, bv auy tUcitrc in the W es;, and while probably he his been 'ilie fortunate in pH-es- iok' stock crup tny of rare dramatic talent, nutnhrrinf; antonj; iln actors such men ns White, Jlmht, lUod, Rivers and Hodges, and actreM .s as Mrs Riley, Mrs Hodges, Mis, Mr. Moore ami the Jlis.sps M tjhew, tievrrthe lesd, to hit own rllorta is due the iure 1 of r ii.-e. The rlosire of the season leaves a void iu the way ot amu-emenU that cintiot be filled, and our people will welcome the rcopc::lnj?, tirder the auspices of Mr. Uiley, with an addition to the present cxtellrnt company, with an ndli tional interest. It is the design of Mr Iut'Si to thoroughly repair and refit the Metrou)liiAn during the vacation, Involving an outlay of r nie four or five thousand dollars. Those who maimpe the utiect rulwiy di-f Uy r reverence foe the rMlty of ti e St-h-4tt day tirt idedly ie(re.!iin, and we testet tht other rerpotations lure tiot the nime regard l r li e tiet diy ot the werk, as the eitieti railway oni5 auy. It ia true the company tun tluir eais on Sunday as on other d.iys; but then this i-. imply for acromoltion, and not, of course, to bring in a return of tbo filthy lucre Ueing a corporation to promote the welfare of Indiana polis, they diligently utrivo to attain that end, so much so that not a da? la taken for relaxation or uspensr, tut sfesdiiV throi 'mut the whole frven their car are seen gliding ulon; the vri ous irtiks, liaded with thankful pissongers, wl o entei-m it a blessing, as well a a privilege, to bo fermittrd to pay a five cent hiup!attr lor a bort tide. This is all right, and it dcs n g..ri to ee it: but whst trikes us as a piee of trained observance of the day is the non tinkliug ot thebell, attached to etch horse, on Sunday, and its ineesLt jlngliojj on ecular day. It won't do to profane Sunday in that way.' The tirtin ambulation of the bell is stopped cut of respect of conite v!ottttia Ttir. NS aATiiiR The t.tiii 1 n m -H.u has fairly opened R'.istfing hol hs Wem the eather for a week !at pit. I tie iieiVttia aeem to been hur in br.i.-s Alia (vvf ror pantirg humanity. Suit an U -"'s apasl duwnrtsht d;cotufhur by mm of un tro'e. etc , betray such au e iervatej appear ance auth a papitiug aenat'uo of onenr th4l it would t dillicuil at ihia time to"üi.d in tmi -raonati n of the t r n.s cut rir v , l'ur v.- Had it i. t . i tii inr in. i.ti I I Is n.'N, the frrvrr id f licl ti t i tr h I lltttTBoutl t,-..i brokeu by a tence would a leffeahn tl 11 . I I ' ino-t have t'fen i.ut of t! o lion. Several rw, t,f curred. Tbe theory which teachers, nursea. etc., are so Fuii;ri'e" h ive parents, guard. ..ns, earetul to icu re upon the "ir.du!ry pbatical.y .tulv d IT Dliritis .T ..;rrn, wru. etc., ' is happines,'- ,, practu-:if a;,!, ft, ! confuted by iL- 0Ai 'couh.n t With the therm )m t nir.etv a-. 1 upward, the conclustou is irresi.tably forced u;on us in the face of all tea. hing to the o n trary thai Ihe only ioimuuit from thed;tr ingheitis in sotne shady retreat, by ira ru.;: :rg the atrictet quiet an 1 c, rrotitnAt t a e w ater, etc. in the language of " Dow, .t, t.att wfk wn what 1 tall A littl orr irm; Ob ! bw I lon4 t t rt ('.-h nM Tb tili Ni'trmt sr torm. lbu(W ruU t y r.j'.ui at 4 fr I wvat r JUkr tlrot.f I, . tn fr.rii4 1 t. J. ;. Too warm for aueb a ttay, galt L tueltod, sd! -. Like tallow raa away ' tiyThere do reception, on Saturdsy. Two days of relaxation from the arduou duiiee of reporting weighty peeebes. is apreciatei. We have alnt recuperated from ovr last at temrtto ledert Huvey, which pristrate-1 usome what, a:.d are i;i a reily for o onerous an un dertakirg. It is eipax tei that lomj of the lo dit.a regiments compsirjg the Army of the will arrive in this city thia week, and to each regiment there will be extended a wel come, in the way of a repiM at the Soldier' II me. and peecLe, full of advice, from the .State II -use stand Already or.e or two of the cm! reservoirs of patriotism have been ex hausted, an i are at present undergoing a recu pcr:ive iroce, and when replen'hei will bub ble forth again as usual. Id the part plajed by tbe"supes," Lorier holds out well, and has be come the principal actor at the rstepiiot. or ihe one mo-t admired bv tbe brave defender. Ilovey bein an extremely original laaQ, is aJmir'H by all for bia stgaciou sayine. and is a moJern OonJuciua. He reminds us of a head ing we once riotic-d in a newspaper, "Old Swj He-et," unier which cirae til the wise g'etn inga of an extended exchange. Saturday eveLinj a disturbance occurred ia saloon ou Washington street, formerly owtied by John Bassy, between the bar-keeper acd two Roldieri, recently discharged, in which oce of the aoldiers received a serious cut in the arm, severing the artery, with a knife orgies The men were under the influence of liquor, and went into tbe saloon to procure more, when tbe bar tender refused them, telling them be could not fell to soldiers, and that they had a " keg" full already. Tbe whilom defenders thought this was an infringement of their rights, and a rather broad asumntioo for the dealer of the flowing bowl, and threitened to "chaw" him up considerably if be did Dot set out tbe decoc tion. The bar keeper persisted in his reject. for the military order prohibiting the sale of in toxicating liquors to poldicrs, and mniatained they were already drunk enough, whereupon th;y proceeded to a friendly pile of brick, and heaved t few bits into the saloon, much to the dimage ol j;laswre, after which recreation they went inside, and made an attack in force on the entrcntheJ and previously prepared dealer, with the reault as we hive stated The aoldiers were exceedingly toiite rou, and swere ven peanc e on the bar keeper. The larger one, with har ds red with human gore th;s i no rneta pbor slashed around con?iierablv, and his de sire t' " clem out " pome one was not gratified. The one receiving the cut Lad his arm dres-ed by . phv.ic:n on Maryland Mrtct, and when we lttw him hi- pugiiaciou propensities had about subsided. ft7"Tbe rage at present is water cure Kve rjbody tint is, everybody who cn afford it to water cures. Shoddyite-, petroleurnites, retired business men, attorneys, divines, philoso pher, gamblers, and last men generally, wih their wives and families, aud gegawei females luxutiite at water cures. It is the prevailing st)!e. Ftople must go, or elae they are tabooed fioia genteel society. A water cure is a water cure, no matter where situated, and the tneu vt! properties of Minnowau or the Orange Springs are just as ctTic.icioua in patching up broken down constitutions und eradicating disease induce! from dissipation, as the famed Siratogs or New port. They may not be quite eo aristocratic, but this little defect i.s cuu?cd from the, as yet, local reputation wf the aforesaid. We advice all to go to the Springs. It is genteel nni it is aris tocratic.and certainly tbefe ait the two controlling i le.ts r.ow-a-dsy Then tho aao i iticr.s me so nitc Vou c-in lead ptofonnd in t aj hysicius, witty pods, subtle philo.-opLits, and brilliant historians. You can dance, play cards, promc nade, and, between times, drink deeply ot the sparkling und invigorating nectar, such alone as liebes brewed and Gods drank. Men can gamble, run horse races six dats in a week, and praiso "Him from whom all bless ings llow" on the Sibbilh. If you can't yo yourself, do the next best thing, send your wife and then go on a "Ink" in her r.bsence. and en tertain 301. r hail companion t the'Me-tal ao.ird o'er iiights" While jour better half is gnol womaninduV'b. her-elf in n little gossip at the Springs, do you ciry out the New York fash ion of making love to pietty waiting maids, cause its the style, and as a mn of lal.ion you mint keep up at tbe ts o iiijurin' your reputuion, or clie the other alternative ot losing your posi tion iu "good aociety." At present we buve a friend at the Springsthere are two of them, and we write it ia the plural who hat oromisid to send us, row and then, an account ol thing generally. Ho went with a ueutralizer and there is no danger of the ajut pura overcom ing him, as one of bis cardio il virtues are to im bibe water in homeopathic doses. In order to Mttuin the degree of being a mildly drawn fool and snob, go to the Springs and get "finished off," as they havoitat boarding schools Mai -ilr. William Johnston, of tho firm of Mun-on & .lohnet hi, while on a viiit to Laporte with a number of friends, was ncciJcnUlly sh it in thhead tho party being engaged in shoot ing nt .1 mark. The wound though painful is not dangerous, and the uufortunate William will bo at home iu trood condition in a few days The accident occurred on Friday litt, aud reports were in eirculatiou on Saturday, unfounded of course. ;hat the wound lud prove I fatal. "Chil dren should not play with ed, je tool" or shooting irons. UÜHINKHS NOTICi:H. I'lKClTlVK DirABTMkNT OT INDIANA, 1 OrriCK Cnitr or ürdnanc:. I mm a parous. Ind. July .'i,lct'i ) ft'IRl t I.All In order to carrv out the p oviions of (Jen crnl Oidtr, No. 7, dited AJjutaiit Clcneral's Ol lice. Indiiuspolis, Indiana, June U7ih, tho fol lowing leguhitions are hereny etabli-.hed : I. Commanding olliceis of companies, and such other officers of organi itiinis of the Indi una Legion as have been or are about to be dls btnded, will at once collect all ordnaruc and ord nance stores appertaining to their respe-tive commands, and bold the same in ruadiness to bu received by oflicers dispatched liuiu this oflicc for that purpose. II Commanding edlicfr.- of such companies us mav retain their org anizitiotis will luve an inventory taken ol all ordnance ttoics on hand, which inventory mut show tho kind und piati tit en hitid, the amount n:.d condition of ttu -nine, whether sera ice il le 01 damaged. One op ol this inventory, certified to as coneet by the commanding officer, will bo forwarded witli out dei ty to this office. III. All persons whimivat uny time have' been responsible lor ordnance und ordnance stores, at ojlcm uf the Indiana State Milttiu, will make a return to this Ulice, show ing tlm amount ou hand of stoics under their charge, ho they came into their pulsion, and whit disjHvsitioti they hvs made of the saiuo. IV. All officer of org:.l.itionsol ti e Indians Legion remaining in the service, who are re sponsible for ordnance and utorcs, will send quarterly returns to this . Mice, showing the kind and quantity ol such stores received, issued and remaining ou hand. V. IMank form. Ac , will be furnished ou ap plication at thin othce. Ity order of the (toveruor. II SrtRM, b Co an 1 Chief ot of lediana CoKai rio An error occurred in the adver tisement of Mesra Urown L Jones, Cliim Agef.t.. ts publihf 1 by us Siturday. It ippc ar to dar torrectlv printed. Any cue having mill tarv business ot auy kind to settle with the Gov eminent, ca'i entrust it to LO agents who will attend to it with more promptues and accuracy than thc-c gentlemc::. Their ollico is open at a,l ho .:s of the d iv at No 37 F.Ut trtt. i.o.r the New York Store Specifications is to the pellicular kinds of military bus.ncss that ther transect would be -urertluou. as they vtend to all kinds ofwarcliims. i'ocaaex I ri Unncan.eif le firm of J I) linrin,77 sou'h Meridun trect. haa jut le'urned from a v;,it to Kentucky, where he pur chase.! a led of old copper distilled, the hncst that has been tfroucht to this market. Its age nrgr from nine to fonrteeu years, und the f. vor cannot be s-i passed 'Ihe Mers Dun can keep a general assortment of winee and I 1 iois nt t:o!eale, ard they s-:pp!y the trade w:t'i ai! articles in tbeir line at the very lowest r'tus Try th-oi. for etpeiien e will substan t:ate ll.i statement. C"iVA rich growth of hair produced, the natu rsl color restored, (r.ot dyed), and all disease of the m1;. ftllirg ff,k ' '. cured bv usi..g "Eu rt. ti.e iLfall.b!e hair restorative I'r.'e Ü '"ivrb.Ulc S.dd by all druggists. J. F. Sxoia, lrugi,t, Hates House Ulock, Agent cod tf Indignation meeting Tbe following are the proceedings of a mass meeting of German ciiixscs, held at Union Hall, oo Saturday evening. J ul 8, lfc&5, coodemnlng the action of Mr. J. H Kappas, member of tbe Common Council of the city of Indianapolis: Fursuant to fcotice, a large concourse of Ger man citizens assembled at Uuion Hall, on Satur day evening, July Ü, ItCi, to express their indig nation at tbe course taken by Mr. J. U. Kappes at the Council meeting of July 3, 15Cw The meeting was called to order by Mr. F. Steffens. On motion, Mr. Hatrting was chosen i're.ident, and Mr. C. Wittenburg, Secretary. Mr. Uaerting, in opening the xuceiiLg, ex plained the objects ot the same, read tbe pro ceeJiDgsof said Council meeting, as published in the daily papers ol Indianapolis, containing the obnoxious expressions of Mr. Kappes, in the card signed " Many Germans," and Mr. Kappe' card in defense thereof; all of wbicb was listened to by the atsembly with attcution. Several parties theo expressed their opinions on tbe subject in question, and criticised the conductor Mr. Kap pes toward the German cilizsni. On motion, a committee of nine was appointed by the President to draft resolutions, expressing the sentiments ot tbe meeting. Tbo committee consisted of tbe following gentlemen : Messrs. C. Frese, II Gruenert, T. Steffens, G. Rtcker, H. Spe:kman, C G. Mueller, Wm. Dietrich, J. F. Meyer, U Lieber. During tbe absence of tbe committee, remirks were made by several persons on tbe object of tbe meeting. The Committee on IUiolutioi theo reported the following: Whereas, At the meeting of tbe Common CounciUf tbe City of iDdianadolia.beld on July 3 J, lfcbj, a German member. Mr. J. U. Kappes, offered a resolution, which was adopted, suspend ing tbe publication of "cotices to contractor-'1 in the German papers of the city, averting that there was but oue tier roan contractor; And Whereas. Mr. Kappes, in arguing with members of tho City Council who opposed the motion and declared the same an act of injustice towards the Germ ma of the city, stated that he, a German, knew, and ought to know, what ws best for the Germans ol tbLj city; that he, mid not his opponents, represented the Germus; iat he knew how to handle them, and that it ought to be lei: to hiui to manage them, and that he was opposed to letlicg contracts to Germans not familiar with the II:ighh language; therefore, Iie-olved, That we com, with contempt, the assumption of said K tppea to either lei: or rep resent us, hs he expressed himself; and thit we always have considered his Career iu public af fairs us dipjls for miking political capital for himself, and we give our lellow citizona tbe as surance tuit we are not guiliy of assisting him to abtain the iosition he now holds, Kcsolvei, That wo coinsijer i: a riJicu'.oii. a ert'.on hat be declare, that tl cr? is but one German contractor, knowing tin', there are many, and that iu our view of the matter any one may, at any time, seek to become a con tractor. keolv 1 1, t hat we, the Ux paying citizens of Indianapolis, will never support with votes n can didate fur olhce who is opposed to grant'iii; col tiacts to persons on account of not being familiar with the Kngliab language, if competent to fill a contract in all other respect; or who is opposed, directly or indirectly, to the publication ot all official notices in tbe German language. . Resolved, That we consider i: but just that, all proceedings of the City Council, aa well as all of the ordinances and laws of the City of Iudi impolis, be published in tbe German language, to us to make them accessible to a large portion of our tax payers who &ro otherwise deprived of their knowledge. Kesolved, That the proceedings of this meet ing be published iu the Daily Indianapolis Jour nal, Daily Sentinel, Evening Gazette, Freie Fresse and Indiana Velksblatt. Mr. Ditrich presented a letter of Mr. Kappc. and moved that it be read to tho meeting, which, under great excitement, was rejected, several voices demanding Mr. Kappes' preieuce to dc feud himself verbally. It was near the close of the meeting that by great efforts of leading men, Mr. Kappes' letter was read. However it con tained nothing but what was already published in the papers, and a car 1 signed by several mem bers of the City Council Oo moti n, the communication was laid on the table. During the absence of the Committee on lles ol vi irons, the following petition to the Common Council was offered and read by tbe President iu the Koglish aud German languages, which was received with great enthusiasm, aud adopted by an unanimous aye. To the Ilonorahle Cifij Omneil of the City of In diiinaj'olit; Gkntlkmkn: We, the undersigned German taxpayers of Indianapolis, havo, with regret, learned the action of a portion of your honorable bodr, in regard to publishing in the German pi pers of tins fit v. the "Notices to Contractor," .c Now, as we are hm nuch interested in the proceedings of our honor iblc body as our Am er ic in brii fellow citizens, and as we assist in car rying'.lhe bürden of tax ition as well as other citi zens of this city, ne dtetn it but just tint we should It informed of the proceedings of your houurablo budy in the lingu ice most funiliur and comprehensive to us. We would, therefore, iepectfully request your hotioiahlc bodv to reconquer U o erdinance dis continuing the publication of " Notices to Con tractors," in the German piper?, and, further tnoie, we would res; ect fully request your honor able body to p it's tii ordinance to publish in the Germ in pipers of thi citv the entire pro ceodhg of the Conrnon Conned, h well as to publish the oi dimmee s m: 1 i tol the city in the German language K. HsLtirivo, 1'iesident 0 WiTriNbar.o, Secret ry t Z'tf" Cfompton's Strawberry Hals.iui i a cer l tin remedy t.r diairhoa, d vfcntery, choleri moibus, flux, heirtburti, and all bowed com plaints. Ii is entirely vegetab'e. A peeifie lor oitnp diaril M. Sold a' w ho'r-alo bv lliowning A. Sloan, In liatiapolis. 'ood SPECIAL NOTICES. I he II rl du I Olli III be r an I' ny of Harn tint and In trnclhui f r Ykuhr Mi-u. Al" nl rs liable treatnirtit fur Uieae ef lli L'rluary atnl Jiotual 8;!ei..s n t.t free, In i-alit riiTchpr. Ad.lre Dr J. SKil. UN IKHV.UION. Coward Aaooclatlvn, I'bllailrl, l a apr4-Jly vvirM'N. The fclury of a woman, hks the trecRtb j S.uiij.ou, laya very much In ber luiurlant balr. To pre r s this In all it ftdory, rrqalres care, and tbe ne of a es, fwlty prspre4 tnd sclentlrlcally compoumlrd vrr. table wskb, xuch aa jou bars la Kendall's Ambohue. It las n delstsrioua ingredient It refresh, strsjRth erii and prevrvea ths flowlnn trees, and cannot be snr pr.1 as an Innocent and valuable preparation. The Attila'..!. can hs procure.! at any Ir U(fRi t". Je.M-dlm "br'lsKl'THOSE WHO II AVK DOUHTKD the virtue of bfi.i.'s Ct iKi ! nirrtaa. If any auch there be, rrnt the fuiluwicg lroi ruliarutn well know n In this cors inuui! J, snJ doul t tio uiurs. It Kri.eral ltitre'uction lnt tUe Army will mv th l:i of ibi'U'aü ti fd our suldler: LoriiTii.LE, Jjt.e 31, lMC3. We, ths nn.!rlne., havs eu ths ;J efeet of Ir. Jimj rti i-t'a Cinaua biTTcs in ca.e of ((meral ils'jlllty and pro-'ratlwu f tbe j;eru, a-d believe its eneral u wuold preveut dle.s ü J reücv much afferlnu. Ani"iii our s.-IJier particr.trly would th! t-e tbe cae, e pecully tboe w bo are ep'-ed to tbe miasmatic In Burrtce in tbe .Southern chnate. mj i 5I KKI.. Collector Int. Kev. :ti I v Ky cnas. h. cevrruN. Collet ti r of the t'.rt .f .!.-, Hy. COL 11. DKXT, l'ruvoid MrhAl liL-rl jf Ket:tucky hKV. I r HKNIXK0, Vice Pre.iilei.t Sui!j Cojiin -.!cii JUUNIiY. HCoUKS A CO., it lj-ters lirinj-crat . ÜF.J. I'- Ls'KhN, l'ropnet.'r .,aut: Aue-t IiröllK FAkKHII.I, VA boea!s Dry lluU Ivr,ler, Ma'p tre, ttt:s ,l,hy. LAV1., (iUKKN A CO., vab"le"As bie Ll.r, meet, li.-r:l,c. II AuT MArOTHr-K. btboktrapbera, c-r:isr Mrkt 411 1 Pbiri ireeti, Uc v5l, Ky J ChlCS TVISIKR. Ctotbinff Uerchabt. turner Tnir-l ut ktrkl te., Loauvil'.f, Hj. CA1T. ! P. HlLlikKTH, Of tk teamer Mjir ArJert.. UAJ. I.. T. TQUHSri5. Paymacter C S. Army. C. il. MaTCAt-F, Nstlonal rttet. Lorn. nie, K COI.. JKSSK BaTla. 4t Ii Kentucky Cavalry Ii r OKi is I. I iiXMlCK, l.o4.v;;; Jvuruml. .0LD niULE.SALr HT iaii.v. ui:i:ri:u a utjii, T.I oata VarUlaa ai., I&dlaiiapolU. deciae-dlyi12:caa Telegraphic Dispatches. csTrM traii.i rca rr AieritArKSf xritL. 3IIJDrS'IOIIT REPORT. For f riatria; Uepasrx s)ee trat t'age. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS CLAUSE. THE PRESIDENT'S VIEWS. LATER FROM EUROPE. NORFOLK UNDER M1RT1AL LAN . GUERRILLAS AT FRANKLIN, LA. SCENES AT THE EXECUTION. Ac, Ac.. Ac Ar.. Ac. 'l lie Virginia Delegation and 'f'wentr I beuiand Dollar liun.c. WisnisGTOX, Jul 9. President Johnsoa was waited on yesterday by Messrs. J H. Jone, R A. Lincaster, M. H xfaiall and J.L Apperson, rcpresentatires of mercbacta and others of Vir piiiia, who wished him to amend tbe Amnesty 1'roc'smition by taking cut the $,000 cliute. They represented tint this feature interfered with tbe development of industry by biudior us capital, and ia this way oppresses tbe poor, and when tbey endeavored Vj borrow money in the Northern or Middle States they were at once met by the objection that tbey had" over $20.UÜU, acd it they had, accommodation could not be ex tended, so the? were uoible to give work to the poor wbo called on them. The President reminded them that the amnesty did not cause this distrust. It was the commis sion of treason, cd the riolatioc of law did it. The Arnnepty Proclamation left these men ju?t where tbey were betöre. It did not add any dis ability. If they had committed treason, they were answerable to tbe confiscation law which Congress had passed, wb ch be as President could not alter or amend. In the Amnesty Proclamation he hid offered pardon to some per sons, but that did not injure other persons. Would (bey like to have tbe amnesty removed altogether? Would the feel any enier iu that case? Oi.e of the deputation answered: "No; but it would assist us very much if jou could extend the benefits to persons worth over twenty thou sand dollars." The President replied, that, in making excep tion, ha bud actsl on the natural supposition th it men bad aided tbe rebellion according to tbe extent of their means. Did they not know this? One of tie deputation replied: "No, I did not know it." The President" Why yea you do know it per fectly well. It was the wealthy men ol tbe South who dragged tbe people into seces.siou. I lived in the South, aud know how tbe thing was done. Tour State was overwhelmingly opposed to secession, but your rich mcu used tbe press aud bullies and your little army to force the State into secession. Take the $20,00J clauso. Suppose a tnau tu be worth more thin that, cow that the war is over, the chancer are ten to one be made it out of the rebellion by njutr&cts, Lc. We tuisht as well talk plainly about this matter. I don't mink you aro so very anxious about re lieving toe poor. If you aro so very anxious to help the poor, why don't you take tbe surplus over tbe $2J,UIK) you own and niru it to tht-m. In this way you will help them and bring jour selve aar it hin the benefits of the Proclamation. 1 ara free to say I think some of you ought to be taxed on all over $2U.0UU to help tbe poor When 1 was Military Uorernor of Tennessee I aa-e-sel such taie on those who had been wealthy leaden or the rebellion, aud it had a good effect. " One of tbe Deputation "It so happens that none of us were leaders; we staid out aa long at wc could, and were the last ti po la " The Presideut "Frequently those who went in last wert atnori the worsi that went in; but, be tb-vt h it mir, understand m. gentlemen, 1 don't sav this personally; I am just speaking of the general working ot matters. I know there has been an eff ort made by some to persuade tae people that the Amnesty Proclamation was in juring the ui by shutting up capital aud keeping woik from the poor. It does no such thing; if that ia done at all, it is done iu cou sequence ol tbe revolution of law, at.d the roinmission cf treason. The President concluded by saying would look at the papers preseut. d, but so far bad seen no reason for removing the exception, now that the Conspiracy trial is over aud tbe sentences of tho Military Commission are executed There will soon be som definite artion con ceriiin; be trial of Jeff. I)iis. If it should be determined to try hiui f or treason, the proceedings will of evuirss take place before a rivil tribunal, tut from present indu-ation it is m ire probable he will be tried by Military Commission, nt the instigator of the conspiracy , lor it is said in Gov ernment quirter. there ate newly discovered prools Mannst him iu that connection. Ilcuvf storm In (wiilalnna Tlex tenrt Nf rre. Naw Oelka.n, July D A Sbrnveport teller to the Times, date! the 4th, reports a beivy storm in Louisiana, and Red river riiri rapidly. There ia a prospect of navigation till August. Co't n, moie inquiry; uo sates reported. No Iran-actions in sugar e-r molasses. In Western produce, tbe rn iiket more animated. HiLks' frieu Is are working against Wells' party. Covods, recently her, will report ai'aint Wells b The Mexictn Kraperor is taking ilron ground against btnditis. Cortina, in an interview with General Iirown. said be intended giving up opposition to the eti.rire Tbe Tung ShSng arried from Texas. SUrea are contracting to remiin with their masters till Christmas. Thirty tliousu d bales of cot'oti changed bauds ut full prices. Lud tweaty cents per pound. I Iio Itrmalnltiff Consplrutore In Ihe Araenui ri-4lluck of Caierrlllu I pun I- rauUllii. Ia. Illrhiaoud ll pralrlt. Ntw VruK, July tf. A special to tbe Herald, dated Washington, July says: No order has yet beeu received at the Arseual for tbe removal ol tbe remainder of the conspirators. They were cot informed of the death of their accomplices till Saturday morning. The Herald's New Orleans correspondent says: The town of Franklin, La , was recently sacked by gueriillai. Fire Unittd States Treasury Ageuts, who went in search of cotton in the in terior, are supposed to have beeu murdered. The Herald's Washington special sajg; The President's health Is so far improved that he con templates a trio down the Potomac. Mr. Cowardiu, publisher of the Richmond Dis patch, baa asked pcrmissiou to republish bis pa per. He does not manifest any repentance for bis past course. .'Iiirllal ln- Ile-eatabllatoed in sjar ftlk. Ntw Vota. July 'J. The Herald's Richmond, Lynihtiurg, and Norfolk correspondence coutain interesting Southern news. Martn.l law baa been re established in Norfolk, owing to the riotous conJuct prevailing there There is still much suCeriug from destitution iu Richoiot.d. It is ascertained there is much more o'd Vir ic'itiia tobacco on band in tbe country about Lvnchburg than bad been anticipated. . AtTiir in Portsmouth are progressing sitisfac lory. The Mayor appears to be the riht man in tbe rght pUce. er relur j rutarel .ot f.iinff to He. llgn, WASHiNwr.'.". July & The Chrotiicle bracds aa ridiculously false the statemeot that Secretary Seward has placed bis resiguation at the disposal of the President. latr f rata Eare , pASTBia PottT, Jaly 9 The steamer Bel gian, from Liverpool tbe 29th and Londonderry the 30tb, arrived to day en route for Quebec. News quite meagre The Loadon (Jl says: W e are happy to state the British Government are greatly assurt J at to friendly feelicg and amicable Lctentiocs ol the American Administration. Tbe outporings of tbe press and private correspondence of tuen who.e views over balanced judgmeot gave ag gravated color to some of the communieatioce of President Johnson's Cabinet. Bat we believe there is deep set determination cot to permit temporary differeccca of opinion to cause any real trouble between tbe two countries. Satherwait's circular of the evening of the 2tb, says: The New York sews by tbe Persia of considerable advance in rates of exchange acd caused the London market for Uuited State uovernmect Bocds and Railroad shares to give way from the lowest point, however there haa been a alight reaction. Parliamentary proceedings were unimportant. FlAXCI. The Corps L?iisltif Da..ed the ex traordinary budget by a vote of 247 ayes to 10 nays. Bourse heavy; rentes GGf. 37c. Austria Vague and unreliable rumors are afloat as to the new cabinet All reports agree In pomtizg to Count Belerelli as the future Min ister. Bkazil Tie Bri2;li.n mail reached Liibon on the 2dth. The Paraguayan force have reaehed Bella Vijta and Corrieatez The Brazilians retired Great sickness prevailed among them. Tbe correspondent of the London Times states that President Johnson will pardon all tbe Con federate leaders if left alone, but the Radicals do all they can to frustrate bis wishes At a meeting of tbe Cotton Supply Associa tion at Manchester tbe speakers peuenllv looked upon two millions ot bales as tbe maximum to be expected from the South, with bet little pros pect ol speedily obtaining it. Parliament will be dissolved on the C:h ol July. The House of Lords, on motion of tbe Earl of Derby, rejected, bj a majority of twenty one, the bill passed by the House of Commons to modify oaths required of members of Parliament. Electiocfcericg for Parliament was growing warmer. A serious riot U reported at Nottingham, acd tbe military art; said to have been called on. It is stated that Mr. Jacobson is to be the new Bishop of Cheater. The Berlin corre.sp indent of th Times says: American Ministers in Germany are instructed to obtain treaties, or at any rate, binding promises, that German emigrants who have collected in the United Slates before acquitting themselves of military service in Germany, ehall not be held re sponsible for the omission, and coascripted after their return. Tbe Count Robert h3 been appointed com mander of tbe army of Paris. The Italian Government had rejected the terms proposed bv the Pope, for the settlement of the question of Bishops. The negotiations were broken off. There was a ministerial crisis at Vieoua. Tbe Cabinet bad resigned. Count MensdorfT was Provisional President of the Council. The report was current, but not confirmed, thst tbe Back of Bombay bad suspended. Arreat of n ftuepe.-tetl .Tlurderer. Boston, July U Detectives Jones and Heath arrested at Fort Independence, yesterday, John Stewart, wbo enlisted in the regular armv a few days ago, on suspicion of beiug the murderer of the two Joyce children. He had resided in West Roxbury, near the scene of the tragedy, and vu a notorious bounty jumper, having joined and de serted from several regiments uuder an assumed name. Tbe evidence agaicst him is said to bo very strong. He is twenty. two years of aje and says he was born in Ireland. He has a mother living in Pennsylvania. tales of (Government Iflotiels. PuiLAPELraiA, July 9. Jay Cooke reports subscriptions on Saturday, to the 7-30 loan, to tbe amount of $5,2M,fno. Total subscriptions for the week, S'JO.HH.SUO. THREE O'CLOCK A. M. i m i:i;i:m ix; n r.'is of i:vsi. Tilt llAUTTOM aOADS COMEIEMCX. Ntw Yoa a-, July 9. The Heral l's correspondence from Richmond gives some new facts concerning the Hampton Roads conference. It says: Oue of tbe rebel Commissioners state that ou their return from Richmond tbey refrained from any general dis cussion of tbe interview. Judge Campbell af fluns, that be w is satisfied with the interview, and felt willing to make peace on tbe basis of tbe late President's ultimatum. Several da? after their arrival iu Richmoud Mr Hunter became convinced of the hopeless cos. of looking er 0g1ititi for anything better, aud yielded bis adherence to Judge Campbell's opinion. Mr. Stephen thought a longer delay might be more favorable to tbe South, but on tbe eve of his departure for Georgia, which took place on the day beiore the public meeting in tbe Al rictn Church, he assented substantially to the conclusions ol Judge Campbell and Hunter on that point. The Commissioners were fully sgreed from theou'sct. They were opposed to any efforts to cntl irne the public miud to auy greater extent against the General Government. To this end they waited upon Davis, Benjamin, and other members of tbe rebel government, and sought to prevent the meeting at tbe Afriean Church. They used very strong arguments, but entirety In Tain, sud themselves positively refused to be present, or countenance it in any way. The statement that Stephens had gote to Georgia to canvass his State in favor of a prolonged war, was voluntary and unauthorized. He was ap plied to by influential men to do so, but positively refused It was his purpose to go home and re main iu quiet until the eod should come. Ou bis arrival In Georgia, be was further im portuned to take the stump, but so persisteutly declined that many of bis best Southern friends deserted him. tiik ncKMK or TflC IXtCCTIOV The Herald's Washington special says : Ti c sisters of Harrold visited the Arseual this after noon and obtaiced the clothing and other effects of their brother. Tbe gallows remains precisely v it was after the execution, with the exception thut the ropes and nooses have been lemwved, aud one or the props that upheld the drop upon which Mrs. Surratt and Payne stood, baa been eized by curiosity hunters, aud cut up for relics Many persons bare visited the Arsenal, hoping to obtain some souvenir of the execution of yes terday, but very lew were procured. rATXX's LAST 0AMX Of QUOITS. One of HartsufTs stalT, to whom was charged the duty of erecting tbe gallows acd carrying out the order of routiue, says: Three days ago Payee pitched a game of quoit with Spangler a few feet In front of where the gallows stands; and the same officer also remarked that at the moment of giving the signal lor springing tbe drop Atzerott, wbo had an idea that he was to be swucg off the eui of the platform insteid of fatliug with the trap on which he stod, was in the act of stepping backward from tbe verge of the scaffold when he tell. DAVia raiVATt suaATAar. Burtom Harrison, quondam Private Secretary of Jail' Davis, is still incarcerated in the Arsenal, where he was brought immediately after the ar rivnl at Fortress Monroe The route be has taken in the prUon yard whea taking bis daily walk is now obstructed by ihe graves of the ex criminal. Tita coxriaAToa in cam ad a. The Herald's Toronto correspondent says: The notorious Larry McDonsld. the alleged ori ginator of the plot '.9 destroy this city by fire, has been admitted to bail in the ridiculous sura of H (kKJ He and Cleary. Vouog and Blackburn are to I tried on the 9-h of Oci&ber. . . CH ASLKSTOMAMS rXTlTlOU l roaTBtrl C0TT0X. Tbe Herald says: The Unionists of Charleston are petitioning that their cotton,, and tur pentine, which they purchased under rebel rule, acd bid. in the hope that oa the restoration of the Union, something might be saved to pur chase the cecesaaries of life, but which was seized by the United State at th lime of the capture of the city, may be returned to them, that their fain. he may be saved from utter destitution. lCtXCXT COJtStCTXD WTB Tilt COMIFIB ATOas No order bu beea receive 1 at the arsenal for the removal of the ca2ld. Arnold, O'Liugb- VERY 1 ATEST. lio, Modd and Span gier are to be sent to th penitentiary to which their sestesce cors'gie them. They were not cognizant cot:l to day of the decease of their associate in crime. W ben broofbtoul thin morninr in the vard -where the " r - execution was psrrfornied, Dr Mudd on eatchicg aight of the scaffold, immediately remarked that he beard sound of hanging on the previocs morning, and felt an apprehension of tbe oo;se caused in constructing the gallows. Span gier, who is a carpenter, looked at the gallows and declared iu builders bad made a good job but be did not want to test it. The prisoner were al lowed an hour In tbe forenoon acd aftercoon for exercise In tbe prison yard, since the adjourn ment of the Court. Tbey have beea ia excellent beslth and tolerably good spirit. Arnold's fa ther and counsel had aa interview with his son to day, and bade him farewell. Both were mudb affected and wept at parting. I ACXsO.t AMD CEtAT XOXTOXtX ftAILlOAD The Herald's New Orleans corrcspocdect save: Quarantine Las been established at Fort Me Oaioes, below Mobile. Troops of the Eighth Corps are comiug down iue river in iracports, ana coioe into camp cc the old Camp Chalmette battle ground. Ocn. Canby baa turned over the Jscksou and Great Northern Railroad to tbe Company. Tte road will be opened to 0yka, Mississippi, ia a few days. MltlTABT MATTXXS. General Sheridan acd Staff arrived at New Orleans, from GIvet.n. lx. on tho armr Heroine. Generals Brax on Bragg and Forney. -art . " Uta A , are stopping at the fct Charles Hotel Brigadier General W A. Benton hia received orders from General Sheridan to take command of the Tost Office at Brownsville Texas. This order relieves General Brown. Mayor Kennedy has returned from Washington, and entered upoa hia duties scabcity or Eoa; Hrtl at tHaxvtroBT. Tbe Herald's Shrev snort correspondent .- Very little cotton vu placted this season West oi me luiesiaippi. in tni section of tbe countrv corn was planted. Whit little cot'on there is looks wall Field hands are loavirg toe plantations, and on many not & single ne- ero is left. Thousands of acre nf fiut mm will be useless, there being morr to rather tbe crops, a tew or tne planters have engaged other hands, but the majority have an idea that as they are freemen they will live ia ease. DAVIS HOT PERMITTED TO SEE IIIS CoVNSEL. Tbe Times says: It is stated that Jeff Davis ha? written a letter to Charles O'Conncr, oce of his counsel, which has been icterupted bv the an thorities, probably on account of pome expres sions it may contain It is further understood than sn applicaticn from O'Coccer for an Inter view with Davis baa been denied. ABOUT MRS. H'EB ATT. A Washington dispatch says: Mrs. Surratt, before Booth was captured, aud while she was at Carrol prison, was, offered free and unconditional pinion for herself and son if she would accom pany the officers and point oat tbe road Booth had taken She protested that she had no idea which road be took, and had no idea of bis in tention to assassinate the President when he visited the bouse, and positively refused to ac company any officers. COMMERCIAL. I sv rtLcuAAra. eMiK-imirttl TXnrket. Cincinnati, July S. Flour dull ; Superfine 5 20; extra J 10 5 75, and family 6 00(37 73. Wheat, red $1 351 40; white $1 35. Oats, 70c. Corn Yellow 75c, 90c for white, and G3QC5S forcar. Rye G0C3c. Barley ii 10$ 1 SO. Wbieky dull; small sales at i'2 Oo. Mess pork Fold at $25(3225 50c; Bulk meats; 12013 for shoulders, 14c for sides and bams are held at 1CI7 for smoked, 19Q20c for plain, and 24 (325c tor sugar cured. Lard 194C Groceries quiet and unchauced. Sugar I3Ctl7c Coffee 2 Q3 2c. Molassrs $1 20 1 23. Butter 242Gc Eggs 1920p. Cheese !5(i$lGc. Hay dull at $12i3 for soft and $15ftlG for hard pressed on arrival. Petroleum Refined free G3(70c. Silver $1 2J Gold $1 3D. Money eay at G9 per cent. e vera Tiarstri New Voaa. July 8. Cotton 4 9 50c for middling. Flour 20c beter; at $6 13yG 20 for extra state; 4G G5( 6 75 for extra round hoop Ohio, acd $G 6ii(r7 75 for trade brands. Rye tiour quiet. Corn meal dull. Whisky 12 06(33 03 far western, and $2 10 for refined. Wheat Winter red western 11 40(1 45; Chicago Spring $1 2(31 31; Milwaukee eint $1 27j31 30; amber Michigan $1 55. Rve 90c Com 79(81 for new mixed western, 90c lor kiln dried, 72(5$ 7 tL for unsound and bUc lor white. Oats G0(ftG2o for western. Coffee dull, öugar Muscavado 11 12c. Molasses dull. Wool dull. Petroleum dull at 34' for crude, 52Q52c ior refined iu bond, and 101Q do tree. New mpotk 126 37f76. 123 5024 OO for '63-'G4, ij caaa and regular way, closing at $2G C2 tor cash. $19 00 for prime, and 12" 50 (it 21 75 prime ws Ptain me-s beef $10 00 (314 (Ml; extra mrsa. $12 00(316 00; beef bsms, 27(427 50o Cut ruat-; 12Z 14c for shoulders, and 1820o lor ham. It icon; I5 füllte for Cumberland cut; I'-i ffr b"g ribned, and 14(144C for short ribbed. Lard I6it2K: Butter. 2027- for Ohio, aud27t335i! r..r Sut. Cheese- I0(i15e Rhe dull. . . .' uw TiiBI KOrv MAaaai Nrw Yoa a, July f Monty, ea-v at 4(35 per r ent Sterliuc in fair request 'at 104'(7(1H9 for first class bills. Gold I'pcm d at $1 MK. and closed at $1 40. Stocks aciive Toal exports of specie to day $9,700. Lateb Gold closd Mt Gallagher's Kicbange to-night at $1 4') PROFESSIONAL. v. a. assault as, s. . rtaaiat O. S. Host). HENDRICKS, PERJCIUS b KORD, ATTORNEYS.. AT LAW, Iiidiunrtpollu, . Incllmifi. OKFlCE JtTNA HCHUISO. SECOND HAND STORE. SECOND HAND STORE, o.v3 F.t UuaUlnsjton fstrert. Mm of the filsj llund. IL'R5ITCUE aud Stoves. Tiowsre and Ilsbes In corn 1 plstt variety. Ala, all kind f Fornlablog Good i. K MAk'JT. riOTICE. To Carpenters, Stairbuilders. Cabi netmakers and to the Public int'lX KOLflt Plain ar.4 Oraamsotal Job Turo j tr, Month strest, betwsa Psnniylvacla and M.rl diMi atrerta. Kef pa constantly on hacd a cood awort n.riit Stair BallUtrrs and Newrl Poats, and tnroi then to orlrr. Alv, all kinds of taralcg In bu filing work doo tonlrr. 1 will recelv II kinds of ordsrs In tarnlef n the cabinet mak'.cg Uns, bsd.tsada, tab legs, kt. All work daue proniptlj, aeatlj atd at reaaonabla pri.. L. KOLB. aj rl i 12ro THE INDIANAPOLIS I A S U 1 1 X C E COMPANY, 1 bow permanently crzialisd anl ready to lain r.r Policlea. Capital, ----- $200,000. Tbe Stockholders cf tats Compaay comerlsa son of oar sot rsspoaaial eitliena. DlllCCTOItS: 5. X. FLircasa,5., W. H.Taxaorr, A. L. HiACaa. k. j. rca, Aqcixxa Jossa, (Hart a Tornv, Taoaas A. atoaaia, A. K. Vistos, Wiluam lUSOtAMV 02c at prtaent la th S'.aktng Knad BiiMtng, csrnsr of Psno jlran'.a strset and Tirr-nla avenoa. ITjrbe patronsf of ih pcbiicli aotidted. Wai. UE.fDEKSO.f.Pteaeif. Hat. C. Jams io. Secretary. oayi-d.- " U. C. LOAN. UNITED STATED 7.30 LOAM! t ii i it d h i; ii: 1 u , $230,000,000. Py aathoTt7 of tha errstary of tbe Tr..ary,tl aa dT (nrd. tkeitsoeral Salmptjoti irrst for the a)e of I7k!td Sile .cartüss. oflrs to ib yiUx th thir4 ari. f Tr nry Nm(tiir:r ai d thr-tatha per cett. Itter. st jr atLttro, kcoa aa the 7.30 LOIST. TWm cotfi r lod coder d.' of Jaly U. IMi. aai ar p.jtv; ibrso jeara Uor th.t data la curreacy, at are convertab at tl.a cpU.n cf iL hUr Inu U. S. G-20 SIX PER CENT. -OI, nSIAKHG I().D9. TheM Rot:J are row worth a bandcm prrnsiuna. a4 ar iricpt, s r t: tt Gorrtm'tt r-otxi, frvm &itf (Vt nfr and JL'i. iVi'sj; t iratton, xckicA 1It frm cn to trt cnt. r tnnm to t&tir row, aorording to tb rate Irt1 apn other prcperty. The letereit la parable by cvcpoc attach! each nut., which taij bs cut o? &n 1 w!4 to acv btk banker. The Inter, at at T..10 per cent, amount to One rent per day 11 a note?. Two rem SIOO Ten 8-100 rweiityss $1000 Oiitr Hollar ,)0U0 'ot cf all the desoOil.-iAlioca namsd will b proapt- 1 farr.Ibd cpoa rct '.pt cf itiK-r'prona. The Sotea of tLia Third Serie are prsclsly !cil!ar la frm and privilege to tbe ?even-TL:rtie. already acid, excej t that the Gore romett reserret lo tfar If the eptloa of paying Interest In gflJ coin st 8 per rent.. Instead of T J-10th tn currency. 8ubact!Vr will drdort the la West In op to July 13th, at the tin when tkey subscribe. Tto delirtry of ibe notes of tb! third eiie of the ?evea.ThIrt'.t will corarrerice oa tblt cf Jne, and will b xuade promptW aa 1 conrltuously fter that dato. The sliRbt change maiie la lheconiJ;t:na of this THIRD $KKlhä eft-cta oi,ly tha matter of Istere.t. The pay ment In roU, if m.le, iltt. eaUa:aat to the carrency interest of the llgLer tat?. In return of pH-ie pajint.t, la tlo eveLt of which ouly will tha option to pay iurtt in gwld L aal24 of, would o reduce and qaalir prires that pure baa a niadowithaia per cent, in gold w onld bo fully equal 1 those mate with seven acd three-teutha percent, lo eurreney. This U The Only Loan in Market J5ow offered by the (ioverimem, and Its superior 4. vantages niak It the GREATPOPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. li than S:3f,no",(Vio of the Joan authorized ty th lat CvngrM are ti'w on iL market TU. aiuoubt, at tbe rate at which It li beit.g a'.orbJ, will all bo sa. scribal for within two mor.tL, wb-n .be notes will na doubted!y coraaiand a prnulum, a. baa sn'formly toaai the eahe od clonre tie . tl tcrlj Hon. to otkar Uatta. In OTder that citlirn in every town acd ertlon of the country may 1 aJ .rüd facilit for taking tha loan. the Natloua! tlanka, Slate I'.ar.ka arid PrWaU Banktr throughout tbe country have generally sgreed te re calve putacr!plioi. at par. i.bitcrlbera will ci thtlr ownagct L, 1p Lora they l.a ccaSJeure, and who only are t bo icpon.b1o fur tho deilrery cf the noto for which they receive order. J-AST COOKE, Fr.wairno Acikv, No, 114 South Thind Street. I'lIlLADKLrillA. FIRST NATIONAL TANK, CITI7.SN NATIONAL ItANK, INDUV.UUI.'S .NA1IOMI, BASK, rui'KTIf NATIONAL llNK, INI UNA N ATIONAL ItANK ai4 MK.nciiA.NTb' national hank, imhamu-uijs, INU. ddiwSm MILITARY CLAIM ACENT0. lOBATItS SBOWR, Attorney at I aw. Aaron . jo'tr. BROWN & JONES, MiiiiTiitv aim mm AM) ATTORNEYS, No. 37 Kai W.tslilnlon Street, I.MMAWI OI.m, I.Mr. TO kESlONED, D.SCIll:i)FD 02 umchi;. LlaKlSIED a H the Aimy I. now drug iuu.u re I out, aud Boany eilt), er. will ao ii l e 0 nttfl irom r)c, wo wuuij call your aitriitin to cur la..l tiea for aJjuatlbg OH. cert' a Cuutit aa i tttlli g claiu agair nt tbo gvvera ueot. Vo will procure Crt ficatre o' Non I'.Jebta-lite.t for t'Ocer, aud pM n.p'lv ad ut then acjun'a with tl dirtvrriii Iiurui Nv,Ijiiik'i.ii We al C;l- tl i lairua fr Par, I'-ouctlea, Pen IU, !lvre .t in aervire, I r to St!''), l'aOiage4 Ot l.o-t i'P'i-ertr, I rorly l o t or lupra d, (Juart.iouaa. tr.' Vouiber., lia.M.riati- nC'la.m, Ac , Ac VY can al o eupply Ordnance, Clotlili g, Qaartermaa ter and Me lle! a.turij., N itUr-On Ji'Wi. aiid other llliltary Prrr. 43)TNo c la w bouult or tl-1. 1lUier a:d othvra n.trri.a In the tlenet.t cf Claloia a nt tbo io -rinn-iit, ar. lu Ited to rail at our crl'..r,r a!drr IItWS A JOSE, I .V.S, Ut.'jl ha; a. Int. At. .ij tfe(, mySO dtin Ibd.auapoli, lud. TOBACCO, TOBACCO. W. S. Ml ABB m i: it a S. a. bat mmvbb HKIltllO.XII. Manufacturers and Wbolilers .Mo. J Ja n el !21 Srt one! Street, ALTON, ILLINOIS. UTK HAVE CI'KVklJ A I'.gANCU HOCSK AT 50. 17 South Meridian street, Indlanapcl'.a. Ir.d., wher wo will keep cou.laUlj ca hafid all itjlesof PL.UG TOBACCO. Wo re-rertfotly tUTl'e tha trad to rail ar.d tiatult cur stock. U1 .1 a low, if vi lower, tkao the samo atock can t o bourkt In this or ar-y other market. marC-dtf MTKKS f.KUMKU.ND. American Express Company, UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. OTTICK ON Till, COKNKK OF VTASniNOTOÜ A KU ktenJ.aa Treeta, lud;airrii. Threo da'.ly Expre.aea to Nrw Tork; Two da!!y Kiprt.M. to CtKtSfiatl. and Two day Kxproaaes to Chicago bd flt.Loalt; Th above C-arupaalra are th only prall ft 2 Srpresaca tho fcllowirg roada, v'.i: INDIANA CINTRAU LAFATKTTK A ClilCAOC. INDIANAI"OLIS A PIEU; TKIUII HA UTK A RJCHVOND; fcKUJtlONTAlNI A INDIANAPOLIS. Money, passage, va4cat!e aad freight carried with tafety and dipUfc, ar la cbarf cf . plal and Sc! est BeMLgtr. Note, p;i: aLd Drafts w?.l to pruasptlr collected as raa!vHtima wiBile J PtTTKliVlIIJ). Aat RETiOVATERS. CLEANING AND DYEING ESTABLISHMENT f p niCNITKD STATES UTI-HOCJI. SO.IISOUTf I IlliiMiaeeroet, litdtaaapoSia. tndlaaa. At thia eld aod wli. known tab;isbwMi, tha ladloo raa havo ailka and woolea good dyed la parm antat ao4 boautlM color.; and gonta'gartnet.utkorccghly reaeva tod and ropalrvd. Now and aeeood-haDd rtothlng bourbl aad oi4, aiae, apanemlar brauch ta thbatiwudonoD!naiod6bodraw tag btllia I'.abla cloth, or var la any fwuMt caa hw ao wrought ,kat It caa not he vtaiMe to Uo cakoJ oye. BVooaoaahortho plaoo. No Ja Sooth lUlcocotroot. jawIO JOStfU UAkS4,PvoFrtotaw.